
小澤 誠一

  • プロフィール

    1989年神戸大学大学院工学研究科修士課程修了後、1998年に博士(工学)取得、2000年から神戸大学准教授、2011年より同教授。現在、神戸大学数理・データサイエンスセンター・センター長、大学院工学研究科電気電子工学専攻、未来医工学研究開発センターの教授を兼任し、2022年5月に株式会社テラアクソンを設立。修士学生のときにニューラルネットワークと出会い、以来35年以上にわたって、人工知能一筋で研究をしている。主に非定常環境における概念の継続学習、追加学習、知識移転、環境変動検出などの研究に従事し、最近は実環境で使えるAIを目指して、AI for Security / Security for AI、プライバシー保護データ解析、組織間連合学習の技術開発および応用を行っている。学会活動も活発に行っており、現在、International Neural Network Society 副会長、Asia Pacific Neural Network Society 前会長、システム制御情報学会 副会長、IEEE Transaction on Cyberneticsなどの英文誌編集員や国際会議など各種Chairを歴任してきた。AIの社会実装が真の意味で実現される世の中を目指して、日夜励んでいる。


■ 学位
  • 博士(工学), 神戸大学
■ 研究ニュース
■ 授業科目
■ 研究キーワード
  • 機械学習
  • ビッグデータ解析
  • 連合学習
  • 継続学習
  • プライバシー保護機械学習
  • AIセキュリティ
  • テキストマイニング
  • スマート農業
■ 研究分野
  • 情報通信 / 情報セキュリティ / サイバーセキュリティ
  • 情報通信 / 知能情報学 / 機械学習
  • 情報通信 / ソフトコンピューティング / ニューラルネットワーク
■ 委員歴
  • 2023年12月 - 現在, The 31th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2024), Honorary Chair
  • 2023年06月 - 現在, システム制御情報学会, 副会長
  • 2021年06月 - 現在, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI) 2024, Financial Chair / IJCNN Technical Co-Chair
  • 2019年01月 - 現在, International Neural Network Society (INNS), Vice-President
  • 2017年01月 - 現在, IEEE CIS Smart World Technical Committee, Member
  • 2017年01月 - 現在, IEEE Trans on Cybernetics, Associate Editor
  • 2012年07月 - 現在, Pattern Analysis and Applications (Springer), Associate Editor
  • 2010年01月 - 現在, IEEE CIS Neural Networks Technical Committee (NNTC), Member
  • 2009年09月 - 現在, Evolving Systems (Springer), Editorial Board Member
  • 2023年01月 - 2023年12月, Asia Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS), Immedate Past President
  • 2022年12月 - 2023年11月, The 30th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2023), Advisory Chair
  • 2021年06月 - 2023年05月, システム制御情報学会, 理事(企画担当)
  • 2021年03月 - 2023年02月, 日本神経回路学会, 副会長
  • 2022年04月 - 2022年12月, The 29th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2022), General Co-Chair
  • 2022年01月 - 2022年12月, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference (AICCC 2022), General Co-Chair
  • 2021年01月 - 2022年12月, Asia Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS), President
  • 2018年01月 - 2022年12月, IEEE Trans on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Associate Editor
  • 2020年09月 - 2021年07月, International Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2021, Program Co-Chairs
  • 2020年06月 - 2021年05月, システム制御情報学会, 理事(庶務担当)


■ 受賞
  • 2023年10月 情報処理学会, CSS2023奨励賞, 大規模言語モデルによるセキュリティ対策の視覚認知メカニズムのモデル化に向けた検討
    鍛冶佳佑, 中野瑠人, 山田 明, 小澤 誠一

  • 2022年10月 情報処理学会, CSEC優秀研究賞, 機械学習を用いた悪性TLS通信の検知と通信特徴の推移に関する考察
    藤原魁成, 小澤誠一, 春木博行, Park Chanho

  • 2020年10月 情報処理学会, CSS2020コンセプト研究賞, ポート番号埋め込みベクトルを用いたダークネットスキャンパケット解析
    石川 真太郎, 班 涛, 小澤 誠一

  • 2019年12月 Asia Pacific Neural Network Society, APNNS Excellent Service Award
    小澤 誠一

  • 2011年04月 IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, EAIS 2011 Outstanding Paper Award, "Incremental Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminant for Online Feature Extraction"に関する研究
    小澤 誠一, 太田 良平

■ 論文
  • Miha Ozbot, Seiichi Ozawa, Igor Skrjanc
    2024年07月, Proc. of 2024 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1 - 8, 英語

  • Muhammad Fakhrur Rozi, Tao Ban, Seiichi Ozawa, Akira Yamada, Takeshi Takahashi, Daisuke Inoue
    2024年, IEEE Access, 英語

  • Le Trieu Phong, Tran Thi Phuong, Lihua Wang, Seiichi Ozawa
    2024年01月, IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 107(1) (1), 2 - 12, 日本語

  • Enna Hirata, Takahiro Yamashita, Seiichi Ozawa
    2023年07月, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 27(4) (4), 603 - 608

  • Cesare Alippi, Seiichi Ozawa
    The emergence of nontrivial embedded sensor units and cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things has made possible the design and implementation of sophisticated applications where large amounts of real-time data are collected, possibly to constitute a big data picture as time passes. Within this framework, intelligence mechanisms based on machine learning, neural networks, and brain computing approaches play a key role to provide systems with advanced functionalities. Intelligent mechanisms are needed to guarantee appropriate performances within an evolving, time-variant environment, optimally harvest the available and manage the residual energy, reduce the energy consumption of the whole system, identify and mitigate the occurrence of faults, and provide shields against cyber-attacks. The chapter introduces the above aspects of intelligence, whose functionalities are needed to boost the next generation of cyber-physical and Internet of Things applications, a smart world generation whose footprint is already around us.
    2023年01月, Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Neural Networks and Brain Computing, Second Edition, 251 - 267, 英語

  • Muhammad Fakhrur Rozi, Tao Ban, Seiichi Ozawa, Akira Yamada, Takeshi Takahashi, Sangwook Kim, Daisuke Inoue
    2023年, IEEE Access, 11, 102727 - 102745, 英語

  • Muhammad Fakhrur Rozi, Seiichi Ozawa, Tao Ban, Sangwook Kim, Takeshi Takahashi, Daisuke Inoue
    2022年12月, Applied Sciences, 英語

  • Septiviana Savitri Asrori, Lihua Wang, Seiichi Ozawa
    2022年12月, ICONIP (3), 683 - 692, 英語

  • Fuki Yamamoto, Seiichi Ozawa, Lihua Wang
    Privacy protection has attracted increasing attention, and privacy concerns often prevent flexible data utilization. In most industries, data are distributed across multiple organizations due to privacy concerns. Federated learning (FL), which enables cross-organizational machine learning by communicating statistical information, is a state-of-the-art technology that is used to solve this problem. However, for gradient boosting decision tree (GBDT) in FL, balancing communication efficiency and security while maintaining sufficient accuracy remains an unresolved problem. In this paper, we propose an FL scheme for GBDT, i.e., efficient FL for GBDT (eFL-Boost), which minimizes accuracy loss, communication costs, and information leakage. The proposed scheme focuses on appropriate allocation of local computation (performed individually by each organization) and global computation (performed cooperatively by all organizations) when updating a model. It is known that tree structures incur high communication costs for global computation, whereas leaf weights do not require such costs and are expected to contribute relatively more to accuracy. Thus, in the proposed eFL-Boost, a tree structure is determined locally at one of the organizations, and leaf weights are calculated globally by aggregating the local gradients of all organizations. Specifically, eFL-Boost requires only three communications per update, and only statistical information that has low privacy risk is leaked to other organizations. Through performance evaluation on public data sets (ROC AUC, Log loss, and F1-score are used as metrics), the proposed eFL-Boost outperforms existing schemes that incur low communication costs and was comparable to a scheme that offers no privacy protection.
    IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2022年04月, IEEE Access, 10, 43954 - 43963, 英語

  • Sachiko Kanamori, Taeko Abe, Takuma Ito, Keita Emura, Lihua Wang, Shuntaro Yamamoto, Le Trieu Phong, Kaien Abe, Sangwook Kim, Ryo Nojima, Seiichi Ozawa, Shiho Moriai
    Information Processing Society of Japan, 2022年, Journal of Information Processing, 30, 789 - 795, 英語

  • Parichehr Behjati, Pau Rodríguez, Carles Fernández Tena, Armin Mehri, F. Xavier Roca, Seiichi Ozawa, Jordi Gonzàlez 0001
    2022年, IEEE Access, 10, 57383 - 57397, 英語

  • Nitta, Akihiro, Yuya Chonan, Satoshi Hayashi, Takuji Nakamura, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Noriyuki Murakami, Ryo Nishide, Takenao Ohkawa, Seiichi Ozawa
    MDPI, 2021年11月, Engineering Proceedings, 9(1) (1), 1 - 4, 英語

  • Diego A. Velazquez, Josep M. Gonfaus, Pau Rodríguez, F. Xavier Roca, Seiichi Ozawa, Jordi Gonzàlez
    In recent years, top referred methods on object detection like R-CNN have implemented this task as a combination of proposal region generation and supervised classification on the proposed bounding boxes. Although this pipeline has achieved state-of-the-art results in multiple datasets, it has inherent limitations that make object detection a very complex and inefficient task in computational terms. Instead of considering this standard strategy, in this paper we enhance Detection Transformers (DETR) which tackles object detection as a set-prediction problem directly in an end-to-end fully differentiable pipeline without requiring priors. In particular, we incorporate Feature Pyramids (FP) to the DETR architecture and demonstrate the effectiveness of the resulting DETR-FP approach on improving logo detection results thanks to the improved detection of small logos. So, without requiring any domain specific prior to be fed to the model, DETR-FP obtains competitive results on the OpenLogo and MS-COCO datasets offering a relative improvement of up to 30%, when compared to a Faster R-CNN baseline which strongly depends on hand-designed priors.
    IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2021年07月, IEEE Access, 9, 106998 - 107011, 英語

  • Kengo Itokazu, Lihua Wang, Seiichi Ozawa
    IEEE, 2021年07月, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks(IJCNN), 1 - 7, 英語

  • Muhammad Fakhrur Rozi, Tao Ban, Seiichi Ozawa, Sangwook Kim, Takeshi Takahashi, Daisuke Inoue
    2021年07月, Neural Information Processing. ICONIP 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13109, 669 - 680, 英語

  • Shintaro Ishikawa, Seiichi Ozawa, Tao Ban
    Springer International Publishing, 2020年12月, In: Yang H., Pasupa K., Leung A.CS., Kwok J.T., Chan J.H., King I. (eds) Neural Information Processing. ICONIP 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12533. Springer, Cham., 593 - 603

  • Fuki Yamamoto, Lihua Wang, Seiichi Ozawa
    Springer International Publishing, 2020年12月, In: Yang H., Pasupa K., Leung A.CS., Kwok J.T., Chan J.H., King I. (eds) Neural Information Processing. ICONIP 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12533. Springer, Cham., 558 - 569, 英語

  • Pau Rodriguez, Diego Velazquez, Guillem Cucurull, Josep M. Gonfaus, F. Xavier Roca, Seiichi Ozawa, Jordi Gonzalez
    Social networks have attracted the attention of psychologists, as the behavior of users can be used to assess personality traits, and to detect sentiments and critical mental situations such as depression or suicidal tendencies. Recently, the increasing amount of image uploads to social networks has shifted the focus from text to image-based personality assessment. However, obtaining the ground-truth requires giving personality questionnaires to the users, making the process very costly and slow, and hindering research on large populations. In this paper, we demonstrate that it is possible to predict which images are most associated with each personality trait of the OCEAN personality model, without requiring ground-truth personality labels. Namely, we present a weakly supervised framework which shows that the personality scores obtained using specific images textually associated with particular personality traits are highly correlated with scores obtained using standard text-based personality questionnaires. We trained an OCEAN trait model based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), learned from 120K pictures posted with specific textual hashtags, to infer whether the personality scores from the images uploaded by users are consistent with those scores obtained from text. In order to validate our claims, we performed a personality test on a heterogeneous group of 280 human subjects, showing that our model successfully predicts which kind of image will match a person with a given level of a trait. Looking at the results, we obtained evidence that personality is not only correlated with text, but with image content too. Interestingly, different visual patterns emerged from those images most liked by persons with a particular personality trait: for instance, pictures most associated with high conscientiousness usually contained healthy food, while low conscientiousness pictures contained injuries, guns, and alcohol. These findings could pave the way to complement text-based personality questionnaires with image-based questions.
    MDPI, 2020年11月, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 10(22) (22), 英語

  • Samuel Ndichu, Sangwook Kim, Seiichi Ozawa
    Obfuscation is rampant in both benign and malicious JavaScript (JS) codes. It generates an obscure and undetectable code that hinders comprehension and analysis. Therefore, accurate detection of JS codes that masquerade as innocuous scripts is vital. The existing deobfuscation methods assume that a specific tool can recover an original JS code entirely. For a multi-layer obfuscation, general tools realize a formatted JS code, but some sections remain encoded. For the detection of such codes, this study performs Deobfuscation, Unpacking, and Decoding (DUD-preprocessing) by function redefinition using a Virtual Machine (VM), a JS code editor, and a python int_to_str() function to facilitate feature learning by the FastText model. The learned feature vectors are passed to a classifier model that judges the maliciousness of a JS code. In performance evaluation, the authors use the Hynek Petrak's dataset for obfuscated malicious JS codes and the SRILAB dataset and the Majestic Million service top 10,000 websites for obfuscated benign JS codes. They then compare the performance to other models on the detection of DUD-preprocessed obfuscated malicious JS codes. Their experimental results show that the proposed approach enhances feature learning and provides improved accuracy in the detection of obfuscated malicious JS codes.

  • Muhammad Fakhrur Rozi, Sangwook Kim, Seiichi Ozawa
    JavaScript is a dynamic computer programming language that has been used for various cyberattacks on client-side web applications. Malicious behaviors in JavaScript are injected on purpose as the outputs of web applications, such as redirection and pop-up texts or images. It exploits vulnerabilities by using a variety of methods such as drive-by download or cross-site scripting. To protect users from such cyberattacks, we propose a deep neural network for detecting malicious JavaScript codes by examining their bytecode sequences. We use the V8 JavaScript compiler to generate a bytecode sequence, which corresponds to an abstract form of machine codes. The benefit of using bytecode representation is that we can easily break complex obfuscation in JavaScript. To identify the attacker's malicious intention, We adopt a deep pyramid convolutional neural network (DPCNN) combining with recurrent neural network models, which can handle long-range associations in a bytecode sequence. In our experiment, various recurrent networks are testified to encode temporal features of code behaviors, and our results show that the proposed approach provides high accuracy in detection of malicious JavaScript.
    IEEE, 2020年07月, 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1 - 8, 英語

  • Muhammad Taufiq Pratama, Sangwook Kim, Seiichi Ozawa, Takenao Ohkawa, Yuya Chona, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Noriyuki Murakami
    In this paper, a soybean flower/seedpod detection system is built for collecting growing state information by introducing convolutional neural networks, aiming that observed plant states (e.g., #flowers and #seedpods) are used to predict the crop yields of soybeans by combining the environment information in future. To predict the crop yields (i.e., quantity of seedpods) precisely, it is considered important to know how the number of flowers are translated over time and how such flower transients can affect the final yields of soybeans. However, there has not existed a way to measure the number of flowers in real environments. For this purpose, We propose a deep learning approach to automatically detect flower and seedpod regions from images which are taken in real soybean fields without environmental control. Various object detection methods are compared, including RetinaNet, Faster R-CNN, and Cascade R-CNN. Ablation studies are provided to analyze how these methods perform on both flower and seedpod across different parameters. In our experimental results, Cascade R-CNN gives the best average precision (AP) of 89.6, while RetinaNet and Faster R-CNN give AP of 83.3 and 88.7, respectively. Cascade RCNN also attains the highest accuracy in detecting small objects, which are not easily detected by other models. With accurate detection, the system is expected to contribute to constructing high-performance measurement for soybean flowers and seedpods, which ultimately leads to better pipeline in evaluating plant status.
    IEEE, 2020年07月, 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1 - 7, 英語

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Tao Ban, Naoki Hashimoto, Junji Nakazato, Jumpei Shimamura
    Along with the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, cyberattacks towards these devices are on the rise. In this paper, we present a study on applying Association Rule Learning to discover the regularities of these attacks from the big stream data collected on a large-scale darknet. By exploring the regularities in IoT-related indicators such as destination ports, type of service, and TCP window sizes, we succeeded in discovering the activities of attacking hosts associated with well-known classes of malware programs. As a case study, we report an interesting observation of the attack campaigns before and after the first source code release of the well-known IoT malware Mirai. The experiments show that the proposed scheme is effective and efficient in early detection and tracking of activities of new malware on the Internet and hence induces a promising approach to automate and accelerate the identification and mitigation of new cyber threats.
    SPRINGER, 2020年02月, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY, 19(1) (1), 83 - 92, 英語, 国際誌, 国際共著していない

  • t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding Spectral Clustering using higher order approximations.
    Nicoleta Rogovschi, Sarah Zouinina, Basarab Matei, Issam Falih, Nistor Grozavu, Seiichi Ozawa
    2019年12月, Aust. J. Intell. Inf. Process. Syst., 17(1) (1), 78 - 86, 英語

  • Yuki Kawaguchi, Seiichi Ozawa
    Springer International Publishing, 2019年12月, In: Gedeon T., Wong K., Lee M. (eds) Neural Information Processing. ICONIP 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11955. Springer, Cham., 319 - 327, 英語

  • Takehiro Tezuka, Lihua Wang, Takuya Hayashi, Seiichi Ozawa
    IEEE, 2019年11月, 2019 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 37 - 44, 英語

  • Samuel Ndichu, Sangwook Kim, Seiichi Ozawa, Takeshi Misu, Kazuo Makishima
    Websites attract millions of visitors due to the convenience of services they offer, which provide for interesting targets for cyber attackers. Most of these websites use JavaScript (JS) to create dynamic content. The exploitation of vulnerabilities in servers, plugins, and other third-party systems enables the insertion of malicious codes into websites. These exploits use methods such as drive-by-downloads, pop up ads, and phishing attacks on news, porn, piracy, torrent or free software websites, among others. Many of the recent cyber-attacks exploit JS vulnerabilities, in some cases employing obfuscation to hide their maliciousness and evade detection. It is, therefore, primal to develop an accurate detection system for malicious JS to protect users from such attacks. This study adopts Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for code structure representation and a machine learning approach to conduct feature learning called Doc2vec to address this issue. Doc2vec is a neural network model that can learn context information of texts with variable length. This model is a well-suited feature learning method for JS codes, which consist of text content ranging among single line sentences, paragraphs, and full-length documents. Besides, features learned with Doc2Vec are of low dimensions which ensure faster detections. A classifier model judges the maliciousness of a JS code using the learned features. The performance of this approach is evaluated using the D3M dataset (Drive-by-Download Data by Marionette) for malicious JS codes and the JSUNPACK plus Alexa top 100 websites datasets for benign JS codes. We then compare the performance of Doc2Vec on plain JS codes (Plain-JS) and AST form of JS codes (AST-JS) to other feature learning methods. Our experimental results show that the proposed AST features and Doc2Vec for feature learning provide better accuracy and fast classification in malicious JS codes detection compared to conventional approaches and can flag malicious JS codes previously identified as hard-to-detect. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
    ELSEVIER, 2019年11月, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, 84, 英語, 国際誌, 国際共著していない

  • Kurumi Higashiyama, Ryo Nishide, Takenao Ohkawa, Yuya Chonan, Satoshi Hayashi, Takuji Nakamura, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Noriyuki Murakami, Seiichi Ozawa
    2019年09月, ICISIP 2019 : The 7th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2019, 278 - 285, 英語

  • Feature Selection and Grouping of Cultivation Environment Data to Extract High/Low Yield Inhibition Factor of Soybeans
    Katsuhiro Nagata, Midori Namba, Seiichi Ozawa, Yuya Chonan, Satoshi Hayashi, Takuji Nakamura, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Noriyuki Murakami, Ryo Nishide, Takenao Ohkawa
    2019年06月, 12th European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (EFITA) International Conference, 英語

  • OMURA Kazuki, YAHATA So, OZAWA Seiichi, OHKAWA Takenao, CHONAN Yuya, TSUJI Hiroyuki, MURAKAMI Noriyuki
    Recently, smart agriculture, a new approach to farming using ICT, has been received great attention. To control cultivate condition precisely, it is important to capture the growth state of plants as well as environmental factors such as temperature, moisture, solar radiation, etc. In this paper, we propose an image sensing method to detect soy flowers and seedpods as growth fa
    IEEE SMC, 2018年10月, Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1 - 6, 英語

  • Detection of Malicious JavaScript Contents Using Doc2vec Feature Learning
    WANGAR Samuel Ndichu, OZAWA Seiichi, MUSU Takesh, OKADA Kouichirou
    To add more functionality and enhance usability of web applications, JavaScript (JS) is frequently used. Even with many advantages and usefulness of JS, an annoying fact is that many recent cyberattacks such as drive-by-download attacks exploit vulnerability of JS codes. In general, malicious JS codes are not easy to detect, because they sneakily exploit vulnerabilities of brow
    IEEE, 2018年07月, Proc. of 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 1 - 7, 英語

  • Optimal pattern Discovery to Reveal the High Yield Inhibition Factor of Soybeans
    NAMBA Midori, UMEJIMA Kohei, NISHIDE Ryo, OHKAWA Takenao, OZAWA Seiichi, MURAKAMI Noriyuki, TSUJI Hiroyuki
    Our research group is working on soybeans which the quantity of yielding is difficult to predict. We focus on the common characteristics observed at multiple cultivation points, in order to examine methods to acquire new knowledge in deciding the work based on the amount of yields. Our previous study has examined a method to discover optimal patterns using qualitative value of
    2018年04月, Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers (Web), 6(2) (2), 66‐72 (WEB ONLY), 英語

  • Cesare Alippi, Seiichi Ozawa
    The emergence of nontrivial embedded sensor units and cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things has made possible the design and implementation of sophisticated applications where large amounts of real-time data are collected, possibly to constitute a big data picture as time passes. Within this framework, intelligence mechanisms based on machine learning, neural networks, and brain computing approaches play a key role to provide systems with advanced functionalities. Intelligent mechanisms are needed to guarantee appropriate performances within an evolving, time-variant environment, optimally harvest the available energy and manage the residual energy, reduce the energy consumption of the whole system, identify and mitigate occurrence of faults, and provide shields against cyberattacks.
    Elsevier, 2018年01月, Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Neural Networks and Brain Computing, 245 - 263, 英語

  • Samuel Ndichu, Seiichi Ozawa, Takeshi Misu, Kouichirou Okada
    To add more functionality and enhance usability of web applications, JavaScript (JS) is frequently used. Even with many advantages and usefulness of JS, an annoying fact is that many recent cyberattacks such as drive-by-download attacks exploit vulnerability of JS codes. In general, malicious JS codes are not easy to detect, because they sneakily exploit vulnerabilities of browsers and plugin software, and attack visitors of a web site unknowingly. To protect users from such threads, the development of an accurate detection system for malicious JS is soliciting. Conventional approaches often employ signature and heuristic-based methods, which are prone to suffer from zero-day attacks, i.e., causing many false negatives and/or false positives. For this problem, this paper adopts a machinelearning approach to feature learning called Doc2Vec, which is a neural network model that can learn context information of texts. The extracted features are given to a classifier model (e.g., SVM and neural networks) and it judges the maliciousness of a JS code. In the performance evaluation, we use the D3M Dataset (Drive-by-Download Data by Marionette) for malicious JS codes and JSUPACK for benign ones for both training and test purposes. We then compare the performance to other feature learning methods. Our experimental results show that the proposed Doc2Vec features provide better accuracy and fast classification in malicious JS code detection compared to conventional approaches.

  • Igor Skrjanc, Seiichi Ozawa, Tao Ban, Dejan Dovzan
    We are living in an information age where all our personal data and systems are connected to the Internet and accessible from more or less anywhere in the world. Such systems can be prone to cyber-attacks; therefore the monitoring and identification of cyber-attacks play a significant role in preventing the abuse of our data and systems. The majority of such systems proposed in the literature are based on a model/classifiers built with the help of classical/off-line learning methods on a learning data set. Since cyber-attacks evolve over time such models or classifiers sooner or later become outdated. To keep a proper system functioning the models need to be updated over a period of time. When dealing with models/classifiers learned by classical off-line methods, this is an expensive and time-consuming task. One way to keep the models updated is to use evolving methodologies to learn and adapt the models in an on-line manner. Such methods have been developed, extensively studied and implemented for regression problems. The presented paper introduces a novel evolving possibilistic Cauchy clustering (eCauchy) method for classification problems. The given method is used as a basis for large-scale monitoring of cyber-attacks. By using the presented method a more flexible system for detection of attacks is obtained. The approach was tested on a database from 1999 KDD intrusion detection competition. The obtained results are promising. The presented method gives a comparable degree of accuracy on raw data to other methods found in the literature; however, it has the advantage of being able to adapt the classifier in an on-line manner. The presented method also uses less labeled data to learn the classifier than classical methods presented in the literature decreasing the costs of data labeling. The study is opening a new possible application area for evolving methodologies. In future research, the focus will be on implementing additional data filtering and new algorithms to optimize the classifier for detection of cyber-attacks. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER, 2018年01月, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, 62, 592 - 601, 英語

  • Kazuki Omura, So Yahata, Seiichi Ozawa, Takenao Ohkawa, Yuya Chonan, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Noriyuki Murakami
    Recently, smart agriculture, a new approach to farming using ICT, has been received great attention. To control cultivate condition precisely, it is important to capture the growth state of plants as well as environmental factors such as temperature, moisture, solar radiation, etc. In this paper, we propose an image sensing method to detect soy flowers and seedpods as growth factors using a state-of-the-art deep learning architecture called Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD). Images of soybeans were taken at Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center from Year 2015 to 2017 and we carry out the performance test for our system using a dataset of soybean images. The detection accuracy for seedpods and flowers are 0.586 and 0.646 in F-measure, respectively.

  • Naoki Hashimoto, Seiichi Ozawa, Tao Ban, Junji Nakazato, Jumpei Shimamura
    In this paper, we report an interesting observation of the darknet traffic before the source code of IoT malware Mirai was first opened on September 7th 2016. In our darknet analysis, the frequent pattern mining and the association rule learning were performed to a large set of TCP SYN packets collected from July 1st 2016 to September 15th 2016 with the NICT /16 darknet sensor. The number of collected packets is 1,840,973,403 packets in total which were sent from 17,928,006 unique hosts. In this study, we focus on the frequently appeared combinations of "window sizes" in TCP headers. We successfully extracted a certain number of frequent patters and association rules on window sizes, and we specified source hosts that sent out SYN packets matched with either of the extracted rules. In addition, we show that almost all such hosts sent SYN packets satisfying the three conditions known from the source code of Mirai. Such hosts started their scan activities from August 2nd 2016, and ended on September 4th 2016 (i.e., 3 days before the source code was opened). (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  • Sangwook Kim, Masahiro Omori, Takuya Hayashi, Toshiaki Omori, Lihua Wang, Seiichi Ozawa
    Many services for data analysis require customer's data to be exposed and privacy issues are critical in related fields. To address this problem, we propose a Privacy-Preserving Naive Bayes classifier (PP-NBC) model which provides classification results without leaking privacy information in data sources. Through classification process in PP-NBC, the operations are evaluated using encrypted data by applying fully homomorphic encryption scheme so that service providers are able to handle customer's data without knowing their actual values. The proposed method is implemented with a homomorphic encryption library called HElib and we carry out a primitive performance evaluation for the proposed PP-NBC.

  • Optimal Pattern Discovery based on Cultivation Data for Elucidation of High Yield Inhibition Factor of Soybean
    NAMBA Midori, UMEJIMA Kohei, NISHIDE Ryo, OHKAWA Takenao, OZAWA Seiichi, MURAKAMI Noriyuki, TSUJI Hiroyuki
    2017年09月, Proceedings of IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing (Web), 5th, 209‐216 (WEB ONLY), 英語

  • 難波 みどり, 梅島 昂平, 西出 亮, 大川 剛直, 小澤 誠一, 村上 則幸, 辻 博之
    There is a high demand to promote efficiency in agriculture, as the number of workers engaging in agriculture has been decreasing and aging in recent years. Our research group is working on soybeans which the quantity of yielding is difficult to predict. We focus on the common characteristics observed at multiple cultivation points, in order to examine methods to acquire new kn
    産業応用工学会, 2017年07月, The 5th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2017 (ICISIP2017), 209 - 216, 英語

  • Nicoleta Rogovschi, Jun Kitazono, Nistor Grozavu, Toshiaki Omori, Seiichi Ozawa
    This paper introduces a new topological clustering approach to cluster high dimensional datasets based on t-SNE (Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) dimensionality reduction method and spectral clustering. Spectral clustering method needs to construct an adjacency matrix and calculate the eigen-decomposition of the corresponding Laplacian matrix [1] which are computational expensive and is not easy to apply on large-scale data sets. One of the issue of this problem is to reduce the dimensionality befor to cluster the dataset. The t-SNE method which performs good results for visulaization allows a projection of the dataset in low dimensional spaces that make it easy to use for very large datasets. Using t-SNE during the learning process will allow to reduce the dimensionality and to preserve the topology of the dataset by increasing the clustering accuracy. We illustrate the power of this method with several real datasets. The results show a good quality of clustering results and a higher speed.

  • So Yahata, Tetsu Onishi, Kanta Yamaguchi, Seiichi Ozawa, Jun Kitazono, Takenao Ohkawa, Takeshi Yoshida, Noriyuki Murakami, Hiroyuki Tsuji
    Recently, a new ICT approach to agriculture called "Smart Agriculture" has been received great attention to support farmers' decision-making for good final yield on various kinds of field conditions. For this purpose, this paper presents two image sensing methods that enable an automatic observation to capture flowers and seedpods of soybeans in real fields. The developed image sensing methods are considered as sensors in an agricultural cyber-physical system in which big data on the growth status of agricultural plants and environmental information (e.g., weather, temperature, humidity, solar radiation, soil condition, etc.) are analyzed to mine useful rules for appropriate cultivation. The proposed image sensing methods are constructed by combining several image processing and machine learning techniques. The flower detection is realized based on a coarse-to-fine approach where candidate areas of flowers are first detected by SLIC and hue information, and the acceptance of flowers is decided by CNN. In the seedpod detection, candidates of seedpod regions are first detected by the Viola-Jones object detection method, and we also use CNN to make a final decision on the acceptance of detected seedpods. The performance of the proposed image sensing methods is evaluated for a data set of soybean images that were taken from a crowd of soybeans in real agricultural fields in Hokkaido, Japan.

  • Yuki Kawaguchi, Akira Yamada, Seiichi Ozawa
    It is well known that products for cyber-attacks such as exploits and malware codes are illegally traded on hidden web services called Dark Web that are not indexed by conventional search engines we usually use. In general, it is not easy to capture the whole picture of trade activities on Dark Web because special browsers and tools are needed to visit such dark market sites and forums. And they usually require us to make a registration and/or to pass a qualification test. However, to understand the trends of cyber-attacks, there is no doubt that Dark Web is one of the useful information sources. In this paper, we try to understand the sales trends of illegal products for cyber-attacks from the largest marketplace called AlphaBay, which is relatively easier to collect information without passing any qualification tests, To monitor business trades on Dark Web, we develop an AI web-contents analyzer, which consists of a Tor crawler to collect the product information and a topic analyzer to capture the trends of what people are interested in and popular products of cyber-attacks. For this purpose, we use a topic model called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and we show that the topic analysis would be helpful for predicting new cyber-attacks.

  • 栗昌平, 林卓也, 林卓也, 大森敏明, 小澤誠一, 青野良範, PHONG Le Trieu, WANG Lihua, 盛合志帆
    Recently, computational outsourcing using cloud services is getting popular for big data analysis, and many cloud sourcing providers provide machine learning platforms where we can perform various prediction and classification tasks very easily. On the other hand, there still remains a big hurdle to analyze personal big data on cloud services because the leakage of personal inf
    IEEE, 2017年, 2017 IEEE SYMPOSIUM SERIES ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (SSCI), 2017(2) (2), 1350 - 1357, 英語

  • Igor Skrjanc, Seiichi Ozawa, Dejan Dovzan, Ban Tao, Junji Nakazato, Jumpei Shimamura
    This paper gives the idea of large-scale monitoring for cyberattacks using evolving Cauchy possibilistic clustering (eCauchy). The idea of density based clustering is appealing when the data samples are highly noisy and when also the outliers appears frequently. The basic measure of density in recursive form can be modified in a way to be applied on classification problems such as large-scale monitoring for cyberattacks. The algorithm is in on-line form to deal with the data streams and is therefore appropriate for dealing with big-data problems. The development of density as a measure of similarity follows from Cauchy density and is similar to the typicality defined in the possibilistic clustering approach. The described eCauchy clustering deals with just few tuning parameters, such as maximal density. The algorithm evolves the structure during operation by adding and removing the clusters. This is appropriate for data granulation which is of great importance in the case of the clusters which are of different sizes and shapes. In the proposed large-scale monitoring system, darknet sensor packets within a certain period are transformed into 17 traffic features and they are categorized by eCauchy in an on-line fashion. To evaluate the proposed darknet monitoring system, a large set of TCP and UDP packets collected from January 2nd 2016 to March 1st 2016 (60 days) with the NICT /16 darknet sensor are used for evaluation. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed monitoring system can detect DDoS backscatter with more than 98% accuracy for TCP packets and non-DDoS backscatter with 72.8% accuracy for UDP packets. The proposed system can learn and predict quite fast, 12.6 sec. for TCP and 312.6 sec. for UDP.

  • Kohei Umejima, Noriyuki Murakami, Fumihito Arimitsu, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Seiichi Ozawa, Takenao Ohkawa
    Recently, we can analyze and store big data by high performance computers. In this paper, we present a method of optimal pattern mining from soybean cultivation data for knowledge discovery by introducing an evaluation function based on differences in the frequency of high-yields and lowyields. We can discover factors affecting the growth of soybeans by analyzing optimal patterns extracted using evaluation functions. In our proposed method, optimal patterns are enumerated by eliminating elements that decrease the value of evaluation functions from frequent closed patterns. As a result, our experiment showed the efficiency of the proposed method. In addition, we can observe both general and new knowledge by analyzing extracted optimal pattern groups.
    Association for Computing Machinery, 2016年12月, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 19 - 24, 英語

  • Siti Hajar Aminah Ali, Kiminori Fukase, Seiichi Ozawa
    In this paper, we propose a new incremental learning algorithm of radial basis function (RBF) Network to accelerate the learning for large-scale data sequence. Along with the development of the internet and sensor technologies, a time series of large data chunk are continuously generated in our daily life. Thus it is usually difficult to learn all the data within a short period. A remedy for this is to select only essential data from a given data chunk and provide them to a classifier model to learn. In the proposed method, only data in untrained regions, which correspond to a region with a low output margin, are selected. The regions are formed by grouping the data based on their near neighbor using locality sensitive hashing (LSH), in which LSH has been developed to search neighbors quickly in an approximated way. As the proposed method does not use all training data to calculate the output margins, the time of the data selection is expected to be shortened. In the incremental learning phase, in order to suppress catastrophic forgetting, we also exploit LSH to select neighbor RBF units quickly. In addition, we propose a method to update the hash table in LSH so that the data selection can be adaptive during the learning. From the performance of nine datasets, we confirm that the proposed method can learn large-scale data sequences fast without sacrificing the classification accuracies. This fact implies that the data selection and the incremental learning work effectively in the proposed method.
    SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2016年09月, EVOLVING SYSTEMS, 7(3) (3), 173 - 186, 英語

  • Siti Hajar Aminah Ali, Kiminori Fukase, Seiichi Ozawa
    In this paper, we propose a new incremental learning algorithm of radial basis function (RBF) Network to accelerate the learning for large-scale data sequence. Along with the development of the internet and sensor technologies, a time series of large data chunk are continuously generated in our daily life. Thus it is usually difficult to learn all the data within a short period. A remedy for this is to select only essential data from a given data chunk and provide them to a classifier model to learn. In the proposed method, only data in untrained regions, which correspond to a region with a low output margin, are selected. The regions are formed by grouping the data based on their near neighbor using locality sensitive hashing (LSH), in which LSH has been developed to search neighbors quickly in an approximated way. As the proposed method does not use all training data to calculate the output margins, the time of the data selection is expected to be shortened. In the incremental learning phase, in order to suppress catastrophic forgetting, we also exploit LSH to select neighbor RBF units quickly. In addition, we propose a method to update the hash table in LSH so that the data selection can be adaptive during the learning. From the performance of nine datasets, we confirm that the proposed method can learn large-scale data sequences fast without sacrificing the classification accuracies. This fact implies that the data selection and the incremental learning work effectively in the proposed method.
    Springer Verlag, 2016年09月, Evolving Systems, 7(3) (3), 173 - 186, 英語

  • 粟屋成崇, 北園淳, 大森敏明, 小澤誠一
    It is useful for many applications to find out meaningful topics from short texts, such as tweets and comments on websites. Since directly applying conventional topic models (e.g., LDA) to short texts often produces poor results, as a general approach to short texts, a biterm topic model (BTM) was recently proposed. However, the original BTM implementation uses collapsed Gibbs
    システム制御情報学会, 2016年07月, 2016 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS (IJCNN), 60th, 3364 - 3370, 英語

  • Annie Anak Joseph, Takaomi Tokumoto, Seiichi Ozawa
    Kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) is known as a nonlinear feature extraction method. Takeuchi et al. have proposed an incremental type of KPCA (IKPCA) that can update an eigen-space incrementally for a sequence of data. However, in IKPCA, the eigenvalue decomposition should be carried out for every single data, even though a chunk of data is given at one time. To reduce the computational costs in learning chunk data, this paper proposes an extended IKPCA called Chunk IKPCA (CIKPCA) where a chunk of multiple data is learned with single eigenvalue decomposition. For a large data chunk, to reduce further computation time and memory usage, it is first divided into several smaller chunks, and only useful data are selected based on the accumulation ratio. In the proposed CIKPCA, a small set of independent data are first selected from a reduced set of data so that eigenvectors in a high-dimensional feature space can be represented as a linear combination of such independent data. Then, the eigenvectors are incrementally updated by keeping only an eigenspace model that consists of the sextuplet such as independent data, coefficients, eigenvalues, and mean information. The proposed CIKPCA can augment an eigen-feature space based on the accumulation ratio that can also be updated without keeping all the past data, and the eigen-feature space is rotated by solving an eigenvalue problem once for each data chunk. The experiment results show that the learning time of the proposed CIKPCA is greatly reduced as compared with KPCA and IKPCA without sacrificing recognition accuracy.
    SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2016年03月, EVOLVING SYSTEMS, 7(1) (1), 15 - 27, 英語

  • 吉田舜, 北園淳, 小澤誠一, 菅原貴弘, 芳賀達也
    In recent years, along with the popularization of SNS, the incidents, which are called flaming, that the number of negative comments surges are on the increase. This becomes a problem for companies because flamings hurt companies' reputation. In order to minimalize the damage of reputation, we propose the method that detects flamings by estimating the sentiment polarities of SNS comments. Because of the unique SNS characteristics such as repetition of same comments, the polarities of words are sometimes wrongly estimated. To alleviate this problem, transfer learning is introduced. In this research, the sentiment polarities of words are trained in every domain. This will enable to extract the words that are domain-specific and dictate the polarity of comments. These words are occurred in retweets. Transfer learning is implemented to non-extracted words by averaging the occurrence probabilities in other domains. These processes keep the polarities of important words that dictate the polarity of comments and modify the wrongly estimated polarities of words. The experimental results show that the proposed method improves the performance of estimating the sentiment polarity of comments. Moreover, flamings can be detected without missing by monitoring time course of the number of negative comments.
    一般社団法人 電気学会, 2016年03月, 電気学会論文誌 C, 136(3) (3), 340 - 347, 日本語

  • Siti Hajar Aminah Ali, Seiichi Ozawa, Tao Ban, Junji Nakazato, Jumpei Shimamura
    This paper presents a fast and large-scale monitoring system for detecting one of the major cyber-attacks, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). The proposed system monitors the packet traffic on a subnet of unused IPs called darknet. Almost all darknet packets are originated from malicious activities. However, it is not obvious what traffic patterns DDoS attacks have. Therefore, we adopt a classifier and train it with traffic features of known DDoS attacks using 80/TCP and 53/UDP packets which can be labeled based on the header information and payloads. The proposed system consists of the two parts: pre-processing and classifier. In the pre-processing part, darknet packets for 30 seconds are transformed into a feature vector which consists of 17 traffic features on darknet traffic. As for the classifier part, we adopt Resource Allocating Network with Locality Sensitive Hashing (RAN-LSH) in which data to be trained are selected by using LSH and fast online learning is actualized by training only selected data. The learning of RAN-LSH is carried out not only with the training data for 80/TCP and 53/UDP packets but also with new training data labeled by a supervisor. The performance of the proposed detection system is evaluated for 9,968 training data obtained from 80/TCP and 53/UDP packets and 5,933 test data obtained from darknet packets with other protocols and source/destination ports. The results indicate that the proposed system detects backscatter packets caused by DDoS attacks accurately and adapts to new attacks quickly.

  • Jun Kitazono, Nistor Grozavu, Nicoleta Rogovschi, Toshiaki Omori, Seiichi Ozawa
    One of the dimension reduction (DR) methods for data-visualization, t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE), has drawn increasing attention. t-SNE gives us better visualization than conventional DR methods, by relieving so-called crowding problem. The crowding problem is one of the curses of dimensionality, which is caused by discrepancy between high and low dimensional spaces. However, in t-SNE, it is assumed that the strength of the discrepancy is the same for all samples in all datasets regardless of ununiformity of distributions or the difference in dimensions, and this assumption sometimes ruins visualization. Here we propose a new DR method inhomogeneous t-SNE, in which the strength is estimated for each point and dataset. Experimental results show that such pointwise estimation is important for reasonable visualization and that the proposed method achieves better visualization than the original t-SNE.

  • Kohei Umejima, Fumihito Arimitsu, Seiichi Ozawa, Noriyuki Murakami, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Takenao Ohkawa
    Recently, we can analyze and store big data by high performance computers. In this paper, we present a method of optimal pattern mining from soybean cultivation data for knowledge discovery by introducing an evaluation function based on differences in the frequency of high-yields and low-yields. We can discover factors affecting the growth of soybeans by analyzing optimal patterns extracted using evaluation functions. In our proposed method, optimal patterns are enumerated by eliminating elements that decrease the value of evaluation functions from frequent closed patterns. As a result, our experiment showed the efficiency of the proposed method. In addition, we can observe both general and new knowledge by analyzing extracted optimal pattern groups.

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Shun Yoshida, Jun Kitazono, Takahiro Sugawara, Tatsuya Haga
    In recent years, with the popularization of SNS, the incidents called flaming, in which a large number of negative comments are retweeted and spread to many followers on SNS, are increasing. Since a flaming event sometimes causes severe criticism by public people, it is becoming a great thread to companies and therefore it is important for companies to protect their reputation from such flaming events. In order to protect companies from serious damages in reputation, we propose a machine learning approach to the detection of flaming events by monitoring the sentiment polarity of SNS comments. From the nature of SNS comments such as the spread of a large number of retweets with the same content for a short time, the word distributions are often strongly biased and it leads to poor performance in sentiment polarity prediction. To alleviate this problem, we introduce transfer learning into the conventional Naive Bayes classifier. More concretely, in the Naive Bayes classifier, the occurrence probabilities of words on a target domain are recalculated using those on other domains, where a domain corresponds to a company to be protected. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed transfer learning contribute to the improvement in the sentiment polarity prediction for SNS comments. In addition, we show that the proposed system can detect flaming events correctly by monitoring the number of negative comments.

  • 村田直紀, 北園淳, 小澤誠一
    Multi-dimensional Unfolding (MU) is a method to visualize relevance data between two sets (e.g., preference data) as a single scatter plot. Usually, in the analysis of relevance data, users are interested in which elements are strongly related to each other (e.g., how much an individual likes an item), and not in which elements are irrelevant to each other. However, the convent
    システム制御情報学会, 2016年, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 60th, 4p - 252, 日本語

  • Siti-Hajar-Aminah Ali, Seiichi Ozawa, Junji Nakazato, Tao Ban, Jumpei Shimamura
    In this paper, we propose a new online system to detect malicious spam emails and to adapt to the changes of malicious URLs in the body of spam emails by updating the system daily. For this purpose, we develop an autonomous system that learns from double-bounce emails collected at a mail server. To adapt to new malicious campaigns, only new types of spam emails are learned by introducing an active learning scheme into a classifier model. Here, we adopt Resource Allocating Network with Locality Sensitive Hashing (RAN-LSH) as a classifier model with data selection. In this data selection, the same or similar spam emails that have already been learned are quickly searched for a hash table using Locally Sensitive Hashing, and such spam emails are discarded without learning. On the other hand, malicious spam emails are sometimes drastically changed along with a new arrival of malicious campaign. In this case, it is not appropriate to classify such spam emails into malicious or benign by a classifier. It should be analyzed by using a more reliable method such as a malware analyzer. In order to find new types of spam emails, an outlier detection mechanism is implemented in RAN-LSH. To analyze email contents, we adopt the Bag-of-Words (BoW) approach and generate feature vectors whose attributes are transformed based on the normalized term frequency-inverse document frequency. To evaluate the developed system, we use a dataset of double-bounce spam emails which are collected from March 1st, 2013 to August 29th, 2013. In the experiment, we study the effect of introducing the outlier detection in RAN-LSH. As a result, by introducing the outlier detection, we confirm that the detection accuracy is enhanced on average over the testing period.
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015年09月, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2015-, 1 - 7, 英語

  • A Non-Destructive Measurement Method for Agricultural Plants Using Image Sensing
    ARAKAWA Shuhei, YOSHIDA Takeshi, OZAWA Seiichi, FUKAO Takanori, OHKAWA Takenao, MURAKAMI Noriyuki, TSUJI Hiroyuki
    This paper presents a non-destructive image sensing method to estimate the height of agricultural plants. In this method, several images are taken by moving a digital camera attached to a single-axis robot, and the two consecutive images with a plant tip are automatically matched using SIFT keypoints. Then, the plant height is estimated from the two images based on the triangul
    2015年09月, Proc. of Int. Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 1 - 2, 英語

  • Ali Siti-Hajar-Aminah, Furutani Nobuaki, Ozawa Seiichi, Nakazato Junji, Ban Tao, Shimamura Jumpei
    神戸大学大学院工学研究科, 2015年, Memoirs of the Graduate Schools of Engineering and System Informatics Kobe University, 7, 8 - 13, 英語

  • An Autonomous Online Malicious Spam Email Detection System Using Extended RBF Network
    Siti-Hajar-Aminah Ali, Seiichi Ozawa, Junji Nakazato, Tao Ban, Jumpei Shimamura
    In this paper, we propose a new online system to detect malicious spam emails and to adapt to the changes of malicious URLs in the body of spam emails by updating the system daily. For this purpose, we develop an autonomous system that learns from double-bounce emails collected at a mail server. To adapt to new malicious campaigns, only new types of spam emails are learned by introducing an active learning scheme into a classifier model. Here, we adopt Resource Allocating Network with Locality Sensitive Hashing (RAN-LSH) as a classifier model with data selection. In this data selection, the same or similar spam emails that have already been learned are quickly searched for a hash table using Locally Sensitive Hashing, and such spam emails are discarded without learning. On the other hand, malicious spam em ails are sometimes drastically changed along with a new arrival of malicious campaign. In this case, it is not appropriate to classify such spam emails into malicious or benign by a classifier. It should be analyzed by using a more reliable method such as a mal ware analyzer. In order to find new types of spam emails, an outlier detection mechanism is implemented in RAN-LSH. To analyze email contents, we adopt the Bag-of-Words (BoW) approach and generate feature vectors whose attributes are transformed based on the normalized term frequency-inverse document frequency. To evaluate the developed system, we use a dataset of double-bounce spam emails which are collected from March 1st, 2013 to August 29th, 2013. In the experiment, we study the effect of introducing the outlier detection in RAN-LSH. As a result, by introducing the outlier detection, we confirm that the detection accuracy is enhanced on average over the testing period.

  • ALI Siti, Hajar Aminah, OZAWA Seiichi, NAKAZATO Junji, BAN Tao, SHIMAMURA Jumpei
    In this paper, we propose a new online system that can quickly detect malicious spam emails and adapt to the changes in the email contents and the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) links leading to malicious websites by updating the system daily. We introduce an autonomous function for a server to generate training examples, in which double-bounce emails are automatically collecte
    Scientific Research Publishing, 2015年, Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications,, 7, 42 - 57, 英語

  • Hironori Nishikaze, Seiichi Ozawa, Jun Kitazono, Tao Ban, Junji Nakazato, Jumpei Shimamura
    This paper presents a machine learning approach to large-scale monitoring for malicious activities on Internet. In the proposed system, network packets sent from a subnet to a darknet (i.e., a set of unused IPs) are collected, and they are transformed into 27-dimensional TAP (Traffic Analysis Profile) feature vectors. Then, a hierarchical clustering is performed to obtain clusters for typical malicious behaviors. In the monitoring phase, the malicious activities in a subnet are estimated from the closest TAP feature cluster. Then, such TAP feature clusters for all subnets are visualized on the proposed monitoring system in real time. In the experiment, we use a big data set of 303,733,994 darknet packs collected from February 1st to February 28th, 2014 (28 days) for monitoring. As a result, we can successfully detect an indication of the pandemic of a new malware, which attacked to the vulnerability of Synology NAS (port 5,000/TCP).

  • Nobuaki Furutani, Jun Kitazono, Seiichi Ozawa, Tao Ban, Junji Nakazato, Jumpei Shimamura
    This paper presents an adaptive large-scale monitoring system to detect Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks whose backscatter packets are observed on the darknet (i.e., unused IP space). To classify DDoS backscatter, 17 features of darknet traffic are defined from IPs/ports information for source and destination hosts. To adapt to the change of DDoS attacks, we newly implement an online learning function in the proposed monitoring system, where an SVM classifier is continuously trained with darknet features transformed from packets during a certain period. In the performance evaluation, we use the MWS Dataset 2014 that consists of darknet packets collected from 1st January 2014 to 28th February 2014 (8 weeks). We demonstrate that the proposed system keeps good test performance in the detection of DDoS backscatter (0.98 in F-measure).

  • Yonghwa Choi, Seiichi Ozawa, Minho Lee
    In this paper, we propose a new online non-linear feature extraction method, called the incremental two-dimensional kernel principal component analysis (I2DKPCA), not only to reduce the computational cost but also to provide good feature representation. Batch type feature extraction methods such as principal component analysis (PCA) and two-dimensional PCA (2DPCA) require more computational time and memory usage, as they collect the entire training data to extract the basis vectors. Also, these linear feature extraction methods could not effectively represent the non-linear distribution of input data. Therefore, by adopting a non-linear kernel approach with chunk concept, the KPCA and 2DKPCA can effectively address the non-linear feature representation problem by adaptively changing the feature spaces. However, this kernel approach requires more computational time for processing images with high dimensional input data. In order to solve these problems, we combined the 2DKPCA with incremental learning for (1) solving the non-linear problem and (2) reducing the memory usage with computational time. In order to evaluate the performance of I2DKPCA, several experiments have been performed using well-known face and object image databases. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER, 2014年06月, NEUROCOMPUTING, 134, 280 - 288, 英語

  • JOSEPH Anak Annie, JANG Young-Min, OZAWA Seiichi, LEE Minho
    In real life, data are not always generated under stationary environments. However, traditional learning systems have normally assumed that the property of data streams is stationary over time, and this sometimes leads to the degradation in the system performance when there are some hidden contexts changes (e.g. changes in class boundaries and temporal trends in time series). S
    Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 2014年04月, Trans. of Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 27(4) (4), 133 - 140, 英語

  • Joseph Annie anak, Ozawa Seiichi
    神戸大学大学院工学研究科, 2014年, Memoirs of the Graduate Schools of Engineering and System Informatics Kobe University, 6, 13 - 17, 英語

  • Daisuke Higuchi, Seiichi Ozawa
    In this paper, we propose an incremental neural network model for a general class of sequential multi-task classification problems where a training data of a task may not only have multiple class labels but also have task information. Such data property originates from the uncertainty of teaching signals given by a supervisor. To handle this type of classification problems, the proposed model consists of a three-layer feedforward neural network with long-term/short-term memories, and it has the following functions: one-pass incremental learning, task allocation, handling multi-label data, task consolidation, and knowledge transfer. We newly introduce the following two types of task consolidation functions other than the conventional error-based one: the task consolidation based on the co-occurrence relation of class labels and task information. In the experiments, we evaluate the proposed model for various kinds of data sets. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model has good performance in both classification and task categorization even if the task information is not always given.
    IOS PRESS, 2014年, SMART DIGITAL FUTURES 2014, 262, 402 - 411, 英語

  • Annie Anak Joseph, Seiichi Ozawa
    Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) is widely used feature extraction as it have been proven that KPCA is powerful in many areas in pattern recognition. Considering that the conventional KPCA should decompose a kernel matrix of all training data, this would be an unrealistic assumption for data streams in real-world applications. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an online feature extraction called Chunk Incremental Kernel Principal Component Analysis (CIKPCA) that can handle data streams in an incremental mode. In the proposed method, the training data are assumed to be given in a chunk of multiple data at one time. In CIKPCA, an eigen-feature space is updated by solving the eigenvalue decomposition once whenever a chunk of data is given. However, if a chunk size is large, a kernel matrix to be decomposed is also large, resulting in high computational time. Considering that not all the data are useful for the eigen-feature space learning, the data in a chunk are first selected based on the importance. Several benchmark data sets in the UCI Machine Learning Repository are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The experimental results show that our proposed method can accelerate the learning of the eigen-feature space compared to Takeuchi et al.'s IKPCA without reducing the recognition accuracy.

  • Nobuaki Furutani, Tao Ban, Junji Nakazato, Jumpei Shimamura, Jun Kitazono, Seiichi Ozawa
    In this work, we propose a method to discriminate backscatter caused by DDoS attacks from normal traffic. Since DDoS attacks are imminent threats which could give serious economic damages to private companies and public organizations, it is quite important to detect DDoS backscatter as early as possible. To do this, 11 features of port/IP information are defined for network packets which are sent within a short time, and these features of packet traffic are classified by Suppurt Vector Machine (SVM). In the experiments, we use TCP packets for the evaluation because they include control flags (e.g. SYN-ACK, RST-ACK, RST, ACK) which can give label information (i.e. backscatter or non-backscatter). We confirm that the proposed method can discriminate DDoS backscatter correctly from unknown darknet TCP packets with more than 90% accuracy.

  • ダークネットトラフィック観測によるDDoSバックスキャッタ判定
    古谷暢章, BAN Tao, 中里純二, 島村隼平, 北園淳, 小澤誠一
    一般社団法人電子情報通信学会, 2014年, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 114(340(ICSS2014 51-62)) (340(ICSS2014 51-62)), 49 - 53, 日本語

  • Shun Yoshida, Jun Kitazono, Seiichi Ozawa, Takahiro Sugawara, Tatsuya Haga, Shogo Nakamura
    SNS is one of the most effective communication tools and it has brought about drastic changes in our lives. Recently, however, a phenomenon called flaming or backlash becomes an imminent problem to private companies. A flaming incident is usually triggered by thoughtless comments/actions on SNS, and it sometimes ends up damaging to the company's reputation seriously. In this paper, in order to prevent such unexpected damage to the company's reputation, we propose a new approach to sentiment analysis using a Naive Bayes classifier, in which the features of tweets/comments are selected based on entropy-based criteria and an empirical rule to capture negative expressions. In addition, we propose a semi-supervised learning approach to relabeling noisy training data, which come from various SNS media such as Twitter, Facebook, blogs and a Japanese textboard called '2-channel'. In the experiments, we use four data sets of users' comments, which were posted to different SNS media of private companies. The experimental results show that the proposed Naive Bayes classifier model has good performance for different SNS media, and a semi-supervised learning effectively works for the data consisting of long comments. In addition, the proposed method is applied to detect flaming incidents, and we show that it is successfully detected.

  • Yuli Dai, Shunsuke Tada, Tao Ban, Junji Nakazato, Jumpei Shimamura, Seiichi Ozawa
    Malicious spam is one of the major problems of the Internet nowadays. It brings financial damage to companies and security threat to governments and organizations. Most recent spam emails contain URLs that redirect spam receivers to malicious Web servers. In this paper, we propose an online machine learning based malicious spam email detection system. The term-weighting scheme represents each spam email. These feature vectors are then used as the input of the classifier. The learning is periodically performed to update the classifier so that the system provides increased adaptability to take account of spam emails whose contents change from time to time. A real data set is labeled by the SPIKE system which is developed by NICT. Evaluation experiments show that the detection system is efficient and accurate to identify malicious spam emails.

  • Ryohei Ohta, Seiichi Ozawa
    This paper proposes a new online feature extraction method called the Incremental Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminant (IRFLD), whose batch learning algorithm, referred to as RFLD, was proposed by Xiang and colleagues. In the conventional Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), the number of discriminant vectors is limited to the number of classes minus one due to the rank of the between-class covariance matrix. However, RFLD and the proposed IRFLD can break this limit; that is, an arbitrary number of discriminant vectors can be obtained. In the proposed IRFLD, the Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis (ILDA) of Pang and colleagues is extended in such a way that effective discriminant vectors are recursively searched for in the complementary space of a conventional discriminant subspace. In addition, to estimate a suitable number of effective discriminant vectors, the classification accuracy is evaluated using the cross-validation method in an online manner. For this purpose, validation data are obtained by performing k-means clustering on incoming training data and the previous validation data. The performance of IRFLD is evaluated for 16 benchmark data sets. The experimental results show that the final classification accuracies of IRFLD are always better than those of ILDA. We also show that this performance improvement is attained by adding discriminant vectors in a complementary LDA subspace. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electron Comm Jpn, 96(4): 2940, 2013; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/ecj.10430
    WILEY, 2013年04月, ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN, 96(4) (4), 29 - 40, 英語

  • Daijiro Aoki, Toshiaki Omori, Seiichi Ozawa
    In this paper, we propose a robust incremental principal component analysis (IPCA) for stream data that can handle missing values on an ongoing basis. In the proposed IPCA, a missing value is substituted with the value estimated from a conditional probability density function. The conditional probability density functions are incrementally updated when new data are given. In the experiments, we evaluate the performance for both artificial and real data sets through the comparison with the two conventional approaches to handing missing values. We first investigate the estimation errors of missing values. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed IPCA gives lower estimation errors compared to the other approaches. Next, we investigate the approximation accuracy of eigenvectors. The results show that the proposed IPCA has relatively good accuracy of eigenvectors not only for major components but also for minor components.

  • Daijiro Aoki, Toshiaki Omori, Seiichi Ozawa
    In this paper, we propose a robust incremental principal component analysis (IPCA) for stream data that can handle missing values on an ongoing basis. In the proposed IPCA, a missing value is substituted with the value estimated from a conditional probability density function. The conditional probability density functions are incrementally updated when new data are given. In the experiments, we evaluate the performance for both artificial and real data sets through the comparison with the two conventional approaches to handing missing values. We first investigate the estimation errors of missing values. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed IPCA gives lower estimation errors compared to the other approaches. Next, we investigate the approximation accuracy of eigenvectors. The results show that the proposed IPCA has relatively good accuracy of eigenvectors not only for major components but also for minor components.

  • Daisuke Higuchi, Seiichi Ozawa
    This paper presents a new sequential multi-task learning model with the following functions: one-pass incremental learning, task allocation, knowledge transfer, task consolidation, learning of multi-label data, and active learning. This model learns multi-label data with incomplete task information incrementally. When no task information is given, class labels are allocated to appropriate tasks based on prediction errors; thus, the task allocation sometimes fails especially at the early stage. To recover from the misallocation, the proposed model has a backup mechanism called task consolidation, which can modify the task allocation not only based on prediction errors but also based on task labels in training data (if given) and a heuristics on multi-label data. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model has good performance in both classification and task categorization.

  • Aminah Ali Siti Hajar, Kiminori Fukase, Seiichi Ozawa
    Recently, mining knowledge from stream data such as access logs of computer, commodity distribution data, sales data, and human lifelog have been attracting many attentions. As one of the techniques suitable for such an environment, active learning has been studied for a long time. In this work, we propose a fast learning technique for neural networks by introducing Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) and a local learning algorithm with LSH in RBF networks. © Springer-Verlag 2013.
    Springer, 2013年, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8226(1) (1), 369 - 376, 英語

  • 追加学習型主成分分析の高速化と顔画像認識への応用
    青木大二郎, 小澤 誠一
    従来の追加学習型主成分分析(IPCA) では, 訓練データが一つまたは少数ずつ与えられるたびに固有値問題を解く必要がある. 一般に固有値計算は計算量が多いため, 繰り返し固有値問題を解くことは, 特に顔画像などの高次元データから特徴を抽出する際, 学習のリアルタイム性を損なうことにつながる. そこで, 本研究では, できるだけ認識性能を保ったまま, 固有値問題を解く回数を減らし, IPCA のリアルタイム実行性を高めた改良手法を提案する.逐次的に入力される顔画像データに対して, 提案した改良型CIPCA アルゴリズムがリアルタイムで主成分特徴を学習できることを示す.
    社団法人電子情報通信学会, 2012年06月, 信学技報, 112(108) (108), 1 - 6, 日本語

  • 小澤誠一
    Along with the development of the network technology and high-performance small devices such as surveillance cameras and smart phones, various kinds of multimodal information (texts, images, sound, etc.) are captured real-time and shared among systems through networks. Such information is given to a system as a stream of data. In a person identification system based on face recognition, for example, image frames of a face are captured by a video camera and given to the system for an identification purpose. Those face images are considered as a stream of data. Therefore, in order to identify a person more accurately under realistic environments, a high-performance feature extraction method for streaming data, which can be autonomously adapted to the change of data distributions, is solicited. In this review paper, we discuss a recent trend on online feature extraction for streaming data. There have been proposed a variety of feature extraction methods for streaming data recently. Due to the space limitation, we here focus on the incremental principal component analysis.
    一般社団法人 電気学会, 2012年, 電気学会論文誌 C, 132(1) (1), 6 - 13, 日本語

  • Takaomi Tokumoto, Seiichi Ozawa
    An incremental learning algorithm of Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) called Chunk Incremental KPCA (CIKPCA) has been proposed for online feature extraction in pattern recognition. CIKPCA can reduce the number of times to solve the eigenvalue problem compared with the conventional incremental KPCA when a small number of data are simultaneously given as a stream of data chunks. However, our previous work suggests that the computational costs of the independent data selection in CIKPCA could dominate over those of the eigenvalue decomposition when a large chunk of data are given. To verify this, we investigate the influence of the chunk size to the learning time in CIKPCA. As a result, CIKPCA requires more learning time than IKPCA unless a large chunk of data are divided into small chunks (e.g., less than 50). © 2012 IEEE.
    IEEE, 2012年, 2012 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems, EAIS 2012 - Proceedings, 7 - 10, 英語

  • Annie Anak Joseph, Young-Min Jang, Seiichi Ozawa, Minho Lee
    In this paper, a new approach to an online feature extraction under nonstationary environments is proposed by extending Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis (ILDA). The extended ILDA not only detect so-called "concept drifts" but also transfer the knowledge on discriminant feature spaces of the past concepts to construct good feature spaces. The performance of the extended ILDA is evaluated for the benchmark datasets including sudden changes and reoccurrence in concepts.

  • Tomoyasu Takata, Daisuke Higuchi, Seiichi Ozawa
    In this work, we extend the sequential multitask learning model called Resource Allocating Network for Multi-Task Pattern Recognition (RAN-MTPR) by introducing the following new learning functions: multi-label recognition, semi-supervised task learning and active learning. The extended RAN-MTPR can learn a training data with multiple class labels, can handle a semi-supervised setting for task learning, and can actively request class labels for unsure inputs. We evaluate the performance of the extended RAN-MTPR, and we know that the above three functions work well to enhance the generalization performance for pattern recognition problems.

  • Simeng Yue, Seiichi Ozawa
    In this paper, we propose a new sequential multitask pattern recognition model called Resource Allocating Network for Multi-Task Learning with Metric Learning (RAN-MTLML). RAN-MTLML has the following five functions: one-pass incremental learning, task-change detection, memory/retrieval of task knowledge, reorganization of classifier, and knowledge transfer. The knowledge transfer is actualized by transferring the metrics of all source tasks to a target task based on the task relatedness. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of introducing the metric learning and the knowledge transfer on metric in the proposed RAN-MTLML.

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Hisashi Handa
    2011年12月, Evolving Systems, 2(4) (4), 215 - 217, 英語

  • Young-Min Jang, Minho Lee, Seiichi Ozawa
    We propose a new approach to a real-time personal authentication system based on incrementally updated visual (face) and audio (voice) features of persons. The proposed system consists of real-time face detection, incremental audiovisual feature extraction, and incremental neural classifier model with long-term memory. The face detection part, a biologically motivated face-color preferable selective attention model first localizes face candidate regions in natural scenes, and then the Adaboost-based face detection identifies human faces from the localized face-candidate regions. The mel-frequency cepstral coefficient is used for vocal feature extraction of speakers. Moreover, incremental principal component analysis (IPCA) is used to reduce the dimensions of audiovisual features and to update them incrementally. The features extracted by IPCA is fed to the resource allocating network with long-term memory which learns facial and vocal features incrementally and recognizes faces in real time. Experimental results show that the proposed system can enhance the test performance incrementally without serious forgetting. In addition, a multi-modal (facial and vocal) feature effectively increases the robustness of the personal authentication system in noisy environments. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
    2011年12月, Evolving Systems, 2(4) (4), 261 - 272, 英語

  • Hitoshi Nishikawa, Seiichi Ozawa
    In this paper, a novel type of radial basis function network is proposed for multitask pattern recognition. We assume that recognition tasks are switched sequentially without notice to a learner and they have relatedness to some extent. We further assume that training data are given to learn one by one and they are discarded after learning. To learn a recognition system incrementally in such a multitask environment, we propose Resource Allocating Network for Multi-Task Pattern Recognition (RAN-MTPR). There are five distinguished functions in RAN-MTPR: one-pass incremental learning, task change detection, task categorization, knowledge consolidation, and knowledge transfer. The first three functions enable RAN-MTPR not only to acquire and accumulate knowledge of tasks stably but also to allocate classes to appropriate tasks unless task labels are not explicitly given. The fourth function enables RAN-MTPR to recover the failure in task categorization by minimizing the conflict in class allocation to tasks. The fifth function, knowledge transfer from one task to another, is realized by sharing the internal representation of a hidden layer with different tasks and by transferring class information of the most related task to a new task. The experimental results show that the recognition performance of RAN-MTPR is enhanced by introducing the two types of knowledge transfer and the consolidation works well to reduce the failure in task change detection and task categorization if the RBF width is properly set.
    SPRINGER, 2011年06月, NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS, 33(3) (3), 283 - 299, 英語

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Ryohei Ohta
    In this paper, we propose a new online feature extraction algorithm called Incremental Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminant (IRFLD). In the conventional Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), the number of discriminant vectors is limited to the number of classes minus one due to the rank of a between-class covariance matrix. However, the proposed IRFLD can remove this limitation. That is, an arbitrary number of discriminant vectors up to input dimensions can be obtained to construct a feature space. In the proposed IRFLD, the Pang et al.'s Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis (ILDA) is extended such that effective discriminant vectors are recursively searched for the complementary space of a conventional discriminant space. In addition, a suitable number of effective discriminant vectors are automatically determined using a cross-validation method, where several representative training data are held as validation data and they are updated using the k-means clustering whenever a chunk of new training data are given. The performance of IRFLD is evaluated for 5 benchmark data sets. The experimental results show that the final classification accuracies of IRFLD are always better than those of ILDA. We also reveal that this performance improvement is attained by adding discriminant vectors in a complementary discriminant space. © 2011 IEEE.
    2011年, IEEE SSCI 2011: Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - EAIS 2011: 2011 IEEE Workshop on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems, 70 - 76, 英語

  • Yonghwa Choi, Takaomi Tokumoto, Minho Lee, Seiichi Ozawa
    In this paper, we propose a new incremental two-directional two-dimensional principal component analysis (I(2D)(2)PCA) to efficiently recognize human faces. For implementing a real time face recognition system in an embedded system, the reduction of computational load as well as memory of a feature extraction algorithm is very important issue. The (2D)(2)PCA is faster than the conventional PCA. From memory capacity point of view, the incremental PCA is very efficient algorithm by adapting the eigensapce only using a new incoming sample data without memorizing all of previous trained data. In order to construct an efficient algorithm with less memory and small computational load, we propose a new feature extraction method by combining the IPCA and the (2D)(2)PCA. To evaluate the performance of the proposed (I(2D)(2)PCA), a series of experiments were performed on two face image databases: ORL and Yale face databases. The experimental results show that the proposed feature extraction method is efficient by reducing the memory while computational load is nearly similar to I(2D)(2)PCA.

  • 太田良平, 小澤誠一
    This paper proposes a new online feature extraction method called Incremental Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminant (IRFLD) whose batch learning algorithm called RFLD has been proposed by Xiang et al. In the conventional Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), the number of discriminant vectors is limited to the number of classes minus one due to the rank of the between-class covariance matrix. However, RFLD and the proposed IRFLD can break this limit; that is, an arbitrary number of discriminant vectors can be obtained. In the proposed IRFLD, the Pang et al.'s Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis (ILDA) is extended such that effective discriminant vectors are recursively searched for the complementary space of a conventional discriminant subspace. In addition, to estimate a suitable number of effective discriminant vectors, the classification accuracy is evaluated with a cross-validation method in an online manner. For this purpose, validation data are obtained by performing the k-means clustering against incoming training data and previous validation data. The performance of IRFLD is evaluated for 16 benchmark data sets. The experimental results show that the final classification accuracies of IRFLD are always better than those of ILDA. We also reveal that this performance improvement is attained by adding discriminant vectors in a complementary LDA subspace.
    一般社団法人 電気学会, 2011年, 電気学会論文誌 C, 131(7) (7), 1368 - 1376, 日本語

  • Chunyu Liu, Young-Min Jang, Seiichi Ozawa, Minho Lee
    In this paper, we propose an incremental 2-directional 2-dimensional linear discriminant analysis (I-(2D)(2)LDA) for multitask pattern recognition (MTPR) problems in which a chunk of training data for a particular task are given sequentially and the task is switched to another related task one after another. In I-(2D) 2LDA, a discriminant space of the current task spanned by 2 types of discriminant vectors is augmented with effective discriminant vectors that are selected from other tasks based on the class separability. We call the selective augmentation of discriminant vectors knowledge transfer of feature space. In the experiments, the proposed I-(2D)(2)LDA is evaluated for the three tasks using the ORL face data set: person identification (Task 1), gender recognition (Task 2), and young-senior discrimination (Task 3). The results show that the knowledge transfer works well for Tasks 2 and 3; that is, the test performance of gender recognition and that of young-senior discrimination are enhanced.
    IEEE, 2011年, 2011 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS (IJCNN), pp. 2911-2916, 2911 - 2916, 英語

  • Takaomi Tokumoto, Seiichi Ozawa
    In this paper, a new incremental learning algorithm of Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) is proposed for online feature extraction in pattern recognition problems. The proposed algorithm is derived by extending the Takeuchi et al.'s Incremental KPCA (T-IKPCA) that can learn a new data incrementally without keeping past training data. However, even if more than two data are given in a chunk, T-IKPCA should learn them individually; that is, in order to update the eigen-feature space, the eigenvalue decomposition should be performed for every data in the chunk. To alleviate this problem, we extend T-IKPCA such that an eigen-feature space learning is conducted by performing the eigenvalue decomposition only once for a chunk of given data. In the proposed IKPCA, whenever a new chunk of training data are given, linearly independent data are first selected based on the cumulative proportion. Then, the eigenspace augmentation is conducted by calculating the coefficients for the selected linearly independent data, and the eigen-feature space is rotated based on the rotation matrix that can be obtained by solving a kernel eigenvalue problem. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed IKPCA, the learning time and the accuracy of eigenvectors are evaluated using the three UCI benchmark data sets. From the experimental results, we confirm that the proposed IKPCA can learn an eigen-feature space very fast without sacrificing the recognition accuracy.
    IEEE, 2011年, 2011 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS (IJCNN), pp. 2881-2888, 2881 - 2888, 英語

  • Tomoyasu Takata, Seiichi Ozawa
    In this paper, we extend the sequential multitask learning model called Resource Allocating Network for Multi-Task Pattern Recognition (RAN-MTPR) proposed by Nishikawa et al. such that it can learn a training sample with multiple class labels which are originated from different lassification tasks. Here, we assume that no task information is given for training samples. Therefore, the extended RAN-MTPR has to allocate multiple class labels to appropriate tasks under unsupervised settings. This is carried out based on the prediction errors in the output sections, and the most probable task is selected from the output section with a minimum error. Through the computer simulations using the ORL face dataset, we show that the extended RAN-MTPR works well as a multitask learning model. © 2011 IEEE.
    2011年, Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2011, 2, 35 - 40, 英語

  • Fast Variable Selection by Block Addition and Block Deletion
    Nagatani Takashi, Ozawa Seiichi, Abe Shigeo
    2010年12月, Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 200-211, 英語

  • An Autonomous Incremental Learning Algorithm for Radial Basis Function Networks
    Ozawa Seiichi, Tabuchi Toshihisa, Nakasaka Sho, Roy Asim
    2010年12月, Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 179-189, 英語

  • Masayuki Hisada, Seiichi Ozawa, Kau Zhang, Nikola Kasabov
    In this paper, we propose a new incremental linear discriminant analysis (ILDA) for multitask pattern recognition (MTPR) problems in which a chunk of training data for a particular task are given sequentially and the task is switched to another related task one after another. The Pang et al.'s ILDA is extended such that a discriminant space of the current task is augmented with effective discriminant vectors that are selected from other tasks based on the class separability. We call this selective augmentation of discriminant vectors knowledge transfer of feature space. In the experiments, the proposed ILDA is evaluated for seven MTPR problems, each of which consists of three recognition tasks. The results demonstrate that the proposed ILDA with knowledge transfer outperforms the conventional ILDA and its naive extension to MTPR problems with regard to both class separability and recognition accuracy. We confirm that the proposed knowledge transfer works well to evolve effective feature spaces online in MTPR problems. © Springer-Verlag 2010.
    2010年08月, Evolving Systems, 1(1) (1), 17 - 27, 英語

    Makoto Murata, Seiichi Ozawa
    This paper presents a new approach to reinforcement learning in which an optimal action policy is learned not only for primitive actions but also for deterministic state-action sequences called macro-actions. To control the exploration and exploitation of macro-actions, the temperature parameter defined by the state values and the frequency of visiting states are added to representative state-action. pairs called memory items, which are stored in the long-term memory of the proposed Actor-Critic neural model. In the proposed model, no explicit form of macro-actions is defined. A macro-action is defined as a sequence of memory items with low temperature. By applying the softmax action selection to each of the memory items, an agent takes a series of actions in a deterministic way, resulting in the exploitation of a macro-action. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model can learn quite faster than the conventional Actor-Critic neural models in which no macro-action is introduced.

  • 追加学習型カーネル主成分分析によるオンライン特徴抽出
    小澤誠一, 竹内洋平, 阿部重夫
    一般社団法人電子情報通信学会, 2010年, 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, J93-D(6) (6), 826 - 836, 日本語

  • An Autonomous Incremental Learning Algorithm of Resource Allocating Network for Online Pattern Recognition
    Seiichi Ozawa, Sho Nakasaka, Asim Roy
    In this paper, we propose a new autonomous incremental learning algorithm for radial basis function networks called Autonomous Learning algorithm for Resource Allocating Network (AL-RAN). The proposed AL-RAN can carried out the following operations autonomously: (1) data collection for initial learning, (2) data normalization, (3) allocation of RBFs, (4) setting and adjusting RBF widths, and (5) incremental learning. In this paper, we mainly improve the first four functions in the initial learning phase where a convergence criterion based on the class separability of collected data is adopted in order to reduce the computational costs. In AL-RAN, training data are first collected until the class separability is converged or the recognition accuracies for normalized and unnormalized data have a significant difference. Then, an initial structure of AL-RAN is autonomously determined from the collected data, and AL-RAN is trained with them. After the initial learning, the incremental learning of AL-RAN is conducted whenever a new training data is given. In the experiments, we evaluate AL-RAN using five benchmark datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that the above autonomous functions work well and the number of collected data in the proposed AL-RAN is significantly decreased without sacrificing the final recognition accuracy as compared with the previous version of AL-RAN.

  • 小澤誠一, 岡本圭介
    To avoid the catastrophic interference in incremental learning, we have proposed Resource Allocating Network with Long Term Memory (RAN-LTM). In RAN-LTM, not only new training data but also some memory items stored in long-term memory are trained either by a gradient descent algorithm or by solving a linear regression problem. In the latter approach, radial basis function (RBF) centers are not trained but selected based on output errors when connection weights are updated. The proposed incremental learning algorithm belongs to the latter approach where the errors not only for a training data but also for several retrieved memory items and pseudo training data are minimized to suppress the catastrophic interference. The novelty of the proposed algorithm is that connection weights to be learned are restricted based on RBF activation in order to improve the efficiency in learning time and memory size. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm in one-dimensional and multi-dimensional function approximation problems in terms of approximation accuracy, learning time, and average memory size. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can learn fast and have good performance with less memory size compared to memory-based learning methods.
    一般社団法人 電気学会, 2010年, 電気学会論文誌 C, 130(9) (9), 1667 - 1673, 日本語

  • Young-Min Jang, Seiichi Ozawa, Minho Lee
    We propose a new approach for a real-time personal authentication system, which consists of a selective face attention model, incremental feature extraction, and an incremental neural classifier model with long-term memory. In this paper, a face-color preferable selective attention combined with the Adaboost algorithm is used to detect human faces, and incremental principal component analysis (IPCA) and resource allocating network with long-term memory (RAN-LTM) are effectively combined to implement real-time personal authentication systems. The biologically motivated face-color preferable selective attention model localizes face candidate regions in a natural scene, and then the Adaboost based face detection process identifies human faces from the localized face-candidate regions. IPCA updates an eigen- space incrementally by rotating eigen-axes and adaptively increasing the eigen-space dimensions. The features extracted by projecting inputs to the eigen-space are given to RAN-LTM which learns facial features incrementally without unexpected forgetting and recognizes faces in real time. The experimental results show that the proposed model successfully recognizes 200 human faces through incremental learning without serious forgetting.

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Yohei Takeuchi, Shigeo Abe
    In this paper, we present a modified version of incremental Kernel Principal Component Analysis (IKPCA) which was originally proposed by Takeuchi et al. as an online nonlinear feature extraction method. The proposed IKPCA learns a high-dimensional feature space incrementally by solving an eigenvalue problem whose matrix size is given by the power of the number of independent data. In the proposed IKPCA, independent data are used for calculating eigenvectors in a feature space, but they are selected in a low-dimensional eigen-feature space. Hence, the size of an eigenvalue problem is usually small, and this allows IKPCA to learn eigen-feature spaces very fast even though the eigenvalue decomposition has to be carried out at every learning stage. The proposed IKPCA. consists of two learning phases: initial learning phase and incremental learning phase. In the former, some parameters are optimized and an initial eigen-feature space is computed by applying the conventional KPCA. In the latter, the eigen-feature space is incrementally updated whenever a new data is given. In the experiments, we evaluate the learning time and the approximation accuracies of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed IKPCA learns eigen-feature spaces very fast with good approximation accuracy.

  • 津守研二, 小澤誠一
    When environments are dynamically changed for agents, the knowledge acquired in an environment might be useless in future. In such dynamic environments, agents should be able to not only acquire new knowledge but also modify old knowledge in learning. However, modifying all knowledge acquired before is not efficient because the knowledge once acquired may be useful again when similar environment reappears and some knowledge can be shared among different environments. To learn efficiently in such environments, we propose a neural network model that consists of the following modules: resource allocating network, long-term & short-term memory, and environment change detector. We evaluate the model under a class of dynamic environments where multiple function approximation tasks are sequentially given. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model possesses stable incremental learning, accurate environmental change detection, proper association and recall of old knowledge, and efficient knowledge transfer.
    一般社団法人 電気学会, 2010年, 電気学会論文誌 C, 130(1) (1), 21 - 28, 日本語

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Asim Roy, Dmitri Roussinov
    This paper presents a new learning algorithm for multitask pattern recognition (MTPR) problems. We consider learning multiple multiclass classification tasks online where no information is ever provided about the task category of a training example. The algorithm thus needs an automated task recognition capability to properly learn the different classification tasks. The learning mode is "online" where training examples for different tasks are mixed in a random fashion and given sequentially one after another. We assume that the classification tasks are related to each other and that both the tasks and their training examples appear in random during "online training." Thus, the learning algorithm has to continually switch from learning one task to another whenever the training examples change to a different task. This also implies that the learning algorithm has to detect task changes automatically and utilize knowledge of previous tasks for learning new tasks fast. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated for ten MTPR problems using five University of California at Irvine (UCI) data sets. The experiments verify that the proposed algorithm can indeed acquire and accumulate task knowledge and that the transfer of knowledge from tasks already learned enhances the speed of knowledge acquisition on new tasks and the final classification accuracy'. In addition, the task categorization accuracy is greatly improved for all MTPR problems by introducing the reorganization process even if the presentation order of class training examples is fairly biased.

  • 恩田 宏, 小澤 誠一
    A macro-action is a typical series of useful actions that brings high expected rewards to an agent. Murata et al. have proposed an Actor-Critic model which can generate macro-actions automatically based on the information on state values and visiting frequency of states. However, their model has not assumed that generated macro-actions are utilized for leaning different tasks. In this paper, we extend the Murata's model such that generated macro-actions can help an agent learn an optimal policy quickly in multi-task Grid-World (MTGW) maze problems. The proposed model is applied to two MTGW problems, each of which consists of six different maze tasks. Prom the experimental results, it is concluded that the proposed model could speed up learning if macro-actions are generated in the so-called correlated regions. © 2009 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
    Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2009年, 電気学会論文誌C, 129(4) (4), 21 - 743, 英語

  • Shaoning Pang, Seiichi Ozawa, Nik Kasabov
    This paper presented a novel active linear discriminant analysis (LDA) learning method in the form of curiosity-driven incremental LDA (cILDA) and multiple cILDA agents cooperative learning (mcILDA). The curiosity in psychology here is modelled mathematically as a discriminability residue in-between instance space and its corresponding eigenspace. As the learning proceeds, the curiosity of an individual agent updates over time by two incremental learning processes: One updates the characterization of eigenspace and another re-calculates the curiosity. In the multi-agent scenario, individual agent communicates and cooperates with each other at every learning stage to discover the discriminant characterization of the whole pattern. In the experiment, we described how the discriminative instances could be significantly selected based on the curiosity with, at most, minor sacrifices in learning rate and classification accuracy. The experimental results show that the proposed curiosity learning performs gracefully under different level of redundancy, and the proposed cILDA/mcILDA learning system is capable of learning less instances, but has more often an improved discrimination performance.
    IEEE, 2009年, IJCNN: 2009 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS, VOLS 1- 6, pp. 2401-2408, 1616 - +, 英語

  • Ryohei Ohta, Seiichi Ozawa
    This paper presents an online feature extraction method called Incremental Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminant (IRFLD) whose batch learning algorithm called RFLD has been proposed by Xiang et al. In the conventional Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), the number of discriminant vectors is limited to the number of classes minus one due to the rank of the between-class scatter matrix. RFLD and the proposed IRFLD can eliminate this limitation. In the proposed IRFLD, the Pang et al.'s Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis (ILDA) is extended such that effective discriminant vectors are recursively searched for the complementary space of a conventional ILDA subspace. In addition, to estimate a suitable number of effective discriminant vectors, we also propose a convergence criterion for the recursive computations which is defined by using the class separability of discriminant features projected on the complementary subspace. The experimental results suggest that the recognition accuracies of IRFLD is improved as the learning proceeds. For several datasets, we confirm that the proposed IRFLD outperforms ILDA in terms of the recognition accuracy. However, the advantage of IRFLD against ILDA depends on datasets.
    IEEE, 2009年, IJCNN: 2009 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS, VOLS 1- 6, pp. 2310-2315, 2671 - 2676, 英語

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Yuki Kawashima, Shaoning Pang, Niko La Kasabov
    In this paper, we propose a new Chunk IPCA algorithm in which an optimal threshold of accumulation ratio is adaptively selected such that the classification accuracy is maximized for a validation data set. In order to obtain a proper set of validation data, an online clustering method called Evolving Clustering Method (ECM) is introduced into Chunk IPCA. In the proposed Chunk IPCA called CIPCA-ECM, training data are first separated into the subsets of every class; then, ECM is applied to each subset to update the validation data set. In the experiments, the evaluation of the proposed Chunk IPCA algorithm is carried out using the four UCI data sets and the effectiveness of updating the threshold is discussed. The results suggest that the incremental learning of an eigenspace in the proposed CIPCA-ECM is stably carried out, and a compact and effective eigenspace is obtained over the entire learning stages. The recognition accuracy of CIPCA-ECM is almost equal to the best performance of CIPCA-FIX in which an optimal threshold is manually predetermined.
    IEEE, 2009年, IJCNN: 2009 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS, VOLS 1- 6, pp. 2394-2400, 2889 - +, 英語

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Kazuya Matsumoto, Shaoning Pang, Nikola Kasabov
    We have proposed all online feature extraction method called Chunk Incremental Principal Component Analysis (Chunk IPCA) where a chunk of data is trained at a time to update an eigenspace model. In this paper, we propose an extended version of Chunk IPCA in which a proper threshold for the accumulation ratio is adaptively determined such that the highest classification accuracy is maintained for a validation data set. Whenever a new chunk of training data is given, the validation set is updated in all online fashion by using the k-means clustering or through the prototype selection based oil the classification results. The experimental results show that the extended version of Chunk IPCA call determine a proper threshold oil an ongoing basis, resulting in keeping higher classification accuracy than the original Chunk IPCA..

  • Masayuki Hisada, Seiichi Ozawa, Kau Zhang, Shaoning Pang, Nikola Kasabov
    hi this paper, we propose a new incremental linear discriminant analysis (ILDA) for multitask pattern recognition (MTPR) problems in which training samples of a specific recognition task are given one after another for a certain period of time and the task is switched to another related task in turn. The Pang et al.'s ILDA is extended such that a discriminant space of the current task is augmented with effective discriminant vectors that are selected from other related tasks based on the class separability. We call the selection and augmentation of such discriminant vectors knowledge transfer of feature subspaces. Tit the experiments, the proposed ILDA is evaluated for the four MTPR, problems, each of which consists of three multi-class recognition tasks. The results demonstrate that the proposed ILDA outperforms the ILDA without the knowledge transfer with regard to both the class separability and recognition accuracy. Front the experimental results, we confirm that the proposed knowledge transfer mechanism works well to construct effective discriminant feature spaces incrementally.

  • Hitoshi Nishikawa, Seiichi Ozawa, Asim Roy
    In this paper, we propose a new multitask learning (MTL) model which can learn a series of multi-class pattern recognition problems stably. The knowledge transfer in the proposed MTL model is implemented by the following mechanisms: (1) transfer by sharing the internal representation of RBFs and (2) transfer of the information on class subregions from the related tasks. The proposed model can detect task changes on its own based on the output errors even though no task information is given by the environment. It also learn training samples of different tasks that are given one after another. In the experiments, the recognition performance is evaluated for the eight MTPR problems which are defined from the four UCI data sets. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed MTL model outperforms a single-task learning model in terms of the final classification accuracy. Furthermore, we show that the transfer of class subregion contributes to enhancing the generalization performance of a new task with less training samples.

  • Kazuya Morikawa, Seiichi Ozawa, Shigeo Abe
    We propose two methods for tuning membership functions of a kernel fuzzy classifier based on the idea of SVM (support vector machine) training. We assume that in a kernel fuzzy classifier a fuzzy rule is defined for each class in the feature space. In the first method, we tune the slopes of the membership functions at the same time so that the margin between classes is maximized under the constraints that the degree of membership to which a data sample belongs is the maximum among all the classes. This method is similar to a linear all-at-once SVM. We call this AAO tuning. In the second method, we tune the membership function of a class one at a time. Namely, for a class the slope of the associated membership function is tuned so that the margin between the class and the remaining classes is maximized under the constraints that the degrees of membership for the data belonging to the class are large and those for the remaining data are small. This method is similar to a linear one-against-all SVM. This is called OAA tuning. According to the computer experiment for fuzzy classifiers based on kernel discriminant analysis and those with ellipsoidal regions, usually both methods improve classification performance by tuning membership functions and classification performance by AAO tuning is slightly better than that by OAA tuning. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.
    2009年, Memetic Computing, 1(3) (3), 221 - 228, 英語

  • Hiroshi Onda, Seiichi Ozawa
    A macro-action is a typical series of useful actions that brings high expected rewards to an agent. Murata et al. have proposed an Actor-Critic model which can generate macro-actions automatically based on the information on state values and visiting frequency of states. However, their model has not assumed that generated macro-actions are utilized for leaning different tasks. In this paper, we extend the Murata's model such that generated macro-actions can help an agent learn an optimal policy quickly in multi-task Grid-World (MTGW) maze problems. The proposed model is applied to two MTGW problems, each of which consists of six different maze tasks. From the experimental results, it is concluded that the proposed model could speed up learning if macro-actions are generated in the so-called correlated regions.
    IEEE, 2009年, 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN AND CYBERNETICS (SMC 2009), VOLS 1-9, 6 pages, 3088 - 3093, 英語

  • Toshihisa Tabuchi, Seiichi Ozawa, Asim Roy
    Selecting proper parameters of RBF networks has been a puzzling problem even for batch learning. The parameter selection is usually carried out by an external supervisor. To exclude the intervention by an external supervisor from the parameter selection, we propose a new learning scheme called Autonomous Learning algorithm for Resource Allocating Network (AL-RAN). AL-RAN is an incremental learning algorithm which consists of the following functions: automated data, normalization and automated adjustment of RBF widths. In the experiments, we evaluate AL-RAN using nine benchmark datasets in terms of the decision accuracy of data normalization and the final classification accuracy. The experimental results demonstrate that the above two functions in AL-RAN work well and the final classification accuracy of AL-RAN is almost the same as that, of a non-autonomous model whose parameters are manually tuned by an external supervisor.

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Keisuke Okamoto
    To learn things incrementally without the catastrophic interference, we have proposed Resource Allocating Network with Long-Term Memory (RAN-LTM). In RAN-LTM, not only training data but also memory items stored in long-term memory are trained. In this paper, we propose an extended RAN-LTM called Resource Allocating Network by Local Linear Regression (RAN-LLR), in which its centers are not trained but selected based on output errors and the connections are updated by solving a linear regression problem. To reduce the computation and memory costs, the modified connections are restricted based on RBF activity. In the experiments, we first apply RAN-LLR to a one-dimensional function approximation problem to see how the negative interference is effectively suppressed. Then, the performance of RAN-LLR is evaluated for a real-world prediction problem. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed RAN-LLR can learn fast and accurately with less memory costs compared with the conventional models.

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Shaoning Pang, Nikola Kasabov
    This paper presents a pattern classification system in which feature extraction and classifier learning are simultaneously carried out not only online but also in one pass where training samples are presented only once. For this purpose, we have extended incremental principal component analysis (IPCA) and some classifier models were effectively combined with it. However, there was a drawback in this approach that training samples must be learned one by one due to the limitation of IPCA. To overcome this problem, we propose another extension of IPCA called chunk IPCA in which a chunk of training samples is processed at a time. In the experiments, we evaluate the classification performance for several large-scale data sets to discuss the scalability of chunk IPCA under one-pass incremental learning environments. The experimental results suggest that chunk IPCA can reduce the training time effectively as compared with IPCA unless the number of input attributes is too large. We study the influence of the size of initial training data and the size of given chunk data on classification accuracy and learning time. We also show that chunk IPCA can obtain major eigenvectors with fairly good approximation.

  • An Incremental Principal Component Analysis Based on Dynamic Accumulation Ratio
    Seiichi Ozawa, Kazuya Matsumoto, Shaoning Pang, Nikola Kasabov
    We have proposed an online feature extraction method called Chunk Incremental Principal Component Analysis (CIPCA) where a chunk of data is trained at a time to update an eigenspace model. This paper presents an extended version in which the threshold for accumulation ratio is adaptively determined so that the classification accuracy for validation data is always maximized. To define the validation set online, the prototypes are selected from given training samples by k-means clustering or nearest neighbor classifier. The experimental results show that the proposed CIPCA can update the threshold properly so as to maintain high classification accuracy.
    IEEE, 2008年, 2008 PROCEEDINGS OF SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-7, 2370 - +, 英語

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Shaoning Pang, Nikola Kasabov
    In this paper, a novel face recognition system is presented in which not only a classifier but also a feature space is learned incrementally to adapt to a chunk of incoming training samples. A distinctive feature of the proposed system is that the selection of useful features and the learning of an optimal decision boundary are conducted in an online fashion. In the proposed system, Chunk Incremental Principal Component Analysis (CIPCA) and Resource Allocating Network with Long-Term Memory are effectively combined. In the experiments, the proposed face recognition system is evaluated for a self-compiled face image database. The experimental results demonstrate that the test performance of the proposed system is consistently improved over the learning stages, and that the learning speed of a feature space is greatly enhanced by CIPCA.

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Asim Roy
    This paper presents a learning model of multitask pattern recognition (MTPR) which is constructed by several neural classifiers, long-term memories, and the detector Of task changes. In the MTPR problem, several multi-class classification tasks are sequentially given to the learning model without notifying their task categories. This implies that the learning model is supposed to detect task changes by itself and to utilize the knowledge on the previous tasks for learning of new tasks. In addition, the learning model must acquire knowledge of multiple tasks incrementally without unexpected forgetting under the condition that not only tasks but also training samples are sequentially given. The proposed model is evaluated for two artificial MTPR problem. In the experiments, we verify that the proposed model can acquire and accumulate task knowledge very stably and the speed of knowledge acquisition for new tasks is enhanced by transferring knowledge.

  • 高畑 宏樹, 小谷 学, 小澤 誠一
    Independent component analysis (ICA) is a technique of transforming observation signals into their unknown independent components; hence, ICA has often been applied to blind signal separation problems. In this application, it is expected that tile obtained independent components extract essential information of independent signal sources from input data in an unsupervised fashion. Based on Such characteristics, ICA is currently utilized as a feature extraction method for images and sounds for recognition purposes. However, since ICA is an unsupervised learning, the obtained independent components are not always useful in recognition. To overcome this problem, we propose a supervised approach to ICA using category information. The proposed method is implemented in a conventional three-layered neural network, but its objective function to be minimized is defined not only for the output layer but also for the hidden layer. The objective function consists of the following two terms: one evaluates the kurtosis of hidden unit outputs and the other evaluates the error between Output signals and their teacher signals. The experiments are performed using several standard datasets to evaluate performance of the proposed algorithm. It is confirmed that a higher recognition accuracy is attained by the proposed method as compared with a conventional ICA algorithm. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
    SCRIPTA TECHNICA-JOHN WILEY & SONS, 2007年11月, 電気学会論文誌C分冊, 161(2) (2), 25 - 32, 英語

  • Shinji Kita, Seiichi Ozawa, Satoshi Maekawa, Shigeo Abe
    In this paper, we present a new method to enhance classification performance of a multiple classifier system by combining a boosting technique called AdaBoost.M2 and Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA). To reduce the dependency between classifier outputs and to speed up the learning, each classifier is trained in a different feature space, which is obtained by applying KDA to a small set of hard-to-classify training samples. The training of the system is conducted based on AdaBoot.M2, and the classifiers are implemented by Radial Basis Function networks. To perform KDA at every boosting round in a realistic time scale, a new kernel selection method based on the class separability measure is proposed. Furthermore, a new criterion of the training convergence is also proposed to acquire good classification performance with fewer boosting rounds. To evaluate the proposed method, several experiments are carried out using standard evaluation datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed. method can select an optimal kernel parameter more efficiently than the conventional cross-validation method, and that the training of boosting classifiers is terminated with a fairly small number of rounds to attain good classification accuracy. For multi-class classification problems, the proposed method outperforms both Boosting Linear Discriminant Analysis (BLDA) and Radial-Basis Function Network (RBFN) with regard to the classification accuracy. On the other hand, the performance evaluation for 2-class problems shows that the advantage of the proposed BKDA against BLDA and RBFN depends on the datasets.

  • Yohei Takeuchi, Seiichi Ozawa, Shigeo Abe
    In this paper, a feature extraction method for online classification problems is proposed by extending Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA). In our previous work, we proposed an incremental KPCA algorithm which could learn a new input incrementally without keeping all the past training data. In this algorithm, eigenvectors are represented by a linear sum of linearly independent data which are selected from given training data. A serious drawback of the previous IKPCA is that many independent data are prone to be selected during learning and this causes large computation and memory costs. For this problem, we propose a novel approach to the selection of independent data that is, they are not selected in the high-dimensional feature space but in the low-dimensional eigenspace spanned by the current eigenvectors. Using this method, the number of independent data is restricted to the number of eigenvectors. This restriction makes the learning of the modified IKPCA (M-IKPCA) very fast without loosing the approximation accuracy against true eigenvectors. To verify the effectiveness of M-IKPCA, the learning time and the accuracy of eigenspaces are evaluated using two UCI benchmark datasets. As a result, we confirm that the learning of M-IKPCA is at least 5 times faster than the previous version of IKPCA. ©2007 IEEE.
    2007年, IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings, 2346 - 2351, 英語

  • An online face recognition system with incremental learning ability
    Seiichi Ozawa, Michiro Hirai, Shigeo Abe
    In this paper, a new approach to face recognition is presented in which not only a classifier but also a feature space is learned incrementally to adapt to a chunk of training samples. A benefit of this type of incremental learning is that the search for useful features and the learning of an optimal decision boundary are carried out in an online fashion. To implement this idea, Chunk Incremental Principal Component Analysis (IPCA) and Resource Allocating Network with Long-Term Memory are effectively combined. Using Chunk IPCA, a feature space is updated by rotating its eigen-axes and increasing the dimensions to adapt to a chunk of given training samples. In the experiments, the proposed incremental learning model is evaluated over a self-compiled face image database. As the result, we verify that the proposed model works well without serious forgetting and the test performance is improved as the learning stages proceed.

  • Yohei Takeuchi, Seiichi Ozawa, Shigeo Abe
    In this paper, a feature extraction method for online classification problems is proposed by extending Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA). In our previous work, we proposed an incremental KPCA algorithm which could learn a new input incrementally without keeping all the past training data. In this algorithm, eigenvectors are represented by a linear sum of linearly independent data which are selected from given training data. A serious drawback of the previous IKPCA is that many independent data are prone to be selected during learning and this causes large computation and memory costs. For this problem, we propose a novel approach to the selection of independent data; that is, they are not selected in the high-dimensional feature space but in the low-dimensional eigenspace spanned by the current eigenvectors. Using this method, the number of independent data is restricted to the number of eigenvectors. This restriction makes the learning of the modified IKPCA (M-IKPCA) very fast without loosing the approximation accuracy against true eigenvectors. To verify the effectiveness of M-IKPCA, the learning time and the accuracy of eigenspaces are evaluated using two UCI benchmark datasets. As a result, we confirm that the learning of M-IKPCA is at least 5 times faster than the previous version of IKPCA.

  • Boosting Kernel Discriminant Analysis for pattern classification
    Shinji Kita, Seiichi Ozawa, Satoshi Maekawa, Shigeo Abe
    This paper presents a new boosting algorithm called Boosting Kernel Discriminant Analysis (BKDA) in which the feature selection and the classifier training are conducted by Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA) and AdaBoost.M2, respectively. To reduce the dependency between classifier outputs and to speed up the learning, each classifier is trained in the different feature space which is obtained by applying KDA to a small set of hard-to-classify training samples. The proposed BKDA is evaluated using standard benchmark datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that BKDA outperforms both Boosting Linear Discriminant Analysis (BLDA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) for multi-class classification problems. On the other hand, the performance evaluation for 2-class problems shows that the advantage of the proposed BKDA against BLDA and SVM depends on the datasets.

  • 高畑 宏樹, 小谷 学, 小澤 誠一
    Independent component analysis (ICA) is a technique of transforming observation signals into their unknown independent components; hence ICA has been often applied to blind signal separation problems. In this application, it is expected that the obtained independent components extract essential information of independent signal sources from input data in an unsupervised fashion. Based on such characteristics, ICA is recently utilized as a feature extraction method for images and sounds for recognition purposes. However, since ICA is an unsupervised learning, the obtained independent components are not always useful in recognition. To overcome this problem, we propose a supervised approach to ICA using category information. The proposed method is implemented in a conventional three-layered neural network, but its objective function to be minimized is defined for not only the output layer but also the hidden layer. The objective function consists of the following two terms: one evaluates the kurtosis of hidden unit outputs and the other evaluates the error between output signals and their teacher signals. The experiments are performed for some standard datasets to evaluate the proposed algorithm. It is verified that higher recognition accuracy is attained by the proposed method as compared with a conventional ICA algorithm.
    一般社団法人 電気学会, 2006年04月, 電気学会論文誌. C, 電子・情報・システム部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and System Society, 126(4) (4), 542 - 547, 日本語

  • On-line Feature Selection for Adaptive Evolving Connectionist
    小澤 誠一
    A new concept for pattern classification systems is proposed in which the feature selection and the learning classifier are simultaneously carried out on-line. An advantage of this concept is that classification systems can improve their performance constantly even if insufficient training samples are given when the learning starts, often resulting in inappropriate feature selection and poor classifier performance. To implement this concept, we propose an adaptive evolving connectionist model in which Incremental Principal Component Analysis and Evolving Clustering Method are effectively combined. The proposed on-line learning scheme has two major desirable properties. First, the performance is improved as the learning proceeds and it converges to an acceptable level from any initial conditions. Second, the learning is sequentially carried out without retaining all the training data given so far; thus, the learning is conducted efficiently in term of the computation and memory costs. To evaluate the proposed model, the recognition performance is investigated using three standard datasets in the UCI machine learning repository. From the experimental results, we verify that the proposed scheme possesses the above two characteristics.
    ICIC INTERNATIONAL, 2006年02月, Proc. Int. Workshop on Fuzzy Systems & Innovational Computing (FIC2004) 1 (CD-ROM), 2(1) (1), 181 - 192, 英語

  • Takuya Kidera, Seiichi Ozawa, Shigeo Abe
    In this paper, we propose an incremental learning model for ensemble classifier systems. In the proposed model, the number of classifiers is predetermined and fixed during the learning, and all classifiers are updated at every learning stage based on an extended algorithm of AdaBoost.M1. A neural network model called Resource Allocating Network with Long-Term Memory (RAN-LTM), which has been developed to realize stable incremental learning, is adopted as a classifier. We also propose a new method to update the classifier weights in the weighted majority voting under the one-pass incremental learning situations. In the experiments, first we verify that the proposed model can learn incrementally without serious forgetting and that the performance is not influenced seriously by the size of a training subset given at every learning stage. Then, through a comparison with Resource Allocating Network (RAN), RAN-LTM, and AdaBoost.M1, we demonstrate that the proposed incremental ensemble classifier system has comparable performance with a batch-learning ensemble classifier system, and that it outperforms both batch-learning and incremental-learning single-classifier systems. © 2006 IEEE.
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2006年, IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings, 3421 - 3427, 英語

  • Incremental kernel PCA for online learning of feature space
    Shosuke Kimura, Seiichi Ozawa, Shigeo Abe
    In this paper, a feature extraction method for online classification problems is presented by extending Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA). ne proposed incremental KPCA (IKPCA) constructs a nonlinear high-dimensional feature space incrementally by not only updating eigen-axes but also adding new eigen-axes. The augmentation of a new eigen-axis is carried out when the accumulation ratio falls below a threshold value. We mathematically derive the incremental update equations of eigen-axes and the accumulation ratio without keeping all training samples. From the experimental results, we conclude that the proposed IKPCA works well as an incremental learning algorithm of a feature space in the sense that a minimum number of axes are augmented to maintain a designated accumulation ratio, and that the eigenvectors with major eigenvalues can converge closely to those of the batch type of KPCA. In addition, the recognition accuracy of IKPCA is similar to or slightly better than that of KPCA.

  • Incremental Learning of Feature Space and Classifier for On-Line Pattern Recognition
    OZAWA Seiichi, PANG Shaoning, KASABOV Nikola
    2006年01月, International Journal of Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Engineering Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 57-65, 英語

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Shaoning Pang, Nikola Kasabov
    This paper presents a new algorithm of dynamic feature selection by extending the algorithm of Incremental Principal Component Analysis (IPCA), which has been originally proposed by Hall and Martin. In the proposed IPCA, a chunk of training samples can be processed at a time to update the eigenspace of a classification model without keeping all the training samples given so far. Under the assumption that L of training samples are given in a chunk, first we derive a new eigenproblem whose solution gives us a rotation matrix of eigen-axes, then we introduce a new algorithm of augmenting eigen-axes based on the accumulation ratio. We also derive the one-pass incremental update formula for the accumulation ratio. The experiments are carried out to verify if the proposed IPCA works well. Our experimental results demonstrate that it works well independent of the size of data chunk, and that the eigenvectors for major components are obtained without serious approximation errors at the final learning stage. In addition, it is shown that the proposed IPCA can maintain the designated accumulation ratio by augmenting new eigen-axes properly. This property enables a learning system to construct an informative eigenspace with minimum dimensionality.
    IEEE, 2006年, 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-5, pp. 10493-10500, 2278 - +, 英語

  • An incremental learning algorithm of ensemble classifier systems
    Takuya Kidera, Seiichi Ozawa, Shigeo Abe
    In this paper, we propose an incremental learning model for ensemble classifier systems. In the proposed model, the number of classifiers is predetermined and fixed during the learning, and all classifiers are updated at every learning stage based on an extended algorithm of AdaBoost.M1. A neural network model called Resource Allocating Network with Long-Term Memory (RAN-LTM), which has been developed to realize stable incremental learning, is adopted as a classifier. We also propose a new method to update the classifier weights in the weighted majority voting under the one-pass incremental learning situations. In the experiments, first we verify that the proposed model can learn incrementally without serious forgetting and that the performance is not influenced seriously by the size of a training subset given at every learning stage. Then, through a comparison with Resource Allocating Network (RAN), RAN-LTM, and AdaBoost.M1, we demonstrate that the proposed incremental ensemble classifier system has comparable performance with a batch-learning ensemble classifier system, and that it outperforms both batch-learning and incremental-learning single-classifier systems.

  • S Pang, S Ozawa, N Kasabov
    This paper presents a constructive method for deriving an updated discriminant eigenspace for classification when bursts of data that contains new classes is being added to an initial discriminant eigenspace in the form of random chunks. Basically, we propose an incremental linear discriminant analysis (ILDA) in its two forms: a sequential ILDA and a Chunk ILDA. In experiments, we have tested ILDA using datasets with a small number A classes and small-dimensional features, as well as datasets with a large number of classes and large-dimensional features. We have compared the proposed ILDA against the traditional batch LDA in terms of discriminability, execution time and memory usage with the increasing volume of data addition. The results show that the proposed ILDA can effectively evolve a discriminant eigenspace over a fast and large data stream, and extract features with superior discriminability in classification, when compared with other methods.

  • M Kotani, S Ozawa
    We describe an application of independent component analysis (ICA) to pattern recognition in order to evaluate the effectiveness of features extracted by ICA. We propose a recognition method suitable for independent components that consists of modules for each category. A module has two parts: feature extraction and classification. Features are independent components estimated by ICA and outputs of modules are candidates for categories. These candidates are combined and categories are decided with a majority rule. This recognition method is applied to two tasks: hand-written digits in the MNIST database and acoustic diagnosis for a compressor as real-world tasks. A FastICA algorithm is applied to extracting independent features in the proposed method. Through recognition experiments, we demonstrate that the ICA of each category extracts useful features for these tasks and the independent components are superior to the principal components in recognition accuracy.
    SPRINGER, 2005年10月, NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS, 22(2) (2), 113 - 124, 英語

  • S Ozawa, SL Toh, S Abe, SN Pang, N Kasabov
    We have proposed a new approach to pattern recognition in which not only a classifier but also a feature space of input variables is learned incrementally. In this paper, an extended version of Incremental Principal Component Analysis (IPCA) and Resource Allocating Network with Long-Term Memory (RAN-LTM) are effectively combined to implement this idea. Since IPCA updates a feature space incrementally by rotating the eigen-axes and increasing the dimensions, the inputs of a neural classifier must also change in their values and the number of input variables. To solve this problem, we derive an approximation of the update formula for memory items, which correspond to representative training samples stored in the long-term memory of RAN-LTM. With these memory items, RAN-LTM is efficiently reconstructed and retrained to adapt to the evolution of the feature space. This function is incorporated into our face recognition system. In the experiments, the proposed incremental learning model is evaluated over a self-compiled video clip of 24 persons. The experimental results show that the incremental learning of a feature space is very effective to enhance the generalization performance of a neural classifier in a realistic face recognition task. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2005年06月, NEURAL NETWORKS, 18(5-6) (5-6), 575 - 584, 英語

  • 小谷 学, 絹川 修平, 小澤 誠一
    Applications of independent component analysis (ICA) to feature extraction have been a topic of research interest. However, the effectiveness of pattern features extracted by conventional ICA algorithms greatly depends on datasets in general. As one of the reasons, we have pointed out that conventional ICA features are obtained by increasing only their independence even if class information is available. In this paper, we propose a supervised learning approach to ICA to extract useful and robust features. The proposed method consists of several modules, each of which is responsible for extracting features for each class and identifying the class labels using the k nearest neighbor classifier. All the module outputs are combined to identify final results based on a majority rule. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method in several recognition tasks. From these results, we confirm the effectiveness of the recognition method using independent components for each class.
    一般社団法人 電気学会, 2005年05月, 電気学会論文誌. C, 電子・情報・システム部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and System Society, 125(5) (5), 807 - 812, 日本語

  • Boosting Kernel discriminant analysis with adaptive Kernel selection
    S Kita, S Maekawa, S Ozawa, S Abe
    In this paper, we present a new method to enhance classification performance based on Boosting by introducing nonlinear discriminant analysis as feature selection. To reduce the dependency between hypotheses, each hypothesis is constructed in a different feature space formed by Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA). Then, these hypotheses are integrated based on AdaBoost. To conduct KDA in each Boosting iteration within realistic time, a new method of kernel selection is also proposed. Several experiments are carried out for the blood cell data and thyroid data to evaluate the proposed method. The result shows that it is almost the same as the best performance of Support Vector Machine without any time-consuming parameter search.
    SPRINGER-VERLAG WIEN, 2005年, Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, 429 - 432, 英語

  • Chunk incremental LDA computing on data streams
    S Pang, S Ozawa, N Kasabov
    This paper presents a constructive method for deriving an updated discriminant eigenspace for classification, when bursts of new classes of data is being added to an initial discriminant eigenspace in the form of random chunks. The proposed Chunk incremental linear discriminant analysis (I-LDA) can effectively evolve a discriminant eigenspace over a fast and large data stream, and extract features with superior discriminability in classification, when compared with other methods.

  • S Ozawa, SL Toh, S Abe, SN Pang, N Kasabov
    In this paper, a new approach to face recognition is presented in which not only a classifier but also a feature space of input variables is learned incrementally to adapt to incoming training samples. A benefit of this type of incremental learning is that the search for useful features and the learning of an optimal decision boundary are carried out in an online fashion. To implement this idea, an extended version of Incremental Principal Component Analysis (IPCA) and Resource Allocating Network with Long-Term Memory (RAN-LTM) are effectively combined. Using IPCA, a feature space is updated by rotating its eigen-axes and increasing the dimensions to adapt to a new training sample. In RAN-LTM, a small number of training samples called memory items are selected and they are utilized for retraining a classifier to realize an excellent incremental ability. To accommodate the classifier to the evolution of the feature space, we present a way to reconstruct the neural classifier without keeping all of the training samples given previously. In the experiments, the proposed incremental learning model is evaluated over a self-compiled face image database. As the result, we verify that the proposed model works well without serious forgetting and the test performance is improved as the learning stages proceed.
    IEEE, 2005年, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 5, 3174 - 3179, 英語

  • M Kotani, M Katsura, S Ozawa
    It is important to detect flammable or poisonous gas leaked from the cracks in pipes of petroleum refining plants or chemical plants. We applied a novel strategy of construction of neural network to the acoustic diagnosis technique for the gas leakage. An example of the modular neural network to realize the strategy is able to adapt its structure according to the dynamic environment. Experiments were performed for an artificial gas leakage device under various experimental conditions over about 18 months in a petroleum refining plant. Experimental results showed that the proposed network could adapt the structure to changes in environments and its performance was superior to that of feed-forward networks with the re-training strategy. From these results, we confirmed the effectiveness of the modular neural network for practical use. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2004年12月, NEUROCOMPUTING, 62, 427 - 440, 英語

  • 岡本 圭介, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    When training samples are given incrementally, neural networks often suffer from the catastrophic interference, which results in forgetting input-output relationships acquired in the past. To avoid the catastrophic interference, we have proposed Resource Allocating Network with Long-Term Memory (RAN-LTM). In RAN-LTM, not only a new training sample but also some memory items stored in long-term memory are used for training based on a gradient descent algorithm. In general, the gradient descent algorithm is usually slow and can be easily fallen into local minima. In this paper, to alleviate these problems, we introduce a linear regression approach into the learning of RAN-LTM, in which its centers are not trained but selected based on output errors in an incremental fashion. In this approach, the regression is carried out for not only a training sample and memory items but also pseudodata that are selected around the centers of hidden units based on the complexity of an approximated function. This selection reduces the total number of pseudodata at each learning step; as a result, fast incremental learning is realized in RAN-LTM. Since only memory items are stored in memory, the proposed RAN-LTM does not need so much memory capacity when the incremental learning is carried out. This property is useful especially for small-scale systems. To verify these characteristics of RAN-LTM, we apply it to several function approximation problems, in which the performance in approximation accuracy, learning time, and needed memory capacity are investigated by comparison with some conventional models. Moreover, when extending the learning domain with time, the increase trends in learning time and needed memory capacity are investigated. From the experimental results, it is verified that the proposed model can learn fast and accurately, and that it needs rather small memory capacity so far as the learning domain is not too large.
    公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会, 2004年, 計測自動制御学会論文集, 40(12) (12), 1227 - 1235, 日本語

  • 坂口 善規, 小澤 誠一, 小谷 学
    Recently, Independent Component Analysis (ICA) has been applied to not only problems of blind signal separation, but also feature extraction of patterns. However, the effectiveness of pattern features extracted by conventional ICA algorithms depends on pattern sets; that is, how patterns are distributed in the feature space. As one of the reasons, we have pointed out that ICA features are obtained by increasing only their independence even if the class information is available. In this context, we can expect that more high-performance features can be obtained by introducing the class information into conventional ICA algorithms.
    In this paper, we propose a supervised ICA (SICA) that maximizes Mahalanobis distance between features of different classes as well as maximize their independence. In the first experiment, two-dimensional artificial data are applied to the proposed SICA algorithm to see how maximizing Mahalanobis distance works well in the feature extraction. As a result, we demonstrate that the proposed SICA algorithm gives good features with high separability as compared with principal component analysis and a conventional ICA. In the second experiment, the recognition performance of features extracted by the proposed SICA is evaluated using the three data sets of UCI Machine Learning Repository. From the results, we show that the better recognition accuracy is obtained using our proposed SICA. Furthermore, we show that pattern features extracted by SICA are better than those extracted by only maximizing the Mahalanobis distance.
    一般社団法人 電気学会, 2004年01月, 電気学会論文誌. C, 電子・情報・システム部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and System Society, 124(1) (1), 157 - 163, 日本語

  • A Memory-based Reingorcement Learning Model Utilizing Macro-Actions
    MURATA Makoto, OZAWA Seiichi
    2004年, Proc.of 7th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithm, 英語

  • A memory-based neural network model for efficient adaptation to dynamic environments
    S Ozawa, K Tsumori
    When environments are dynamically varied for agents. the knowledge acquired from an environment would be useless in the future environments. Thus, agents should be able to not only acquire new knowledge but also modify old knowledge in learning. However. modifying all acquired Knowledge is not always efficient. Because the knowledge once acquired may be useful again when the same (or similar) environment reappears. Moreover, some of the knowledge can be shared among different environments. To learn efficiently in such a situation, we propose a neural network model that consists of the following four modules: resource allocating network, long-term memory, association buffer. and environmental change detector. We apply this model to a simple dynamic environment in which several target functions to be approximated are varied in turn.

  • Supervised independent component analysis with class information
    M Kotani, H Takabatake, S Ozawa
    Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a method to transform from mixed signals into independent components. ICA has been so far applied to blind signal separation problems such as sound, speech, images, and biological signals. Recently, ICA is applied to feature extraction for face, speech, and image recognitions. Since ICA is an unsupervised learning, extracted independent components are not always useful for recognition purposes. In this paper, we propose a new supervised learning approach to ICA using class information to enhance the separability of features. The proposed method is implemented by a three-layered feedforward network in which target signals are given to the output units. The defined objective function is composed of the following two terms: one is for evaluating independency of hidden outputs and the other is for evaluating errors between output signals and their targets. Simulations are performed for some datasets in the UCI repository to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. In the proposed method, we obtain higher recognition accuracies as compared with a conventional unsupervised ICA algorithm.

  • One-pass incremental membership authentication by face classification
    SN Pang, S Ozawa, N Kasabov
    Real membership authentication applications require machines to learn from stream data while making a decision as accurately as possible whenever the authentication is needed. To achieve that, we proposed a novel algorithm which authenticated membership by a one-pass incremental principle component analysis(IPCA) learning. It is demonstrated that the proposed algorithm involves an useful incremental feature construction in membership authentication, and the incremental learning system works optimally due to its performance is converging to the performance of a batch learning system.

  • A modified incremental principal component analysis for on-line learning of feature space and classifier
    S Ozawa, SN Pang, N Kasabov
    We have proposed a new concept for pattern classification systems in which feature selection and classifier learning are simultaneously carried out on-line. To realize this concept, Incremental Principal Component Analysis (IPCA) and Evolving Clustering Method (ECM) was effectively combined in the previous work. However, in order to construct a desirable feature space, a threshold value to determine the increase of a new feature should be properly given in the original IPCA. To alleviate this problem, we can adopt the accumulation ratio as its criterion. However, in incremental situations, the accumulation ratio must be modified every time a new sample is given. Therefore, to use this ratio as a criterion, we also need to develop a one-pass update algorithm for the ratio. In this paper, we propose an improved algorithm of IPCA in which the accumulation ratio as well as the feature space can be updated online without all the past samples. To see if correct feature construction is carried out by this new IPCA algorithm, the recognition performance is evaluated for some standard datasets when ECM is adopted as a prototype learning method in Nearest Neighbor classifier.

  • 小谷 学, 有本 隆彦, 小澤 誠一
    It is important to detect gas leakage sounds from pipes in petroleum refining plants and chemical plants, as often the gas used in these plants are flammable or poisonous. In order to detect the leakage accurately, we should select a feature extraction method for sounds properly. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether independent component analysis (ICA) is useful as a feature extraction method. Several experiments are performed in a plant using an artificial gas leakage device under various experimental conditions. A separating matrix that separates the independent components from collected leakage sounds and background noises is trained by an ICA algorithm. Through several simulations, we find that most basis functions acquired from this training are localized in frequency. Furthermore, there are remarkable differences in amplitude of some independent components between leakage sounds and background noises. From these results, we confirm that the feature extraction using the ICA algorithm is very useful for detecting gas leakage sounds.
    システム制御情報学会, 2003年10月, システム制御情報学会論文誌, 16(10) (10), 539 - 547, 日本語

  • A Fast Incremental Learning Algorithm of RBF Networks with Long-Term Memory
    Keisuke Okamoto, Seiichi Ozawa, Shigeo Abe
    To avoid the catastrophic interference in incremental learning, we have proposed Resource Allocating Network with Long Term Memory (RAN-LTM). In RAN-LTM, not only a new training sample but also some memory items stored in Long-Term Memory are trained based on a gradient descent algorithm. In general, the gradient descent algorithm is usually slow and can be easily fallen into local minima. To solve these problems, we propose a fast incremental learning algorithm of RAN-LTM, in which its centers are not trained but selected based on output errors. This model does not need so much memory capacity and it also realizes robust incremental learning ability. To verify these characteristics of RAN-LTM, we apply it to two function approximation problems: one-dimensional function approximation and prediction of Mackey-Glass time series. From the experimental results, it is verified that the proposed RAN-LTM can learn fast and accurately without large main memory unless incremental learning is conducted over a long period of time.
    2003年09月, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 1, 102 - 107

  • 小澤 誠一, 白神 那央人
    In reinforcement learning problems, the agent learns what to do so as to maximize numerical rewards. In many cases, the agent learns its proper actions through the estimation of an action-value function. When the agent's states are continuous, the action-value function cannot be represented by a lookup table in general. A solution for this problem is that a neural network is utilized for approximating it. However, when neural networks are trained incrementally, input-output relationships that are trained formerly tend to be collapsed by given new data. This phenomenon is called “interference”. Since the rewards are incrementally given from the environment, the interference could be also serious in reinforcement learning problems. To solve this problem, we propose a memory-based reinforcement learning model that is composed of Resource Allocating Network and memory. The distinctive feature of the proposed model is that it needs quite a small main memory to execute the accurate learning of action-value functions. To examine this feature, the proposed model is applied to the two conventional problems: Random Walk Task and Extended Mountain-Car Task. In these tasks, the learning domains are temporally expanded in order to evaluate the incremental learning ability. In the simulations, we verify that the proposed model can approximate proper action-value functions with quite a small main memory as compared with the conventional approaches.
    公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会, 2003年, 計測自動制御学会論文集, 39(12) (12), 1129 - 1135, 日本語

  • 津守 研二, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    When the environment is dynamically changed for agents, knowledge acquired from an environment might be useless in the future environments. Therefore, agents should not only acquire new knowledge but also modify or delete old knowledge. However, this modification and deletion are not always efficient in learning. Because the knowledge once acquired in the past can be useful again in the future when the same environment reappears. To learn efficiently in this situation, agents should have memory to store old knowledge. In this paper, we propose an agent architecture that consists of four modules: resource allocating network (RAN), long-term memory (LTM), association buffer (A-Buffer), and environmental change detector (ECD). To evaluate the adaptability in a class of dynamic environments, we apply this model to a simple problem that some target functions to be approximated are changed in turn.
    一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, 2003年, システム制御情報学会 研究発表講演会講演論文集, 3(0) (0), 5506 - 5506, 英語

  • A Face Recognition System Using Neural Networks with Incremental Learning Ability.
    Soon Lee Toh, OZAWA Seiichi
    2003年, Proc. ANZIIS 2003, 155-161, 英語

  • 阿部 重夫, 廣川 洋一, 小澤 誠一
    Since the training of support vector machines needs to solve the dual problem with the number of variables equal to the number of training data, the training becomes slow when the number of training data is large. To speed up training the Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) technique has been proposed, in which two data are optimized simultaneously. In this paper, we propose to extend SMO so that more than two data are optimized simultaneously. Namely, we select a working set including variables, solve the equality constraint for one variable included in the working set, and substitute it into the objective function. Then we solve the subproblem related to the working set by calculating the inverse of the Hessian matrix. We evaluate our method for the five benchmark data sets and show the speed-up of training over SMO.
    システム制御情報学会, 2002年11月, システム制御情報学会論文誌, 15(11) (11), 607 - 614, 日本語

  • N. Shiraga, S. Ozawa, S. Abe
    © 2002 Nanyang Technological University. When neural networks are used for approximating action-values of Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents, the "interference" caused by incremental learning can be serious. To solve this problem, in this paper, a neural network model with incremental learning ability was applied to RL problems. In this model, correctly acquired input-output relations are stored into long-term memory, and the memorized data are effectively recalled in order to suppress the interference. In order to evaluate the incremental learning ability, the proposed model was applied to two problems: Extended Random-Walk Task and Extended Mountain-Car Task. In these tasks, the working space of agents is extended as the learning proceeds. In the simulations, we certified that the proposed model could acquire proper action-values as compared with the following three approaches to the approximation of action-value functions: tile coding, a conventional neural network model and the previously proposed neural network model.
    2002年01月, ICONIP 2002 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing: Computational Intelligence for the E-Age, 5, 2566 - 2570

  • 小谷 学, 小澤 誠一
    In this paper, an approach to feature extraction utilizing independent component analysis (ICA) is pro-posed. In our approach, input patterns are transformed into feature vectors using ICA-bases that are obtained through two-layer neural network learning. A k-NN classifier is applied to these ICA feature vectors when the recognition accuracy is evaluated. Hand-written digits in MNIST database are used as target characters. Fast ICA algorithm is applied to these images in order to learn ICA-bases. In recognition experiments, we demonstrate that the ICA approach realizes a potential feature extraction method for hand-written digits. Furthermore, we show the addition of noise patterns to training data is effective for elimination of redundant basis functions.
    一般社団法人 電気学会, 2002年, 電気学会論文誌. C, 122(3) (3), 465 - 470, 日本語

  • 小林 正宜, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    When neural networks are trained incrementally, input-output relations that are trained formerly tend to be collapsed by the learning of new data. This phenomenon is often called interference. To suppress the interference efficiently, we propose an incremental learning model, in which Long-Term Memory (LTM) is introduced into Resource Allocating Network (RAN) proposed by Platt. This type of memory is utilized for storing useful training data (called LTM data) that are generated adaptively in the learning phase. When a new training datum is given, the proposed system searches several LTM data that are useful for suppressing the interference. The retrieved LTM data as well as the new training datum are trained simultaneously in RAN. In the simulations, the proposed model is applied to various incremental learning problems to evaluate the function approximation accuracy and the learning speed. From the simulation results, we certify that the proposed model can attain good approximation accuracy with small computation costs.
    公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会, 2002年, 計測自動制御学会論文集, 38(9) (9), 792 - 799, 日本語

  • Learning action-value functions using neural networks with incremental learning ability
    N Shiraga, S Ozawa, S Abe
    When the distribution of given training data is biased and temporally varied, it is well known that the learning of neural networks becomes difficult in general. In Reinforcement Learning (RL) problems, such situations often arise. In this paper, an incremental learning system, which has been devised for supervised learning, is implemented as an RL agent that can acquire an action-value function properly even in the above difficult situations. The proposed RL agent is applied to an extended mountain-car task in which learning domains axe temporally expanded. Through computer simulations, we demonstrate that the proposed agent can acquire a right policy in this task.

  • Reducing computations in incremental learning for feedforward neural network with long-term memory
    M. Kobayashi, A. Zamani, S. Ozawa, S. Abe
    When neural networks are trained incrementally, input-output relationships that are trained formerly tend to be collapsed by the learning of new training data. This phenomenon is called "interference". To suppress the interference, we have proposed an incremental learning system (called RAN-LTM), in which Long-Term Memory (LTM) is introduced into Resource Allocating Network (RAN). Since RAN-LTM needs to train not only new data but also some LTM data to suppress the interference, if many LTM data are retrieved, large computations are required. Therefore, it is important to design appropriate procedures for producing and retrieving LTM data in RAN-LTM. In this paper, these procedures in the previous version of RAN-LTM are improved. In simulations, the improved RAN-LTM is applied to the approximation of a one-dimensional function, and the approximation error and the training speed are evaluated as compared with RAN and the previous RAN-LTM.
    2001年01月, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 3, 1989 - 1994

  • 朴 正泌, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    A main problem with dynamical associative memories (DAMs) is that when memory patterns are stored, pseudo-memories (false fixed points and limit cycles) are also generated and they hinder proper association of input patterns. To overcome this problem, Hassoun proposed a heuristic method of reducing pseudo-memories. In this method, DAMs are constructed such that a zero vector called “ground state” as well as stored patterns is stabilized and sparsely activated states (sparse patterns) converge to the ground state. Such dynamical properties of neural networks can be described with linear inequalities, and connection weights of networks are obtained by solving these inequalities using the Ho-Kashyap algorithm. In this paper, we propose an extended Hassoun model in which network dynamics are modified such that dense patterns, mix-ture patterns and inhibition patterns are also converged to the ground state. In simulations, we compare association performance of this extended Hassoun model with conventional associative memory models, and demonstrate the usefulness of our proposed model as a dynamical associative memory.
    一般社団法人 電気学会, 2001年, 電気学会論文誌. C, 121(5) (5), 899 - 905, 日本語

  • 小谷 学, 宮田 健雄, 小澤 誠一, 赤澤 堅造
    The detection of gas leakage sound from pipes is important in petroleum refining plants and chemical plants, as often the gas used in these plants are flammable or poisonous. In order to establish the acoustic diagnosis technique for the leakage sound, we examined the application of modular neural networks to the stable detection. The modular neural network has the ability to adapt its structure according to the environment. Experiments were performed for an artificial gas leakage device with various experimental conditions to imitate the change of environment for a long term. The discrimination accuracy with the proposed network was observed to be about 93%. From the results, we confirmed the effectiveness for the application of the modular neural network to the detection of the leakage sound for the practical use.
    計測自動制御学会, 2000年09月, 計測自動制御学会論文集, 36(9) (9), 797 - 803, 日本語

  • 土屋 直樹, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    In this paper we discuss training of three-layered neural network classifiers by solving inequalities. Namely, first we represent each class by the center of the training data belonging to the class, and determine the set of hyperplanes that separate each class (i.e., each center) into a single region. Then according to whether the center is on the positive or negative side of the hyperplane, we determine the target values of each class for the hidden neurons (i.e., hyperplanes). Since the convergence condition of the neural network classifier is now represented by the two sets of inequalities, we solve the sets successively by the Ho-Kashyap algorithm. We demonstrate the advantage of our method over the backpropagation algorithm using several benchmark data sets.
    一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, 2000年06月, システム制御情報学会論文誌, 13(6) (6), 276 - 283, 日本語

  • Training three-layer neural network classifiers by solving inequalities
    N Tsuchiya, S Ozawa, S Abe
    In this paper we discuss training of three-layer neural network classifiers by solving inequalities. Namely, first we represent each class by the center of the training data belonging to the class, and determine the set of hyperplanes that separate each class into a single region. Then according to whether the center is on the positive or negative side of the hyperplane, we determine the target values of each class for the hidden neurons. Since the convergence condition of the neural network classifier is now represented by the two sets of inequalities, we solve the sets successively by the Ho-Kashyap algorithm. We demonstrate the advantage of our method over the BP using three benchmark data sets.

  • 小澤 誠一, 堤 一義, 馬場 則夫
    In this paper, we propose an evolutionary approach to architecture design of modular dynamical neural networks. As one of modular dynamical neural networks, we adopt Cross-Coupled Hopfield Nets (CCHN) in which plural Hopfield networks are coupled to each other. The architecture of CCHN is represented by some structural-parameters such as the number of modules, the numbers of units per module, the module connectivity, and so forth. In the proposed design method, these structural-parameters are treated as phenotype of an individual, and suitable modular architecture is searched through the evolution of its genetic representation (genotype) by using genetic algorithms. Based on a simple direct coding method, the order of length of genetic representation for the structural-parameters can be estimated to be O(N2) where N is the total number of units. On the other hand, the order of genetic representation proposed here is O(N). To verify the usefulness of proposed method, we apply a CCHN to associative memories. Here, the fitness of an individual is defined so as to be larger when a CCHN has a simpler architecture as well as when the association performance is higher. As the result of simulations, we certify that the proposed design method can find high-performance CCHN with simple modular architectures.
    公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会, 2000年, 計測自動制御学会論文集, 36(3) (3), 298 - 305, 日本語

  • 小谷 学, 前川 聡, 小澤 誠一, 赤澤 堅造
    We describe what characteristics an independent component analysis can extract from Japanese continuous speech. Speech data was selected from ATR database uttered by a female speaker. The data was recorded at 20kHz sampling frequency and was pre-processed with a whitening filter. The learning algorithm of a network was an information-maximization approach proposed by Bell and Sejnowski. After the learning, most of the basis functions that are columns of a mixing matrix were localized in both time and frequency. Furthermore, we confirmed that there were some basis functions to extract the acoustic feature such as the pitch and the formant of each vowel.
    公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会, 2000年, 計測自動制御学会論文集, 36(5) (5), 456 - 458, 日本語

  • 小谷 学, 白田 康伸, 前川 聡, 小澤 誠一, 赤澤 堅造
    It was reported that a sparse coding algorithm produced a set of basis functions being spatially localized, oriented, and bandpass for natural images. The application of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to the natural images has shown to be similar results to the sparse coding's result. However, the ICA can be applied in the case of basis function matrices to be non-singular and invertible. There are not such limitations in the sparse coding algorithm. This property allows that the code is overcomplete, that is, the number of code elements is greater than the effective dimensionality of the input space. The purpose of this paper is to examine what characteristics of speech the sparse coding algorithm extracts from natural sounds. Speech data was Japanese five vowels uttered by a female speaker during about 1sec. Most of the basis functions were localized in frequency after the training. Some basis functions only shifted in time and resembled each other. Each basis function was compared with the speech data and the result was that some basis functions responded selectively to each vowel. The frequency analysis for the basis function showed that some basis functions extracted the pitch frequency and the formant of each vowel.
    一般社団法人 電気学会, 2000年, 電気学会論文誌. C, 120(12) (12), 1996 - 2002, 日本語

  • Evolution of a dynamical modular neural network and its application to associative memories
    Seiichi Ozawa, Kazuyoshi Tsutsumi, Norio Baba
    This paper presents an evolutionary approach to architecture design of dynamical modular neural networks. As one of the modular neural networks, we adopt Cross-Coupled Hopfield Nets (CCHN) in which plural Hopfield networks are coupled to each other. The architecture of CCHN is represented by some structural parameters such as the number of modules, the numbers of module units, module connectivity, and so forth. In this paper, these structural parameters are treated as phenotype of an individual, and suitable modular architecture is searched by using genetic algorithms. To verify the usefulness of the proposed architecture design algorithm, we apply CCHN to associative memories.
    IEEE, 1999年, International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, Proceedings, KES, 145 - 148, 英語

  • Application of independent component analysis to feature extraction of speech
    Manabu Kotani, Yasunobu Shirata, Satoshi Maekawa, Seiichi Ozawa, Kenzo Akazawa
    We describe what characteristics an independent component analysis can extract from Japanese continuous speech. Speech data was selected from ATR database uttered by a female speaker. The data was recorded at 20 kHz sampling frequency and was pre-processed with a whitening filter. The learning algorithm of a network was an information-maximization approach proposed by Bell and Sejnowski. After the learning, most of the basis functions that are columns of a mixing matrix were localized in both time and frequency. Furthermore, we confirmed that there were some basis functions to extract the acoustic feature such as the pitch and the formant of each vowel.
    IEEE, 1999年, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 5, 2981 - 2984, 英語

  • Emergence of feature extraction function using genetic programming
    Manabu Kotani, Seiichi Ozawa, Masaki Nakai, Kenzo Akazawa
    A novel method of feature extraction to improve the performance of pattern recognition is proposed. It is assumed that the feature consists of a polynomial expression of the original patterns. The term of polynomial expressions are searched by the genetic programming. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we apply k nearest neighbor classifier as the classification algorithm. Experiments were performed for an artificial task and an acoustic diagnosis for compressors as the real world task. From these results, we confirmed that the proposed method was effective for the feature extraction.
    IEEE, 1999年, International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, Proceedings, KES, 149 - 152, 英語

  • Application of independent component analysis to hand-written Japanese character recognition
    Seiichi Ozawa, Toshihide Tsujimoto, Manabu Kotani, Norio Baba
    We explore an approach to recognizing Japanese Hiragana characters utilizing independent components of input images (we call this method ICA-matching). These components are extracted by Fast ICA algorithm proposed by Hyvarinen and Oja. We propose several formats of inputs, which are different in how a character image is transformed into time sequences. From recognition experiments, we show that ICA-matching outperforms conventional methods in some cases. However, in order to realize high performance, we have to pay attention to the following parameters: dimensions of feature vectors and rate of noise added to training data. In discussions, we try to study how these parameters are related to the performance of ICA-matching.
    IEEE, 1999年, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 4, 2867 - 2871, 英語

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Kazuyoshi Tsutsumi, Norio Baba
    This paper presents a continuous-time model of Autoassociative Neural Memories (ANMs) which correspond to a modified version of pseudoinverse-type ANMs. This ANM model is derived from minimizing the energy function for a modular neural network. Through the eigendecomposition of the connection matrix, we show that the dynamical properties of the ANM are qualitatively different in the two state subspaces: a pattern-subspace and a noise-subspace. The proposed ANM has a distinctive feature in the noise-subspace dynamics. The size of basins of attraction can be varied by controlling the contribution of the noise-subspace dynamics to the whole network. The first simulation confirms this attractive feature. In the second simulation, we investigate the performance robustness of the ANM for several kinds of correlated pattern sets. These simulation results confirm the usefulness of the proposed ANM.
    Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999年, Neural Processing Letters, 10(2) (2), 97 - 109, 英語

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Kazuyoshi Tsutsumi, Norio Baba
    In this paper, the association characteristics of cross-coupled Hopfield nets (CCHN) proposed as a modular neural network model are discussed analytically. In a CCHN, an arbitrary number of modules (Hopfield networks) can be mutually connected via feedforward networks called internetworks, whose output generates interactions among module networks. To evaluate the CCHN as a modular neural network, it has previously been applied to associative memory. Although its excellent association performance is supported by many simulation results, it is still difficult to compute the memory capacity exactly or to examine the dynamic properties rigorously, because CCHN information processing includes strong nonlinearity. Hence, as the first step to an analytical approach, this paper focuses on a single-module CCHN whose interaction is realized by a two-layered feedforward internetwork. In this case, the connection matrix of the CCHN degenerates into a single square-matrix, as does a conventional auto-association type of associative memory. Using eigenvalue analysis for the connection matrix, we reveal that the essential differences between the association characteristics of a CCHN and a conventional autocorrelation associative memory originate from dynamics in the noise-space that is the orthogonal complement of the subspace generated from memory patterns. ©1998 Scripts Technica.
    John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1998年, Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi), 125(2) (2), 27 - 34, 英語

  • Seiichi Ozawa, Kazuyoshi Tsutsumi, Norio Baba
    This work contains a proposition of an artificial modular neural network (MNN) in which every module network exchanges input/output information with others simultaneously. It further studies the basic dynamical characteristics of this network through both computer simulations and analytical considerations. A notable feature of this model is that it has generic representation with regard to the number of composed modules, network topologies, and classes of introduced interactions. The information processing of the MNN is described as the minimization of a total-energy function that consists of partial-energy functions for modules and their interactions, and the activity and weight dynamics are derived from the total-energy function under the Lyapunov stability condition. This concept was realized by Cross-Coupled Hopfield Nets (CCHN) that one of the authors proposed. In this paper, in order to investigate the basic dynamical properties of CCHN, we offer a representative model called Cross-Coupled Hopfield Nets with Local And Global Interactions (CCHN-LAGI) to which two distinct classes of interactions - local and global interactions - are introduced. Through a conventional test for associative memories, it is confirmed that our energy-function-based approach gives us proper dynamics of CCHN-LAGI even if the networks have different modularity. We also discuss the contribution of a single interaction and the joint contribution of the two distinct interactions through the eigenvalue analysis of connection matrices.
    Springer Verlag, 1998年, Biological Cybernetics, 78(1) (1), 19 - 36, 英語

  • 小澤 誠一, 堤 一義, 馬場 則夫
    In this paper, we propose a new autoassociative memory model which is derived from Cross-Coupled Hopfield Nets (CCHN). The CCHN is a modular neural network in which plural Hopfield networks are mutually connected via feedforward neural networks. The CCHN's architecture is determined by the following structural parameters : the number of modules, the numbers of units in the modules, the contribution of the module information processings and the interactions to the whole network information processing, and the module connectivity. If these parameters are changed, the network dynamics are also changed; therefore, it may be possible to implement a great number of autoassociative memories with different nature. Through some computer simulations, we will discuss a diversity of association properties in the proposed model.
    一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, 1997年12月, システム制御情報学会論文誌, 10(12) (12), 668 - 678, 日本語

  • 小澤 誠一, 堤 一義, 馬場 則夫
    In this paper, the association characteristics of Cross-Coupled Hopfield Nets (CCHN) proposed as a modular neural network model are discussed in an analytical way. In the CCHN, an arbitrary number of modules (Hopfield networks) can be mutually connected via feedforward networks called “internetworks”, whose outputs generate the interactions among module networks. To evaluate the CCHN as a modular neural network, it has been applied to associative memories so far. Although its excellent association performance is supported by many simulation results, it is still difficult to compute the memory capacity exactly and examine the dynamical properties rigorously, because the information processing of the CCHN includes strong nonlinearity. Hence, as the first step to the analytical approach, this paper focuses on a 1-module CCHN whose interaction is realized by a two-layered feedforward internetwork. In this case, the connection matrix of the CCHN degenerates into a single square-matrix like a conventional auto-association type of associative memory. Through the eigenvalue analysis for the connection matrix, we reveal that the essential differences between the association characteristics of the CCHN and a conventional auto-correlation associative memory originate from the dynamics in the noise-space which is the orthogonal complement of the subspace generated from memory patterns.
    一般社団法人 電気学会, 1997年, 電気学会論文誌. C, 117(9) (9), 1253 - 1258, 日本語

  • モジュール化ニューラルネットモデルの提案とその連想記憶能力の評価
    小澤 誠一, 堤 一義
    本論文では,モジュール構造をもつニューラルネット(モジュール化ニューラルネット)のモデル化手法として,情報処理様式をエネルギー関数で記述する方法を採用する.この一モデルとして,モジュールネットの情報処理とモジュールネット間の相互作用に対するエネルギー関数を線形に加算し,更にモジュールネットの状態間に多対多の写像関係がある場合でも適用可能としたCross-Coupled Nets With Many-to-Many Mapping Internetworks(CCHN-MMMI)を提案する.また,CCHN-MMMIのネットワークダイナミックスを導出し,モジュール数が2であるCCHN-MMMIの想起特性とその連想記億能力をシミュレーション実験により調べる.シミューレーション実験では,モジュール構造が明示的に与えられることによる効果を,その想起過程から従来の自己相関型連想記億モデルとの比較により考察する.次に,文字パターン対の連想を例にとり,モジュールネットの状態間に多対多の写像関係がある場合でも正しく動作することを確認する.また,基本記憶をランダムに選んだとき,その数の増加に伴う想起ダイナミックスの劣化を定量的に調べ,連想記憶モデルとしての評価を行う.その結果,さまざまな基本記憶に対し,CCHN-MMMIはモジュールネットの状態間に多対多の写像関係がある場合でも正しく動作し,その相互作用は偽記憶の想起を妨げるよう機能することがわかった.特に,モジュールネット間の写像関係を多層ネットワークで学習するCCHN-MMMIでは,自己相関型連想記憶モデルに比べ大幅に連想能力が改善され,モジュールネット間に非線形な相互作用をもつことの効果が確認された.
    電子情報通信学会, 1994年06月, 電子情報通信学会論文誌. D-II, 情報・システム, II-情報処理, 77(6) (6), 1135 - 1145, 日本語

  • 不確実なデータラベルを前提とした機械学習によるサイバー攻撃検知のための誤ラベル訂正
    浦川, 遥輝, 山田, 明, Joo, Suwon, Vestin, Simon, Wang, Hui, Park, Chanho, 小澤, 誠一, Haruki, Urakawa, Akira, Yamada, Seiich, Ozawa
    機械学習は,さまざまな課題においてデータに基づいてモデル構築を実現しているが,サイバー攻撃検知において正確なラベルが付与されないため高い精度を実現できない問題がある.本稿では,不確実なデータラベルを前提とした機械学習によるサイバー攻撃検知のための誤ラベル訂正手法を提案する.従来手法であるConfident Learningは,画像分類など汎用的なタスクにおいてクラスの組ごとに独立に誤ラベルが発生する場合に対応できる.しかしながら,サイバー攻撃検知においては,正例と負例の均衡がとれていない場合が多い.また,インシデントに基づいて運用者がラベル付けを行うため,時刻がずれることによって発生する誤ラベルが多い.本稿では,Confident Learningを拡張して,データセットの不均衡性と時刻のずれに対して頑強な誤ラベル訂正手法を提案する.提案手法の有効性を検証するために,公開されているCICIDS2017データセットおよび,企業ネットワークに設置された侵入検知システムのログを用いて評価した.その結果,提案手法は,従来手法に比べて高い精度で誤ラベルを訂正できることが分かった.また,侵入検知システムのログにおいて,ラベル時刻のずれを訂正できることを確認した. Machine learning has enabled model development based on data across various domains. However, in cyber-attack detection, the lack of accurate labels hinders high accuracy. This paper proposes a method for correcting mislabeled data in cyber-attack detection using machine learning, assuming uncertain data labels. Confident Learning, a conventional method, can handle situations where label errors occur independently within each class in general tasks such as image classification. However, in cyber-attack detection, there is often a significant imbalance between positive and negative labels. Additionally, since labels are assigned by operators based on incidents, mislabeling regarding time discrepancies frequently occurs. This paper proposes an extension of Confident Learning that provides a robust method for correcting mislabeled data, addressing both dataset imbalance and time discrepancies. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we evaluated it using the publicly available CICIDS2017 dataset and logs from an IDS(Intrusion Detection System) deployed in an enterprise network. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can correct mislabeled data with higher accuracy compared to conventional methods. Furthermore, we confirmed that the method can correct time discrepancies in the labels within the IDS logs.
    2024年10月15日, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2024論文集, 76 - 83, 日本語

  • 組織間水平連合学習による社会実装
    2024年05月01日, オペレーションズ・リサーチ, 69(5) (5), 241 - 246, 日本語

  • 継続学習型連合学習モデルにおける効率的なリプレイデータの選択
    北野優斗, WANG Lihua, 小澤誠一
    2024年03月, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web), 123(423(IT2023 117-135)) (423(IT2023 117-135)), 日本語

  • 大規模言語モデルによるセキュリティ対策の視覚認知メカニズムのモデル化に向けた検討
    鍛冶, 佳佑, 中野, 瑠人, 山田, 明, 小澤, 誠一
    フィッシングのようなサイバー攻撃では,ユーザ自身による対策が求められる.セキュリティ教育において,フィッシングの場合は,攻撃の特徴を記憶し,それらとWebサイトを比較することによって攻撃を判断するように教育される.しかし,日々進化するサイバー攻撃への対策として,新しい攻撃手法を学び直し続けることはユーザの大きな負担となる.本稿では,大規模言語モデル(LLM:Large Largeage Models)によるセキュリティ対策における視覚的認知メカニズムのモデル化に向けた分析方式を提案する.近年,LLMは,人間のフィードバックによるファインチューニングによって因果推論タスクが可能になってきている.しかし,LLMは,言語によって記述されていないタスクの取り扱いが難しい.そこで,提案方式は,視覚的認知の情報を言語化することによって,LLMによる視覚的認知メカニズムのモデル化を目指す.提案方式の有効性を検証するために,フィッシングサイトと正規サイトをそれぞれ110件用いて評価を行った.その結果,大規模言語モデルと視覚情報だけを用いて,適合率98.2\%,再現率83.7\%の精度でフィッシングサイトを検知できた.さらに,フィッシング対策の文書をLLMに与えて判定過程を観察することによって,人間の認知メカニズムとLLMの振る舞いの関連性を調査した.また,フィッシング判定以外の複数のセキュリティ判定タスクに対するLLMの有効性を明らかにした.今後は,ユーザを狙うさまざまなサイバー攻撃に本手法を拡大して,視覚的認知メカニズムをモデル化することによってセキュリティ対策および教育への応用を検討する. Cyber attacks such as phishing require users to take their own countermeasures. In security education, in the case of phishing, users are taught to memorize the characteristics of the attack and to judge the attack by comparing the attack with the website. However, it is a heavy burden for users to keep learning and relearning new attack methods to counter cyber attacks that are evolving day by day. In this paper, we propose an analysis method for modeling visual cognitive mechanisms in security countermeasures using large language model. Recently, large language model have become capable of performing causal inference tasks through fine tuning with human feedback. However, large language model have difficulty in handling tasks that are not described by language. Therefore, the proposed method aims at modeling visual cognition mechanisms using language model by converting visual cognition information into language. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted an evaluation using 110 phishing sites and legitimate sites, respectively. The results showed that the proposed method was able to detect phishing sites with an accuracy of 98.2\% and 83.7\% using only a large language model and visual information.Furthermore, we investigated the relevance to human cognitive mechanisms by qualitatively comparing the phishing decision process with a large language model given an anti-phishing document. We also clarified the effectiveness of the model in phishing attacks other than phishing sites. In the future, we will apply the model to security attacks other than phishing to realize security countermeasures and education based on cognitive mechanisms.
    2023年10月23日, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2023論文集, 1536 - 1543, 日本語

  • Mohammad Tanveer, Sonali Agarwal, Seiichi Ozawa, Asif Ekbal, Adam Jatow
    Springer, 2023年04月, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13625, 英語

  • Mohammad Tanveer, Sonali Agarwal, Seiichi Ozawa, Asif Ekbal, Adam Jatow
    Springer, 2023年04月, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13624, 英語

  • Mohammad Tanveer, Sonali Agarwal, Seiichi Ozawa, Asif Ekbal, Adam Jatow
    Springer International Publishing, 2023年04月, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13624, 英語

  • Mohammad Tanveer, Sonali Agarwal, Seiichi Ozawa, Asif Ekbal, Adam Jatow
    Springer, 2023年04月, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1794, 英語

  • Mohammad Tanveer, Sonali Agarwal, Seiichi Ozawa, Asif Ekbal, Adam Jatow
    Springer, 2023年04月, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1792, 英語

  • Mohammad Tanveer, Sonali Agarwal, Seiichi Ozawa, Asif Ekbal, Adam Jatow
    Springer, 2023年04月, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1791, 英語

  • ChatGPTを用いたニュース記事のESGトピック分析
    小杉樹来, 小澤誠一, 廣瀬勇秀, 池田佳弘, 中川憲保, 飯塚正昭, 西田大輔
    2023年, 人工知能学会第二種研究会資料(Web), 2023(FIN-031) (FIN-031)

  • YOLOv8ファインチューニングによる手術ロボットhinotoriに対する縫合タスクにおける器具検出・セグメンテーション
    服部達也, 南地海音, 三谷祐貴, 植村宗則, 鎮西清行, 福本巧, 小澤誠一, 福本巧, 小澤誠一, 小澤誠一
    2023年, 日本コンピュータ外科学会誌(Web), 25(3) (3)

  • 医療ロボットhinotoriのログ活用によるスキル評価
    三谷祐貴, 服部達也, 南地海音, 植村宗則, 鎮西清行, 福本巧, 福本巧, 小澤誠一, 小澤誠一, 小澤誠一
    2023年, 日本コンピュータ外科学会誌(Web), 25(3) (3)

  • ロボット支援手術における手技映像と操作ログの時間同期
    南地海音, 服部達也, 三谷祐貴, 植村宗則, 鎮西清行, 福本巧, 小澤誠一, 福本巧, 小澤誠一, 小澤誠一
    2023年, 日本コンピュータ外科学会誌(Web), 25(3) (3)

  • 対照学習済みBERTによる不祥事記事分類と文章埋め込み表現の考察
    高須悠一朗, 小澤誠一, 廣瀬勇秀, 池田佳弘, 中川憲保, 飯塚正昭, 西田大輔
    2023年, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(Web), 37th

  • Mohammad Tanveer, Sonali Agarwal, Seiichi Ozawa, Asif Ekbal, Adam Jatow
    Springer, 2023年, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1793, 英語

  • 機械学習を用いた悪性TLS通信の検知と通信特徴の推移に関する考察
    藤原魁成, 小澤誠一, 春木博行, PARK Chanho
    2022年, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2022(DPS-190) (DPS-190)

  • プライバシー保護連合学習による組織間ビッグデータ解析とその応用
    小澤誠一, 小澤誠一
    2022年, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM), 30th

  • 動的サンプリングを用いた連合学習型勾配ブースティング決定木の継続学習
    三浦啓吾, 井上広明, KIM S., WANG L., 小澤誠一
    2022年, インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(CD-ROM), 30th

  • 機械学習を用いたアナリストレポート分析と投資判断レーティング予測
    鈴木章悟, 小澤誠一, 小澤誠一, 渡辺一男, 廣瀬勇秀, 池田佳弘, 飯塚正昭, 西田大輔
    2022年, 人工知能学会第二種研究会資料(Web), 2022(FIN-028) (FIN-028)

  • 投資支援のためのニュース記事からのESG関連文抽出
    吉田朋弘, 小澤誠一, 渡辺一男, 廣瀬勇秀, 池田佳弘, 飯塚正昭, 西田大輔
    2022年, 人工知能学会第二種研究会資料(Web), 2022(FIN-028) (FIN-028)

  • スーパーセキュリティーゲートの実用化に向けた深層学習モデルの軽量化
    村中建太, 中谷透大, 小澤誠一, 西村祐太郎, 坂倉涼太, 鈴木章吾, 木村建次郎, 美馬勇輝, 木村憲明
    2021年, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 65th

  • ダークネットにおける大規模調査パケットを考慮したポート番号埋め込みベクトルによるスキャンパケット解析
    石川真太郎, 中藤大暉, 班涛, 小澤誠一
    2021年, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2021(CSEC-92) (CSEC-92)

  • 物体検知および追跡手法を用いた大豆の花数計測システムの開発
    織部慧次朗, 小澤誠一
    2021年, 知能システムシンポジウム講演資料(CD-ROM), 48th (Web)

  • 時系列パターンの共起性に基づく大豆の収量に関与する土壌水分環境の抽出
    逸見聡, 東山久瑠実, 長南友也, 林怜史, 中村卓司, 辻博之, 村上則幸, 西出亮, 大川剛直, 小澤誠一
    2021年, 情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集, 20th

  • スーパーセキュリティーゲート実現に向けた磁場分布画像解析の深層学習による高度化
    中谷透大, 美馬勇輝, 鈴木章吾, 坂倉涼太, 木村建次郎, 小澤誠一
    2020年, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 64th

  • データ解析におけるプライバシー保護技術とその応用
    2020年, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 64th

  • 深層学習モデルを用いたコマンドログに基づくユーザなりすまし検知
    安達貴洋, 小澤誠一, 春木博行
    2020年, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2020(CSEC-88) (CSEC-88)

  • 深層学習モデルを用いたURLに着目したアクセスログ内の悪性Webサイト探索
    前橋祐斗, 小澤誠一, 山田明
    2020年, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2020(CSEC-88) (CSEC-88)

  • AI×セキュリティの現状と期待
    2019年, 計測自動制御学会制御部門マルチシンポジウム(CD-ROM), 6th

  • 相関ルール解析とダークネット解析を用いたネットワークスキャン観測の高度化
    橋本直輝, BAN Tao, 島村隼平, 小澤誠一
    2019年, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 63rd

  • RetinaNetと物体追跡手法を用いた大豆生育情報の自動取得
    大村和暉, 小澤誠一, 大川剛直, 長南友也, 辻博之, 村上則幸
    2019年, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 63rd

  • 自己注意機構付きLSTMを用いた景況感情報に基づく金融文書の重要文抽出
    山岡周平, 小澤誠一, 小澤誠一, 廣瀬勇秀, 飯塚正昭
    2019年, 人工知能学会全国大会(Web), 33rd

  • 三層ニューラルネットワークにおけるRing-LWEベース準同型暗号を用いた効率的なプライバシー保護推論処理
    手塚雄大, WANG Lihua, WANG Lihua, 林卓也, KIM Sangwook, 為井智也, 大森敏明, 小澤誠一
    2019年, 人工知能学会全国大会(Web), 33rd

  • 畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いたアナリスト往訪記録における景況感判定
    高山将丈, 小澤誠一, 小澤誠一, 廣瀬勇秀, 飯塚正昭
    2019年, 人工知能学会全国大会(Web), 33rd

  • Torクローラを用いたダークウェブにおける悪性URLの探索
    川口雄己, 小澤誠一
    2019年, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 118(478(ISEC2018 81-134)) (478(ISEC2018 81-134))

  • 機械学習とダークネット解析を用いたDDoS観測の高度化
    畑中拓哉, 小澤誠一, BAN Tao, 島村隼平
    2019年, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 63rd

  • Akira Hirose, Alessio Micheli, Artur S. d'Avila Garcez, Choon Ki Ahn, Gang Pan, Hamid Reza Karimi, Jianbing Shen, José de Jesús Rubio, Lei Zhang, Lingjia Liu 0001, Lorenzo Livi, Nian Zhang, Nishchal K. Verma, Pedro Antonio Gutiérrez, Qi Tian 0001, Qinglai Wei, Seiichi Ozawa, Stuart H. Rubin, Wei-Neng Chen, Xi Li, Xiaofeng Liao, Youmin Zhang 0001, Zhen Ni, Haibo He
    2019年, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst., 30(1) (1), 2 - 10

  • 小澤 誠一
    一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, 2019年, システム/制御/情報, 63(2) (2), 84 - 84, 日本語

  • 北海道における薬害によるダイズの分枝発達抑制
    辻博之, 村上則幸, 中村卓司, 長南友也, 小澤誠一, 大川剛直
    2018年, 日本作物学会講演会要旨集, 245th

  • ダークネットトラフィックデータの頻出パターン解析
    橋本直輝, 小澤誠一, BAN Tao, 中里純二, 島村隼平
    2017年, 情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ(CD-ROM), 2017(2) (2)

  • 大豆の生育情報を自動取得する画像センシング手法の開発
    八幡壮, 小澤誠一, 吉田武史, 大川剛直, 村上則幸, 辻博之
    2017年, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 31st

  • 匿名ネットワークTorにおけるマーケット商品とセキュリティ事件との関連性に関する考察
    川口雄己, 山田彰, 小澤誠一
    2017年, 情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ(CD-ROM), 2017(2) (2)

  • ダークネットトラフィックの可視化とオンライン更新によるモニタリング
    畑中拓哉, 北園淳, 小澤誠一, 班涛, 中里純二, 島村隼平
    2016年, 情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ(CD-ROM), 2016(2) (2)

  • ダークネットトラフィック解析による学習型DDoSバックスキャッタ検出システム
    宇川雄樹, 北園淳, 小澤誠一, BAN Tao, 中里純二, 島村隼平
    2016年, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2016(SPT-17) (SPT-17)

  • 小澤誠一
    一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, 2016年, システム/制御/情報, 60(3) (3), 120 - 125, 日本語

  • ダークネットトラフィックに基づく学習型DDoS攻撃監視システムの開発
    古谷暢章, 北園淳, 小澤誠一, BAN Tao, 中里純二, 島村隼平
    2015年, 情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ(CD-ROM), 2015(3) (3)

  • ダークネットトラフィックに基づいたDDoSバックスキャッタ判定
    古谷暢章, BAN Tao, 中里純二, 島村隼平, 北園淳, 小澤誠一
    2015年, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 59th

  • A Neural Network Model for Incremental Learning of Large-Scale Stream Data
    Aminah Ali Siti Hajar, Fukase Kiminori, Ozawa Seiichi
    システム制御情報学会, 2014年05月21日, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 58, 6p, 英語

  • Fast Online Feature Extraction Using Chunk Incremental Kernel Principal Component Analysis
    Joseph Annie anak, Ozawa Seiichi
    システム制御情報学会, 2014年05月21日, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 58, 4p, 英語

  • ダークネットパケットに対するDDoS攻撃によるバックスキャッター判定に関する研究
    古谷暢章, BAN Tao, 中里純二, 島村隼平, 小澤誠一
    2014年, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 58th

  • 小澤 誠一
    一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, 2014年, システム/制御/情報, 58(1) (1), 46 - 46, 日本語

  • Handling Concept Drift Using Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis with Knowledge Transfer in Non-stationary Data Streams
    Joseph Annie anak, Ozawa Seiichi
    システム制御情報学会, 2013年05月15日, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 57, 3p, 英語

  • ダークネットトラフィックデータの解析によるサブネットの脆弱性判定に関する研究
    西風宗典, BAN Tao, 小澤誠一
    2013年, 情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ(CD-ROM), 2013(4) (4)

  • 小澤 誠一
    一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, 2010年, システム制御情報学会 研究発表講演会講演論文集, SCI10, 301 - 301, 日本語

  • 小澤 誠一
    一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, 2007年, システム制御情報学会 研究発表講演会講演論文集, SCI07, 164 - 164, 日本語

  • 小澤 誠一
    一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, 2005年, システム/制御/情報, 49(10) (10), 424 - 425, 日本語

  • 椹木 哲夫, 小澤 誠一, 諏訪 晴彦
    一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, 2005年, システム/制御/情報, 49(12) (12), 488 - 488, 日本語

  • 特集号によせて
    小澤 誠一
    2004年11月01日, 電気学会論文誌. C, 電子・情報・システム部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and System Society, 124(11) (11), 2201 - 2201, 日本語

  • 小澤 誠一
    公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会, 2004年09月10日, 計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 43(9) (9), 723 - 723, 日本語

  • 独立成分分析を用いた個人性抽出に関する基礎研究
    小澤 誠一
    2003年, 実吉奨学会研究報告集, 20,27-30, 日本語

  • 小澤 誠一
    公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会, 2002年12月10日, 計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 41(12) (12), 888 - 893, 日本語

  • 独立成分分析
    小澤 誠一, 小谷 学
    2000年08月10日, 計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 39(8) (8), 522 - 522, 日本語

  • 馬場 則夫, 小澤 誠一
    一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会, 1993年01月15日, 日本ロボット学会誌, 11(1) (1), 44 - 48, 日本語

  • ニューラルネットワーク応用の最新動向
    小谷 学, 小澤 誠一
    システム制御情報学会, 1992年10月15日, システム/制御/情報 : システム制御情報学会誌 = Systems, control and information, 36(10) (10), 669 - 677, 日本語

  • 「ニューロメール」 について
    小澤 誠一
    1992年10月15日, システム/制御/情報 : システム制御情報学会誌 = Systems, control and information, 36(10) (10), 679 - 679, 日本語

  • 多モジュ-ルニュ-ラルネットの動作方程式の導出
    小沢 誠一
    奈良工業高等専門学校, 1992年, 奈良工業高等専門学校研究紀要, (28) (28), p41 - 44, 日本語

  • パタ-ンの時間伸縮を許容する自己組織化神経回路網モデル
    小沢 誠一
    奈良工業高等専門学校, 1990年, 奈良工業高等専門学校研究紀要, (26) (26), p61 - 67, 日本語

  • コホ-ネンネットの階層化モデルによる単音節認識
    小沢 誠一, 堤 一義, 松本 治弥
    奈良工業高等専門学校, 1989年, 奈良工業高等専門学校研究紀要, (25) (25), p57 - 62, 日本語

■ 書籍等出版物
  • データサイエンスの考え方 : 社会に役立つAI×データ活用のために
    小澤, 誠一, 齋藤, 政彦
    オーム社, 2021年11月, 日本語, ISBN: 9784274227974

  • データサイエンス基礎
    齋藤, 政彦, 小澤, 誠一, 羽森, 茂之, 南, 知惠子, 平田, 燕奈, 光明, 新, 小川, 賢, 為井, 智也, 上田, 修功, 森永, 聡, 本村, 陽一
    培風館, 2021年03月, 日本語, ISBN: 9784563016104

  • Neural Information Processing - 25th International Conference, ICONIP 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia, December 13-16, 2018, Proceedings, Part VII
    CHENG Long, LEUNG Andrew Chi-Sing, OZAWA Seiichi
    共編者(共編著者), Springer, 2018年12月, 英語, ISBN: 9783030042394

  • Neural Information Processing - 25th International Conference, ICONIP 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia, December 13-16, 2018, Proceedings, Part VI
    CHENG Long, LEUNG Andrew Chi-Sing, OZAWA Seiichi
    共編者(共編著者), Springer, 2018年12月, 英語, ISBN: 9783030042240

  • Neural Information Processing - 25th International Conference, ICONIP 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia, December 13-16, 2018, Proceedings, Part V
    CHENG Long, LEUNG Andrew Chi-Sing, OZAWA Seiichi
    共編者(共編著者), Springer, 2018年12月, 英語, ISBN: 9783030042219

  • Neural Information Processing - 25th International Conference, ICONIP 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia, December 13-16, 2018, Proceedings, Part IV
    CHENG Long, LEUNG Andrew Chi-Sing, OZAWA Seiichi
    共編者(共編著者), Springer, 2018年12月, 英語, ISBN: 9783030042127

  • Neural Information Processing - 25th International Conference, ICONIP 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia, December 13-16, 2018, Proceedings, Part III
    CHENG Long, LEUNG Andrew Chi-Sing, OZAWA Seiichi
    共編者(共編著者), Springer, 2018年12月, 英語, ISBN: 9783030041823

  • Neural Information Processing - 25th International Conference, ICONIP 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia, December 13-16, 2018, Proceedings, Part II
    CHENG Long, LEUNG Andrew Chi-Sing, OZAWA Seiichi
    共編者(共編著者), Springer, 2018年12月, 英語, ISBN: 9783030041793

  • Neural Information Processing - 25th International Conference, ICONIP 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia, December 13-16, 2018, Proceedings, Part I
    CHENG Long, LEUNG Andrew Chi-Sing, OZAWA Seiichi
    共編者(共編著者), Springer, 2018年12月, 英語, ISBN: 9783030041670

  • INNS Conference on Big Data and Deep Learning
    OZAWA Seiichi, TAN Ah-Hwee, ANGELOV P. Plamen, ROY Asim, PRATAMA Mahardhika
    共編者(共編著者), Elsevier, 2018年12月, 英語

  • Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Neural Networks and Brain Computing (Chapter 12 - Computational Intelligence in the Time of Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things)
    ALIPPI Cesare, OZAWA Seiichi
    その他, Elsevier, 2018年11月, 英語, The emergence of non-trivial embedded sensor units and cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things has made possible the design and implementation of sophisticated applications where large amounts of real-time data are collected, possibly to constitute a big data picture as time passes. Within this framework, in-telligence mechanisms based on machine learning, neural netw, ISBN: 9780128154809

  • Neural Information Processing
    共編者(共編著者), Springer International Publishing AG, 2016年10月, 英語, The four volume set LNCS 9947, LNCS 9948, LNCS 9949, and LNCS 9950 constitues the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP 2016, held in Kyoto, Japan, in October 2016. The 296 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 431 submissions. The 4 volumes are organized in topical sections on deep and reinforcement, ISBN: 9783319466712

  • Neural information processing : 23rd International Conference, ICONIP 2016, Kyoto, Japan, October 16-21, 2016, Proceedings
    International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 廣瀬, 明, 小澤, 誠一, 銅谷, 賢治, 池田, 和司, Lee, Minho, Liu, Derong
    Springer, 2016年, 英語, ISBN: 9783319466743

  • State of the Art in Face Recognition
    Julio Ponce, Adem Karahoca, 小澤 誠一
    共著, IN-TECH, 2009年01月, 英語

  • 人工知能学辞典
    小澤 誠一
    共著, 共立出版, 2005年12月, 日本語

  • Neural Networks Applications in Information Technology and Web Engineering
    OZAWA Seiichi, ABE Shigeo
    共著, Borneo Publishing Co., 2005年, 英語

  • Neural Information Processing: Research and Development
    小澤 誠一
    共著, Springer-Verlag, 2004年, 英語

  • Dynamic Systems Approach for Embodiment and Sociality
    OZAWA Seiichi
    共著, Advanced Knowledge International, 2003年, 英語

  • ニューラルネットと計測制御
    西川 よし一, 北村 新三, 小澤 誠一
    共著, 朝倉書店, 1995年, 日本語

  • ニューラルネットの基礎と応用
    馬場, 則夫, 小島, 史男, 小澤, 誠一
    共著, 共立出版, 1994年, 日本語, ISBN: 4320027140

■ 講演・口頭発表等
  • AIを安全に利用する技術的課題と対策
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2024, AWS/PWS共同企画「AIガバナンスに向けた政策と技術の動向について」, 2024年10月, 日本語

  • 不確実なデータラベルを前提とした機械学習によるサイバー攻撃検知のための誤ラベル訂正
    浦川遥輝, 山田 明, Joo Suwon, Vestin Simon, Wang Hui, Park Chanho, 小澤 誠一
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2024, 2024年09月, 日本語

  • ime Series Data Augmentation Using State-Space Model and Its Application to Cyber Attack Data Generation
    Seiichi Ozawa
    4th CIC-NICT Workshop, Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity, University of New Brunswick, 2024年09月, 英語

  • Time Series Data Augmentation Using State-Space Model and Its Application to Cyber Attack Data Generation
    Seiichi Ozawa
    Workshop on Cyber Defense and Resilience at Behaviour-Centric Cybersecurity Center (BCCC), York University, 2024年09月, 英語

  • AIの社会実装とセキュリティ
    情報処理学会 連続セミナー2024「情報技術の新たな地平:AIと量子が導く社会変革」, 2024年09月, 日本語

  • 組織間連合学習による社会課題への取組み
    EAGLE DAY 2024, 2024年04月, 日本語

  • 組織間連合学習AIによる社会課題へのチャレンジ – 銀行不正送金検知の取組み
    NICTサイバーセキュリティシンポジウム2024, 2024年02月, 日本語

  • アクティブスキャンによるIoT デバイスフィンガープリントを利用したマルウェア感染端末数の推定
    宮武和咲, 遠藤由紀子, 山田明, 班涛, 高橋健志, 小澤誠一
    2024年暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム(SCIS2024), 2024年01月, 日本語

  • Cloak-Bench:大規模言語モデルによるセキュリティ分析の定量的評価方式 – フィッシングキットのクローキング検出への応用
    中野瑠人, 山田明, 班涛, 高橋健志, 小澤誠一
    2024年暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム(SCIS2024), 2024年01月, 日本語

  • AIによる特殊詐欺監視
    2023年度日本OR学会関西支部シンポジウム, 2023年12月, 日本語

  • The Impact of Professional Societies in Shaping Disruptive Technologies such as Generative AI
    Irwin King (moderator), Jonathan, H. Chan, Kenji Doya, Włodzisław Duch, Seiichi Ozawa
    The 2023 International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2023), 2023年11月, 英語

  • Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning for Big Data Analysis – How can we solve social issues using AI? -
    Seiichi Ozawa
    Chitose International Forum on Science & Technology, 2023年09月, 日本語

  • データサイエンスと活用事例 〜深層学習を用いた大豆の生育情報センシング〜
    小澤 誠一
    兵庫県立農林水産技術総合センター講演, 2023年08月, 日本語

  • Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning for Big Data Analysis - How can we solve social issues using AI? –“
    Seiichi Ozawa
    Lecture 2 at the University of Ljubljana, 2023年03月, 英語

  • Cyber Security and Its Countermeasures in AI Systems
    Seiichi Ozawa
    Lecture 1 at the University of Ljubljana, 2023年03月, 英語

  • 機械学習とOSSのセキュリティ
    情報セキュリティ・シンポジウム(日本銀行金融研究所・情報技術研究センター), 2023年03月, 日本語

  • BFL-Boost: Blockchain-based Federated Learning for Gradient Boosting to Enhance Security in Model Training
    Septiviana Savitri Asrori, Lihua Wang, Seiichi Ozawa
    in 2023 Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security (SCIS), 2023年01月, 英語

  • Cyber Security and Its Countermeasures in AI Systems
    Seiichi Ozawa
    2022 5th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference, 2022年12月, 英語

  • データサイエンスの考え方 : 社会に役立つAI×データ活用のために
    第10回オープンテクノフォーラム(神奈川県支部第116回 CPD講座, 2022年11月, 日本語

  • 動的サンプリングを用いた連合学習型勾配ブースティング決定木の継続学習
    三浦啓吾, 井上広明, 金 相旭, 王 立華, 小澤誠一
    第30回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(FAN2022), 2022年09月, 日本語

  • プライバシー保護連合学習による組織間ビッグデータ解析とその応用
    第30回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム,, 2022年09月, 日本語

  • Researcher2Vecによる研究者ネットワーク可視化システムの開発 - 神戸大学における研究DXの取組
    平田燕奈, 小澤誠一
    第30回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム(FAN2022), 2022年09月, 日本語

  • 人工知能システムにおけるサイバーセキュリティリスクとその対策
    MS&ADサイバーワークショップ, 2022年08月, 日本語

  • プライバシー保護連合学習技術を活用した銀行不正送金検知
    盛合 志帆, 小澤 誠一
    NVIDIA AI DAYS 2022, 2022年06月, 日本語

  • Future deep learning machines inspired by the human brain
    Nikola Kasabov, c, Soo-Young Lee, Zeng-Guang Hou, Taro Toyoizumi, Seiichi Ozawa, Jonathan, H. Chan
    The APNNS/IEEE-CIS Education Forum series on Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Summer School 2022 (DLAI6), 2022年06月, 英語

  • 投資支援のためのニュース記事からのESG関連文抽出
    吉田朋弘, 小澤誠一, 渡辺一男, 廣瀬勇秀, 池田佳弘, 飯塚正昭, 西田大輔
    第28回人工知能学会 金融情報学研究会(SIG-FIN), 2022年03月, 日本語

  • 機械学習を用いたアナリストレポート分析と投資判断レーティング予測
    鈴木章悟, 小澤誠一, 渡辺一男, 廣瀬勇秀, 池田佳弘, 飯塚正昭, 西田大輔
    第28回人工知能学会 金融情報学研究会(SIG-FIN), 2022年03月, 日本語

  • 機械学習を用いた悪性TLS通信の検知と通信特徴の推移に関する考察
    藤原魁成, 小澤誠一, 春木博行, Park Chanho
    第96回コンピュータセキュリティ合同研究発表会 (CSEC2022), 2022年03月, 日本語

  • 動的サンプリングを使用した勾配ブースティング決定木の連合追加学習
    三浦 啓吾, 王 立華, 小澤 誠一
    2022年 暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム(SCIS2022), 2022年01月, 日本語

  • Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning for Big Data Analysis and its potential applications
    Seiichi Ozawa
    2021 4th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference (AICCC 2021), 2021年12月, 英語

  • HTMLタグの構造に着目したグラフ畳み込みネットワークによる悪性サイト判定
    山本貴巳, Kim Sangwook, 班 涛, 高橋健志, 小澤誠一
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2021, 2021年10月, 日本語

  • Detecting Malicious Websites Based onJavaScript Content Analysis
    Muhammad Fakhrur Rozi, Tao Ban, Sangwook Kim, Seiichi Ozawa, Takeshi Takahashi, Daisuke Inoue
    Computer Security Symposium 2021(CSS2021), 2021年10月, 英語

  • 深層学習モデルと勾配ブースティング決定木モデルを用いたユーザなりすまし検知
    土屋 寛途, 小澤 誠一, 春木 博行, Park Chanho
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2021, 2021年10月, 日本語

  • 時系列パターンの共起性に基づく大豆の収量に関与する土壌水分環境の抽出
    逸見 聡, 東山 久瑠実, 長南 友也, 林 怜史, 中村 卓司, 辻 博之, 村上 則幸, 西出 亮, 大川 剛直, 小澤 誠一
    情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集 (FIT), 2021年08月, 日本語

  • スーパーセキュリティゲートの実用化に向け た深層学習モデルの軽量化
    村中 建太, 中谷 透大, 小澤 誠一, 西村 祐太朗, 坂倉 涼太, 鈴木 章吾, 木村建次郎, 美馬 勇輝, 木村 憲明
    第65回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会 (SCI’21), 2021年05月, 日本語

  • ダークネットにおける大規模調査パケットを考慮したポート番号埋め込みベクトルによるスキャンパケット解析
    石川真太郎, 中藤大暉, 班涛, 小澤誠
    第186回マルチメディア通信と分散処理・第92回コンピュータセキュリティ合同研究発表会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 物体検知および追跡手法を用いた大豆の花数計測システムの開発
    織部慧次朗, 小澤誠一
    計測自動制御学会 第48回知能システムシンポジウム, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • デジタルトランスフォーメーションで求められるAIの役割
    日本テクノセンターAI基礎研修, 2021年02月, 日本語

  • 準同型暗号を用いたプライバシー保護決定木アンサンブルによる外れ値検知
    糸数 健吾, 王 立華, 小澤 誠一
    2021年 暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム(SCIS2021), 2021年01月, 日本語

  • 文字レベル畳み込みニューラルネットによる悪性サイト判定のURL単語頻度に基づく高度化
    山本 貴巳, 石川 真太郎, 山田 明, 小澤 誠一
    2021年 暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム(SCIS2021), 2021年01月, 日本語

  • Deep Pyramid Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Obfuscated Malicious JavaScript Codes Using Bytecode Sequence Features
    Rozi Muhammad Fakhrur, Sangwook Kim, Seiichi Ozawa
    Computer Security Symposium 2020 (CSS2020), 2020年10月, 英語

  • ポート番号埋め込みベクトルを用いたダークネットスキャンパケット解析
    石川 真太郎, 小澤 誠一, 班 涛
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2020, 2020年10月, 日本語

  • 協調学習スキームを導入したプライバシー保護XGBoost
    山本 楓己, 王 立華, 小澤 誠一
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2020, 2020年10月, 日本語

  • An Introduction to Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning for Big Data Analysis
    Seiichi Ozawa
    Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Summer School 2020 (DLAI3), 2020年06月, 日本語

  • AI基礎研修 -データ解析のためのAI-
    日本テクノセンターAI基礎研修, 2020年06月, 日本語

  • データ解析におけるプライバシー保護技術とその応⽤
    第64回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会 (SCI’20), 2020年05月, 日本語

  • スーパーセキュリティーゲート実現に向けた磁場分布画像解析の深層学習による高度化
    中谷透大, 美馬勇輝, 鈴木章吾, 坂倉涼太, 木村建次郎, 小澤誠一
    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2020年05月, 日本語

  • アナリストレポートにおけるキーワード関連文の抽出と景況感推移観測への応用
    高山将丈, 小澤誠一, 廣瀬勇秀, 飯塚正昭, 渡辺一男, 逸見龍太
    人工知能学会 第24回金融情報学研究会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • 深層学習モデルを用いたURLに着目したアクセスログ内の悪性Webサイト探索
    前橋祐斗, 小澤誠一, 山田明
    情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2020年03月, 日本語

  • 深層学習モデルを用いたコマンドログに基づくユーザなりすまし検知
    安達貴洋, 小澤誠一, 春木博行
    情報処理学会研究報告(Web), 2020年03月

  • デジタルトランスフォーメーションがもたらす社会変革(1)『いまさら聞けないデジタル化
    小澤 誠一
    KOBE×DXプロジェクト2019 DXミドルマネジメント向け講座, 2020年01月, 日本語, デジタルトランスフォーメーション研究機構, 神戸学院大学 神戸三宮サテライト, 変化の激しいビジネス環境や顧客ニーズが多様化する現在の社会では、あらゆる場面でデータの活用やデジタル技術が不可欠です。こうしたデータやデジタル技術やデータの活用については、かつてのようにITの専門家であるベンダや企業・自治体内の情報システム部門だけでなく、事業・サービスを主導するミドルマネジメント層が理解していなければ、事業の効率化やイノベーションを期待することはできません。今や業務、経営とデジタルは完全に一体となっています。 本講座は、まずデジタル技術について、その各技術の概要について簡単に触れた後、データの利活用について、事業を推進するリーダー役であるミドル層として最低限、理解しておかなければならない知識について、活用事例やデータ取得の難しさ等も含めて紹介します。特にこれからの社会やビジネスを大きく変えるであろうVRについて実際に体感し、デジタル技術を自分事として捉えられるようにします。この講座を受講することによりデジタルを活用した未来を想像し、自社ビジネスとデジタルのつながりを考えることができるようになることが期待できます。 また、本講座受講後はデータ利活用のための技術を、深い知見を有する社員や委託先とスムーズなコミュニケーションができるようになり、また、経営層に対しては意思決定に必要なデータを提供し、それを説得力のある形で説明できるレベルになることが期待できます。

  • Machine Learning Approach to Detection of Malicious URLs and JavaScript
    Seiichi Ozawa
    2019 International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2019年12月, 英語, Asia Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS), Manly, Sydney, オーストラリア連邦, 国際会議

  • Brain-Inspired Neural Network Architectures for Brain Inspired AI
    Nikola Kasabov (convener), Zeng-Guang Hou, Minho Lee, Seiichi Ozawa, Jie Yang, David Powers
    International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2019年12月, 英語, Asia Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS), Manly, Sydney, オーストリア共和国, 国際会議

  • DXと人工知能のメカニズムと活用
    小澤 誠一
    DX実務者入門講座(第3回), 2019年12月, 日本語, デジタルトランスフォーメーション研究機構, 神戸学院大学 神戸三宮サテライト(神戸市), 日本国, デジタル技術やデータ利活用で業務プロセスを変革し、新しいビジネスモデルを創造していくデジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)が、いま、社会全体で求められています。現在進行しているサービスや、顧客管理におけるDXの活用事例、人工知能技術、情報セキュリティ、そしてそれらを支える統計解析や数学の基礎について、コンパクトに学べるDX入門講座を神戸三宮で開催します。6回全てご参加いただいた受講者には「受講認定証」を授与いたします。奮ってご参加ください。

  • 人工知能のメカニズムと活用
    小澤 誠一
    日本総研セミナー, 2019年11月, 日本語

  • Ring-LWEベース準同型暗号を用いたプライバシー保護決定木分類
    福井 智, 王 立華, 林 卓也, 小澤 誠一
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2019論文集, 2019年10月, 日本語

  • ダークネットUDP通信の可視化画像とトラフィック統計量を用いたDDoSバックスキャッタ判定の改善
    野村 竜也, 小澤 誠一, 班 涛, 島村 隼平
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2019論文集, 2019年10月, 日本語

  • プライバシー保護データマイニングとデジタルトランスフォーメーション
    Society5.0実現のためのセンシングソリューション技術分科会,JEITA,電子情報技術産業協会, 2019年08月, 日本語

  • 三層ニューラルネットワークにおけるRing-LWEベース準同型暗号を用いた効率的なプライバシー保護推論処理
    手塚雄大, WANG Lihua, WANG Lihua, 林卓也, KIM Sangwook, 為井智也, 大森敏明, 小澤誠一
    人工知能学会全国大会(Web), 2019年06月, 日本語, 一般社団法人 人工知能学会,

    データのプライバシーへの懸念が膨大なデータの利活用を妨げている.プライバシーを保護した上でデータ解析を行う技術は重要である.本研究では,Ring-LWEベースの準同型暗号を用いて三層ニューラルネットの内積演算を効率よく行えるプライバシー保護機械学習モデルを提案する.提案モデルは,入力データを暗号化して,その識別結果を受け取るクライアント,学習済モデルを用いて暗号化された入力に対する識別結果を計算するサーバで構成される.これにより,クライアントはデータのプライバシーを漏らすことなく,モデル製作者はモデルを公開することなくデータの解析を行うことができる.提案手法では,一つのクラスの推論処理に対して,10.549 [ms]の時間を要する.また,Sigmoid関数やReLU関数の場合に近い精度で推論処理を行える.


  • 自己注意機構付きLSTMを用いた景況感情報に基づく金融文書の重要文抽出
    山岡周平, 小澤誠一, 小澤誠一, 廣瀬勇秀, 飯塚正昭
    人工知能学会全国大会(Web), 2019年06月, 日本語, 一般社団法人 人工知能学会,

    投信会社や投資顧問のアナリストが企業を訪問し、ヒアリングした内容は往訪記録として大量に蓄積されている。これらには、企業の財務状況や将来計画など、個々の企業の投資価値を判断する重要情報が詰まっており、それらの情報を総合して、ファンドマネージャーが投資先を決断する。しかしながら、大量に蓄積された情報から適切な景況分析と投資判断を導き出すことは、熟練のファンドマネージャーであっても容易ではない。本研究では,アナリストが作成した往訪記録に対し、リカレントニューラルネットであるBidirectional LSTMで文書単位の埋め込みベクトルを求め、往訪記録に付与された景況感情報を教師信号として自己注意機構の重みに基づいた学習を行い、重要文章の抽出を行う。1,390件の往訪記録を5重交差検定法で性能評価した結果、約79%の抽出精度が得られ、トピックモデルの一つである教師ありLDAモデルに比べても高い精度が得られることを示す。


  • 畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いたアナリスト往訪記録における景況感判定
    高山将丈, 小澤誠一, 小澤誠一, 廣瀬勇秀, 飯塚正昭
    人工知能学会全国大会(Web), 2019年06月, 日本語, 一般社団法人 人工知能学会,



  • プライバシー保護データマイニングにより拡がるビッグデータ解析
    小澤 誠一
    2019 神戸大学 数理・データサイエンスセンター シンポジウム ~AIセキュリティとフィンテック応用の最前線~, 2019年05月, 日本語, 神戸大学 数理・データサイエンスセンター, 大阪イノベーションハブ, 日本国, 神戸大学 数理・データサイエンスセンターでは、機械学習やブロックチェーン技術の社会実装の推進とデジタルトランスフォーメーションに対応する人材の育成を目指し、2019年5月に一般社団法人デジタルトランスフォーメーション研究機構を設立します。今回はそのディセミネーションイベントとして、フィンテック分野におけるセキュリティをテーマにしたシンポジウムを開催し、デジタルトランスフォーメーションを推進するうえで必須のセキュリティ技術について参加者と広く情報共有・意見交換する場とすることを目指します。

  • RetinaNetと物体追跡手法を用いた大豆生育情報の自動取得
    大村 和輝, 小澤 誠一, 大川 剛直, 長南 友也, 辻 博之, 村上 則幸
    63回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2019年05月, 日本語

  • 相関ルール解析とダークネット解析を用いたネットワークスキャン観測の高度化
    橋本 直輝, 小澤 誠一, 班 涛, 島村 隼平
    63回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2019年05月, 日本語

  • 機械学習とダークネット解析を用いたDDoS観測の高度化
    畑中拓哉, 小澤誠一, 班涛, 島村隼平
    63回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2019年05月, 日本語

  • AI×セキュリティの現状と期待
    小澤 誠一
    第6回制御部門マルチシンポジウム, 2019年03月, 日本語, SICE, 熊本大学, 深層学習や機械学習、自然言語処理などを使ったAI技術の進展は目覚ましく、画像認識や音声認識の能力では、すでに人間を上回っているとされます。しかし、セキュリティ分野での機械学習の活用には、まだ課題も多く、AIの強みと限界を知り、現実の問題に向き合いながらにうまく使っていくことが重要です。本講演では、3つのAI×セキュリティを取り上げます。一つ目は、AIをサイバー攻撃の検知や分類に活かす試みですが、そもそも攻撃に関するデータをどのように収集してAIのモデルを学習し、予測に役立てるかは自明ではありません。これは多くの実応用でAIを活用するときの共通の悩みになっており、講演の第1部では、まずこの点に着目した解説を試みます。次に、AIを守るためのセキュリティについて考えます。近年、クラウド上でAIを構築して、サービスを提供するMachine Learning, 国内会議

  • Torクローラを用いたダークウェブにおける悪性URLの探索
    川口雄己, 小澤誠一
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 2019年, 日本語, 電子情報通信学会, 近年,Drive-by-Download攻撃やフィッシングなどのWebを媒介するサイバー攻撃が深刻化しており,ユーザを悪性サイトに誘導しない仕組みの導入が求められている。これに対し,Google Safe Browsing等のブラウザ上で悪性サイトへのアクセスをブロックする仕組みが広く使われている.WarpDriveは特定の悪性サイトをブロックするだけでなく,ユーザ参加型の観測網を構築することで,Web媒介型攻撃の実態解明と対策を目指すプロジェクトである.本研究はWarpDrive研究プロジェクトの一環として,ダークウェブに存在する未知悪性サイト情報の収集を行う仕組みを提案する.具体的にはTorネットワークから表層へのリンクをクローラによって収集し,VirusTotalとGredエンジンで悪性度判定を行うシステムを構築した.また,どのようなサイトに悪

  • セキュリティ分野におけるAI活用の現状と期待
    小澤 誠一
    第30回AIセミナー, 2019年01月, 日本語, 産業技術総合研究所, 産総研人工知能研究センター(東京都), 深層学習や機械学習、自然言語処理などを使ったAI技術の進展は目覚ましく、画像認識や音声認識の能力では、すでに人間を上回っているとされます。しかし、セキュリティ分野での機械学習の活用には、まだ課題も多く、AIの強みと限界を知り、現実の問題に向き合いながらにうまく使っていくことが重要です。AIを使ったサイバー攻撃の検知や分類が活発に研究されていますが、近年、AI自体がサイバー攻撃の対象となることも知られており、AIをどう護るかも重要な課題になっています。一方で、セキュリティとAIを組み合わせることで、これまでにない新しいサービスへの期待も広がりつつあります。本講演では、我々の取り組みを紹介させて頂きながら、セキュリティ分野におけるAIへの期待と現状について一緒に考えたいと思います。, 国内会議

  • Challenges and Expectations against AI in Security
    OZAWA Seiichi
    2018 Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference, 2018年12月, 英語, ACM Sigapore Chapter, Hotel Sunroute Plaza Shinjuku (Tokyo), Increasing the maliciousness and the diversity of cyber-attacks is one of the most concerned issues in recent years. There are various kinds of cyber-threads such as malware infection, DDoS attacks, probing to find security vulnerability, phishing, and spam mails to lure malicious web site, which intend to steal money/important information and to stop or disturb public services, 国際会議

  • セキュリティ分野におけるAIへの期待と現状
    小澤 誠一
    AC・Net研究会,, 2018年10月, 日本語, AC・Net, 大阪大学中之島センター(大阪市), 深層学習や機械学習、自然言語処理などを使ったAI技術が注目されていますが、これらの強みと限界を知り、現実の問題に向き合いながらに正しく使うことが重要です。サイバーセキュリティにおいて、これら「万能でないAI」をどう活かせばよいでしょうか?また、人工知能が社会実装されていく上で、AI自体がサイバー攻撃の対象となり得ることが懸念されています。これに、どう対応していけばよいのでしょうか?このような懸念と不安がくすぶりつつも、一方では、セキュリティとAIを組み合わせることで、これまでにない新しいサービスへの期待も広がりつつあります。このようなセキュリティ分野における人工知能への期待と現状について、その動向をご紹介できればと思います。, 国内会議

  • AIのAIによるAIのためのセキュリティ:セキュリティ×AIの現状と期待
    小澤 誠一
    制御技術部会研究会講演, 2018年10月, 日本語, SICE, 東京電機大学 東京千住キャンパス(東京都), 深層学習や機械学習、自然言語処理などを使ったAI技術が注目されていますが、これらの強みと限界を知り、現実の問題に向き合いながらに正しく使うことが重要です。サイバーセキュリティにおいて、これら「万能でないAI」をどう活かせばよいでしょうか?また、人工知能が社会実装されていく上で、AI自体がサイバー攻撃の対象となり得ることが懸念されています。これに、どう対応していけばよいのでしょうか?このような懸念と不安がくすぶりつつも、一方では、セキュリティとAIを組み合わせることで、これまでにない新しいサービスへの期待も広がりつつあります。このようなセキュリティ分野における人工知能への期待と現状について、その動向をご紹介できればと思います。, 国内会議

  • Privacy-Preserving Naive Bayes Classifier based on Homomorphic Encryption
    KIM Sangwook, OMORI Toshiaki, OMORI Masahiro, HAYASHI Takuya, WANG Lihua, OZAWA Seiichi
    The 13th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC2018), 2018年09月, 英語, IWSEC, Sakura Hall, Tohoku University (仙台市), 国際会議

  • Detection of JavaScript-based Attacks Using Doc2Vec Feature Learning
    NIDCHU Samuel, KIM Sangwook, OZAWA Seiichi, MISU Takeshi, MAKISHIMA Kazuo
    The 13th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC2018), 2018年09月, 英語, IWSEC, Sakura Hall, Tohoku University (仙台市), Websites attracts millions of visitors due to the convenience of services they offer. These include news, entertainment and educational contents among many others. However, a large number of users frequenting these sites are considered as interesting targets for cyber attackers. These websites are injected with malicious codes by exploiting vulnerabilities in servers, plugins a, 国際会議

  • AI・機械学習における各種手法・技術と適用のポイント・事例
    小澤 誠一
    日本テクノセンターセミナー, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本テクノセンター, たかつガーデン(大阪市), AIの基礎とその限界を理解し、データや目的に応じて、どのような手法を適用したらよいかの見当をつける能力を習得できる。, 国内会議

  • AIの躍進の背景と最新技術動向
    小澤 誠一
    次世代AI技術セミナー, 2018年09月, 日本語, 兵庫エレクトロニクス研究会, 兵庫県立工業技術センター, AIとは何か?AIは使い物になるのか?AIで産業や技術はどう変わっていくのか?昨今のAIの躍進とその背景を振り返りながら、この問いに答えていきたいと思います。, 国内会議

  • A New Direction of Machine Learning: Privacy-Preserving Data Mining (PPDM)
    OZAWA Seiichi
    BESK Workshop, 2018年08月, 英語, BESK, Gangneung Green City Experience Center (Gangneung, Korea), 国際会議

  • A Machine Learning Approach to Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Using Homomorphic Encryption
    OZAWA Seiichi
    AI Flagship Project Workshop, 2018年08月, 英語, Kyungpook National University, Gangneung–Wonju National University (Gangneung, Korea), 国際会議

  • サイバー攻撃対策としてのAIへの期待と現状
    小澤 誠一
    SCSK講演:AIに関する基礎・将来講座, 2018年07月, 日本語, SCSK, 豊洲フロント(東京都), 機械学習や深層学習、自然言語処理などのAI技術への期待は高まるばかりですが、一方でその限界も認識されつつあります。本講演では、AIの強みと限界を知り、サイバー攻撃にどのように向き合い、活かしていくべきなのか、我々が行っている研究事例を紹介しながら考えてみたいと思います。, 国内会議

  • 大豆の生育情報を自動取得する画像センシング手法の開発 - Single Shot MultiBox Detectorの導入
    大村 和暉, 八幡 壮, 小澤 誠一, 大川 剛直, 村上 則幸, 辻 博之
    2018年人工知能学会全国大会, 2018年06月, 日本語, 人工知能学会, 城山ホテル(鹿児島市), スマート農業において,生育状態の自動観測は重要なタスクである.本論文では,機械学習による大豆の花と子実を検知する検知手法を提案する.また,動画から子実をカウントする新手法も提案する.我々は高速かつ高い精度を持つSingle Shot MultiBox Detectorを使用した.画像は北海道農業研究センターで2015年から2017年にかけて収集した.子実検知と花検知はそれぞれ0.586(F値)と0.646(F値)の性能を達成した., 国内会議

  • AI・機械学習の基礎と広がるAI応用
    小澤 誠一
    2018年AI・機械学習シンポジウム, 2018年05月, 日本語, NPO法人M2M・IoT研究会, 藤沢商工会館みなパーク (藤沢市), 深層学習や機械学習,自然言語処理などを使ったAI技術が注目されているが,これらの強みと限界を知り,現実の問題に向き合いながらに正しく使うことが重要である.機械学習のツールやライブラリーをブラックボックスとして使うのではなく,その中身を知ることで,正しい手法を正しい目的で使えるよう機械学習の基礎を講述する.また,AI技術を使った最新の応用事例を紹介する., 国内会議

  • 人工知能技術の基礎と応用
    小澤 誠一
    KansAI0.6 事業開発講座, 2018年04月, 日本語, Scribble Osaka Lab, Scribble Osaka Lab (大阪市), 国内会議

  • Collecting Cybersecurity-related Contents in Dark Web
    小澤 誠一
    The 2nd Nanyang Technological University and Kobe University Workshop on Data Science and Artificail Intelligence, 2018年03月, 英語, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 国際会議

  • 万能でないAIのサイバーセキュリティでの活かし方
    小澤 誠一
    AIセキュリティ最前線2018, 2018年02月, 日本語, 東京都, 国内会議

  • 人工知能分野における最新の研究・技術動向
    小澤 誠一
    データサイエンスセミナー, 2018年02月, 日本語, 大阪市, 国内会議

  • 機械学習によるサイバーセキュリティとプライバシー保護データマイニングへの取組み
    小澤 誠一
    NICT サイバーセキュリティシンポジウム, 2018年02月, 日本語, NICT, 東京都, 国内会議

  • なぜ『セキュリティ×機械学習』?
    小澤 誠一
    第45回SICE知能システムシンポジウム, 2018年02月, 日本語, SICE, 豊中市, 国内会議

  • Detection of Malicious JavaScript Contents Using Doc2vec Feature Learning
    Wangar Samuel Ndichu, 小澤 誠一, 三須 剛史, 岡田 晃市郎
    2018年暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム, 2018年01月, 英語, 電子情報通信学会, 新潟市, To add more functionality and usability to web applications, JavaScript (JS) which is a dynamic and lightweight scripting language is frequently used. However, even with its advantages and usefulness in web applications, it is problematic that there exist malicious JS codes aiming for cyberattacks such as drive-by-download attacks. In general, malicious JS code are not easy to, 国内会議

  • AI・機械学習の観点からの 次世代セキュリティ
    小澤 誠一
    第4回ASF次世代セキュリティシンポジウム, 2017年12月, 日本語, 東京都, 国内会議

  • Recent Challenges to Cybersecurity and Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Using Machine Learning
    小澤 誠一
    Nanyang Technological University and Kobe University Workshop on Data Science, 2017年11月, 英語, Kobe University, 神戸市, 国内会議

  • A Brief Introduction to Data Science Center and Research Topics on Machine Learning for Big Data
    小澤 誠一
    2nd Bilateral Workshop on Research Exchange between National Taiwan University and Kobe University, 2017年11月, 英語, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 国際会議

  • 匿名ネットワークTorにおけるマーケット商品とセキュリティ事件との関連性に関する考察
    川口 雄己, 山田 明, 小澤 誠一
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2017, 2017年10月, 日本語, 情報処理学会, 山形市, 国内会議

  • 加法準同型暗号を用いたプライバシー保護Extreme Learning Machine
    栗 昌平, 林 卓也, 大森 敏明, 小澤 誠一, 青野 良範, Phong Le Trieu, 王 立華, 盛合 志帆
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2017, 2017年10月, 日本語, 情報処理学会, 山形市, 国内会議

  • ダークネットトラフィックデータの頻出パターン解析
    橋本 直輝, 小澤 誠一, 班 涛, 中里 純二, 島村 隼平
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2017, 2017年10月, 日本語, 情報処理学会, 山形市, 国内会議

  • Challenge to Building Agricultural Cyber-Physical System for Smart Agriculture: Image Sensing Approach to Automatic Phenotyping for Soybean Plants
    小澤 誠一
    The 2017 International Seminar on Sensors, Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology (ISSIMM2017), 2017年08月, 英語, Surabaya, Indonesia, 国際会議

  • A Challenge to Discover Rules from the Real World Using Big Data Analysis and Machine Learning
    小澤 誠一
    Seminar at Universitas Airlangga, 2017年08月, 英語, Surabaya, Indonesia, 国際会議

  • A Challenge to Discover Rules from the Real World Using Big Data Analysis and Machine Learning
    小澤 誠一
    Seminar at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), 2017年08月, 英語, Surabaya, Indonesia, 国際会議

  • IoTとサイバーフィジカルシステムを知能化するAI技術の動向
    小澤 誠一
    関西部会第4回 技術研究講演会, 2017年06月, 日本語, M2M・IoT研究会, 大阪市, 国内会議

  • 大豆の生育情報を自動取得する画像センシング手法の開発
    八幡 壮, 小澤 誠一, 吉田 武史, 大川 剛直, 村上 則幸, 辻 博之
    2017年度人工知能学会全国大会, 2017年05月, 日本語, 人工知能学会, 名古屋市, We propose an image sensing method to acquire the growth information (the positions and the numbers of flowers, grains and stems) automatically in the crowd of soybean plants for a smart cyber-physical system in agriculture. In our method, we combine image processing and machine learning methods to detect flowers, seeds and stems robustly and accurately. To evaluate the detecti, 国内会議

  • SNS Flaming Event Detection Based on Sentiment Polarity Prediction with Transfer Learning
    小澤 誠一
    IJCNN2017 Post-Confence Workshop: 3rd International Workshop on Advances in Learning from with Multiple Learners (ALML 2017), 2017年05月, 英語, IEEE, Anchorage, USA, 国際会議

  • AI・機械学習における各種手法・技術と適用のポイント・事例
    小澤 誠一
    AI・機械学習における各種手法・技術と適用のポイント・事例, 2017年05月, 日本語, テクノセンター, 大阪市, コンピュータやネットワーク、携帯電話、監視カメラ、各種センサなど電子機器の普及に伴い、日々膨大な量の通信データやセンサデータが生成・蓄積されるようになりました。いわゆる「ビッグデータ」です。ビッグデータはメールやSNSなどのテキスト情報だけでなく、画像や動画、音声、各種センサ情報、顧客情報、医療情報など、様々な情報の集合体であり、一般に多様な種類の情報から構成される高次元ベクトルで表されます。このような大量かつ高次元のデータから、認識や予測、診断などを高性能に行うためには、適切な識別器(予測器)モデルを選択して学習するだけでなく、必要最小限の情報に縮約する特徴選択や特徴抽出などの技術も熟知している必要があります。 本講義では、ニューラルネットや機械学習、データマイニングでよく使われている技術をいくつか紹介し、実際の問題を取り上げて、どのようなケースで, 国内会議

  • 北海道におけるフルチアセットメチルの散布がダイズの収量に及ぼす影響
    辻 博之, 村上 則幸, 中村 卓司, 小澤 誠一, 大川 剛直
    第243回日本作物学会講演会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • Learning and Visualization of High-dimensional Big Data and Its Application to Cybersecurity
    小澤 誠一
    UAB-Kobe University Joint Workshop on Smart Cyber-Physical Systems, 2017年02月, 英語, Universitat Automata de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 国際会議

  • 大豆の子実検知を行う画像センシング手法の開発
    山口 幹太, 小澤 誠一, 北園 淳, 吉田 武史, 大川 剛直, 村上 則幸, 辻 博之
    第10回コンピューテーショナル・インテリジェンス研究会, 2016年12月, 日本語, SICE, 富山市, 農業にICT技術を用いる「スマートアグリ」が近年注目されている.スマートアグリでは農作物の育つ環境や生育情報をコンピュータで管理し,農作業の効率化を目指している.農作物の成長度合いを自動で収集し,解析することで更なる収量の増加が期待されている.子実は収量に直結する重要な生育情報として,群落内で農作物を任意の速度で昇降する単軸ロボットを用いて,下から上へと撮影した連続画像から,子実の検知を行う画像処理技術の開発を行った.本稿では農作物として大豆を扱い,一画像から子実の陰影情報より検知領域を挙げ、色情報から畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いて検知を行う.実験には農場で撮影した画像を用い,実験結果として目視で確認した子実との比較を行った.トレーニング画像,テスト画像共にF値で80%以上の子実検知精度を得た., 国内会議

  • 大豆の花検知と花数計測を行う画像センシング手法の開発
    大西 哲, 小澤 誠一, 北園 淳, 吉田 武史, 大川 剛直, 村上 則幸, 辻 博之
    第10回コンピューテーショナル・インテリジェンス研究会, 2016年12月, 日本語, SICE, 富山市, スマート農業は,センサーから得た農作物の生育環境をコンピュータ制御により最適に保ち,収量の増加を行っている.さらなる収量の増加のため,農作物の成長の様子を表した生育情報を自動的に得ることで,データの増加を行う.花は実のできる前段階であり重要な生育情報であるとして,群落内で農作物を任意の速度で昇降する単軸ロボットを用いて,下から上へと撮影した連続画像から,花の検知と一株当たりの花数の計測を行う画像処理技術の開発を行った.本稿では農作物として大豆を扱い,領域分割と色相情報を用いて得た花候補に対して,畳込みニューラルネットワークで花であるかの判別を行い,一画像での花の検知を行う.またそれぞれの画像において,検地された花周辺でFASTを用いて特徴点を取得しORB特徴量を求め,単軸ロボットの速度と連続画像の撮影間隔から求めた連続画像内の花の移動量に基づいて対応, 国内会議

  • Recent Research on Information and Computer Science in The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    小澤 誠一
    1st Bilateral Workshop on Research Exchange between National Taiwan University and Kobe University, 2016年12月, 英語, 神戸大学, 神戸市, 国内会議

  • ダークネットトラフィックに基づくサイバー攻撃の分類と可視化
    小澤 誠一
    第9回NICTERプロジェクトワーショップ, 2016年11月, 日本語, NICT, 秋田市, 国内会議

  • ダークネットトラフィックの可視化とオンライン更新によるモニタリング
    畑中 拓哉, 北園 淳, 小澤 誠一, 班 涛, 中里 純二, 島村 隼平
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2016論文集, 2016年10月, 日本語, 情報処理学会, 秋田市, 未使用のIP アドレス空間であるダークネットには, DDoS 攻撃への返信やスキャンなど,不正な通信に伴うパケットが大量に届く.それらを観測・分析することで,インターネット上で発生している悪性な活動の動向を把握することが可能になると期待されている.本論文では,ダークネットの通信パターンの分布を可視化しモニタリングする手法を提案する.提案法では,通信パターンを特徴ベクトルとして表現し,次元圧縮することで2 次元の散布図として可視化する.また,新たな観測データが得られる毎に散布図を逐次更新することで,リアルタイムに変化を捉える.これにより,攻撃の傾向の変化や新たな攻撃の発生の検知を行うことが期待される., 国内会議

  • AI・機械学習における各種手法・技術と適用のポイント・事例
    小澤 誠一
    AI・機械学習における各種手法・技術と適用のポイント・事例, 2016年10月, 日本語, テクノセンター, 大阪市, コンピュータやネットワーク、携帯電話、監視カメラ、各種センサなど電子機器の普及に伴い、日々膨大な量の通信データやセンサデータが生成・蓄積されるようになりました。いわゆる「ビッグデータ」です。ビッグデータはメールやSNSなどのテキスト情報だけでなく、画像や動画、音声、各種センサ情報、顧客情報、医療情報など、様々な情報の集合体であり、一般に多様な種類の情報から構成される高次元ベクトルで表されます。このような大量かつ高次元のデータから、認識や予測、診断などを高性能に行うためには、適切な識別器(予測器)モデルを選択して学習するだけでなく、必要最小限の情報に縮約する特徴選択や特徴抽出などの技術も熟知している必要があります。 本講義では、ニューラルネットや機械学習、データマイニングでよく使われている技術をいくつか紹介し、実際の問題を取り上げて、どのようなケースで, 国内会議

  • 知識獲得支援を目的とした時系列栽培データに基づく最適パターン発見
    梅島 昂平, 有満 史人, 小澤 誠一, 村上 則幸, 辻 博之, 大川 剛直
    平成28年 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, 2016年08月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 時系列栽培データから抽出された最適パターンの意思決定支援への適用
    難波 みどり, 小澤 誠一, 村上 則幸, 辻 博之, 大川 剛直
    平成28年 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, 2016年08月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • Online Learning of Unstructured Data in Cybersecurity
    2016 World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2016年06月, 英語, IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, Increasing the maliciousness and the diversity of cyber-attacks is one of the most concerned issues in recent years. There are various kinds of cyber-threads such as malware infection, DDoS attacks, probing to find security vulnerability, phishing, and spam mails to lure malicious web site, which intend to steal money/important information and to stop disturb public services, e, 国際会議

  • Challenges to Autonomous Learning from Big Stream Data,
    Seminar at LIPN, Paris 13 University, 2016年06月, 英語, Villetaneuse, France, 国際会議

  • 確率的近傍関係を用いた多次元展開法の開発
    村田 直紀, 北園 淳, 小澤誠一
    60回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2016年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都市, The multidimensional unfolding is a data visualization technique that arranges data of different attributes in a single low-dimensional space considering the relationship between data as the distance. Emphasizing unimportant relationships, existing multidimensional unfolding method cannot preserve important relationships. In this paper, to solve this problem, we propose a metho, 国内会議

  • Biterm Topic Modelの確率的崩壊型変分ベイズ推論
    粟屋 成崇, 北園 淳, 大森 敏明, 小澤 誠一
    60回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2016年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都市, Recently, as a topic model speci cally for short texts, Biterm Topic Model was proposed. However, the original implementation uses collapsed Gibbs sampling, which is not applicable to large datasets. For faster inference, we develop stochastic collapsed variational Bayesian inference for BTM (SCVB0-BTM) based on SCVB0 for LDA. Experimental results showed that our algorithm foun, 国内会議

  • 北海道ダイズの収量および収量構成要素に及ぼす除草剤薬害の影響
    辻 博之, 村上 則幸, 中村 卓司, 小澤 誠一, 大川 剛直
    日本作物学会第241回講演会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 自律学習能力を有する悪性スパムメール検出システム
    小坂 翔吾, 北園 淳, 小澤 誠一, 班 涛, 中里 純二, 島村 隼平
    情報通信システムセキュリティ研究会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 電子情報通信学会, 京都大学, Recently, damages caused by spam mails that guide receivers to malicious web pages become more and more serious. In this study, we propose an autonomous learning system to detect such malicious spam mails. In the proposed system, the main body of a mail is transformed into a feature vector based on the tf-idf weight, and the feature vector is classi ed by machine learning class, 国内会議

  • ダークネットトラフィック解析による学習型DDoSバックスキャッタ検出システム
    宇川 雄樹, 北園 淳, 小澤 誠一, 班 涛, 中里 純二, 島村 隼平
    情報通信システムセキュリティ研究会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 電子情報通信学会, 京都大学, 本研究では,ダークネットで観測されたUDP通信トラフィックからDDoS攻撃によるバックスキャッタか否かを判定するオンライン学習型の判定システムを提案する.DDoSバックスキャッタを識別するため,17の特徴量からなる特徴ベクトルを作成し,L2-SVM識別器により分類を行う.また,新たなDDoS攻撃パターンに対応するため,1クラスSVMによる外れ値検出を導入し,L2-SVM識別器の継続的な更新を行う.評価実験では,NICTのダークネットセンサで観測された半年間のパケットデータを用いて評価を行う.提案手法により,平均のF値が 0.90という高い性能でバックスキャッタ判定を行えることを示す., 国内会議

  • Learning from unstructured data stream in cybersecurity
    小澤 誠一
    Seminar, 2016年03月, 英語, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, Increasing the maliciousness and the diversity of cyber-attacks is one of the most concerned issues in recent years. There are various kinds of cyber-threads such as malware infection, DDoS attacks, probing to find security vulnerability, phishing, and spam mails to lure malicious web site, which intend to steal money and important information and to stop and disturb public ser, 国際会議

  • 次元圧縮によるダークネットトラフィックデータの可視化
    北園 淳, 古谷 暢章, 宇川 雄樹, 班 涛, 中里 純二, 島村 隼平, 小澤 誠一
    2016年 暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム, 2016年01月, 日本語, 電子情報通信学会 情報セキュリティ研究専門委員会, ANAクラウンプラザホテル熊本ニュースカイ, 特定のホストが割り当てられていないIP アドレス空間はダークネットと呼ばれる.このダークネットには,本来,パケットが到達することはないが,実際には大量のパケットが届く.それらの多くは,送信元を偽装したDDoS 攻撃に対する返信や,マルウェアによるスキャンなど,不正な活動に伴うものである.ダークネットに届くパケットを観測・分析することによって,インターネット上で発生している不正な活動の傾向を把握することが可能となる.本研究では,ダークネット観測網で得られたデータに対して,t 分布型確率的近傍埋め込み法と呼ばれる次元圧縮手法を適用し,不正活動パターンの分布を可視化した結果について報告する.この可視化により,不正活動のトレンドの把握や,新たな不正活動パターンの発生の検知などを行うことが可能になると期待される., 国内会議

  • 携帯型簡易葉色・植生測定器による大豆生育診断と低収要因の解明
    小澤 誠一, 大川 剛直
    平成27年度農林水産省委託プロジェクト「多収阻害要因の診断法及び対策技術の開発委託事業」推進会議, 2016年01月, 日本語, 農林水産省, 農林水産技術会議事務局筑波産学連携支援センター, 国内会議

  • 画像センシングによる農作物の茎検出および草丈推定
    荒川 修平, 小澤 誠一, 北園 淳, 吉田 武史, 大川 剛直, 村上 則幸, 辻 博之
    計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門学術講演会 2015, 2015年11月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 函館アリーナ, 本研究では,群落画像を用いた画像センシングにより,農作物の茎の位置,草丈 を推定する手法を提案する.単軸ロボットとデジタルカメラを用いて農作物正面 から撮影した連続画像を使用し,色情報による株元検出の後,近傍領域の探索を 繰り返し茎全体の検出を行なう.また,SIFTを用いて農作物の先端の位置を検出 し,撮影位置との関係から草丈を推定する.実験では,株元が中央付近に存在する大豆の画像から株元,節,先端を検出し,検出率の評価を行なった., 国内会議

  • 炎上検知のためのTwitterユーザーの分類
    横田 凌一, 粟屋 成崇, 北園 淳, 小澤 誠一
    計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門学術講演会 2015, 2015年11月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 函館アリーナ, Twitter has more than 20 million users in Japan nowadays, and it is widely used as a useful communication tool, not only for personal but also for business use. On the other hand, `flaming’, which implies a soaring of negative sentiment on SNS through the diffusion of negative retweets, has been a serious problem. Main triggers of flaming incidents would be thoughtless comments, 国内会議

  • ダークネットトラフィックに基づくサイバー攻撃の分類と可視化
    小澤 誠一
    NICTER Workshop, 2015年11月, 日本語, NICT, 鳴門教育大学, 国内会議

  • Twitterアカウントのbot判定
    横田 凌一, 小澤 誠一, 北園 淳, 芳賀 達也, 菅原 貴弘
    計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門学術講演会 2015, 2015年11月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 函館アリーナ, 近年,TwitterなどのSNSが急速に普及しているが,それに伴いBotアカウントの存 在が問題となっている.これは,自動的に発言する機能等が備わっており,スパムや悪意のある内容を拡散させる原因となることがあるからである.本研究では,Botを主として使用しているアカウントとそうでないアカウント (人間ユーザー)を分類する試みについて報告する.Twitterで収集した902ユーザーのツィートに対し,F値で88%の精度が得られた., 国内会議

  • Online Learning of Unstructured Data in Cybersecurity
    小澤 誠一
    2015 International Data Mining and Cybersecurity Workshop, 2015年11月, 英語, APNNA, Istanbul, Turkey, 国際会議

  • ダークネットトラフィックに基づく学習型DDoS攻撃監視システムの開発
    古谷 暢章, 北園 淳, 小澤 誠一, 班 涛, 中里 純二, 島村 隼平
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2015, 2015年10月, 日本語, 情報処理学会 コンピュータセキュリティ研究会, 長崎ブリックホール, 本研究では,ダークネット観測網で得られたトラフィック情報からDDoS 攻撃によるバックスキャッタであるかの判定を行う学習型モニタリングシステムを提案する.パケットデータから送信元/送信先ポートや送信元/送信先IP などに関連した17 特徴を抽出し,サポートベクトルマシンによる判定を試みる.評価実験では,ルールによる判定が可能な80/TCP 以外のTCP パケットをモニタリング対象とし,DDoS バックスキャッタの判定と追加学習を行う.また,次元圧縮手法であるt 分布型確率的近傍埋め込み法を用いてホストの活動パターンの時間変化を視覚的に表し,機械学習の導入の有効性を示す./In this work, we propose a learning type monitoring system that discriminate DDoS backscatt, 国内会議

  • Image Sensing Method for Smart Agriculture
    小澤 誠一
    Kobe University Brussels European Centre Symposium, 2015年10月, 英語, 神戸大学, Brussels, Belgium, 国際会議

  • ダークネットトラフィックに基づいたDDoSバックスキャッタ判定
    古谷 暢章, 班 涛, 中里 純二, 島村 隼平, 北園 淳, 小澤 誠一
    第59会システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2015年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都テルサ, In this work, we propose a method to quickly discriminate DDoS backscatter packets from those of other traffic observed by darknet sensors (i.e., backscatter or non-backscatter). For packets sent by a host during a short time, we define 17 features on packet traffic, which are then provided to an SVM classifier for classification. We apply incrimental learning to discriminate b, 国内会議

  • Minimum Probability Flowによるt分布型確率的近傍埋め込み法の高速化
    北園 淳, 大森 敏明, 小澤 誠一
    第59会システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2015年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都テルサ, 本研究では,次元圧縮手法の一つであるt分布型確率的近傍埋め込み法(t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding,t-SNE)について,Minimum Probability Flowと呼ばれるアルゴリズムに基づく学習法を提案する.通常の学習法では,計算量がサンプル数に対して二次のオーダーであるのに対し,提案法では線形オーダーに削減されることを示す.実験により,学習が高速化され大規模データに対してもt-SNEを適用可能となることを示す., 国内会議

  • 画像センシングによる農作物の草丈推定に関する研究
    荒川 修平, 吉田 武史, 北園 淳, 小澤 誠一, 深尾 隆則, 大川 剛直
    計測自動制御学会 第6回コンピュテーショナル・インテリジェンス研究会, 2014年12月, 日本語, 大阪, In this work, we propose an image sensing method to estimate the height of agricultural plants. In the proposed method, several images are taken by moving a digital camera attached to a single-axis robot. Then, the two consecutive images with a plant tip are automatically selected and the plant height is estimated from the two images based on the triangulation. Here, plant tips, 国内会議

  • ダークネットトラフィック観測によるDDoSバックスキャッタ判定
    古谷 暢章, 班 涛, 中里 純二, 島村 隼平, 北園 淳, 小澤 誠一
    第28回情報通信システムセキュリティ研究会, 2014年11月, 日本語, 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会, 宮城県仙台市, 国内会議

  • 文構造と経験則に基づいたネガティブツイート識別器の提案
    吉田 舜, 小澤 誠一, 矢澤 隆志, 芳賀 達也, 菅原 貴弘
    58回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2014年05月, 日本語, 京都, Twitter は有益な情報交換ツールとして普及してきたが,その一方で個人や企業のイメージを故意に損なうことを目的とした行為も増加する傾向にある.本稿では,過度な中傷による企業イメージの毀損を防ぐため,係り受けなどの文構造だけでなく,企業名や製品名などを含んだツイートに対する経験則を取り入れたナイーブベイズ識別器を提案する.特定企業や製品名を含むツイートに対して,ネガティブツイートを78%(F-Measure),ポジティブツイートを90%の精度で識別できることを示した., 国内会議

  • マルチラベル・パターン認識機能を有する逐次マルチタスク学習モデル
    樋口 大輔, 小澤 誠一
    電気学会 平成26年電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会, 2014年05月, 日本語, 松江, In this paper, we propose an incremental neural network model for a general class of sequential multi-task classification problems where a training data may have multiple class labels. To handle this type of classification problems, the proposed model consists of a three-layer feedforward neural network with long-term/short-term memories, and it has the following functions: one, 国内会議

  • ダークネットパケットに対するDDoS攻撃によるバックスキャッター判定に関する研究
    古谷 暢章, 班 涛, 中里 純二, 島村 隼平, 小澤 誠一
    58回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2014年05月, 日本語, 京都, In this work,we propose a method to discriminate backscatters caused by DDos attacks from normal traffic.Since the DDos attacks are imminent threats which could give serious economic damages to private companies,it is quite important to detect DDos backscatters as early as possible. To do this,11 features of port\/IP information are defined for network packets which are sent wi, 国内会議

  • ダークネットトラフィックデータ解析によるサブネットの分類に関する研究
    西風 宗典, 班 涛, 中里 純二, 島村 隼平, 小澤 誠一
    58回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2014年05月, 日本語, 京都, In this research, we propose a method to analyze darknet traffic data in order to find subnetworks with security vulnerability. In general, packets reaching the darknet are considered to be generated by malwares. Thus, we can infer the vulnerability of a subnetwork by analyzing the port\/IP information of the darknet packets. To classify darknet traffic data into typical malici, 国内会議

  • Fast Online Feature Extraction Using Chunk Incremental Kernel Principal Component Analysis
    JOSEPH Anak Annie, OZAWA Seiichi
    58回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2014年05月, 英語, 京都, Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) is a widely-used feature extraction as it has been proven that KPCA is powerful in many pattern recognition problems. Considering that the conventional KPCA should decompose a kernel matrix of all training data, this would be an unrealistic assumption for data streams in real-world applications. Takeuchi et al. proposed an Incremental-, 国内会議

  • A Neural Network Model for Incremental Learning of Large-Scale Stream Data
    Ali Siti, Hajar Aminah, FUKASE Kiminori, OZAWA Seiichi
    58回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2014年05月, 英語, 京都, Resource Allocating Network with Long Term Memory (RAN-LTM) can avoid the interference in incremental learning and reduce memory capacity during the learning. However, when a large set of training data are given at a time, the incremental learning in RAN-LTM can be seriously slow. A remedy for this is to select only useful data online depending on the importance of data. In thi, 国内会議

  • スパムメールに対するオンライン悪性度判定システムの開発
    多田 隼輔, 中里 純二, 班 涛, 小澤 誠一
    暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム, 2014年01月, 日本語, 電子情報通信学会 情報セキュリティ研究専門委員会, 城山観光ホテル, 本稿ではスパムメールに対するオンライン悪性度判定システムを提案する. スパムメールの悪性度をオンラインで判定することで,ユーザへの悪性度別警告を発したり,悪性度の高いスパムメール送信者の特定に役立てたりすることが期待される.しかしながら,スパムメール中にURLが含まれている場合,その危険性を判断するのは一般に困難であり,さらにスパムメールの文面などは不定期に変化する.そのためブラックリスト方式で対応するのは難しい.そこで提案システムでは,教師あり学習および追加学習を用いてスパムメールの悪性度を逐次的に判定する.学習用ラベルには,クローリングシステムを利用し,特徴選択,学習,更新の3つの機能を実装する.性能評価実験では,2013年3月から8月に収集されたダブルバウンスメールを用いて,提案システムが高精度でスパムメールを逐次的に悪性度判定可能であることを, 国内会議

  • A Radial Basis Function Network with Locality Sensitive Hashing for Large-Scale Stream Data
    Aminah Ali Siti Hajar, 小澤 誠一
    計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門 学術講演会, 2013年11月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門, ピアザ淡海, The developments of the high-speed machines and advanced technology services have provided the facilities for the researchers to obtain and store a large-scale stream data that are continuously generated. The biggest challenges to process the large-scale stream data are to mine useful information not only from huge amount of data but also from high dimensions, besides to provid, 国内会議

  • Acceleration of Incremental Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Stream Data
    Annie anak Joseph, 小澤 誠一
    計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門 学術講演会, 2013年11月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門, ピアザ淡海, Online feature extraction has becomes an important topic in pattern recognition. On the other hand, Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) has been known as a powerful nonlinear feature extraction. Takeuchi et al. have proposed an Incremental type of KPCA (IKPCA) where the learning is sequentially conducted for stream data. However, since the eigenvalue decomposition should, 国内会議

  • ダークネットトラフィックデータの解析によるサブネットの脆弱性判定に関する研究
    西風 宗典, 班 涛, 小澤 誠一
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2013, 2013年10月, 日本語, (社)情報処理学会 コンピュータセキュリティ研究会, サンポート高松, 本研究では,NICTER darknet Dataset 2013 を用いて,マルウェアの活動を観測する,いわゆる動的解析手法の開発を行う.ダークネットとは実在しないIP アドレスのことであり,ダークネットを宛先として設定されているパケットデータは,マルウェアによるスキャン行為,感染行為,DDoS 攻撃のバックスキャッタ,設定ミスなどが考えられる.特定IP 領域(サブネット)から送出されるパケットデータをポート別に解析し,マルウェア活動を特定するとともに,その感染タイプの分析を行う.これにより,サブネットの脆弱性を判定するシステムの開発を行う., 国内会議

  • 逐次マルチタスク学習モデルのマルチラベルパターン認識への拡張
    樋口 大輔, 小澤 誠一
    第57回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2013年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 兵庫県民会館, In this work, we propose a new sequential multitask learning model that can learn training samples with multiple class labels. Since each training sample is assumed to have no task label, the proposed model must allocate each class to an appropriate task. In the proposed model, this is conducted based on the prediction errors. In addition, we introduce a new consolidation mecha, 国内会議

  • 大規模ストリームデータの高速学習に関する研究
    深瀬 公理, Aminah Ali Siti Hajar, 小澤 誠一
    第57回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2013年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 兵庫県民会館, Recently, mining knowledge from stream data such as access logs of computer, commodity distribution data and sales data, and human life-log has been attracting attention. As one of the techniques suitable for such an environment, active learning has been studied for long time. In this work, we propose a fast learning technique for neural networks by introducing Locality Sensiti, 国内会議

  • 樹状突起における電気特性の不均一性による情報伝播の向上
    島本 貴文, 大森 敏明, 青西 亨, 小澤 誠一
    第57回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2013年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 兵庫県民会館, 国内会議

  • 自動インデキシングによるツィート分類に関する研究
    吉田 舜, 小澤 誠一
    第57回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2013年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 兵庫県民会館, In predicting personal emotion from tweets, it is not easy to infer the implication of personal emotion from tweets without human's intervention in the emotional analysis. This causes various difficulties in the tweet analysis in terms not only of heavy human workload, but also of keeping the consistency in the emotional evaluation by humans.To alleviate this problem, we propos, 国内会議

  • トラフィック観測による行動認識に関する研究
    西風 宗典, 多田 隼輔, 小澤 誠一
    第57回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2013年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 兵庫県民会館, This study presents a method of behavior recognition of PC users using packet information. Network packets contain information on e-mails, applications, websites, etc. In this work, packet information is obtained using Wireshark (packet analyzer) and converted into a feature vector. Then, feature selections are applied to each feature vector to select important information, and, 国内会議

  • Handling Concept Drift Using Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis with Knowledge Transfer in Non-stationary Data Streams
    Annie anak Joseph, 小澤 誠一
    第57回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2013年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 兵庫県民会館, In real life, data are not always generated under stationary environments. However, traditional learning systems normally assumed that the property of data streams is stationary over time and this sometimes leads to the degradation in the system performance when there are some hidden context changes in data streams. Such context changes are called concept drift, and several app, 国内会議

  • Extension of Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis for Online Feature Extraction under Unstationary Environments
    Annie anak Joseph, OZAWA SEIICHI
    平成24年電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会, 2012年09月, 英語, 弘前大学, One of the recent topics in online learning is the adaptation to “concept drift”, in which an increasing loss of the relevance between the current data to the previous concept representations leads to imposing model changes. On the other hand, online feature extraction for high-dimensional data streams is very important to ensure high-performance and real-time adaptation to dyn, 国内会議

  • 実時間処理に向けた追加学習型主成分分析の高速化
    青木 大二郎, 小澤 誠一
    56回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2012年05月, 日本語, 京都テルサ, When the conventional incremental principal component analysis (IPCA) is used for extracting features of a data stream, IPCA has to be carried out for each of the high-dimensional input featuress; thus, the eigenvalue problem should be solved for every high-dimensional data. This may lead to the deterioration in the online performance of the feature extraction for a data stream, 国内会議

  • ストリームデータの追加学習
    小澤 誠一
    56回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2012年05月, 日本語, 京都テルサ, In real-world applications, concepts to be learned can sometimes be changed over time. Such a problem in machine learning is called concept drift. To adapt to the dynamic environments with concept drift, a system should have the mechanisms (1) to learn the change in the environment, (2) to detect the drift and/or its magnitude, and (3) to forget what is no longer relevant. In t, 国内会議

  • ストリームデータに対するカーネル主成分分析アルゴリズム
    徳本 隆臣, 小澤 誠一
    第39回知能システムシンポジウム, 2012年03月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 千葉, 国内会議

  • 追加学習型主成分分析の高速化と顔画像認識への応用
    青木大二郎, 小澤誠一
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 2012年, 日本語, 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会, 従来の追加学習型主成分分析 (IPCA) では,訓練データが一つまたは少数ずつ与えられるたびに固有値問題を解く必要がある.一般に固有値計算は計算量が多いため,繰り返し固有値問題を解くことは,特に顔画像などの高次元データから特徴を抽出する際,学習のリアルタイム性を損なうことにつながる.そこで,本研究では,できるだけ認識性能を保ったまま, 固有値問題を解く回数を減らし,IPCA のリアルタイム実行性を高めた改良手法を提案する.逐次的に入力される顔画像データに対して,提案した改良型 CIPCA アルゴリズムがリアルタイムで主成分特徴を学習できることを示す.In the conventional Incremental Principal Component Analysis (IPCA), an eigenvalue problem has to be solved whenever one or a small number of training data are given in sequence. Since the eigenvalue decomposition requires high computational costs in general, solving the eigenvalue problem repeatedly results in the deterioration in the real-time learning property of IPCA. Hence, in this work, we propose an improved version of IPCA whose real-time learning property is enhanced without sacrificing the recognition performance by reducing the number of times to solve eigenvalue problems. We show that the improved IPCA can learn principal components real time from a stream of face images.

  • ラジアル基底関数ネットの自律追加学習アルゴリズムの改良
    中坂 翔, 小澤 誠一
    第24回自律分散システムシンポジウム, 2012年01月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 神戸, 国内会議

  • 非定常環境下でのストリームデータの追加学習方式
    小澤 誠一
    SICEシステム・情報部門学術講演会, 2011年11月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 神戸, 国内会議

  • 移転メトリック学習に基づいたマルチタスク学習モデルの開発
    岳 思濛, 小澤 誠一
    第21回インテリジェントシステムシンポジウム, 2011年09月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 神戸, 国内会議

  • ラジアル基底関数ネットにおける追加型自律学習アルゴリズム
    中坂 翔, 小澤 誠一
    第21回インテリジェントシステムシンポジウム, 2011年09月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 神戸, 国内会議

  • マルチタスクパターン認識における複数ラベルの学習
    高田 丈靖, 小澤 誠一
    第21回インテリジェントシステムシンポジウム, 2011年09月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 神戸, 国内会議

  • チャンクデータに対する追加学習型カーネル主成分分析アルゴリズム
    徳本 隆臣, 小澤 誠一
    電子情報通信学会ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 2011年07月, 日本語, 電子情報通信学会, 神戸, 国内会議

  • メトリックに基づいた知識移転を行うマルチタスク学習モデルの開発
    岳 思濛, 小澤 誠一
    55回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演, 2011年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 大阪, 国内会議

  • マルチモーダル・マルチタスクパターン認識の追加学習方式に関する研究
    黄 守鉉, 小澤 誠一, Youngmin Jang, Minho Lee
    55回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演, 2011年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 大阪, 国内会議

  • 1C1-1 ラジアル基底関数ネットにおける追加型自律学習アルゴリズムの改良(機械学習)
    中坂 翔, 小澤 誠一
    インテリジェントシステム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 2011年, 日本語, 日本機械学会, In this paper, we propose to implement an pruning algorithm to an autonomous incremental learning model called Automated Learning algorithm for Resource Allocating Network (AL-RAN). The proposed pruning algorithm determines whether Radial Basis Functions (RBF) are useful or not by activation level of them and remove unuseful RBFs. By implementing this algorithm to AL-RAN, we reduce the number of basis and improve the learning time. From the experimental results, we confirm that the above functions work well and the efficiency in terms of learning time is improved without sacrificing the recognition accuracy as compared with the previous version of AL-RAN.

  • 1C1-3 移転メトリック学習に基づいたマルチタスク学習モデルの開発(機械学習)
    岳 思濛, 小澤 誠一
    インテリジェントシステム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 2011年, 日本語, 日本機械学会, Multi-task learning is a learning paradigm which allows a system to learn related multiple tasks in parallel or sequentially and to improve the generalization performance for a learning task by transferring the knowledge to other related tasks. In order to transfer knowledge effectively, it is necessary to estimate the relatedness between tasks properly. In this paper, we propose a multi-task learning algorithm for pattern recognition where the task relatedness is estimated based on the metric learning. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

  • 1B2-3 マルチタスクパターン認識における複数ラベルの学習(OS13:IRT)
    高田 丈靖, 小澤 誠一
    インテリジェントシステム・シンポジウム講演論文集, 2011年, 日本語, 日本機械学会, In this paper, we extend the multi-task learning (MTL) model proposed by Nishikawa et al. such that a classifier can learn training data with multiple class labels which belong to different classification tasks. In order to identify the a suitable task associated with the class of a given data, the proposed MTL model checks the prediction errors in all output sections. Then, the corresponding task is predicted from the output section with a minimum error. If all the prediction errors are large, the MTL model suspends to learn training data until the output section with a small error is found. In the experiments, we evaluate the proposed MTL model using the COIL-100 and ORL Face datasets which is extended to multi-task learning. The experimental results show that each class label given concurrently can be classified into a suitable task by the proposed system and multi-label data are efficiently learned by classifier.

  • 省メモリな追加学習型カーネル主成分分析アルゴリズム
    徳本隆臣, 小澤誠一
    知能システムシンポジウム資料, 2011年

  • マルチタスク顔画像認識のための追加型二方向二次元線形判別分析
    LIU Chunyu, 小澤誠一
    知能システムシンポジウム資料, 2011年

  • 追加学習型ラジアル基底関数ネットの自律学習アルゴリズムの改良
    中坂 翔, 小澤 誠一
    SICEシステム・情報部門学術講演会, 2010年11月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 京都市, 国内会議

  • マルチタスクパターン認識におけるタスクの同時学習
    高田 丈靖, 小澤 誠一
    SICEシステム・情報部門学術講演会, 2010年11月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 京都市, 国内会議

  • 追加学習型再帰フィッシャー判別分析によるオンライン特徴抽出
    小澤 誠一, 太田 良平
    20回インテリジェントシステムシンポジウム, 2010年09月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 八王子市, 国内会議

  • カーネル主成分分析の高速追加学習アルゴリズム
    徳本 隆臣, 小澤 誠一
    平成22年電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会, 2010年09月, 日本語, 電気学会, 熊本市, 国内会議

  • 追加学習型カーネル主成分分析アルゴリズムの改良
    徳本 隆臣, 小澤 誠一
    54回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2010年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都市, 国内会議

  • マルチタスク・パターン認識のための追加学習モデル
    小澤 誠一
    54回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2010年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都市, 国内会議

  • パターン認識における半教師有りマルチタスク学習モデルの開発
    高田丈靖, 小澤誠一
    知能システムシンポジウム資料, 2010年

  • 追加学習型ラジアル基底関数ネットの自律学習アルゴリズムの開発
    中坂翔, 小澤誠一
    知能システムシンポジウム資料, 2010年

  • 追加型再帰的フィッシャー判別分析の開発
    太田良平, 小澤誠一
    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009年, 一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, 従来の線形判別分析(LDA)による特徴抽出では,得られる特徴ベクトルの次元は訓練データのクラス数未満で制限される.これに対し,再帰的フィッシャー判別分析(RFLD)では,LDA特徴空間の補空間に対して再帰的にLDAを行うことで,クラス数の制限を越えて任意の次元の特徴ベクトルが得られる.一方,LDAを追加学習環境に拡張した追加型線形判別分析(ILDA)がPangらによって提案されている.本研究では,ILDAの導出法に基づきRFLDを追加学習可能なように拡張し,クラス分離度に基づいて最適な特徴数を決定する方法を導入した追加型再帰的フィッシャー判別分析を提案する.この学習アルゴリズムでは,過去の訓練データを保持することなく特徴空間の更新を行うことが可能であり,クラス数以上の特徴数を得ることができる.ベンチマークデータを用いた計算機実験を通して,ILDAとの比較を行い,IRFLDはいくつかのデータにおいてILDAを超える性能を有することを示す.

  • 特徴抽出と識別器を追加学習するマルチタスク・パターン認識モデルの提案
    戚暁偉, 小澤誠一
    電気関係学会関西支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009年

  • 追加型再帰フィッシャー判別による認識性能のオンライン改善
    太田良平, 小澤誠一
    電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2009年

  • Grid-World迷路問題においてマクロアクション生成機能を有する強化学習モデルとその学習特性に関する考察
    恩田宏, 小澤誠一
    電気学会論文誌 C, 2009年, 日本語, 一般社団法人 電気学会, A macro-action is a typical series of useful actions that brings high expected rewards to an agent. Murata et al. have proposed an Actor-Critic model which can generate macro-actions automatically based on the information on state values and visiting frequency of states. However, their model has not assumed that generated macro-actions are utilized for leaning different tasks. In this paper, we extend the Murata's model such that generated macro-actions can help an agent learn an optimal policy quickly in multi-task Grid-World (MTGW) maze problems. The proposed model is applied to two MTGW problems, each of which consists of six different maze tasks. From the experimental results, it is concluded that the proposed model could speed up learning if macro-actions are generated in the so-called correlated regions.

  • 追加学習型主成分分析における寄与率閾値の動的決定法
    川島 優樹, 小澤 誠一
    自律分散システム・シンポジウム, 2009年01月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 鳥取市, 国内会議

  • RBFネットワークの自動追加学習アルゴリズム
    田渕 敏久, 小澤 誠一
    自律分散システム・シンポジウム, 2009年01月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会, 鳥取市, 国内会議

  • An Incremental Principal Component Analysis Based on Dynamic Accumulation Ratio
    小澤 誠一, 松本 和也, Shaoning Pang, Nikola Kasabov
    SICE Annual Conf. 2008, 2008年08月, 英語, 計測自動制御学会, 府中市,東京都, 国内会議

  • 追加学習型主成分分析の改良
    松本 和也, 小澤 誠一
    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2008年05月, 日本語, 京都市, 国内会議

  • マクロアクションの導入による強化学習の高速化
    川島 優樹, 太田 良平, 小澤 誠一, 恩田 宏
    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2008年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都市, 国内会議

  • 特徴選択による追加学習型カーネル主成分分析の高速化とその性能評価
    竹内 洋平, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    平成19年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会, 2007年11月, 日本語, 神戸大学, 国内会議

  • マクロアクション生成機能を有する強化学習アルゴリズム
    恩田 宏, 小澤 誠一
    平成19年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会, 2007年11月, 日本語, 神戸大学, 国内会議

  • 追加学習型カーネル主成分分析の開発とその性能評価
    竹内 洋平, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    平成19年電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会, 2007年09月, 日本語, 電気学会, 大阪府立大学, 国内会議

  • 逐次マルチタスク・パターン認識におけるタスク間関連度を用いた知識移転アルゴリズム
    西川 仁, 小澤 誠一
    平成19年電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会, 2007年09月, 日本語, 電気学会, 大阪府立大学, 国内会議

  • マクロアクション生成機能を有する強化学習エージェントモデル
    恩田 宏, 小澤 誠一
    平成19年電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会講演論文集, 2007年09月, 日本語, 電気学会, 大阪府立大学, 国内会議

  • An Online Face Recognition System with Incremental Learning Ability
    小澤 誠一, 平井 迪郎, 阿部 重夫
    SICE Annual Conference, 2007年09月, 英語, 計測自動制御学会, 香川大学, 国内会議

  • 追加学習型カーネル主成分分析の開発
    竹内 洋平, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    51回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2007年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都テルサ, 国内会議

  • 逐次マルチタスク学習における選択的知識移転に関する基礎的研究
    西川 仁, 小澤 誠一
    51回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2007年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都テルサ, 国内会議

  • オンライン型特徴選択とニューラルネットの追加学習
    小澤 誠一
    51回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2007年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都テルサ, 国内会議

  • 追加学習型ブースティング識別器の開発
    木寺 卓也, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    平成18年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会, 2006年11月, 日本語, 電気学会, 大阪工業大学, 国内会議

  • 追加学習型カーネル主成分分析の評価
    木村 星介, 竹内 洋平, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    平成18年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会, 2006年11月, 日本語, 電気学会, 大阪工業大学, 国内会議

  • マクロアクション生成による強化学習の高速化
    恩田 宏, 村田 真, 小澤 誠一
    第49回自動制御連合講演会, 2006年11月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 機械学会, 計測自動制御学会, 神戸大学, 国内会議

  • A Multi-task Learning Algorithm for Pattern Recognition
    ZHANG Keyu, OZAWA Seiichi
    第49回自動制御連合講演会, 2006年11月, 英語, システム制御情報学会, 機械学会, 計測自動制御学会, 神戸大学, 国内会議

  • ブースティング識別器の追加学習に関する研究
    木寺 卓也, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    50回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2006年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都テルサ, 国内会議

  • マレーシアライセンスプレート文字認識
    竹内洋平, 福見稔, 赤松則夫, KARUNGARU Stephen, 小澤誠一
    システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 2006年, 一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, 近年,自動文字認識システムはあらゆる環境で有用であり,車両認知・郵便番号認識・手書き文字の文書化など広く活用・研究されている.本論文では,マレーシアのライセンスプレート文字認識を提案する.まず,車両進入時の動画像から車両領域を抽出し,プレート位置を特定.そして,ニューラルネットワークをベースにした文字認識手法を使い,車両情報を取得する.今回はシミュレーション上での本システムの結果を報告する.

  • Committee Machineの追加学習アルゴリズム
    木寺 卓也, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    49回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2005年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都テルサ, 国内会議

  • カーネルパラメータの選択メカニズムをもつブースティングカーネル判別分析法
    喜多 伸次, 前川 聡, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    第32回知能システムシンポジウム, 2005年03月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門, 京都工芸繊維大学, 国内会議

  • マクロアクション生成機能をもつメモリベース強化学習アルゴリズム
    村田 真, 小澤 誠一
    第17回自立分散システム・シンポジウム, 2005年, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門, 未記入, 国内会議

  • 特徴空間のオンライン学習に関する研究
    小田 梓, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    48回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2004年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都テルサ, 国内会議

  • 追加学習可能な顔認識システムとその性能改善
    木村 星介, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    48回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2004年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都テルサ, 国内会議

  • RBFネットワークを用いたメモリベース強化学習アルゴリズム
    松岡 幹泰, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    48回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2004年05月, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都テルサ, 国内会議

  • 動的環境下で追加学習可能なニューラルネットモデル
    小澤 誠一, 津守 研二
    第16回自律分散システムシンポジウム, 2004年, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門, 京都テルサ, 国内会議

  • ラジアル基底関数ネットのメモリベース追加学習
    小澤 誠一, 岡本 圭介
    第16回自律分散システムシンポジウム, 2004年, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門, 京都テルサ, 国内会議

  • ニューラルネットの追加学習とその応用
    小澤 誠一
    平成15年度電気関係学会関西支部連合大会, 2004年, 日本語, 電気関係学会関西支部, 未記入, 国内会議

  • 長期記憶をもつニューラルネットワークによる動的環境下での教師あり学習
    小澤 誠一, 津守 研二
    第30回知能システムシンポジウム, 2003年03月, 日本語, 計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門, 学術総合センター, 国内会議

  • クラス毎の独立成分を用いたパターン認識に関する検討
    絹川 修平, 小谷 学, 小澤 誠一
    システム制御情報学会 研究発表講演会講演論文集, 2003年, 一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, Applications of independent component analysis (ICA) to feature extraction have been a topic of research interest. Here, we propose a novel recognition method using features extracted by ICA. The proposed method consists of some modules for each category and a synthesizer. A module has a feature extraction and a classification. Features are independent components extracted by ICA algorithm using the training data for each class and classification are made by these features. These output of the module are combined and categories are decided by a majority rule. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method for several recognition tasks. From these results, we confirm the effectiveness of the recognition method using independent components for each class.

  • 記憶メカニズムを導入したニューラルネットによる強化学習
    小澤 誠一, 白神 那央人, 阿部 重夫
    システム制御情報学会 研究発表講演会講演論文集, 2003年, 一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, 干渉を抑制しながら追加学習を安定に行うRBFネットワークモデルとして,これまでResource Allocating Network (RAN)に長期記憶を導入したRAN with Long-Term Memory (RAN-LTM)を提案してきた.本稿では,生成された記憶アイテムの修正メカニズムを導入した改良モデルを提案し,その干渉抑制能力と省メモリ特性について,いくつかのシミュレーション実験を通して評価する.

  • 追加学習機能を有するRBFネットワークの学習高速法
    岡本 圭介, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    システム制御情報学会 研究発表講演会講演論文集, 2003年, 一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会, As an incremental learning model, we have proposed Resource Allocating Network with Long Term Memory (RAN-LTM). In RAN-LTM, not only a new training sample but also some memory items stored in Long-Term Memory are trained based on a gradient descent method. The gradient descent method is generally slow and tends to be fallen into local minima. To improve these problems, we propose a fast incremental learning of RAN-LTM based on the linear method. In this algorithm, centers of basis functions are not trained but selected based on the output errors. A distinctive feature of the proposed model is that this model dose not need so much memory capacity. To evaluate the performance of our proposed model, we apply it to some function approximation problems. From the experimental results, it is verified that the proposed model can learn fast and accurately unless incremental learning is conducted over a long period of time.

  • 追加学習機能を有するRBFネットワークの高速学習法
    小澤 誠一, 白神 那央人, 阿部 重夫
    第47回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 613-614, 2003年, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都テルサ, 国内会議

  • 追加学習機能を有するRBFネットワークの高速学習法
    岡本 圭介, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    第47回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会,531-532, 2003年, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都テルサ, 国内会議

  • 長期記憶を有するニューラルネットワークによる動的環境への適応
    津守 研二, 小澤 誠一, 阿部 重夫
    第47回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 471-472, 2003年, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 京都テルサ, 国内会議

  • 顔画像認識に基づく追加学習型個人認証システムに関する研究
    卓 順利, 小澤 誠一
    第46回自動制御連合講演会, 2003年, 日本語, システム制御情報学会, 岡山大学, 国内会議

  • A Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for a Class of Dynamical Environments Using Neural Networks.
    MURATA Makoto, OZAWA Seiichi
    SICE Annual Conf. 2003, 2003年, 英語, 未記入, 未記入, 国内会議

  • クラス間距離を最大化する教師あり独立成分分析アルゴリズムの提案
    小澤 誠一, 坂口 善規, 小谷 学
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. CAS, 回路とシステム, 2002年11月, 日本語, 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会, 独立成分分析(ICA)は,これまで主にブラインド信号分離問題に適用されてきたが,パターン認識の特徴抽出手法としても,一部の問題においてその有効性が示されつつある.しかしながら,従来のICAアルゴリズムによって抽出された特徴量では,その有効性が特徴空間上でパターンの分布に大きく依存する.これは,与えれているクラス情報を利用せず,単に特徴量の独立性を高めることで特徴抽出を行っていることに起因すると考えられる.そこで本稿では,特徴量の独立性を高めるだけでなく,異なるクラスに属するパターンの特徴量ができるだけ分離するよう,特徴量間のマハラノビス距離を最大化するICAアルゴリズムを提案する.この提案アルゴリズムの有効性を検証するため,UCI Machine Learning Repositoryに含まれる3種類のデータセットに対し,特徴量の有効性を認識実験で調べる.そして,ICAにクラス情報を導入することで,異なるクラスに属する特徴の分離性が向上し,認識率が改善されることを示す.また,単にマハラノビス距離を最大化する手法よりも,独立性を同時に高めることによって,より優れた特徴量が得られることを示す.

  • 追加学習機能をもつニューラルネットを用いた行動価値関数の近似
    小澤 誠一, 白神 那央人, 阿部 重夫
    知能システムシンポジウム資料, 2002年03月, 日本語

  • 追加学習能力を有するニューラルネットとその強化学習アルゴリズム
    小澤 誠一, 白神 那央人, 阿部 重夫
    計測自動制御学会 部門大会/部門学術講演会資料, 2002年, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会, In reinforcement learning, forgetting by incremental learning can be serious when neural networks are utilized for approximating action-value functions of agents. To avoid the forgetting, we present a feedforward neural network model with long-term memories and its reinforcement learning algorithm. In the simulations, we apply our model to an extended mountain-car task, and the number of steps to the goal is evaluated as compared with a neural network without long-term memories. As a result, we demonstrate that the forgetting is effectively suppressed in the proposed model.

  • 分類情報を付加した独立成分分析による特徴抽出
    高畑 宏樹, 小谷 学, 小澤 誠一
    計測自動制御学会 部門大会/部門学術講演会資料, 2002年, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会, There are some studies about applications of independent component analysis (ICA) to feature extractions in pattern recognition. Since the ICA is an unsupervised learning, independent components are not always useful features for recognition. Therefore, we propose an ICA using a category information. The proposed ICA is realized by three-layered neural networks of which learning algorithm is combination of the error back-propagated algorithm and the fast ICA algorithm. Simulations are performed for three databases from the UCI database to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. We obtain higher recognition accuracy than the original ICA.

  • クラス毎のアンサンブル学習による独立成分を用いた認識方法の提案
    桂 正規, 小谷 学, 小澤 誠一
    計測自動制御学会 部門大会/部門学術講演会資料, 2002年, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会, We propose a new recognition method using independent components based on a subspace method. Independent components are calculated by the ensemble learning that can reduce redundant basis functions. The proposed method has some modules for each class and a combiner. A module consists of feature extraction and classification. Features are extracted by the ensemble learning and classification is made on k nearest neighbors. Outputs of modules are combined in the combiner and a category is decided by a majority rule. Simulations are performed for hand-written characters to evaluate the proposed method. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • 210 変化する環境下での漏洩音の検出方法(信号処理)(OS.02 : 計測・信号処理・異常診断)
    小谷 学, 桂 正規, 小澤 誠一
    Dynamics and Design Conference : 機械力学・計測制御講演論文集 : D & D, 2001年08月, 日本語, 一般社団法人日本機械学会, It is important to detect the leakage of the gas to be flammable or poisonous from the cracks in pipes of chemical plants. We examined the application of modular neural networks to the detection of the leakage sound. The modular neural network has the ability to adapt its structure according to the environment. Experiments were performed for an artificial gas leakage device with various experimental conditions for a long term. The discrimination accuracy with the proposed network was about 93%, which was better than 83% with the simple network. From the results, we confirmed the effectiveness for the application of the modular neural network to the detection of the leakage sound for the practical use.

  • 458 独立成分分析による漏洩音の検出
    小谷 学, 有本 隆彦, 小澤 誠一, 赤澤 堅造
    Dynamics and Design Conference : 機械力学・計測制御講演論文集 : D & D, 2000年09月, 日本語, 一般社団法人日本機械学会, We describe what characteristics an independent component analysis can extract from leakage sounds. The learning algorithm of a network was an information-maximization approach proposed by Bell and Sejnowski. We applied the independent component analysis to the leakage sound. After the learning, most of the basis functions that are columns of a mixing matrix were localized in frequency. Furthermore, there were some basis functions to extract the feature of leakage sound. From these results, we confirmed that the application of independent component analysis to the signal processing of the acoustic signal was effective.

  • 長期記憶メカニズムを導入したニューラルネットの追加学習
    小澤 誠一, 玉置 俊也, 馬場 則夫
    知能システムシンポジウム資料, 2000年03月, 日本語

  • 独立成分分析による音声・音響信号処理の検討
    小谷 学, 小澤 誠一, 前川 聡, 赤澤 堅造
    知能システムシンポジウム資料, 2000年03月, 日本語

  • 独立成分分析を用いた文字パターンの特徴抽出
    小澤 誠一, 小谷 学, 馬場 則夫
    インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集 = FAN Symposium : fuzzy, artificial intelligence, neural networks and computational intelligence, 1999年10月, 日本語

  • クロス結合ホップフィールドネットから導出される自己想起型連想記憶モデルとその連想特性
    小澤 誠一, 堤 一義, 馬場 則夫
    インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集 = FAN Symposium : fuzzy, artificial intelligence, neural networks and computational intelligence, 1997年11月, 日本語

  • 一般化逆行列型自己想起連想記憶モデルの改良とそのダイナミックスの特徴
    小澤 誠一, 堤 一義, 馬場 則夫
    日本神経回路学会全国大会講演論文集 = Annual conference of Japanese Neural Network Society, 1997年11月, 日本語

  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたモジュール構造ニューラルネットの構造決定
    小澤 誠一, 馬場 則夫, 堤 一義
    インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム講演論文集 = FAN Symposium : fuzzy, artificial intelligence, neural networks and computational intelligence, 1996年10月, 日本語

■ 所属学協会
  • 情報処理学会
    2020年06月 - 現在

  • ACM
    2018年01月 - 現在

  • Asia Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS)
    2016年01月 - 現在

  • International Neural Network Society (INNS)
    2015年03月 - 現在

  • IEEE
    2001年01月 - 現在

  • 人工知能学会

  • 日本神経回路学会

  • システム制御情報学会

  • 電子情報通信学会

  • 計測自動制御学会

■ 共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題
  • スマートグラスAIのためのプライバシ制御技術
    塚本 昌彦, 寺田 努, 小澤 誠一, 森井 昌克, 塚原 東吾, 喜多 伸一, 新川 拓哉
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A), 基盤研究(A), 神戸大学, 2022年04月01日 - 2027年03月31日
    本年度は、工学、社会科学の研究者の連携により、スマートグラスAI普及における将来のプライバシ要求を明らかにした。いくつかの具体的な応用を考え、プライバシ問題を検討すると同時にいくつかのプロトタイプシステムを実現し要求事項を抽出した。研究統括とメタAI(担当:塚本)については、システム全体の統括エンジンを作るために、問題分析及びシステム設計を行った。状況認識機構(担当:寺田)については、実世界での周辺・自己状況を認識するための要件を抽出しいくつかの認識機構を実装した。制御可能AIシステム(担当:小澤)については、プライバシに関わるAIの機能を制御し説明できるAIを作るために機構の設計を行った。プライバシ機構(担当:森井)については、プライバシを守るためのメカニズム構築のために、アプリケーションイメージ及びシステム要件を明確にした。科学技術社会的観点からの分析(担当:塚原)については、上記のアプリケーションイメージの具体化の中で社会の中での技術の使い方やあり方を考えた。心理的観点からの分析(担当:喜多)については、上記アプリケーションイメージの中で使う側、使われる側の心理を考えた。哲学・倫理的観点からの分析(担当:新川)については、上記のアプリケーションイメージの中でプライバシがどうあるべきかを考えた。 さらに年度後半のChatGPTやGPT-4などの大規模言語モデル(LLM)の出現によりAI技術が急速 に進歩したことで前提条件が根底から変化することから、全般的な計画の見直しを行った。 同時に、社会問題、倫理問題を体系化し、ガイドライン策定に向けた組織作りと運営方法を検討した。また、メンバー以外の人を交えたワークショップを複数回開催した。さらに講演会等で積極的にプロジェクトの紹介を行うとともに、プロジェクトのホームページとYouTubeチャンネルを立ち上げた。

  • 機械学習とドメイン知識を用いたサイバー攻撃生成過程モデルの精緻化
    小澤 誠一, 金 相旭, 吉岡 克成, 白石 善明, 班 涛
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)), 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)), 神戸大学, 2021年10月 - 2027年03月
    2)吉岡は、WarpDrive実証実験に参加している508ユーザが受信したSMS、合計23,133件(良性 22,800件、悪性333件)を調べたところ、SMSを多く受信するユーザが悪性SMSを受信しやすいわけではなく、現時点では、攻撃者はランダムに悪性SMSを送付していることが推測された。また、悪性SMSは深夜と早朝には送られず、午後2時から5時の期間に集中していることがわかった。

  • 細胞外小胞を用いたリキッドバイオプシーによる癌に対する術前化学療法の効果予測
    竹内 俊文, 三好 康雄, 小澤 誠一
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A), 基盤研究(A), 神戸大学, 2022年04月01日 - 2026年03月31日

  • プライバシー保護連合学習の高度化に 関する研究開発 - 継続実運用に資する不正取引モニタリ ングに向けたプライバシー保護連合 学習の高度化 -
    国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構, 高度通信・放送研究開発委託研究, 国立大学法人神戸大学, 2023年02月 - 2025年03月, 研究代表者

  • 秘匿計算による安全な組織間データ連携技術の社会実装
    花岡 悟一郎, 小澤誠一, 菅原 貴弘, 盛合 志帆
    科学技術振興機構, AIP加速課題, 2022年04月 - 2025年03月, 研究分担者

  • 機械学習とドメイン知識を導入した攻撃生成過程のモデル化と実データによる検証
    小澤 誠一, 金 相旭, 吉岡 克成, 白石 善明, 班 涛
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 2021年04月 - 2025年03月

  • 異業種データマイニング向けプライバシー保護機械学習メカニズムに関する研究開発
    王 立華, 小澤 誠一
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構, 2020年04月01日 - 2024年03月31日
    課題1.「セキュアなクラウド・エッジコンピューティングに関する研究」の子課題「準同型計算と大小比較の融合」に取り組み、プライバシー保護データマイニングに活用されるセキュアな大小比較アプローチについて研究し、効率性、安全性、及び柔軟性を向上させるために、従来研究の最も効率がよいセキュアな大小比較アプローチSK17を改良した3つの方式を提案した。その中で、Efficiency-enhanced提案方式は既存方式SK17より50%程度で効率化を実現した;Security-enhanced提案方式はデータ所有者とクラウドサーバの間Oneランド通信(非対話型)で暗号化したまま大小比較の結果計算でき、サーバからデータを完全に守るより高い安全性を実現した。成果は国際会議The 23rd International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems(NBiS2020)発表した。 課題2.「プライバシー保護しつつ直・並列学習メカニズムの設計」の子課題「同・異業種データを柔軟に処理可能な直・並列学習メカニズムの提案」に取り組み、プライバシー保護決定木推測の効率化アプローチを提案した。提案手法は同業種か異業種かにも関わらず、適用可能であるので、汎用性がある。また、決定木の各ノードで分岐する時、クラウドサーバ経由で特徴値と閾値の大小比較を計算しなければいけないので、上記のEfficiency-enhancedセキュアな大小比較提案方式を利用した。成果は論文誌投稿中。

  • プライバシー保護データ解析技術の社会実装
    小澤 誠一
    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構, 戦略的創造研究推進事業 (CREST), 国立大学法人 神戸大学, 2019年04月 - 2022年03月, 研究分担者

  • Web媒介型攻撃対策技術の実用化に向けた研究開発
    小澤 誠一
    国立研究開発法 人情報通信研究機構, NICT委託研究, 神戸大学, 2016年10月 - 2021年03月, 研究分担者

  • 小澤 誠一, 金 相旭, 北園 淳, 大森 敏明
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 2016年04月 - 2020年03月, 研究代表者
    H28 年度では,ダークネットで観測される通信トラフィックからサイバー攻撃の検知・分類・可視化が可能となるよう,機械学習を導入した(1)検知・分類方式と(2)可視化方式の開発に取り組んだ.
    (1)については,TCP通信とUDP通信のトラフィック特徴に対して独立した外れ値検出(L1-SVM)とL2-SVM識別器を組み合わせたハイブリッド型DDoS 攻撃検知システムを開発し,2016年1月1日から同年12月31日までにNICTのダークネットセンサで観測されたトラフィックデータをオンライン学習し,DDoS攻撃判定を行った.なお,ダークネットトラフィックを特徴ベクトルに変換する際に使う時間窓を30秒から1時間までの複数個設定し,1ホスト当たりの特徴ベクトル数を増やして,多様な攻撃パターンに対応できるよう改良した.その結果,1年間にわたる平均オンライン性能は,適合率0.94, 再現率0.93,F値0.93となり,安定して高精度にDDoS判定が行えることを実証した.また,識別器モデルに線形L2-SVM,k近傍法,ランダムフォレスト,RBFネットワークを導入した場合の性能を調べ,非線形L2-SVMの優位性を検証した.また,FP-Treeと呼ばれる連想ルールマイニング手法を適用し,2016年度9月下旬以降に大流行したIoTマルウェアMiraiと疑われる挙動を捉え,大流行以前の挙動と9月下旬のソースコード公開以後の挙動とに特徴的な違いがあることを発見した.

  • 多収阻害要因の診断法及び対策技術の開発
    小澤 誠一
    農林水産技術会議, 戦略的プロジェクト研究推進事業, 神戸大学, 2015年04月 - 2020年03月, 研究分担者

  • 複数組織データ利活用を促進するプライバシー保護データマイニング
    小澤 誠一
    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構, 戦略的創造研究推進事業(CREST), 国立大学法人 神戸大学, 2016年10月 - 2019年03月, 研究分担者

  • 小澤 誠一, 安藤 類央, 北園 淳, 班 涛, 中里 純二, 島村 隼平
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 2012年04月 - 2015年03月, 研究代表者

  • 二国間交流「マルチモーダル・マルチタスク個人認証システムの開発」
    小澤 誠一
    二国間交流事業(韓国との共同研究), 2012年, 研究代表者

  • 二国間交流「マルチモーダル・マルチタスク個人認証システムの開発」
    小澤 誠一
    二国間交流事業(韓国との共同研究), 2011年, 研究代表者

  • 小澤 誠一
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 2008年 - 2010年, 研究代表者

  • 二国間交流「マルチモーダル・マルチタスク個人認証システムの開発」
    小澤 誠一
    二国間交流事業, 2010年, 研究代表者

  • 阿部 重夫, 小澤 誠一
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 2007年 - 2008年
    a) KDA (Kernel Discriminant Analysis)を特徴選択の基準として特徴選択する方式を開発した. b) 特徴空間上のKDA に基づいてパターン認識する方式を開発した.またファジィ識別器の可視化のプリミティブな方式を開発した. c) カーネルファジィ識別器のメンバーシップ関数をSVM のマージン最大化の概念によりチューニングする方式を開発した. d) 相関のある複数のパターン認識問題が逐次的に与えられるマルチタスク学習問題に対し,少ない訓練データで高い汎化能力が得られるマルチプルクラシファイアシステムを開発した.

  • 小澤 誠一
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 2006年 - 2007年, 研究代表者
    複数の学習タスクが逐次的に与えられる問題は,マルチタスク学習と呼ばれる.この学習問題で重要となる能力は,特定タスクで獲得した知識の一部を,それに類似したタスクの学習に利用することで,より少ない学習サンプルで新しいタスクの学習を達成する能力である.これは「知識移転」と呼ばれ,学習タスクおよび学習サンプルが逐次的に与えられる環境では,有効なモデルはまだ提案されていない.本研究では,パターン認識問題への適用を試みるため,新しい学習モデルの構築を行った.2年の研究期間で得られた成果を以下にまとめる. (1)識別器の追加学習,タスク変動の検知,既知・未知タスクの識別,タスク分類,知識転送の機能を有する逐次マルチタスク・パターン認識モデルを開発した.このモデルでは,未知タスクを検知するたびに新しい識別機が自動的に生成される. (2)単一識別器で逐次的に複数タスクを学習できるモデルを開発し,過去に学習したタスクのうち,最も類似度の高いタスクを特定し,その知識を選択的に転送する機能を付加した. (3)機械学習のベンチマークデータを用い,未知タスクに対する上記(1)(2)のモデルの性能を評価した.結果,知識移転機能を導入することにより,高速に提案モデルの汎化能力が向上し,少ない訓練データで高い汎化能力をもつことを示した. (4)パターン認識への適用を行う上で必要となるオンライン特徴抽出アルゴリズムの開発を行った.複数のデータが同時に与えられたとき,それらに対して,一回の計算で固有軸の更新を行える新しい追加学習型主成分分析アルゴリズムを開発した.また,訓練データの中から一次独立となるものを選択し,それを用いて固有空間モデルを更新できる追加学習型カーネル主成分分析アルゴリズムを開発した.

  • データマイニングによる知識獲得とシステム構築手法の開発
    阿部 重夫, 小澤 誠一, 吉村 元秀
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 2004年 - 2005年
    サポートベクトルマシン(SVM)をベースにした知識独得とシステム構築法の研究に対して次の成果を得た. 1.静的環境下でのデータマイニングによる知識獲得とシステム構築法の開発 (1)大規模データを領域分割してSVMで高速にかつ高精度にクラスタリングする方法,SVMの集合体により特徴選択を行う方式を開発し,ベンチマークデータで有効性を検証した. (2)静的環境の仮定のもとで,サポートベクトルの候補のみを残して追加学習するSVMのモデルを開発し,ベンチマークデータで有効性を検証した. 2.動的環境下でのデータマイニング手法による知識独得とシステム構築法の開発 (1)動的な特徴空間構成法:追加学習可能な主成分分析(PCA)およびカーネル主成分分析(KPCA)を開発し,ベンチマークデータを用いて,データ分布の変動に追従しながら特徴量選択を行えることを検証した. (2)システム構築法:開発した動的な特徴空間構築法にk近傍法+動的クラスタリングアルゴリズムおよびニューラルネットを組み合わせることで,動的な特徴量選択に追従しながらクラシファイアの追加学習が可能であることを検証した.また,ベンチマークデータだけでなく,顔画像認識にも適用し,その有効性を検証した.但し,当初の目的であった追加学習型SVMへの組み込みは完成に至らず,今後も継続して開発していく予定である. 3.データマイニング手法を用いた画像の領域分割システムの開発 (1)画像の領域分割に適したクラスタリング手法の開発:形状が不確定な物体を撮影した画像から物体領域を抽出・分類するための基盤システムを作成し,たんぱく質結晶画像データベースを用いた結晶領域の検出・判別実験によりその有効性を検証した. (2)画像の領域分割に適した特徴量抽出手法の開発:推移不変ウェーブレット変換を用いた多重スペクトルヒストグラムの構成法を提案し,画像の多重スペクトルヒストグラム特徴をもとにした類似画像検索実験を行い,特徴量として領域分割への応用の可能性を検証した.

  • 追加学習可能なパターン認識システムの提案と顔画像認識への応用
    小澤 誠一
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 2004年 - 2005年
    追加学習可能なパターン認識システムの開発に必要不可欠な学習アルゴリズムを考案した.成果の概要を以下にまとめる. (1)特徴空間の追加学習として,従来のIncremental Principal Component Analysis (IPCA)の改良を行った.具体的には,特徴空間の次元増加の判定基準として,寄与率による方法を提案し,その更新式を求めた. (2)従来のIPCAは,1つデータが与えられるたびに固有値問題を解く必要があった.これに対し,複数のデータをまとめて1回の更新で新しい固有基底を求める学習アルゴリズム(Chunk IPCA)を提案した. (3)改良IPCAアルゴリズムおよびCIPCAアルゴリズムを顔画像認識に適用し,追加学習が進むにつれて,認識精度が高まることとFalse Positive Rateが小さくなることを確認した.また,CIPCAを導入することによって,学習時間が大幅に短縮されることを確認した. (4)特徴空間の更新に伴い,識別機(ニューラルネット)の更新も同時に行う必要があり,結合荷重の更新だけでなく,入力変数の個数の変動にも追従できなければいけない.この問題に対し,長期記憶を導入したニューラルネットの記憶アイテムを特徴空間に合わせて更新し,それらを訓練データと一緒に学習するアルゴリズムを開発した. (5)従来の独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis ; ICA)を教師あり学習に拡張する方式を提案し,独立性とクラス分離性を同時に高める学習アルゴリズムを導出した.また,いくつかのベンチマークデータで性能評価を行い,従来のICAやPCAで求めた特徴量に比べて,性能がよいデータもあることを確認した.

  • 表面筋電図による運動単位の活動可視化に関する研究
    前川 聡, 小谷 学, 小澤 誠一, 前川 聡
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 2003年 - 2004年
    本研究では,表面筋電図からの運動単位の分離とその活動の可視化のため,以下のように研究を実施した. 1.運動単位の分離手法の改良 統計モデルの導入が容易な過完備基底を用いた分離手法の検討を行った.本手法を実計測データに対して適用し,ブラインドデコンボリューションと同等の分離性能を持つことを確認した.また,観測チャンネル数が,運動単位数よりも少ない場合であっても,計測条件に依存するものの,それぞれの運動単位に分離できる可能性があることを確認した. 2.統計モデルを利用した分離手法の有効性の検討 boosting機構に対してKDAを利用した認識システムの検討を行い,SVMなどの既存の手法と変わらない識別性能が得られることを確認した.また一般的に,汎化能力を持たせるためには,クロスバリデーションのような多大な時間を要するパラメータ選択を行うが、それに変わる簡便な指標を考案し,計算コストをほとんどかけずに適切なパラメータ選択が可能であることを示した. 3.分離された運動単位の活動の3次元時系列位置推定 有限要素法を用い,分離された個々の運動単位に由来する皮膚表面上の電位より,運動単位の脱分極位置の3次元位置推定を行った.これにより,運動単位を構成する筋線維の3次元位置および,その時間変化を推定できることを確認した.また,電流強度の時間変化を追うことが可能となり,神経支配帯の大きさの推計が可能であることが明らかになった.また,これらによって,表面筋電図を計測する多チャンネル電極が満たすべき仕様を明らかにした. なお本研究は,平成15年度に神戸大学工学部小谷学助教授を研究代表者として進められたものであるが,平成16年5月に小谷先生が急逝されたため,急遽代表者の交代を行った.小谷先生の貢献は上記成果全般に渡っていることをここに記す.

  • マルチクラスサポートベクトルマシンの開発と診断,画像処理への応用
    阿部 重夫, 吉村 元秀, 小谷 学, 小澤 誠一
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 2002年 - 2003年
    分離不能領域を持つ等のサポートベクトルマシンの問題を解決して大規模なパターン認識問題に適用できるサポートベクトルマシンの開発と診断,画像処理への応用の研究を進め,以下の成果を得た. 1.マルチクラスサポートベクトルマシンの開発 ・サポートベクトルマシンにファジィ論理を導入して分離不可能な領域のないファジィサポートベクトルマシンのアーキテクチャとそのソフトウエアを開発した. ・決定木方式のサポートベクトルマシンおよびペアワイズサポートベクトルマシンでは,分離不能領域は存在しないが,学習順序により認識性能が変わる.このため最適な学習順序を決定する方式と,そのソフトウエアを開発した. 2.サポートベクトルマシンの高速学習方式の開発 ・データを数十個同時に最急上昇法により解を求めることにより多クラス問題および関数近似用サポートベクトルマシンを学習する方式と,そのソフトウエアを開発した. 3.中,大規模学習データでの評価 ・実データにマルチクラスサポートベグトルマシンを適用して従来のサポートベクトルマシンよりも認識性能および学習時間が短縮することを検証した. 4.設備診断への適用 ・設備診断への適用として,まずサポートベクトルマシンの識別能力を最大化する特徴抽出法について検討を行った.特徴抽出に独立成分分析を用いた結果,配管からの漏洩音や数字パターン,ベンチマークデータ等に対して有効な特徴が得られることを示した.また,マージン最大化に基づく進化的特徴抽出方法の開発も行い,その有効生を確認した. 5.画像処理への適用 ・サポートベクトルマシンに入力する特徴抽出方法として,ウェーブレット変換による多重解像度解析手法の有効性を検証した.ウェーブレット変換により圧縮抽出された特徴パターンを用いた類似画像検索システムを構築し,情景画像,テクスチャ画像などの細密な濃度変化を持つ画像を用いて実験を行った結果,良好な画像検索結果が得られることを示した.また,サポートベクトルマシンを用いたたんぱく質結晶状態の識別のための特徴量抽出手法を開発し,その有効性を確認した.

  • 長期記憶を導入したニューラルネットモデルの提案と動的環境におけるロバスト性の検証
    小澤 誠一
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B), 若手研究(B), 神戸大学, 2002年 - 2003年
    ダイナミックに変化する環境の下では,過去に得た知識が常に有効であるとは限らず,環境に適応するため絶えず修正を要求される.しかし,同じ環境が将来において再び現れるようなケースでは,過去に獲得したすべての知識を修正するのは必ずしも効率的とはいえない.つまり,ある時点で通用しなくなった知識であっても,長期的な記憶として保存し,その知識が有用となる環境が再び現れたときに想起・利用できるようなメカニズムをもつことが望ましい.また,学習期間に終わりのないlife-long学習としての性質をもつには,知識を効率よくメモリに蓄積できなければならない. 本研究では,上記のような機能を有するニューラルネットモデルを提案した.このモデルは,(1)入出力関係を学習するニューラルネット部,(2)ニューラルネット部で抽出された知識を蓄える連想バッファ,(3)連想バッファにある知識のうち必要なものを長期的に保持するための長期記憶,(4)環境の変動を検知する検知部の4つのモジュールで構成される. 平成14年度において提案したモデルでは,ロバストな環境変動の検知を行うためのメカニズムと高速な環境への適用を実現するための連想メカニズムを開発し,この機能を実装した.複数の異なる一次元関数が順次移り変わっていく単純な動的環境の下で提案モデルの適応能力をシミュレーション実験で調べた.その結果,提案したモデルは環境変動を正確に検知し,過去に経験した環境の知識を活かして,高速に環境に追従できることを確認した.また,動的環境の下であっても追加学習を安定に行えることを示した. 平成15年度では,移り変わっていく個々の環境に特有の知識と不変な知識を区別して,共有知識を抽出・利用する知識移転のメカニズムを付加した.シミュレーション実験を通して,この知識転移の機能が正しく機能し,さらに高速な環境適応が可能となることを確認した.

  • 動的環境に適応できる知的音響診断システムの開発
    小谷 学, 小澤 誠一, 小川 和彦
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 2001年 - 2003年
    本研究では動的な環境に適応できる能力を持つ音響診断システムの開発を目的としている.具体的には,環境が変わったことによって未知の音が発生したときに,未知の音であることを認識すると共に,既に構築したモジュールを変更することなくその未知の音を正確に診断できる新たなモジュールを付加していくような「診断ネットワーク」を新たに提案し,配管からのガス漏洩音の検出を対象としてその診断能力を詳細に評価した.さらに,安定した診断を行うために,音響信号の特徴抽出方法に遺伝アルゴリズムや独立成分分析などの適用を検討・評価した.さらに,カーネル法による識別方法の適用可能性を評価した. ○診断ネットワークの提案と評価 来年度実施予定の長期間(1年程度の間,適当なサンプリング間隔で)のデータ収集時に使用する複数のマイクによる複数の環境に対する同時データ収集装置を購入し,その性能を評価した. ○漏洩音の特徴抽出 特徴抽出方法として,進化的な特徴抽出方法や独立成分分析による抽出方法を検討した.数字パターンや評価用のデータベースなどに対する評価や石油精製プラントで収集したガス漏洩音などに適用して評価したところ,良好な結果が得られた. ○カーネル法による識別方法 良好な汎化能力が得られることが期待できるカーネル法やマージン最大化などを用いた識別方法を遺伝子発現データなどに対して評価したところ,有効であることが示された. ○ブラインドデコンボリューション 複数マイクから種々の特徴を分離するためには,音響信号のブラインドデコンボリューションが必要であるので,その基礎的な検討を生体信号に対して行った.得られた結果より,開発したアルゴリズムは有効であることが示された.

  • 独立成分分析による信号処理に関する研究
    小谷 学, 小澤 誠一
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 2001年 - 2002年
    独立成分分析とは,統計的に独立な信号が混合した観測信号から,元の独立な信号を推定しようとするものである.最近ニューラルネットワークの分野で,この独立成分分析に関する学習アルゴリズムがいくつか提案されている.また,その応用分野として,音声・画像や生体信号処理などのブラインド信号分離でその有効性が示されている. しかし,このような独立成分分析をパターン認識の特徴抽出に適用する場合,どのような特徴が抽出されているのかについては明確でない.そこで,文字画像や音響信号などに独立成分分析を適用することによって,下記の2点について検討する. 1.どのような基底関数が形成されるのか 2.元の信号のどのような特徴が抽出されているのか さらに,文字認識や音声認識などのパターン認識を対象として,主成分分析などを用いた場合と認識率で比較して,独立成分によって抽出された特徴の有効性について定量的に評価する. 上記の研究内容によって,独立成分分析のパターン認識への適用可能性を検討し,その特質を定量的に評価することが本研究の目的である. そこで,本研究では一般的な手書き数字パターンと,設備機器の音響診断データを対象として独立成分分析法を適用し,パターンの認識率を尺度にして,定量的に独立成分分析法の有効性を検討した.さらに,教師付き独立成分を用いた認識方法を提案し,その有効性を評価した. また,独立成分分析を用いた生体信号処理として筋電図のブラインド・デコンボリュージョンに適用し,運動単位の推定の可能性を検討した.

  • 携帯型音響診断システムの開発
    小谷 学, 小澤 誠一, 小川 和彦, 赤澤 堅造
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 1998年 - 1999年
    音響診断技術の実用化を目指して本研究では未知の音を誤って診断したときに、既に学習したネットワークを変更することなく、誤診断した音を正確に診断できる新たなネットワークを付加していくようなモジュール構造の「診断ネットワーク」を新たに提案すると共に、携帯型の診断装置を製作した。そして、配管からの漏洩検出を対象として、その診断能力を詳細に評価するために、下記の事項について検討した。 1.長期間に渡る正常音と異常音の収集 診断方法の詳細な評価には、より多くの正常音や異常音を収集する必要がある。そこで、石油精製プラントにおける種々の暗騒音のもとで配管からのガス漏れ音の異常音を収集した。同時に、このような異常のない状態の正常音(暗騒音)も固定したマイクによって長期間にわたって大量に収集した。 2.診断ネットワークの構築 モジュール構造の診断ネットワークを用いて,長期間に渡るデータに対する診断ネットワークの動作を確認した。また、診断ネットワークの汎化能力の向上を目指して、遺伝アルゴリズムを用いたニューラルネットワークの構造選択や、特徴抽出に関する基礎的な検討も行った。さらに,独立成分分析を漏洩音の特徴抽出に適用し,その有効性を確認した。 3.携帯型の診断装置の製作 ノート・パソコンにマイクロフォンからの音響データを直接入力し、周波数分析から診断までを行う携帯型の診断装置を開発した。この装置は、音響データを入力するインターフェイスと高速フーリエ変換などの前処理、診断ネットワークの機能をノート・パソコン上で実現している。これにより、リアルタイムな診断が可能となった。

  • モジュール構造ニューラルネットの機能形成モデルとヘルスモニタリングへの応用
    小澤 誠一
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A), 奨励研究(A), 大阪教育大学, 1998年 - 1999年

  • モジュール型神経回路網モデルの動的性質に関する定量的評価
    小澤 誠一
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A), 奨励研究(A), 大阪教育大学, 1993年 - 1993年
    モジュール型神経回路網モデルとして、対称結合をもつ相互結合型神経回路網を複数個結合したものを取り上げた。このようなモデルにおける各モジュールの活性ダイナミクスとモジュール間の結合ダイナミクスは、ネットワーク全体のエネルギー関数を定義することで与えらる。 本年度の研究は、このようなモデルの連想記憶能力をシミュレーション実験で定量的に評価することを目的とした。記銘するパターンとしては、各ビットが2値(±1)であるランダムベクトルを用い、総ニューロン数に対するパターン数(記憶率:r)で評価した。その結果、モジュール構造をもたない従来のホップフィールドネットに比べ、モジュール数が多すぎなければ、飛躍的に連想能力が向上することがわかった。例えば、総ニューロン数が500、モジュール数が2のとき、r=0.5で限界方向余弦d_C≒0.5、r=1.0でd_C≒0.7となった(ホップフィールドネットの場合、r≒0.2でd_C≒1.0となる)。さらに、与えられた問題に対して最適なモジュール数が存在し、それを越えると急速に連想能力が劣化する現象が見られた。この原因についての詳しい考察は、今後の課題とする。 また、ここで用いたモジュール型神経回路網には、モジュールの状態間に多対多の関係がある場合でもうまく動作するような機能を付加している。これは、2つのモジュール間の相互作用を決定する階層型ネットワーク(インターネット)に両モジュールの状態を入力することで実現している。本研究では、この機能がうまく動作することも、多対多関係をもつ文字パターン対を使った実験により確認している。

  • 印影の品質評価機能を有する高性能自動印鑑照合システムの開発
    上田 勝彦, 小澤 誠一
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 試験研究(B), 試験研究(B), 奈良工業高等専門学校, 1990年 - 1991年
    本研究は、研究代表者らが従来行ってきた自動印鑑照合方式の研究成果を基にして、熟練者と同程度の真偽判別性能を有し、印影品質の変動に対しても熟練者と同様に柔軟に適応できる自動印鑑照合方式を開発することを目的としている。平成2年度から2年間にわたり、当初の研究計画に基づき研究を行い、所期の目的をほぼ達成することができた。以下に本研究によって得られた新たな知見、成果の概要について述べる。 1.被照合印影各部の品質(印影文字線と背景のコントラストが十分な良品質部分、文字線の不鮮明な不良品質部分)を機械的に識別する方法を開発した。本方法は、印影の部分画像の濃度ヒストグラムの形に基づいて品質識別を行うものである。種々の実印影画像を用いて識別実験を行い、本手法は熟練者の主観評価の結果とほぼ一致する結果を与えることを確認した。 2.既開発の正規化距離法による自動印鑑照合方式に、本研究で開発した品質識別法を組み込み、被照合印影の良品質部分のみを照合対象とする、いわゆる品質評価機能を有する自動印鑑照合方式のシミュレ-ション・システムを開発した。そして種々の品質変動を含む印影デ-タを用いて、照合実験を行い、熟練者による結果と比較検討した。その結果、本照合方式は熟練者と同程度の真偽判別性能および品質変動への適応性があることが確認された。ただし、不良品質部分が全体の50%を越えた場合の処理法を更に検討する必要がある。 3.本研究で開発した自動印鑑照合方式を、パ-ソナルコンピュ-タと高速画像処理ボ-ドからなる小型システムにインプリメントし、実用的な小型印鑑照合装置のプロトタイプを構築し、その性能評価を行った。その結果、処理速度の向上について更に検討する必要があることが明らかになった。


■ 研究シーズ
  • AI×ビッグデータ解析
    研究キーワード:機械学習, ビッグデータ解析, 社会実装, セキュリティ, プライバシー保護

    期待される効果や応用分野:・データから価値を生み出すAI技術 ・サイバー空間における安全安心を担保するAI技術 ・AIそのものの安全性を保障する技術 をメインテーマとし、様々な応用分野のデータ解析を行っています。
    関係する業績:①小澤、齋藤:「データサイエンスの考え方: 社会に役立つAI×データ活用のために」オーム社, 2021 ②齋藤、小澤、羽森、南:「データサイエンス基礎」培風館、2021