Search DetailsKATO YoshikoGraduate School of Human Development and Environment / Department of Human DevelopmentProfessor
Research activity information
■ Award- Sep. 2020 牛乳乳製品健康科学会議, 優秀賞, 心のしなやかさを育む牛乳乳製品の摂取
- Aug. 2016 International Council of Psychologists, Dayan-O`Roark Poster Awards second place award, Austrian and Japanese student's well-being and related factorsInternational society
- Aug. 2016 International Council of Psychologists, Dayan-O`Roark Poster Awards first place award, The relationship between subjective well-being, and relatioship with family and living environment in Austrian and JapaneseInternational society
- Aug. 2011 The International Council of Psychologists, Relationship between taste sensitivity and eating style in Japanese female university students, Relationship between taste sensitivity and eating style in Japanese female university students
- Last, Feb. 2024, 神戸大学発達・臨床心理学研究, 23, 6 - 12, Japanese, No password新型コロナウイルス感染症流行時の感染予防行動に 関わる心的プロセスの検討[Refereed]Research institution
- Last, Mar. 2023, 応用心理学研究, 48(1) (1), 34 - 36, Japanese大学生の健康な食生活における自己制御尺度の信頼性と妥当性の検討[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Despite the growing attention toward the effects of dairy intake on stress and mental health, its relationship to psychological constructs that affect mental health remains poorly understood. We conducted a cross-sectional study (Study 1) and a longitudinal study (Study 2) to examine the association between food intake and stress resilience in Japanese middle and high school students. In Study 1, 865 participants (412 males and 453 females) completed the questionnaires. In Study 2, 109 students (51 males and 58 females) participated each year from 2016 to 2018. Dietary intake was assessed using a brief self-administered diet history questionnaire. Stress resilience was evaluated using a 13-item sense of coherence (SOC) questionnaire. Correlation coefficients were calculated in Study 1 to investigate the relationship between food group intake and SOC. In Study 2, a cross-lagged panel model was tested using structural equation modeling to investigate the effect of dairy product consumption on SOC. Study 1 revealed that only dairy product intake positively correlated with SOC and other food intake indicated no significant relationship. Study 2 indicated that augmented dairy product intake was positively associated with SOC. Among all foods, only dairy products were associated with SOC in adolescents. Although the association was weak, the longitudinal study confirmed that dairy consumption was associated with SOC. Randomized controlled trials are necessary to examine the causal relationship.Public Library of Science (PLoS), Dec. 2022, PLOS ONE, 17(12) (12), e0279232 - e0279232, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- BACKGROUND: Self-regulated motivation is associated with better behavior change, health, and hedonic well-being in the health domain. Meanwhile, there are evidences that eudaemonic well-being contributes to health. As well as reducing lifestyle diseases, the promotion of IKIGAI well-being (encompassing hedonic and eudaemonic well-being) has been targeted in Japan. However, little is known about the impact of IKIGAI well-being on the motivation for health. This study explored the relationships between autonomous motivation for eating and exercise for health, IKIGAI well-being, sense of coherence, and social support. METHODS: The participants were 622 Japanese (269 males and 353 females, aged 20 to 59 years). They completed a questionnaire on motivation for healthy eating (MHE), exercise motivation for health (EMH), sense of coherence, social support, and IKIGAI well-being. RESULTS: IKIGAI well-being was positively associated to the relative autonomy index (RAI)-MHE and RAI-EMH. Social support exerted a positive effect on sense of coherence and IKIGAI well-being; sense of coherence positively affected IKIGAI well-being. The invariances of the model across groups, such as gender, age, and subjective economic status, were verified using multiple-group structural equation models. CONCLUSION: With IKIGAI well-being as a mediating factor, social support and sense of coherence play important roles in promoting autonomous motivation for healthy eating and exercise.May 2022, International journal of behavioral medicine, English, International magazine[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Mar. 2022, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科紀要, 15(2) (2)オーストリアにおける心理職制度 ―クリニカルサイコロジスト・ヘルスサイコロジスト・サイコセラピストについて―
- Last, 甲子園大学, Mar. 2022, 甲子園大学紀要, 49(49) (49), 47 - 54, Japaneseトランスセオレティカルモデルにおける行動変容ステージと食品の摂取状況の関連[Refereed]Research institution
- Mar. 2022, 学習開発学研究, 14, 13 - 21「健康支援への受けとめ」と健康な食生活を送る動機づけおよびコンピテンスとの関連[Refereed]Research institution
- Last, (公大)福井県立大学, Mar. 2022, 福井県立大学論集, 57(57) (57), 1 - 10, Japanese[Refereed]Research institution
- Last, Mar. 2022, 発達・臨床心理学研究, 21大学生の健康な食生活における自己制御と動機づけの関連[Refereed]Research institution
- (一社)日本未病学会, Nov. 2021, 日本未病学会学術総会抄録集, 28回, 104 - 104, Japanese健康行動と心理的要因との関連
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Nov. 2021, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 80回, 361 - 361, Japanese勤労者の男女別の食生活に対する行動変容ステージとレジリエンスとの関連
- The main purpose of this research was to create a shortened version of the Motivation for Healthy Eating Scale (MHES) in Japanese and examine correlations with biological indicators of metabolic syndrome (MetS). In Study 1, a questionnaire, the MHES (29 items), modified from the Regulation of Eating Behavior scale, was completed by 532 Japanese (275 men and 257 women); this constituted the short version of the MHES used. In Study 2, a scale of attitudes toward improving eating habits (14 items) was investigated among 443 adults (127 men and 316 women) to test the validity of the shortened version of the MHES. Study 3 examined correlations between motivational forms and MetS. Studies 1 and 2 confirmed good validity of the shortened version of the MHES. Study 3 reported a significant correlation between MetS status and MHES. The shortened version of the MHES is valid and reliable. It should provide a useful tool for Japanese people to measure their motivation for healthy eating behaviors.Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Apr. 2021, Current Psychology, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Correlation between lactic acid bacteria beverage intake and stress resilience.We investigated the effect of lactic acid bacteria-containing beverage intake on the level of resilience against stress in male university students. Forty male university students were recruited into the study and randomly assigned into two groups. They were instructed to consume lactic acid bacteria-containing beverage or water twice a day for 28 days. The level of stress resilience, stress reaction, and anxiety were evaluated by a series of questionnaires conducted at three time points (T1: day 0, T2: day 14, and T3: day 28). The stress response was also assessed by measuring their salivary amylase levels. The variance analysis of each group showed a significant increase in stress resilience at T3 compared with T1 in the group of participants who consumed the lactic acid bacteria-containing beverage. Our results suggest that lactic acid bacteria-containing beverage intake could affect resilience against stress positively.Apr. 2021, Kobe Journal of Medical Science, 67(1) (1), E1-E6, English, Domestic magazine[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Objective: Applying self-determination theory, the present study examined the different regulatory processes of healthy eating motivations and their determinants in a cross-cultural sample by exploring the factor structure, measurement invariance, and construct validity of the Motivation for Healthy Eating Scale (MHES). Design: 381 Hungarian, 264 Japanese, and 293 Norwegian university students participated in the cross-sectional survey study. The psychometric evaluation was done by applying confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), correlation analysis, and CFA with covariates testing. Main outcome measures: Besides the six factors of MHES (Amotivation, External, Introjected, Integrated, Identified regulation and Intrinsic motivation), validating variables included obesity status, breakfast skipping, wellbeing, and emotional, external and restrained eating styles. Results: Thea priorisix-factor model of MHES adequately fit the sample data from all three cultures. The questionnaire demonstrated invariance of the factor structure and factor loadings across all of the groups. The different types of regulatory processes showed weak associations with the validating variables in the expected directions, with somewhat varied patterns across cultures. Conclusion: The MHES is a valid tool that measures different types of behavioural regulations of healthy eating. The measure is interpreted similarly across different cultures, which makes further investigations of the factors promoting healthy eating possible.TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Mar. 2021, Psychology & health, 36(3) (3), 367 - 383, English, International magazine[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 臨床面接のキーフレーズに着目したOSCEセルフトレーニングプログラムの開発客観的臨床能力試験(OSCE)は臨床的な技能、態度を評価する実技試験として医療系大学で実施されており、臨床実習の事前学習としても活用されている。しかしながらOSCEは訓練された人間が演じる模擬患者とのやりとりで評価することから手間、費用、時間を要し、広く普及するには至っていない。さらに評価の公平性についても課題を残している。そこで、容易に実施できる簡易的なOSCEとして、臨床面接における面接者の使用フレーズに着目し、学生を対象とした、タブレットやスマホで容易に臨床能力を高めるためのアプリケーションプログラムを開発した。学生は臨床面接における手順については理解をしているものの、患者とのコミュニケーションや必要な情報を得ることに関しては不得意と感じていた。本プログラムは模擬的に患者と会話を交わすものであり、面接時に使用する言葉を意識することで、面接に必要な技術の習得が期待できると考えられた。ただOSCEでは面接者の服装からしぐさ、目線に至るまで評価を行うが、本プログラムではそれは不可能であり、OSCE評価項目のうち態度等に関しては別途事前教育が必要であると考えられた。(著者抄録)(一社)日本未病学会, Dec. 2020, 日本未病学会雑誌, 26(3) (3), 69 - 73, Japanese[Refereed]
- Sense of Coherence(首尾一貫感覚;以下SOC)は、Antonovskyによって提唱された、把握可能感、処理可能感、有意味感の3つの感覚から構成される概念である。SOCはストレスへの緩衝要因として機能するだけではなく、食生活をはじめとした健康行動との関連が見出されている。本調査では短縮版SOCスケールであるSOC3-UTHS ver1.2を使用し、SOCと地域住民の摂取食品や摂取栄養素との関連を検証することを目的とした。SOCの各3要素の高値群と低値群をt検定により比較したところ、処理可能感と把握可能感では高値群で菓子類が有意に多かった。対して有意味感では高値群で鉄、ビタミンB1、葉酸、ビタミンC、食物繊維が有意に多く、さらにいも類、豆類、緑黄色野菜、その他の野菜が有意に多かった。次にSOCの3要素のそれぞれを従属変数に、エネルギー、栄養成分、食品群別摂取量を独立変数、年齢、性別を調整変数として重回帰分析を行ったところ、有意な項目として処理可能感でカルシウム、菓子類、乳類、有意味感で食物繊維、緑黄色野菜、把握可能感で菓子類が抽出された。以上から現状を把握し、今後を予測できる者、「私ならできる」と思える者は菓子類の摂取量が多く、健康のために生活習慣を変えることは価値のあることと感じる者は緑黄色野菜などの健康に良いとされる食品群の摂取量が多いことが明らかとなった。食生活指導の際にはこれらを踏まえ、ストレス対処のための菓子類摂取や、有意味感を高める動機づけが有用である可能性が示唆された。(著者抄録)(一社)日本未病学会, Dec. 2019, 日本未病システム学会雑誌, 25(3) (3), 44 - 47, Japanese[Refereed]
- Nov. 2019, Psych, 1(1) (1), 504 - 514, EnglishThe Relationship between Sense of Coherence, Stress, Body Image Satisfaction and Eating Behavior in Japanese and Austrian Students[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Jan. 2019, Heliyon, 5(1) (1), 1 - 22, EnglishPsychometric properties of a Japanese version of Composite Scale of Morningness[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Mar. 2018, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科研究紀要, 11(2) (2), 45 - 51, Japanese[Refereed]Research institution
- Scientific Research Publishing Inc., Oct. 2017, Open Journal of Social Sciences, 5(10) (10), English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Japan Academy of Nursing Science, Sep. 2017, Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science, 37, 18 - 25, Japanese
Objective: Health and Ikigai need to be encouraged. Ikigai is Japanese original well-being. This study posited that a sense of coherence (SOC) and social support were factors affecting local residents' Ikigai, and this study then verified that conjecture.
Methods: Subjects were 532 adults over the age of 18 (275 males 44.2 ± 13.7 y, 257 females 41.4 ± 12.7 y). The items studied included Ikigai, SOC, social support.
Results: SOC (β = 0.285–0.398) and social support from significant others (β = 0.184–0.331) were found to affect individual's Ikigai.
Conclusion: SOC and social support from significant others affected individual's Ikigai. Thus, focusing on enhancement of individual's SOC and social support (and particularly his or her social support from significant others) may help to enhance individual's Ikigai.
[Refereed]Scientific journal - 一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会, 2017, 日本健康心理学会大会発表論文集, 30, 130, Japanese
- 医学書院, Aug. 2016, 保健師ジャーナル, 72(8) (8), 689 - 689, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Japanese Association of School Health, Aug. 2016, Japanese Journal of School Health, 58(3) (3), 145 - 153, JapaneseFactors associated with toothbrushing behaviors among junior high school students[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Background The salutogenic model has been established as a health promoting resource that is related to a strong sense of coherence (SOC), positive subjective health and quality of life (QoL). The aim of the study was to compare internal and external resources, life style factors, perceived health and QoL in Japan and Austria and to determine associations among these factors. Methodology and Principal Findings A survey was conducted in a Japanese (N = 460) and an Austrian (N = 421) student sample using the following self-report health questionnaires: Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13), Social and Gender Role Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ), SF-12 Health Survey, and the Cross-cultural Health Survey. Analyses of data showed that age (beta -0.12), and stress (beta -0.21) were negatively related and SOC (beta 0.47), family support are (beta -0.35) positively related to mental QoL. Significant predictors for emotional strain, were female gender (beta -0.24), older age (beta-0.14), lower SOC (beta 0.28), less traditional gender and social role patterns (beta 0.10), more restrained eating (beta -0.20), more alcohol intake (beta -0.16), and more stress (beta -0.25) explaining 42% of the variance in Austrian students. In Japan stress (beta -0.38) was negatively related and SOC (beta 0.37) positively related to mental QoL. Older age (beta -0.20), lower SOC (beta 0.29) and more stress (beta -0.33) were identified as significant predictors explaining 35% of the variance in Japanese students. Conclusions and Significance SOC and stress are strongly associated with QoL and perceived health in Austria as well as in Japan. SOC seems to be a crucial predictor for stress, and emotional health independent of the cultural context. A major challenge of cross-cultural research is to understand perceived health and QoL and the extent in which it is individually, socially, or culturally determined.PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, May 2016, PLOS ONE, 11(5) (5), English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- This study tried to develop the Food Preference Scale for Imbalanced Diet (FPSID), and evaluated its validity and reliability. For pilot study, 10 university students (5 males and 5 females) participated in semi-structured interview; it was used to construct scale items, considering food preference for imbalanced diet. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 920 university students, including 673 males and 247 females. Exploratory factor analysis which revealed the FPSID composed of the following subscales: aversion to hated food, aversion to food sensory, aversion to vegetables, receptivity to diverse food, and receptivity to the same food. Cronbach α were above .76. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed validity of the scale too. Correlations between the FPSID and neuroticism and preference for novelty food were reported. Based on these results, it was concluded that the scale was valid and reliable for measuring food preference that relate to imbalanced diet.本研究は,科研費(課題番号23500945)の助成を受けたものである。広島大学大学院教育学研究科学習開発学講座, Mar. 2016, 学習開発研究, (9) (9), 13 - 21, Japanese[Refereed]Research institution
- Kobe University, Mar. 2016, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科研究紀要, 9(2) (2), 71 - 78, Japanese[Refereed]Research institution
- Mar. 2016, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学, 研究科 研究紀要, 9(2) (2), 79 - 84, Japanese2014年度プロジェクト研究報告「人間環境形成における生活安心指標の考案に向けた理論・実証研究」Research institution
- 2013年度プロジェクト研究報告「生活安心指標Human Life Security Indexの考案:質の高い生活を実現する人間環境の総合的研究とその指標化」「人間発達」およびそれを支える「人間環境」の視点に立って安心して暮らせる生活とはいかなるものか、またその実現のためにはどのような条件が必要か、そこでの課題は何かについて、総合的に検討した内容についてまとめたものである。神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科, Mar. 2015, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学,研究科 研究紀要, 8(2) (2), 127 - 129, JapaneseResearch institution
- Purpose We investigated the relationship between eating behavior measured by the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ) and perception of body shape, examining the current physical status and 'ideal' physical parameters in females and males. Methods The participants, 548 Japanese university students (age 19.2 +/- A 0.9 years, mean +/- A SD; 252 males, 296 females), completed a questionnaire which asked for their current physical status (e.g., weight and height), their ideal physical parameters, their perception of their current body shape, their ideal body shape, and their eating behaviors. Results The ideal weight and ideal body mass index (BMI) were significantly higher than the current weight and BMI in the males, but significantly lower in the females. Among the females, the ideal body shape was smaller than their perception of current body shape. The DEBQ scores for restrained, emotional, and external eating were higher in the females than the males among the normal-weight participants, and among the underweight participants, the restrained eating and external eating scores were higher in the females than the males. Restrained eating was negatively associated with the discrepancy between the current and ideal weight, BMI, and body shape in both the males and females. Emotional eating was negatively associated with the discrepancy in current/ideal BMI and body shape only in the females. Conclusions At least in Japanese university students, the gender differences in ideal body shape are related to eating behavior.SPRINGER, Dec. 2014, EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS-STUDIES ON ANOREXIA BULIMIA AND OBESITY, 19(4) (4), 461 - 468, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Kobe University, Sep. 2014, 神戸大学大学院 人間発達環境学研究科 研究紀要, 8(1) (1), 79 - 83, Japanese[Refereed]Research institution
- OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to examine the constructive attitudes towards improving eating habits and their relationship with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) using data from the National Health and Nutrition Survey (2005) and the Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions (2005). METHODS: Individuals aged >30 years (N=3084) were enrolled in this study. Exploratory factor analyses were performed to examine the constructive attitudes towards improving eating habits by using 14 parameters. In addition, confirmatory factor analysis was performed and the Cronbach α value was calculated. Furthermore, the relationship between attitudes towards improving eating habits and MetS prevalence was examined according to gender by using multinomial logistic regression analysis, after adjusting for age, number of members in a household, exercise habits, and rest by sleeping. RESULTS: Two factors were extracted: balanced diet (BD) and control of food intake (CFI) (Cronbach α, 0.82 and 0.75, respectively). The goodness of fit model, based on the structural equation models, was adequate (goodness of fit, 0.96). No relationship was noted between BD and MetS prevalence. The MetS prevalence differed according to gender: "Strongly suspected MetS (sure MetS)", 16.3% (male, 24.4%; female, 10.7%), "Preliminary MetS (pre MetS)", 15.2% (male, 24.1%; female, 8.9%), "non-suspected MetS (non MetS)", 68.5% (male, 51.5%; female, 80.5%). The odds ratios (95% confidence interval) for pre MetS and sure MetS were 0.57 (0.42-0.78) and 0.52 (0.38-0.71) in males and 0.36 (0.25-0.53) and 0.39 (0.27-0.56) in females, respectively, when non MetS was used as a reference. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicated that the attitudes towards improving eating habits primarily focused on BD and CFI. Therefore, improving eating habits towards in terms of better CFI would be effective in preventing MetS in both genders.Aug. 2014, Japanese Journal of Public Health, 61(8) (8), 385 - 395, Japanese, Domestic magazine[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Kobe University, Mar. 2014, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科研究紀要, 7(2) (2), 139 - 148, Japanese[Refereed]Research institution
- 【目的】SOC(Sense of coherence:首尾一貫感覚)は,ストレスフルな環境下においても健康を維持することのできる性格特性である。これまでの研究から,SOCは食習慣を含めた生活習慣とも関連があることが報告されている。本研究では,偏食行動の機序の一端を明らかにすることを目的として,偏食行動とSOCとの関係について検討することとした。 【方法】大学生164名(男性94名,女性70名)平均年齢19.4±1.2歳を対象に偏食行動,SOC,主観的健康感,生活習慣,ソーシャルサポートに関する質問紙調査を行った。 【結果と考察】SOCは主観的健康感,生活習慣,重要な他者および家族からのソーシャルサポートと正の関連があり,先行研究と一致した傾向が確認された。次に,偏食行動との関連について検討した。はじめに,偏食行動に関する尺度について検討したところ,「苦手な食べ物の回避」,「手軽な食べ物の摂取」,「多様な食べ物の摂取」,「好きな食べ物への偏った摂取」の4つの因子において,一定の妥当性と信頼性が確認された。主観的健康感は,偏食行動のうち「好きな食べ物への偏った摂取」との間に負の相関が見られた。そして,SOCは偏食行動のうち「手軽な食べ物の摂取」および「好きな食べ物への偏った摂取」との間に負の相関関係が確認された。つまり,SOCは,好きなものばかり食べる偏った食行動の制御因子として機能し主観的健康感と関連している可能性が示唆された。 【結論】偏食行動を検討する上では,SOCといった個人内要因も考慮する必要性があることが見出された。The Japan Society of Cookery Science, 2014, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, 26, 46 - 46, Japanese
- Lead, 慶應義塾大学出版会(株), Jan. 2014, 教育と医学, 62(1) (1), 29 - 37, Japanese[Invited]
- To clarify the intrinsic food preference mechanism, we investigated neurophysiological responses to unpleasant gustatory stimuli using electroencephalogram (EEG) and near-infrared hemoencepalogram (NIR-HEG) simultaneously. A conventional delayed response task paradigm was performed in the experiment. Results showed excessive evoked EEG potentials in both bitter and sour responses, but not in purified water which was a control condition. Therefore we suggested that these potentials would be only attributed to gustatory stimuli. As these potentials appeared before P3, we considered that they are unconscious electrophysiological early markers for attention. We also identified contingent negative variation (CNV) in a late stage for sour stimulus and corresponding clear P3. In addition, NIR-HEG responses showed a rise for every stimulus and, in particular, bitterness gave larger rise than sourness. In spite of limitation to timing accuracy of taste presentations, the early markers found in this study could be fundamentals for investigating individual food preference. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014.Springer Verlag, 2014, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 404, 288 - 293, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Jan. 2014, Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 4, 43 - 48, EnglishBrain Response to Aversive Taste for Investigating Taste Preference[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Jan. 2014, Food and Nutrition, 5, 236 - 244, EnglishActivation of human prefrontal cortex to pleasant and aversive taste using functional near-infrared spectroscopy[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Dec. 2013, Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 3, 617 - 623, EnglishAn fNIRS research on prefrontal cortex activity response to pleasant taste[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 学生322名(男子183名、女子139名、平均18.5歳)を対象に、健康な食生活を送る動機づけと、子どもの頃の食生活に対する態度との関係をアンケート調査により検討した。動機づけの尺度はPelletierらのREBSをもとに6下位尺度31項目で作成し、食生活の態度は食事の様子15項目および食卓の雰囲気10項目として、各項目に対し7件法で回答させ、これらの関係を分析した。その結果、男女とも内発的動機づけは、「豊かな食事」「食事作りへの参加」、「食卓のポジティブな雰囲気」と有意な正の相関を示し、女子では更に「朝食の共食状況」と正の相関、「簡便な食事」と負の相関が認められた。外発的動機づけの統合的調整、同一化調整、取り入れ的調整、外的調整、および無動機においてもそれぞれ相関を認め、青年期の健康な食生活を送る動機づけには、子どもの頃の食生活が関連していることが示された。Japanese Association of School Health, Feb. 2013, Japanese Journal of School Health, 54(6) (6), 507 - 519, Japanese[Refereed]
- Feb. 2013, Psychology, 4, 136 - 141, EnglishPsychometric Validation of the Motivation for healthy Eating Scale (MHES)[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 2013, Proc. of IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, EnglishAn FNIRS Study of Taste Cortical Areas in Human Brain: Sweetness and Sourness[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- システム制御情報学会, 2013, European Congress of Psychology, 57, 4p, EnglishA fNIRS Research on Prefrontal Cortex Activity Response to Taste: Sweetness and Sourness[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- It was recently reported that greater attention is being given to halitosis and oral care, and the effects of halitosis on daily life. Although there have been questionnaire-based investigations regarding the awareness of halitosis and psychological condition and behavior relating to halitosis, little is known regarding the association between the body image, which shows an aspect of psychological health, and halitosis. The aim of this study was to clarify the association between the body image scale and perception of halitosis among Women's University students. The subjects were 134 Women's University students. They were surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire about their body image and awareness of halitosis. The body image scale was based on the silhouette chart, which included 8 body shapes, ranging from thin to obese. The subjects who preferred thin were significantly more conscious that their own halitosis might be unpleasant for other persons, and would seek a check-up by dentists. The present study suggested that the body image was associated with a potential tendency toward psychosocial and health-related behavior of the individuals who feel uneasy about halitosis.The Japanese Society for Dental Health, Jan. 2013, 口腔衛生学会誌, 63(1) (1), 9 - 14, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Objective: With the attenuation of human relations, a decrease in communicative competence becomes problematic, and the necessity of teaching communication skills in primary- and secondary-level education rises. The aim of this study is to investigate the hypothesis that social support and family relationship affects hardiness and hardiness affect assertion behaviors.Method: 175 university students (85 men: 19.2±1.0yrs, 94 females 19.4±1.2yrs) completed a questionnaire measuring instrumental and emotional social support from family and friends, assertion behavior (Relationship formation, Persuasion negotiations), family relationships (Cohesion and expression, Tangle) and hardiness (Commitment, Control, and Challenge).Results: Cohesion and expression in family relationship influenced hardiness (Commitment, and Control). Emotional support from friends affected Commitment. Instrumental support from friends affected Challenge. Hardiness (Commitment, and Control) affected relationship formation of assertion behavior. Hardiness (Challenge) affected persuasion negotiation of assertion behavior.Discussion: The results suggest that the emotional support from friends was related to the factor that promotes assertion behavior. In addition, acquisition of assertion behavior might be effective in building good family relationships and nurturing the power to live.広島大学大学院教育学研究科学習開発学講座, Mar. 2012, 学習開発研究, 5,3-10(5) (5), 3 - 10, JapaneseScientific journal
- Mar. 2012, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科 研究紀要, 5,211-217, Japanese高校生のファストフードの利用にかかわる要因[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Mar. 2012, Food and Nutrition Science, 3,302-309Relationship between taste sensitivity and eating style in Japanese female university students[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 高齢化が進展する中、生活習慣病の予防は、国民の健康を守る上で大きな課題である。この課題を解決するために、"結果を出す保健指導"がめざされており、生活習慣を改善するための健康行動が注目されるようになってきた。健康を対象とした行動科学においては、個人の主観が健康行動の変容において重要な役割を担うことが主張されている。本研究では、実際に食生活改善意識が食行動に反映しているかを確認するために、平成17年国民健康・栄養調査および国民生活基礎調査の個票データを用いて、食生活改善意欲と食品群別摂取状況や栄養摂取量との関連について検討した。 分析対象は、15歳以上とした。はじめに、食習慣改善意識を問う14項目について、因子分析を行い尺度構成について検討した。その結果、二つの因子が抽出された。項目の内容からそれぞれの因子を「バランスのとれた食習慣改善意識」と「過剰摂取を抑制する食習慣改善意識」と命名した。クロンバックのα係数を算出したところ、0.82と0.72で一定の信頼性が確認された。次に、食品群(大分類18項目)および各栄養素の一日の摂取量を目的変数として重回帰分析を行った。説明変数のうち、注目変数は「バランスのとれた食習慣改善意識」と「過剰摂取を抑制する食習慣改善意識」を用いた。調整変数として、性、年齢、世帯員数、等価家計支出、睡眠による休養、一日の運動量(歩行数)を用いた。 分析の結果、食習慣改善意欲は食品群別摂取状況や一日の栄養摂取量に影響していた。以上の分析結果から、食習慣改善意欲を高めることは、食行動の変容を図る上で有効である可能性が確認された。The Japan Society of Cookery Science, 2012, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Cookery Science, 24, 103 - 103, Japanese
- (一社)日本家政学会, Nov. 2010, 日本家政学会誌, 61,741-747., 54 - 54, Japanese小学生の家族関係および友人関係における自尊感情と全体的自尊感情との関連[Refereed]
- Jun. 2010, Families and Societies in Transition, Proceedings of the 66th Annual Convention , International Council of Psychologists in St Petersburg, Russia. July 15-18, 2008, Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 250-263, EnglishThe Relationship between Stress, Hardiness and Snacking.[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Jun. 2010, Families and Societies in Transition, Proceedings of the 66th Annual Convention, International Council of Psychologists in St Petersburg, Russia. July 15-18, 2008, Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 237-249, EnglishEating Behavior and Body Image in Austrian and Japanese Students.[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Objective: Relationship among the inclination towards eating disorders, self-efficacy controlling overeating, self-efficacy for controlling diet refusal, psychological stress responses, the drive for thinness, and attitudes towards sweets in university women were investigated.JAPANESE SOCIETY OF HEALTH EDUCATION AND PROMOTION, Nov. 2009, 日本健康教育学会, 17(4) (4), 224 - 236, Japanese
Methods: A survey was conducted among 280 female university students in July 2003 using the following scales: the Japanese version of the psychological stress response scale, the drive for thinness scale, the attitudes towards sweets scale, the overeating control self-efficacy scale, the diet refusal control self-efficacy scale, and the inclination towards eating disorder scales (EAT-26 and Bulimia of EDI).
Results: As a result of multiple regression analysis, overeating control self-efficacy score negatively affected the Bulimia score (β=−.333, p <.001), whereas the diet refusal control self-efficacy score positively affected the EAT-26 score (β=.104, p <.05). Psychological stress response, the drive for thinness, and the attitudes towards sweets also affected the scores of Bulimia and EAT-26 positively.
Conclusion: It is suggested that high overeating control self-efficacy is useful for preventing over eating. This appears to be a fruitful area for future research in controlling eating behavior.[Refereed]Scientific journal - Mar. 2009, 学習開発研究, 2,39-49., Japanese家族成員の相互関係と児童の自尊感情との関係-家庭科「家庭生活と家族」の領域におけるアサーション・トレーニングの効果-Scientific journal
- Feb. 2009, 安田女子大学紀要, 37,209-220., Japanese日本の大学生とオーストリアの大学生の食行動の相違Scientific journal
- Feb. 2009, Peace, Hope, and Well-Being across the Cultures Proceedings of the 65th Annual Convention International Council of Psychologists in San Diego CA, USA, August 11-14, 2007. Aachen: Shaker Verlag., 102-110, EnglishAustrian students’ and Japanese students’ cross-cultural study to examine the responses towards the jelly.[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 安田女子大学, Feb. 2008, 安田女子大学紀要, 36,169-173, 169 - 173, Japanese時間-強度線法(Time- Intensity method : T-I 法)による甘味特性評価シュークロース、キシリトール、エリスリトール、ソルビトールについてScientific journal
- This study investigated the relationship among the drive for thinness, stress, and attitude toward sweets. It was clear that the drive afor thinness is related to stress, and it has been reported that sweets induce a comfortable feeling. Although a previous study had recognized the drive for thinness as explaning a positive attitude towards sweets, the drive for thinnes did not seem to directly explain this positive attitude. Rather, the stress induced by the drive for thinness did seem to explain the positive attitude towards sweets. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 258 university students (74 males and 184 females). The results indicated that the drive for thinness only explained a positive attitude towards sweets with the female subjects. A second questionnaire survey was then conducted on the 184 female university students. The results demonstrated that the drive for thinness itself did not lead to a positive attitude towards sweets, but that the combination of stress and the drive for thinness did lead to this positive attitude towards sweets.日本家政学会, Aug. 2007, 日本家政学会誌, 58(8) (8), 453 - 461, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Mar. 2006, 2004年度 独立行政法人農畜産業振興機構受託研究 砂糖に関する学術調査 テーマ:「甘味の摂取による心理的効果の検討」 報告書, Japanese甘味の摂取による心理的効果の検討Scientific journal
- 日本教育心理学会, 2006, 日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集, 48, S78 - S79, Japanese
- The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between attitudes regarding sweets, stress coping, drive for thinness, and inclination to abnormal eating behavior. A total of 302 university students (123 males and 179 females) completed the Scale of Attitude Toward Sweets, stress coping (TAC-24), Drive for Thinness (DFT), and Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26). For females, path analysis showed that drive for thinness influenced the inclination towards abnormal eating behavior directly, as well as through the attitude towards sweets. Moreover, female's stress coping influenced the inclination towards abnormal eating behavior through the attitude toward sweets. Results also showed significant gender differences in the relationships among these variables. These results suggest that inconsistent attitudes toward sweets result in an inclination for abnormal eating behavior.The Japanese Association of Health Psychology, Mar. 2005, 健康心理学研究, 18(1) (1), 1 - 11, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Mar. 2005, 2005年度 独立行政法人農畜産業振興機構受託研究 砂糖に関する学術調査 テーマ:「甘味の摂取による心理的効果の検討」 報告書, Japanese甘味嗜好の成立過程Scientific journal
- This study's aim was to clarify the effects of age and gender on attitudes towards sweet foods among Japanese older than 18 years. A principal component factor analysis of questionnaire data from 426 Japanese (195 males, 231 females) revealed the three factors: positive cognition, negative cognition (both containing positive and negative beliefs about sweetness) and affect (feelings pertaining to sweetness). Using 2 x 3 ANOVAs (male/female gender x three age groups) higher scores on both the cognition factors and the affect factor as well as on the reported amount of consumed sweet foods were found among females. Younger respondents had more positive feelings for sweetness and reported consuming more sweet foods than respondents from the other two age groups. A path analysis showed that sweet foods consumption was determined mainly by affect in young people and by positive cognition in the other two age groups. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.ELSEVIER SCI LTD, Mar. 2005, FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE, 16(2) (2), 171 - 179, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- This study was designed to confirm the validity of the Japanese version of the Identity Style Inventory. The three Identity Style scores (informational, normative, and diffuse/avoidant) were compared among the four groups of Identity Status (Identity Achiever, Moratorium, Foreclosure, and Identity Diffuse) based on the college students' data. Results revealed that the Identity Achiever and the Moratorium groups showed higher informational style score than the other two groups, and that the Identity Diffuse group showed the highest diffuse/avoidant style score of four groups. These results suggested that the Japanese version of the Identity Style Inventory was valid.広島大学大学院教育学研究科, Jan. 2005, 広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第三部 (教育人間科学関連領域), 54, 275-280.(54) (54), 275 - 280, JapaneseScientific journal
- 日本教育心理学会, 2004, 日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集, 46, 130 - 130, Japanese
- Mar. 2003, 広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第一部 (学習開発領域), 52,35-44., Japanese食行動の自己制御に関する研究の動向と課題Scientific journal
- Liking for 4 levels of sucrose solution (2.5%, 5.0%, 10.0%, 20.0%) and 3 kinds of sugar solution having different taste qualities of sweetness were investigated using sensory evaluation in junior high school students and adults (290 subjects).The questionnaire survey including affection, cognition, liking and consumption of sweets was conducted in the same subjects and the relation between response and liking for sugar solutions was examined.THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE INTEGRATED STUDY OF DIETARY HABITS, Sep. 2002, 日本食生活学会, 13,99-106.(2) (2), 99 - 106, Japanese
Analysis of variance showed that age was the important factor influencing the liking for sucrose concentration.Junior high school students and elderly adults (60+years) were inclined to like higher sucrose concentrations and not to like lower sucrose concentration. The young middle-aged subjects (30-39years) liked low sucrose concentration and did not like high sucrose concentration compared to the distribution of liking in other age groups.It was considered that there was a turning point in sweetness preference in this middle age-group.Females liked 2.5% sucrose solution better than males.Affection for sweets influenced the choice of sucrose concentration, while cognition of sweets had no effect on the liking for sucrose concentration.The degree of liking or eating sweets and the preference of intensity in seasoning also related to the choice of sucrose concentration. Liking for sugar solutions with different taste qualities did not relate to age or sex.[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Nov. 2021, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 80回, 282 - 282, Japaneseトランスセオレティカルモデルにおける行動変容ステージと食品の摂取状況の関連
- (一社)日本未病学会, Oct. 2020, 日本未病学会学術総会抄録集, 27回, 103 - 103, Japanese朝食欠食の関連要因における男女差
- (一社)日本未病学会, Oct. 2020, 日本未病学会学術総会抄録集, 27回, 126 - 126, Japanese食材購入レシートによる食事摂取状況の評価
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2020, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 79回, 335 - 335, Japanese勤労者の食行動および運動の動機づけとメタボリックシンドロームとの関連
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2020, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 79回, 342 - 342, Japanese年代別朝食摂取状況と血液生化学検査値の関連
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2020, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 79回, 343 - 343, Japanese血清尿酸値と関連要因
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2020, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 79回, 355 - 355, Japanese勤労者の男女別の健康的な食生活に対する行動変容ステージとレジリエンスとの関連
- (NPO)日本スポーツ栄養学会, Jan. 2020, 日本スポーツ栄養研究誌, 13, 194 - 194, Japanese大学生アメリカンフットボール選手の栄養摂取状況と筋力・パフォーマンスの関係について
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2019, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 78回, 551 - 551, JapaneseSense of Coherenceと食品摂取量
- (一社)日本未病学会, Oct. 2019, 日本未病システム学会学術総会抄録集, 26回, 132 - 132, Japanese臨床面接のキーフレーズに着目したOSCEセルフトレーニングプログラムの開発
- (公社)日本心理学会, Aug. 2019, 日本心理学会大会発表論文集, 83回, 1017 - 1017, Japanese大学生の生活習慣に関する自己制御尺度の信頼性・妥当性の検討
- (公社)日本心理学会, Aug. 2019, 日本心理学会大会発表論文集, 83回, 1020 - 1020, Japanese大学生の乳製品の摂取とストレスレジリエンスの関連
- (一社)日本未病学会, Oct. 2018, 日本未病システム学会学術総会抄録集, 25回, 152 - 152, JapaneseSense of Coherenceと摂取食品・栄養素との関連
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2018, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 77回, 328 - 328, Japanese尿中塩分量と生理指標との関連 田尻町循環器疾患予防プロジェクト
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2018, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 77回, 329 - 329, Japanese地域住民の心の健康と食品・栄養摂取状況との関連 田尻町循環器疾患予防プロジェクト
- (公社)日本心理学会, Aug. 2018, 日本心理学会大会発表論文集, 82回, 992 - 992, Japanese中等教育学校生の心の健康と食品摂取状況の関連
- (一社)日本学校保健学会, Nov. 2017, 学校保健研究, 59(Suppl.) (Suppl.), 161 - 161, Japanese日本語版Dutch eating behavior questionnaire for children(DEBQ-C)の妥当性と信頼性の検証
- (一社)日本学校保健学会, Nov. 2017, 学校保健研究, 59(Suppl.) (Suppl.), 161 - 161, Japanese中高生の健康な食生活に関する行動変容ステージ別の食行動の特徴
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2017, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 76回, 429 - 429, Japanese女子大学生の体型と身体活動量、栄養素摂取および健康な食生活を送る動機づけとの関連
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2017, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 76回, 453 - 453, JapaneseSense of Coherenceと健康な食生活を送る動機づけとの関連
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2017, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 76回, 453 - 453, Japaneseクロノタイプと健康な食生活を送る動機づけおよび社会心理的要因との関連
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2016, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 75回, 439 - 439, Japanese食習慣改善に対する態度と自律的な動機づけおよび社会心理的要因との関連
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2016, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 75回, 439 - 439, Japanese食習慣・運動習慣の行動変容ステージと動機づけおよびソーシャル・サポートとの関係
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2015, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 74回, 273 - 273, Japanese食習慣および運動習慣における行動変容ステージとMetS関連指標との関係
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2015, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 74回, 273 - 273, Japanese健康な食生活および運動に関する動機づけとメタボリックシンドローム関連指標との関係
- Mar. 2015, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科 研究紀要, 8(2) (2), 127‐129, Japanese2013年度プロジェクト研究報告「生活安心指標Human Life Security Indexの考案:質の高い生活を実現する人間環境の総合的研究とその指標化」Meeting report
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2014, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 73回, 214 - 214, Japanese市町村国保険加入者における特定健診継続受診のMets改善効果の検討
- 2013, 鶴甲いきいきまちづくりプロジェクト~アクティブエイジングを目指して~, (pp.15-21) (pp.15-21), Japaneseアンケート結果から「食」について考えるMeeting report
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2012, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 71回, 280 - 280, Japanese歯の保有状況と食品・栄養摂取 平成17年国民健康・栄養調査データによる解析
- 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2012, 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集, 71回, 280 - 280, Japanese食習慣改善意識とメタボリックシンドロームとの関連
- Mar. 2012, 口腔機能に応じた保健指導と肥満抑制やメタボリックシンドローム改善との関係についての研究 平成23年度総括分担報告書(2), 185-192, Japanese食生活改善意識に関する報告2 食習慣改善意識とメタボリックシンドロームとの関連-平成17年国民健康・栄養調査データによる解析-Report scientific journal
- Mar. 2012, 口腔機能に応じた保健指導と肥満抑制やメタボリックシンドローム改善との関係についての研究 平成23年度総括分担報告書(1), 177-184, 177 - 184, Japanese食生活改善意識に関する報告1 食習慣改善意識の年代および性別特徴-平成17年国民健康・栄養調査データによる解析-Report scientific journal
- Mar. 2012, 口腔機能に応じた保健指導と肥満抑制やメタボリックシンドローム改善との関係についての研究 平成23年度総括分担報告書(3), 193‐197, Japanese子どもの肥満に関する報告~平成17年国民健康・栄養調査データによる解析~Report scientific journal
- (一社)日本口腔衛生学会, Jan. 2012, 口腔衛生学会雑誌, 62(1) (1), 71 - 71, Japanese某女子大学生におけるボディーイメージと口臭の意識の関連について
- (公社)日本心理学会, Aug. 2010, 日本心理学会大会発表論文集, 74回, 923 - 923, Japanese健康な食生活を行う動機づけとソーシャル・サポートとの関係
- (一社)日本家政学会, May 2010, 日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集, 62回, 54 - 54, Japanese小学生の家族関係および友人関係における自尊感情と全体的自尊感情との関連
- Dec. 2009, ヘルスサイコロジスト, 50, Japanese健康心理士の資格を取得して想うことOthers
- Jul. 2007, ヘルスサイコロジスト, 43, Japanese子どもの食育への健康心理学の貢献Others
- Jul. 2006, ヘルスサイコロジスト, 18(1) (1), 1 - 11, JapaneseOthers
- Apr. 2006, 砂糖類情報, 115,10-11., Japanese甘味嗜好の成立過程の検討(平成16年度砂糖に関する学術調査報告から)Others
- (公社)日本心理学会, Sep. 2005, 日本心理学会大会発表論文集, 69回, W1 - W1, Japanese食と健康 食をめぐる心理学の諸問題
- Mar. 1988, 家庭研究収録 -授業研究のために-広島県立高等学校教育研究会家庭科部会、広島県高等学校長家庭部会, 8,14-24., Japanese「家庭一般」における母性・父性の健康についての効果的指導法Others
- Joint work, 北大路書房, May 2015, Japanese21世紀の学びを創る 学習開発学の展開Scholarly book
- Single work, 雄松堂出版, Jun. 2010, Japanese甘味に対する態度を規定する心理的要因に関する研究Scholarly book
- Joint work, 保育社出版, Apr. 2006, Japanese健康のための心理学Textbook
- Joint work, 大学教育出版, Aug. 2004, Japanese生活と実践を結ぶ家庭科教育の発展Scholarly book
- International Council of Psychologists 82nd Annual Meeting, Jul. 2024, EnglishBurnout among Psychologists: A Qualitaive Meta-synthesis
- The 11th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Jul. 2024, English, PositivePsychologyPosterLIFESTYLE.pdf, No passwordGeneral and Mental Health and the Association with Lifestyle in Austria and JapanPoster presentation
- The 11th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Jul. 2024, English, PositivePsychologyPosterIKIGAI.pdf, No passwordPsychometric properties of the German version of the IKIGAI well-being scalePoster presentation
- 第22回 日本栄養改善学会近畿支部学術総会, Dec. 2023Attitudes of dietitians toward gaining consultation and support skills in the support of dietary habit improvementOral presentation
- 日本健康心理学会 第36回大会, Dec. 2023, Japanese, 健康心理学会抄録_2023_final.pdf, Published, No password行動的感情制御方略と精神的健康との関連Poster presentation
- 第82回日本公衆衛生学会総会, Nov. 2023メタボリックシンドローム関連指標と行動変容ス テージおよび心理特性の関連Poster presentation
- 第82回日本公衆衛生学会総会, Nov. 2023労働者の HR-QOL とメタボリックシンドローム 関連指標および生活習慣との関連Poster presentation
- 日本心理学会 第87回大会, Sep. 2023日本語版楽しさ尺度の作成および信頼性と妥当性の検討Poster presentation
- Virtual, Dec. 2022, EnglishThe Relationship between Health Support, and Competence for Healthy EatingPoster presentation
- 日本心理学会第86回大会, Sep. 2022, JapaneseAttitudes under COVID-19 Pandemic in university studentsPoster presentation
- 日本心理学会第85回大会, Sep. 2021, Japanese日本語版Behavioral Emotion Regulation Questionnaireの開発(2):心理測定特性、信頼性、妥当性の検証Poster presentation
- 日本心理学会第85回大会, Sep. 2021, Japanese日本語版Behavioral Emotion Regulation Questionnaireの開発(1):因子構造と測定不変性の検証Poster presentation
- 日本健康心理学会第33回バーチャル大会, Nov. 2020, Japanese大学生の首尾一貫感覚と知覚されたストレスおよび健康に関する生活の質
- 日本健康心理学会第33回バーチャル大会, Nov. 2020, Japanese大学生の食生活における自己制御尺度の信頼性と妥当性の検討Poster presentation
- The 70th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Public Health Online Virtual Meeting, Oct. 2020, JapaneseRelationship between eating and exercise motivation and metabolic syndrome among the workersPoster presentation
- The 70th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Public Health Online Virtual Meeting, Oct. 2020, JapaneseSerum uric acid level and related factorsPoster presentation
- The 70th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Public Health Online Virtual Meeting, Oct. 2020, JapaneseRelationship between breakfast intake and blood biochemical indicators by age groupPoster presentation
- The 83rd convention of the Japanese psychological association, Sep. 2019, Japanese, Domestic conferenceRelevance between daily products intake and stress resilience in university studentsPoster presentation
- The 83rd convention of the Japanese psychological association, Sep. 2019, Japanese, Domestic conferenceReliability and validity of self-regulation scale for health lifestyle in university studentsPoster presentation
- The 83rd convention of the Japanese psychological association, Sep. 2019, Japanese, Domestic conferenceStock-flow failure by cognitive bias in Japanese studentsPoster presentation
- 77th Annual Conference International Council of Psychologists, Jun. 2019, English, University of Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain, International conferenceThe Relationship among SOC, Social Support, Well-being and Motivation for the Autonomous Regulation of Eating Behavior in Hungarian and Japanese StudentsPoster presentation
- 77th Annual Conference International Council of Psychologists, Jun. 2019, English, University of Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain, International conferenceExamination of the Factor Structure of Self-Regulation Scale for Healthy Lifestyle in University StudentsPoster presentation
- 77th Annual Conference International Council of Psychologists, Jun. 2019, English, University of Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain, International conferenceA Longitudinal Study of the Moderating Effects of Daily Products Intake on Sense of Coherence among Japanese Middle School StudentsPoster presentation
- 第77回日本公衆衛生学会総会, Oct. 2018, Japanese, 郡山市, Domestic conference尿中塩分量と生理指標との関連:田尻町循環器疾患予防プロジェクトPoster presentation
- 第77回日本公衆衛生学会総会, Oct. 2018, Japanese, 郡山市, Domestic conference地域住民の心の健康と食品・栄養摂取状況との関連:田尻町循環器予防プロジェクトPoster presentation
- 第25回日本未病システム学会学術総会, Oct. 2018, Japanese, 東京, Domestic conferenceSense of Coherenceと摂取⾷品・栄養素との関連Poster presentation
- 日本心理学会第82回大会, Sep. 2018, Japanese, Domestic conference中等教育学校生の心の健康と食品摂取状況の関連Poster presentation
- 9th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Jun. 2018, English, Budapest, Hungary, International conferenceIkigai and Subjective Well-being in University Students from Japan and HungaryPoster presentation
- 第64回 日本学校保健学会, Nov. 2017, Japanese, 仙台国際センター, Domestic conference日本語版Dutch eating behavior questionnaire for children (DEBQ-C)の妥当性と信頼性の検証Poster presentation
- 第64回 日本学校保健学会, Nov. 2017, Japanese, 仙台国際センター, Domestic conference中高生の健康な食生活に関する行動変容ステージ別の食行動の特徴Poster presentation
- 第76回 日本公衆衛生学会総会, Oct. 2017, Japanese, 鹿児島県民交流センター, Domestic conference女子大学生の体型と身体活動量、栄養摂取および健康な食生活を送る動機づけとの関連Poster presentation
- 第76回 日本公衆衛生学会総会, Oct. 2017, Japanese, 鹿児島県民交流センター, Domestic conferenceクロノタイプと健康な食生活を送る動機づけおよび社会心理的要因との関連Poster presentation
- 第76回 日本公衆衛生学会総会, Oct. 2017, Japanese, 鹿児島県民交流センター, Domestic conferenceSense of Coherenceと健康な食生活を送る動機づけとの関連Poster presentation
- International Nursing Research Conference 2017, Oct. 2017, English, Bangkok, Thailand, International conferenceRelationship between Ikigai (well-being), Sense of coherence, and the social support in obese and non-obese adultsPoster presentation
- International Nursing Research Conference 2017, Oct. 2017, English, Bangkok, Thailand, International conferencePsychometric Properties of a Short Version of the Healthy Eating Motivation ScalePoster presentation
- 日本健康心理学会 第30回記念大会, Sep. 2017, Japanese, 明治大学, Domestic conference大学生の領域別の自尊感情尺度の信頼性及び妥当性の検証Poster presentation
- 日本健康心理学会 第30回記念大会, Sep. 2017, Japanese, 明治大学, Domestic conference食習慣改善に対する態度と社会心理的要因との関連 生きがい意識、SOC、ソーシャル・サポートに注目してPoster presentation
- 日本健康心理学会 第30回記念大会, Sep. 2017, Japanese, 明治大学, Domestic conferenceインターネット依存と心理社会的要因との関連Poster presentation
- 第29回大会 日本健康心理学会, Nov. 2016, Japanese, 岡山, Domestic conference日本語版CSM(Composite Scale of Morningness)の開発Poster presentation
- 第75回 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2016, Japanese, 大阪, Domestic conference食習慣改善に対する態度と自律的な動機づけおよび社会心理的要因との関連Poster presentation
- 第75回 日本公衆衛生学会, Oct. 2016, Japanese, 大阪, Domestic conference食習慣・運動習慣の行動変容ステージと動機づけおよびソーシャル・サポートとの関係Poster presentation
- 74th Annual Conference of ICP, Inc., Jul. 2016, English, Yokohama, Japan, International conferenceThe Relationship between the Sense of Coherence and motivation for the autonomous regulation of eating behaviorsOral presentation
- 74th Annual Conference of ICP, Inc., Jul. 2016, English, Yokohama, Japan, International conferenceThe Relationship between the action transformation stage, IKIGAI and Sense of CoherenceOral presentation
- 74th Annual Conference of ICP, Inc., Jul. 2016, English, Yokohama, Japan, International conferenceThe Relationship between subjective well-being, and relationship with family and living environment in Austrian and JapanesePoster presentation
- The 31st international congress of psychology, Jul. 2016, English, Yokohama, Japan, International conferenceThe relationship between Sense of Coherence and restrained, emotional, and external eating in Japanese and Austrian university studentsPoster presentation
- 74th Annual Conference of ICP, Inc., Jul. 2016, English, Yokohama, Japan, International conferenceThe effect of a week health status recorded on the self-esteem and health consciousnessOral presentation
- The 31st international congress of psychology, Jul. 2016, English, Yokohama, Japan, International conferenceCross-cultural reserach: legal advocacy/intervention; Mental health treatment in collaboration with legal profesionals[Invited]Invited oral presentation
- 74th Annual Conference of ICP, Inc., Jul. 2016, English, Yokohama, Japan, International conferenceAustrian and Japanese student's well-being and related factorsPoster presentation
- 第74回日本公衆衛生学会総会, Nov. 2015, Japanese, 長崎, Domestic conference食習慣および運動習慣における行動変容ステージとMetS関連指標との関連Poster presentation
- 一般社団法人日本学校保健学会第62回学術大会, Nov. 2015, Japanese, 岡山, Domestic conference児童期の学校および家庭での食習慣と健康な食生活を送る動機づけとの関係-大学生を対象とした回顧調査-Poster presentation
- 一般社団法人日本学校保健学会第62回学術大会, Nov. 2015, Japanese, 岡山, Domestic conference児童期の家庭と学校での食習慣の因子構造-大学生を対象とした回顧調査-Poster presentation
- 一般社団法人日本学校保健学会第62回学術大会, Nov. 2015, Japanese, 岡山, Domestic conference児童期における家庭と学校での食習慣の男女差の検討-大学生を対象とした回顧調査-Poster presentation
- 第74回日本公衆衛生学会総会, Nov. 2015, Japanese, 長崎, Domestic conference健康な食生活および運動に関する動機づけとメタボリックシンドローム関連指標との関係Poster presentation
- 73rd Annual Conference of ICP, Inc., Aug. 2015, English, Tronto, Canada, International conferenceThe Relationship between IKIGAI, Sense of Coherence, and Social SupportOral presentation
- 73rd Annual Conference of ICP, Inc., Aug. 2015, English, Tronto, Canada, International conferenceRelationships among Sense of Coherence, Gratitude and Well-BeingOral presentation
- 73rd Annual Conference of ICP, Inc., Aug. 2015, English, Tronto, Canada, International conferenceRelationship between IKIGAI and Healthy Eating HabitsOral presentation
- 第61回日本学校保健学会, Nov. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference中学生の歯科保健行動とライフスキルとの関連Oral presentation
- 日本教育心理学会 第56回総会, Nov. 2014, Japanese, 神戸, Domestic conference大学生の健康な食生活を送る動機づけと首尾一貫感覚(SOC)との関連Poster presentation
- 日本教育心理学会 第56回総会, Nov. 2014, Japanese, 神戸, Domestic conference大学生の健康な食生活を送る動機づけとソーシャルサポートとの関連Poster presentation
- 第73回日本公衆衛生学会総会, Oct. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference市町村国保加入者における特定健診継続受診のMetS改善効果の検討Oral presentation
- 日本調理科学会 平成26年度大会, Aug. 2014, Japanese, 県立広島大学, International conference偏食行動とSOC(Sense of coherence: 首尾一貫感覚)との関連Oral presentation
- International Council of Psychologists, Jul. 2014, English, Paris, International conferenceHealth Related Quality of Life (HR-QOL) in community developmentOral presentation
- International Council of Psychologists, Jul. 2014, English, Paris, International conferenceFactors for Chinese international exchange students in Japan to adoptOral presentation
- 第60回 日本学校保健学会, Nov. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference大学生の偏食と健康な食生活を送る動機づけとの関連Oral presentation
- 第15回 人間情報学会, Sep. 2013, English, Domestic conferenceNeurophysiological study of taste preference mechanismPoster presentation
- 1st International Aizu Conference on Biomedical Informatics and Technology (ACBIT2013), Sep. 2013, English, International conferenceEarly neurological markers for unconscious detection of bitter and sour taste for investigating taste preferencesPoster presentation
- International Council of Psychologists 71th Annual Convention, Jul. 2013, English, International conferenceRelationship between gender role attitudes and HR-QOL (Health Related Quality of Life) in Japanese and Austrian studentsOral presentation
- The 13th European Congress on Psychology, Jul. 2013, English, International conferencePsychometric validation of the imbalanced food preference scalePoster presentation
- The 13th European Congress on Psychology, Jul. 2013, English, International conferenceGender difference in ideal body image and eating behavior in Japanese studentsPoster presentation
- International Council of Psychologists 71th Annual Convention, Jul. 2013, English, International conferenceFactors associated with well-being in the context of cross cultural adaptation – Focus on international students in Japan-Poster presentation
- The 13th European Congress on Psychology, Jul. 2013, English, International conferenceA fNIRS research on prefrontal cortex activity response to taste: Sweetness and sournessPoster presentation
- 第57回 システム制御情報学会発表講演会, May 2013, English, Domestic conferenceA fNIRS research on prefrontal cortex activity response to sweet tasteOral presentation
- 人間情報学会, 2013, Japanese, Domestic conferenceNeurophysiological Study of Taste Preference MechanismOral presentation
- 第57 回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2013, Japanese, Domestic conferenceA fNIRS Research on Prefrontal Cortex Activity Response to Sweet TasteOral presentation
- 日本教育心理学会第54回総会, Nov. 2012, Japanese, 沖縄、琉球大学, Domestic conference大学生の健康な食生活をおくる動機づけと子どもの頃の食生活に対する態度との関係Poster presentation
- 日本公衆衛生雑誌, Oct. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference食習慣改善意識とメタボリックシンドロームとの関連Poster presentation
- 日本公衆衛生学雑誌, Oct. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference歯の保有状況と食品・栄養摂取~平成17年国民健康・栄養調査データによる解析~Poster presentation
- 日本健康心理学会 第25回大会, Sep. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference偏食行動の構成概念に関する検討 ‐大学生を対象とした質的調査から‐Poster presentation
- International Coucil of Psychologisit 70th Coference, Sep. 2012, English, International conferenceGender role attitudes, gender self-concept, and Health Related-Quality of Life(HR-QOL)Oral presentation
- 日本調理科学会 平成24年度大会, Aug. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference食習慣改善意識と食品摂取状況との関連 ‐平成17年国民健康・栄養調査データによる解析‐Poster presentation
- 日本学校保健学会, Nov. 2011, Japanese, Domestic conference女子大学に所属する学生のボディ・イメージと自己受容感および食行動との関連Poster presentation
- 第58回 日本学校保健学会, Nov. 2011, Japanese, Domestic conference一般流動性知能と性格特性Poster presentation
- International Council of Psychologists 69th Annual Convention, Aug. 2011, English, Washington DC. USA, International conferenceRelationship between taste sensitivity and eating style in Japanese female university students[Invited]Invited oral presentation
- The 12th European Congress of Psychology, Jul. 2011, English, European Congress of Psychology, ISTANBUL, International conferenceValidation of the Regulation of Eating Behaviors Scale (REBS) to measure Japanese women's motivation of maintaining a healthy eating life stylePoster presentation
- International Council of Psychologists 66th Annual Convention, Jul. 2011, English, St Petersburg, Russia, International conferenceEating behavior and body image in Austrian and Japanese studentsOral presentation
- International Council of Psychologists 69th Annual Convention SAN DIEGO, CA, USA, Jul. 2011, English, Washington DC.USA, International conferenceDesired Bodies: Comparison between Austrian and Japanese students’ Body ImageOral presentation
- 日本心理学会第74回, Sep. 2010, Japanese, Domestic conference健康な食生活を行う動機づけとソーシャル・サポートとの関係Poster presentation
- 日本調理科学会平成22年度大会, Aug. 2010, Japanese, Domestic conference高校生と大学生のファストフードの利用と不定愁訴との関係Poster presentation
- 日本家庭科教育学会, Jul. 2010, Japanese, Domestic conferenceアサーション行動と家族関係およびハーディネスとの関連Poster presentation
- 日本家政学会第62回大会, May 2010, Japanese, Domestic conference小学生の家族関係および友人関係における自尊感情と全体的自尊感情との関連Poster presentation
- 日本健康心理学会第21回大会, Sep. 2009, Japanese, 早稲田大学 東京, Domestic conference女子大学生のハーディネスと食行動との関係(Ⅱ)Poster presentation
- 日本調理科学会平成21年度大会, Aug. 2009, Japanese, Domestic conference女子大学生の食生活と味覚感受性との関連Poster presentation
- 日本健康心理学会第21回大会, Sep. 2008, Japanese, International conference女子大学生のハーディネスと食行動との関係(Ⅰ)Poster presentation
- International Society of Behavioral Medicine 10th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Aug. 2008, English, Conference Center Tokyo Japan, International conferenceThe difference of eating behavior between Austrian and Japanese female studentsPoster presentation
- International Council of Psychologists 66th Annual Convention, Jul. 2008, English, St Petersburg Russia, International conferenceThe relationship between hardiness and snackingOral presentation
- The 3rd Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Sep. 2007, English, Waseda University, International conferenceThe relationship between body image and eating behavior - a cross culture study in Austria and Japan -Poster presentation
- International Council of Psychologists 65th Annual Convention, Aug. 2007, English, SAN DIEGO, CA, USA, International conferenceAustrian students’ and Japanese students’ cross cultural study to examine the responses towards the jelly.Oral presentation
- 日本心理学会第70回大会, Nov. 2006, Japanese, 九州大学 福岡, Domestic conference急性的な心理的ストレス課題による唾液中sIgA濃度の変化に関する研究Poster presentation
- 日本教育心理学会第48回総会, Sep. 2006, Japanese, 岡山大学 岡山, Domestic conference達成目標志向の日米比較研究(2)Poster presentation
- 日本教育心理学会第48回総会, Sep. 2006, Japanese, 岡山大学 岡山, Domestic conference達成目標志向の日米比較研究(1)Poster presentation
- 日本健康心理学会第19回大会, Sep. 2006, Japanese, Domestic conference新奇な食べ物が生理的指標に与える影響Poster presentation
- 日本教育心理学会第48回総会, Sep. 2006, Japanese, 岡山大学 岡山, Domestic conference小中学生を対象としたアサーション・トレーニングの試みOral presentation
- 日本健康心理学会第19回大会, Sep. 2006, Japanese, 同志社大学 京都, Domestic conference効果的な食育の実践のために-子どもの食行動に注目して-Public symposium
- 中国四国教育学会, Nov. 2005, Japanese, 安田女子大学 広島, Domestic conferenceヘルスリテラシーと食行動-自己効力感に注目して-Oral presentation
- 日本教育心理学会第47回総会, Sep. 2005, Japanese, 浅井学園大学 北海道, Domestic conference達成目標志向と諸指標との関連性に関する探索的研究Poster presentation
- 日本心理学会第69回大会, Sep. 2005, Japanese, 慶応義塾大学 東京, Domestic conference食と健康-食をめぐる心理学の諸問題-Public symposium
- 日本心理学会第69回大会, Sep. 2005, Japanese, 慶応義塾大学 東京, Domestic conference甘味に対する態度の発達過程に関する検討Poster presentation
- 日本教育心理学会第47回総会, 2005, Japanese, Domestic conference家族内でのコミュニケーションに関する検討-アサーション行動に注目して-Poster presentation
- 日本教育心理学会第46回総会, Oct. 2004, Japanese, 富山大学 富山, Domestic conference小学生の自尊感情に関する研究-アサーション・トレーニングの効果-Poster presentation
- 日本教育心理学会第46回総会, Oct. 2004, Japanese, 富山大学 富山, Domestic conferenceストレスおよび痩せ願望と甘味に対する態度との関係-女子大生の場合-Poster presentation
- 日本健康心理学会第17回大会, Sep. 2004, Japanese, Domestic conference過食抑制および拒食抑制に関する自己効力感尺度の開発Poster presentation
- 第6回 認知・発達フォーラム, Jul. 2004, Japanese, 大阪国際交流センター 大阪, Domestic conference小学生の自尊感情に関する実践研究1-アサーショントレーニングの効果-Oral presentation
- 日本健康心理学会第16回総会, Nov. 2003, Japanese, 関西福祉科学大学 大阪, International conference大学生の甘味に対する態度と食行動の異常傾向の関係に関する日中比較研究Poster presentation
- 日本教育心理学会第45回, Aug. 2003, Japanese, 大阪国際会議場 大阪, Domestic conference甘味に対する態度と対処方略・痩せ願望および食行動の異常傾向との関係Poster presentation
- 第5回 認知・発達フォーラム, Jul. 2003, Japanese, 広島大学 広島, Domestic conference大学生の甘味に対する態度と対処方略・痩せ願望および食行動の異常傾向との関係Oral presentation
- 中国四国教育学会第54回大会, Nov. 2002, Japanese, 高知大学 高知, Domestic conference甘味に対する態度についての一考察Oral presentation
- 日本調理科学会平成13年度大会, Sep. 2001, Japanese, 大妻女子大学 東京, Domestic conference甘味の評価に影響を及ぼす要因Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会第53回大会, May 2001, Japanese, くらしき作陽大学 岡山, Domestic conference甘味嗜好とその背景要因との関係Poster presentation
- 第47回家政学会中国・四国支部研究発表会, Oct. 2000, Japanese, 山陽学園短期大学 岡山, Domestic conference甘味に対する意識・行動について~性および年齢の影響~Oral presentation
■ Works
■ Research Themes
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2027生物心理社会モデルに基づく相談・支援型食生活改善プログラム評価指標の開発
- 株式会社テアラクソン, 共同研究, Aug. 2023 - Jul. 2024, Principal investigator労働者のモチベーション・エンゲージメント強化に繋がるWell-Being Monitorに関する研究
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)), 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)), 神戸大学, 09 Oct. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2023, Principal investigator令和元年度は、オーストリアのグラーツ大学およびハンガリーのエトベシュローランド大学に所属する研究者とディスカッションを行った。そして、国の心理支援体制を代表する制度の主要構成要素であるPsychologistに特に焦点をあて調査を進めることとした。オーストリアおよびハンガリーでは、実際にPsychologistとして従事している研究者を対象に心理支援に有効な社会的資源や支援上の困難な経験、これに関与する生活習慣、生きがい促進要因などについてインタビューを行い、予定している質問紙調査の計画についても具体化した。 また、インターネットで公開されている文献から得られる情報を調べ、EUのいくつかの国のPsychologistの制度について調査した。その結果、EUのいくつかの国では、Psychologistに加え、さまざまな技法によるPsychotherapy が創出されており、Psychotherapist が心理支援に多大に寄与していることも明らかとなった。しかし隣接するEUの国々においてPsychotherapistとPsychologistをめぐる社会的制度の状況は異なっていた。この点は心の支援関係者を取り巻く社会制度の相違点となる可能性がある。 さらに、スウェーデンでもインタビュー調査も行うことができ、経験年数によりストレスの特徴が異なること、ピアによるソーシャルサポートがストレスへの対処において重要であること、生活習慣との関連などが報告された。 支援関係者としてキーパーソンとなる家族についても調査の可能性を模索しており、アメリカの研究者との検討が進められている。Competitive research funding
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2021食に焦点をあてた健康寿命環境促進要因指標の開発S県の職員に対して質問紙調査を行い、その結果をフィードバックしたが、その後健康寿命要因指標作成に着手しているところであるが、まだ完成していない。当初予定では、モデル地区の選定、介入を行う予定であったが、予定より大幅に遅れている。質問紙調査の内容においては、健康関連QOLとメタボリックシンドロームの生理指標との関連について、検討するだけのデータが揃ったことから、現在投稿論文に執筆するために執筆中である。具体的には、労働者のメタボリックシンドローム関連指標と健康に関する生活の質との関連についてまとめており、血液データと健康関連QOLとの関連性について量的研究で取りまとめているところである。さらに、良い生活習慣を送っている人ほど健康関連QOLが高い結果もでており、当初計画を立てていた時にたてた仮説通りとなっている。例えば、就寝2時間以内の夕食、3食以外の間食、欠食、咀嚼状況、運動、睡眠による休養ができている人は、健康寿命(健康関連QOL)が高い結果がえられている。 また、今年度は研究で得られた知見をもとに保健指導従事者向けのリーフレットを作成した。今後は、研修会等で配布して、広めていきたいと考えている。
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kobe University, 01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2020A cross-sectional survey was conducted among middle school students and above. We developed effective evaluation indices for the standardization of food education programs aimed at behavior change, and examined the usefulness. As results, we were able to develop a motivational index for healthy eating habits and an autonomous support assessment index. It was also suggested that enhancing stress-resistance and social support to increase well-being may promote autonomy for healthy eating habits and improve metabolic syndrome situation.
- 学術研究助成基金助成金/基盤研究(C), Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2019, Principal investigatorCompetitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Kobe University, 31 Oct. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2016Many developed countries are faced with the rapid aging of their populations and as a result, they have encountered sever problems. For example, in Japan, which has the most rapidly aging society in the world, the number of households consisting only of elderly couples, and households with elderly people living alone have increased annually. The number of elderly people dying alone , as well as requests to search for missing persons that have disappeared, possible due to dementia-related wandering have increased to approximately 10,000 people annually. Moreover, problems in responding to elderly people facing emergencies have been focused in recent years. Mutual support and cooperation in neighborhoods, and communities are essential for solving these problems and for allowing elderly people to live free from worry. In this study, we developed and conducted programs to enhance the interest in community involvement and promote social networks among community-dwelling people.
- 科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(A), Oct. 2012 - Mar. 2015Competitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kobe University, 2011 - 2013The mechanism behind food preference and the cause of imbalanced diet were examined based on the Salutogenese model. The results showed: 1) Structural concept of imbalanced diet was clarified. The dislike and like scale and the imbalanced diet scale were developed. 2) Sense of coherence(SOC) related to the degree of emotional acceptance toward unaccustomed texture or tastes positively. Social support related to imbalanced diet negatively. 3) Prefrontal cortex activity response was different between pleasant tastes and unpleasant tastes. 4) The intention of improving one's eating habits related to the degree of health. There were possibilities that even if taste sensitivity affected food preference and imbalanced diet, internal and external resources adjusted one's emotional attitude toward food sense. Improving imbalanced died by internal and external resources were needed more examination.
- 学術研究助成基金助成金/基盤研究(C), 2011, Principal investigatorCompetitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up), Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up), Yasuda Women's University, 2007 - 2008お腹がすいたときだけではなく、イライラした時などストレスを解消するために食べることがある。ストレスを解消するために食べることは、心の安定を取りもどすために、時には良いことかもしれない。しかしストレス社会の現代では、ストレス解消のための食行動がコントロールできなくなり、健康を害することもある。本研究では、自己効力感、動機付け、ハーディネス、幼少時からの規則的な食生活が食行動のコントロールに有効な要因であることを検討した。
- 1999 - 2005甘味に対する態度と心理的健康との関係Competitive research funding
- 2004甘味嗜好の成立過程の検討Competitive research funding
- 2004学習目標に関する研究Competitive research funding
- 2003小学生の自尊心に関する研究Competitive research funding