
磯野 吉正
大学院工学研究科 機械工学専攻


■ 学位
  • 博士(工学), 立命館大学
■ 研究分野
  • ナノテク・材料 / ナノマイクロシステム
■ 委員歴
  • 2007年04月 - 現在, 1. 2007.4~現在 (社)日本材料学会分子動力学部門委員会 委員長
  • 2006年10月 - 現在, 京都市ベンチャー企業目利き委員会調査専門委員
  • 2006年07月 - 現在, 2. 2006.7~現在 (独)新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)「高集積・複合MEMS製造技術開発事業・MEMS知識データベース委員会」委員
  • 2006年04月 - 現在, 23. 2006.4~現在 ドイツ・アルベートルドウィック大学フライブルグ・マイクロシステム学科と立命館大学総合理工学研究機構との研究交流協定・共同研究プログラム運営メンバー
  • 2006年04月 - 現在, 3. 2006.4~現在 (財)マイクロマシンセンター「MEMS関連技術分野の標準化ロードマップに関する調査研究委員会」調査研究委員
  • 2005年04月 - 現在, 4. 2005.4~現在 (社)日本機械学会・材料力学部門「マイクロ・ナノ材料評価/微小機械部品設計技術に関する調査研究会」委員長
  • 2004年04月 - 現在, 10. 2004.4~現在 (社)日本材料学会評議員
  • 2003年04月 - 現在, 13. 2003.4~現在 (社)日本機械学会・論文集編集委員会校閲委員
  • 2005年04月 - 2007年03月, 22. 2005.4~2007.3 (独)日本学術振興会国際共同研究プログラム
  • 2006年10月, 21. 2006.10 立命館大学21世紀COEプログラム「マイクロ・ナノサイエンス・集積化システム」国際ワークショップ「International Workshop on Micro/Nano Science and Engineering for the 21st Century」Vice Chair
  • 2005年04月 - 2006年03月, 8. 2005.4~2006.3 (財)マイクロマシンセンター,平成17年度エネルギー使用合理化システム標準化調査「マイクロ・ナノ材料の疲労試験に関する標準化推進委員会」調査研究委員会・委員
  • 2005年04月 - 2006年03月, 6. 2005.4~2006.3 (財)マイクロマシンセンター,平成17年度エネルギー使用合理化システム標準化調査「マイクロ・ナノ材料の疲労試験に関する標準化調査研究」標準化推進委員会・委員
  • 2003年07月 - 2005年07月, 11. 2003.7~2005.7 (社)電気学会・センサ/マイクロマシンE準部門「ナノファブリケーション調査専門委員会」委員長
  • 2004年04月 - 2005年04月, 5. 2004.4~2005.4 (社)日本材料学会マイクロマテリアル部門委員会運営委員
  • 2004年07月 - 2005年03月, 9. 2004.7~2005.3 (財)マイクロマシンセンター,平成16年度エネルギー使用合理化システム標準化調査「マイクロ・ナノ材料の疲労試験に関する標準化調査研究」調査研究委員会・委員
  • 2004年07月 - 2005年03月, 7. 2004.7~2005.3 (財)マイクロマシンセンター,平成16年度エネルギー使用合理化システム標準化調査「マイクロ・ナノ材料の疲労試験に関する標準化調査研究」標準化推進委員会・委員
  • 2003年04月 - 2004年03月, 19. 2003.4~2004.3 経済産業省「創造技術研究開発費補助金等審査委員会」,審査委員
  • 2003年04月 - 2004年03月, 17. 2003.4~2004.3 国土交通省「道路維持管理におけるナノテクノロジー活用検討会」検討委員
  • 2003年04月 - 2004年03月, 12. 2003.4~2004.3 (財)マイクロマシンセンター「新機能性材料のNEMSへの展開に関する調査研究」研究委員
  • 2002年04月 - 2004年03月, 16. 2002.4~2004.3 (社)日本材料学会・関西支部常議委員
  • 2002年09月 - 2003年05月, 15. 2002.9~2003.5 (財)マイクロマシンセンター「MEMS設計・解析支援シミュレーションシステムに関する調査研究・技術調査小委員会」調査研究委員
  • 2002年04月 - 2003年04月, 14. 2002.4~2003.4 (社)日本材料学会分子動力学部門委員会運営委員
  • 2003年01月 - 2003年03月, 18. 2003.1~2003.3 国土交通省「道路維持管理におけるナノテクノロジー活用検討会」検討委員
  • 2002年09月 - 2003年03月, 20. 2002.9~2003.3 経済産業省「創造技術研究開発費補助金等審査委員会」審査委
  • ドイツ・アルベートルドウィック大学フライブルグ・マイクロシステム学科との共同研究プログラム・研究課題名「MEMSのシミュレーションベース・デザインのためのマルチスケール解析法の開発」・共同研究者


■ 受賞
  • 2017年01月 電気学会, 平成28年電気学会優秀論文発表(IEEJ Excellent Presentation Award), 金ナノ粒子二量体配列を用いたDNA塩基の高感度・高速表面増強ラマン分光
    池上 晃平, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正

  • 2016年10月 電気学会, 第33回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム 優秀技術論文賞, 金ナノロッド構造を用いた光熱変換によるレーザ波長計測マイクロ振動子デバイス
    菅野 公二, 田中 祐樹, 前田 悦男, 米谷 玲皇, 磯野 吉正

  • 2015年10月 電気学会, 第32回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム 優秀ポスター賞, 金ナノ粒子二量体配列を用いたDNA 塩基の表面増強ラマン分光
    饗庭 清仁, 池上 晃平, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正

  • 2015年01月 電気学会, 平成26年電気学会優秀論文発表(IEEJ Excellent Presentation Award), 金粒子配列ナノ流路を用いた表面増強ラマン分光分析デバイス
    竹下 俊光, 末國 啓輔, 饗庭 清仁, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正

■ 論文
  • Tomoya Imanishi, Keiju Miyamoto, Shuntaro Higashi, Shunsuke Oki, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Takanori Aono, Yoshitada Isono
    Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEE Japan), 2023年01月, IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 143(1) (1), 13 - 18

  • Koji Sugano, Katsunari Maruoka, Kohei Ikegami, Akio Uesugi, Yoshitada Isono
    Various nanostructures for single-molecule surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) have been fabricated through a random aggregation process using nanoparticles that can stochastically generate multiple hotspots in the laser spot. This leads to multiple molecule detection. In this study, a single gold nanoparticle (AuNP) dimer with a single hotspot was fabricated in a laser spot controlling the position and orientation on a silicon substrate using a nanotrench-guided self-assembly. The Raman peaks of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) were dynamically observed, indicating a single DNA oligomer detection composed of adenine, guanine, cytosine, phosphate, and deoxyribose.
    2022年01月, Optics Letters, 47(2) (2), 373 - 376, 英語

  • Integration of silicon nanowire bridges in microtrenches with perpendicular bottom-up growth promoted by surface nanoholes
    Akio Uesugi, Shusuke Nishiyori, Tatsuya Nakagami, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    2022年, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 61(7) (7), 英語

  • Surface-Potential-Modulated Piezoresistive Effect of Core-Shell 3C-SiC Nanowires via Passivation
    Akio Uesugi, Shinya Nakata, Kodai Inoyama, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    2022年, Nanotechnology, 33(50) (50), 英語

  • Naoki Kondo, Kohei Takegami, Naoyuki Arai, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    Microresonator-based optical sensing has been reported to achieve a high measurement resolution of near-infrared light intensity. The light intensity was measured from the resonant frequency shift with the thermal stress of a silicon doubly clamped beam. In this study, the beam length and vibration amplitude were considered as parameters for improving the measurement resolution. This study investigates the effect of these parameters on the sensitivity (resonant frequency shift per light intensity) and the quality factor (Q factor) to estimate the measurement resolution, considering the thermomechanical noise as the fundamental limitation. The result of the measurement indicated that the longer the resonator, the greater the shift in the resonant frequency. The Q factor is considered to be constant regardless of the resonator beam length. Although the vibration amplitude was increased until nonlinear vibration occurred, no change in the sensitivity and Q factor was observed. The light intensity measurement resolution was calculated using a theoretical equation based on the experimental tendencies. The device with the longest beam length of 800 µm and the gold nanostructured absorber had the highest resolution. The light intensity measurement resolution was improved with a longer beam length and larger vibration amplitude.
    2022年, Microsystem Technologies, 28(5) (5), 1281 - 1290, 英語

  • Takamasa Suzuki, Kota Nakafuji, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    Wiley, 2021年12月, Electronics and Communications in Japan, 104(4) (4), 英語

  • Takamasa Suzuki, Kota Nakafuji, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEE Japan), 2021年09月, IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 141(9) (9), 321 - 326, 英語

  • Tatsuya Tsubota, Naoyuki Arai, Atsuya Harada, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    The Optical Society, 2021年08月, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 38(10) (10), 2863 - 2872, 英語

  • Akio Uesugi, Taiju Horita, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    IOP Publishing, 2021年05月, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 60(5) (5), 055502 - 055502, 英語

  • Akihiro Morita, Takayuki Sumitomo, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    IOP Publishing, 2021年03月, Nano Express, 2(1) (1), 010032 - 010032, 英語

  • Kyosuke Nimura, Kenji Osaka, Kazuma Sawada, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    IOP Publishing, 2021年02月, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 31(2) (2), 025009 - 025009, 英語

  • Akio Uesugi, Shinya Nakata, Kodai Inoyama, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    IEEE, 2021年01月, 2021 IEEE 34th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 英語

  • 近赤外光吸収体を有する静電型マイクロ振動デバイスを用いた水の分光測定
    鈴木隆正, 中藤康太, 上杉晃生, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2021年, 141(8) (8), 321 - 326, 日本語

  • Tatsuya Tsubota, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    © 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. Near-infrared (NIR) imaging has been used for nondestructive and non-contact inspections in various areas, such as food and medicine inspections and medical diagnoses. The short-wavelength infrared light (SWIR) sensor currently used requires a Peltier cooler and a diffraction grating spectroscope owing to its detection principle. Thus, realizing a low-cost and miniaturized SWIR imaging device remains challenging and has limitations for practical applications. In this study, we propose a bolometer-type detector element fabricated using a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer as a low cost and miniaturized SWIR image sensor element. We adopted gold (Au) nanowire grating structures coated with silicon as wavelength-dependent SWIR absorbers and aimed at wavelength-selectivity imaging without using a spectroscope. A device was designed and fabricated with Au nanowire grating structures on a doubly clamped Si beam using microelectromechanical system (MEMS)) technology. The electrical characteristics of the device were measured depending on device temperature and SWIR irradiation intensity. It was found that electrical resistance decreased linearly with increasing device temperature and SWIR irradiation intensity (wavelength at 1530 nm), as semiconductors have negative temperature coefficients of resistance. The results show similar trends from both finite element method (FEM) analysis and theoretical calculation. The resistances at wavelengths ranging from 1530 to 1565 nm at 5 nm increment were evaluated. It was confirmed that absorber-integrated bolometer device enabled wavelength-dependent response of the resistance according to the absorption spectrum.
    2021年, Microsystem Technologies, 27(3) (3), 997 - 1005

  • Koji Sugano, Yuki Tanaka, Akio Uesugi, Etsuo Maeda, Reo Kometani, Yoshitada Isono
    Elsevier BV, 2020年11月, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 315, 112337 - 112337, 英語

  • Kohei Takegami, Kota Nakafuji, Naoyuki Arai, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    © 2020 The Japan Society of Applied Physics. In this study, we investigated the effect of the resonator beam shape on the thermal stress and the resonance frequency change when providing heat to the resonator beam by near-infrared laser irradiation. This investigation provides crucial data for optical and heat sensing application using microresonators. The microresonator beam with an optical absorber for near-infrared region was fabricated, varying the numbers of beams and corners. When irradiating the optical absorber with a laser, the resonant frequency decreased. It is because the photothermal effect provides compressive stress in the beam, resulting in resonant frequency decrease. The resonant frequency change rate increased with decreasing the number of beams. According to the analytical results, we confirmed that the analytical thermal stress determined the resonant frequency change rate in the same beam length. The corner remarkably decreased the resonant frequency change rate. The straight beams bend to the orthogonal direction by the thermal expansion of another straight part of the beam, resulting in deformation of the beam in the axial direction. Therefore, the reaction force and compressive stress in the axial direction reduces.
    2020年, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 59(SI) (SI)

  • 新居 直之, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正

    For applications of plasmonic structures to high performance sensors in the near-infrared region, the structures require narrowband absorption peaks, good controllability of absorption peak position, and easy fabrication process. Multiple patterns with different absorption peaks should be integrated on the same substrate. In addition, polarization independence is desired for cost reduction and miniaturization of devices. In this study, we fabricated the Si-deposited gold nano-grating structures, the wire and concentric ring structures. Then their absorption spectra were evaluated. The peak wavelength shifted to longer wavelength with increasing the pitch of the grating structure and the thickness of Si. It was revealed that the peak was greatly shifted changing the thickness of Si. In the wire structures and the concentric ring structures, polarization dependence and polarization independence of peak absorption were observed, respectively. By using the Si-deposited gold nano-grating structures, wide control of the peak wavelength was realized in the near infrared region.

    一般社団法人 電気学会, 2020年, 電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌), 140(4) (4), 72 - 78, 日本語

  • Shinya Nakata, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Francesca Rossi, Giancarlo Salviati, Alois Lugstein, Yoshitada Isono
    This study evaluated the mechanical properties and piezoresistivity of core-shell silicon carbide nanowires (C/S-SiCNWs) synthesized by a vapor-liquid-solid technique, which are a promising material for harsh environmental micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) applications. The C/S-SiCNWs were composed of a crystalline cubic (3C) SiC core wrapped by an amorphous silicon dioxide (SiO x ) shell; however, TEM observations of the NWs showed that hexagonal polytypes (2H, 4H , and 6H) were partially induced in the core by a stacking fault owing to a Shockley partial dislocation. The stress-strain relationship of the C/S-SiCNWs and SiC cores without an SiO x shell was examined using MEMS-based nanotensile tests. The tensile strengths of the C/S-SiCNWs and SiC cores were 7.0 GPa and 22.4 GPa on average, respectively. The lower strength of the C/S-SiCNWs could be attributed to the SiO x shell with the surface roughness as the breaking point. The Young's modulus of the C/S-SiCNWs was 247.2 GPa on average, whereas that of the SiC cores had a large value with scatter data ranging from 450 to 580 GPa. The geometrical model of the SiC core based on the transmission electron microscopy observations rationalized this scatter data by the volume content of the stacking fault in the core. The piezoresistive effects of the C/S-SiCNW and SiC core were also evaluated from the I-V characteristics under uniaxial tensile strain. The gauge factor of -30.7 at 0.008 ϵ for the C/S-SiCNW was approximately two-times larger than that of -15.8 at 0.01 ϵ for the SiC core. This could be caused by an increase of the surface state density at the SiO x /SiC interface owing to the positive fixed oxide charge of the SiO x shell.
    2019年04月, Nanotechnology, 30(26) (26), 265702, 英語

    Akihiro Morita, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    This paper demonstrates the manipulation of DNA oligomers with 16 adenine molecules using plasmonic nanogap structure. The optical excitation caused plasmonic dielectrophoresis or/and thermophoresis of molecules to the nanogap due to huge gradient of an electric field. We confirmed the single-molecule electrical measurement using the nanogap electrodes irradiated by a He-Ne laser. We considered that the DNA oligomers were transported to the nanogap resulting in conductance change. We classified the changes in the current as step- or spike-like signals. The histogram of the stagnation time shows the peak at around 22 ms. We were able to detect the behavior of DNA oligomers.

    Koji Sugano, Katsunari Maruoka, Akio Uesugi, Yoshitada Isono
    This paper reports a surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) of a single-stranded DNA toward SERS-based DNA sequencing. The Raman enhancing hotspot with 1-nm nanogap in the single dimer of gold nanoparticles has a space for only single DNA oligomer and enables measurements of a single nucleobase. Optimizing gold nanoparticle size, we demonstrated the detection of a single adenine in a single DNA oligomer. The time transition of adenine and cytosine peaks reflects identification of adjacent bases in a DNA oligomer sequence, suggesting the possibility of one-by-one DNA sequencing with SERS.

  • T. Aono, A. Kazama, R. Okada, T. Iwasaki, Y. Isono
    We developed a eutectic-based wafer-level-packaging (WLP) technique for piezoresistive micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) accelerometers on the basis of molecular dynamics analyses and shear tests of WLP accelerometers. The bonding conditions were experimentally and analytically determined to realize a high shear strength without solder material atoms diffusing to adhesion layers. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) spectrometry done after the shear tests clarified the eutectic reaction of the solder materials used in this research. Energy relaxation calculations in MD showed that the diffusion of solder material atoms into the adhesive layer was promoted at a higher temperature. Tensile creep MD simulations also suggested that the local potential energy in a solder material model determined the fracture points of the model. These numerical results were supported by the shear tests and EDX analyses for WLP accelerometers. Consequently, a bonding load of 9.8 kN and temperature of 300 °C were found to be rational conditions because the shear strength was sufficient to endure the polishing process after the WLP process and there was little diffusion of solder material atoms to the adhesion layer. Also, eutectic-bonding-based WLP was effective for controlling the attenuation of the accelerometers by determining the thickness of electroplated solder materials that played the role of a cavity between the accelerometers and lids. If the gap distance between the two was less than 6.2 m, the signal gains for x- and z-axis acceleration were less than 20 dB even at the resonance frequency due to air-damping.
    Institute of Physics Publishing, 2018年01月, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 28(3) (3), 035004, 英語

  • A Novel 3-axis Tiny Tactile Sensor Developed by 3-D Microstructuring using Punch Creep Forming Process
    Kenji Osaka, Satoshi Nakata, Kensuku Yamamoto, Takao Toyoda, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    2018年01月, The 31st IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS2018), 1036 - 1039, 英語

  • Katsunari Maruoka, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    This paper reports surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) analysis of a single DNA oligomer toward SERS-based reliable DNA sequencing using a single gold nanoparticle dimer. Due to the Raman enhancing hotspot with 1-nm nanogap in the single dimer, for the first time, the single oligomer detection and analysis was demonstrated. The dimer identified the several bases and backbone components of the single DNA oligomer. The dynamics of the single oligomer could be analyzed. The oligomer was trapped and stayed at the nanogap hotspot, and fluctuated with rotation.
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017年07月, TRANSDUCERS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 468 - 471, 英語

  • Koji Sugano, Kiyohito Aiba, Kohei Ikegami, Yoshitada Isono
    In this study, single-molecule detection on a prefabricated substrate through surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) with 4,4'-bipyridine molecules was achieved. The use of a substrate with directionally arrayed gold nanoparticle dimers was proposed for the single-molecule detection and identification of a wide range of bio/chemical molecules. Around 50 Raman measurements and statistical analyses were performed to demonstrate a single-molecule SERS. At 10%(-11) M, the distribution was fitted by three Gaussian curves, whereas the distribution of Raman intensities was fitted by one Gaussian curve at 10%(-5) M. The probability of molecule detection is consistent with the Poisson distribution. This result indicates the possibility of detecting 0, 1, and 2 molecules. Thus, we confirmed that the developed substrates achieved single-molecule SERS detection and identification. (C) 2017 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.

  • Koji Sugano, Kohei Ikegami, Yoshitada Isono
    In this paper, a characterization method for Raman enhancement for highly sensitive and quantitative surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is reported. A particle dimer shows a marked electromagnetic enhancement when the particle connection direction is matched to the polarization direction of incident light. In this study, dimers were arrayed by nanotrench-guided self-assembly for a marked total Raman enhancement. By measuring acetonedicarboxylic acid, the fabricated structures were characterized for SERS depending on the polarization angle against the particle connection direction. This indicates that the fabricated structures cause an effective SERS enhancement, which is dominated by the electromagnetic enhancement. Then, we measured 4,4'-bipyridine, which is a pesticide material, for quantitative analysis. In advance, we evaluated the enhancement of the particle structure by the Raman measurement of acetonedicarboxylic acid. Finally, we compared the Raman intensities of acetonedicarboxylic acid and 4,4'-bipyridine. Their intensities showed good correlation. The advantage of this method for previously evaluating the enhancement of the substrate was demonstrated. This developed SERS characterization method is expected to be applied to various quantitative trace analyses of molecules with high sensitivity. (C) 2017 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.

  • Bonding Strength Characterization of Eutectic-based WLP using Molecular Dynamics and Wafer Level Shear Testing
    Takanori Aono, Atsushi Kazama, Ryoji Okada, Tomio Iwasaki, Yoshitada Isono
    2017年06月, The 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers2017), 1199 - 1202, 英語

  • Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Analysis Device with Gold Nanoparticle Arranged Nanochannel
    Toshimitsu Takeshita, Keisuke Suekuni, Kiyohito Aiba, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    2017年03月, Electronics and Communications in Japan, 100(4) (4), 33 - 41, 英語

  • Kohei Ikegami, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    This paper reports an ultrasensitive surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for detecting and identifying four kinds of DNA bases: adenine, cytosine, thymine, and guanine using a gold nanoparticle dimer. The gold nanoparticle dimer was directionally arrayed on a substrate in order to achieve huge enhancement according to the polarization-dependent enhancement. 10-11 M limit of detection for four DNA bases and 0.1 s rapid detection for adenine were achieved. Additionally, a separated single dimer was fabricated and evaluated. We clarified single-molecule-level SERS detection and identification was possible using the locally enhanced single hotspot of the single dimer with the 1-nm nanogap.

  • Koji Sugano, Yuki Tanaka, Etsuo Maeda, Reo Kometani, Yoshitada Isono
    In this study, we developed the resonator-based sensor device for measurement of laser wavelength changes in a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system for large capacity transmission. Laser light is absorbed into the gold nanorod array on the resonator beam, which has wavelength dependent absorption, resulting in temperature change of the beam. Therefore the wavelength change can be measured from resonant frequency shift. We observed the large resonant frequency shift when changing the laser wavelength. The shift was proportional to a cube of beam length and a laser power according to the developed equation. The maximum shift and resolution were 68.8 Hz/nm and 0.29 pm, respectively.
    IEEE, 2017年, Proceedings of The 30th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS2017), 159 - 162, 英語

  • Koji Sugano, Yuki Tanaka, Etsuo Maeda, Reo Kometani, Yoshitada Isono
    In this study, we developed the resonator-based sensor device for measurement of laser wavelength changes in a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system for large capacity transmission. Laser light is absorbed into the gold nanorod array on the resonator beam, which has wavelength dependent absorption, resulting in temperature change of the beam. Therefore the wavelength change can be measured from resonant frequency shift. We observed the large resonant frequency shift when changing the laser wavelength. The shift was proportional to a cube of beam length and a laser power according to the developed equation. The maximum shift and resolution were 68.8 Hz/nm and 0.29 pm, respectively.

  • T. Aono, K. Suzuki, M. Kanamaru, R. Okada, D. Maeda, M. Hayashi, Y. Isono
    This research demonstrates a newly developed anodic bonding-based wafer-level-packaging technique to simultaneously seal an accelerometer in the atmosphere and a gyroscope in a vacuum with a glass cap for micro-electromechanical systems sensors. It is necessary for the accelerometer, with a damping oscillator, to be sealed in the atmosphere to achieve a high-speed response. As the gyroscope can achieve high sensitivity with a large displacement at the resonant frequency without air-damping, the gyroscope must be sealed in a vacuum. The technique consists of three processing steps: the first bonding step in the atmosphere for the accelerometer, the pressure control step and the second bonding step in a vacuum for the gyroscope. The process conditions were experimentally determined to achieve higher shear strength at the interface of the packaging. The packaging performance of the accelerometer and gyroscope after wafer-level packaging was also investigated using a laser Doppler velocimeter at room temperature. The amplitude at the resonant frequency of the accelerometer was reduced by air damping, and the quality factor of the gyroscope showed a value higher than 1000. The reliability of the gyroscope was also confirmed by a thermal cyclic test and an endurance test at high humidity and high temperature.

  • Koji Sugano, Ryu Matsumoto, Ryota Tsutsui, Hiroyuki Kishihara, Naoki Matsuzuka, Ichiro Yamashita, Yukiharu Uraoka, Yoshitada Isono
    This study focuses on the development of a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) forest integrated micromechanical resonator working as a rarefied gas analyzer for nitrogen (N-2) and hydrogen (H-2) gases in a medium vacuum atmosphere. The resonant response is detected in the form of changes in the resonant frequency or damping effects, depending on the rarefied gas species. The carbon nanotube (CNT) forest on the resonator enhances the effective specific surface area of the resonator, such that the variation of the resonant frequency and the damping effect based on the gas species increase significantly. We developed the fabrication process for the proposed resonator, which consists of standard micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) processes and high-density CNT synthesis on the resonator mass. The high-density CNT synthesis was realized using multistep alternate coating of two types of ferritin proteins that act as catalytic iron particles. Two devices with different CNT densities were fabricated and characterized to evaluate the effect of the surface area of the CNT forest on the resonant response as a function of gas pressures ranging from 0.011 to 1 Pa for N-2 and H-2. Considering the damping effect, we found that the device with higher density was able to distinguish N2 and H2 clearly, whereas the device with lower density showed no difference between N2 and H2. We confirmed that a larger surface area showed a higher damping effect. These results were explained based on the kinetic theory of gases. In the case of resonant frequency, the relative resonant frequency shift increased with gas pressure and surface area because of the adsorption of gas molecules on the resonator surfaces. Higher density CNT forest adsorbed more gas molecules on the surfaces. The developed CNT forest integrated micromechanical resonator could successfully detect N-2 and H-2 gases and distinguish between them under pressures of 1 Pa.

  • J. Greil, S. Assali, Y. Isono, A. Belabbes, F. Bechstedt, F. O. Valega Mackenzie, A. Yu. Silov, E. P. A. M. Bakkers, J. E. M. Haverkort
    Wurtzite gallium phosphide (WZ GaP) has been predicted to exhibit a direct bandgap in the green spectral range. Optical transitions, however, ate only weakly allowed by the symmetry of the bands. While efficient luminescence has;been experimentally shown, the nature of the transitions is not yet dear. Here we apply tensile strain up to 6% and investigate the evolution of the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of WZ GaP nanowires (NWs). The pressure and polarization dependence of the emission together with a theoretical analysis of strain effects is employed to establish the nature and symmetry of the transitions. We identify the emission lines to be related to localized states with significant admixture of Gamma(7c) symmetry and not exclusively related to the Gamma(8c) conduction band minimum (CBM). The results emphasize the importance of strongly bound state related emission in the pseudodirect semiconductor WZ GaP and contribute-significantly to the understanding of the optoelectronic properties of this novel material.
    AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2016年06月, NANO LETTERS, 16(6) (6), 3703 - 3709, 英語

  • Naoki Matsuzuka, Takuya Hara, Yoshitada Isono
    This paper newly proposes a semi-empirical calculation for design of electrostatically driven flexural mode silicon (Si) mechanical resonators with a variable cross section which is applicable to a feasibility study of their development without finite element analysis (FEA). In the design for Si mechanical resonators with a variable cross section, a mode function describing a shape of vibration is simply assumed to be a static deflection function, and a resonant frequency is derived by applying the Rayleigh-Ritz method. The static deflection function, which reflects an effect of stress concentration generated by a variation of cross section, is semi-empirically formulated using some FEA results. This research adopts a clamped-clamped beam Si mechanical resonator which a wide rectangular bar located at the center is supported by same two narrow rectangular bars clamped to anchors. The resonant frequencies of the Si mechanical resonators are calculated within a mean absolute percentage error of 3% from the FEA results. In order to confirm the applicability of the semi-empirical formula, twenty different sizes of clamped-clamped beam Si mechanical resonators having the first-mode resonant frequency of 5-20 MHz are designed and fabricated from a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer, and their vibration characteristics in a vacuum environment are measured by a network analyzer. From the comparison with the measured resonant frequency of each Si mechanical resonator, the mean and maximum absolute percentage errors of the semi-empirical calculation are 28.6 and 51.3%, respectively, which are not negligible errors for the feasibility study. The fabricated Si mechanical resonators are different from an ideal clamped clamped beam due to undercuts of the insulator layer under the anchors. The resonant frequency of each Si mechanical resonator is analyzed by the FEA model taking into account the effect of the undercuts. The mean and maximum absolute percentage errors of the FEA results from the measured ones are reduced to 9.61 and 19.9%, respectively. These results show that the large errors of the semi-empirical calculation are mainly caused by the undercuts, i.e., flexural stiffness degradation at both clamped ends. Under the condition that the FEA results obtained from FEA models precisely imitating actual geometry and boundary condition are used in the semi-empirical calculation, this is adequately applicable to the feasibility study for developing the Si mechanical resonator with a variable cross section. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Shinya Nakata, Koji Sugano, Mario Negri, Francesca Rossi, Giancarlo Salyiati, Alois Lugstein, Yoshitada Isono
    This research clarified mechanical properties of core-shell silicon carbide nanowires (C/S-SiCN Ws) grown by a vapor-liquid-solid (VSL) technique, using newly developed Electrostatically Actuated I\Anotensile Testing devices (EANATs). The C/S-SiCNWs consist of a crystalline cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC) core with < 111 > axis wrapped by an amorphous SiOx shell. The stress-strain relations for individual C/S-SiCNWs and 3C-SiCNWs without the SiOx shell have been successfully obtained from the nanotensile tests using EANATs. Young's modulus of the C/S-SiCNWs was 247.2 GPa whereas that of the 3C-SiCNWs showed a quite different value of 498 GPa on average. The tensile strengths for C/S- and 3C-SiCNWs also showed 7.0 GPa and 22.4 GPa on average, respectively, which are enough huge values as a structural material of MEMS/NEMS.

  • Kenji Yamauchi, Keisuke Obata, Shinya Nakata, Koji Sugano, Kisaragi Yashiro, Yoshitada Isono
    In this research, we clarified the electrical resistance change and mechanical properties of strain induced multiwalled carbon nano tubes (MWCNTs), synthesized by atmospheric chemical vapor deposition (CVD), using a MEMS-based strain engineering device mounted on an in situ scanning electron microscopy (SEM) nanomanipulation system. The Young's modulus of an individual MWCNT and its shear strength during interlayer sliding deformation were estimated from the load displacement curve. The electrical resistance of the MWCNT was 215 kW without strain, while an anomalous electrical resistance change was observed under a large strain. The resistance change ratio was almost 0 during the interlayer sliding of the MWCNT, but it specifically showed a sharp increase at the end of the sliding in spite of the MWCNT not breaking mechanically. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations provided us with a reasonable suggestion that the hard sticking with an atomic reconfiguration at the edge of the outer layer of the MWCNT induces the sharp increase in electrical resistance before the mechanical breaking of the MWCNT.

  • 饗庭 清仁, 池上 晃平, 山崎 真之亮, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    This paper reports on highly-sensitive adenine molecule detection by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy with single molecule sensitivity using directionally and regularly arrayed gold nanoparticle (timers with the diameter of 100 nm on the substrate. A particle dimer shows huge electromagnetic enhancement when particle connection direction is matched to polarization direction of light. In this study the dimers were arrayed by the nanotrench-guided self-assembly for generating huge total Raman enhancement. The fabricated structures were used for adenine molecule detections of 10-11M aqueous solutions. We successfully detected the molecules at the ultra-low concentration, which indicates single molecule sensitivity. The concentration limit of detection had previously been 10 M in the reported literatures, which used the simple method with the prefabricated SERS substrate. Our developed substrate exhibited 10? times sensitivity. The clear peaks were found at the integration time of 0.1 s. We confirmed that our developed SERS substrate enables us to detect adenine molecules with high sensitivity and short integration time.
    Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2016年, 電気学会論文誌(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌), 136(6) (6), 256 - 260, 日本語

  • 竹下 俊光, 菅野 公二, 末國 啓輔, 饗庭 清仁, 磯野 吉正
    A micro/nanofluidic device containing linearly arranged gold nanoparticles embedded in nanochannels was developed for highly sensitive surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). The Si nanochannel array was fabricated using a photolithography-based process. Synthesized colloidal particles of mean diameter 100 nm were arranged linearly in the nanochannels, using a nanotrench-guided self-assembly process. The particle geometry provides significant Raman enhancement by matching the polarization direction of the incident light to the connection direction of the particles. The SERS spectrum was obtained from 1 mM 4,4′-bipyridine solution using the fabricated micro/nanofluidic SERS device. The directionally arranged particles showed the same polarization angle dependency as the simulated result. The molecule was detected from 10 pM solution using the particle arrangement. We confirmed that the particle arrangement was appropriate for highly sensitive SERS.
    Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2015年06月, 電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌), 135(6) (6), 214 - 220, 日本語

  • Koji Sugano, Keisuke Suekuni, Toshimitsu Takeshita, Kiyohito Aiba, Yoshitada Isono
    A micro/nanofluidic device containing linearly arranged gold nanoparticles embedded in nanochannels was developed for highly sensitive and highly efficient surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). The Si nanochannel array was fabricated using a photolithography-based process. The nanochannel width was controlled from 100 to 400 nm. Synthesized particles of mean diameter 100 nm were arranged linearly in the nanochannels, using a nanotrench-guided self-assembly process. We developed a process for integrating linearly arranged nanoparticles and micro/nanofluidic components. The particle geometry provided significant Raman enhancement. Furthermore, efficient Raman analysis was possible by scanning a laser spot, because the particles were arranged in one direction. The fabricated structures were evaluated for SERS using 4,4′-bipyridine molecules at concentrations of 1 mM and 10 µM. The Raman peaks was obtained from a few hot spots. The Raman spectra showed that the molecule-specific Raman intensities were correlated with the number of hot spots in the nanochannel.
    Institute of Physics, 2015年05月, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 54(6S1) (6S1), 06FL03, 英語

  • K. Yamauchi, T. Kuno, K. Sugano, Y. Isono
    This research clarified the anomalous electric resistance change of ultrastrained multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT), as well as its mechanical properties, using the Electrostatically Actuated NAnotensile Testing device (EANAT) mounted on the in-situ SEM nanomanipulation system. The Young's modulus of MWCNT and its shear stress during interlayer sliding deformation were estimated from the load-displacement curve. The electrical resistance of the MWCNT was 215 k. without strain, which was similar to the previously reported value, however the anomalous resistance change was observed under enormous strain. Although the resistance change ratio was almost constant during interlayer sliding of the MWCNT, it specifically showed a sharp raise at the end of the sliding in spite of the MWCNT not breaking mechanically. The molecular dynamics (MD) simulation provided a good understanding that the atomic reconfiguration due to the hard sticking at the edge of extracted outer layer of MWCNT might induce the sharp raise of resistance without its mechanically breaking. This result reported here is extremely important for reliability of MWCNT interconnects.

  • Stefan Wagesreither, Emmerich Bertagnolli, Shinya Kawase, Yoshitada Isono, Alois Lugstein
    In this paper we demonstrate the fabrication and application of an electrostatic actuated tensile straining test (EATEST) device enabling strain engineering in individual suspended nanowires (NWs). Contrary to previously reported approaches, this special setup guarantees the application of pure uniaxial tensile strain with no shear component of the stress while e. g. simultaneously measuring the resistance change of the NW. To demonstrate the potential of this approach we investigated the piezoresistivity of about 3 mu m long and 100 nm thick SiNWs but in the same way one can think about the application of such a device on other geometries, other materials beyond Si as well as the use of other characterization techniques beyond electrical measurements. Therefore single-crystal SiNWs were monolithically integrated in a comb drive actuated MEMS device based on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer using the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth technique. Strain values were verified by a precise measurement of the NW elongation with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Further we employed confocal mu-Raman microscopy for in situ, high spatial resolution measurements of the strain in individual SiNWs during electrical characterization. A giant piezoresistive effect was observed, resulting in a fivefold increase in conductivity for 3% uniaxially strained SiNWs. As the EATEST approach can be easily integrated into an existing Si technology platform this architecture may pave the way toward a new generation of nonconventional devices by leveraging the strain degree of freedom.
    IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2014年11月, NANOTECHNOLOGY, 25(45) (45), 1 - 6, 英語

  • Hyun-Jin Oh, Hideaki Omori, Mitsutaka Sadakata, Ikko Tsubokura, Yoshitada Isono
    We have developed an in situ scanning electron microscopy (SEM) nanomaterial manipulation system, including a newly designed electrostatically actuated nanotensile testing device (EANAT), in order to investigate the mechanical characteristics of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) synthesized by atmospheric pressure-chemical vapor deposition. The new EANAT can measure uniaxial tensile displacement of nano-materials using a capacitive displacement sensor incorporated into a cantilever motion amplification system. The resolution of the measurement displacement was 0.28 nm at the minimum. The nanomaterial manipulation system allows for an individual MWCNT to be picked up from a substrate and to be attached to an EANAT. The stress-strain relationships for the individual MWCNTs were successfully obtained from the nanotensile tests, and Young's moduli were estimated to be in the range from 338 to 623 GPa. The deformation of individual MWCNTs under uniaxial loading was accompanied by repeated stick-slip and hard sticking events like telescopic motion. The shear strength at a stick-slip event during interlayer sliding of MWCNTs under tensile loading was directly derived from the shear interaction force in the tensile load-displacement curves and SEM observations. On the basis of the single-shot extraction model, the shear strength was estimated to be an average of 78 MPa greater than that for high-quality crystalline graphite, which might be caused by the hard sticking between layers. [2013-0193]

  • Hyun-Jin Oh, Shinya Kawase, Itsuo Hanasaki, Yoshitada Isono
    We have developed the tensile testing device based on MEMS technology and applied it to the Au thin films with thickness in the sub-100-nm regime. The specimen was fabricated by thermal deposition and sputtering processes in the course of device fabrication. This technique of device fabrication in combination with the specimen realizes the precise-loading direction without preloading before tensile tests. The loads were-applied electrostatically by the comb-drive actuator. The obtained Young's modulus was 28 +/- 3 GPa and was insensitive to the strain rate. The 0.2% yield strength was in the range from 192 to 519 MPa with a trend of decrease with decreasing strain rate in the range from 5 x 10(-5) to 5 x 10(-2)s(-1). (C) 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

  • Keisuke Suekuni, Toshimitsu Takeshita, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    A micro/nanofluidic device including linearly-arranged gold nanoparticles embedded into nanochannels was developed toward highly-sensitive Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) of multicomponent analysis with low background signal. The nanochannels array was fabricated by a "photo" - lithography-based process without costly and time-consuming process such as an electron beam lithography and a focused-ion-beam etching. Then particles with diameters of 100 nm are linearly arranged into the nanochannels by a nanotrench-guided self-assembly process followed by microchannel fabrication for introducing solutions. The device was successfully fabricated and it was evaluated for SERS. The fabricated structure was active for SERS analysis with 4,4'-bypiridine as a target molecule.

  • Taiki Kimura, Naoki Saito, Toshimitsu Takeshita, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    This research evaluated the shear piezoresistance property of p-type single crystal silicon nanowire (SiNW) by the asymmetrical four-point bending (AFPB) technique proposed by the authors [1]. We fabricated the p-type SiNW on the AFPB test specimen with "V"-shaped notches (V-notches) made of single crystal silicon. Bending the specimen by the asymmetrical four point-supports, simple shear stress can be produced at the center of the specimen. Consequently, we have succeeded in evaluating the shear piezoresistance coefficient of SiNW directly, which was found to be pi(44)=203 x 10(-11) Pa-1 at an impurity concentration of 7.3 x 10(18) cm(-3). This value is 2.1 times larger than that of p-type piezoresistors used in conventional piezoresistance sensors on a micrometer scale. The proposed evaluation technique and obtained result will be effective for design application of high-sensitivity mechanical sensors integrating SiNW piezoresistance elements.

  • Lydia Anggraini, Bungo Tanaka, Naoki Matsuzuka, Yoshitada Isono
    In this research, we focus on scanning probe lithography (SPL) to create nanostructures of negative and positive electron beam (EB) resists on a silicon (Si) substrate by common scanning probe microscopy (SPM). Microposit SAL 601 and ZEP 520A are used as the negative and positive EB resists, respectively. The EB resist films of 40-50 nm thickness are used for writing nanopatterns with low-energy electrons emitted from the probe tip in SPM. The effect of the baking conditions on nanopatterning for each resist film is experimentally investigated, and suitable baking conditions for both EB resist films are determined. The nanostructures of both resists baked under each set of suitable conditions are created under several writing conditions in order to confirm the possibility of nanopatterning and the controllability of the line width of the nanostructures. In addition, we discuss the prediction method for the line width on the basis of analysis of the static electric field inside the resist films. © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
    2013年05月, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 52(5) (5), 1 - 56501, 英語

    H. Kishihara, I. Hanasaki, N. Matsuzuka, I. Yamashita, Y. Uraoka, Y. Isono
    This research has newly developed the multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) embedded-micro-mechanical resonator working as a novel rarefied gas sensor. The inertial effect of rarefied gas fluid is detected as a variation of the resonance frequency, and the dissipation of the interaction energy between the resonator and the gas molecules affects the damping of oscillation. Thus, two kinds of gaseous species can be distinguished with one device. The MWCNTs have been arranged on the resonator for heightening its sensitivity by the bio-MEMS compatible process. The MWCNTs embedded-resonator has successfully demonstrated to detect and distinguish hydrogen and nitrogen gases under pressures of 0.02 Pa to 0.9 Pa.

  • Experimental Nano Mechanics for Silicon & Carbon Nanomaterials Using MEMS Technology
    Yoshitada Isono
    2012年11月, 25th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, Kobe, 2012., 英語

  • Biomolecular Adsorption Control for CNT-domain Fabrication
    Itsuo Hanasaki, Yoshitada Isono, Bin Zheng, Yukiharu Uraoka, Ichiro Yamashita
    2012年10月, 25th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, Kobe, 2012, 英語

  • Itsuo Hanasaki, Yoshitada Isono
    We show that the diffusion anisotropy due to the asymmetry of the particle can be extracted from the trajectory data without the information of the particle orientation. The subject of analysis is typical in single-particle tracking (SPT) experiments, and the analysis is based on the large-deviation principle in mathematics. We consider the model system of Langevin equations in two dimensions where a particle diffusion shows anisotropy depending on a single parameter defined by the two diffusion coefficients in the perpendicular directions of the frame fixed to the particle. We show how the large-deviation quantities depend on this parameter so that it can be used for the detection of the diffusion anisotropy. We also illustrate how the discreteness of the sampling interval in the SPT and the finiteness of the number of samples influence the results of the analysis.
    AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2012年05月, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 85(5) (5), 1 - 51134, 英語

  • Hideaki Omori, Mitsutaka Sadakata, Ikko Tsubokura, Itsuo Hanasaki, Yoshitada Isono
    We have developed the in situ scanning electron microscopy (SEM) nanomaterial manipulation & testing system including newly designed Electrostatically Actuated NAnotensile Testing devices (EANATs), in order to investigate mechanical properties and fracture mechanisms of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). The novel EANAT can measure uniaxial tensile elongation of nanomaterials by the capacitive sensor integrated into the lever motion amplification system. The nanomaterial manipulation system functions to pick up single MWCNTs from a substrate and to fix it on the EANAT. We have succeeded in obtaining a clear load-displacement curve of a single MWCNT, and the Young's modulus of MWCNT was determined to be 625 to 628 GPa. Furthermore, its interlayer sliding and breaking mechanisms were examined in detail.

  • Itsuo Hanasaki, Toshihiro Tanaka, Yoshitada Isono, Bin Zheng, Yukiharu Uraoka, Ichiro Yamashita
    We have developed the process to control the location and density of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The CNTs were synthesized by thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using acetylene and hydrogen gas with an aid of iron catalyst particles contained in ferritin molecules. The adsorption pattern of ferritin molecules was produced by the liftoff process to control the domain for CNTs. Baking process after the ferritin coating was crucial to keep the high adsorption density of ferritin after the liftoff process. The higher density of CNTs was obtained by the higher flow rate of acetylene gas. Furthermore, the control of ferritin adsorption density by the alternate multistep coating process has enabled even higher density of CNTs. (C) 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

  • Itsuo Hanasaki, Yoshitada Isono, Bin Zheng, Yukiharu Uraoka, Ichiro Yamashita
    We have developed a process to control adsorption density of ferritin molecules on SiO2 surface in the high-density regime. We use two types of ferritin molecules: titanium-binding peptide ferritin (TBF) and Fer8S. The former has a property to get adsorbed on the SiO2 surface, and it is positively charged in the buffer solution. The latter is negatively charged in the solution. Exposure of the TBF solution on the substrate followed by rinse in water and drying leads to 4.6 x 10(3) molecules/mu m(2) of adsorption density, corresponding to a half of the coverage of the whole surface. Subsequent drop of the Fer8S solution leads to 6.0 x 10(3) molecules/mu m(2), and repeating this alternate coating process enables the full coverage of the surface. We also discuss the dominant factors that determine the adsorption patterns using Monte Carlo simulations. (C) 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

  • Hyun-Jin Oh, Itsuo Hanasaki, Yoshitada Isono, Seung-Woo Han, Hak-Joo Lee
    We have clarified the strain-rate dependence of mechanical properties of Au thin films with thicknesses less than 100 nm. Stress-strain relations of Au films were examined by tensile tests using the Electrostatically Actuated NAno Tensile testing devices (EANATs). Young's modulus showed a substantially smaller value of 30 GPa in average compared to bulk material, and it had no strain-rate dependence. However, the yield stress depended on the strain rate. In particular, the yield stresses clearly decreased with decreasing strain rate in the range lower than 0.01 s(-1). TEM observation suggests that the differences were caused by the small grain size.

  • Hiroshi Kinoshita, Yoshitada Isono, Nobuo Ohmae
    A process for bonding a carbon nanotube (CNT) film to a Au film at low temperature was developed with a view to using the CNT films as electrical contact materials in radio-frequency microelectromechanical systems (RF MEMS) switches. First, a CNT film was synthesized on a silicon substrate at 750 °C and subsequently coated with Au at room temperature. Finally, the Au-coated CNT film was bonded at 100 °C to a Au film, which was then deposited on a silicon substrate to act as a transmission line. An apparatus was developed to measure contact resistances and forces under contact conditions mimicking those that will be encountered in actual RF MEMS switches, such as micronewton loads and square-micrometer contact areas. Contact resistance and force of the bonded CNT film sample were simultaneously measured as a function of displacement between the sample and an electrode Au tip and compared with those for a Au film and Au-coated CNT film. The bonded CNT film sample had no adhesion force, but higher contact resistance than the other samples.
    Japanese Society of Tribologists, 2011年01月, Tribology Online, 6(4) (4), 189 - 192, 英語

  • Yoshihiko Hashimoto, Itsuo Hanasaki, Yoshitada Isono
    We have developed a novel dynamic force microscope (DFM) cantilever with a function of tuning resonant frequency for measuring the topography of biomaterials with a single cantilever. We have integrated the electrostatic driving, clamping, and the lever motion amplification systems into the cantilever to change the cantilever length for varying the spring constant and resonant frequency. The resonant frequency is tunable in the range from 12 to 998 kHz, corresponding to the spring constant of 0.6 to 458 N/m. The system enables the imaging of biomolecule under a suitable condition by tuning the resonant frequency.

  • Lydia Anggraini, Naoki Matsuzuka, Yoshitada Isono
    This research demonstrates the feasibility of fabricating nanoscale resist patterns on a silicon (Si) substrate using a scanning probe microscope(SPM). In order to utilize scanning probe nanolithography (SPNL) with the other micro-machining techniques such as dry etching, plating and lift-off process, nanoscale resist patterns should be created on an Si substrate with high accuracy in SPNL. We have, so far, established the negative type of SPNL using the negative-tone electron beam (EB) resist named SAL601. The primary objective of this research is to find out appropriate process conditions for establishing the positive type of SPNL using the positive EB resist "ZEP520A". This paper describes the variations of experimentally created nano-patterns depending on the process conditions, and determines the appropriate process conditions from the variations obtained. In addition, we analyzed the electric field in the EB resist by a finite element method (FEM), for estimating the line width of the nanopattern created by SPNL.
    Institute for Research and Community Services, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2010年, ITB Journal of Science, 42(1) (1), 1 - 10, 英語

  • Koichi Nakamura, Yoshitada Isono, Toshiyuki Toriyama, Susumu Sugiyama
    We have simulated the piezoresistivity in n -type single-crystal bulk silicon based on the first-principles electronic band structure of model structures. Our simple procedure to calculate the piezoresistance coefficients is valid qualitatively and quantitatively for carrier electron transport in the multivalley conduction-band structure of n -type bulk silicon the primitive longitudinal and transverse piezoresistance coefficients originate from the energy gap between the valleys, whereas the shear piezoresistance coefficient π44 arises from a distortion of the band energy surface in the valleys and can be presented clearly as a negative constant. The distinction between the origins of longitudinal, transverse, and shear piezoresistivity can be followed as a dependence on a carrier concentration or temperature. © 2009 The American Physical Society.
    2009年08月, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 80(4) (4), 1 - 45205, 英語

  • Koichi Nakamura, Yoshitada Isono, Toshiyuki Toriyama, Susumu Sugiyama
    We simulated the piezoresistance coefficients in p- and n-type H-terminated < 111 > silicon nanowire (SiNW) on the basis of first-principles calculations in order to discuss the dependence of the piezoresistive properties on crystallographic orientation, in comparison with the results of calculation for H-terminated SiNWs of other orientations reported in our previous paper. For the p-type < 111 > SiNW, the hole conductivity depends only on the hole mobility of the highest valence-band subband. As a result, the longitudinal and transverse piezoresistance coefficients for p-type H-terminated < 111 > SiNW are very small, in contrast to those in the case of p-type bare-walled < 111 > SiNW with dangling bonds. In the n-type conduction, piezoresistance coefficients are also much smaller than the longitudinal one for the p-type < 001 > SiNW model. We predict that < 111 > SiNW will be not a suitable candidate for nanoscale piezoresistors. (C) 2009 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

  • Takahiro Namazu, Yoshitada Isono
    This paper describes fatigue damage evaluation for micro-nanoscale single-crystal silicon (SCS) structures toward the reliable design of microelectromechanical systems subjected to fluctuating stresses. The fatigue tests, by using atomic force microscope (AFM), nanoindentation tester, and specially developed uniaxial tensile tester, have been conducted under tensile and bending deformation modes for investigating the effects of specimen size, frequency, temperature, and deformation mode on the fatigue life of SCS specimens. Regardless of frequency and temperature, the fatigue life has correlated with specimen size. For example, nanoscale SCS specimens with 200 nm in width and 255 nm in thickness have showed a larger number of cycles to failure, by a factor of 10(5), at the same stress level, as compared to microscale specimens with 48 mu m in width and 19 mu m in thickness. Deformation mode has also affected the lifetime; however, no frequency and temperature dependences have been observed unambiguously in the S-N curves. The stress ratio parameter corresponding to the ratio of peak stress to average fracture strength has enabled us to estimate the lifetime for each deformation mode. To predict the fatigue life of SCS structures regardless of deformation mode and specimen size, we have proposed an empirical parameter that includes the resolved shear stress. The mechanism of fatigue failure of SCS structures is discussed from the viewpoint of dislocation slip, crack nucleation, growth, and failure through observations using AFM and scanning electron microscope. [2008-0072]

  • NAMAZU Takahiro, ISONO Yoshitada
    2009年, Journal of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Vol.18, No.1, pp. 129 - 137, 英語

  • Mario Kiuchi, Shinji Matsui, Yoshitada Isono
    This paper reports the piezoresistance effect of carbon nanowires (CNWs) deposited by focused ion-beam-assisted chemical vapor deposition (FIB-CVD) using phenanthrene gas for the development of novel nanomechanical sensors. CNWs with diameters ranging from 88 to 129 nm were fabricated on electrostatic actuated nano tensile testing devices (EANATs) by FIB-CVD. EANATs can stretch CNWs using electrostatic comb drive actuators, and simultaneously measure the uniaxial tensile load and elongation of CNWs using the lever motion amplification system integrated into the EANATs. The average Young's modulus and fracture stress obtained for the CNWs were 69.2 GPa and 6.2 GPa, respectively. The resistance change in the CNWs with increasing uniaxial tensile strain indicated that the total gauge factor of CNWs was 0.7 below a tensile strain of 4%, but changed to -0.9 above 4%. An electrical conduction model for CNWs proposed in this paper was able to explain the resistance change in the nanowires and predict that the gauge factor for only the hydrogenated amorphous carbon region of CNWs ranged from -27.8 to -56.8.

  • Koichi Nakamura, Yoshitada Isono, Toshiyuki Toriyama
    We have simulated the piezoresistance coefficients in single-crystal silicon nanowires (SiNWs) on the basis of first-principles calculations of model structures. The carrier conductivity along the wire axis has been calculated using band carrier densities and their corresponding effective masses derived from the one-dimensional band diagram by a novel approach for a small amount of carrier occupation. In the (001) SiNW model, the uniaxial tensile stress to the longitudinal direction causes a sharp drop in the band energy of the highest valence band, leading to the redistribution of holes to other valence bands with a huge hole effective mass. The sudden change in the hole occupation with the increase in effective mass will bring a drastic decrease in the hole conductivity. We have obtained a giant longitudinal piezoresistance coefficient of 147 x 10(-11) Pa(-1) for the p-type (001) SiNW. It is found that p-type (001) SiNW will be one of the most suitable candidates for nanoscale piezoresistors due to its giant piezoresistivity.

  • Hensy Gandjar, Yuki Takagi, Naoki Matsuzuka, Yoshitada Isono
    This work describes a scanning probe parallel nanolithography (SPNL) technique for high throughput in nanometric patterning on single-crystal silicon (SCS) substrates. Two types of multiprobe cantilever arrays used for SPNL were fabricated by conventional micromachining. All the probes mounted on the free end of each cantilever were made of quasitrihedral pyramidal shape composed of (311) and (411) planes using the originally designed mask. Negative and positive types of nanolithography were performed on the basis of field-enhanced anodization and self-assembled monolayer mask techniques, respectively, and they succeeded in drawing a number of nanometric patterns of silicon dioxide (SiO2) on SCS substrates. After anisotropic wet etching of the SCS substrates using the SiO2 films as the mask material, we were also able to fabricate nanowires and nanogrooves. The effects of the applied voltage and scan time of cantilever arrays on wire and groove dimensions were systematically examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM) observations. An optimum condition for the parallel SPNL is proposed on the basis of this research. (c) 2008 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  • Hyun-Jin Oh, Yoshitada Isono, Takahiro Namazu, Yoshihiro Saito, Akira Yamaguchi
    This paper investigates the influence of gas flow ratio in the preparation of submicron-thick silicon nitride (SiNx) films on their elastic proper-ties. SiNx films with a thickness ranging from 0.14 to 0.69 mu pm were deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PE-CVD) onto 10-mu m-thick single-crystal silicon (SCS) specimens by changing the gas flow ratio of monosilane (SiH4) to ammonia (NH3) to nitrogen (N-2). A uniaxial tensile tester operated under an atomic force microscope (AFM) characterized the Young's modulus of SiNx films and the fracture strength of SiNx/SCS laminated specimens. The Young's modulus of SiN, films ranged from 99.5 to 144.3 GPa, which increased with the gas flow ratio but was independent of the film thickness. Nano-indentation tests were also carried out to examine the Poisson's ratio of SiN, films in addition to the tensile tests. The Poisson's ratio was found to be 0.19 to 0.27, on average. Auger spectroscopy revealed that an increase of the atomic content ratio of nitrogen (N) to silicon (Si) in SiN., films yielded higher elastic constants of the films. (c) 2008 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  • 松塚 直樹, 磯野 吉正
    This paper describes the design, fabrication and measurement of an electrostatic RF-MEMS resonator with a resonant frequency in an MHz range. In the design, the Duffing equation was applied to a vibration model of a mechanical oscillator, for precisely analyzing its vibration characteristic. Electromechanical coupling provided us with an equivalent circuit of the MEMS resonator vibrating the oscillator, which enables to analyze the impedance of the resonator. In the fabrication, sub-micron gaps between the oscillator and two electrodes were created by combining focused ion beam (FIB) sputtering with deep reactive ion etching (Deep-RIE), for decreasing a driving voltage and increasing a detection capacitance. We have, so far, succeeded in fabricating the RF-MEMS resonator with a micro-mechanical oscillator and the gaps of 600 nm in width, and measuring the resonant frequency in an MHz range.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2008年, 年次大会講演論文集, 2008, 153 - 154, 日本語

  • 中村 康一, 磯野 吉正, 鳥山 寿之
    We have simulated the piezoresistivity in single-crystal silicon materials based on the first-principles calculations of model structures. Our novel approach to calculate the piezoresistance coefficients is valid qualitatively for electron transport in the multi-valley conduction band structure of n-type bulk silicon, in particular, the shear piezoresistance coefficient π_<44> can be presented clearly as a negative constant. For p-type bulk silicon, an easy additional procedure for the spin-orbit coupling in the valence bands gives an appropriate hole distribution and piezoresistance coefficients in a qualitative level. The calculation result that p-type <001> silicon nanowire will have a giant piezoresistivity is considered to be reliable.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2008年, 年次大会講演論文集, 2008, 155 - 156, 日本語

  • Mario Kiuchi, Shinji Matsui, Yoshitada Isono
    This research is directed at the development of Electrostatic Actuated NAno Tensile testing devices (EANATs) for measuring mechanical properties of carbon nanowires, deposited by focused ion beam-assisted chemical vapor deposition (FIB-CVD) using phenanthrene gas. The EANATs were composed of the specimen part, actuator part and measurement part. 1000, 3000 and 5000 pairs of comb drive actuators were prepared within the actuator part for stretching the nanowires. The measurement part had a cantilever used as a lever motion amplification system for measuring tensile displacement of the nanowires. A theoretical resolution of 0.17 nm in tensile displacement was achieved using the amplification system and imaging analysis. The uniaxial tensile force was derived from the total spring constant of suspended beams built within the EANATs, with the theoretical resolutions ranging from 108 to 113 nN. This research was therefore successful in obtaining accurate load-displacement curves for carbon nanowires. The Young's modulus observed for the nanowires provided the scatter in absolute values ranging from 42.6 to 80.7 GPa. The fracture stress and strain of the nanowires exhibited larger values of 4.3 GPa and 0.08 strain, respectively. Discussion of the deformation behaviors and failure mechanisms of the nanowires is made from FE-SEM observations of the nanowires before and after tensile failure.

  • 鈴木 竜生, 磯野 吉正, 森井 明雄
    This paper proposes a novel tensile testing technique using CCD camera system for evaluating mechanical properties of MEMS materials. Single crystal silicon (SCS) films with 2 micron thick and polycrystalline silicon (Polysilicon) films with 1 micron thick were tested. Here, elongation at the gauge of specimen was directly measured by the CCD camera. Consequently, we have succeeded in evaluating the tensile strength and tensile strain on a micro scale. It was found that the averaged Young's modules of SCS was 168.3GPa, which is close to theoretical value in [110] direction on (100) plane of SCS. The fracture strength of SCS ranged from 1.8 to 2.8GPa. The averaged Young's modules of polysilicon was 161.1GPa. The fracture strength of Polysilicon ranged from 1.2 to 1.7GPa.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2007年, 年次大会講演論文集, 2007, 731 - 732, 日本語

  • 鈴木 竜生, 磯野 吉正, 小河 真人
    This paper proposes a novel shear testing technique for MEMS materials based on an Asymmetrical Four-Point Bending (AFPB) method This research has newly developed a shear tester and a AFPB test specimen that are able to apply pure shear stress loading to a micro single crystal silicon (SCS) specimen with "U" and "V" shaped notches, in order to estimate shear strength and fracture toughness. Consequently, we have succeeded in evaluating the shear strength and shear strain of SCS on a micro scale. Shear modules of SCS averaged 58.7GPa, which is close to theoretical value in [112] direction on (110) plane of SCS. The fracture toughness was 3.6 to 4.5 MPa√m. The shear strength was 0.6 to 2.1GPa in average. The crack initiated on the slip plane at the bottom of notches, whereas it propagated perpendicularly to the maximum principal stress direction dominated by mode II predicted by FEM.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2007年, 年次大会講演論文集, 2007, 719 - 720, 日本語

  • Development of scanning probe parallel nanowriting system with electron beam resist
    Naoki Matsuzuka, Bungo Tanaka, Toshihiko Nagarmira, Tobru Sasaki, Takahiro Namaza, Yoshitada Isono
    This study directed to establish a parallel nanowriting technique for an electron beam (EB) resist by multi-probe cantilevers. We newly developed the scanning probe parallel nanowriting system. This system has multi-probe cantilevers with thermal actuators for on-off switching contact between the probe and the substrate. In order to apply this system to nanopatterning an EB resist, we found out the suitable resist formation and the nanowriting conditions using a single probe cantilever. Consequently, we succeeded in obtaining line patterns with a width of 50 nm and a height of 50 nm.

  • Ti-NiSMA film-actuated 2-D multi-probe array for scanning probe nano-lithography on a wide area
    Y. Okamura, T. Namazu, D. Kamoyama, N. Urushihara, T. Sasaki, T. Nagamura, Y. Isono
    This paper describes design and fabrication of a Ti-Ni shape-memory alloy (SMA) film-actuated single crystal silicon (SCS) multi-probe device utilized for scanning probe nano-lithography (SPNL). This research focuses on the development of the device that can realize fabrication of a nanoscale mask pattern on a few millimeters square area. The designed device consists of Ti-Ni SMA film-actuated 8x8 writing-probes with an An film-coated tip, and 2x2 tilt-adjustment probes with a pi-resistive sensor, The SMA actuation mechanism yields a contact or non-contact state between a probe-tip and a sample surface, which indicates that SPNL turns on or off. The tilt-adjustment system can make a spacing between the device and a wafer constant. We have succeeded in fabricating the SPNL multi-probe array device, which has the potential for realization of accurate mask patterning on a few millimeters square area.

  • Y Isono, T Namazu, N Terayama
    This paper describes mechanical properties of submicron thick diamond-like carbon (DLC) films used for surface modification in MEMS devices. A new compact tensile tester operating under an atomic force microscope (AFM) is developed to measure Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and fracture strength of single crystal silicon (SCS) and DLC coated SCS (DLC/SCS) specimens. DLC films with a thickness ranging from 0.11 mu m. to 0.58 mu m are deposited on 19-mu m-thick SCS substrate by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition using a hot cathode penning ionization gauge discharge. Young's moduli of the DLC films deposited at bias voltages of -100 V and -300 V are found to be constant at 102 GPa and 121 GPa, respectively, regardless of film thickness. Poisson's ratio of DLC film is also independent of film thickness, whereas fracture strength of DLC/SCS specimens is inversely proportional to thickness. Raman spectroscopy analyses are performed to examine the effect of hydrogen content in DLC films on elastic properties. Raman spectra reveal that a reduction in hydrogen content in the films leads to better elastic properties. Finally, the proposed evaluation techniques are shown to be applicable to sub-micron thick DLC films by finite element analyses.

  • Y Lee, J Tada, Y Isono
    This paper describes the mechanical characteristics of microscale single crystal silicon (SCS) and UV-LIGA nickel (Ni) films used for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). A compact tensile tester, operated in an atomic force microscope (AFM), was developed for accurate evaluation of Young's modulus, tensile strain and tensile strength of microscale SCS and UV-LIGA Ni specimens. SCS specimens with nominal dimensions of 20 mu m in thickness, 50 mu m in width and 600 mu m in length were prepared by a conventional photolithography and etching process. UV-LIGA Ni specimens, with a thickness of 15 mu m, a width of 50 mu m and a length of 600 mu m in nominal dimensions, were also fabricated by electroplating using a UV thick photoresist mould. All specimens have line patterns on their specimen gauge section to measure axial elongation under tensile loading. The SCS specimens showed a linear stress-strain response and fractured in a brittle manner, whereas the UV-LIGA Ni specimens showed elastic-inelastic deformation behaviour. Young's modulus of SCS and UV-LIGA Ni specimens obtained from tensile tests averaged 169.2 GPa and 183.6 GPa, respectively, close to those of bulk materials. However, the tensile strength of both materials showed a larger value than the bulk materials: 1.47 GPa for the SCS and 0.98 GPa for the Ni specimens. Yield stress and breaking elongation of UV-LIGA Ni specimens were also quite different from those of the bulk Ni because of the specimen size effect on inelastic properties.

  • T Shimazu, M Katayama, Y Isono
    This paper focuses on the fatigue characteristics of the single crystal silicon (SC-Si) cantilever in relation with the critical design of micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). Development of MEMS actuators for optical communication usage is carried out successfully, for example, in optical switches and variable optical attenuators (VOA). In those devices, fatigue characteristics of the MEMS structure are crucial to its practical application. However, fatigue tests using real structures have not been carried out well. In this research, the fatigue life has been inspected at the actual device, under actual usage conditions for the first time. We obtained fracture rate lambda from experimental results, and the value of Failure in Time (FIT) lambda was about 0.3 FIT. This result indicates that these MEMS devices having enough reliability for practical usage.

  • Effect of gas flow ratio in PE-CVD on elastic properties of sub-micron thick silicon nitride films for MEMS
    Y Isono, T Namazu, Y Saito, A Yamaguchi, N Fukushima
    This paper focuses on revealing the effect of gas flow ratio in PE-CVD on elastic properties of sub micron-thick silicon nitride (SiNx) films for surface-micromachined MEMS. SiNx films having a thickness of 0.1 mu m to 0.7 mu m are deposited on single crystal silicon (SCS) specimens of 10 mu m in thickness by changing the gas flow ratio of NH3' to SiH4 in PE-CVD. The atomic force microscope (AFM) tensile testing technique is employed to characterize Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of SiNx films. Young's modulus of SiNx films ranges from 102 GPa to 143 GPa, independent of film thickness. Poisson's ratio ranging from 0.2 to 0.26 is also obtained from tensile and nano-indentation combined tests. Auger spectroscopy makes it clear that an increase of the atomic content ratio of nitrogen to silicon in SiNx film yields its higher elastic mechanical properties.
    IEEE, 2005年, Transducers '05, Digest of Technical Papers, Vols 1 and 2, 847 - 850, 英語

  • Silicon anisotropic wet etching simulation using molecular dynamics
    T Kakinaga, A Hatai, O Tabata, Y Isono
    This paper describes a new approach of atomic simulation for silicon (Si) anisotropic wet etching using molecular dynamics (MD). Extended Tersoff potential was adopted as a potential function for MD, which was able to handle Si etching reaction with hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) atoms. The potential function also made it possible to represent a transition of electric charge under chemical etching MD simulations as a function of atomic distance. Binding energies between Si, H and O atoms were statically calculated by the function, and they showed good agreement with the previous reported experimental data. Finally, etching MD simulation of single crystal Si in water were carried out using the extended Tersoff potential for revealing the effect of hydrogen termination at the top of Si on the interaction between Si, H and O atoms.
    IEEE, 2005年, Transducers '05, Digest of Technical Papers, Vols 1 and 2, 816 - 819, 英語

  • 海野 敏典, 鳥山 寿之, 磯野 吉正, 杉山 進
    This study describes a micro connector produced using UV thick resist, lithography, and electroforming, and its evaluation. The fabricated connector has 100 pins with 80µm pitch. The terminals of the fabricated micro connector were 50µm thick and 15µm wide (minimum). The maximum aspect ratio of the fabricated micro connector is 3. 3 and the terminal pitch is 80µm. In evaluating its specific properties, contact force, contact resistance, Young's modulus and permissible current have been determined. The contact force is 3. 3 mN at 5µm displacement of the socket terminal. The contact resistance among terminals is shown to be less than 50 mΩ using a four-point probe method. Young's modulus of he Ni structure is found to be 180 GPa using the SPM method. The designed connector treated by Au plating has indicated the possibility of obtaining stable electric contact after the durability test. © 2005, The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging. All rights reserved.
    2005年, エレクトロニクス実装学会誌, 8(2) (2), 125 - 132, 英語

  • Yoshitada Isono, Junichi Tada, Toshinori Unno, Susumu Sugiyama, Toshiyuki Toriyama
    This paper describes elevated temperatures tensile strength and inelastic constitutive relationship of electroplated nickel (Ni) thin films used in high-density micro connectors. The compact tensile tester operated in Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) evaluated mechanical properties of electroplated Ni specimens, with nominal dimensions of 15 μm in thickness, 50 μm in width and 600 μm in length, at elevated temperatures. All specimens have line patterns on their specimen gauge section to measure axial elongation under tensile loading with an SPM cantilever. Strain rates faster than 5 %/sec were employed to obtain the time-independent Young“s modulus and yield stress of the Ni specimens. Averaged Young“s modulus was closed to that of a bulk of Ni, however ultimate tensile strength showed a larger value. Yield stress and breaking elongation were also quite different from previous reported values of the bulk. Inelastic constitutive equations were proposed as a function of temperature in order to reveal inelastic deformation behavior of the Ni micro connector at elevated temperatures in finite element analyses. Keywords: Electroplated Nickel, Tensile Test, Inelastic Constitutive Relationship, Creep Deformation, Scanning Probe Microscope. © 2005, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
    2005年, IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 125(7) (7), 294 - 301, 英語

  • Development of full-reversed bending fatigue tester based on AFM technique for cyclic damage evaluation of MEMS
    Y Isono, T Kikuchi, H Kitoh
    A novel full-reversed bending fatigue tester was developed for cyclic fatigue damage evaluation of MEMS materials. This paper focuses on; 1) the design of the micro fatigue tester; 2) establishment of the bending fatigue testing procedure; and 3) revealing fatigue lives of microscale single crystal silicon (SCS) specimens. In fatigue testing, a microscale SCS specimen was reciprocated between the twin thick-cantilevers to induce tensile and compressive stresses at both fixed ends of the specimen, respectively. The twin cantilevers played two roles; one is as an indenter for bending and the other as a detector of cyclic loads applied to the specimen. The bending loads were measured by the deflection of the twin cantilevers using a laser reflection system based on an AFM technique. This research succeeded in obtaining elastic hysteresis loops of the maximum stress-strain relation for the SCS specimens.

  • K Kakushima, T Watanabe, K Shimamoto, T Gouda, M Ataka, H Mimura, Y Isono, G Hashiguchi, Y Mihara, H Fujita
    Arrayed atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilevers for parallel scanning probe lithography (SPL) have been fabricated by silicon micromachining. Fabrication is based on three KOH etching steps and local oxidation processes. The curvature radius of the tips is as sharp as 20 nm. A laser beam focused onto the middle probe enables us to observe the wafer for alignment and confirm the patterns after the SPL operation. Parallel SPL on N-octadecyltrimethoxysilane (ODS) self-assembled monolayer (SAM) films is susessfully demonstrated with five probes. Good alignment and homogeneity are obtained with simple operation. Parallel SPL for parallel quantum device fabrications is also reported.

  • Characteristics of Ni electroformed micro connector used for high density packaging
    Toshinori Unno, Toshiyuki Toriyama, Yoshitada Isono, Susumu Sugiyama
    This study describes that a micro connector has been produced by the combination use of UV thick resist as well as the lithography and the electroforming, and has been evaluated. The fabricated connector has 100 pins with 80μm pitch. The size of the terminal of fabricated micro connector was 50 μm - thickness and 15 μm - width (minimum). The maximum aspect ratio of the fabricated micro connector is 33 and the terminal pitch is 80 μm. As the evaluation of its specific properties, contact force, contact resistance, Young's modulus and permissible current have been determined. The contact force is 33mN at 5μm of the displacement of the socket terminal. The contact resistance among terminals is shown less than 50 mΩ by using four - point probe method. The determination of Young's modulus of Ni structure is found to be 180GPa by using SPM method. The designed connector treated by Au plating has indicated the possibility to obtain the stable electric contact after the durability test. © 2004 IEEE.
    2004年, Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS2004; The Fourth Symposium 'Micro-NanoMechatronics for and Information-Based Society' The 21st Century, 105 - 108, 英語

  • 鬼頭 宏明, 菊池 栄成, 磯野 吉正
    We newly developed a full-reversed bending fatigue tester for evaluating low-cycle fatigue of MEMS materials. This paper focuses on design of the micro fatigue tester based on AFM technique, which can apply tension/compression loads to a microscale specimen of cantilever type, and establishment of the bending fatigue test procedure. The efficacy of the design and driven concept is demonstrated by applying a cyclic loading to the specimen and direct measurement of the applied load of the specimen using a bult-in laser reflection technique. This research succeeded in obtaining an elastic hysteresis loop of microscale specimen.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2004年, 年次大会講演論文集, 2004, 371 - 372, 日本語

  • 生津 資大, 磯野 吉正
    This paper proposes a new high-cycle fatigue parameter for correlating fatigue lives of micro/nanoscale single crystal silicon (Si) structures under bending and tensile stressing. Fatigue tests of micro/nanoscale Si structures under bending/tensile stressing were conducted in order to reveal the influence of deformation mode on Si fatigue lives. Consequently, the authors enabled to propose a shear stress parameter for predicting fatigue lives of Si structures ranging from micro- to nanoscale, regardless of deformation mode and specimen size. The parameter can be used for reliable design of MEMS/NEMS components subjected to fluctuating stress.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2004年, 年次大会講演論文集, 2004, 369 - 370, 日本語

  • High-cycle fatigue damage evaluation for micro-nanoscale single crystal silicon under bending and tensile stressing
    T Namazu, Y Isono
    This paper proposes a new high-cycle fatigue parameter for correlating fatigue lives of micro/nanoscale single crystal silicon (SCS) structures under bending and tensile stressing. The authors have reported the bending fatigue lives of nanoscale fixed-fixed SCS beams at MEMS 2003, and discussed the effects of specimen size, temperature and frequency on the fatigue lives [1]. This research carried out fatigue tests of micro/nanoscale SCS structures under bending/tensile stressing for revealing the influence of deformation mode on SCS fatigue lives. Consequently, we enabled to propose an effective fatigue damage parameter for predicting fatigue lives of SCS structures ranging from micro-to nanoscale, regardless of deformation mode and specimen size. The fatigue damage parameter can be used for design of MEMS components subjected to fluctuating stressing.

  • 田中 武司, 磯野 吉正, 河合 竜弥
    The present paper describes the sintering characteristics of functionally gradient material (hereafter f.g.m.), such as aluminum nitride/HSS and zirconia/Ni, in order to clarify the influences of sintering conditions to the physical and mechanical properties of these compounds, and their applications to a kind of tool materials. It is clarified that both AIN and ZrO_2 compounds that were successfully fabricated by SPS, provide the moderate physical and mechanical properties. Micro Vickers hardness of AIN/10wt%HSS compound is larger than that of AIN compound. The hardness of ZrO_2/Ni compound is smaller than that of ZrO_2 compound due to the softness of Ni. The surface roughness of aluminum alloy cut by both AIN/HSS and ZrO_2/Ni is slightly smaller than that cut by P20 in wet and dry cutting. The forces in cutting by AIN/HSS f.g.m are smaller than those in cutting by P20 and ZrO_2/Ni f.g.m. The flank wear of P20 is less than that of both AIN/HSS and ZrO_2/Ni due to a larger hardness of tungsten carbide. However, the wear rates of P20 are larger than those of functionally gradient materials.
    公益社団法人精密工学会, 2004年, 精密工学会誌, Vol. 70, No. 6, pp. 818-822(6) (6), 818 - 822, 日本語

  • 角嶋 邦之, 渡辺 稔之, 島本 浩司, 合田 拓史, 安宅 学, 三村 秀典, 磯野 吉正, 橋口 原, 藤田 博之
    An arrayed atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilevers were fabricated for parallel scanning probe lithography (SPL). n-octadecyltrimethoxysilane (ODS) self-assembled monolayer (SAM) films were patterned to form 100nm-width lines. Parallel SPL was demonstrated with 5 probes and good alignment and homogeneity were obtained. Parallel SPL in addition to photolithography for a single electron device was also performed. Keywords: Electric field enhanced oxidation, AFM, SAM, single-electron transistor. © 2004, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
    2004年, 電気学会誌E, 124(7) (7), 248 - 254, 英語

  • Takamitsu Kakinaga, Osamu Tabata, Noriaki Baba, Yoshitada Isono, J. G. Korvink, K. H. Ehrmann
    We propose a new concept for anisotropic single crystalline silicon (Si) etching simulation. Our approach combines three calculation modules, a molecular dynamics calculation module to define chemical reaction probability, a Cellular-Automaton module to calculate etching rate, and a Wulff-Jaccodine graphical method module to predict an etched shape. This configuration allows mm scale process simulation based on atomic scale physical chemistry of anisotropic Si etching. In this paper, the performance of a newly developed Cellular-Automata module, called CAES (Cellular-Automata Etching simulator), is presented as a first step towards the realization of our simulation concept. Keywords: simulation, anisotropic, wet etching, silicon, molecular dynamics, Wulff-Jaccodine, Cellular-Automata. © 2004, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
    2004年, IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 124(1) (1), 7 - 13, 英語

  • T Namazu, Y Isono
    This paper describes the effects of specimen size and temperature on mechanical properties of nano-scale silicon dioxide NOD wires at elevated temperatures. Mechanical characterization of the nano-scale fixed-fixed SiO2 wires was carried out by a quasi-static bending test under an atomic force microscope at temperatures ranging from 295 to 573 K in high vacuum. The SiO2 wires had upper widths of 230-800 mn and a thickness of 410 nm, and were prepared by thermal oxidation of nano-scale single crystal silicon (SCS) wires. All of the SiO2 wires showed a linear relationship between bending force and displacement until failure, and they fractured in a brittle manner. Elastic moduli of the wires depended only on the test temperature. However, fracture stress was influenced by not only temperature but also specimen size. As compared with nano-scale SCS wires of the same specimen size, the SiO2 wires exhibited much higher fracture strain. AFM observations also revealed that the maximum peak-to-valley distance of the top surface of the SiO2 wires dominated the fracture stress. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2003年03月, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, 104(1) (1), 78 - 85, 英語

  • Noriaki Baba, Koji Makino, Takamitsu Kakinaga, Osamu Tabata, Yoshitada Isono, J. G. Korvínk
    In this work, a relation between a removal probability in CAES and an calculated silicon etching rate was clarified. In order to verify the relation precisely, the number of removal probabilities utilized in CAES were incleased from four to nine and simulation of etching rates were carried out with changing the removal probabilities. From these simulation results, the effect of removal probabilities on etching rates were clarified. Based on the obtained relation, experimentally obtained etching rates on various crystallographic planes were fitted by the CAES simulation. Although the experimental data was possible to fit mostly by CAES simulation, the accuracy of simulation was limitted.
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2003年, MHS 2003 - Proceedings of 2003 International Symposium on Micromechatronics and Human Science, 277 - 280, 英語

  • High-cycle fatigue test of nanoscale Si and SiO2 wires based on AFM technique
    T Namazu, Y Isono
    This paper focuses on revealing the effects of specimen size, frequency and temperature on fatigue lives of nanoscale single crystal silicon (SC-Si) and silicon dioxide NOD wires for reliable design of micro/nano electro-mechanical systems (MEMSNEMS). Evaluation of fatigue lives for nanoscale fixed-fixed SC-Si and SiO2 wires was performed by stress-controlled cyclic bending tests under an atomic force microscope (AFM) at temperatures ranging from 295 K to 573 K. In MEMS-00 and MEMS-01, the quasi-static bending tests under the AFM for nanoscale SC-Si wires were reported, which discussed the effect of specimen size on elastic/plastic deformation behavior of the wires at intermediate temperatures [1], [2]. Here, we exhibit high-cycle fatigue lives of nanoscale SC-Si and SiO2 specimens. The specimen size produced a large effect on fatigue life, but frequency and temperature dependences were not observed. The 200 nm-wide SC-Si wires had the fatigue lives of 10(1) - 10(2) times longer than those for 550 nm-wide wires at the same stress level. This research newly proposes fatigue life criteria for nanoscale SC-Si and SiO2 specimens using a power law.

  • 田中 武司, 磯野 吉正
    The phase transformation of zirconia and the deterioration of ground surface are provided in grinding zirconia/nickel compounds. The present paper describes the influences of these phenomena to the strength of compounds. The bending strength of compounds decreases with an increase of nickel contents. The cracks propagate at the interface between zirconia and nickel in the zirconia-enriched compounds. Monoclinic phase contents increase by phase transformation of zirconia in grinding. However, its increase rate lowers with an increase of nickel contents. The bending strength of compounds increases with more zirconia by phase transformation after grinding, and decreases with more nickel than about 50wt% nickel contents due to large ground surface roughness. The increase of compressive residual stress in zirconia depends on phase transformation derived by grinding, and the residual stress in nickel changes from tensile to compressive accompanying with more contents of nickel.
    公益社団法人精密工学会, 2003年, 精密工学会誌, 69(8) (8), 1087 - 1092, 日本語

  • 磯野 吉正, 谷渕 栄仁, 田中 武司, 寺山 暢之
    This paper studies elementary and structural effects on mechanical properties of silicon incorporated amorphous hydrogenous carbon films. Fifteen kinds of the carbon films were prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition method of the penning ionization gauge discharge type using argon, acethylen and tetramethylsilane gases. X-ray photoelectron and Raman spectroscopes performed elementary and microstructural analyses of the carbon films, respectively. Nano-indentation tests were also carried out in order to characterize the reduced elastic modulus and hardness of the carbon films. Intermixture of the tetramethylsilane gas led to a formation of silicon-carbon bonding and an increase of hydrogen atoms in the films. Hydrogen atoms also increased with a reduction of the negative bias voltage at the film substrate. The reduced modulus and hardness of the carbon films ranged from 53 GPa to 163 GPa and from 9 GPa to 29 GPa, respectively. Better mechanical properties resulted from a reduction of tetramethylsilane gases and an increase of the negative bias voltage. The bias voltage especially had a larger influence on the mechanical properties than the gas flow rate. Molecular orbital calculations revealed that the role of a double bond of carbon atoms was likely significant for better mechanical properties of the carbon films.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2003年, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 69(679) (679), 602 - 609, 日本語

  • S Sundararajan, B Bhushan, T Namazu, Y Isono
    This paper describes nanometer-scale bending tests of fixed single-crystal silicon (Si) and silicon dioxide (SiO2) nanobeams using an atomic force microscope (AFM). The technique is used to evaluate elastic modulus of the beam materials and bending strength of the beams. Nanometer-scale Si beams with widths ranging from 200 to 800 nm were fabricated on a Si diaphragm using field-enhanced anodization using an AFM followed by anisotropic wet etching. Subsequent thermal oxidation of Si beams was carried out to create SiO2 beams. Results from the bending tests indicate that elastic modulus values are comparable to bulk values. However, the bending strength appears to be higher for these nanoscale structures than for large-scale specimens. Observations of the fracture surface and calculations of the crack length from Griffith's theory appear to indicate that the maximum peak-to-valley distance on the beam top surfaces influence the values of the observed bending strengths. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2002年05月, ULTRAMICROSCOPY, 91(1-4) (1-4), 111 - 118, 英語

  • T Namazu, Y Isono, T Tanaka
    This paper focuses on revealing specimen size and temperature effects on mechanical properties of nanometric single crystal silicon (SCS) wires at intermediate temperatures. Mechanical properties of the nanometric SCS wires were characterized by bending tests with an atomic force microscope (AFM). The fixed-fixed SCS wires with widths from 200 nm to 800 nm and a thickness of 255 nm were fabricated on a silicon diaphragm by means of field-enhanced anodization with AFM and anisotropic wet etching. The AFM bending tests of the SCS wires were carried out at temperatures ranging from 295 K to 573 K in high vacuum. Elastic moduli of the SCS wires showed temperature dependence, but had no size effect. However, plastic properties such as critical resolved shear stress and plastic deformation range showed a clear dependence on both of specimen size and temperature. The critical resolved shear stress ranged from 4.2 GPa to 7.2 GPa, which was 10 times higher than that in a millimeter scale specimen. Force-displacement curves and AFM observations of the slip line also showed that plastic flow in the nanometric SCS wires was induced at 373 K, which was very close to room temperature. A dislocation model is proposed on the basis of the AFM observation, which was able to rationalize that the nanometric specimen had a large influence on the activation Gibbs free energy in the thermal activated process.

  • K Oka, S Aoyagi, Y Arai, Y Isono, G Hashiguchi, H Fujita
    A human being has pain and fear when pricked by a needle in a blood test. On the other hand, he has almost no pain and no fear when pricked by a needle of a mosquito. Considering this fact, a new fabrication process of a micro hollow needle, which is made of SiO2 and reinforced by deposited Poly-Si, is proposed. This needle features its jagged shape like that of a mosquito, and it also features its long shape of about I mm in the direction parallel to the silicon surface. The essential points of the process are as follows: (1) wet-etching a jagged groove on Si; (2) bonding another Si substrate and sealing the grooved (3) oxidizing the wall of hollow space: (14) dry etching all parts besides the wall by ICP and RIE. Strength characteristics of the fabricated needle is investigated by experiment and finite element method simulation. It is also experimentally confirmed that this needle can actually penetrate the surface of hard silicon rubber, which is selected as an artificial skin, without breakage. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Simulator for observing the Si anisotropic chemical etching process in atomic scale
    T Kakinaga, N Baba, O Tabata, Y Isono, K Ehrmann, JG Korvink
    We propose a new concept of anisotropic silicon (Si) etching simulation approach by combining three calculation modules, a molecular dynamics calculation module to define chemical reaction probability, a Cellular-Automata module to calculate etching rate, and Wulff-Jaccodine graphical method module to predict an etched shape. This configuration allows mm scale device. simulation based on the atomic scale physical chemistry of anisotropic Si etching. In this paper, the performance of a newly developed Cellular-Automata module called CAES is presented as a first step towards the realization of our simulation concept.

  • Mechanical characterization of sub-micrometer thick DLC films by AFM tensile testing for surface modification in MEMS
    Y Isono, T Namazu, N Terayama, T Tanaka
    This paper describes mechanical properties of Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) films for the protection of MEMS against their friction and wear. The compact tensile tester operated in atomic force microscope (AFM) was developed in this research to evaluate Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and fracture strength of DLC films. Single crystal silicon (SCS.) and DLC coated SCS (DLC/SCS) specimens on a micrometer scale were used in the tests. The DLC films with thickness of 0.2 and 0.3 mum were deposited on 20 mum-thick SCS specimens by Plasma-enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PE-CVD) method of the hot cathode Penning Ionization Gauge (PIG) discharge type. The AFM tensile test and nano-indentation test were revealed that Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of the DLC films ranged from 99 GPa to 112 GPa, and from 0.36 to 0.46, respectively.

  • Quasi-static/cyclic loading tests of nanometric SiO2 wires using AFM technique for NEMS designs
    T Namazu, Y Isono
    This research carried out intermediate temperature quasi-static/cyclic loading tests of nanometric silicon dioxide wires (SiO2 nano-wires) using AFM, for revealing specimen size and temperature effects on mechanical properties and fatigue lives of the wires. Four kinds of the SiO2 nano-wires with widths from 230 nm to 800 nm were prepared by a thermal oxidation of nanometric single crystal silicon wires (SCS nano-wires). Quasi-static bending tests using AFM examined Young's modulus, fracture stress and strain of the wires at temperatures ranging from 295 K to 573 K in high vacuum. All Of the SiO2 nano-wires fractured in a brittle manner at the test temperatures. Young's moduli of the nano-wires agreed with that of bulk silica, which showed that the modulus had no specimen size effect. However, fracture stress and strain of the SiO2 nano-wires changed with not only temperature but also specimen size. Cyclic bending tests in AFM using the 230 nm- and 410 nm-wide SiO2 wires investigated high cycle fatigue lives of the wires at room temperature. The number of cycles to failure of the 230 nm-wide wires was slightly larger than that of the 410 nm-wide wires at the loading frequency of 50 Hz and 450 Hz. This is suggestive of existing of the specimen size effect on the fatigue lives of the SiO2 nano-wires.

  • 田中 武司, 磯野 吉正
    The present paper describes the influences of the valve roundness and corner dullness to a gasoline leakage, after analyzing them with the shape preciseness of valve-seat system. Moreover, the influences of CBN wheel grinding conditions on the preciseness of valve are discussed. In order to decrease a gasoline leakage from valve-seat clearance, it is necessary to decrease the roundness and corner dullness of valve, as well as the roundness and average clearance of seat. For the small roundness of valve, valve should be fed at the minimum feed rate to CBN wheel under the low eccentricity. The resin-bonded CBN wheel provides the small roundness without sharp scratching under the large wheel speed. The vitrified-bonded CBN wheel with grain size over #800 improves the corner dullness of valve by the sharp edge of wheel formed by the diamond truer of #600 grain size.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2002年, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 68(674) (674), 3094 - 3101, 日本語

  • cBNホイールによる軟鋼の冷風研削における研削現象
    田中 武司, 磯野 吉正, 盛貞 悦一
    2002年, 砥粒加工学会誌, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 234-239(5) (5), 234 - 234, 英語

  • cBNホイールによる延性材料の冷風研削現象について
    田中 武司, 磯野 吉正, 盛貞 悦一
    2002年, 砥粒加工学会誌, Vol. 46, No. 9, pp. 452-457(9) (9), 457 - 457, 英語

  • T Tanaka, Y Isono
    The present paper proposes a unique method for developing a grinding wheel and polishing disk by piling and curing ultraviolet-cured resin mixed with an abrasive grain. The grinding characteristics of the resin-piled grinding wheel (RP wheel) were analyzed by a grinding test. The cured depth and width of the ultraviolet-cured resin increased with the duration of exposure to the ultraviolet light. A 5-10 a exposure to ultraviolet light suffices to fabricate a small area of the grinding wheel surface. It is possible to manufacture polishing disks and grinding wheels that hold the abrasive grain tightly and distribute it uniformly. The RP wheel has a large capacity for grinding, due to its sufficient bending strength and elastic modulus. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  • 生津 資大, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    This paper describes a development of strain measurement technique using micro tensile tester built in AFM. The micro tensile tester was designed for evaluation of Young's modulus and fracture strength of MEMS materials, In tensile test, gauge patterns on the test specimen were directly measured by the AFM. Averaged Young's modulus of Si[110] was 170 GPa, which was in agreement with analytical values calculated from anisotropic theory. This technique is, therefore, efficient to the evaluation of mechanical properties for micro-scaled materials.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2001年, 年次大会講演論文集, 1, 325 - 326, 日本語

  • 谷渕 栄仁, 村本 憲一, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    This paper describes an evaluation of mechanical properties for a-Si:C:H thin films by means of nano-indentation test. This research focuses on revealing the relationship between mechanical properties of films, depositing conditions and film structure. The a-Si:C:H films were prepared by the plasma-enhanced CVD method of the hot cathode PIG discharge type. The microstructure of the films was examined by XPS and Raman spectroscopy. Young's modulus of the films increased with an increase of bias voltage and with decreasing hydrogen content in the film. Better mechanical properties of the a-Si:C:H thin films was achieved by the higher bias voltage of the deposition condition.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2001年, 年次大会講演論文集, 1, 297 - 298, 日本語

  • AFM bending testing of nanometric single crystal silicon wire at intermediate temperatures for MEMS
    Y Isono, T Namazu, T Tanaka
    This paper focuses on revealing specimen size and temperature effects on plasticity of nanometric self-supported single crystal silicon (Si) wires for the design of high-density electronic and MEMS devices. Mechanical properties of nanometric Si wires were characterized by AFM bending testing at intermediate temperatures ranged from 295 to 573 K in high vacuum. The fabrication process of the nanometric Si wire has been previously reported at MEMS 2000 [1], wherein the elastic properties at room temperature were also investigated by using specimen sizes ranging from nano- to millimeter-scale. This paper investigates elastic-plastic deformation behavior of the nanometric Si wires. Young's modulus of the nanometric Si shows temperature dependence but has no size effect. However, the bending strength, critical resolved shear;stress and plastic strain range depend on specimen size and temperature. This research shows for the first time, that it is possible to induce plastic deformation in the nanometric wire at even 373K, which is close to room temperature. AFM observations show that the slip line density depending on the specimen size and deformation temperature can determine the plastic strain range and the yield point of the nanometric Si wire at the intermediate temperatures.

  • 田中 武司, 磯野 吉正
    For applying CBN wheel to grind fuel injection bulb, it is essential to clarify what the shape factors of bulb influence to a gasoline leakage. The present paper describes the theoretical treatment on the relationships between a gasoline leakage and the roundness and corner dullness of valve and spat. Those were analyzed in connect with the shape and preciseness of valve-seat in bulb. It is necessary to decrease the roundness and corner dullness of valve, as well as the roundness and average clearance of seat, in order to decrease a gasoline leakage from valve-seat clearance. © 2001, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.
    2001年, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 67(660) (660), 2719 - 2724, 英語

  • インコネル718の冷風研削における研削現象
    田中 武司, 磯野 吉正, 盛貞 悦一
    2001年, 砥粒加工学会誌, Vol. 45, No. 10, pp. 490-465(10) (10), 490 - 490, 英語

  • PZTセラミックスの延性/脆性モード研削の研究”, 砥粒加工学会誌, 砥粒加工学会
    田中 武司, 磯野 吉正
    2001年, 砥粒加工学会誌, Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 391-396, 英語

  • T Namazu, Y Isono, T Tanaka
    This paper describes a nanometer-scale bending test for a single crustal silicon (Si) fixed beam using an atomic force microscope (AFM). This research focuses on revealing the size effect on the mechanical property of Si beams ranging from a nano- to millimeter scale, Nanometer-scale Si beams, with widths from 200 to 800 nm and a thickness of 255 nm, were fabricated on an Si diaphragm by means of field-enhanced anodization using AFM and anisotropic wet etching, The efficient condition of the held-enhanced anodization could be obtained by changing the bias voltage and the scanning speed of the cantilever. Bending tests for micro- and millimeter-scale Si beams fabricated by a photolithography technique were also carried out using an ultraprecision hardness tester and scratch tester, respectively. Comparisons of Young's modulus and bending strength of Si among the nano-, micro-, and millimeter scales showed that the specimen size did not have an influence on the Young's modulus in the [110] direction, whereas it produced a large effect on the bending strength. Observations of the fractured surface and calculations of the clack length from Griffith's theory made it clear that the maximum peak-to-valley distance of specimen surface caused the size effect on the bending strength.

  • Nano-scale bending test of Si beam for MEMS
    Takahiro Namazu, Yoshitada Isono, Takeshi Tanaka
    We carried out a nanometer scale bending test for a single crystal silicon (Si) beam using an atomic force microscope (AFM). Nanometer scale Si beams with widths from 200 nm to 800 nm and a thickness of 255 nm were fabricated on an Si diaphragm by means of the field-enhanced anodization using AFM and the anisotropic wet etching. Bending tests for a micro- and millimeter scale beam were also carried out using an ultra-precision hardness tester and scratch tester, respectively. The mechanical property of Si beams on a nanometer scale was compared with that measured on a micro- and millimeter scale. SEM observations of the fracture surface were performed in order to reveal the size effect on the bending strength.
    IEEE, 2000年, Proceedings of the IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 205 - 210, 英語

  • 生津 資大, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    This research makes clear the temperature effect on mechanical properties of micro/nano scale Si beams by using Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). The Si and SiO_2 beam were fabricated on a Si diaphragm by means of field-enhanced anodization with AFM and anisotropic etching. The beams were approximately 200-800nm in width and 255nm in thickness. As a result of bending tests, bending strength and Young's modulus of Si beam in the <110> direction decreased with increasing temperature ranging from 295K to 573K.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2000年, 年次大会講演論文集, 2000, 215 - 216, 日本語

  • Son Hoanh Truong, Yoshitada Isono, Takeshi Tanaka
    This investigation deals with the rate of heat transferred to the workpiece and the heat removed from the workpiece in cool air grinding with a porous metal bonded diamond wheel (PMBDW). The following conclusions are obtained from the grinding tests: Blowing cool air onto the workpiece causes its temperature to decrease before grinding, leading to a low grinding surface temperature. Heat is removed from the grinding zone with the presence of cool air, so that the rate of heat transfer to the workpiece decreases. The amount of heat removed by cool air increases with the increase in the wheel pore rate, the increase of the wheel speed and the decrease of the table speed.
    Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 2000年, Seimitsu Kogaku Kaishi/Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 66(12) (12), 1911 - 1916, 英語

  • 中 庸行, 山本 和人, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司, 寺山暢之
    This paper describes the evaluation of adhesion strength between the amorphous Silicon carbide (a-SiC) thin film, Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC)/a-SiC laminated thin film and materials used for the cutting tool. The a-SiC and DLC/a-SiC thin films were deposited on the tungsten carbide steel substrate: K10 and on the high speed steel substrate SKH51 by Plasma-Enhanced CVD method of the hot cathode PIG discharge type. Scratch tests were carried out for examining the critical fracture load of the films. Finite Element Method (FEM) analyses were also performed to clarify the stress distribution at the interface between the films and substrates. The stress intensity factors K I and K II, and the fracture toughness Kc were calculated from results of scratch tests and FEM analyses. The K I, K II, and Kc of a-SiC and DLC/a-SiC thin films deposited on the K10 substrate were larger than those of the thin films deposited on the SKH51 substrate. The K I, K II and Kc of both of the films were directly proportional to the density of a-SiC thin films. In turning experiments, the delamination area of DLC/a-SiC thin films deposited on the cutting tool of K10 is closely related to the Kc obtained from the scratch tests and FEM analyses.
    Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2000年, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 66(644) (644), 698 - 705, 日本語

  • SH Truong, Y Isono, T Tanaka
    In order to establish a fundamental method of creating a strong, hard bond bridge for a porous metal bonded diamond wheel, the phosphorate treatment, the hear treatment under high air pressure and the sub-zero treatment have been discussed. However, the relationships between the mechanical properties of the specimen and the surface conditions of the bond bridge remain to be clarified. In particular, it will be necessary to analyze the surface changes of the bond bridge during vacuum sintering and each step of the treatment. Furthermore, the method of strengthening the bond bridge must be discussed in connection with the investigation of its surface changes. The following conclusions can be made based on the investigation of the mechanical properties of the specimen and the surface conditions of the bond bridge. (1) At low temperature, the melted alloy of Ni-Cu is not sufficient for bond bridge formation. At the higher temperatures of 1173 and 1273 K, bond bridges composed of some form of crystals develop among all of the abrasive grains. (2) In the case of Ni-Cu-Sn metals, the alloying is more clearly comparable to that of Ni-Cu alloy. By intrusion of Sn metal into Ni-Cu metals, the alloying of these metals is more pronounced. (3) By sub-zero treatment of a specimen that was heated under high air pressure of 9800 kPa, the surface was made smooth. Martensite transformation by the sub-zero treatment makes the specimen hard and strong. (4) The phosphor-bronze is formed by the diffusion of phosphorus with oxide by heating under high air pressure. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

  • Y Isono, T Tanaka
    This paper describes the effect of the material used for a tool on atomic scale indentation and cutting mechanisms of metal workpieces, by means of molecular dynamics simulations. The interatomic force between the tool and workpiece is assumed to be a two-body interatomic potential using parameters based on the ab-initio molecular orbital calculation for a (Cr, Ni)-(C, Si)(6)H-9 atom cluster.. Molecular dynamics simulated the atomic scale indentation and cutting process of the chromium and nickel workpieces using the diamond, silicon and diamond-like carbon (DLC) tools. The diamond and DLC tools formed the indentation mark. Young's modulus of the chromium and nickel in indentation simulations was larger than that in experiments. This was qualitatively explained by the effect of the surface energy for the workpiece on the elastic modulus. The machinability of the chromium and nickel with the diamond tool was better than that of the silicon tool in atomic scale cutting simulations. The depth of the cut for the workpieces in nano scale cutting experiments with AFM was similar to that in atomic scale cutting by molecular dynamics simulations.

  • 中 庸行, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司, 寺山 暢之
    This paper describes the microstructural effect of Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) thin film on micro-tribological properties. DLC thin films with density of 1.9-2.4 g/cm3 were deposited on Silicon (111) surface by Plasma-Enhanced CVD method of the hot cathode PIG discharge type. The effect of deposition conditions on the microstructure of DLC thin film was evaluated by Raman spectroscopy. Increasing the bias voltage and the discharge current shifted the peak of the G-band shift toward high frequency and enlarged I (D)/I (G) ratio. Pin-on-Plate friction experiments were carried out using a diamond pin in high vacuum. The friction coefficients of DLC thin films indicated constant values during the friction. The friction coefficients increased with shifting G-band toward low frequency in the range above 1540 cm-1, but those did not vary with increasing I (D)/I (G). The friction coefficients were directly proportional to density of the film. Molecular orbital calculations revealed that the adhesion energy on the sp3 bonding atom cluster was higher than that on the sp2 bonding atom cluster.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 1999年, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 65(634) (634), 1427 - 1434, 英語

  • Some effects of over coated metal for the mechanical property improvement of bond bridge of porous metal bonded diamond wheel
    SH Truong, Y Isono, T Tanaka

  • Y Isono, T Tanaka, N Terayama
    This paper describes the microstructural study of a chemical vapor deposited diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin film, ranging the thickness from 1 mu m to 1.36 mu m. The effect of deposition condition on the microstructure of the DLC film was analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. Increasing the bias voltage and the discharge current shifted the peak shift of G band toward high frequency and enlarged I(D)/I(G) ratio. Lower density films were obtained by lowering bias voltage at discharge current of 5A, but conversely higher density films by lowering bias voltage at 10A and 20A. The hardness and Young's modulus were directly proportional to density of the film. Molecular dynamics analyses gave a linear relationship between the bonding ratio, density and Young's modulus of the film. These analytical results qualitatively agreed with the experimental results. The thermal conductivity of the DLC films was discussed based on the molecular dynamics results.

  • Y Isono, H Kishimoto, T Tanaka
    This paper describes the mechanical and thermal properties of a cubic boron nitride (cBN) by molecular orbital and molecular dynamics simulations. The interatomic potential of cBN used for the molecular dynamics simulation was proposed by an ab-initio molecular orbital calculation for a cBN cluster. The elastic stiffness and the bulk modulus of cBN were found to be close to those of diamond by the molecular simulation. The bulk modulus of cBN in the simulation agreed with that in experiment. The equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation estimated the effect of temperature on thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion of cBN. The thermal conductivity of cBN drastically decreased with increasing temperature above 150K. The coefficient of thermal expansion of cBN was independent of temperature at 50K-900K, but that of cBN increased above 900K with increasing temperature.

  • 中 庸行, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司, 寺山 暢之
    This paper describes the effect of density of Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) thin film on tribological property. DLC thin films having the density of 1.9-2.5 g/cm3 were prepared on (111) of Silicon surface by the hot cathode PIG Discharge Type Plasma-Enhanced CVD method. Ball on disk friction experiments were carried out using diamond ball. The friction coefficients increased from 0.05 to 0.20 with increasing film density in the density range below 2.185 g/cm3, but those did not change above 2.185 g/cm3. The specific wear value also increased with increasing film density. The effect of film density on tribological property between DLC thin film and diamond pin was examined by molecular dynamics simulation. The diamond pin slides to uniaxial direction on DLC thin film having the density 1.5-3.0 g/cm3. Atoms of DLC thin film having the density of 1.5 g/cm3 were moved most actively. Atomic movement being like to shear deformation was observed during frictional processes. The effect of film density on friction coefficients in MD simulations was similar to that in experiments qualitatively.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 1998年, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 64(620) (620), 1061 - 1068, 英語

  • 光造形法による砥石の開発と特性評価
    田中 武司, 磯野 吉正, 進藤 寛英, 石崎 陽介
    1998年, 砥粒加工学会誌, Vol. 42, No. 8, pp. 344-350(8) (8), 344 - 344, 英語

  • TRUONG Son Hoanh, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    It has been aimed to develop porous metal bonded diamond wheel with an ideal bond bridge like a vitrified bond, the pore rates of about 50 vol% and the bending strength of 10 to 50 MPa, because a lot of merits, such as low grinding temperature and a few grinding force, many chip pockets and easy dressing and truing, may be obtained. The following conclusions are obtained by some treatments. (1) The phosphorus diffuses into bond bridge with oxygen by heating after the phosphorating treatment. (2) The shear strength of bond bridge and the elastic modulus of bending test pieces increased by the heat treatment under high pressure by the diffusion of phosphorus and the subzero treatment by a martensite transformation of metal. (3) The original targets of development of porous metal bonded diamond wheel are accomplished with such treatments.
    公益社団法人精密工学会, 1998年, 精密工学会誌, 64(6) (6), 923 - 928, 英語

  • A Trial of Bond Bridge Formation with Extracted Metals from Colloidal Solution
    TRUONG Son Hoanh, ISONO Yoshitada, TANAKA Takeshi
    1998年, International Journal of JSPE, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 40-42, 英語

  • 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    1998年, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 64(625) (625), 2263 - 2270, 英語

  • Y Isono, T Tanaka
    This paper describes the effect of temperature and interatomic force between a workpiece and tool on the atomic-scale cutting mechanism, by means of molecular dynamics simulation. The interatomic force between the workpiece and tool is assumed to be derived from the Morse potential function. Molecular dynamics cutting simulations were carried out using a rigid pin tool, with changing of the temperature and the value of Morse potential parameters gamma(0), D and alpha. The increase in the potential parameters D and alpha resulted in the positive effect of surface roughness, but the increase in the parameter gamma(0) and temperature resulted in the negative effect of surface roughness. Chip formation and side flow resulted due to the collision between the workpiece and tool, which lead to a temperature increase of the workpiece. The surface of workpieces observed experimentally in micro-scale cutting was similar to that in atomic-scale cutting by molecular dynamics simulation.

  • New Product of Zirconia/Alumina Fine Ceramics Compounds and Its Grinding Characteristics
    TANAKA Takeshi, ISONO Yoshitada, TSUDA Takahiro, KOJIMA Masahiro
    1997年, Rapid Product Development, pp. 197-206, 英語

  • T Tanaka, Y Isono
    This paper describes how the affinity of diamond to metal influences the holding of abrasive grits by a bond and the chemical reactions among metal constituents influence to the mechanical properties of bond. These influences to the grinding abilities of wheel are verified experimentally and qualitatively from the wetting and thermal erosion tests of diamond by metals, the metal sintering and wear test, and the grinding tests of wheel. A CU-Sn alloy is not suitable for bond due to its large ductility. The durable bond of wheel is expected by diffusing Ni in a Cu-Sn ahoy. The considerable grinding efficiency of wheel is obtained with diffusing Co and Ti into a Cu-Sn alloy due to their good reactivities. The brittle bond of wheel causes from the little reactivity among Cu-Sn, Ta and Cr. The large quantity of the elasto-plastic failure energy of bond provides the increase of grinding efficiency and the decrease of wheel wear in all kinds of wheel. Consequently, the large grinding ratios are derived by the increase of the elasto-plastic fracture energy which will be one of the estimation factors of wheel grinding ability.

  • 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    1997年, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 63(612) (612), 1814 - 1821, 英語

  • 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    1996年, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 62(602) (602), 2364 - 2371, 英語

    It is clear that a tetragonal phase transforms to the monoclinic and rhombohedral phases in grinding of ZrO2 doped with 3 mol% Y2O3. The grinding process also changes the roughness of the surface. Because surface roughness and structural changes in the deformed surface layer should influence the mechanical properties of ZrO2-Y2O3 the bending strength sigma(b) of ground specimens is presented as a function of both the volume of martensitic transformed phase and the roughness of the surface. Then, sigma(b) is assumed to be equal to sigma(o)(1+epsilon(m+r)+gamma), where sigma(o) is the original bending strength of the sintered material polished to a surface roughness of 0.1 mu m, and epsilon(m+r) and gamma are the degrees of influences caused by phase transformation and surface roughness. Furthermore, epsilon(m+r) and gamma were defined respectively by the following equations of 1.71(V-m-1.3)/100 and -0.55(R(max)-0.1)/100, where V-m is the volumetric percentage (vol%) Of monoclinic phase, and R(max) is the roughness of the abraded surface. The bending strength increased as much as 2-14% because of phase transformation and decreased as much as 2-5% because of an increase in surface roughness. The degrees of influence of epsilon(m) and epsilon(r) by both phase transformations were approximately 6 and 5.8%.

  • メタルボンドダイヤモンドホイールの特性と性能に及ぼす金属成分の影響
    田中 武司, 磯野 吉正
    1995年, 精密工学会誌, Vol. 61, No. 6, pp. 841-843, 英語

  • A Study on Work Toughening of Zirconia Ceramics by Grinding Process
    TANAKA Takeshi, ISONO Yoshitada, KOJIMA Masahiro, TSUDA Takahiro
    1995年, International State of Art in Abrasive Technology, pp. 41-48, 英語

    This paper studies tension/torsion multiaxial low-cycle fatigue lives and creep-fatigue damage evaluation for Alloy 738LC superalloy. Tension/torsion creep-fatigue tests were carried our using hollow cylinder specimens and multiaxial creep-fatigue lives were obtained. The Mises' equivalent strain correlated the multiaxial low cycle fatigue lives within a factor of two scatter band. An a.c. potential method is developed to detect the creep-fatigue damage associated with crack nucleation and extension. A.c. potentials at high frequencies accurately detect the creep-fatigue damage from the early stage of life while those at low frequencies detect that in the final stage of life. A.c. potentials at high frequencies detect the crack density, defined as the total crack length per unit area, and maximum crack length more sensitively than those at low frequencies.

  • 田中 武司, 磯野 吉正, 上田 智
    Zirconia is regarded as the structural materials of machine element which provide the distinct properties of tenacity by the martensitic transformation from a tetragonal phase to the monoclinic or rhombohedral phases under the plastic deformation and the brittle fracture. The present paper makes clear the relationships between both fracture modes and the phase transformations. In several machining processes which form the surface with both fracture modes, it is experimentally examined how the surface roughness and the phase transformation influence to the toughening of ZrO2-Y2O3. The phase transformation plays an important role in grinding and shotpeening, but the surface roughness influences much to the toughening of ZrO2-Y2O3 in oscillated wet-lapping. In grinding, a tetragonal phase equivalently transforms to the monoclinic and rhombohedral phases, but a monoclinic phase is mostly presented in oscillated wet-lapping and shotpeening. It was made clear that the plastic deformation related to the transformation of tetragonal phase to a rhombohedral phase, as well as the brittle fracture related to the transformation of tetragonal phase to a monoclinic phase.
    公益社団法人精密工学会, 1994年, 精密工学会誌, 60(10) (10), 1465 - 1469, 英語

  • モノリシック集積コアシェルSiナノワイヤ架橋構造の熱起電力評価
    上杉晃生, 西依脩祐, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2023年, 電気学会論文誌 E, 143(7) (7)

  • 金コロイド溶液濃度調整による表面増強ラマン分光の感度向上
    中村友河, 上杉晃生, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2023年, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム(CD-ROM), 40th

  • Al2O3エレクトレット膜被覆Siナノワイヤのピエゾ抵抗効果
    長野貴哉, 仲上達也, 上杉晃生, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2023年, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム(CD-ROM), 40th

  • たわみを有する両端固定梁の光応答周波数変化の計算
    松塚直樹, 安木大恭, 近藤直輝, 上杉晃生, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2023年, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム(CD-ROM), 40th

  • 金ナノ粒子二量体ナノギャップ制御による表面増強ラマン分光の感度増強
    CHANG Yuanzhi, 中村友河, 上杉晃生, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2023年, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム(CD-ROM), 40th

  • 表面増強ラマン分光による単一DNAオリゴマー計測の評価
    品部智哉, 伊藤寛樹, 上杉晃生, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2022年, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム(CD-ROM), 39th

  • 原子層堆積Al2O3誘電膜のエレクトレット化に関する研究
    井口慶人, 楢崎桃子, 上杉晃生, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2022年, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム(CD-ROM), 39th

  • モノリシック集積コアシェルSiナノワイヤ架橋構造の熱起電力評価
    上杉晃生, 西依脩祐, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2022年, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム(CD-ROM), 39th

  • 金ナノ粒子二量体を用いた表面増強ラマン分光によるメチル化アデニン1塩基計測
    伊藤寛樹, 上杉晃生, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2022年, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム(CD-ROM), 39th

  • コアシェルSiCナノワイヤのピエゾ抵抗効果に及ぼすシェル表面電位の影響評価
    上杉晃生, 仲田進哉, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2021年, マルチスケール材料力学シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM), 6th

  • MACE表面ナノホールのシリコンナノワイヤ垂直成長促進効果
    上杉晃生, 西依脩祐, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2021年, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム(CD-ROM), 38th

  • コアシェル構造SiCナノワイヤの界面静電場によるピエゾ抵抗効果の制御
    上杉晃生, 仲田進哉, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2021年, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム(CD-ROM), 38th

  • 電気的・光学的1分子計測に向けた金ナノ粒子二量体ナノギャップの作製・制御・評価
    住友孝行, CHANG Yuanzhi, 森田明宏, 上杉晃生, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2021年, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム(CD-ROM), 38th

  • マイクロ振動子のたわみ状態制御による振動型光センサの高感度化—Study on sensitivity improvement of microresonator-based optical sensor by deflection control
    竹上 航平, 近藤 直輝, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2020年10月, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 37, 5p, 日本語

  • 高温パンチクリープ成形技術を用いた3軸力センサの開発および被覆樹脂の粘弾性特性を考慮したセンサ性能評価—Development of three-axis force sensor by 3D microstructuring using high temperature punch creep forming and sensor performance evaluation considering resin viscoelasticity
    澤田 和磨, 丹村 響介, 大坂 憲司, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2020年10月, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 37, 5p, 日本語

  • 金ナノ構造を用いた波長依存性を有するSOI型近赤外ボロメータ素子—Study on wavelength-dependent SOI-type near-infrared bolometer element using gold nanostructure
    坪田 達也, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2020年10月, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 37, 6p, 日本語

  • 金ナノ構造光吸収体集積静電型マイクロ振動子デバイスによる近赤外光強度センサ—Near-infrared light intensity sensing by electrostatic microresonator transducer integrated with gold nanostructure optical absorber
    鈴木 隆正, 中藤 康太, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2020年10月, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 37, 6p, 日本語

  • 近赤外吸収体を有する静電型マイクロ振動子デバイスを用いた水の分光測定—Spectroscopic measurement of water using electrostatic transducer with Near-infrared absorber
    鈴木 隆正, 中藤 康太, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2020年10月, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 37, 5p, 日本語

  • 金ナノ粒子二量体を用いたナノギャップ電極の作製とその電気的・光学的評価—Fabrication of nanogap electrode based on gold nanoparticle dimer and its electrical and optical evaluation
    住友 孝行, 森田 明宏, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2020年10月, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 37, 6p, 日本語

  • 光センシングマイクロ共振デバイスの梁長さおよび振幅が計測分解能に与える影響—Effects of beam length and amplitude on measurement resolution in optical sensing using microresonator
    近藤 直輝, 竹上 航平, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2020年10月, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 37, 6p, 日本語

  • 光励起ナノギャップ電極を用いたDNAオリゴマーの光トラップおよび1分子検出—Optical trapping and single-molecule detection of DNA oligomer using optically-excited nanogap electrodes
    森田 明宏, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2019年11月, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 36, 6p, 日本語

  • 架橋成長Siナノワイヤの熱電特性評価に関する研究—Characterization of thermoelectric properties of bridged-grown Si nanowire
    北川 諒, 岸本 卓巳, 小國 凌, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2019年11月, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 36, 4p, 日本語

  • シリコンマイクロ振動子光センサにおける共振周波数特性の形状依存性—Pattern dependency of resonant frequency response of silicon microresonator for optical sensing
    竹上 航平, 新居 直之, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2019年11月, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 36, 4p, 日本語

  • 金ナノグレーティング構造の光吸収ピーク波長制御による高感度レーザ波長計測マイクロ振動子デバイス—Highly sensitive laser wavelength measurement using microresonator controlling absorption peak of gold nanograting
    竹上 航平, 新居 直之, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2019年11月, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 36, 4p, 日本語

  • コアシェルSiCナノワイヤの電気伝導性に及ぼすシェル表面電位の影響解明—Effect of shell surface potential to electrical properties of core-shell SiC nanowire
    井ノ山 滉大, 仲田 進哉, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2019年11月, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 36, 4p, 日本語

  • 静電型マイクロ振動子トランスデューサを用いたシリコン近赤外光強度センサ
    中藤康太, 上杉晃生, 菅野公二, 磯野吉正
    2019年, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム(CD-ROM), 36th

  • Si薄膜被覆金ナノグレーティング構造の近赤外域光吸収スペクトル偏光依存性—Polarization dependence of near-infrared absorption spectrum of Si-deposited gold nano-grating structures
    新居 直之, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2018年, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 35, 6p, 日本語

  • VLS成長SiNW単体に対する熱電変換特性評価—Characterization of thermoelectric properties for VLS-growth SiNWs
    北川 諒, 井本 大暉, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    2018年, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 35, 5p, 日本語

  • Si薄膜被覆金ナノワイヤグレーティング構造の近赤外域光学特性評価
    新居 直之, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2017年10月31日, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 34, 6p, 日本語

  • 高温クリープ立体成形技術による極小MEMS触覚センサの開発
    大坂 憲司, 中田 悟史, 山本 賢祐, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2017年10月31日, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 34, 1 - 5, 日本語

  • 単一金ナノ粒子二量体を用いたアデニンの表面増強ラマン分光検出 (フィジカルセンサ マイクロマシン・センサシステム 合同研究会 メタマテリアル・プラズモニック構造を基軸とする新機能創成)
    丸岡 克成, 池上 晃平, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    電気学会, 2016年12月19日, 電気学会研究会資料. PHS, 2016(58) (58), 43 - 46, 日本語

  • Si薄膜被覆金ナノワイヤアレイ構造の光学特性評価 (フィジカルセンサ マイクロマシン・センサシステム 合同研究会 メタマテリアル・プラズモニック構造を基軸とする新機能創成)
    新居 直之, 城谷 修司, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    電気学会, 2016年12月19日, 電気学会研究会資料. MSS, 2016(27) (27), 1 - 3, 日本語

  • 逆解析手法による単結晶Si薄膜の高温クリープ特性の解明と触覚センサ開発への応用
    山本 賢祐, 中田 悟史, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2016年10月02日, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 33, 1 - 4, 日本語

  • VLSボトムアップ成長Core/Shell-SiCナノワイヤのMEMS援用ピエゾ抵抗特性評価
    仲田 進哉, 井本 大暉, Rossi Feancesca, Lugstein Alois, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2016年10月02日, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 33, 1 - 4, 日本語

  • 金ナノ粒子二量体配列を用いたDNA塩基の高感度・高速表面増強ラマン分光
    池上 晃平, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2016年10月02日, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 33, 1 - 6, 日本語

  • Gold Nanoparticle Synthesis Using High-Speed Pulsed Mixing Microfluidic Device
    Koji Sugano, Ayumi Maedomari, Yuki Tanaka, Yoshitada Isono
    2015年11月, Proc. of 28th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2015), 13P-11-66, 英語

  • VLS成長シリコンナノワイヤの歪み誘起電気伝導特性の結晶方位依存性
    仲田 進哉, 北田 勇馬, Wagesreither Stefan, Lugstein Alois, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2015年10月28日, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 32, 4p, 日本語

  • 金ナノ粒子二量体配列を用いたDNA塩基の表面増強ラマン分光
    饗庭 清仁, 池上 晃平, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2015年10月28日, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 32, 1 - 4, 日本語

  • Evaluation of Piezoresistivity for VLS-Grown Silicon Nanowires Under Enormous Elastic Strain
    Nakata Shinya, Kitada Yuma, Wagesreither Stefan, Lugstein Alois, Sugano Koji, Isono Yoshitada
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2015年10月04日, Abstracts of ATEM : International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics : Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 2015(14) (14), 184 - 184, 英語

  • 非対称四点曲げ試験法による単結晶シリコンナノワイヤのせん断ピエゾ抵抗係数の直接計測
    竹下 俊光, 木村 大気, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    This research evaluated the shear piezoresistance property of p-type single crystal silicon nanowire (SiNW) by the asymmetrical four-point bending (AFPB) testing proposed by the authors. We fabricated the p-type SiNW on the AFPB specimen with "V"-shaped notches (V-notches) made of single crystal silicon. Bending the specimen by the asymmetrical four point-supports, simple shear stress can be produced at the center of the specimen. Consequently, we have succeeded in evaluating the shear piezoresistance coefficient of SiNW directly, which was found to be π_<44>=203.28×10^<-11> Pa^<-1> at an impurity concentration of 4×10^<18> cm^<-3>. This value is 2.1 times larger than that of p-type piezoresistors used in conventional piezoresistance sensors on a micrometer scale. The proposed evaluation technique and obtained result will be effective for design application of high-sensitivity mechanical sensors integrating SiNW piezoresistance elements.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2014年09月07日, 年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan, 2014, "J2240304 - 1"-"J2240304-5", 日本語

  • MEMSデバイスによる多層カーボンナノチューブの層間すべり変形機構の解明
    山内 健司, 大森 英明, 磯野 吉正, 屋代 如月
    We have developed the in-situ scanning electron microscopy (SEM) nanomaterial manipulation system including newly designed Electrostatically Actuated NAnotensile Testing devices (EANATs), in order to investigate mechanical characteristics of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) synthesized by an atmosphere pressure-chemical vapor deposition (APCVD). The new EANATs can measure uniaxial tensile displacement of nanomaterials with the capacitive displacement sensor incorporated to the cantilever motion amplification system. The nanomaterial manipulation system functions to pick up an individual MWCNT from a substrate and to fix it on EANATs. Stress-strain relations of MWCNTs were successfully obtained from the nanotensile tests, and Young's moduli were estimated to be 243 to 623 GPa. The shear strength at stick-slip event during interlayer sliding of MWCNTs under tensile loading was directly derived from the shear interaction force in tensile force-displacement curves and SEM observations.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2013年11月04日, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2013(5) (5), 139 - 140, 日本語

  • 大偏差統計理論に基づく楕円体粒子のブラウン運動異方性の評価
    花崎 逸雄, 磯野 吉正
    Brownian motion of an ellipsoid is faster in the longitudinal direction than that in the perpendicular direction. This leads to the diffusion anisotropy while it is isotropic in the long time limit. The mean square displacements from the particle trajectory do not reveal such characteristics and cannot distinguish the dynamics from that of spherical particles. Furthermore, it is often difficult to determine the particle orientiation at every time step of the single particle tracking experiments. In this study, we show that the diffusion anisotropy can be evaluated from the particle trajectory without the information of particle orientation by the statistical quantities based on the large deviation principle in mathematics. The scope of this study is the characterization of fluctuation phenomena beyond the central limit theorem.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2012年11月16日, 流体工学部門講演会講演論文集, 2012, 231 - 232, 日本語

  • Low Temperature Formation Process and Low Load Electrical Contact of a Carbon Nanotube Film Bonded to a Au Film
    Hiroshi Kinoshita, Naganori Koda, Masanori Seki, Masahiro Fujii, Yoshitada Isono, Nobuo Ohmae
    2011年, Proceedings of International Tribology Conference Hiroshima 2011(ITC Hiroshima 2011)

  • MEMS機能デバイスによるナノ厚金薄膜の力学特性評価に関する研究
    呉 衒珍, 磯野 吉正
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2010年03月16日, 関西支部講演会講演論文集, 2010(85) (85), "1 - 2", 日本語

  • MEMS技術によるカーボンナノワイヤの力学特性評価とピエゾ抵抗効果の解明
    木内 万里夫, 松井 真二, 磯野 吉正
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2008年09月16日, M&M材料力学カンファレンス, 2008, "OS0405 - 1"-"OS0405-2", 日本語

  • 応力印加によるバルクシリコンのバンドひずみとピエゾ抵抗物性への効果
    中村 康一, 磯野 吉正, 鳥山 寿之
    We have discussed the deformation of band structure due to stresses and the piezoresistivity in single-crystal bulk silicon based on the first-principles calculations. For n-type bulk silicon, the longitudinal and transverse piezoresistance coefficients originate from the energy gap between the valleys, whereas the shear piezoresistance coefficient arises from a distortion of the "ellipsoids" in the valleys. The distinction between the origins of piezoresistivity can be followed as a dependence on a surface concentration or temperature by our novel procedure to calculate the piezoresistance coefficients. Furthermore, for p-type bulk silicon, we have applied the perturbational approach to the band splitting in the valence bands due to the spin-orbit coupling, and then a more quantitative estimate of the piezoresistance coefficients can be expected.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2008年09月16日, M&M材料力学カンファレンス, 2008, "OS0415 - 1"-"OS0415-2", 日本語

  • シリコンナノワイヤーのピエゾ抵抗効果に関する第一原理計算
    中村 康一, 磯野 吉正, 鳥山 寿之
    We have simulated the piezoresistance coefficients in single-crystal silicon nanowires (SiNWs) based on the first-principle calculations of model structures. Variations of band gaps and curvatures due to tensile stresses will exert an influence on carrier densities and effective masses, and frequently contribute to a drastic turn of the conductivity. In particular, in the <001> SiNW model, uniaxial tensile stress to [001] longitudinal direction causes a sharp drop in band energy of the highest valence band with a small hole effective mass, leading to a drastic decrease in the hole conductivity. It is found that p-type <001> SiNW will be one of the most suitable candidates for nano-scale piezoresistor due to a giant piezoresistivity.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2007年10月24日, M&M材料力学カンファレンス, 2007, 496 - 497, 日本語

  • Koichi Nakamura, Yoshitada Isono, Toshiyuki Toriyama

  • 静電駆動式ナノ引張試験デバイスによるカーボンナノワイヤの力学的特性評価
    木内 万里夫, 磯野 吉正, 杉山 進, 森田 貴彦, 松井 真二
    2005年03月10日, 電気学会研究会資料. MSS, マイクロマシン・センサシステム研究会, 2005(1) (1), 13 - 16, 日本語

  • AFM tensile test of sub-micron thick DLC film for surface modification in MEMS
    Isono Yoshitada, Namazu Takahiro
    This research focuses on revealing mechanical properties of diamond-like carbon (DLC) films for surface modification in MEMS. New compact tensile tester operating in an atomic force microscope (AFM) was developed for characterization of Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and fracture strength of DLC films. The DLC films having sub-micron thickness from 0.2μm to 0.5μm were deposited onto microscale single crystal silicon (SCS) specimens by PE-CVD method of the hot cathode PIG discharge type. Young's moduli of the DLC films in AFM tensile tests ranged from 99 GPa to 112 GPa. AFM tensile tests and nano-indentation tests revealed that Poisson's ratio of DLC films ranged from 0.27 to 0.40. Fracture stress of the films also exhibited from 0.5 GPa to 1.1 GPa, which depended on the film thickness and deposition condition. SEM observations of fracture surfaces suggested that the fracture initiation of DLC/SCS specimens was induced at the boundary between the film and SCS substrate.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2003年09月10日, Abstracts of ATEM : International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics : Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 2003(2) (2), "OS06W0370 - 1"-"OS06W0370-6", 英語

  • 国際会議報告
    磯野 吉正
    2003年02月01日, 電気学会論文誌. E, センサ・マイクロマシン準部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. A publication of Sensors and Micromachines Society, 123(2) (2), 56 - 56, 日本語

  • Chemo-mechanical actuator using self-oscillating gel for artificial cilia
    O Tabata, H Kojima, T Kasatani, Y Isono, R Yoshida
    A chemo-mechanical actuator using self-oscillating polymer gel has been fabricated by a moving mask deep X-ray lithography (M(2)DXL) technique in combination with micro reactive molding technique. The actuator was composed of a polymer gel plate that has micro projection array (bottom diameter of 100 mum, height of 300 mum and pitch of 250 mum) on the surface. The elliptical motion of the micro projection top was confirmed for the first time. The FEM analysis revealed that the lateral and vertical motion of the projection top were mainly resulted from the propagation of the swelling-deswelling deformation of the base plate.

  • AFMを用いたナノ加工・MEMS材料試験技術の開発
    生津 資大, 磯野 吉正
    2002年09月20日, 電気学会研究会資料. PHS, フィジカルセンサ研究会, 2002(7) (7), 35 - 38, 日本語

  • 光造形砥石の創製と性能
    田中 武司, 磯野 吉正
    砥粒加工学会, 2002年03月01日, 砥粒加工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Grinding Engineers, 46(3) (3), 120 - 123, 日本語

  • AFM 内引張り試験装置の開発による DLC 薄膜の力学特性評価
    磯野 吉正, 生津 資大, 寺山 暢之, 田中 武司
    This paper describes mechanical properties of Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) films for the protection of MEMS against their friction and wear. The compact tensile tester operated in atomic force microscope was developed in this research to evaluate Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and fracture strength of DLC films. The DLC films with thickness of 0.2 and 0.3 μm were deposited on 20 μm-thick single crystal silicon specimens by Plasma-enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PE-CVD) method of the hot cathode Penning Ionization Gauge (PIG) discharge type. The AFM tensile test and nano-indentation test were revealed that Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of the DLC films ranged from 99 GPa to 112 GPa, and from 0.36 to 0.46,respectively.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2002年, 関西支部講演会講演論文集, 2002(77) (77), "1 - 29"-"1-30", 日本語

  • UV樹脂砥石
    田中 武司, 磯野 吉正
    砥粒加工学会, 2000年12月01日, 砥粒加工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Grinding Engineers, 44(12) (12), 538 - 541, 日本語

  • 光造形による研磨砥石の開発とその性能評価
    雲宝 広貴, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    The method, which developed the grinding stone by hardening after the abrasive grain layer is laminated by the mixing in the ultraviolet curing resin, is described. And the characteristic of developed grinding stone was evaluated from the polishing experiment. The following results are obtained : (1) it is possible to the change strength and elasticity of the grinding stone and improve the performance by mixing more 2 types of resin. (2) The mechanical strength of is not proportional to the mixture ratio, when using more 2 types of resin. (3) The rapid prototyping (RP) grinding stone has the polishing performance, which is not inferior than that of the general grinding stone.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2000年03月16日, 関西支部講演会講演論文集, 2000(75) (75), "2 - 35"-"2-36", 日本語

  • 紫外線励起によるマシニングの研究 : 基本原理と基礎的現象の検証
    大吉 利洋, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    In this study, The excited state by ultraviolet, the materials of excited conditions react with processing materials more strongly. Since it seems that we can use these reactions as the machining method, it is necessary to inspect the basic principal and phenomenon. The machining experiment shows that this phenomenon was useful, and it was actually confirmed that the effect is same as the basic experiment.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2000年03月16日, 関西支部講演会講演論文集, 2000(75) (75), "2 - 39"-"2-40", 日本語

  • 放電プラズマ焼結装置で作製した傾斜機能材料の特性評価と切削工具の開発
    河合 竜弥, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    In this study, the functionally gradient material that combined heat and abrasion resistance of ceramic and both characteristic of thermal conductivity and mechanical strength of metal, and that supplements the ceramic fragility in the metal, was noticed as cutting tool of aluminum alloy which is difficult to cut material. The material is produced by the Spark Plasma Sintering System, and the application to the tool is evaluated.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2000年03月16日, 関西支部講演会講演論文集, 2000(75) (75), "2 - 49"-"2-50", 日本語

  • Experimental Study on High Pore Rate Formation and Grinding Performance of Porous Metal Bonded Diamond Wheel
    HOANH Troung Son, ISONO Yoshitada, TANAKA Takeshi
    2000年03月01日, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 2000(1) (1), 300 - 300, 英語

  • 分子動力学法による水素含有アモルファスカーボン薄膜の機械的特性評価
    河原 直樹, 磯野 吉正, 中 庸行, 田中 武司
    日本機械学会, 2000年, 熱流体系および固体系のミクロシミュレーションに関する合同シンポジウム・分子動力学シンポジウム講演論文集, 2000(5) (5), 13 - 14, 日本語

  • DLC/a-SiC積層薄膜の付着強度評価クライテリオンの検討
    中 庸行, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司, 寺山 暢之
    1999年09月01日, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 1999(2) (2), 534 - 534, 日本語

  • Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Atomic Scale Indentation and Cutting Process with Atomic Force Microscope
    Isono Yoshitada, Tanaka Takeshi
    This paper describes the effect of the material used for a tool on atomic scale indentation and cutting mechanisms of metal workpieces, by means of molecular dynamics simulations. The interatomic force between the tool and workpiece is assumed to be a two-body interatomic potential using parameters based on the ab-initio molecular orbital calculation for a(Cr, Ni)-(C, Si)_6H_9 atom cluster. Molecular dynamics simulated the atomic scale indentation and cutting process of the chromium and nickel workpieces using the diamond, silicon and diamond-like carbon(DLC) tools. The diamond and DLC tools formed the indentation mark. Young's modulus of the chromium and nickel in indentation simulations was larger than that in experiments. This was qualitatively explained by the effect of the surface energy for the workpiece on the elastic modulus. The machinability of the chromium and nickel with the diamond tool was better than that of the silicon tool in atomic scale cutting simulations. The depth of the cut for the workpieces in nano scale cutting experiments with AFM, was similar to that in atomic scale cutting by molecular dynamics simulations.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 1999年04月15日, JSME international journal. Series A, Solid mechanics and material engineering, 42(2) (2), 158 - 166, 英語

  • 易流動性液体の漏れ防止に関する研究(第2報) -バルブの角だれが漏れ量に及ぼす影響について-
    田中 武司, 磯野 吉正, 山崎 雅人
    1998年03月05日, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 1998(1) (1), 677 - 677, 日本語

  • 超砥粒ホイールによる低温研削加工に関する研究(第3報) -軟鋼研削における冷風研削特性について-
    片岡 健一, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司, 盛貞 悦一
    1998年03月05日, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 1998(1) (1), 281 - 281, 日本語

  • DLC/TMS-SiC積層薄膜の付着強度評価
    山本 和人, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司, 寺山 暢之
    1998年03月05日, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 1998(1) (1), 434 - 434, 日本語

  • PZT系セラミックスのマイクロ研削における微小変形破壊機構
    脇坂 宣範, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    1998年03月05日, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 1998(1) (1), 468 - 468, 日本語

  • DLC/TMS-SiC 積層薄膜の付着強度評価
    磯野 吉正, 田中 武司, 山本 和人, 寺山 暢之
    日本材料学会, 1998年, 学術講演会講演論文集, 47, 187 - 188, 日本語

  • ファインセラミックスの加工特異性に関する研究(第9報)ジルコニア/ニッケル複合材料の創製と研削特性
    田中 武司, 磯野 吉正, 益田 智史
    1997年10月01日, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 1997(2) (2), 384 - 384, 日本語

  • Three-Dimensional Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Atomic scale Precision Processing Using a Pin Tool
    Isono Yoshitada, Tanaka Takeshi
    This paper describes the effect of temperature and interatomic force between a workpiece and tool on the atomic-scale cutting mechanism, by means of molecular dynamics simulation. The interatomic force between the workpiece and tool is assumed to be derived from the Morse potential function. Molecular dynamics cutting simulations were carried out using a rigid pin tool, with changing of the temperature and the value of Morse potential parameters γ_0, D and α. The increase in the potential parameters D and α resulted in the positive effect of surface roughness, but the increase in the parameter γ_0 and temperature resulted in the negative effect of surface roughness. Chip formation and side flow resulted due to the collision between the workpiece and tool, which lead to a temperature increase of the workpiece. The surface of workpieces observed experimentally in micro-scale cutting was similar to that in atomic-scale cutting by molecular dynamics simulation.
    一般社団法人日本機械学会, 1997年07月15日, JSME international journal. Series A, Solid mechanics and material engineering, 40(3) (3), 211 - 218, 英語

  • 光造形法によるナノグラインディングホイールの開発(第一報) -試作アルミナホイールによる2, 3の実験結果-
    進藤 寛英, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    1997年03月01日, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 1997(1) (1), 1107 - 1108, 日本語

  • メタリファイドボンドダイヤモンドホイールの開発と研削性能に関する研究(第5報) -結合橋の強じん化と研削性能の関連性について-
    大泉 直規, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    1997年03月01日, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 1997(1) (1), 251 - 252, 日本語

  • 第一原理計算に基づくcBNの物性評価(第一報) -原子間ポテンシャルの構築-
    岸本 宏一, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司
    1996年09月01日, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 1996(2) (2), 89 - 90, 日本語

  • 超砥粒ホイールによる低温研削加工に関する研究(第2報) -冷却方式と研削特性の関連性について-
    片岡 健一, 高橋 毅, 磯野 吉正, 田中 武司, 盛貞 悦一
    1996年09月01日, 精密工学会大会学術講演会講演論文集, 1996(2) (2), 665 - 666, 日本語

■ 書籍等出版物
  • カーボンナノチューブの表面処理・分散技術と複合化事例
    分担執筆, 第10章第6節「多層カーボンナノチューブの機械・電気特性評価」, 技術情報協会, 2019年12月, 日本語, ISBN: 9784861047725

  • 小さなものをつくるためのナノ/サブミクロン評価法
    肥後 矢吉, 谷川 紘, 鈴木 健一郎, 磯野 吉正, 荻 博次, 土屋 智由, 石山 千恵美
    共著, コロナ社, 2015年07月, 日本語

  • Characterization of Materials (2nd edition), Volume 1, Chapter; Characterizing Micro and Nanomaterials Using MEMS Technology (by Yoshitada Isono)
    Elton N. Kaufmann, Yoshitada Isono
    その他, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., U. S. A.,, 2012年11月, 英語

  • Electronic States and Piezoresistivity in Silicon Nanowires: Chapter 15 "Nanowires"
    Koichi Nakamura, Dzung Viet Dao, Yoshitada Isono, Toshiyuki Toriyama, Susumu Sugiyama
    共著, InTech, 2010年10月, 英語

  • 電気学会技術報告1060号「ナノシステム創製を支える最新ナノテクノロジー」, 第4章4.2節ナノ材料評価・ナノデバイス創製を支えるナノ実験力学の展開,
    磯野 吉正
    その他, (社)電気学会, 2006年05月, 日本語

  • 矢川元基・編「構造工学ハンドブック」, 第12章12.3節ナノ・マイクロ構造設計, 第12章12.4節ナノ・マイクロ解析法
    磯野 吉正, 樋口俊郎
    その他, 丸善株式会社, 2004年03月, 日本語

  • 樋口俊郎・編「マイクロマシン技術総覧」, 第1編2章マイクロ材料第1節シリコン
    磯野 吉正, 矢川元基
    その他, 産業技術サービスセンター, 2003年01月, 日本語

■ 講演・口頭発表等
  • 単結晶シリコン薄膜定常クリープ特性の結晶方位依存性
    尹 聖午, 堀川 宇則, 澤田 和磨, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第38回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • 電気的・光学的1分子計測に向けた金ナノ粒子二量体ナノギャップの作製・制御・評価
    住友 孝行, 常 沅芷, 森田 明宏, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第38回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • ウエハレベルパッケージ技術による低侵襲医療用極小3軸MEMS触覚センサの作製
    今西 智也, 宮本 桂寿, 東 駿太郎, 大木 舜介, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 青野 宇紀, 磯野 吉正
    第38回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • Promotion of perpendicular growth of silicon nanowires by MACE-formed surface nanoholes
    Akio Uesugi, Syusuke Nishiyori, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2021), 2021年10月, 英語

  • Characterization of nanogap with gold nanoparticle dimer controlled by four-point bending for electrical and optical single molecule measurement
    Yuanzhi Chang, Takayuki Sumitomo, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2021), 2021年10月, 英語

  • Growth Direction of VLS Silicon Nanowires with Surface Nanoholes Formed Using MACE
    Akio Uesugi, Taiju Horita, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    33rd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2020), 2020年11月, 英語

  • Electrical and Optical Characterization of Nanogap Electrodes with an Assembled Gold Nanoparticle Chain
    Takayuki Sumitomo, Akihiro Morita, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    33rd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2020), 2020年11月, 英語

  • マイクロ振動子のたわみ制御による振動型光センサの高感度化
    竹上 航平, 新居 直之, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第37回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2020年10月, 日本語

  • 金ナノ構造光吸収体集積静電型マイクロ振動子デバイスによる近赤外光強度センシング
    鈴木 隆正, 中藤 康太, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第37回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2020年10月, 日本語

  • 高温パンチクリープ成形技術を用いた3軸力覚センサの開発および被覆樹脂の粘弾性特性を考慮したセンサ性能評価
    澤田 和磨, 丹村 響介, 大坂 憲司, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第37回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2020年10月, 日本語

  • 光センシングマイクロ共振デバイスの梁長さおよび振幅が計測分解能に与える影響
    近藤 直輝, 竹上 航平, 新居 直之, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第37回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2020年10月, 日本語

  • 金ナノ粒子二量体を用いたナノギャップ電極の作製とその電気的・光学的評価
    住友 孝行, 森田 明宏, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第37回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2020年10月, 日本語

  • 近赤外吸収体を有する静電型マイクロ振動子デバイスを用いた水の分光測定
    鈴木 隆正, 中藤 康太, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第37回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2020年10月, 日本語

  • 金ナノ構造を用いた波長依存性を有するSOI型近赤外ボロメータ素子
    坪田 達也, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第37回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2020年10月, 日本語

  • MEMS-based strain engineering for epitaxial grown semiconductive nanowires
    Yoshitada Isono
    8th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN2020),, 2020年02月, 英語

  • Evaluation of Thermoelectric Properties of VLS-Grown Bridged Si Nanowire
    A. Uesugi, R. Kitagawa, R. Oguni, K. Sugano, Y. Isono
    32nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2020), 2019年11月, 英語

  • Near-Infrared Light Absorbers Using Si-Deposited Gold Nanowire Grating Structures
    K. Takegami, N. Arai, A. Uesugi, K. Sugano, Y. Isono
    32nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2020), 2019年11月, 英語

  • Effect of The Numbers of Beams and Corners on Resonant Frequency Response of Silicon Microresonator to Near-Infrared-Light Irradiation for Optical Sensing
    K. Takegami, N. Arai, A. Uesugi, K. Sugano, Y. Isono
    32nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2020), 2019年11月, 英語

  • Effect of Gold Nanoparticle Diameter on Raman Intensity of DNA Oligomers toward Single Nucleobase Detection
    K. Murotani, K. Maruoka, A. Uesugi, K. Sugano, Y. Isono
    32nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2020), 2019年11月, 英語

  • Microresonator-Based Photodetector of Near-Infrared Light Using Electrostatic Transducers
    K. Nakafuji, A. Uesugi, K. Sugano, Y. Isono
    32nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2020), 2019年11月, 英語

  • シリコンマイクロ振動子光センサにおける共振周波数特性の形状依存性
    竹上 航平, 新居 直之, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2019年11月, 日本語

  • 静電型マイクロ振動子トランスデューサを用いたシリコン近赤外光強度センサ
    中藤 康太, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2019年11月, 日本語

  • 金ナノ粒子二量体表面増強ラマン分光によるDNA オリゴマーの1 塩基検出
    金谷 恭臣, 丸岡 克成, 森田 明宏, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2019年11月, 日本語

  • 金ナノグレーティング構造の光吸収ピーク波長制御による高感度レーザ波長計測マイクロ振動子デバイス
    竹上 航平, 新居 直之, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2019年11月, 日本語

  • コアシェルSiC ナノワイヤの電気伝導性に及ぼすシェル表面電位
    井ノ山 滉大, 仲田 進哉, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2019年11月, 日本語

  • 架橋成長Si ナノワイヤの熱電特性評価に関する研究
    北川 諒, 岸本 卓巳, 小國 凌, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2019年11月, 日本語

  • 結晶シリコン薄膜の高温パンチクリープ成形による極小3軸力覚センサの開発
    丹村 響介, 大坂 憲司, 豊田 崇夫, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第3回マルチスケール材料力学シンポジウム, 2019年05月, 日本語

  • Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of DNA Bases Using Gold Nanoparticle Dimer Array
    Katsunari Maruoka, Kohei Ikegami, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2018), 2018年11月, 英語, 国際会議

  • Development of 3D Formed Tactile Sensor by High Temperature Punch Creep Forming Technique
    Kyosuke Nimura, Kenji Osaka, Takao Toyoda, Akio Uesugi, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2018), 2018年11月, 英語, 国際会議

  • VLS成長SiNW単体に対する熱電変換特性評価
    北川 諒, 井本 大暉, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第35回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2018年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • Si薄膜被覆金ナノグレーティング構造の近赤外域光吸収スペクトル偏光依存性
    新居 直之, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第35回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2018年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 単結晶シリコン薄膜の高温パンチクリープ成形による極小3軸力覚センサの開発
    丹村 響介, 大坂 憲司, 豊田 崇夫, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    日本材料学会マルチスケール材料力学シンポジウム, 2018年05月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Adenine Molecule Using Single Dimer of Gold Nanoparticles
    Katsunari Maruoka, Kohei Ikegami, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2017), 2017年11月, 英語, 国際会議

  • Laser Wavelength Measurement Using Gold Nanoparticle Aggregate Integrated Microresonator
    Koji Sugano, Shuji Joya, Naoyuki Arai, Yuki Tanaka, Etsuo Maeda, Reo Kometani, Yoshitada Isono
    30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2017), 2017年11月, 英語, 国際会議

  • 単一金ナノ粒子二量体を用いた表面増強ラマン分光によるDNAオリゴマー1分子検出
    丸岡 克成, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第34回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2017年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 高温クリープ立体成形技術による極小MEMS触覚センサの開発研究
    大坂 憲司, 中田 悟史, 山本 賢祐, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第34回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2017年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • Si薄膜被覆金ナノワイヤグレーティング構造の近赤外域光学特性評価
    新居 直之, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第34回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2017年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • Evaluation of mechano-electric properties for VLS-grown core/shell silicon carbide nanowires
    Shinya Nakata, Daiki Imoto, Francesca Rossi, Giancarlo Salviati, Alois Lugstein, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    14th International Conference on Fracture, 2017年06月, 英語, 国際会議

  • VLS成長Core/Shell-SiCナノワイヤのピエゾ抵抗効果に及ぼすSiO2被覆の影響
    仲田 進哉, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    日本材料学会マルチスケール材料力学シンポジウム, 2017年05月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 単一金ナノ粒子二量体を用いたアデニンの表面増強ラマン分光検出
    丸岡 克成, 池上 晃平, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    フィジカルセンサ/マイクロマシン・センサシステム合同研究会, 2016年12月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • Si薄膜被覆金ナノワイヤアレイ構造の光学特性評価
    新居 直之, 城谷 修司, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    フィジカルセンサ/マイクロマシン・センサシステム合同研究会, 2016年12月, 日本語, ,城谷修司,菅野公二,磯野吉正, 国内会議

  • Piezoresistance effect of VLS-synthesized core/shell-SiC nanowires
    Shinya Nakata, Daiki Imoto, Koji Sugano, Francesca Rossi, Alois Lugstein, Yoshitada Isono
    International Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology2016, 2016年12月, 英語, 国際会議

  • Near Infrared Optical Absorption Property of Gold Nanoparticle Aggregates for Laser Wavelength Measurement
    Shuji Joya, Naoyuki Arai, Yuki Tanaka, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    International Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology2016, 2016年12月, 英語, 国際会議

  • High temperature creep forming technique of single crystal silicon thin film for 3D MEMS tactile sensors
    Kensuke Yamamoto, Satoshi Nakata, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    International Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology2016, 2016年12月, 英語, 国際会議

  • Highly-Sensitive and Rapid Detection of DNA bases using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy with Gold Nanoparticle Dimer Array
    Kohei Ikegami, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    International Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology2016, 2016年12月, 英語, 国際会議

  • Single-Molecule Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of 4,4'-bipyridine on Fabricated Substrates with Directionally Arrayed Gold Nanoparticle Dimers
    Koji Sugano, Kiyohito Aiba, Kohei Ikegami, Yoshitada Isono
    29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2016), 2016年11月, 英語, 国際会議

  • Optimization of Gold Nanorod Array Structure on Microresonator for Resonant-Based Laser Wavelength Measurement Using Photothermal Conversion
    Koji Sugano, Yuki Tanaka, Etsuo Maeda, Reo Kometani, Yoshitada Isono
    29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2016), 2016年11月, 英語, 国際会議

  • Mechanical Characterization of VLS-Grown Core-Shell SiC Nanowires for Nanomechanical Sensors
    Shinya Nakata, Koji Sugano, Francesca Rossi, Giancarlo Salyiati, Alois Lugstein, Yoshitada Isono
    29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2016), 2016年11月, 英語, 国際会議

  • Characterization Method of Relative Raman Enhancement for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Using Gold Nanoparticle Dimer Array
    Kohei Ikegami, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2016), 2016年11月, 英語, 国際会議

  • 金ナノ粒子二量体配列を用いたDNA塩基の高感度・高速表面増強ラマン分光
    池上 晃平, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第33回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2016年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 金ナノロッド構造を用いた光熱変換によるレーザ光波長計測マイクロ振動子デバイス
    菅野 公二, 田中 祐樹, 前田 悦男, 米谷 玲皇, 磯野 吉正
    第33回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2016年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 逆解析手法による単結晶Si薄膜の高温クリープ特性解明と触覚センサ開発への応用
    山本 賢祐, 中田 悟史, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第33回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2016年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 逆解析による単結晶Si薄膜の三次元高温クリープ成形加工技術の確立
    山本 賢祐, 中田 悟史, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    日本機械学会 M&M2016材料力学カンファレンス, 2016年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • VLSボトムアップ成長Core/Shell-SiCナノワイヤのMEMS援用ピエゾ抵抗特性評価
    仲田 進哉, 井本 大暉, Feancesca Rossi, Alois Lugstein, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第33回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2016年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 逆解析手法による単結晶シリコン薄膜の高温クリープ三次元成形加工技術の確立
    山本 賢祐, 中田 悟史, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    マルチスケール材料力学シンポジウム, 2016年05月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 3C-SiCNWのMEMS援用Elastic Strain Engineering研究 -ピエゾ抵抗効果の実験解明
    仲田 進哉, 井本 大暉, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    マルチスケール材料力学シンポジウム, 2016年05月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • Fabrication and Characterization of CNT Forest Integrated Micromechanical Resonator for Rarefied Gas Sensor
    Koji Sugano, Ryu Matsumoto, Ryota Tsutsui, Hiroyuki Kishihara, Naoki Matsuzuka, Yoshitada Isono
    The 11th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016), 2016年04月, 英語, 国際会議

  • Crystal Orientation Dependence of Piezoresistivity for VLS-Grown Single Crystal Silicon Nanowires
    Shinya Nakata, Yuma Kitada, Stefan Wagesreither, Alois Lugstein, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    The 11th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016), 2016年04月, 英語, 国際会議

  • Gold Nanoparticle Synthesis Using High-Speed Pulsed Mixing Microfluidic Device
    Koji Sugano, Ayumi Maedomari, Yuki Tanaka, Yoshitada Isono
    28th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2015), 2015年11月, 英語, 国際会議

  • 金ナノ粒子二量体配列を用いた表面増強ラマン分光におけるラマン増強度評価法
    池上 晃平, 饗庭 清仁, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第32回「センサ・マイクロマシン と応用システム」シンポジウム, 2015年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 金ナノ粒子二量体配列を用いたDNA塩基の表面増強ラマン分光
    饗庭 清仁, 池上 晃平, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第32回「センサ・マイクロマシン と応用システム」シンポジウム, 2015年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 金ナノ粒子二量体配列における表面増強ラマン分光1分子検出特性
    饗庭 清仁, 池上 晃平, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第32回「センサ・マイクロマシン と応用システム」シンポジウム, 2015年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 金ナノ粒子直線状配列を用いた表面増強ラマン分光の特性評価
    池上 晃平, 竹下 俊光, 饗庭 清仁, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第32回「センサ・マイクロマシン と応用システム」シンポジウム, 2015年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • VLS成長シリコンナノワイヤの歪み誘起電気伝導特性の結晶方位依存性
    仲田 進哉, 北田 勇馬, Stefan Wagesreither, Alois Lugstein, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第32回「センサ・マイクロマシン と応用システム」シンポジウム, 2015年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • Evaluation of Piezoresistivity for VLS-Grown Silicon NanowiresUnder Enormous Elastic Strain
    Sinya Nakata, Yuma Kitada, Stefan Wagesreither, Alois Lugstein, Koji Sugano, Yoshitada Isono
    International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2015 (ATEM'15), 2015年10月, 英語, 国際会議

  • 直線状金ナノ粒子配列の表面増強ラマン分光特性
    竹下 俊光, 池上 晃平, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    平成27年度電気学会マイクロマシン・センサシステム部門総合研究会, 2015年07月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Analysis Using Micro/Nanofluidic Devices with Gold Nanoparticle-Embedded Nanochannels
    Koji Sugano, Keisuke Suekuni, Toshimitsu Takeshita, Yoshitada Isono
    27th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2014), 2014年11月, 英語, Fukuoka, Japan, 国際会議

  • 半導体ナノワイヤ物性評価のためのMEMS-Based Strain Engineering
    北田 勇真, 川瀬 真也, 菅野 公二, Stefan Wagesreither, Alois Lugstein, 磯野 吉正
    第31回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2014年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 金粒子配列ナノ流路を用いた表面増強ラマン分光分析デバイス
    竹下 俊光, 末國 啓輔, 饗庭 清仁, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第31回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2014年10月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • MEMS デバイスによる多層カーボンナノチューブの層間すべり変形機構の解明
    竹下 俊光, 木村 大気, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    日本機械学会2014年度年次大会, 2014年09月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 表面増強ラマン分光法のための金粒子配列ナノチャンネルの作製
    末國 啓輔, 竹下 俊光, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第30回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2013年11月, 日本語, 仙台, 国内会議

  • MEMS デバイスによる多層カーボンナノチューブの層間すべり変形機構の解明
    山内 健司, 大森 英明, 磯野 吉正, 屋代 如月
    日本機械学会 マイクロ・ナノ工学部門主催第5回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2013年11月, 日本語, 仙台, 国内会議

  • Development of MWCNT Embedded Micromechanical Resonator Working as rarefied Gas Sensor
    松本 竜, 岸原 宏幸, 菅野 公二, 花崎 逸雄, 山下 一郎, 浦岡 行治, 磯野 吉正
    応用物理学会 関西支部第2回講演会, 2013年10月, 日本語, 奈良, 国内会議

  • MWCNT-Embedded MEMS Resonator Fabricated by Bio-MEMS Compatible Process for Rarefied Gas Sensing
    Koji Sugano, Ryu Matsumoto, Yukiharu Uraoka, Ichiro Yamashita, Yoshitada Isono
    2013 JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia, 2013年09月, 英語, Kyoto, 国際会議

  • Experimental Nano Mechanics for Silicon & Carbon Nanomaterials Using MEMS Technology
    Yoshitada Isono
    25th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, 2012年11月, 英語

  • Wear Durability of Au Coated MWCNT Contact Electrodes for Micro Switch
    Keisuke Suekuni, Naganori Khoda, Itsuo Hanasaki, Yoshitada Isono, Hiroshi Kinoshita
    Proceedings of the 30th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems, 2012 Annual Conference of Sensors and Micromachines, 2012年10月, 日本語, 社団法人 電気学会, 北九州市, 国内会議

  • Mechanical Characterization of Nano-thick Au Thin Films at Elevated Temperatures
    Shinnya Kawase, Hyunjin Oh, Itsuo Hanasaki, Yoshitada Isono
    Proceedings of the 30th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems,, 2012年10月, 日本語, 社団法人 電気学会, 北九州市, 国内会議

  • 高分解能MEMS容量センサ搭載ナノ材料特性評価システムの開発と多層CNT破壊メカニズムの解明
    大森 英明, 貞方 光尊, 坪倉 一孝, 花崎 逸雄, 磯野 吉正
    第28回センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム, 2011年09月, 日本語, 東京, 国内会議

  • Evaluation of mechanical properties of sub 100 nm-thick Au thin films for nano transfer printing
    Hyun-Jin Oh, Itsuo Hanasaki, Yoshitada Isono
    International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2011 (ATEM'11), 2011年09月, 英語, Kobe, 国際会議

  • CNT実装MEMS共振型ガスセンサの開発
    岸原 宏幸, 原 拓也, 鄭 彬, 浦岡 行治, 山下 一郎, 松塚 直樹, 花崎 逸雄, 磯野 吉正
    第28回センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム, 2011年09月, 日本語, 東京, 国内会議

  • Carbon Nanotubes-embedded MEMS Resonator Device for Hydrogen Gas Sensing System
    Takuya Hara, Hiroyuki Kishihara, Itsuo Hanasaki, Bin Zheng, Ichiro Yamashita, Yukiharu Uraoka, Naoki Matsuzuka, Yoshitada Isono
    International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2011 (ATEM'11), 2011年09月, 英語, Kobe, 国際会議

  • 共振周波数調節機能を備えたダイナミックモードAFMカンチレバーの開発
    橋本 佳彦, 花崎 逸雄, 磯野 吉正
    第27回 センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム シンポジウム, 2010年10月, 日本語, 島根, 国内会議

  • Mechanical characterization of sub-100nm-thick Au film by tensile testing device based on MEMS technology
    Hyun-Jin Oh, Itsuo Hanasaki, Yoshitada Isono
    第27回 センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム シンポジウム, 2010年10月, 日本語, 島根, 国内会議

  • Experimental Nanomechanics for FIB-CVD Carbon Nanowires Using MEMS Devices
    Yoshitada Isono
    The 5th International Symposium on Nanoscale Mechatronics & Manufacturing(ISNMM), 2010年08月, 英語, Seoul, 国際会議

  • 多段階交互塗布による基板上へのフェリチン分子吸着密度制御と高密度化
    花崎 逸雄, 田中 利宏, 磯野 吉正, 鄭 彬, 浦岡 行治, 山下 一郎
    第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2010年03月, 日本語, 神奈川県平塚市, 国内会議

  • MEMS機能デバイスによるナノ厚金薄膜の力学特性評価に関する研究
    呉 衒珍, 磯野 吉正
    日本機械学会関西支部第85期定時総会講演会, 2010年03月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 変断面両端固定梁を有する静電駆動MEMS共振器の簡易設計手法の構築
    磯野 吉正, 松塚 直樹, 原 拓也
    日本機械学会2009年度年次大会, 2009年09月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • タンパク質分子のリフトオフプロセスを用いたCNT形成技術
    花崎 逸雄, 呉 衒珍, 鄭 彬, 浦岡 行治, 山下 一郎, 磯野 吉正
    2009年度精密工学会秋季大会, 2009年09月, 日本語, 神戸, 国内会議

  • Scanning Probe Parallel Nanolithography for NEMS Fabrication Using MEMS Cantileber Array
    ISONO Yoshitada
    Korea-Japan-China MEMS Standardization Workshop, 2009年06月, 英語, IEC Korian National Committee, Jeju, Korea, 国際会議

  • MEMS技術を用いた実験ナノメカニクスの展開
    磯野 吉正
    第129回日本材料学会破壊力学部門委員会講演会, 2009年05月, 日本語, 日本材料学会, 京都, 国内会議

  • n型バルクシリコンにおけるピエゾ抵抗係数のキャリア濃度・温度依存シミュレーション
    中村 康一, 磯野 吉正, 鳥山 寿之, 杉山 進
    第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2009年03月, 日本語, つくば, 国内会議

  • Process Condition od Scanning Probe Nanolithography Using Positive EB Resist
    ANGGRAINI Lydia, MATSUDUKA Naoki, ISONO Yoshitada
    The 25th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems, 2008年10月, 日本語, IEEJ, Okinawa, 国内会議

  • New technique of Scanning Probe Parallel Nanolithography Using Individually Driving Multi-Probe
    ISONO Yoshitada, WATANABE Naoki, SASAKI Tohru, NAGAMURA Toshihiko, OCHI Toshihiko
    2nd IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, 2008年10月, 英語, IEEE, Kyoto, 国際会議

  • MEMS設計工学の体系化とその必要性
    磯野 吉正
    日本機械学会2007年度年次大会, 2008年10月, 日本語, JSME, 吹田市, 国内会議

  • First-Principles Simulation on Orientation Dependence of Piezoresistance Properties in Silicon Nanowires
    NAKAMURA Koichi, ISONO Yoshitada, TORIYAMA Toshiyuki
    21th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, 2008年10月, 英語, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Fukuoka, 国際会議

  • Electronic States in Silicon Nanowires and Prospects of Their Piezoresistivity
    NAKAMURA Koichi, ISONO Yoshitada, TORIYAMA Toshiyuki, SUGIYAMA Susumu
    The 25th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems, 2008年10月, 日本語, IEEJ, Okinawa, 国内会議

  • 応力印加によるバルクシリコンのバンドひずみとピエゾ物性への効果
    中村 康一, 磯野 吉正, 鳥山寿之
    日本機械学会材料力学カンファレンス, 2008年09月, 日本語, JSME, 草津, 国内会議

  • MEMS技術によるカーボンナノワイヤの力学特性評価とピエゾ抵抗効果の解明
    木内 万里夫, 松井 真二, 磯野 吉正
    日本機械学会材料力学カンファレンス, 2008年09月, 日本語, JSME, 草津, 国内会議

  • 単結晶シリコン材料のピエゾ抵抗物性シミュレーション
    中村 康一, 磯野 吉正, 鳥山寿之
    日本機械学会2008年次大会, 2008年08月, 日本語, JSME, 横浜, 国内会議

  • MHz帯域RF-MEMS共振器の設計開発
    松塚 直樹, 磯野 吉正
    日本機械学会2008年次大会, 2008年08月, 日本語, JSME, 横浜, 国内会議

  • 第一原理計算による単結晶シリコンナノワイヤーのピエゾ抵抗係数予測
    中村 康一, 磯野 吉正, 鳥山 寿之
    第55回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2008年03月, 日本語, 千葉, 国内会議

  • 光リソグラフィ技術の限界と自己組織化によるナノパターニング技術
    磯野 吉正
    電子ジャーナル講演会[サブ45nm世代の超高精度微細加工技術],, 2007年11月, 日本語, (株)電子ジャーナル, 仙台市, 国内会議

  • MEMSプローブによるナノパターニング技術
    磯野 吉正
    第4回オープンワークショップ「バイオとナノテクノロジーの融合研究」, 2007年11月, 日本語, 文部科学省リーディングプロジェクト(LP)「ナノテクノロジーを利用した新しい原理のデバイス開発」, 東京都江東区, 国内会議

  • First-Principle Study on Piezoresistance Effect in Silicon Nanowires
    NAKAMURA Koichi, ISONO Yoshitada, TORIYAMA Toshiyuki
    20th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2007), 2007年11月, 英語, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Kyoto, 国際会議

  • シリコンナノワイヤのピエゾ抵抗効果に関する第一原理計算
    中村 康一, 磯野 吉正, 鳥山 寿之
    M&M2007材料力学カンファレンス, 2007年10月, 日本語, JSME, 東京都目黒区, 国内会議

  • Development of Scanning Probe Parallel Nanowriting System with Individually Driving Multi-Probe Cantilever Array
    ISONO Yoshitada, WATANABE Naoki, URUSHIHARA Naoki, KAKINAGA Takamitsu, NAGANUMA Toshihiko, SASAKI Toru
    The 24th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems, 2007年10月, 日本語, IEEJ, Funabashi, 国内会議

  • 非対称四点曲げ試験法によるマイクロSi構造体のせん断強度評価
    鈴木 竜生, 小河 真仁, 磯野 吉正
    日本機械学会2007年度年次大会, 2007年09月, 日本語, JSME, 吹田市, 国内会議

  • MEMS技術に基づく実験ナノメカニクス
    磯野 吉正
    日本機械学会2007年度年次大会, 2007年09月, 日本語, JSME, 吹田市, 国内会議

  • Ti-Ni SMA Film-Actuated 2-D Multi-Probe Array for Scanning Probe Nano-lithography on a Wide Area
    OKAMURA Yuta, NAMAZU Takahiro, KAMOYAMA Daisuke, URUSHIHARA Naoki, SASAKI Toru, NAGAMURA Toshihiko, ISONO Yoshitada
    The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 2007年06月, 英語, IEEE, Lyon, France, 国際会議

  • Experimental Micro/Nano Mechanics for MEMS
    ISONO Yoshitada
    Workshop on MEMS Standardization, 2007年06月, 英語, The International Electron Commission, Beijing, China, 国際会議

  • Evaluation of Piesoresistive Effects for Carbon Nanowire Using MEMS Actuators
    KIUCHI Mario, ISONO Yoshitada, MATSUI Shinji, NAKAMATSU Kenichiro
    The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 2007年06月, 英語, IEEE, Lyon, France, 国際会議

  • Development of Scanning Probe Parallel Nanowriting System with Electron Beam Resist
    MATSUZUKA Naoki, TANAKA Bungo, NAGAMURA Toshihiko, SASAKI Tohru, NAMAZU Takahiro, ISONO Yoshitada
    The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 2007年06月, 英語, IEEE, Lyon, France, 国際会議

  • MEMS駆動マルチプローブアレイによるパラレルナノライティング技術の開発
    磯野 吉正
    日本材料学会マイクロマテリアル部門委員会, 2007年04月, 日本語, 日本材料学会マイクロマテリアル部門委員会, 草津市, 国内会議

  • Thermal Actuated Multi-Probes Cantilever Array for Scanning Probe Parallel Nano Writing System
    磯野 吉正
    Technical Digest of The 20th IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2007, 2007年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Novel Shear Strength Evaluation of MEMS Materials Using Asymmetrical Four-Point Bending Technique
    OGAWA Masato, ISONO Yoshitada
    The 20th IEEE International Conference on MEMS, 2007年01月, 英語, IEEE, Kobe, 国際会議

  • hermal Actuated Multi-Probes Cantilever Array for Scanning Probe Parallel Nano Writing System
    WATANABE Naoki, ISONO Yoshitada, KAKINAGA Takamitsu, NAGAMURA Toshihiko, SASAKI Tohru
    The 20th IEEE International Conference on MEMS, 2007年01月, 英語, IEEE, Kobe, 国際会議

  • 非対称四点曲げ試験法に基づいたマイクロシリコン構造体のせん断強度評価
    小河 真仁, 磯野 吉正
    第50回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会, 2006年12月, 日本語, 日本学術会議, 京都市, 国内会議

  • マイクロシリコン構造体の完全両振り曲げ疲労試験の確立
    坂本 雄一, 磯野 吉正
    第50回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会, 2006年12月, 日本語, 日本学術会議, 京都市, 国内会議

  • MEMS技術で作製した静電駆動型ナノ引張試験デバイスによるカーボンナノワイヤの機械・電気特性評価
    木内 万里夫, 磯野 吉正, 松井 真二, 中松 健一郎
    第50回日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会, 2006年12月, 日本語, 日本学術会議, 京都市, 国内会議

  • マイクロ・ナノマシン設計・開発のための実験力学とナノ微細加工技術
    磯野 吉正
    平成18年度マイクロ・ナノ融合加工技術研究会第3回例会, 2006年11月, 日本語, 京都府中小企業技術センター, 京都市, 国内会議

  • Mechanical and Electrical Characteristics of FIB Deposited Carbon Nanowire Using Electrostatic Actuated NAno Tensile Testing Device
    KIUCHI Mario, ISONO Yoshitada, MATSUI Shinji, NAKAMATSU Kenichiro
    The 23rd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems, 2006年10月, 日本語, IEEJ, Takamatsu, 国内会議

  • Establishment of Probe Nano Writing Technique Using EB Resist And Application to Nano Device
    ONODA Masahiro, TANAKA Bungo, MATSUZUKA Naoki, ISONO Yoshitada
    The 23rd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems, 2006年10月, 日本語, IEEJ, Takamatsu, 国内会議

  • Development of Individually Driving Multi-probes Array for Parallel Nano Writing System
    WATANABE Naoki, ISONO Yoshitada, KAKINAGA Takamitsu, NAGAMURA Toshihiko, SASAKI Tohru
    The 23rd Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems, 2006年10月, 日本語, IEEJ, Takamatsu, 国内会議

  • New Experimental Techniques of Nanofabrication and Nanomechanics based on MEMS
    ISONO Yoshitada
    The Third International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, 2006年09月, 英語, Fraunhofer Institute and University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 国際会議

  • New Approach to Experimental Nanomechanics Using MEMS Technology
    ISONO Yoshitada
    International Conference on SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS, 2006年09月, 英語, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Yokohama, Japan, 国際会議

  • Silicon Anisotropic Wet Etching simulation Using Molecular Dynamics
    URUSHIHARA Naoki, KAKINAGA Takamitsu, TABATA Osamu, ISONO Yoshitada
    The Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, 2006年06月, 日本語, JSCES, 吹田市, 国内会議

  • Development of Electrostatic Actuated Nano Tensile Testing Device for Mechanical and Electrical Characteristics of FIB Deposited Carbon Nanowire
    KIUCHI Mario, MATSUI Shinji, ISONO Yoshitada
    MRS Spring Meeting, 2006年04月, 英語, Materials Research Society, San Francisco, USA, 国際会議

  • MEMS技術を利用した実験力学の新展開
    磯野 吉正
    第148回X線材料強度部門委員会研究討論会資料, 2006年02月, 日本語, 日本材料学会X線材料強度部門委員会, 京都市, 国内会議

  • ナノデバイス創製を支えるナノ加工とナノ実験力学の新展開
    磯野 吉正
    日立ナノテクフォーラム, 2005年12月, 日本語, 日立, 豊中市, 国内会議

  • ナノデバイス創製を支えるナノ実験力学の展開
    磯野 吉正
    ナノテクシンポジウム~NEMS創出を目指して~, 2005年07月, 日本語, 社団法人電気学会センサ・マイクロマシンE部門, 草津市, 国内会議

  • Scanning Probe Parallel Nanolithography Using Multi-Probes Cantilever Array for Silicon Nanodevices
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors,Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’05), 2005年, 英語, 国際会議

  • New Fatigue Damage Evaluation of MEMS Materials under Tension-Compression Cyclic Loading
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 18th IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2005, 2005年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Mechanical Characteristics of FIB Deposited Carbon Nanowire by Electrostatic Actuated Nano Tensile Testing Devices (EANAT)
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 18th IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2005, 2005年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Mechanical and Electrical Properties Evaluation of Carbon Nanowire Using Electrostatic Actuated Nano Tensile Testing Devices (EANAT)
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 5th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2005年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Effect of Gas Flow Ratio in PE-CVD on Elastic Properties of Sub-Micron Thick Silicon Nitride Films for MEMS
    Proc. of The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers’05), 2005年

  • MEMS構造設計のためのマイクロ・ナノ材料評価技術
    磯野 吉正
    第9回関西大学先端科学技術シンポジウム, 2005年01月, 日本語, 関西大学, 吹田市, 国内会議

  • Micro/Nano Materials Testing for Reliable Design of MEMS/NEMS
    ISONO Yoshitada
    The 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science, 2004年11月, 英語, IEEE, Nagoya, Japan, 国際会議

  • Mechanical Characterization of Micro/Nano Materials for Design of MEMS
    ISONO Yoshitada
    The 1st International Symposium for Nanoscale Mechatronics & Manufacturing, 2004年02月, 英語, Center for Nanoscale Mechatronics & Manufacturing, Ministry of Science & Technology in Korea, Seoul, Korea, 国際会議

  • Tensile And Creep Characteristics of UV-LIGA Nickel Structures for Design of Micro Connector
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2004, 2004年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Mechanical Characterization of Micro/Nano Materials for Design of MEMS
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 1st International Symposium for Nanoscale Mechatronics & Manufacturing, 2004年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Improved Potential Function for Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Si Wet Etching
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of Workshop on Physical Chemistry of Wet Etching of Silicon (PCWES2004), 2004年, 英語, 国際会議

  • High-Cycle Fatigue Damage Evaluation for Micro-Nanoscale Single Crystal Silicon under Bending and Tensile Stressing
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 17th IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2004, 2004年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Development of Full-Reversed Bending Fatigue Tester Based on AFM Technique for Cyclic Damage Evaluation of MEMS
    磯野 吉正
    Final Program and Abstract on Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength ’04, 2004年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Scanning Probe Nanolithography Using Self-Assembled Monolayer for Fabrication of Single Electron Transistors
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, 2003年, 英語, 国際会議

  • High-Cycle Fatigue Test of Nanoscale Si and SiO2 Wires Based on AFM Technique
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 16th IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2003, 2003年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Elevated Temperature Tensile/Creep Test of UV-LIGA Nickel Thin Film for Design of High-Density Micro Connector
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, 2003年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Chemo-Mechanical Actuator Using Self-Oscillating Gel for Artificial Cilia
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 16th IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2003, 2003年, 英語, 国際会議

  • AFM Tensile Test of Sub-Micron Thick DLC Film for Surface Modification in MEMS
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2003, 2003年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Simulation of Anisotropic Chemical Etching of Single Crystalline Silicon using Cellular-Automata
    磯野 吉正
    Workshop on Physical Chemistry of Wet Etching of Silicon (PCWES2002), 2002年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Quasi-static/Cyclic Loading Tests of Nanometric SiO2 Wires Using AFM technique for NEMS Designs
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 2002 2nd IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology Nano2002, 2002年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Mechanical Characterization of Sub-micrometer Thick DLC Films by AFM Tensile Testing for Surface Modification in MEMS
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 15th IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2002, 2002年, 英語, 国際会議

  • MEMSのためのマイクロ・ナノスケール材料強度評価
    磯野 吉正
    2001年度年次大会先端技術フォーラム, 2001年09月, 日本語, JSME, 福井市, 国内会議

  • Size Effect on Mechanical Properties of Nano-scale Single Crystal Silicon at Elevated Temperatures
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The International Symposia on Material Science for the 21 Century, 2001年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Plastic Behavior of Nano-Scale Silicon Structure at Intermediate Temperatures
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 10th International Conference on Fracture, 2001年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Fabrication of a Micro Needle for a Trace Blood Test
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 11th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, 2001年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Si(001) and SiO2 Nanobeams Using an Atomic Force Microscope
    磯野 吉正
    Abstract of Tokyo-2001 Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy, 2001年, 英語, 国際会議

  • AFM Bending Testing of Nanometric Single Crystal Silicon Wire at Intermediate Temperatures for MEMS
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 14th IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2001, 2001年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Nano-Scale Bending Test for Si Beams for MEMS
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The 13th IEEE International Conference on MEMS 2000, 2000年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Effect of Microstructure on Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Diamond-Like Carbon Thin Film
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. of The Eighth International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 1999年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Rapid Prototyping –Its New Possibility of Manufacturing of Grinding Wheel-
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. ASPE 1998 Annual Meeting, 1998年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Rapid Prototyping ?Its New Possibility of Manufacturing of Grinding Wheel-
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. ASPE 1998 Annual Meeting, 1998年, 英語, 国際会議

  • Atomic Scale Cutting Process -3D-MD Analyses and SPM observation-
    磯野 吉正
    Proc. ASPE Annual Meeting, 1998年, 英語, 国際会議

  • 光励起ナノギャップ電極を用いたDNA オリゴマーの光トラップおよび1 分子検出
    森田 明宏, 上杉 晃生, 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 日本語

■ 所属学協会
  • 日本材料学会

  • 電気学会

  • IEEE

  • 日本機械学会

■ 共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題
  • 表面ポテンシャル変調を考慮した半導体ナノ細線の弾性歪み誘起電気伝導特性の解明
    磯野 吉正, 菅野 公二
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 2021年04月01日 - 2024年03月31日

  • 菅野 公二, 磯野 吉正
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 2018年04月01日 - 2021年03月31日
    本申請課題では,従来のナノポアなど電気的検出法による次世代DNAシーケンシング技術より高い信頼性を有する新規な技術として,分子識別能力に優れた表面増強ラマン分光(SERS:Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy)によるDNAシーケンシングを提案し,その基盤技術の確立を目的としている。この研究により,メチル化など異常修飾を含めた塩基配列を識別可能なDNAシーケンシング技術が期待される。平成30年度では以下の項目を明らかにすることを目的としてSERSおよび電気的手法によるDNAオリゴマー検出実験を行った。 (1)DNA断片における1塩基検出感度・1塩基空間分解能の実現と諸特性・現象の理解 単一金ナノ粒子二量体を用いてDNAオリゴマーのSERS計測を行った。単一の金ナノ粒子二量体のナノギャップ部分は単一のDNAオリゴマーのみ侵入可能な空間であり,本実験でDNAオリゴマー内容物のラマンピークが観測されることで単一DNAオリゴマーの検出が確認できる。CCCCACCCのDNAオリゴマー内にある種類の塩基(アデニン)が1つのみ含まれる配列にてSERS計測を行った結果,アデニンの明確なラマンピークが検出された。これにより,DNAオリゴマー内の1分子塩基感度の検出・同定が可能であることを実証した。 (2)巨大電磁場増強場におけるDNA断片挙動の理解とマニピュレーション技術の確立 トップダウン加工でナノギャップ電極を形成し,ナノギャップ(巨大電磁場増強場)におけるDNA断片の挙動を電気的計測により調べた。レーザ照射による電磁場増強によって大きな電場勾配が発生するためDNAオリゴマーに誘電泳動力が働くと考えられる。これまでにレーザ照射することでナノギャップ間に電流シグナルが得られた。この結果によりレーザ照射により分子がナノギャップに引き寄せられていることが考えられる。

  • 磯野 吉正, 菅野 公二
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 2018年04月01日 - 2021年03月31日, 研究代表者

  • 向井 敏司, 磯野 吉正, 福本 巧, 池尾 直子, 上杉 晃生
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A), 基盤研究(A), 神戸大学, 2017年04月01日 - 2021年03月31日
    生体内分解性インプラントは経時に伴い体内で分解されるため、抜去手術を必要としないデバイスとして注目されている。本研究ではインプラントの分解に伴う力学的強度をリアルタイムでモニタリングできるシステムの構築を目標としている。平成30年度には、第一原理計算に基づく分解性マグネシウム合金の最適組成設計およびヘテロ構造の形成を通じた強靱化に関する研究を継続して実施した。また、蒸着による検力センサーの実装試行および分解性を評価するための研究を推進した。 分解性マグネシウム合金の最適組成設計については、カルシウムならびに生体為害性が低い元素を第三元素として添加した場合の強度および変形能に及ぼす効果を第一原理計算により予測した。ここでは、溶質元素および原子数; Ca: 1, 第三元素X (Li, K, Sr, Ba, Zn, Mn, Mo, Zr, Cu, Ag, Si, Nd, Gd): 1を設定した。また、粒界モデルには{11-21}や{11-24}など複数種の対応粒界を選定し、第一原理計算により粒界エネルギーが高い粒界構造を決定した。次に、置換元素の偏析エネルギーを計算し、安定な原子配置を決定した。その後、各合金の粒界凝集エネルギーを算出し、破壊し難い合金元素種を決定した。計算により選定した合金を鋳造により試作した後に、強ひずみ加工を施すことにより、強靱化した細線材料を作製した。 センサーの作製については、電子ビーム(EB)蒸着およびスパッタリングの二通りの手法により実施した。ここでは、検力センサーのパターンを形成する方法およびセンサー膜中の不純物が分解速度に及ぼす影響を評価した。擬似体液にハンクス液を用いて試験体を浸漬し、経時に伴う体積減少を確認した。また、検力センサーを実装した試験体に曲げ応力を負荷し、センサーの出力について測定することにより、検力性能を検証した。

  • 磯野 吉正
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 神戸大学, 2018年06月29日 - 2020年03月31日, 研究代表者
    研究の第一年度は、主としてALD装置によるSiNWへのAl2O3被覆絶縁層の形成技術の確立、およびMEMS技術を用いたSiNW群の熱電変換特性評価デバイスの開発研究に取り組んだ。前者においては、SiNWへの被覆には成功したものの、最適条件を抽出するに至っていない。今年度は、薄膜形成中の基板温度制御を高精度に実施できるように、装置を改良する予定である。一方、後者においては、解析研究と実験研究を実施した。先ず解析研究では、SiNW群を用いた熱電変換デバイスに関する熱-電気等価回路モデルを作成し、解析によって熱電変換出力のSiNW密度依存性を解明した。これにより、デバイス開発に必要なSiNW群の密度情報を得ることができた。実験研究においては、触媒用金ナノ粒子のトレンチ側壁への選択的配置の実現、マイクロトレンチ間でのVLS成長SiNW群の架橋、およびTEOSを原料としたSiO2絶縁膜の被覆形成に成功し、SiNW群を用いた熱電変換特性評価デバイスを試作開発することができた。本年度は、このデバイスを用いて、架橋SiNW群のI-V特性評価、ゼーベック電圧の計測を実施した。I-V評価では、金ナノ粒子-Si境界でのショットキー障壁に起因した非線形性が確認された。また、ゼーベック電圧の計測では、温度増加に伴う同電圧増加が確認できた。ただし、ゼーベック電圧は約~35 μVと解析で予想される値より非常に小さくなった。今後、より大きなゼーベック電圧出力を得るために、SiNW群にマイクロヒーターからの熱を効率よく伝えられるように、デバイスに断熱構造を適用する必要があると考えられる。また、今後はデバイス構造およびプロセスフローの再検討を行うとともに、SiNW群に大きい温度差を付与できるヒーター構造を実現していく予定である。

  • 磯野 吉正
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 神戸大学, 2016年04月01日 - 2018年03月31日, 研究代表者

  • 磯野 吉正, 菅野 公二
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 2015年04月01日 - 2018年03月31日, 研究代表者

  • 磯野 吉正
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 神戸大学, 2013年04月01日 - 2015年03月31日, 研究代表者

  • 磯野 吉正, 花崎 逸雄
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 2012年04月01日 - 2015年03月31日, 研究代表者
    本研究では、次世代の高感度力学センサの素子として期待される、Silicon Nanowire(SiNW)の機械-電気連成特性評価を実施した。長さ10um、直径80nmのSiNW単体に対して、単軸歪みを付与しながら電気特性を調べたところ、歪み3%において、<111>方向SiNWの電気伝導率が5倍@3%,<112>方向のそれは1.53倍@3%に達した。また、SiNWのゲージ率は、<111>方向SiNWが-170.7@0.2%を示し、また、<112>方向SiNWは-128.9@0.1%となった。この値はバルクSiより大きな値であり、次世代力学センサ素子として、SiNWは有効であることが示唆された。

  • 木之下 博, 磯野 吉正
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 2010年 - 2012年

  • 二国間交流「ナノ物性評価MEMSデバイスによる半導体ナノワイヤの応力誘起電子伝導の解明」
    磯野 吉正
    二国間交流事業(オーストリアとの共同研究), 2012年, 研究代表者

  • 二国間交流「ナノ物性評価MEMSデバイスによる半導体ナノワイヤの応力誘起電子伝導の解明」
    磯野 吉正
    二国間交流事業(オーストリアとの共同研究), 2011年, 研究代表者

  • MEMSにおける形状計測法に関する標準化
    磯野 吉正
    国際標準共同研究開発事業, 2011年, 研究代表者

  • 磯野 吉正
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 2008年 - 2010年, 研究代表者

  • ナノ・マイクロマシニング技術を援用したピエゾ抵抗ナノ細線の機械・電気特性評価
    磯野 吉正, 杉山 進, 李 年慶
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 立命館大学, 2004年 - 2006年
    本研究では、MEMS技術を用いて高精度で高信頼性を有するナノ材料物性評価技術を確立することを目指すこととした。具体的には、MEMS技術によって作製される静電駆動型マイクロアクチュエータによって、ナノ材料単体に対して高精度に単軸引張荷重を負荷することができる、静電駆動型ナノ引張試験デバイス(Electrostatic Actuated Nano Tensiletesting device: EANAT)を開発するとともに、ナノ材料の機械的性質および単軸応力下での電気抵抗変化を解明することを目的とする。本研究では、供試材料として、集中イオンビーム顕微鏡を用いた化学蒸着法(FIB-CVD法)で形成されるカーボンナノワイヤ(CNW)を採用した。これは、近年シリコン系材料だけに止まらず、カーボン系材料のマイクロ・ナノデバイスへの応用が期待されていることを背景にしている。 EANATを用いてFIB-CVDにより作製した、直径90nmから150nmのCNWの準静的単軸引張試験を実施した結果、ヤング率はばらつきがあるものの、その平均値は59.9GPaを示した。また、破断応力の平均は約4.3GPaであった。さらに、FE-SEM観察によって、CNWの破壊直前に示す非線形変形挙動は、局所的くびれに起因することを明らかにした。 本研究では、CNWの機i械特性評価だけでなく、電気特性評価も併せて実施可能な改良型EANATを開発し、CNWの単軸応力下における電気抵抗変化を評価した。単軸応力下でのCNWの電気抵抗変化挙動は、ひずみの増加に伴い段階的に変化するメカニズムであることが明らかとなった。すなわち、ひずみの初期段階では導体であるガリウムによる金属線的な抵抗変化挙動を示した後、CNW中のガリウムナノ細線が断線してしまう。その後、CNW全体の電気抵抗は水素化アモルファスカーボンが支配的となり、更なるひずみ増加に伴って、抵抗変化率は減少する。最後に、高ひずみ状態になり、ナノワイヤにくびれが生じると電気抵抗が急激に上昇し、再度、抵抗変化率が増加する。 以上のことから、ナノマシン材料としてCNWを適用できると考えられる。

  • マイクロマシニングにより作製したマイクロエンジン構造体の高温疲労試験技術の確立
    李 年慶, 磯野 吉正, 鳥山 寿之
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 立命館大学, 2004年 - 2005年
    第一年度で試作した完全両振りマイクロ曲げ疲労試験装置を用いて、マイクロ構造体の設計の際に必要となる、シリコンマイクロ構造体の疲労寿命を求めた。具体的には、一定荷重の下で、単結晶シリコン製マイクロ試験片の繰り返し疲労試験を実施し、S-N曲線を実験的に求めた。本研究で新開発した完全両振り曲げ疲労試験装置は、一軸PZTアクチュエータ上に設置したマイクロ試験片を、光てこ検出機構上に設置したツインカンチレバーによって挟み込んだ状態で、繰り返し往復運動させることで曲げ応力を同マイクロ試験片に付与する機構となっている。マイクロ試験片に生じる曲げ応力は、原子間力顕微鏡技術に基づいた光てこ検出機構によって、作動電圧値として出力される。本研究においては、ハード設計、システム設計、およびシステム制御プログラムを一貫して新開発することで、高精度な荷重制御の下でマイクロ試験片の繰り返し疲労試験を実施できるようにしている。 第二年度においては、ICP-RIEを用いたドライエッチング法で作製した、厚さ6m、幅30m、長さ100mの片持ちはり型シリコンマイクロ試験片の繰り返し曲げ疲労試験を実施した。ここで、マイクロ試験片の長手方向は単結晶シリコンの<110>方向に、また、繰り返し荷重を受ける試験片表面は(100)面としている。繰り返し疲労試験の結果、同一応力下においては、試験片寸法が小さくなるほど疲労寿命が長くなる傾向が見られた。これは準静的曲げ試験結果と定性的に一致するものであった。一方、片振り繰り返し疲労寿命と完全両振り繰り返し疲労寿命との差違は、試験データ数が少なかったため、明確に見られなかった。今後、試験データ数を増やして、繰り返し負荷モードの違いが疲労寿命に及ぼす影響を、実験的に明らかにする必要があるといえる。

  • イメージベースト重合メッシュ法による不均質体のノンローカル応力解析とその検証
    高野 直樹, 座古 勝, 倉敷 哲生, 磯野 吉正
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 2002年 - 2004年
    独自の重合メッシュ法(mesh superposition method)を用い、実際の不均質材料の3次元ミクロ構造モデリングを高分解能X線CTを用いるイメージベース手法により行う新たな「イメージベースト重合メッシュ法」を提案した。この手法は、これまでのマルチスケール法で取り扱うことが不可能であった継手界面や、局部的に集中して現れる塑性域、損傷域の考慮、ひずみ勾配を考慮した問題などのノンローカル問題に適用可能である。 具体的に、数マイクロメートルの高分解能で微視形態をとらえ、大規模3次元マルチスケール解析を行う。ミクロモデリングを行うために、モルフォロジー分析法についての研究も行った。マクロモデルでは均質化材料モデルを用いるが、任意の複雑なミクロ構造に対応するため均質化法を適用する。すなわち、均質化法と重合メッシュ法の併用解法といえる。重合メッシュ法においてミクロメッシュとマクロメッシュの相関を表す剛性項のために大規模問題となる点については、RCM法によるリナンバリングが有効であることを見いだした。これにより、本研究においても通常のパソコンで約10万要素の3次元解析が可能となった。適用例として多孔質セラミックスをとりあげ、モルフォロジー分析、ミクロ・マクロモデリング、マクロき裂先端におけるミクロ応力解析を実施した。また、精度検証として、イメージベースモデリング手法の妥当性について計測結果と比較して誤差1%程度という良好な結果を得たほか、2次元重合メッシュ法において界面でのミクロ応力解析の精度検証を行った。これらの精度検証の結果は、今後の提案手法の実用化に向けて貴重なデータとなる。また、得られた3次元ミクロ応力分布の可視化および定量的評価のために、応力ヒストグラムなどが容易に処理できるソフトV-SEMを開発した。

  • 単電子デバイス用ナノスケールシリコン量子細線の機械的特性評価技術の開発
    磯野 吉正, 小西 聡
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 立命館大学, 2001年 - 2003年
    本研究では,量子細線用Siナノワイヤに対して,AFM内準静的曲げ試験技術およびオンチップ引張り試験技術を開発することで,これまで困難とされてきたナノスケール電子デバイス材料のヤング率測定および破壊強度評価を実施し,量子デバイス用ナノ材料の機械的性質を定量的に評価することを試みた.具体的には,電解支援酸化加工法により作製した200nm〜800nm幅の自立型シリコンナノワイヤに対して,ダイヤモンドtip付きステンレス製カンチレバーを用いてAFM内で準静的曲げ試験を実施した.ここでは,常温曲げ試験だけでなく,高温度下での同試験も併せて成功している.一方,オンチップ引張り試験においては,ナノ試験片,櫛歯型静電アクチュエータおよび変位計測カンチレバー機構が一体となった引張り試験デバイスを設計・開発した.得られた結果を以下に示す. (1)ナノスケール単結晶Siは常温では脆性的に破壊したが,373K以上の中温域では塑性変形を生じた.また,ナノスケール単結晶Siの塑性変形範囲には試験片寸法効果が存在することが明らかとなった. (2)295K〜573Kにおける(111)面上<110>方向の単結晶Siのヤング率は170GPa〜159GPaに変化して温度依存性を示したが,試験片寸法依存性は見られなかった.これに対して,ナノスケール単結晶Siの破壊強度には,顕著な試験片寸法依存性が存在することが明らかとなった. (3)AFMによるすべり線観察の結果,すべり線の数は試験片寸法の低下および温度上昇に伴って増加し,ナノスケール単結晶Siには塑性変形挙動の寸法・温度依存性が存在することが示された.これは,熱活性エネルギよりも微小寸法材料内に発生する高い弾性ひずみエネルギが,転位発生に大きく寄与するためと考えられる. (4)ナノスケール引張り試験デバイスの設計,および同デバイスによる引張り応力-変位計測法を構築した.また,作製した静電アクチュエーター体型引張り試験デバイスを使用してアクチュエータの動作試験を行い,引張り試験デバイスとして十分機能することを示した

  • 3次元微細加工技術を用いた自励振動高分子ゲル繊毛アクチュエータに関する基礎研究
    田畑 修, 磯野 吉正
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究, 特定領域研究, 立命館大学, 2001年 - 2002年
    外部からの制御信号がなくても,心臓のように一定リズムで自発的に動作する高分子ゲル製アクチュエータを実現し,生体との親和性の高いケモメカニカルシステムを構築することが本研究の最終目標である.第1ステップとして,繊毛運動をするケモメカニカルアクチュエータの実現可能性を検討している.材料にはルテニウム錯体[Ru(bpy)_3]を共重合させたN-イソプロピルアクリルアミド(N-IPAAm)自励振動ゲルを用いた.自励振動ゲル内ではBZ反応が発生し,一定条件下において自発的なリズムで膨潤収縮を繰り返す特性を示す. シンクロトロンから放射されるX線を利用したゲルのマイクロ成型加工技術を用いて自励振動ゲルの表面に繊毛状突起のマイクロ構造を形成した人工繊毛を実現した.人工繊毛は底部直径100μm,高さ300μmの円錐台形状構造が250μmピッチでアレイ状に配置された構造である.ゲル中の反応波の伝播に伴う繊毛状突起先端部の挙動を,動画解析処理を用いて測定すると共に,有限要素法(FEM)を用いたシミュレーション結果により解析した.BZ反応によるゲルの膨潤・収縮のFEM解析は,繊毛状突起モデルに初期条件として熱膨張係数と温度場およびヤング率の測定結果を与えて行った.測定により突起先端の楕円軌跡動作が明らかになり,FEM解析により突起先端の楕円軌跡動作にはゲル基部の膨潤・収縮が大きく関与していることが明らかとなった.

  • 走査型プローブ顕微鏡内引張り試験による強磁性パーマロイ薄膜の物性評価技術の確立
    磯野 吉正
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 立命館大学, 2001年 - 2002年
    本研究では,走査型プローブ顕微鏡(SPM)内引張り試験機を開発し,同装置で引張り試験を行うことで,これまで困難とされてきたマイクロスケール電子デバイス構成材料のヤング率測定を実施し,電子デバイス材料における機械的性質を定量的に評価することを試みた.具体的には,代表的なマイクロデバイス材料である単結晶シリコン,Niメッキ薄膜試験片に対して引張り試験を実施し,同材料の弾塑性領域での応力-ひずみ関係を明らかにしている.ここでは,SPMに設置されているAFM(Atomic force Microscope)機能を用いることにより,これまで引張り法における欠点であったひずみ測定を高精度に行い,ヤング率の定量的評価に成功している.また,マイクロスケールNi試験片に対しては,常温下での引張り試験だけでなく,高温引張り・クリープ試験も併せて実施し,マイクロスケールNi薄膜材料の材料構成関係則を構築している.一方,磁気ヘッドの構成材料であるパーマロイ薄膜に対しては,SPMに設置されているMFM(Magnetic force Microscope)機能を用いて薄膜表面の磁区構造を観察した. 得られた結果を以下に示す (1)常温から300℃までの温度範囲で引張り試験が可能な,走査型プローブ顕微鏡内マイクロ引張り試験機を開発することに成功した. (2)SPMひずみ直接計測法を確立した.同方法により,マイクロシリコン試験片のヤング率は,マクロスケールのそれとほぼ一致することがわかった. (3)Niメッキ薄膜の高温引張り・クリープ試験を実施した結果,マイクロスケール寸法下での機械的性質の温度依存性はマクロスケールのそれより大きい.とくに,高温下でのマイクロスケールNi構造体は,マクロスケールのそれよりもクリープ変形の影響を受けやすい. (4)パーマロイ薄膜の磁壁をMFMにより観察した結果,膜厚が薄くなるにつれ磁壁幅が広くなることが明らかになった.また,膜厚の減少に伴ってブロッホ磁壁からCross-tie磁壁へ移行していくことがわかった.

  • 走査型プローブ顕微鏡内引張り試験装置の開発によるDLC/パーマロイ薄膜の物性評価
    田中 武司, 磯野 吉正
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 立命館大学, 1999年 - 2000年
    本研究では,走査型プローブ顕微鏡(Scanning Probe Microscope:SPM)内引張り試験装置を新開発するとともに,単結晶シリコン(Si)薄膜,ダイヤモンドライクカーボン(DLC)薄膜,パーマロイ薄膜から成る微小寸法試験片に対するマイクロ引張り試験を実施し,同薄膜材料の機械的特性評価を行った.具体的には,SPMを引張り試験における伸び測定装置として用いることにより,マイクロ引張り試験法における欠点であった歪み測定を高精度に実施し,ヤング率を直接測定する手法を確立した.本研究で開発した引張り試験機は,微小送り用PZTアクチュエータ,PZTハウジングケース,小型ロードセルおよび差動変位計から構成されている.とくに,既存のSPM装置寸法の制約上,アクチュエータ自体を試験片軸上に設置することが極めて困難であったため,新たにヒンジ構造を有するハウジングケースを新開発することにより,この種の問題を解決することに成功した. 試験片軸方向が[110]方向を有する単結晶Si薄膜試験片に対して,SPM引張り試験を実施した結果,ヤング率160GPaを得た.さらに,SPMの伸びデータをスプライン補間することにより得られたヤング率は,170GPaであった.バルクSiの[110]方向のヤング率が169GPaであることから,SPM引張り試験で高精度にひずみ測定が実施されたと言える.また,Si薄膜試験片の引張り強度は900MPa〜1.2GPaを示し,バルクSiの約2〜3倍であった.これは,試験片寸法の減少に伴って,試験片に微小欠陥が存在する確率が減少することにより,破壊強度の増加が引き起こされたと考えられる.一方,DLC薄膜:パーマロイ薄膜試験片に対する引張り試験も併せて試みたが,成膜条件の不具合から詳細なデータは得られなかった.同薄膜の機械的特性については,今後の課題として継続研究する予定である.

  • ジルコニア/メタル傾斜機能材の加工による相変態と強靱化機構の解明
    磯野 吉正, 田中 武司, 飴山 恵, 磯野 吉正
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 立命館大学, 1995年 - 1996年
    未来材料として傾斜機能材が注目されているが、実際の製品にする際の加工データは少ない。ジルコニア/ニッケルの組成比の異なる傾斜機能材を新しく作製し、その研削特性を調べた。特に、研削加工による強靱化と表面性状が傾斜機能材の強度特性にいかなる影響をおよぼすかを明らかにした。 ZrO_2/Niの複合材料では、ZrO_2の含有量が増えるにつれ、曲げ強度が増す。Niの粒子はZrO_2のそれより非常に大きいので、破壊の際、Niにクラックが入る。入ったクラックが数多くの微小なZrO_2によってその伝播が止められ、強くなったといえる。Niの含有量が増えると、m相量が増える。焼結の冷却過程において、Niの収縮が大きく、ZrO_2が圧縮せられ、マルテンサイト変態したといえる。 ダイヤモンドホイールの作用砥粒径を大きくすると、加工面のm相量が増し、仕上げ面粗さが大きくなる。また、ZrO_2の含有量が多い方がm相増加率は小さい。さらに、ZrO_2が多く含まれる試料では、作用砥粒径が大きくなるにつれて、m相量は増し、強度は増加する。一方、ホイール周速度が小さくなるほど、仕上げ面粗さは増す。ホイール周速度が増すほど、m相量、曲げ強さは増す。周速度が増すと衝撃的な力がかかり、マルテンサイト変態が多くなったといえる。逆にNiの含有量が50%を超えると、周速度が増すと、m相量は減るが、曲げ強さは増す。 SD140/170で研削を行なった後、表面をポリィシングで除去し、残留応力を測定した。ZrO_2部ではすべて圧縮残留応力となっている。Niの含有量が増すと、m相量、ZrO_2の圧縮残留応力が増加する。しかし、Ni部では、Niが少ないとき、圧縮残留応力となり、Niが100%では完全に引張りの残留応力になる。これらは書加工表面でマルテンサイト変態が起こるためである。つまり、ZrO_2部の相変態による体積膨張がNi部を圧縮し、Niの残留応力が圧縮になったといえる。


■ 研究シーズ
  • ナノスケール構造秩序制御による高機能センサシステム創成
    シーズカテゴリ:ナノテク・材料, ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工業), 自然科学一般
    研究キーワード:MEMS, ナノ構造・機能制御, マルチフィジックス, センサ・アクチュエータ, 微細加工
    研究内容:安全安心で高付加価値な未来社会の実現のため、ナノテクノロジーとMEMS(Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)技術との融合を通して、IoT、ロボット、医療、バイオ、環境・エネルギ分野に欠かせないマイクロセンサ、アクチュエータデバイスの新開発、またそれら新デバイスを支える新たなナノ・マイクロ材料、ナノ構造、センシング原理、およびナノ・マイクロ加工技術の創出に関する研究を行っています。