Search Details

SAWA Munenori
Graduate School of Human Development and Environment / Department of Human Environmental Science

Researcher basic information

■ Research Keyword
  • バングラデシュ人移民
  • ethnic business
  • Human Geography
  • 社会地理学
  • 移民社会
  • インド系移民社会
  • ネパール系移民社会
  • 南アジア
  • 大都市近郊
  • 農村
■ Research Areas
  • Humanities & social sciences / Sociology
  • Humanities & social sciences / Geography
  • Humanities & social sciences / Human geography
■ Committee History
  • - Present, 兵庫地理学協会, 評議員

Research activity information

■ Award
  • Nov. 2007 The Human Geographical Society of Japan, 人文地理学会学会賞, 澤 宗則・南埜 猛、グローバル化にともなうインド農村の変容―バンガロール近郊農村の脱領域化と再領域化―、人文地理no.58-2,pp.1-20,2006.
    SAWA Munenori, Minamino Takeshi
    Official journal

■ Paper
  • merging of a Bangladeshi Settlement “Little Dhaka” in Tokyo : A Case Study of Higashijujo and Jujo
    SAWA Munenori
    Lead, Mar. 2024, Immigration Studies, 20, 1 - 46, Japanese, No password
    Scientific journal

  • インド人IT技術者と商人-東京と神戸の対比
    澤 宗則
    Jul. 2020, 移民・ディアスポラ研究, 9, 146 - 155, Japanese
    Scientific journal

    Lead, 古今書院, Jul. 2018, 地理, 63(7) (7), 40ー49 - 49, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • From Suburban to Urban Villages: A Case Study of an Indian Village in the National Capital Region
    The Center for Contemporary India Studies at Hiroshima University, Mar. 2018, Journal of Contemporaly India Stidies: Space and Society, 8, 1 - 25, Japanese, No password
    Scientific journal

  • Trends of Nepalese Migrants in Japan
    In recent years, Nepalese in Japan have been rapidly increasing. This study intends to clarify the trend of the Nepalese migrants and its socio-economic factors referring to preceding studies and various statistical data.Historically migrants from Nepal mainly outflowed to India. Foreign Employment Act introduced in 1985 led to an opening Nepalese labors to the world. The number of Nepalese migrants was limited in hundreds of thousands levels, while the ratio to India decreased at the time of 2001 census. The political situation becomes stable owing to the peace agreement of the civil war of Nepal in 2006 and conversion of Kingdom into Federation Democratic Republic in 2008.Then the Governemnt of Nepal enacted new Foreign Employment Act in 2007 and introduced Foreign Employment policy in 2012. These migration policies have improved the circumstances of Nepalese migrants. As globalization proceeds, the number of Nepalese migrants estimated to be more than 2 million people in 2014/15 year. The remittance from abroad estimated at 27.7% of Nepalese GDP which accounted for an extremely large proportion in Nepalese economy.Destinations of Nepalese migrants are India, Middle Eastern oil-producing countries as well as ASEAN countries. In late years the migrants to Malaysia have increased rapidly. Although Nepalese in Japan is only 0.2% of the whole Nepalese abroad, Japan became the largest destination for studying abroad. We examined the characteristics of Nepalese migrants in Japan comparing with the migrants from South Asian nations. As a result, Nepalese migrants in Japan have increased rapidly, the number is the largest among those from Southern Asian countries and twice as Indians in Japan. The main 'status of residence' of Nepalese is "study"(37.0%, 2015), and that of, " Engineer/Humanities/ International Services" is only 3.7%. Status of "Skilled Labor", mostly cooks in Indian restaurants, shows a significant ratio in both Nepalese and Indians. Nepalese are slightly younger than Indians. Both of them mostly lives in Tokyo, but the most distinctive feature of Nepalese is large population in Fukuoka and Okinawa prefectures. This study found that this feature has a strong connection with Japanese language schools in both prefectures. In addition to these results, this study points out two important research tasks from now on; 1) Investigating the situation of Nepalese students in Japanese language schools and of their part-time jobs as well as their future after graduating from the schools, 2) Investigating 'Little Nepal', which will be a new ethnic community, in Suginami-district, Tokyo associated with newly established Nepalese School.
    Center for Okinawa Migration Studies, Aug. 2017, IMMIGRATION STUDIES, (13) (13), 23 - 48, Japanese, No password
    Scientific journal

  • Changes on Indian Diasporas across the world - Analysis based on Indian Government Reports
    兵庫地理学協会, Mar. 2017, 兵庫地理, 62, 1 - 18, Japanese, No password
    Scientific journal

  • 2014年度プロジェクト研究報告「人間環境形成における生活安心指標の考案に向けた理論・実証研究」
    Mar. 2016, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学, 研究科 研究紀要, 9(2) (2), 79 - 84, Japanese
    Research institution

  • 2013年度プロジェクト研究報告「生活安心指標Human Life Security Indexの考案:質の高い生活を実現する人間環境の総合的研究とその指標化」
    INOUE Mari, OTA Kazuhiro, ASANO Shinichi, IWASA Takuya, INABA Taichi, SAWA Munenori, HASHIMOTO Naoto, HIRAYAMA Yosuke, NAKAGAWA Kazumichi, KATO Yoshiko, TESHIGAWARA Kimie
    神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科, Mar. 2015, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学,研究科 研究紀要, 8(2) (2), 127 - 129, Japanese
    Research institution

  • Spatial Reorganisation of the Indian Community Crossing Border :A Case Study of the Global City Tokyo
    The Indian community abroad has undergone many changes that are intimately linked to globalisation. This study examines the process of reorganisation during de-territorialisation and re-territorialisation under globalisation in relation to the national, regional, and local scales of Indian community abroad. The globalised economy has brought the cross-border expansion of labour
    The Human Geographical Society of Japan, Dec. 2013, Japanese Journal of Human Geography, 65(6) (6), 508 - 526, English, No password
    Scientific journal

  • インドにおける地理学の発展と課題
    SAWA MUNENORI, OKAHASHI Hidenori, MINAMINO Takeshi, Subbaiah, P. S
    Tokyo Geographical Society, Dec. 2012, Journal of Geography, 121(5) (5), 874 - 890, Japanese, No password
    Scientific journal

  • The process of spatial reorganization in India due to Globalization: Focusing on De-territorialization and Re-territorialization
    SAWA Munenori
    人文地理学会, Apr. 2010, Japanese Journal of Human Geography, 62(2) (2), 132 - 153, Japanese, No password
    Scientific journal

  • グローバルシティ・東京におけるインド人集住地の形成- 東京都江戸川区西葛西を事例に
    SAWA, Munenori, MINAMINO, Takeshi
    国立民族学博物館, Mar. 2009, Senri Ethnological Reports, 83, 41 - 58, Japanese, No password
    Scientific journal

  • Emerging of An Indian Community in Tokyo: A Case Study of Nishikasai
    Sawa Munenori, Minamino Takeshi
    Madras, 2007, The Indian Geographical Journal, 82(1) (1), 7 - 26, English, No password
    Scientific journal

  • Changes in an Indian Village involved in Globalization - De-territorialization and Re-territorialization of a Rurban Village in Bangalore Metropolitan Area-
    人文地理学会, Apr. 2006, Japanese Journal of Human Geography, 58(2) (2), 125 - 144, Japanese, No password
    Scientific journal

  • From Indian Village to the Globe- Deterritorialization and Reterritorialization -
    SAWA, Munenori, 日野 正輝, 友澤 和夫, 石原 潤, 澤 宗則
    Mar. 2005, 広島大学総合地誌研究資料センター, , 83-90, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • History of Indian community in Kobe - Its identities and network
    MINAMINO, Takeshi, SAWA, Munenori
    Mar. 2005, 兵庫地理, 50, 4 - 15, Japanese, No password, Domestic magazine
    Scientific journal

  • 越境する南アジア系移民ーホスト社会との関わりー
    南埜 猛, 関口 真理, 澤 宗則
    Jan. 2001, 「南アジア世界の構造変動とネットワーク」 Discussion Paper, 13, 178, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 南アジアの構造変動:ミクロの視点から
    澤 宗則
    Nov. 1999, 「南アジア世界の構造変動とネットワーク」編, , 89-106, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 日本の南アジア系移民の歴史とその動向
    南埜 猛, 工藤 正子, 澤 宗則
    Jul. 1999, 「南アジア世界の構造変動とネットワーク」 Discussion Paper, 2, 48, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • インドにおける地理学の発展と研究動向
    Subbiah S.P, 南埜 猛, 澤 宗則
    Last, Hiroshima Geographical Association, Jan. 1999, 地理科学, 54(1) (1), 58 - 67, Japanese, No password
    Scientific journal

  • インドにおける工業化の新展開と地域構造の変容
    岡橋 秀典, 澤 宗則
    Nov. 1997, 広島大学総合地誌研究資料センター, , 105-138, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Conceptualizing social changes of Japanese rurban villages- rural diversification and interaction of social groups
    SAWA, Munenori, TAKAHASHI, Makoto
    Kaisei Publications, Ltd., Oct. 1996, Sasaki, H. et. al. (eds.): Geographical Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Systems, Kaisei Publicatios, , 44-53, English
    Scientific journal

  • Conceptualizing social changes of Japanese rurban villages- recomposition of local community organizations
    TAKAHASHI, Makoto, SAWA, Munenori
    Kaisei Publications, Ltd., Oct. 1996, Sasaki, H. et. al. (eds.): Geographical Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Systems, Kaisei Publicatios, , 293-302, English
    Scientific journal

  • Rural Population Changes and Migration in Radhaballavpur Village, West Bengal, India
    SAWA Munenori
    Mar. 1995, Annual Report of Research Center for Regional Geography, 4, 59 - 72, English, No password
    Research institution

  • 農村活性化に関する地域政策と地域変容の相互関係 : 和歌山県上富田町の農村活性化土地利用構想を事例に
    Sep. 1993, 日本研究, 8, 1 - 19, Japanese
    Research institution

  • 大都市近郊山村の再編成と地域の対応 : 被合併山村・広島市安佐町における農協活動を中心として
    岡橋秀典, 澤宗則
    Last, Mar. 1992, 広島大学農業水産経済研究, 4, 33 - 56, Japanese
    Research institution

  • 近郊農村の地域社会における高齢者の役割 一 広島市近郊農村を事例 に
    1991, 地理科学, 46(3) (3), 174 - 185, Japanese, No password
    Scientific journal

  • SAWA Munenori
    Japanese rural areas have experienced deep socio-economic changes since the rapid economic growth period after World War II. Since the 1970s a new type of community, a “rurban (rural/urban) village, ” has appeared in the suburbs. This area has been accepting of newcomers. And farm households in this area tend to diminish or to abandon their farming. As a result, the rural community has been changed by both inside and outside factors.
    This paper aims to examine the structure of rural community in the rurban village, focusing upon the mixture of established residents and newcomers. The results obtained in this paper are as follows:
    The study area, Nakanakajoshi, is located in the northern suburbs of Hiroshima city. In spite of its intensive agriculture, this area has been accepting newcomers who reside in either owned or rented houses since the 1970s. This steady flow of immigration causes urban encroachment on farm land.
    Farm household management has diversified into several types: intensive agriculture, real estate, or non-agricultural employment by urban industries. The newcomers can be divided into two types: permanent dwellers, who wish to dwell eternally, and temporary dwellers, who wish to move again in a few years.
    The author tests the significance of differences among types of inhabitant for participation in neighborhood groups, participation in local activities and for local consciousness. Large differ-ences are seen between established residents and newcomers. Moreover, intra differences can be seen in every type. The factors associated with a difference in every type are the style of agricul-tural management in the established residents and the will of establishing in the newcomers.
    The following 5 types are found in this analysis.
    1. Established residents
    1. Farm households engaged in intensive agriculture. They are extremely interested in local affairs and play a leading part in local autonomy, cooperative projects, and festivals, They are eager to have contact with both other established residents and newcomers. They oppose improving the infrastructure when it requires their own farmland, even though there are serious problems with the lack of infrastructure facilities such as roads, parks, and community centers.
    2. Commuting farm households. They are concerned about local affairs and eager to have con-tact with other established residents but not with newcomers. They, like the following three types of residents, are not content with the present state of the infrastructure.
    3. Non-farm established residents. They don't take a positive attitude toward local affairs such as agricultural cooperative projects or cleaning an irrigation channel. They are not eager to have contact with either established residents or newcomers. II, Newcomers
    4. Permanent dwellers. They are more interested in local affairs than temporary dwellers. Some of them try to make contact with established residents by attending the KOH, the Buddhist neighborhood meeting, and try to blend in with the established residents.
    5. Temporary dwellers. They are indifferent to local affairs, because they plan to move again in a few years.
    Farm households engaged in an intensive agriculture take the leadership in the rural communi-ty, though they are no longer in the majority. In particular, rural self-government organizations cannot function, or traditional local events be held, without them. Therefore, it can be said that even though the “metropolitan village” will accept newcomers, the function of rural self-governing organizations and traditional local events can be maintained only as long as there are farm house-holds engaged in intensive agriculture in rural communities.
    Newcomers tend to be resent the established residents in local concerns.
    The Association of Japanese Geographers, Oct. 1990, Geographical review of Japan. Ser.A, 63(10) (10), 653 - 675, Japanese, No password
    Scientific journal

  • SAWA Munenori
    Japanese rural areas have experienced deep socio-economic changes since the high level of economic growth period. For instance, Rurban Villages (Konjuuka-shakai), a new type of community which is composed of farm and non-farm households, have been appearing in the metropolitan area, while the remote rural areas have been suffering from serious depopulation. In Europe, Lewis and Maund (1976) proposed a schematic representation which is founded upon the gradient principle to describe these spatial variations.This paper examines the adaptability of the gradient principle and attempts to clarify the spatial classification of the rural settlements in the Hiroshima Metropolitan area both in 1970 and 1980 in order to present a schema which explains the spatial changes of Japanese rural areas.The results obtained in this paper are as follows:The gradient principle is demonstrated concerning farm land, rural population, rural labor force, agricultural managements and regional society. The rural settlements are classified by 3 socio-economic variables: the ratio of farm households, that of regular part-time farm households, and agricultural income. In classifying the rural settlements, the division values of the variables are estimated as x+0.5σ and x-0.5σ (x: mean, σ: standard devitation) of each variable. The rural settlements are divided into 3 parts in each variable so that 33=27 types are obtained, but only those types which account for more than 5 percent of all rural settlements are analyzed in this paper.The distribution of rural settlement types is schematized as shown Fig. 10 based on the distance from Hiroshima City.The area is divided into the following 4 regions:The Suburbs (I) is the typical Rurban Village which is composed of both farm and non-farm households. Most of the rural settlements have kept agriculture only for a self-sufficiency, while a few have maintained intensive agriculture though the built-up area has been expanded. In Sector (II), commercial agriculture has developed and the agricultural income has formed an important part of household economy. Sector (III) has been suffering from serious depopulation because both agriculture and transportation for commuting are in bad condition. In Sector (IV), seasonal/casual manual labour has been dominant so that the population has depended slightly on agriculture income. In every sector, the rural settlements along the main transport routes depend a little on agriculture and the ratio of regular part-time farm households is high because of the convenience of transportation.In the period between 1970 and 1980, it is evident that the mixture of farm and nonfarm households and the ratio of regular part-time farm households have been increasing. This phenomena has spread outwards from Hisroshima City via the main transport routes.The schema in this paper indicates that the regional division of the rural area is explained by not merely the gradient principle, but also the differentiation principle.
    The Human Geographical Society of Japan, 1988, Japanese Journal of Human Geography, 40(2) (2), 118 - 143, Japanese, No password
    Scientific journal

  • The Changes of the Local Government Areas in the Meiji Era of Bizen Province, Okayama Prefecture
    SAWA Munenori
    In Japan, until the administrative villages were formed in 1889, the Meiji Goverument had been reorga-nizing the new adrninistrative areas repeatedly through trial and error for about twenty years. Therefore, many case studies have been done on how the modern administrative areas were forrned and on the rela-tions between the feudal administrative areas and the modern ones. This paper aims to understand the formation and its factors of every administrative area and to make clear the ralations between these areas and rural communities (Mura) in the Meiji era of Bizen province (Kuni). Bizen province is located in the southern part of the present Okayama Prefecture. The coastal region in Seto Inland Sea was economicaily very active and densely populated, whereas the mountainous region was economically poor and rarely populated. The author analyzed how the administrative areas within Bizen province in the Edo era such as the "Go", which had been a local administrative unit comprised of several viuages, and squire area (Ohjaya-ku) had effects on the formation of administrative areas like ward-subward (Daiku-Shoku) in 1872, union of vil-lage offices (Rengo-kucho-yakuba) area in 1884 and administrative village in 1889. As a result, the author found some spatial type classifications such as mountain, plain, peninsula and newly reclaimed land (Shinden) areas, so that he detailed each area with some examples; especially he re-seached the spatial relationship between rural communities and these administrative areas. Through such analysis, the following four types have been recognized due to the spatial difierences of natural and socio-historical conditions. 1) Mountainous type In Tsudaka, Akasaka and lwanashi counties (Gun), the social associations arnong the feudal villages (Hansei-son) were closely interlinked to some extent owing to the remaining functions of the "Go" and the restriction by the valley. Therefore, the adrninistrative areas of these regions have not altered so much in spite of the Central Government's reorganization policy in the Meiji era. 2) Plain type There were no natural barrieres in Mino, Jodo and Oku counties (Gun) in Okayama plain. The "Go" had akeady lost its functions in the late Edo era. The connections among former feudal viffage were not closely interlinked and the new admiunistrative areas were repeatedly altered in pararel with the radical changes of local governrnent system. 3) Peninsula type In Kojima county (Gun), forrner feudal vmages included in every administrative area were the smallest in number because of the larger settlement. The "Go" which had aiready lost its functions did not exert an influence on delinuting the administrative areas in the early Meiji era. 4) Newly reclaimed land (Shinden) type In the new]y reclaimed land in the Bay of Kojima, the connections among the feudal viuages were so closely interlinked that the administrative areas have not reorganized at all during the early Meiji era be-cause it was reclaimed at the same time though the "Go" had not been formed. In delimiting the administrative villages in 1889, the irrigation area played more important role than the area of a tutelary deity (Ujiko-ken). After the formation of the administrative villages, the Central Govern-ment tried to strengthen the intra-village connection by coordinating the school district to the newly reorga-nized administrative areas and by unifying au tutelary deities in an administrative village. But there remained the community functions, so that inhabitants were unwilling to accept the Government's policy in the urrification of the tutelary deities.
    Hiroshima Geographical Association, Jan. 1986, Geographical sciences, 41(1) (1), 17 - 32, Japanese, No password
    Scientific journal

  • リーマンショック後のインド系移民の動向(口頭発表要旨,2014年度春季学術大会発表要旨)
    南埜 猛, 澤 宗則
    地理科学学会, 28 Aug. 2014, 地理科学, 69(2) (2), 99 - 99, Japanese

  • From Indian Village to the Globe : Deterritorialization and Reterritorialization
    SAWA Munenori
    10 Sep. 2004, 日本地理学会発表要旨集 = Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, (66) (66), 10 - 10, Japanese

  • Modernization of Indian rural space : Cognitive map of suburban village near Gurgaon city, Haryana
    SAWA Munenori
    27 Mar. 2004, 日本地理学会発表要旨集 = Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, (65) (65), 44 - 44, Japanese

  • Rurban village in Bangalore Metropolitan region, India
    SAWA Munenori
    29 Mar. 2003, 日本地理学会発表要旨集 = Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 63, 191 - 191, Japanese

  • Ethnicity in Globalization-Overseas Indians in Japan-
    SAWA Munenori, MINAMINO Takeshi
    2000, 日本地理学会発表要旨集 = Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 57, 398 - 399, Japanese

  • Social structure of rural settlement adjacent to newly developing industrial estate ; a case study of Chirakhan village, M. P., India
    SAWA Munenori
    Oct. 1997, 日本地理学会発表要旨集 = Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 52, 74 - 75, Japanese

  • 農村
    澤 宗則
    Jun. 1996, 人文地理, 48-3, 31-34, Japanese
    Report scientific journal

■ Books And Other Publications
    Single work, Kokon Shoin, Feb. 2018, Japanese, ISBN: 9784772220231
    Scholarly book

  • インド文化事典編集委員会編, SAWA MUNENORI
    Others, 丸善出版, Jan. 2018, Japanese, ISBN: 9784621302354
    Dictionary or encycropedia

  • 上野和彦, 椿 真智子, 中村 康子, SAWA MUNENORI
    Others, 朝倉書店, Oct. 2015, Japanese, 地理学概論である。澤は「外国人労働者」を分担執筆した。
    Scholarly book

  • 岡橋 秀典, 友澤 和夫, SAWA MUNENORI
    Others, 東京大学出版会, Mar. 2015, Japanese, ISBN: 4130343041
    Scholarly book

  • 国立民族学博物館編, SAWA MUNENORI
    Others, 丸善出版, Jul. 2014, Japanese, ISBN: 4621088238
    Dictionary or encycropedia

    Others, Kaiseisha, Mar. 2014, Japanese, ISBN: 9784860992873
    Scholarly book

    Others, 朝倉書店, Oct. 2013, Japanese, ISBN: 9784254169256

  • The Human Geographical, Society of Japan, SAWA MUNENORI
    Others, 丸善出版, Oct. 2013, Japanese, ISBN: 9784621086872
    Dictionary or encycropedia

  • 日本のインド人、立川武蔵・杉本良男・海津正倫編『朝倉世界地理講座-大地と人間の物語 南アジア』
    SAWA MUNENORI, Minamino Takeshi
    Others, 朝倉書店, Jun. 2012, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • 現代のエスニック社会を探る―理論からフィールドへ
    Yamashita Kiyomi, SAWA Munenori
    Joint work, 学文社, Mar. 2011, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • グローバル化とインド系移民社会-脱領域化と再領域化の概念の提唱、山下清海編『現代のエスニック社会を探る-理論からフィールドへ』
    Others, 学文社, Mar. 2011, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • 現代アジア研究 第1巻 越境
    SAWA Munenori, 南埜 猛, 高原 明生, 田村 慶子, 佐藤 幸夫
    Joint work, 慶應義塾大学出版会, Dec. 2008, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • エスニック・ワールド-世界と日本のエスニック社会
    澤 宗則, 山下 清海
    Joint work, 明石書店, Apr. 2008, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • Emerging New Industrial Spaces and Regional Developments in India
    SAWA Munenori, Okahashi Hidenori
    Joint work, Manohar, 2008, English
    Scholarly book

  • 地理学概論
    SAWA, MUNENORI, 上野 和彦
    Joint work, 朝倉書店, Apr. 2007, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • キーワード 人間と発達[増補改訂版] V. 生活とテクノロジー
    丸谷 宣子, 井上 真理, 青木 務, 平山 洋介, 市橋 秀樹, 浜口 八朗, 高橋 正, 長坂 耕作, 矢野 澄雄, 福田 博也, 城 仁士, 阪本 雄二, 高橋 譲嗣, 高橋 真, 白倉 暉弘, 稲葉 太一, 白杉 直子, 近江戸 伸子, 宮田 任寿, 澤 宗則, 二宮 厚美
    Joint work, 大学教育出版, Apr. 2007, Japanese

  • 日本総論II(人文・社会編)(日本の地誌2)
    Joint work, 朝倉書店, 2006, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • 日本の多言語社会
    Joint work, 岩波書店, 2005, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • 近畿圏 (日本の地誌8)
    Joint work, 朝倉書店, 2005, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • Modern Urban Geography
    SAWA, Munenori
    Joint work, 古今書院, Mar. 2004, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • Contemporary South Asia vol.6 Networks and the World System
    AKITA, Shigeru, MIZUSHIMA, Tsukasa, SAWA, Munenori, MINAMINO, Takeshi
    Joint work, 東京大学出版会, Mar. 2003, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • Emerging New Industrial Space in India
    OKAHASHI, Hidenori, SAWA, Munenori, ARAKI, Hitoshi, MINAMINO, Takeshi
    Joint work, 古今書院, Mar. 2003, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • 農村開発の論理ーグローバリゼーションとロカリティー(上・下)(Hoggart,K., Buller,H.著)
    岡橋 秀典, 澤 宗則
    Joint translation, 古今書院, Sep. 1998, Japanese

  • The Social environment and the Human development
    ASANO, Shinichi, WADA, Susumu, NINOMIYA, Astumi, OKADA, Akihiro, SAWA, Munenori, OTA, Kazuhiro, YAMAZAKI, Takeshi, IMATANI, Nobushige
    Joint work, 大学教育出版, Apr. 1998, Japanese

  • City and Regional Structure
    MORIKAWA, Hiroshi, YAMASAKI, Takeshi, OKAHASI, Hidenori, SAWA, Munenori, CHAI, Yanwei
    Joint work, 大明堂, Mar. 1998, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • 国際化と地域経済
    石原 照敏, 澤 宗則
    Joint work, 古今書院, Mar. 1997, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • 現代インドの農村ーその四半世紀の変貌
    村上 誠, 澤 宗則
    Joint work, 広島大学総合地誌研究資料センター, Mar. 1997, Japanese
    General book

■ Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
  • リトルダッカの形成ー東京都北区東十条を事例に
    澤 宗則
    2024年度日本地理学会春季学術大会, Mar. 2024, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 在日バングラデシュ人の集住地-東京都北区東十条
    澤, 宗則
    2023年度兵庫地理学協会・12月特別例会, Dec. 2023, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • インド・ネパール料理店の戦略ー神戸市を事例に
    澤 宗則
    2022年度兵庫地理学協会夏季研究大会, Aug. 2022, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • インド料理店によるトランスナショナルな領域化ーネパール人のエスニック戦略を中心に
    澤 宗則, 南埜 猛
    2020年度 現代インド地域研究 広島大学拠点 HINDAS 第3回 研究集会, Sep. 2020, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 日本語学校によるトランスナショナルな領域化ーネパールからの留学を斡旋するネットワークの 視点から
    南埜猛, 澤宗則
    2020年度 現代インド地域研究 広島大学拠点 HINDAS 第3回 研究集会, Sep. 2020, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • Ethnic Business of Nepalease cooks - Ethnic Strategies of Indian restaurants in Kobe
    SAWA Munenori, MINAMINO Takeshi
    2020年日本地理学会春季学術大会, Mar. 2020, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • Strategies of Japanese language schools in Nepal
    MINAMINO Takeshi, SAWA Munenori
    2020年日本地理学会春季学術大会, Mar. 2020, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 日本への移民送出大国ネパールにおける日本語学校の立地展開と戦略
    南埜 猛, 澤 宗則
    兵庫地理学協会2019年12月特別例会, Dec. 2019, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • インド・ネパール・パキスタン料理店の地域戦略の比較ー神戸市を事例として
    日本地理学会2019年 春季学術大会, Mar. 2019, Japanese, 日本地理学会, 専修大学, 「いわゆるインド料理店」(経営者や料理人の国籍とは関係なく、インド料理を看板にしている料理店)を経営者の出身国別(インド・ネパール・パキスタン)に比較し、神戸市をフィールドにその地域戦略の違いについて考察した結果を述べた。, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • インド・ネパール・パキスタン料理店の地域戦略-神戸市を事例として
    兵庫地理学協会2018年度12月特別例会, Dec. 2018, Japanese, 兵庫地理学協会, 神戸研究学園都市 大学利用施設UNITY(ユニティ), Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 日本におけるインド系移民社会とネパール系移民社会の比較研究
    日本地理学会2018年 春季学術大会, Mar. 2018, Japanese, The Association of Japanese Geographers, Tokyo Gakugei University, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 在日ネパール人のエスニックコミュニティの形成-在日インド人との比較考察
    兵庫地理学協会2016年度夏季研究大会, Aug. 2016, Japanese, 兵庫地理学協会, 兵庫県立加古川東高校, 在日ネパール人のエスニックコミュニティの形成プロセスを在日インド人との比較考察を通じて調査分析したもの, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • デリー首都圏内農村の宅地化と社会変動ーUP州ノイダの1農村の追跡研究
    2015年度 HINDAS(広島大学現代インド研究センター)第3回研究集会, Aug. 2015, Japanese, HINDAS(広島大学現代インド研究センター), 広島大学, Domestic conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • リーマンショック後のインド系移民の動向
    2014年度地理科学学会春季学術大会, Jun. 2014, Japanese, 地理科学学会, 広島大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • グローバル化と空間の再編成-脱領域化と再領域化の両義性
    2013 HINDAS 1st Regular Meeting, Jun. 2013, Japanese, The Center for Contemporary Inida Sudies at Hiroshima University, Hiroshima University, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • Changes on Rural India in the Himalayas due to Tourism-Paradox of De-territorialization and Re-territorialization
    SAWA Munenori, NAKAJO Akihito
    The Study Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers Spring 2011, Mar. 2011, Japanese, Meiji University, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 移民研究における脱領域化と再領域化の概念の可能性ーインド移民を事例として
    SAWA Munenori
    日本地理学会春季学術大会, Mar. 2009, Japanese, 日本地理学会, 帝京大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • Flow of Indian IT Engineers and Establishment of Educational Infrastructure
    日本地理学会2007年度春季学術大会, Mar. 2007, Japanese, 日本地理学会, 東洋大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • グローバル経済下の在日インド人社会における新たな定住地の形成
    国際シンポジウム「移民とともに変わる地域と国家」, Mar. 2007, Japanese, 国立民族学博物館, National Museum of Ethnology, International conference
    Public symposium

  • From Indian Village to the Globe- Deterritorialization and Reterritorialization -
    SAWA, Munenori
    日本地理学会秋季学術大会, Sep. 2004, Japanese, 日本地理学会, 東広島, 日本, International conference
    Public symposium

  • Modernization of Indian rural space -Cognitive map of suburban village near Gurgaon city,Haryana,India
    SAWA, Munenori
    日本地理学会春季学術大会, Mar. 2004, Japanese, 日本地理学会, 東京, 日本, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • Rurban village in Bangalore Metropolitan region,India
    SAWA, Munenori
    日本地理学会春季学術大会, Mar. 2003, Japanese, 日本地理学会, 東京, 日本, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • Place and Identities of Indians in Japan- Methodology on ethnicity
    SAWA, Munenori, MINAMINO, Takeshi
    日本地理学会春季学術大会, Mar. 2002, Japanese, 日本地理学会, 東京, 日本, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • Indian Community in Japan-Fieldreport from Kobe and Tokyo
    SAWA, Munenori
    兵庫地理学協会5月例会, May 2001, Japanese, 兵庫地理学協会, 神戸, 日本, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • 高齢者への地理学者のまなざしー高齢化社会を考える人を考える
    澤 宗則
    地域地理学会研究大会, Jul. 2000, Japanese, 地域地理学会, 岡山, 日本, International conference
    Public symposium

  • グローバリゼーションのなかのエスニシティー在日インド人を事例にして
    澤 宗則, 南埜 猛
    日本地理学会春季学術大会, Mar. 2000, Japanese, 日本地理学会, 東京, 日本, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • グローバリゼーションとインド農村のローカリゼーション-ローカルな経済活動と権力構造-
    澤 宗則
    シンポジウム『南アジアの構造変動:ミクロの視点から』, Jul. 1999, Japanese, 南アジア世界の構造変動とネットワーク, 京都, 日本, International conference
    Public symposium

  • インドの都市近郊農村における地域社会変容と社会階層
    澤 宗則
    人文地理学会大会, Nov. 1998, Japanese, 人文地理学会, 京都, 日本, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • インドにおける経済成長と農村社会
    澤 宗則
    兵庫地理学協会夏季研究大会, Aug. 1998, Japanese, 兵庫地理学協会, 神戸, 日本, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • 新興工業団地近接農村の社会構造ーインド・M.P.州チラカーン村の事例
    澤 宗則
    日本地理学会秋季学術大会, Oct. 1997, Japanese, 日本地理学会, 豊橋, 日本, International conference
    Oral presentation

■ Affiliated Academic Society
  • 兵庫地理学協会

  • 地域地理科学会

  • 地理科学学会

  • 東北地理学会

  • 経済地理学会

  • 人文地理学会

  • 日本地理学会

■ Research Themes
  • 国連「健康権」枠組みに基づく新型コロナウイルスへの各国対応の評価と理論的再構成
    井口 克郎, 太田 和宏, 岩佐 卓也, 原 将也, 浅野 慎一, 澤 宗則, 加戸 友佳子, 岡田 章宏, 橋本 直人
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 神戸大学, 09 Jul. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2024
    本研究の目的は、新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の世界的流行に対する日本及び各国政府の政策的対応や市民社会の諸反応について、国際人権規約第1規約(以下、「社会権規約」)12条に規定されている「健康権」(right to health)の枠組みから、それらの妥当性や問題点を検証し、かつ、この戦後未曾有の感染症災害から明らかになった既存の健康権規定の不十分な点のバージョンアップを提案し、今後の感染の進行や、新たな感染症災害等の発生時における望ましい対応のあり方を明らかにすることにある。 研究1年目の2021年度は、健康権の枠組みから各国のコロナ対応を評価するにあたって、健康権規定の内容や日本への適用状況に関する考察を進めるとともに、研究メンバーらがこの間関与している世界中の国々のコロナ下での出来事や、行政、産業界、市民社会などの多層のレベルにおける対応等について、定期的に研究会を開催しながら情報の共有と多角的考察を行った。 一例をあげれば、「危機」における人権の制限や特定の行為の強制といった問題である。ドイツでは従来、ワクチン接種の義務化について慎重な意見が強かったが、その後義務化を求める政治的動向が強まっている。また日本においても、2020年の首相による全国一斉学校休業要請など、政府による法的根拠のない決定によって学校現場の運営がコントロールされる事態が生じた。 コロナ禍においては、「危機」事態という認識によって、各国共通して政治権力者が既存の制度や法的統治システムの枠組みを逸脱した行動ないし統制を行おうとする現象が見いだせるが、こういった事態の問題点や、「平時」「危機」概念から社会をとらえること自体の危険性などについて検討を行った。

  • 南アジア系移民のエスニック戦略とトランスナショナルな領域化の比較考察
    澤 宗則, 南埜 猛
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2024
    今後新型コロナが減少するに従い、南アジアからの移民が増大することが予想されるが、南アジアの移民たちは、出身地域の経済的状況、言語も宗教も異なるため、エスニシティに基盤を置いた個別の移民ネットワークを形成している。移民のネットワークの形成プロセスも、ホスト社会で自分たちの社会関係資本を獲得・利用するエスニック戦略もそれぞれ大きく異なる。 関東・関西・北陸・中京・福岡・沖縄での南アジア系移民社会の聞き取り調査、南アジア系移民の留学生のリクルートについて経営者と留学生に聞き取り調査を行った。 エスニック研究における社会理論の構築、グローバル化による空間の再編成と移民との関連、「エスニック戦略とトランスナショナルな領域化」の論点において研究史を総括した。 南アジアの各エスニック集団の組織や各宗教施設などの資料、各自治体、日本および南アジア各国政府の統計データの分析を行う。移民のグローバルな展開と、日本国内での集住地域の形成過程、出身地域の地域変化について明らかにした。今年度は特に日本での増加が著しいネパール人留学生に着目し、ネパール国内の日本語学校の立地と戦略について明らかにした。 その結果、移民研究において重要な学術雑誌である「移民研究」の18号(2022年3月)1-36頁にて、澤 宗則・南埜 猛「ネパール人留学生に関するトランスナショナルな関係ーネパールの日本語学校の立地と戦略に着目して」を発行することができた。

  • 澤 宗則
    学術研究助成基金助成金/基盤研究(C), Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2020, Principal investigator
    Competitive research funding

  • Spatial structure of the contemporary Indian economy and its formation mechanism
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Hiroshima University, 01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2018
    The purpose of this study is to clarify the spatial structure of the contemporary Indian economy as well as its formation mechanism. For this purpose, we have identified the following five items to focus, namely (1) Spatial structures of eight industries (broiler, dairy, textile, steel, automobile, pharmaceutical, ICT and retail), (2) Mechanism of urban development, (3) Socio-economic changes of suburban villages, (4) Development problems in the less-favored areas, and (5) Dynamics of emerging economic spaces. The growth of India’s economy has widened regional disparities between states, and north-south and east-west economic divides have appeared across India as a whole. The most important achievement of this study was to find the method of analyzing the above mentioned spatial structure of India's economy.

  • インドのグローバル化と空間的再編成
    澤 宗則
    研究成果公開促進費/学術図書, Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2018, Principal investigator
    Competitive research funding

  • 山崎 健
    学術研究助成基金助成金/基盤研究(C), Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2018
    Competitive research funding

  • 澤 宗則
    科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(C), Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2016, Principal investigator
    Competitive research funding

  • Growth and Development of Mega-regions and Socio-economic Change in Contemporary India
    OKAHASHI HIDENORI, HINO Msateru, MIZOGUCHI Tsunetoshi, YUI Yoshimichi, SAWA Munenori, TOMOZAWA Kazuo, MORI Hideki, UMEDA Katsuki, KUWATSUKA Kentaro, TSUCHIYS Jun, NAKAJO Akihito, UNE Yoshimi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Hiroshima University, 01 Apr. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2015
    The research examined the characteristics of Mega-Regions which have rapidly grown in contemporary India. Our field survey in Delhi metropolitan region and its surrounding areas clarified that Indian Mega-Regions which are beyond individual metropolitan areas play an important role as industrial clusters, functional spaces of urbanization economy and consumption spaces of middle classes. The growth of Mega-Regions has been concentrated to the western part of India. Therefore it is expected to widen regional disparities.

  • 山崎 健
    科学研究費補助金/萌芽研究, Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2014
    Competitive research funding

  • Development Strategy and Sustainable Development Issues in Indian Peripheral Regions : Comparison of Two Mountain States
    OKAHASHI Hidenori, TOMOZAWA Kazuo, YUI Yoshimichi, SAWA Munenori, KUWATUKA Kentarou, NAKAJYO Akihito, UNE Yoshimi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hiroshima University, 2008 - 2010
    This study examined recent socio-economic development and future prospect in Uttrakhand and Himachal Pradesh, which are typical underdeveloped states in India. These regions have accomplished the rapid economic growth mainly based on industrialization and tourism development after the economic liberalization. As for the industrial development, industrial policies of the central government for northern mountain states plays a crucial role, though its effects are limited to plain areas. On the other hand, mountainous areas have attracted tourism industries which employment is not sufficient. We should pay attention to increasing internal disparities in the states.

  • A theoretical and verificational study on formation of ethnic geography in Japan
    YAMASHITA Kiyomi, IIDA Kojiro, SUGIURA Tadashi, CHIBA Tatsuya, YAGASAKA Noritaka, KAGAMI Masahiro, TSUBAKI Machiko, SAWA Munenori, ISHII Hisao, OOSHIMA Norie
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), University of Tsukuba, 2006 - 2009
    The purpose of this study is to aim at the construction of ethnic geography in Japan researching ethnic groups theoretical and empirically. Therefore, the theoretical researches of ethnic geography are advanced while widely examining domestic and foreign previous studies. Intensive fieldworks on ethnic communities in Japan and overseas were done at the same time. The result was published as Yamashita, K.ed.Ethnic World, by Akashi Shoten in 2008.The publication plan of the second book is progressing,.

  • 澤 宗則
    科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(C), 2008, Principal investigator
    Competitive research funding

  • 和田 進
    科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(C), 2007
    Competitive research funding

  • 澤 宗則
    科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(C), 2005, Principal investigator
    Competitive research funding

  • Human Development and New Publicness in the ear of Globalization
    NINOMIYA Atsumi, IMATANI Nobushige, WADA Susumu, YAMASAKI Takeshi, ASANO Shinichi, OKADA Akihiro
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kobe University, 2002 - 2004
    The main objective of this research is to discuss the problems cocurred in the context of Globalization, and then to examine Human Development and new Publicness to overcome those problems. The research has been pursued in accordance with the following 3 categories. 1 Dynamism of local communities under globalization This research is critical of the current situation brought about by the globalization. This perspective is demonstrated based on the empirical research both on Indian villages and on Chinese Immigrants to Japan. 2 New Publicness Our group examines the possibility of new concept of publicness to cope with the contradictions in the ear of globalization. The focal point of the discussion is the relation between neo-liberal ideology and public responsibility. This issue is taken up in the field of labor market and political publicness. 3 Human Development Another possible strategic concept to overcome the globalization problems is Human Development. Our research criticizes the UN proposed Human Development and Amartya Sen's capability theory. They have limitation in that they discuss it in the market-oriented globalization. The group pointed as the conclusion the importance of the voluntary development of human being and significance of new publicness to nurture the full development of humanity.

  • Indian Diaspora in Japan-Globalization, Network and Community
    SAWA Munenori, MINAMINO Takeshi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kobe University, 2001 - 2003
    The purpose of this research is to examine the mutual relationship with the ethnic group and the area for Indian society in Japan under the globalization. It focuses on the reflectivity on Indian Diaspora and its economy, culture after 1990. It is the Indian society in "Global City, Tokyo" (the newcomer who moved for the information technology worker) and that of Hanshin area (old-comer especially in, trading port, Kobe) to make it the target. The process of the production, reproduction with the ethnic group and the place was analyzed through this work. Theory was built about the relations of the ethnic group, Diaspora and Globalization. Points of an argument were put in order, and a new perspective was raised to the Human geography with an ethnic group producing their place and that place producing them as an existence which had ethnic identity. This work was referred to the approach of the city argument, structured theory and phenomenology. Relations with the community in the local level were examined in the place based on the statistics about foreigner's registration in Japan. 1) It is analyzed about the residence area, working area distribution of Indian in the micro-scale, the working structure and that change by using the materials such as Indian society organization. The formation of segregated area of them and a change were grasped, and it was examined from the point of the service supply (consumer goods, education, religion) and society organization. 2) The mechanism of that formation and that change are made clear by the hearing investigation to the society organization of Indian in Tokyo area and Hanshin area. The spatial extent of the network and relation with the reproduction of the identity was analyzed again by the hearing investigation of the individual history of Indian.

  • Urban and Industrial Development and its Regional Effects in India under the New Economic Policy
    OKAHASHI Hidenori, HINO Masateru, TOMOZAWA Kazuo, YUI Yoshimichi, SAWA Munenori, ARAKI Hitoshi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, 2001 - 2003
    India has experienced rapid growth since adopting economic liberalization policy in 1991. This research aims to grasp the trends of urban and industrial development in India and to clarify the national spatial structure, investigating regional effects through land, agricultural products, water resources and labor. As a result, It is clarified that suburb of metropolitan regions are growing rapidly and its development is much related with the industrial development. Major results are as follows. 1) The trends of urban and industrial development since adopting economic liberalization policy in 1991 Foreign direct investment in India tends to be limited to a few metropolitan regions such as Delhi and Bangalore. The metropolitan areas are experiencing rapid expansion in the suburb. IT industry and automobile industry plays an important role in realizing suburban expansion. 2) Urban and industrial development and their regional effects in Bangalore metropolitan regions Recent industrial development in Bangalore is leaded by automobile and software industries. Their development depends on the industrial agglomeration and human resource development. Rapid development of Bangalore brings about a number of urban questions, especially in the the water resources, housing supply and transport. 3) Urban and industrial development and their regional effects in Delhi metropolitan regions We focus on Gurgaon district locating in the suburb of Delhi. Recent industrial development here is leaded by automobile industries and call centers, providing the increase of labor demands. However increasing casual workers is observed in manufacturing sectors. In Gurgaon, housing and commercial development is now appearing and playing as a center for suburban development.

  • 現代農村のローカライゼーションに関する地理学的研究
    澤 宗則
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奨励研究(A), 神戸大学, 1999 - 2000
    研究目的は、現代日本の地域社会の変化を、ローカルレベルと上位のナショナルレベル・リージョナルレベルとの相互作用関係を視点に分析し、ローカライゼーションのプロセスを明らかにすることである。 今年度は、上記の関係を特に日本の農村出身者の都市定住過程とエスニック集団の社会構造の2つに焦点を当てて調査・分析・学会発表・論文発表を行った。 具体的には、前者に関しては、国家の地域政策や国内産業の空間的再編成(特に農林業、製造業、建設業と観光業)と県・市町村の地域政策や地元産業の再編成との関連を概観した上で、これらの政策や産業の空間的再編成がローカルな農村の政治・経済・社会構造に与えた影響を、おもにローカルな産業資本の動向、地方議会議員の選挙と地域住民の組織の対応の点から、ポリティカル・エコノミィの枠組みに準拠して考察を行い、それぞれの地域における対応様式の特質について考察を行った。 また、後者に関しては、日本におけるエスニック集団の社会構造の変化を分析した。近年の経済のグローバリゼーションの進行と関連させながら、商人を中心とした在日インド人のオールドタイマー達が居住し、定着している神戸およびその周辺地域と比較しながら、「世界都市」・東京とその周辺地域で情報産業に従事するインド人ニューカマー達の流入・定着過程を分析対象とした。その結果、グローバリゼーションの過程の中で、エスニック集団の社会構造が流動化・浮遊化し、場所に根ざさない社会となっていることが明らかになった。そしてこの傾向を決定的に特徴づけたのが、インターネットの急速な普及であったことが判明した。

  • Research on disaster and reconstruction on the South Hyogo Earthquake in relation to the natural basis and urban formation
    TAKAHASHI Shinichi, OSHIRO Naoki, SAWA Munenori, YAMASAKI Takeshi, HASEGAWA Koji, TANAKA Shingo
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), KOBE UNIVERSITY, 1996 - 1998
    In our research work for three years, disasters and reconstruction on the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake were analyzed considering the relationship between both natural conditions and economic and social conditions, particularly urban formation. A final report including most of our research work was published in March 1999, and the summary is as follows. 1. With regard to disaster analysis of Kobe, topographical classification maps were made, and using them it was clarified that topography and residential damages are closely related. Disaster deaths, residential damages, and natural conditions also had the relationship which was quite different by region. Temporal residential mobility due to the earthquake was notable in inner city areas, and poor and old-age people. 2. About reconstruction analysis, mobility of many tenants of damaged offices in Central Kobe to areas around and outside Kobe was still related to agglomeration function of Central Kobe. Taking two inner city regions in Kobe, it was shown that experience of disasters by the World War II and the earthquake damages are related. Reconstruction in towns in Awaji Island was different from reconstruction in Kobe urban areas. 3. Using historical maps, the relationship between remains of farm ponds and residential damages was analyzed, but clear results were not found. Data of map use by newspapers of the earthquake disasters was collected, and its significance and limitation were pointed out. It is the remaining task for us to add research work using many and new statistics and reports concerning to the Earthquake, and proceed more intensive and analytic approach on wider regions, for example total Kobe and Hanshin regions.

  • インドにおける工業化の新展開と地域構造の変容
    岡橋 秀典, SHARMA R.C., 荒木 一視, 友澤 和夫, 澤 宗則, 由井 義通, NATH M.L., 作野 広和, 南埜 猛
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 国際学術研究, 広島大学, 1996 - 1998
    本研究は,近年進展著しいインド工業化の地域的実態を,北インドを中心に低開発地域と開発地域の2つの大規模工業団地の比較を通じて明らかにしようとするものである。既に平成8年度は,低開発地域の工業団地開発の事例を調査し,平成9年度は,近年成長著しいデリー工業圏,中でもノイダ工業団地について調査を行った。本年度は、5名により補足調査として短期のインド現地調査を行った他は,もっぱらこれまでの研究の総括に当てた。平成8年度,9年度の成果を総合的に検討するため9月に研究集会を実施し,さらにその結果を11月の人文地理学会で口答発表した。なお、これまでの3年間の研究成果を報告書としてまとめ,工業化と地域の変容を通してインドの新たな地域像の提示を試みた。 インド現地調査は,デリーとその周辺において前年度の補足調査を行ったほか,近年成長著しい南インドの工業発展の一端を把握するため,バンガロールの工業団地開発とソフトウェア産業の展開について調査を実施した。バンガロールの調査によって明らかとなった点は以下のとおりである。 1)バンガロールは公営企業の立地により工業都市として発展してきたが,近年は外国資本を含むソフトウェア産業の集積による発展が著しい。2)この発展には,これまでの工業の集積や研究機関・教育機関の充実が関わっている。3)ソフトウェア産業のための工業団地開発が行われており,シンガポールの協力によりこれまでのインドにない新たなコンセプトの開発が認められる。4)トヨタの工業立地が近郊に決定しており,今後自動車工業の集積によってより総合的な工業地域として発展することが予測される。

  • Geographical Reappraisal of Human Resources and its Relation to Socio-economic Development in India
    MURAKAMI Makoto, MAHADEV P.d., SHARMA R.c., SAWA Munenori, MAKINO Kazunari, DOI Haruhiro, MAIDA Iwao, NAKAYAMA Shuichi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research, Hiroshima University, 1991 - 1993
    Title : Geographical Reappraisal of Human Resources and Its Relation to Socio-economic Development in India Purpose and fields : The purpose of this research project was to make a geographical reappraisal of human resources in the context of the regional development which focuses upon the improvement of living standard and the growth of industries in micro regional scale. Research fields were picked up two villages under the regional development programs near Mysore and two residential areas in Mysore city region. The first village, Chikkamarali, located at northern area about 40Km away from Mysore city had been surveyed in 1978 by the joint research team of Hiroshima and Mysore Universities. We made the follow-up survey of the change in living way of the village people since the previous survey. The other village, Gowdahalli, is located along Mysore-Bangalore Highway. On the sampling of these villages, the fundamental view point was the development of irrigation. The former was the developed case and the latter was the developing case. For the survey of the rural-urban linkage, two residential areas were picked up in Mysore city area. Result : At Chikkamarali village, the rotation system of crops by paddy and sugarcane has been established after the spread of irrigation system. Then giving much fertilizer brought high productivity and comparatively much income. The development of commercial agriculture has changed the employment and household system of the village. The traditional employment system has changed to cash-payment system, and on the other hand, agricultural households have maintained the old joint family system to keep their labor force for cultivation of their land. The developmental effect on agriculture has not influenced the daily life, for instance, food consumption, education of children, etc., yet. Gowdahalli, on the marginal area of modern irrigation, remained the traditional agricultural income. Urban people who migrated from rural area and live at two residential areas in Mysore city, live on comparatively high level. As the result of urbanization which has spread widely in India, those who migrated to urban area began to cut off their relation with their real properties left in rural villages. Result of the survey works for three years. The joint research teams of Hiroshima and Indian universities have been completed very successfully to collect the micro data at six villages in three States, India from 1991 to 1993. The survey works have been carried out owe to much cordial friendship between Indian and Japanese scholars. The data were concerning living way and its changes in the rural development schemes by house-hold and family member. Results of the projects have published in "Annual Report of Research Center for Regional Geography." No.3, 1993, and No.4, 1994(in Press). We plan the joint seminar of this project at India in 1995.