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OHNO TomokoGraduate School of Human Development and Environment / Department of Human Environmental ScienceAssociate Professor
Researcher basic information
■ Research Keyword■ Research Areas
- Environmental science/Agricultural science / Landscape science / cultural landscape landscape ecology
- Humanities & social sciences / Local studies / ethnobotany
- Environmental science/Agricultural science / Horticulture
- Life sciences / Ecology and environmental science
- Environmental science/Agricultural science / Biological resource conservation
Research activity information
■ Award■ Paper
- 2019, International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 10, 243 - 256, EnglishDiscussion on Regional Revitalization using Woody Biomass Resources as Renewable Energy[Refereed]Scientific journal
- In Hindu Bali, coconut trees near human settlements exhibit a particular silhouette. To understand the relationship between human activity and the landscape created by plant usage, we analyzed the extent of the cut-leaved coconut canopies and consumption pattern of coconut leaflets for religious purposes on Bali Island. Cut-leaved coconut canopies were identified in 78% of the 18 sites investigated, and 22% of coconut trees had cut leaves. Coconut leaflets, young and old, were gathered from live trees and frequently used for many offerings such as canang, penjor, and sanggah cucuk for Dewi Sri as part of plant decorations made with various colorful flowers and ornamental tree leaves. Balinese people still make traditional offerings with intact plant materials, although recently coconut leaflets are increasingly sold in markets in urban areas. We conclude that this particular coconut silhouette is a result of human ritual activities stemming from the Balinese culture.University of Hawaii at Manoa, Dec. 2015, Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 14, 405 - 421, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 人間・植物関係学会, Mar. 2014, 人間・植物関係学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of People-Plant Relationships, 13(2) (2), 1 - 12, JapaneseDiversity of Plant Deformation Designs in Catholic Churches in Kamigoto and in Surrounding Western Kyushu[Refereed]Scientific journal
- The natural habitat of the <i>Echinochloa</i> species growing in eastern Australia was investigated in May 2008. In this survey, four annual native species, <i>E. dietrichiana</i>, <i>E. inundata</i>, <i>E. telmatophila</i>, and <i>E. turneriana</i>, and three exotic species, <i>E. colona</i>, <i>E. crus-galli</i>, and <i>E. polystachya</i>, were observed. The native species clThe Society of Crop Science and Breeding in Kinki, Japan, Apr. 2010, Journal of Crop Research, 55, 13 - 17, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 竹文化振興協会, Mar. 2009, Bamboo journal, (26) (26), 41 - 47, JapaneseA note on artificial dissemination of bamboos based on a distribution pattern of Bambusa vulgaris in tropical Asia[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Mar. 2008, 滋賀県琵琶湖・環境科学研究センター試験研究報告, (3) (3), 134 - 178, Japanese15.流域の地域特性に基づく生物多様性保全手法の構築 流域の地域特性に基づく生物多様性保全手法の構築―平成18年度の成果―
- 竹文化振興協会, Mar. 2008, Bamboo journal, (25) (25), 36 - 47, JapaneseA field note on bamboo species and their utilization in northern Thailand and Yunnan, China near to the Golden Triangle[Refereed]Scientific journal
- To clarify the fact that vertical movements of vegetation zone had occurred for twenty and several years, species composition of plant communities was surveyed on the artificial slopes along the mountain roads at the two periods. 18 species had moved upward for about twenty five years. Average annual temperature differences between the two periods 1951—1980 and 1971—2000 in resThe Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology, Aug. 2007, The Japanese Association of The Revegetaion Technology, 33(1) (1), 59 - 64, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Mar. 2007, 滋賀県琵琶湖・環境科学研究センター試験研究報告, (2) (2), 135-151,14-15, Japanese流域の地域特性に基づいた生物多様性保全手法の構築 生物多様性に配慮した流域管理手法の構築
- 竹文化振興協会, Mar. 2007, Bamboo journal, (24) (24), 42 - 51, JapaneseBamboo with the daily life of mainority tribes: Thai tribe in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China[Refereed]Scientific journal
- The Japanese Geotechnical Society, Dec. 2006, Soil mechanics and foundation engineering, 54(12) (12), 78 - 86, Japanese土と基礎の生態学 : 4. 琵琶湖周辺水域の生物多様性と微地形[Refereed]Scientific journal
- There is a correlation between evapo-transpiration, soil water, and vegetation cover. Evapo-transpiration was measured in the three different cover types, soil, <I>Sedum</I>, and <I>Zoysia</I>. Evapo-transpiration was increased with less than 0.3 g cm<SUP>-3</SUP> of soil water. The lower temperature of vegetation covering and soil surface caused by increasing of evapo-transpirThe Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology, Aug. 2006, The Japanese Association of The Revegetaion Technology, 32(1) (1), 86 - 91, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 竹文化振興協会, Mar. 2006, Bamboo journal, (23) (23), 56 - 64, Japanese中国雲南省、タイおよびベトナムにおける竹利用の多様性について[Refereed]Scientific journal
- The evapo-transpirations were measured by weighing lysimeter continually at every half hour for turfs of Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis and turf of Sedum mexicanum which were important plant material for roof top gardens. Evaporation from bare soil was also measured. Air temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind and light intensity (PFFD) were measured consequently at every oThe Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, Mar. 2006, Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, 69(5) (5), 431 - 436, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 竹文化振興協会, Mar. 2005, Bamboo journal, (22) (22), 49 - 60, Japanese大阪府岸和田市における竹林分布と社会的・自然的要因との関係に関する研究[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Leaves size in longitudinal and transverse direction of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Weber.) were measured in every two days after removal of whole above ground organs at natural day length and at dark conditions in pots culture. Area and dry weight of each leaf was estimated non-destructively by using allometric relations, which were made from sampling leaves. The light conThe Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, Mar. 2005, Landscape Research Japan Online, 68(5) (5), 705 - 708, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 竹文化振興協会, Mar. 2005, Bamboo journal, (22) (22), 39 - 48, Japanese衛星画像解析による竹林の抽出--大阪府岸和田市を事例として[Refereed]Scientific journal
- The purpose of this study was to investigate how existing bamboo forests expanded and to estimate their expansion. The bamboo forests were followed from 1968 to 2002. The data obtained were collected by using the GIS system at four points in time: 1968, 1978, 1992, and 2002. They were statistically analyzed to examine changes over time. The results showed that before 1992, bambThe Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, Mar. 2004, Landscape Research Japan Online, 67(5) (5), 567 - 572, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- In this study, the relation between the structural changes of bamboo forests and the distances from the bamboo forests to the nearest residential areas was investigated in order to evaluate the relationship between human activities and the structural changes of the bamboo forests over two time periods. The results obtained from 1968 to 1978 demonstrated that the percentage of bThe Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, Mar. 2003, Landscape Research Japan Online, 66(5) (5), 547 - 550, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 環境情報科学センター, Nov. 2002, Papers on environmental information science, (16) (16), 369 - 374, JapaneseA Study of the Relationship between Bamboo Forest and the Surrounding Land-use : Case Study on Kishiwada City, Osaka[Refereed]Scientific journal
- The purpose of this study was to examine the expansion patterns of bamboo forests in Kishiwada City, Osaka, by analyzing the distribution of their habitats over time. The study found that the city had 567 bamboo forests with a total area of 2, 134, 600n in 1968, 619 bamboo forests with total area of 2, 535, 000rri in 1978, and 773 bamboo forests with total area of 4, 210, 700 mThe Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, Mar. 2002, Landscape Research Japan Online, 65(5) (5), 603 - 608, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- We studied the change in distribution of bamboo forests in the Osaka Sennan district, which had been represented on 1/ 25000 topographical maps prepared in 1947, 1970, and 1993. The number of bamboo forest sites was counted and the area of each site was measured.<BR>We found that the total area of bamboo forests in the district under examination was about 187 ha in 1947. This hThe Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, Mar. 1999, Landscape Research Japan Online, 62(5) (5), 599 - 602, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 形の文化会, 2017, 形の文化研究 = Bulletin of cultural study on katachi, 11(11) (11), 3 - 15, JapaneseStudy on Winding Strings on Wrists of People Living in Ishigakijima, Northern Thailand, Nepal, China etc.[Refereed]
- 形の文化会, 2012, 形の文化研究 = Bulletin of cultural study on katachi, 7(1) (1), 1 - 6, Japanese'Hexagon Star'for spiritual praying among ethnic groups in the northern part of Thailand[Refereed]
- 近畿大学農学部, Apr. 2009, Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University, (42) (42), 243 - 248, JapaneseUse of plants in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea: survey trip in October 2008[Refereed]Report research institution
- パプアニューギニア国モロベ州における植物の利用本調査は「ヒエ属植物の国際雑草化に関する海外学術調査」におけるオセアニア地域調査として、2008年9月27日から10月5日の期間、パプアニューギニア国モロベ州において実施された。同国では4種のヒエ属植物が記録されている。モロベ州のLaeおよびFinschhafen周辺調査で前2種を観察したが、同国東部の沼沢地に自生するとされる後2種については観察できなかった。観察したE. colonaの形態的、生態的特徴については別に詳述し、本稿では同国で見聞した植物の利用について報告する。数日間の現地滞在中に露店、集落、担ぎ荷、および聞き取り調査で記録した植物は食用作物16種、食用野生きのこ類数種、嗜好料作物3種、建築資材など7種であった。華僑が経営する食料品店には、輸入品の米、タマネギ、ビスケット、各種缶詰類があったが、リストから除外した。近畿大学農学部, Mar. 2009, 近畿大学農学部紀要 = Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University, (42) (42), 243 - 248, Japanese[Refereed]Introduction research institution
- 道路緑化保全協会, Aug. 2008, 道路と自然, 36(1) (1), 17 - 20, JapaneseDynamics of bamboo forests and prediction of their growth: Japanese bamboo forest and maintenance of green areaOthers
- 滋賀県琵琶湖環境科学研究センター, 2007, 滋賀県琵琶湖環境科学研究センター試験研究報告書, (4) (4), 106 - 126, Japanese流域の地域特性に基づく生物多様性保全手法の構築Others
- 2007, 日本緑化工学会誌, 33(1) (1), 59 - 64
- 2007, Bamboo Journal, 24, 42 - 52少数民族の暮らしと竹-中国雲南省西双版納のタイ族-
- 2007, Proceedings of the 21st Asian Pacific Weed Science Society (APWSS) Conference, 634 - 639Bamboo as a weed at urban fringe in Japan
- 2006, 地盤工学会誌土と基礎, 54, 78 - 86琵琶湖周辺水域の生物多様性と微地形
- There is a correlation between evapo-transpiration, soil water, and vegetation cover. Evapo-transpiration was measured in the three different cover types, soil, Sedum, and Zoysia. Evapo-transpiration was increased with less than 0.3g cm^<-3> of soil water. The lower temperature of vegetation covering and soil surface caused by increasing of evapo-transpiration. However, temperature decreasing did not depend on the plant species, such as Sedum and Zoysia, and soil type. The light spectrum was related to the different amounts of soil water and it was increased in near infra-red range by increasing of soil water.The Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology, 2006, Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology, 32(1) (1), 86 - 91, Japanese
- 2006, 道路と自然, 132, 42 - 44山岳地道路がもたらす種多様性維持効果と温暖化による垂直分布域の移動に関する研究
- 道路緑化保全協会, 2006, 道路と自然, 33(4) (4), 42 - 44, Japanese研究紹介 山岳地道路がもたらす種多様性維持効果と温暖化による垂直分布域の移動に関する研究Others
- The evapo-transpirations were measured by weighing lysimeter continually at every half hour for turfs of Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis and turf of Sedum mexicanum which were important plant material for roof top gardens. Evaporation from bare soil was also measured. Air temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind and light intensity (PFFD) were measured consequently at every one hour. As results, among the environmental factors, light intensity and water vapor deficit were strongly correlated to the evapo-transpiration water amount. So, the averages were calculated at many combinations of the two factors. By the most cases except at the highest light intensity and the highest water vapor deficit, evapo-transpiration were increased according with the light intensity or increasing of water vapor deficit, and the evapo-transpiration were not so much different among Cynodon, Sedum and bare soil. The fact shows that there is no difference about the temperature effect among Cynodon, Sedum and even bare soil by water evaporation. At the highest light intensity and the highest water vapor deficit, Cynodon and bare soil accelerated the transpiration. It would lead to withering for Cynodon. But the Sedum turf decreased the evapo-transpiration and could be tolerant against dry up.The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, 2006, Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, 69(5) (5), 431 - 436, Japanese
- Leaves size in longitudinal and transverse direction of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Weber.) were measured in every two days after removal of whole above ground organs at natural day length and at dark conditions in pots culture. Area and dry weight of each leaf was estimated non-destructively by using allometric relations, which were made from sampling leaves. The light condition caused differences in re-growth of dandelions between at natural day length and at dark condition. Light-photosynthesis curve revealed that light saturated productivity of leaves was about 13.0 CO^2μmol/m^2/sec. and that respiration rate as 0.49 CO^2μmol/m^2/sec. Quantity balance of photosynthetic production was estimated for each leaf in every day. New leaf grew rapidly and reached the maximum size in 10 days after emergence. Surplus production kept nearly balanced zero throughout this period. The balance became surplus after leaf completed the growth. Production economy during the early stage in each leaf was a self-supporting process without depending source on other organs. A leaf got about 0.3g dry weight surplus production during the life span. It is considered that these characteristics of dandelion adapted to the grassland that disturbed frequently by mowing or trampling.The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, 2005, Landscape Research Japan Online, 68(5) (5), 705 - 708, Japanese
- 2005, Bamboo Journal, 22, 39 - 48衛星画像解析による竹林の抽出ー大阪府岸和田市を事例としてー
- The purpose of this study was to investigate how existing bamboo forests expanded and to estimate their expansion. The bamboo forests were followed from 1968 to 2002. The data obtained were collected by using the GIS system at four points in time: 1968, 1978, 1992, and 2002. They were statistically analyzed to examine changes over time. The results showed that before 1992, bamboo forests with increasing area largely outnumbered those with decreasing area, while after 1992, the number of bamboo forests with decreasing area approached that of bamboo forests with increasing area. Then, the relative expansion rate was calculated using a logistic equation. The relative rate reached its peak in 1978, which it maintained until 1992, when the rate started to slow. When the relative expansion was evaluated in relation to land use, the relative rate of bamboo forests surrounding relatively untouched land was higher, while the rate of expansion of bamboo forests surrounding residential areas became slower. This study offers fundamental knowledge helpful in the proper management of bamboo forests.The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, 2004, Landscape Research Japan Online, 67(5) (5), 567 - 572, Japanese
- In this study, the relation between the structural changes of bamboo forests and the distances from the bamboo forests to the nearest residential areas was investigated in order to evaluate the relationship between human activities and the structural changes of the bamboo forests over two time periods. The results obtained from 1968 to 1978 demonstrated that the percentage of bamboo forests having a residential area within a radius of 250 m was higher in Group B, in which the area of the bamboo forests increased over the time, than in Group A, in which the area of the bamboo forests increased over the time. This indicated that the expansion of the bamboo forests was restricted. On the other hand, the results obtained from 1978 to 1992 showed that the percentage of bamboo forests having a residential area within a radius of 50 or 100 m was slightly higher in Group B than in Group A, and that of bamboo forests having a residential area within a radius of 250 m was lower in Group B than in Group A. These results indicated that bamboo forests were poorly managed at a 250-m distance from the residential areas, and then the poor management has gradually come closer to the residential areas, resulting in the expansion of the bamboo forests.The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, 2003, Landscape Research Japan Online, 66(5) (5), 547 - 550, Japanese
- 2002, 環境情報科学, 16, 369 - 374竹林拡大と周辺土地利用との関連性に関する研究‐大阪府岸和田市を事例として‐
- 2002, 日本造園学会誌ランドスケープ研究, 65(5) (5), 603 - 608大阪府岸和田市における竹林の拡大特性に関する研究
- We studied the change in distribution of bamboo forests in the Osaka Sennan district, which had been represented on 1/25000 topographical maps prepared in 1947, 1970, and 1993. The number of bamboo forest sites was counted and the area of each site was measured. We found that the total area of bamboo forests in the district under examination was about 187 ha in 1947. This had increased to 207 ha by 1993. The average area of bamboo forest site had been about 0.7 ha in 1947 but had increased to 1.3 ha by 1993.The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, 1999, Landscape Research Japan Online, 62(5) (5), 599 - 602, Japanese
■ Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 2021年度日本造園学会関西支部大会, Oct. 2021, Japanese中国北京市における市民農園の現状と今後の利活用への期待Poster presentation
- 2021年度日本造園学会関西支部大会, Oct. 2021, Japanese都市緑化における視覚的な緑の量と質が歩行者に与える印象Poster presentation
- 環境科学会2021年会, Sep. 2021, Japanese神戸市民の環境意識と新型コロナウィルス感染症リスクの捉え方に関する考察Oral presentation
- 第132回日本森林学会大会, Mar. 2021森林植物園における外国産樹種からの実生調査Oral presentation
- 照葉樹林文化研究会2020 in zoom, Nov. 2020近年のネパールの住居構造が創る園芸文化と地域景観Oral presentation
- 日本造園学会関西支部大会, Oct. 2020大阪府営浜寺公園におけるマツの成長解析に関する研究
- 日本造園学会関西支部大会, Oct. 2020野外のアートプロジェクトが神戸市の地域活性にもたらす効果
- 日本造園学会関西支部大会, Oct. 2020住民から捉えた地域資源としての景観の特徴に関する研究
- 日本造園学会関西支部大会, Oct. 2020神戸市における墓園形態の現状と社会的および景観特性に関する研究Poster presentation
- 日本造園学会関西支部大会, Oct. 2020河川防災教育の現状とその効果- 淀川流域における活動を事例として-Poster presentation
- 環境科学会2020年会, Sep. 2020幼児の自然体験を通じた感受性への影響Others
- 日本造園学会関西支部大会, Oct. 2016, Japanese, 京都大学, Domestic conference大阪府営浜寺公園の歴史的変遷とマツの植栽管理に関する研究Poster presentation
- 首届国際道教文化前沿論壇, 2016, Chinese, International conference《千金翼方・禁經》与日本奈良市出土二條大路咒符木簡Oral presentation
- 2014年度形の文化会, May 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference建物などを守る僻邪呪物―中国・日本・タイなどの事例をもとにして―Oral presentation
- 第47回日本雑草学会, 2008都市近郊のタケの雑草化について
- 平成19年度竹文化振興協会竹の情報発表会, 2007東南アジアにおける竹利用の多様性
- 第4回 京都ネオ西山文化フォーラム「竹のモノづくり」, 2007中国雲南省における竹利用とその変遷
- 第54回日本生態学会, 2007西の湖周辺地域の航空3次元計測と貴重植物の分布解析
- 中尾佐助著作集完成記念演会, 2006照葉樹林帯下部における竹利用の文化
- 竹文化振興協会第30回竹の情報発表会, 2005人工衛星で竹林拡大を探る
- 日本造園学会シンポジウム・分科会, 2002竹林の現状と拡大特性の把握
■ Research Themes
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kobe University, 01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2024Investigation of Sustainable Cultural Landscape Factors and Creation of Modern Rationality Explored from Historical Changes and Regional Differences in Plant Utilization2021年度はこれまでのバリ島フィールド調査写真から祭祀に関わる植物についてチャナン(宗教的儀式に使用するお供え物)を中心に抽出、整理を行うとともに、バリ島での住民のライフスタイルについて文献調査を開始した。 バリ人にとってバリヒンドゥの世界観を表すチャナンの作成とお供えは日常的に行われており、その材料の消費量は非常に多い。これまで、バリヒンドゥと類似した宗教的基盤を持つネパールヒンドゥの祭祀植物を調査した結果、オレンジ色のマリーゴールドの大量使用と依存を明らかにしてきたが、バリヒンドゥでの植物利用は、ネパールヒンドゥとは異なる点が多い。 バリ島のチャナンには様々な植物、お供えの食べ物が添えられており、2009年、2012年、2020年の現地写真を見るとチャナンの材料とされる花はアジサイ、ホウセンカ、プルメリア、センニチコウ、ハイビスカス、マリーゴールドなど多くの色鮮やかな種が用いられている。この種の選択には宗教上の方位と色の関係があり、対象とする色を有する花であれば使用され、種の限定は見られない。特にマリーゴールドに着目すると、チャナンにおける西は黄色の花が必要とされることからマリーゴールドが使用されることが多いが、2009年ではオレンジ色よりも黄色のマリーゴールドが好まれているように見える。写真画像の枚数に偏りがあるため、この検証は今後必要になる。バリ島では、宗教的な方位と色の関係性により使用される植物が選択されることから、植物種への依存は低く、材料入手の容易さと資源量によって利用される植物は変化すると思われる。 一方、祭祀に用いられる植物は、その国のライフスタイルが大きく関わっている可能性がある。心理学者のアドラーによると、ライフスタイルの構築には文化や子供時代の経験・創造性が関わっているとされことからも2022年度は現地住民への聞き取り調査を重点的行う予定である。
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kobe University, 01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2021, Principal investigator調査対象地の石垣島では、現地の協力者とともに、現在も苧麻栽培がおこなわれている3カ所とかつての跡地1カ所を調査した。栽培が確認された箇所での栽培面積はいずれも大規模ではなく、民家の庭や菜園、墓地の一部を利用した小規模栽培であった。一方、かつて栽培がおこなわれていたという場所は比較的面積が大きく、現在は牧草地とされていた。この牧草地周縁にはかつて栽培されていたものと思われる苧麻が生育していたが、その形態は、現在も栽培維持されている3か所のものとは違い、野生種に近かった。今後は、苧麻の栽培種、中間種、野生種の形態的差異を詳細に調べていく必要がある。苧麻栽培は、八重山諸島で広く行われているが、宮古島もまた、宮古上布の材料として同様に栽培が行われてきた。そのため宮古島での調査を加え、その栽培や利用につい現地調査を行った結果、宮古島では上布の材として野生の苧麻も利用するというが、商品としての「八重山上布」には、購入した苧麻の繊維を使用していることが分かった。 ネパールでのマリーゴールド栽培の状況は、カトマンズ市内など都市部では現代的住居構造のベランダや屋上にコンテナ栽培されており、郊外では、伝統的住居の中庭でのコンテナ栽培と居住地前庭の路地栽培および大規模なマリーゴールド畑が見られた。特に、郊外では、逃げ出しと見られるマリーゴールドの存在が多数確認でき、それらの花序もまた採取され、利用された形跡が見られた。寺院や伝統的住居には、ネパールヒンドゥーに係る彫刻等が施されている。これらの写真撮影と関連資料の収集を行ってきた。今後は、写真や絵図の解読によって、祭祀植物のリスト化とマリーゴールドの導入理由について調査していく。大阪府立大学公開講座第13回市民フォーラム「辟邪 まよけ」において、この成果の一部を発表した。Competitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Osaka Prefecture University, 01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2019About the talisman against evil, we considered it from documents and an on-the-spot survey. We read “Wu shi er bing fang ”“Qian jin yu fang ”,and considered an example of talisman against evil.We investigated Ishigakijima, Thailand Nepal and considered a string to bind wrists with. Religion and the races are different ,but all have the idea of the soul.As a way for the soul not to fall out,they bind a wrist, a neck and a body with a string.The Chinese documents show it.The last year,Tohru Ohgata performed presentation of the study called " Picture of the talisman against evil(辟邪図)". Junnichi Yamazato performed presentation about "a talismanic monument(石敢当)". Satoshi Sasaki performed presentation about "divine beast(白澤)".Tomoko Onoperformed presentation about "eyes of the ogre" (ダレオ).
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Kobe University, 01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2018For constructing an interdisciplinary approach to area management harmonized environmental conservation and disaster prevention, our research was focused on forest volunteers activity in the Rokko Mountains. Firstly,to understand characteristics of slope face collapse, we conducted mapping analysus related to its forest condition, slope gradient, altitude, surface geology and ownership. According this results,the risk of slope face collapse due to earthquakes and heavy rain was evaluated quantitatively, using a multivariate analysis with this environment information as explanatory variables. Additionally, to examine the role of attachment to local and relationship of community in concern related to forest maintenance and the utilization of resources in the Rokko mountains, Based on result of questionnaire survey,targeting Kobe residents of 20 years and above (522 subjects).Competitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Kobe University, 01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2017, Principal investigatorWe investigated ethno-botanically about how the regional landscape created by the use and cultivation of ritual plants of mainly the hill tribes in Southeast Asia. As a result, Lafu-red tribe living in Northern Thailand necessarily needs cotton (Gossypium spp.) during animism ritual. Therefore, they have cultivated and maintained that one for a long time around the temple and shaman’s house. We also surveyed about the use and cultivation of ritual plants in Okinawa and Nepal in addition to Thailand. People living in Sakishima islands, Okinawa believe Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) as a one of the plants to protect itself against misfortune. On the other hand, Marigold (Tagetes spp.) is very important ritual plants for the Hindus in Nepal. It became clear that the regional landscape created by these plants linked to faith are cultivated and maintained according to high necessity.Competitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Tokyo University of Agriculture, 01 Apr. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2014Horticultural features and ecological risks due to escape, natural hybridization, and/or human related dissemination were monitored for 182 East Asian ornamental plant species common in Japanese residential gardens. Almost species were ornamental trees, for flowers and greens, and herbaceous perennials with semi-cultivated uses sometimes as an encouraged weed. Genetic and morphoecological diversity were analyzed on several model species, including classic Japanese horticultural cultivars. Based on the discussions with invited lectures on East Asiatic ornamental species and diversity studies on crops and their wild congeners, the general pattern of evolution and disseminations in the ornamental species were summarized in the view point of conservation biology.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Osaka Prefecture University, 2011 - 2013We investigated how bamboo spread from a relationship of a human being and bamboo, about bamboo used by ethnic minority in Southeast Asia. A Lisu, Lafu, Hmong and Aka tribe who live in the survey area use around 10 bamboo species to suit the purpose of use. These 4 tribes play a traditional pipe instrument made by bamboo in the same way, and the materials of the pipe instrument which a Lisu, Lafu and Aka tribe use are wild bamboos, on the one hand a Hmong tribe used the cultivated temperate bamboos. The Hmong treats this instrument as the special thing which uses on funeral. Therefore the bamboo, which is the material of the instrument, is very important, and when they emigrate, the bamboos carried with them always together.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2010 - 2012To improve the reproductive habitat of the indigenous cyprinid fishes, we modified the steep shore of thePhragmites australis reed bed into gentle slope, by scraping off the surface soil. More numerousspawned eggs and larvae of the indigenous cyprinid fishes were found in the experiment areas than incontrol of steep shore, from April to May. But, alien fish larvae dominated there in the subsequentJune to August, when the water level was kept artificially low. On the other hands, P. australis grew onthe area where water level was below the surface soil at least once, during the period it came out fromrhizome. This indicates that conservation of the indigenous fishes and plants requires not only habitatrehabilitation but also water level control based on their ecological characteristics.
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費, 特別研究員奨励費, 大阪府立大学, 2007 - 2009遺伝情報を活用した竹林の成立過程の解明と保全に関する資源植物学的研究前年度の結果を経て、タケの景観資源および遺伝資源としての保全に関する基礎的知見を得るために、伝統的なタケの利用がされているタイ北部とマレーシアおよびバリ島における調査を加え、本年度は、系統解析のためのシーケンス分析と民族植物学的調査、候補地のGIS分析を行い、都市近郊におけるタケの雑草化について国内学会で研究発表をした。フィールド調査から得た新たな95個サンプルを改変CTAB法を用いてDNAを抽出し、葉緑体DNAのtrnL-F領域とtrnT-L領域とmatK領域の塩基配列を決定した。予備的な系統解析の結果、日本の温帯性のタケ・ササ類とタイや中国、マレーシアの熱帯性のタケ類とを識別できた。核DNAの解析により更に精度を向上できる。フィールド調査では、分析資料のサンプリングと共にタケ類の利用と多様な形態と分布状況を調査し、その結果をBamboo Journalに投稿した。タイ北部の1民家の庭には、6種類のタケ類が栽培されており、離れた畑で栽培するタケを合わせて、10種類のタケ類を用途に合わせて使い分けしている実態を確認した。中国雲南省では、集落内に植栽されているタケ類と河川沿いに植栽されているタケ類を調査し、集落内のタケは、Dendrocalamus yunnanensisで、水路沿いにはBumbusa lapideaが植栽されており、民族の違いにより利用法は異なるものの、多様なタケ類を識別し、使い分けていることが判かった。また、バリ島の調査によって、ダイサンチクBambusa vulgarisを事例として、生育環境を分析し、DNA情報をあわせ、総合的に判断して論文を作成した。タケ類の雑草化は、人為的な選び出しと栽培に深い関係があると考えている。
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Osaka Prefecture University, 2007 - 2009Biodiversity of genus Echinochloa (Poaceae) was surveyed by field expedition in several target areas of the Eurasia, Africa, North and South America, and Oceania regions, and by herbarium collections at K, CAL, UC, KUN etc. Annual species, both native and alien, have potential risks as rural weeds including herbicide resistant biotypes, and perennial species mainly alien as invaders in natural aquatic habitats.
- 科学研究費補助金, 2007 - 2008遺伝情報を活用した竹林の成立過程の解明と保全に関する資源植物学的研究Competitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Osaka Prefecture University, 2006 - 2008栽培植物の近縁野生種の遺伝的、形態的、生態的多様性を分析した。葉緑体および核遺伝子の塩基配列分析によって、種群の分岐年代を推定し、地域集団の遺伝的多様性を解析し、祖先集団を明らかにした。生物学的種内における野生・雑草・栽培系統を特徴づける脱粒性、巨大化、休眠性などの栽培化症候形質を解析し、国内外の自生地におけるニッチ分析によって、系統間の関係性は利用管理のインテリジェンスの傾斜をともなう生態的環境勾配への適応に規定されると総括し、生物多様性へのリスクを考察した。