Search DetailsTACHIBANA MakotoGraduate School of Intercultural Studies / Department of Cultural-InteractionAssociate Professor
Research activity information
■ Award- Aug. 2022 Монгол Улсын Боловсрол, Шинжлэх ухааны яам(モンゴル国教育科学省), “Шинжлэх ухааны тэргүүний ажилтан” тэмдэг(「先端的科学者」徽章)
- Mar. 2024, 東洋史論集, (51) (51), 29 - 50, JapaneseTibetan Factor in Mongolia during the Bogd Khaanate Period The Change in the Power of the Bogd Khaan and Tariff Issues[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 2023, Монголын тусгаар тогтнол ба Монгол Оросын 1912 оны гэрээ, 67 - 75, EnglishRe-examination of the Protocol Annexed to the Russo-Mongolian Agreement of 1912 Focusing on Negotiation Process and Subsequent Discussion
- Dec. 2022, Чингис хааны ертөнц ба Монгол судлал, 1, 333 - 340, EnglishDispute between Russia and China over customs duties in Mongolia: What were the customs duties in Mongolia in the early 20th century?
- Lead, Jul. 2022, 1911 оны Монголын үндэсний хувьсгалын түүхэн ач холбогдол: Үндэсний дуудлага, нөлөөлөл, хамаарал, 102 - 109, EnglishRe-examination of the document on the banners submitted to the Bogd Khan Government[Invited]International conference proceedings
- Nov. 2021, 1921 оны Ардын хувьсгал – 100 жил: Түүх ба Орчин үе, 68 - 75, EnglishSources on the Finances of the Bogd Khan Government in the 1910s: A Comparative Analysis Using I.M. Maiskii’s Research[Invited]International conference proceedings
- Aug. 2021, 下関市立大学論集, 65(1) (1), 61 - 70, JapaneseA Fundamental Study on Mongolian National Finance: Focusing on Tariff Revenue in the Early Twentieth CenturyResearch institution
- May 2020, 下関市立大学論集, 64(1) (1), 63 - 75, JapaneseThe Principle of National Self-Determination and the Fate of Mongolia: The Way to the Abolition of AutonomyScientific journal
- Dec. 2019, Богд хаан – 150: Түүх, Соёл, Өв: Олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний хурлын өгүүллийн эмхэтгэл,, 107 - 117, MongolianБогд хааны улс төрийн эрх мэдлийн өөрчлөлтийг эргэцүүлэх нь: Монгол дахь Төвдийн хүчин зүйлийн жишээнээсInternational conference proceedings
- Oct. 2019, Институт Богдо-гэгэна в истории Монголии. К 150-летию Богдо-гэгэна Джебцзундамба-хутухты VIII- последнего великого хана монголов:Труды Института востоковедения РАН, 25, 121 - 142, RussianПравительство автономной Внешней Монголии в истории: оценки в прошлом и настоящемScientific journal
- May 2018, 下関市立大学論集, 62(1) (1), 71 - 84, JapaneseMongol-Tibetan Relations after the Fall of the Qing Dynasty: Contemporary Signigicance of the Mongol-Tibetan Treaty of 1913Scientific journal
- Nov. 2017, Восымые Востоковедные Чтения БГУ: Сборник научных трудов, 302 - 309, EnglishMongolia’s Encounter with International Law: Mongolian Translation of WanguogongfaScientific journal
- 下関市立大学学会, May 2015, 下関市立大学論集, 59(1) (1), 93 - 103, Japaneseモンゴルの国史編纂と翻訳文献 : Ch.バトオチル抄訳『通鑑』・『綱目』について
- Waseda Institute of Contemporary China Studies, 2014, The journal of contemporary China studies, 3(1) (1), 69 - 90, EnglishThe 1911 Revolution and "Mongolia" : Independence, Constitutional Monarchy, or Republic (SPECIAL ISSUE : 1911 Revolution at the Boundaries)
- 2013, лон улсын Монголч эрдэмтдийн Х их хурлын илтгэлүүд: V Боть, Монголын тусгаар тогтнол, хувьсгал, 105 - 110, MongolianМонголын улс төрийн статус: Сюзеренитетийн тухайдInternational conference proceedings
- 2013, Монгол-Оросын 1912 оны гэрээ ба И.Я.Коростовец, 94 - 102, Mongolian1912 оны Орос-Монголын найрамдлын гэрээ ба олон улсын эрх зүй[Invited]International conference proceedings
- After the declaration of independence on December 1^<st>, 1911, unifying the Mongols, who had been under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, became one of the most important issues for the Bogd Khaan government. This new government was established on December 29^<th>, 1911, and elevated 8^<th> Jebtsundamba Khutagt as the Bogd Khaan (Holy Emperor). The relationship between the Bogd Khaan government and Inner Mongolia, Holonbuir and Tannu Urianhai, which were adjacent to Outer Mongolia, has been widely discussed by scholars. However, as far as I can verify, there have been few studies on the relationship between the Bogd Khaan government and the Qinghai Mongols, who were the part of the "Mongols" in the Qing period. It is true that the Qinghai Mongols were far from Ikh Khuree, the capital of the Bogd Khaan government. They were, however, located between Outer Mongolia and Tibet, and had a strong historical connection with both of these countries, which were seeking independence. Therefore, it is to be expected that they still had contact with the Bogd Khaan government in some way. If so, how did the Bogd Khaan government manage the distant exclave of Qinghai? This article will clarify the relationship between the Bogd Khaan government and the Qinghai Mongols in the early 20^<th> century, using newly found archival documents written in Mongolian.内陸アジア史学会, 2012, INNER ASIAN STUDIES, 27(0) (0), 19 - 33, Japanese
- 日本モンゴル学会, 2011, 日本モンゴル学会紀要, (41) (41), 59 - 65, Japaneseモンゴル語訳『資治通鑑綱目』について
- Dec. 2009, Восток, (5) (5), 115 - 133, RussianБарон Унгерн и ЯпонияResearch institution
- 早稲田大学モンゴル研究所, Sep. 2009, Bulletin of Waseda Institute for Mongolian Studies, (5) (5), 1 - 17, JapaneseThe fate of the Mongols joined Bogd Khaan's government after Kiakhta agreement
- Dec. 2007, 1911 оны үндэсний хувьсгал ба VIII Богд Жавзундамба хутагт, 78 - 87, MongolianДагаар орсон Монголчуудын хувь заяа: Хиагтын гэрээний дараахь үеInternational conference proceedings
- 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所, Mar. 2007, アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究, (73) (73), 101 - 127, JapaneseThe dual political structure in Inner Mongolia after Xinhai Revolution: on the diarchical system
- Dec. 2006, Mongolica, 18(39) (39), 243 - 250, MongolianӨвөр монгол дахь Цагаагчин гахай жилийн хувьсгалInternational conference proceedings
- Dec. 2006, Northeast Asian Study Series, (9) (9), 57 - 68, MongolianМонголын тусгаар тогтнол ба ердийн цаазInternational conference proceedings
- アジア政経学会, Jul. 2006, アジア研究, 52(3) (3), 17 - 34, Japanese「モンゴル」独立と領域問題--露蒙協定の分析を中心に
- 早稲田大学史学会, Mar. 2006, 史観, 154, 37 - 59, JapaneseThe Second Delegation Sent to Russia by Bogd Khaan's Government and Czarist Russia
- The Territorial Issue of Independent 'Mongolia': An Analysis of the Russo-Mongolian Agreement of 1912The Russo-Mongolian Agreement, signed on 3 November 1912, stipulated its coverage as 'Монголия' (in the Russian text) and 'Монгол улс' (in the Mongolian text). Conventional studies of this agreement have mainly discussed the differences between the Russian and Mongolian texts – these studies have focused on the use of the word 'улс' (state) in the Mongolian text, which means 'political status'. Furthermore, regarding the stipulated coverage of this agreement, these studies have merely explained that the Russian government conceded to the Mongols and used an ambiguous word.<BR>After the Xinhai Revolution, the political scenario in East Asia changed. In the wake of these changes, the Russian government planned to single-handedly negotiate an agreement with the Mongols and determined the extent of the territories as the 'four aimag of Khalkha'. Initially, all the Mongolian ministers except Tserenchimed gave their consent to the Russian draft; however, gradually, they began insisting on including Inner Mongolia and Barga in the agreement. Since both parties had discordant demands, the Russian special envoy, Korostovets, declared the termination of the negotiations. The Mongols then proposed to use an ambiguous word — 'Mongolia' — in the text and planned to sign the agreement, thereby reserving the possibility of unifying Inner Mongolia. The Russian government realized that this word could pose an overt threat to China if the agreement were to extend to include other territories that might join Khalkha. (As a result of the third Russo-Japanese secret convention that began negotiations by discussing the problem of using the word 'Mongolia', Russia is accountable to Japan with regard to Inner Mongolia.) Russia gave its consent to the Mongolian proposal. However, Korostovets declared to the Mongolian government that the Russian government would reserve the right to determine the territories of 'Mongolia'.<BR>After signing the agreement, as per the hidden agenda of the Russian government, it was necessary for the Chinese government to take up the Russian proposal. On the other hand, the Mongolian government began to actively propagate its own agenda toward Inner Mongolia, aiming to expand the territory that would be a part of 'Mongolia' and successfully made all factions of the Shiliin Gol League pledge allegiance to the Mongolian government. In addition, at the negotiations in St Petersburg, the Mongolian government asked the Russian government to protect Inner Mongolia. However, the Russian government refused this Mongolian demand on the basis of Korostovets's declaration.<BR>Finally, the issue regarding the word 'Mongolia' was resolved by the Russian government and influenced the decision regarding the territorial extent of 'Mongolia'. The failure of the Mongolian government to establish control over Inner Mongolia caused 'Mongolia' to be limited to 'Outer Mongolia'. The Russo-Chinese declaration, signed on 5 November 1913, also recognized 'Mongolia' as 'Outer Mongolia'. Moreover, the Tripartite Treaty of Kiakhta between Russia, China, and Mongolia, signed on 7 June 1915, granted 'autonomy' only to 'Outer Mongolia'. Thus, the word 'Mongolia' in the Russo-Mongolia agreement was limited to 'Outer Mongolia', and it became what is present-day Mongolia. Therefore, the inclusion of the word 'Mongolia' in the Russo-Mongolia agreement had extremely important implications.Japan Association for Asian Studies, 2006, Asian Studies, 52(3) (3), 17 - 34, Japanese
- Approaches of Bogd Khaan's Government to Unifying Lnner Mongolia: The Case of the Shiliin Gol LeagueAfter the Xinhai Revolution, Bogd Khaan's government was formed with the declaration of independence in Urga, while the Yuan Shikai administration was born in the Republic of China. Inner Mongolia, which was located between these two political forces, was not completely under the rule of either at the time, and so it became an area which the two regimes aimed to unify during 1912 and 1913. Moreover, due to an agreement between Japan and Russia regarding the dismemberment of Inner Mongolia, it became a hotly disputed region among those four political powers in their international Asian relations.Although the relationship with Inner Mongolia was the most important political issue for Bogd Khaan's government at that time, the conventional research merely discusses this issue based on the fact that thirty-five out of the forty-nine banners of Inner Mongolia showed allegiance to Bogd Khaan, but the questions of when and in what situation their allegiance was shown has yet to be clearly explained.The Shiliin Gol league has been considered to have been favorable towards allegiance to Bogd Khaan, since an of its banner leaders showed allegiance to him. However, it is a fact that only after the leader of the Shiliin Gol league, Yangsang, was taken captive by Bogd Khaan's forces in October l913 that all the league's banners swore allegiance to his government. According to the documents contained in the National Central Archive of Mongolia, after the capture of Yangsang, Bogd Khaan's government warned the leaders of the league to swear allegiance to it or risk capture. In addition, Yangsang, who was imprisoned in Urga, ordered them to dispatch a letter of allegiance to Bogd Khaan.The present article surveys the political situation surrounding Inner Mongolia after the Xinhai Revolution, in order to shed light upon the approaches taken by Bogd Khaan's government to unifying the region using the case of the Shiliin Gol League and describing the various reactions from inside Inner Mongolia towards that unification policy.東洋文庫, Dec. 2005, The Journal of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko, 87(3) (3), 351 - 382, Japanese
- 2005, 衛拉特研究, 55, 82 - 87, MongolianBoγda qaγan-u jasaγ-un γajar-aca orus ulus-tu tomiluγdaγsan qoyadaki udaγ-a-yin tölgelegcid-ün tuqaiScientific journal
- In Outer Mongolia, two governments, the Autonomous Government of Outer Mongolia under Bogd khaan and the Provisional people's Government under Mongolian People's Party, existed side by side in 1921. However, in the research on the "History of the Revolution", the former has been defined as "Ungern's Puppet" or completely ignored, leading to the latter dominating the reseach. This article intends to relativize the two governments, focusing on the former and demonstrating its political situation in Mongolia at that time. After the abolition of autonomy in 1919, movements to revive it rose in Outer Mongolia. When Ungern Sternberg attacked Urga, the Mongols supported him and the Autonomous Government was revived. The reason why the Provisional People's Government was formed immediately after the Autonomous Government's revival was because of the influence exerted by Soviet Russia. The People's Party denounced the Autonomous Government for being ruled by Ungern in an attempt,to justify the establishment of its own new government. However, the Autonomous Government continued its activities and did not lose its faculties as a "government" after Ungern's rout. In addition, the Mongolian People's Party, which had defeated Ungern and entered Urga, demanded that the seals of the ministries of Autonomous Government be handed over. However, this contradition reflected the position of both governments in Mongolia, namely, the Autonomous Government was regarded as the legitimate one at that time, while the Provisional People's Government was not generally recognized. The transfer of seals aimed to refute the legitimacy of the Autonomous Government. This article points out that the Autonomous Government was regarded as the legitimate one, and held the key position in Mongolia from it's abolishment to the establishment of the people's Government. The reason why the conventional research on "the Mongolian Revolution" does not deal sufficiently with Autonomous Government is to conceal the contradictions surrounding the establishment of the People's Government. In recent years "re-examination" is prevailing and this article is part of creating a new view of "the Mongolian Revolution".公益財団法人 史学会, 2004, 史学雑誌, 113(10) (10), 1689 - 1720, Japanese
- 人間社, 2017, アリーナ = Arena, (20) (20), 510 - 513, Japaneseモンゴル革命 : ロシア革命の落とし子か? (Portfolio 現代史のワークショップ)
- 山川出版社, May 2015, 歴史と地理, (684) (684), 37 - 40, Japanese読書案内 モンゴル近現代史へのいざない (世界史の研究(243))
- 内陸アジア史学会, 2015, 内陸アジア史研究, 30(0) (0), 87 - 88, Japanese
- 近現代東北アジア地域史研究会, Dec. 2014, News letter, (26) (26), 63 - 68, Japaneseあるモンゴル王公の末裔との出会い
- 内陸アジア史学会, 2014, 内陸アジア史研究, 29(0) (0), 151 - 152, Japanese
- 日本モンゴル学会, 2014, 日本モンゴル学会紀要, (44) (44), 98 - 100, Japanese13th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- 日本モンゴル学会, 2013, 日本モンゴル学会紀要, (43) (43), 29 - 38, JapaneseOn Bogd Khan's Autonomous Mongolia and Her National Anthem (Part 2)
- 内陸アジア史学会, 2012, 内陸アジア史研究, 27(0) (0), 90 - 91, Japanese
- 日本モンゴル学会, 2012, 日本モンゴル学会紀要, 0(42) (42), 49 - 61, JapaneseOn Bogd Khan's Autonomous Mongolia and Her National Anthem (Part 1)
- 公益財団法人 史学会, 2011, 史学雑誌, 120(1) (1), 107 - 108, Japanese
- 早稲田大学モンゴル研究所, Mar. 2007, Bulletin of Waseda Institute for Mongolian Studies, (4) (4), 39 - 54, JapaneseCurrent state of studies and the bibliographies: an introduction to studies of biographies in Mongolia
- 早稲田大学モンゴル研究所, Mar. 2007, Bulletin of Waseda Institute for Mongolian Studies, (4) (4), 55 - 72, JapaneseSome problems on history of 20th century Mongolia
- 早稲田大学モンゴル研究所, Mar. 2007, Bulletin of Waseda Institute for Mongolian Studies, (4) (4), 73 - 111, JapaneseCurrent situation and problems in the study of Mongolian 20th century history
- 早稲田大学モンゴル研究所, Mar. 2007, Bulletin of Waseda Institute for Mongolian Studies, (4) (4), 113 - 128, JapaneseState of materials related to Mongolian modern history
- 早稲田大学史学会, Mar. 2006, 史観, 154, 133 - 135, Japanese辛亥革命後における内モンゴルの二元的政治構造--ジャロード左旗の二ザサク制の事例を中心として (平成17年度早稲田大学史学会大会報告) -- (東洋史部会)
- 早稲田大学モンゴル研究所, Mar. 2006, Bulletin of Waseda Institute for Mongolian Studies, (3) (3), 29 - 59, JapaneseThe independence of Mongolia and I. Stalin
- 内陸アジア史学会, 2006, INNER ASIAN STUDIES, 21(0) (0), 85 - 96, Japanese
- 早稲田大学史学会, Sep. 2004, 史観, 151, 113 - 115, Japanese「モンゴル」史と私 (彙報 早稲田大学史学会・連続講演会「わたしと歴史学、わたしと考古学2」(於文学部校舎))
- 早稲田大学史学会, Sep. 2002, 史観, 147, 118 - 121, Japanese彙報 東洋史学専修 外モンゴル自治政府の再興と活動
- Joint work, W.W. Rockhill’s Visit to Outer Mongolia in 1913: An analysis using William Woodville Rockhill Papers, Feb. 2022「帝国」の秩序と再編:モンゴルの史書と史跡の探求
- Joint work, Friendship and Antagonism: Tibetans and Money in Early Twentieth-Century Mongolia, Amsterdam University Press, Jan. 2022The Early 20th Century Resurgence of the Tibetan Buddhist World: Studies in Central Asian Buddhism
- Joint work, 20世紀初頭のモンゴル国における関税をめぐる相克と共生ー制度と実態に関する基礎的考察, 東北大学東北アジア研究センター, Nov. 2020Mobility and Symbiosis in Northeast Asia: On th Frontier of China, Mongolia, Russia and Korea
- Joint work, Somewhere between “Independence” and “Autonomy”: Translating Concepts in the Modern Mongolian, Toyo Bunko, Apr. 2019A World History of Suzerainty: A Modern History of East and West Asia and Translated Concepts
- Joint work, Chapter 7: “Re-examination of the Mongol-Tibetan Treaty of 1913: Focusing on the contemporary significance”; Chapter 8: “Tibetans in Mongolia: Mongol-Tibetan Relations in the early 20th century”;Chapter 9: “Between Mongolia and Tibet: Qinghai Mongols in t, Union Press, Feb. 2019The Resurgence of “Buddhist Government”: Tibetan-Mongolian Relations
- Joint work, From Chronicles to National History: Mongolian Historiography in the early 20th Century, Dec. 2017ХХ зууны Монгол: Түүх, соёл, геополитик, гадаад харилцааны тулгамдсан асуудлууд: Түүхч, дипломат Ц. Батбаярын 60 насны ойд зориулсан өгүүллийн эмхэтгэл
- Joint editor, Эрдэнэзул ХХК, Aug. 2016Монгол улсын эртнээс уламжлан ирснийг товчлон тэмдэглэсэн бичиг
- Joint work, モンゴル「独立」における翻訳概念―自治か、独立か, 名古屋大学出版会, Nov. 2014宗主権の世界史―東西アジアの近代と翻訳概念
- Joint work, 辛亥革命とモンゴル, 岩波書店, Sep. 2012総合研究 辛亥革命
- Contributor, 20世紀初頭の極東国際関係 ― モンゴルの国家形成過程から, 東京大学出版会, Sep. 2012国家と国際関係
- МН Технологи, Dec. 2011Монголын мартагдсан түүх: Богд Хаант Засгийн газар 1911-1921
- Contributor, ボグド・ハーン政権 ― 近代モンゴルと中国, 明石書店, Jun. 2011モンゴル史 ― 現状と展望
- Editor, 早稲田大学モンゴル研究所, Feb. 2011モンゴル国立図書館所蔵モンゴル語マニュスクリプト目録
- Single work, 風間書房, Feb. 2011A Study on the Bogd Khaan Government: History of Nation-Building in Mongolia, 1911–1921
- Joint work, 二〇世紀初頭の内モンゴル東部地域の社会構造 ― ジリム盟ゴルロス後旗の事例から, 雄山閣, Mar. 2007近現代における内モンゴル東部の変容
- Joint editor, Адмон, Dec. 2006Түмэн улсын ердийн цааз
- Single work, Битпресс ХХК, Dec. 2006Хоёр засгийн газартай 1921 оны Монгол
- The Aftermath of the 1911 Chinese Revolution in Tibet and in Inner Asia, Dec. 2023, EnglishTerritorial Issues in Mongolia after the 1911 Chinese Revolution: The Ruling System of Mongolia in the Early 20th Century[Invited]Nominated symposium
- THE 12th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MONGOLISTS “PAX MONGOLICA AND HISTORICAL EXPERIENCE”, Aug. 2023Tariff Evaders: Tariff Issues in the early 20th century Mongolia
- МОНГОЛЫН ТУСГААР ТОГТНОЛ БА МОНГОЛ-ОРОСЫН 1912 ОНЫ ГЭРЭЭ, Nov. 2022Re-examination of the Protocol Annexed to the Russo-Mongolian Agreement of 1912: Focusing on Negotiation Process and Subsequent DiscussionNominated symposium
- CHINGGIS KHAAN'S WORLD AND MONGOLIAN STUDIES, Aug. 2022Dispute between Russia and China over customs duties in Mongolia: What were the customs duties in Mongolia in the early 20th century?
- International Conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the proclamation of Mongolia’s independence, Dec. 2021Re-examination of a document on the banners submitting to the Bogd Khan GovernmentOral presentation
- 1921 оны Ардын хувьсгал – 100 жил: Түүх ба Орчин үе, Dec. 2021Sources on the Finances of the Bogd Khan Government in the 1910s: A Comparative Analysis Using I.M. Maiskii’s ResearchInvited oral presentation
- 令和元年度九州史学会大会, Dec. 2019モンゴルの国家財政に関する基礎的考察―20世紀初頭の関税収入に着目してOral presentation
- Богд хаан – 150: Түүх, Соёл, Өв, Oct. 2019, International conferenceБогд хааны улс төрийн эрх мэдлийн өөрчлөлтийг эргэцүүлэх нь: Монгол дахь Төвдийн хүчин зүйлийн жишээнээс[Invited]Nominated symposium
- 東アジア近代史学会ミニシンポジウム「第一次世界大戦後の東アジアと秩序の変容―チベット・モンゴルの視点から―」, Sep. 2019, Japanese, Domestic conference第一次世界大戦の終結とモンゴルの命運―民族自決主義、自治喪失、そして革命―Nominated symposium
- International Association for Tibetan Studies the 15th Seminar, Jul. 2019, English, International conferenceFriendship and Antagonism: Mongol-Tibetan Relations in the Early Twentieth CenturyPublic symposium
- 東アジアにおける古代史と国民史, Mar. 2019, Japanese, Domestic conferenceモンゴル(人民共和)国におけるナショナル・ヒストリーの形成と変容Public discourse
- 「北 東アジアの鳴動:朝鮮半島問題,中露国境,蒙中辺境」, Jan. 2019, Japanese, Domestic conferenceモンゴル国における関税をめぐる露中の「交渉」―20世紀初頭の外交と多民族共生―Nominated symposium
- Asian Seminar Ⅱ of the International Association for Mongolian Studies in 2018 “Mongols in the 20th Century”, Nov. 2018, English, International conferenceW.W. Rockhill’s Visit to Outer Mongolia in 1913: An analysis using William Woodville Rockhill PapersOral presentation
- Олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал, Монголчуудын ХХ зууны эх: Түүх, өв соёл, үнэт зүйл, Aug. 2018, International conferenceМонгол дахь Далай ламын сангийн үйл ажиллагаа: Ханддорж вангийн өрийн жишээн дээрNominated symposium
- The effect on Inner and East Asian relations of the advent of modern international law and the end of the Qing empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; Perspectives of contemporary sources, Sep. 2017, English, International conferenceExpanding the World of Wanguogongfa萬國公法 : The case of Mongolia in the Early 20th CenturyPublic symposium
- Migration bridges in Eurasia: political, socio-economic, demographic and historical perspectives for Northeast Asia, Sep. 2017, English, International conferenceConflict and Coexistence over Taxation in Early 20th Century Mongolia: System and RealityPublic symposium
- Association for Asian Studies in Asia, Jun. 2017, English, International conferenceOfferings, Moneylending, and Taxation: Tibetans and Money in early 20th-century MongoliaOral presentation
- Association for Asian Studies, Mar. 2017, English, International conferenceFrom Chronicles to National History: Mongolian historiography in the early 20th centuryOral presentation
- Олон улсын монголч эрдэмтний XI их хурал, Aug. 2016, International conferenceВильсоны цаг үе ба Монголын хувь заяа: Үндэстний өөртөө засан тохинох зарчмын тухайOral presentation
- 中央ユーラシア歴史文化研究所シンポジウム「通商・巡礼・亡命:17世紀~20世紀初頭の中央ユーラシアにおける超境界活動」, Mar. 2016, Japanese, Domestic conference清朝崩壊後のモンゴル・チベット関係―蒙蔵条約とその後Public symposium
- “多語言史料背景下的西北研究”青年学者会議, Nov. 2015, Chinese, International conference世界史中的外蒙撤治問題Public symposium
- 平成27年度広島史学研究会大会, Oct. 2015, Japanese, Domestic conference1919年の東アジア国際環境とモンゴル―大モンゴル国運動と外蒙自治撤廃Oral presentation
- New York Conference on Asian Studies, Oct. 2015, English, International conferenceBetween Independence and Autonomy: Translated Concepts in Modern MongoliaOral presentation
- МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ «НА ГРАНИЦЕ НАРОДОВ, КУЛЬТУР И МИРОВ», Sep. 2015, International conferenceВопросы и проблемы Кях¬тинской конференции: пути их решенияOral presentation
- 平成26年度九州史学会大会, Dec. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conferenceモンゴル国史の起源―アマル著『モンゴル略史』とバトオチル著『モンゴル国の古来継承を略記した書』Oral presentation
- Aug. 2014, English, International conferenceBetween the Personal and Territorial Principles: The Ruling System of Mongolia in the Early 20th CenturyOral presentation
- 国際ワークショップ『第一次世界大戦と東アジア』, Feb. 2014, Japanese, International conference第一次世界大戦とモンゴル―民族自決主義を中心にNominated symposium
- International Association for Tibetan Studies the 13th Seminar, Jul. 2013, English, International conferenceThe Mongolia-Tibet Treaty and Domestic Politics in MongoliaOral presentation
- Монгол, Оросын 1912 оны найрамдлын гэрээ ба И.Я.Коростовец, Nov. 2012, International conferenceМонгол, Оросын найрамдлын гэрээ ба олон улсын эрх зүйPublic symposium
- 19th Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference, Mar. 2012, English, International conferenceThe Birth of the National History of Mongolia: On ‘gangmu bičig ba nebterkei toli’[Invited]Oral presentation
- “Mongolian Sovereignty and Mongols” International Conference, Dec. 2011, International conferenceXX зууны эхэн үеийн ‘Монголын түүх’ дэх Өвөр Монгол: Дагаар орсон хошуудын тухайдPublic symposium
- 辛亥革命百周年記念東京会議, Dec. 2011, Japanese, International conference辛亥革命と「モンゴル」―独立か、立憲君主制か、共和制かNominated symposium
- 第4回ウランバートル日モ国際シンポジウム, Aug. 2011, International conferenceБогд хаант засгийн газрын түүхэн ач холбогдол: Монгол дахь хоёр ‘Хувьсгал’Public symposium
- The Tenth International Congress of Mongolists, Aug. 2011, International conferenceМонголын улс төрийн статус: Сюзеренитетийн тухайдOral presentation
- The Mongolian Society and Permanent International Altaistic Conference Joint Conference, Jul. 2011, English, International conferenceBogd Khaan Government and Qinghai Mongols[Invited]Oral presentation
- Joint Conference of the Association for Asian Studies & International Convention of Asia Scholars, Apr. 2011, English, International conferenceMongolian Independence and International Law[Invited]Oral presentation
- 2010年度史学会大会, Nov. 2010, Japanese, Domestic conferenceボグド・ハーン政権におけるチンギス・ハーンの表象―八白宮の移転計画をめぐってOral presentation
- 第8回西周シンポジウム, Oct. 2010, Japanese, Domestic conferenceモンゴルにおける『万国公法』の受容と適用Nominated symposium
- 2009年度東洋史研究会大会, Nov. 2009, Japanese, Domestic conference1913年の露中宣言とモンゴルの政治的地位 ― 中国の「宗主権」とモンゴルの「自治」Oral presentation
- World of Central Asia, Jun. 2007, English, International conferenceInternational law in early 20th century MongoliaOral presentation
- 1911 оны үндэсний хувьсгал ба VIII Богд Жавзундамба хутагт, May 2007, International conferenceДагаар орсон Монголчуудын хувь заяаPublic symposium
- The Ninth International Congress of Mongolists, Aug. 2006, International conferenceӨвөр монгол дахь Цагаагчин гахай жилийн хувьсгалOral presentation
- 1911 оны Монголын үндэсний хувьсгалын урьдчилсан нөхцөл ба олон улсын байдал, Dec. 2005, International conferenceМонголын тусгаар тогтнол ба ердийн цаазPublic symposium
- 2005年度早稲田大学史学会大会, Oct. 2005, Japanese, Domestic conference辛亥革命後における内モンゴルの二元的政治構造 ― ジャロード左旗の二ザサク制の事例を中心にOral presentation
- 内蒙古大学第四次蒙古学国際学術討論会, Aug. 2004, International conferenceBoγda qaγan-u jasaγ-un γajar-aca orus ulus-tu tomiluγdaγsan qoyadaki udaγ-a-yin tölgelegcid-ün tuqaiOral presentation
- 日本モンゴル学会2004年度春季大会, May 2004, Japanese, Domestic conferenceボグド=ハーン政権とシリーンゴル盟(1911-1913)Oral presentation
- 2003年度早稲田大学東洋史懇話会大会, Mar. 2004, Japanese, Domestic conference露蒙協定における「モンゴル」をめぐってOral presentation
- 日本モンゴル学会2003年度春季大会, May 2003, Japanese, Domestic conference外モンゴル自治政府と臨時人民政府 ― モンゴル人民党相対化の試みOral presentation
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 基盤研究(B), 京都女子大学, Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2027モリソンコレクション形成過程の総合的分析による東アジアをめぐる知的体系の解明
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Shimonoseki City University, Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2026, Principal investigatorRe-examination of the Modern History of Mongolia from the Perspective of International Law
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究C), Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2022, Principal investigatorモンゴル国の関税政策に関する基礎的研究:1910年代の国家形成期を中心にCompetitive research funding
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究B), Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2019, Principal investigator近代モンゴルにおける翻訳事業に関する研究:国家建設期の国史編纂を中心にCompetitive research funding
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究B), Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2019東北アジア辺境地域多民族共生コミュニティ形成の論理:中露・蒙中辺境に着目してCompetitive research funding
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究B), Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2017「モリソン文庫」時事資料群の国際的な公開と活用による東アジア近現代史像の刷新Competitive research funding
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究C), Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2017国家形成期におけるチベット・モンゴルの歴史・社会の総合的研究Competitive research funding
- 日本学術振興会, 特別研究員奨励費, 特別研究員奨励費, 東京大学, Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2012, Principal investigator20世紀初頭におけるモンゴル・中国関係史の研究本年度は、アメリカのインディアナ大学・中央ユーラシア学部において在外研究を行い、主にこれまでの研究成果を国外に発信することに努めた。在外研究中、The Association for Asian Studies、The Mongolia Society、Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conferenceなどのアメリカの学会において、それぞれ"Mongolian Independence and International Law","Bogd Khaan Government and Qinghai Mongols","The Birth of the National History of Mongolia : On 'gangmu bicig ba nebterkei toli'"と題する報告を行い、またインディアナ大学内の東アジア研究センター、中央ユーラシア学部のコロキアムにおいても報告の機会を得、"Translationsin Early 20th century Mongolia"、"The Forgotten History of Mongolia : Bogd Khaan Govemment 1911-1921"という報告を行った。また、モンゴル国では、第10回世界モンゴル学者会議、第4回ウランバートル国際シンポジウム「20世紀におけるモンゴルの歴史と文化」、国際会議「モンゴルの主権とモンゴル人」において、それぞれ「モンゴル国の政治的地位-宗主権をめぐって」、「ボグド・ハーン政権の歴史的重要性-モンゴルにおける2つ『革命』」「20世紀初頭の『モンゴル史』における内モンゴル-帰順した旗について」という報告を行った。日本では、辛亥革命百周年記念東京会議において、「辛亥革命と『モンゴル』-独立か、立憲君主制か、共和制か」と題する報告を行った。その他、昨年上梓した『ボグド・ハーン政権の研究-モンゴル建国史序説1911-1921』のモンゴル語版〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓1911-1921(『忘れ去られたモンゴル史-ボグド・ハーン政権1911-1921』)をモンゴル国において出版した。Competitive research funding
- りそなアジア・オセアニア財団, 調査研究助成, 2012近代モンゴルと翻訳事業
- 日本学術振興会, 特別研究員奨励費, 特別研究員奨励費, 早稲田大学, Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2008, Principal investigatorモンゴルの独立国家形成と近代国際社会-領域画定過程における内モンゴル問題-本年度は、研究計画に従い、滞在中の台湾中央研究院近代史研究所梢案館において、中華民国初期のモンゴル関係の外交史料を収集した。また、5月23日にウランバートルで開催された国際シンポジウム「1911年の民族革命と第8世ジャヴザンダムバ=ホトクト」において「帰順モンゴル人の運命-キャフタ協定以降-」と題する報告を行い、続いて6月30日にもロシア連邦ブリヤート共和国ウランウデにおいて開催された国際会議World of Central AsiaにおいてInternational law in early 20th century Mongoliaと題する報告を行い、研究成果を報告するとともに、各国研究者と学術交流を深めた。前者の報告では、モンゴル独立宣言後に外モンゴルに移住し1915年のキャフタ協定後も外モンゴルにとどまったものたちのその後を検討し、後者では、20世紀初頭のモンゴルにおいて国際法がいかに適用されていたのかをボグド=ハーン政権によるキャフタ協定の条文解釈などを事例に考察した。前者の報告はすでに論文集としそウランバートルにおいて刊行されている。また、ウランウデにおける学会報告後、内モンゴルのヒシクテン旗において当該地域における社会組織に関する聞き取り調査を行った。 論文としては、ボグド=ハーン政権の対内モンゴル政策に関する考察を、内モンゴルのジャロード左旗、ヒシクテン旗を事例に発表し、辛亥革命後にこれらの地域において中華民国とボグド=ハーン政権の権力が混在し、その結果として一つの旗に二人のザサグが並立したこと、そしてそれが旗内の政治構造に起因していることを指摘した。Competitive research funding
- 富士ゼロックス小林節太郎記念基金, 小林フェローシップ・プログラム, 2006モンゴル独立と内モンゴルの対応