Search Details

Graduate School of Humanities / Division of Human Social Dynamics
Associate Professor

Researcher basic information

■ Research Keyword
  • Cold War History
  • Russian History
  • European History
■ Research Areas
  • Humanities & social sciences / History - Europe/America
■ Committee History
  • Dec. 2019 - Present, ロシア史研究, 編集委員
  • Jun. 2016 - Present, ソビエト史研究会, 事務

Research activity information

■ Paper
  • Jun Fujisawa
    Informa UK Limited, Dec. 2023, Cold War History, 1 - 22, English
    Scientific journal

  • The End of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
    Jun Fujisawa
    Saint Petersburg State University, Jul. 2022, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History, 67(2) (2), 532 - 549, English, International magazine
    Research institution

  • ソ連のコメコン改革構想とその挫折:1990―91年の域内交渉過程を中心に
    藤澤 潤
    2021, 『史学雑誌』, 130(1) (1), 1 - 35, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • ソ連のコメコン政策と冷戦 ―資源・エネルギー問題を中心に―
    藤澤 潤
    Sep. 2018, 東京大学(博士論文), Japanese
    Doctoral thesis

  • 経済開発の冷戦史 グローバル化する「対抗的近代」とその逆説
    藤澤 潤
    2018, 『ロシア史研究』, (102) (102), 3 - 23, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Фудзисава Дзюн
    В данной статье рассматриваются пути преобразования экономических отношений советского руководства в годы правления Л. И. Брежнева со странами Восточной Европы, которые СССР был вынужден снабжать сырьем и топливом по низким ценам. Для СССР это экономическое бремя стало особенно тяжелым после нефтяного кризиса 1973 года, на который СССР отреагировал изменением невыгодной для него системы ценообразования в СЭВ. К тому же, для уменьшения спроса на сырье и топливо стран СЭВ, советское руководство стремилось укреплять сотрудничество между СЭВ и странами Aзии, Aфрики и Латинской Америки в сфере добычи знергоресурсов и развития других направлений зкономической деятельности. Но эта попытка укрепления сотрудничества не увенчалась успехом. Впоследствии совтская экономическая политика в Восточной Европе зашла в тупик, выход из которого некоторые ученые и специалисты СССР видели в либерализации социалистической системы. В результате, их новое мышдение привело к перестройке экономических отношений в социалистическом лагере в годы правления М. С. Горбчева. В данной статье использованы материалы архивов СССР и ГДР.
    Japanese Society for the Study of Russian History, 2014, Roshiashi kenkyu, 95(95) (95), 27 - 49, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Fujisawa Jun
    In the 1970s, Brezhnev faced a turning point in the foreign policy. Having achieved remarkable diplomatic success through the conclusion of the Moscow treaty with West Germany and SALT I treaty with the United States, He wanted to improve the relations with the West further. But Suslov and other ideologues inside the Soviet leadership, concerned about the diminishing anti-imperialist nature of the Soviet foreign policy, called for a more active internationalist policy. Although Brezhnev rejected such an overall ideological offensive against the West, he recognized the need to launch counteroffensives against Chinese political and ideological challenges all over the world. To retain the Soviet position inside the international communist movement, the Soviets found it necessary to contain the Chinese influence in the Third World by supporting the liberation movements. Brezhnev, despite his will to make detente irreversible, thereby heightened the East-West tensions, which culminated in the collapse of the detente. As official Soviet documents are still unavailable, this account is based largely on the memoirs of former Soviet diplomats and East German archival sources.
    Japanese Society for the Study of Russian History, 2012, Roshiashi kenkyu, 90(90) (90), 3 - 20, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 第二次ベルリン危機とフルシチョフ外交 1958年11月27日付最後通牒手交の動機について
    藤沢 潤
    2005, 『クリオ』, (19) (19), 53 - 68, Japanese
    Scientific journal

■ Books And Other Publications
  • 歴史の見方・考え方2 史料から広がる歴史学
    Contributor, 視点11:KGBが捉えた「民意」 民情報告書の読み解き方 ~ウクライナ西部の場合~, 山川出版社, Oct. 2023, ISBN: 9784634640993

  • 現代ロシア政治
    油本 真理, 溝口 修平
    Contributor, 冷戦期のソ連外交, 法律文化社, Aug. 2023, Japanese, ISBN: 9784589042798

  • 人文学を解き放つ
    Contributor, ソ連のチェコスロヴァキア軍事介入, 神戸大学出版会, Mar. 2023, ISBN: 9784909364197

  • ソ連のコメコン政策と冷戦 エネルギー資源問題とグローバル化
    藤澤 潤
    Single work, 東京大学出版会, Feb. 2019, Japanese, ISBN: 9784130261630
    Scholarly book

  • Between East and South: Spaces of Interaction in the Globalizing Economy of the Cold War
    Anna Calori, Anne-Kristin Hartmetz, Bence Kocsev, James Mark, Jan Zofka
    Contributor, The Soviet Union, the CMEA, and the Nationalization of the Iraq Petroleum Company, 1967–1979, DeGruyter Oldenbourg, 2019, English, ISBN: 9783110646030
    Scholarly book

  • ロシア革命とソ連の世紀 第三巻 冷戦と平和共存
    浅岡善治, 池田嘉郎, 宇山智彦, 中嶋毅, 松井康浩, 松戸清裕編
    Contributor, 「東西冷戦下の経済関係 ソ連・コメコンと西欧」, 岩波書店, 2017

■ Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
  • Dissolution of the CMEA
    Suvi Kansikas, Jun Fujisawa
    Vanished Institutions. Life and Death of Europe’s International Organizations (Online Workshop), Jun. 2022, English
    Nominated symposium

  • ゴルバチョフの「欧州共通の家」構想とワルシャワ条約機構
    藤澤 潤
    東欧史研究会, Mar. 2022, Japanese

  • 吉留公太『ドイツ統一とアメリカ外交』を読んで:ソ連・東欧史の視点から
    藤澤 潤
    冷戦研究会, Feb. 2022, Japanese

  • The Soviet Union, the Central European countries, and the End of the CMEA
    Online Workshop "Blind Spots of Cold War Economies: The End of Comecon", Nov. 2021, English

  • 石油危機とソ連・東欧諸国
    藤澤 潤
    日本国際政治学会研究大会, Oct. 2021, Japanese

  • 東欧圏の解体過程:ワルシャワ条約機構内の交渉を中心に
    藤澤 潤
    ロシア史研究会大会, Oct. 2021, Japanese

  • Reforming the Unreformable? Gorbachev and His Attempt for the Perestroika of CMEA
    10th World Congress of International Council for Central and East European Studies, Montréal, Aug. 2021, English
    Oral presentation

  • 山本健『ヨーロッパ冷戦史』(ちくま新書、2021年)を読んで :ソ連・東欧の視点から
    藤澤 潤
    冷戦研究会例会, May 2021, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • Gorbachev, Common European Home, and the Reform of the CMEA, 1985-1991
    Friendship of Convenience. COMECON Member-Countries Facing the Cold War, Chelyabinsk (Zoom), Nov. 2020, English
    Public symposium

  • Mongolia in CMEA
    Alternative Forms of Globalization? The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) as Development Organization, Vienna (Zoom), Nov. 2020, English
    Nominated symposium

  • CMEA on the Eve of Perestroika. Summit Meeting of CMEA countries in June 1984
    Cold War East-West Divide. Conflict, Cooperation and Trade, Valahia University of Târgoviște, Romania, Sep. 2019, English, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • Soviet-East European Relations on the Eve of Perestroika
    The 10th East Asian Conference on Slavic Eurasian Studies, University of Tokyo, Jun. 2019, English, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • Development Aid within the Socialist Bloc. The Soviet Union, the CMEA and Mongolia
    Legacy of the CMEA Cooperation, May 2019, English, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • Soviet Attempt for a “Eurasian” Economic Integration? The Soviet Union, the CMEA and Mongolia in the 1960-70s
    The 9th East Asian Conference on Slavic Eurasian Studies, Jul. 2018, English, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • The Limits of Socialist Economic Integration. The Comprehensive Program of the CMEA and Joint Investment Projects
    Third Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies, Tartu University, Estonia, Jun. 2018, English, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • After the Great Change. The CMEA as a Framework for Regional Integration?
    East Central Europe in the Age of the Great Change, 1918-1919, Kobe University, Mar. 2018, English, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • A United Front against the Seven Sisters? The Soviet-East European Support for the Iraqi Oil Industry and the Nationalization of the Iraq Petroleum Company, 1967-1979
    Spaces of Interaction between the Socialist Camp and the Global South: Knowledge Production, Trade, and Scientific-Technical Cooperation in the Cold War Era, Leipzig University, Oct. 2017, English, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • A Program for a Eurasian Integration? The “Complex Program” of the COMECON and the Soviet Attempt to Create a Resource-Based Commonwealth, 1969-1978
    Competing Visions. European Integration beyond the EC/EU, University of Helsinki, Oct. 2017, English, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • The Soviet-Iranian Gas Deal and the Shock of the Iranian Revolution, 1965-1979
    Cold War History European Summer School, Sciences Po College, Reims Campus, Sep. 2017, English, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • ソ連のコメコン統合政策
    藤澤 潤
    神戸大学史学研究会総会・公開講演会, Jul. 2017, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • ソ連・コメコン諸国の開発援助(1967-1980) イラク産石油をめぐる域内協力とその限界
    藤沢 潤
    冷戦研究会, Jul. 2017, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • Modernization through Gas? The Rise and the Fall of the Soviet-Iranian Gas Deal, 1965-1979
    The 8th East Asian Conference on Slavic Eurasian Studies, Chung-Ang University, South Korea, Jun. 2017, English, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • 資源エネルギー問題からみるソ連・コメコン関係 1960―70年代を中心に
    藤沢 潤
    冷戦研究会, Jul. 2016, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 東西冷戦下の経済関係
    藤沢 潤
    ソビエト史研究会例会, May 2016, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ソ連のシベリア・極東開発と冷戦 ブレジネフ期のエネルギー政策を中心に
    藤沢 潤
    ロシア史研究会例会, Dec. 2015, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • Facing the Global Economy. The Soviet Foreign Economic Policy in the Era of Détente
    World Congress of International Council for Central and East European Studies, Kanda University of International Studies, Aug. 2015, English, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • In Pursuit of Natural Resources: The CMEA Policy of “Coordination” in the Developing Countries
    Slavic-Eurasian Research Center 2015 Summer International Symposium "Russia and Global History," Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Jul. 2015, English, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • 1970年代ソ連の対外経済政策
    藤沢 潤
    ロシア史研究会大会, Oct. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 1970年代ソ連の対コメコン政策と東ドイツ
    藤沢 潤
    早稲田大学ロシア研究所研究会, Feb. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ブレジネフ外交の岐路 旧東独史料からみる1970年代ソ連外交
    藤沢 潤
    ロシア史研究会大会, Oct. 2011, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • スターリンのドイツ政策と対独経済外交の起源
    藤沢 潤
    ロシア史研究会例会, Apr. 2006, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

■ Affiliated Academic Society
  • ソビエト史研究会


  • 日本国際政治学会

  • 史学会

■ Research Themes
  • Energy Crisis and International Order of Asia in the 1980s---Focusing on the Formation of the Asia-Pacific Economy
    秋田 茂, 山口 育人, 矢後 和彦, 三重野 文晴, 菅 英輝, 神田 豊隆, 鎮目 雅人, 南 和志, 藤澤 潤
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Osaka University, 01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2028

  • ワルシャワ条約機構の解散と冷戦の終焉
    藤澤 潤
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 若手研究, 神戸大学, 01 Apr. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2025

  • Gorbachev's CMEA Policy and the End of the Cold War
    藤澤 潤
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, Kobe University, 01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2023
    当初の研究計画では、令和3年度には、モスクワ、ベルリン、ワルシャワ等の文書館で、1980年代末から1991年までのコメコンに関するアーカイヴ史料調査を進め、その成果を国際査読雑誌に投降する予定であった。しかし、新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大に伴い、海外渡航が事実上不可能な状況が続いたため、この当初計画はほぼ完全に変更せざるをえなくなった。 本研究に必要なアーカイヴ調査をほとんど行えなかったことから、ドイツ連邦文書館のオンラインデータベース、ドイツ語、ロシア語、ポーランド語、チェコ語などの史料集、回想録などを集中的に分析した。その結果、1989年のベルリンの壁崩壊後、ソ連と東欧諸国との間で、域内経済協力体制のあり方をめぐって、1年以上にわたって協議が継続されていたことを確認できた。多くの中東欧諸国は欧州共同体(EC)への即時加盟を望んでいたが、EC側が中東欧諸国の加盟に慎重であったため、近い将来にこの目標が達成される見込みは低かった。そのため、ポーランドやチェコスロヴァキアのような中欧諸国でさえも過渡期的に域内経済協力体制を維持することに前向きであり、一度は全加盟国がコメコン後継組織の設立に同意したのである。 これは、1989年の体制転換後にコメコンは自然消滅したとする通説的解釈に修正を迫る重要な研究成果であることから、第10回国際中東欧研究国際協議会世界大会や国際シンポジウムで口頭報告を行ったほか、国際査読雑誌に原稿を提出した(現在査読審査中)。

  • The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and Economic Globalization: Relations with the Middle East over Natural Resources
    Fujisawa Jun
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up, Kobe University, 25 Aug. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2019
    This study aims to analyze the triangular economic relations between the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East before and after the first Oil Crisis. After the end of 1950s, the Soviet Union supplied Eastern European countries with natural resources. Such a policy became economic burden for the Soviet Union. Therefore, the Soviet leadership urged the Eastern Europeans to import natural resources from the Middle Eastern countries, especially from Iran and Iraq. For this purpose, it attempted to realize economic cooperation within the CMEA. However, as the oil price soared after the first Oil Crisis, both the Soviets and the Eastern Europeans could not cope with the international competition over oil in the Middle East. As this case shows clearly, the energy policy of the Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries was strongly influenced by the globalizing economy.