Search Details

SATO Hayato
Graduate School of Engineering / Department of Architecture
Associate Professor

Researcher basic information

■ Research Keyword
  • Outdoor acoustic mass-notification system
  • Speech privacy
  • Universal design
  • Listening difficulty
■ Research Areas
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Construction environment and equipment
  • Life sciences / Rehabilitation science
■ Committee History
  • Jul. 2024 - Present, 日本騒音制御工学会, 規則改正部会委員
  • Apr. 2023 - Present, 日本建築学会, 感覚・知覚心理小委員会幹事
  • Apr. 2023 - Present, 日本建築学会, 音環境運営委員会幹事
  • Apr. 2022 - Present, 日本建築学会, 吸音設計AIJES検討WG幹事
  • Dec. 2020 - Present, 日本音響学会, 非常用屋外拡声システム調査研究委員会幹事
  • - Present, 日本音響学会, 評議員
  • Jun. 2020 - May 2024, 日本騒音制御工学会, 評議員
  • Jun. 2021 - May 2023, 日本建築学会, 技術報告集委員会
  • Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2023, 日本建築学会, 環境要素と複合影響評価検討WG幹事
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2023, 日本建築学会, 近畿支部音環境部会主査
  • Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2021, 日本建築学会, スピーチプライバシーの評価と設計指針‐音声情報漏洩防止‐刊行小委員会
  • Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2021, 日本建築学会, 感覚・知覚心理小委員会新領域展望WG
  • Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020, 日本音響学会, 関西支部評議員
  • Jan. 2012 - Oct. 2019, 日本音響学会, 災害等非常時屋外拡声システムのあり方に関する技術調査委員会
  • - Mar. 2019, 日本建築学会, 室内音響小委員会スピーチプライバシWG委員
  • Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2016, 日本音響学会, 建築音響研究会幹事
  • Jun. 2013 - Jun. 2015, 日本音響学会, 編集委員会論文部会

Research activity information

■ Award
  • Mar. 2016 日本音響学会, 学会活動貢献賞, 日本音響学会の学会活動の活性化に多大な貢献があった若手の正会員又は学生会員
    佐藤 逸人
    Japan society

  • Mar. 2012 日本音響学会, Sato Prize Paper Award, 音響学に関し学術上及び技術上貢献するところが大きい研究業績を日本音響学会誌に発表した正会員又は学生会員
    佐藤 逸人, 森本 政之, 小吹 佳織

  • Mar. 2009 日本音響学会, 独創研究奨励賞板倉記念, 「聴き取りにくさ」を用いた音声伝送性能の評価とそのユニバーサルデザインへの応用
    佐藤 逸人

  • Mar. 2007 日本音響学会, The Awaya Prize Young Researcher Award, 音響に関する学問,技術の奨励のため, 有為と認められる新進の研究・技術者
    SATO Hayato

■ Paper
  • Manabu Chikai, Susumu Hirakawa, Hayato Sato, Atsuo Hiramitsu, Kenta Kimura, Hiroko Terasawa, Jeffrey Mahn, Markus Müller-Trapet, Iara Batista da Cunha, Hiroshi Sato
    This study examined the relationship between noise sensitivity and noise annoyance. As part of a collaboration between the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan and the National Research Council Canada related to the acoustic requirements for dwellings intended for aging in place, a pilot subjective study of noise annoyance was conducted. Sixty participants in the subjective study were asked to also complete a shortened Weinstein Noise Sensitivity Scale. The results were divided into two groups based on their hyper- or hypo-sensitivity to noise. The results showed that the noise annoyance of impact sound was perceived differently by the hyper-sensitivity group and the hypo-sensitivity group.
    Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE), Nov. 2023, INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 268(2) (2), 6808 - 6814, English
    International conference proceedings

  • Hayato Sato, Masayuki Morimoto, Hiroshi Sato
    In spaces where people from various countries come and go, voice guidance is often broadcast sequentially in multiple languages. However, this method is disadvantageous to users of the language broadcast later, and this problem can be particularly severe in evacuation broadcasts. In addition, the broadcast time may be too long, which may increase the annoyance/noisiness and spoil the soundscape. We propose the use of simultaneous multilingual broadcasts as a challenging method of achieving language barrier-free and saving the time required for information transmission. In the present study, we examined how many languages can be broadcast simultaneously to clarify the feasibility of the method. The intelligibility of simultaneous broadcasts of up to four languages (Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean) was examined through listening experiments. Participants were instructed to write down Japanese speech only. The experimental parameters were the arrival direction of the target/distracting speech and the background noise level. The results of the experiments suggested that broadcasting two languages simultaneously is sufficiently practical, and even three languages can be practical under certain conditions.
    Lead, Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE), Nov. 2023, INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 268(7) (7), 1107 - 1115, English
    International conference proceedings

  • Hayato Sato, Takuya Nishimoto, Yuga Konishi
    The evaluation of speech privacy in architectural spaces is done with a kind of transfer function of the space, such as the slope of the distance decay of the sound pressure level (SPL) and the level difference between the two rooms. From these functions, it is possible to estimate the speech-to-noise ratio at evaluation points, and then we can evaluate the degree of information leakage and work disturbance. However, the above indices are obtained from acoustic measurements or numerical simulations by experts, and can not be measured in the target space under operation. In this study, methods for estimating the speech-to-noise ratio from only the intruding speech recorded at the measurement point were investigated. We focused on steep changes in the SPL and the strength of the harmonic structure as acoustic features of speech that are considered to remain even at low speech-to-noise ratios. These features were quantified for each short time window, and the percentage that exceeded a threshold predetermined from statistics of a steady-state noise was obtained as an index for the estimation. The proposed index corresponded with the speech-to-noise ratio in both simulations and measurements.
    Lead, Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE), Nov. 2023, INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 268(7) (7), 1809 - 1817, English
    International conference proceedings

  • 野島 僚子, 佐藤 逸人
    東京 : 日本音響学会, 2023, 日本音響学会誌, 79(6) (6), 293 - 296, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Hayato SATO
    Lead, Architectural Institute of Japan, Jan. 2023, Journal of Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), 88(803) (803), 13 - 21, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Challenge for the subjective experiment using headphone
    Susumu Hirakawa, Hayato Sato, Manabu Chikai, Atsuo Hiramitsu, Hiroshi Sato, Jeffrey Mahn
    Aug. 2022, Proceedings of 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (INTER-NOISE 2022), English
    International conference proceedings

  • 野島僚子, 佐藤逸人
    Mar. 2021, 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 86(781) (781), 227 - 236, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Hayato Sato, Kiyohiro Kurisu, Masayuki Morimoto, Mitsuki Maeda
    In Japan, there are many natural disasters that often expose residents to the risk of serious damage. To minimize such damage, the Japanese government has built a disaster information network using a radio system, and as part of it, an outdoor acoustic mass notification system is routinely operated. However, its intelligibility may be reduced by outdoor noise, which is increased by rainfall. In the present study, long-term surveys of rainfall rate and outdoor noise were conducted at four sites with different surrounding environments and the relationship between them was analyzed to clarify the effects of the rainfall rate on the physical characteristics of outdoor noise. The results indicated that the median sound pressure level for each 1/3 octave band increased with increasing rainfall rate, mainly above mid-frequencies of around 500 Hz to 1 kHz, though the frequency at which the level began to rise depended on the time period and site. Furthermore, a newly proposed macroscopic model for estimating the sound pressure level of outdoor noise under rainy conditions indicated that the distance from the loudspeaker of the system to ensure a certain speech-to-noise ratio could be significantly reduced by heavy rainfall. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Lead, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, Jan. 2021, APPLIED ACOUSTICS, 172, English
    Scientific journal

  • Hayato Sato, Hiroshi Sato, Masayuki Morimoto
    Lead, Jan. 2020, Acoustical Science and Technology, 41(1) (1), 121 - 128, English
    Scientific journal

  • SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, IIDA Kazuhiro, SATO Hiroshi
    Lead, Sep. 2019, Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, 5862 - 5868, English
    International conference proceedings

  • Shuichi Sakamoto, Zhenglie Cui, Tomori Miyashita, Masayuki Morimoto, Yôiti Suzuki, Hayato Sato
    Long-path echo is a salient factor that causes the degradation of the intelligibility of speech transmitted through a wide area outdoor environment or a very large indoor space using public-address systems. To robustly transmit speech information under such conditions, it is important to overcome this effect by controlling the characteristics of speech sounds. In this study, we consider the effects of inserting pauses between the words of a sentence. We performed word intelligibility tests using a series of four continuous words, called a quadruplet. Various pause lengths and long-path echo patterns were applied to the quadruplet. The results of the experiments demonstrate that word intelligibility under a long-path echo is significantly improved by the insertion of pauses between the words. Intelligibility can approach the same levels observed in the absence of echoes for a pause length of approximately 200 ms, which is almost the same as the length of 1-mora for the words used in the experiments. Moreover, this 200 ms pause is known to be sufficient to improve speech recognition in older adults. These results suggest that inter-word pauses of a length of approximately 1-mora can generally enhance the robustness of speech communication systems when used under a severe environment.
    Elsevier Ltd, Nov. 2018, Applied Acoustics, 140, 263 - 274, English
    Scientific journal

  • Hayato Sato, Masayuki Morimoto, Souichi Ohtani, Yasushi Hoshinsa, Hiroshi Sato
    Many previous studies and related standards on speech privacy have adopted speech intelligibility as a subjective measure under the assumption of a strong correlation between them. Meanwhile, some studies have attempted to directly evaluate speech privacy. However, the methods used in these studies required evaluators to clearly understand what speech privacy is, while the concept of speech privacy is not widely known to ordinary people using public spaces. In the present study, questionnaire-based surveys and a listening test were conducted to clarify the relationship between speech intelligibility and speech privacy using a more suitable method for directly evaluating speech privacy. The respondents and participants were instructed to imagine a specific situation at a consulting room in a hospital because the required speech privacy depends on the situation. The questionnaire before the listening test showed that a feeling of dissatisfaction was the strongest feeling evoked by overhearing speech. Therefore, we used this feeling as a term for evaluating speech privacy performance that most people can easily accept and understand. The threshold of the feeling of dissatisfaction obtained from the listening test was compared with word intelligibility scores from our previous study. The comparison showed that the threshold of the feeling of dissatisfaction corresponds to a word intelligibility score of around 10-20% for participants with a typical sensitivity to personal information leakage through conversation. In addition, the ratio of participants who felt dissatisfaction increased with increasing background noise level under equal-intelligibility conditions. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Lead, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, Sep. 2017, APPLIED ACOUSTICS, 124, 38 - 47, English
    Scientific journal

  • Zhenglie Cui, Shuichi Sakamoto, Masayuki Morimoto, Yoiti Suzuki, Hayato Sato
    The massive earthquake that occurred on 11 March 2011 in Japan demonstrated that the intelligibility of speech presented over mass notification sound systems is often significantly degraded by long-path echoes. This study examines the effect of word familiarity on speech intelligibility in the presence of long-path echoes, in order to increase speech intelligibility in such systems. We performed two experiments using sets of four sequentially connected words (quadruplets), in place of an actual sentence. In Experiment 1, we investigated word intelligibility in the presence of simulated long-path echoes for quadruplets consisting of words with the same word familiarity rank. The results indicated that the intelligibility of high-familiarity words is higher than that of low-familiarity words, irrespective of the number of simulated long-path echoes. In Experiment 2, quadruplets with mixed word familiarity were used to investigate intelligibility under more realistic conditions. The results of Experiment 2 demonstrate that the intelligibility of high-familiarity words is higher than that of low-familiarity words under long path echo conditions, even when high- and low-familiarity words coexist in one quadruplet. These facts show that high-familiarity words are more robust against the influence of long-path echoes than low familiarity words, strongly suggesting that announcements presented from mass notification sound systems should consist of high familiarity words as much as possible. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER SCI LTD, Sep. 2017, APPLIED ACOUSTICS, 124, 30 - 37, English
    Scientific journal

  • SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, MIYAGAWA Yusuke, TAKAHASHI Kei
    Lead, 日本音響学会, May 2017, 日本音響学会誌, 73(5) (5), 291 - 294, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Hayato Sato, Hiroshi Sato, Masayuki Morimoto, Yusuke Nakai
    Acoustic guide signals for visually impaired persons sometimes do not include the high frequency components necessary for front-back discrimination in sound localization. However, head movement makes this discrimination possible, even in such cases. This paper clarifies the necessary duration of continuous sound to be able to use head movement effectively in sound localization and whether or not, the effect of head movement appears in sound localization of intermittent sound used in place of continuous one. Head movement is effective for sound localization when the duration of continuous sound exceeds 800 ms, and persists even if the sound is intermittent rather than continuous. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Lead, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, Jan. 2016, APPLIED ACOUSTICS, 101, 58 - 63, English
    Scientific journal

  • Hayato Sato, Masayuki Morimoto, Hiroshi Sato
    Lead, Dec. 2015, 12th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference 2015, 67 - 70, English
    International conference proceedings

    This study intends to evaluate sound localization performance of the typical acoustical guide signal while walking in a large hall by visually impaired person. Parameters changed in the field experiment were presentation levels of guide signals, guide directions, and types of loudspeakers. The result of this study revealed that effect of acoustical conditions on walking paths, starting direction to walk and walking speed as new findings from traditional sound localization study of laboratory tests. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that users lost acoustical guide signals more easily when a loudspeaker with narrower directivity was used.
    Japanese Association for an Inclusive Society, Jul. 2015, Journal of Japanese Association for an Inclusive Society, 17(2) (2), 13 - 23, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Acceptable speaking rate and speech level for speech communication in public spaces
    小林 正明, SATO HAYATO, 佐藤 洋, 森本 政之, 四釜 奈緒
    日本音響学会, Dec. 2014, 日本音響学会誌, 70(12) (12), 627 - 635, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Effects of noise and reverberation on sound localization of acoustic guide signals for visually impaired people in public spaces
    Hiroshi Sato, Masayuki Morimoto, Hayato Sato
    The role of acoustic guide signals is to lead visually impaired persons to their destination points. However, little scientific evidence indicates that acoustical guide signals that are currently used in Japan can play that role. This study was undertaken to evaluate the sound-localization performance of typical acoustical guide signals under noisy conditions and in a reverberant sound field. Results of listening tests suggest that 1) effects of noise on sound localization can be presented as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio, 2) the initial delay time and reverberation energy are more important than the reverberation time, and 3) a temporal pattern of a guide signal is an important factor for sound localization in reverberant sound fields. (C) 2014 Institute of Noise Control Engineering.
    Scientific journal

  • Ryoko Nojima, Masayuki Morimoto, Hayato Sato, Hiroshi Sato
    A study was conducted to investigate whether spontaneous head movements occurred during natural sound localization. All experiments were performed in an anechoic chamber with the light turned on. The stimulus was a narrow-band noise whose frequency range varied from 150 Hz to 500 Hz without any localization cues for front-back discrimination. The binaural sound pressure level of stimulus was 65 dB measured by using a KEMAR dummy head and an A-weighting filter. The stimulus was radiated to a subject from one of the filled six loudspeakers without any outward difference in appearance between the filled and open loudspeakers. The subjects heard and responded to only one stimulus in every experiment, which was radiated from one of the six filled loudspeakers to investigate the spontaneous head movements during natural sound localization without any training or learning. The head movements of the subjects were recorded and analyzed in three dimensions by motion capture.
    2013, Acoustical Science and Technology, 34(4) (4), 292 - 295, English
    Scientific journal

  • Hayato Sato, Masayuki Morimoto, Megumi Wada
    Listening difficulty ratings [Morimoto et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116, 1607-1613 (2004)] were obtained for 20 young adult listeners and 34 elderly listeners in reverberant and noisy sound fields simulated in an anechoic room. The listening difficulty ratings were compared with acoustical objective measures. The results and analyses showed the following: (i) The correlation between listening difficulty ratings and the revised speech transmission index (STIr), and that for the useful-detrimental ratio (U-50) were high, regardless of the age of the listeners. (ii) STIr and U-50 need to be increased by 0.12 and 4.2 dB, respectively, to equalize the listening difficulty ratings for the elderly listeners with those for the young listeners. (iii) The estimation accuracies for STIr and U-50 can be improved by calculating them with the L-eq of background noise linearly increased by 4 to 10 dB, which depends on the age of the listeners and the objective measures. However, the improvement was not statistically significant for the elderly listeners. (C) 2012 Acoustical Society of America. []
    Scientific journal

  • The evaluation of speech privacy by word intelligibility : The effect of spatial and temporal aspects of sound fields
    星野 康, 森本 政之, 佐藤 逸人, 佐藤 洋
    神戸大学大学院工学研究科, 2012, 神戸大学大学院工学研究科・システム情報学研究科紀要, 4, 1 - 6, Japanese

  • Estimation of speech privacy performance from acoustic parameters in two adjacent rooms
    SATO Hayato, HOSHINO Yasushi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, ODAGAWA Yasuhiko
    Lead, 2012, Proceedings of Acoustics 2012, English
    International conference proceedings

  • Hayato Sato, Masayuki Morimoto, Yasushi Hoshino, Yasuhiko Odagawa
    Conversations must be shielded from people in an adjacent room if they include confidential information. Word intelligibility tests were performed in a total of 185 sound fields to examine the relationship between sound insulation performance and the degree of conversation leakage. The parameters of the test sound fields were background noise level in the adjacent room and the level difference between the two rooms. The background noise level was varied from 30 to 50 dB (A-weighted). The level difference was parametrically varied in terms of eight frequency characteristics and 10 absolute values. The results showed that word intelligibility scores were strongly correlated with the A-weighted speech-to-noise ratio and SNR(uni32). Equal-intelligibility contours, which can easily show the weighted level difference and A-weighted background noise level required to achieve a certain level of word intelligibility scores, were obtained from a multiple logistic regression analysis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Lead, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, Jan. 2012, APPLIED ACOUSTICS, 73(1) (1), 43 - 49, English
    Scientific journal

  • Hayato Sato, Masayuki Morimoto, Ryo Ota
    The acceptable range of speech level as a function of background noise level was investigated on the basis of word intelligibility scores and listening difficulty ratings. In the present study, the acceptable range is defined as the range that maximizes word intelligibility scores and simultaneously does not cause a significant increase in listening difficulty ratings from the minimum ratings. Listening tests with young adult and elderly listeners demonstrated the following. (1) The acceptable range of speech level for elderly listeners overlapped that for young listeners. (2) The lower limit of the acceptable speech level for both young and elderly listeners was 65 dB (A-weighted) for noise levels of 40 and 45 dB (A-weighted), a level with a speech-to-noise ratio of +15 dB for noise levels of 50 and 55 dB, and a level with a speech-to-noise ratio of +10 dB for noise levels from 60 to 70 dB. (3) The upper limit of the acceptable speech level for both young and elderly listeners was 80 dB for noise levels from 40 to 55 dB and 85 dB or above for noise levels from 55 to 70 dB. (C) 2011 Acoustical Society of America. [DOI: 10.1121/1.3609122]
    Scientific journal

  • 空港旅客ターミナルにおけるアナウンスに対する暗騒音の音響特性
    OHNISHI Yutaka, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    Kobe University, Mar. 2011, 神戸大学大学院工学研究科・システム情報学研究科紀要, Vol. 2, pp. 20-27, 20 - 27, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Equal-intelligibility contours and those application to various sound fields
    Yasushi Hoshino, Masayuki Morimoto, Hayato Sato, Yasuhiko Odagawa
    The authors presented the equal-intelligibility contours that enable us to predict sound insulation performance and background noise level required to achieve a certain level of speech privacy/security on the basis of the word intelligibility test [Hoshino et al., Proc. ISRA 2010 (2010)]. However, spatial and temporal aspects of sound fields, which would affect intelligibility scores, were not considered in the intelligibility test. In the present study, two intelligibility tests were performed to investigate the effects of spatial and temporal aspects of sound fields on the scores and to discuss the application of the contours to various sound fields. The results demonstrated that the interaural cross-correlations of background noise and reverberation sound did not affect the scores, while the scores significantly decrease with increasing reverberation time. Though further consideration of temporal aspects of reverberation sound is required to prevent over-design, the equal- intelligibility contours provide design goals on the safe-side and can be practically applied to various sound fields.
    2011, 40th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2011, INTER-NOISE 2011, 3, 1905 - 1910, English
    International conference proceedings

  • 住宅の居室における残響音が会話に与える影響
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, KOBUKI Kaori
    Lead, The Acoustical Society of Japan (ASJ), Nov. 2010, 日本音響学会誌, Vol. 66, No. 11, pp. 541-551(11) (11), 541 - 551, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • SATO Hiroshi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    The role of acoustic guide signals is to lead users to destination points and is able to be achieved when a signal can be localized supposed point. However, there is little scientific evidence that acoustical guide signals, those are currently used in Japan, can play their role. This study intends to evaluate sound localization performance of typical acoustical guide signals and required time to judge directions of those signals by visually impaired person including older persons. The results of experiment reveals following two points: 1) evaluation of sound localization of each signal, 2) relationship between behavior of listeners and properties of signals. Furthermore, guide signals for older users would be discussed.
    Japanese Association for an Inclusive Society, Jan. 2010, 福祉のまちづくり研究, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 41-48(2) (2), 41 - 48, Japanese
    Scientific journal

    Densil Cabrera, Hayato Sato, William L. Martens, Doheon Lee
    This paper outlines methods to simulate the sound of one's own voice as it is affected by room acoustics, using binaural technology. An oral-binaural room impulse response (OBRIR) measurement can be made of a real room environment from the mouth to the ears of the same head. For simulation, a talker's voice is convolved in real-time with the OBRIR, so that they can hear the sound of their own voice in the simulated room environment. We show by example how OBRIR measurements can be made using human subjects (by measuring the transfer function of speech) or by a head and torso simulator (HATS), and we illustrate the differences between individualised measurements and HATS measurements. We extend the HATS measurement method through binaural room scanning, which allows the simulation system to produce natural changes in the OBRIR as subjects rotate their heads while listening to their own voice.
    AUSTRALIAN ACOUSTICAL SOC, Dec. 2009, ACOUSTICS AUSTRALIA, 37(3) (3), 98 - 103, English
    Scientific journal

  • 地下鉄駅構内におけるアナウンスに対する暗騒音の音響特性
    OHNISHI Yutaka, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    Nov. 2009, 神戸大学大学院工学研究科紀要, Vol 1., pp. 29-35, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Effect of the length of silent interval between phrases on listening difficulty in public spaces
    SATO Hayato, HIRATA Makoto, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    Lead, Sep. 2009, CD-ROM Proceedings of WESPAC X, Beijing, China, English
    International conference proceedings

  • Acoustic characteristics of environment sound in an underground shopping area
    SOTSUKA Masaki, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, OHNISHI Yutaka
    Sep. 2009, CD-ROM Proceedings of WESPAC X, Beijing, China, English
    International conference proceedings

  • Field measurement and subjective evaluation of acoustical condition of railway station in and around Tokyo
    Yasuhiko Izumi, Hiroshi Sato, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    Aug. 2009, CD-ROM Proceedings of Internoise 2009, Ottawa, Canada, English
    International conference proceedings

  • Effect of noise and reverberation on sound localization of acoustic guide signal for visually impaired persons in piblic spaces
    Hiroshi Sato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    Aug. 2009, CD-ROM Proceedings of Internoise 2009, Ottawa, Canada, English
    International conference proceedings

  • 音声の到来方向が聴き取りにくさに及ぼす影響
    TAKAOKA Tomoyasu, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    The Acoustical Society of Japan (ASJ), Aug. 2008, 日本音響学会誌, Vol. 64, No. 8, pp. 451-456(8) (8), 451 - 456, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Hayato Sato, Masayuki Morimoto, Hiroshi Sato, Megurni Wada
    The previous work [Morimoto et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116, 1607-1613] showed that listening difficulty ratings can be used to evaluate speech transmission performance more exactly and sensitively than intelligibility. Meanwhile, speech transmission performance is usually evaluated using acoustical objective measures, which are directly associated with physical parameters of room acoustic design. However, the relationship between listening difficulty ratings and acoustical objective measures was not minutely investigated. In the present study, a total of 96 impulse responses were used to investigate the relationship between listening difficulty ratings and several objective measures in unidirectional sound fields. The result of the listening test showed that (1) the correlation between listening difficulty ratings and speech transmission index (STI) is the strongest of all tested objective measures, and (2) A-weighted D-50, C-50, and center time, which are obtained from the impulse responses passed through an A-weighted filter, also strongly correlate with listening difficulty ratings, and their correlations with listening difficulty ratings are not statistically different from the correlation between listening difficulty ratings and STI. (C) 2008 Acoustical Society of America.
    Scientific journal

  • 音声と暗騒音の両耳間相関度が聴き取りにくさに及ぼす影響
    TAKAOKA Tomoyasu, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, SEMBA Yuichi
    本論文では,空間特性の一つである両耳間相関度(ICC)に着目し,音声と暗騒音のICCが聴き取りにくさに及ぼす影響を聴感実験により明らかにした。その結果, SN比が±0dBA以上で残響時間が4秒以内である公共空間では,反射音も考慮した音声と暗騒音のICCは,いずれも聴き取りにくさに有意に影響しないことを示した。このことは空間特性を考慮に入れないで行ってきた,従来の聴き取りにくさの研究成果が現実の公共空間の音声伝達性能の評価に適用できることを意味している。
    The Acoustical Society of Japan (ASJ), Sep. 2007, 日本音響学会誌, Vol. 63, No. 9, pp. 520-528(9) (9), 520 - 528, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Hayato Sato, Hiroshi Sato, Masayuki Morimoto, Ryo Ota
    The speech level of verbal information in public spaces should be determined to make it acceptable to as many listeners as possible, while simultaneously maintaining maximum intelligibility and considering the variation in the hearing levels of listeners. In the present study, the universally acceptable range of speech level in reverberant and quiet sound fields for both young listeners with normal hearing and aged. listeners with hearing loss due to aging was investigated. Word intelligibility scores and listening difficulty ratings as a function of speech level were obtained by listening tests. The results of the listening tests clarified that (1) the universally acceptable ranges of speech level are from 60 to 70 dBA, from 56 to 61 dBA, from 52 to 67 dBA and from 58 to 63 dBA for the test sound fields with the reverberation times of 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 s, respectively, and (2) there is a speech level that falls within all of the universally acceptable ranges of speech level obtained in the present study; that speech level is around 60 dBA. (c) 2007 Acoustical Society of America.
    Scientific journal

  • Hayato Sato, Hiroshi Sato, Masayuki Morimoto
    Listening difficulty ratings is a new measure to evaluate speech transmission performance in public spaces. The advantage is that it can evaluate sound fields with higher speech transmission performance more accurately and sensitively, than intelligibility scores. The effect of aging, or hearing level on listening difficulty ratings has not been clarified yet. In this paper, the results of the listening tests demonstrated that hearing levels above 2 kHz significantly affect both word intelligibility scores and listening difficulty ratings for the aged. For the aged, both of them can be estimated from the results for the young plus the average of hearing levels at 2 and 4 kHz. The equations for estimating the word intelligibility scores and the. listening difficulty ratings for the aged are obtained from the multiple linear regression analyses. The estimated scores. and ratings generally coincide with the measured scores and ratings, and the averaged difference between them is 5.2% for the word intelligibility scores and 3.8% for the listening difficulty ratings, in the range of listening tests performed in this paper. (C) 2007 Acoustical Society of America.
    Scientific journal

  • Masaaki Kobayashi, Masayuki Morimoto, Hiroshi Sato, Hayato Sato
    For ideal speech communication in public spaces, it is important to determine the optimum speech level for various background noise levels. However, speech intelligibility scores, which is conventionally used as the subjective listening test to measure the quality of speech communication, is near perfect in most everyday situations. For this reason, it is proposed to determine optimum speech levels for speech communication in public spaces by using listening difficulty ratings. Two kinds of listening test were carried out in this work. The results of the tests and our previous work [M. Morimoto, H. Sato, and M. Kobayashi, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116, 1607-1613 (2004)] are jointly discussed for suggesting the relation between the optimum speech level and background noise level. The results demonstrate that: (1) optimum speech level is constant when background noise level is lower than 40 dBA, (2) optimum speech level appears to be the level, which maintains around 15 dBA of SN ratio when the background noise level is more than 40 dBA, and (3) listening difficulty increases as speech level increases under the condition where SN ratio is good enough to keep intelligibility near perfect. (c) 2007 Acoustical Society of America.
    Scientific journal

  • Objective measures for estimating listening difficulty ratings for young and elderly listeners in public spaces (invited paper)
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, WADA Megumi, SATO Hiroshi
    Lead, Jun. 2006, CD-ROM Proceedings of WESPAC IX, Seoul, Korea, pp. 1-6, English
    International conference proceedings

  • Acoustic characteristics of background noise at subway stations
    OHNISHI Yutaka, Koozoo MAEDA, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    Jun. 2006, CD-ROM Proceedings of WESPAC IX, Seoul, Korea, pp. 1-5, English
    International conference proceedings

  • The relation between listening difficulty ratings and various objective measures in rooms (invited paper)
    Hayato Sato, Masayuki Morimoto, Hiroshi Sato
    Lead, Aug. 2005, Proceeding of Forum Acusticum 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 1713-1718, English
    International conference proceedings

  • 単語の聴き取りにくさの聴感試験法について-学習効果の検証および文脈効果の低減-
    佐藤 逸人, 森本 政之, 袴田 篤史, 小林 正明, 佐藤 洋
    Lead, 神戸大学, 2004, 神戸大学大学院自然科学研究科紀要, 22-B,47-58, 47 - 57, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Sound environment for speech communication at railway stations in Japan(invited paper)
    SATO Takashi, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hiroshi
    2004, CD-ROM Proceedings of The 18th International Congress on Acoustics,Kyoto,Japan, Tu5.B2.1(invited paper), English
    International conference proceedings

  • Optimal speech lebel by public address system for young and elderly listeners(invited paper)
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, OHTA Ryo, SATO Hiroshi
    Lead, 2004, CD-ROM Proceedings of The 18th International Congress on Acoustics,Kyoto,Japan, Tu4.B1.3, English
    International conference proceedings

  • Effects of speech to noise ratio on listening defficulty in reverberant sound fields
    KOBAYASHI Masaaki, MORIIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hiroshi, SATO Hayato
    2004, CD-ROM Proceedings of The 18th International Symposium on Room Acoustics;Design&Science 2004(RADS2004),Awaji,Japan, English
    International conference proceedings

  • EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON EVALUATION OF "EASINESS OF SPEECH PERCEPTION" IN MULTIPURPOSE HALLS : Simulation method of sound fields and physical indices for evaluation of speech transmission quality
    SATO Hiroshi, SATO Hayato, MATSUNAGA Takefumi, YOSHINO Hiroshi, NAGATOMO Muneshige
    Speech would be radiated with sound system in multipurpose halls, so speech transmission quality would be influenced by the difference of the number/position and of frequency characteristic of loudspeakers. In this study, subjective rating of speech transmission quality called "easiness of speech perception" was measured in simulated sound fields with monaural/binaural systems to find binaural effects. The results suggest binaural simulation is needed. And the relations between subjective rating and several physical indices were examined. As a result, subjective rating would be influenced by frequency characteristic that could not be evaluated with existing indices such as STI.
    Architectural Institute of Japan, Jun. 2002, Journal of architecture and building science, 117(1490) (1490), 147 - 150, Japanese

  • Sato Hiroshi, Sato Hayato, Yoshino Hiroshi, Suzuki Yoiti, Amano Shigeaki, Kondo Tadahisa, Nagatomo Muneshige
    一般社団法人 日本音響学会, 2002, THE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 58(6) (6), 346 - 354, Japanese

  • 佐藤逸人
    Lead, Mar. 2024, 日本音響学会誌, 80(3) (3), 121 - 126, Japanese
    Introduction scientific journal

  • Subjective evaluation of floor impact sounds in living rooms
    佐藤逸人, 野島僚子
    2021, 音響技術, 50(2) (2)

  • Information and evacuation announcements in public spaces with consideration for language barrier-free.
    2021, 日本音響学会誌, 77(5) (5)

  • 屋外拡声システムの評価におけるインパルス応答
    佐藤逸人, 大島俊也, 栗栖清浩
    Lead, Mar. 2020, 日本音響学会誌, 76(3) (3), 164 - 171, Japanese
    Introduction scientific journal

  • オフィスの音と会話 3.測定評価・規準 音圧レベルの傾きの統計量に着目したスピーチプライバシーの評価
    15 Jun. 2019, 音響技術, 48(2) (2), 39‐42, Japanese

  • 音環境での新たな環境設計手法
    株式会社建築技術, Aug. 2017, 月刊建築技術, (8) (8), 120 - 123, Japanese
    Introduction commerce magazine

  • 降雨による屋外騒音レベルの上昇に適応する屋外拡声システム
    Jun. 2017, 騒音制御, 41(3) (3), 135 - 138, Japanese
    Report scientific journal

  • 加齢による聴覚特性の変化を考慮した音声案内
    SATO Hiroshi, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会, May 2017, 日本音響学会誌, 73(5) (5), 319 - 323, Japanese
    Introduction scientific journal

  • A Study of Acoustical Properties in Rooms with Concave Surfaces by Scale Models
    INOUE Satoshi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響材料協会, 31 Mar. 2012, 音響技術, 41(1) (1), 17 - 25, Japanese

  • 「聴き取りにくさ」の測定方法
    SATO Hayato
    Jan. 2011, 騒音制御, Vol. 35(1), pp. 69-74, Japanese
    Introduction scientific journal

  • 日本におけるスピーチプライバシー
    SATO Hayato
    Aug. 2009, Journal of INCE of Japan, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 287-290(3) (3), Japanese
    Introduction scientific journal

  • ”聴き取りにくさ”による音声伝達性能の評価
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hiroshi
    The Acoustical Society of Japan (ASJ), May 2007, 日本音響学会誌, Vol. 63, No. 5, pp. 275-280(5) (5), 275 - 280, Japanese
    Introduction scientific journal

■ Books And Other Publications
  • スピーチプライバシーの評価規準と設計指針 : 音声による情報漏洩防止
    日本建築学会, 清水寧, 李孝珍, 上野佳奈子, 佐藤逸人, 司馬義英, 羽入敏樹, 星野康, 山川高史 (担当:共著, 範囲:5. 評価基準)
    5.評価基準, 日本建築学会,丸善出版 (発売), Jan. 2021, Japanese, ISBN: 9784818936379

  • 音響学講座3 建築音響
    日本音響学会, 阪上公博, 豊田政弘, 佐藤逸人, 羽入敏樹, 本章
    Joint work, 1.5〜1.8節,2.7節, コロナ社, Dec. 2019

  • 都市・建築空間における音声伝送性能評価規準・同解説
    Architectural Institute of Japan, KOBAYASHI Masaaki, SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi, NISHIKAWA Yoshio, HASHIMOTO Osamu, HATA Masato, MAEDA Koozoo
    Joint work, Maruzen Publishing Co., Ltd., Nov. 2011, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • ユニバーサルデザインを考慮した音声伝送性能に関する研究
    SATO Hayato
    Single work, 神戸大学学位論文, Mar. 2008, Japanese

■ Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
  • 無人観測ステーションを用いた屋外拡声音の長期観測-音響伝搬特性の季節変動に関するケーススタディ-
    佐藤 逸人, 栗栖 清浩, 松石 遼太
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会, Jan. 2024, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 音節の立ち上がりに限定した動的な周波数補正が残響下の単語了解度に与える影響
    佐藤 逸人, 齋藤潤
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2023, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 多言語同時拡声による案内放送の了解度にSN比と言語数が及ぼす影響
    上羽 希佳, 佐藤 逸人, 森本 政之
    日本建築学会大会, Sep. 2023, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • スピーチプライバシーの現場測定に関する基礎的研究 スマートフォンを用いたケーススタディ
    小西 悠雅, 佐藤 逸人
    日本建築学会大会, Sep. 2023, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 最適残響時間と音声明瞭度の室内分布の関係に関するケーススタディ
    佐藤逸人, 佐久間哲哉
    日本建築学会大会, Sep. 2023, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 視対象の数と距離が居室における音環境の不快感に及ぼす影響
    山田勇斗, 佐藤逸人
    日本建築学会大会, Sep. 2023, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 多言語同時拡声による案内放送の了解度に騒音が及ぼす影響
    上羽 希佳, 佐藤 逸人, 森本 政之
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2023, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • スマートフォンを用いたスピーチプライバシー評価システムに関する基礎的研究
    小西 悠雅, 佐藤 逸人
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2023, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 地形及び気象が屋外拡声音の伝搬特性に及ぼす影響 -無人観測ステーションを用いた長期観測によるケーススタディ-
    佐藤 逸人, 栗栖 清浩, 松石 遼太
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2023, Japanese

  • 注意資源配分が視聴覚複合環境の不快感に及ぼす影響
    佐藤逸人, 山田勇斗
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Mar. 2023, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 室内における視聴覚情報の整合性に反射音が及ぼす影響 −移動可能な仮想空間を用いた検討−
    阿部瑞穂, 佐藤逸人
    日本音響学会関⻄支部若手研究者交流研究発表会, Nov. 2022, Japanese
    Poster presentation

  • 雑音下での音声区間抽出を用いたスピーチプライバシーの評価
    西本拓矢, 佐藤逸人
    日本音響学会関⻄支部若手研究者交流研究発表会, Nov. 2022, Japanese
    Poster presentation

  • 多言語同時拡声による案内放送の了解度(2) 目的単語の時間的位置と空間的位置の影響
    佐藤 逸人, 穴水 智也, 森本 政之, 佐藤 洋
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2022, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 多言語同時拡声による案内放送の了解度(1) 言語数の影響
    森本 政之, 佐藤 逸人, 穴水 智也, 佐藤 洋
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2022, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 目的音声の時間的位置と空間的位置に着目した多言語同時拡声による案内放送の最適化
    佐藤 逸人, 穴水 智也, 森本 政之, 佐藤 洋
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Jul. 2022, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 聴取者の移動を考慮した音環境の空間特性の評価―仮想現実空間を用いた検討―
    阿部瑞穂, 佐藤逸人
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2022, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 周波数特性の統計量に着目したスピーチプライバシーのin-situ測定法に関する基礎的研究
    西本 拓矢, 佐藤 逸人
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2022, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 音線法を用いた屋外空間における音声の聞き取りやすさの可視化
    グラフィカルな表現法による複雑現象の理解 連続セミナー第8回, Jan. 2022, Japanese
    Public discourse

  • Human aspects of wellbeing: Research ideas for healthy ageing in place and to solve problems of ageing society / 5. Hearing of elderly
    Hayato Sato
    Tukuba Conference, C-9 Healthy ageing in place, Sep. 2021, English
    Nominated symposium

  • Surface assessment based on sound ray-tracing method for clarity of outdoor public address system in urban area.
    Hayato Sato
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2021, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • Relationship between perceived loudness and frequency characteristics of floor impact sound
    日本建築学会大会(東海), Sep. 2021, Japanese

  • 屋外拡声システムの明瞭性の面的調査法に関する基礎的検討
    佐藤逸人, 倉本 樹
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Jul. 2021, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 屋外拡声システムの明瞭性の面的評価に関する研究−調査方法の検討−
    倉本樹, 佐藤逸人
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2021, Japanese

  • 音声に対するマスキングノイズの時間変動特性が文章了解度と不快感に及ぼす影響
    黒田悠樹, 佐藤逸人
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2021, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 都市街区における屋外拡声システムの最適配置に関する基礎的研究 -音線法による検討-
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2020, Japanese

  • 非常用屋外拡声システム調査研究委員会の設立主旨と活動方針
    佐藤洋, 栗栖清浩, 佐藤逸人
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2020, Japanese
    Invited oral presentation

  • 複数話者同時発話時の音声了解度にキャリアフレーズの構成が及ぼす影響
    穴水智也, 佐藤逸人, 森本政之, 飯田一博, 佐藤 洋
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2020, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音に最適化した動的な周波数補正が音声了解度に及ぼす影響
    齋藤潤, 佐藤逸人
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2020, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 単一スピーカから複数同時に発せられた音声の了解度に及ぼすキャリアフレーズの影響 - ターゲットとする話者の特徴情報の直前聴取 -
    佐藤逸人, 森本政之, 飯田一博, 佐藤洋
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2020, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • (2) 評価規準
    佐藤 逸人
    シンポジウム 日本建築学会環境基準 (AIJES) 『スピーチプライバシーの評価規準と設計指針-音声情報漏洩防止-』 策定に向けて, Nov. 2019, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Nominated symposium

  • リビング想定時の床衝撃音の心理評価
    野島 僚子, 佐藤 逸人
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Nov. 2019, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 都市街区における屋外拡声システムの最適配置に関する基礎的検討 -音源の設置高さと指向性が及ぼす影響-
    佐藤 逸人
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Oct. 2019, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 調波構造に着目した音声了解度の予測:空間特性の考慮
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2019, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • A note on the method of forming auditory stream for auditory guides using perceived movement of sound
    佐藤逸人, 土岐奈々, 森本政之, 佐藤洋
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Aug. 2019, Japanese

  • 高齢者との音声コミュニケーションを考慮した室内音響設計
    佐藤 逸人
    第4回感覚・知覚シンポジウム 福祉環境の設計における感覚・知覚, Jul. 2019, Japanese, 日本建築学会 環境心理生理運営委員会 感覚・知覚心理小委員会, 大阪市立大学杉本キャンパス 学術情報総合センター1階 文化交流室, Domestic conference
    Nominated symposium

  • 多言語一斉放送の情報判別-各言語の再生開始時間のずれが及ぼす影響-
    釜平綾奈, 佐藤逸人, 森本政之, 栗栖清浩
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2019, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 調波構造に着目した騒音下における音声了解度の予測
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2019, Japanese, 電気通信大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 両耳聴モデルに基づく音声了解度の物理評価指標 -ロングパスエコーの影響の評価-
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Oct. 2018, Japanese, 神戸大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • Optimization of auditory guide signals in public spaces based on sound localization abilities in humans
    Tohoku Universal Acoustical Communication Month 2018: Seminar on the spatial aspects of hearing and their applications, Oct. 2018, English, Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, International conference
    Keynote oral presentation

  • 多言語一斉放送の情報判別に及ぼす聴取者の第一言語の影響
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2018, Japanese, 大分大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 多言語一斉放送の情報判別に関する基礎的検討
    日本音響学会聴覚研究会, Aug. 2018, Japanese, 東北学院大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 災害情報の屋外音声伝達に関するASJ技術規準の策定経緯 -災害等非常時屋外拡声システムのあり方に関する技術調査研究委員会の活動-
    佐藤 洋, SATO HAYATO, 苣木 禎史, 鈴木 陽一
    日本音響学会聴覚研究会, Aug. 2018, Japanese, 東北学院大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 幾何音響シミュレーションを用いた屋外拡声システムの最適配置に関する基礎的検討
    SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2018, Japanese, 大阪保健医療大学1号館, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 多言語一斉通知による緊急避難放送の可能性
    SATO Hayato, KURISU Kiyohiro, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2018, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 災害等非常時屋外拡声システム性能確保のためのASJ技術規準 (第1版)
    SATO Hayato, CHISAKI Yoshifumi, SUZUKI Yôiti
    日本音響学会騒音振動研究会, Mar. 2018, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音声の動的な周波数補正が残響・エコー下の了解度に与える影響
    SATO Hayato, KURISU Kiyohiro, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2018, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音付加音声の時間変動特性とラウドネスの関係
    SATO Hayato, YOSHIMOTO Yudai
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Oct. 2017, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 災害等非常時屋外拡声システム性能確保のためのASJ技術規準(第1版)
    SATO Hayato, KURISU Kiyohiro, CHISAKI Yoshifumi, SUZUKI Yôiti
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2017, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • 降雨による音声了解度の低下を補償する屋外拡声システムの周波数特性補正法
    SATO Hayato, KURISU Kiyohiro, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2017, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音の移動感を用いた音案内に関する基礎的研究-スピーカを2つに限定した場合-
    TOKI Nana, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2017, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音の移動感を用いた音響案内に関する基礎的研究-信号の時間間隔の影響-
    TOKI Nana, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hiroshi
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2017, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 建築設計指針素案 ~標準化に向けて (2)評価
    SATO Hayato
    第78回音シンポジウム スピーチプライバシーの確保を目的とした建築設計 ~音声情報漏洩防止~, Mar. 2017, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Nominated symposium

  • 豪雨が音の伝搬特性および環境騒音の物理特性に及ぼす影響-実測調査による基礎的検討-
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, KURISU Kiyohiro, MAEDA Mitsuki
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会, Jan. 2017, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • Relationship between speech intelligibility and objective measures in sound fields with a discrete long-path echo
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, MIYAGAWA Yusuke, SUZUKI Yoiti
    5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Nov. 2016, English, International conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • Head movement in human sound localization
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hiroshi
    5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Nov. 2016, English, International conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • Effects of dominance of the first-arriving sound on speech intelligibility in reverberant sound fields
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, HOSHINO Yasushi
    5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Nov. 2016, English, International conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • 受聴点における音声品質の聴覚および視覚フィードバックが発話に与える影響
    MATSUBARA Kanami, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2016, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音案内の設置高さと誘導可能距離の関係に関する検討-頭部運動を考慮した場合-
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2016, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ロングパスエコーを考慮した屋外拡声システムの評価その3:球バッフル2chマイクロホンを利用した聴感評価の可能性
    MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, TAKAHASHI Kei
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2016, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 都市・建築空間の音声伝送性能評価
    SATO Hayato
    第43回関西合同音声ゼミ, Jul. 2016, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Public discourse

  • 2チャンネル録音・再生による屋外拡声システムの聴感評価
    TAKAHASHI Kei, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2016, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 降雨強度が屋外騒音の周波数特性に及ぼす影響−定点観測によるケーススタディ−
    SATO Hayato, KURISU Kiyohiro, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2016, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 降雨が屋外音響伝搬特性に及ぼす影響−大型降雨実験施設における測定−
    KURISU Kiyohiro, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2016, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ロングパスエコーを考慮できる音声了解度の物理評価指標の開発
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SUZUKI Yoiti, SAKAMOTO Shuichi
    東北大学電気通信研究所 平成27年度共同プロジェクト研究発表会, Feb. 2016, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • Standard of speech transmission performance in architectural spaces based on psychological evaluation
    心理生理のフロンティアを語る(第3回)音の知覚と公共空間デザイン, Oct. 2015, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 大型商業施設における雑踏音による圧迫感の物理指標に関する基礎的検討
    MIKI Yusuke, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2015, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音を付加した音声の物理特性とラウドネスの関係
    YOSHIMOTO Yudai, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2015, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ロングパスエコーを考慮した屋外拡声システムの評価 その2:2チャンネル録音・再生による聴感評価の可能性
    MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, MIYAGAWA Yusuke
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2015, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ロングパスエコーを考慮した屋外拡声システムの評価 その1:両耳間差の差に着目した評価
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, MIYAGAWA Yusuke
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2015, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • スピーチプライバシーの現場測定法に関する基礎的検討 -受聴点における物理統計量による評価-
    KITAMURA Yuichi, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2015, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • Optimization of acoustic guide signals in reverberant sound fields: Effects of time pattern of the signal
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会資料 AA2015-28, Jul. 2015, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • Evaluation of outdoor public address system considering a long-path echo
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会資料 AA2015-21, Jun. 2015, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • 大型商業施設の雑踏音による圧迫感と音場の物理量の関係
    MIKI Yusuke, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2015, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音を付加した音声の自己相関関数がラウドネスに与える影響
    YOSHIMOTO Yudai, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2015, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音を付加した音源の物理特性とラウドネスの関係
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, YOSHIMOTO Yudai
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Mar. 2015, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 研究紹介:国内外の関連研究動向について
    SATO Hayato
    第74回音シンポジウム 都市・建築空間における音声伝送性能評価に関する最新の動向, Mar. 2015, Japanese, 日本建築学会, Domestic conference
    Nominated symposium

  • 音源信号の時間及び周波数特性が残響音場におけるラウドネスに及ぼす影響
    SATO Hayato, KUBO Hiroki, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2015, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 方向定位精度に基づく音響案内の設置位置に関する基礎的検討
    KURAHASGI Ryuichi, SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 上半球面における音響案内の方向定位
    KURAHASGI Ryuichi, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hiroshi
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 室内空間における音声品質のリアルタイム評価に関する基礎的研究-クロススペクトル法による物理指標測定の所要時間-
    MATSUBARA Kanami, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音を考慮したスピーチプライバシーの評価
    SATO Hayato, WATANABE Kohei, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Apr. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 話声に対するマスキングノイズの最適化−マスカーの混合による性能向上の試み−
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, KISHI Masahiro, KURODA Naoki, IRIE Yoshihiro
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音場におけるインパルス応答と音声のラウドネスの関係
    SATO Hayato, KUBO Hiroki, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 骨導音による耳間定位を利用した誘導鈴の可能性
    MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, SUDA Kunimitsu, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ロングパスエコーが存在する音場における文章了解度と物理指標の関係
    MIYAGAWA Yusuke, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SUZUKI Yo^iti, SAKAMOTO Shuichi
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ロングパスエコーが存在する音場における文章了解度と物理指標の関係
    MIYAGAWA Yusuke, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SUZUKI Yo^iti, SAKAMOTO Shuichi
    日本音響学会関西支部 若手研究者交流研究発表会, Dec. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 単一エコーが残響音場における聴き取りにくさに及ぼす影響
    KOIZUMI Hodaka, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音声了解度による屋外拡声システムの評価−総務省平成23年度3次補正予算による技術開発−
    SATO Hayato, CUI Zhengli, SAKAMOTO Shuichi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SUZUKI Yo^iti, AOKI Masahiko, KOIKE Hirotoshi, TAKASHIMA Kazuhiro, TURU Hideo, MITSUEDA Taichi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音環境に関する研究の動向と発展の方向性について
    SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会大会, Sep. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • 屋外における災害情報の伝達性能の向上を目指して−総務省平成23年度3次補正予算による技術開発−
    SUZUKI Yo^iti, CUI Zhengli, SAKAMOTO Shuichi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, USAGAWA Tsuyoshi, CHISAKI Yoshifumi, SATO Hayato, IWAYA Yukio, AOKI Masahiko, KOIKE Hirotoshi, TAKASHIMA Kazuhiro, TURU Hideo
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 暗騒音が誘導鈴の方向定位に及ぼす影響−最低限必要なSN比の検討−
    NISHIURA Eishiro, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • サウンドマスキングシステムに用いられるマスキングノイズの最適化に関する一検討
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, KISHI Masahiro, KURODA Naoki, IRIE Yoshihiro
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Aug. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 騒音場における誘導鈴の方向定位に最低限必要なSN比
    日本建築学会近畿支部 研究発表会, Jun. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 妨害力と不快感によるサウンドマスキングシステムのマスキングノイズの評価
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, KISHI Masahiro, KURODA Naoki, IRIE Yoshihiro
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 屋外での音響伝達特性の測定とシミュレーションによる予測
    TAKASHIMA Kazuhiko, AOKI Masahiko, TSURU Hideo, MITSUEDA Taichi, KOIKE Hirotoshi, SATO Hayato, SAITO Fumitaka, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SUZUKI Yôiti
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ロングパスエコー環境下における親密度を統制した四連単語了解度試験
    CUI Zhenglie, TORAI Shun, SAKAMOTO Shuichi, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SUZUKI Yôiti
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ロングパスエコーが防災無線の明瞭度に及ぼす影響 ー屋外における文章了解度試験による検討ー
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SAKAMOTO Shuichi, SUZUKI Yôiti
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 妨害力と不快感によるサウンドマスキングシステムのマスキングノイズの評価
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, KISHI Masahiro, KURODA Naoki, IRIE Yoshihiro
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Feb. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • スピーチプライバシーの評価と制御〜音声情報漏洩防止の観点から〜 3. 音声了解度による評価
    SATO Hayato, HOSHINO Yasushi
    第72回音シンポジウム, Feb. 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • 超音波を用いた視覚障がい者を対象とした移動支援システム
    SUDA Kunimitsu, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会関西支部 若手研究者交流研究発表会, Dec. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 病院診察室におけるスピーチプライバシーの心理評価
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, OHTANI Soichi, HOSHINO Yasushi, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 頭部運動を許した場合の断続音の方向定位ー誘導鈴の最適化ー
    MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, NAKAI Yusuke, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 単一のロングパスエコーと単語親密度が音声了解度に及ぼす影響
    KINOSHITA Kohei, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音場における音声のラウドネスの物理指標に関する一考察
    KUBO Hiroki, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音の単語了解度と物理指標に関する一考察
    WATANABE Kohei, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, HOSHINO Yasushi, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 屋外における災害情報伝達拡声系の高度化プロジェクト
    SAITO Fumitaka, CUI Zhenglie, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, CHISAKI Yoshifumi, USAGAWA Tsuyoshi, IWAYA Yukio, SAKAMOTO Shuichi, SUZUKI Yôiti, AOKI Masahiro, TAKASHIMA Kazuhiro
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 単一のロングパスエコーが音声了解度に及ぼす影響
    KINOSHITA Kohei, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部 研究発表会, Jun. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音声のラウドネスの物理指標に関する一考察
    KUBO Hiroki, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本建築学会近畿支部 研究発表会, Jun. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音の単語了解度
    WATANABE Kohei, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部 研究発表会, Jun. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音声のラウドネスについて
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, May 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 単語了解度によるスピーチプライバシーの評価-残響音の時間及び空間特性の影響-
    HOSHINO Yasushi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2011, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 島根大学松江キャンパス, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 住宅の居間における残響音の心理評価
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2011, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 島根大学松江キャンパス, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音場における誘導鈴の定位精度
    KANDA Hodaka, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2011, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 島根大学松江キャンパス, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 公共空間における超音波の実態調査
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2011, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 島根大学松江キャンパス, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • サウンドマスキングシステムのマスキングノイズの不快感
    KISHI Masahiro, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, KURODA Naoki, IRIE Hiroshi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2011, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 島根大学松江キャンパス, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • Equal-intelligibility contours and those application to various sound fields
    HOSHINO Yasushi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, ODAGAWA Yasuhiko
    inter-noise 2011, Sep. 2011, English, International Institute of Noise Control Engineering, 大阪国際会議場, International conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • 話声に対するマスキングノイズの許容レベル
    KISHI Masahiro, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部 研究発表会, Jun. 2011, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪工業技術専門学校3・6号館, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音が誘導鈴の方向定位に及ぼす影響
    KANDA Hodaka, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部 研究発表会, Jun. 2011, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪工業技術専門学校3・6号館, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音の空間特性が単語了解度に及ぼす影響-拡散音だけから成る音場における検討-
    OKAZAKI Keisuke, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部 研究発表会, Jun. 2011, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪工業技術専門学校3・6号館, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 方向定位における頭部運動について その2
    NOJIMA Ryoko, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2011, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 東京都新宿区, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 反射音の物理特性が最適ラウドネスに及ぼす影響
    NEGI Kenta, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2011, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 東京都新宿区, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 建築空間における音声コミュニケーション品質の評価
    SATO Hayato
    近畿環境工学シンポジウム, Nov. 2010, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 吹田市, Domestic conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • 歩行実験による誘導鈴の性能評価
    NAKAI Yusuke, SATO Hiroshi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2010, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 吹田市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 遮音性能とスピーチプライバシーの関係
    HOSHINO Yasushi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会大会学術講演会, Sep. 2010, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 富山市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 暗騒音の両耳間相関度が単語了解度に及ぼす影響
    OHTANI Soichi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, HOSHINO Yasushi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2010, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 吹田市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 誘導鈴の誘導性能評価のための歩行実験
    SATO Hiroshi, NAKAI Yusuke, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    電子情報通信学会福祉情報工学研究会, Aug. 2010, Japanese, 電子情報通信学会, 東京都世田谷区, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • Evaluation of Performance of Auditory Guide Signals with Walking Tests
    SATO Hiroshi, NAKAI Yusuke, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    IEICE technical report, Jul. 2010, Japanese, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Walking tests with normal persons and persons with visual impairment were performed to evaluate performance of the guide signal commonly used for mobility assistance in public spaces. The tests were performed in a reverberant and noisy gym. The parameters for experiments were directivity of loudspeakers, presentation level and direction of the guide signal. The effects of the parameters on success rates, waking tracks, and required time to reach the sound source were analyzed. For the wide-directional guide signal, guidances were succeeded in most cases. However, the walking tracks were tend to be circuitous. The narrow-directional guide signal could guide the participants straight to the destination. However, some participants strayed when they departed from the start-goal line.

  • 40164 The relationship between sound insulation performance and speech privacy
    HOSHINO Yasushi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, Jul. 2010, Japanese, Architectural Institute of Japan

  • 歩行実験による誘導鈴の性能評価
    NAKAI Yusuke, SATO Hiroshi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2010, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 刺激の提示方法がエコー検知に及ぼす影響
    KOIZUMI Hodaka, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2010, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音の両耳間相関度が音声の最適ラウドネスに及ぼす影響
    OKINO Syota, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2010, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 暗騒音の両耳間相関度が単語了解度に及ぼす影響
    OHTANI Soichi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2010, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 4018 Performance Evaluation of Guide Signals for the Blind Based on Walking Tests
    NAKAI Yusuke, SATO Hiroshi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, May 2010, Japanese, Architectural Institute of Japan

  • 4011 The Effect of the Degree of Interaural Cross Correlation of Background Noise on Word Intelligibility Scores
    OTANI Soichi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, May 2010, Japanese, Architectural Institute of Japan

  • 4015 The Effect of the Method for Presentation of Stimulus on Echo Perception
    KOIZUMI Hodaka, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, May 2010, Japanese, Architectural Institute of Japan

  • 4012 The Effect of the Degree of Interaural Cross Correlation on the Optimum Speech Loudness in Reverberant Sound Fields
    OKINO Shota, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, May 2010, Japanese, Architectural Institute of Japan

  • 室間レベル差と騒音レベルをパラメータとした単語了解度の推定
    HOSHINO Yasushi, ODAGAWA Yasuhiko, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, May 2010, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 東京都千代田区, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音声伝送性能の評価方法
    SATO Hayato
    第67回音シンポジウム 「『AIJ-ES都市・建築空間の音声伝送品質の評価規準・同解説』刊行に向けて」, May 2010, Japanese, 日本建築学会, 東京都港区, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 遮音性能と単語了解度の関係
    HOSHINO Yasushi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, ODAGAWA Yasuhiko
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2010, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 調布市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 暗騒音レベルの変動を考慮した拡声レベルの調整法
    OHNISHI Yutaka, YAMAJI Takashi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2010, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 調布市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 方向定位における頭部運動について
    NOJIMA Ryoko, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2009, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 郡山市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 病院の診察室における単語了解度の実態
    ODAGAWA Yasuhiko, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2009, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 郡山市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 頭部運動を許した場合の音の継続時間と方向定位の関係
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, AZUMA Satoshi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2009, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 郡山市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音場における音声とインパルスのエコー検知の違いについて
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, TAKEUCHI Takeshi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2009, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 郡山市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 最適音声レベルにおけるラウドネスと残響の関係
    NEGI Kenta, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2009, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 郡山市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ユニバーサルデザインを考慮した音声伝送性能に関する研究
    SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部音環境部会 フレッシュドクターシリーズー博士論文を聞くー, Jul. 2009, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部音環境部会, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • 誘導鈴の最適化に関する研究─方向定位における頭部運動について ─
    NOJIMA Ryoko, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2009, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 残響音場における最適音声レベルとラウドネスの関係
    NEGI Kenta, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2009, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ケーススタディによる現状調査(3)病院診察室におけるスピーチプライバシ
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本建築学会室内音響小委員会スピーチプライバシ研究WG活動報告会「スピーチプライバシをとりまく現状と課題」, Jun. 2009, Japanese, 日本建築学会室内音響小委員会, 東京都港区, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 文章中のポーズ長が公共空間における音声伝達性能に与える影響
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, HIRATA Makoto
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, May 2009, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 習志野市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 駅コンコースにおける音環境の実態調査
    伊積 康彦, 佐藤 洋, 佐藤 逸人, 森本 政之
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Jan. 2009, Japanese, 日本音響学会建築音響研究会, 新潟市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音環境のユニバーサルデザインに向けて
    MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, 佐藤 洋
    電気関係学会関西支部連合大会, Nov. 2008, Japanese, 電気学会, 電子情報通信学会, 照明学会, 映像情報メディア学会, 日本音響学会, 電気設備学会, 京都市, Domestic conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • 病院における音声コミュニケーション環境のケーススタディ
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本建築学会大会学術講演会, Sep. 2008, Japanese, 日本建築学会, 東広島市, Domestic conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • 地下街の音環境について
    惣司 真毅, 大西 豊, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会2008年秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2008, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 福岡市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 騒音レベルの一時的上昇に追随した音声レベル調整に関する基礎的検討
    山路 貴司, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会2008年秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2008, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 福岡市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 公共空間におけるアナウンスの最適発話速度と音声レベル
    小林 正明, 四釜 奈緒, 森本 政之, SATO Hayato, 佐藤 洋
    日本建築学会大会学術講演会, Sep. 2008, Japanese, 日本建築学会, 東広島市, Domestic conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • 空港ロビーにおける環境音の物理特性について
    SATO Hayato, 大西 豊, MORIMOTO Masayuki, 高橋 杏子
    日本音響学会2008年秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2008, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 福岡市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 曲面を有する建築空間におけるエコー発生の予測 -建築諸元を説明変数としたエコー発生の判別分析-
    井上 諭, 田中 渚, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会2008年秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2008, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 福岡市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音案内の種類と方向定位及び方向同定時間との関係 -騒音下における様々な聴力の視覚障がい者による実験-
    佐藤 洋, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会2008年秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2008, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 福岡市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 住宅における残響が会話のしにくさに与える影響
    佐藤 逸人, 森本 政之, 福永佳織
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Jul. 2008, Japanese, 日本音響学会建築音響研究会, 吹田市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • Effects of spatial factors of speech, noise, and reverberation sounds on listening difficulty [Speech Segregation in Rooms II (Poster Session), 4pAAc1]
    佐藤 逸人, 高岡 知康, 森本 政之
    Acoustics'08 Paris, Jul. 2008, English, the Acoustical Society of America, the European Acoustics Association, Paris, France, International conference
    Poster presentation

  • 誘導鈴の物理特性が視覚障害者の方向定位に及ぼす影響
    岩崎 元英, MORIMOTO Masayuki, 佐藤 洋, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2008, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 病院における音声コミュニケーション環境の現状把握と改善案の検討
    小田川 泰彦, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2008, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 地下街における暗騒音の類型化に関する研究
    惣司 真毅, 大西 豊, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2008, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 騒音レベルの一時的上昇に合わせた音声レベルの調整法に関する基礎的検討
    山路 貴司, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2008, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 公共空間におけるアナウンスの最適発話速度と音声レベル
    小林 正明, 四釜 奈緒, 佐藤 逸人, 森本 政之, 佐藤 洋
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, May 2008, Japanese, 日本音響学会建築音響研究会, 東京都, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 誘導鈴の方向定位に残響音が及ぼす影響
    MAKITA Kanako, SATO Hiroshi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会2008年春季研究発表会, Mar. 2008, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 習志野市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 病院における音声コミュニケーション環境の音響測定
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, ODAGAWA Yasuhiko
    日本音響学会2008年春季研究発表会, Mar. 2008, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 習志野市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 「聴き取りにくさ」と物理的指標の関係ー都市・建築空間の音声伝送性能評価基準および設計指針(案)に向けて:技術解説(2)ー
    SATO Hayato, 日本建築学会音声伝送品質設計, 評価指針作成W
    第62回音シンポジウム音声伝送性能設計・評価に関するアカデミックスタンダード刊行を目指して, Mar. 2008, Japanese, 日本建築学会環境工学本委員会, 日本建築学会音環境運営委員会, 日本建築学会室内音響小委員会, 東京都, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ユニバーサルデザインを考慮した公共空間における最適拡声レベル
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会関西支部若手研究者交流研究発表会, Nov. 2007, Japanese, 日本音響学会関西支部, 神戸市, Domestic conference
    Poster presentation

  • 音声の発話速度が高齢者の聴き取りにくさに及ぼす影響
    HIRATA Makoto, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, KOBAYASHI Masaaki, SATO Hiroshi, SIKAMA Nao
    日本音響学会2007年秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2007, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 甲府市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • エコーと聴き取りにくさの関係
    TAKEUCHI Takeshi, INOUE Satoru, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会2007年秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2007, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 甲府市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音声の発話速度が高齢者の聴き取りにくさに及ぼす影響
    HIRATA Makoto, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2007, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音に包まれた感じと第一波面の法則の関係
    KOMURO Jin, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2007, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • エコーと聴き取りにくさの関係
    TAKEUCHI Takeshi, INOUE Satoru, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2007, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 主観評価に基づいた音声伝送品質のランク
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hiroshi
    第61回 音シンポジウム 室内の音声伝送品質の設計・評価基準の確立に向けて, Mar. 2007, Japanese, 日本建築学会, 日本音響学会建築音響研究会, 東京都港区, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 凹曲面を有する空間の音響 -エコー発生条件の検討-
    INOUE Satoru, TANAKA Nagisa, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会春季研究発表会, Mar. 2007, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 東京都江東区, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 誘導鈴の方向定位 -健常者と視覚障害者の比較-
    MAKITA Kanako, SATO Hiroshi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Jan. 2007, Japanese, 日本音響学会建築音響研究会, つくば市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 公共空間の音環境の類型化に関する研究 -地下鉄および空港の音環境-
    TAKAHASHI Kyoko, OHNISHI Yutaka, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会, Jan. 2007, Japanese, 日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会, 那覇市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • ドーム空間の音響 -エコーの検知と聴き取りにくさ-
    TANAKA Nagisa, INOUE Satoru, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会 聴覚・建築音響研究会, Nov. 2006, Japanese, 日本音響学会建築音響研究会, 日本音響学会聴覚研究会, 神戸市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • The relation between speech transmission index, clarity, and reverberation time and listening difficulty in the impulse response database of AIJ
    SATO Hiroshi, NISHIKAWA Yoshio, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    4th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan, Nov. 2006, English, 米国音響学会, 日本音響学会, Honolulu,Hawai, USA, International conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • 盲導鈴の方向定位に及ぼす暗騒音の影響
    MAKITA Kanako, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi, SATO Tetsuji
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2006, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 金沢市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 騒音場における音声の到来方向が音声伝達性能に及ぼす影響(2)―暗騒音の両耳間相関度が低い場合―
    TAKAOKA Tomoyasu, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, SEMBA Yuichi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2006, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 金沢市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 空港ロビーの音環境測定
    TAKAHASHI Kyoko, OHNISHI Yutaka, SATO Hayato, SATO Takashi, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2006, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 金沢市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音声の聴き取りにくさと音響物理指標の関係(4) -発話速度を考慮した場合-
    SIKAMA Nao, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi, KOBAYASHI Masaaki
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2006, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 金沢市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音声の聴き取りにくさと音響物理指標の関係(3) -重回帰式による聴き取りにくさの予測-
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2006, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 金沢市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音声伝送品質評価のためのインパルス応答データベースの活用-主観的評価値と物理量の対応関係-
    SATO Hiroshi, NISHIKAWA Yoshio, SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Jul. 2006, Japanese, 日本音響学会建築音響研究会, 八戸市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音声の発話速度が聴き取りにくさに及ぼす影響
    SIKAMA Nao, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, KOBAYASHI Masaaki, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Jul. 2006, Japanese, 日本音響学会建築音響研究会, 八戸市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 両耳間相関度が聴き取りにくさに及ぼす影響
    TAKAOKA Tomoyasu, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2006, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 盲導鈴の方向定位に関する基礎的検討
    MAKITA Kanako, MORIMOTO Masayuki, MAEDA Kouzo, SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2006, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 地下鉄駅における暗騒音の類型化に関する研究
    TAKAHASHI Kyoko, MAEDA Kouzo, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2006, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 公共空間における発話速度が音声の聴き取りにくさに及ぼす影響
    SIKAMA Nao, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, Jun. 2006, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪市, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 盲導鈴の方向定位
    MORIMOTO Masayuki, MAKITA Kanako, MAEDA Kozo, SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会 2006年春季研究発表会, Mar. 2006, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 日本大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音声の聴き取りにくさと音響物理指標の関係(2) -暗騒音と加齢による聴力損失を考慮した場合-
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, WADA Megumi, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会 2006年春季研究発表会, Mar. 2006, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 日本大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 地下鉄駅における環境音の類型化の一試み
    大西 豊, 前田 耕造, 森本 政之, 佐藤 逸人
    日本音響学会関西支部 若手研究者交流研究発表会, Dec. 2005, Japanese, 日本音響学会関西支部, キャンパスプラザ京都, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 住宅における会話のしにくさについて -残響音が聴き手に及ぼす影響-
    FUKUNAGA Kaori, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, KOJIMA Yukio
    近畿環境工学シンポジウム, Dec. 2005, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 摂南大学13号館多目的ホール, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 住宅における会話のしにくさについて -残響音が聴き手に及ぼす影響-
    福永 佳織, 森本 政之, 佐藤 逸人, 小島 由紀夫
    日本音響学会 建築音響研究会, Nov. 2005, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 株式会社大林組東京本社, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音声と暗騒音の空間特性が音声伝達性能に及ぼす影響
    高岡 知康, 森本 政之, 佐藤 逸人, 仙波 祐一, 佐藤 洋
    日本音響学会 建築音響研究会, Nov. 2005, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 株式会社大林組東京本社, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 地下鉄駅における環境音の両耳間相関度の分析
    大西 豊, 前田 耕造, 森本 政之, 佐藤 逸人
    日本音響学会 2005年秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2005, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 東北大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 騒音場における音声の到来方向が音声伝達性能に及ぼす影響
    仙波 祐一, 森本 政之, 佐藤 逸人, 高岡 知康
    日本音響学会 2005年秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2005, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 東北大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音声の聴き取りにくさと音響物理指標の関係-実測インパルス応答を用いた検討-
    SATO Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, WADA Megumi, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会 2005年秋季研究発表会, Sep. 2005, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 東北大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音声の聴き取りにくさと各種物理指標の関係
    WADA Megumi, Sato Hayato, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hiroshi
    日本音響学会 建築音響研究会, Jul. 2005, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 神戸大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 住宅における残響が会話のしにくさに与える影響―聴き手に着目した場合―
    福永 佳織, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato, 小島 由紀夫
    日本建築学会近畿支部 研究発表会, Jun. 2005, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪工業技術専門学校1号館, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 公共空間の環境音の空間特性に関する基礎的研究―両耳間相関度の分析―
    Ohnishi Yutaka, Maeda Kozo, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    日本建築学会近畿支部 研究発表会, Jun. 2005, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪工業技術専門学校1号館, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • Optimal speech level for speech transmission in noisy enviroment for young adults and aged persons (invited paper)
    Hayato Sato, Ryo Ota, Masayuki Morimoto, Hiroshi Sato
    149th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, May 2005, English, 米国音響学会, Vancouver,Canada, International conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • 聴き取りにくさによる音声伝達性能評価
    佐藤 逸人, 森本 政之, 佐藤 洋
    シンポジウム「音声伝達性能の評価技術の確立に向けて」-日本建築学会音声伝送品質研究SWG活動成果報告会, Mar. 2005, Japanese, 日本建築学会, 未記入, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 聞き取りにくさによるS/Nの検討-若年者と高齢者の混在を考慮した場合
    和田 恵, 森本 政之, 佐藤 逸人, 太田 涼
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, 2004, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪工業技術専門学校, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 騒音付加音場における拡声音の最適レベルについて
    太田 涼, 佐藤 逸人, 森本 政之, 佐藤 洋
    日本音響学会 秋季研究発表会, 2004, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 琉球大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 音声と暗騒音の空間と特性が音声聴取に及ぼす影響
    高岡 知康, 森本 政之, 佐藤 逸人, 仙波 祐一
    日本音響学会 春季研究発表会, 2004, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 琉球大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 駅における音環境に関する調査研究その2 駅構内変動騒音下における聴感実験
    佐藤 隆, 佐藤 逸人, 佐藤 洋, 森本 政之
    日本建築学会大会学術講演会, 2004, Japanese, 日本建築学会, 未記入, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 暗騒音の空間特性が音声伝達性能に及ぼす影響
    仙波 祐一, 森本 政之, 佐藤 逸人, 高岡 知廣
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究発表会, 2004, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 大阪工業技術専門学校, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 暗騒音の空間特性が音声聴取に及ぼす影響
    高岡 知康, 森本 政之, 佐藤 逸人, 太田 涼, 仙波 祐一, 和田 恵
    日本音響学会2004年度春期研究発表会, 2004, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 神奈川工科大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 駅における音環境に関する調査研究
    佐藤 隆, 佐藤 逸人, 森本 政之, 佐藤 洋
    日本建築学会大会学術講演会, Sep. 2003, Japanese, 日本建築学会, 未記入, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 単語の聴き取りにくさの聴感試験法について-学習効果の検証および文脈効果の低減-
    佐藤 逸人, 袴田 篤史, 小林 正明, 森本 政之
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会, Jun. 2003, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 淡路夢舞台, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 聴き取りにくさの測定法に関する研究-刺激文脈の統制による文脈効果の低減-
    佐藤 逸人, 森本 政之, 袴田 篤史, 小林 正明
    日本建築学会近畿支部2003年度研究報告会, 2003, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 未記入, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 公共空間における拡声音の最適レベルに関する基礎的研究-高齢者と若年者の混在を考慮した場合-
    太田 涼, 森本 政之, 佐藤 逸人, 小林 正明
    日本建築学会近畿支部2003年度研究報告会, 2003, Japanese, 日本建築学会近畿支部, 未記入, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 加齢による聴力損失が最適音絵師レベルに及ぼす影響
    佐藤 逸人, 森本 政之, 太田 涼
    日本音響学会2003年秋期研究発表会, 2003, Japanese, 日本音響学会, 大同工業大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • Optimum speech level in reverberant fields in terms of listening difficulty(SUMMARIES OF TECHNICAL PAPERS OF ANNUAL MEETING ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN 2002)
    SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi, YOSHINO Hiroshi, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, Jun. 2002, Japanese, Architectural Institute of Japan

  • Optimum speech level in reverberant fields in terms of listening difficulty
    SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi, YOSHINO Hiroshi, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, May 2002, Japanese, Architectural Institute of Japan

  • Effects of presbycusis on word intelligibility and difficulty of listening
    SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi, YOSHINO Hiroshi, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    日本建築学会東北支部研究報告集. 計画系, Jun. 2001, Japanese, Architectural Institute of Japan

  • 40012 Effect of presbycusis on word intelligibility and listening difficulty
    SATO Hayato, SATO Hiroshi, YOSHINO Hiroshi, MORIMOTO Masayuki
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2001, Japanese, Architectural Institute of Japan

  • Difference between word familiarity of the young and that of the aged
    SATOU Hayato, SATO Hiroshi, SUZUKI Yoiti, AMANO Shigeaki, KONDO Tadahisa
    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集, Sep. 2000, Japanese

  • Comparison between tri-syllable articulation test and word recognition test
    Sato Hayato, Sato Hiroshi
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, Jul. 2000, Japanese, Architectural Institute of Japan

  • Evaluation of speech transmission quality by word intelligibility test based on word familiarity : Effects of reverberation, noise and presbycusis
    Sato Hayato, Sato Hiroshi, Yoshino Hiroshi, Nagatomo Muneshige
    日本建築学会東北支部研究報告集. 計画系, Jun. 2000, Japanese, Architectural Institute of Japan

  • Comparison between the word intelligibility of the young and that of the aged with presbycusis : Evaluation of speech transmission quality by word lists based on word familiarity-1
    Sato Hiroshi
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2000, Japanese, Architectural Institute of Japan

■ Affiliated Academic Society
  • 日本福祉のまちづくり学会

  • 日本騒音制御工学会

  • 米国音響学会

  • 日本音響学会

  • 日本建築学会

■ Research Themes
  • 言語バリアフリーと時間短縮を両立する多言語一斉放送システムの高度化に関する研究
    森本 政之, 佐藤 逸人
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2024
    現状の案内放送の多言語対応では,複数言語を順次放送しており,非常時には後から放送される 言語を第1言語とする人の初動が遅れてしまう。この課題を解決する手法として,研究代表者らは多言語を同時に拡声するシステムについて検討してきた。このシステムの高度化にあたり,自分の第1言語であるターゲット言語の探索しやすさを向上させることが必要となる。2021年度は,ターゲット単語の探索のしやすさに影響する要因として,ターゲット単語の時間的位置と空間的位置に着目し,これらが単語了解度に与える影響について検討した。日本語,英語,中国語,韓国語の4言語それぞれの5連単語を同時に再生した音声を刺激とした。刺激は,正面からすべての言語を再生する条件を基準として,空間的に離して配置した2から4個のスピーカを用いて,1スピーカにつき1言語を再生する条件,1スピーカにつき2言語を再生する条件など様々な条件で提示した。聴取者は日本語を第1言語とする学生であり,提示される刺激に含まれる日本語単語を書き取らせた。 (1)4言語を同時に再生する場合,ターゲット単語の時間的位置が後ろになるにつれて単語了解度(ただしく単語を書き取れた割合)が上昇する。 (2)空間的に離して配置した2つのスピーカから2言語ずつを再生する場合,1 つのスピーカから 4言語すべてを再生する条件と比較して,ターゲット単語の単語了解度は10パーセントポイント以上上昇する。 (3)3つのスピーカから3言語をそれぞれ再生する場合に,中央のスピーカから再生する音声の単語了解度が両端のスピーカから再生する場合よりもやや低下するが,音圧レベルを上げることで,言語間の単語了解度の差を 小さくできるということを示した.

  • いつでも聴き取れるを実現する屋外拡声システムの分散配置デザイン
    佐藤 逸人
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2023
    防災情報を提供する屋外拡声システムは聴こえにくいという問題がある。これを回避する方法として,スピーカをできるだけ多く分散配置し,必要最低限の音圧レベルで拡声する方法の確立が本研究の目的である。 2021年度は,音の伝搬距離と気象条件による音圧レベルのばらつきの対応関係について,海沿いの地方の自治体の協力を得て無人測定システムを実際に設置し,2021年12月から長期実測を開始した。屋外拡声システムの子局スピーカ近傍とそこから数百メートル離れた測定点に2020年度に構築した無人測定システムを設置し,1日数回行われる定時放送を測定対象とした。定時放送にSwept-sine信号を含めることにより,インパルス応答の測定も可能となった。無人測定システムはおおむね問題なく稼働しており,携帯電話回線による通信機能を用いて問題なく測定データを収集可能となった。測定データを分析した結果,放送の音圧レベルには最大で±10dB程度のばらつきが確認され,今後気象データとの関連について検討を進める。 また,研究代表者が開発してきた音線法による幾何音響シミュレーションについて,都市街区を対象としたシミュレーションを行い,スマートフォンを用いた測定システムによる実測結果との比較を行った。エコータイムパターンから算出する音声了解度の物理指標であるU値について,幾何音響シミュレーションによる値と実測値を比較した結果,定性的には良い一致が見られた。しかし,実測データの一部は測定日当日の風の影響で比較に使用できなかったため,さらに実測を重ねてデータを蓄積する必要がある。

  • 森本 政之
    科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(B), Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2021
    Competitive research funding

  • 佐藤 逸人
    学術研究助成基金助成金/基盤研究(C), Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2020, Principal investigator
    Competitive research funding

  • 森本 政之
    学術研究助成基金助成金/挑戦的萌芽研究, Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2019
    Competitive research funding

  • Development of an on-site evaluation tool for auditory guide signal in public spaces
    SATO Hiroshi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2017
    This study was consisted of measurement of sound localization performance of listers in experimental rooms, and in-situ measurement of physical properties of acoustical environment. The relationship between both measurement results enabled to realize a measurement tool for sound localization performance of auditory guide signals in public spaces. Results of a measurement is presented on a screen of tablet PC with numerical values and graphical presentation of estimated sound localization from acoustical input to both ears of a listener. The presented result of the measurement tool is well correlated with sound localization of listener on horizontal plane but not well estimate on vertical plane. It was more difficult to obtain accurate sound localization of listeners on vertical plane than horizontal plane with visual attention measurement, which was used to confirm sound localization of listers with gaze measurement.

  • 佐藤 逸人
    科学研究費補助金/若手研究(B), Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2015, Principal investigator
    Competitive research funding

  • New design method for auditory signal to present direction to a destination point in public space
    SATO Hiroshi, SEKI Yoshikazu, KURAKAT Kenj, MORIMOTO Masayuk, SATO Hayat, FUKUNAGA Yoshik
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2009 - 2011
    The result of this project revealed how to realize the role of acoustic guide signals, that is to lead visually impaired persons to their destination points, without discomfort to public with consideration to older listeners.

  • 森本 政之
    科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(B), 2011
    Competitive research funding

  • 森本 政之
    科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(B), 2010
    Competitive research funding

  • 佐藤 逸人
    科学研究費補助金/若手研究(B), 2008, Principal investigator
    Competitive research funding

  • Evaluation n method of aural environment and development of method for presentation of auditory signals for older persons and persons with disabilities
    SATO Hiroshi, KURAKATA Kenji, MORIMOTO Masayuki, SATO Hayato
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2005 - 2007
    The following three summery were achieved; 1. The effect of aging on speech perception This study clearly found two factors related to speech recognition and their aging effect. One is that speech recognition performance can be predicted by signal-to-noise ratio and pure-tone averaged hearing level in noisy environment. The other is that cognitive factors. Speaking rate and number of key words were investigated and found that too slow speaking rate gives listening difficulty and doesn't improve speach intelligibility scores both for young and older listeners. The maximum number of key words which should be in memory for a while should be less than three. The maximum presentation level of spoken announcements was obtained and there is no difference of maximum presentation level between young and older listener. 2. Prediction of speech transmission performance of acoustical conditions in rooms and case study of evaluation at railway stations and airports This study presents two indices to predict speech transmission performance in rooms. One is Speech Transmission Index and the other is Useful-to Detrimental ratio. Calculation methods and accuracy of predictions were clearly presented. The examples of sound environment in public spaces are evaluated. 3. Auditory signals presenting directions and locations to support activities especially for visually impaired persons in public spaces This study presents the effect of noise and reverberation on sound localization of auditory signals. Some of bird's songs presented better accuracy of sound localization than "Pinpon" sound in noise. However, it was found that the key factor of designing auditory signals is time series of signal. As a result of listening tests, head movement is very important to localize a sound and there is not significant difference of accuracy of sound localization between normal person and person with visual impairment.