Search DetailsTANAKA YurikoGraduate School of Intercultural Studies / Department of Cultural-InteractionProfessor
Research activity information
■ Paper- Feb. 2023, 現代思想, 51(3) (3), Japaneseラトゥールの戦争――存在の政治性と「政治を不可能にする」意志について[Invited]
- Sep. 2022, 社会思想史研究, 46, 32 - 48, Japaneseパンデミックと共同体の知覚[Invited]Scientific journal
- Dec. 2021, 現代思想 49(19), 136 - 149, Japanese同時代人たちの「世界」――ウィトゲンシュタインとアラン[Invited]
- Dec. 2021, 化学史研究, 48(4) (4), 183 - 194, Japanese原子の可視化・再考――〈原子の図像科学史〉のために[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Sep. 2021, フランス哲学・思想研究, 26, 88 - 98, JapaneseWHOという歴史――その「危機」に表現されるものについて[Invited]Scientific journal
- May 2020, 現代思想, 48(7) (7), 224 - 230, Japanese終わりなき点検と調整[Invited]
- Aug. 2019, 現代思想, 47(10) (10), 147 - 156, Japanese像/世界/記号とアインシュタイン―ブラックホールの図像化をめぐって[Invited]
- Mar. 2019, Zinbun, 49, 113 - 121, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Jan. 2019, Kagakushi Kenkyu, 57(288) (288), 285 - 294, JapaneseThe Meaning of Historical Study of Sciences for Canguilhem, the Philosopher[Invited]Symposium
- Dec. 2018, Kagakushi, 45(4) (4), 165 - 178, JapaneseLeeuwenhoek's Microscopic Observations and Views on Materiality: About His Interpretations of 'Globules of Blood' and 'Yeast'[Refereed]Scientific journal
- May 2016, 現代思想臨時増刊号, 44(11) (11), 182 - 197, Japanese臨界・生成・われわれの知――「微細な生」が与えるものについて[Invited]Scientific journal
- Jul. 2014, 現代思想, 42(12) (12), 160 - 171, Japanese〈科学〉と「信じられない事柄」[Invited]Scientific journal
- Dec. 2013, 情況(別冊 思想理論編), 3, 115 - 131, Japanese隠喩と科学の歴史―—感染症と20世紀をめぐって[Invited]Scientific journal
- Mar. 2013, 東京大学「病原菌」の歴史―—実在・表象・歴史性について[Refereed]
- Institute for Research in Humanities Kyoto University, Mar. 2011, ZINBUN, 42, 147 - 159, English
- Feb. 2006, 人文學報, 93, 85 - 105, Japanese目と言葉 ―「レーウェンフック」を考えるために―
- 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科超域文化科学専攻表象文化論, Mar. 2003, 表象文化論研究, (1) (1), 84 - 97, Japanese1900年的臨床身体・試論
- Nov. 2001, 『臨床死生学』6 pp.1-7., Japanese主題としての『臨床』―臨床経験の人間学的寄与について[Refereed]
- 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科超域文化科学専攻, Jul. 2000, 『東京大学大学院超域文化科学紀要』5 pp.102-118., (5) (5), 102 - 118, Japanese疲れの病理学―P.ジャネにおける「病気」と「治療」
■ Books And Other Publications
- Contributor, 「ペスト流行」pp.178-181, 大阪大学出版会, Mar. 2024〈ひと〉から問うジェンダーの世界史第3巻 世界をどう問うか?―地域・紛争・科学
- Contributor, 「医学史と倫理学」, 丸善出版, Jul. 2022, Japanese, ISBN: 462130724X医学史事典
- Contributor, 項目「細菌学」, 丸善出版, May 2021, Japanese, ISBN: 9784621306062科学史事典 = Encyclopedia of the history of science
- Joint editor, 人文書院, Mar. 2021, Japanese, ISBN: 9784409041154環世界の人文学 : 生と創造の探究
- Joint work, 「禁忌と真実の一致――「異常者たち」とはなにか」, 水声社, Mar. 2021, Japanese, ISBN: 9784801005563ミシェル・フーコー『コレージュ・ド・フランス講義』を読む
- Joint work, 「フーコーとカントの人間学」, 岩波書店, Mar. 2021, Japanese, ISBN: 9784000614610フーコー研究
- Joint translation, 第5・6章翻訳, 読書人, Oct. 2019東洋/西洋を越境する―金森修科学論翻訳集
- Single work, Seido-sha, Jun. 2019A History of the Bodies, Suffering and Living
- Joint work, 第7章「学知ってなんだ―エピステモロジーと〈68年〉」, 読書人, Apr. 2019〈68年5月〉と私たち――「現代思想と政治」の系譜学
- Contributor, 担当箇所:第2章「現代の人体理解とその歴史」執筆協力、および論文「顕微鏡が変えた世界の見方――人体の内と外をめぐって」pp. 169-171., 国立科学博物館・NHKプロモーション・朝日新聞社, Mar. 2018図録 特別展 人体――神秘への挑戦
- Joint translation, 上巻・第八章フラカストロ「伝染・伝染病およびその治療について」翻訳・解説, 名古屋大学出版会, Aug. 2017原典ルネサンス自然学
- Single translation, 全訳、訳注、訳者あとがき, 法政大学出版局, Feb. 2017カンギレムと経験の統一―判断することと行動すること 1929-1936年
- Single work, 名古屋大学出版会, Mar. 2013, Japanese科学と表象―「病原菌」の歴史―Scholarly book
- Joint work, 第4章「パストゥールとベルナールの『論争』――19世紀医学のある転回点について」, 東京大学出版会, Dec. 2012合理性の考古学―フランスの科学思想史
- Joint work, 「『非人間的』な身体の思考に向けて――エピステモロジーの問いのとしてのフランス医学史について」(pp.11-23)、「【付論】『一九世紀医学』をめぐるカンギレムとフーコーの対話」(pp.24-33), 青山学院大学文学部フランス文学科, Mar. 2012「概念の哲学」とエピステモロジー
- Joint work, 第12章「19世紀の果実・20世紀の種子――パストゥールについて」、第19章「自生するものについて――アメリカ、20世紀をめぐる試論」, 名古屋大学出版会, Mar. 2011啓蒙の運命
- Joint work, 「病いの消滅―『らい』から見る60年代」, 世界思想社, Mar. 2009転回点を求めて
- Joint work, 第10章「『血液循環の発見』とは何か――近代医学の身体観」, 丸善, Apr. 2005身体論のすすめ
- Contributor, 「免疫的生態と「身体」の接触」, 東京大学出版会, Oct. 2000表象のディスクール3――皮膚の修辞学
- The 16th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Aug. 2023Double Imperialism in the Bacteriology of Shibasaburo KITASATO(1853-1931): A Japanese Representative of German New Science and Its Conquering PowerPublic symposium
- 日本科学史学会阪神・京都支部共催研究会, Sep. 2022ガストン・バシュラールにとっての「科学」[Invited]
- 表象文化論学会研究集会シンポジウム 「線画の教育=教訓レッスン──キャラとイラストの表象文化論」, Dec. 2021誰でもないのに誰でもある ――解剖図の〈キャラクター〉について[Invited]
- 社会思想史学会シンポジウム「感染症の思想史」, Oct. 2021「流行病」と共同体の知覚――医学史的視点から[Invited]
- 日仏哲学会春季研究大会シンポジウム「感染症の時代の哲学:資材としての人間の身体」, Mar. 2021「WHOという歴史:その「危機」に表現されるものについて」[Invited]
- 日本学術会議・公開シンポジウム「身体・社会・感染症―哲学・倫理学・宗教研究はパンデミックをどう考えるか―」, Dec. 2020, Japanese「パンデミックと差異の再構成」[Invited]
- Nature, Technology, Metaphysics: An Encounter between German and Japanese Philosophy, Jun. 2019, English, International conferenceWho (ever/and how) saw an atom?: on the stratified perception around 1930-40 atomic physics[Invited]Invited oral presentation
- Society for the Social HIstory of Medicine Conference 2018, University of Liverpool., Jul. 2018, English, International conference"A Japanese Representative of the German New Science"?: Kitasato the 'Forefront' Bacteriologist and the 'Founding Father of Modern Medicine' in Japan.Oral presentation
- 京都市生涯学習総合センター・京都大学人文科学研究所連携講座「ゴールデン・エイジ・アカデミー」, Jun. 2018, Japanese「19世紀の科学と世界の変化」Public discourse
- 「人文研アカデミー連続セミナー 〈68年5月〉とわたしたち, Jun. 2018, Japanese「〈学知ってなんだ〉―エピステモロジーと68年」Public discourse
- 第65回日本科学史学会, May 2018, Japanese, Domestic conference「哲学者カンギレムの科学史研究」Public symposium
- 第65回日本科学史学会, May 2018, Domestic conference「レーウェンフックの顕微鏡観察と物質―〈小球〉・〈粒子〉の解釈をめぐって」Public symposium
- 国立科学博物館・特別展『人体―神秘への挑戦』開催記念講演会, Apr. 2018, Japanese, Domestic conference「レーウェンフック顕微鏡の魅力」[Invited]Public discourse
- 図像科学史研究会シンポジウム, Sep. 2017, Japanese, Domestic conferenceレーウェンフックの顕微鏡観察における「物質」の位置づけについて[Invited]Nominated symposium
- The A-bomb and Medical History, Jun. 2017, Japanese, International conferenceIntroduction: Seraching for the Significance of the year 1945 in the History of A-bomb and MedicineNominated symposium
- 表象文化論学会第9回大会シンポジウム「接触の表象文化論――直接性の表象とモダニティ」, Jul. 2014, Japanese, Domestic conference透過性と身体――医学史から見る〈接触〉の問題[Invited]Nominated symposium
- シンポジウム「フランス哲学と『科学』の思考:構造主義・数学・医学・エピステモロジー」, Nov. 2011, Japanese, Domestic conference「非人間的」な身体の思考に向けて――エピステモロジーの問いとしてのフランス医学史について[Invited]Nominated symposium
- 表象文化論学会, Jul. 2010, Japanese, Domestic conference「19世紀医学」をめぐるカンギレムとフーコーの対話Public symposium
■ Research Themes
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2025近現代科学の展開における図像の製作と伝達に関する歴史研究
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The University of Tokyo, 01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2022Historical research on images published in scholarly works on science, technology, and medicine in modern periodThe members of the project have studied the making and use of images in the history of science from early modern period to the present. Topics covered are images in alchemical texts and chemical textbooks in early modern period, the images of chemical instruments in the books of Yoan Udagawa and their comparison with those in contemporary Western chemical literature, the images representing Brownian motion composed by Jean Perrin, and photographic images of X-ray diffraction as well as and two-dimensional illustrations and three-dimensional models composed for the investigation of macromolecular structure.
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 京都大学, 01 Apr. 2018 - 31 Mar. 2022科学史叙述の新モデル構築に向けて─20世紀フランス思想における科学史研究の再検討本研究は、20世紀の科学史研究に多大な影響を与えた、ガストン・バシュラールからジョルジュ・カンギレムを経てミシェル・フーコーに至るフランスの科学思想史の系譜を精査するとともに、この系譜に連なる一連の科学史的業績をいわば叩き台にして、18-19世紀から現代に至る科学的知の歴史的な展開及び曲折を記述するにふさわしい新たな科学史叙述の可能性を探る試みである。「精神医学研究班」「生物学・医学研究班」「数学・統計学研究班」の三つのサブ・グループから成り、それぞれのサブ・グループが同時並行的に研究を進めつつ、研究会の場を通じて相互の成果を共有し、撚り合わせてゆくスタイルをとる。2020年度は、前年度まで緊密にタイアップしてきた京都大学人文科学研究所(人文研)における共同研究「フーコー研究──人文科学の再批判と新展開」(2020年3月に終了)の成果報告書(小泉義之・立木康介編『フーコー研究』岩波書店、2021年3月刊)に「精神医学研究班」から立木、久保田、「生物学・医学研究班」から田中、「数学・統計学研究班」から隠岐が、本プロジェクトを締めくくる論文を発表する一方、本プロジェクトそのものの企画として、人文研の上記共同研究に同じく乗り入れていたもうひとつの科学研究費プロジェクト「ミシェル・フーコー「コレージュ・ド・フランス講義」総体の理論的・思想史的研究」(基盤C、代表者:佐藤嘉幸、課題番号:18K00095)と共同の成果報告書(佐藤嘉幸・立木康介編『ミシェル・フーコー『コレージュ・ド・フランス講義』を読む』水声社、2021年4月刊)を編み、「精神医学研究班」から立木、久保田、「生物学・医学研究班」から田中がそれぞれの最終報告を、加えて、本プロジェクトの海外連携者であるエマニュエル・ドリール(マインツ大学/CAPHES)が最新成果を、発表した。
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), The University of Tokyo, 01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2019This research project attempts not only to investigate, based on the survey of recent researches on the use of visual images in the history of science, technology, and medicine, such topics as observational researches by microscopes and their microscopic images from the 17th century, the use of images in the history of chemistry from the 17th to the 19th century, and optical instruments and techniques. Participants made presentations at academic symposiums and published papers in scholarly journals. They continue to make research under the same scholarly theme from the year of 2019.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kyoto University, 01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2019In this research project I analysed 1)the general nature of french epistemology as a theoretical crossover point between contemporary science and philosophy, 2)cases of oscilation and rebuilding of the philosophical notion of "subjectivity", and upon those analysises I exerted 3)reconstruction of the systhesis of the philosophy of Canguilhem, and 4)re-evaluation of the radicalism of the canguilhemian philosophy and cases of resonance.I examined the caracteristics of canguilhemian epistemology and the diverse channels of influence or reinterpretation among philosophors of his next generation.I also examined intersections among changes in science, forms of life, and that of society,around the first half of the twentieth century, as the decisive historical contexts under which the concepts of canguilhemian epistemology had emerged.Of those investigations I published papers and currently writing books, which are to be published in 2019 and folloing years.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kobe University, 01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2016Our research succeeded to redefine Structualist and Post-structuralist currents of contemporary thought, (mainly developed in France since 1960s, and designated as “現代思想” in Japan) in relation to “Politics”. Against their actual vulgarization as a methodology in Cultural Studies, or an object of exegetic commentaries, we described them as various historical responses to the question “What is Politics”, that aroused in the conjunction of Marxism (Critic of Capitalism), Psychoanalysis (Re-questionning the place of Subject), and Philosophy (Research on a possible Encounter of two afore-mentionned moments). We have also shown that these common attempts continue to contribute to our reflexions on Politics, and re-emerge even more vigorously in our on-going situation under the uncontrollable Global Market, without coming to an end with the Cold War.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Kyoto University, 01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2015This research project was planned as a preliminary study which should examine the significance of the “scientificity” and the roles played by it in the makings of the twentieth century’s modern societies. First, this study collected reference materials of growing arguments concerning the history and the philosophy of science in the nineteenth century Europe, such as the works by William Whewell and his contemporaries. Then this study pursued a historical survey on the mutual influence between the notion of “humanity” and that of “scientific objectivity”, around the turn of the twentieth century. This study particularly focused on the value which those historical and philosophical attention to the science had put on the “scientific objectivity.”
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Kyoto University, 2007 - 2010In this study I pursued following two subjects : 1) collecting philosophical and medical or biological works in the 20^
century concerning the ideas of the "living/nonliving" and examining the interactions among them ; 2) tracing the origins of those ideas to the philosophies and medical or biological thoughts in the 19^ century Europe. I came to the conclusion that there existed paradoxical, and often complementary, interactions between rather conservative attitudes among natural scientists of the 19^ century which paved the way for the research activities in the following century and the more radically futuristic vision conceived by philosophers. 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B), 若手研究(B), 京都大学, 2004 - 200619世紀西洋医学言説における「現代性」の指標とその発展-ビシャからコッホへ今年度は、研究計画に従いながら、前年度までにおこなった文献・資料収集および他の研究者との交流などの活動を作業の核を継続し、国内の大学・機関での資料調査・収集、その分析についても引き続いておこなった。そして、これらの資料の分析・整理に続くものとして、今年度は口頭による研究報告と論文の形での研究成果発表につとめた。昨年度から計画していたとおり、今年度は本計画の全体像をまとめた研究報告の完成と関係論文の作成を第一の作業とした。すなわち、(1)微生物学の成立前史、(2)19世紀微生物学成立の言説史的整理、(3)19世紀微生物学および病理学の言説分析による現代医学論、の三点についての研究発表である。とくに(1)に関連しては、17世紀オランダのアントニー・ファン・レーウェンフック、16世紀イタリアのジローラモ・フラカストーロについて、パラダイムの転換期を体現する重要な人物像として注目し、検討を進めた。また、(2)は19世紀フランスの学問制度および社会状況の文脈のなかに置きながら、ルネ・パストゥールの言説を分析することが中心的な作業となった。これらおよび(3)に関連した研究発表は今後も継続する予定である。Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto University, 2003 - 2004What were the Sixties?In this research project the head investigator and investors explored the uniqueness of the 1960's mostly in terms of people's experience of everyday life, which apparently seems then newly re-constructed deeply in relation to the changes that occurred in the systems of mass production and consumption, as well as to the outcomes of the development of technology. These close examination of factors that influence people's life style during that period led investigators to reach their research interest to the contemporary analysis on those fundamental alteration in people's life done in the 60s by various scholars with different approaches, that gave this research project another key characteristic ; the deep concern about the evolution in social sciences themselves. In addition, this concern about the evolution in the fields of sciences went on to find, as the dynamism operating under visible changes or events around the decade, the subtle relations and resonance between the intellectual history and popular experience. The head investigator and investigators have written papers respectively on their studies ; "What was the 《McLuhan》?-the 1960s and the turns in the intellect." (Tominaga), "Toward the 60s of ‘the Two' (Saitoh), "The 60s and the future of the body" (Tanaka), "The 60s and schizophrenia" (Kitagaki), "The 60s of Silent Spring and cyborgs" (Endo), "The birth of the myth of milk" (Fujihara), "Education and the human in the 60s" (Maegawa), "What left of the ‘college conflicts' in the 1960s" (Shiratori), "The 60s of the 《words and things》" (Katsurayama), " Historical meanings of the fiber trade friction between Japan and U.S. in the 60s" (Kagotani), "The suicide of Mishima Yukio" (Ohsawa), "The 60s and the history of the Japan's consciousness" (Yamamuro).Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, Kyoto University, 2002 - 2004Research on the history and social interactions of genome research projects with a particular focus on Japan and Asian countries.(1) History of the Japanese genome research projects funded by the Ministry of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) between 1989 and 2005 was analyzed by collecting relevant documents and interviewing researchers who were involved in the projects, Particular emphasis was placed on the communication activities and ELSI(Ethical, legal and social implications) research by the projects. It was found that ELSI research and communication activities were not always actively tackled, particularly in the early phases of the projects. In the period of 2000 to 2005, a few active coordinators for the ELSI and communication activities took the initiative of the activities, suggesting that roles of coordinators are important. (2) A workshop was organized in Kyoto in September 2003 for Asian researchers and governmental officials working in the field of ELSI of human genome research. From the lectures and discussions, it became clear that the extent of progress of human genome research varies from country to country, but many of them have started to consider ethical, legal and social issues of human genome research as important problems of their countries. (3) From the year 2002 to 2004, the communication events for the general public and non-specialists called 'Genome Square' were held with a total of 8 times. They were held in Tokyo, Kyoto and Fukuoka. In the Genome Square, researchers prepared a large poster together with live animals and apparatuses for experiments and explained their research to visitors. A total of over 9700 people visited the events and over 1300 genome researchers participated. Through the surveys and interviews of the visitors and researchers, it was suggested that the style for the event used in the Genome Square were effective for conveying scientific information to non-specialists. It was also shown that the events provided good. opportunities for scientists, particularly young ones, to reflect on their own research and its purposes. (4) A web site 'AT Genome Communication' that explains basic knowledge of genome science was constructed. It used easily understandable Flash animations and explanations.日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費, 特別研究員奨励費, 東京大学, 2000 - 2000科学言語による身体把握の現状と病の概念の相関について日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費, 特別研究員奨励費, 東京大学, 1998 - 1999科学言語による身体把握の現状と病の概念の相関について