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Graduate School of Law / Division of Professional Legal Education

Researcher basic information

■ Research news
■ Research Keyword
  • 司法統計
  • 紛争過程
  • 川島武宜
  • 法社会学史
  • Japanese Legal System
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Sociological Study of Law
■ Research Areas
  • Humanities & social sciences / Legal theory and history
■ Committee History
  • Jul. 2022 - Present, 仲裁ADR法学会, 常務理事
  • May 2011 - Present, 日本法社会学会, 理事
  • May 2017 - May 2020, 日本法社会学会, 事務局長
  • Jul. 2016 - Sep. 2019, 仲裁ADR法学会, 常務理事

Research activity information

■ Paper
  • Legal Consciousness as a Dynamic Process
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    Lead, Mar. 2024, 法社会学, (90) (90), 88 - 92, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Gendering the Japanese Judiciary
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    May 2023, 日本法社会学会(編)『法社会学の最前線』, 318 - 336, Japanese
    In book

  • 相談行動・情報探索行動と法的ソーシャルサポート
    Feb. 2023, 佐藤岩夫・阿部昌樹・太田勝造(編)『現代日本の紛争過程と司法政策——民事紛争全国調査2016-2020』, 63 - 81, Japanese
    In book

  • 本書の目的と方法——「民事紛争全国調査2016-2020」プロジェクトの概要
    佐藤岩夫, 高橋裕, 飯田高
    Feb. 2023, 佐藤岩夫・阿部昌樹・太田勝造(編)『現代日本の紛争過程と司法政策—民事紛争全国調査2016-2020』, 1 - 21, Japanese
    In book

  • Takahashi, Hiroshi, Yanagawa, Takashi
    Lead, Springer Singapore, Dec. 2021, Econo-Legal Studies: Thinking Through the Lenses of Economics and Law, 1 - 22, English
    In book

  • 日本における法律相談の源流
    May 2021, 仲裁とADR, (16) (16), 10 - 18, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 高齢弁護士の引退と依頼者のニーズ
    高橋 裕
    愛知法曹倫理研究会, May 2021, 『シンポジウム 弁護士の花道と依頼者ーー高齢化社会における弁護士会の役割』報告書, 31 - 40, Japanese

  • 佐藤岩夫, 高橋裕, 飯田高
    Mar. 2021, 「超高齢社会における紛争経験と司法政策」ディスカッション・ペーパー, Japanese
    Research society

  • 法社会学は司法制度改革にどのように接近してきたか
    Mar. 2020, 法社会学, (86) (86), 44 - 60, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 経験科学的な法概念に向けて
    信山社, Mar. 2019, ダニエル・フット/ 濱野亮/太田勝造(編)『法の経験的社会科学の確立に向けて』, 531 - 551, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 「2017年度仲裁ADR法学会シンポジウム 企画趣旨説明」・「コメント」および「討論」
    仲裁ADR法学会, May 2018, 仲裁とADR, (13) (13), 80 - 112, Japanese

    日本評論社, May 2018, 水林彪・青木人志・松園潤一朗(編)『法と国制の比較史−−西欧・東アジア・日本』, 71 - 107, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 法社会学研究の組織的基盤
    TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    有斐閣, Mar. 2018, 法社会学の軌跡と課題/隣接分野との対話[法社会学84号], (84) (84), 25 - 39, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 弁護士における統合とその弱化−−綱紀・懲戒事例を手がかりに
    TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    有斐閣, 2017, 法社会学, (83) (83), 151 - 172, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 法廷の暑い夏
    高橋 裕
    法律文化社, Mar. 2016, 阿部昌樹・和田仁孝(編)『新入生のためのリーガル・トピック50』, 10 - 13, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 川島武宜−−その初期の活動
    高橋 裕
    国際書院, Mar. 2016, 小野博司・出口雄一・松本尚子(編)『戦時体制と法学者−−1931~1952』, 283 - 294, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 時間と言葉−−医療メディエーションと和田仁孝の紛争過程論
    高橋 裕
    法律文化社, Feb. 2016, 西田英一・山本顕治(編)『振舞いとしての法−−知と臨床の法社会学』, 275 - 279, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    国際書院, 2016, 岩谷十郎(編)『再帰する法文化[法文化(比較・歴史・情報)叢書⑭]』, 175 - 205, Japanese
    Research society

  • TAKAHASHI Hiroshi, 李鹏舒訳
    上海交通大学凯原法学院, 2016, 交大法学, 2016年(第3期) (第3期), 65 - 83, Chinese
    Research institution

  • 戦後日本における法解釈学と法社会学 −−川島武宜と来栖三郎における事実と法
    高橋 裕
    信山社, Dec. 2015, 法と社会研究, (1) (1), 33 - 63, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 高橋 裕
    日本評論社, Dec. 2015, 大島和夫・楜澤能生・佐藤岩夫・白藤博行・吉村良一(編)『広渡清吾先生古稀記念論文集 民主主義法学と研究者の使命』, 37 - 55, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 弁護士役務の地域特性
    高橋 裕
    日本評論社, Feb. 2015, 佐藤岩夫・濱野亮(編)『変動期の日本の弁護士』, 106 - 126, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 高橋 裕
    法律文化社, Jul. 2014, 和田仁孝・樫村志郎・阿部昌樹・船越資晶(編)『法の観察――法と社会の批判的再構築に向けて』, 19 - 52, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Hiroshi Takahashi
    Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Jun. 2014, The Changing Role of Law in Japan: Empirical Studies in Culture, Society and Policy Making, 95 - 110, English
    In book

  • 法学と経済学の複眼思考
    有斐閣, Mar. 2014, 柳川隆・高橋裕・大内伸哉(編) 『エコノリーガル・スタディーズのすすめ――社会を見通す法学と経済学の複眼思考』, 1 - 28, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    Kobe University, Mar. 2013, 神戸法学雑誌, 62(3=4) (3=4), 235 - 248, Japanese

  • ADRとトラブル・紛争
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    日本評論社, Jun. 2011, 法律時報, 2011年6月号11-17頁(7) (7), 11 - 17, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 明治中期の法律雑誌と大阪攻法会――梅謙次郎「日本民法和解論」に導かれて――
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    関西学院大学法政学会, Apr. 2011, 法と政治[関西学院大学], 62巻1号Ⅱ784-746頁(1) (1), 784 - 746, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 家族からみたトラブル――トラブルの社会学的把握の視角をめぐって――
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    Oct. 2010, 『トラブル経験と相談行動 [現代日本の紛争処理と民事司法 2]』, 29-46頁, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 利用者はどのように弁護士を評価しているのか
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    Aug. 2010, 『利用者が求める民事訴訟の実践 ――民事訴訟はどのように評価されているか――』, 131-143頁, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 利用者はどのような動機で訴訟を行うのか
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    Aug. 2010, 『利用者が求める民事訴訟の実践 ――民事訴訟はどのように評価されているか――』, 6-22頁, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 「日本人の訴訟嫌い」――? 問題設定の細密化を目指して
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    日本商事仲裁協会, Apr. 2010, JCAジャーナル, 57巻4号2-6頁(4) (4), 2 - 6, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • イギリスの司法統計
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    Mar. 2010, 佐藤岩夫・羽多野敏・三阪佳弘・高橋裕『ヨーロッパの司法統計 I――フランス・イギリス――』, pp. 65-126, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Takahashi Hiroshi
    Sep. 2009, 法社会学, No. 71, pp.171-187, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 労働をめぐる紛争は,どのように起きているのか
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    Apr. 2009, 大内伸哉(編著)『働く人をとりまく法律入門』(ミネルヴァ書房), pp. 263-294, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 訴訟利用行動にかかわる諸要因――借家紛争に即して――
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    Apr. 2009, 太田勝造・濱野亮・ダニエル・H・フット・村山眞維(編)『法社会学の新世代』(有斐閣, pp.222-250, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Career Judiciary, Judicial Reform and Practicing Attorney
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    2009, Journal of Japanese Law, Nr. 27, pp.39-57, English
    Scientific journal

  • Both Sides Now――交互面接方式調停と同席方式調停――
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    商事法務, May 2008, 仲裁とADR, Vol. 3, pp. 89-98, 89 - 98, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Who is the “Party” in Disputes? : Some Observations from the 2006 National Survey
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    2008, 文部科学省特定領域研究「法化社会における紛争処理と民事司法」ワーキングペーパー第2集, pp. 96-100, English
    Scientific journal

  • 家事調停の動態学
    高橋 裕
    Dec. 2007, 紛争と対話, 180-199頁, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Career Patterns of Japanese Judges
    高橋 裕
    Jul. 2007, Choi/ Rokumoto (eds.), Judicial System Transformation in the Globalizing World, 183-216頁, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 調停研究の視座と課題をめぐって
    高橋 裕
    Kobe University, Jun. 2007, 神戸法学雑誌, 57巻1号121-130頁(1) (1), 121 - 130, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 消費者信用と裁判所利用――経済動向と政策の作用に焦点をあわせて――
    高橋 裕
    Dec. 2006, 林 信夫ほか編・法の生成と民法の体系――無償行為論・法過程論・民法体系論――, 295-339頁, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • ADRの生成
    高橋 裕
    Nov. 2006, 和田 仁孝編・法社会学, 261-287頁, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 事件類型・訴訟類型と利用者調査
    高橋 裕
    Mar. 2006, 佐藤岩夫ほか編・利用者からみた民事訴訟-司法制度改革審議会「民事訴訟利用者調査」の2次分析-, 173-192, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 借地借家調停と法律家-日本における調停制度導入の一側面-
    高橋 裕
    Jul. 2004, 早川吉久ほか編著・ADRの基本的視座, 93-134, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • 紛争の展開過程と紛争類型 -ADRの制度設計のための予備作業として-
    高橋 裕
    日本商事仲裁協会, Feb. 2003, JCAジャーナル, 50巻2号2-9頁(2) (2), 2 - 9, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • ADRにおける弁護士の役割に関する一試論
    Aug. 2002, 阿部昌樹・馬場健一・斎藤浩(編)『司法改革の最前線』, 314 - 333, Japanese
    In book

  • 現代型訴訟のインパクト
    May 2002, 和田仁孝・太田勝造・阿部昌樹 (編)『交渉と紛争処理』, 174 - 195, Japanese
    In book

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution in Japanese : Judicial Reform Movement
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    The situation around Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Japan after 1990 has been rapidly changed, and the judicial reform movement accelerate that. This paper aims to describe and analyze the constellation of ADR concepts held by legal/ economic/ political actors in the judicial reform movement in recent Japan and tries to extract the generic demand of ADR in modern society from the Japanese situation. It concludes that needs for the use of expert knowledge which widely spread over many fields in modern society may lead inevitably the informalization of judicial procedure, and that phenomenon requires us to reconsider the significance of "Legalism".
    Kwansei Gakuin University, Apr. 2000, The journal of law & politics, 51(1) (1), 363 - 416, Japanese

  • Takahashi Hiroshi
    This paper aims to analyze the characteristics of landlord-tenant disputes and to illustrate an aspect of civil mediation at the Tokyo District Court. It is revealed that civil mediation at the Tokyo District Court mainly concerned with the financial arrangement between parties rather than the achievement of legally valid results.
    The Japanese Association of Sociology of Law, 2000, THE SOCIOLOGY OF LAW, 2000(52) (52), 95 - 102,238

  • Takahashi Hiroshi
    This paper aims to identify the functions and the characteristics of environmental disputes mediation in Japan in comparison with that in USA. Major findings can be summarized as follows; Japanese mediation by KOGAI-TO CHOSEI IINKAI (Environmental Disputes Coordination Commission) has achieved a realization of fast and cheep procedure, sometimes offers the only negotiation place to the citizens, and the results of the mediation usually sustain the status quo around the problem. Compared with mediation in USA which is characterized as an important part of administrative decision-making process, Japanese mediation seldom plays such a roll, and even when Japanese mediation influences the administrative decision, that seems to be done in more ad hoc way than in USA.
    The Japanese Association of Sociology of Law, 1996, THE SOCIOLOGY OF LAW, 1996(48) (48), 189 - 193,245

  • On the Functions of Mediation in Contemporary Japan : Primarily on the Basis of a Study of Mediation by Environmental Disputes Coordination Commission
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    The University of Tokyo, Feb. 1994, Hongo journal of law and politics, 2, 135 - 169, Japanese

  • 神戸大学開催に寄せて
    Jun. 2023, 環境法政策学会誌〔電子版〕, (26) (26), 156 - 157, Japanese

  • ”When I’m Sixty-Four”
    高橋 裕
    Jan. 2022, 凌霜, (432) (432), 26 - 27

  • [書評]「出口雄一「法の社会史的考察と「戦後法学」—1960年代の基礎法学方法論をめぐる覚書」
    高橋 裕
    Mar. 2021, 法制史研究, (70) (70), 340 - 344, Japanese
    Book review

  • [書評]「三阪佳弘(編)『「前段の司法」とその担い手をめぐる比較法史研究』(大阪大学出版会,2019年)」
    Mar. 2021, 法社会学, (87) (87), 283 - 287, Japanese
    Book review

  • [書評]「和田仁孝『法の権力とナラティヴ』(北大路書房,2020年)』
    Jan. 2021, 図書新聞, (3477) (3477), 9 - 9, Japanese
    Book review

  • 柔らかさと強さと――利谷信義先生を偲ぶ
    Jan. 2020, 日本法社会学会学会報, (114) (114), 10 - 11, Japanese

  • 「科学としての法律学」の展開と限界
    TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    神戸大学大学院人文学研究科倫理創成プロジェクト, Mar. 2018, 21世紀倫理創成研究 (神戸大学), (11) (11), 1 - 7, Japanese
    Report research institution

  • 自著を語る 『エコノリーガル・スタディーズのすすめ : 社会を見通す法学と経済学の複眼思考』 法学と経済学の複眼思考 : エコノリーガル・スタディーズの目指すもの
    柳川 隆, 高橋 裕
    有斐閣, May 2014, 書斎の窓, (633) (633), 33 - 40, Japanese

  • 書評:金菱清『生きられた法の社会学――伊丹空港「不法占拠」はなぜ移転補償されたのか――』(新曜社,2008年)
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    Mar. 2009, 法社会学, No. 70, pp.297-301, Japanese

  • 渡辺洋三先生 著作目録
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    Feb. 2009, 戒能通厚・原田純孝・広渡清吾(編)『日本社会と法律学――歴史、現状、展望 ――{渡辺洋三先生追悼論集]』(日本評論社), pp.1211-1163, Japanese

  • Book Review, Community and State in the Japanese Farm Village: Farm Tenancy Conciliation (1924-1938) by Dimitri Vanoverbeke, Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press, 2004
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    2008, Social Science Japan Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp.312-316, English

  • 裁判の枠組みと法
    高橋 裕
    Apr. 2004, 法学入門2006(別冊法学セミナー), 24-31, Japanese

  • ADRをめぐる多様な視角 -連載によせて-
    高橋 裕
    Sep. 2002, JCAジャーナル, 49巻9号24-25頁, Japanese

  • 司法改革の脈絡をよむ
    高橋 裕
    Aug. 2002, 法学セミナー, 47巻8号51-53頁, Japanese

■ Books And Other Publications
  • Econo-Legal Studies : Thinking Through the Lenses of Economics and Law
    Yanagawa, Takashi, Takahashi, Hiroshi, Ouchi,Shinya
    Joint editor, Springer, Dec. 2021, English, ISBN: 9789811651441

  • 法律经济学
    Joint editor, 机械工业出版社, Apr. 2017, Chinese

  • エコノリーガル・スタディーズのすすめ――社会を見通す法学と経済学の複眼思考――
    Joint work, 有斐閣, Mar. 2014, Japanese

  • ヨーロッパの司法統計Ⅰ―フランス・イギリス
    TAKAHASHI HIROSHI, 佐藤 岩夫, 波多野 敏, 三阪 佳弘
    Joint work, 東京大学社会科学研究所, Mar. 2010, Japanese
    Scholarly book

■ Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
  • The Typology of Law and the Concepts of Law
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    比較歴史社会学研究会 第7回研究会『法の類型論再考──寺田浩明『中国法制史』の問題提起をめぐって』, Oct. 2023, Japanese

  • Various Issues on Mixed Methods Research
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    日本法社会学会2023年度学術大会 ミニシンポジウム「現代⽇本の紛争過程と司法政策─⺠事紛争全国調査2016-2020の経験と課題」, May 2023, Japanese
    Oral presentation

  • Various Issues on Legal Consciousness
    Hiroshi TAkAHASHI
    日本法社会学会2023年度学術大会 企画関連ミニシンポジウム①「Legal Consciousnessの現場」, May 2023, Japanese
    Nominated symposium

  • 佐藤岩夫先生の法社会学研究をめぐって
    東京大学社会科学研究所社研セミナー 佐藤岩夫教授最終報告 「私の法社会学研究と大学ガバナンスの考え方──研究者として、大学人として」, Mar. 2023, Japanese

  • 討論に向けて
    高橋 裕
    日本法社会学会学術大会ミニシンポジウム「法社会学からみた科学・学術,政治,法のダイナミクス」, Japanese
    Nominated symposium

  • 高齢弁護士の引退と依頼者のニーズ
    弁護士の花道と依頼者―高齢化社会における弁護士会の役割, Mar. 2021, Japanese
    Nominated symposium

  • ELSのこれから
    神戸大学エコノリーガル大学院プログラム キックオフシンポジウム・法経連携専門教育プログラム10周年記念シンポジウム「 神戸大学エコノリーガル・スタディーズ/これまでとこれから」, Feb. 2020, Japanese

  • Backgrounds and Research Design of the Civil Justice Research Project in Japan
    SATO Iwao, TAKAHASHI Hiroshi, IIDA Takashi
    Asian Law & Society Association Annual Meeting 2019, Dec. 2019, English
    Oral presentation

  • 人文社会科学の融合研究を考える
    神戸大学先端融合研究環プロジェクト「メタ科学技術研究プロジェクト:方法・倫理・政策の総合的研究」第37回ワークショップ, Jun. 2019

  • 日本における市民の紛争経験と対応行動:近年の変化をめぐって
    東亜法律与経済系列講座 第4回, Jun. 2019, Japanese
    Nominated symposium

  • Twelve Years On: How the Japanese Citizens’ Disputing Behaviour Has Changed (or Not?)
    TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    Law & Society Association 2019 Annual Meeting, May 2019
    Oral presentation

  • 法社会学は司法制度改革にどのように接近してきたか
    2019年度日本法社会学会, May 2019, Japanese
    Nominated symposium

  • 法をどのように捉えるか −−法社会学からの把握と法史学からの把握
    日本法社会学会関西研究支部・法制史学会近畿部会合同シンポジウム 「法の概念および日本前近代法の特質 ――水林彪・青木人志・松園潤一朗編『法と国制の比較史――西洋・東アジア・日本』を素材として」, Dec. 2018, Japanese, 神戸大学梅田インテリジェントラボラトリ, Domestic conference
    Nominated symposium

  • Law and Development: ADR Transplant as Challenging Enterprise
    Bangi SALAD 2018, Sep. 2018, English, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • 文書資料を用いた法の質的研究をめぐる若干の検討
    2018年度日本法社会学会学術大会 ミニシンポジウム「法の質的研究を前進させる」, May 2018, Japanese, 鹿児島大学, Domestic conference
    Public symposium

  • Environmental Dispute Resolution and Sustainability
    TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    Bangi SALAD 2017, Nov. 2017, English, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • 環境問題とADR:討論の整理にむけて
    TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    仲裁ADR法学会第13回大会, Jul. 2017, Japanese, 仲裁ADR法学会, 大阪大学, Domestic conference
    Nominated symposium

  • Historical Background of Socio-Legal Studies in Japan and the JASL
    TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    International Meeting on Law and Society in Mexico City, 2017, Jun. 2017, English, Law & Society Association, Sheraton Maria Isabel, Mexico City, International conference
    Public symposium

  • 法社会学研究の組織的基盤
    TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    日本法社会学会2017年度学術大会, May 2017, Japanese, 日本法社会学会, 早稲田大学, Domestic conference
    Invited oral presentation

  • Characteristics of Law and Society/ Socio-legal Studies in Japan
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    中日法律研究交流与対話, Mar. 2017, English, 上海交通大学凯原法学院, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • 「科学としての法律学」の展開と限界
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    神戸大学先端融合研究環プロジェクト 「メタ科学技術研究プロジェクト:方法・倫理・政策の総合的研究」第5回研究会, Feb. 2017, Japanese, 神戸大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • コメント:法社会学の観点から
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    ミニシンポジウム「国境を越えた/私的自治による紛争解決と法の実現 --仲裁を素材として」, Dec. 2016, Japanese, 神戸大学, Domestic conference
    Nominated symposium

  • コメント−−《法》を見るための《理論》に寄せて
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    日本法社会学会学術大会, May 2016, Japanese, 立命館大学, Domestic conference
    Nominated symposium

  • 法社会学研究におけるサーベイ調査:可能性と課題
    TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    日本法社会学会学術大会, May 2013, Japanese, Domestic conference

  • ミニシンポジウム「市民の司法参加の正統性基盤―西欧陪参審員調査中間報告―」
    尾崎 一郎, 濱野 亮, 高橋 裕, 池田 公博
    日本法社会学会学術大会, May 2012, Japanese, 日本法社会学会, 京都女子大学, Domestic conference
    Public symposium

  • ミニ・シンポジウム「アジア諸国の民事紛争解決と法整備支――映し出された日本像――」へのコメント
    TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    日本法社会学会学術大会, May 2011, Japanese, 東京大学, Domestic conference
    Public symposium

  • イギリスにおける司法統計の成立--その条件と帰結--
    TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    日本法社会学会学術大会, May 2010, Japanese, 同志社大学, Domestic conference
    Public symposium

  • Japanese Way of Dispute Resolution: What is the Difference from the West?
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    Legal Reform and the Role of the Judiciary in a Comparative Perspective; Revisiting Japanese Exceptionalism from a European Perspective, Mar. 2010, English, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • 研究者の立場から
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    シンポジウム『大阪空港「不法占拠」はなぜ補償されたのか』, Oct. 2008, Japanese, 関西学院大学, 西宮, Domestic conference
    Public symposium

  • 金菱清『生きられた法の社会学』(新曜社,2008年)をめぐって
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    関西学院大学先端社会研究所 定期研究会, Oct. 2008, Japanese, 関西学院大学, 西宮, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 家族構造と紛争過程・相談構造
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    シンポジウム「法化社会における紛争処理と民事司法」, Mar. 2008, Japanese, 明治大学 法と社会科学研究センター, 東京, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • Courts and Judicial Reform in Japan
    Takahashi Hiroshi
    Legal Reform and the Role of the Judiciary in a Comparative Perspective, Mar. 2008, English, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • 10年後に予想される日本の法社会の姿
    高橋 裕
    全国青年司法書士協議会 広島全国研修会, Sep. 2007, Japanese, 全国青年司法書士協議会 広島全国研修会, 広島国際会議場, Domestic conference

  • Look from Both Sides Now: 同席調停と交互面接調停をめぐって
    高橋 裕
    仲裁・ADR法学会, Jul. 2007, Japanese, 仲裁・ADR法学会, 立教大学, Domestic conference

  • Citizens’ Access to Legal Advice in Contemporary Japan
    高橋 裕
    Joint Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association and Research Committee on Sociology of Law, Jul. 2007, Japanese, Joint Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association and Research Committee on Sociology of Law, Humboldt University, International conference

  • 「司法権独立の実証的研究」(マーク・ラムザイヤー教授)に寄せて
    高橋 裕
    日本法社会学会関西研究支部研究会, Jun. 2007, Japanese, 日本法社会学会関西研究支部研究会, 同志社大学, Domestic conference

  • 日本人は「訴訟嫌い」だったのか?――主題設定をめぐる若干の整理
    高橋 裕
    日本法社会学会学術大会, May 2007, Japanese, 日本法社会学会学術大会, 新潟大学, Domestic conference

  • トラブルの「当事者」とは誰か?
    高橋 裕
    日本法社会学会学術大会, May 2007, Japanese, 日本法社会学会学術大会, 新潟大学, Domestic conference

  • ADR分析における「個人」の地位
    高橋 裕
    日本法社会学会関西研究支部研究会, Mar. 2007, Japanese, 日本法社会学会関西研究支部研究会, 京都大学, Domestic conference

  • 『医療ADR』の可能性とあり方
    高橋 裕
    CDAMSワークショップ「関係的契約論とインフォームド・コンセント,自己決定権」, Dec. 2006, Japanese, CDAMS, 神戸大学, Domestic conference

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution: for what, anyway?
    TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    Law and Justice Beyond Borders: Annual Meeting of the Research Committee of Sociology of Law, ISA, Jul. 2005, English, Research Committee of Sociology of Law, International Sociological Association, Carr� des sciences, Paris, International conference
    Oral presentation

  • ADRをめぐる社会科学的諸理論と制度設計
    高橋 裕
    2002年度日本法社会学会学術大会, Jun. 2002, Japanese, 日本法社会学会, 九州大学, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

  • 日本におけるADRの発展状況を踏まえた消費者紛争処理の今後のあり方 -特に消費者問題の特性を手がかりとして-
    高橋 裕
    内閣府国民生活局消費者企画課 講演, Mar. 2002, Japanese, 未記入, 内閣府, Domestic conference
    Oral presentation

■ Affiliated Academic Society
  • 私法学会
    2018 - Present

  • 日米法学会
    2006 - Present

  • 民主主義科学者協会法律部会
    1999 - Present

  • 日本法社会学会
    1993 - Present

■ Research Themes
  • Practical Foundation of Low and Medical Care: Ethnomethodology of Embodiment and Social Norm
    山崎 敬一, 北村 隆憲, 山崎 晶子, 樫田 美雄, 池谷 のぞみ, 堀田 裕子, 河村 裕樹, 小林 貴訓, 樫村 志郎, 高橋 裕, 中村 賢治, 鈴木 亮太, 中空 萌, 中西 英之, 菅野 昌史, 岡沢 亮, 浦野 茂, 大山 善昭, 山田 恵子, 松永 伸太朗, 小林 亜子, 李 英, 石井 秀樹, 大西 真弘
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Saitama University, 01 Apr. 2024 - 31 Mar. 2028

  • 再生可能エネルギー発電施設の適正立地と合意形成に向けた法制度設計
    島村 健, 白木 彩子, 高橋 裕, 久保 はるか, 児矢野 マリ, 角松 生史
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2027

  • Comparative historical study of judicial statistics in Japan, the United States, and European countries
    佐藤 岩夫, Ortolani Andrea, 三阪 佳弘, 小谷 眞男, Colombo Giorgio, 高橋 裕, 波多野 敏, 林 真貴子, 大西 楠テア, 高橋 脩一
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Tokyo, 01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2024

  • Sato Iwao
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S), The University of Tokyo, 31 May 2016 - 31 Mar. 2021
    What kinds of legal problems and disputes do people experience in their everyday life in contemporary Japan, and how do they deal with those problems and disputes? This study aims to answer these questions comprehensively and empirically by integrating quantitative and qualitative methods, with a focus on the major changes in Japanese society as the "super-aging society." Based upon the results of our carefully designed surveys, many invaluable findings are obtained regarding the dynamics of actual disputes and the social functions of legal system in contemporary Japan. The findings of this study provide us with many valuable implications for judicial policy in Japan. Furthermore, our study is seminal in that the findings of this study on the characteristics of legal problems and disputes in a "super-aging society" will ignite the development of international collaborative socio-legal studies, especially with the scholars from similarly situated aging societies.

  • Ohnaka Arinobu
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Doshisha University, 01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2020
    TTo complete an empirical study of the history of German-Japanese legal rerations, we integrated the materials on Japanese German students who had studied in Germany, and created the basis of the database. The main contents of this are photographic data of registration records (Matrikel) of Japanese students at the universities, certificates of completion, doctoral dissertations and examination materials. In addition, we collected almost all the original materials related to studying in Germany in the University of Tokyo Archives. Based on these materials, we will hold various discussions to deepen our knowledge and consideration, and some of our achievements will be published in the magazine “Thoughts and History of Law” (Shinzanasha), which I will edit, and will be published periodical.

  • Kubota Atsumi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Kobe University, 01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2020
    This project provides the theories of policy-realization by private sector. It is based on the perspective that the exercise of a private right, as well as administrative or criminal means, is a means to a policy-realization. At the same time, this project proposes legislative and institutional theories and specific institutional designs. They are based on the analysis of the merits and demerits of vesting rights to private sector.
    Competitive research funding

  • OZAKI Ichiro
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2019
    We carried out empirical researches on cultural confrontations in courtrooms in Japan, Taiwan, and Belgium. With the world being globalized rapidly, foreign travelers and immigrants have come to appear more frequently in a courtroom as defendants, accused or witnesses. We analyzed what cultural differences among the actors (especially legal professions and accused foreigners) impinge on the legitimacy of the judiciary and legal system as a whole. What we found is (1) most legal professions are unconscious and insensitive about the cultural confrontations in a courtroom because they only look to legal frameworks that absorb and reduce complex matters stemming from cultural differences into the legalistic formulae, and (2) the cultural confrontations are, therefore, repressed and made invisible which contribute cyclically to the unconsciousness and insensitivity of the judiciary.

  • Sato Iwao
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Tokyo, 01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2017
    This study aims at exploring the reality of the experiences of the disaster victims at the time of and after disaster through empirical socio-legal investigation and understanding the social construction of their legal needs. The key findings of this study are as follows: legal needs of the disaster victims tends to be unfelt/ unrecognized by themselves; the local structure of the legal service provider is one of the most vital factors eliciting their potential legal needs. Furthermore, this study has put forth some policy recommendations for improving the “Comprehensive Legal Support System” and developed a general theoretical framework for the socio-legal study on legal needs on the basis of Amartya Sen’s capability approach.

  • Kashimura Shiro
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Kobe University, 31 Oct. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2017
    The measures for judicial reform in Japan in 2000s introduced major structural changes in education, number, and styles of work of legal profession. This study empirically and theoretically examined the changes of regulation of legal profession after 2000s. The study revealed the changes in public perception of professional responsibilities and trustworthiness, longitudinal changes in professional discipline decisions, changes in the related structure of local professional associations. The study also examined the situation of professional regulation in several jurisdictions in Australia and England. The findings of this research project suggest the existence of strain between self-regulation and state-regulation of profession in several areas of professional discipline activities.
    Competitive research funding

  • SENSUI FUMIO, OUCH Shinya, YANAGAWA Takashi, KADOMATSU Narufumi, SHIMANAMI Ryo, TAKAHASHI Hiroshi, NAKAMURA Kenta, IKEDA Chizuru, YUGAMI Kazufumi, SAKURABA Ryoko, SEKINE Yuki, SAKAKI Motohiro, KOYAMA Hiroyuki, MAEDA Takeshi, MIZUNO Tomomichi, OSHIO Takashi, FURUTANI TAKAYUKI, SANO Shinpei, ZASU Yoshinobu, TAIRA Sayuri, MIYAZAWA Shinjiro
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Kobe University, 31 Oct. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2016
    This research project aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of various modes of economic and social regulation of markets in the fields of competition law/ intellectual property law/ labour law and social security law from the “Econo-Legal” point of view. Main results of the project can be summarised as follows: first, interdisciplinary analyses of the functions and limits of diverse forms of regulation have dramatically progressed; secondly, results and findings of those analyses have been widely published via various books and articles including path breaking book “Econo-Legal Studies; Thinking through Lenses of Economics and Law”; Thirdly, Econo-Legal perspective has successfully established the world-wide research network between Kobe, Japan and Leuven (Belgium)/ Hamburg (Germany) / Shanghai (China)/ Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) through the collaborative research activities based on this project.
    Competitive research funding

  • 樫村 志郎
    科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(A), Oct. 2012 - Mar. 2016
    Competitive research funding

  • General studies of legal influences between Japan and Germany
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Doshisha University, 01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2015
    We have studied comprehensively about 260 Japanese lawyers included in the two lists of R. Hartmann (Lexikon Japans Studierende -Japans Studierende in Deutschland 1868 - 1914, 2002 and Japanische Studenten an der Berliner Universitaet 1920 - 1945, 2003) who learned in German University from Meiji Era to eraly Syowa.

  • OZAKI Ichiro, TAKAHASHI Hiroshi, IKEDA Kimihiro, HAMANO Ryo, VANOVERBEKE Dimitri
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 01 Apr. 2010 - 31 Mar. 2014
    In Western Europe, especially Belgium, we find strong abolitionist attitudes and opinions toward jury system among professional judges, attorneys, and journalists. Lay judges, on the other hand, come to hold through their experiences in court positive views on citizen participation in judicial procedure. The ostensible conflict is consistently comprehensible with a theoretical framework that consists of distinction about legitimacy of institution between (a) primordial legitimacy conferred unconsciously by society and (b) functional legitimacy which is to be often reflected and reviewed by some professions and specialists.

  • SENSUI Fumio, KADOMATSU Narufumi, YANAGAWA Takashi, TAKAHASHI Hiroshi, IKEDA Chizuru, ASHIYA Masahiro, SHIMANAMI Ryo, HAGIWARA Taiji, OUCHI Shinya, SAKURABA Ryoko, TANAKA Yasuhide, YUGAMI Kazufumi, SEKINE Yuki, NAGO Takayuki, OSHIO Takashi, MIYAZAWA Shinjiro, NAKAMURA Kenta, SAKAKI Motohiro, FURUTANI Takayuki, SANO Shinpei, SUZUKI Jun
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Kobe University, 2009 - 2011
    Main results of this research project can be summarized as follows : firstly, continuous forum for conducting "Econo-Legal Studies", i. e., collaborative researches between legal scholars and economics scholars has been established at Kobe University ; secondly, institutional designs which are not only effective from economics point of view but also oriented towards legally important values have been developed in/among the fields of competition law/intellectual property law/labor law and social security law ; thirdly, elaboration and differentiation of legal and economical frames of thinking have progressed in order to enhance the possibility of Econo-Legal Studies.

  • 泉水 文雄
    科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(A), 2010
    Competitive research funding

  • OZAKI Ichiro, TAKAHASHI Hiroshi, HAMANO Ryo
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Hokkaido University, 2007 - 2009
    Contemporary Judicial System Reform in Japan may be taken as a 'punctuated equilibrium' of the System from the perspective of New Institutionalism. The perspective enables us to see other aspect of the Reform than functional activation of judiciary in the globalizing world. The historical development and punctuation of the Judiciary Institutions is also defined by the legal culture of Japan.

  • SATO Iwao, HIROWATARI Seigo, KOTANI Masao, TAKAHASHI Hiroshi, HATANO Satoshi, HAMAI Koichi, HAYASHI Makiko, MISAKA Yoshihiro, MITSUNARI Kenji
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of Tokyo, 2007 - 2009
    This study shows the historical and substantial transition of the European judicial statistics (statistics of courts, litigation, crime and so on) from the 19th century to the present day through the interdisciplinary joint study by the researchers who specialize in the sociology of law, legal history and criminology. We have published two books-Judicial Statistics in Europe I : France, England and Wale and Judicial Statistics in Europe II : Germany, Italy, Japan-, as products of study which are the first publications in Japan to show the historical development and substantial details of European judicial statistics comprehensively.

  • KASHIMURA Shiro, BABA Kenichi, TAKAHASHI Hiroshi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, Kobe University, 2003 - 2008

  • A Interdisciplinary Study on the Coordination of Public Construction Project Control and Land Use Control
    KANAI Toshiyuki, SAITO Makoto, TAKAHASHI Hiroshi, SHIMAMURA Takeshi
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), The University of Tokyo, 2004 - 2006
    This research project consists of three parts; a) the research of public construction project control, b) the research of land use control, and c) the debate of integration of the public construction project control and land use planning. a) The research of public construction project control includes case studies of policy evaluation, public project re-evaluation, and public involvement; studies of environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment, landscape assessment, and wetland protection in the US, and the integration of these systems to public construction project process; and research of public contract process for construction project including Antitrust Law and compliance. b) The research of land use control includes studies of urban planning litigation process, time aspects of urban planning dispute, certificate of building, landscape protection; field work and comparative studies of land use regulation in the US, Peru, and Japan; and the research of possibility of integration of environmental value to urban planning and land use control by acquisition of property rights. c) The studies for integration of public construction project control and land use control involve consistency between public plans, delegation to local governments, and liquidation of public entity. The studies also include integration of these controls as the space design by local government. This interdisciplinary research applies international comparative studies and the methods of legal studies, engineering, economics, and politics.

  • 樫村 志郎
    科学研究費補助金/特定領域研究, 2006
    Competitive research funding

  • 置村 康彦
    科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(C), 2005
    Competitive research funding

  • 千原 和夫
    科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(B), 2005
    Competitive research funding

  • A Comparative Study of the Rule of Law in Korea and Japan with Reference to Cultural Notion of Personal Ties
    ROKUMOTO Kahei, YAMAGUCHI Koichiro, HAMANO Ryo, TAKAHASHI Hiroshi, CHOI Dai-kwon
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The University of the Air, 2002 - 2003
    This research aimed at empirical, comparative analyses of the workings of the Korean and Japanese legal systems in the period when their social systems is moving from state directed to privatized systems. This research was conducted with cooperation of some Korean researchers mainly in English language. Data used included the existing data concerning Korean and Japanese lawyers (mainly judges and attorneys) as well those on the patterns of legal service provision in Japan. On the basis of a basic survey of the judicial system of the each country, and according to the choice of each participating researcher, the following topics were studied on both countries in a parallel fashion : the educational background of the lawyers, judicial career patterns, long term trends of litigation rates, the development of mega law firms, and judicial reform. It became clear that political and economic circumstances, notably the decade-long dictatorial government followed by a radical democratization as well as economic development in Korea in the 1980's, were indispensable factors in understanding diverging responses of the institutionally similar legal systems to the changing circumstances. The cultural notion of "En" (personal ties) was selected as a constant reference point for comparative analyses, but no attempt was made to establish its influence in empirical term. Rather, this notion was viewed as a background element persisting in the transformation of the legal processes and the systems of judiciary and legal profession corresponding to the changing historical, political and economic contexts as well as each legal system's efforts to cope with its changing circumstances. As results, some hypothetical propositions emerged. For example, the introduction of formal institutions in both countries, such as the rigorous examination system and the state-centered, bureaucratic organization of legal expertise, had the mission of cutting off the influence of personal relationships for building up a legal system of Western type capable of coping with the globalizing world. In the case of judicial reform, contrasting features of confrontation oriented style in Korean and consensus oriented style in Japan of managing institutional changes were suggested

  • Proposal for the Public Project Control Act
    IWAHASHI Takesada, SAKURAI Keiko, OZAWA Kazumasa, KUNISHIMA Masahiko, TAKAHASHI Hiroshi, YAMAMOTO Ryuji
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), The University of Tokyo, 2001 - 2003
    The purpose of this research is to examine the problems on the public projects in Japan, and to propose the Public Project Control Act ("PPCA") to make these projects better for the people. The jurisdiction of the PPCA should be broader than the definition adopted by the government. Rather, the PPCA should cover all project affecting physical situations that could be treated somehow different from a pure private project because of the relation to the Public Welfare. The PPCA should declare the fundamental policies for the public projects. The policies include avoidance of excessive governmental deficit, elimination of projects not promoting the Public Welfare, environmental protection, efficient management of the construction process. In these days in Japan, it is popular that the government declare important policies as "Fundamental Policy Act." The PPCA also should be enacted as a "Fundamental Policy Act".