Search Details

SUZUKI Hirotaka
Graduate School of Engineering / Department of Architecture

Researcher basic information

■ Research Keyword
  • Graphic Science
  • Urban Disaster Management
■ Research Areas
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Architectural and city planning
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Construction environment and equipment
■ Committee History
  • May 2015 - May 2017, 日本図学会, 監事
  • May 2013 - May 2015, 日本図学会, 副会長

Research activity information

■ Award
  • May 2016 Japan Society for Graphic Science, Award of Japan Society for Graphic Science, Activities of research, education and public awareness for curved surface design to control luminous flux.
    Award of Academic Society
    International academic award

    Best Papers Award
    International society

■ Paper
  • 街路に設置する津波避難誘導灯の有効性に関する検討
    秋月 有紀, HOKUGO AKIHIKO, 高嶋 彰, 松井 俊成, 武内 芳夫, PINHEIRO ABEL, TAITI KONNO, 鈴木 広隆, 安福 健祐
    日本建築学会, Dec. 2018, 日本建築学会環境系論文集, 84(754) (754), 945 - 953, Japanese
    Scientific journal

    When a large tsunami occurs at night, greater casualties can be expected than might occur during a similar daytime event. In this study, we investigated illuminated route signs for tsunami evacuation by examining noticeability under different installation conditions. We began by installing prototype route signs in a coastal town where tsunami damages have been predicted. Then, we conducted an evacuation behavior experiment of assumed tourists. The results showed that the route signs had noticeability problems for people who were unfamiliar with the area. Accordingly, in an effort to improve noticeability, we verified various route sign types based on subjective evaluations using computer graphics (CG) images. As a result, route sign noticeability increased as the display panel became larger, and that the addition of an 800 lm flash light to the sign improved its noticeability. Additionally, our investigation showed that noticeability trends were similar to those for the wayfinding effect. Finally, we fabricated a number of actual route signs and analyzed their noticeability through experimental observations. As a result, 90% of the test subjects noticed the route sign, which had a 1600 lm flash light, a 360 (w) x720 (h) mm display panel, and the setting height of 4.5 m.
    ELSEVIER SCI LTD, Jul. 2017, Fire Safety Journal, 91, 926 - 936, English
    Scientific journal

  • Development of Evaluation Method of Daylighting Duct System Considering Inner Light Flux
    Currently, daylighting ducts system is widely used as a daylighting device. Generally, daylighting duct system efficiently takes light from outside during the day, and conveys daylight to required location through light duct manufactured by high reflectance mirror. Daylighting duct system can convey daylight to underground space that has no windows opening to external space. Da
    China Graphics Society, Dec. 2015, Computer Aided Drafting, Design and Manufacturing, Volume 25(Number 4) (Number 4), 1 - 7, English
    Scientific journal

    Historically, paper folding method was adopted into Japanese traditional lampstand ‘Andon’ and western lampshades. If we put non-flat texture on the surface of such lampshade with paper folding method, nonuniform luminance distribution appears on the surface according to basic laws of illuminance. Yoshimura/Diamond pattern is one of the most typical paper folding methods in th
    The 10th Asian Forum on Graphic Science, Aug. 2015, Proceedings of The 10th Asian Forum on Graphic Science, English
    International conference proceedings

  • Hirotaka Suzuki, Ai Sakaki, Kensuke Yasufuku, Takashi Matsumoto
    In graphic science education, understanding of knowledge about shape and light is quite significant. However, students find it difficult to learn the function of the shapes and actual brightness distribution in graphic science education with computer aided design (CAD) and three-dimensional computer graphics (3DCG) education. To improve this situation, we introduced model manufacturing of lampshade into graphic science education. First, students should decide curved line on graph paper by hand and decide coordination of control points of the curved line. Secondly, students input both the coordination data of the points and number of frames. Then, 3DCG application generated CG perspective view of the lampshade, drawing of lampshade frame and drawing of development of curved lampshade surface from these data. Finally, students should manufacture paper model of the lampshade with printed drawings. In this paper, we explain the objective of the class, schedule of the class, detailed content of the lampshade designing exercise, submitted CG drawings and paper models and result of class evaluation by students.
    Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2015, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 51(1) (1), 9 - 14, English
    Scientific journal

  • Hirotaka Suzuki, Ai Sakaki, Kensuke Yasufuku, Takashi Matsumoto
    In graphic science education, understanding of knowledge about shape and light is quite significant. However, students find it difficult to learn the function of the shapes and actual brightness distribution in graphic science education with computer aided design (CAD) and three-dimensional computer graphics (3DCG) education. To improve this situation, we introduced model manufacturing of lampshade into graphic science education. First, students should decide curved line on graph paper by hand and decide coordination of control points of the curved line. Secondly, students input both the coordination data of the points and number of frames. Then, 3DCG application generated CG perspective view of the lampshade, drawing of lampshade frame and drawing of development of curved lampshade surface from these data. Finally, students should manufacture paper model of the lampshade with printed drawings. In this paper, we explain the objective of the class, schedule of the class, detailed content of the lampshade designing exercise, submitted CG drawings and paper models and result of class evaluation by students.
    Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2015, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 51(1) (1), 9 - 14, English
    Scientific journal

    This paper introduces a generation method of developable surface by manipulation (translation, scaling and rotation) of curved line and a designing method of complicated shapes by combination of generated developable surfaces. This method enables to design complicated shape constructed by combination of cylindrical surfaces and conical surfaces. At first, principle of generatio
    Japan Society for Graphic Science, Mar. 2014, Journal of Graphic Science of Japan, 48(1) (1), 3 - 10, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Combination of parabolic cylinder mirrors for skylight daylighting
    SUZUKI HIROTAKA, Yudai Tanaka, Susumu Sugano
    Daylight is required in daily life for various reasons and saving electrical energy is one of them. However, due to the urbanization progress in Japan, it is difficult to get enough daylight indoors because spaces between houses are narrow. Consequently residents rely on artificial light to illuminate the room for daily life and
    electric lighting allows for 16% of the primary e
    Economic Forum, Nov. 2013, 8th ENERGY FORUM Advanced Building Skins
    International conference proceedings

  • Combination of parabolic cylinder mirrors for skylight daylighting
    SUZUKI HIROTAKA, Tanaka, Sugano
    Daylight is required in daily life for various reasons and saving electrical energy is one of them. However, due to the urbanization progress in Japan, it is difficult to get enough daylight indoors because spaces between houses are narrow. Consequently residents rely on artificial light to illuminate the room for daily life and
    electric lighting allows for 16% of the primary e
    Economic Forum, Nov. 2013, 8th ENERGY FORUM Advanced Building Skins, 159 - 163, English
    International conference proceedings

  • SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Japan Society for Graphic Science, Sep. 2010, Journal of Graphic Science of Japan, 44(3) (3), 15 - 16, Japanese

  • ISHIKAWA Ai, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Various crimes have been steadily increasing and many people feel uneasy about public safety. Especially, the number of snatch occurrence in Osaka has been the top in Japan for the last 31 years, and it is serious problem. This study aims to research relationship between visibility and occurrence of snatch by quantifying the visibility.
    At first, from relationship among occurrence of snatch, population data, land-use data, and illuminance data, 24 wards in Osaka city were classified into 4 groups. In Sumiyoshi ward, belonging residential area group, relationship of occurrence of snatch was studied. From the study, the rate of occurrence of snatch is relatively lower in the area where distance of visible road is from 50m to 100m comparing the area where the distance is longer or shorter in both.
    Architectural Institute of Japan, Jan. 2008, J. Environ. Eng., 623, 101 - 106, Japanese

  • SUZUKI Hirotaka
    JAPAN SOCIETY FOR GRAPHIC SCIENCE, 2007, Journal of Graphic Science of Japan, 41(1) (1), 15 - 19, Japanese

  • SUZUKI Hirotaka, HIRATE Kotaroh, YASUOKA Masahito
    Efficient support of graphical and spatial 3D design using computers needs a user interface that incorporates easy manipulation of 3D information, integrated phases of manipulation and estimation, and continuous modifications of 3D information. To achieve this, the Binding Box Model was proposed, in which 3 D graphical and spatial information is represented by spatial units and their bindings. The model enabled manipulation of 3 D graphical and spatial data based on perspective projection drawing. A prototype system implementing this concept was developed to identify the advantages and disadvantages of that model.
    JAPAN SOCIETY FOR GRAPHIC SCIENCE, 2005, Journal of Graphic Science of Japan, 39(3) (3), 3 - 11, Japanese

    To evaluate a physical quantity and to describe it on 2-dimentional plane, authors have introduced axisymmetric hexacosahedron which 26 solid angles derived from each polygon are all equal and divided all direction by the polyhedron. As many normal vectors of the polygons are controlled to appear on the same plane as possible. The method of determination of the parameters of the polyhedron is discussed and we apply the discrete method to describe flow of light and visibility.
    JAPAN SOCIETY FOR GRAPHIC SCIENCE, 2002, 図学研究、日本図学会, 36(1) (1), 3 - 9, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • デザイン言語教授を目的とした図形科学教育に関する一報告
    2002, 日本建築学会技術報告集、日本建築学会, Japanese
    Scientific journal

    This research aims at grasping the mathematical aspect of space given by primitive figure in order to study relation between human psychology and shape of the space. Firstly visible area is defined at each point in the space as the portion of the area which is visible from the point. On the basis of this, simple concave figure has been used to examine how a distribution of visible quantity would change with the shape of space. Average and standard deviation of visible rate was also used to figure out an effect of shape and alignment of obstacle area. A possibility of the existence of a certain relation between the intuitive impression of space and visible area was suggested as a result of examination.
    The City Planning Institute of Japan, 2001, 都市計画論文集、日本都市計画学会, 36, 883 - 888, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • CGを用いた隣棟建築物の形状・配置パターンと居間の満足度との関係に関する一考察
    2001, 第24回 建築学会情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • CGアニメーションを用いた街路樹の配置パターンと街路幅の違いによる印象評価に関する一考察
    2001, 第24回 建築学会情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • A study on the risk evaluation of earthquake caused by active fault systemsThe ranking of grade of risk using presumed damage population
    The aim of the present paper is to assess earthquake hazard to human life from major active fault systems distributed across the Japanese archipelago and propose the way of evaluating grade of risk which caused by each active fault system. Firstly, the authors estimate "potential disaster area" where a ground shaking(acceleration) of PGA≥400(cm/s^2) will endanger human life from anticipated earthquakes in each major active fault system. Secondly, "presumed damage population" are estimated from "potential disaster area" and population data. We fix grade of risk from "presumed damage population". Finally, we examine stability of obtained grade of risk and relation between "presumed damage population" and length of each active fault system to show efficacy of proposed grade.
    地域安全学会, 2000, Journal of Social Safety Science, 2(2) (2), 101 - 108, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • A Study on the Present Condition and Conservation Plan of the Traditional Landscape in Shrines and Temples. -A Case Study of Shrines and Temples of Cultural Asset-
    日本環境共生学会本部事務局, 1999, Journal of Human and Environmental Symbiosis, 3, 51 - 59, Japanese
    Scientific journal

  • Suzuki Hirotaka
    The Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies, 1987, jibs, 35(2) (2), 929 - 926

  • 40226 Study on luminace distribution control by the projection mapping
    Yoshida Ayaka, Suzuki Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 04 Sep. 2015, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, 2015, 485 - 486, Japanese

  • 40211 A study on control method of V shape specular daylighting blinds taking into account twice reflection
    TOMINAGA Akihiro, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 04 Sep. 2015, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, 2015, 455 - 456, Japanese

  • 40225 An Analysis for Geometric Configuration of Reflector making use of Differential Equation and Numerical Solution.
    SUZUKI Hirotaka, SUGANO Susumu, TOMINAGA Akihiro
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 04 Sep. 2015, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, 2015, 483 - 484, Japanese

  • 40209 A study on daylighting efficiency of specular mirror blinds taking solar azimuth into account
    TOMINAGA Akihiro, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 12 Sep. 2014, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, 2014, 437 - 438, Japanese

  • 4018 A Study on accuracy of indirect illuminance by approximate calculation
    SAKAGUCHI Kohei, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 26 May 2014, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, (54) (54), 69 - 72, Japanese

  • Algorithm of Lighting Simulation
    Suzuki Hirotaka
    Recently, much more lighting simulation tools or 3DCAD/CG tools implement algorithms for lighting environment simulation. However, some users of these tools do not understand how the algorithms work and, consequently, they do not know appropriate algorithm for a certain case study. To simulate lighting environment taking into account interreflection, boundary condition of architectural space or light flux must be considered discretely to keep computational load finite. In this article, author try to describe brief explanation of radiosity method, which transacts continuous boundary condition discretely, and raytracing method, which transacts infinite light flux discretely, so that even beginners of numeric calculation can comprehend both algorithms intuitively. At first, principle of interreflection calculation is explained with simple case with 2 elements. Then, calculation method of incident luminous flux ratio from another element is described. Finally, advantageous points and disadvantageous points of both algorithms are explained with various example figures of calculation result.
    The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (IEIJ), Mar. 2014, Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan, 98(3) (3), 132 - 135, Japanese

  • 40223 An efficiency evaluation of daylighting system with parabolic cylinder mirror. : Part 2: An analysis of light flux by illuminance measured at actual room and proposed device.
    TANAKA Yudai, SUGANO Susumu, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 12 Sep. 2012, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, 2012, 483 - 484, Japanese

  • 40203 An educational trial of lighting and modeling simulation making use of lamp shade design with folding paper.
    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 12 Sep. 2012, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, 2012, 443 - 444, Japanese

  • 40202 A Research on Reality of Perspective Illusion Design for Urban Scape
    HARUTA Masaya, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 12 Sep. 2012, Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting, 2012, 441 - 442, Japanese

  • 5022 A research on an evaluation method of the Sign System in Museums
    OSHIMA Hiroyuki, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jul. 2011, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory, 2011, 77 - 78, Japanese

  • 40221 A method of generating tangent surface by segment hermite curves.
    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jul. 2011, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2011, 467 - 468, Japanese

  • 40023 A Research on Observer's Impression of Moire Effect by Image Processing Method
    SUMIUCHI Osamu, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jul. 2011, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2011, 45 - 46, Japanese

  • 40216 A Study on expression with water screen : Part 3 Estimation of reflectance by luminance and illuminance
    TAKECHI Kouji, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jul. 2010, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2010, 457 - 458, Japanese

  • 40214 An approach of lamp shade design making use of rapid prototyping system : Parallel light actualized by rotated parabola surface and specular reflection coating
    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jul. 2010, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2010, 453 - 454, Japanese

  • 40215 The Research on Moire Effect Quantifying by Image Processing
    SUMIUCHI Osamu, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jul. 2010, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2010, 455 - 456, Japanese

  • 40213 Analysis of the light environment of the concave corner by measurement and simulation
    YABUNAKA Koji, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jul. 2010, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2010, 451 - 452, Japanese

  • 40201 A Study on expression with water screen. : Part1-Evaluation of Diffuse Reflection Characteristics.
    TAKECHI Kouji, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jul. 2009, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2009, 439 - 440, Japanese

  • 40202 A Study on expression with water screen. : Part2-Public experiment making use of projected CG animation.
    SUZUKI Hirotaka, TAKECHI Kouji
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jul. 2009, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2009, 441 - 442, Japanese

  • 5087 A day nursery and comparison of the actual situation of extended childcare in a kindergarten : A Study on Designs for Childcare Environment Part2
    YAGI Yoshimi, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jul. 2008, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory, 2008, 199 - 200, Japanese

  • 40244 A Survey on the Ratio of Stairs Luminance to Lines Luminance in Station Area.
    SUZUKI Hirotaka, IWATA Michico
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jul. 2008, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2008, 519 - 520, Japanese

    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jul. 2008, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2008, 65 - 66, Japanese

    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    In the Department of Urban Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University, we have been providing a special exercise designed to teach students how to formulate and propose landscape guidelines based on the results of a landscape survey on a specific target area. In academic year 2006, we upgraded this exercise by introducing image processing techniques into the analysis process. This improvement aims at an objective landscape evaluation, which otherwise tends to be viewed as a subjective process. Students were provided with a simple computer program designed to process the pixels that meet certain conditions. In this report, we will outline the schedule and contents of this exercise, examples of the students' analyses of landscape images as well as examples of analyses of rendering images based on the landscape guidelines proposed by the students.
    Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 19 Feb. 2008, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2008(14) (14), 103 - 108, Japanese

    ISHIKAWA Ai, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    20 Oct. 2007, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集 = Papers and proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association, 16, 323 - 326, Japanese

  • 40058 A Study of the Calculation Method of the Visible Road Distance : Making Use of the Road Networks on the Analysis of the Snatch
    ISHIKAWA Ai, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2007, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2007, 131 - 132, Japanese

  • 40190 Designing of double cross catenary diffuse screen for high side day lighting
    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2007, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2007, 411 - 414, Japanese

    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    In Osaka City University, Graphic Science Education has been located as design language education constructed by knowledge and technique which facilitate intelligible communication making good use of diagrams. However, the effect of light flow is not sufficiently considered comparing to shape factor though light flow also give great effect to the works. Author believes that consideration of light flow is highly significant because the same shapes can give different impression with different lighting environment. Accordingly author introduced the assignment which design lighting equipment making use of CSG model. In this paper, consistency between the class with lighting equipment design and the past class, submitted works and evaluation of the assignment by students themselves are explained. Finally, the result of text data analysis for submitted works are described to show the impact of the works. Total byte of each submitted works and result of keywords search were examined to evaluate the impact. From these analysis, author conclude that lighting equipment design could raise the incentive to construct works of CSG model and the effect of the assignment also influenced the final works which were submitted after lighting equipment design assignment.
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jun. 2007, AIJ journal of technology and design, 13(25) (25), 321 - 326, Japanese

  • 40152 A Visualization Method of Luminous Flux making use of Discretely Directional Luminous Vector : Vol. 1 A Study of Accuracy Level Calculated from Geodesic Dome
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2006, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2006, 317 - 318, Japanese

  • 40147 Research on visual and lighting impression of bridges illuminated by artificial light source
    PARK Hyunsook, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2006, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2006, 307 - 308, Japanese

  • 40130 A Survey on Specification and visual Environment of the Stairs in Osaka Nanba distinct
    Asai Yu, Suzuki Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2006, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2006, 273 - 274, Japanese

  • 40396 A Research on the accuracy of Stereoscopic projection : Vol. 2 The influence affected by regularity of texture, size of unit texture and complexity of shape
    TSUJI Yuta, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2006, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2006, 819 - 820, Japanese

  • 4011 Research on visual and lighting impression of bridges illuminated by artificial light source
    PARK Hyunsook, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 23 May 2006, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, (46) (46), 41 - 44, Japanese

  • 4002 A proposal of phase flux analysis of lighting environment
    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 23 May 2006, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, (46) (46), 5 - 8, Japanese

  • Report on the 36th Graphic Science Education Forum
    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    01 Mar. 2006, 図学研究, 40(1) (1), 22 - 23, Japanese

  • An Impact of Introduction of Design of Lighting Equipment into Graphic Science Education
    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    In Osaka City University, Graphic Science Education has been located not as an entrance of drawing and designing exercise but as design language education constructed by knowledge and technique which facilitate intelligible communication making good use of diagrams. Author believes that consideration of light flow is highly significant because the same shapes can give different impression with different lighting environment. Accordingly author introduced the assignment which design lighting equipment making use of CSG model. As lighting equipment has close relationship with light flow, student should understand behavior of light flow before they start construction of the works. In this paper, submitted works and evaluation of the assignment by students themselves are explained. Finally, the result of text data analysis for submitted works are described to show the impact of the works. Total byte of each submitted works and result of keywords search were examined to evaluate the impact.
    Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 20 Feb. 2006, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2006(18) (18), 45 - 50, Japanese

  • 40131 The guidance effect caused by the shape of bending space : A study on visibility from the occluding edge and its differential
    HIRAKI Akifumi, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 2006, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 275 - 276, Japanese

  • 7084 Development of a landscape information database synchronized wide the map for support of community planning
    SOI Yusuke, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2005, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2005, 229 - 230, Japanese

  • 40154 A Study of Streetlights assignment making use of Voronoi Diagram
    KATO Yoshihiro, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2005, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2005, 329 - 330, Japanese

  • 40156 3D Graphical Expression of Luminous Flow for Intuitive Understanding of Lighting Environment
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2005, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2005, 333 - 334, Japanese

  • An Effect of Lights Designing on Graphic and Spatial Education.
    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (IEIJ), 14 Jul. 2005, Proceeding of Annual Conference of The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan, 38, 150 - 151, Japanese

  • 4007 A survey of stairs in Osaka Abenobashi district in terms of specification and visual environment
    SUZUKI Hirotaka, HORIUCHI Nobuhiro
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 23 May 2005, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, (45) (45), 25 - 28, Japanese

  • 4001 A Study of Streetlights Assignment making use of Voronoi Diagram
    KATO Yoshihiro, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 2005, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集, 環境系, 45, 1 - 4, Japanese

  • 40195 A research on evaluation of light and visual environment making use of CG : Part 2. A research on the influence of stereoscopic projection in modeling evaluation
    TSUJI Yuta, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2004, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2004, 401 - 402, Japanese

  • 40443 A Research on the Presentation Method of Spatial Information : Part 1. A Usefulness for the Computer Graphics Animation at the Selection of Sitting Seat in a Train
    NARUSE Kouji, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2004, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2004, 909 - 910, Japanese

    SUZUKI Hirotaka, ONO Akira, SUGIYAMA Shigekazu
    Recently, suggestions by local residents committee are playing significant role in community planning. However, residents cannot understand content of plans sufficiently if planning information are offered by only documents and 2-dimensional drawings. To solve these problems, visual information is considered so effective that models and photographs are often utilized in planning process. In this paper, we made use of photos with image processing to visualize proposed landscape guidelines. In the class of graduate school, 17 rules for landscape guideline were proposed from 7 students, and 18 rendering images were developed. Finally, we could lead active discussion in local residents' committee making use the photos. At the same time, we got the fact that rendering images may give negative effects because of its high impact.
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jun. 2004, AIJ journal of technology and design, 19, 279 - 283, Japanese

  • 5075 Introduction of Graphics Analysis into Graphic Science Education making use of Geographic Information System
    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 24 May 2004, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 計画系, (44) (44), 297 - 300, Japanese

  • 4007 A study on the usefulness for presentation of spatial information by the computer graphics animation
    NARUSE Kouji, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 24 May 2004, 日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集. 環境系, (44) (44), 25 - 28, Japanese

  • 7357 A study on support process for community planning in Okamoto district, Kobe city. Part 3 : Development of a simple simulation system fbr a scene evaluation using transparent quadrangle polygons and facade textures
    SOI Yusuke, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 30 Jul. 2003, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2003, 743 - 744, Japanese

  • 40191 A Study about prediction on illuminance distribution for corner light of light wall bracket type
    SAKATA Akihiro, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 30 Jul. 2003, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 2003, 397 - 398, Japanese

  • 40190 A fundamental study of lighting environment evaluation making use of discretely directional luminous vector
    Ikegawa KAZUOMI, SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 2003, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 395 - 396, Japanese

  • An examination about relation of the space by using visible connection factor : Part1 Examination of the influence by the existence of the void in a narrow residence
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 30 Jun. 2002, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory, 2002, 811 - 812, Japanese

  • A graphic science education as public lecture. -The graphic science education making use of POV - Ray in Osaka City University-
    SUZUKI Hirotaka, MIKI Nobuhiro
    Graphic science education has been regarded as entrance of drafting and design education in the fields of architectural design or mechanical engineering. However, highly advanced information society requires the ability to describe complicated information in graphical style which audience can easily comprehend summary of the information. The authors strongly believe that graphic science education should meet the requirement. Considering the background, Osaka City University provides the subject"Graphic Science"in which authors are making maximum use of computer graphics. In this paper, we will present objective and program of the subject first. Then we will discuss achievement level of the subject and the direction of future graphic science education based on the analysis of the works submitted by the students.
    Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), 21 Feb. 2002, IPSJ SIG Notes, 2002(16) (16), 61 - 66, Japanese

  • 7114 An expression method of the situation of architectural space with visible area. : A discussion of visible area in primitive figures.
    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2001, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2001, 227 - 228, Japanese

  • 7484 A study on the relation between the street trees and the street scene using CG animation
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2001, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2001, 967 - 968, Japanese

  • 7490 Study on the component of the view through the window affecting the satisfaction to the living room
    ISHIKAWA ai, SUZUKI hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 31 Jul. 2001, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems, 2001, 979 - 980, Japanese

    2001, Modelling Geographical Systems:Statistical and Computational Applications,Kluwer, in press

  • Development of the Esquisse Support System for the Graphic Science Education Using Binding Box Model
    2001, Proceedings of the 5thJapan-China Joint Conference on Graphics Education, 155 - 160

  • Development of Disaster Information Sharing System for Asian Region using World-wide Web
    2000, The Proceeding of International Symposium on City Planning 2000, 15 - 22

    2000, GeoEng2000, CD(CD) (CD), CD

  • The survey of lighting and visual environment in Tokyo and comparison among Asian megacities.
    1998, The Proceeding of International Symposium on City Planning;1998, 297 - 305

  • Introduction of form factor between nodes
    SUZUKI Hirotaka, HIRATE Kotaroh, YASUOKA Masahito
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 30 Jul. 1997, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 1997, 311 - 312, Japanese

  • Radiosity method taking into account property of directional intensity of light source : Part2 Application of complex meshing
    SUZUKI Hirotaka, HIRATE Kotaloh, YASUOKA Masahito
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 30 Jul. 1996, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 1996, 341 - 342, Japanese

  • The propriety of meshing in the lighting calculation. : Part1 The estimation of the error which depends upon used elemnts.
    SUZUKI Hirotaka, HIRATE Kotaroh, YASUOKA Masahito
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 20 Jul. 1995, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water environment urban installation and environmental management environmental psychology and physiology environmental design electro-magnetic environment, 1995, 391 - 392, Japanese

  • Discretely directional luminous vector
    Suzuki Hirotaka, Hirate Kotaroh, Yasuoka Masahito
    The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (IEIJ), 1995, Proceeding of Annual Conference of The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan, 156 - 157, Japanese

  • Radiosity method taking into account property of directional intensity of light source
    SUZUKI Hirotaka, HIRATE Kotaroh, YASUOKA Masahito
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 25 Jul. 1994, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D, Environmental engineering, 1994, 1913 - 1914, Japanese

  • A method of architectual modeling by Binding Box Model
    Suzuki Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 25 Jul. 1993, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. Architectural planning and design rural planning, 1993, 775 - 776, Japanese

  • A study on the computer aided esquisse by the system of recognizing sketches : Algorithm of recognizing sketches
    Suzuki Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 01 Aug. 1992, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A, Materials and construction, fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology, 1992, 1515 - 1516, Japanese

  • A study on the computer aided esquisse by the system which recognize sketches : A proposal for design method
    Yoshiike Motoyasu
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 01 Aug. 1992, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. A, Materials and construction, fire safety, off-shore engineering and architecture, information systems technology, 1992, 1513 - 1514, Japanese

  • Wisdom in the Prajnaparamita Sutra
    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    The Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Mar. 1991, Journal of Indian and Buddhist studies, 39(2) (2), p533 - 536, Japanese

  • A study of communication problem between clients and designers in designing
    Suzuki Hirotaka
    Architectural Institute of Japan, 1991, Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. Architectural planning and design rural planning, 239 - 240, Japanese

  • The Evolution of the Doctrine of sunyata in the Mahaprajnaparamita-sutras
    SUZUKI Hirotaka
    The Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Mar. 1989, Journal of Indian and Buddhist studies, 37(2) (2), p564 - 568, Japanese

■ Books And Other Publications
  • The encyclopedia of polygons
    SUZUKI HIROTAKA, 細矢治夫, 宮崎興二, その他多数
    Joint work, Maruzen Publishing Co., LTD, Jun. 2015, Japanese, おもしろく不思議で魅力的な多角形にまつわる、かたち・歴史・性質・種類などを、自然界や人工界さらには芸術界や数学界など各分野から収集して解説する、今までになかったユニークな事典です
    Scholarly book

  • かたち創造の百科事典
    Joint work, 丸善, 2012, Japanese
    Dictionary or encycropedia

  • 建築環境工学実験用教材
    Joint work, 日本建築学会, 2011, Japanese

  • 図学用語辞典
    Joint work, 森北出版, 2009, Japanese
    Dictionary or encycropedia

  • 建築大百科事典
    Joint work, 朝倉書店, 2008, Japanese
    Dictionary or encycropedia

  • POV-Rayによる3次元CG制作 −モデリングからアニメーションまで−
    Joint work, 財団法人画像情報教育振興協会, 2008, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • POV-Rayによる3次元CG制作 ?モデリングからアニメーションまで?
    Joint work, 財団法人画像情報教育振興協会, 2008, Japanese
    Scholarly book

  • Modeling Geographical Systems: Statistical and Computational Applications
    Hirotaka SUZUKI
    Joint work, Thomas Kluwer Academic Publishers Netherlands, 2003, English
    Scholarly book

  • 光と色の環境デザイン
    Joint work, オーム社, 2001, Japanese
    Scholarly book

■ Affiliated Academic Society
  • 日本環境共生学会

  • 地域安全学会

  • 社団法人照明学会

  • 都市計画学会

  • 日本建築学会

■ Research Themes
  • 折り紙技術と4次元形状の投象を活用したグラフィクスリテラシー教育コンテンツの開発
    鈴木 広隆
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 神戸大学, 09 Jul. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2023
    本年度は、サブテーマ(A)「平面の充填パターンDB(データベース)構築と折り紙加工の可能性」に関しては、本学で提供している文系理系学生を対象とした科目「カタチの自然学AB」において、平面充填や折り紙を活用した行灯を提出課題とした。さらに、工学部建築学科及び市民工学科向けに提供しているCG科目(「図学演習2」「グラフィクスリテラシーD」)において、プログラミングで平面充填をデザインする課題を設けた。 サブテーマ(B)「4次元形状を投象した3次元形状DB構築とその活用方法の検討」に関しては、4次元形状を投象した3次元形状の行灯や抽象作品を提案し、論文にまとめ、また作品展示を行った。具体的には、超立方体や四角錐をベースにした超角柱を3次元に投象した形状の一部に面を貼って行灯としたり、超立方体の稜2本と対角線1本にテンション材を用いたテンセグリティ構造の作品を製作した。 サブテーマ(C)「カリキュラム作成とフィードバック」に関しては、4次元の形を分かりやすく説明するためのCG動画教材を作成して「カタチの自然学AB」内で活用した上、「カタチの自然学AB」における授業評価アンケートの内容を分析した。同様に、「図学演習2」「グラフィクスリテラシーD」でも授業評価アンケートの内容を分析した。 新型コロナウィルス感染症のため、海外大学で同様の授業を行いフィードバックを得る活動に関しては進んでいない。令和4年度に関しては、仮に渡航して対面授業を行うことが不可能であったとしても、オンラインで講義・演習を行い、フィードバックを得たいと考えている。

  • Study on achievement of high quality lighting method by saving energy for the elderly and the visually challenged
    Iwata Michico
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Setsunan University, 01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2020
    After the Great East Japan Earthquake and thereafter, lighting environment problems related to power saving and energy saving for various parts of Tohoku, related departments of local governments in the Kanto region, companies related to lighting equipment, visually impaired people, etc. We conducted a survey on points and maintenance status. Then, various problems were extracted and analyzed, and the improvement of the problems and the reliable, safe and high quality lighting design method were considered. Furthermore, we planned a laboratory experiment and planned an evaluation experiment study that quantitatively deals with the relationship between low-vision visibility and lighting conditions, and clarified the lighting design requirements. In addition, we conducted a survey in Japan and overseas on examples of light environment design that saves power while also considering visual workability. In addition, we also proposed and supervised the design at the lighting design site.

  • 鈴木 広隆
    学術研究助成基金助成金/挑戦的萌芽研究, Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2018, Principal investigator
    Competitive research funding

  • Proposal of matrix of indices evaluating performance of daylighting system as a design aid
    Iwata Toshie, SUZUKI Hirotaka, ITO Daisuke, TANIGUCHI Tomoko
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Tokai University, 01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2016
    Daylighting in buildings is recommended and advanced daylighting systems have been developed. In order to aid architects in choosing a suitable daylighting system, several simple indices showing properties for energy-saving and visual comfort are proposed in this study. Daylighting systems are classified to identify their required properties. Distribution of daylight in systems which utilize mirror reflection can now be modelled by advanced lighting simulation algorithms. Both the visible light and heat gain of daylighting systems (interior blind and exterior blind) are measured by using a special measurement device. Equivalent luminous efficacy, the effective luminous flux coefficient, and the reduction factor of discomfort glare are newly defined. These indices for daylighting systems are measured for standard outside conditions, which are determined from the frequency of climatic conditions. A matrix of these indices is presented.

  • Investigation Research on Lighting Environment Improvement of Outdoor Rescue Work at Night
    AKIZUKI Yuki, SUZUKI Hirotaka, YOSHIMURA Akiko, AKITOMI Shinji, OYAMA Futoshi, KAKO Yoshinobu, TAKASHINA Kenichiro, WAKASUGI Masahiro, NUNOMURA Tadahiro, SETSU Maimai, TOMOHIRO Junko
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), University of Toyama, 2010 - 2012
    The purposes of this study are, to understand obstacles for rescue and medical workers such as poor lighting conditions and visual object factors at night time outdoor works, to extract problems regarding visibility and color conditions under current situations of medical work relief activities at night time, and to make proposals for the improvement of the lighting environment in order to secure better rescue and medical activities in the future. First, we conduct survey to rescue workers to extract needs and problems of visual environment in disaster situation. One should take note that there are differences with regard to luminous flux, irradiation area and color rendering. There also should be standardized input of information on specifications of equipment. Moreover wereports collecting the spectral reflectance data and creating the color chart database of quasi-skins in shock and congested state by healthy young/ elderly subjects, in order to determine the visual conditions of disaster victim’s skin under a situation like buried in rubble. In so doing we examine the influence of gender and age. Also, we develop the methods of high speed continuous measurement of luminance distribution in the visual field using moving images in order to assess the adaptation luminance in the nighttime rescue situation.

  • 図形科学的手法による都市環境の分析
    Competitive research funding

  • Urban environment analsys from viewpoint of graphic science
    Competitive research funding