
澤田 治
大学院人文学研究科 社会動態専攻


■ 学位
  • Doctor of Philosophy(言語学), シカゴ大学
■ 研究分野
  • 人文・社会 / 言語学


■ 論文
  • Osamu Sawada
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024年08月, Linguistics and Philosophy, 47(4) (4), 653 - 702, 英語

  • Scale structures of numeral additive particles: The case of the Japanese particles moo and ato
    Osamu Sawada
    2024年03月, Kobe Papers in Linguistics, 14, 39 - 61, 英語

  • Osamu Sawada
    De Gruyter, 2023年12月, Polarity-Sensitive Expressions: Comparisons Between Japanese and Other Languages, 297 - 342, 英語

  • Osamu Sawada, Hideki Kishimoto, Ikumi Imani
    De Gruyter, 2023年12月, Polarity-Sensitive Expressions: Comparisons Between Japanese and Other Languages, 1 - 36, 英語

  • Osamu Sawada
    The Japanese degree adverb kasukani can be combined with a sense-related gradable predicate, such as amai ‘sweet’ or kaoru ‘smell’, but it cannot usually co-occur with an emotive predicate, such as odoroi-teiru ‘surprised’. However, if there is a sense-related expression that is structurally placed at a higher position, kasukani can combine with an emotive predicate. Building on the idea of Sawada (2021), I will first show that kasukani is mixed content (McCready 2010; Gutzmann 2011) in that it not only denotes a low scalar meaning in the at-issue component, but also implies that the judge (typically the speaker) has measured its degree based on their own senses (e.g., vision, smell, taste, or hearing) at the level of conventional implicature (CI)(e.g., Grice 1975; Potts 2005). I will then argue that the projective property of the CI meaning of kasukani allows kasukani to be used to measure the degree of emotion through a sense-based expression, such as mie-ru ‘look’. I will also compare kasukani to English faintly, which can be used to measure the degree of emotion directly or measure the degree of emotion indirectly via a sense-based expression and explain the differences between the two by positing different CI components. This study demonstrates that the multidimensional approach to meaning can successfully explain the concord relationship between a sense-based minimizer and sense-related expression.
    2023年07月, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13856 LNAI, 145 - 160

  • Osamu Sawada
    This study investigates interpretations of the Japanese initial mora-based minimizer "X.Y..."-no "X"-no ji-mo 'lit. even the letter "X" of "X.Y...".' Although initial mora-based minimizers have a literal interpretation of ji 'letter', they have a non-literal interpretation as well. The non-literal interpretation has several distinctive features that are not present in ordinary minimizers. First, it is highly productive in that various expressions can appear in the form "X.Y..."-no "X"-no ji. Second, non-literal minimizers typically co-occur with predicates that relate to knowledge, information, concepts, thought, and habituality, as seen in the corpus data (Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese [BCCWJ]).I argue that in the non-literal use, X refers to the minimum on the scale of the main predicate concerning "X.Y...". I suggest that the non-literal use was developed as a result of the conventionalization of the pragmatic inference derived from the literal reading, and that the co-occurrence with predicates related to knowledge, information, knowledge, concepts, thought, or habituality is due to the interpretation of "X.Y...", which were originally interpreted as letters as an abstract concept.The theoretical implication of this study is that, in addition to a non-compositional (lexically specified) minimizer whose scale is lexically fixed (e.g., give a damn, lift a finger), there also exists a compositional (lexically unspecified) minimizer in natural language, whose scale is specified via the predicate with which the minimizer co-occurs. The last section of this paper briefly discusses similar/related phenomena in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Korean, and English from a cross-linguistic perspective.

  • Osamu Sawada
    Wh-exclamatives are usually considered degree constructions (e.g., Zanuttini & Portner 2003, Castroviejo 2008, Rett 2008). However, Japanese possesses what I call negative wh-expressives, which are unrelated to degree. I argue that unlike typical wh-exclamatives, negative wh-expressive sentences express a speaker’s negative attitude, and their compositional system is similar to that of an interrogative sentence except for the speech act operator. That is, a negative wh-expressive occurs with a speech act operator, which takes a set of propositions Q and (i) presupposes that there is a unique proposition p in Q that is salient, and (ii) conventionally implies that p is unexpected and that the speaker has a negative attitude toward it. In this paper, we also look at cases in which the wh expression is embedded in the complement of omo-tteiru ‘think’ and cases in which nani ‘what’ acts as an adjunct, and show that these cases can also be explained by the core component of the proposed mechanism. This paper shows that wh-related exclamatives have both scalar and non-scalar types, and considers a new typology of exclamatives.
    Linguistic Society of America, 2023年04月, Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, 8(1) (1), 5524 - 5524, 英語

  • Review of Indirect Speech Acts by Nicholas Ruytenbeek
    Sawada, Osamu
    2023年03月, Studies in Pragmatics, 24, 169 - 178, 英語

  • Osamu Sawada
    This study investigates the meaning and use of the Japanese utterance comparative expressions sore-yori-(mo) 'than that' and nani-yori-(mo) 'than anything' and considers the role of comparison in discourse. I argue that sore-yori and nani-yori can compare individuals at the semantic (at-issue) level, but they can also compare utterances (speech acts) at the non-at-issue level (= conventional implicature (CI)) (e.g., Grice 1975; Potts 2005; McCready 2010; Sawada 2010; Gutzmann 2011). The utterance comparative sore-yori conventionally implicates that U in sore-yori(U) is more important than the previous utterance, and the utterance comparative nani-yori conventionally implicates that U in nani-yori(U) is more important than any alternative utterance.An interesting feature of the utterance comparatives sore-yori-(mo) and nani-yori-(mo) is that their pragmatic functions are quite flexible. As for sore-yori, in some contexts, it can function as a topic-changing expression, but in other contexts it does not. As for nani-yori, when it occurs discourse-initially, it functions like the expression first of all, but when it occurs discourse-finally, it functions as an additive reinforcing expression. I argue that the pragmatic effects of utterance comparative expressions arise based on the interaction between their scalar meanings and the general pragmatic principles of relevance/Question Under Discussion and manner (e.g., Grice 1975; Roberts 1996).This study demonstrates that in addition to regular comparison and metalinguistic comparison, there is a third type of comparison: utterance comparison, and that the notion of comparison plays an important role in advancing the conversation economically/effectively. Finally, cross-linguistic variations in utterance comparison will also be discussed using English and Korean data.

  • The scalar contrastive wa in Japanese
    Sawada, Osamu
    2022年12月, Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics, 14, 239 - 271, 英語

  • International pragmatic research on Japanese
    Tetsuharu Koyama, Jun Sawada, Kaoru Hayano, Sachiko Takagi, Noriko Onodera, Osamu Sawada, Michi Shiina
    2022年08月, Xinren Chen and Doreen Dongying Wu (eds.), East Asian Pragmatics: Commonalities and Variations, Routledge, 118 - 134

  • Osamu Sawada
    The Japanese expression kakera has a literal meaning of ‘piece’. However, when kakera is combined with mo ‘even’, it can behave as an idiomatic negative polarity item (NPI). The distinctive features of the NPI kakera are that it usually co-occur with a property-related positive noun (e.g., seijitsu-sa ‘sincerity’) and is used for expressing a feeling of complaint. I argue that unlike the typical minimizer NPIs, the NPI kakera has an expressive property in that it not only denotes a minimum degree of an NP, but conventionally implies that high degrees of NP are expected (as a desire), and a judge (typically a speaker) is complaining about the target in question. Previous studies have shown that the meaning of EVEN (explicitly or implicitly) contributes to the creation of the emphatic function of minimizer (e.g., Horn 1989; Chierchia 2013). However, the phenomenon of kakera suggests that in addition to EVEN, minimizers can have expectation/attitudinal components that further restrict the situation in which they are used. This study shows that the multidimensional approach (Potts 2005; McCready 2010; Sawada 2010, 2018; Gutzmann 2012) to meaning allows us to capture the item-specific pragmatic properties of minimizers in a systematic fashion.
    Linguistic Society of America, 2022年05月, Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, 7(1) (1), 5259 - 5259

  • Information structure of the Japanese mirative demonstrative ano
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    2022年03月, Kobe Papers in Linguistics, 13, 16 - 34, 英語

  • The Japanese reactive attitudinal nani-mo: Polarity sensitivity and the function of objection
    Osamu Sawada
    2021年10月, Japanese/Korean Linguistics, 28, 131 - 145, 英語

  • Osamu Sawada
    2021年09月, Gengo Kenkyu 160, 160, 43 - 68, 英語

  • Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada

    This chapter investigates the interpretation of tense in Japanese mirative sentences using nante/towa and considers cross-linguistic variations of mirativity in terms of tense. In Japanese, when nante or towa is combined with a proposition that contains the so-called non-past form ru, the sentence becomes ambiguous as having both a non-past (future/present) reading and a past reading. Based on a theory by Sawada and Sawada (2019), we argue that this ambiguity of tense is due to the conventional implicature of nante/towa: nante/towa can take a ‘non-tensed’ proposition p and conventionally implies that (i) p is settled (i.e., p is/was true or predicted to be true) and (ii) the speaker did not expect such p. It will be shown that a basic analysis of nante/towa can apply to the English exclamatory that-clause, which also presents an ambiguity of tense, and at least partially to the Korean mirative tani sentence in which a past-oriented meaning can be represented based on the stem form of a verb.

    Oxford University Press, 2021年08月, Expressive Meaning Across Linguistic Levels and Frameworks, Oxford University Press, 216 - 247

  • Osamu Sawada
    The Japanese minimizers kasukani ‘faintly’ and honokani ‘approx. faintly’ and the English minimizer faintly are similar to typical minimizers, such as the Japanese sukoshi ‘a bit’ and English a bit, in that they semantically represent a low degree. However, their meanings and distribution patterns are not the same. I argue that kasukani, honokani, and faintly are sense-based minimizers in that they not only semantically denote a small degree but also convey that thejudge (typically the speaker) measures degree based on his/her own sense ( the senses of sight, smell, taste, etc.) at the level of conventional implicature (CI) (e.g., Grice 1975; Potts 2005; McCready 2010; Gutzmann 2011). It will be shown that this characteristic restricts sense-based minimizers to occur only in a limited environment. This paper also shows that there are variations among the sense-based minimizers with regard to (i) the kind of sense, (ii) the presence/absence of evaluativity, and (iii) the possibility of a combination with an emotive predicate, and will explain them in the non-at-issue domain. In analyzing the meaning of sense-based minimizers, the relationship between a sense-based minimizer and a predicate of personal taste (e.g., Pearson 2013; Ninan 2014; Kennedy & Willer 2019; Willer & Kennedy 2019) will also be discussed.
    Linguistic Society of America, 2021年03月, Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, 6(1) (1), 433 - 433, 英語

  • Interpretations of sense-based minimizers in Japanese and English: Local and global sense-based measurements
    Osamu Sawada
    2021年, Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Workshop of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS 18), 161 - 174, 英語

  • Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. This paper investigates the ambiguity of tense in the Japanese mirative sentence with nante/towa. Unlike an English sentence exclamative (e.g., (Wow), John won the race!), a Japanese sentence with nante/towa has a property of ambiguity with regard to tense. When nante or towa is combined with a proposition that contains the so-called non-past form ru, the sentence can be ambiguous between a non-past (future/present) reading and a past reading. This fact is surprising because the non-past form ru can never be used for describing a past event. We argue that the ambiguous interpretation of nante/towa comes from the conventional implicature of nante/towa. Unlike an English sentence exclamation (Rett 2011), the Japanese nante/towa takes a “tenseless” proposition p (i.e., ru does not specify a tense) and conventionally implies that (i) p is settled (i.e., p is/was true or predicted to be true) and (ii) the speaker had not expected that p. We will also consider the case where p + nante/towa is embedded under a surprising predicate and claim that both the embedded and non-embedded nante/towa can be analyzed in a uniform way, suggesting that the embedded nante/towa clause is an instance of a main clause phenomenon (rather than a relative tense phenomenon).
    2020年09月, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12331 LNAI(paper 16) (paper 16), 325 - 340

  • グライス語用論
    2020年03月, 加藤重広, 澤田淳 (編)『はじめての語用論―基礎から応用まで』, 24 - 40, 日本語

  • 「NPのことだ(から)」の因果的推論の方向性
    澤田淳, 澤田治
    2020年03月, 日本語文法, 20(1) (1), 37 - 52, 日本語

  • 慣習的推意―インターフェースの観点から―
    2019年11月, 西原哲雄, 都田青子, 中村浩一郎, 米倉よう子, 田中真一(編),『言語におけるインターフェイス』, 開拓社, 138 - 152

  • 感情表出表現として振る舞う否定極性表現の意味・機能について―「何も」と「とても」を中心に―
    2019年11月, 澤田治, 岸本秀樹, 今仁生美(編),『極性表現の構造・意味・機能』, 開拓社, 311 - 334

  • 序論―極性表現の構造・意味・機能―
    澤田治, 岸本秀樹, 今仁生美
    2019年11月, 澤田治, 岸本秀樹, 今仁生美(編),『極性表現の構造・意味・機能』, 開拓社, 1 - 47

  • Interpretations of the embedded expressive motto in Japanese: Varieties of meaning and projectivity
    Osamu Sawada
    2019年06月, Daniel Gutzmann and Katharina Turgay (eds.), Secondary Content: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Side Issues (Current Research in the Semantics Pragmatics-Interface (CRiSPI)). Leiden: Brill., 341 - 375

  • The discourse-pragmatic properties of the Japanese negative intensifier totemo
    Osamu Sawada
    2019年04月, 澤田治美, 仁田義雄, 山梨正明(編),『場面と主体性・主観性』, ひつじ書房, 593 - 613, 英語

  • 書評論文・書評 書評論文 加藤泰彦『ホーン『否定の博物誌』の論理』
    澤田 治
    日本語用論学会, 2019年, 語用論研究, (21) (21), 187 - 196, 日本語

  • Scalarity and alternatives of Japanese mora (letter)-based minimizers
    Osamu Sawada
    2019年, Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, 4(21), 1 - 15

  • Osamu Sawada
    The Japanese sore-yori ‘lit. than it’ and nani-yori ‘lit. than what’ have a pragmatic use (in addition to semantic use), and their pragmatic functions are highly discourse-sensitive. In terms of scalarity, the pragmatic sore-yori is non-endpoint-oriented in that it conventionally implicates that U in sore-yori(U) is preferable to the previous utterance. In contrast, the pragmatic nani-yori is endpoint-oriented in that it conventionally implicates that U in nani-yori(U) is preferable to any alternative utterance. In this paper I argue (i) that these two types of scalar meanings at the level of conventional implicaure (CI) are derived compositionally by the single yori ‘than’, and (ii) that various kinds of discourse-pragmatic functions of sore-yori and nani-yori―such as “topic shifting” in sore-yori, and “priority listing” and “additive reinforcing” in nani-yori―automatically arise from the interaction between the expression’s scale structures (endpoint vs. non-endpoint scales) and Grice’s conversational maxims (relevance, manner). This paper shows that scale structures play a crucial role in managing the direction of discourse and that there is a rich interaction between CIs and general conversational maxims in pragmatic comparative expressions.
    Linguistic Society of America, 2018年03月, Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, 3(1) (1), 7 - 7

  • The Japanese negative totemo: From an unconditional expression to an expressive intensifier
    Osamu Sawada
    2018年, The Proceedings of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 15, (Paper 18) (Paper 18), 1 - 14

  • Varieties of positive polarity minimizers in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    2018年, Studies in Language and Literature (Commemoration Number for Prof. Susumu Kubo), 38(1-2) (1-2), 189 - 236

  • The dependent property of the Japanese inferential use of no koto-da: An evidence indicator for an inferential modal statement
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    2017年, Proceedings of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 14 (LENLS 14), paper 14: 1 - 14

  • 澤田 治
    一般財団法人 日本英文学会, 2017年, 英文学研究, 94, 143, 日本語

  • The Japanese negative totemo ‘very’: Toward a new typology of negative sensitive items
    Osamu Sawada
    2017年, Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 437 - 451

  • On the property of mirativity in the Japanese modal demonstrative ano
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    2017年, Japanese/Korean Linguistics, 24, 141 - 155

  • Osamu Sawada
    © Springer International Publishing AG 2017. This paper discusses the phenomenon of what I call the “projection of non-at issue meaning via modal support” shown in the Japanese counter expectational intensifier yoppodo and the counter expectational scale-reversal adverb kaette, and considers the variation of projective content from a new perspective. I show that, unlike the typical conventional implicatures (CIs) like appositives and expressives (e.g., Potts [19]), kaette and yoppodo can project out of the complement of a belief predicate only if there is a modal in the main clause. I argue that yoppodo and kaette belong to a new class of projective content that requires consistency between an at-issue meaning and a CI meaning in terms of a judge. This paper provides a new perspective for the typology of projective content.
    2017年, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10091 LNCS, 122 - 137

  • Interpretations of embedded expressives: A view from the Japanese comparative expressive motto
    Osamu Sawada
    2016年, Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics, 120 - 133

  • The projection of non-at-issue meaning via modal support: The meaning and use of the Japanese counter-expectational adverbs
    Osamu Sawada
    2015年, Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics, 88 - 102

  • Review of Modality, Subjectivity, and Semantic Change: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective by Heiko Narrog (2012 Oxford University Press)
    Sawada, Osamu
    2015年, English Linguistics, 32, 223 - 235, 国際共著していない

  • The degree of the speaker’s negative attitude in a goal-shifting comparison
    Sawada, Osamu
    2015年, Proceedings of the 15th Texas Linguistics Society Conference, NA, 150 - 169, 国際共著していない

  • Osamu Sawada
    The Japanese comparative adverb motto has two different uses. In the degree use, motto (typically) compares two individuals and denotes that there is a large gap between the target and a given standard with a norm-related presupposition. On the other hand, in the so-called 'negative use' it conveys the speaker's attitude (often negative) toward the utterance situation. I argue that similarly to the degree motto, the negative motto is a comparative morpheme, but unlike the degree motto it compares a current situation and an expected situation at the level of conventional implicature (CI)/expressive. I argue that the speaker's negative evaluation of the utterance situation in question comes from the large gap between the expected degree and the current degree. The theoretical implications of this paper are that there is a natural extension from semantic comparison to expressive comparison and that there is a type in natural language that can be called an 'indirect expressive', as opposed to 'direct expressives' like bastard and man (Potts, The logic of conventional implicatures, 2005, 2007a; McCready, Linguist Philos 31:671-724, 2009; 35:243-283, 2012). © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
    2014年07月, Linguistics and Philosophy, 37(3) (3), 205 - 248

  • Mark Steedman, Taking Scope: The Natural Semantics of Quantifiers, Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 2012, xviii+306pp. :
    English Literary Society of Japan, 2014年03月, Studies in English literature, 175 - 183, 英語

  • The conventionality of pragmatic inference in noteworthy comparison
    Osamu Sawada
    2014年, Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 233 - 240

  • The meaning of modal affective demonstratives in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    2014年, Japanese/Korean Linguistics 21, 181 - 196

  • Positive polarity minimizers: the semantics/pragmatics interface
    Osamu Sawada
    2014年, Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 175 - 190

  • On the context-dependent pragmatic strategies of Japanese self-diminutive shift
    Osamu Sawada
    2014年, Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung, 18, 377 - 395

  • Osamu Sawada
    Japanese differs from languages like English in that it (usually) has no overt comparative morphology like the English -er/more. However, in Modern Japanese yori can be used as the equivalent of the English comparative morpheme more in limited environments. (It is often assumed that the comparative morpheme yori developed due to the necessity for translation of comparative sentences written in European languages.) The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of the comparative morpheme in Modern Japanese and to consider what its existence tells us about the semantics of 'regular' Japanese comparatives. I argue that in Japanese the comparative morpheme for pure comparison is used in a supplementary way in that it can only be used when a given sentence cannot otherwise express a meaning of comparison. I also argue, building on the idea of selection in Kennedy (Standards of comparison. Handout from Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris, 2007a), that the comparative morpheme yori implicitly selects a standard yori PP (that has a meaning of comparison) at LF. We will also observe that there are native speakers who use the comparative morpheme yori freely as an intensifier meaning 'still more', and I argue that the development of the intensification use can be viewed as another strategy of avoiding the violation of the constraint: do not use a comparative morpheme for pure comparison if it is not necessary. Various proposals have been made regarding where the meaning of comparison is encoded in regular Japanese comparatives: a null comparative morpheme, a standard marker, or a gradable predicate. This paper argues that the development of the comparative morpheme for pure comparison and its 'supplemental' nature provide supportive evidence for the view that the standard marker expresses a meaning of comparison (e.g., Kennedy 2007a; Hayashishita, J East Asian Linguist 18:65-100, 2009; Schwarzschild, "Incomplete" comparatives. Paper presented at MIT workshop on comparatives, 2010). © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
    2013年08月, Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 22(3) (3), 217 - 260

  • The meaning and use of utterance situation-based comparison in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    2013年, Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 221 - 228

  • 日本語モーダル指示詞における意味の多次元性:意味論と語用論のインターフェース
    澤田淳, 澤田治
    2013年, Proceedings of the Kansai Linguistics Society, 33, 73 - 84

  • Precision and manners of measurement: the case of Japanese minimizers
    Osamu Sawada
    2013年, Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 6 (MIT Working Papers in Linguistics), 6, 157 - 168

  • The meaning of diminutive shift in Japanese: Its dimensionality, regularity and pragmatic effect
    Osamu Sawada
    2012年, Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 257 - 260

  • 比較構文の語用論
    2012年, 『構文と意味』(ひつじ意味論講座 vol.2), 澤田治美(編), ひつじ書房., 133 - 155

  • The meanings of diminutive shifts in Japanese
    Sawada, Osamu
    2012年, Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, 42, 163 - 176

  • Osamu Sawada, Thomas Grano
    This paper investigates the semantics of measure phrases in Japanese. Based on new data, we argue that the interpretation of measure phrases in Japanese is sensitive to scale structure such that (i) measure phrases are introduced by a degree morpheme that selects only for gradable predicates whose scale contains a minimal element (i. e., a lower closed scale) and (ii) violations to this restriction are repaired via coercion, which forces a comparative interpretation with a contextually determined standard and hence a minimal element. We compare the Japanese facts to data in other languages and argue that the requirement of having a minimal element is not specific to Japanese, but universal. We show that languages may vary in how they deal with potential violations of this universal constraint, including coercion of a contextually recoverable derived minimal element (Japanese), ungrammaticality (e. g., Spanish, Korean, Russian), and a hybrid system of ungrammaticality for some adjectives and allowed constraint violation for others (e.g., English, German, Italian). © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
    2011年06月, Natural Language Semantics, 19(2) (2), 191 - 226

  • On the expressive use of ano ‘that’ in Japanese: A probability scale approach
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    2011年, Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 49 - 56

  • Comparison, indeterminateness, and the semantics-pragmatics interface
    Osamu Sawada
    2011年, Japanese/Korean Linguistics 18, 18, 315 - 327

  • Comparison with Indeterminateness: A Multidimensional Approach
    Osamu Sawada
    2011年, Proceedings of the 39th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, 645 - 659

  • Osamu Sawada
    In Japanese there are multiple lexical items for positive polarity minimizers (hereinafter, minimizer PPIs), each of which can differ in meaning/use. For example, while sukoshi ‘lit. a bit/a little’ can only express a quantitative (amount) meaning, chotto ‘lit. a bit/a little’ can express either a quantitative meaning or an ‘expressive’ meaning (i.e. attenuation in degree of the force of a speech act). The purpose of this paper is to investigate the semantics and pragmatics of the Japanese minimizer PPIs chotto and sukoshi and to consider (i) the parallelism/non-parallelism between truth conditional scalar meanings and non-truth conditional scalar meanings, and (ii) what mechanism can explain the cross-linguistic and language internal variation between minimizer PPIs. As for the semantics/pragmatics of minimizers, I will argue that although the meanings of the amount and expressive minimizers are logically and dimensionally different (non-parallelism), they can systematically be captured by positing a single lexical item (parallelism). As for the language internal and cross-linguistic variations, it will be shown that there is a point of variation with respect to whether a particular degree morpheme allows a dimensional shift (i.e. an extension from a semantic scale to a pragmatic scale). Based on the above proposals, this paper will also investigate the pragmatic motivation behind the use of minimizers in an evaluative context.
    Linguistic Society of America, 2010年08月, Semantics and Linguistic Theory, 20, 599 - 599

  • Pragmatic Aspects of Scalar Modifiers
    Osamu Sawada
    2010年03月, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago

  • Dimensions of the Japanese minimizers A LITTLE
    Osamu Sawada
    2010年, Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 169 - 176

  • Modes of scalar reversal in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    2010年, Japanese/Korean Linguistics 17, 263 - 277

  • 推意
    2010年, 『言葉の意味と使用』, 澤田治美・高見健一(編), 鳳書房, 246 - 256

  • Saliency and scalarity in the meaning of the Japanese modal affective demonstratives
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    2010年, Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS 7), 111(124) (124)

  • Investigating an asymmetry in the semantics of Japanese measure phrases
    Osamu Sawada, Thomas Grano
    2010年, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 305 - 316

  • Osamu Sawada
    There are two ways to express comparison: implicit comparison (e.g. Compared to Tom, Jim is tall.) and explicit comparison (e.g. Jim is taller than Tom.) (Sapir, 1944; Kennedy, in press). Although implicit comparison and explicit comparison can both be used to express comparison, they have different pragmatic properties. In these examples, the former, but not the latter, implies (a) Tom is not tall and (b) Jim is not definitely tall (possibly borderline). This paper investigates the pragmatic aspects of implicit comparison cross-linguistically (i.e. English and Japanese), considering (1) how it is pragmatically different from explicit comparison, (2) the status of the two implicatures, and (3) how they arise. There are two approaches to explain the implicatures in implicit comparison: a symmetrical (or economy-based) approach, and an asymmetrical (or dependency) approach. In the symmetrical approach, the two implicatures are viewed as deriving from a single processing principle of economy. Under the asymmetrical approach, the implicature in (b) depends on the implicature in (a). I argue that the symmetrical approach is preferable. Since the economy principle is neither stored in a particular lexicon, nor is it a co-operative principle, the implicatures have to be regarded as belonging to a third type of implicature: 'computational implicature.'. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    2009年06月, Journal of Pragmatics, 41(6) (6), 1079 - 1103

  • Pragmatic aspects of the ‘negative use’ of the Japanese adverb motto
    Osamu Sawada
    2009年, Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 175 - 182

  • Varying implicature in contrastiveness
    Osamu Sawada
    2009年, Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages: Collection of the Papers Selected from the CIL 18, Linguistic Society of Korea., 3599 - 3614

  • Two types of adverbial polarity items in Japanese: absolute and relative
    Osamu Sawada
    2008年, Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 263 - 270

  • The multifunctionality of English and Japanese scalar distance constructions: A semantic map approach
    Osamu Sawada
    2008年, Papers from the 40th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 321 - 334

  • 日本語比較文の2重基準性について
    日本語用論学会, 2007年, 『日本語用論学会第9回大会発表論文集』, 2(2) (2), 65 - 72, 日本語

  • The scalar sensitivity of the Japanese scalar additive particles
    Osamu Sawada
    2007年, Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL 2006), vol. 17, 383 - 397

  • From classifier construction to scalar construction: the case of the Japanese N hitotu V nai and N 1-classifier V nai constructions
    Osamu Sawada
    2007年, Japanese/Korean Linguistics 15, 15, 161 - 172

  • Osamu Sawada
    Linguistic Society of America, 2007年, Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 33(1) (1), 374 - 386

  • 「NひとつVない」構文の意味論的語用論的特性について:関連構文との比較を中心にして
    2006年, Proceedings of the Thirtieth Anniversary Meeting of Kansai Linguistic Society 26, 176 - 186

  • 「心理的優先性」のbefore構文に関する一考察:時間性から比較へ
    2006年, 『日本英語学会第23回大会発表論文集』(JELS 23), 220 - 229

  • 「はおろか」構文・「どころか」構文に関する意味論的・語用論的考察
    2006年, 『言外と言内の交流分野 : 小泉保博士傘寿記念論文集』, 上田功, 野田尚史 (編), 大学書林, 243 - 252

  • “May/ might (just) as well”構文について―多機能性と捉え方との関係を中心にして
    2005年03月, 『日本英語学会第22回大会発表論文集』(JELS 22), 181 - 190

  • 日英語の譲歩条件構文における相関的スケール性について
    2005年, Ars linguistica, 12, 59 - 68

  • スケール推意とその取り消しの関係について:一次元的スケール・モデルから多次元的スケール・モデルまで
    2005年, 『早稲田大学 教育学研究科紀要』別冊12(2), 215 - 225

  • “X if not Y” 構文における「譲歩タイプ」と「棚上げタイプ」について
    2004年11月, Ars linguistica (「小泉保先生喜寿記念特集号」), 11, 176 - 193

  • The cognitive characteristics of the idiomatic comparative constructions: The case of the ‘no more/less…than’ constructions
    Osamu Sawada
    2004年, Proceedings of the 9th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 273 - 279

  • The scalar if not construction: syntactic, semantic and pragmatic conditions of its two readings
    Osamu Sawada
    2003年, Proceedings of the 7th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied linguistics, 189 - 198

  • The two-dimensional scale of the concessive conditional construction: The case of English even if construction
    Osamu Sawada
    2003年, Proceedings of the 8th conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 424 - 433

  • Rethinking the let alone construction: what are its construction-specific characteristics?
    Osamu Sawada
    2003年, Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 7, 135 - 151

■ 書籍等出版物
  • Polarity-Sensitive Expressions: Comparisons Between Japanese and Other Languages
    Hideki Kishimoto, Osamu Sawada, Ikumi Imani
    共編者(共編著者), De Gruyter Mouton, 2023年12月

  • 人文学を解き放つ
    分担執筆, ことばの意味について考える―フェイクニュース、真理、スケール性―, 神戸大学出版会, 2023年03月, ISBN: 9784909364197

  • 形態論と語形成
    Huddleston, Rodney D., Pullum, Geoffrey K., 畠山, 雄二, 今仁, 生美, 伊藤, たかね, 由本, 陽子, 澤田, 治, 川原, 功司
    開拓社, 2021年07月, ISBN: 9784758913706

  • 英語上達40レッスン : 言語学から見た4技能の伸ばし方
    畠山雄二, 縄田裕幸, 本田謙介, 田中江扶, 澤田治, 菅原真理子, 今仁生美
    朝倉書店, 2020年07月, ISBN: 9784254510652

  • 極性表現の構造・意味・機能
    澤田, 治, 岸本, 秀樹, 今仁, 生美
    開拓社, 2019年11月, ISBN: 9784758922807

  • 談話分析キーターム事典
    Baker, Paul, Ellece, Sibonile, 澤田, 治美, 澤田, 治, 澤田, 淳
    開拓社, 2018年12月, 日本語, ISBN: 9784758922678

  • Pragmatic aspects of scalar modifiers : The semantics-pragmatics interface
    Osamu Sawada
    単著, Oxford University Press, 2017年12月, 英語, ISBN: 9780198714231

  • Papers from the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. 2007. Volume 43-1. (CLS 43-1: The Main Session)
    Elliot, Malcolm, James Kirby, Osamu Sawada, Eleni Staraki, Suwon Yoon
    共編者(共編著者), Chicago Linguistic Society, 2009年, ISBN: 0914203703

  • Papers from the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 43-2: The Panels)
    Malcolm Elliot, James Kirby, Osamu Sawada, Eleni Staraki, Suwon Yoon
    共編者(共編著者), Chicago Linguistic Society, 2009年, 英語, ISBN: 9780914203711

■ 講演・口頭発表等
  • The meanings of the Japanese numerical additive particles ato and moo: Their interaction with eventuality and intensional operators
    Osamu Sawada
    Evidence-based Linguistics Workshop 2024. NINJAL, Tokyo, 2024年09月, 英語

  • Varieties of wh-exclamatives: A view from the negative wh-expressives in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    The 19th Modality Workshop. Shizuoka Prefectural Central Library, 2024年09月, 英語

  • Scale structures of numeral additive particles in Japanese: Their interaction with eventuality and intensionality
    Osamu Sawada
    ESSLLI 2024 workshop, “Incremental constructions within and across languages: where degrees, eventualities and discourse dynamics interact”, KU Leuven, 2024年07月, 英語

  • The inferential use of the Japanese NP-no koto-da(-kara): Its dependent relationship with modal sentences
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    Comparative Syntax, Semantics, and Language Acquisition #3, Nanzan University, 2024年07月, 英語

  • Expressivity in Japanese: Cross-linguistic and language-internal variations
    Osamu Sawada
    The 18th Modality Workshop, 2024年03月, 英語

  • On the similarities and differences between ordinary wh questions and negative wh expressives
    Osamu Sawada
    「疑問詞文のプロソディーに関する音声学・言語学の融合的・実証的研究」, 科研研究会, 2024年03月, 英語

  • Ambiguity of the Japanese negative comparative expression kurabe mono-ni nara-nai ’cannot be compared’.
    Osamu Sawada
    The 2024 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 2024年01月, 英語

  • On the meaning and use of the Japanese negative comparative expression kurabe mono-ni nara-nai ‘cannot be compared’
    Osamu Sawada
    Kobe Linguistics Symposium (jointly held with Semantics Workshop in Tokai and Kansai), 2023年12月, 英語

  • The Japanese negative polarity item hitotsu ‘even’: An event semantics approach
    Osamu Sawada
    Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 20 (LENLS 20), 2023年11月, 英語

  • The ambiguous negative comparison: With special reference to the Japanese kurabe mono-ni nara-nai ‘cannot be compared’
    Osamu Sawada
    Symposium: Comparative Constructions in English and Other Languages, English Linguistic Society of Japan, 2023年11月, 英語

  • Projective properties of sense-based low-degree modifiers: A comparison with predicates of personal taste
    Osamu Sawada
    Evidence-based Linguistics Workshop 2023, 2023年09月, 英語

  • Scale structures of numerical additive particles: The case of the Japanese particles moo and ato
    Osamu Sawada
    The 16th Modality Workshop, 2023年09月, 英語

  • Expressivity, expectations, and relation to focus in the Japanese minimizer NPI kakera ‘piece’
    Osamu Sawada
    Semantics Workshop in Osaka, 2023年08月, 英語

  • On the interpretation of the Japanese mirative demonstrative ano
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    Comparative Syntax, Semantics, and Language Acquisition #1, 2023年05月, 英語

  • Typology of wh-exclamatives: A view from the Negative wh-expressive in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    Workshop on Semantics: Gradability, Scales and more, 2023年03月, 英語

  • The expressive and expectational properties of the Japanese minimizer NPI kakera ‘piece’ and the relationship with focus
    Osamu Sawada
    Meaning and Grammar Seminar, University of Edinburgh, 2023年03月, 英語

  • Sense-based low-degree modifiers in Japanese and English
    Osamu Sawada
    Oxford Kobe Linguistics Symposium, Oxford University, 2023年03月, 英語

  • Varieties of wh-exclamatives: A view from the negative wh-expressives in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    The 97th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 2023年01月, 英語

  • The expressivity, expectation, and relationship with focus of the Japanese minimizer NPI kakera ‘piece’
    Osamu Sawada
    Semantics Roundtable. University of Washington, 2022年11月, 英語

  • モーラに基づく最小詞「XY…のXの字」の曖昧性について:コーパスデータを用いての考察
    澤田 治
    Evidence-based Linguistics Workshop 2022, 2022年09月, 日本語

  • On the interpretation of negative wh-expressives in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    Kobe-Oxford Linguistics Colloquium (日本語研究の最前線3). Kobe University, 2022年08月, 英語

  • On the properties of expressivity and counter-expectation in the Japanese negative polarity item kakera ‘piece’
    Osamu Sawada
    Kobe-NINJAL Linguistics Colloquium (日本語研究の最前線2), Kobe University, 2022年03月, 英語

  • On the properties of expressivity and counter-expectation in the Japanese minimizer NPI kakera ‘piece’
    Osamu Sawada
    The 96th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 2022年01月, 英語

  • The scalar contrastive wa in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris (CSSP 2021), 2021年12月, 英語

  • Interpretations of sense-based minimizers in Japanese and English: Local and global sense-based measurements
    Osamu Sawada
    The Eighteenth International Workshop of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 18 (LENLS18), 2021年11月, 英語

  • 感情表出性を持つ不定表現の意味・機能
    澤田 治
    日本英文学会北海道支部第66 回大会 (シンポジウム「不定語研究の展開と展望」), 2021年11月, 日本語

  • Sense-based minimizers in Japanese and English: Speaker’s experience, evaluation, and the relation with emotions
    Osamu Sawada
    ICU Linguistics Colloquium, 2021年04月, 英語

  • The scalar properties of English and Japanese sense-based minimizers
    Osamu Sawada
    The 95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 2021年01月, 英語

  • Sense-based minimizers in English and Japanese: Speaker’s experience and classification of scales
    Osamu Sawada
    International Conference on English Linguistics, 2020年10月, 英語

  • The Japanese reactive attitudinal nani-mo: Polarity sensitivity and the pragmatic function of objection
    Osamu Sawada
    Japanese/Korean Linguistics 28, 2020年09月, 英語

  • 日本語のモーラに基づく最小詞の (非) 字義的用法について: 形式意味論・対照言語学的アプローチ
    澤田 治
    Prosody and Grammar Festa 4, 2020年02月, 日本語

  • The meaning and use of the Japanese mirative expressions nante/towaThe meaning and use of the Japanese mirative expressions nante/towa
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    神戸大学言語学年末研究会, 2019年12月, 英語

  • The ambiguity of tense in the Japanese mirative sentence with nante/towa
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 16 (LENLS 16), 2019年11月, 英語

  • The interpretation of tense in the Japanese mirative expressions nante/towa
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    Functional Categories and Expressive Meaning, 2019年09月, 英語

  • 「のことだ(から)」の推論用法について―モダリティとの関係性を中心に
    澤田淳, 澤田治
    The 16th Modality Workshop, 2019年08月, 日本語

  • The meaning and use of the Japanese mirative expressions nante/towa
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    The 16th Modality Workshop, 2019年08月, 英語

  • 推論用法の「NPのことだ(から)」の因果的特性について―形式、意味、談話のインターフェース―
    澤田 治, 澤田淳
    Kansai Linguistic Society 44 (Workshop: 日本語における意味と語用のインターフェース:談話表現を中心に), 2019年07月, 英語

  • On the literal and non-literal interpretations of the Japanese mora-based minimizer
    Osamu Sawada
    The International Workshop on Degrees and Grammar: An East Asian Perspective (DeG 2019), 2019年03月, 英語

  • On the meaning and use of the Japanese mora-based minimizers
    Osamu Sawada
    The 15th Modality Workshop, 2019年03月, 英語

  • The scalarity and alternatives of Japanese mora (letter)-based minimizers
    Osamu Sawada
    The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 2019年01月, 英語

  • The Japanese negative totemo: From an unconditional expression to an expressive intensifier
    Osamu Sawada
    Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 15 (LENLS 15), 2018年11月, 英語

  • On the Japanese NPI totemo: Between unconditionality and intensification
    Osamu Sawada
    The 14th International Modality Workshop, 2018年08月, 英語

  • The Japanese inferential -no koto-da-(kara): Explicit and implicit causal marking
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    Workshop “Implicit and explicit marking of discourse relations: The comparison between causals vs. conditionals”, 2018年05月, 英語

  • Expressive NPIs: The case of the Japanese negative totemo
    Osamu Sawada
    Semantics and Pragmatics Workshop at Mie University, 2018年04月, 英語

  • On the inferential use of the Japanese NP-no koto-da(-kara): The dependent relationship with a modal statement
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    Semantics Workshop in Tokai, 2018年03月, 英語

  • The mirative demonstrative in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    The 13th International Modality Workshop, 2018年03月, 英語

  • Scale structures in discourse: Discourse-pragmatic properties of the Japanese comparative expressions sore-yori and nani-yori
    Osamu Sawada
    Semantics Research Group. Keio University, 2018年03月, 英語

  • Scale structures in discourse: The discourse-pragmatic properties of the Japanese comparative expressions
    Osamu Sawada
    The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 2018年01月, 英語

  • The dependent property of the Japanese inferential use of no koto-da: An evidence indicator for an inferential modal statement
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 14 (LENLS 14), 2017年11月, 英語

  • The Japanese negative totemo ‘very’: Toward a new typology of negative polarity items
    Osamu Sawada
    The 12th International Modality Workshop, 2017年08月, 英語

  • The context-dependency of the Japanese discourse marker sore-yori ‘than it’: The interaction between a CI and a general pragmatic principle
    Osamu Sawada
    第100回待兼山ことばの会/Semantics Workshop in Tokai, 2017年08月, 英語

  • Goal-shifting and the structure of discourse: The case of the Japanese discourse-oriented comparative expression sore-yori
    Osamu Sawada
    The 85th annual congress of the Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas). Workshop: Actes de discours et conversations, 2017年05月, 英語

  • Information structure of the Japanese modal demonstrative ano
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    Semantics Workshop in Tokai, 2017年03月, 英語

  • Modal demonstratives in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    The 11th International Modality Workshop, 2017年03月, 英語

  • Interpretations of the embedded expressive motto in Japanese: Varieties of meaning and projectivity
    Osamu Sawada
    DGfS Workshop: Secondary Information & Linguistic Encoding, 2017年03月, 英語

  • Interpretations of embedded pragmatic scalar modifiers
    Osamu Sawada
    Ling Supper. Mie University, 2017年02月, 英語

  • Interpretations of embedded expressives: A view from the Japanese comparative expressive motto
    Osamu Sawada
    Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 13 (LENLS 13), 2016年11月, 英語

  • On the property of mirativity in the Japanese modal demonstrative ano
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    The 24th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, 2016年10月, 英語

  • The Japanese negative totemo ‘very’: Toward a new typology of negative polarity items
    Osamu Sawada
    Semantics Workshop in Tokai, 2016年09月, 英語

  • Interpretations of embedded pragmatic scalar modifiers
    Osamu Sawada
    The 10th International Modality Workshop, 2016年08月, 英語

  • The Japanese negative totemo ‘very’: Toward a new typology of negative sensitive items
    Osamu Sawada
    The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 2016年04月, 英語

  • Modal demonstratives in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    Semantics Workshop in Tokai, 2016年03月, 英語

  • Varieties of not-at-issue meanings: with special reference to the Japanese positive polarity minimizers
    Osamu Sawada
    The 9th International Modality Workshop, 2016年03月, 英語

  • The (non)-projective properties of the Japanese counter-expectational intensifier yoppodo
    Osamu Sawada
    The 90th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 2016年01月, 英語

  • The projection of non-at-issue meaning via modal support: The meaning and use of the Japanese counter-expectational adverbs
    Osamu Sawada
    Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 12 (LENLS 12), 2015年11月, 英語

  • 語用論的スケール表現の投射的振る舞いについて: モダリティ表現の関与の可能性を考える (Projective behaviors of the Japanese pragmatic scalar modifiers: sensitivity of projection to modal and other related expressions)
    澤田 治
    The 20th ICR seminar.「視点」が関わる言語表現をめぐって, 2015年11月, 日本語

  • Pragmatic aspects of scalar modifiers
    Osamu Sawada
    Semantics Workshop in Tokai, 2015年10月, 英語

  • The Japanese negative totemo ‘very’: Toward a new typology of negative sensitive items
    Osamu Sawada
    The Göttingen workshop on negation and polarity, 2015年09月, 英語

  • Interpretations of embedded pragmatic scalar modifiers in Japanese: projection via modal support
    Osamu Sawada
    The 8th International Modality Workshop, 2015年08月, 英語

  • Varieties of positive polarity minimizers in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    Mie University Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition, 2015年07月, 英語

  • Projective properties of the Japanese counter-expectational scalar adverbs yoppodo and kaette: a new class of projective content
    Osamu Sawada
    Semantics Workshop in Tokai, 2015年03月, 英語

  • Varieties of positive polarity minimizers in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    Workshop: Varieties of Positive Polarity Items. DGfS 2015, 2015年03月, 英語

  • The meanings of the Japanese scalar adverbs yoppodo and kaette and their projective behaviors
    Osamu Sawada
    The 7th International Modality Workshop via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2015年02月, 英語

  • Polarity sensitivity of the Japanese intensifier totemo ‘very’
    Osamu Sawada
    The 89th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 2015年01月, 英語

  • On the negative use of the Japanese intensifier totemo ‘very’
    Osamu Sawada
    The 17th Annual Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 2014年11月, 英語

  • Polarity sensitivity and update refusal: the case of the Japanese negative totemo ‘very’
    Osamu Sawada
    Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 11 (LENLS 11), 2014年11月, 英語

  • The degree of the speaker’s negative attitude in a goal-shifting comparison
    Osamu Sawada
    The 15th Texas Linguistics Society Conference. University of Texas Austin, 2014年10月, 英語

  • Modality, polarity, and intensification: the meaning and distributions of the Japanese negative use of totemo ‘very’
    Osamu Sawada
    The 6th International Modality Workshop via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2014年08月, 英語

  • Varieties of goal: the goal-oriented comparisons in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    The Semantics of African, Asian and Austronesian Languages (TripleA 1), 2014年06月, 英語

  • Modal affective demonstratives in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    Semantics Workshop in Tokai, 2014年03月, 英語

  • Comparison and goal-orientedness
    Osamu Sawada
    The Fifth International Modality Workshop via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2014年03月, 英語

  • The concept of degree in discourse structure: The case of noteworthy comparison
    Osamu Sawada
    The 88th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 2014年01月, 英語

  • The conventionality of pragmatic inference in noteworthy comparison
    Osamu Sawada
    The 16th Annual Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 2013年12月, 英語

  • Cross-linguistic variation of intensified comparison: the semantics/pragmatics interface
    Osamu Sawada
    Workshop on Semantic Variation. University of Chicago, 2013年10月, 英語

  • On the context-dependent pragmatic strategies of Japanese diminutive shift
    Osamu Sawada
    Sinn und Bedeutung 18. University of the Basque country, 2013年09月, 英語

  • The meaning and use of noteworthy comparison
    Osamu Sawada
    The Fourth International Modality Workshop via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2013年08月, 英語

  • The modal demonstratives in Japanese: a mismatch between at-issue and non-at-issue meanings
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    International Congress of Linguistics (ICL19), Semantics/Pragmatics Interfaces. University of Geneva, 2013年07月, 英語

  • The context-dependency of Japanese diminutive shift
    Osamu Sawada
    The Third International Modality Workshop via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2013年03月, 英語

  • An utterance situation-based comparison: the case of the Japanese comparative adverb motto
    Osamu Sawada
    Nanzan University Linguistics Colloquium, 2012年12月, 英語

  • The meaning and use of utterance situation-based comparison in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    The 15th Annual Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 2012年12月, 英語

  • The utterance situation-based comparison in the Japanese degree adverb motto
    Osamu Sawada
    The 22nd Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, 2012年10月, 英語

  • Precision and manners of measurement: The case of Japanese minimizers
    Osamu Sawada
    Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 6 (FAJL), 2012年09月, 英語

  • Imprecision and speaker-orientedness in the interpretation of Japanese minimizers
    Osamu Sawada
    The Second International Modality Workshop (via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research), 2012年08月, 英語

  • 日本語モーダル指示詞における意味の多次元性: 意味論と語用論のインターフェース
    澤田淳, 澤田治
    The 37th Meeting of the Kansai Linguistic Society, 2012年06月, 日本語

  • Expressivity and measurement: the case of the Japanese degree adverb motto
    Osamu Sawada
    The Modality Workshop (via Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research), 2012年03月, 英語

  • The meaning of diminutive shift in Japanese: its dimensionality, regularity and pragmatic effect
    Osamu Sawada
    The 14th Annual Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 2011年12月, 英語

  • The meanings of diminutive shifts in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    The 42nd Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, 2011年11月, 英語

  • The meanings of modal affective demonstratives in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    The 21st Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, 2011年10月, 英語

  • Diminutive shifts in Japanese: a phonology-pragmatics interface
    Osamu Sawada
    The Prosody-Discourse Interface IDP, 2011年09月, 英語

  • The role of scalarity in language use: the semantics/pragmatics interface
    Osamu Sawada
    PHILOLOGIA (Mie daigaku eigo kenkyuukai). Mie University, 2010年12月, 英語

  • Speaker-oriented use of Japanese numeral quantifiers
    Osamu Sawada
    The 9th Workshop on Inferential Mechanisms and their Linguistic Manifestation, and Kyunghee Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing. Kyoto University, 2010年12月, 英語

  • On the expressive use of ano ‘that’ in Japanese: A probability scale approach
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    The 13th Annual Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 2010年12月, 英語

  • Saliency and scalarity in the meaning of the Japanese modal affective demonstratives
    Osamu Sawada, Jun Sawada
    The 7th International Workshop of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS), 2010年11月, 英語

  • On the dual-use phenomenon of scalar modifiers
    Osamu Sawada
    The 8th Workshop on Inferential Mechanisms and their Linguistic Manifestation. Kyoto University, 2010年07月, 英語

  • 日本語の数量的累加表現におけるスケール構造について
    澤田 治
    The 140th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, Workshop on recent advances in formal approaches to lexical semantics/pragmatics based on scale structures, 2010年06月, 日本語

  • Scale structures of numerical additive particles in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    Speaking of Possibility and Time (The 7th Workshop on Inferential Mechanisms and their Linguistic Manifestation). Lichtenberg-Kolleg Göttingen, 2010年06月, 英語

  • The meanings of positive polarity minimizers in Japanese: a unified approach
    Osamu Sawada
    Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 20, 2010年04月, 英語

  • Positive polarity minimizers: the semantics/pragmatics interface
    Osamu Sawada
    The 46th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 2010年04月, 英語

  • The multidimensionality of the Japanese minimizers sukoshi/chotto ‘a little’
    Osamu Sawada
    The 84th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 2010年01月, 英語

  • Dimensions of the Japanese minimizers A LITTLE
    Osamu Sawada
    The 12th Annual Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 2009年12月, 英語

  • The meaning of numerical additive particles: The case of Japanese ato and moo
    Osamu Sawada
    The 9th International Conference on Tense, Aspect and Modality (Workshop on Scalarity and Event Structure), 2009年09月, 英語

  • Understanding Variation in the distribution of measure phrase: a view from Japanese
    Osamu Sawada, Thomas Grano
    The Workshop on Comparatives. University of Chicago, 2009年03月, 英語

  • Investigating an asymmetry in the semantics of Japanese measure phrases
    Osamu Sawada, Thomas Grano
    The 35th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 2009年02月, 英語

  • Pragmatic aspects of the ‘negative use’ of the Japanese adverb motto
    Osamu Sawada
    The 11th Annual Meeting of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 2008年12月, 英語

  • Comparison, indeterminateness, and the semantics-pragmatics interface
    Osamu Sawada
    The 18th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference November 13-15, 2008., 2008年11月, 英語

  • Comparison with indeterminateness: A multidimensional approach
    Osamu Sawada
    The 39th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS), 2008年11月, 英語

  • Direct and differential measurement in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada, Thomas Grano
    In Search of Meaning in the Midwest (The 3rd Annual Midwest Workshop on Semantics), 2008年10月, 英語

  • Varying implicature in contrastiveness
    Osamu Sawada
    The 18th International Congress of Linguistics (CIL 18), 2008年07月, 英語

  • Japanese scale-reversal adverbs and the logic of conventional implicature
    Osamu Sawada
    The Workshop on Semantics and Philosophy of Language. University of Chicago, 2008年04月, 英語

  • Vagueness and adverbial polarity items
    Osamu Sawada
    Vagueness and Language Use. École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 2008年04月, 英語

  • Adverbial polarity items in Japanese: relative and absolute
    Osamu Sawada
    Student Mini-Conference. University of Chicago, 2008年03月, 英語

  • The comparative morpheme in Modern Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    The 34th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 2008年02月, 英語

  • Scalar/polar properties of ‘at all’ items in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 2008年01月, 英語

  • Two types of ‘at all’ in Japanese: absolute and relative
    Osamu Sawada
    The 10th Annual Meeting of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 2007年12月, 英語

  • Modes of scalar reversal in Japanese
    Osamu Sawada
    The 17th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, 2007年11月, 英語

  • Pragmatic properties of the Japanese scalar reversal adverbs
    Osamu Sawada
    The 2nd Annual Midwest Workshop on Semantics, 2007年10月, 英語

  • The Japanese contrastive -wa: the ‘scalar type’ and the ‘polarity type’
    Osamu Sawada
    Student Mini-Conference. University of Chicago, 2007年03月, 英語

  • The Japanese contrastive wa: a mirror image of EVEN
    Osamu Sawada
    The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 2007年02月, 英語

  • Pragmatic aspects of implicit comparison
    Osamu Sawada
    The 81st Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 2007年01月, 英語

  • 日本語比較文の2重基準性について
    澤田 治
    The 9th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 2006年12月, 日本語

  • Scalar sensitivity of the Japanese scalar additive particles
    Osamu Sawada
    The Western Conference on Linguistics 2006 (WECOL 2006), 2006年10月, 英語

  • Pragmatic aspects of 'compared to'
    Osamu Sawada
    The First Midwest Workshop on Semantics, 2006年10月, 英語

  • Scalarity and the rhetorical negative constructions
    Osamu Sawada
    The Fourth International Conference on Construction Grammar, 2006年09月, 英語

  • 「心理的優先性」を表すbefore構文に関する一考察:時間性から比較へ
    澤田 治
    The Twenty-third Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan, 日本語

  • From classifier construction to scalar construction: the case of Japanese N hitotu V nai and N 1-classifier V nai
    Osamu Sawada
    The 15th Japanese/ Korean Linguistics Conference, 2005年10月, 英語

  • The cognitive patterns of construals in comparatives
    Osamu Sawada
    The 10th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 2005年08月, 英語

  • The possible semantic diversity of the comparative constructions in English and Japanese: A construction-based approach
    Osamu Sawada
    The 9th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, 2005年07月, 英語

  • 序列の逆転を表す程度副詞の意味論と語用論 :「かえって」、「むしろ」、「よっぽど」を中心として
    澤田 治
    The 130th meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 2005年06月, 日本語

  • 「NひとつVない」構文の意味論的・語用論的特性について:関連 構文との比較を中心として
    澤田 治
    Kansai Linguistic Society 30, 2005年06月, 日本語

  • イディオム的比較構文から捉えた「比較文」の本質:構文理論的アプローチ
    澤田 治
    The 129th meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 2004年11月, 日本語

  • On the may/might just as well construction: Its multifunctionality and the speaker’s construal
    Osamu Sawada
    The Twenty-Second Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan, 2004年11月, 英語

  • 比較文における尺度的捉え方について:「高低的捉え方」と「遠近的捉え方」を中心として
    澤田 治
    The 128th meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 2004年06月, 日本語

  • The multifuncionality of English and Japanese scalar distance constructions: A semantic map approach
    Osamu Sawada
    The 40th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 2004年04月, 英語

  • The cognitive characteristics of the idiomatic comparative constructions: a case of the ‘no more…than’ and ‘no less…than’ constructions
    Osamu Sawada
    The 9th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 2004年08月, 英語

  • スケール推意の取り消し方について:1次元的スケール・モデルから3次元的スケール・モデルまで
    Osamu Sawada
    The 6th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 2003年12月, 日本語

  • 日英語における「尺度隔たり」構文の多機能性について:意味地図的アプローチ
    澤田 治
    The 127th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 2003年11月, 日本語

  • The two-dimensional scale of the concessive conditional construction: the case of English even if construction
    Osamu Sawada
    The 8th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 2003年08月, 英語

  • 譲歩条件構文における相関的スケール性について:日英対照言語学的アプローチ
    澤田 治
    The 126th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 2003年06月, 日本語

  • Construction Grammar as a theory for second language learning
    Osamu Sawada
    The 13 the World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA), 2002年12月, 英語

  • Two types of the if not construction: viewed from contextual givenness
    Osamu Sawada
    The 5th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 2002年12月, 英語

  • The semantics and pragmatics of the scalar 'if not' constructions
    The 7th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 2002年12月, 英語

  • 「はおろか・どころか」構文に関する一考察:意味論的尺度と語用論的尺度のメカニズムを探る
    澤田 治
    The 124th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 2002年06月, 日本語

  • Let aloneのイディオム的特性について
    Osamu Sawada
    The Society of English Language and Literature at Waseda University, 2001年12月, 日本語

  • Let aloneの構文一考察―「肯定文」に現れる場合を中心として―
    Osamu Sawada
    The 4th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 2001年12月, 日本語

■ 所属学協会
  • 関西言語学会

  • 日本語用論学会

  • 日本英語学会

  • 日本言語学会

  • Linguistic Society of America

■ 共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題
  • 極性とスケール性の観点から見た最小化詞の多様性に関する意味論的・語用論的研究
    澤田 治
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 2022年04月01日 - 2026年03月31日

  • 疑問詞文のプロソディーに関する音声学・言語学の融合的・実証的研究
    田中 真一, 松井 理直, ホワン ヒョンギョン, 岸本 秀樹, 澤田 治, 竹安 大, 高橋 康徳, Poppe CP, 植田 尚樹, 竹村 亜紀子
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 神戸大学, 2021年04月01日 - 2025年03月31日

  • 言語の意味理解におけるスケール・比較概念の汎用性:語用論、談話構造への発展
    南 英理, 澤田 治, 水谷 謙太
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 大阪大学, 2021年04月01日 - 2025年03月31日
    本研究の目的は、(i) 意味論・語用論における「スケール」という概念の相互作用と(ii)意味論レベルから語用論レベル、さらに談話レベルへの拡張のあり方を明らかにすることである。 本年度は、(i)に関しては、contrastive topicを表す「は」、scalar/additiveを表す「も」、「少なくとも」の意味論・語用論の検討、「は」「も」と比較文の共起とそれがもたらす語用論的効果を検討した。(ii)については、「何よりも」「それより」の談話上の機能について検討した。 (i)については、contrastive topicの「は」がentailmentに基づく非スケール的な意味ではなく、スケールの意味を基本としていることを「おいしいはおいしい」のような表現に基づいて明らかにした。このようなスケールの意味を基本としていることを基に、比較文と共起した場合に生じるimplicationを説明できることを示した。また、「も」と同等比較文についても同様の分析が必要であることを示した。 (ii)については、「何よりも」「それより」が比較の「より」とどのような点で異なるかを検討した。

  • 慣習的推意の多様性に関する実証的・理論的研究:視点と依存性を中心に
    澤田 治
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 三重大学, 2018年04月01日 - 2022年03月31日
    本プロジェクトの目的は、慣習的推意(conventional implicature)(CI)の多様性について、とりわけ「視点」と「依存性」の観点から、実証的・理論的に考察し、CIの理論的特性を再検討し、新たなCIについての理論を考察することである。1年目にあたる今年度の具体的な研究内容・成果は以下の通りである。 [1] CIの意味を持つ感情表出的な「何も」と「とても」の否定的モダリティとの共起性・呼応関係について、語用論的機能の観点から考察し、研究の内容をLENLS 2018、名古屋学院大学、三重大学でのワークショップで発表した。 [2] CI用法(否定用法)の「もっと」が態度補文の中に埋め込まれた場合の意味解釈について考察し、論文としてまとめた。 [3] 非字義的に使われるモーラに基づく最小表現「X.Y.ZのXの字も」の意味(例:「サッカーのサの字も知らない」)について分析し、Linguistic Society of America 2019にてポスター発表を行い、論文としてまとめた。 [4] 少量を表す「ちょっと」、「少し」、「僅かに」の意味的な違いについて考察し、それらの違いは、CIのレベルにおけるスケールの粒状性(granularity)の違いであるということを様々な例・テストを用いて論証し、論文としてまとめた。 [5] 研究協力者の澤田淳氏とともに、推論用法の「NPのことだ」について考察し、推論用法の「NPのこと(だから)」と後続発話におけるモダリティ表現との呼応関係に関して、証拠性と因果関係の観点から考察し、CIレベルにおける因果性のメカニズムを提案した。研究の内容については、2018年5月にドイツで行われた国際ワークショップで発表を行った。また、「驚き」用法の「あの」の意味・機能およびCI的特性について形式意味論・語用論の観点から考察し、論文を執筆・投稿した。

  • 非真理条件的スケール表現の談話構造とコンテクスト変換機能
    澤田 治
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B), 若手研究(B), 三重大学, 2014年04月01日 - 2018年03月31日
    本プロジェクトでは、非真理条件的スケール表現の談話構造とコンテクスト変換機能について考察した。「それより」、「とても」、「よっぽど」や驚きを表す指示詞「あの」などの様々な非真理条件(語用論)なスケール的意味に焦点を当て、(i) スケール性や比較の概念は、意味論レベルのみならず、談話レベルにおいても体系的な形で存在し、(ii)我々はそれらの概念を柔軟に使って、相手に対する反論、話題の転換、意外性等、様々な話者志向的意味を伝達しているという点を形式意味論・語用論の観点から論証した。

  • モダリティに関する意味論的・語用論的研究
    澤田 治美, 久保 進, 和佐 敦子, 吉良 文孝, 澤田 治, 長友 俊一郎, 澤田 淳
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), 関西外国語大学, 2011年04月01日 - 2015年03月31日
    本研究の成果は以下のようにまとめることができる。 ①モダリティに関して、「証拠性」に基づいた新しい分析視点を確立した。②英語だけでなく、スウェーデン語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語、フランス語、(古典)日本語など多岐にわたる言語資料を材料とした。③志向性、推意、言語行為論、驚嘆性、コントロ-ルサイクル、ダイクシス、会話分析、因果性、主観性、動機づけ、“modality packaging”、条件性など多様な概念や枠組みを用いて分析がなされた。

  • 自然言語におけるスケール性の意味・機能上の役割:形式意味論・語用論的アプローチ
    澤田 治
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B), 若手研究(B), 三重大学, 2011年 - 2013年
    本研究では、自然言語におけるスケール性の意味・機能上の役割について、意味論と語用論のインターフェースの観点から考察した。具体的には、程度副詞、比較表現、モーダル指示詞、指小シフト等のスケール現象に焦点を当て、真理条件的なスケール的意味と非真理条件的なスケール的意味(慣習的推意)の関係について考察した。本研究により、(i)スケール性は、狭義の意味論レベルのみならず、ポライトネス、発話モード、会話の優先性、感情表出等が関わった意味伝達(語用論)の次元においても重要な役割を果たしており、(ii) 意味論レベルのスケール構造と語用論レベルのスケール構造の間には平行性があるということが明らかになった。

  • スケール表現の意味論・語用論:次元性とコンテクスト依存性
    澤田 治
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 特別研究員奨励費, 京都大学, 2010年 - 2012年

  • 日英語のスケール構文に関する意味論的・語用論的研究
    澤田 治
    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 特別研究員奨励費, 早稲田大学, 2005年 - 2005年
    本研究の研究成果として主に以下の3点が挙げられる。 (1)「比較構文のスケール的捉え方」 本研究では、概念化主体が複数の事象の相対的関係を言語化する際には、常に中立的な視点でそれらを比較しているわけではなく、しばしば主観的「前提」に立っているという点に注目した。たとえば、「太郎に比べたら次郎は賢い」という文では、太郎も次郎も「それほど賢いわけではない」という前提がある。このような前提を踏まえた上での比較は、日英語のイディオム的比較構文に数多く見られる。「前提を踏まえて比較をすることの語用論的効果とは何か」という点を認知言語学、機能言語学、語用論の観点から明らかにした。 (2)「序列の逆転副詞の意味論的・語用論的メカニズム」 日本語の副詞の中には、たとえば「よっぽど」、「かえって」、「むしろ」のように、もともとのスケール上での序列を逆転させる機能をもつものがある。たとえば、「自炊の方が外食より{かえって、むしろ、よっぽど}高くつく」では、「外食>自炊」という費用のランクが逆転し、「自炊>外食」というランクに逆転している。スケール上での逆転という認知プロセスをもった副詞は、英語には見られないという点で興味深い。本研究では、序列の逆転プロセスは「既存の想定構造を覆し、話し手自身の主観的な序列へと変換する認知過程」であるということを認知言語学、および語用論の観点から明らかにした。 (3)「助数詞のスケール構文への文法化」 本研究では、「NひとつVない」構文の文法化に注目した(例:花子はあいさつひとつしない)。この構文における「つ」は脱助数詞化していると考えられる。本研究では、「つ」が脱助数詞化し、「ひとつ」全体が「さえ」のような単独のスケール詞(scalar particle)に変化したという仮説を立て、構文文法(construction grammar)および文法化(grammaticalization)の観点から説明を試みた。

■ 学術貢献活動
  • Journal reviewing: Natural Language Semantics; Journal of Semantics; Natural Language and Linguistic Theory; Journal of Pragmatics; Journal of East Asian Linguistics; Glossa; Lingua; Journal of Linguistics; Gengo Kenkyu; English Linguistics; Studies in Pragmatics