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WATANABE KyosukeGraduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation / Department of Science, Technology and InnovationAssociate Professor
Research activity information
■ Paper- Chronic oxidative stress induces deterioration of health and a risk for the onset of various diseases. Previous clinical studies revealed that electrolyzed hydrogen water (EHW) is effective to reduce oxidative stress during hemodialysis in patients with chronic dialysis. In the present observational study, we investigated the antioxidant effects of a daily continuous intake of EHW in healthy adults. The concentrations of serum reactive oxygen metabolites-derived compounds (d-ROMs) and blood urea nitrogen in healthy volunteers (n = 64) who had a habit of intake over 500 mL/day of EHW at least 5 days a week for longer than 6 months were lower than those of age- and sex-matched controls (n = 470) without the habit of EHW intake. Oxidation stress index which the ratio between concentrations in d-ROMs and biological antioxidant potential was correlated with the serum concentration of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the EHW group. These results suggest that the continuous intake of EHW induces antioxidant effects and may contribute to alleviate the risk of various oxidative stress-related dysfunctions and diseases in healthy adults.Nov. 2022, Heliyon, 8(11) (11), e11853, English, International magazineScientific journal
- Elsevier {BV}, Nov. 2021, Neurochemistry International, 150, 105179 - 105179, EnglishScientific journal
- Our double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluated effects of ubiquinol, the reduced form of coenzyme Q10, on mild fatigue in healthy individuals experiencing fatigue in daily life that had continued for more than 1 and less than 6 months. The participants received 100-mg/day (Ubq100; age 44.0 ± 9.8 years; 14 females and 6 males) or 150-mg/day ubiquinol (Ubq150; age 40.4 ± 11.8 years; 14 females and 8 males) or placebo (Plc; age 41.3 ± 13.4 years; 13 females and 7 males) daily for 12 weeks. Measurements of subjective and objective fatigue were conducted by using questionnaires-based fatigue scales/visual analogue scales and autonomic nerve function/biological oxidation index, respectively, prior to the first dosing and every 4 weeks thereafter. Serum ubiquinol level increased three- to four-fold after 4 weeks and remained significantly higher than that after Plc administration throughout the intake period. Although a higher blood level of ubiquinol was observed with Ubq150 than with Ubq100, the difference was not statistically significant. In both Ubq100 and Ubq150 groups, subjective levels of fatigue sensation and sleepiness after cognitive tasks, which consisted of the modified Advanced Trail Making Test, the modified Stroop Color-Word Test, and the Digit Symbol Substitution Test, improved significantly compared with those in the placebo group, suggesting an anti-fatigue effect. The Ubq150 group demonstrated significant improvement compared with the Plc group regarding subjective level of relaxation after task, sleepiness before and after task, motivation for task, and serum level of oxidative stress. Correlation analysis between blood level of ubiquinol and each evaluated effect suggested a positive relationship with relaxation after task, motivation for cognitive task, and parasympathetic activity. The results of the study suggest that ubiquinol intake relieves mild fatigue in healthy individuals.{MDPI} {AG}, Jun. 2020, Nutrients, 12(6) (6), 1640 - 1640, English, International magazineScientific journal
- Previous studies have revealed that patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and affective disorders (such as depression and anxiety disorders) exhibit a vigilant attentional bias toward negative emotional stimuli. However, it remains unclear whether the change in an attentional bias for negative emotional stimuli can be induced by mental fatigue in healthy individuals. To address this question, we examined healthy participants' (n = 27) performance in a visual probe task and emotional Stroop task before and after the mental-fatigue-inducing task. We demonstrated that acute mental fatigue induced by the long-lasting working memory task led to the alteration of cognitive processing of negative emotional information in the healthy volunteers.Jun. 2019, Scientific reportsScientific journal
- Elsevier {BV}, May 2019, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 512(3) (3), 611 - 615Scientific journal
- Wiley, Feb. 2019, Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 62(2) (2), i - i, EnglishScientific journal
- To enable positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of the in vivo kinetics of ubiquinone and ubiquinol, which is referred to as coenzyme Q10 , their 11 C-radiolabeled counterparts were synthesized herein. 11 C-Labeled ubiquinone [11 C]-1 was realized by Pd-mediated rapid C-[11 C]methylation of [11 C]CH3 I with 39-demethyl-39-(pinacolboryl)ubiquinone, prepared by Ru-catalyzed olefin metathesis of unradiolabeled ubiquinone with 2-(pinacolboryl)propene. Subsequent reduction of [11 C]-1 using Na2 S2 O4 yielded 11 C-labeled ubiquinol [11 C]-2. The synthesis time and [11 C]CH3 I-based radiochemical yield of [11 C]-1 were within 36 minutes and up to 53%, while those of [11 C]-2 were within 38 minutes and up to 39%, respectively. After radiopharmaceutical formulation, the qualities of [11 C]-1 and [11 C]-2 were confirmed to be applicable for animal PET studies. The analytical values of [11 C]-1 and [11 C]-2 are as follows: radioactivity of up to 3.5 and 1.4 GBq, molar activity of 21 to 78 and 48 to 76 GBq/μmol, radiochemical purity of greater than 99% and greater than 95%, and chemical purity of greater than 99% and 77%, respectively. The concept behind this radiolabeling procedure is that unradiolabeled natural ubiquinone can be converted to 11 C-radiolabeled ubiquinone and ubiquinol via a pinacolborane-substituted ubiquinone derivative. Each PET probe was used for molecular imaging using rats to investigate the in vivo kinetics and biodistribution of the coenzyme Q10 .Jan. 2019, Journal of labelled compounds & radiopharmaceuticals, 62(2) (2), 86 - 94, English, International magazineScientific journal
- Using [(11)C]raclopride, a dopamine D2/D3 receptor antagonist, we undertook a positron emission tomography (PET) study to investigate the involvement of the dopaminergic neurotransmitter system when subjects viewed the pictures of partners to whom they were romantically attached. Ten subjects viewed pictures of their romantic partners and, as a control, of friends of the same sex for whom they had neutral feelings during the PET study. We administered [(11)C]raclopride to subjects using a timing for injecting the antagonist which had been determined in previous studies to be optimal for detecting increases in the amount of dopamine released by stimulation. The results demonstrated statistically significant activation of the dopaminergic system in two regions, the medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC) and medial prefrontal cortex, the former of which has been strongly implicated in a variety of rewarding experiences, including that of beauty and love. A positive correlation was obtained in mOFC between excitement levels and dopaminergic activation only in the love but not in the control condition.Apr. 2015, Frontiers in Human NeuroscienceScientific journal