
源 利文
大学院人間発達環境学研究科 人間環境学専攻

  • プロフィール



■ 学位
  • 博士(理学), 京都大学
■ 研究ニュース
■ 研究キーワード
  • 動物生理学
  • 感染症生態学
  • 環境DNA
  • 環境科学
  • 分子生態学
  • 時間生物学
■ 研究分野
  • ライフサイエンス / 動物生理化学、生理学、行動学
  • ライフサイエンス / 生態学、環境学
  • 環境・農学 / 環境政策、環境配慮型社会
  • 環境・農学 / 環境影響評価
  • 環境・農学 / 環境動態解析


■ 受賞
  • 2024年09月 一般社団法人 応用生態工学会, 応用生態工学会 廣瀬賞

  • 2024年05月 公益社団法人土木学会, 環境賞, 環境DNAを活用した生物モニタリングに向けた調査手法の構築と建設現場への適用

  • 2023年03月 神戸市, 神戸SDGs奨励賞
    神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科 源研究室

  • 2021年07月 日本生態学会 / 滋賀県, 第21回 生態学琵琶湖賞

  • 2019年03月 村尾育英会, 第36回村尾育英会学術賞

  • 2016年12月 科学技術・学術政策研究所, 科学技術への顕著な貢献2016(ナイスステップな研究者)

  • 2015年10月 神戸大学, 神戸大学学長表彰

■ 論文
  • Seven-year changes in eDNA concentrations of two dominant submerged macrophytes in Lake Shinji: effects of salinity
    Teruhiko Takahara, Satoshi Yamagishi, Rina Shimoda, Akihiro Nagata, Masayuki K. Sakata, Hideyuki Doi, Toshifumi Minamoto
    2025年01月, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, (in press), 英語

  • Riko Matsuo, Ayana Togetani, Poom Adisakwattana, Tippayarat Yoonuan, Orawan Phuphisu, Yanin Limpanon, Masayuki K. Sakata, Marcello Otake Sato, Megumi Sato, Toshifumi Minamoto
    2024年12月, Parasitology Research, 123, 419, 英語

  • Ryosuke Osawa, Toshiaki S. Jo, Risa Nakamura, Kyoko Futami, Tomoaki Itayama, Evans Asena Chadeka, Benard Ngetich, Sachiyo Nagi, Mihoko Kikuchi, Sammy M. Njenga, Collins Ouma, George O. Sonye, Shinjiro Hamano, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Elsevier BV, 2024年12月, Acta Tropica, 260, 107402, 英語

  • Yuta Uchiyama, Akira Kyan, Masayuki Sato, Atushi Ushimaru, Toshifumi Minamoto, Mieko Kiyono, Kazuhiro Harada, Minoru Takakura
    2024年11月, Journal of Environmental Management, 370, 122676, 英語

  • Itsuki T. Hirayama, Luhan Ưu, Toshifumi Minamoto
    2024年10月, Molecular Ecology Resources, 24(8) (8), e14011, 英語

  • Tetsuo Asai, Shiori Ikushima, Michiyo Sugiyama, Tomoya Morimoto, Akiko Sudo, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Ornithological Society of Japan, 2024年09月, Ornithological Science, 23(2) (2), 125 - 128, 英語

  • Detection of environmental DNA of finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis) in Osaka Bay, Japan
    Nagisa Hashimoto, Takashi Iwata, Natsumi Kihara, Kiyomi Nakamura, Masayuki K. Sakata, Toshifumi Minamoto
    2024年09月, Conservation Genetics Resources, 16, 255 - 261, 英語

  • Yoko Kato-Unoki, Shigeki Mayama, Akira Kurihara, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024年08月, Limnology, 25(3) (3), 247 - 254, 英語

  • Toyotaka Sato, Kojiro Uemura, Mitsuru Yasuda, Aiko Maeda, Toshifumi Minamoto, Kazuki Harada, Michiyo Sugiyama, Shiori Ikushima, Shin-ichi Yokota, Motohiro Horiuchi, Satoshi Takahashi, Testuo Asai
    Elsevier BV, 2024年06月, One Health, 18, 100715, 英語

  • Shunsuke Hidaka, Toshiaki S. Jo, Satoshi Yamamoto, Koki R. Katsuhara, Sei Tomita, Masaki Miya, Makihiko Ikegami, Atushi Ushimaru, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Abstract Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) is one of the largest amphibian species in the world and an iconic species in Japan. However, as its distribution has recently declined across the country, rapid and extensive monitoring of the distribution is urgently needed for its efficient conservation. Here, we used environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis to assess the Japanese giant salamander’s distribution in western Japan and, for that purpose, we collected 410 water samples from 12 rivers. We then developed a new eDNA assay for multi-copy nuclear DNA (nuDNA) of the giant salamander and compared the eDNA detectability of the nuDNA marker with that of a previous mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) marker. Throughout the survey, we detected target eDNA from 162 water samples using either of the markers, which generally corresponded to the known natural distribution of the species. Additionally, the use of the nuDNA marker allowed for higher detection rate of target eDNA than the mtDNA marker. Moreover, the detection rate of target eDNA decreased substantially in water samples with higher conductivity and also partly in those with higher pH, suggesting their negative impacts on the salamander’s ecology. Our results demonstrated that eDNA analysis with multi-copy nuDNA marker is highly useful for efficient and sensitive surveillance of Japanese giant salamander’s distribution. Our study provided the methodology for efficiently monitoring the Japanese giant salamander’s distribution via eDNA analysis and facilitating conservation activities for them.
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024年04月, Limnology, 25(2) (2), 189 - 198, 英語

  • Aisha Oyabu, Luhan Wu, Takehiro Matsumoto, Natsumi Kihara, Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Elsevier BV, 2024年04月, Environmental Advances, 15, 100457, 英語

  • Luhan Wu, Tomonori Osugi, Takashi Inagawa, Jiro Okitsu, Shogo Sakamoto, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Abstract Periodic monitoring can provide important information for the protection of endangered fish, sustainable use of fishery resources and management of alien species. Previous studies have attempted to monitor fish using non‐invasive environmental DNA (eDNA) technology, generally employing quantitative PCR to quantify the eDNA concentration. However, the throughput was limited. High‐throughput metabarcoding technology can detect the DNA of multiple species simultaneously in a single experiment but does not provide sufficient quantification. In this study, we applied a quantitative metabarcoding approach to simultaneously quantify the eDNA concentration of an entire fish assemblage in a small reservoir over two summer seasons. Traditional surveys were also conducted to investigate the individuals of fish. The eDNA concentrations were quantified using quantitative metabarcoding, and the fish species detected using this approach were highly consistent with the results of traditional fish monitoring. A significant positive relationship was observed between the eDNA concentration and fish species abundance. Seasonal changes in fish community structure were estimated using eDNA concentrations, which may reveal the activity seasons of different fish. The eDNA concentrations of different fish species peaked at different water temperatures, reflecting the differential responses of fish species to this environmental factor. Finally, by detecting outlier eDNA concentrations, the spawning activities of 13 fish species were estimated, 12 of which were roughly consistent with the current knowledge of fish spawning periods. These results indicate that quantitative eDNA metabarcoding with dozens of sampling times is useful for the simultaneous ecological monitoring of multiple fish species.
    Wiley, 2024年01月, Molecular Ecology Resources, 24, e13875, 英語

  • Environmental detection of eumycetoma pathogens using multiplex real-time PCR for soil DNA in Sennar State, Sudan
    Hiroki Hashizume, Suguru Taga, Masayuki K. Sakata, Mahmoud Hussein, Emmanuel Edwar Siddig, Toshifumi Minamoto, Ahmed Hassan Fahal, Satoshi Kaneko
    2023年12月, Tropical Medicine and Health, 51, 71, 英語

  • 赤塚真依子, 飯村浩太郎, 高山百合子, 源利文
    Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2023年11月, 土木学会論文集, 79(17) (17), 23-27158, 日本語

  • Regional-scale effects of deer-induced forest degradation on river ecosystem dynamics
    Hikaru Nakagawa, Daisuke Fujiki, Hiroo Numata, Luhan Wu, Terutaka Mori, Toshifumi Minamoto
    2023年11月, Population Ecology, (in press), 英語

  • Nanako Yano, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Toshiyuki Goto, Takahito Nishikata
    2023年11月, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(21) (21), 16009, 英語

  • Teruhiko Takahara, Hideyuki Doi, Toshihiro Kosuge, Nanae Nomura, Nobutaka Maki, Toshifumi Minamoto, Katsutoshi Watanabe
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023年11月, Ichthyological Research, 70(4) (4), 409 - 418, 英語

  • Qianqian Wu, Jinxin Zhou, Tatsuya Komoto, Toshiyuki Ishikawa, Naoshige Goto, Masayuki K. Sakata, Daisuke Kitazawa, Toshifumi Minamoto
    2023年09月, Ecosphere, 14(9) (9), e4651, 英語

  • Takeshi Miki, Hiroki Yamanaka, Atsushi Sogabe, Koji Omori, Yasuhisa Saito, Toshifumi Minamoto, Kimiko Uchii, Mie N. Honjo, Alata A. Suzuki, Yukihiro Kohmatsu, Zen’ichiro Kawabata
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023年09月, Theoretical Ecology, 16(3) (3), 195 - 208, 英語

  • Masayuki Sato, Toshifumi Minamoto, Atushi Ushimaru
    Abstract This study proposes a practice and discussion for an interdisciplinary approach to policies for the conservation of suburban and peri-urban ecosystems. We highlight the need for evidence-based assessment of the current quality of the targeted nature from perspectives of natural science and problem formulation, and that causes should be investigated from the combined perspectives of social science, economic evaluation, and policy design and evaluation, with an awareness of the possibility of consensus building. In this study, based on the ongoing international trend of ecosystem conservation, an economic analysis was conducted to examine the direction of Satoyama development as a case study of urban and peri-urban ecosystem conservation. The result identified the preference and needs of citizens with regard to Satoyama ecosystems and discussed the consistency between policy targets and citizens’ evaluation.
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023年07月, International Journal of Economic Policy Studies, 17(2) (2), 403 - 419, 英語

  • Hideyuki Doi, Shunsuke Matsuoka, Shin‐ichiro S. Matsuzaki, Mariko Nagano, Hirotoshi Sato, Hiroki Yamanaka, Saeko Matsuhashi, Satoshi Yamamoto, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hitoshi Araki, Kousuke Ikeda, Atsuko Kato, Kouichi Kumei, Nobutaka Maki, Takashi Mitsuzuka, Teruhiko Takahara, Kimihito Toki, Natsuki Ueda, Takeshi Watanabe, Kanji Yamazoe, Masaki Miya
    Abstract Although environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is an exceptionally useful and powerful tool for monitoring biodiversity, little is known about whether the traits of organisms and their ecosystem characteristics affect eDNA metabarcoding performance. Nationwide surveys can provide more detailed insights, yet such studies have rarely been conducted. In order to evaluate eDNA metabarcoding performance in broad‐scale monitoring, we examined the effects of species ecological/biological traits and ecosystem characteristics on species detection rates and the implications for community analysis. In addition, we tested the effects of sample mixing and transportation methods, including cooling and freezing, on eDNA metabarcoding. On a nationwide scale, we conducted eDNA metabarcoding for fish communities in 18 Japanese lakes. By comparing species records, we observed that certain traits, including body size, body shape, saltwater tolerance and habitat preference, influenced eDNA detection. In addition, the proportion of species detected decreased significantly with an increase in lake surface area owing to ecosystem size effect on species detection. We conclude that species traits, including habitat preference, body size and ecosystem size, should be considered when assessing the eDNA metabarcoding performance in broad‐scale monitoring.
    Wiley, 2023年07月, Freshwater Biology, 68(8) (8), 1346 - 1358, 英語

  • Kensuke Mori, Akio Imamura, Itsuki Hirayama, Toshifumi Minamoto
    2023年06月, PeerJ, 11, e15431, 英語

  • Rio Souma, Izumi Katano, Hideyuki Doi, Teruhiko Takahara, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2023年05月, Freshwater Biology, 68(5) (5), 727 - 736, 英語

  • Ippei Aoshima, Ryohei Nakao, Toshifumi Minamoto, Atushi Ushimaru, Masayuki Sato
    Elsevier BV, 2023年04月, City and Environment Interactions, 18, 100101, 英語

  • Masayuki K. Sakata, Daiki Takeshita, Ryohei Nishizawa, Takuya Sato, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023年03月, Analytical Sciences, 39(5) (5), 721 - 728, 英語

  • Masanori Okanishi, Hisanori Kohtsuka, Qianqian Wu, Junpei Shinji, Naoki Shibata, Takashi Tamada, Tomoyuki Nakano, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Brittle stars (class Ophiuroidea) are marine invertebrates comprising approximately 2,100 extant species, and are considered to constitute the most diverse taxon of the phylum Echinodermata. As a non-invasive method for monitoring biodiversity, we developed two new sets of PCR primers for metabarcoding environmental DNA (eDNA) from brittle stars. The new primer sets were designed to amplify 2 short regions of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene, comprising a conserved region (111–115 bp, 112 bp on average; named “16SOph1”) and a hyper-variable region (180–195 bp, 185 bp on average; named “16SOph2”) displaying interspecific variation. The performance of the primers was tested using eDNA obtained from two sources: a) rearing water of an 2.5 or 170 L aquarium tanks containing 15 brittle star species and b) from natural seawater collected around Misaki, the Pacific coast of central Japan, at depths ranging from shallow (2 m) to deep (> 200 m) sea. To build a reference library, we obtained 16S rRNA sequences of brittle star specimens collected from around Misaki and from similar depths in Japan, and sequences registered in International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration. As a result of comparison of the obtained eDNA sequences with the reference library 37 (including cryptic species) and 26 brittle star species were detected with certain identities by 16SOph1 and 16SOph2 analyses, respectively. In shallow water, the number of species and reads other than the brittle stars detected with 16SOph1 was less than 10% of the total number. On the other hand, the number of brittle star species and reads detected with 16SOph2 was less than half of the total number, and the number of detected non-brittle star metazoan species ranged from 20 to 46 species across 6 to 8 phyla (only the reads at the “Tank” were less than 0.001%). The number of non-brittle star species and reads at 80 m was less than 10% with both of the primer sets. These findings suggest that 16SOph1 is specific to the brittle star and 16SOph2 is suitable for a variety of marine metazoans. It appears, however, that further optimization of primer sequences would still be necessary to avoid possible PCR dropouts from eDNA extracts. Moreover, a detailed elucidation of the brittle star fauna in the examined area, and the accurate identification of brittle star species in the current DNA databank is required.
    Pensoft Publishers, 2023年02月, Metabarcoding and Metagenomics, 7, e94298, 英語

  • Qianqian Wu, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Abstract In recent years, environmental DNA (eDNA) technology has been used in a variety of water environments. Environmental DNA concentrations in marine samples tend to be lower than those in freshwater samples, and few studies have explored methods to improve the recovery yields of eDNA from seawater samples. In this study, we compared different seawater preservation solutions (RNAlater or ATL) to improve eDNA yields. The eDNA concentrations of vertebrate and invertebrate species were compared using species-specific eDNA assays, and the number of detected fish and their compositions were compared using metabarcoding analysis. ATL treatment resulted in significantly higher eDNA yields for both vertebrate and invertebrate species than RNAlater treatment. Metabarcoding analysis revealed non-significant effects of preservation on the number of detected species and species composition. These results suggest that ATL treatment improves DNA yields without changing the species composition compared with the commonly used RNAlater treatment. The findings of this study will reduce false-negative outcomes and provide highly reliable results in future biological surveys. Graphical abstract
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023年02月, Analytical Sciences, 39(5) (5), 713 - 720, 英語

  • Luhan Wu, Qianqian Wu, Takashi Inagawa, Jiro Okitsu, Shogo Sakamoto, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2023年01月, Freshwater Biology, 68(1) (1), 103 - 114, 英語

  • Teruhiko Takahara, Katsuya Fukui, Daisuke Hiramatsu, Hideyuki Doi, Masato Fujii, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023年01月, Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 19(1) (1), 11 - 19, 英語

  • Ryohei Nishizawa, Ryohei Nakao, Atushi Ushimaru, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023年01月, Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 19(1) (1), 3 - 10, 英語

  • 環境DNAを活用した藻場モニタリングにおける流れの影響について
    赤塚真依子, ムチェブエ エドウィン, 高山百合子, 織田幸伸, 源利文
    2022年11月, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 78(2) (2), I_865 - I_870, 日本語

  • Hikaru Nakagawa, Keitaro Fukushima, Masaru Sakai, Luhan Wu, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2022年11月, Environmental DNA, 4(6) (6), 1369 - 1380, 日本語

  • Toshiaki Jo, Masayuki Sato, Toshifumi Minamoto, Atushi Ushimaru
    Wiley, 2022年10月, People and Nature, 4(5) (5), 1176 - 1189, 英語

  • Isolation of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli from Japanese red fox (Vulpes vulpes japonica)
    Tetsuo Asai, Michiyo Sugiyama, Tsutomu Omatsu, Masato Yoshikawa, Toshifumi Minamoto
    2022年09月, MicrobiologyOpen, 11(5) (5), e1317, 英語

  • Luhan Wu, Yoshihiko Yamamoto, Shogo Yamaguchi, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Elsevier BV, 2022年09月, Ecological Indicators, 142, 109213 - 109213, 英語

  • Masayuki K. Sakata, Megumi Sato, Marcello Otake Sato, Tomoe Watanabe, Honami Mitsuishi, Tomoyuki Hikitsuchi, Jun Kobayashi, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Preventing mosquito-borne infectious diseases requires that vector mosquitoes are monitored and controlled. Targeting immature mosquitoes (eggs, larvae, and pupae), which have less mobility than adults, is an effective management approach. However, conducting these surveys is often difficult due to the limitations of morphological classification and survey costs. The application of environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis can solve these issues because it allows easy estimation of species distribution and morphology-independent species identification. Although a few previous studies have reported mosquito eDNA detection, there is a gap in knowledge regarding the dynamics related to the persistence of immature mosquito eDNA. We used Culex pipiens pallens, a vector of West Nile fever, as a model species. First, we developed a species-specific detection assay and confirmed its specificity using in silico and in vitro tests. Next, we conducted laboratory experiments using breeding tanks. Water samples were collected at each developmental stage. In addition, water samples were collected daily until the seventh day after emergence from the pupae. We quantified eDNA using real-time PCR with the developed assay to investigate the dynamics of mosquito eDNA. The specificity of the developed assay was confirmed by in silico and in vitro tests. Mosquito eDNA was detected at all developmental stages and detected up to seven days after emergence of pupae. In particular, high concentrations of eDNA were detected immediately after hatching from eggs and after emergence from pupae. Highly frequent positive eDNA signals were continuously detected between egg hatching and pupa hatching. Mosquito eDNA was detected immediately after the eggs were introduced, and eDNA-positive detections continued until pupae emergence, suggesting that eDNA analysis is useful for monitoring mosquito larvae. In the future, monitoring immature mosquitoes using eDNA analysis will contribute to prevent mosquito-borne infectious diseases.
    Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2022年08月, PLOS ONE, 17(8) (8), e0272653 - e0272653, 英語

  • 農業水路における環境DNA調査の適用性と環境DNAの拡散距離
    小出水規行, 源利文, 白子智康, 中村匡聡
    2022年08月, 農業農村工学会誌, 90(8) (8), 11 - 14, 日本語

  • Ryoshiro Wakiya, Hikaru Itakura, Tatsumu Hirae, Tadamitsu Igari, Miyuki Manabe, Noriaki Matsuya, Katsushi Miyata, Masayuki K. Sakata, Toshifumi Minamoto, Takashi Yada, Kenzo Kaifu
    Wiley, 2022年06月, Journal of Fish Biology, 101(3) (3), 613 - 627, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto
    Abstract In an era of severe biodiversity loss, biological monitoring is becoming increasingly essential. The analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA) has emerged as a new approach that could revolutionize the biological monitoring of aquatic ecosystems. Over the past decade, macro-organismal eDNA analysis has undergone significant developments and is rapidly becoming established as the golden standard for non-destructive and non-invasive biological monitoring. In this review, I summarize the development of macro-organismal eDNA analysis to date and the techniques used in this field. I also discuss the future perspective of these analytical methods in combination with sophisticated analytical techniques for DNA research developed in the fields of molecular biology and molecular genetics, including genomics, epigenomics, and single-cell technologies. eDNA analysis, which to date has been used primarily for determining the distribution of organisms, is expected to develop into a tool for elucidating the physiological state and behavior of organisms. The fusion of microbiology and macrobiology through an amalgamation of these technologies is anticipated to lead to the future development of an integrated biology.
    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2022年06月, DNA Research, 29(3) (3), dsac018, 英語

  • Hiroki Hashizume, Suguru Taga, Masayuki K. Sakata, Mahmoud Hussein Mohamed Taha, Emmanuel Edwar Siddig, Toshifumi Minamoto, Ahmed Hassan Fahal, Satoshi Kaneko
    Mycetoma is a tropical disease caused by several fungi and bacteria present in the soil. Fungal mycetoma and eumycetoma are especially challenging to treat; therefore, prevention, early diagnosis, and early treatment are important, but it is also necessary to understand the geographic distribution of these pathogenic fungi. In this study, we used DNA metabarcoding methodology to identify fungal species from soil samples. Soil sampling was implemented at seven villages in an endemic area of Sennar State in Sudan in 2019, and ten sampling sites were selected in each village according to land-use conditions. In total, 70 soil samples were collected from ground surfaces, and DNA in the soil was extracted with a combined method of alkaline DNA extraction and a commercial soil DNA extraction kit. The region for universal primers was selected to be the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer one region for metabarcoding. After the second PCR for DNA library preparation, the amplicon-based DNA analysis was performed using next-generation sequencing with two sets of universal primers. A total of twelve mycetoma-causative fungal species were identified, including the prime agent, Madurella mycetomatis, and additional pathogens, Falciformispora senegalensis and Falciformispora tompkinsii, in 53 soil samples. This study demonstrated that soil DNA metabarcoding can elucidate the presence of multiple mycetoma-causative fungi, which may contribute to accurate diagnosis for patient treatment and geographical mapping.
    Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2022年03月, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16(3) (3), e0010274 - e0010274, 英語

  • Toshiaki Jo, Kenta Takao, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2022年03月, Environmental DNA, 4(2) (2), 271 - 283, 英語

  • Masayuki K. Sakata, Mone U. Kawata, Atsushi Kurabayashi, Takaki Kurita, Masatoshi Nakamura, Tomoyasu Shirako, Ryosuke Kakehashi, Kanto Nishikawa, Mohamad Yazid Hossman, Takashi Nishijima, Junichi Kabamoto, Masaki Miya, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Biodiversity monitoring is important for the conservation of natural ecosystems in general, but particularly for amphibians, whose populations are pronouncedly declining. However, amphibians’ ecological traits (e.g. nocturnal or aquatic) often prevent their precise monitoring. Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding – analysis of extra-organismal DNA released into the environment – allows the easy and effective monitoring of the biodiversity of aquatic organisms. Here, we developed and tested the utility of original PCR primer sets. First, we conducted in vitro PCR amplification tests with universal primer candidates using total DNA extracted from amphibian tissues. Five primer sets successfully amplified the target DNA fragments (partial 16S rRNA gene fragments of 160–311 bp) from all 16 taxa tested (from the three living amphibian orders Anura, Caudata and Gymnophiona). Next, we investigated the taxonomic resolution retrieved using each primer set. The results revealed that the universal primer set “Amph16S” had the highest resolution amongst the tested sets. Finally, we applied Amph16S to the water samples collected in the field and evaluated its detection capability by comparing the species detected using eDNA and physical survey (capture-based sampling and visual survey) in multiple agricultural ecosystems across Japan (160 sites in 10 areas). The eDNA metabarcoding with Amph16S detected twice as many species as the physical surveys (16 vs. 8 species, respectively), indicating the effectiveness of Amph16S in biodiversity monitoring and ecological research for amphibian communities.
    Pensoft Publishers, 2022年02月, Metabarcoding and Metagenomics, 6, 15 - 26, 英語

  • Autumn dispersal and limited success of reproduction of the deepbody bitterling (Acheilognathus longipinnis) in terrestrialized floodplain
    Shigeya Nagayama, Munehiro Oota, Tomohiko Fujita, Jyun-ichi Kitamura, Toshifumi Minamoto, Seiichi Mori, Masayuki Kato, Naofumi Takeyama, Fumiya Takino, Ryuji Yonekura, Hiroki Yamanaka
    2022年02月, Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 423, 4, 英語

  • Sachia Sasano, Hiroaki Murakami, Keita W. Suzuki, Toshifumi Minamoto, Yoh Yamashita, Reiji Masuda
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022年01月, Fisheries Science, 88(1) (1), 91 - 107, 英語

  • Hiroaki Murakami, Reiji Masuda, Satoshi Yamamoto, Toshifumi Minamoto, Yoh Yamashita
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022年01月, Fisheries Science, 88(1) (1), 55 - 62, 英語

  • Satsuki Tsuji, Ryohei Nakao, Minoru Saito, Toshifumi Minamoto, Yoshihisa Akamatsu
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022年01月, Limnology, 23(1) (1), 9 - 16, 英語

  • Toshiaki Jo, Masayuki K. Sakata, Hiroaki Murakami, Reiji Masuda, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2021年11月, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 19(11) (11), 758 - 768, 英語

  • 赤塚 真依子, 高山 百合子, ムチェブエ エドウィン, 伊藤 一教, 渡辺 謙太, 桑江 朝比呂, 源 利文
    土木学会, 2021年11月, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 77(2) (2), I_895 - I_900, 日本語

  • 淀川大堰湛水域における琵琶湖産アユの河川残留個体の存在
    瀬口雄一, 山本義彦, 竹門康弘, 源利文
    2021年11月, 魚類学雑誌, 68(2) (2), 163 - 172, 日本語

  • Akira Fukuda, Masaru Usui, Katsumi Ushiyama, Dipti Shrestha, Nagisa Hashimoto, Masayuki K. Sakata, Toshifumi Minamoto, Osamu Yoshida, Kanako Murakami, Yutaka Tamura, Tetsuo Asai
    The spread of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria (ARB) in natural environments including wild animals is a concern for public health. Birds cover large areas, and some fly across borders to migrate in large flocks. As a migratory bird, the Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) travels to Miyajimanuma, North Japan, each spring and autumn. To investigate the ARB in migratory birds and their surroundings, we collected 110 fecal samples of A. albifrons and 18 water samples from Miyajimanuma in spring and autumn of 2019. Isolation of Escherichia coli was performed using selective agars with or without antimicrobials (cefazolin and nalidixic acid). Isolates of E. coli were recovered from 56 fecal samples (50.9%) and five water samples (27.8%) on agars without antimicrobials. No isolates were recovered on agars with antimicrobials. One E. coli isolate derived from a fecal sample exhibited resistance to β-lactams (ampicillin and cefazolin), whereas all other isolates exhibited susceptibility to all tested antimicrobials. The resistant isolate harbored blaACC, which could be transferred to other bacteria and confer resistance to β-lactams. These results suggest a low prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in wild migratory birds and their living environments; however, wild migratory birds sometimes carry ARB harboring transferrable antimicrobial resistance genes and therefore present a risk of spreading antimicrobial resistance.
    Wildlife Disease Association, 2021年10月, Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 57(4) (4), 954 - 958, 英語, 国際誌

  • Maslin Osathanunkul, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2021年10月, Diversity and Distributions, 27(10) (10), 1958 - 1965, 英語

  • Mizuki Ogata, Reiji Masuda, Hiroya Harino, Masayuki K. Sakata, Makoto Hatakeyama, Katsuhide Yokoyama, Yoh Yamashita, Toshifumi Minamoto
    AbstractEnvironmental DNA (eDNA) can be a powerful tool for detecting the distribution and abundance of target species. This study aimed to test the longevity of eDNA in marine sediment through a tank experiment and to use this information to reconstruct past faunal occurrence. In the tank experiment, juvenile jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) were kept in flow-through tanks with marine sediment for two weeks. Water and sediment samples from the tanks were collected after the removal of fish. In the field trial, sediment cores were collected in Moune Bay, northeast Japan, where unusual blooms of jellyfish (Aurelia sp.) occurred after a tsunami. The samples were analyzed by layers to detect the eDNA of jellyfish. The tank experiment revealed that after fish were removed, eDNA was not present in the water the next day, or subsequently, whereas eDNA was detectable in the sediment for 12 months. In the sediment core samples, jellyfish eDNA was detected at high concentrations above the layer with the highest content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, reflecting tsunami-induced oil spills. Thus, marine sediment eDNA preserves a record of target species for at least one year and can be used to reconstruct past faunal occurrence.
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021年08月, Scientific Reports, 11(1) (1), 16830, 日本語

  • Qianqian Wu, Masayuki K. Sakata, Deyi Wu, Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021年08月, Limnology, 22(3) (3), 363 - 370, 英語

  • Toshiaki Jo, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Understanding the processes of environmental DNA (eDNA) persistence and degradation is essential to determine the spatiotemporal scale of eDNA signals and accurately estimate species distribution. The effects of environmental factors on eDNA persistence have previously been examined; however, the influence of the physiochemical and molecular states of eDNA on its persistence is not completely understood. Here, we performed meta-analyses including 26 previously published papers on the estimation of first-order eDNA decay rate constants, and assessed the effects of filter pore size, DNA fragment size, target gene, and environmental conditions on eDNA decay rates. Almost all supported models included the interactions between the filter pore size and water temperature, between the target gene and water temperature, and between the target gene and water source, implying the influence of complex interactions between the eDNA state and environmental conditions on eDNA persistence. These findings were generally consistent with the results of a re-analysis of a previous tank experiment which measured the time-series changes in marine fish eDNA concentrations in multiple size fractions after fish removal. Our results suggest that the mechanism of eDNA persistence and degradation cannot be fully understood without knowing not only environmental factors but also cellular and molecular states of eDNA in water. Further verification of the relationship between eDNA state and persistence is required by obtaining more information on eDNA persistence in various experimental and environmental conditions, which will enhance our knowledge on eDNA persistence and support our findings.
    2021年07月, Molecular Ecology Resources, 21(5) (5), 1490 - 1503, 英語, 国際誌

  • Keiichi Fukaya, Hiroaki Murakami, Seokjin Yoon, Kenji Minami, Yutaka Osada, Satoshi Yamamoto, Reiji Masuda, Akihide Kasai, Kazushi Miyashita, Toshifumi Minamoto, Michio Kondoh
    Wiley, 2021年07月, Molecular Ecology, 30(13) (13), 3057 - 3067, 英語

  • Toshiaki Jo, Saki Ikeda, Arisa Fukuoka, Takashi Inagawa, Jiro Okitsu, Izumi Katano, Hideyuki Doi, Katsuki Nakai, Hidetaka Ichiyanagi, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2021年06月, Ecosphere, 12(6) (6), e03643, 英語

  • Tetsu Yasashimoto, Masayuki K. Sakata, Tomoya Sakita, Satoko Nakajima, Mamiko Ozaki, Toshifumi Minamoto
    AbstractAlien ant species (Formicidae, Hymenoptera) cause serious damage worldwide. Early detection of invasion and rapid management are significant for controlling these species. However, these attempts are sometimes hindered by the need for direct detection techniques, such as capture, visual observation, or morphological identification. In this study, we demonstrated that environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis can be used as a monitoring tool for alien ants using Linepithema humile (Argentine ant), one of the most invasive ants, as a model species. We designed a new real-time PCR assay specific to L. humile and successfully detected eDNA from the surface soil. The reliability of eDNA analysis was substantiated by comparing eDNA detection results with traditional survey results. Additionally, we examined the relationship between eDNA concentration and distance from nests and trails. Our results support the effectiveness of eDNA for alien ant monitoring and suggest that this new method could improve our ability to detect invasive ant species.
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021年05月, Scientific Reports, 11(1) (1), 10712, 英語

  • Maslin Osathanunkul, Toshifumi Minamoto
    AbstractA lack of reliable tools for determining the presence and distribution of fish species can impede understanding of predator–prey interactions and fishery management. Conventional fish survey methods are invasive, and can be size or species selective. Combining netting and electrofishing is a current method used to monitor fish species in Phayao Lake (Kwan Phayao), Thailand. However, the methods are inefficient and time-consuming. Recently, locals who rely on inland fisheries in Kwan Phayao expressed their deep concerns about the giant snakehead, Channa micropeltes (Cuvier, 1831) destroying other fish there. The giant snakehead prey on many commercially important fish species, as the prey species is reduced, negative effects on both biodiversity and the fishery sector could follow. Here, an eDNA-based survey was developed to detect the presence of the giant snakehead. Water samples were collected from six sites within Kwan Phayao and 17 sites in Ing River where water flowed into and out of Kwan Payao. The eDNA of the giant snakehead was detected in water samples from all collection sites using the developed qPCR assay with various concentrations. The eDNA was shown here to be a sensitive and reliable tool for fish surveillance so there will be a better chance for developing an effective management strategy.
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021年05月, Scientific Reports, 11(1) (1), 9943, 英語

  • Hinako Tenma, Koki Tsunekawa, Riho Fujiyoshi, Hajime Takai, Masae Hirose, Nanami Masai, Kosuke Sumi, Yuta Takihana, Sogen Yanagisawa, Kota Tsuchida, Kenichi Ohara, Toshiaki Jo, Masaki Takagi, Akiko Ota, Hiroyoshi Iwata, Yuichi Yaoi, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Outbreaks of bacterial cold-water disease (BCWD), caused by Flavobacterium psychrophilum, are widespread in Japan, especially among ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. There are few investigations of F. psychrophilum in river water, and its seasonal distribution has not been clarified. We aimed to identify the spatiotemporal dynamics of F. psychrophilum and ayu to provide information that is useful for establishing a countermeasure for BCWD. Quantitative analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA) was used to clarify the year-round dynamics of ayu and F. psychrophilum. We sampled river water from the Nagara and Ibi rivers in Japan, and conducted monthly water sampling and eDNA quantification. Changes in the eDNA concentration of ayu were consistent with the known life histories of the fish. There was a strong negative correlation between the eDNA concentration of F. psychrophilum and water temperature, suggesting a strong dependence of F. psychrophilum dynamics in the river on water temperature. Furthermore, relatively high eDNA concentrations were recorded for both organisms in early summer and fall, suggesting that ayu is infected with F. psychrophilum during these seasons when experiencing up- and downmigration, respectively.
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021年05月, Fisheries Science, 87(3) (3), 321 - 330, 英語

  • Hideyuki Doi, Toshifumi Minamoto, Teruhiko Takahara, Satsuki Tsuji, Kimiko Uchii, Satoshi Yamamoto, Izumi Katano, Hiroki Yamanaka
    Wiley, 2021年05月, Ecological Research, 36(3) (3), 379 - 388, 英語

  • Masayuki K. Sakata, Takeshi Watanabe, Nobutaka Maki, Kousuke Ikeda, Toshihiro Kosuge, Hiroaki Okada, Hiroki Yamanaka, Tetsuya Sado, Masaki Miya, Toshifumi Minamoto
    In recent years, biodiversity loss has become one of the most serious environmental issues worldwide, especially in aquatic ecosystems. To avoid diversity loss, it is necessary to monitor biological communities, and environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding has been developed as a rapid, noninvasive, and cost-effective method for aquatic biodiversity monitoring. Although this method has been applied to various environments and taxa, a detailed assessment of the efficient sampling methods for monitoring is still required. In this study, we explored eDNA metabarcoding sampling methods for fish at a single site to maximize the number of detected species using realistic effort in a natural, small river. We considered the following three parameters: sample type (water or sediment), sample position at a site (right and left shore and center of the river), and water volume (10-4000 mL). The results suggested that the number of detected species from sedimentary eDNA was equivalent to that from aqueous eDNA, although the species composition was different. The number of detected species could be saturated by collecting a 1000 mL water sample, regardless of sampling position within a survey site. However, sedimentary eDNA showed a spatially heterogeneous species composition between sampling positions within a survey site despite the short distance (5 m) between positions, without apparent differences in physical properties such as velocity and sediment particle distribution. By completing eDNA biodiversity monitoring of fish with 1000 mL water samples across the whole river, we detected more fish species than in previous traditional surveys conducted at the same sites. Thus, the aqueous eDNA metabarcoding method is as efficient as traditional surveys, while sedimentary eDNA metabarcoding could complement the results of aqueous eDNA metabarcoding.
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021年04月, Limnology, 22(2) (2), 221 - 235, 英語

  • Tatsuhiko Hoshino, Ryohei Nakao, Hideyuki Doi, Toshifumi Minamoto
    AbstractThe combination of high-throughput sequencing technology and environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has the potential to be a powerful tool for comprehensive, non-invasive monitoring of species in the environment. To understand the correlation between the abundance of eDNA and that of species in natural environments, we have to obtain quantitative eDNA data, usually via individual assays for each species. The recently developed quantitative sequencing (qSeq) technique enables simultaneous phylogenetic identification and quantification of individual species by counting random tags added to the 5′ end of the target sequence during the first DNA synthesis. Here, we applied qSeq to eDNA analysis to test its effectiveness in biodiversity monitoring. eDNA was extracted from water samples taken over 4 days from aquaria containing five fish species (Hemigrammocypris neglectus, Candidia temminckii, Oryzias latipes, Rhinogobius flumineus, and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus), and quantified by qSeq and microfluidic digital PCR (dPCR) using a TaqMan probe. The eDNA abundance quantified by qSeq was consistent with that quantified by dPCR for each fish species at each sampling time. The correlation coefficients between qSeq and dPCR were 0.643, 0.859, and 0.786 for H. neglectusO. latipes, and M. anguillicaudatus, respectively, indicating that qSeq accurately quantifies fish eDNA.
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021年02月, Scientific Reports, 11(1) (1), 4372, 英語

  • Tomoki Aratani, Nanami Koide, Kana Hayami, Michiyo Sugiyama, Toshifumi Minamoto, Tetsuo Asai
    Wiley, 2021年02月, Microbiology and Immunology, 65(2) (2), 99 - 100, 英語, 国際誌

  • Hideyuki Doi, Yoshihisa Akamatsu, Masuji Goto, Ryutei Inui, Takashi Komuro, Mariko Nagano, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021年02月, Biological Invasions, 23(2) (2), 507 - 520, 英語

  • Kenji Tsuri, Shizuya Ikeda, Takaya Hirohara, Yasuhito Shimada, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hiroki Yamanaka
    Wiley, 2021年01月, Environmental DNA, 3(1) (1), 14 - 21, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Masaki Miya, Tetsuya Sado, Satoquo Seino, Hideyuki Doi, Michio Kondoh, Keigo Nakamura, Teruhiko Takahara, Satoshi Yamamoto, Hiroki Yamanaka, Hitoshi Araki, Wataru Iwasaki, Akihide Kasai, Reiji Masuda, Kimiko Uchii
    Environmental DNA (eDNA)-based assessments of macro-organisms have now become an essential approach for biomonitoring. eDNA survey methods have a number of advantages over conventional survey methods. However, the value of the data that will accumulate would be greatly enhanced by standardizing the analysis methods, which would allow us to compare data from multiple monitoring sites at different points in time. The eDNA Society (, whose founding members consist of Japanese researchers conducting eDNA studies on macro-organisms, was established in 2018, with the aim of expanding eDNA technology and science. Here, we introduce our key publication, “Environmental DNA Sampling and Experiment Manual” (, which was published under the initiative of the eDNA Society. Detailed methods for the surveys and experiments are described in the manual, including the selection of sampling sites, sampling methods, filtration methods, DNA extraction, species-specific detection by real-time polymerase chain reaction, and fish eDNA metabarcoding. The manual assists users in conducting standardized surveys and quality experiments, and provides a basis for collecting comparable data. Given that the efficacy of methods can be context dependent and variable, and that procedures may sometimes conflict with standardization, it is difficult to ensure that all processes are equally effective. However, even in such cases, it is important to maintain sufficiently high data quality by setting the minimum standards to be followed. Implementation of such standardized methodologies will enable the systematic and frequent collection of flawless, comparable eDNA data from around the world; this will provide important fundamental information for biodiversity conservation, as well as the sustainable use of fisheries resources.
    Wiley, 2021年01月, Environmental DNA, 3(1) (1), 8 - 13, 英語

  • Ko Sugiura, Sei Tomita, Toshifumi Minamoto, Tappei Mishina, Akihisa Iwata, Tsukasa Abe, Satoshi Yamamoto, Katsutoshi Watanabe
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021年01月, Ichthyological Research, 68(1) (1), 152 - 157, 英語

  • Zhi Chen, Toshifumi Minamoto, Longshan Lin, Tianxiang Gao
    ResearchersLinks Ltd, 2021年01月, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 53(1) (1), 253 - 272, 英語

  • Jianwei Chen, Zhi Chen, Shanshan Liu, Wenjie Guo, Di Li, Toshifumi Minamoto, Tianxiang Gao
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021年01月, Journal of Ocean University of China, 20(1) (1), 124 - 136, 英語

  • A molecular survey based on eDNA to assess the presence of a clown featherback (Chitala ornata) in a confined environment
    Maslin Osathanunkul, Toshifumi Minamoto
    2020年12月, PeerJ, 8, e10338, 英語

  • Toshiaki Jo, Sei Tomita, Yukihiro Kohmatsu, Maslin Osathanunkul, Atushi Ushimaru, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The diversity and the abundance of amphibians have dramatically declined globally over the past 30 years, and the monitoring and conservation of their habitats is essential. However, traditional methods such as bait trapping and mark-recapture are costly, and morphological identification usually requires a high level of taxonomic expertise. Here, seasonal surveillances of Hida salamander Hynobius kimurae were performed by means of environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis with Hynobius-specific primers and a species-specific TaqMan probe. Water sampling and visual surveys were conducted seasonally in a stream in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Detection rates of eDNA were then calculated by real-time PCR, and eDNA site occupancy probability was estimated by multi-scale occupancy modeling. The eDNA-based detection rate of Hida salamander was 76.7%, whereas the visual survey-based detection rate was 23.3%, and target eDNA was detected at almost all sites where the presence of target species was visually confirmed. Moreover, factors relating to the site- and sample-level occurrence probabilities of the target eDNA differed depending on the developmental stage of the target species. Our findings support previous studies showing that eDNA analysis enables an effective assessment of amphibian distributions without damaging the organisms or their habitat, and we compare for the first time the site occupancy probability of amphibian eDNA throughout the life cycle of an amphibian species. The present study contributes to the development of eDNA analysis as a tool for understanding the distribution and seasonal activity of amphibian species and will thus aid in the planning of conservation measures and habitat restoration for these species.
    Inter-Research Science Center, 2020年11月, Endangered Species Research, 43, 341 - 352, 英語

  • Edwin Muchebve, Yuriko Takayama, Maiko Akatsuka, Kazunori Ito, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2020年11月, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 76(2) (2), I_949 - I_954, 英語

  • 赤塚真依子, 高山百合子, Edwin Muchevbe, 伊藤一教, 渡辺謙太, 桑江朝比呂, 源利文


    土木学会, 2020年11月, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 76(2) (2), I_943 - I_948, 日本語

  • Akio Imamura, Kana Hayami, Masayuki K. Sakata, Toshifumi Minamoto
    In freshwater ecosystems, invasive salmonid fishes can have a significant impact on native fish species. Detecting the invasion and its negative effects is critical for the conservation of native fish communities. We examined the species composition and seasonal changes in the freshwater fish community, including salmonids, on the Kamikawa Plain, Hokkaido Island, Japan, using environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding. We detected 23 fish species in 176 samples collected from 16 sites over 12 months (October 2018 – August 2019). Between 11 and 20 species were detected at each site, including five native salmonids (Oncorhynchus masou, Oncorhynchus keta, Parahucho perryi, Salvelinus leucomaenis leucomaenis and Salvelinus malma krascheninnikova). The invasive alien rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss was detected at all 16 sites and it was the most commonly detected salmonid. Although we found no obvious competitive exclusion of native salmonids by rainbow trout in the study area, the invasive species occurred more often and at more sites than any of the natives. We also determined the occurrence and seasonal changes in the fish community, classified as native salmonids, invasive rainbow trout, Cypriniformes and other benthic fishes. There were fewer species overall in winter, but the sites with higher species richness in winter were on the lower reaches of the river. In addition, we detected domestic invaders, such as the topmouth gudgeon, Pseudorasbora parva, although they were less prevalent than rainbow trout. These results show the effectiveness of eDNA metabarcoding, which can be used for surveying species richness at an ecosystem scale. In particular, the detection of the early stages of establishment and spread of invasive species can be achieved by eDNA monitoring.
    Pensoft Publishers, 2020年10月, Biodiversity Data Journal, 8, e56876, 英語, 国際誌

  • Michinobu Kuwae, Hiromichi Tamai, Hideyuki Doi, Masayuki K. Sakata, Toshifumi Minamoto, Yoshiaki Suzuki
    Abstract Far too little is known about the long-term dynamics of populations for almost all macro-organisms. Here, we examined the utility of sedimentary DNA techniques to reconstruct the dynamics in the “abundance” of a species, which has not been previously defined. We used fish DNA in marine sediments and examined whether it could be used to track the past dynamics of pelagic fish abundance in marine waters. Quantitative PCR for sedimentary DNA was applied on sediment-core samples collected from anoxic bottom sediments in Beppu Bay, Japan. The DNA of three dominant fish species (anchovy, sardine, and jack mackerel) were quantified in sediment sequences spanning the last 300 years. Temporal changes in fish DNA concentrations are consistent with those of landings in Japan for all three species and with those of sardine fish scale concentrations. Thus, sedimentary DNA could be used to track decadal-centennial dynamics of fish abundance in marine waters.
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020年10月, Communications Biology, 3(1) (1), 558, 英語

  • Aoi Kudoh, Toshifumi Minamoto, Satoshi Yamamoto
    Wiley, 2020年10月, Environmental DNA, 2(4) (4), 627 - 634, 英語

  • Masayuki K. Sakata, Satoshi Yamamoto, Ryo O. Gotoh, Masaki Miya, Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Aqueous environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has been applied to the monitoring of various ecosystems and taxa, and the characteristics of aqueous eDNA have been previously studied. In contrast, although sedimentary eDNA has been used to restore past information, the characteristics of sedimentary eDNA are not well understood. In this study, we compared the properties of sedimentary and aqueous eDNA of macro-organisms. First, to clarify the preservation ability of sediments, we compared the difference in decay rates between aqueous and sedimentary eDNA using samples collected from a biotope (an artificial pond prepared with concrete). Next, to clarify the biological information retained in sedimentary eDNA both qualitatively and quantitatively, we compared eDNA concentrations between sediment and water samples collected simultaneously from a lake, and the fish species detected by eDNA metabarcoding were also compared. The results demonstrated the following: (a) the decay rate (decreased eDNA copy number divided by the initial eDNA copy number per unit time) of sedimentary eDNA (0.00033 ± 0.000049 [mean ± SE]/hr) was lower than that of aqueous eDNA (0.01863 ± 0.0011/hr); (b) sedimentary eDNA concentration of the mitochondrial marker of three fish species was higher than aqueous eDNA concentration for the same sample weight (12.5–1,456.9 times); and (c) the species composition obtained by metabarcoding was not significantly different between sediment and water; however, considering the lower decay rate of sedimentary eDNA, using both sample types may provide more comprehensive information of species distribution. Thus, sedimentary eDNA analysis will expand future biomonitoring and ecological studies by providing a difference in timescale.
    Wiley, 2020年10月, Environmental DNA, 2(4) (4), 505 - 518, 英語

  • Toshiaki Jo, Hiroaki Murakami, Reiji Masuda, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Elsevier BV, 2020年09月, Science of The Total Environment, 735, 139462 - 139462, 英語

  • Satsuki Tsuji, Atsushi Maruyama, Masaki Miya, Masayuki Ushio, Hirotoshi Sato, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hiroki Yamanaka
    Wiley, 2020年09月, Molecular Ecology Resources, 20(5) (5), 1248 - 1258, 英語

  • Daiki Takeshita, Shigeharu Terui, Kousuke Ikeda, Takashi Mitsuzuka, Maslin Osathanunkul, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Background Freshwater ecosystems are rapidly declining. The Siberian salamander (Salamandrella keyserlingii) which inhabits the Kushiro marsh in Hokkaido, Japan has lost some habitat due to human activity. There are many challenges associated with conventional monitoring methods, including cost, the need for specialist personnel, environmental impact, and ability to detect the presence of this species; thus, we investigated the feasibility of using environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis to detect its presence and identify its breeding grounds. Methods We performed tank experiments to confirm eDNA emission from egg sacs, larvae, and adult Siberian salamanders in the water. We also performed water sampling and visual observation of egg sacs in the Kushiro marsh during the end of the breeding season and the larval season. Results The tank experiments found eDNA emission from all growth stages. It also implied concentrated emissions just after spawning and after hatching, and limited emissions during the incubation phase in egg sacs. We also detected eDNA in the field, likely reflecting the distribution of egg sacs or larvae. Combining this data with visual observations, it was determined that the eDNA results from the field were best explained by the number of egg sacs within 7–10 m of the sampling point. Conclusions The results of this investigation show that the breeding sites and habitats of marshland species can successfully be monitored using eDNA analysis. They also suggest that the eDNA results from the marshes may reflect the biomass that is in close range to the sampling point. These results support the increased use of eDNA analysis in marshes and provide knowledge that could improve the interpretation of future results.
    PeerJ, 2020年08月, PeerJ, 8, e9764 - e9764, 英語

  • Teruhiko Takahara, Junya Taguchi, Satoshi Yamagishi, Hideyuki Doi, Shigeki Ogata, Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2020年07月, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 18(8) (8), 437 - 445, 英語

  • Hikaru Itakura, Ryoshiro Wakiya, Masayuki K. Sakata, Hsiang-Yi Hsu, Shih-Chong Chen, Chih-shao Yang, Satoshi Yamamoto, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Although populations of anguillid eels have declined remarkably in recent decades, monitoring data on the spatial and temporal variation in their dynamics are often limited, particularly for tropical eel species. As there are often sympatries of multiple eel species in tropical rivers, identifying eel species based solely on morphological characteristics is challenging. Basin-scale surveys were conducted in rivers of southern Japan and northern Taiwan to investigate (1) whether the spatial distribution, abundance, and biomass of the tropical eel species, the giant mottled eel (Anguilla marmorata), can be monitored in rivers by comparing the results obtained from environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis with data from electrofishing and (2) the riverine distribution of the sympatric A. marmorata and the temperate eel species, the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica), in this region using eDNA analysis. Although we found an much lower abundance of A. marmorata in the study region, we identified the eDNA of the species from all of the study sites (21 sites) where it was collected by electrofishing, in addition to 22 further study sites where it was not collected directly. This indicates that eDNA analysis has a greater sensitivity for detecting A. marmorata, making it a powerful tool for monitoring the spatial distribution of the species in rivers. We found a significant positive relationship between eDNA concentration and both the abundance and biomass of A. marmorata, and eDNA concentration seemed to better reflect the abundance of the species than did biomass. eDNA of both A. japonica and A. marmorata was identified from almost all rivers, indicating the sympatry of these species in this region, although the degree of sympatry differed between rivers. Though the eDNA concentration of A. japonica decreased significantly with increasing distance from the river mouth, no significant relationship was found for A. marmorata. This study is the first to demonstrate the potential usefulness of eDNA analysis for estimating the spatial distribution, abundance, and biomass of tropical eels in rivers and to further apply this method to investigate sympatry among anguillid species. eDNA analysis can help in obtaining data on the population dynamics of tropical eels, providing invaluable information for managing these species.
    2020年06月, Zoological Studies, 59, 17, 英語, 国際誌

  • Kana Hayami, Masayuki K. Sakata, Takashi Inagawa, Jiro Okitsu, Izumi Katano, Hideyuki Doi, Katsuki Nakai, Hidetaka Ichiyanagi, Ryo O. Gotoh, Masaki Miya, Hirotoshi Sato, Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2020年05月, Ecology and Evolution, 10(11) (11), 5354 - 5367, 英語

  • Sayaka Takahashi, Masayuki K. Sakata, Toshifumi Minamoto, Reiji Masuda
    Water sampling and filtration of environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis have been performed by several different methods, and each method may yield a different species composition or eDNA concentration. Here, we investigated the eDNA of seawater samples directly collected by SCUBA to compare two widely used filtration methods: open filtration with a glass filter (GF/F) and enclosed filtration (Sterivex). We referred to biomass based on visual observation data collected simultaneously to clarify the difference between organism groups. Water samples were collected at two points in the Sea of Japan in May, September and December 2018. The respective samples were filtered through GF/F and Sterivex for eDNA extraction. We quantified the eDNA concentration of five fish and two cnidarian species by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) using species-specific primers/probe sets. A strong correlation of eDNA concentration was obtained between GF/F and Sterivex; the intercepts and slopes of the linear regression lines were slightly different in fish and jellyfish. The amount of eDNA detected using the GF/F filtration method was higher than that detected using Sterivex when the eDNA concentration was high; the opposite trend was observed when the eDNA concentration was relatively low. The concentration of eDNA correlated with visually estimated biomass; eDNA concentration per biomass in jellyfish was approximately 700 times greater than that in fish. We conclude that GF/F provides an advantage in collecting a large amount of eDNA, whereas Sterivex offers superior eDNA sensitivity. Both filtration methods are effective in estimating the spatiotemporal biomass size of target marine species.
    2020年04月, PLOS ONE, 15(4) (4), e0231718, 英語, 国際誌

  • Toshiaki Jo, Mio Arimoto, Hiroaki Murakami, Reiji Masuda, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2020年04月, Environmental DNA, 2(2) (2), 140 - 151, 英語

  • Tetsu Yatsuyanagi, Ryotaro Ishida, Masayuki K. Sakata, Takashi Kanbe, Hiroki Mizumoto, Yumi Kobayashi, Shoko Kamada, Satoko Namba, Hisaya Nii, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hitoshi Araki
    Wiley, 2020年04月, Environmental DNA, 2(2) (2), 130 - 139

  • Toshiaki Jo, Arisa Fukuoka, Kei Uchida, Atushi Ushimaru, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has been used as a cost-efficient and non-invasive tool for monitoring invasive and threatened species. Previous studies typically involve two approaches; species-specific detection via PCR and multiple species detection via metabarcoding. However, the former could be costly when several species are targeted, and the latter could sometimes be insufficient to distinguish closely related species. Here, the simultaneous eDNA detection from multiple species via multiplex real-time PCR was applied to 99 ponds to evaluate the distribution of three exotic and three threatened native fish species over different seasons. We detected bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) eDNA at 31 sites, largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) eDNA at 22 sites, smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) eDNA at one site, golden venus chub (Hemigrammocypris rasborella) eDNA at 11 sites, Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) eDNA at 26 sites, and weather loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) eDNA at 41 sites. We found that eDNA detection rates were higher in early summer for all fish species. Moreover, exotic fish eDNA was detected more frequently in ponds which were easier to access by car and which have a larger surface area and higher pH. Furthermore, the detection rates of native fish eDNA were generally lower in the ponds where exotic fish eDNA was detected more frequently. Multiplex real-time PCR can help detect the distribution of exotic and threatened native species for conservation and ecosystem management. This method is expected to substantially contribute to the early detection of invasive species and the efficient protection of threatened species' habitat.
    SPRINGER, 2020年02月, Biological Invasions, 22(2) (2), 455 - 471, 英語

  • 舟山近海水样环境DNA获取方法的建立
    陈治, 宋娜, 源利文, 邬倩倩, 高天翔
    2020年01月, 水生生物学報, 44(1) (1), 中国語

  • Satsuki Tsuji, Masaki Miya, Masayuki Ushio, Hirotoshi Sato, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hiroki Yamanaka
    Wiley, 2020年01月, Environmental DNA, 2(1) (1), 42 - 52, 英語

  • Aozora Kakuda, Hideyuki Doi, Rio Souma, Mariko Nagano, Toshifumi Minamoto, Izumi Katano
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a powerful tool for monitoring the distribution of aquatic macro-organisms. However, environmental factors, including the water temperature and water quality, can affect the inhibition and/or degradation of eDNA, which complicates accurate estimations of eDNA concentrations and the detection of the presence/absence of species in natural habitats. Further very few eDNA studies have been conducted for reptiles, especially with respect to estimating their biomass and/or abundances. Here we examined the relationship between the visually-observed number of red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) and eDNA concentrations across 100 ponds. Additionally, we evaluated the effect of water quality on red-eared slider eDNA concentration in these ponds. We found that there was a significant positive correlation between the observed number of red-eared sliders and the eDNA concentration in the ponds. On comparing various water quality indicators, including dissolved nitrogen, dissolved phosphorous, organic matter, and chlorophyll a (Chl. a), we found that only Chl. a had a negative correlation with the red-eared slider eDNA concentration, while we did not find any inhibition in the quantitative PCR. We conclude that concentrations of eDNA can potentially be used for estimating the abundance of the red-eared slider. Additionally, Chl. a might indirectly influence the degradation of eDNA through the microorganisms bonded to the phytoplankton in the ponds, as microbial activity is thought to decrease eDNA persistence.
    PeerJ, 2019年12月, PeerJ, 7, e8155 - e8155, 英語

  • Yukuto Sato, Masaru Mizuyama, Megumi Sato, Toshifumi Minamoto, Ryosuke Kimura, Claudia Toma
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019年12月, Scientific Reports, 9(1) (1), 6575, 英語

  • Raffy Jay C. Fornillos, Marcello Otake Sato, Ian Kim B. Tabios, Megumi Sato, Lydia R. Leonardo, Yuichi Chigusa, Toshifumi Minamoto, Mihoko Kikuchi, Emelda R. Legaspi, Ian Kendrich C. Fontanilla
    In recent years, the prevalence and infection intensity of Schistosoma japonicum in endemic areas of the Philippines have significantly decreased due to yearly population-based treatment strategies, yet transmission rates remain high and uninterrupted. An important indicator of active disease transmission is the presence of Schistosoma japonicum and its snail intermediate host Oncomelania hupensis quadrasi in freshwater habitats. In this study, we sought to apply a species-specific real-time PCR (qPCR) assay for the detection of S. japonicum and O. hupensis quadrasi in freshwater samples using environmental DNA approach that can complement the commonly utilized malacological survey in determining potential transmission foci in order to have a more effective snail surveillance strategy for schistosomiasis japonica in endemic areas. The newly developed assay was specific to S. japonicum and O. hupensis quadrasi with no amplification detected against non-target trematode Fasciola spp. and snails such as Lymnaea spp., Pomacea canaliculata, and Melanoides spp. that typically co-exist in the same environment. The assay effectiveness was determined using 19 environmental water samples collected from Northern Samar (N = 5 sites), Leyte (N = 11 sites) and Compostela Valley (N = 3 sites) and compared to malacological survey for determining O. hupensis quadrasi snail colonies and snail crushing to visualize S. japonicum cercariae. TaqMan qPCR targeting a short fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) gene was positive for S. japonicum in 9 sites, for O. hupensis quadrasi in 9 sites, and for both S. japonicum and O. hupensis quadrasi in 5 sampling sites. Moreover, it was able to detect O. hupensis quadrasi in 3 out of 12 sites found negative and 6 out of 7 sites found positive through malacological survey, and in 4 of the 5 snail sites positive for snails with cercariae. Overall, this method can complement malacological surveys for monitoring of schistosomes in endemic areas of the Philippines, especially those with high risk of human infection.
    2019年11月, PLOS ONE, 14(11) (11), e0224617, 英語, 国際誌

  • Kimiko Uchii, Hideyuki Doi, Teruyuki Okahashi, Izumi Katano, Hiroki Yamanaka, Masayuki K. Sakata, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2019年11月, Environmental DNA, 1(4) (4), 359 - 367, 英語

  • 高山百合子, 赤塚真依子, 伊藤一教, 源利文
    2019年11月, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 75(2) (2), I_1087 - I_1092, 日本語

  • 赤塚 真依子, 高山 百合子, 伊藤 一教, 渡辺 謙太, 桑江 朝比呂, 大澤 亮介, 森本 哲平, 源 利文
    土木学会, 2019年11月, 土木学会論文集. B2, 海岸工学 Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers. 土木学会海岸工学委員会 編, 75(2) (2), I_1075 - 1080, 日本語

  • Fritz Ivy C. Calata, Camille Z. Caranguian, Jillian Ela M. Mendoza, Raffy Jay C. Fornillos, Ian Kim B. Tabios, Ian Kendrich C. Fontanilla, Lydia R. Leonardo, Louie S. Sunico, Satoru Kawai, Yuichi Chigusa, Mihoko Kikuchi, Megumi Sato, Toshifumi Minamoto, Zenaida G. Baoanan, Marcello Otake Sato
    Background: The perpetuation of schistosomiasis japonica in the Philippines depends to a major extent on the persistence of its intermediate host Oncomelania hupensis quadrasi, an amphibious snail. While the malacological survey remains the method of choice in determining the contamination of the environment as evidenced by snails infected with schistosome larval stages, an emerging technology known as environmental DNA (eDNA) detection provides an alternative method. Previous reports showed that O. hupensis quadrasi eDNA could be detected in water, but no reports have been made on its detection in soil. Methods: This study, thus focused on the detection of O. hupensis quadrasi eDNA from soil samples collected from two selected schistosomiasis-endemic barangays in Gonzaga, Cagayan Valley using conventional and TaqMan-quantitative (qPCR) PCRs. Results: The results show that qPCR could better detect O. hupensis quadrasi eDNA in soil than the conventional method. In determining the possible distribution range of the snail, basic edaphic factors were measured and correlated with the presence of eDNA. The eDNA detection probability increases as the pH, phosphorous, zinc, copper, and potassium content increases, possibly indicating the conditions in the environment that favor the presence of the snails. A map was generated to show the probable extent of the distribution of the snails away from the body of the freshwater. Conclusion: The information generated from this study could be used to determine snail habitats that could be possible hotspots of transmission and should, therefore, be targeted for snail control or be fenced off from human and animal contact or from the contamination of feces by being a dumping site for domestic wastes.
    MDPI AG, 2019年09月, Pathogens, 8(4) (4), 160 - 160, 英語

  • Saeko Matsuhashi, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hideyuki Doi
    2019年09月, Freshwater Science, 38, 654 - 660, 英語

  • Yusuke Sakai, Ayane Kusakabe, Kota Tsuchida, Yuka Tsuzuku, Shogo Okada, Takuto Kitamura, Sei Tomita, Takahiko Mukai, Masataka Tagami, Masaki Takagi, Yuichi Yaoi, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2019年09月, Environmental DNA, 1(3) (3), 281 - 289, 英語

  • Toshiaki Jo, Mio Arimoto, Hiroaki Murakami, Reiji Masuda, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) analyses have enabled a more efficient surveillance of species distribution and composition than conventional methods. However, the characteristics and dynamics of eDNA (e.g., origin, state, transport, and fate) remain unknown. This is especially limited for the eDNA derived from nuclei (nu-eDNA), which has recently been used in eDNA analyses. Here, we compared the particle size distribution (PSD) of nu-eDNA from Japanese Jack Mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) with that of mt-eDNA (eDNA derived from mitochondria) reported in previous studies. We repeatedly sampled rearing water from the tanks under multiple temperatures and fish biomass levels, and quantified the copy numbers of size-fractioned nu-eDNA. We found that the concentration of nu-eDNA was higher than that of mt-eDNA at 3-10 mu m size fraction. Moreover, at the 0.8-3 mu m and 0.4-0.8 mu m size fractions, eDNA concentrations of both types increased with higher temperature and their degradation tended to be suppressed. These results imply that the production of eDNA from large to small size fractions could buffer the degradation of small-sized eDNA, which could improve its persistence in water. Our findings will contribute to refine the difference between nu- and mt-eDNA properties, and assist eDNA analyses as an efficient tool for the conservation of aquatic species.
    AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2019年08月, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 53(16) (16), 9947 - 9956, 英語

  • Tomoya Horiuchi, Reiji Masuda, Hiroaki Murakami, Satoshi Yamamoto, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2019年07月, Journal of Fish Biology, 95(3) (3), 979 - 981, 英語

  • Kei Kano, Mitsuru Kudo, Go Yoshizawa, Eri Mizumachi, Makiko Suga, Naonori Akiya, Kuniyoshi Ebina, Takayuki Goto, Masayuki Itoh, Ayami Joh, Haruhiko Maenami, Toshifumi Minamoto, Mikihiko Mori, Yoshitaka Morimura, TAMAKI Motoki, Akie Nakayama, Katsuya Takanashi
    This study investigates how different segments of the public, with varying degrees of interest in S&T, could formulate opinions on a broader vision and the role they think STI should play in Japanese society through 2020 (Tokyo's Olympic and Paralympic year) and toward 2030. We conducted nine inclusive public engagement activities. Results indicated that the broad public opinions did not completely overlap with officials' opinions, a value of “open and appropriate” was mainly found from the unengaged public, and the visions and values based on their opinions could well be incorporated into the official document. Engaging the disinterested in S&T remains an issue.
    Sissa Medialab, 2019年06月, Journal of Science Communication, 18(03) (03), A02, 英語

  • 今村彰生, 速水花奈, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    サケ科イワナ属のオショロコマ(Salvelinus malma malma)は、国内では降海しない陸封型が北海道にのみ生息し、環境省レッドデータブックの絶滅危惧Ⅱ類(VU)に選定されている。一般に河川最上流域に生息し、オショロコマより下流には同属のエゾイワナ(S. leucomaenis leucomaenis)が分布するとされている。これらは、人工的河川横断構造物と外来種のニジマス(Oncorhynchus mykiss)の定着によって個体数が減少している可能性がある。そこで、環境DNA分析手法を用いて年間を通したサンプリングを行い、オショロコマ、エゾイワナ、およびニジマスそれぞれの生息の有無とその季節変化を調べた。大雪山系周辺の石狩川水系支流の支流系1、ピウケナイ川、オサラッペ川を調査地とし、構造物の上下での採水を含め、計16地点で採水を行った。その結果、支流系1流域ではオショロコマが最上流域、エゾイワナが中上流域で検出され、ニジマスは下流域でのみ検出された。ピウケナイ川流域ではオショロコマとニジマスが全地点で検出され、エゾイワナは検出されなかった。一方、オサラッペ川では3種いずれも検出率が低かった。調査地点ごとの検出の有無について一般化線形混合モデルによる解析を実施したところ、移動の時期や方向性および構造物の障壁としての機能などは明確にできなかったが、オショロコマが上流に多いのに対して、エゾイワナとニジマスは下流に多い傾向を示し、しかもオショロコマとニジマスについては排他的ではない可能性が示された。しかし、これはニジマスによる競争排除が無いことを保証せず、有効性が示された環境DNA分析を駆使し、継続的なモニタリングを行い定量的な把握を目指す必要があるだろう。
    日本生態学会, 2019年05月, 保全生態学研究, 24(1) (1), 71 - 81, 日本語

  • Qianqian Wu, Ken Kawano, Toshiyuki Ishikawa, Masayuki K. Sakata, Ryohei Nakao, Masayoshi K. Hiraiwa, Satsuki Tsuji, Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2019年05月, Environmental DNA, 1(1) (1), 54 - 63, 英語

  • Qianqian Wu, Yasuoki Takami, Toshifumi Minamoto, Toshiyuki Ishikawa
    2019年04月, Ecosphere, 10(4) (4), e02628, 英語

  • Teruhiko Takahara, Takashi Ikebuchi, Hideyuki Doi, Toshifumi Minamoto
    2019年03月, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 221, 15 - 20, 英語

  • Hikaru Itakura, Ryoshiro Wakiya, Satoshi Yamamoto, Kenzo Kaifu, Takuya Sato, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Wiley, 2019年03月, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29(3) (3), 361 - 373, 英語

  • Hiroaki Murakami, Seokjin Yoon, Akihide Kasai, Toshifumi Minamoto, Satoshi Yamamoto, Masayuki K. Sakata, Tomoya Horiuchi, Hideki Sawada, Michio Kondoh, Yoh Yamashita, Reiji Masuda
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019年03月, Fisheries Science, 85(2) (2), 327 - 337, 英語

  • Toshiaki Jo, Hiroaki Murakami, Satoshi Yamamoto, Reiji Masuda, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has successfully detected organisms in various aquatic environments. However, there is little basic information on eDNA, including the eDNA shedding and degradation processes. This study focused on water temperature and fish biomass and showed that eDNA shedding, degradation, and size distribution varied depending on water temperature and fish biomass. The tank experiments consisted of four temperature levels and three fish biomass levels. The total eDNA and size-fractioned eDNA from Japanese Jack Mackerels (Trachurus japonicus) were quantified before and after removing the fish. The results showed that the eDNA shedding rate increased at higher water temperature and larger fish biomass, and the eDNA decay rate also increased at higher temperature and fish biomass. In addition, the small-sized eDNA fractions were proportionally larger at higher temperatures, and these proportions varied among fish biomass. After removing the fish from the tanks, the percentage of eDNA temporally decreased when the eDNA size fraction was >10 mu m, while the smaller size fractions increased. These results have the potential to make the use of eDNA analysis more widespread in the future.
    WILEY, 2019年02月, ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 9(3) (3), 1135 - 1146, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Kana Hayami, Masayuki K. Sakata, Akio Imamura
    Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) and Whitespotted Char (Salvelinus leucomaenis) are representative native fish of the family Salmonidae that inhabit the upper reaches of rivers on Hokkaido Island, Japan. They are threatened by the invasive Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). In this study, environmental DNA (eDNA) real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays to detect these three salmonids were developed and used to clarify the distribution pattern of these fish. A specificity test for each assay was conducted using DNA extracted from both target and closely related fish, and the specificity of each assay was confirmed. Then, we carried out eDNA surveys in two mountainous rivers around Mt. Daisetsu in winter, when snow depth was maximized. In the winter surveys, eDNA of all three species were successfully detected from river water samples, including under-ice water samples. The results of eDNA detection corresponded with the results of an earlier distribution survey performed with Japanese-style fly-fishing and lure-fishing. These results suggested that the eDNA assays developed in this study are applicable for inter-seasonal surveys for these species.
    WILEY, 2019年01月, Ecological Research, 34(1) (1), 237 - 242, 英語

  • Aya Takeuchi, Shun Watanabe, Satoshi Yamamoto, Michael J. Miller, Tatsuhiro Fukuba, Tstsuya Miwa, Tatsufumi Okino, Toshifumi Minamoto, Katsumi Tsukamoto
    Inter-Research Science Center, 2019年01月, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 609, 187 - 196, 英語

  • Marcello Otake Sato, Armand Rafalimanantsoa, Charles Ramarokoto, Alain Marcel Rahetilahy, Pascaline Ravoniarimbinina, Satoru Kawai, Toshifumi Minamoto, Megumi Sato, Masashi Kirinoki, Voahangy Rasolofo, Mathilde De Calan, Yuichi Chigusa
    Elsevier BV, 2018年11月, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 76, 130 - 136, 英語

  • 赤塚真依子, 高山百合子, 伊藤一教, 森本哲平, 源利文
    2018年11月, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 74(2) (2), I_1225 - I_1230, 日本語

  • 高山百合子, 赤塚真依子, 伊藤一教, 源利文
    2018年11月, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 74(2) (2), I_1231 - I_1236, 日本語

  • Qianqian Wu, Ken Kawano, Yoshitoshi Uehara, Noboru Okuda, Masamichi Hongo, Satsuki Tsuji, Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto
    University of Chicago Press, 2018年06月, Freshwater Science, 37(2) (2), 307 - 314, 英語

  • Hikaru Nakagawa, Satoshi Yamamoto, Yukuto Sato, Tetsuya Sado, Toshifumi Minamoto, Masaki Miya
    We present a performance evaluation of environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding with MiFish-U/E primers to investigate local and regional diversities of stream fish species to examine potential effectiveness, limits and future remedies of this technique in large-scale monitoring. We hypothesised that eDNA inferences are more consistent with fish assemblages observed upstream than downstream due to a directional flow of river water. River water was sampled at 102 sites in 51 rivers around Lake Biwa in the central part of Honshu Island, Japan, within 10 person-days, and fish species compositions inferred from eDNA and existing observational data were compared. Observation sites were chosen from the observational data that were within a certain distance (buffer range) of a water-sampling site along a river trajectory. The hypothesis of the detection bias of eDNA towards upstream assemblage was tested by comparing results with all of the observational data, data from a higher elevation and data from a lower elevation. The Jaccard dissimilarity index was plotted between the observational data and the eDNA estimates against the buffer range the buffer range with minimum dissimilarity was chosen. When using existing observational data from within 6 km upstream of the eDNA sampling sites, the eDNA results were the most consistent with the observational data and inferred 86.4% of the species reported (38/44), as well as two additional species. eDNA results also showed patterns consistent with known upstream–downstream turnover of related species and biogeographical assemblage patterns of certain species. Our 10-person-days survey using the metabarcoding technique enabled us to obtain as much regional fish diversity data including the hypothesised pattern of eDNA detection with an upstream bias as the accumulated observational data obtained through greater amounts of time, money and labour. The problems regarding false-positive/negative detection were suggested in our survey however, these should be decreased or removed by modifying the sampling methods and experimental procedures in future works. Therefore, we concluded this new tool to enable monitoring that has never been implemented, such as cross-nation, and even whole-Earth monitoring with the data at yearly, seasonal or finer temporal scales.
    Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2018年06月, Freshwater Biology, 63(6) (6), 569 - 580, 英語

  • Masayuki Ushio, Hiroaki Murakami, Reiji Masuda, Tetsuya Sado, Masaki Miya, Sho Sakurai, Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto, Michio Kondoh
    2018年03月, Metabarcoding & Metagenomics, 2018, e23297, 英語

  • 丹羽 英之, 坂田 雅之, 源 利文, 清野 未恵子
    近年環境DNA分析によるマクロ生物の分布調査法が発展しており、多くの生物種の分布調査が可能であることが示されている。一方で、水の動きのある河川において、数百メートル程度の小さな空間スケールで環境DNA分析と採集調査の結果を比較した例は少なく、希少種の生息域を詳細に把握するツールとしての有効性は十分に検証されていない。本研究では、河川に設定した複数の比較的小さな空間スケールの調査区画で、環境DNA分析と現地採集調査を行い、環境DNA分析と採集調査の結果がどの程度一致するのかを検証した。調査は兵庫県の篠山川の上流域で行い、調査対象種は同流域での分布が確認されている希少種のアカザ、オヤニラミ、スナヤツメ南方種の3種とした。調査区間を500 mの等間隔に分割した23の調査単位を設定し、各区画の下流端で採水し、本研究で開発したリアルタイムPCR系で調査対象種のDNAの検出を行った。また、採集対象を調査対象種に限定した現地採集調査を行い、調査単位(500 m)ごとに種の在不在を記録した。その結果、環境DNA分析と現地採集調査の結果が一致する割合は種によって異なっており、小さな空間スケールで環境DNA分析と現地採集調査の結果を比較した場合には、両者は単純には一致しないことが示された。環境DNA分析を希少種の保全につなげていくためには、本研究と同様の検証を積み重ねていく必要がある。
    一般社団法人 日本生態学会, 2018年, 保全生態学研究, 23(2) (2), 257 - 264, 日本語

  • Masayuki Sato, Atushi Ushimaru, Toshifumi Minamoto
    This study investigated the effect of valuators' personal history and beliefs on valuation of ecosystem services around Mt. Rokko, which is located near Kobe, a major city in Japan. Special attention was paid to how differences in lifestyle, access to nature, and experiences during childhood influence willingness to pay (WTP) for peri-urban ecosystem conservation. The estimated values (median: 1858 JPY) were relatively higher than in previous case studies including one on the World Heritage forest in the country, but the value was not outlier of the literature. From the simple model estimation, we focused on the effect of individual differences. The full model including information of personal experience with nature revealed differences in WTP among residents. The basic characteristics of age and income were found to have a significant effect. Interestingly, it was also found that certain experiences during childhood had a significant effect on increasing WTP for ecosystem and biodiversity conservation. These findings suggest the importance of considering the diversity of valuators in ecosystem valuation studies under urbanization processes, and it also warns the extinction of experience with nature under on going urbanization for urban ecosystem conservation.

  • Masayuki K. Sakata, Nobutaka Maki, Hideki Sugiyama, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Freshwater biodiversity has been severely threatened in recent years, and to conserve endangered species, their distribution and breeding habitats need to be clarified. However, identifying breeding sites in a large area is generally difficult. Here, by combining the emerging environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis with subsequent traditional collection surveys, we successfully identified a breeding habitat for the critically endangered freshwater fish Acheilognathus typus in the mainstream of Omono River in Akita Prefecture, Japan, which is one of the original habitats of this species. Based on DNA cytochrome B sequences of A. typus and closely related species, we developed species-specific primers and a probe that were used in real-time PCR for detecting A. typus eDNA. After verifying the specificity and applicability of the primers and probe on water samples from known artificial habitats, eDNA analysis was applied to water samples collected at 99 sites along Omono River. Two of the samples were positive for A. typus eDNA, and thus, small fixed nets and bottle traps were set out to capture adult fish and verify egg deposition in bivalves (the preferred breeding substrate for A. typus) in the corresponding regions. Mature female and male individuals and bivalves containing laid eggs were collected at one of the eDNA-positive sites. This was the first record of adult A. typus in Omono River in 11 years. This study highlights the value of eDNA analysis to guide conventional monitoring surveys and shows that combining both methods can provide important information on breeding sites that is essential for species' conservation.
    SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2017年12月, SCIENCE OF NATURE, 104(11-12) (11-12), 100, 英語

  • Toshiaki Jo, Hiroaki Murakami, Reiji Masuda, Masayuki K. Sakata, Satoshi Yamamoto, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The advent of environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis methods has enabled rapid and wide-range ecological monitoring in aquatic ecosystems, but there is a dearth of information on eDNA degradation. The results of previous studies suggest that the decay rate of eDNA varies depending on the length of DNA fragments. To examine this hypothesis, we compared temporal change in copy number of long eDNA fragments (719bp) with that of short eDNA fragments (127bp). First, we isolated rearing water from a target fish species, Japanese Jack Mackerel (Trachurus japonicus), and then quantified the copy number of the long and short eDNA fragments in 1L water samples after isolating the water from the fish. Long DNA fragments showed a higher decay rate than short fragments. Next, we measured the eDNA copy numbers of long and short DNA fragments using field samples, and compared them with fish biomass as measured by echo intensity. Although a previous study suggested that short eDNA fragments could be overestimated because of nontarget eDNA from a nearby fish market and carcasses, the eDNA concentrations of long fragments were correlated with echo intensity. This suggests that the concentration of longer eDNA fragments reflects fish biomass more accurately than the previous study by removing the effects of the fish market and carcasses. The length-related differences in eDNA have a substantial potential to improve estimation of species biomass.
    WILEY, 2017年11月, MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES, 17(6) (6), e25 - e33, 英語

  • Hideyuki Doi, Yoshihisa Akamatsu, Yutaka Watanabe, Masuji Goto, Ryutei Inui, Izumi Katano, Mariko Nagano, Teruhiko Takahara, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques utilizing DNA fragments from water have recently been developed to investigate the distribution and abundance/biomass of aquatic organisms. The eDNA technique is based on the analysis of DNA fragments in sampled water; thus, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV; drone) would be a useful way of collecting water for eDNA sampling, and may consequently allow us to extend eDNA surveys both spatially and temporally. Here, we developed a new method of water collection by using UAV with bleachable equipment, to avoid DNA contamination. To test the performance and contamination risk of UAV water sampling in eDNA surveys, we sampled water from a dam reservoir, detected eDNA from two fish species, and compared the water samples obtained by UAV with those obtained by boat. Additionally, we investigated contamination using blank samples. The results revealed that our UAV water sampling method performed similar to the boat sampling method. No positive signals were detected in the blank samples, including those used for UAV sampling, transportation, filtering, and PCR blanks. Our UAV method can be used to investigate species distributions using eDNA. Combinations of UAV technologies, including remote and thermal sensing, will enable efficient environmental monitoring in various waterbodies.
    WILEY, 2017年11月, LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY-METHODS, 15(11) (11), 939 - 944, 英語

  • Kimiko Uchii, Hideyuki Doi, Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Understanding behavioral differences between intraspecific genotypes of aquatic animals is challenging because we cannot directly observe the animals underwater or visually distinguish morphologically similar counterparts. Here, we tested a new monitoring tool that uses environmental DNA (eDNA), an assemblage of DNA in environmental water, to specifically detect Japanese native and introduced non-native genotypes of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Lake Biwa, Japan, and estimated differences between the two genotypes in the use of inland habitats. We monitored the ratios of native and non-native single nucleotide polymorphism alleles of a mitochondrial locus of common carp in a lagoon connected to Lake Biwa for 3years using eDNA. We observed seasonal dynamics in the allele frequency showing that the native genotype frequency peaked every spring, suggesting that native individuals migrated to the lagoon for spawning and then returned to the main lake, whereas non-native individuals tended to stay in the lagoon. The estimated migration patterns corresponded with the estimates of a previous study, which were based on commercial fish catch data. Our findings suggest that eDNA-based monitoring can be useful tool for addressing intraspecific behavioral differences underwater.
    WILEY, 2017年10月, ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 7(20) (20), 8515 - 8522, 英語

  • Izumi Katano, Ken Harada, Hideyuki Doi, Rio Souma, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2017年05月, PLOS ONE, 12(5) (5), e0176541 - e0176541, 英語

  • Hiroki Hashizume, Megumi Sato, Marcello Otake Sato, Sumire Ikeda, Tippayarat Yoonuan, Surapol Sanguankiat, Tiengkham Pongvongsa, Kazuhiko Moji, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Opisthorchiasis, which can lead to cholangiocarcinoma in cases of chronic infection, is a major public health problem in Southeast Asian countries. The trematode, Opisthorchis viverrini, is the causative agent of the disease. Accurate and rapid monitoring of O. viverrini is crucial for disease prevention and containment. Therefore, in this study we sought to develop a novel species -specific real-time PCR assay for detecting O. viverrini using environmental DNA (eDNA). The diagnostic sensitivity of the newly developed real-time PCR assay was similar to that of the traditional PCR assay for 50 fecal samples collected in Lao PDR (21 and 19 samples were positive by real-time PCR and traditional PCR, respectively). The efficacy of eDNA analysis and its applicability in the field were tested using a total of 94 environmental water samples collected from 44 sites in Savannakhet, Lao PDR during May and October 2015 and February 2016. O. viverrini eDNA was detected in five samples by real-time PCR, indicating the presence of the fluke in the area and the risk of infection for individuals consuming fish from these water sources. The application of eDNA analysis would facilitate the identification of O. viverrini endemic hotspots and contribute to the ecological control of opisthorchiasis, and this strategy can be applied to other eukaryotic water pathogens. (C)2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2017年05月, ACTA TROPICA, 169, 1 - 7, 英語

  • Satsuki Tsuji, Masayuki Ushio, Sho Sakurai, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hiroki Yamanaka
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) is DNA shed by organisms into surrounding environments such as soil and water. The new methods using eDNA as a marker for species detection are being rapidly developed. Here we explore basic knowledge regarding the dependence of the eDNA degradation rate on time and water temperature, and the relationship between eDNA degradation and bacterial abundance. This subject has not been well clarified, even though it is essential for improving the reliability of eDNA analysis. To determine the time-and water temperature-dependent degradation of eDNA, river water was sampled and eDNA concentrations were determined for ayu sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) at seven time points, over a 48-h period, and at three different water temperatures. The degradation of eDNA was modeled for each species using an existing exponential decay model with an extension to include water temperature effects. The degradation models were constructed for ayu sweetfish as N-t = 229,901.2 x exp [- (0.01062 x k - 0.07081) x t] and for common carp as N-t = 2,558.0 x exp [- (0.01075 x k - 0.07372) x t]. Nt is the DNA concentration at time t (elapsed time in hours) and k is the water temperature (degrees C). We also measured the concentration of eDNA derived from purified genomic DNA of the common carp, which was spiked into aquarium water without the target species, and we measured the bacterial abundance in the sample water after 12 and 24 h of incubation. Environmental DNA degradation was accelerated at higher water temperatures (generalized linear model, GLM; p < 0.001), but bacterial abundance did not have a significant effect on eDNA degradation (GLM, p = 0.097). These results suggest that the proper treatment of this temperature effect in data interpretations and adjustments would increase the reliability of eDNA analysis in future studies.
    PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2017年04月, PLOS ONE, 12(4) (4), e0176608, 英語

  • Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto, Junichi Matsuura, Sho Sakurai, Satsuki Tsuji, Hiromu Motozawa, Masamichi Hongo, Yuki Sogo, Naoki Kakimi, Iori Teramura, Masaki Sugita, Miki Baba, Akihiro Kondo
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is a powerful tool within ecology for the study of the distribution or abundance of aquatic species, although the simplification of water sampling is required for enabling light and fast field sampling to expand further application of eDNA analysis. Here, certain candidate chemicals belonging to the group of cationic surfactants were examined for their effectiveness as preservatives for eDNA water samples by simply adding the chemicals to water samples to suppress the degradation of eDNA. The quaternary ammonium compound benzalkonium chloride (BAC) at a final concentration of 0.01% was effective to retain 92% of eDNA derived from the bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus in an 8-h incubation test at ambient temperature, which assumed a transportation of water samples in 1-day field sampling during the daytime. Meanwhile, eDNA in water samples without BAC retained only 14% of the initial eDNA. Moreover, an additional long-term incubation test (up to 10 days) revealed BAC-treated samples retained similar to 70 and 50% of bluegill DNA compared to the initial amount after 1- and 10-day incubation at ambient temperature, respectively. Meanwhile, eDNA in naive samples reduced to 20% after 1-day incubation and reached undetectable levels after 10 days. Up to now, many eDNA studies have adopted on-site filtration followed by filter fixation, which requires many pieces of equipment. Addition of BAC can protect eDNA in water samples with less effort and equipment resulting in an increase of measurement accuracy of the eDNA quantity and detection probability of rare species by preventing the disappearance of rare sequences in water samples.
    SPRINGER JAPAN KK, 2017年04月, LIMNOLOGY, 18(2) (2), 233 - 241, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Kimiko Uchii, Teruhiko Takahara, Takumi Kitayoshi, Satsuki Tsuji, Hiroki Yamanaka, Hideyuki Doi
    The recently developed environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has been used to estimate the distribution of aquatic vertebrates by using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) as a genetic marker. However, mtDNA markers have certain drawbacks such as variable copy number and maternal inheritance. In this study, we investigated the potential of using nuclear DNA (ncDNA) as a more reliable genetic marker for eDNA analysis by using common carp (Cyprinus carpio). We measured the copy numbers of cytochrome b (CytB) gene region of mtDNA and internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region of ribosomal DNA of ncDNA in various carp tissues and then compared the detectability of these markers in eDNA samples. In the DNA extracted from the brain and gill tissues and intestinal contents, CytB was detected at 95.1 +/- 10.7 (mean +/- 1 standard error), 29.7 +/- 1.59 and 24.0 +/- 4.33 copies per cell, respectively, and ITS1 was detected at 1760 +/- 343, 2880 +/- 503 and 1910 +/- 352 copies per cell, respectively. In the eDNA samples from mesocosm, pond and lake water, the copy numbers of ITS1 were about 160, 300 and 150 times higher than those of CytB, respectively. The minimum volume of pond water required for quantification was 33 and 100 mL for ITS1 and CytB, respectively. These results suggested that ITS1 is a more sensitive genetic marker for eDNA studies of C. carpio.
    WILEY, 2017年03月, MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES, 17(2) (2), 324 - 333, 英語

  • Hideyuki Doi, Kimiko Uchii, Saeko Matsuhashi, Teruhiko Takahara, Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The environmental DNA (eDNA) method has been used to estimate the distributions of aquatic species, and both ethanol precipitation and filtration-based methods are commonly employed to capture eDNA from sampled water. Although filtration-based methods can capture more eDNA than that by ethanol precipitation, by processing larger volumes of water (e.g., 1 L vs. 15 mL), ethanol precipitation can immediately preserve eDNA on site and ease downstream processing, which are especially advantageous for eDNA studies conducted with limited resources, such as electric equipment, labor, and time. However, the ethanol precipitation method is limited by small volume of water that can be processed (i.e., 15 mL in a reaction volume of 50 mL). As an alternative, isopropanol could potentially be used to increase the volume of sample water processed, since lower volumes of isopropanol are required for precipitation. Therefore, in the present study, we compared the copy numbers of carp eDNA captured using isopropanol and ethanol precipitation in both mesocosm and field experiments. In both cases, we found that isopropanol precipitation recovered double the amount of eDNA recovered by ethanol precipitation, when the reaction volumes were equal. Therefore, isopropanol precipitation is a superior option for eDNA capture when surveys are conducted under resource-limited conditions.
    WILEY, 2017年02月, LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY-METHODS, 15(2) (2), 212 - 218, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Miho Fukuda, Koki R. Katsuhara, Ayaka Fujiwara, Shunsuke Hidaka, Satoshi Yamamoto, Kohji Takahashi, Reiji Masuda
    Recent development of environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis allows us to survey underwater macro-organisms easily and cost effectively; however, there have been no reports on eDNA detection or quantification for jellyfish. Here we present the first report on an eDNA analysis of marine jellyfish using Japanese sea nettle (Chrysaora pacifica) as a model species by combining a tank experiment with spatial and temporal distribution surveys. We performed a tank experiment monitoring eDNA concentrations over a range of time intervals after the introduction of jellyfish, and quantified the eDNA concentrations by quantitative real-time PCR. The eDNA concentrations peaked twice, at 1 and 8 h after the beginning of the experiment, and became stable within 48 h. The estimated release rates of the eDNA in jellyfish were higher than the rates previously reported in fishes. A spatial survey was conducted in June 2014 in Maizuru Bay, Kyoto, in which eDNA was collected from surface water and sea floor water samples at 47 sites while jellyfish near surface water were counted on board by eye. The distribution of eDNA in the bay corresponded with the distribution of jellyfish inferred by visual observation, and the eDNA concentration in the bay was similar to 13 times higher on the sea floor than on the surface. The temporal survey was conducted from March to November 2014, in which jellyfish were counted by eye every morning while eDNA was collected from surface and sea floor water at three sampling points along a pier once a month. The temporal fluctuation pattern of the eDNA concentrations and the numbers of observed individuals were well correlated. We conclude that an eDNA approach is applicable for jellyfish species in the ocean.
    PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2017年02月, PLOS ONE, 12(2) (2), e0173073, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto
    Heavy water is a form of water that contains a heavier isotope of hydrogen (2 H, also known as deuterium, D) or oxygen (17O or18O). When using heavy water as a solvent, error-prone polymerase chain reaction (epPCR) can induce random mutations independent of the polymerase used or the composition of the PCR reaction mixture. This relatively new method can easily be combined with the existing epPCR methods to increase the rate of mutations.
    Humana Press Inc., 2017年, Methods in Molecular Biology, 1498, 491 - 495, 英語

  • Satoshi Yamamoto, Reiji Masuda, Yukuto Sato, Tetsuya Sado, Hitoshi Araki, Michio Kondoh, Toshifumi Minamoto, Masaki Miya
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding has emerged as a potentially powerful tool to assess aquatic community structures. However, the method has hitherto lacked field tests that evaluate its effectiveness and practical properties as a biodiversity monitoring tool. Here, we evaluated the ability of eDNA metabarcoding to reveal fish community structures in species-rich coastal waters. High-performance fish-universal primers and systematic spatial water sampling at 47 stations covering similar to 11 km(2) revealed the fish community structure at a species resolution. The eDNA metabarcoding based on a 6-h collection of water samples detected 128 fish species, of which 62.5% (40 species) were also observed by underwater visual censuses conducted over a 14-year period. This method also detected other local fishes (>= 23 species) that were not observed by the visual censuses. These eDNA metabarcoding features will enhance marine ecosystem-related research, and the method will potentially become a standard tool for surveying fish communities.

  • Hideyuki Doi, Ryutei Inui, Yoshihisa Akamatsu, Kazuki Kanno, Hiroki Yamanaka, Teruhiko Takahara, Toshifumi Minamoto
    1. Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis for detecting the presence of aquatic and terrestrial organisms is an established method, and the eDNA concentration of a species can reflect its abundance/biomass at a site. However, attempts to estimate the abundance/biomass of aquatic species using eDNA concentrations in large stream and river ecosystems have received little attention. 2. We determined the eDNA concentration and abundance/biomass of a stream fish, Plecoglossus altivelis, by conducting a snorkelling survey in the Saba River, Japan. Furthermore, we evaluated the relationship between eDNA concentrations and the estimated abundance/biomass of P. altivelis, and determined its spatial distribution within the river. 3. Across the three seasons from spring to autumn, we found significant correlations between the eDNA concentration of P. altivelis and its abundance/biomass at study sites within the river. We detected the eDNA at the sites where we found only feeding traces on stones (where P. altivelis was not directly observed), but not at sites without feeding traces. Additionally, we tested the optimal number of qPCR replicates needed for the eDNA evaluation of P. altivelis abundance and biomass; only a small number of replicates was required when the eDNA concentration was high. 4. Our findings suggest that eDNA analysis is a useful tool to estimate fish abundance/biomass as well as their spatial distribution in rivers.
    WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2017年01月, FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, 62(1) (1), 30 - 39, 英語

  • Satsuki Tsuji, Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has recently been applied to the study of aquatic macroorganisms. In most studies, sample water was filtered and the extracted DNA from the residues on the filter used for the following molecular analysis to detect species of interest. This quick, new biomonitoring method has received broad attention, but some unknowns remain, such as the eDNA yield in relation to water quality. Previous studies suggest that eDNA is composed of various forms, such as the free-floating naked form and in organelles and cells. Therefore, the eDNA yield in the filtration and extraction steps might change depending on the composition of eDNA. Especially the filtration efficiency of free-floating DNA would be affected by the electrical effect of water pH. In this study, not only the free-floating naked DNA, but also all DNA fragments released from the organisms and contained in the water were defined as eDNA, including cells and organelles. We examined (1) the effect of water pH on the eDNA yield at filtration and (2) the effect of proteinase K treatment on the extraction efficiency of DNA from filter samples, with consideration of the variety of the eDNA forms in water. In a laboratory experiment using the purified DNA of common carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio) spiked into ultrapure water, the water pH and DNA yield showed a negative relationship within the pH range of 5-9, that is, the DNA yield was higher in acidic conditions, plausibly because of pH-dependent adsorption onto the glass fiber filter at the filtration step. In case the field water contained eDNA derived from the inhabiting common carp and the purified DNA of ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) spiked in the sample as an internal standard, adjustment of the pH to 5 prior to filtration did not increase the eDNA yield of common carp, and the spiked ayu DNA was not detected at all. During the DNA extraction step, a standard protocol including proteinase K treatment marked higher DNA yield than that without proteinase K treatment. Overall, the present results indicate successful collection of eDNA using filters without any special attention to the pH of the sample water, and a conventional protocol with proteinase K treatment is appropriate for eDNA recovery.
    SPRINGER JAPAN KK, 2017年01月, LIMNOLOGY, 18(1) (1), 1 - 7, 英語

  • Masaki Miya, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hiroki Yamanaka, Shin-ichiro Oka, Keiichi Sato, Satoshi Yamamoto, Tetsuya Sado, Hideyuki Doi
    Recent studies demonstrated the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) from fishes to be appropriate as a non-invasive monitoring tool. Most of these studies employed disk fiber filters to collect eDNA from water samples, although a number of microbial studies in aquatic environments have employed filter cartridges, because the cartridge has the advantage of accommodating large water volumes and of overall ease of use. Here we provide a protocol for filtration of water samples using the filter cartridge and extraction of eDNA from the filter without having to cut open the housing. The main portions of this protocol consists of 1) filtration of water samples (water volumes <= 4 L or > 4 L); (2) extraction of DNA on the filter using a roller shaker placed in a preheated incubator; and (3) purification of DNA using a commercial kit. With the use of this and previously-used protocols, we perform metabarcoding analysis of eDNA taken from a huge aquarium tank (7,500 m(3)) with known species composition, and show the number of detected species per library from the two protocols as the representative results. This protocol has been developed for metabarcoding eDNA from fishes, but is also applicable to eDNA from other organisms.

  • Hiroki Yamanaka, Hiromu Motozawa, Satsuki Tsuji, Ryohei C. Miyazawa, Teruhiko Takahara, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is an innovative tool for determining the distribution or abundance of aquatic macroorganisms. However, because eDNA degrades rapidly in water, long delays between sampling and analysis may hinder eDNA quantification. In the present study, we developed a portable filtration system that enables on-site (and on-the-road) filtration of water samples. Degradation rates of eDNA within 6 h were compared using water from an outdoor pond that was subjected to (1) on-site filtration, (2) transportation of water on ice, and (3) transportation of water at ambient temperature. Groups 2 and 3 were filtered in the laboratory 6 h after sampling. The concentration of eDNA was determined as the copy number of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of two fish species using real-time polymerase chain reaction. The portable filtration system offers the following benefits: (1) the eDNA concentration is preserved as is at the time of sampling, permitting higher accuracy of eDNA quantification, (2) use of a disposable sealed plastic bag reduces the risk of contamination and ensures on-the-road filtration, (3) time is saved because filtration can be accomplished when driving between sampling sites.
    SPRINGER JAPAN KK, 2016年11月, ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 31(6) (6), 963 - 967, 英語

  • Ayaka Fujiwara, Saeko Matsuhashi, Hideyuki Doi, Satoshi Yamamoto, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The first step toward solving the problems caused by an invasive alien species is to know the distribution of the species. However, species in underwater environments are difficult to investigate. The recent development of environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has made it possible to investigate the distribution of a target species simply by analyzing the DNA in the water. To date, few investigators have used eDNA detection of aquatic plants. We established an eDNA detection method for Egeria densa, an invasive aquatic plant species in Japan; used eDNA detection to survey the species in aquaria; and applied this method to water samples from 23 outdoor ponds. We also used visual observations of the ponds. The aquarium experiments revealed that the eDNA concentration in the water increased rapidly and peaked 1 or 2 d after starting the experiment, after which it decreased rapidly, reaching its lowest point on the 5th day. In the field surveys, we visually observed E. densa at 5 ponds, and the eDNA of E. densa was detected from the same 5 ponds. Thus, the eDNA results perfectly matched the observational results. Our work confirms that detection of aquatic plants by eDNA analysis is feasible.
    UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2016年06月, FRESHWATER SCIENCE, 35(2) (2), 748 - 754, 英語

  • Saeko Matsuhashi, Hideyuki Doi, Ayaka Fujiwara, Sonoko Watanabe, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The environmental DNA (eDNA) method has increasingly been recognized as a powerful tool for monitoring aquatic animal species; however, its application for monitoring aquatic plants is limited. To evaluate eDNA analysis for estimating the distribution of aquatic plants, we compared its estimated distributions with eDNA analysis, visual observation, and past distribution records for the submerged species Hydrilla verticillata. Moreover, we conducted aquarium experiments using H. verticillata and Egeria densa and analyzed the relationships between eDNA concentrations and plant biomass to investigate the potential for biomass estimation. The occurrences estimated by eDNA analysis closely corresponded to past distribution records, and eDNA detections were more frequent than visual observations, indicating that the method is potentially more sensitive. The results of the aquarium experiments showed a positive relationship between plant biomass and eDNA concentration; however, the relationship was not always significant. The eDNA concentration peaked within three days of the start of the experiment in most cases, suggesting that plants do not release constant amounts of DNA. These results showed that eDNA analysis can be used for distribution surveys, and has the potential to estimate the biomass of aquatic plants.
    PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2016年06月, PLOS ONE, 11(6) (6), 英語

  • 市民による科学情報読み解きへの支援 -「IPCCレポートを根掘り葉掘り読む会」-
    蛯名邦禎, 伊藤真之, 梅村界渡, 源利文
    平成27年度日本科学教育学会第7回研究会(四国支部開催); [日時] 平成28年5月28日(土); [会場]香川大学; [主催]一般社団法人日本科学教育学会
    日本科学教育学会, 2016年05月, 日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告, 30(7) (7), 17 - 20, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析手法による高校生研究活動への支援
    源利文, 伊藤真之, 蛯名邦禎
    平成27年度日本科学教育学会第7回研究会(四国支部開催); [日時] 平成28年5月28日(土); [会場]香川大学; [主催]一般社団法人日本科学教育学会
    日本科学教育学会, 2016年05月, 日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告, 30(2) (2), 21 - 24, 日本語

  • Kimiko Uchii, Hideyuki Doi, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The invasion of non-native species that are closely related to native species can lead to competitive elimination of the native species and/or genomic extinction through hybridization. Such invasions often become serious before they are detected, posing unprecedented threats to biodiversity. A Japanese native strain of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) has become endangered owing to the invasion of non-native strains introduced from the Eurasian continent. Here, we propose a rapid environmental DNA-based approach to quantitatively monitor the invasion of non-native genotypes. Using this system, we developed a method to quantify the relative proportion of native and non-native DNA based on a single-nucleotide polymorphism using cycling probe technology in real-time PCR. The efficiency of this method was confirmed in aquarium experiments, where the quantified proportion of native and non-native DNA in the water was well correlated to the biomass ratio of native and non-native genotypes. This method provided quantitative estimates for the proportion of native and non-native DNA in natural rivers and reservoirs, which allowed us to estimate the degree of invasion of non-native genotypes without catching and analysing individual fish. Our approach would dramatically facilitate the process of quantitatively monitoring the invasion of non-native conspecifics in aquatic ecosystems, thus revealing a promising method for risk assessment and management in biodiversity conservation.
    WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2016年03月, MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES, 16(2) (2), 415 - 422, 英語

  • Satoshi Yamamoto, Kenji Minami, Keiichi Fukaya, Kohji Takahashi, Hideki Sawada, Hiroaki Murakami, Satsuki Tsuji, Hiroki Hashizume, Shou Kubonaga, Tomoya Horiuchi, Masamichi Hongo, Jo Nishida, Yuta Okugawa, Ayaka Fujiwara, Miho Fukuda, Shunsuke Hidaka, Keita W. Suzuki, Masaki Miya, Hitoshi Araki, Hiroki Yamanaka, Atsushi Maruyama, Kazushi Miyashita, Reiji Masuda, Toshifumi Minamoto, Michio Kondoh
    Recent studies in streams and ponds have demonstrated that the distribution and biomass of aquatic organisms can be estimated by detection and quantification of environmental DNA (eDNA). In more open systems such as seas, it is not evident whether eDNA can represent the distribution and biomass of aquatic organisms because various environmental factors (e.g., water flow) are expected to affect eDNA distribution and concentration. To test the relationships between the distribution of fish and eDNA, we conducted a grid survey in Maizuru Bay, Sea of Japan, and sampled surface and bottom waters while monitoring biomass of the Japanese jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) using echo sounder technology. A linear model showed a high R-2 value (0.665) without outlier data points, and the association between estimated eDNA concentrations from the surface water samples and echo intensity was significantly positive, suggesting that the estimated spatial variation in eDNA concentration can reflect the local biomass of the jack mackerel. We also found that a best-fit model included echo intensity obtained within 10-150 m from water sampling sites, indicating that the estimated eDNA concentration most likely reflects fish biomass within 150 m in the bay. Although eDNA from a wholesale fish market partially affected eDNA concentration, we conclude that eDNA generally provides a 'snapshot' of fish distribution and biomass in a large area. Further studies in which dynamics of eDNA under field conditions (e.g., patterns of release, degradation, and diffusion of eDNA) are taken into account will provide a better estimate of fish distribution and biomass based on eDNA.
    PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2016年03月, PLOS ONE, 11(3) (3), e1249786, 英語

  • Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto
    This study demonstrated the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) to determine habitat connectivity for migration of fishes between the sea and river. Environmental DNA is DNA fragments released by fishes in water, which can be used as a species-specific marker of the presence/absence of the target species. A year-round water sampling regime at 15 sites on the Yodo River, Japan, was conducted to determine whether three major man-made barriers on the river inhibited the migration of fishes using species-specific detection of DNA fragments from three target migrant species, temperate seabass, Lateolabrax japonicas, flathead grey mullet, Mugil cephalus, and ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis. The presence/absence of eDNA from target species was consistent with known patterns of species' seasonal migration. The detection of the DNA of temperate seabass and flathead grey mullet at sites upstream of the dam closest to the river mouth indicated successful upstream migration of these species via a fish ladder bypassing the dam. On the other hand, DNA of these two species was not detected from the upstream side of the two remaining dams, which are not equipped with fish ladders. Ayu is the only species among the three target species with a land-locked population in Lake Biwa located at the headwater of Yodo River. Ayu DNA was detected at most of the sites in the freshwater area during the warm months; however, in the coldest month of February, eDNA was only detected in the uppermost site of Yodo River at the southern tip of Lake Biwa. The eDNA we detected at this site suggests that it was derived from juvenile ayu spending their winter months in the lake. These results suggest that the eDNA analysis presented here can accurately track the seasonal migration of fishes in a river, demonstrating its application as an indicator of habitat connectivity for fishes in association with man-made barriers in a river. The sampling of eDNA involves merely scooping a tank full of water; therefore, it is a simple, rapid, and cost-effective method for long-term monitoring of habitat connectivity associated with the construction of barriers in a river. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2016年03月, ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 62, 147 - 153, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Takafumi Naka, Kazuhiko Moji, Atsushi Maruyama
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has recently been used for detection of aquatic macro-organisms; however, the analytical procedures used in previous studies have not been optimized for practical use. Here, we compared several methods for DNA enrichment and extraction from water samples to establish widely applicable techniques for eDNA analysis using common carp as the model species. First, several types of filters were compared to identify the optimal filter type. Second, the eDNA yield was compared after a variety of extraction and isolation steps, including a combination of phenol extraction, ethanol precipitation (phenol treatment), and ultrafiltration. Third, DNA fixation with ethanol was tested for the preservation of eDNA on filters. Ethanol precipitation yielded the largest number of eDNA copies, followed by filtering using a 0.2-mu m polycarbonate filter and a 0.7-mu m glass fiber filter. Phenol treatment resulted in collection of a higher number of eDNA copies than that collected using ultrafiltration. DNA fixation with 15 ml ethanol enabled eDNA preservation on the filters at ambient temperatures for at least 6 days. Finally, combinations of different filter types and DNA enrichment procedures were compared using field water samples. From these results, we propose that the appropriate selection method for eDNA analysis should be chosen based on context. For example, when a high concentration of the target DNA is expected, such as in an aquarium experiment, ethanol precipitation is advantageous. However, when the target DNA is rare, which is the case in most field studies, filtration followed by freezing or DNA fixation by ethanol and phenol treatment are recommended. The filter type should be decided prior to the survey based on the characteristics of the water of interest. Thus, eDNA analysis could be applied to various situations using adaptive combinations of these techniques.
    SPRINGER JAPAN KK, 2016年01月, LIMNOLOGY, 17(1) (1), 23 - 32, 英語

  • 源 利文, 山本 哲史, 笠井 亮秀, 近藤 倫生
    環境DNA を用いて水中の生物分布を明らかにする手法が近年急速に発展している.環境DNA を用いた生物分布の推定手法は,種特異的な検出系を用いた特定の種の在不在を調べる方法と,メタバーコーディングを用いた生息種の網羅的検出の手法に大別できる.本稿では,これまでに報告されている研究例をあげながら,このような手法について概説する.海洋における環境DNA 分析手法の実施例はまだ報告例が少ないが,ここでは著者らの研究チームが実施した環境DNA 定量によるマアジ(Trachurus japonicus)の相対バイオマス推定の予備的な解析結果についても報告し,海域における環境DNA 分析手法の現時点での到達点について述べる.マアジの環境DNA 分析の結果は,海域においても環境DNAを用いたバイオマス推定が可能である事を示唆している.今後,環境DNA 分析によって沿岸域における魚類の生息状況や生態の把握はいっそう進むと期待され,本手法は水産学,魚類学,生態学など様々な分野に貢献することができるだろう.
    日本海洋学会 沿岸海洋研究会, 2016年, 沿岸海洋研究, 53(2) (2), 173 - 178, 日本語

  • 福岡有紗, 高原輝彦, 松本宗弘, 兵庫県立農業高校生物部, 丑丸敦史, 源利文
    In recent years, the degradation of biodiversity has advanced significantly, especially in freshwater ecosystems. To conserve rare species, the distribution of the target species should be known, even if the density is very low. Traditional habitat surveys using direct catches or observations require much time, labor, and expertise. Over the last decade, environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis methods that complement traditional surveys have been developed. In the present study, we developed an eDNAbased detection method for a Cyprinidae species, Hemigrammocypris rasborella, and applied it in natural habitats. First, we tested our method in 11 irrigation ponds for which information on the distribution of H. rasborella was available. The eDNA detection results matched completely with the known presence/absence data. Next, we applied this method to 81 irrigation ponds for which no distribution information was available, and detected the eDNA of H. rasborella in 6 ponds. Subsequently, we conducted capture surveys in the 6 eDNA-positive ponds and found the species in 5 ponds. These results suggest that eDNA analysis is useful for the monitoring of rare species.
    Tohoku University, 2016年, 日本生態学会誌, 66(3) (3), 613 - 620, 日本語

  • 山中裕樹, 源利文, 高原輝彦, 内井貴美子, 土居秀幸
    Tohoku University, 2016年, 日本生態学会誌, 66(3) (3), 601 - 612, 日本語

  • 高原輝彦, 山中裕樹, 源利文, 土居秀幸, 内井貴美子
    Tohoku University, 2016年, 日本生態学会誌, 66(3) (3), 583 - 600, 日本語

  • Hiromi Matsumae, Ryosuke Ishiwata, Toshifumi Minamoto, Norio Ishida, Soichi Ogishima, Hiroshi Tanaka
    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2015年12月, Artificial Life and Robotics, 20(4) (4), 347 - 352, 英語

  • Masaki Miya, Yukuto Sato, Tsukasa Fukunaga, Tetsuya Sado, Keiichi Sato, Toshifumi Minamoto, Satoshi Yamamoto, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Hitoshi Araki, Michio Kondoh, Wataru Iwasaki
    We developed a set of universal PCR primers (MiFish-U/E) for metabarcoding environmental DNA (eDNA) from fishes. Primers were designed using aligned whole mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequences from 880 species, supplemented by partial mitogenome sequences from 160 elasmobranchs (sharks and rays). The primers target a hypervariable region of the 12S rRNA gene (163-185 bp), which contains sufficient information to identify fishes to taxonomic family, genus and species except for some closely related congeners. To test versatility of the primers across a diverse range of fishes, we sampled eDNA from four tanks in the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium with known species compositions, prepared dual-indexed libraries and performed paired-end sequencing of the region using high-throughput next-generation sequencing technologies. Out of the 180 marine fish species contained in the four tanks with reference sequences in a custom database, we detected 168 species (93.3%) distributed across 59 families and 123 genera. These fishes are not only taxonomically diverse, ranging from sharks and rays to higher teleosts, but are also greatly varied in their ecology, including both pelagic and benthic species living in shallow coastal to deep waters. We also sampled natural seawaters around coral reefs near the aquarium and detected 93 fish species using this approach. Of the 93 species, 64 were not detected in the four aquarium tanks, rendering the total number of species detected to 232 (from 70 families and 152 genera). The metabarcoding approach presented here is non-invasive, more efficient, more cost-effective and more sensitive than the traditional survey methods. It has the potential to serve as an alternative (or complementary) tool for biodiversity monitoring that revolutionizes natural resource management and ecological studies of fish communities on larger spatial and temporal scales.
    ROYAL SOC, 2015年07月, ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE, 2(7) (7), 150088, 英語

  • KOIZUMI Noriyuki, TAKAHARA Teruhiko, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, DOI Hideyuki, MORI Atsushi, WATANABE Keiji, TAKEMURA Takeshi
    The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering, 2015年06月, Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering Journal, 297(83-3) (83-3), IV_7 - IV_8, 英語

  • Hideyuki Doi, Teruhiko Takahara, Toshifumi Minamoto, Saeko Matsuhashi, Kimiko Uchii, Hiroki Yamanaka
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) has been used to investigate species distributions in aquatic ecosystems. Most of these studies use real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect eDNA in water; however, PCR amplification is often inhibited by the presence of organic and inorganic matter. In droplet digital PCR (ddPCR), the sample is partitioned into thousands of nanoliter droplets, and PCR inhibition may be reduced by the detection of the end-point of PCR amplification in each droplet, independent of the amplification efficiency. In addition, real-time PCR reagents can affect PCR amplification and consequently alter detection rates. We compared the effectiveness of ddPCR and real-time PCR using two different PCR reagents for the detection of the eDNA from invasive bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, in ponds. We found that ddPCR had higher detection rates of bluegill eDNA in pond water than real-time PCR with either of the PCR reagents, especially at low DNA concentrations. Limits of DNA detection, which were tested by spiking the bluegill DNA to DNA extracts from the ponds containing natural inhibitors, found that ddPCR had higher detection rate than real-time PCR. Our results suggest that ddPCR is more resistant to the presence of PCR inhibitors in field samples than real-time PCR. Thus, ddPCR outperforms real-time PCR methods for detecting eDNA to document species distributions in natural habitats, especially in habitats with high concentrations of PCR inhibitors.
    AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2015年05月, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 49(9) (9), 5601 - 5608, 英語

  • Sou Fukumoto, Atushi Ushimaru, Toshifumi Minamoto
    1. To prevent the invasion of exotic species causing a decline in an endangered endemic species, it is important to determine the distribution of both species at an early stage, when the density of the exotic species is still low, and to manage the invasion immediately. However, distinguishing between closely related species is difficult because they share similar characteristics. 2. The identification of DNA fragments sampled from a body of water (environmental DNA) has become a popular technique for rapidly determining the distribution of a target species. In this study, we analysed environmental DNA in water samples from 37 sites across the Katsura River basin in Japan. We used TaqMan real-time PCR to distinguish the Japanese giant salamander Andrias japonicus from the closely related Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus, which is known to invade Japanese rivers and hybridize with the Japanese species. 3. In environmental samples, we detected mtDNA of the endemic species at 25 sites and mtDNA of the exotic species at nine sites. The DNA detection sites were concentrated in the upstream region. The exotic species DNA was found beyond the limits of an earlier capturing survey. 4. Synthesis and applications. Using environmental DNA to monitor the two salamander species requires less time and effort than traditional surveys, so a wide-ranging survey can be conducted rapidly. Our results showed that performing three environmental DNA surveys for each site between autumn and winter is desirable for giant salamanders. Further collection of environmental DNA, in combination with conventional population surveys, will provide valuable information that can help protect rare endemic species in a variety of aquatic ecosystems and can help monitor the invasion of exotic species.
    WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2015年04月, JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, 52(2) (2), 358 - 365, 英語

  • Hideyuki Doi, Kimiko Uchii, Teruhiko Takahara, Saeko Matsuhashi, Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto
    An environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis method has been recently developed to estimate the distribution of aquatic animals by quantifying the number of target DNA copies with quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). A new quantitative PCR technology, droplet digital PCR (ddPCR), partitions PCR reactions into thousands of droplets and detects the amplification in each droplet, thereby allowing direct quantification of target DNA. We evaluated the quantification accuracy of qPCR and ddPCR to estimate species abundance and biomass by using eDNA in mesocosm experiments involving different numbers of common carp. We found that ddPCR quantified the concentration of carp eDNA along with carp abundance and biomass more accurately than qPCR, especially at low eDNA concentrations. In addition, errors in the analysis were smaller in ddPCR than in qPCR. Thus, ddPCR is better suited to measure eDNA concentration in water, and it provides more accurate results for the abundance and biomass of the target species than qPCR. We also found that the relationship between carp abundance and eDNA concentration was stronger than that between biomass and eDNA by using both ddPCR and qPCR; this suggests that abundance can be better estimated by the analysis of eDNA for species with fewer variations in body mass.
    PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2015年03月, PLOS ONE, 10(3) (3), e0122763 - e0122763, 英語

  • Teruhiko Takahara, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hideyuki Doi
    Environmental DNA methods have been used to monitor the presence of aquatic vertebrates in natural systems, although detection of DNA in the environment is sometimes a challenge. In this study, we evaluated the effect of sample processing on the detection of a species' environmental DNA in the water. Specifically, we examined whether freezing and then thawing water samples prior to analysis was an effective method of preserving them. The detection of Common Carp DNA was lower in samples that were frozen and thawed than in samples that were not, even though there was no difference in the DNA concentration, which was included with the DNA undetectable samples. In both types of samples, the DNA detection rate tended to be higher in a 2-mu L volume of template DNA solution than in a 5-mu L volume. DNA was detected in all non-frozen samples that were analyzed using a 2-mu L template, both in three wells (three PCR replicate reactions per sample) with 40 PCR cycles and in eight wells with 55 cycles. The detection of Common Carp DNA in samples that were frozen and thawed was likely to increase through the use of the TaqMan Environmental Master Mix, which is used recently to efficiently release PCR inhibition. Our results suggest that environmental DNA detection is influenced by the processing of water samples after collection and by PCR reaction conditions. Use of non-frozen samples and a smaller DNA solution are recommended for detection of environmental DNA with quantitative PCR assays. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2015年03月, BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 183, 64 - 69, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Xiaoying Pu, Jie Xie, Yi Dong, Deyi Wu, Hainan Kong, Xiaoxia Yang, Teruhiko Takahara, Mie N. Honjo, Hiroki Yamanaka, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    Outbreaks of infectious diseases among freshwater fish damage the aquaculture industry. A technique for detecting pathogens in environmental water samples has recently been developed. In the present work, the monitoring of pathogenic viruses in Lake Erhai and Lake Dianchi (Yunnan, China) was performed. Yunnan possesses a rich diversity of cyprinid fish, and the aquaculture of freshwater fish is a highly prosperous industry in this region. Thus, Cyprinid herpesvirus 1, 2, and 3 as well as three rhabdoviruses, Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus, Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus, and the Spring viremia of carp virus, all of which have severe impacts on aquaculture, were targeted. Viruses in lake surface water were concentrated and then quantified/detected by real-time PCR/real-time reverse transcription PCR. Five of the six tested viruses were detected in lake water. Although there has been no reported viral outbreak in the survey lakes, our results indicate a potential risk for these viral diseases.
    SPRINGER JAPAN KK, 2015年01月, LIMNOLOGY, 16(1) (1), 69 - 77, 英語

  • Atsushi Maruyama, Keisuke Nakamura, Hiroki Yamanaka, Michio Kondoh, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The environmental DNA (eDNA) technique is expected to become a powerful, non-invasive tool for estimating the distribution and biomass of organisms. This technique was recently shown to be applicable to aquatic vertebrates by collecting extraorganismal DNA floating in the water or absorbed onto suspended particles. However, basic information on eDNA release rate is lacking, despite it being essential for practical applications. In this series of experiments with bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), we examined the effect of fish developmental stage on eDNA release rate. eDNA concentration reached equilibrium 3 days after the individual fish were introduced into the separate containers, enabling calculation of the eDNA release rate (copies h(-1)) from individual fish on the assumption that the number of eDNA released from the fish per unit time equals total degradation in the container (copies h(-1)). The eDNA release rate was 3-4 times higher in the adult (body weight: 30-75 g) than in the juvenile group (0.5-2.0 g). Such positive relationship between fish size and eDNA release rate support the possibility of biomass rather than density estimation using eDNA techniques. However, the eDNA release rate per fish body weight (copies h(-1) g(-1)) was slightly higher in the juvenile than the adult group, which is likely because of the ontogenetic reduction in metabolic activity. Therefore, quantitative eDNA data should be carefully interpreted to avoid overestimating biomass when the population is dominated by juveniles, because the age structure of the focal population is often variable and unseen in the field. eDNA degradation rates (copies l(-1) h(-1)), calculated by curve fitting of time-dependent changes in eDNA concentrations after fish removal, were 5.1-15.9% per hour (half-life: 6.3 h). This suggests that quantitative eDNA data should be corrected using a degradation curve attained in the target field.
    PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2014年12月, PLOS ONE, 9(12) (12), e114639, 英語

  • Teruhiko Takahara, Mie N. Honjo, Kimiko Uchii, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hideyuki Doi, Takafumi Ito, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    Fluctuating water temperatures can affect fitness in fish when the opportunity to select habitats with appropriate temperature is limited. Despite the importance of the relationships between water temperature and host-pathogen interactions, reports on the susceptibility of fish to infectious viruses under conditions of changing water temperature are limited. Here, we compared the survival rates of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) infected with Cyprinid hopesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) in water in which the temperature varied from 22 degrees C +/- 3 degrees C and in water with a constant temperature of 22 degrees C or 25 degrees C. We also examined changes in concentrations of CyHV-3 DNA and cortisol released from infected fish into ambient water as indicators of CyHV-3 transmission and stress response, respectively. The survival rates of fish infected with CyHV-3 were lower, and concentrations of CyHV-3 DNA and cortisol were higher, in the fluctuating-temperature treatments than in the constant-temperature treatments. Our findings provide direct evidence that carp are highly susceptible to CyHV-3 infection when water temperatures change diurnally. Moreover, such temperature fluctuations can promote transmission of CyHV-3 in the wild. Preserving a variety of aquatic environments including water temperature may help to prevent disease outbreaks and to conserve fish populations. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2014年09月, AQUACULTURE, 433, 208 - 213, 英語

  • パブリックコメント・ワークショップの試行 〜「宇宙基本計画(案)」をテーマとしたワークショップの事例報告〜
    水町衣里, 加納圭, 伊藤真之, 源利文, 中山晶絵, 蛯名邦禎, 秋谷直矩
    北海道大学高等教育推進機構 高等教育研究部 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP), 2014年06月, 科学技術コミュニケーション, 15(15) (15), 123 - 136, 日本語

  • Teruhiko Takahara, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hideyuki Doi, Takafumi Ito, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    To understand the differences in the stress sensitivities between domesticated Eurasian and Japanese indigenous strains of common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus 1758), we compared concentrations of cortisol released into the water in response to handling of the two types of strains. At 0.5 and 2 h after the handling treatment, the cortisol emission was greater from the Eurasian strain than from the Japanese strain. There were no differences between the strains in the cortisol levels after 4 to 24 h. We found that Eurasian strains exposed to the unnatural stressor (i.e., handling) exhibited a higher cortisol response than the Japanese strain.
    SPRINGER JAPAN KK, 2014年04月, ICHTHYOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 61(2) (2), 165 - 168, 英語

  • Kimiko Uchii, Toshifumi Minamoto, Mie N. Honjo, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    Emerging infectious diseases are of growing concern in wildlife conservation and animal health. To better understand the consequences of these diseases, a key question lies in how they persist in host populations after they emerge. Using a gene expression approach, we investigated the mechanisms underlying the persistence of an emerging virus, Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3), which has been spreading to wild populations of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Japan since 2003. Seasonal expression patterns of CyHV-3 genes in wild seropositive carp indicated that replication-related genes were transcribed only during the spring when water temperatures were permissive to CyHV-3 replication. In contrast, possible latency-related genes, which are expressed when CyHV-3 do not multiply, were also transcribed under nonpermissive conditions. These observations suggest that CyHV-3 may persist in carriers by establishing latent infection and then reactivating periodically coincident with the spring temperature increase when carp aggregate for mating, allowing successive virus transmissions between hosts during mating every year. Our results revealed that the life cycle of CyHV-3 may fit perfectly into the ecology of its host, resulting in the long-term persistence of this emerging virus in wild common carp populations.
    WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2014年02月, FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY, 87(2) (2), 536 - 542, 英語

  • K. Uchii, N. Okuda, T. Minamoto, Z. Kawabata
    Wiley, 2013年06月, Animal Conservation, 16(3) (3), 324 - 330, 英語

  • 谢杰, 吴德意, 陈雪初, 孔海南, 普孝英, 杨晓霞, 源利文, 山中裕树, 本庄三惠, 川端善一郎, 李梅新
    2013年04月, 环境科学与技术, 36(2) (2), 61 - 65, 中国語

  • Teruhiko Takahara, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hideyuki Doi
    Knowledge of the presence of an invasive species is critical to monitoring the sustainability of communities and ecosystems. Environmental DNA (eDNA), DNA fragments that are likely to be bound to organic matters in the water or in shed cells, has been used to monitor the presence of aquatic animals. Using an eDNA-based method, we estimated the presence of the invasive bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, in 70 ponds located in seven locales on the Japanese mainland and on surrounding islands. We quantified the concentration of DNA copies in a 1 L water sample using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) with a primer/probe set. In addition, we visually observed the bluegill presence in the ponds from the shoreline. We detected bluegill eDNA in all the ponds where bluegills were observed visually and some where bluegills were not observed. Bluegills were also less prevalent on the islands than the mainland, likely owing to limited dispersal and introduction by humans. Our eDNA method simply and rapidly detects the presence of this invasive fish species with less disturbance to the environment during field surveys than traditional methods.
    PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2013年02月, PLOS ONE, 8(2) (2), e56584, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Hiroki Yamanaka, Teruhiko Takahara, Mie N. Honjo, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    Prompt and accurate methods for assessing the species composition of given areas are indispensable in addressing the rapid loss of biodiversity. Here, we propose a method for the surveillance of fish species composition in freshwater using environmental DNA as species markers. First, the applicability of the method was demonstrated through aquarium experiments. DNA was extracted from 120 ml aquarium water, and the degenerated primers targeting the fish mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were used for amplification. PCR-amplified fragments were analysed by random cloning, and all species reared in the aquarium were detected. Next, this method was applied to natural freshwater environments. Water samples were collected from three sites in the Yura River, Japan; DNA was concentrated from 2 l of environmental water, and then amplified and cloned. Up to four species of fish were detected by sequencing 47 randomly selected clones from a single water sample. Overall, the results were consistent with previous knowledge of fish habitat utilisation. Using this method, the surveillance of fish species composition can be conducted less laboriously than with traditional methods.
    SPRINGER TOKYO, 2012年08月, LIMNOLOGY, 13(2) (2), 193 - 197, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Mie N. Honjo, Hiroki Yamanaka, Kimiko Uchii, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) disease is a significant threat for common and koi carp cultivators and for freshwater ecosystems. To determine the prevalence of CyHV-3 in Japanese rivers, a nationwide survey of all national class-A rivers was undertaken in the Summer of 2008. The virus was concentrated from river water samples using the cation-coated filter method. CyHV-3 DNA was detected in 90 rivers, representing 90% of 103 successfully analysed rivers. More than 100,000 copies of CyHV-3 DNA per litre of sample were detected in four rivers, higher than that reported during the Yura River outbreak in 2007. For CyHV-3-positive rivers, the log CyHV-3 density was negatively correlated with the water temperature on the sampling date and positively correlated with the suspended solids and dissolved oxygen, which are annually averaged for each river. Our results demonstrate that virus detection using molecular biology techniques is a powerful tool for monitoring the presence of CyHV-3 in natural environments. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2012年08月, RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, 93(1) (1), 508 - 514, 英語

  • Teruhiko Takahara, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hiroki Yamanaka, Hideyuki Doi, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) from aquatic vertebrates has recently been used to estimate the presence of a species. We hypothesized that fish release DNA into the water at a rate commensurate with their biomass. Thus, the concentration of eDNA of a target species may be used to estimate the species biomass. We developed an eDNA method to estimate the biomass of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) using laboratory and field experiments. In the aquarium, the concentration of eDNA changed initially, but reached an equilibrium after 6 days. Temperature had no effect on eDNA concentrations in aquaria. The concentration of eDNA was positively correlated with carp biomass in both aquaria and experimental ponds. We used this method to estimate the biomass and distribution of carp in a natural freshwater lagoon. We demonstrated that the distribution of carp eDNA concentration was explained by water temperature. Our results suggest that biomass data estimated from eDNA concentration reflects the potential distribution of common carp in the natural environment. Measuring eDNA concentration offers a non-invasive, simple, and rapid method for estimating biomass. This method could inform management plans for the conservation of ecosystems.
    PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2012年04月, PLOS ONE, 7(4) (4), e35868, 英語

  • Mie N. Honjo, Toshifumi Minamoto, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) is a lethal DNA virus that infects common carp and koi. It has caused outbreak of the disease within both aquaculture and natural environmental ecosystems. However, there is not enough understanding of the distribution of CyHV-3 in the natural environments, partly because there is no suitable quantification method. In this study, we tested CyHV-3 extraction methods from sediment and then compared its abundance between sediment and water using real-time PCR. Sediment samples were taken from lake and pond, and total viral DNA was extracted using the viral elution method recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency (manual method), as well as a commercial DNA extraction kit for soil (commercial kit method) before PCR detection. 7 of 12 (58%) and 5 of 10 (50%) sediment samples showed PCR positive signal for CyHV-3 DNA using the manual method and the commercial kit, respectively, and consistent results were obtained from the samples using the manual method between two independent primer sets. The quantification of CyHV-3 DNA in natural sediment using the manual method and external standard virus revealed that its concentration was 1.2 x 10(4) to 3.3 x 10(5) copies DNA/kg. The concentration in sediments was 46-1238 times higher than that in water from the same location, suggesting that sediment could act as a reservoir for CyHV-3 in natural freshwater environments. This is the first report of the existence of CyHV-3 in the sediment of a natural lake or pond. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2012年03月, VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY, 155(2-4) (2-4), 183 - 190, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Eitaro Wada, Isamu Shimizu
    Error-prone polymerase chain reactions (epPCRs) are often used to introduce mutations in random mutagenesis, which has been used as a tool in protein engineering. Here, we developed a new method of epPCR using heavy water as a solvent instead of normal water (H(2)O). Rhodopsin cDNA of the Ayu fish (Plecoglossus altivelis) was used as a template and was amplified using five different conditions: (A) 100% H(2)O with no Mn(2+), (B) 100% H(2)O/0.6 mM Mn(2+), (C) 99% D(2)O with no Mn(2+), (D) 99% D(2)O/0.6 mM Mn(2+) and (E) 99% H(2) (18)O with no Mn(2+). The 13,960 (for each of the conditions A to D) and 33,504 (for condition E) base pairs were sequenced. A maximum error rate of 1.8 x 10(-3) errors/bp was detected in condition D, without any particular hot-spot mutations. A high preference for AT -> GC transitions was observed in condition D, whereas a high preference for transitions over transversions was observed in condition C. All of the mutations observed in condition E were transversions. When conditions A and C were applied to another template, the honeybee actin gene, the results were comparable to those for Ayu rhodopsin. Based on these results, the use of heavy water, instead of H(2)O, as a solvent for epPCR can introduce random mutations without positional bias, template dependency or decreased yield. Our new epPCR method, and possibly combining the use of D(2)O and H(2) (18)O, may be a powerful random mutagenesis technique. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2012年01月, JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 157(1) (1), 71 - 74, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Taro Fuchikawa, Isamu Shimizu
    We report the expression of two mRNA variants, alpha and beta, of the period (per) gene in honeybees. These have not been found in other insects. The genomic DNA sequence of the per gene in the Japanese honeybee (Apis cerana japonica) showed that the variants are produced by alternative splicing of an intron. Total per mRNA in the brain increased in the dark period and decreased in the light, whereas mRNA of the muscle showed an opposite phase oscillation. No significant rhythmic expression of per mRNA was observed in the compound eye and midgut. The expression ratio of the alpha and beta variants of per mRNA was investigated at zeitgeber times (ZTs) 6 and 18 (the middle of the day and night, respectively) under 12: 12 h light-dark (LD) conditions. The per alpha variant increased in the dark in both organs, whereas expression of the beta variant showed an opposite pattern between the organs. The higher total per mRNA expression in muscle in the light period was due to an increase in the beta variant. Such expression patterns suggest that there is a functional differentiation between the alpha and beta variants. Furthermore, we found that other species of Hymenoptera possess homologs of the per alpha and beta variants, suggesting that they have a specific function in this order of insects.
    TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2012年, BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM RESEARCH, 43(2) (2), 125 - 135, 英語

  • Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto, Deyi Wu, Hainan Kong, Zhihong Wei, Bin Liu, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    Lake Erhai is located in a low latitude, high altitude region in Yunnan province, China, and contains diverse endemic aquatic organisms. This study provides baseline information on the spatiotemporal water temperature distribution for examining the thermal environment for aquatic organisms in Lake Erhai. Temperature observation using temperature loggers was conducted from March to June 2009, covering the spawning period of most cyprinid fishes, the dominant taxonomic group of fish in the lake. During the daytime, the hourly average temperature was different between the surface and the bottom layer both in the littoral and pelagic zones; those differences disappeared during the nighttime, indicating nocturnal vertical water mixing. Daily average temperature, as well as intraday temperature variation, was negatively correlated with the site depth both in the surface and the bottom layers, suggesting that the littoral zone is warmer than the pelagic zone but less stable as a thermal habitat for aquatic species. Based on its geological location and depth, Lake Erhai could be classified as a polymictic lake, which tends to be well mixed; however, our study results indicate a high heterogeneity in water temperature. This specific thermal environment supports local fauna and flora and thus must be conserved to ensure their survival.
    FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL ASSOC, 2012年, INLAND WATERS, 2(3) (3), 129 - 136, 英語

  • Zen'ichiro Kawabata, Toshifumi Minamoto, Mie N. Honjo, Kimiko Uchii, Hiroki Yamanaka, Alata A. Suzuki, Yukihiro Kohmatsu, Kota Asano, Tomoaki Itayama, Tomoaki Ichijo, Koji Omori, Noboru Okuda, Masayuki Kakehashi, Masao Nasu, Kazuaki Matsui, Masatomi Matsuoka, Hainan Kong, Teruhiko Takahara, Deyi Wu, Ryuji Yonekura
    To predict outbreaks of infectious disease and to prevent epidemics, it is essential not only to conduct pathological studies but also to understand the interactions between the environment, pathogen, host and humans that cause and spread infectious diseases. Outbreaks of mass mortality in carp caused by Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3), formerly known as koi herpesvirus (KHV), disease have occurred worldwide since the late 1990s. We proposed an environment-KHV-carp-human linkage as a conceptual model for "environmental diseases" and specify research subjects that might be necessary to construct and shape this linkage.
    SPRINGER TOKYO, 2011年11月, ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 26(6) (6), 1011 - 1016, 英語

  • Teruhiko Takahara, Hiroki Yamanaka, Alata A. Suzuki, Mie N. Honjo, Toshifumi Minamoto, Ryuji Yonekura, Tomoaki Itayama, Yukihiro Kohmatsu, Takafumi Ito, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    The littoral zone of lakes and lagoons is often used by fish for feeding or reproduction. However, the large changes in temperature that are typical of natural environments, including the littoral zone, represent a potential stressor for fish. Despite the importance of this habitat, little is known about the effect of daily temperature fluctuations on the stress responses of fish. We monitored daily temperature changes in the near-shore and offshore regions of a natural lagoon between May and July 2008-2010. We observed large temperature fluctuations more frequently in the near-shore zone than the offshore zone. We then exposed common carp (Cyprinus carpio) to a temperature regime similar to that observed in the near-shore zone and measured the levels of cortisol released into the water. The rate of cortisol release increased when carp were exposed to an increase in temperature of similar to 0.6A degrees C/h over a 5-h period. Conversely, there was no change in the rate of release when temperatures decreased. Our results highlight the importance of maintaining high temporal resolution when evaluating the stress response to daily fluctuations temperature.
    SPRINGER, 2011年10月, HYDROBIOLOGIA, 675(1) (1), 65 - 73, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Mie N. Honjo, Hiroki Yamanaka, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Tomoaki Itayama, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    The disease caused by cyprinid herpesvirus-3 (CyHV-3) severely impacts the natural freshwater ecosystem and damages carp and koi farming, however, the pathway of CyHV-3 transmission remains unclear. It is possible that the virus adheres to plankton, which then facilitate viral movement and transmission, and therefore, it is hypothesised that plankton are involved in the disease dynamics. In this study, plankton were collected at eight sites in the Iba-naiko lagoon; we detected and quantified CyHV-3 DNA from plankton samples. The results of the correlation analysis showed a significant positive correlation between CyHV-3 copies and the number of Rotifera, suggesting that CyHV-3 binds to and/or is concentrated by Rotifera. Our results suggest that plankton affect viral ecology in the natural environment. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2011年06月, RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, 90(3) (3), 530 - 532, 英語

  • Kimiko Uchii, Arndt Telschow, Toshifumi Minamoto, Hiroki Yamanaka, Mie N. Honjo, Kazuaki Matsui, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    Emerging infectious diseases are major threats to wildlife populations. To enhance our understanding of the dynamics of these diseases, we investigated how host reproductive behavior and seasonal temperature variation drive transmission of infections among wild hosts, using the model system of cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) disease in common carp. Our main findings were as follows: (1) a seroprevalence survey showed that CyHV-3 infection occurred mostly in adult hosts, (2) a quantitative assay for CyHV-3 in a host population demonstrated that CyHV-3 was most abundant in the spring when host reproduction occurred and water temperature increased simultaneously and (3) an analysis of the dynamics of CyHV-3 in water revealed that CyHV-3 concentration increased markedly in breeding habitats during host group mating. These results indicate that breeding habitats can become hot spots for transmission of infectious diseases if hosts aggregate for mating and the activation of pathogens occurs during the host breeding season. The ISME Journal (2011) 5, 244-251; doi:10.1038/ismej.2010.123; published online 26 August 2010
    NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2011年02月, ISME JOURNAL, 5(2) (2), 244 - 251, 英語

  • Michio Sugahara, Toshifumi Minamoto, Taro Fuchikawa, Masanao Michinomae, Isamu Shimizu
    Foragers of the Japanese honeybee (Apis cerana japonica) were attracted by flowers of an oriental orchid (Cymbidium floribundum) and were observed to carry the pollinia on their scutella. After the removal of pollinia from the flowers, their labial color changed from white to reddish brown. Both artificial removal of pollinia and ethrel treatment of the flowers also induced this labial color change. Labia in color-changed flowers showed a decreased reflectance of wavelengths less than 670 nm compared to control intact flower. Both reflectance irradiance spectra and ultraviolet photographs showed that only the nectar guide in white (unchanged) flowers reflected ultraviolet light, and that this reflectance decreased with labial color change. Dual choice experiments showed that the honeybee foragers preferentially visited flowers having white labia rather than reddish brown. We suggest that Japanese honeybees discriminate between the floral phases of C. floribundum using color vision.
    ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN, 2010年12月, ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 27(12) (12), 901 - 906, 英語

  • Hiroki Yamanaka, Yukihiro Kohmatsu, Toshifumi Minamoto, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    Lakeshore developments change the physicochemical properties of the underwater environment by altering shore morphometry, which may have significant effects on spatial variation and temporal stability in water temperature. Spatiotemporal temperature changes are costly to fish in terms of subsequent thermoregulatory behavior and acclimation; therefore, thermal conditions have a heavy impact on the biological function of fishes. Spatiotemporal variation and stability of water temperatures along cross-shore transects in the littoral zone (within 100 m from shore) were monitored and compared on two lakeshores with different cross-shore depth profiles. One shore was associated with a retaining wall and a relatively deep, flat bottom (steep shore), whereas the other extended offshore at a gentle gradient (gentle shore). Water temperature was more spatially variable on the gentle shore than the steep shore [1.44 +/- A 0.47 and 0.20 +/- A 0.14A degrees C (mean +/- A SD), respectively], but a stable temperature range (i.e., the range of temperatures continuously observed on each shore for 48 h) was maintained only on the gentle shore during seasonal temperature decline. These results suggest that gentle shores have higher potential to provide a wider range of thermal options, allowing fish to fine-tune thermoregulatory behavior and acclimate more efficiently to temperature changes.
    SPRINGER TOKYO, 2010年04月, LIMNOLOGY, 11(1) (1), 71 - 76, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Shuji Hanai, Koji Kadota, Katsutaka Oishi, Hiromi Matsumae, Manabu Fujie, Kaoru Azumi, Noriyuki Satoh, Masanobu Satake, Norio Ishida
    The molecular mechanisms of the endogenous circadian clocks that allow most animals to adapt to environmental cycles have recently been uncovered. The draft genome of the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis, a model animal that is close to vertebrates, has been described. However, the C. intestinalis genome lacks the canonical clock genes such as Per, Bmal and Clock that are shared by vertebrates and insects. Here, we found the circadian rhythms at the physiological and molecular levels. The oxygen consumption rate was lower during the light phase and higher during the dark phase during a day, and the rhythm highly damped and continued under constant darkness. From the microarray analysis, the 396 spots (1.8% of the total; corresponding to 388 clones) were extracted as candidates for circadian expression. We confirmed the circadian expression of several candidate genes by northern blotting. Furthermore, three of four rhythmic expressed genes showed phase-shifts to prolonged light period. However, most of known clock genes did not oscillate. These data suggest that C. intestinalis have a unique molecular circadian clock and the daily environmental change is not such a strong effect for sea squirt in its evolution when compared to vertebrates and insects.
    OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2010年02月, JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, 147(2) (2), 175 - 184, 英語

  • Mie N. Honjo, Toshifumi Minamoto, Kazuaki Matsui, Kimiko Uchii, Hiroki Yamanaka, Alata A. Suzuki, Yukihiro Kohmatsu, Takaji Iida, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3), a lethal DNA virus that spreads in natural lakes and rivers, infects common carp and koi. We established a quantification method for CyHV-3 that includes a viral concentration method and quantitative PCR combined with an external standard virus. Viral concentration methods were compared using the cation-coated filter and ultrafiltration methods. The recovery of virus-like particles was similar for the two methods (cation-coated filter method, 44% +/- 19%, n = 3; ultrafiltration method, 50% +/- 3%, n = 3); however, the former method was faster and more suitable for routine determinations. The recovery of seeded CyHV-3 based on the cation-coated filter method varied by more than 3 orders of magnitude among the water samples. The recovery yield of CyHV-3 was significantly correlated with that of the seeded lambda phage, and the average ratio of lambda to the CyHV-3 recovery yield was 1.4, indicating that lambda is useful as an external standard virus for determining the recovery yield of CyHV-3. Therefore, to quantify CyHV-3 in environmental water, a known amount of lambda was added as an external standard virus to each water sample. Using this method, CyHV-3 DNA was detected in 6 of the 10 (60%) types of environmental water tested; the highest concentration of CyHV-3 DNA was 2 x 10(5) copies liter(-1). The lowest recovery limit of CyHV-3 DNA was 60 copies liter(-1). This method is practical for monitoring CyHV-3 abundance in environmental water.

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Mie N. Honjo, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    The seasonal distribution of the cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) in Lake Biwa, Japan, was investigated. CyHV-3 was distributed all over the lake 5 years after the first outbreak. The mean concentration of CyHV-3 in water showed annual oscillation, with a peak in the summer and a trough in winter. Our results suggested that CyHV-3 is present at high density in reductive environments, such as reed zones and turbid or eutrophic water.

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Mie N. Honjo, Kimiko Uchii, Hiroki Yamanaka, Alata A. Suzuki, Yukihiro Kohmatsu, Takaji Iida, Zen'ichiro Kawabata
    The disease caused by cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) brings catastrophic damages to cultivated carp and koi and to natural carp populations; however, the dynamics of the virus in environmental waters are unclear. In July 2007, CyHV-3 DNA was detected in a dead common carp collected from the Yura River in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, and this was followed by mass mortality. We collected water samples at eight sites along the Yura River for 3 months immediately after confirmation of the disease outbreak and attempted to detect and quantify CyHV-3 DNA in the water samples using molecular biological methods. The virus concentration was carried out by the cation-coated filter method, while the purification of DNA from the samples was achieved using phenol-chloroform extraction and a commercial DNA extraction kit. CyHV-3 was detected by PCR using six sets of conditions, three sets of primers (SphI-5, AP, and B22Rh exon 1), and two volumes of template DNA, and was quantified using real-time PCR. Our results indicate broader distribution of CyHV-3, even though dead fish were found only in a limited area; moreover, the virus was present at high levels in the river not only during the mass mortality caused by the disease but also for at least 3 months after the end of mass mortality. Our results suggest the possibility of infection by CyHV-3 via environmental water. The sequences of CyHV-3 collected from the Yura River matched perfectly with that of the CyHV-3 Japanese strain, suggesting that they share the same origin. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2009年03月, VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY, 135(3-4) (3-4), 261 - 266, 英語

  • 大阪府下のミツバチ生息状態
    菅原道夫, 清水良訓, 源利文, 清水勇
    玉川大学ミツバチ科学研究所, 2006年12月, ミツバチ科学, 27(1) (1), 19 - 22, 日本語

  • 源利文, 清水勇
    日本魚類学会, 2005年11月, 魚類学雑誌, 52(2) (2), 91 - 106, 日本語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Isamu Shimizu
    Five cone opsin genes of landlocked ayu fish (Plecoglossus altivelis) were cloned, and the expression patterns of these genes were investigated. AYU-LWS, -RH2-1, -RH2-2, -SWS1-1, and -SWS1-2 were isolated and had high (more than 75%) identity with red, green, green, UV, and UV-sensitive opsin, respectively, genes of other fish reported previously. The results of Southern blotting experiments showed that each gene is present as a single copy. Gene expression was measured by RT-PCR using four populations collected from rivers and a lake in spring and summer. The results of the RT-PCR experiment showed that AYU-SWS1-2 was highly expressed, whereas AYU-SWS1-1 was scarce. Two RH2 opsins were expressed simultaneously in the same individual, and the expression ratio between these opsins changed among populations. In situ hybridization revealed that AYU-LWS and -RH2-1 were expressed in the double cones and that AYU-RH2-2 and -SWS1-2 were expressed in the long and short single cones (LSC and SSC), respectively. It was shown that an individual ayu expresses two RH2 opsins simultaneously in different types of cone cells. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
    2, 2005年02月, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 140(2) (2), 197 - 205, 英語

  • キンリョウヘンCymbidium floribundum唇弁の着色がニホンミツバチApis cerana japonicaの訪花行動にあたえる影響
    菅原道夫, 源利文, 清水勇, 東克
    玉川大学ミツバチ科学研究所, 2003年11月, ミツバチ科学, 24(3) (3), 115 - 118, 日本語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Isamu Shimizu
    Amplified fragments encoding exon-4 of opsin cDNAs were cloned from the retina of landlocked ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis), and sequenced. On the basis of the sequence homology to previously characterized fish visual pigments, one clone was identified as rod opsin (AYU-Rh), and two clones as green (AYU-G1, -G2), one as red (AYU-R) and two as ultraviolet (AYU-UV1, -UV2) cone opsins. The 335-amino acid sequence deduced from the full-length cDNA of AYU-Rh included residues highly conserved in vertebrate rhodopsins and showed the greatest degree (88%) of similarity with salmon rhodopsin. Southern blotting analysis indicated that ayu possess two rhodopsin genes, one encoding visual rhodopsin (AYU-Rh) and the other non-visual extra-ocular rhodopsin (AYU-ExoRh). RT-PCR experiments revealed that AYU-Rh was expressed in the retina and AYU-ExoRh in the pineal gland. In situ hybridization experiments showed that the mRNA of AYU-Rh was localized only in rod cells not in cone cells. Lake and river type landlocked ayu having different amounts of retinal and 3-hydroxyretinal in their retinas expressed a rhodopsin (AYU-Rh) of identical amino acid sequence. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

  • Ai Fujita, Toshifumi Minamoto, Isamu Shimizu, Takuya Abe
    Two kinds of PCR-product cDNAs that encode premature lysozyme peptides (Rs-Lys1 and Rs-Lys2) were cloned from workers of a Japanese damp-wood termite, Reticulitermes speratus. The Rs-Lys1 and Rs-Lys2 cDNAs encoded deduced sequences of 170 and 164 amino acids, respectively. Alignment of these sequences with those of other insect lysozymes showed that the cDNAs encode lysozyme homologues with putative signal peptides, insertions eight amino acids long, and a relatively long C-terminus (13-17 amino acids). A maximum likelihood tree, constructed using the cDNA sequences, indicated that the termite lysozymes are related to those of mosquitoes and lepidopterans. Southern-blotting analysis identified single copies of these lysozyme genes in the termite. Reverse transcript (RT)-PCR and in situ hybridization experiments showed that Rs-Lys1 and Rs-Lys2 are expressed in the salivary glands of worker termites. Here, we discuss the possible digestive function of these lysozymes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Studies of opsin genes in a smelt fish, Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis)
    Toshifumi Minamoto, Isamu Shimizu
    Korean Society of PhotoScience, 2002年, Journal of Photoscience, 9(2) (2), 269 - 271, 英語

  • Phylogenetic relationship among osmerid and salangid fish inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences
    Toshifumi Minamoto, Isamu Shimizu
    Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, 2002年, Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University (Series of Biology), 18, 1 - 13, 英語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto, Isamu Shimizu
    Vertebrate ancient (VA) opsin of nonvisual pigment in fishes was reported to exist in two isoforms, i.e., short and long variants with an unusual predicted amino acid sequence length compared to vertebrate visual opsins. Here we cloned an isoform (Pal-VAM) of VA opsin showing the usual opsin length in addition to the long type isoform (Pal-VAL) from a smelt fish, Plecoglossus altivelis. Pal-VAM and Pal-VAL were composed of 346 and 387 amino acids, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequences of these variants were identical to each other within the first 342 residues, but they showed divergence in the carboxyl-terminal sequence. Pal-VAL corresponded to the long isoform found in zebrafish and carp, and Pal-VAM was identified as a new type of VA opsin variant. Southern blotting experiments indicated that the VA opsin gene of the smelt is present as a single copy, and RT-PCR analysis revealed that Pal-VAM and Pal-VAL mRNA were expressed in both the eyes and brain. In situ hybridization showed that Pal-VAM and Pal-VAL mRNA are expressed in amacrine cells in the retina. Pal-VAM is a new probably functional nonvisual photoreceptive molecule in fish. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science.

  • Isamu Shimizu, Yoshinori Yamakawa, Toshifumi Minamoto, Katsuhiko Sakamoto
    The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed with cDNA from the silkworm compound eye and primers designed to amplify a region of the opsin-encoding cDNA. Two distinct fragments which encode two opsins, designated Bomopsin1 and Bomopsin2, were isolated. The fragments of Bomopsin1 and 2 consisted for 207 nucleotides (nt) encoding a sequence of 69 amino acids (aa), and 213 nt encoding 71 aa, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequences of Bomopsin1 and 2 showed 100-68% identity and 94-63% identity to the corresponding region of other insects opsin. the high identities between Bombyx and Manduca opsins suggest that Bomopsin1 is a green-sensitive pigment and Bomopsin2 is a UV-sensitive pigment in the silkworm eye.

  • 環境DNA調査の広がりと今後の期待
    2025年01月, ミルシル, 18(1) (1), 15 - 17, 日本語

  • 教科書的には正しくないことがおもしろい
    2024年12月, 中等教育資料, (1063) (1063), 2 - 3, 日本語

  • Hiroki Yamanaka, Hideyuki Doi, Hitoshi Araki, Kimiko Uchii, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Abstract With the aim to gather and synthesize knowledge regarding environmental DNA analysis and its applications, The eDNA Society International Meeting 2023 was held in Otsu, Shiga, Japan, from May 17th to 19th with more than 252 participants from 19 countries. During the three core days, there were three plenary sessions with nine leading researchers in the field as invited speakers, as well as general oral sessions, a poster session, workshops presented by the society's corporate companies, and opening and closing ceremonies. The meeting had been postponed multiple times due to the COVID‐19 pandemic but was finally held in‐person, with options for online attendance, in front of Lake Biwa. This is a memorial site where the first field test for eDNA analysis in Japan was conducted. Here, we report the record of the meeting by sharing the highlights of the three core days. The proposed meeting theme, “Moving from Knowledge into Practice,” was well achieved during the meeting with energetic participants and enthusiastic discussion, which was stimulated by interesting presentations and lectures spanning from basic technical developments to practical applications.
    Wiley, 2023年11月, Environmental DNA, 5, 1191 - 1195, 英語

  • 生息地土壌の環境DNA分析による侵略的外来アリの分布状況把握
    2022年04月, ペストコントロール, 198, 20 - 25, 日本語

  • 環境DNAなどの生体分子を用いた水中生物の情報取得の試み
    2020年02月, JMOAレポート, (19) (19), 1 - 10, 日本語

  • 環境DNAを用いた生物調査法の発展とその応用
    2019年11月, 科学, 89(11) (11), 1029 - 1035, 日本語

  • 環境DNA:水中の生物相を簡単に把握できるツール
    2019年03月, 清流青湖, 146, 10 - 11, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析の概要と希少種の検出~水をくむだけで絶滅危惧種の分布がわかる
    2019年03月, 化学と生物, 57(3) (3), 181 - 186, 日本語

  • 環境DNA技術の現状と今後の展望(座談会)—特集 環境DNAを考える
    源 利文, 乾 隆帝, 大井 和之, 藤井 暁彦
    九州環境管理協会, 2019年, 環境管理 = Environmental evaluation, (48) (48), 4 - 14, 日本語

  • 種特異的な環境DNA検出によるマクロ生物の生態調査
    2018年04月, 水環境学会誌, 41A(4) (4), 123 - 127, 日本語

  • 水を汲むだけの生物調査〜環境DNA技術の紹介〜
    池田幸資, 土居秀幸, 源利文
    日本技術士会, 2018年03月, 技術士, 30(3) (3), 20 - 21, 日本語

  • 環境DNAの有効性:水槽実験とフィールドでの検証
    益田玲爾, 村上弘章, 高橋宏司, 源利文, 宮正樹
    2018年02月, 海洋と生物, 40(1) (1), 17 - 22, 日本語

  • 環境DNAによる個体数・生物量推定の可能性
    深谷肇一, 長田穣, 源利文
    2018年02月, 海洋と生物, 40(1) (1), 47 - 53, 日本語

  • 環境DNAとは何か
    2018年02月, 海洋と生物, 40(1) (1), 3 - 8, 日本語

  • Environmental DNA and its application in the detection and control of fish and water borne zoonosis: Opisthorchiasis in LAOs and schistosomiasis in Madagascar
    Marcello Otake Sato, Armand Rafalimanantsoa Solofoniaina, Megumi Sato, Tiengkham Pongvongsa, Toshifumi Minamoto, Satoru Kawai, Yuichi Chigusa
    Dokkyo University School of Medicine, 2018年, Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences, 45(2) (2), 85, 英語

  • 水域生態系における環境DNAモニタリング手法開発の現在
    2017年12月, 環境技術, 46(12) (12), 624 - 629, 日本語

  • 環境DNAモニタリング手法の課題と展望
    源利文, 内井喜美子, 高原輝彦, 土居秀幸
    2017年12月, 環境技術, 46(12) (12), 648 - 652, 日本語

  • 大量シーケンスと標準DNAを利用した魚類環境DNAの網羅的・定量的モニタリング:京都府舞鶴湾での解析事例
    潮雅之, 潮雅之, 村上弘章, 益田玲爾, 佐土哲也, 宮正樹, 櫻井翔, 山中裕樹, 源利文, 近藤倫生
    2017年11月10日, 水産海洋研究, 81(4) (4), 305‐307, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析を用いた高校生による生物調査
    2017年06月, 兵庫県高等学校教育研究会生物部会誌, 41, 2 - 5, 日本語

  • 源利文
    日本ウイルス学会, 2017年01月, ウイルス, 66(2) (2), 171 - 178, 日本語

  • 環境DNAを用いて水中の生物相を知る
    シーエムシー出版, 2016年06月, BIOINDUSTRY, 33(6) (6), 60 - 65, 日本語

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディングを用いた淀川の魚類相モニタリング
    稲波璃香, 山本義彦, 近藤美麻, 上原一彦, 佐藤行人, 宮正樹, 山本哲史, 源利文
    2016年, 日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web), 63rd

  • 環境DNA研究のインパクト
    岩崎渉, 佐藤行人, 源利文, 山中裕樹, 荒木仁志, 宮正樹
    2016年01月, 実験医学, 34(1) (1), 103 - 107, 日本語

  • 内井貴美子, 源利文, 土居秀幸, 高原輝彦, 山中裕樹, 片野泉
    Tohoku University, 2016年, 日本生態学会誌, 66(3) (3), 581 - 582, 日本語

  • 源利文, 内井喜美子, 山中裕樹, 高原輝彦, 片野泉, 土居秀幸
    Tohoku University, 2016年, 日本生態学会誌, 66(3) (3), 621 - 624, 日本語

  • A. Maruyama, K. Nakamura, H. Yamanaka, M. Kondoh, T. Minamoto
    PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2015年03月, PLOS ONE, 10(3) (3), 英語

  • 源利文
    医歯薬出版, 2014年06月, 医学のあゆみ, 249(12) (12), 1264 - 1269, 日本語

  • ANALYSIS OF mRNA VARIANTS OF PERIOD GENES IN APIS CERANA AND OTHER HYMENOPTERA INSECTS(Physiology&Biochemistry,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan) :
    Minamoto Toshifumi, Shimizu Isamu
    Zoological Society of Japan, 2003年, Zoological science, 20(12) (12), 1593 - 1593, 英語

■ 書籍等出版物
  • 環境DNA入門 ただよう遺伝子は何を語るか
    単著, 岩波書店, 2022年, 日本語, ISBN: 9784000297158

  • 先端の分析法 第2版
    分担執筆, pp 756-765.「環境DNA分析」, 株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス, 2022年01月, 日本語

  • 環境DNA−生態系の真の姿を読み解く−(土居秀幸・近藤倫生編)
    共著, pp. 249-253. コラム「環境DNA分析における手法の標準化」, 共立出版, 2021年03月

  • 環境DNA−生態系の真の姿を読み解く−(土居秀幸・近藤倫生編)
    坂田雅之, 徐寿明, 源利文
    分担執筆, pp. 1-35. 第1章「環境DNA分析の概要」, 共立出版, 2021年03月

  • 魚類学の百科事典(日本魚類学会 編)
    分担執筆, pp. 492-493. 「環境DNA」, 丸善出版, 2018年10月, 日本語

  • Toshifumi Minamoto
    分担執筆, pp.491-495. Random Mutagenesis by Error-Prone Polymerase Chain Reaction Using a Heavy Water Solvent, Springer New York, 2016年10月, 英語, ISBN: 9781493964703

  • 感染症の生態学(日本生態学会 編)
    分担執筆, pp. 39-51. 第4章 「感染症の発症メカニズム」, 共立出版, 2016年03月, 日本語

  • 身近な水の環境科学 実習・測定編 (日本陸水学会東海支部会編)
    高原輝彦, 源利文, 土居秀幸
    分担執筆, pp. 159-161. コラム「水を調べるだけで生き物がわかる!環境DNAを利用した生物分布モニタリング法」, 朝倉書店, 2014年06月, 日本語

  • 湖の現状と未来可能性(RIHN-China Study Series No.3: 川端善一郎、孔海南、呉得意、福士由紀、窪田順平編 )
    源利文, 川端善一郎
    分担執筆, pp. 75-86. 第5章「湖の環境改変と感染症」, 松香堂書店, 2014年03月, 日本語

  • 湖の現状と未来可能性(RIHN-China Study Series No.3: 川端善一郎、孔海南、呉得意、福士由紀、窪田順平編 )
    谢强, 吴德意, 源利文, 山中裕树, 本庄三惠, 川端善一郎
    分担執筆, pp. 139-151. 第9章「水生植物湖滨带改善现场实证性研究」, 松香堂書店, 2014年03月, 中国語

  • 源利文
    分担執筆, pp. 68-69. 第4章 4.4 「環境DNAを用いた水中動物相のモニタリング」, 総合地球環境学研究所, 2014年01月, 日本語

  • 生物の多様性ってなんだろう-生命のジグソーパズル (京都大学総合博物館・京都大学生態学研究センター編)
    源利文, 清水勇
    分担執筆, pp140-164 魚類の多様性とオプシン遺伝子, 京都大学学術出版会, 2007年, 日本語, ISBN: 9784876988273

  • DNAチップ活用テクノロジーと応用 (久原哲編)
    石田直理雄, 源利文
    分担執筆, pp 108-117「DNAチップを用いた生物時計機能解析-ショウジョウバエの交尾行動リズムとホヤの体内時計」, シーエムシー出版, 2006年09月, 日本語, ISBN: 9784882315902

  • 生物多様性のすすめ-生態学からのアプローチ(大串隆之編)
    清水勇, 源利文
    分担執筆, pp90-109 「見える世界が魚を変える-魚類の多様性と視覚適応」, 丸善, 2003年, 日本語, ISBN: 9784621072189

■ 講演・口頭発表等
  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディング法を活用した新たな樹上生物多様性モニタリング法の開発―樹幹流を利用して―
    坂田歩美, 佐土哲也, 岡慎一郎, 潮雅之, 宮正樹, 源利文, 蘭光健人, 池田裕二, 海老原淳, 井上侑哉, 坪田博美, 原田浩
    日本地衣学会第23回大会, 2024年11月, 日本語

  • 迅速,効率的,かつ電力不要な eDNA 濃縮手法 (QuickConc) の開発
    黒板智博, Wu Qianqian, 岩本遼, 源利文
    第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会, 2024年12月, 英語

  • ダム湖の湖底に生息する甲殻類を環境DNA分析で把握するための試み
    稲川崇史, 岡本理央, 邬倩倩, 大杉奉功, 沖津二朗, 坂本正吾, 源利文
    第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会, 2024年12月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディングライブラリー調整へのドロップレットPCRの適用とその利点
    山中裕樹, Shaffer, M. R., Scott, O. M., Allan, E. A., 源利文, Kelly, R. P.
    第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会, 2024年12月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAによる交雑の検出
    坂田雅之, 矢野七虹, 今村彰生, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会, 2024年12月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディングにおける地衣類の検出に及ぼす細胞破砕の影響評価
    坂田歩美, 源利文, 佐土哲也, 宮正樹
    第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会, 2024年12月, 日本語

  • 迷惑な外来珪藻ミズワタクチビルケイソウ検出ツールの開発と分布解析
    鵜木(加藤)陽子, 洲澤多美枝, Tran Thu Trang, 源利文, 増田賢嗣, 坪井潤一, 清野聡子
    第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会, 2024年12月, 英語

  • 環境DNA分析へのエピジェネティクスの導入:可能性と課題
    平山一槻, 呉盧漢, 源利文
    第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会, 2024年12月, 日本語

  • 琵琶湖におけるブラックバス類の時空間的分布動態の解明
    岡田淳史, 脇村圭, 内井喜美子, 邬 倩倩, 源利文
    第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会, 2024年12月, 英語

  • 耕作放棄地におけるセトウチサンショウウオの分布を規定する要因の推定
    松本奈々, 坂田雅之, 國政祐太, 山本優奈, 源利文
    第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会, 2024年12月, 英語

  • 岡山平野における在来および外来タナゴ類の分布に関する研究
    藤野 栞太, 源 利文
    第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会, 2024年12月, 英語

  • 樹幹流を用いた環境DNAメタバーコーディングによる哺乳類相モニタリング法の検討
    石原湧也, 青木香澄, 坂田歩美, 宮正樹, 浜野杏平, 坂田雅之, 邬倩倩, 源利文
    第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会, 2024年12月, 英語

  • メコン住血吸虫の環境DNA検出系の開発と野外への応用
    松村奈桜, 松尾莉子, サトウ恵, Marcello Otake Sato, Joseph, Evangelista Valencia, Mark June Valiente, Revolteado、Phoyphaylinh Prasayasith, Poom Adisakwattana, Yanin Limpanon, Orawan Phuphisu, Tippayarat Yoonuan, Somphou Sayasone, 坂田雅之, 邬倩倩, 源利文
    第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会, 2024年12月, 英語

  • ラオスサバナケット州におけるタイ肝吸虫の分布要因の推定
    松尾莉子, Phoyphaylinh Prasayasith, Joseph Evangelista Valencia, Mark June Valiente Revolteadom, Poom Adisakwattana, Tippayarat Yoonuan, Orawan Phuphisu, Yanin Limpanon, Marcello Otake Sato, サトウ恵, Tiengkham Pongvongsa, 源利文
    第7回環境DNA学会つくば大会, 2024年12月, 英語

  • 迅速、効率的なeDNA核酸濃縮手法(QuickConc)の開発
    岩本遼, 黒板智博, Wu Qianqian, 源利文
    第47回日本分子生物学会年会, 2024年11月, 日本語

  • Monitoring the distribution of hatchery-reared spotted halibut (Verasper variegatus) juveniles after release using environmental DNA
    Murakami, H., Fukano, N., Wu, Q., Minamoto, T., Takagi, J., Kume, M., Yamanobe, T., Yamashita, Y., Mitamura, H., Wada., T.
    The 11th International Flatfish Symposium, 2024年11月, 英語

  • QuickConc: Fast, efficient, power-free eDNA capture
    Ryo Iwamoto, Tomohiro Kuroita, Qianqian Wu, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Biodiversity Genomics Conference 2024, 2024年10月, エスペラント

  • Seasonality of Opisthorchis viverrini environmental DNA detection in endemic areas of Champasack, Lao-PDR
    Prasayasith, P., Valencia, J., Revolteado, M. J., Hansana, P., Pakouakue, B., Matsuo, R., Matsumura, N., Thanabouasy, C., Laymanivong, S., Sayasone, S., Banouvong, V., Buchy, P., Iwagami, M., Sato, M. O., Minamoto, T., Sato, M.
    The 14th Lao National Health Research Forum, 2024年10月, 英語

  • Eco Health/One Health towards eradication of opisthorchiasis using the environmental DNA detection as an evaluation tool
    Sato, M., Pongvongsa, T., Sayasone, S., Prasayasith, P., Valencia, J., Revolteado, M. J., Younuan, T., Adisakwattana, P., Minamoto, T., Sato, M. O.
    The 14th Lao National Health Research Forum, 2024年10月, 英語

  • Investigating the habitat of Aphelocheirus nawai using environmental DNA analysis
    Tomoharu Hino, Ryota P. Kitani, Yuta Kunimasa, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The 29th Biennial Conference of Asian Association for Biology Education, 2024年10月, 英語

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental education using environmental DNA analysis: Is it effective even for people who hesitate to touch living things?
    Ryota P. Kitani, Tatsuya Saga, Minoru Kasada, Mieko Kiyono, Masayuki Sato, Atushi Ushimaru, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The 29th Biennial Conference of Asian Association for Biology Education, 2024年10月, 英語

  • Environmental DNA approach in Eco Health/One Health towards eradication of opisthorchiasis
    Sato, M., Adisakwattana, P., Sayasone, S., Prasayasith, P., Valencia, J., Revolteado, M. J., Pongvongsa, T., Younuan, T., Minamoto, T., Sato, M. O.
    21st International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria, 2024年09月, 英語

  • 迅速、効率的、かつ電力不要なeDNA核酸濃縮手法(QuickConc)の開発
    黒板智博, Qianqian Wu, 岩本遼, 源利文
    応用生態工学会 第27回さいたま大会, 2024年09月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAを用いたセトウチサンショウウオ(Hynobius setouchi)の生息に影響する環境要因の推定
    松本奈々, 坂田雅之, 國政祐太, 山本優奈, 源利文
    応用生態工学会 第27回さいたま大会, 2024年09月, 日本語

  • Estimating suitable breeding habitat for the Setouchi salamander (Hynobius setouchi) based on environmental DNA surveys
    Nana Matsumoto, Masayuki K. Sakata, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Salamander Meeting 2024, 2024年07月, 英語

  • クロダイの産卵検出における環境DNAの核/ミトコンドリア比の有効性
    石山颯人, 西田剛, 竹下大輝, 源利文, 笹野祥愛, 益田玲爾, 海野徹也, 河合賢太郎
    令和6年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2024年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAのメチル化解析に基づく魚類繁殖活動の検出
    平山一槻, 呉盧漢, 源利文
    第71回日本生態学会大会, 2024年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAを用いたニホンウナギ(Anguilla japonica)とオオウナギ(A. marmorata)の河川内分布特性
    恩田都和, 深野直孝, 三田村啓理, 久米学, 和田敏裕, 源利文, 渡邊俊, 高木淳一, 片山知史, 村上弘章
    第4回ウナギ学の現状, 2024年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析を用いたニホンウナギの分布規定要因の推定
    國政祐太, 橋本渚, 木谷亮太, 三田村啓理, 久米学, 田中智一朗, 源利文
    第4回ウナギ学の現状, 2024年03月, 日本語

  • Comparison of terrestrial mammal detection methods using environmental DNA
    Toshifumi Minamoto, Niko Nakamura, Nagisa Hashimoto, Masayuki K. Sakata, Qianqian Wu
    BES Annual Meeting 2023, 2023年12月, 英語, British Ecological Society, Belfast, グレートブリテン・北アイルランド連合王国(英国), 国際会議, 国際共著していない

  • Methylation analysis of environmental DNA for breeding monitoring of fish
    Itsuki T. Hiyayama, Luhan Wu, Toshifumi Minamoto
    BES Annual Meeting 2023, 2023年12月, 英語, British Ecological Society, Belfast, グレートブリテン・北アイルランド連合王国(英国), 国際会議, 国際共著していない

  • 環境DNAを用いた陸上哺乳類と鳥類の検出方法の開発
    中村仁湖, 橋本渚, 坂田雅之, 邬倩倩, 源利文
    第6回環境DNA学会九州大会, 2023年12月, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析マニュアルの発展と国際的標準化について
    第6回環境DNA学会九州大会, 2023年12月, 日本語

  • 大阪湾におけるスナメリの分布解明
    第6回環境DNA学会九州大会, 2023年12月, 日本語

  • セトウチサンショウウオの繁殖環境に関する研究
    久富早織, 坂田雅之, 中村仁湖, 源利文
    第6回環境DNA学会九州大会, 2023年12月, 日本語

  • 河川における在来魚類と外来魚類の分布状況について
    太田井麻令乃, 橋本渚, 國政祐太, 平山一槻, 山本義彦, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    第6回環境DNA学会九州大会, 2023年12月, 日本語

  • ラオスサバナケット州におけるタイ肝吸虫および中間宿主の分布調査
    松尾莉子, 木原菜摘, サトウ恵, Marcello Otake Sato, Phoyphailin Pasayasith, Tippayarat Yoonuan, Poom Adisakwattana, Tiengkham Pongvongsa, 源利文
    第6回環境DNA学会九州大会, 2023年12月, 日本語

  • 高校生を対象とした環境DNA教育の実施とその効果の検証
    木谷亮太, 佐賀達矢, 笠田実, 清野未恵子, 佐藤真行, 丑丸敦史, 源利文
    第6回環境DNA学会九州大会, 2023年12月, 日本語

  • ニホンウナギの分布を規定する要因の推定
    國政祐太, 橋本渚, 源利文
    第6回環境DNA学会九州大会, 2023年12月, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析と生態モデルによる気候変動下における生物の時空間分布予測
    邬倩倩, 周金鑫, 河本達也, 石川俊之, 後藤直成, 坂田雅之, 北澤大輔, 源利文
    第6回環境DNA学会九州大会, 2023年12月, 日本語

  • 高濁度水サンプルからの環境核酸抽出方法の検討
    山本優奈, 岩本遼, 平山一槻, 小川あゆみ, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    第6回環境DNA学会九州大会, 2023年12月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディング手法を用いたため池における水生植物のモニタリング
    小川あゆみ, 久富早織, 橋本渚, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    第6回環境DNA学会九州大会, 2023年12月, 日本語

  • メコン住血吸虫の環境DNA検出系の開発と野外への応用
    松村奈桜, 松尾莉子, 坂田雅之, 邬倩倩, 源利文
    第6回環境DNA学会九州大会, 2023年12月, 日本語

  • マリモの過去150年をミジンコで復元する
    占部城太郎, 大槻朝, 大竹裕里恵, 坂田雅之, 源利文, 加三千宣, 若菜勇
    日本生態学会東北地区会第68回大会, 2023年11月, 日本語

  • Prospects of eDNA analysis for macro–organisms: beyond species distribution
    Toshifumi Minamoto
    International Symposium: Past, Present, and Future of the Marine Environment and Ecosystems, 2023年10月, 英語

  • 堆積物DNAを用いた阿寒湖における魚類個体群動態の復元
    坂田雅之, 加三千宣, 大槻朝, 若菜勇, 源利文, 占部城太郎
    日本陸水学会第87回大分大会, 2023年10月, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析を用いたニホンウナギのハビタット推定
    國政祐太, 橋本渚, 源利文
    日本陸水学会第87回大分大会, 2023年10月, 日本語

  • ホシガレイVerasper variegatusの環境DNA技術の確立と種苗放流後の分布推定
    村上弘章, 深野直孝, 鄔倩倩, 源利文, 髙木淳一, 久米学, 山下洋, 三田村啓理, 和田敏裕
    令和5年度日本水産学会秋季大会, 2023年09月, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析を用いた大阪湾におけるスナメリの分布およびホットスポットの解明
    橋本渚, 岩田高志, 源利文
    日本哺乳類学会2023年度大会, 2023年09月, 日本語

  • The nuisance invasive species Cymbella janischii in Japan: knowledge from studies and monitoring
    Yoko Kato-Unoki, Tamie Suzawa, Akira Kurihara, Yuta Takahashi, Toshifumi Minamoto, Yoshitsugu Masuda, Jun-ichi Tsuboi, Satoquo Seino, Shigeki Mayama
    The 26th International Diatom Symposium, 2023年08月, 英語

  • Environmental DNA analysis of macroorganisms: recent trend and future prospects in Japan and Worldwide
    Toshifumi Minamoto
    The XXIIIrd International Congress of Genetics, 2023年07月, 英語

  • Development of eDNA research in Japan and its application to environmental studies
    Toshifumi Minamoto
    Biodiversity Genomics - A Global Perspective: Satellite Meeting of The XXIIIrd International Congress of Genetics, 2023年07月, 英語

  • Investigation of the effect of Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) on wild fish community ~manipulative field experiment and species composition analusis using eDNA methods~
    Aisha Oyabu, Luhan Wu, Natusmi Kihara, Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The eDNA Society International Meeting 2023, 2023年05月, 英語

  • Application of DNA methylation analysis to eDNA studies
    Itsuki Hirayama, Luhan Wu, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The eDNA Society International Meeting 2023, 2023年05月, 英語

  • Investigation of the potential applicability of eDNA as an environmental education tool
    Ryota Kitani, Mieko Kiyono, Masayuki Sato, Atushi Ushimaru, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The eDNA Society International Meeting 2023, 2023年05月, 英語

  • Horizontal and vertical distribution of environmental DNA of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus and Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus in Maizuru Bay, Kyoto Prefecture
    Hiroaki Murakami, Keiichi Fukaya, Satoshi Yamamoto, Toshifumi Minamoto, Kenji Minami, Kazushi Miyashita, Taishin Kameoka, Reiji Masuda, Yoh Yamashita, Michio Kondoh
    The eDNA Society International Meeting 2023, 2023年05月, 英語

  • Unraveling the effects of cross rover structures on the habitat of Japanese eel
    Yuta Kunimasa, Natsumi Kihara, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The eDNA Society International Meeting 2023, 2023年05月, 英語

  • Distribution of finless porpoise (Neophicaena asiaeorientalis) in Osaka Bay, Japan using eDNA analysis
    Nagisa Hashimoto, Takashi Iwata, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The eDNA Society International Meeting 2023, 2023年05月, 英語

  • Seasonal movement of Rainbow Trout detected by year-round water sampling
    Akio Imamura, Masayuki K. Sakata, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The eDNA Society International Meeting 2023, 2023年05月, 英語

  • Fish population dynamics in Lake Akan associated with eutrophication reconstructed by sedementary DNA
    Masayuki K. Sakata, Michinobu Kuwae, Hajime Otsuki, Isamu Wakana, Toshifumi Minamoto, Jotaro Urabe
    The eDNA Society International Meeting 2023, 2023年05月, 英語

  • Development of a highly sensitive eDNA detection method
    Ryo Iwamoto, Tomohiro Kuroita, Yuta Kunimasa, Yuna Yamanmoto, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The eDNA Society International Meeting 2023, 2023年05月, 英語

  • Detection of Southeast Asian liver fluke by multi-region PCR assay
    Riko Matsuo, Megumi Sato, Mercello Sato, Poom Adisakwattana, Orawan Phuphisu, Tippayarat Yoonuan, Yanin Limpanon, Yupa Chusongsang, Paporn Poodeepiyasawa, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The eDNA Society International Meeting 2023, 2023年05月, 英語

  • Regional-scale effects of deer-induced forest degradation on river ecosystem dynamics
    Hikaru Nakagawa, Daisuke Fujiki, Hiroo Numata, Luhan Wu, Terutaka Mori, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The eDNA Society International Meeting 2023, 2023年05月, 英語

  • 環境DNA分析で明らかにするさくら湖の魚類相
    さくら湖自然環境フォーラム2022, 2023年03月, 日本語

  • 絶滅危惧種の保全と外来種対策における環境DNA分析の有効性
    源利文, 木原菜摘
    スイゲンゼニタナゴの保全を考えるワークショップ, 2023年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAを用いたスイゲンゼニタナゴと近縁外来種の同時検出系の開発と実践
    木原菜摘, 源利文
    第十八回外来魚情報交換会, 2023年01月, 日本語

  • マクロ生物の環境DNA分析: 生物分布から繁殖期推定まで
    2023年 水生昆虫談話会・日本陸水学会共催シンポジウム, 2023年01月, 日本語

  • Environmental DNA in lake sediment provides fish information on reconstructing past fauna in lake ecosystems
    Masayuki K. Sakata, Narumi Tsugeki, Michinobu Kuwae, Hideyuki Doi, Toshifumi Minamoto
    BES Annual Meeting 2022, 2022年12月, 英語

  • 水中の生き物調査の新手法:環境DNA
    公開シンポジウム「え、ニジマスって外来種なの?」, 2022年12月, 日本語

  • クモヒトデ綱(棘皮動物門) の環境DNAメタバーコーディング プライマーの開発
    岡西政典, 幸塚久典, 鄔倩倩, 進士淳平, 芝田直樹, 玉田貴, 中野智之, 源利文
    第18回棘皮動物研究集会, 2022年12月, 日本語

  • 棘皮動物における環境DNAメタバーコーディングプライマーの開発
    小泉佳祐, 中野智之, 鄔倩倩, 幸塚久典, 小川晟人, 岡西政典, 源利文
    環境DNA学会「あなたが主役のワークショップ」, 2022年11月, 日本語

  • クモヒトデ綱(棘皮動物門)の環境DNAメタバーコーディングプライマーの開発
    岡西政典, 幸塚久典, 鄔倩倩, 進士淳平, 芝田直樹, 玉田貴, 中野智之, 源利文
    環境DNA学会「あなたが主役のワークショップ」, 2022年11月, 日本語

  • 各組織が分散してデータを管理し、段階的にデータを共有・公開してデータの価値を高め活用する「データ価値共創環境」の提案
    坂本久, 庄司諒, 川北智弥, 坂田雅之, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    環境DNA学会「あなたが主役のワークショップ」, 2022年11月, 日本語

  • 環境水からの外来種ミズワタクチビルケイソウの特異的検出
    鵜木(加藤)陽子, 真山茂樹, 栗原暁, 清野聡子, 源利文
    環境DNA学会「あなたが主役のワークショップ」, 2022年11月, 日本語

  • スナメリの検出系開発と野外適用
    橋本渚, 木原菜摘, 坂田雅之, 中村清美, 源利文, 岩田高志
    環境DNA学会「あなたが主役のワークショップ」, 2022年11月, 日本語

  • 河川横断構造物がニホンウナギの河川遡上に与える影響の解明
    國政祐太, 木原菜摘, 源利文
    環境DNA学会「あなたが主役のワークショップ」, 2022年11月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAにおけるDNAメチル化解析とその生態学的利用に向けたアプローチ
    平山一槻, 源利文
    環境DNA学会「あなたが主役のワークショップ」, 2022年11月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAを用いた陸上哺乳類の検出方法の開発
    中村仁湖, 橋本渚, 坂田雅之, 鄔倩倩, 源利文
    環境DNA学会「あなたが主役のワークショップ」, 2022年11月, 日本語

  • バラタナゴ属3種の新しい同時検出系の開発と実用可能性の検討~HRM法、マルチプレックスプローブ法の比較~
    木原菜摘, 源利文
    環境DNA学会「あなたが主役のワークショップ」, 2022年11月, 日本語

  • 定量メタバーコーディングを用いた魚類生態調査
    呉盧漢, 稲川崇史, 沖津二朗, 坂本正吾, 源利文
    環境DNA学会「あなたが主役のワークショップ」, 2022年11月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディングによる深海無脊椎動物の検出
    鄔倩倩, 西澤崚平, 藤原義弘, 土田真二, 吉田尊雄, 河戸勝, 駒井智幸, 源利文
    環境DNA学会「あなたが主役のワークショップ」, 2022年11月, 日本語

  • Detection of Opisthorchis viverrini using environmental DNA
    Riko Matsuo, Megumi Sato, Marcello Otake Sato, Poom Adisakwattana, Orawan Phuphisut, Tippayarat Yoonuan, Yanin Limpanont, Yupa Chusongsang, Paporn Poodeepiyasawat, Toshifumi Minamoto
    The 20th International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria, 2022年10月, 英語

  • ダム湖の生物モニタリングに環境DNA技術を適用するためには?
    ELR2022, 2022年09月, 日本語

  • 堆積物環境DNAによる琵琶湖魚類の過去復元
    坂田雅之, 槻木玲美, 加三千宣, 土居秀幸, 源利文
    日本陸水学会第86回大会, 2022年09月, 日本語

  • 夜間の光は魚の生態に影響を及ぼすのか?ー環境DNA技術を用いた種組成調査よりー
    大藪愛紗, 源利文
    日本陸水学会第86回大会, 2022年09月, 日本語

  • 野生動物の糞便からの薬剤耐性大腸菌の分離と性状解析
    浅井鉄夫, 杉山美千代, 大松勉, 源利文
    令和4年度獣医学術中部地区学会, 2022年08月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAと種分布モデルを用いた島根県におけるオオサンショウウオの生息実態の解明
    リュウゲンテイ, 橋本真佑, 山岸聖, 三浦祐児, 源利文, 高原輝彦
    2022年度生物系三学会中国四国地区合同大会, 2022年05月, 日本語

  • 環境RNA手法の実用化に向けた検証:ニホンウナギをモデルケースにした野外調査と飼育実験から
    永田晃弘, 辻井彩花, 山岸聖, 源利文, 山中裕樹, 高原輝彦
    2022年度生物系三学会中国四国地区合同大会, 2022年05月, 日本語

  • 堆積物コアDNAを用いた宍道湖におけるマクロ生物の近過去生息状況の推定
    山岸聖, 小室隆, 神門利之, 引野愛子, 坂田雅之, 源利文, 下田莉奈, 高原輝彦
    2022年度生物系三学会中国四国地区合同大会, 2022年05月, 日本語

  • 外来種ミズワタクチビルケイソウ検出法の開発
    鵜木(加藤)陽子, 真山茂樹, 栗原暁, 清野聡子, 源利文
    令和4年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2022年03月, 日本語

  • Seda DNAを用いた宍道湖における過去の車軸藻類の復元
    小室隆, 神門利之, 加藤季晋, 引野愛子, 山岸聖, 高原輝彦, 後藤益滋, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    2022年日本地理学会春季学術大会, 2022年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析を用いた薬剤耐性菌の保菌動物の探索
    橋本渚, 坂田雅之, 杉山美千代, 浅井鉄夫, 源利文
    第69回日本生態学会大会, 2022年03月, 日本語

  • 琵琶湖における廃川の魚類ハビタットとしての活用可能性
    東坂波也翔, 松本岳大, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    第69回日本生態学会大会, 2022年03月, 日本語

  • 多種サイト占有モデルを用いた環境DNA分析における調査デザインの最適化
    松本岳大, 深谷肇一, 坂田雅之, 沖津二朗, 稲川崇史, 平岡康介, 一柳英隆, 源利文
    第69回日本生態学会大会, 2022年03月, 日本語

  • 核DNAをマーカーとする魚類環境DNAメタバーコーディング法の野外適用
    佐々木大介, 伊藤玄, 山中裕樹, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    第69回日本生態学会大会, 2022年03月, 日本語

  • 定量的環境DNAメタバーコーディングを用いた魚類の繁殖期の同時モニタリング
    呉盧漢, 稲川崇史, 沖津二朗, 坂本正吾, 源利文
    第69回日本生態学会大会, 2022年03月, 日本語

  • 流水性希少サンショウウオを対象にした効率的な環境DNA検出手法の検討
    坂田雅之, 竹下大輝, 西澤崚平, 佐藤拓哉, 源利文
    第69回日本生態学会大会, 2022年03月, 日本語

  • 全循環湖から部分循環湖への変化が底生生物に与える影響について
    邬倩倩, 周金鑫, 河本達也, 石川俊之, 坂田雅之, 後藤直成, 北澤大輔, 源利文
    第69回日本生態学会大会, 2022年03月, 日本語

  • Review of integrated research on human well-being, ecosystem services, and spatial characteristics of cities: research trends and future directions
    Yuta Uchiyama, Masayuki Sato, Atishi Ushimaru, Toshifumi Minamoto
    3rd ESP Asia Conference, 2021年12月, 英語

  • 環境DNA分析の基礎と魚病を含む感染症への応用
    令和3年度 魚病症例研究会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • 大阪府内における環境DNA分析技術を用いた淡水魚分布調査の検討
    山本義彦, 鴛海智佳, 白子智康, 源利文
    第24回自然系調査研究機関連絡会議, 日本語

  • 頭足綱を対象とした環境DNAメタバーコーディング検出系の開発
    鄔倩倩, 中野智之, 駒井智幸, 宮正樹, 呉盧漢, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第4回大会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • 海洋堆積物のDNA量から魚類個体数の数十年スケール変動を捉えられるか
    加三千宣, 玉井弘道, 土居秀幸, 源利文, 坂田雅之
    2021年度水産海洋学会研究発表大会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • 既知コピー数DNAから得た閾値を用いた環境DNAメタバーコーディング解析の精度向上
    大﨑優介, 渡邊和紀, 米川侑希, 中澤聡, 海野洋敬, 西山依里, 村上博昭, 松平崇弘, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第4回大会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAガラス濾紙サンプルの常温長期保存方法の検討
    橋爪裕宜, 源利文, 大庭伸也, 門司和彦, 星友矩
    環境DNA学会第4回大会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • 山口県周防大島沿岸海域における潮汐条件、採水量、採水水深別の環境DNAによる魚類検出結果比較
    片山悦治郎, 小濱智之, 立松俊和, 渡部健, 粂井孝一, 金子幸司, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第4回大会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • 捕獲調査の代替は可能? -プライマーの選定とDNAデータベース整備が大型無脊椎動物の検出に与える影響-
    長谷部勇太, 源利文, 竹中將起, 半田佳宏, 関将史, 白子智康
    環境DNA学会第4回大会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • 宮崎県延岡市沖合海域における魚類を対象とした海水及び底質の環境DNA分析
    立松俊和, 片山悦治郎, 小濱智之, 真木伸隆, 神柱武志, 鳥集一郎, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第4回大会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • アオコの発生した湖における環境DNAメタバーコーディングの試み
    邬倩倩, 坂田雅之, 吴德意, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第4回大会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • 両生類を対象とした環境DNAメタバーコーディング検出系の開発と評価
    坂田雅之, 河田萌音, 倉林敦, 栗田隆気, 中村匡聡, 白子智康, 掛橋竜祐, 西川完途, モハメド ヤジット ホスマン, 西島太加志, 樺元淳一, 宮正樹, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第4回大会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • 魚類の核環境DNAメタバーコーディング手法の開発
    佐々木大介, 山中裕樹, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第4回大会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • 魚類繁殖活動による環境DNA濃度の時間と距離に伴う変化
    呉盧漢, 山本義彦, 山口翔吾, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第4回大会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • ダム湖の魚類調査における環境DNAメタバーコーディング分析の実装に向けて
    松本岳大, 深谷肇一, 坂田雅之, 沖津二朗, 稲川崇史, 平岡康介, 一柳英隆, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第4回大会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • 花虫綱を対象とした環境DNAメタバーコーディング系の開発
    西澤崚平, 邬倩倩, 中野智之, 駒井智幸, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第4回大会, 2021年11月, 日本語

  • スーダン乾燥地帯の皮膚病マイセトーマ蔓延地域土壌からの病原真菌群の検出
    Hiroki Hashizume, Suguru Taga, Masayuki K, Sakata,Mahmou, Hussein Mohamed Taha, Emmanuel Edwar Siddig, Toshifumi Minamoto,Ahmed, Hassan Fahal, Satoshi Kaneko
    日本微生物生態学会第34回大会, 2021年10月, 英語

  • 環境DNA技術を感染症の分布診断に応用する
    日本生態学会第24回公開講演会 (環境DNAの衝撃:生き物たちの過去・現在・未来を解き明かす), 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 産卵と被食に伴う核およびミトコンドリア環境DNAの動態:カタクチイワシとマアジを用いた水槽実験
    上村真太郎, 益田玲爾, 村上弘章, 徐寿明, 源利文
    令和3年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 感染症の生態学研究のためのツールとしての環境DNA
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 魚類環境RNAの検出最適化のためのプロトコル検証および野外適用
    高尾健太, 徐寿明, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 環境核酸分析によるコイの栄養状態の評価
    姜明揚, 山本義彦, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 核DNAをマーカーとした魚類環境DNAメタバーコーディングの新規手法の開発
    佐々木大介, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAを用いたメダカにおける遺伝的撹乱の検出
    中尾遼平, 北川忠生, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • ニホンジカ(Cervus nippon)環境DNAの種特異的検出系の開発
    石坂恵規, 中川光, 高柳敦, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析によるオオダイガハラサンショウウオの分布予測
    竹下大輝, 西澤崚平, 佐藤拓哉, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAを用いたバラタナゴ属3種の同時検出系確立と野外適用
    木原菜摘, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAを用いたダム湖における魚類繁殖期の推定
    呉盧漢, 稲川崇史, 沖津二郎, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • アオコの発生した湖におけるeDNA メタバーコーディング: 中国太湖を事例として
    邬倩倩, 坂田雅之, 吴德意, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAとRNAの分解に及ぼす温度とpHの影響
    釣健司, 廣原嵩也, 島田康人, 源利文, 山中裕樹
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 琵琶湖の湖底貧酸素化に伴うスジエビ及びイサザへの影響について
    河本達也, 鄔倩倩, 坂田雅之, 石川俊之, 後藤直成, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 鉢虫綱クラゲ類の環境DNAメタバーコーディング系の設計
    西澤崚平, 邬倩倩, 中野智之, 駒井智幸, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディングを用いたトンボ目多様性の評価
    矢指本哲, 坂田雅之, 中尾遼平, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 堆積物環境DNAを用いた琵琶湖における過去生物情報の再構築
    坂田雅之, 槻木玲美, 加三千宣, 土居秀幸, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • ダム湖において環境DNAメタバーコーディング手法を用いる際の最適採水地点数の検討
    松本岳大, 深谷肇一, 坂田雅之, 稲川崇史, 沖津二朗, 平岡康介, 一柳英隆, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 長鎖・核DNAおよび海水サンプルを対象とした塩化ベンザルコニウムの環境DNA保存効果
    徐寿明, 村上弘章, 益田玲爾, 源利文
    日本生態学会第68回大会, 2021年03月, 日本語

  • 水中の核酸情報を用いて動物の行動や生理を解明する
    京都大学生態学研究センター共同利用研究会:環境DNA・環境RNA研究の新たな挑戦, 2020年12月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAを用いた水中生物調査手法の開発と実践
    令和2年度水産資源保護啓発研究事業 環境DNA研究開発に関する講習会, 2020年12月, 日本語

  • 堆積物中における環境DNAの残存性とこれを応用した津波後のクラゲ類ブルームの検出
    尾形瑞紀, 益田玲爾, 張野宏也, 坂田雅之, 畠山信, 横山勝英, 山下洋, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第3回大会・第36回個体群生態学会大会合同大会, 2020年11月, 日本語

  • 水田に生息するヘビ類の環境DNA検出
    西澤崚平, 中尾遼平, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第3回大会・第36回個体群生態学会大会合同大会, 2020年11月, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析手法を用いたコイ科魚類の産卵行動の検出
    佐々木大介, 渡部健, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第3回大会・第36回個体群生態学会大会合同大会, 2020年11月, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析によるマナマコ (Apostichopus japonicus)の繁殖期推定
    竹下大輝, 村上弘章, 益田玲爾, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第3回大会・第36回個体群生態学会大会合同大会, 2020年11月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディングを用いた魚類調査のための効果的なサンプリング方法の検討
    坂田雅之, 渡部健, 真木伸隆, 池田幸資, 小菅敏裕, 岡田泰明, 池田幸資, 山中裕樹, 佐土哲也, 宮正樹, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第3回大会・第36回個体群生態学会大会合同大会, 2020年11月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAの状態依存的な残存性
    徐寿明, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第3回大会・第36回個体群生態学会大会合同大会, 2020年11月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAによる魚類の繁殖期推定
    呉盧漢, 稲川崇史, 沖津二朗, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第3回大会・第36回個体群生態学会大会合同大会, 2020年11月, 日本語

  • 異種混合飼育が海産魚の環境DNAの放出量に与える影響
    村上弘章, 益田玲爾, 山本哲史, 源利文, 山下洋
    環境DNA学会第3回大会・第36回個体群生態学会大会合同大会, 2020年11月, 日本語

  • キジハタの環境DNAに対する体サイズおよび活動量の影響
    曽根高幹大, 益田玲爾, 徐寿明, 竹下大輝, 村上弘章, 上村真太郎, 源利文
    環境DNA学会第3回大会・第36回個体群生態学会大会合同大会, 2020年11月, 日本語

  • カンボジアPrey Veng州のタイ肝吸虫症高度流行地における中間宿主および保虫宿主調査
    桐木雅史, サトウマルセロオオタケ, Khieu Virak, 源利文, 千種雄一, 宮本和子
    第61回熱帯医学会大会・グローバルヘルス合同大会2020, 2020年11月, 日本語

  • eDNAの放出は成長段階によって変わるのか?〜オオサンショウウオを例に〜
    森本哲平, 田口勇輝, 源利文
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • メタバーコーディングによる北海道の在来魚群集とニジマスの分布把握の試み
    今村彰生, 速水花奈, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, ジャワ語

  • 環境DNAから見た淀川におけるコクチバスとチャネルキャットフィッシュの分布
    山本義彦, 本郷真理, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • 既知コピー数DNAから得た閾値を用いた環境DNA解析の精度向上
    渡邊和紀, 源利文, 松平崇弘, 大崎優介, 米川侑希, 鈴木武尊, 橋本みちえ, 海野洋敬
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析を用いた感染症生態学研究の可能性
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • 環境RNA分析を用いたコイの繁殖行動推定
    姜明揚, 山本義彦, 呉盧漢, 源利文
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAの放出量はどのような生理学的要因と関連するか
    徐寿明, 村上弘章, 益田玲爾, 源利文
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • 琵琶湖産スジエビの移動行動の多型に関連した生態的・遺伝的な構造の解明
    邬倩倩, 矢井田友暉, 沢田隼, 丸山敦, 高見泰興, 源利文
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • ヴィクトリア湖畔における住血吸虫環境DNAの分布
    大澤亮介, 中村梨沙, 二見恭子, 板山朋聡, 菊池美穂子, OUMA Colins, 濱野真二郎, 源利文
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析を用いた再生ヨシ帯の産卵地としての評価
    佐々木大介, 渡部健, 源利文
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNA分析から推定されたアユモドキを含む魚類群集の季節的変化
    杉浦航, 岩田明久, 阿部司, 源利文, 冨田勢, 山本哲史, 三品達平, 渡辺勝敏
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • 琵琶湖における堆積物環境DNAを用いた過去情報の復元
    坂田雅之, 槻木玲美, 加三千宣, 越智梨月, 速水花奈, 源利文
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • 哺乳類環境DNAメタバーコーディング手法による薬剤耐性菌保菌動物の推定
    速水花奈, 坂田雅之, 荒谷朋紀, 浅井鉄夫, 源利文
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • ヘビは環境DNA手法で検出できるのか
    西澤崚平, 中尾遼平, 源利文
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • キタサンショウウオの繁殖期における環境DNA観測
    竹下大輝, 照井滋晴, 池田幸資, 三塚多佳志, 源利文
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAによる魚類繁殖期の推定
    呉盧漢, 姜明揚, 山本義彦, 稲川崇史, 沖津二朗, 源利文
    日本生態学会第67回大会, 2020年03月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAで生物多様性をモニターする
    講演会「沿岸域の生物多様性と環境修復」, 2020年02月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAを用いた生物調査の基礎とその応用
    日本環境アセスメント協会令和元年度第2回公開技術セミナー, 2020年02月, 日本語

  • メタバーコーディングによる北海道の在来魚群集とニジマスの分布把握の試み
    今村彰生, 速水花奈, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    2019年度北海道自然史研究会・研究大会, 2020年02月, 日本語

  • 環境DNAを用いた生物調査:分析技術の基礎から最新の研究動向まで
    三重県環境保全事業団セミナー, 2019年12月, 日本語

  • Monitoring breeding behavior of Japanese giant salamander via eDNA analysis
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, MORIMOTO Teppei, TAGUCHI Yuki, RAKAO Ryohei
    British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2019, 2019年12月, 英語, 国際会議

  • Sedimentary eDNA provides different information on timescale and fish species composition compared with aqueous eDNA
    SAKATA Masayuki K, YAMAMOTO Satoshi, GOTOH Ryo, MIYA Masaki, YAMANAKA Hiroki, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2019, 2019年12月, 英語, 国際会議

  • 魚類の核およびミトコンドリアに由来する環境DNAの粒子径サイズ分布
    徐寿明, 有本美於, 村上弘章, 益田玲爾, 源利文
    第42回日本分子生物学会年会, 2019年12月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis of pathogenic Leptospira and associated organisms in leptospirosis-endemic Okinawa areas
    Sato, Y, Mizuyama, M, Sato, M, Minamoto, T, Kimura, R, Toma, C
    第4回黒潮カンファレンス, 2019年11月, 英語, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAとしてマンソン住血吸虫DNAを検出するためのろ過法の比較検討
    大澤亮介, 中村梨沙, 二見恭子, 板山朋聡, 菊池三穂子, 濱野真二郎, 源利文
    第60回日本熱帯医学会大会, 2019年11月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • Environmental DNA as a novel tool for clarifying disease ecology
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    第60回日本熱帯医学会大会, 2019年11月, 英語, 国内会議

  • Opisthorchiasis and schistosomiasis from the environmental DNA/GIS perspective
    SATO Marcello Otake, RAFALIMANANTSOA Armand, SATO Megumi, PONGVONGSA Tiengkham, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, WAIKAGUL Hitra, KAWAI Satoru, FONTANILLA Ian, CHIGUSA Yuichi
    第60回日本熱帯医学会大会, 2019年11月, 英語, 国内会議

  • 核およびミトコンドリアに由来する環境DNAの動態
    徐寿明, 有本美於, 村上弘章, 益田玲爾, 源利文
    第2回環境DNA学会神戸大会, 2019年11月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • マンソン住血吸虫の環境DNA検出法の改善
    大澤亮介, 中村梨沙, 二見恭子, 板山朋聡, 菊池三穂子, OUMA Collins, 濱野真二郎, 源利文
    第2回環境DNA学会神戸大会, 2019年11月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAによる湿原環境の小型両生類観測への試み
    竹下大輝, 照井滋晴, 池田幸資, 三塚多佳志, OSATHANUNKUL Maslin, 源 利文
    第2回環境DNA学会神戸大会, 2019年11月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • ダム湖における魚類環境DNAの鉛直分布
    速水花奈, 坂田雅之, 沖津二朗, 稲川崇史, 源利文
    第2回環境DNA学会神戸大会, 2019年11月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 琵琶湖産スジエビの生活史の解明
    鄔倩倩, 源利文
    第2回環境DNA学会神戸大会, 2019年11月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いたイタセンパラの季節的移動の解明とワンド環境特性との関係
    永山滋也, 太田宗宏, 加藤雅之, 源利文, 森誠一
    第2回環境DNA学会神戸大会, 2019年11月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 出水前後における魚類の環境DNA量の変化―止水域での追跡事例―
    稲川崇史, 沖津二朗, 源利文, 村岡敬子, 中村圭吾
    第2回環境DNA学会神戸大会, 2019年09月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた魚類モニタリングの実装に向けて
    源 利文
    応用生態工学会第23回広島大会, 2019年09月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • Application of bamboo biomass resources in agrochemical-free rice farming: effects on Odonata diversity
    HUYNH Thien, Quang, SAKATA Masayuki, K, NAKAO Ryohei, NOMURA Shinya, KLAILATI Masfiro, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, USIO Nishikawa
    日本陸水学会第84回大会, 2019年09月, 英語, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディングによる希少淡水魚ゼニタナゴと関連生物の探索
    坂田雅之, 土居秀幸, 真木伸隆, 上田夏希, 杉山秀樹, 源利文
    日本陸水学会第84回大会, 2019年09月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • アジの核およびミトコンドリアに由来する環境DNAの水温・バイオマス依存性
    徐寿明, 有本美於, 村上弘章, 益田玲爾, 源利文
    令和元年度日本水産学会秋季大会, 2019年09月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 流域の⿂類相調査における環境DNAメタバーコーディング分析法の有効性について(神奈川県・⼩出川の事例報告)
    加藤敦子, 岡田泰明, 渡部健, 真木伸隆, 小菅敏裕, 池田幸資, 松島夕佳子, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    土木学会第74回年次学術講演会, 2019年09月, 日本語, 香川大学, 国内会議

  • 採水量・採水位置の違いによる小出川における魚類相の検出精度について
    真木伸隆, 渡部健, 岡田泰明, 小菅敏裕, 池田幸資, 松島夕佳子, 坂田雅之, 源 利文
    土木学会第74回年次学術講演会, 2019年09月, 日本語, 香川大学(香川県高松市), 国内会議

  • 堆積物環境DNA分析の過去復元への応用可能性
    坂田雅之, 源利文
    日本進化学会第21回大会, 2019年08月, 日本語, 北海道大学(札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析による個体数の推定
    深谷肇一, 村上弘章, 尹錫鎭, 南憲吏, 長田穣, 山本哲史, 益田玲爾, 笠井亮秀, 宮下和志, 源利文, 近藤倫生
    日本進化学会第21回大会, 2019年08月, 日本語, 北海道大学(札幌市), 国内会議

  • 感染症の生態学的分析における環境DNAの利用
    日本進化学会第21回大会, 2019年08月, 日本語, 北海道大学(札幌市), 国内会議

  • Distributional pattern of black sea bream Acanthopagrus schlegelii estimated from environmental DNA: seasonal changes in marine and river waters
    SASANO Sachia, MURAKAMI Hiroaki, SUZUKI Keita W, YAMASHITA Yoh, MASUDA Reiji, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Symposium 2019, 2019年07月, 英語, University of Hull (Hull City, United Kingdom), 国際会議

  • Biomass-dependent emission of environmental DNA in jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus juveniles
    HORIUCHI Tomoya, MASUDA Reiji, MURAKAMI Hiroaki, YAMAMOTO Satoshi, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Symposium 2019, 2019年07月, 英語, University of Hull (Hull City, United Kingdom), 国際会議

  • 陸上土壌サンプルに由来する外来アリ環境DNAの検出
    矢指本哲, 坂田雅之, 先田智也, 尾崎まみこ, 中嶋智子, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 野外におけるコイの環境RNAの検出
    姜明揚, 前川和也, 中尾遼平, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 熱帯の湿地における環境DNA分析手法の検討:ヴィクトリア湖のマンソン住血吸虫を例に
    大澤亮介, 板山朋聡, 二見恭子, 濱野真二郎, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 堆積物からの環境DNA抽出法の効率化
    坂田雅之, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 水生コウチュウ目の環境DNAメタバーコーディング手法の確立
    井上碧, 中尾遼平, 源利文, 篠原忠
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 水及び土壌由来環境DNAを用いた哺乳類相の推定
    速水花奈, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 種特異的な環境DNA分析を用いたマクロ生物の検出と定量への試み
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 市民による環境保全活動のツールとしての環境DNA
    平成30年度発達支援インスティテュートシンポジウム, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸大学(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 環境RNA分析を用いた環境核酸の由来組織の推定
    釣健司, 池田静也, 廣原嵩也, 島田康人, 源利文, 山中裕樹
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析法を用いた琵琶湖におけるスジエビの動態の解明
    邬倩倩, 河野健, 石川俊之, 坂田雅之, 中尾遼平, 平岩将良, 辻冴月, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析を利用した六甲山地におけるヒダサンショウウオの生息実態調査
    岸本祥, 鈴木孝典, 中村淑樹, 齊藤博之, 飯塚徹谷, 横田雅弘, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析を用いた外来魚種の定量の試み
    後藤成美, 速水花奈, 沖津二朗, 稲川崇史, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA解析による滋賀県におけるオオサンショウウオ生息実態調査の試み
    中川亮, 若山竣登, 城本裕基, 田中聡磨, 水戸直, 源利文, 西川完途, 松井正文, 齊藤修
    「地域自然史と保全研究発表会」 関西自然保護機構2019年度大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 大阪市立自然史博物館(大阪市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAから読み解く六甲山周辺の土地利用と淡水魚類相の関係性
    中尾遼平, 平岩将良, 山本哲史, 宮正樹, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAから探る、日本固有種シシャモの遡上と分布
    八柳哲, 神戸崇, 水本寛基, 小林由美, 坂田雅之, 源利文, 石田良太郎, 新居久也, 荒木仁志
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 核DNAマーカーを用いたマアジ環境DNAの放出率および分解率の推定
    有本美於, 徐寿明, 村上弘章, 益田玲爾, 山本哲史, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 河川における環境DNAによるアカミミガメ防除効果の検証
    金山明理, 飯塚徹谷, 横田雅弘, 鈴木孝典, 岸本祥, 中村淑樹, 齊藤博之, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • メタバーコーディング解析を用いた両生類の環境DNA検出
    河田萌音, 倉林淳, RAMAMONJISOA Noerikanto, 夏原由博, 山中裕樹, 佐藤博俊, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • キタサンショウウオの環境DNA検出系の確立と釧路湿原での適用
    竹下大輝, 照井滋晴, 池田幸資, 三塚多佳志, OSATHANUNKUL Maslin, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • オオサンショウウオの繁殖行動は水で検出可能か?~人工巣穴での環境DNA調査より~
    森本哲平, 田口勇輝, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • Visualizing environmental DNA using cytogenetics
    JO Toshiaki, MURAKAMI Hiroaki, MASUDA Reiji, OHMIDO Nobuko, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 英語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • SNPマーカーを用いた環境DNA分析による遺伝変異の検出
    内井喜美子, 土居秀幸, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 日本語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • Application of bamboo biomass resources in agrochemical-free rice farming: effects onodonate diversity
    HUYNH Thien Quang, SAKATA Masayuki K, NAKAO Ryohei, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, LAILATI Masfiro, USIO Nisikawa
    第66回日本生態学会大会, 2019年03月, 英語, 神戸国際会議場・展示場(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析による水中生物のモニタリング
    平成30年度鳥取県衛生環境研究所分野別研究会 生態系の保全と調査を考える勉強会, 2019年02月, 日本語, 鳥取大学(鳥取県鳥取市), 国内会議

  • 種特異的な環境DNA検出による希少種や外来種の分布状況調査
    第64回日本水環境学会セミナー, 2019年01月, 日本語, 自動車会館(東京都千代田区), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析の発展と基礎的分析技術について
    CREST「海洋生物多様性」研究領域シンポジウム, 2019年01月, 日本語, 笹川平和財団ビル(東京都港区), 国内会議

  • 水中生物の世界を覗く科学のメガネ〜環境DNA
    平成30年度第2回大阪府高等学校生物教育研究会, 2018年12月, 日本語, ヴィアーレ大阪(大阪市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析の応用可能性:絶対量の推定と網羅的検出
    山口大学環境DNA研究センターキックオフシンポジウム, 2018年12月, 日本語, 国際ホテル宇部(山口県宇部市), 国内会議

  • Spatio-temporal detection patterns of fish eDNA in lentic ecosystems
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, HAYAMI Kana, SAKATA Masayuki K, OKITSU Jiro, MIYA Masaki, GOTOH Ryo O, SATO Hirotoshi, YAMANAKA Hiroki
    British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2018, 2018年12月, 英語, Birmingham ICC, Birmingham, UK, 国際会議

  • High water temperature and fish biomass can accelerate the shedding and degradation of the Japanese jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) environmental DNA
    JO Toshiaki, MURAKAMI Hiroaki, YAMAMOTO Satoshi, MASUDA Reiji, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2018, 2018年12月, 英語, Birmingham ICC, Birmingham, UK, 国際会議

  • Environmental DNA: a different approach for food/water borne helminths studies
    SATO Marcello Otake, RAFALIMANANTSOA Armand, SATO Megumi, PONGVONGSA Tiengkham, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, WAIKAGUL Jitra, KAWAI Satoru, FORNILLOS Raffy Jay C, TABIOS Ian Kim B, LEONARD Lydia R, FONTANILLA Ian Kendrich C, CHIGUSA Yuichi
    Joint International Triopical Medicine Meeting 2018, 2018年12月, 英語, Amari Watergate Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand, 国際会議

  • Detection of zebrafish messenger RNAs from tank water: implications for the practicability of environmental RNA analysis for aquatic macroorganisms
    YAMANAKA Hiroki, TSURI Kenji, IKEDA Seiya, SHIMADA Yasuhito, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2018, 2018年12月, 英語, Birmingham ICC, Birmingham, UK, 国際会議

  • 水を汲むだけの環境調査~環境DNA技術の紹介
    日本技術士会近畿本部登録環境研究会, 2018年11月, 日本語, アーバネックス備後町ビル(大阪市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA:微生物からマクロ生物へ
    第41回日本分子生物学会年会, 2018年11月, 日本語, パシフィコ横浜(横浜市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA:水をくんで生物分布を知る新たな手法
    神戸市生物多様性シンポジウム, 2018年11月, 日本語, 神戸市立王子動物園(神戸市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディング手法を用いたダム湖の魚類相把握
    速水花奈, 坂田雅之, 沖津二朗, 片野泉, 宮正樹, 後藤亮, 佐藤博俊, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    応用生態工学会仙台 東北地域研究発表・シンポジウム, 2018年11月, 日本語, 三春交流館「まほら」(福島県三春町), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAによる魚類分布調査への応用
    2018年度水産海洋学会研究発表大会シンポジウム, 2018年11月, 日本語, 東京大学大気海洋研究所(千葉県柏市), 国内会議

  • 堆積物由来環境DNA抽出法の改善と過去復元への展望
    坂田雅之, 源利文
    日本陸水学会第83回大会, 2018年10月, 日本語, 岡山大学(岡山市), 国内会議

  • 環境中のDNAを利用して水中の生物を知る
    清心女子高校グリーンサイエンス, 2018年10月, 日本語, 清心女子高校, 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析を用いた遺伝的多様性評価手法における検出力の検討
    辻冴月, 宮正樹, 潮雅之, 佐藤博俊, 源利文, 丸山敦, 山中裕樹
    2018年度日本魚類学会年会, 2018年10月, 日本語, 国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター(東京), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA手法を用いたヒメダカによる遺伝的撹乱の検出
    中尾遼平, 北川忠生, 源利文
    2018年度日本魚類学会年会, 2018年10月, 日本語, 国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター(東京), 国内会議

  • 木曽川ワンド・たまりにおけるイタセンパラ稚魚の環境DNA検出精度の検証
    永山滋也, 太田宗宏, 藤田朝彦, 源利文, 森誠一
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 琵琶湖産スジエビの時空間分布および移動タイミングの推定
    鄔倩倩, 河野健, 石川俊之, 辻冴月, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 長良川, 揖斐川における環境DNA定量解析を用いた生物分布モニタリング~アユと冷水病菌の季節的相互関係を探る~
    廣瀬雅惠, 政井菜々美, 常川光樹, 土田康太, 高木雅紀, 矢追雄一, 源利文
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 植食性昆虫の食痕からの環境DNA検出
    工藤葵, 源利文, 山本哲史
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析の基礎および希少種や外来種の分布調査法について
    日本環境アセスメント協会関西支部平成30年度第一回公開技術セミナー, 2018年09月, 日本語, 大阪ガーデンパレス, 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析手法を用いたオオサンショウウオの繁殖期推定
    森本哲平, 中尾遼平, 源利文
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析を利用した宍道湖-中海に生息する魚介類の生態解明への試み
    高原輝彦, 山岸聖, 田口淳也, 池淵貴志, 立石新, 尾形茂紀, 稲岡悠樹, 服部真也, 黒瀬裕斗, 藤井正人, 土居秀幸, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA濃度の定量データと流動モデルの統合による個体数・生物量の推定
    深谷肇一, 村上弘章, 尹錫鎭, 南憲吏, 長田譲, 山本哲史, 益田玲爾, 笠井亮秀, 宮下和士, 源利文
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA調査のプロトコル~その基礎と失敗しないためのコツ~
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた北海道固有種シシャモSpirinchus lanceolatusの河川遡上パターン検出
    八柳哲, 神戸崇, 水本寛基, 小林由美, 鎌田頌子, 南波聡子, 新居久也, 源利文, 坂田雅之, 荒木仁志
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた沿岸魚類の定量の可能性
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いたため池における希少昆虫タガメと侵略的外来種の関係調査
    尾形茂紀, 西脇淳浩, 山添寛治, 土居秀幸, 源利文, 須貝杏子, 高原輝彦
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディングによる琵琶湖周辺河川の魚類相調査および文献資料との検出傾向比較
    中川光, 源利文, 山本哲史, 佐藤行人, 佐土哲也, 宮正樹
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディングによって明らかになった六甲山周辺地域の淡水魚類相
    中尾遼平, 山本哲史, 宮正樹, 源利文
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAの放出と分解に対する水温とバイオマスの影響
    徐寿明, 村上弘章, 山本哲史, 益田玲爾, 源利文
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAの概論
    しが水環境ビジネス推進フォーラム研究・技術分科会, 2018年09月, 日本語, ピアザ淡海(滋賀県大津市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAから推測されるクロダイの分布様式:海洋および河川域での季節変化
    笹野祥愛, 村上弘章, 鈴木啓太, 源利文, 山下洋, 益田玲爾
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • トンボ目を対象とした環境DNAメタバーコーディング検出系の開発
    坂田雅之, 内田圭, 佐藤博俊, 山中裕樹, 中尾遼平, 源利文
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • ダム湖における魚類環境DNAメタバーコーディング手法の最適化
    速水花奈, 坂田雅之, 沖津二朗, 片野泉, 宮正樹, 後藤亮, 佐藤博俊, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • アカミミガメを対象とした野外における環境DNA検出阻害要因の検討:野外での環境DNA検出確率の向上に向けて
    覺田青空, 東垣大祐, 源利文, 土居秀幸, 片野泉
    応用生態工学会第22回全国大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 東京工業大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • アカミミガメを対象とした野外における環境DNA検出阻害要因の検討:野外での環境DNA検出確率の向上に向けて
    覺田青空, 東垣大祐, 源利文, 土居秀幸, 片野泉
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • Evaluation of the fish distribution and their environmental DNA in a semi-closed bay using a three-dimensional tracer model
    YOON Seokjin, KASAI Akihide, MURAKAMI Hiroaki, MINAMI Kenji, MASUDA Reiji, MIYASHITA Kazushi, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, KONDOH Michio
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 英語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals fish species in Qingdao Underwater World
    CHEN Zhi, SONG Na, GAO Tianxiang, XU Shengyong, WU Qianqian, LI Di, CHEN Jianwei, ZHAO Linlin, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 英語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • An optional cost-effective method of extracting environmental DNA from filter membranes in large scale eDNA surveys
    CHEN Zhi, SONG Na, GAO Tianxiang, XU Shengyong, WU Qianqian, LI Di, CHEN Jianwei, ZHAO Linlin, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 英語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 16SrRNAメタバーコーディングを用いた両生類の環境DNA検出
    河田萌音, 倉林敦, Noerikanto Ramamonjisoa, 夏原由博, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    第1回環境DNA学会東京大会, 2018年09月, 日本語, 日本科学未来館(東京都), 国内会議

  • 川の科学捜査?環境DNAで水中の生物を調べる
    平成30年度兵庫県内水面漁連役職員研修会, 2018年08月, 日本語, 兵庫県神崎支庁舎, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAによる水中生物調査の現在と未来
    日本環境アセスメント協会北海道支部平成30年度第一回公開技術セミナー, 2018年08月, 日本語, 札幌市教育文化会館, 国内会議

  • The use of SNP markers in environmental DNA to detect intraspecific genetic variation
    UCHII Kimiko, DOI Hideyuki, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, YAMANAKA Hiroki
    2018 ESA Annual Meeting, 2018年08月, 英語, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 国際会議

  • Examining PCR protocol for amplifying whole mitochondrial DNA of fish from environmental DNA
    YAMANAKA Hiroki, HIRAO Yohei, SATO Hirotoshi, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    2018 ESA Annual Meeting, 2018年08月, 英語, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 国際会議

  • 水中生物の世界を覗く未来のメガネ?〜環境DNA
    青翔高等学校 平成30年度サイエンスギャラリー, 2018年07月, 日本語, 大阪国際交流センター, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAで水中生物を知る
    武庫川流域環境講演会, 2018年06月, 日本語, 神戸市役所, 国内会議

  • Maximizing the potential of environmental DNA metabarcoding for fish detection in lentic ecosystem
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, HAYAMI Kana, SAKATA Masayuki K, OKITSU Jiro, MIYA Masaki, GOTOH Ryo O, SATO Hirotoshi, YAMANAKA Hiroki
    ASLO 2018 Summer Meeting, 2018年06月, 英語, Victoria Conference Centre, British Columbia, Canada, 国際会議

  • Detection of genetic diversity of a fish population using environmental DNA metabarcoding: Analysis strategies for eliminating sequence artifacts
    TSUJI Satsuki, MIYA Masaki, USHIO Masayuki, SATO Hirotoshi, SATO Yukuto, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, YAMANAKA Hiroki
    The 8th East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies International Congress, 2018年04月, 英語, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, 国際会議

  • 北海道のイワナ属はニジマスと共存できるか~環境 DNA を用いた3種の分布データをもとに~
    速水花奈, 坂田雅之, 今村彰生, 源利文
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 舞鶴湾におけるマアジとカタクチイワシの環境DNAの水平・鉛直分布
    村上弘章, 山本哲史, 源利文, 南憲吏, 宮下和士, 深谷肇一, 尹錫鎭, 笠井亮秀, 澤田英樹, 鈴木啓太, 益田玲爾, 山下洋, 近藤倫生
    平成30年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 東京海洋大学(東京), 国内会議

  • 琵琶湖産スジエビの生活史多型に関連した遺伝的構造の解明
    邬倩倩, 高見泰興, 源利文
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境RNA分析による遺伝子発現解析にむけた基礎技術の検討
    池田静也, 平尾陽平, 多田眞証, 佐藤博俊, 源利文, 山中裕樹
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境RNAを用いたコイの繁殖行動の検出
    前川和也, 源利文, 山本義彦
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析手法を用いたタイ肝吸虫の検出系の改善
    峠谷彩奈, サトウ恵, オオタケサトウマルセロ, 源利文
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析手法における基礎研究の現状と展望
    徐寿明, 村上弘章, 益田玲爾, 源利文
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析を用いた遺伝的多様性検出:アユ野外個体群への適用と検出力の検討
    辻冴月, 宮正樹, 潮雅之, 佐藤博俊, 佐藤行人, 源利文, 山中裕樹
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析を用いたため池の生物多様性を規定する要因の解明 -トンボ類および魚類を用いた事例-
    坂田雅之, 内田圭, 佐藤博俊, 山中裕樹, 中尾遼平, 源利文
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA手法を用いた淡水ガメの検出系の確立
    河田萌音, 上野真太郎, 亀崎直樹, 谷口真理, 源利文
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA手法を用いたオオサンショウウオの繁殖期の推定
    森本哲平, 中尾遼平, 源利文
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA手法によるヒダサンショウウオの定点モニタリング
    冨田勢, 神松幸弘, 源利文
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA検出による両生類の分布推定と環境要因の分析
    三嶋達郎, 大西健夫, 岩澤淳, 源利文
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いて調査したクロダイの沿岸依存性と産卵期・仔魚期の分布特性
    笹野祥愛, 村上弘章, 鈴木啓太, 源利文, 山下洋, 益田玲爾
    平成30年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 東京海洋大学(東京), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いて宿主と病原生物の動態を探る
    内井喜美子, 源利文
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた宍道湖ヤマトシジミ資源量推定への試み
    高原輝彦, 田口淳也, 池淵貴志, 内田浩, 石田健次, 山岸聖, 尾形茂紀, 土居秀幸, 源利文
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディングによる六甲山周辺地域の魚類相の解明
    中尾遼平, 山本哲史, 宮正樹, 源利文
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAで繁殖期や繁殖場所を特定する
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAからの魚類ミトコンドリア全長配列取得に向けたPCR条件の検討
    平尾陽平, 佐藤博俊, 源利文, 山中裕樹
    第65回日本生態学会大会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 札幌コンベンションセンター(北海道札幌市), 国内会議

  • 沖縄県北部におけるレプトスピラ環境DNAに関する研究
    水山克, 佐藤行人, サトウ恵, 源利文, クラウディアトーマ
    第55回レプトスピラ・シンポジウム, 2018年03月, 日本語, 九州大学(福岡県博多市), 国内会議

  • The impact of biodiversity in river on valuation of urban ecosystem services: the case of Hanshin region using eDNA and the residents' life satisfaction data
    AOSHIMA Ippei, NAKAO Ryohei, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, USHIMARU Atushi, SATO Masayuki
    The 65th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan, 2018年03月, 英語, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan, 国際会議

  • Environmental DNA: next generation monitoring method for aquatic biodiversity
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    11th International Symposium Exploring the Global Sustainability, 2018年03月, 英語, Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, 国際会議

  • 環境DNAで生息するカメ類を調べる
    シンポジウム「岡山の陸水の生き物を考える:カメを中心に」, 2018年02月, 日本語, 岡山理科大学(岡山県岡山市), 国内会議

  • 環境中のDNAを利用して水中の生物を知る
    清心女子高校グリーンサイエンス, 2018年01月, 日本語, 清心女子高校, 国内会議

  • Identifying a breeding habitat of a critically endangered fish, Acheilognathus typus, by combining eDNA and conventional surveys
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, SAKATA K. Masayuki, MAKI Nobutaka, SUGIYAMA Hideki
    Ecology Across Borders: Joint Annual Meeting 2017, 2017年12月, 英語, ICC Ghent, Belgium, 国際会議

  • Fish larvae inside? Indirect assessment of fish larvae presence in host mussels using environmental DNA analysis.
    YAMANAKA Hiroki, YONEKURA Ryuji, KOMATSU Fumiya, KAKAMU Hiroto, TAKINO Fumiya, TADA Satoru, YAMAMOTO Yoshihiko, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    Ecology Across Borders: Joint Annual Meeting 2017, 2017年12月, 英語, ICC Ghent, Belgium, 国際会議

  • 環境DNA分析を用いた希少生物種の分布推定
    環境技術学会技術セミナー「環境DNAの最前線」, 2017年11月, 日本語, 大阪教育大学(大阪), 国内会議

  • カンボジアのタイ肝吸虫症:新たな流行地域の確認
    宮本和子, 松田肇, 千種雄一, 桐木雅史, サトウマルセロ, 源利文
    グローバルヘルス合同大会, 2017年11月, 日本語, 東京大学(東京), 国内会議

  • Development of distribution survey method for macro-organisms using environmental DNA
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    第149回地球研セミナー "Observation, analysis and theory in ecology for next generations -What we have achieved in global environment studies-", 2017年11月, 英語, 総合地球環境学研究所(京都市), 国際会議

  • The application of eDNA technique for the monitoring of marine fish species
    KONDOH Michio, ARAKI Hitoshi, KASAI Akihide, MASUDA Reiji, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, MIYA Masaki
    第33回個体群生態学会大会, 2017年10月, 英語, 九州大学(福岡県福岡市), 国内会議

  • 雄物川本流における絶滅危惧種ゼニタナゴの再発見と繁殖地特定
    坂田雅之, 真木伸隆, 杉山秀樹, 源利文
    日本陸水学会第82回大会, 2017年09月, 日本語, 駒ケ岳グランドホテル(秋田県仙北市), 国内会議

  • 琵琶湖及び周辺内湖における環境DNA分析手法の適用例
    鄔倩倩, 河野健, 上原佳敏, 奥田昇, 辻冴月, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    日本陸水学会第82回大会, 2017年09月, 日本語, 駒ケ岳グランドホテル(秋田県仙北市), 国内会議

  • 佐波川、高津川におけるオオカナダモの被度と環境DNA量との関係性
    赤松良久, 土居秀幸, 後藤益滋, 小室隆, 乾隆帝, 永野真理子, 源利文
    ELR2017名古屋, 2017年09月, 日本語, 名古屋大学(愛知県名古屋市), 国内会議

  • 希少生物調査における環境DNA手法の有効性の再確認-環境DNAを用いたゼニタナゴ新規繁殖地の発見
    真木伸隆, 坂田雅之, 杉山秀樹, 源利文, 土岐君仁
    土木学会第72回年次学術講演会, 2017年09月, 日本語, 九州大学(福岡県福岡市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析手法とは
    日本陸水学会第82回大会, 2017年09月, 日本語, 駒ケ岳グランドホテル(秋田県仙北市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析によるイタセンパラのモニタリング調査手法の検討
    上月佐葉子, 山本義彦, 源利文, 渡部健, 上原一彦
    土木学会第72回年次学術講演会, 2017年09月, 日本語, 九州大学(福岡県福岡市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAによるため池の外来生物分布調査-ミシシッピアカミミガメにおける適用とPCR阻害要因の検討
    相馬理央, 源利文, 土居秀幸, 片野泉
    ELR2017名古屋, 2017年09月, 日本語, 名古屋大学(愛知県名古屋市), 国内会議

  • 核DNAマーカーを用いた環境DNA分析
    内井喜美子, 土居秀幸, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    日本陸水学会第82回大会, 2017年09月, 日本語, 駒ケ岳グランドホテル(秋田県仙北市), 国内会議

  • 河川やダム湖の生物調査に環境DNAは有効か
    ELR2017名古屋, 2017年09月, 日本語, 名古屋大学(愛知県名古屋市), 国内会議

  • アカミミガメを対象とした目視調査と環境DNA調査の精度比較:ため池への外来種侵入予測ポテンシャルマップ構築に向けて
    覺田青空, 東垣大祐, 相馬理央, 源利文, 土居秀幸, 片野泉
    日本陸水学会第82回大会, 2017年09月, 日本語, 駒ケ岳グランドホテル(秋田県仙北市), 国内会議

  • Environmental DNA and its application in opisthorchiasis and schistosomiasis in endemic areas
    第11回蠕虫研究会, 2017年09月, 英語, やすらぎ伊王島(長崎県), 国内会議

  • Quantitative monitoring of multispecies fish environmental DNA using high-throughput sequencing
    USHIO Masayuki, MURAKAMI Hiroaki, MASUDA Reiji, SADO Tetsuya, MIYA Masaki, SAKURAI Sho, YAMANAKA Hiroki, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, KONDOH Michio
    2017 ESA Annual Meeting, 2017年08月, 英語, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., 国際会議

  • Longer DNA fragments enables the improved estimation of distribution and biomass using environmental DNA
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, JO Toshiaki, MURAKAMI Hiroaki, MASUDA Reiji, SAKATA Masayuki, YAMAMOTO Satoshi
    2017 ESA Annual Meeting, 2017年08月, 英語, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., 国際会議

  • Environmental DNA survey methods: Water sampling methods using an unmanned aerial vehicle
    DOI Hideyuki, AKAMATSU Yoshihisa, WATANABE Yutaka, GOTO Masuji, INUI Ryutei, KATANO Izumi, NAGANO Mariko, TAKAHARA Teruhiko, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    2017 ESA Annual Meeting, 2017年08月, 英語, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., 国際会議

  • Environmental DNA reflects the spatial and temporal distribution of common prawn, Palaemon paucidens, in Lake Biwa
    WU Qianqian, ISHIKAWA Toshiyuki, TSUJI Satsuki, YAMANAKA Hiroki, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    International Congress of Ecology 2017, 2017年08月, 英語, China National Convention Center, Beijing, China, 国際会議

  • 水を汲むだけの生物調査:環境DNAを用いて水中生物の種類や量を把握する技術の開発
    近未来への招待状 ~ナイスステップな研究者2016からのメッセージ~, 2017年07月, 日本語, 文部科学省(東京都), 国内会議

  • 「環境DNA」で神戸港の魚を調べよう!
    海を学ぼう!「海のサイエンス」体験ツアー, 2017年07月, 日本語, 神戸市産業振興センター(神戸市), 国内会議

  • DNAを使って水中の生き物をしらべる
    ひょうご環境体験館特別講演会, 2017年07月, 日本語, ひょうご環境体験館(兵庫県佐用町), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAとは何か
    第47回北洋研究シンポジウム, 2017年06月, 日本語, 北海道大学(札幌市), 国内会議

  • Species-specific detection of vertebrates and invertebrates by eDNA analysis
    MINAMTO Toshifumi
    2017 International Workshop on Environmental Genomics, 2017年06月, 英語, St. Johns, Canada, 国際会議

  • 環境中のDNAを用いた絶滅危惧種の生息地探索
    日本分析化学会第77回分析化学討論会, 2017年05月, 日本語, 龍谷大学(京都市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた希少種および外来種の分布調査法について
    第67回日吉ゼミナール, 2017年05月, 日本語, 株式会社日吉(滋賀県近江八幡市), 国内会議

  • Numerical simulation on distribution of environmental DNA of Japanese jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) in a semi-closed bay
    YOON Seokjin, KASAI Aikihide, YAMAMOTO Satoshi, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, MINAMI Kenji, MIYASHITA Kazushi, MASUDA Reiji, KONDOH Michio
    2017 The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Spring Meeting, 2017年05月, 英語, Korea, 国際会議

  • 水を調べれば生物がわかる〜驚異の<環境DNA>
    読売テクノ・フォーラム第202回研究交流会, 2017年04月, 日本語, 日本プレスセンター(東京都), 国内会議

  • 雄物川本流における稀少淡水魚ゼニタナゴの再発見
    坂田雅之, 真木伸隆, 杉山秀樹, 源利文
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • 兵庫県篠山市の河川における希少魚種の環境DNA検出
    河野健, 清野未恵子, 丹羽英之, 篠谷和彦, 田井彰人, 坂田雅之, 源利文
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • 琵琶湖沿岸における残留スジエビの検出 〜環境DNA法を用いた解析〜
    鄔倩倩, 上原佳敏, 奥田昇, 辻冴月, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    平成29年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 東京海洋大学(東京都港区), 国内会議

  • 大量シーケンスを用いた魚類環境DNAの多種・定量的モニタリング
    潮雅之, 村上弘章, 益田玲爾, 佐土哲也, 宮正樹, 櫻井翔, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • 堆積物からのマアジの環境DNAの検出:水槽実験とフィールドでの検証
    尾形瑞紀, 益田玲爾, 村上弘章, 余田昂彌, 澤田英樹, 山下洋, 源利文
    平成29年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 東京海洋大学(東京都港区), 国内会議

  • 環境中のDNA情報を利用した 生物相調査手法の開発と実践
    日本畜産学会第122回大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 神戸大学(兵庫県神戸市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析手法に基づいて作成した生息適地モデルの評価ーオオサンショウウオ(Andrial japonicus)を例にー
    日高舜介, 勝原光希, 富田勢, 丑丸敦史, 山本哲史, 源利文
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析を用いた生物多様性調査法の進展と応用可能性
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA手法の感染症生態学への応用其の二:住血吸虫の検出
    渡辺真梨奈, オオタケサトウマルセロ, 桐木雅史, サトウ恵, 池田菫, 源利文
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた種内変異の評価:NGS解析に由来する偽ハプロタイプを除去する新手法
    辻冴月, 宮正樹, 潮雅之, 佐藤行人, 山本哲史, 源利文, 山中裕樹
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いたクラゲ防除技術の開発: 季節的モニタリングとポリプからの検出
    余田昂彌, 益田玲爾, 村上弘章, 尾形瑞紀, 山下洋, 源利文
    平成29年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 東京海洋大学(東京都港区), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディングは河川魚類群集の季節的変化を検出できる
    山本哲史, 宮正樹, 佐土哲也, 中川光, 源利文
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディングによる魚類相の 把握-六甲山系の小河川群における事例-
    中尾遼平, 山本哲史, 宮正樹, 源利文
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAの分解とサイズ分画に及ぼす水温の影響
    徐寿明, 村上弘章, 余田昂彌, 尾形瑞紀, 山本哲史, 益田玲爾, 源利文
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • 核DNAマーカーを用いた環境DNA分析による交雑個体群の遺伝構造解析
    内井喜美子, 土居秀幸, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京), 国内会議

  • 異なるハビタットにおけるスズキ稚魚の生息密度と環境DNAの関係
    村上弘章, 曽我部共生, 鈴木勇人, 源利文, 笠井亮秀, 鈴木啓太, 山下洋, 益田玲爾
    平成29年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 東京海洋大学(東京都港区), 国内会議

  • ユニバーサルプライマーを用いたサンショウウオ属(Hynobius)の環境DNA検出
    冨田勢, 神松幸弘, 山中裕樹, 永野昌博, 佐藤拓哉, 高原輝彦, 沢田隼, 勝原光希, 源利文
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • ダム湖における環境 DNA を用いた生物検出法の最適化
    池田紗季, 沖津二朗, 一柳英隆, 片野泉, 中井克樹, 源利文
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • カワバタモロコをモデルケースにした環境DNAを用いた最適な生物量推定方法の検討
    髙原輝彦, 松本宗弘, 源利文, 土居秀幸
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • Environmental DNA as an ecological tool for salmonid fish distribution
    ARAKI Hitodhi, KANBE Takashi, MIZUMOTO Hiroki, TAKAHARA Teruhiko, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 英語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • eDNA 分析で明らかになった琵琶湖産スジエビの時空間的分布
    邬倩倩, 石川俊之, 辻冴月, 山中裕樹, 高見泰興, 源利文
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • A large scale study of aquatic plants according to eDNA analysis
    FUJIWARA Ayaka, UCHIDA Kei, SATO Hirotoshi, HAYASHI Norio, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    第64回日本生態学会大会, 2017年03月, 英語, 早稲田大学(東京都), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた新たな水中生物相調査手法の発展
    第38回 グリーンサイエンスセミナー, 2017年01月, 日本語, 福山大学(広島県福山市), 国内会議

  • 新しい生物調査法「環境DNA分析」〜一杯の水から生息種がわかる〜
    とよなか市民環境会議アジェンダ21 2016年度第一回自然学習講座, 2016年12月, 日本語, NPO法人とよなか市民環境会議アジェンダ21, 豊中市立中央公民館, 国内会議

  • 舞鶴湾におけるマアジの環境DNA分布に関する数値実験
    尹錫鎭, 笠井亮秀, 山本哲史, 源利文, 南憲吏, 宮下和士, 益田玲爾, 近藤倫生
    2016年度水産海洋学会研究発表大会, 2016年11月, 日本語, 東京海洋大学(東京都港区), 国内会議

  • 半水棲哺乳類ヌートリアの環境DNA分析による検出
    山中裕樹, 源利文
    第81回日本陸水学会大会, 2016年11月, 日本語, 琉球大学(沖縄県), 国内会議

  • 堆積物中の環境DNAを用いた魚類DNAのメタバーコーディング
    坂田雅之, 山本哲史, 宮正樹, 源利文
    第81回日本陸水学会大会, 2016年11月, 日本語, 琉球大学(沖縄県), 国内会議

  • 環境中水でタイ肝吸虫 Opisthorchis viverrini DNA を検出するための環境 DNA 手法の開発
    サトウ恵, 橋爪裕宜, SATO Otake Marcello, YOONUAN Tippayarat, SURAPOL Sanguankiat, 池田菫, PONGVONGSA Tiengkham, 門司和彦, 源利文
    第57回日本熱帯医学会大会, 2016年11月, 日本語, 一橋大学(東京都千代田区), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析の現状と課題
    第81回日本陸水学会大会, 2016年11月, 日本語, 琉球大学(沖縄県), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA研究におけるSNPマーカーの活用
    内井喜美子, 土居秀幸, 源利文, 山中裕樹
    第81回日本陸水学会大会, 2016年11月, 日本語, 琉球大学(沖縄県), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた淀川における天然記念物イタセンパラの生息調査
    山本義彦, 近藤美麻, 内藤馨, 上原一彦, 上月佐葉子, 渡部健, 鶴田哲也, 稲波璃香, 源利文
    日本陸水学会第81回大会, 2016年11月, 日本語, 琉球大学(沖縄県), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた生態系の調査手法と水環境管理への応用可能性
    第10回公益財団法人河川財団名古屋研究発表会, 2016年11月, 日本語, ウインクあいち(愛知県名古屋市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた渓流棲両生類ハコネサンショウウオOnychodactylus japonicusの分布調査
    片野泉, 原田憲, 相馬理央, 酒多勇輔, 源利文, 土居秀幸
    第81回日本陸水学会大会, 2016年11月, 日本語, 琉球大学(沖縄県), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いたオオサンショウウオの生息適地モデルの作成と評価
    日高舜介, 勝原光希, 富田勢, 丑丸敦史, 山本哲史, 源利文
    第81回日本陸水学会大会, 2016年11月, 日本語, 琉球大学(沖縄県), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAによる魚類の生物分布・生物量推定:リアルタイムPCRとデジタルPCRの比較
    土居秀幸, 内井喜美子, 高原輝彦, 松橋彩衣子, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    第81回日本陸水学会大会, 2016年11月, 日本語, 琉球大学(沖縄県), 国内会議

  • ユニバーサルプライマーを用いたサンショウウオ類の環境DNA検出
    冨田勢, 神松幸弘, 山中裕樹, 永野昌博, 佐藤拓哉, 高原輝彦, 沢田隼, 源利文
    第81回日本陸水学会大会, 2016年11月, 日本語, 琉球大学(沖縄県), 国内会議

  • ミシシッピアカミミガメの生息域調査:環境DNA技術の適用とPCR阻害要因の検討
    相馬理央, 源利文, 土居秀幸, 片野泉
    第81回日本陸水学会大会, 2016年11月, 日本語, 琉球大学(沖縄県), 国内会議

  • Environmental DNA anlysis: introduction and some examples of target species detection
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    The 5th Japan-Taiwan Ecology Workshop, 2016年11月, 英語, Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan, 国際会議

  • Application of environmental DNA to detect Opisthorchis viverrini in water sample in Savhannakhet, Laos
    SATO Megumi, HASHIZUME Hiroki, SATO Marcello Otake, IKEDA Sumire, YOONUAN Tippayarat, SANGUANKIAT Surapol, PONGVONGSA Tiengkham, MOJI Kazuhiko, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    The 10th National Health Research Forum, Laos, 2016年10月, 英語, Savannakhet, Laos, 国際会議

  • 環境DNA分析を用いた淀川におけるイタセンパラ生息域の推定
    上月佐葉子, 稲波璃香, 源利文, 上原一彦, 山本義彦
    日本土木学会第71回年次学術講演会, 2016年09月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(東北大学), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAによる天然記念物イタセンパラのモニタリングの試み
    山本義彦, 内藤馨, 上原一彦, 鶴田哲也, 上月佐葉子, 渡部健, 稲波璃香, 源利文
    2016年度日本魚類学会年会, 2016年09月, 日本語, 岐阜県岐阜市(岐阜大学), 国内会議

  • Year-round migration history of ayu sweetfish assessed by environmental DNA analysis: Implications for conservation and fisheries management
    YAMANAKA Hiroki, SAKURAI Sho, YAMAMOTO Daisuke, YAMAMOTO Toshiya, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2016, 2016年08月, 英語, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A., 国際会議

  • Use of environmental DNA to survey the distributions of the salamander and fish species
    KATANO Izumi, HARADA Kei, SOUMA Rio, SAKATA Yusuke, DOI Hideyuki, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2016, 2016年08月, 英語, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A., 国際会議

  • Use of Environmental DNA for detection of fish-water borne zoonosis and perspectives to the application of the technology in Madagascar
    SATO Marcello Otake, SATO Megumi, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    第24回分子寄生虫学ワークショップ/第14回分子寄生虫・マラリア研究フォーラム合同大会, 2016年08月, 英語, 帯広畜産大学(帯広市), 国内会議

  • Estimating the distribution of the Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) by ecological niche modeling based on environmental DNA detection
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, HIDAKA Shunsuke, KATSUHARA Koki, TOMITA Sei, YAMAMOTO Satoshi, USHIMARU Atushi
    Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2016, 2016年08月, 英語, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A., 国際会議

  • Environmental DNA method for estimating fish abundance and biomass
    DOI Hideyuki, INUI Ryutei, UCHII Kimiko, AKAMATSU Yoshihisa, KANNO Kazuki, MATSUHASHI Saeko, TAKAHARA Teruhiko, YAMANAKA Hiroki, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2016, 2016年08月, 英語, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A., 国際会議

  • Application of environmental DNA to analysis of mitochondrial haplotypes of fish
    TSUJI Satsuki, YAMANAKA Hiroki, MIYA Masaki, YAMAMOTO Satoshi, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2016, 2016年08月, 英語, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A., 国際会議

  • Environmental DNA analysis provides "snapshots" of species distribution
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    International symposium on alternative stable states: a unifying concept in global change ecology, 2016年07月, 英語, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 国際会議

  • Application of environmental DNA analysis to ecological surveys
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    International Symposium of Probiotics Application on Aquaculture, 2016年07月, 英語, National Kaohsiung Marine University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 国際会議

  • 環境中のDNA情報を用いて生物分布を知る
    兵庫バイオテクノロジー研究会第35回特別講演会, 2016年06月, 日本語, 兵庫県神戸市(神戸大学), 国内会議

  • 環境中のDNAからさぐる水中の生物多様性
    京都産業大学バイオフォーラム, 2016年06月, 日本語, 京都産業大学(京都市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA
    第26回環境アセスメント動物調査手法講演会, 2016年06月, 日本語, 大阪市立大学(大阪府大阪市), 国内会議

  • Analysis on relationship between fish distribution and environmental DNA in a semi -closed bay using a three dimensional regional circulation model
    YOON Seokjin, KASAI Akihide, YAMAMOTO Satoshi, MINAMI Kenji, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, MIYASHITA Kazushi, MASUDA Reiji, KONDOH Michio
    2016 Korean Society of Oceanology Spring Meeting, 2016年05月, 英語, Busan, Korea, 国内会議

  • 堆積物からの環境DNA検出
    坂田雅之, 山本哲史, 源利文
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析手法を用いたオオサンショウウオ(Andrias japonicus)の広域調査
    日髙舜介, 勝原光希, 冨田勢, 丑丸敦史, 源利文
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析によるアユのミトコンドリアDNAハプロタイプの検出
    辻冴月, 宮正樹, 佐藤行人, 山本哲史, 源利文, 山中裕樹
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析によってどのような情報が得られるのか?
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA手法を用いたタイ肝吸虫Opisthorchis viverriniの環境水中からの検出
    橋爪裕宜, サトウ恵, Marcello Otake SATO, Tippayarat, YOONUAN, Surapol SANGUANKIAT, Tiengkham, PONGVONGSA, 門司和彦, 源利文
    第85回日本寄生虫学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮崎県宮崎市(宮崎市民プラザ), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA手法の感染症生態学への応用:タイ肝吸虫Opisthorchis viverriniの検出
    橋爪裕宜, サトウ恵, Marcello Otake SATO, Tippayarat, YOONUAN, Surapol SANGUANKIAT, Tiengkham, PONGVONGSA, 門司和彦, 源利文
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA研究の実践と課題:生態学フロンティアへの挑戦
    荒木仁志, 神戸崇, 鎌田頌子, 源利文, 佐藤行人, 宮正樹
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA技術を沈水植物に適用する:調査手法の検討と有用性の評価
    松橋彩衣子, 源利文, 藤原綾香, 渡邉園子, 山中裕樹, 土居秀幸
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA解析用ユニバーサルプライマー’MiFish’を用いた広域河川魚類相調査
    中川光, 源利文, 山本哲史, 佐藤行人, 宮正樹
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた流水環境におけるアユの生物量の推定
    高原輝彦, 森下大悟, 土居秀幸, 山中裕樹, 源利文, 川田暁
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAメタバーコーディングを用いた淀川の魚類相モニタリング
    稲波璃香, 山本義彦, 近藤美麻, 上原一彦, 佐藤行人, 宮正樹, 山本哲史, 源利文
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAの断片長による見た目の分解速度の違い
    徐寿明, 村上弘章, 坂田雅之, 益田玲爾, 山本哲史, 源利文
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • 沿岸海域における環境DNAの分散過程に関する生簀を用いた検証実験
    村上弘章, 尹錫鎭, 笠井亮秀, 源利文, 山本哲史, 坂田雅之, 堀内智矢, 澤田英樹, 益田玲爾
    平成28年度日本水産学会春季大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 東京都港区(東京海洋大学), 国内会議

  • マルチプレックスPCRを用いた兵庫県内のため池における在来魚と外来魚の分布状況の把握
    福岡有紗, 丑丸敦史, 源利文
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • デジタルPCRを用いた生物分布・生物量推定
    土居秀幸, 内井喜美子, 高原輝彦, 松橋彩衣子, 源利文, 山中裕樹
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • サンショウウオ属を対象としたユニバーサルプライマーによる環境DNAの検出
    冨田勢, 神松幸弘, 山中裕樹, 永野昌博, 源利文
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • SNPの定量的解析による遺伝子型頻度の推定
    内井喜美子, 土居秀幸, 源利文, 山中裕樹
    第63回日本生態学会大会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 宮城県仙台市(仙台国際センター), 国内会議

  • Spatial and temporal distribution surveys for marine jellyfish using environmental DNA
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, FUKUDA Miho, KATSUHARA Kohki, FUJIWARA Ayaka, HIDAKA Shunsuke, YAMAMOTO Satoshi, MASUDA Reiji
    2015 Annual Meeting British Ecological Society, 2015年12月, 英語, Edinburgh, UK, 国際会議

  • eDNA based non-invasive method to analyze mitochondrial haplotype of fish
    TSUJI Satsuki, YAMAMOTO Satoshi, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, YAMANAKA Hiroki
    2015 Annual Meeting British Ecological Society, 2015年12月, 英語, Edinburgh, UK, 国際会議

  • 新たな環境DNAマーカーとしての核DNAの利用
    源利文, 高原輝彦, 北吉匠文, 辻冴月, 山中裕樹, 内井喜美子, 土居秀幸
    日本陸水学会第80回大会, 2015年09月, 日本語, 北海道函館市, 国内会議

  • 環境影響評価における新しい調査手法の試み- 環境DNAを用いたニホンザリガニ生息場の推定-
    池田幸資, 土居秀幸, 高原輝彦, 源利文, 鈴木透, 小泉逸郎, 田中一典, 布川雅典
    日本土木学会第70回年次学術講演会, 2015年09月, 日本語, 岡山県岡山市(岡山大学), 国内会議

  • 環境影響評価における新しい調査手法の試み-環境DNAを用いたイタセンパラ生息の推定-
    上月佐葉子, 渡部健, 源利文, 上原一彦, 山本義彦
    日本土木学会第70回年次学術講演会, 2015年09月, 日本語, 岡山県岡山市(岡山大学), 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析によるコイの季節移動の推定
    内井喜美子, 土居秀幸, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    日本陸水学会第80回大会, 2015年09月, 日本語, 北海道函館市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNA手法の新展開:魚類個体群の遺伝的多様性評価の試み
    辻冴月, 山中裕樹, 源利文, 山本哲史
    日本陸水学会第80回大会, 2015年09月, 日本語, 北海道函館市, 国内会議

  • デジタルPCRを用いた環境DNAによる生物量・生物分布推定
    土居秀幸, 内井喜美子, 高原輝彦, 松橋彩衣子, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    日本陸水学会第80回大会, 2015年09月, 日本語, 北海道函館市, 国内会議

  • ため池の環境DNA量と生物量の比較:池干し時の採捕調査による検証
    相馬理央, 片野泉, 源利文, 高原輝彦, 土居秀幸
    日本陸水学会第80回大会, 2015年09月, 日本語, 北海道函館市, 国内会議

  • 水を汲むだけで生物分布がわかる?環境DNA 手法の開発と実践
    第30回環境計量技術事例発表会, 2015年07月, 日本語, 兵庫県計量協会環境計量証明部会, 国内会議

  • Environmental DNA Assessment of Rare Endemic Species and Closely Related Exotic Species: A Case Study of Giant Salamanders in Japan
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, FUKUKMOTO Sou, HIDAKA Shunsuke, USHIMARU Atushi
    2015 Society of Wetland Scientist Annual Meeting, 2015年06月, 英語, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 国際会議

  • 環境DNA分析を用いた希少在来種と近縁外来種の流域スケール調査:京都府桂川のオオサンショウウオを例に
    福本想, 丑丸敦史, 源利文
    日本生態学会第62回全国大会, 2015年03月, 日本語, 鹿児島県鹿児島市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNA手法を用いた在来および外来コイの生息地利用の推定
    内井喜美子, 土居秀幸, 山中裕樹, 源利文
    日本生態学会第62回全国大会, 2015年03月, 日本語, 鹿児島県鹿児島市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNA手法の新たな展開〜沈水植物の検出法の開発〜
    藤原綾香, 松橋彩衣子, 土居秀幸, 源利文
    日本生態学会第62回全国大会, 2015年03月, 日本語, 鹿児島県鹿児島市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNA技術を利用した沈水植物の生物量推定
    松橋彩衣子, 源利文, 藤原綾香, 渡邉園子, 土居秀幸
    日本生態学会第62回全国大会, 2015年03月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 環境DNA技術を用いた,ため池の生物分布調査:池干しによる採捕調査との比較
    相馬理央, 片野泉, 源利文, 高原輝彦, 土居秀幸
    日本陸水学会近畿支部会第26回研究発表会, 2015年03月, 日本語, 京都府京都市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた魚類モニタリング
    源利文, 近藤倫生, 笠井亮秀
    日本海洋学会 2015年度春季大会 沿岸海洋シンポジウム「沿岸海洋学における観測研究の最前線I」, 2015年03月, 日本語, 東京都港区, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いたクラゲ類の分布調査~舞鶴湾のアカクラゲを例に~
    福田向芳, 益田玲爾, 藤原綾香, 山本哲史, 源利文
    日本生態学会第62回全国大会, 2015年03月, 日本語, 鹿児島県鹿児島市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAの正体を探る:挙動の分析と観察によるアプローチ
    橋爪裕宜, 源利文
    日本生態学会第62回全国大会, 2015年03月, 日本語, 鹿児島県鹿児島市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAとマルチプレックスPCRを用いた複数魚種の同時検出
    福岡有紗, 丑丸敦史, 源利文
    日本生態学会第62回全国大会, 2015年03月, 日本語, 鹿児島県鹿児島市, 国内会議

  • eDNA解析による舞鶴湾におけるマアジ資源量の推定
    山本哲史, 南憲吏, 深谷肇一, 益田玲爾, 宮下和士, 近藤倫生, 源 利文
    日本生態学会第62回全国大会, 2015年03月, 日本語, 鹿児島県鹿児島市, 国内会議

  • Assessment of the effect of artificial obstructions on fish migration in a river using environmental DNA
    YAMANAKA Hiroki, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    Joint 2014 Annual Meeting British Ecological Society and Société Française d’Ecologi, 2014年12月, 英語, Lille, France, 国際会議

  • A basin-scale application of environmental DNA assessment for rare endemic and exotic giant salamander species in Japan
    Joint 2014 Annual Meeting British Ecological Society and Société Française d’Ecologie, 2014年12月, 英語, Lille, France, 国際会議

  • 魚類環境DNA用ユニバーサルプライマーの開発と次世代シーケンサを用いた分析法の確立
    宮正樹, 佐藤行人, 福永津嵩, 佐土哲也, 佐藤圭一, 源利文, 山中裕樹, 荒木仁志, 岩崎渉
    2014年度日本魚類学会年会, 2014年11月, 日本語, 神奈川県小田原市, 国内会議

  • Development of a method for detecting inhabitation of the Dojo loach using environmental DNA
    KOIZUMI Noriyuki, TAKAHARA Teruhiko, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, DOI Hideyuki, MORI Atsushi, WATABE Keiji, TAKEMURA Takeshi
    PAWEES 2014 International Conference, 2014年10月, 英語, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 国際会議

  • 集団における外来遺伝子頻度を定量する環境DNA手法の開発と野外への適用
    内井喜美子, 土居秀幸, 源利文, 山中裕樹
    日本陸水学会第79回大会, 2014年09月, 日本語, 茨城県つくば市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNA手法の希少生物種調査への応用: 兵庫県下のため池におけるカワバタモロコの分布調査
    源利文, 福岡有紗, 高原輝彦, 兵庫県立農業高校生物部
    日本陸水学会第79回大会, 2014年09月, 日本語, 茨城県つくば市, 国内会議

  • ため池の動物プランクトン群集の規定要因:生産性,生態系サイズ,捕食者に着目した解析
    片野泉, 名倉明日子, 濱野紗耶加, 土居秀幸, 高原輝彦, 源利文
    日本陸水学会第79回大会, 2014年09月, 日本語, 茨城県つくば市, 国内会議

  • Community ecology using environmental DNA
    DOI Hideyuki, TAKAHARA Teruhiko, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    Evolutionary Community Ecology 2014, 2014年09月, 英語, Kyoto, 国際会議

  • 水から抽出したDNAを用いて生息魚類を検出する方法の試み
    小出水規行, 高原輝彦, 源利文, 土居秀幸, 渡部恵司, 森淳, 竹村武士
    平成26年度農業農村工学会大会講演会, 2014年08月, 日本語, 新潟県新潟市, 国内会議

  • The Japanese Society for Ecology and Health: J-EcoHealth - An Introduction
    EcoHealth2014 (The 5th Biennial Conference of the International Association for Ecology & Health), 2014年08月, 英語, Montréal, Canada, 国際会議

  • Monitoring upstream migration of fish using environmental DNA: Towards a more efficient method for assessing habitat connectivity
    YAMANAKA Hiroki, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    2014 ESA Annual Meeting, 2014年08月, 英語, Sacramento, CA, USA, 国際会議

  • Marine fish surveys using environmental DNA
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, MASUDA Reiji, TAKAHASHI Kohji, MARUYAMA Atsushi, YAMANAKA Hiroki, KASAI Akihide, KONDOH Michio
    2014 ESA Annual Meeting, 2014年08月, 英語, Sacramento, CA, USA, 国際会議

  • Impact of expansion of wet rice fields on the risk of liver fluke infection in Lao P.D.R.
    MOJI Kazuhiko, PONGVONGSA Tiengkham, PHONGMANY Panom, KOUNNAVONG Sengchanh, AKKAVONG Kongsap, PHROMMALA Souraxay, BOUPHA Boungnong, TOJO Bunpei, JIANG Honwei, NISHIMOTO Futoshi, SATO Megumi, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, KOHMATSU Yukihiro, MARUYAMA Atsushi, FUNATSU Kohei, IWASAKI Shinpei, TOMITA Shinsuke, TOMOKAWA Sachi, KANEDA Eiko, WIKAGUL Jitra, WATANABE Chiho
    EcoHealth2014 (The 5th Biennial Conference of the International Association for Ecology & Health), 2014年08月, 英語, Montréal, Canada, 国際会議

  • Why probability literacy is important to resolve framing conflicts in environmental issues?
    EBINA Kuniyoshi, IWAMURA Yasunobu, KAWAKATSU Kazuya, OKABE Yasuyuki, UMEMURA Kaito, ODA Toshikatsu, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, NAKAYAMA Akie, ITOH Masayuki
    14th SCA Annual Conferenc, 2014年06月, 英語, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 国際会議

  • 同種内外来種の侵入規模の迅速把握
    内井喜美子, 土居秀幸, 源利文, 山中裕樹
    日本生態学会第61回全国大会, 2014年03月, 日本語, 広島県広島市, 国内会議

  • 水生生物の移動分散モニタリングへの環境DNA技術の適用:流水環境における研究例と展望
    山中裕樹, 源利文, 櫻井翔, 大垣寿々香
    日本生態学会第61回全国大会, 2014年03月, 日本語, 広島県広島市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAとフェノロジー研究: 現状と未来
    土居秀幸, 高原輝彦, 源利文
    日本生態学会第61回全国大会, 2014年03月, 日本語, 国内会議

  • 核DNAをマーカーとした環境DNA解析
    日本生態学会第61回全国大会, 2014年03月, 日本語, 広島県広島市, 国内会議

  • オオクチバス等の外来魚モニタリングにおける環境DNA技術の有用性の検証-調査手法の違いによる結果の比較を通して―
    高原輝彦, 源利文, 土居秀幸, 木塚俊和, 満尾世志人, 角田裕志, 高村典子
    日本生態学会第61回全国大会, 2014年03月, 日本語, 広島県広島市, 国内会議

  • Large-scale environmental DNA assessment for Japanese and Chinese giant salamanders in Katsura River, Japan
    Frontiers in Amphibian Biology: Endangered Species Conservation and Genome Editing, 2014年03月, 英語, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Japan, 国際会議

  • Environmental DNA release velocity from different sized fish
    MARUYAMA Atsushi, NAKAMURA Keisuke, YAMANAKA Hiroki, KONDOH Michio, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    The 61st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan, 2014年03月, 英語, Hiroshima City, Japan, 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析による生物の分布および生物量の推定技術
    山中裕樹, 源利文
    第25回龍谷大学新春技術講演会, 2014年01月, 日本語, 滋賀県大津市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNA技術で多様性の湖に挑む
    丸山敦, 近藤倫生, 山中裕樹, 森口滉也, 源利文, RUSUWA Bosco
    第25回龍谷大学新春技術講演会, 2014年01月, 日本語, 滋賀県大津市, 国内会議

  • 見えない生き物を見つけ出す環境DNA技術
    夢・化学21 高校生のための化学講座(浜松), 2013年12月, 日本語, 静岡大学(静岡県浜松市), 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた水中生物モニタリングの現状
    第29回個体群生態学会大会, 2013年10月, 日本語, 大阪府堺市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを利用した同種内外来種の迅速把握
    内井喜美子, 土居秀幸, 源利文, 山中裕樹
    日本陸水学会第78回大会, 2013年09月, 日本語, 滋賀県大津市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた在来および外来オオサンショウウオの検出
    福本想, 丑丸敦史, 源利文
    日本陸水学会第78回大会, 2013年09月, 日本語, 滋賀県大津市, 国内会議

  • STIに向けた政策プロセスへの関心層別関与フレーム設計
    工藤充, 加納圭, 水町衣里, 秋谷直矩, 森村吉貴, 高梨克也, 森幹彦, 元木環, 後藤崇志, 吉澤剛, 菅万希子, 伊藤真之, 蛯名邦禎, 源利文, 中山晶絵, 前波晴彦, 日置弘一郎, 丁瀟君
    第8回科学コミュニケーション研究会年次大会, 2013年09月, 日本語, 京都大学, 国内会議

  • 上海における環境意識に関する質問票調査
    高野宏平, 蒋宏偉, 福士由紀, 張文明, 源利文
    中国環境問題研究拠点 国際シンポジウム「東アジアにおける都市化と福祉・環境問題—上海を中心に—」, 2013年07月, 日本語, 総合地球環境学研究所 中国環境問題研究拠点, 総合地球環境学研究所, 国際会議

  • Using environmental DNA to estimate the distributions and biomass of fish
    TAKAHARA Teruhiko, DOI Hideyuki, MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    26th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2013), 2013年07月, 英語, Baltimore, MD, USA, 国際会議

  • 川の水をはかれば生き物がわかる?~環境DNA研究の最先端~
    サイエンス・カフェひょうごin佐用, 2013年03月, 日本語, 兵庫県佐用町, 国内会議

  • 先端技術(環境DNA,次世代シーケンス)を使って生態学を変えていくには?
    土居秀幸, 高原輝彦, 源利文
    日本生態学会第60回大会, 2013年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 静岡県静岡市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNA分析の実用化:野外で使える前処理法の検討
    中貴文, 源利文, 門司和彦, 丸山敦
    日本生態学会第60回大会, 2013年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 静岡県静岡市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNA技術を用いた外来種モニタリング手法の開発
    高原輝彦, 土居秀幸, 源利文
    日本生態学会第60回大会, 2013年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 静岡県静岡市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いてタイ肝吸虫の生態を探る
    源利文, 中貴文, 船津耕平, 神松幸弘, 川端善一郎, 丸山敦, Tiengkham Pongvongsa, 門司和彦
    日本生態学会第60回大会, 2013年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 静岡県静岡市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた魚類の在不在判定による遡河行動のモニタリング
    山中裕樹, 源利文
    日本生態学会第60回大会, 2013年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 静岡県静岡市, 国内会議

  • メコン中流域の魚類の移動と寄生虫感染率の変化
    船津耕平, 丸山敦, 神松幸弘, 源利文, 門司和彦
    日本生態学会第60回大会, 2013年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 静岡県静岡市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた微生物マッピング:コイヘルペスウイルスを例に
    第二回同位体環境学シンポジウム, 2013年02月, 日本語, 京都府京都市, 国内会議

  • 環境改変と感染症―琵琶湖のコイヘルペスウイルス病を例に―
    国際シンポジウム「湖の現状と未来可能性」, 2013年01月, 日本語, 中国上海市, 国際会議

  • Detection and quantification of fish presence and biomass using environmental DNA to monitor population sustainability
    TAKAHARA Teruhiko, DOI Hideyuki, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, YAMANAKA Hiroki, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    The 9th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 2013年01月, 英語, Hiroshima City, Japan, 国際会議

  • Monitoring of fish pathogenic viruses in freshwater environments
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, HONJO Mie N, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    EcoHealth2012, 2012年10月, 英語, Kunming City, China, 国際会議

  • 環境水中のウィルス定量:水域生態系での感染症研究への適用
    本庄三恵, 源利文, 川端善一郎
    日本陸水学会第77回大会, 2012年09月, 日本語, 日本陸水学会, 名古屋大学, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた魚類相の定性的把握法
    源利文, 山中裕樹, 高原輝彦, 本庄三恵, 川端善一郎
    日本陸水学会第77回大会, 2012年09月, 日本語, 日本陸水学会, 愛知県名古屋市, 国内会議

  • 核酸の動態から感染症の生態を探る
    内井喜美子, 源利文, 川端善一郎
    日本陸水学会第77回大会, 2012年09月, 日本語, 日本陸水学会, 名古屋大学, 国内会議

  • ため池の水生動物モニタリングに環境DNAを応用する
    高原輝彦, 土居秀幸, 源利文, 山中裕樹, 川端善一郎
    日本陸水学会第77回大会, 2012年09月, 日本語, 日本陸水学会, 愛知県名古屋市, 国内会議

  • Transmission dynamics of an emerging pathogen Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 and its impact on host population genetic structure
    UCHII Kimiko, OKUDA Noboru, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, TELSHOW Arndt, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    2012 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 2012年07月, 英語, ASLO, Otsu City, Shiga, Japan, 国際会議

  • Seasonal and spatial distribution of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 in water and sediment of a lagoon of Lake Biwa, Japan
    HONJO Mie N, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, YAMANAKA Hiroki, TAKAHARA Teruhiko, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    2012 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 2012年07月, 英語, ASLO, Otsu City, Shiga, Japan, 国際会議

  • Detection and quantification of fish presence/biomass in ponds using environmental DNA
    TAKAHARA Teruhiko, DOI Hideyuki, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, YAMANAKA Hiroki, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    2012 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 2012年07月, 英語, ASLO, Otsu City, Shiga, Japan, 国際会議

  • 新興病原体コイヘルペスウイルスの野生宿主個体群における持続性
    内井喜美子, 源利文, 川端善一郎
    日本生態学会第59回大会/第5回東アジア生態学会連合大会合同大会, 2012年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, EAFES, 滋賀県大津市, 国内会議

  • 湖水中に溶存するDNA断片から魚類のバイオマスを推定する
    高原輝彦, 土居秀幸, 源利文, 山中裕樹, 川端善一郎
    日本生態学会第59回大会/第5回東アジア生態学会連合大会合同大会, 2012年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, EAFES, 滋賀県大津市, 国内会議

  • Seasonal and spatial distribution of Cyprinid herpesvirus 1 and Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 in Lake Biwa, Japan
    HONJO Mie N, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    Joint Meeting of The 59th Annual Meeting of ESJ and The 5th EAFES International Congress, 2012年03月, 英語, 日本生態学会, EAFES, Otsu City, Shiga, Japan, 国際会議

  • Dynamics of koi herpesvirus and related factors in freshwater environments (EAFES Symposium ES09: Interactions of pathogen-host with environments)
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi
    Joint Meeting of The 59th Annual Meeting of ESJ and The 5th EAFES International Congress, 2012年03月, 英語, Otsu Ciyu, Shiga, Japan, 国際会議

  • 感染症の生態学的解析:コイヘルペスウイルス病を例に
    源利文, 川端善一郎
    感染症若手フォーラム2012, 2012年02月, 日本語, 長崎県長崎市, 国内会議

  • 環境の変化と魚の病気
    第10回 地球研地域連携セミナー「水辺の保全と琵琶湖の未来可能性」, 2012年01月, 日本語, 滋賀県大津市, 国内会議

  • Koi herpesvirus disease as a model of environmental disease
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, Members of RIHN, Prohect
    The 6th RIHN International Symposium, 2011年10月, 英語, Kyoto City, Japan, 国際会議

  • KHV dynamics in natural freshwater environments.
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, HONJO Mie N, YAMANAKA Hiroki, UCHII Kimiko, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    Emergence of Viral Diseases: Ecology and Evolution of Koi Herpes Virus, 2011年07月, 英語, Muenster, Germany, 国際会議

  • Dynamics of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 in natural environments in Japan
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, HONJO Mie N, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    4th Congress of European Microbiologists, FEMS 2011, 2011年06月, 英語, FEMS, Geneva City, Switzerland, 国際会議

  • 水温の変動パタンが魚類の生理コストに与える影響について
    山中裕樹, 源利文, 高原輝彦, 川端善一郎
    日本生態学会第58回大会, 2011年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 北海道札幌市, 国内会議

  • 環境DNAを用いた魚類相把握法の開発
    源利文, 本庄三恵, 山中裕樹, 川端善一郎
    日本生態学会第58回大会, 2011年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 北海道札幌市, 国内会議

  • コイヘルペスウイルス(KHV)病の発症率はストレスの影響を受けるか?
    高原輝彦, 本庄三恵, 源利文, 伊東尚史, 川端善一郎
    日本応用動物昆虫学会第55回大会, 2011年03月, 日本語, 日本応用動物昆虫学会, 福岡県福岡市, 国内会議

  • コイヘルペスウイルス病が琵琶湖の野生型コイへもたらした影響
    内井喜美子, 奥田昇, 源利文, 川端善一郎
    日本生態学会第58回大会, 2011年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 北海道札幌市, 国内会議

  • コイにとっての岸辺環境の有用性とストレス回避のトレードオフ
    高原輝彦, 山中裕樹, 鈴木新, 本庄三恵, 源利文, 米倉竜次, 板山朋聡, 神松幸弘, 伊東尚史, 川端善一郎
    日本生態学会第58回大会, 2011年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 北海道札幌市, 国内会議

  • 中国雲单省Erhai湖における水温の時空間分布パターン
    山中裕樹, 源利文, Deyi Wu, Hainan Kong, Zhi-hong Wei, Liu Bin, 川端善一郎
    日本陸水学会第75回大会, 2010年09月, 日本語, 日本陸水学会, 青森県弘前市, 国内会議

  • 全国の自然河川におけるコイヘルペスウイルスの分布
    源利文, 本庄三恵, 山中裕樹, 内井喜美子, 川端善一郎
    日本陸水学会第75回大会, 2010年09月, 日本語, 日本陸水学会, 青森県弘前市, 国内会議

  • 魚類の多様性と視物質の分子進化
    平成22年度 日本動物学会中部地区大会公開シンポジウム, 2010年07月, 日本語, 日本動物学会中部支部会, 岐阜県岐阜市, 国内会議

  • Seasonal dynamics of CyHV-3 in natural freshwater environments
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, HONJO Mie N, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    Workshop on the Linkage between CyHV-3 (KHV) and Humans, 2010年05月, 英語, Jerusalem, Israel, 国際会議

  • Detection of cyprinid herpesvirus-3 (CyHV-3) in environmental water and sediments
    HONJO Mie N, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    Workshop on the Linkage between CyHV-3 (KHV) and Humans, 2010年05月, 英語, Jerusalem, Israel, 国際会議

  • 堆積物におけるコイヘルペスウイルスの検出・定量
    本庄三恵, 源利文, 川端善一郎
    日本生態学会第57回大会, 2010年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 東京都目黒区, 国内会議

  • 環境水中の低密度ウイルスに対する濃縮システムの開発
    田中伸幸, 板山朋聡, 源利文, 本庄三恵, 川端善一郎
    第44回日本水環境学会年会, 2010年03月, 日本語, 日本水環境学会, 福岡県福岡市, 国内会議

  • コイヘルペスウイルス感染症と人間の相互作用環
    源利文, 本庄三恵, 内井喜美子, 山中裕樹, 鈴木新, 神松幸弘, 米倉竜次, 大森浩二, 板山朋聡, 田中伸幸, 浅野耕太, 白江祐介, 奥田昇, 川端善一郎
    日本生態学会第57回大会, 2010年03月, 英語, 日本生態学会, 東京都目黒区, 国内会議

  • コイの行動性体温調節と環境水温の時空間的不均一性がコイヘルペスウイルス症の蔓延に与える影響について
    山中裕樹, 曽我部篤, 大森浩二, 源利文, 三木健, 齋藤保久, 内井喜美子, 本庄三恵, 鈴木新, 神松幸弘, 川端善一郎
    日本生態学会第57回大会, 2010年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 東京都目黒区, 国内会議

  • 野外におけるコイの行動性体温調節とその季節変化:コイヘルペスウイルス病蔓延時期との対応について
    山中裕樹, 曽我部篤, 大森浩二, 源利文, 内井喜美子, 本庄三恵, 鈴木新, 神松幸弘, 川端善一郎
    日本陸水学会第74回大会, 2009年09月, 日本語, 日本陸水学会, 大分県大分市, 国内会議

  • 琵琶湖におけるコイヘルペスウイルスの動態解析
    源利文, 本庄三恵, 川端善一郎
    日本陸水学会第74回大会, 2009年09月, 日本語, 日本陸水学会, 大分県大分市, 国内会議

  • Microarray analysis of circadian gene expressions in Ciona intestinalis
    MATSUMAE Hiromi, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, HANAI Shuji, ISHIWATA Ryosuke, Izumi, K, OGISHIMA Soichi, TANAKA Hiroshi, SATOH Nori, ISHIDA Norio
    The 5th International Tunicate Meeting, 2009年06月, 英語, Naha City, Okinawa, Japan, 国際会議

  • Seasonal distribution of cyprinid herpesvirus 3 in Lake Biwa
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, HONJO Mie N, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    Workshop on CyHV-3 disease in an environment-human linkage, 2009年04月, 英語, Kyoto City, Japan, 国際会議

  • 琵琶湖におけるコイヘルペスウイルスの分布と季節変化
    源利文, 本庄三恵, 川端善一郎
    日本生態学会第56回大会, 2009年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 岩手県盛岡市, 国内会議

  • 湖岸形態と水温分布:魚類への影響の考察
    山中裕樹, 神松幸弘, 源利文, 本庄三恵, 内井喜美子, 鈴木新, 川端善一郎
    日本生態学会第56回大会, 2009年03月, 日本語, 日本生態学会, 岩手県盛岡市, 国内会議

  • ウイルス状粒子の迅速濃縮法とKHVの検出
    田中伸幸, 板山朋聡, 源利文, 本庄三恵, 川端善一郎
    第42回日本水環境学会大会, 2009年03月, 日本語, 日本水環境学会, 愛知県名古屋市, 国内会議

  • カタユウレイボヤの概日リズム
    松前ひろみ, 源利文, 花井修二, 大石勝隆, 安住薫, 石渡龍輔, 荻島創一, 田中博, 佐藤矩行, 石田直理雄
    第15回日本時間生物学会学術大会, 2008年11月, 日本語, 日本時間生物学会, 岡山県岡山市, 国内会議

  • 環境水中に存在するコイヘルペスウイルスの定量
    本庄三恵, 源利文, 松井一彰, 内井喜美子, 山中裕樹, 鈴木新, 神松幸弘, 飯田貴次, 川端善一郎
    日本陸水学会第73回大会, 2008年10月, 日本語, 日本陸水学会, 北海道札幌市, 国内会議

  • Development of a Rapid Concentration System for Virus in Environmental Water
    TANAKA Nobuyuki, ITAYAMA Tomoaki, HONJO Mie N, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    12th International Conference on Integrated Diffuse Pollution Management (IWA DIPCON 2008), 2008年08月, 英語, Khon Kaen City, Thailand, 国際会議

  • Relationship of lake morphometry and shore configuration to the temperature distribution in lagoons, and implications for its effect on fish health
    YAMANAKA Hiroki, SOGABE Atsushi, KOHMATSU Yukihiro, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, HONJO Mie. N, UCHII Kimiko, SUZUKI Alata A, OMORI Koji, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    International Symposium on Environmental Change, Pathogens, and Human Linkages, 2008年06月, 英語, Kyoto City; Japan, 国際会議

  • Quantification method of Koi herpesvirus (KHV) in environmental water using cation-coated filter method and external standard virus
    HONJO Mie N, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, MATSUI Kazuaki, UCHII Kimiko, YAMANAKA Hiroki, SUZUKI Alata A, KOHMATSU Yukihiro, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    International Symposium on Environmental Change, Pathogens, and Human Linkages, 2008年06月, 英語, Kyoto City; Japan, 国際会議

  • International Symposium on Environmental Change, Pathogens, and Human Linkages
    KAWABATA Zen'ichiro, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, HONJO Mie N, UCHII Kimiko, YAMANAKA Hiroki, SUZUKI Alata A, KOHMATSU Yukihiro
    International Symposium on Environmental Change, Pathogens, and Human Linkages, 2008年06月, 英語, Kyoto City, Japan, 国際会議

  • Development of an on site rapid concentration system for virus in environmental water
    ITAYAMA Tomoaki, TANAKA Nobuyuki, MINAMOTO Toshifumi, HONJO Mie N, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    International Symposium on Environmental Change, Pathogens, and Human Linkages, 2008年06月, 英語, Kyoto City; Japan, 国際会議

  • Detection of koi herpesvirus DNA from natural river water
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, HONJO Mie N, UCHII Kimiko, YAMANAKA Hiroki, SUZUKI Alata A, KOHMATSU Yukihiro, KAWABATA Zen'ichiro
    International Symposium on Environmental Change, Pathogens, and Human Linkages, 2008年06月, 英語, Kyoto City; Japan, 国際会議

  • カタユウレイボヤのcDNAマイクロアレイの数理解析による時計候補遺伝子の抽出
    松前ひろみ, 源利文, 花井修二, 大石勝隆, 安住薫, 石渡龍輔, 荻島創一, 田中博, 佐藤矩行, 石田直理雄
    第30回日本分子生物学会年会・第80回日本生化学会大会 合同大会, 2007年12月, 日本語, 日本分子生物学会, 日本生化学会, 神奈川県横浜市, 国内会議

  • カタユウレイボヤ(Ciona intestinalis)の概日リズム
    源利文, 花井修次, 大石勝隆, 門田幸二, 佐藤矩行, 佐竹正延, 安住薫, 石田直理雄
    第13回日本時間生物学会学術大会, 2006年11月, 日本語, 日本時間生物学会, 東京都千代田区, 国内会議

  • カタユウレイボヤ(Ciona intestinalis)における概日振動遺伝子群の探索
    源利文, 花井修次, 大石勝隆, 門田幸二, 佐藤矩行, 佐竹正延, 安住薫, 石田直理雄
    日本動物学会第77回大会, 2006年09月, 日本語, 日本動物学会, 島根県松江市, 国内会議

  • カタユウレイボヤ(Ciona intestinalis)の概日振動遺伝子群
    源利文, 花井修次, 大石勝隆, 門田幸二, 佐藤矩行, 佐竹正延, 安住薫, 石田直理雄
    第12回日本時間生物学会大会, 2005年11月, 日本語, 日本時間生物学会, 茨城県つくば市, 国内会議

  • ニホンミツバチにおける新たなperiod遺伝子 mRNAバリアントの解析
    源利文, 渕側太郎, 清水良訓, 清水勇
    日本動物学会第75回大会, 2004年09月, 日本語, 日本動物学会, 神戸市灘区, 国内会議

  • ニホンミツバチ及び膜翅目昆虫におけるperiod遺伝子mRNAバリアントの解析
    源利文, 清水勇
    日本動物学会第74回大会, 2003年09月, 日本語, 日本動物学会, 北海道函館市, 国内会議

  • アユの錐体視物質遺伝子に関する研究
    源利文, 清水勇
    日本動物学会第73回大会, 2002年09月, 日本語, 日本動物学会, 石川県金沢市, 国内会議

  • Studies of opsin genes in a smelt fish, Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis).
    MINAMOTO Toshifumi, SHIMIZU Isamu
    The 1st Asian Conference on Photobiology, 2002年06月, 英語, Higashiura Town, Hyogo, Japan, 国際会議

  • アユのVAオプシンに関する研究
    源利文, 清水勇
    日本動物学会第72回大会, 2001年10月, 日本語, 日本動物学会, 福岡県福岡市, 国内会議

  • バイカル湖における水中光の分光放射特性
    源利文, 清水勇, 道之前允直, 東正彦, 中西正己
    第65回日本陸水学会大会, 2000年09月, 日本語, 日本陸水学会, 福岡県福岡市, 国内会議

  • アユの視物質遺伝子に関する研究(2)
    源利文, 清水勇
    日本動物学会第70回大会, 1999年09月, 日本語, 日本動物学会, 山形県山形市, 国内会議

  • 魚類の視物質及びチトクロームb遺伝子の分子進化
    源利文, 清水勇
    日本動物学会第68回大会, 1997年10月, 日本語, 日本動物学会, 奈良県奈良市, 国内会議

■ 所属学協会
  • 英国生態学会

  • 環境DNA学会

  • 日本陸水学会

  • 日本生態学会

  • 日本時間生物学会

  • 日本動物学会


■ 研究シーズ
  • 環境DNAを用いた水中生物モニタリング手法の開発
    シーズカテゴリ:環境・農学, ライフサイエンス
    研究キーワード:環境DNA, 生物多様性, 水域, 希少種, 外来種