Search Details
YOKOKOHJI YasuyoshiGraduate School of Engineering / Department of Mechanical EngineeringProfessor
Researcher basic information
■ Research Keyword■ Research Areas
- Informatics / Mechanics and mechatronics
- Informatics / Robotics and intelligent systems
- Informatics / Intelligent robotics
- Informatics / Perceptual information processing
- Informatics / Human interfaces and interactions
- 2000 - 2001, The Insititute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, member of editorial board, The Insititute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers
- 2000 - 2001, システム制御情報学会, 編集委員, システム制御情報学会
- 1998 - 1999, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, chairman of the technical comittee of section 5 of the Robotics and Mechatronics Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
- 1998 - 1999, 日本機械学会, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門第5地区技術委員会委員長, 日本機械学会
- 1999, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, general affairs manager of the Kansai chapter, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
- 1999, 計測自動制御学会, 関西支部庶務幹事, 計測自動制御学会
- 1992 - 1993, The Robotics Society of Japan, councilman, The Robotics Society of Japan
- 1992 - 1993, 日本ロボット学会, 評議員,評議員,理事, 日本ロボット学会
- 日本ロボット学会, 理事
Research activity information
■ Award- Dec. 2014 System Integration Division, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Contribution Award, Executive Committee Chairman of the 14th SICE System Integration Division Annual ConferenceContributed to the 14th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference as an Executive Committee ChairmanOthers
- Apr. 2014 The Robotics and Mechatronics Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Academic Achievement Award, これまでの学術業績に対してロボティクス・メカトロニクス分野で萌芽的あるいは発展性のある学術業績を挙げた.Others
- Dec. 2013 The System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Excelent presentation in Annual Conference on System Integration 2013, 可変スケール型バイラテラルテレオペレーションシステム制御器の保守性低減手法に関する研究Japan society
- Sep. 2013 The Robotics Society of Japan, Fellow, 遠隔操縦システムに関する研究と学会活動への顕著な貢献Others
- Apr. 2013 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, JSME Education Award, 教科書ロボティクスの執筆および教育方法改善の取組みOthers
- Dec. 2012 計測自動制御学会, Excelent presentation in Annual Conference on System Integration 2012, 複数オペレータによる同時遠隔操縦のためのマルチラテラル制御手法の検討Japan society
- Dec. 2011 The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Excelent presentation in Annual Conference on System Integration 2011, ロボットセルにおける組立作業のためのロバスト把持戦略の計画手法(SI2011で発表)
- Dec. 2011 計測自動制御学会, Excelent presentation in Annual Conference on System Integration 2011, 直接教示の容易性と高難易度の折り紙作品の実現を考慮したロボットハンドの設計(SI2011で発表)
- Dec. 2010 計測自動制御学会, Excelent presentation in Annual Conference on System Integration 2010, 対象物体の初期誤差に対する把持戦略のロバスト性への動力学的要素の影響(SI2010で発表)
- Nov. 2010 日刊工業新聞社, モノづくり連携大賞(特別賞), 自律型セル生産ロボットシステムの研究開発
- Sep. 2010 日本ロボット学会, 24th Best Paper Award, 人間の直接教示動作の統計的性質に基づいた折り紙ロボットの目標軌道とセンサフィードバック則生成法(日本ロボット学会誌Vol.27, No.6に掲載)
- Mar. 2010 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門, SI2009優秀講演賞, 次世代セル生産を実現するロボット知能化技術
- Apr. 2009 日本機械学会, 2008年度教育賞, 学生と社会人混成チームで取り組む夏休み設計セミナー
- 2009 日本機械学会 2008年度 教育賞
- 2007 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA 2007), Finalist of Best Conference Paper Award
- 2006 日本ロボット学会 第22回 論文賞
- 2005 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門第6回学術講演会 SI2005ベストセッション講演賞
- 2004 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2004ベストセッション賞
- 2004 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Finalist of Best Paper Award
- 2004 The Best Session Awards of SI2004, Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 2004(Japan)
- 2004 Finalist of Best Paper Award of 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
- 2002 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2002ベストセッション賞
- 2002 The Best Session Awards of SI2002, Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
- 2000 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第2回論文賞
- 2000 The 1999 Outstanding Paper Awards of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan
- 1996 ASME 1995 JDSMC Best Paper Award
- 1996 The 1995 JDMC Best Paper Award from the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division
- 1993 第3回佐藤記念知能ロボット研究奨励賞
- 1993 The 3rd Sato Memorial Intelligent Robot Research Promotion Prize from the Society of Sato Memorial Scientific Research Promotion
- 1991 計測自動制御学会1990年度論文賞
- 1991 The 1990 Outstanding Paper Awards of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
- 1989 日本ロボット学会第4回研究奨励賞
- 1989 The 4th Research Promotion Prize from the Robotics Society of Japan
- 1985 日本自動制御協会(現システム制御情報学会)昭和60年度 椹木記念賞奨励賞
- 1985 The 1985 Sawaragi Memorial Research Promotion Prize from the Japan Association of Automatic Control Engineers (currently the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers)
- Jul. 2024, IEEE Transactions on HapticsScientific journal
- In the teleoperation system of a dual-arm manipulator developed to retrieve fuel debris and reactor interior structures at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, we used software in which an obstacle avoidance function (trajectory planning) was implemented to conduct a mock test simulating obstacle removal operations in narrow spaces. The test results confirmed the validity of the obstacle avoidance function, the executability of a series of necessary tasks, and the improved operability. In addition, issues were identified using the test data.Fuji Technology Press Ltd., Feb. 2024, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 36(1) (1), 49 - 62Scientific journal
- Abstract Background and Aims Recent studies on endoscopic submucosal dissection have aimed to reduce the difficulty of the procedure by using multi‐degrees‐of‐freedom articulating devices. In this study, we evaluated the usefulness of adding three‐dimensional (3D) video imaging into simulated endoscopic submucosal dissection tasks using multi‐degrees‐of‐freedom devices. Methods We designed an endoscopic platform with a 3D camera and two multi‐degrees‐of‐freedom devices. Four ex vivo bench tasks were created, and a crossover study comparing 2D and 3D conditions was conducted on 15 volunteers. In each task, performance such as procedure time and accuracy were objectively evaluated. Additionally, a comprehensive visual analogue scale questionnaire was conducted. Results In the tasks simulating submucosal flap grasping, marking, and full‐area incision, the use of 3D imaging significantly improved the speed and accuracy of the multi‐degrees‐of‐freedom device manipulation (p < .01). No significant differences were observed in the task that simulated the dissection procedure. Furthermore, it appears that the accuracy of recognizing curved surfaces may be reduced in the 3D environment. Operators reported subjective increases in recognizability and operability with the 3D camera, along with an increase in asthenopia (p < .01). Conclusions 3D vision improves the technical accuracy of certain simulated multi‐degrees‐of‐freedom endoscopic submucosal dissection tasks and subjectively improved operating conditions, at the cost of increased eye strain.Wiley, Jan. 2024, Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery, 17(1) (1)Scientific journal
- Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc., 2024, International Journal of Automotive Engineering, 15(2) (2), 90 - 97Scientific journal
- Dec. 2023, Journal of Robotics and MechatronicsScientific journal
- Informa UK Limited, Oct. 2023, Advanced Robotics, 1 - 18Scientific journal
- Cambridge University Press, Aug. 2023, Robotica, English, International magazine[Refereed]Scientific journal
- A planning algorithm that can generate continuous-time walking patterns including the seamless transition between flat-contact and heel-to-toe walking gaits is proposed. The planner makes use of the closed-form solution of a modified linear inverted pendulum mode which includes the ZMP and the weight ratio of each foot explicitly in its dynamics. The heel-to-toe movement of each foot is directly parameterized by the ZMP, and therefore consistency between the foot movement and the low-dimensional dynamics is ensured. In simulations with a 32 DoF model of a life-sized humanoid robot, fast human-like walking at the maximum speed of 4.6 km/h was achieved.TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Mar. 2023, ADVANCED ROBOTICS, 37(5) (5), 316 - 328, EnglishScientific journal
- Haptic feedback enables material perception via remote robotics. Both force and vibration information are essential for haptic feedback, and it is important to understand their applicability in different situations. In this study, the relationship between the effective type of haptic feedback and target properties in robot-mediated material discrimination was investigated. A remote-control system including a force presentation device and a wearable vibrotactile display was constructed. In the first experiment, the discrimination performance of material hardness was compared between two types of feedback, force and hybrid (vibrotactile and force) conditions. The results show that both feedback systems allow statistically-significant discrimination of the stimuli, and a significant difference in correct-answer rates between the two feedback conditions was not observed. This indicates that the force system was effective for hardness discrimination, and that there was no superimposed effect of the hybrid system. In the second experiment, the discrimination performance of material roughness was compared between three types of feedback (force, vibrotactile, and hybrid). The results indicate that the rate of correct responses for hybrid feedback condition are significantly higher than those for the force condition. This suggests that hybrid feedback is effective for roughness discrimination. Therefore, the effective type of feedback depends on the properties of target materials, and the superimposed effect of hybrid feedback was only observed in roughness discrimination. These findings play an important role in selecting the best feedback method for a given situation or constructing multiple feedback methods that achieve high discrimination performance.Feb. 2023, Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 4Scientific journal
- In vehicle teleoperation, reducing instability of driving caused by communication delay is one of important technical problems. This study proposes a passivity-based vehicle teleoperation system that compensates for the delay of visual information presented to the driver. The proposed method applies wave variable transformation to steering angle and yaw rate, and presents modified yaw rate to the driver by altering the viewing direction of camera images. This effectively makes the driver feel that the vehicle responds to his/her steering operation without delay, and consequently over-steering is greatly reduced. The results of experiments using a driving simulator showed that the proposed method greatly improves lateral stability of driving.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2023, 2A2-D04, Japanese
- Hydraulically driven construction robots are expected to play important roles in various situations, such as disaster response by teleoperation, taking advantage of their high power-to-weight ratio and robustness against harsh environments. It is well known that operability and task efficiency in teleoperation can be improved by force feedback. In this paper, we investigate if the fidelity of teleoperation of hydraulically driven construction robots can be improved by force feedback, especially impact force feedback, based on the estimated external load from cylinder pressures and link accelerations. For this purpose, we propose a force scaling method to give the operator the information on external loads properly. The results of subject experiments indicate that the operators can discriminate the hardness of the material easily by the impact force feedback.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2023, 1A2-B04, Japanese
- In this paper, we focus on vibrotactile stimuli for the purpose of changing and amplifying emotions, and evaluate the changes in emotions caused by vibrotactile stimuli converted from music. To construct a system that simultaneously presents music and vibration, we developed a chair-type vibrotactile display and an automatic conversion method of vibrotactile stimuli based on music. The method generates stimuli suitable for tactile perception by shifting the pitch and dividing the music. In an evaluation experiment, we evaluated the changes in the emotions elicited by the music when vibrotactile stimuli were applied using temporal and posterior evaluation methods. The results showed that not only were the emotions strongly caused by the music, but they were also amplified and changed by the presentation of the vibrotactile stimuli.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2023, 1A1-H10, Japanese
- In this paper, we designed and developed a passive device suitable for high-speed precise mating operations by robots. The device was designed in consideration of the characteristics of mating tasks and the inertia of the device itself, and was used in combination with an industrial robot for high-speed precise mating tasks. Our robot succeeded in mating tasks under the condition where the conventional methods such as compliance control or RCC device are difficult to perform the task, confirming the effectiveness of our approach.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2023, 2P1-A21, Japanese
- In this paper, we focused on the possibility that there is an optimal control method for each subtask in excavation operations, and we experimentally investigated the optimal control method for each subtask with respect to the constructed control methods. First, three control methods were implemented for comparison: an angle-velocity method using a joystick, a position-velocity method using a tactile interface, and a position-position method using a haptic interface. Next, an experiment was conducted to compare these methods for each task, and to compare and evaluate the optimal method of operation. The results showed that the position-position method was superior for sagittal plane work, while the angle-velocity and position-velocity methods were superior for swinging work.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2023, 1A1-B06, Japanese
- This paper developed a wearable tactile device with a finger joint angle measurement function and a pressure presentation function to realize an interactive handshake remotely. The measurement experiments conducted in conjunction with the development of the device control system showed that the pressure acting on the palm of the hand was greatly influenced by the other party, while the pressure acting on the fingers was greatly influenced by the self.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2023, 1A2-H11, Japanese
- Elsevier BV, 2023, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56(2) (2), 5591 - 5596Scientific journal
- This paper presents a novel experimental case study in which tactile sensation is analyzed as 4-dimensional subjective data consisting of stimulus, participant, evaluation term, and temporal components, using a temporal measurement approach. Specifically, the skin and lotion interaction was evaluated using the Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA) method. Two practical analysis examples were conducted to experimentally demonstrate the potential use cases of time-series subjective tactile data. In the first example, stimulus classification accuracy was compared between different sampling periods, including the whole and late periods, with the latter being akin to the conventional Semantic Differential (SD) method condition. The results indicate that the whole and early periods exhibit higher accuracy compared to the latest period, implying that temporal measurements may capture more stimulus characteristics than the conventional approach. In the second example, cluster analysis based on the time-series subjective data was conducted. The results revealed that the participants were classified into two distinct clusters, with the trends of time-series changes being significantly different between the clusters.2023, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, PP, English, International magazineScientific journal
- This paper presents a comparative study of teleoperation methods of robotic manipulators aiming at application to the decommissioning operation of the primary containment vessel (PCV) of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3. A detailed set of mockup is constructed from data collected by internal investigation of the damaged PCV, and a series of teleoperation experiments using a dual-arm robotic manipulator simulating the actual obstacle removal operation is conducted. Three teleoperation methods, manual, teaching-based, and planning-based, are compared in terms of multiple performance indices. The manual teleoperation resulted in low efficiency and safety, and high cognitive load. The method based on pre-recorded teaching data showed the highest safety score, but required large amount of time for preparation. The planning-based method achieved efficient teleoperation with small amount of preparation time, while it was found that it needs further improvement in terms of safety.TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Jan. 2023, ADVANCED ROBOTICS, EnglishScientific journal
- Informa UK Limited, Oct. 2022, Advanced Robotics, 1 - 19[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Informa UK Limited, Aug. 2022, Advanced Robotics, 1 - 20[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2022, 2P1 - N09
- Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2022, 2P1 - O10Scientific journal
- This paper developed 6Dof finger-mounted kinesthetic display for rendering force and torque cues simultaneously. The display is a modified model of the basic 6RSS parallel link mechanism by improving with redundant rotational joints. Comparative experiments show that the operating range of the improved model was larger than that of the basic model.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2022, 2P2-B10, Japanese
- We have constructed a haptic display system using a vibrotactile array that presents multi-point vibrotactile stimuli around the waist and a computational model that controls vibration amplitude according to 2D position information. Using this system, we have conducted 2 experiments. The first evaluated the difference in percieved sensitivity of vibrotactile stimulation through a vibrotactile calibration experiment. Results suggests sensitivity of vibrotactile stimulation around the waist is symmetric about the longitudinal axis. Sensitivity adjustment gains were calculated and used in the second experiment. The second evaluated the effect of sensitivity adjustment around the waist on the presentation of 2D position information. Results suggests sensitivity adjustment improves 2D position presentation in some cases.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2022, 2P1-O06, Japanese
- This paper constructed a tactile display system using multi-point vibrotactile stimuli on the head and waist and computational model that continuously controls the amplitude of multi-point vibration according to three-dimensional position information. Through experiments using the constructed system, the presentation performance in the dimensions of depth, orientation, and height is evaluated. As a result, the system was able to present 3D positional information, and its effectiveness was demonstrated.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2022, 2P2-B11, Japanese
- In this paper, we fabricated a prototype of a grasping-type tactile display that can hold 30 kinds of materials and presents material sensation by moving the materials according to the tracing motion. First, we developed a mechanism that can compactly store many materials by winding a tape to which materials are attached on a rotor and feeding the tape out by rotation. Next, we implemented two functions. One is predicting the next material to be touched, the another is moving the material according to the tracing speed of the finger. Finally, we discussed the contents of the evaluation experiment.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2022, 2P1-N09, Japanese
- In this paper, we have constructed a teleoperation support system that provides simultaneous feedback of force and vibration. Force sensor and acceleration sensor are attached to the robot tip, and the measured values are feedback to the operator. To investigate the effect of force and vibrotactile feedback on the accuracy of stimulus discrimination, we conducted experiments to discriminate materials with stimuli of different hardness and roughness. As a result, we found that the simultaneous feedback of force and vibration is effective for material discrimination.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2022, 2P1-O10, Japanese
- This paper presents a novel running trajectory generation method for humanoid robots based on the time-varying linear inverted pendulum mode (LIPM). Vertical motion of the CoM, which is crucial for both steady-state running and transitions between walking and running, can be generated by simply optimizing the stiffness parameter of the LIPM during each contact phase. Since our method is a natural extension of walking trajectory generation method based on the conventional LIPM, it is capable of realizing natural and seamless gait transition between walking and running. Moreover, since the proposed method makes use of closed-form solutions of the LIPM, it is more computationally efficient than existing methods based on time-discretization with a fixed time step. Several simulations are performed to evaluate the efficiency of our method.IEEE, 2022, 2022 IEEE-RAS 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMANOID ROBOTS (HUMANOIDS), 851 - 857, EnglishInternational conference proceedings
- Remotely controlled hydraulically driven robots are expected to play an important role in extreme environments such as disaster sites, and force feedback is effective for improving the fidelity of the remote environment and the work efficiency. However, it is not reasonable to attach a force sensor directly to the end-point of a hydraulically driven robot. In a previous study, the authors showed that the impact forces, which are important information to improve the fidelity of the remote environment and work efficiency, can be estimated by using the information of acceleration of each link in addition to the cylinder pressures.In this paper, we investigated how many accelerometers and where those accelerometers should be attached on each link by using an index called GDOP (Geometric Dilution Of Precision) to improve the accuracy of impact force estimation. The experimental results show that although the estimation accuracy could not be improved significantly by rearranging the accelerometers, the effect of reducing the noise of the estimated load due to the sensor noise was confirmed.IEEE, 2022, 2022 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS), 6547 - 6553, EnglishInternational conference proceedings
- Surface exploration in virtual reality has a large potential to enrich the user's experience. It could for example be used to train and simulate medical palpation. During palpation, users tap, indent, and rub the surface of a sample to estimate the underlying properties. However, up to now there is no good approach to render such intricate interaction realistically. This paper introduces 6 degrees of freedom (DoF) encountered-type haptic display technology for simulating surface exploration tasks. Among the different phases of exploration, this article focuses on the 'in-contact sliding' phase. Two novel control approaches to render sliding over a virtual surface are elaborated. A first rendering method generates lateral frictional forces as the finger slides over the surface. A second method adjusts the inclination of the end-effector to render tissue properties. With both methods a stiff nodule embedded in a soft tissue was prepared. User experiments were carried out to find proper parameter and intensity ranges and to confirm the feasibility of the new rendering schemes. Participants indicated that both rendering schemes felt realistic. Compared to earlier work, where only the vertical stiffness was altered, lower thresholds to detect and localise embedded virtual nodules were found. Users also made fewer errors in detecting nodule edges. Furthermore, the method that used end-effector inclination allowed faster discovery of the nodule's edges. It is expected that approaches that combine both rendering methods could provide an even more realistic feel.IEEE COMPUTER SOC, Jul. 2021, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HAPTICS, 14(3) (3), 577 - 590, EnglishScientific journal
- The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Apr. 2021, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 34(4) (4), 98 - 106
- For realizing a versatile, flexible robotic assembly system, the development of a versatile robotic hand with a minimally necessary mechanism which can grasp all the target parts and perform jig-less assembly of them is desired. Considering a rotational chuck-type hand with three parallel stick fingers as one possible solution, this paper presents a method to design an optimal mechanism of the hand through grasp optimization under a required external wrench set, and a hand mechanism for the assembly of target parts is actually designed with the proposed method.IEEE, 2021, 2021 IEEE/SICE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SYSTEM INTEGRATION (SII), 623 - 627, EnglishInternational conference proceedings
- It has been 10 years since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) accident. This article begins by discussing the robots used during the responses to the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear accidents. It then reviews the robots used to respond to the Fukushima Daiichi NPS accident, while considering the lessons learned from the previous accidents. Such discussions will hopefully lead to the further development of robots for decommissioning the Fukushima Daiichi NPS.ANNUAL REVIEWS, 2021, ANNUAL REVIEW OF CONTROL, ROBOTICS, AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, VOL 4, 2021, 4, 681 - 710, EnglishScientific journal
- In recent years, autonomous driving has been actively studied, but it is difficult to deal with irregular situations such as accident and construction sites. In such situations, remote driving technology is expected to serve as a backup for autnomous driving systems. Most remote driving relies on camera images as a major source of visual information. Therefore, it is important to investigate which characteristics of visual information (e.g., frame rate and image resolution) affect performance. In this paper, we conducted remote driving experiments of a real-scale automobile under various visual quality settings and investigated the effect on remote driving behavior.Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 2021, Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 52(3) (3), 615 - 620, Japanese
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2021, 1A1 - D03, Japanese
In this paper, we propose a bipedal trajectory planning method to realize fast and human-like walking. Based on existing studies on the center-of-mass trajectory of human walking, we design swing leg trajectory to reduce the lateral fluctuation of the center-of-mass trajectory of a humanoid robot. Generated trajectory was evaluated simulation and proved that proposed method can walk faster than previous methods. The simulation results also imply that proposed method is better than previous method at walking stability.
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2021, 1A1 - G18, Japanese
In this paper, we propose a method for mapping a pose graph map using proximity points as feature points by integrating multiple observation data. In this method, remove quasi-static objects which changes location or existence for each observation data, and avoid incorrect removal of static objects, for improve the accuracy of localization. In addition, we confirme that the proposed method can remove quasi-static objects, by mapping the actually observed data. In addition, the accuracy of localization by the map constructed by the proposed method is compared with the accuracy of one without removing quasi-static objects, to show the usefulness of the proposed method.
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2021, 1P2 - J08, Japanese
While there are many papers that focuses on transmitting location information such as distance and direction information of a single object using wearable vibrotactile devices, there are none that focuses on transmitting location information of multiple objects. In this paper, we conducted experiments to find out whether humans can understand and recognize information of the number of multiple moving objects (1~4) transmitted via vibrotactile stimulation. To do so, we built a vibrotactile waist belt and constructed an algorithm that changes vibration amplitude depending on the distance and direction of the target objects. As a result, we found that by using our method, participants have the tendency to be able to understand up to 3 moving objects.
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2021, 1P2 - J03, Japanese
In this study, we aim to reproduce the friction sensation felt when tracing an object with a fingertip by modeling the skin vibrations that occur when touching the object. We focus on stick-slip vibration as the target of the vibration to be modeled. In order to model the stick-slip vibration according to the normal force and velocity of the fingertip, we constructed a device to simultaneously measure the skin vibration, normal force and tangential force, and conducted measurement experiments. From the measured vibration waveforms, we extracted the feature values that characterize the vibration and analyzed the relationship between the normal force and the tracing speed. A model of the maximum amplitude of the vibration was constructed from the obtained results. The model of the maximum amplitude was found to be highly accurate under several conditions.
- IEEE, 2021, IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration(SII), 110 - 115International conference proceedings
- 2021, Advanced Robotics, 35(5) (5), 268 - 280Scientific journal
- In this paper, an autonomous navigation method that utilizes proximity points of 3D range data is proposed for use in mobile robots. Some useful geometric properties of proximity points are derived, and a computationally efficient algorithm for extracting such points from 3D pointclouds is presented. Unlike previously proposed keypoints, the proximity point does not require any computationally expensive analysis of the local curvature, and is useful for detecting reliable keypoints in an environment where objects with definite curvatures such as edges and flat surfaces are scarce. Moreover, a particle-filter-based self-localization method that uses proximity points for a similarity measure of observation is presented. The proposed method was implemented in a real mobile robot system, and its performance was tested in an outdoor experiment conducted during Nakanoshima Challenge 2019.FUJI TECHNOLOGY PRESS LTD, Dec. 2020, JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS, 32(6) (6), 1183 - 1192, EnglishScientific journal
- © 2016 IEEE. This article presents a set of performance metrics, test methods, and associated artifacts to help progress the development and deployment of robotic assembly systems. The designs for three task board artifacts that replicate small part insertion and fastening operations such as threading, snap fitting, and meshing with standard screws, nuts, washers, gears, electrical connectors, belt drives, and wiring are presented. To support the evaluation of robotic assembly and disassembly operations, benchmarking protocols and performance metrics are presented that leverage these task boards. Finally, robot competitions are discussed as use cases for these task boards.Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE}), Apr. 2020, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(2) (2), 883 - 889[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Objectives:Authors have developed an ICT (Information-Communication Technology)-based Dementia Care Mapping (DCM (TM)) support system and assessed its usefulness previously using videos. The aim of this study is to evaluate practicality of the improved support system by actual mapping.Methods:We obtained highly reliable mapping data by a team of 3 mappers (M1, M2, and M3), who mapped 5 elderly people with dementia continuously over 4 hours in 2 sites. M1 mapped by conventional paper-based DCM (TM), while M2 and M3 mapped using the support system. Collected mapping data (n = 8, total of 232.5 hours = 2790 time frames) were compared.Results:The concordance rates between M1 and M2/M3 were over 70%; the required level for DCM (TM) evaluation purposes, with 1 exception. We also obtained users' positive ratings regarding the system usability.Conclusion:Practicality of the ICT-based DCM (TM) support system was confirmed for evaluation purposes, demonstrating the system is ready for practical use.SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, 2020, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE AND OTHER DEMENTIAS, 35, EnglishScientific journal
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2020, 2A1 - P18, Japanese
This paper presents a wearable fingertip tactile display for rendering of forces by skin deformation to index finger with six-Revolute-Spherical-Spherical(6-RSS) parallel link mechanism. It is composed of a static baseplate and a mobile endplate which are connected by six legs. The baseplate is located on the nail side of the finger and the mobile endplate can move in six-degree-of-freedom(6DoF), with contact-no contact capabilities, by the legs actuated by the motors. At first, we decided the operation range of the endplate on finger pad for rendering of orientation, stiffness, and weight. Secondly, we decided the parameters that include the length of arm and rod, the position where index finger are fixed. Finally, we designed a prototype using the parameters.
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2020, 2A2 - N15, Japanese
Both the cutaneous and kinesthetic informations contribute to the stiffness perception. We aim to investigate the contributions of these tactile informations to the stiffness perception on the basis of Young's modulus, which is a materials property indicating the degree of stiffness. In this paper, we constructed a device that can independently present cutaneous and kinesthetic informations. These informations are presented as reaction force and pressure distribution obtained by the Hertzian contact theory, and this integrated device is constructed by combining the devices that present each. In addition, we conducted a subject experiment for the pushing action on a virtual object, and investigated how the contributions of the two tactile informations change depending on the variation in Young's modulus. In the experiment, the subjects ranked the virtual objects according to their stiffness, and the results were analyzed based on the originally defined Similarity between the presented and answered rank.
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2020, 2P1 - P07, Japanese
We proposed a method for constraining the master arm's hand orientation to that of the slave arm in the master-slave teleoperation. In this paper, we propose a new commanding method that switches multiple reference coordinate systems arbitrarily using the constrained hand orientation method. When referring to the basic coordinate system, the master arm is in joystick mode for translation command and in master-slave mode for rotation command. On the other hand, when referring to the hand coordinate system, it is in master-slave mode for translation command and in joystick mode for rotation command. We have verified the effectiveness of the method by experiments with actual equipment, and show the results of the experiments.
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2020, 2A1 - P10, Japanese
In this study, we construct a method to present the movement of an object at a position away from the body in order to provide experiences having higher presence and improve operability. We present a sense of object movement using lightweight and inexpensive vibrators, so we give Phantom Sensation, one of the tactile illusions. In previous studies, it showed a sense of object movement between vibrators, so we propose new algorithm for extending Phantom Sensation. The best algorithm was considered through experiments in which the participants felt a sense of object movement by the presented stimulus after training with each algorithm.
- IEEE, Jan. 2020, Proc. of the 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2020), 1180 - 1186, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- © 2020, © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group and The Robotics Society of Japan. A task board is a board for assembling parts, developed to test the abilities of a robot system to perform assembly operations associated with a manufacturing process. This study describes a task board that can serve as a basis for developing program modules for assembling a specific product. A properly designed task board can serve as a preliminary template for a specific assembly and can promote robotic assembly. This study analyzes the design of a Task-board task performed at the World Robot Summit 2018 (WRS 2018). The main competitive task at the WRS 2018 was the assembly of a belt drive unit. Analyses showed that the directions of assembly, especially the horizontal direction, were common difficulties in both Task-board and Assembly task competitions. Development of a task board for a specific assembly product requires an increase of its relevance to the assembly product, such as using the same workpieces or using similar assembly orientations.TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2020, Advanced Robotics, 34(7-8) (7-8), English[Refereed]
- © 2019, © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The World Robot Summit (WRS) is a robotic ‘challenge and exposition’ organized by the Japanese government to accelerate social implementation, research and development of robots working in realistic daily life, society, and industrial fields. In this paper, we introduce a robot competition of the Industrial Robotics Category of the WRS, called ‘Assembly Challenge’, which is organized by the WRS Industrial Robotics Competition Committee in order to promote the development of the next-generation production systems that can respond to new production demands in agile and lean manners. Prior to the main competition in 2020, a pre-competition was held in 2018 with 16 participating teams from around the world. In this paper, we introduce the contents and results of this pre-competition, analyze the results, and give a perspective for the 2020 main competition.TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Sep. 2019, Advanced Robotics, 33(17) (17), 876 - 899, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- © 2019 IEEE. For realizing a versatile, flexible robotic assembly system in the manufacturing domain, a versatile robotic hand which can grasp variously shaped parts accurately is essential. In our research, we assume a robotic hand with multiple parallel stick fingers, and aim to design an optimal mechanism of the hand as a versatile robotic hand for assembly tasks, which is as simple as possible with minimally necessary degrees of freedom and number of fingers. One of the minimum solution is a chuck-type hand. In this paper, as fundamental research toward optimal design of the hand, we address a chuck-type hand with three parallel stick fingers, and propose a geometrical method to find candidate positions of the fingers contacting a target part under the constraint of the hand mechanism. The validity and utility of the proposed method is verified through some numerical examples.IEEE, Apr. 2019, Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2019, 422 - 426, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- © 2018 The Authors. Successful driving involves steering corrections that respond to immediate positional errors while also anticipating upcoming changes to the road layout ahead. In popular steering models these tasks are often treated as separate functions using two points: the near region for correcting current errors, and the far region for anticipating future steering requirements. Whereas twopoint control models can capture many aspects of driver behavior, the nature of perceptual inputs to these two ''points'' remains unclear. Inspired by experiments that solely focused on road-edge information (Land & Horwood,1995), two-point models have tended to ignore the role of optic flow during steering control. There is recent evidence demonstrating that optic flow should be considered within two-point control steering models (Mole, Kountouriotis, Billington, & Wilkie, 2016). To examine the impact of optic flow and road edges on two-point steering control we used a driving simulator to selectively and systematically manipulate these components. We removed flow and/or road-edge information from near or far regions of the scene, and examined how behaviors changed when steering along roads where the utility of far-road information varied. While steering behaviors were strongly influenced by the road-edges, there were also clear contributions of optic flow to steering responses. The patterns of steering were not consistent with optic flow simply feeding into twopoint control; rather, the global optic flow field appeared to support effective steering responses across the timecourse of each trajectory.ASSOC RESEARCH VISION OPHTHALMOLOGY INC, Sep. 2018, Journal of Vision, 18(9) (9), 1 - 19, English, International magazine[Refereed]Scientific journal
- © 2017 IEEE. This research proposes a loop-detection method that can be applied to time-series data retrieved from 3D LIDARs. Low-dimensional geometric features called proximity points are computed from 3D pointcloud data. A set of proximity points encapsulates the geometric layout of surrounding objects with respect to the observation point, and it provides a convenient means for measuring the similarity between two observations. The proposed loop-detection method, which is based on the Smith-Waterman algorithm, detects a loop as a pair of partial time series that exhibits high cumulative similarity score. The proposed method is tested on a data-set obtained in out-door environment.Feb. 2018, SII 2017 - 2017 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, 2018-January, 411 - 416[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) is an observational evidence-based method for evaluating the quality of dementia care, and is widely used to implement Person-centred Care in dementia care settings. However, it is not easy to practice DCM because the method sets high requirements on the observer (mapper) to ensure it, causing difficulties and/or a burden during mapping. Authors have developed a new ICT-based DCM support system to solve this issue. We also developed a new evaluation test method using role-play videos, and assessed the reliability and usefulness of the system. The results revealed that (1) the prototype support system has already reached the level of conventional DCM in terms of mapping accuracy, (2) mappers highly appreciated the system for burden reduction and easier operation during mapping, and (3) new functionality of the system looked promising to increase mapping accuracy.SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10897 LNCS(2) (2), 501 - 509, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- © 2017 Taylor & Francis and The Robotics Society of Japan. Aiming at accelerating the creation of new techniques on dexterous robotic manipulations, this paper surveyed the recent results on object recognition, soft robotic hands, and benchmarks and challenge/competition programs. The former two topics construct the elemental components of the new technologies on robotic manipulations, while the last one is a key for proceeding the creation and realization of the actual robotic manipulations with the new techniques. With these surveys, we will reveal the solved and unsolved issues for the next step to realize robotic dexterous manipulation systems comparable to human being.TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Oct. 2017, Advanced Robotics, 31(19-20) (19-20), 1114 - 1132, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), 83(852) (852), 17 - 00058-17-00058, Japanese
This paper proposes a method for assisting standing-up by a robot that utilizes patients' own power to their extent while allowing them to stand up easily. Analyzing the skills of physiotherapists, we extracted two skills that assist patients in standing up by themselves, (1) promoting a forward-bending posture by making their upper body close to a single rigid body, through stretching their back and anteverting their pelvis, and (2) providing minimal balance so the patient does not fall down. In order to implement these skills, we propose (1) a body holder to hold the patient's upper body which reinforces a natural forward-bending posture, and (2) a horizontal position and vertical force assist control system which guides position control in the horizontal direction and assists with exerting force through force control in the vertical direction. We also propose a velocity-switching method as a simplified implementation of the physiotherapist skill. We built a prototype assist robot, which is compact and movable, aiming at the commercialization of standing-up motion assist robots. We implemented the skills of physiotherapists to this prototype robot and confirmed the validity of these skills. We detail the relationship among robot's speed, forces acting on the robot's user and muscular activation. From the results of this analysis we derive indications on the speed appropriate for assisting the sit-to-stand movement.
- An educational method for enhancing the ability to design innovative productsIn the modern era, what we produce is important, and synthetic design thinking is strongly needed to create innovative products that bring qualitative changes to users' lifestyles. This paper proposes an educational method for creative design that can enhance a person's ability to generate a new concept of ground-breaking products that are not merely extensions of existing ones. This approach is unique due to its process, which starts with a person coming up with a concept based on 'intuitive synthesis' in which the metaphor of a 'product like a living thing' is instinctively created; then, details are confirmed by 'analyzing and investigating' the concept's characteristics, followed by a 'representation' of the product and the scene in which it will be employed using a virtual reality device. Based on this educational method, the International Design Engineering School was carried out in 2016. Students enthusiastically joined this program, and their design outcomes were found not to be improvements of existing products, but rather, were pioneering previously non-existent products.ICED17 Design Society Programme Committee, 2017, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED, 9(DS87-9) (DS87-9), 49 - 58, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- AN EDUCATIONAL METHOD FOR ENHANCING THE ABILITY TO DESIGN INNOVATIVE PRODUCTSIn the modern era, what we produce is important, and synthetic design thinking is strongly needed to create innovative products that bring qualitative changes to users' lifestyles. This paper proposes an educational method for creative design that can enhance a person's ability to generate a new concept of ground-breaking products that are not merely extensions of existing ones. This approach is unique due to its process, which starts with a person coming up with a concept based on 'intuitive synthesis' in which the metaphor of a 'product like a living thing' is instinctively created; then, details are confirmed by 'analyzing and investigating' the concept's characteristics, followed by a 'representation' of the product and the scene in which it will be employed using a virtual reality device. Based on this educational method, the International Design Engineering School was carried out in 2016. Students enthusiastically joined this program, and their design outcomes were found not to be improvements of existing products, but rather, were pioneering previously non-existent products.DESIGN SOC, 2017, DS87-9 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING DESIGN (ICED 17), VOL 9: DESIGN EDUCATION, Vol. 9: Design Education, 49 - 58, EnglishInternational conference proceedings
- Synthetic design thinking is needed to create innovative products. We propose an educational method for creative design that can enhance a person’s ability to generate a new products’ concept that are not extensions of existing ones. The method starts with a person coming up with a concept based on ‘intuitive synthesis’ in which the metaphor of a ‘product like a living thing’ is instinctively created; details are confirmed by ‘analyzing and investigating’ the concept’ s characteristics, followed by an ‘experience’ of the product and the scene in which it will be employed using a virtual reality device. Based on this method, a design engineering school was carried out. Students enthusiastically joined this program, and their outcomes were pioneering previously non-existent products.Japanese Society for Engineering Education, 2017, Journal of JSEE, 65(5) (5), 5_59 - 5_67, Japanese
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017(0) (0), 2P2 - A01, Japanese
This research proposes a loop-detection method that can be applied to time-series data retrieved from 3D LIDARs. Low-dimensional geometric features called proximity points are computed from 3D pointcloud data. A set of proximity points encapsulates the geometric layout of surrounding objects with respect to the observation point, and it provides a convenient means for measuring the similarity between two observations. The proposed loop-detection method, which is based on the Smith-Waterman algorithm, detects a loop as a pair of partial time series that exhibits high cumulative similarity score. The proposed method is tested on a data-set obtained in out-door environment.
- © 2016 IEEE. Automated driving systems have been released in recent years to improve the active safety. In this research field, a preview/predictive driver model has been widely used as a steering controller and for driver behavior analysis. This driver model has been implemented by many researchers and, through the vehicle simulations and experiments, has been shown to reproduce driver behavior, such as the driver's steering and handle torque. On the other hand, optical flow is a part of visual information, and in our previous works we focused on it as the index used in human locomotor behavior. Humans are known to perceive the direction of their self-motion from optical flow and utilize it during driving. In experimental applications of the optical flow model to an in-vehicle system, the system was shown to be effective in practical use. In particular, the system can express the same driver behavior as the preview driver model. In this study, the preview driver model was analyzed from the viewpoint of optical flow to understand the preview driver model's interpretation of human behavior. In addition, in this paper a new preview driver model that utilizes our knowledge of optical flow is proposed. This model shows a better control performance and ride quality than the conventional preview driver model. As a result, this approach serves as a foundation of the preview driver model.Sep. 2016, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 1(3) (3), 266 - 276, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- © 2015 IEEE. Recently, various driving support systems have been developed to improve safety. However, because drivers occasionally feel that something is wrong, systems need to be designed on the basis of the information that drivers perceive. Therefore, we focus on optical flow, which is one of the types of visual information used by humans to improve their driving feel. Humans are said to perceive the direction of self-motion from optical flow and utilize it during driving. In our previous works, applying the optical flow model to automatic steering systems, a human-oriented system that simulates human behavior might be able to be developed. In this paper, a nonlinear controller considering camera motion is proposed to apply the optical flow model to an in-vehicle control system. The nonlinear controller is implemented to an in-vehicle control system, and in-vehicle studies are conducted. Then, experimental results are presented.IEEE, Feb. 2016, 2015 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2015, 483 - 488, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Both ride comfort and following performance are important for passengers who are in a car. However, there is a trade-off between the two in automatic steering control of automobiles because ride comfort requires slow response and following performance requires quick response. In this paper, a new automatic steering control method is proposed to improve the trade-off by applying nonlinear weight functions to the lateral position error and the yaw angle error of automatic steering control. Consequently, the efficiency of the proposed method is confirmed by simulations and actual vehicle experiments.Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 2016, Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 47(4) (4), 997 - 1002, Japanese
- In a robotic cell, assembly robots have to grasp parts in various shapes of a target product accurately and robustly against some external wrenches (i.e., forces and moments) exerted on the parts in order to ensure assembly tasks. Assuming the use of a universal robotic hand with multiple fingers for this purpose, it is desirable that necessary finger forces are as small as possible. From this point of view, in this paper, we consider grasping of three-dimensional parts by a universal robotic hand with parallel stick fingers, and propose a method to optimize the grasping under a given required external wrench set. The utility of the proposed method is shown with numerical examples.THE INSTITUTE OF SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERS (ISCIE), 2015, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 28(6) (6), 258 - 266, Japanese
- Future robotic systems intended to be used for domestic housekeeping or elderly care should flexibly adapt to the environment which is uncertain and may fluctuate. However, the current robot systems for industrial domain can operate only in the limited environment and require the special knowledge of the robot motion instructors such as how to use the teaching-pendant and program robot motions. Obviously such requirements are not appropriate for home-use robots. This paper proposes a robot sequence generation method based on the robotizing strategy considering required adaptability to environmental fluctuations and task difficulty for humans and robots. With the proposed method, domestic housekeeping tasks can be classified into three types such as automated tasks with hand-guiding instruction when necessary, human-robot cooperation tasks, and manual tasks without using robot. Then, it is shown that robot motion sequence can be described by a unified framework. The proposed framework is an extension from the one for in-situ robot motion modification method by hand-guiding instruction which was already proposed by the authors. The proposed method is actually applied to a sequence of cooking tasks and experiments are conducted by using a lightweight pneumatic robot arm. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.THE INSTITUTE OF SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERS (ISCIE), 2015, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 28(6) (6), 237 - 248, Japanese
- In a robotic cell, assembly robots have to grasp parts in various shapes robustly and accurately even under some uncertainties in the initial poses of the parts. For this purpose, it is necessary to develop a universal robotic hand and robust grasping strategies, i.e. finger motions that can achieve planned grasping robustly against the initial pose uncertainty of parts. In this paper, we propose a methodology to plan robust grasping strategies of a universal robotic hand for assembling parts in various shapes. In our approach, parts are aligned toward planned configurations during grasping actions, and the robustness of grasping strategies is analyzed and evaluated based on pushing operation analysis. As an application example, we plan robust grasping strategies for assembling a three-dimensional puzzle, and experimentally verify the robustness and effectiveness of the planned strategies for this assembly task. © 2014 Taylor & Francis and The Robotics Society of Japan.TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Aug. 2014, Advanced Robotics, 28(15) (15), 1005 - 1019, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Although the demand to build a dexterous robot like a human, i.e., a robot that can execute a given task robustly against the variation of the environment, is increasing, it is difficult to implement an explicit sensory feedback law to adapt the variation of the environment. To solve the above problem, transferring human skills to robots has attracted attention in the robotics community and direct teaching is known as one of the powerful methods to transfer human skills to robots. We have already proposed a method to extract human skill automatically by using direct teaching. In this method, human skill is extracted in two aspects, i.e., appropriate nominal trajectories and sensory feedback laws. However, the proposed method didn't consider the direction of correlation between the force and the velocity and is limited to a specific DOF system with a specific number of sensory inputs. In this paper we extend the proposed method so that considered the direction of correlation between the force and the velocity by using canonical correlations and it can be applied to arbitrary DOF systems with arbitrary number of sensory inputs.The Robotics Society of Japan, 2014, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 32(9) (9), 832 - 841, Japanese
- Redundant manipulators are expected to be effective for the tasks in cluttered environment with many obstacles such as disaster sites and atomic energy facilities. However, it is difficult for the operator to maneuver such redundant manipulators intuitively because there are many possibilities to select self-motion patterns when the manipulator is highly redundant. In this paper, a 9-dof redundant manipulator is chosen as a target of study and an intuitive self-motion pattern is proposed so that the operator can easily maneuver the manipulator to avoid obstacles and some undesirable postures. Comparison experiment, obstacle avoidance task in a simulator, is conducted to confirm the advantage of the proposed method over some naive methods for determining self-motion patterns. The experimental results shows that the proposed method improves the task efficiency and enables the operator to maneuver the manipulator flexibly in various obstacle conditions.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2014(0) (0), _1P1 - M06_1-_1P1-M06_4, Japanese
- The Robotics Society of Japan, Dec. 2013, 日本ロボット学会誌, 31(10) (10), 1019 - 1027, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- In this paper, we propose a new interview method of eliciting needs for support completely and accurately from people with early-stage dementia for identifying their real needs, with the eventual objective of designing effective Assistive Technology. The interview procedure consists of the following steps: (1) entirely identifying tasks of a subject's everyday living, leisure and social activities (referred to, in all, as "social living activities"), (2) evaluating the subject's confusion levels (SCLs) about identified tasks based on the subject's self-rating, together with the caregiver's rating as a reference, and confusion level discrepancies (CLDs) are found, and (3) predicting the subject's support requirement levels (SRLs) about confusing tasks based on confusion levels followed by the subject's revision to thereby find SRL discrepancies (SRLDs). Subjects are asked to reconfirm SRL ratings associated with tasks having SRLDs and/or encouraged to raise the ratings of tasks having CLDs to accurately identify the subject's SRLs. Six subject-caregiver dyads were interviewed and 22 support needs, including 10 needs that were extracted by reconfirmation or encouragement, were elicited from four subjects. These elicited needs covered the entire social living scene from domestic affairs to social activities, showing that the proposed method was effective in systematically eliciting support needs from people with early-stage dementia. No support needs were elicited, however, from subjects with very little awareness of memory impairment, demonstrating one limitation of the proposed method.Robotics and Mechatronics Division of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dec. 2013, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 25(6) (6), 906 - 914, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Recently, several heavy-duty robots using hydraulic actuators have been developed to support rescue operations. However, hydraulic actuators have nonlinear characteristics such as deadzone due to frictions which makes precise rescue operations difficult. To solve this problem, we already proposed a new control method for hydraulic actuator systems by using feedback modulators with equally quantized inputs. However, this method is difficult to set appropriate parameters due to the restriction of equal quantization. In this paper, we propose a new control system for hydraulic actuator systems by using feedback modulator with unequally quantized inputs and nonlinear element model of the actuator witch gives more accurate feedback values to the modulator. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by comparing with the previously proposed method.The Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2013, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 31(7) (7), 669 - 675, Japanese
- In this paper, control methods to avoid the conflict of operators' commands in multi-user teleoperation system is considered. The proposed methods insert virtual nonlinear springs between the master arms and the end of wave transmission line of the multilateral controller. The nonlinear springs becomes softer when the input force from the operators are above a certain threshold and limit the input force. Experiments are conducted in order to compare the effectiveness of the methods. The experimental results show that the proposed two-step gain improves the operation performance. © 2013 IEEE.IEEE, 2013, 2013 World Haptics Conference, WHC 2013, 401 - 406, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Avoiding Conflicts of Operators in Multi-user Teleoperation SystemsIn this paper, control methods to avoid the conflict of operators' commands in multi-user teleoperation system is considered. The proposed methods insert virtual nonlinear springs between the master arms and the end of wave transmission line of the multilateral controller. The nonlinear springs becomes softer when the input force from the operators are above a certain threshold and limit the input force. Experiments are conducted in order to compare the effectiveness of the methods. The experimental results show that the proposed two-step gain improves the operation performance.IEEE, 2013, 2013 WORLD HAPTICS CONFERENCE (WHC), 401 - 406, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- We have already proposed the method to transfer human skill to a robot through direct teaching. By using the method, we can automatically extract human skill including sensory feedback to adapt to environmental variation. However, we have not discussed what trajectory is robust against environmental variation. In this paper, we discuss the robustness condition of robot trajectories against environmental variation and how to derive the robust trajectory. We propose a method to determine whether a trajectory is robust or not. The method considers the probability of the environment variation uses the parameter space expression of trajectory in order to derive the robustness condition. We confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method through a case study on a typical assembly task, peg-in-hole. © 2013 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013, Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, 79(803) (803), 2362 - 2372, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- This paper proposes a method to construct the accurate and dense three-dimentional (3D) model of an outdoor scene by a rotational stereo camera. The rotational stereo camera system consists of two binocular stereo camera which are a horizontal stereo camera and a vertical stereo camera. The vertical stereo camera can change angle whose range is from −180[deg] to 180[deg] rotating the axis back and forth and can capture the target at various angles. It is difficult to reconstruct outdoor scenes accurately using one binocular stereo camera because the distance to a target is very far compared with the stereo camera's baseline length. In this paper, binocular stereo cameras are treat as a multi view stereo. But a corresponding method is required to match between very different images. Therefore the proposed method uses Epipolar transfer as a corresponding method. Epipolar transfer can match images without using Template matching like NCC. As an experiment, a blimp robot with a rotational stereo camera is used to capture aerial stereo images of the ground. The proposed method achieves the accurate reconstruction of the outdoor 3D model.The Robotics Society of Japan, 2013, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 31(10) (10), 1019 - 1027, Japanese
- The 3D reconstruction of the terrain by airbone LRF (Laser Range Finder) requires the 3D motion of sensor, however the payload of small airbone platforms, such as radio control models, are highly restricted, and precise inertial motion units are too heavy to be mounted on it. The HDL32E, an LRF recently provided by Velodyne, is light enough to be installed to the airbone vehicle such as a blimp, and has 32 rays for scanning so that it can sense wide range of terrain at one scan cycle which means low dense 3D pointcloud are collected at very short time. This paper proposes the fast and simple method for integrating those low dense pointclouds to high dense pointcloud without any intertial motion sensor. The method uses equal or more than 3 planes not parallel on the terrain, and estimates LRF's 3D motion. The final integration result will be shown after the optimization of laser scanner's motion.The Robotics Society of Japan, 2013, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 31(10) (10), 992 - 1000, Japanese
- In this paper, a wave-variables-based control method for time-delayed multilateral teleoperation systems, which synchronizes position and force among multiple (three or more) master/slave arms, is proposed. The proposed method introduces a wave node, where multiple wave-variable-based transmission lines are connected. The behavior of such a wave node is formulated. Passivity of the system is guaranteed against arbitrary number of master/slave arms and arbitrary length of constant time-delay. In addition, position drift due to time-varying delay is compensated by introducing wave-integral-error feedback. Experimental results show that the proposed control method achieves position and force tracking of dual-master-single-slave system. © 2012 IEEE.IEEE, 2012, Haptics Symposium 2012, HAPTICS 2012 - Proceedings, 125 - 131[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Future robotic systems intended to be used for domestic housekeeping or elderly care should flexibly adapt to the environment which is uncertain and may fluctuate. However, the current robot systems for industrial domain can operate only in the limited environment (well arranged and very little uncertainty) and require the special knowledge such as teaching-pendant and robot programming of the robot motion instructors. Obviously such requirements are not appropriate for home-use robots. This paper proposes a new method for in-situ robot motion modification by Hand-Guiding instruction. With the proposed method, a human demonstrator can intuitively modify the robot motion during its operation to adapt to environmental changes. Some daily domestic tasks are actually tried by using a lightweight pneumatic robot arm and the experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. ©2012 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, 78(791) (791), 2450 - 2461, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- In the area of welfare engineering, various technological research and developmental efforts have been made to support people with dementia. However, it is not clear if these efforts are based on the real needs of these people. When providing support to people with dementia, it is essential to know exactly what their needs are. Nevertheless, it is not easy to obtain appropriate answers from these people by simply asking "How can we help you?" In addition, it is unlikely that answers from those people will cover all of their support needs. In this chapter, a new method based on the "Person-Centered Care" concept is proposed for eliciting the support needs from, and determining their priorities for people with early-stage dementia who are eager to maintain their social living despite coping with various difficulties. First, all of the actual and potential tasks of social living in their daily life are determined. Support needs are then extracted systematically from those tasks by paying attention to what factors are bothering these people or are confusing to them rather than directly asking the individuals what type of support they want or need. Finally, the support needs are prioritized by taking the degree of the individuals' confusion and task frequency into consideration. When interviewing people with dementia, special care must be taken to ensure that the individuals who have memory impairment are not overburdened. In the proposed method, visual materials such as cards and boards with illustrations are utilized so that people with dementia can answer questions more easily. Some interviews were conducted based on the proposed method to confirm that support needs can be determined systematically from people with early-stage dementia. © 2011, IGI Global.IGI Global, 2011, Early Detection and Rehabilitation Technologies for Dementia: Neuroscience and Biomedical Applications, 344 - 355, English[Refereed]In book
- In 2008 the Conference Editorial Board (CEB) for the World Haptics Conference was established at the recommendation of the Steering Committee of the WHC. The idea was that the CEB would provide continuity and consistency for the WHC by having the same set of people on the board for two meetings (3-year term). Members would then rotate off the board with some renewing for a further term for continuity. Given the size of the haptics community, it was decided that the board would function as the program committee for the conference. Three editors were appointed: Matthias Harders (Haptic Applications), Lynette Jones (Haptic Science), and Yasuyoshi Yokokohji (Haptic Technology). Each of the editors assembled a group of associate editors with expertise in that area. © 2011 IEEE.2011, 2011 IEEE World Haptics Conference, WHC 2011, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- IEEE Computer Society, 2011, Proc. IEEE World Haptics Conference 2011, pp.551-556, 551 - 556International conference proceedings
- In a robotic cell production system, an assembly robot has to grasp various parts with a planned pose relative to its end effector robustly from the initial poses even with some uncertainties. For this purpose, it is necessary to design robust grasping strategy. In this paper, we propose a method to simulate multi-fingered hand grasping as a tool for designing robust grasping strategy. Acknowledging that pushing is the most primitive operation when a hand grasps a part on a flat floor, pushing operations are analyzed under the quasi-static condition. Based on the analysis, it is possible to simulate multi-fingered hand grasping and find a permissible error region of the object pose from which a planned grasping is guaranteed. Some examples of the simulation and permissible initial error regions are shown. It is also shown that experimentally obtained permissible initial error regions are almost identical to the theoretical one.The Robotics Society of Japan, Dec. 2010, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 28(10) (10), 1201 - 1212, Japanese, Domestic magazine[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Sep. 2010, 11th IFAC IFIP IFORS IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems (IFACHMS 2010), EnglishSkill Transfer from Human to Robot by Direct Teaching and Task Sharing -A Case Study with Origami Folding Task-[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Jul. 2010, 2010 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA 2010), EnglishPermissible Initial Pose Error Region of an Object Grasped by a Universal Hand[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Jul. 2010, Proc. 2010 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA 2010)Permissible Initial Pose Error Region of an Object Grasped by a Universal Hand[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Jul. 2010, 2010 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA 2010), EnglishIntelligent Robot Technologies for Cell Production System[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Jul. 2010, Proc. 2010 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA 2010)Intelligent Robot Technologies for Cell Production System[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- In this paper, a haptic rendering system for a virtual control panel using an encountered-type haptic device is presented. The system can render different switches on a panel in virtual space by a single haptic device. A motion planning algorithm of the encountered-type haptic device is proposed in order that the device is properly encountered by the user's finger at the switch locations while it avoiding unintended collisions against the user elsewhere. Two improvements are made to the previously proposed motion planning algorithm. The one is refinement on the weighting function in the algorithm to reduce the duty of the device motion. The other is introducing virtual surface coordinates to the motion planning so that unintended collisions of the device against the user are completely avoided in free space. The proposed method is verified by numerical simulation.THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 2010, Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 15(1) (1), 63 - 74, Japanese, Domestic magazineScientific journal
- International Federation of Automatic Control, 2010, Proc. 11th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems (IFACHMS 2010), 454 - 459International conference proceedings
- 2010, J. Robotics Mechatronics, 22(5) (5), 659 - 668, English
- IEEE, 2010, Proc. 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2010), 2096 - 2102International conference proceedings
- In a robotic cell, an assembly robot has to grasp various parts robustly even under some uncertainties in their initial poses. For this purpose, it is necessary to design robust grasping strategies for robotic hands. In this paper, we propose a method to derive an optimal robust grasping strategy from a given initial pose error region of a target object. Based on the pushing operation analysis, it is possible to simulate multifingered hand grasping and derive a permissible initial pose error region of a target object from which planned grasping is successful. Adopting an active search algorithm proposed by the authors, we can find the optimal grasping strategy efficiently. As an example, we derive the optimal grasping strategy for grasping a circular object by a three-fingered hand.IEEE, 2010, IEEE/RSJ 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS 2010), 2096 - 2102, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Dec. 2009, The 2009 International Symposium on Early Detection and Rehabilitation Technology of Dementia (DRD 2009), 159 - 162, EnglishA Method for Extracting Support Needs from People with Early-Stage Dementia to Maintain Their Social Living[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Dec. 2009, Proc. The 2009 International Symposium on Early Detection and Rehabilitation Technology of Dementia (DRD 2009)A Method for Extracting Support Needs from People with Early-Stage Dementia to Maintain Their Social Living[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- In this paper, we extend the concept of dynamic manipulability to evaluate the dynamic property of multifingered grasping systems consisting of a multifingered hand and a grasped object, and propose a measure of dynamic manipulability of multifingered grasping. Similar to the original dynamic manipulability, the proposed measure evaluates the mapping from a set of realizable joint torques to a set of resultant accelerations of the grasped object, which forms an ellipsoid under a constant internal force constraint. It is clearly shown that the internal forces not only affect the volume of the ellipsoid, but also the amount of offset of the ellipsoid, while the gravity forces simply induce an offset. A new measure, i.e., omni-directionality, is introduced to add a penalty to the original manipulability measure, which simply evaluates the volume of the ellipsoid, depending on how much the ellipsoid is offset. Numerical examples by using a simple two-fingered robot hand are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed measure.IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, Aug. 2009, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS, 25(4) (4), 947 - 954, EnglishScientific journal
- We developed a robotic hand that folds an origami form “Tadpole”. However, the robot, which simply replays a given trajectory, often fails in folding due to the fluctuation of origami paper behavior. In this paper, we propose a novel method to synthesize a desired trajectory and sensory feedback control laws for robots based on the statistical feature of direct teaching data demonstrated by a human. Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is used to model the statistical feature of human motion. Nominal desired trajectory is obtained by temporally normalizing and spatially averaging the teaching data. Sensory feedback control laws are then synthesized based on the output probability density function parameters of the HMM. Considering velocity variance and canonical correlation between velocity and force of the teaching data, important motion segments are extracted and feedback control laws are applied only for those segments. Experimental results showed that the success rate and folding quality of “Valley-fold” were improved by the proposed method. The proposed method enables robot motion teachers to simply perform direct teaching several times to transfer their skill, which is difficult to describe explicitly, to the robot.The Robotics Society of Japan, Jul. 2009, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 27(6) (6), 685 - 695, Japanese, Domestic magazine[Refereed]
- In micro-teleoperation scenarios like micro-surgery or micro-assembly, not only precise motions to handle very small objects but also swift movements over a broad area are required to improve the task efficiency. In this paper, a framework to design a variable-scale teleoperation (VST) system, which enables an operator to adjust both velocity-scale and force-scale in real-time is proposed. Since the VST system is a linear time-varying system and the total system includes uncertain operator and environment dynamics, gain scheduling control and scaled H∞ control are introduced to guarantee the robust stability and robust performance of the system. In addition, a scale-dependent weighting on control objective is introduced to achieve better performance. A 1-DOF system was built and an experiment was conducted to confirm the stability and performance of the system designed by the proposed framework.The Robotics Society of Japan, Mar. 2009, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 27(2) (2), 239 - 248, Japanese, Domestic magazine
- This chapter presents a process of making connections between researchers who develop rescue search devices and first responders, and presents scenario training experiments utilizing the devices operated by the responders. The development of the rescue search devices is aimed at practical deployment in the future so that the development researchers must have taken a pragmatic approach. It was crucial that researchers took every opportunity to demonstrate them in the presence of first responders and that they had contacts with several volunteer incumbent firemen who offered practical comments on the developed devices. Such comments will be used in the next stage of the development of rescue search devices. © 2009 Springer London.Springer London, 2009, Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue, 161 - 174, English[Refereed]In book
- This paper introduces the activities of the In-Rubble Robot System Mission Unit during the DDT project. The objective of the mission unit (MU) was to develop effective systems that can search for victims under debris. The main activities of the MU were as follows: (1) developing advanced search system based on IRS Souryu (2) developing advanced tools such as jack robot, cutter robot, intelligent search cam, and KURUKURU-3 (3) developing a rescue system carrier named BENKEI-2. © 2009 Springer London.Springer London, 2009, Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue, 71 - 103, English[Refereed]In book
- The DDT Project on rescue robots and related technologies was carried out in Japan's fiscal years 2002-2006 by nationwide researchers, and was organized by International Rescue System Institute. The objective of this project was to develop practical technologies related to robotics as a countermeasure against earthquake disasters, and include robots, intelligent sensors, information equipment, and human interfaces that support emergency responses such as urban search and rescue, particularly victim search, information gathering, and communication. Typical technologies are teleoperated robots for victim search in hazardous disaster areas, and robotic systems with distributed sensors for gathering disaster information to support human decision making. This chapter introduces the objective of this project, and a brief overview of the research results. © 2009 Springer London.Springer London, 2009, Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue, 17 - 31, English[Refereed]In book
- In this paper, maneuverability measure of master control devices considering the musculo-skeletal model of operators is proposed. The original maneuverability measure of master arms considering the operator dynamics is extended by introducing a muscle tension space instead of the joint torque space of an operator so that the maneuverability is evaluated under a constant muscle stress condition which is related to muscle fatigue. Unidirectionality of muscle tension forces as well as the gravity effects acting on the master device and the operator arm are explicitly considered to get a correct evaluation. As a numerical example, the effect of a movable armrest installed on a master arm is evaluated based on the proposed measure. It is shown that the armrest is effective to reduce muscle fatigue by not only lowering the gravity loads for the operator but also reducing the gripping force necessary to maneuver the device. Experiments are also conducted to verify the result of this numerical example.IEEE, 2009, WORLD HAPTICS 2009: THIRD JOINT EUROHAPTICS CONFERENCE AND SYMPOSIUM ON HAPTIC INTERFACES FOR VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT AND TELEOPERATOR SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, 57 - +, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- In this chapter, we summarize the findings and knowhow in the individual developments of rescue robots and attempt to establish design guidelines for the human interface for rescue robots. The guidelines for image display were established on the basis of some case studies in the DDT project and RoboCupRescue. Since the established guidelines are general and independent of the purpose of a robot, we decided to build a standardized image display prototype. After introducing some implementation examples based on our guidelines, the standardized image display prototype is presented. The established guidelines would be useful for the future development of rescue robots. Further, the prototype image display is a good example of a standardized interface testbed. © 2009 Springer London.Springer London, 2009, Rescue Robotics: DDT Project on Robots and Systems for Urban Search and Rescue, 131 - 144, EnglishIn book
- We modeled the system as an equivalent three-inertia system and found out that the intercepts of the steering angle axis in the steering angle-torque characteristic diagram are caused by coulomb frictions and elastic deformations. Through a quasi-static analysis of the model, we formulated an assist control method and how to create a set of maps for the control method so that it compensates the effect of coulomb frictions and elastic deformations and realizes objective characteristics. We tested the proposed method by numerical simulation and an experimental bench.Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 2009, Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 40(1) (1), 9 - 14, Japanese, Domestic magazine[Refereed]
- Heavy-duty robots using hydraulic actuators are expected to support rescue operations by removing heavy rubble in hostile -wet, dusty, or muddy- environments. The high friction generated by their hydraulic actuator, however, makes it difficult to use them in operations requiring high precision. The servovalves used to control a hydraulic actuator precisely are more expensive than conventional proportional valves, making it impractical to install them in all joints of heavy-duty robots having many degrees of freedom. In this paper, a new hydraulic actuator control method using a feedback modulator is proposed. The proposed controller improves the performance of hydraulic systems using conventional proportional valves, making it as good as that with servovalves. This paper also proposes exclusive control for controlling multiple joints simultaneously to prevent asynchronous joint movement under unbalanced loads. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed through simulations and experiments.FUJI TECHNOLOGY PRESS LTD, Oct. 2008, JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS, 20(5) (5), 695 - 708, English
- Dexterousmanipulation by a robotic hand is a difficult problem involving (1) how to design a robot that gives the capability to achieve the task and (2) how to control the designed robot to actually conduct the task. In this paper, we take a task-oriented approach called "task capture" to construct a dexterous robot hand system. Before designing the robot, we analyze how a human being conducts the task, focusing on how the target object is manipulated rather than trying to imitate human finger movement. Based on the captured task, we design a robot that manipulates an object in the same way as a human being may do, with a mechanism as simple as possible, rather than concerning human appearance.As a target task, we choose origami paper folding. We first analyze the difficulty of origamimanipulation and design a robotic mechanism that folds an origami form, the Tadpole, based on the proposed approach. The proof of how well the "task capture" approach works is demonstrated by a simple robot we developed, which folds a Tadpole consecutively.FUJI TECHNOLOGY PRESS LTD, Aug. 2008, JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS, 20(4) (4), 550 - 558, EnglishScientific journal
- 2008, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 1(1) (1), 2 - 8, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- This paper presents the Updateable Probabilistic Evacuation Modeling (UPEM) technique, which allows sensor observation data to be included in the problem of estimating the state of an evacuating crowd, as the data are obtained. Each individual is modeled as a Newtonian particle which interacts with obstacles, such as walls and other individuals. The UPEM technique estimates not only the general trend of the crowd as a whole, but also the specific states of each of the evacuees in the crowd. Furthermore, an approach to cooperative autonomous searching in crowded urban emergencies is developed using UPEM. A number of simulated searches in emergency evacuations highlight the efficacy of the technique in reducing the time required to detect targets and in increasing the level of safety for human evacuees.IEEE, 2008, 2008 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-9, 2831 - +, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- In this paper the first haptic display capable of applying a true impulse to the operator is presented. The applied impulse results in an immediate change of the user's momentum. Such a change is considered to be invaluable in making interactions with rigid virtual objects feel realistic. Conventional methods can only approximate impulses by outputting a constant force over a certain number of sample periods. The quality of these impulses is therefore limited by the maximum torque of the motor. At high interaction velocities these methods lose realism. The usage of large motors not only brings along safety issues, it also compromises the feeling of free motion. The new haptic display can generate an arbitrarily large impulse by continuously adapting the amount of momentum of a momentum wheel. At the predicted instant of contact with the virtual object, an electromagnetic tooth-clutch is engaged. The momentum wheel is mechanically connected to the handle of the haptic display and a real, but controlled, collision between the operator and momentum wheel is realized. The impulse generation part of the device is in fact the first 'generalized encountered haptic display'. Like typical encountered haptic displays its influence is not felt in free motion, but in contrast to them it is not limited to only static encounters, but effectively applicable to make encounters over a full velocity spectrum.TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Dec. 2007, ADVANCED ROBOTICS, 21(12) (12), 1411 - 1440, EnglishScientific journal
- In order to search and rescue the victims in rubble effectively, a 3D map of the rubble is required. As a part of the national project of rescue robot system, we are investigating a method for constructing a 3D map of rubble by teleoperated mobile robots. In previous work, we have developed the second prototype of laser range finder for rubble measurement. The prototype laser range finder consists of a ring laser beam module and two omni-vision cameras. Also, the third prototype, which is more compact than the second one, is newly developed. Our range finder has the features that the omni-directional distance around the range finder can be measured at once and the omni-directional picture image can be captured at the same time. The measurement accuracy of the sensor depends on the adjustment of some parameters. Althogh we were adjusting the parameters manually so far, this adjustment requires much time and effort. However, it is difficult for manual adjustment to derive fine measurement accuracy. Then, we developed a calibration system which adjusts the parameters using a Genetic Algorithm. In this paper, the third prototype laser range finder and the calibration system are described. The calibration method of the parameters for the laser range finder is also described. The calibration system makes it possible to adjust the parameters easily. Results of calibration by using the constructed calibration system show the availability of the system. ©2007 IEEE.2007, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 346 - 351, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- In this paper, we present a multilayered and arrayed flexible sensor made of Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF), which can detect contact normal forces as well as positions. Since the sensor is flexible enough to be adapted to arbitrarily curved three-dimensional surfaces, it can be employed as the fingertip sensor of the robot hand, contact sensors for robot manipulators etc. The sensor displays enhanced characteristic features in terms of ease of fabrication, high spatial resolution and cost-effectiveness. We propose a new design of the sensor that can be fabricated without adopting sophisticated processing technique as well as with improved spatial resolution. In addition, an electronic hardware for signal processing using a DSP chip has been proposed and, its effectiveness is validated experimentally.Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2007, Solid State Phenomena, 120, 229 - 234, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- A motion planning algorithm is proposed for an encountered-type haptic device that can simulate grasping tasks by multiple fingertips. The algorithm determines the location of each surface patch of the device from the weighted mean of the all minimum distance point information on the virtual objects from each fingertip of the user. By carefully designing the weights, the proposed algorithm can work for not only convex objects but also concave ones. The proposed path-planning algorithm is also designed to avoid any collision with the user in transition phases between subsequent contacts by introducing a prohibited area around the user's hand. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is confirmed by simulations. © 2007 IEEE.2007, Proceedings - Second Joint EuroHaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, World Haptics 2007, 188 - 193, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- In order to search and rescue the victims in rubble effectively, a 3D map of the rubble is required. As a part of the national project of rescue robot system, we are investigating a method for constructing a 3D map of rubble by teleoperated mobile robots. In previous work, we have developed the second prototype of laser range finder for rubble measurement. The prototype laser range finder consists of a ring laser beam module and two omni-vision cameras. Also, the third prototype, which is more compact than the second one, is newly developed. Our range finder has the features that the omni-directional distance around the range finder can be measured at once and the omni-directional picture image can be captured at the same time. In this paper, the third prototype laser range finder is described, and an example installation of the range finder into a rescue robot is reported. Taking into consideration of mechanism stowing the range finder into the robot, we mount the third prototype on the snake-like rescue robot "Souryu-IV". Availability of the robot with the range finder is verified by results of experiments constructing 3-D maps of rubble using the robot.IEEE, 2007, 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHATRONICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS I-V, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 2054 - +, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Unlike conventional haptic devices, an encountered-type device is not held by a user all the time. Instead, the device remains at the location of a virtual object and waits for the user to encounter it. In this paper, we extend this concept to fingertip contacts and design an encountered-type haptic display for multiple fingertip contacts to simulate tasks of grasping an object with any shape and size. Before designing the device, we intensively observed human grasping behaviors. This observation was very helpful to determine the mechanism of the device. An encountered-type device for three-fingered grasping was actually prototyped based on our design.SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, Sep. 2005, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS RESEARCH, 24(9) (9), 717 - 729, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- In this paper, we focused on the degrees-of-freedom for robot foot mechanisms. To realize the functions of humanlike locomotion on biped robots, we should know the fundamental aspects of human foot mechanisms through intensive observations of human locomotion. We proposed a novel mechanical shoe with a 2-DOF toe part. Two toe-plates of the toe part move independently and they are able to constrain human foot in various ways. Wearing the mechanical shoes, three subjects were asked to walk in straight, zigzag and slalom courses. We measured their walking speed, toe joint angles and center-of-pressure on their feet. Through these observations, we show that a biped robot with our proposed toe mechanism could potentially walk faster than the conventional ones.The Robotics Society of Japan, May 2005, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 23(4) (4), 443 - 448, Japanese, Domestic magazine
- In this paper, we propose a kind of "teaching by demonstration" method, aiming at its application to humanoid robots at home in the future. The demonstrator's motion is captured by a pair of stereo cameras mounted on his/her head, locating very close to his/her eyes. By tracking the landmarks attached to the demonstrator's hand and the working environment, one can estimate not only the demonstrator's hand motion but also his/her head motion, which can be used for the active vision system. Experimental result shows the effectiveness of the proposed framework. (C) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.JOHN WILEY & SONS INC, Feb. 2005, JOURNAL OF ROBOTIC SYSTEMS, 22(2) (2), 87 - 97, EnglishScientific journal
- Development of a laser range finder for 3D map-building in rubble - The 2nd report: Development of the 2nd prototypeIn order to search and rescue the victims in rubble effectively, a 3D map of the rubble is required. As a part of the national project of rescue robot system, we are investigating a method for constructing a 3D map of rubble by teleoperated mobile robots. In previous work, we have developed the first prototype of laser range finder for rubble measurement. The developed one consists of a ring laser beam module and an omnivision camera. However, the first prototype has the weakness in which the measurement can be performed only in a dark place, because it is difficult to extract the reflected laser image from the picture captured in a light place. On the contrary, the pictures, in which the contrast of brightness is clarified, are required in order to extract the environmental features which are utilized for the position estimation of the robot based on the SLAM frame work. Also, the texture images captured in a light place are required for constructing virtualized rubble. In this paper, the second prototype of laser range finder which we developed in order to solve above dilemma is described. Although the concept of this prototype is similar to the first one, it has an infrared laser module and two cameras for capturing the reflected laser image and texture image separately. And, a hot mirror is used to dissociate the infrared laser ray from visible rays. We evaluate the measurement accuracy of the second prototype based on the measurement error analysis described in previous work. Using the second laser range finder, 3D maps of rubble were actually built with reasonable accuracy.IEEE, 2005, 2005 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHATRONICS AND AUTOMATIONS, VOLS 1-4, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 1842 - 1847, EnglishInternational conference proceedings
- The purpose of this research is to develop an intuitive interface to control rescue robots. We propose a new image stabilization system for operating rescue robots easily. The use of teleoperated rescue robots is promising in searching for victims in rubble. In the rescue activities with such robots, operators control the robots remotely through images captured by cameras mounted on the robots. Since the orientation of the robots change rapidly while they move in rubble, image stabilization is necessary so the operators can search for victims without suffering from fatigue or motion sickness. However, robot orientation changes so much that conventional image stabilizing methods does not work. In this paper, we propose a new image stabilization system which cancels camera motion caused by such rapid changes of robot orientation on an uneven terrain. After a preliminary experiment, a 3-DOF camera system was designed based on the newly proposed mechanism. To verify the performance of the camera system, we conducted two experiments. The results of the experiments confirmed that the proposed mechanism shows good image stabilization and good tracking of commanded head motion.FUJI TECHNOLOGY PRESS LTD, 2005, JRM, 17(2) (2), 181 - 188, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- The purpose of this research is to develop an intuitive interface to control rescue robots. We propose a new image stabilization system for easy operation of rescue robots. A promising method to search victims in rubble, is the use of teleoperated rescue robots. In the rescue activities with such robots, operators remotely control the robots through images captured by cameras mounted on the robots. Since the orientation of the robots change intensively while they move in rubble, image stabilization is necessary so that the operators can search victims without suffering from fatigue nor motion sickness. However, the orientation changes of the rescue robots are so intensive that conventional methods may not be capable of stabilizing the camera images. In this paper, we propose a new image stabilization system which can cancel the camera motion due to the intensive changes of the robot's orientation on an uneven terrain. After a preliminary experiment, a 3-DOF camera system was designed based on the newly proposed mechanism. To verify the performance of the camera system, we conducted three experiments. The result of the experiments confirmed that the proposed mechanism shows good performance in motion stabilization as well as good performance in tracking the commanded head motion. Finally, we verified that the camera system works properly even when it was mounted on a crawler running on an uneven terrain. ©2005 IEEE.2005, Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2005, 50 - 55, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- In order to search and rescue victims in rubble effectively, a three-dimensional (3D) map of the rubble is required. As a part of the national project on rescue robot systems, we are investigating a method for constructing a 3D map of rubble by teleoperated mobile robots. In this paper, we developed a laser range finder for 3D map building in rubble. The developed range finder consists of a ring laser beam module and an omnivison camera. The ring laser beam is generated by using a conical mirror and it is radiated toward the interior wall of the rubble around a mobile robot on which the laser range finder is mounted. The ominivison camera with a hyperbolic mirror can capture the reflected image of the ring laser on the rubble. Based on the triangulation principle, cross-section range data is obtained. Continuing this measurement as the mobile robot moves inside the rubble, a 3D map is obtained. We constructed a geometric model of the laser range finder for error analysis and obtained an optimal dimension of the laser range finder. Based on this analysis, we actually prototyped a range finder. Experimental results show that the actual measurement errors are well matched to the theoretical values. Using the prototyped laser range finder, a 3D map of rubble was actually built with reasonable accuracy. © VSP and Robotics Society of Japan 2005.2005, Advanced Robotics, 19(3) (3), 273 - 294, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Designing an encountered-type haptic display for multiple fingertip contacts based on the observation of human grasping behaviorUnlike conventional haptic devices, an encountered-type device is not held by a user all the time. Instead, the device stays at the location of a virtual object and waits for the user to encounter it. In this paper, we extend this concept to fingertip contacts and design an encountered-type haptic display for multiple fingertip contacts to simulate tasks of grasping an object with any shape and size. Before designing the device, we intensively observed human grasping behaviors. This observation was very helpful to determine the mechanism of the device. An encountered-type device for three-fingered grasping was actually prototyped based on our design.SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2005, Robotics Research, 15, 182 - 191, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- A bilateral teleoperation experiment with Engineering Test Satellite 7 (ETS-VII) was conducted on November 22, 1999. Round-trip time for communication between the National Space Development Agency of Japan ground station and the ETS-VII was approximately seven seconds. We constructed a bilateral teleoperator that is stable, even under such a long time delay. Several experiments, such as slope-tracing task and peg-in-hole task, were carried out. Task performance was compared between the bilateral mode and the unilateral mode with force telemetry data visually displayed on a screen. All tasks were possible by bilateral control without any visual information. Experimental results showed that kinesthetic force feedback to the operator is helpful even under such a long time delay, and improves the performance of the task.IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, Jun. 2004, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, 20(3) (3), 499 - 511, EnglishScientific journal
- In this paper, we extend the concept of dynamic manipulability measure to that for multi-fingered hands and propose a dynamic multi-fingered manipulability (DMM) measure. Unlike the conventional dynamic manipulability measure, the proposed measure considers internal forces and the dynamics of a grasped object. Specifying constant internal force components, we obtained a one-to-one relation from a joint torque to an object acceleration. The proposed measure is further extended to a measure for master-slave hands as a design index. Based on the new design indices, some two-fingered master-slave hand designs with different joint configurations are evaluated and an optimal link length is determined.The Robotics Society of Japan, Mar. 2004, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 22(2) (2), 264 - 272, Japanese, Domestic magazine[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Function analysis of human-like mechanical foot, using mechanically constrained shoesIn this research, we focused on the degrees-of-freedom for robot foot mechanism. To realize the functions of human locomotion on biped robots, we should know the fundamental aspects of human foot mechanisms through intensive observations of human locomotion. We proposed a novel mechanical shoe with 2-DOF toe parts, which move independently and are able to constrain human foot in various ways. Wearing the mechanical shoes, three subjects were measured on their walking speed, toe joint angles and center of pressure. They were walking in straight, zigzag and slalom courses. Through these observations, we show that a biped robot with the proposed toe mechanism could potentially walk faster than conventional ones.2004, 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 4, 3847 - 3852, EnglishInternational conference proceedings
- Designing an encountered-type haptic display for multiple fingertip contacts based on the observation of human grasping behaviorUnlike conventional haptic devices, an encountered-type device is not held by a user all the time. Instead, the device stays at the location of a virtual object and waits for the user to encounter it. In this paper we extend this concept to fingertip contacts and design an encountered-type haptic display for multiple fingertip contacts to simulate tasks of grasping an object with any shape and size. Before designing the device, we intensively observed human grasping behaviors. This observation was very helpful to determine the mechanism of the device. An encountered-type device for three-fingered grasping was actually prototyped based on our design.IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 2004, 12TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HAPTIC INTERFACES FOR VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT AND TELEOPERATOR SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, 21st, 66 - 73, English[Refereed]
- Design and path planning of an encountered-type haptic display for multiple fingertip contacts based on the observation of human grasping behaviorUnlike conventional haptic devices, an encountered-type device is not held by a user all the time. Instead, the device stays at the location of a virtual object and waits for the user to encounter it. In this paper, we extend this concept to fingertip contacts and design an encountered-type haptic display for multiple fingertip contacts to simulate tasks of grasping an object with any shape and size. Before designing the device, we intensively observed human grasping behaviors. This observation was very helpful to determine the mechanism of the device. An encountered-type device for three-fingered grasping was actually prototyped based on our design. We then discuss a path planning algorithm for the designed device, once again based on the observation of human grasping behaviors. A rough sketch of the algorithm is proposed and a preliminary experimental result to support our idea is shown.IEEE, 2004, 2004 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1- 5, PROCEEDINGS, 1986 - 1991, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Evaluation of traversability of wheeled mobile robots on uneven terrains by fractal terrain modelIn this paper, we propose a simulation model of uneven terrains based on fractional Brownian motions (fBm's) for evaluating traversability of mobile robots. Using fBm model, one can generate various terrain models by changing only two parameters. We modeled two different terrains by using fBm and checked statistical traversability of a robot with different wheel sizes and body configurations in computer simulation. To validate the effectiveness of the fBm model, we conducted real experiments with a wheeled mobile robot. Probabilities that the robot can travel a certain distance well agreed with the simulation results.IEEE, 2004, 2004 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1- 5, PROCEEDINGS, 21st, 2183 - 2188, English[Refereed]
- A path-planning algorithm for encountered-type haptic devices that render multiple virtual objects in 3D space is proposed. To render multiple virtual objects with a single haptic device, the following two behaviors must be realized; (i) the device should move to the target object location in advance of the user's hand so that the user can encounter it; (ii) otherwise, the device should keep away from the user's hand, avoiding an unexpected collision. To realize such a consistent encounter, the user's hand motion must be tracked. The proposed algorithm determines the device location based on the minimum distance problem between a point (user's hand) and a convex polyhedron constructed from the reference points of multiple objects. A virtual control panel of automobiles was constructed using an encountered-type haptic device where the proposed path-planning algorithm was implemented. The validity of the proposed algorithm was confirmed and the required performances such as device speed and accuracy of hand tracking were evaluated.The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 2004, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 40(2) (2), 139 - 147, Japanese, Domestic magazine[Refereed]
- A bilateral teleoperation experiment with Engineering Test Satellite No.VII (ETS-VII) was conducted on November 22, 1999. Round-trip time for communication between the NASDA ground station and ETS-VII was approximately six to seven seconds. We constructed a bilateral teleoperator that is stable even under such a long time delay. Several experiments, such as slope tracing task and peg-in-hole task, were carried out. Task performance was compared between bilateral mode and unilateral mode with force telemetry data visually displayed on a screen. All tasks were possible by bilateral control without any visual information. Experimental results showed that kinesthetic force feedback to the operator is helpful even under such long time delay and improves the performance of the task.The Robotics Society of Japan, Apr. 2003, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 21(3) (3), 309 - 320, Japanese, Domestic magazineScientific journal
- Image overlay on optical see-through displays for vehicle navigationIn this paper, we propose a method for image overlay on the front glass of a vehicle to navigate a driver to a desired destination. By overlaying the navigation imformation on the front glass, the driver need not gaze at the console panel. Therefore, accidents caused by gazing at console panel could be reduced. To overlay the image accurately on the target object through the front glass, both the vehicle's position/orientation and the driver's position/orientation are estimated by vision-based tracking and measuring angular velocities of the vehicle's wheels. Experimental results show the validity of the proposed method.IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 2003, SECOND IEEE AND ACM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MIXED AND AUGMENTED REALITY, PROCEEDINGS, 286 - 287, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Mechano-media that transmit Kinesthetic knowledge from a human to other humansWe have been developing a visual/haptic interface to virtual environments, called a WYSIWYF Display, which ensures spatially/temporally consistent visual/haptic sensation. Three key components are (i) vision-based tracking for correct visual/haptic registration (ii) blending live video and computer graphics (CG) images by a chroma-keying technique, and (iii) encountered-type haptic rendering that provides real free and real touch sensations. In this paper, the recent progress on the above key components are presented. First, accurate image overlay technique by using vision and accelerometers is shown. Then, a path planning for encountered-type haptic devices that render multiple virtual objects is presented. A virtual control panel of automobiles was. developed to demonstrate the proposed path-planning algorithm. The developed visual/haptic interface system can be regarded as a kind of mechano-media, a new concept extending the framework of teleoperation, which transmit kinesthetic knowledge from a human to other humans.SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2003, ROBOTICS RESEARCH, 6, 499 - 512, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- FSW (Feasible Solution of Wrench) for multi-legged robotsIn this paper we focuse on a problem how to confirm a feasible condition of applied force to a multi-legged robot on rough terrain. The problem often appeals as a subject of walking stability criterion for a legged robot. ZMP (Zero Moment Point) is one of the well-known criteria. It shows the condition as footprints of a legged robot, but it cannot be defined on the rough terrain. Therefore, we suggest a new criterion FSW (Feasible Solution of Wrench), which gives the feasible condition even on the rough terrain from the viewpoint of "wrench" - a special representation of force screw. And we present two short examples of FSW for a biped robot, how to analyse the validity of ZMP on stairs and how to design a force trajectory on rough terrain.IEEE, 2003, 2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-3, PROCEEDINGS, 20th, 3815 - 3820, English[Refereed]
- Guideline for designing haptic master hands based on dynamic multi-fingered manipulabilityIn this paper, we apply the concept of dynamic manipulability measure to multi-fingered hands and propose Dynamic Multi-fingered Manipulability measure. The proposed measure considers the internal force and the dynamics of a grasped object as well as the finger dynamics. We then extend Dynamic Multi-fingered Manipulability to a guideline for designing haptic master hands or master-slave hands. Based on the proposed guideline, several joint configurations are evaluated and an optimal link length is determined.IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 2003, 11TH SYMPOSIUM ON HAPTIC INTERFACES FOR VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT AND TELEOPERATOR SYSTEMS - HAPTICS 2003, PROCEEDINGS, 77 - 84, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Constructing a 3-D map of rubble by teleoperated mobile robots with a motion canceling camera systemIn order to search and rescue the victims in rubble effectively, a 3-D map of the rubble is required. As a part of the national project of rescue robot system, we are investigating a method for constructing a 3-D map of rubble by teleoperated mobile robots. We are also planning to build an intuitive user interface for teleoperating robots and navigating in a virtualized rubble model using the obtained 3-D model. In this paper some preliminary research results are introduced. We did some design studies of laser rangefinders that can be mounted on a mobile robot and can get the range data of the rubble around the robot. Then, we formulated a 3D SLIM (Simultaneous Localization and Map Building) algorithm and conducted some simulation studies. Lastly, we proposed a novel motion canceling camera system and confirmed its validity by experiment.IEEE, 2003, IROS 2003: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2003 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-4, 3118 - 3125, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- A unified hand/arm master-slave system was developed to conduct dexterous tasks by teleoperation. Both the master and the slave consist of a two-fingered hand and a 3-d.o.f. planer manipulator. The system is also aimed at investigating the bottleneck of autonomous robotic manipulation systems. To evaluate the performance of individual teleoperation systems all over the world under equal conditions, we propose toy block assembling (LEGO(R) blocks) as the benchmark test for teleoperation systems. Using our hand/arm master-slave system, we announce the measured completion time for assembling some block structures, expecting other research group to try the same task in the future.TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2003, ADVANCED ROBOTICS, 17(3) (3), 253 - 273, EnglishScientific journal
- Motion capture from demonstrator's viewpoint and its application to robot teachingIn this paper, we propose a kind of "teaching by demonstration" method, aiming at its application to humanoid robots at home in the future. The demonstrator's motion is captured by a pair of stereo cameras mounted on his/her head, locating very close to his/her eyes. By tracking the landmarks attached to the demonstrator's hand and the working environment, one can estimate not only the demonstrator's hand motion but also his/her head motion, which can be used for the active vision system. Experimental result shows the effectiveness of the proposed framework.IEEE, 2002, 2002 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS I-IV, PROCEEDINGS, 1551 - 1558, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Bilateral control with time-varying delay including communication blackoutWe have already proposed a bilateral control scheme with energy, balance monitoring under time-varying communication delay. In this paper, experimental results using the proposed control scheme over the computer net-work are shown. In the previous work, we dealt with a situation when the communication is in breakdown. However, we did not discuss how to recover the system after the communication line comes back. In this paper, we also propose a way to recover the system from the communication blackout. Experimental results show the validity of the proposed methods.IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 2002, 10TH SYMPOSIUM ON HAPTIC INTERFACES FOR VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT AND TELEOPERATOR SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, 285 - 292, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Static evaluation of humanoid robot postures constrained to the surrounding environment through their limbsTo replace human activities by humanoid robots in hazardous environment, they should perform various motions, not only simply walking by their two legs but also passing through a narrow way, climbing a ladder and even getting in a operation machine. In such cases, humanoid robots are contacting/grasping the surrounding environment through their hands as well as their legs. In this paper we propose a method. to evaluate the postures. of humanoid robots when their limbs (arms and legs) are constrained to the surrounding environment. From a given posture, a quantitative measure is calculated considering various aspects, such as joint torque limit, joint motion range, and the robustness from falling down and slipping down. Only static posture is evaluated, assuming stationary postures or quasi-static motions. Numerical examples show the validity of the proposed evaluation method. Based on the proposed evaluation, an example of optimizing a motion sequence is also shown.IEEE, 2002, 2002 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS I-IV, PROCEEDINGS, 1856 - 1863, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- 2002, Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan: Computer Visions and Image Media, 43(SIG4(CVIM4)) (SIG4(CVIM4)), 105 - 116, Japanese, Domestic magazineMotion Capturing from Demonstrator's Viewpoint and Its Application to Robot Teaching
- Bilateral teleoperation: Towards fine manipulation with large time delayTo conduct tasks that need high dexterity by teleoperation, a unified hand/arm master-slave system was developed. To measure the dexterity of individual teleoperation systems all over the world in equal condition, we propose toy block assembling (LEGO(TM)) as the benchmark test for teleoperation systems. Meanwhile, a bilateral teleoperation experiment with ETS-VII (Engineering Test Satellite No.7) was conducted on November 22, 1999. Round-trip time for communication between the NASDA ground station and ETS-VII was approximately six seconds. These two results are the first step to improve the dexterity of teleoperation systems and to investigate the relationship between time delay and dexterity.SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2001, EXPERIMENTAL ROBOTICS VII, 271, 11 - 20, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Path planning for encountered-type haptic devices that render multiple objects in 3D spaceA path-planning algorithm for encountered-type haptic devices that render multiple virtual objects in 3D space is proposed. To render multiple virtual objects with a single haptic device, the following two behaviors must be realized (i) the device should move to the target object location in advance of the user's hand so that the user can encounter it; (ii) otherwise, the device should keep away from the user's hand, avoiding an unexpected collision. To realize such a consistent encounter, the user's hand motion must be tracked. The proposed algorithm determines the device location based on the minimum distance problem between a point (user's hand) and a convex polyhedron constructed from the reference points of multiple objects. A virtual control panel of automobiles was constructed using an encountered-type haptic device where the proposed path-planning algorithm was implemented. The validity of the proposed algorithm was confirmed and the required performances such as device speed and accuracy of hand tracking were evaluated.IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 2001, IEEE VIRTUAL REALITY 2001, PROCEEDINGS, 271 - 278, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Ground-space bilateral teleoperation experiment using ETS-VII robot arm with direct kinesthetic couplingA bilateral teleoperation experiment with ETS-VII was conducted on November 22, 1999. Round-trip time for communication between the NASDA ground station and ETS-VII was approximately six seconds. Wie constructed a bilateral teleoperator that is stable even under such a long time delay. Several experiments, such as slope tracing task and peg-in-hole task, were carried out. Experimental results showed that kinesthetic force feedback to the operator is helpful even under such long time delay and improves the performance of the task.IEEE, 2001, 2001 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS I-IV, PROCEEDINGS, 1031 - 1038, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- 2001, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, E-1(1) (1), 107 - 115Maneuverability of Master-Slave Telemanipulation Systems
- 2001, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, E-1(1) (1), 107-115 (Reprinted from TransManeuverability of Master-Slave Telemanipulation Systems
- May 2000, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 2000(11) (11), 37 - 42, JapaneseManipulation Motion Capturing from Demonstrator's Viewpoint and Its Application to Robot Teaching
- Accurate object pose measurement is very important for manipulating objects by robotic hands. In this paper, we propose a systematic method to estimate the object pose with a complementary use of camera images and the finger joint information. Statistical characteristics of measurement errors are considered when two disparate sensor measurements are fused. The object pose is estimated not only at each camera sampling but also at inter-camera-sampling, so that the estimation can be used in the manipulation control servo loop.The Robotics Society of Japan, Apr. 2000, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 18(3) (3), 401 - 410, Japanese, Domestic magazine
To verify the proposed pose estimation method, experiments are carried out. The proposed pose estimation method was combined with a control scheme for object manipulation by a multi-fingered hand with soft fingertips, which has also been proposed by the authors. Results of the experiment show the effectiveness of the proposed pose estimation method and the overall control system for object manipulation by a soft-fingered hand.[Refereed]Scientific journal - "Toy problem" as the benchmark test for teleoperation systemsA unified hand/arm master-slave system was developed to conduct more dexterous tasks by teleoperation. Both the master and the slave consist of a two-fingered hand and a 3DOF planer manipulator: The system is also aimed at investigating the bottleneck of autonomous robotic manipulation systems. To evaluate the performance of individual teleoperation systems all over the world in equal condition, we propose toy block assembling (LEGO) as the benchmark test for teleoperation systems. Using our hand/arm master-slave system, we announce the measured completion time for assembling some block structures, expecting other research group to try the same task in the future.IEEE, 2000, 2000 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS 2000), VOLS 1-3, PROCEEDINGS, 996 - 1001, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Object manipulation by soft fingers and visionIn this paper, we propose a control scheme for object manipulation by a three-fingered hand with soft fingertips, where each finger has at least three joints. The established control methods for rolling contact assume hard rolling contact, whereas we usually make fingertips by rubber or other soft materials. The proposed method considers frictional twist/spin moment around the contact normals but allows us to use conventional 3-DOF fingers by canceling the frictional moment by two other fingers. We also propose a systematic method to estimate the object pose with a complementary use of camera images and finger joint information. Visual information and finger joint information are fused in order to get accurate and frequently updated object pose. The proposed control scheme and the pose estimation method were combined and implemented to an experimental system. Results of the experiment show the effectiveness of the proposed pose estimation method and the overall control system for manipulating an object by a soft-fingered hand.SPRINGER-VERLAG LONDON LTD, 2000, ROBOTICS RESEARCH, 365 - 374, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- To manipulate an object by a multifingered hand stably, frictions at the contact point should be large enough. Although a soft-finger type contact provides high friction contacts, its frictional moment around the contact normal makes the manipulation control difficult. In this paper, we propose a control scheme to manipulate an object by a multifingered hand with soft fingertips. The proposed scheme cancels the frictional moment around the contact normal according to the direction of the relative rotation between the fingertip and the object.The Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 1999, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 17(6) (6), 876 - 886, Japanese, Domestic magazine
A necessary and sufficient condition of the frictional moment compensation is derived. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.[Refereed]Scientific journal - WYSIWYF display: A visual/haptic interface to virtual environmentTo build a VR training system for visuomotor skills, an image displayed by a visual interface should be correctly registered to a haptic interface so that the visual sensation and the haptic sensation are both spatially and temporally consistent. In other words, it is desirable that what you see is what you feel (WYSIWYF). In this paper, we propose a method that can realize correct visual/haptic registration, namely WYSIWYF, by using a vision-based, object-tracking technique and a video-keying technique. Combining an encountered-type haptic device with a motion-command-type haptic rendering algorithm makes it possible to deal with two extreme cases (free motion and rigid constraint). This approach provides realistic haptic sensations, such as free-to-touch and move-and-collide. We describe a first prototype and illustrate its use with several demonstrations. The user encounters the haptic device exactly when his or her hand reaches a virtual object in the display. Although this prototype has some remaining technical problems to be solved, it serves well to show the validity of the proposed approach.MIT PRESS, Aug. 1999, PRESENCE-TELEOPERATORS AND VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS, 8(4) (4), 412 - 434, EnglishScientific journal
- Remote rapid manufacturing with 'action media' as an advanced user interfaceThe motion of the operator's fingers has been tracked by a real-time tracking vision system to provide a user interface to a machine tool. The desired cutter position is determined from the finger position and the machine tool path is controlled to follow. The system provides an environment where a machining center can be controlled remotely without any special apparatus, such as a master manipulator. Thus, the user interface described in this paper is one of the crucial technologies for 'technology transfer with real feeling.' Experimental results show the effectiveness and the performance of the developed system.1999, Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3, 1782 - 1787Scientific journal
- Vision-aided object manipulation by a multifingered hand with soft fingertipsSoft fingertips are easy to achieve high friction contacts but their frictional moment around the contact normals makes the manipulation control difficult. In this paper, we propose a. control scheme to manipulate an object by a multifingered hand with soft fingertips. The proposed scheme cancels the frictional moment according to the direction of the relative rotation between the fingertip and the object. Whatever the fingertip, contact type is, accurate pose measurement is very important for the object manipulation. In this paper, we also propose a systematic method to estimate the object pose with a complementary use of camera images and finger joint information. The proposed control scheme and the pose estimation method were combined and implemented to an experimental system. Results of the experiment show the effectiveness of the proposed pose estimation method and the overall control system for manipulating an, object by a soft-fingered hand.IEEE, 1999, ICRA '99: IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-4, PROCEEDINGS, 16th, 3201 - 3208, English[Refereed]
- Accurate image overlay on head-mounted displays using vision and accelerometersIn this paper, we propose a method for accurate image overlay on head-mounted displays (HMDs) using vision and accelerometers. The proposed method is suitable for video see-through HMDs in augmented reality applications but not limited to them. Acceleration information is used for predicting the head motion to compensate the end-to-end system delay and to make the vision-based tracking robust. Experimental results showed that the proposed method can reduce the alignment errors within 6 pixels on average and 11 pixels at the maximum, even if the user moves his/her head quickly (with 10 [m/s(2)] and 49 [rad/s(2)] at the maximum).IEEE, 1999, ICRA '99: IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-4, PROCEEDINGS, 3243 - 3248, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Motor skills are difficult to be transferred from an expert to a novice. It is not easy for an expert to describe his skill linguistically. Videotaping is also insufficient since motor skills involve invisible elements, such as force and impedance. VR techniques have a potential to make training more efficient and let a novice to acquire motor skills much easier. In this paper, we propose an efficient training method for motor skills, such as sport swing motions, by using vibration cue and teacher's sight. We constructed a one-dimensional system and evaluated the proposed training method. The experimental result shows that the teacher's sight is effective. The vibration cue is effective only when the teacher's sight is withdrawn.THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 1999, Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 4(2) (2), 431 - 438, Japanese, Domestic magazine[Refereed]Scientific journal
- In this paper, we propose a method for accurate image overlay on headmounted displays (HMDs) using vision and accelerometers. The proposed method is suitable for video see-through HMDs in augmented reality applications but not limited to them. Acceleration information is used for predicting the head motion to compensate end-to-end system delay and to make the vision-based tracking robust. Experimental results showed that the proposed method can reduce alignment errors within 6 pixels on average and ll pixels at maximum, even if the user moves his/her head quickly (with 10 [m/s^2] and 49 [rad/s^2] at the maximum).THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 1999, Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 4(4) (4), 589 - 598, Japanese, Domestic magazine[Refereed]Scientific journal
- A visual/haptic interface to virtual environment (WYSIWYF Display) and its applicationVR training or skill transfer via virtual environment is a kind of human communication from I?ne (expert) to others (trainee). To build a VR training system for visuo-motor skills, a visual interface should be correctly registered to a haptic interface so that the visual sensation and the haptic sensation are consistent spatially and temporally. Ideally a visual/haptic interface should be configured in such a way that what you see is what you feel as it is in the real life situations. In this paper, a reasonable method to realize correct visual/haptic registration is introduced. This method provides correct visual/haptic registration using a vision-based object tracking technique and a video keying technique. The first prototype called WYSI-WYF Display has been built and the proposed concept was demonstrated. The paper then discusses a potential application to VR training using the WYSIWYF Display.IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 1998, COMPUTER VISION FOR VIRTUAL REALITY BASED HUMAN COMMUNICATIONS - 1998 IEEE AND ATR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS, 1, 99 - 104, English[Refereed]
- To build a VR training system for visuo-motor skills (i.e., hand-eye coordinated skills), a visual interface should be correctly registered to a haptic interface so that the visual sensation and the haptic sensation are consistent spatially and temporally. In this paper, we propose a method to realize correct visual/haptic registration. The proposed method provides correct visual/haptic registration using a vision-based object tracking technique and a video keying technique. The combination of the encountered type haptic interface approach with the motion command type impedance display algorithm makes it possible to realize two extreme cases: free motion and rigid constraint. The first prototype has been built and the proposed concept was demonstrated.THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 1997, Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 2(4) (4), 17 - 26, Japanese, Domestic magazine[Refereed]
- In this paper, we propose two design methods for robust control of master-slave systems, where one method gives a controller to guarantee the robust stability and the robust performance for all passive environments and operators, and the other guarantees the robustness for all environments and operators specified by the gain condition even if the environment is not passive. In both proposed methods, the dynamics of operator and environment is formulated as some kind of structured uncertainties included in the system, and the control problem of master-slave systems is reduced to a problem in terms of μ synthesis. In addition, we confirm the validity of the two proposed methods by some simulation results and discuss the applicable classes of each design method.The Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 1996, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 14(6) (6), 836 - 845, Japanese, Domestic magazine[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 1996, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Microsystems, Intelligent Materials and Robots. Seventh International SymposiumScientific journal
- Toward machine mediated training of motor skills - Skill transfer from human to human via virtual environmentIn this paper, we investigate a possibility of skill mapping from human to human via a visual/haptic display system. Our goal in the future is to develop a training system for motor skills such as surgical operations. We have proposed a new concept of visual/haptic display called a WYSIWYF Display (What You See Is What You Feel). The proposed concept ensures correct visual/haptic registration which is important for effective hand-eye coordination training. Using the prototype WYSIWYF display, we did a preliminary experiment of skill training. Our idea of skill transfer is very simple; basically it is a ''record-and-replay'' strategy. Questions are ''What is the essential data to be recorded for transferring the skill?'' and ''What is the best way to provide the data to the trainee?''. Several methods were tried but no remarkable result was obtained, presumably because the chosen task was too simple.I E E E, 1996, RO-MAN '96 - 5TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ROBOT AND HUMAN COMMUNICATION, PROCEEDINGS, 32 - 37, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- I E E E, 1996, 1996 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1-4, 1993 - 1999, EnglishTwo kinds of degree of freedom in constraint state and their application to assembly planning[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Vision-based visual/haptic registration for WYSIWYF displayWe have been working on developing a visual/haptic interface for virtual environments. In this previous work, we have proposed a WYSIWYF (What You See Is What You Feel) concept which ensures a correct visual/haptic registration so that what the user can see via a visual interface is consistent with what he/she can feel through a haptic interface. The key components of the WYSIWYF display are (i) vision-based tracking (ii) video keying, and (iii) physically-based simulation. The first prototype has been built and the proposed concept was demonstrated. It turned out, however, that the original system had a bottleneck in the vision tracking component and the performance was not satisfactory (slow frame rate and large latency). To solve the problem of our first prototype, we have implemented a fast tracker which can track more than 100 markers in video-rate. In this paper, new experimental results are shown followed by the improvements of the vision-based tracking component.I E E E, 1996, IROS 96 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1996 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS - ROBOTIC INTELLIGENCE INTERACTING WITH DYNAMIC WORLDS, VOLS 1-3, 1386 - 1393, English[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS, 1996, PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE 1996 VIRTUAL REALITY ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, 46 - &, EnglishWhat you can see is what you can feel - Development of a visual/haptic interface to virtual environment[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Display of feel for the manipulation of dynamic virtual objectsA system for displaying feel information, while manipulating virtual objects, which takes their dynamic behavior into account is introduced. The display is realized using multiple link mechanisms. New concept of impedance display and two ways of its realization, ''measuring force and displaying motion'' and ''measuring motion and displaying force,'' are proposed. Calculation algorithms for the driving input to the display device for the operation of both single-body and multi-body virtual objects established. The validity of the proposed method is verified experimentally using a newly developed two-finger display device.ASME-AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENG, Dec. 1995, JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 117(4) (4), 554 - 558, EnglishScientific journal
- In order to reduce the uncertainty in assembly operations, it is effective to bring a part into contact with a fixed environment and guide it on the contacting planes into a designated position.This paper considers using robot fingers to manipulate a part in contact with a fixed environment to perform a planned assembly operation. We believe that assembly operations by robot fingers have much potential compared to those of conventional grippers in the sense of dexterity, preciseness and flexibility. However, in order to perform assembly operations by robot fingers, it is necessary to plan fingertip positions on the part to be manipulated. First, in this paper, the region of feasible fingertip force needed to balance the reaction force from the environment is explicitly represented to ensure that the part is manipulated stably, when the static and dynamic friction among the objects are considered. Next, considering the assembly operation quasi dynamically (i. e. the square term of the motion velocity is small enough to be neglected but its acceleration will be considered), the region of feasible fingertip force needed to manipulate the part to its designated direction is described. According to this region of feasible fingertip force, the corresponding feasible fingertip position range on the object surface can be obtained.The Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 1995, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 13(6) (6), 875 - 885, Japanese, Domestic magazine[Refereed]
- In this paper, two kinds of the Degree Of Freedom in Constraint State (CSDOF) are defined for motion of an object in contact with an immobile environment, and then application to planning of assembly tasks is discussed. The CSDOF of the first kind is defined as the number of independent directions in which the object can move keeping the current contact conditions of contact state. The CSDOF of the second kind is defined as the number of independent derections in which the object can move freely when it is allowed to break the current contact conditions and to go away from the current contact state. Then we discuss the difficulty of state transition by considering the two kinds of CSDOF as well as the Degree Of Constraint in Constraint State (CSDOC) and give a criterion function for state transitions. Lastly, we show some applications of the two kinds of CSDOF to the planning of contact state transitions in assembly operations.THE INSTITUTE OF SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERS (ISCIE), Feb. 1995, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 8(2) (2), 80 - 90, Japanese, Domestic magazine[Refereed]
- BILATERAL CONTROL OF MASTER-SLAVE MANIPULATORS FOR IDEAL KINESTHETIC COUPLING - FORMULATION AND EXPERIMENTIn this paper, the analysis and design of master-slave teleoperation systems are discussed. The goal of this paper is to build a superior master-slave system that can provide good maneuverability. We first analyze a one degree-of-freedom system including operator and object dynamics. Second, some ideal responses of master-slave systems are defined and a quantitative index of maneuverability is given, based on the concept of ideal responses. Third, we propose new control schemes of master-slave manipulators that provide the ideal kinesthetic coupling such that the operator can maneuver the system as though he/she were directly manipulating the remote object himself/herself. The proposed control scheme requires accurate dynamic models of the master and slave arms, but neither parameters of the remote object nor the operator dynamics is necessary. Last, the proposed control scheme is introduced to a prototype master-slave system and the experimental results show the validity of the proposed scheme.IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, Oct. 1994, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, 10(5) (5), 605 - 620, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- ROBUST-CONTROL OF ROBOT MANIPULATORS BASED ON JOINT TORQUE SENSOR INFORMATIONThis article is concerned with robust control of robot manipulators in the case where joint torque sensors are available. First, we derive a dynamic equation of the manipulator with joint torque sensors that explicitly expresses a nonlinear multivariable structure. This dynamic equation makes it possible to construct the control systems of the manipulators with joint torque sensors based on a similar method used in the conventional case without the sensors. Second, based on this dynamic equation, we propose a robust trajectory control scheme that achieves the specified tracking accuracy in the presence of modeling error, including the modeling error of actuator systems. The proposed method fully exploits joint torque sensor information to compensate the uncertainty of link and load parameters. Furthermore, an illustrative simulation result is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed control method.MIT PRESS, Oct. 1994, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS RESEARCH, 13(5) (5), 434 - 442, English, International magazine[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 1994, Proceedings Japan-U.S.A. Symposium on Flexible Automation - A Pacific Rim ConferenceScientific journal
- 1994, Proceedings Japan-U.S.A. Symposium on Flexible Automation - A Pacific Rim ConferenceScientific journal
- A system for displaying the operating feel while manipulating virtual objects which takes their dynamics into account is introduced. The display is realized using multiple link mechanisms. New concept of impedance display and two ways of its realization, “measuring force and displaying motion”and“measuring motion and displaying force”, are proposed. Calculation algorithms of driving input to the display device for the operation of both single-body and multi-body virtual objects are established. The validity of the proposed method is verified experimentally using a newly developed two-finger display device.The Robotics Society of Japan, Nov. 1993, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 11(8) (8), 1236 - 1243, Japanese, Domestic magazine[Refereed]
- Efficient computational algorithms for the trajectory control of multiarm free-flying space robots are presented. The motion of the aircraft itself during manipulation is considered in order to obtain an accurate trajectory control. The generalized Jacobian matrix solution technique is emphasized. Although some computational algorithms for the generalized Jacobian solution have been proposed, they are not easily extensible to a multiarm case and practical realization is impaired due to their low efficiency and greater computational complexity. The generalized Jacobian of multiarm free-flying space robots is obtained efficiently by regarding the total multilink system as a composite system consisting of two links with a joint. The algorithm can be easily extended to any tree-structured multiarm robots with rotational as well as prismatic joints except for closed-loop structures. An efficient computational algorithm for the resolved acceleration control of the multiarm free-flying robots is also presented. The computational complexities are evaluated in comparison to fixed-based manipulators. It is shown that the computational complexity for the generalized Jacobian is five times greater than that of fixed based manipulators whereas the resolved acceleration control requires twice the computation for fixed-based manipulators.IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, Oct. 1993, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, 9(5) (5), 571 - 580, EnglishScientific journal
- Closed link mechanisms are useful for tasks that require high speed, high precision, and large payload capacity. It is expected that this kind of mechanisms will be used widely in future. A closed link mechanism with redundant actuators, which is called redundant actuator system, has the potential to make the maximum payload larger.The Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 1993, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 11(6) (6), 913 - 917, Japanese, Domestic magazine
This paper discusses computational schemes of the inverse and forward dynamics of closed link mechanisms with redundant actuators, which are applicable to wider cases than former method. Then we give an example of cooperative manipulation by two robot arms, and the inverse dynamics is given using the proposed computational scheme. The proposed method enables us to obtain a general solution of closed link dynamics without calculating internal forces.[Refereed] - DESIGN GUIDE OF MASTER ARMS CONSIDERING OPERATOR DYNAMICSIn this paper, a design guide of master arms for teleoperation is discussed. The quality of the master arm design has a considerable influence on the maneuverability of master-slave systems. A quantitative measure of the manipulative ability of master arms is proposed, and is obtained by extending the concept of the dynamic manipulability. It is pointed out that the directional property of the manipulability ellipsoid in the work space is an important factor. A second quantitative measure is proposed which evaluates the similarity of the manipulability ellipsoids produced by two situations-when the operator maneuvers the master arm and when he has no payload. Numerical examples and several guidelines for master arm design are shown.ASME-AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENG, Jun. 1993, JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 115(2A) (2A), 253 - 260, EnglishScientific journal
- An efficient computational algorithm for motion control of multi-arm free flying robots in space is discussed. For the motion control of the space manipulator mounted on a spacecraft, the movement of spacecraft itself must be considered. The generalized. Jacobian matrix is one of the good ways to solve this problem. Though an efficient computational algorithm of the generalized Jacobian was shown, it does not have a good prospect to extend to the case of multiple arms. For dexterous manipulating tasks, cooperative manipulation by multi-arm manipulators is desirable. In this paper, we show that the generalized Jacobian for multi-arm space manipulators can be obtained efficiently by regarding the total multiple-link system as a composite system which consists of two links with one joint. The proposed algorithm is applicable to any tree-structured multiple arm manipulators with not only rotational joint but also prismatic joint except close loop structure. We also show an efficient computational algorithms of the resolved acceleration control for multi-arm space manipulators.The Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 1992, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 10(5) (5), 639 - 647, Japanese[Refereed]
- For autonomous assembly operations by a robot, it is required to build a planning function that can generate a series of operations to reach a goal state. This paper describes an automatic planning algorithm that synthesizes the assembly operation strategies. By making an criterion function based on the difficulty of state transitions be minimum, the method can find an optimal path based on the Contact State Network. The Degree of Constraint is proposed by regarding the assembly task as a process to change the constraint, state of the moving object. Then several policies for determining State Transition Difficulty are discussed where the variation of the degree of constraint and the shape information from the geometric model of objects are considered. A criterion function for state transitions is defined based on the discussed policies. Lastly, an algorithm which plans an optimal state transition path from an initial state to a goal state is proposed. Some examples are given to show the validity of this algorithmTHE INSTITUTE OF SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERS (ISCIE), Jul. 1992, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 5(7) (7), 283 - 293, Japanese[Refereed]
- In this paper, a quasi-static object manipulation by an articulated three-fingered robot hand with slip motion of grasping is discussed. This kind of manipulation achieves more dexterous manipulation by robot hands. The equilibrium relations of fingertip forces for grasping an object are solved in three dimensions. It is assumed that a slip happens when the fingertip forces go beyond the bound of the cone of maximum static friction. Possible directions of slip within a grasp are determined from the analysis. The fingertip force which achieves a desired slip motion is determined uniquely. Finally the set of fingertip forces is obtained, and the planning method of slip motion is dicussed.The Robotics Society of Japan, Jun. 1992, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 10(3) (3), 394 - 401, Japanese[Refereed]
- Abstract: The exact model of dynamic forces required to control a robot to follow a Bezier-type surface is developed in this paper. Implementation using a contact sensor to enable the polishing tool fixed at the end-effector for hybrid controlled is discussed. The experimental set-up led to the discarding of terms in the original kinematic equations which are insignificant compared to friction and actuator dynamics due to slow tool advance velocity involved in electro-chemical polishing. Some problems relating to the "look ahead" mechanical sensor are also addressed. © 1992 CIRP.1992, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 41(1) (1), 617 - 620, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS, 1992, 1992 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONF ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION : PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1-3, 10(5) (5), 849 - 858, EnglishInternational conference proceedings
- Assembly planning operation strategies based on the Degree of ConstraintFor autonomous assembly operations by a robot, it is required to build a planning function that can generate a series of operations to reach a goal state. This paper describes an automatic planning algorithm that synthesizes the assembly operation strategies. By minimizing a criterion function based on the difficulty of state transitions, the method can find an optimal path in a Contact State Network. The Degree of Constraint is proposed by regarding the assembly task as a process of changing the constraint state of the object. And State Transition Difficulty are discussed by considering the variation of the degree of constraint and the shape information from the geometric models of objects. Then a criterion function for state transitions is defined based on the state transition difficulty. Lastly, an algorithm which plans an optimal state transition path from an initial state to a goal state is proposed. Some examples are given to show the validity of this algorithm.IEEE, 1991, 2, 682 - 687International conference proceedings
- The way to control master-slave manipulators affects considerably to the maneuverability of the master-slave systems. The ideal state of master-slave systems can be regarded that the operator can operate the system as if he were directly manipulating the object which is actually existing at the remote site. In other saying, the system must be coupled with the operator to give the ideal kinesthetic sense so that he can perceive the object. So far, several researches discussed about the ideal states of master-slave systems in their own descriptions. However, there is few exact discussion about how close the ideal state can be achieved actually or what kind of control scheme should be designed in order to achieve it. In this paper, we propose a control scheme which can achieve the ideal kinesthetic coupling with the operator and realize three ideal responses which were previously defined by the authors. Secondly, we show the stability of the system controlled by the proposed scheme by using the concept of passivity. We then discuss about the system stability when the sensor signals are pass through the filters. Lastly, the validity of the proposed scheme is confirmed by simulations.The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 1991, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 27(1) (1), 56 - 63, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- This papar is concerned with a robust control for robot manipulators in the case where joint torque sensors are available. First, we derive a dynamic model of the robot manipulator with joint torque sensors, in which the total nonlinear multivariable structure is explicitly described. This model gives a good indication that we can construct the control systems of robot manipulators with joint torque sensors using the same method as in the conventional case without the sensors. Second, based on this model, we propose a robust trajectory tracking control scheme which achieves the specified tracking accuracy in the presence of the modeling error including motor system, where joint torque sensor information is fully exploited to compensate the uncertainty of link and load parameters. Furthermore, an illustrative simulation result is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed control method.The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 1991, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 27(6) (6), 693 - 699, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- In bilateral control, the operator is coupled with the object at the remote site through the master-slave system and he can feel the object through his kinesthesia. The ideal kinesthetic coupling can be regarded that the operator can manipulate the system as if he were manipulating the object directly. The authors previously discussed about one degree-of-freedom (DOF) systems in order to achieve this ideal state. In this paper, the discussion is extended into multiple DOF case. First, the ideal responses of master-slave systems are defined. Secondly, new control schemes are proposed for different configuration and for isomorphic configuration arms, respectively. Thirdly, the validity of the proposed control schemes are confirmed by simulations. Lastly, design guide of master and slave arms is discussed in the view point of maneuverability.Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 1990, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1990-, 355 - 362, EnglishInternational conference proceedings
- Maneuverability of master-slave telemanipulation systems is difficult to evaluate exactly, since it seems an intuitive sense for human operators. However, if we could not evaluate the system performance quantitatively, it would be impossible to decide what kind of master-slave system is desirable and also impossible to compare the performance among the several control schemes. In this paper, we propose a way to evaluate the maneuverability of master-slave telemanipulation systems. We first analyze an one degree-of-freedom system considering the operator and object dynamics. Secondly, we define some ideal responses of master-slave system and derive the conditions to achieve these responses. Lastly, a quantitative performance index is given in order to evaluate the maneuverability of the system. This index examines how close the actual response is to the ideal one. A numerical example is shown where three conventional control schemes are evaluated by the proposed performance index.The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 1990, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 26(5) (5), 572 - 579, JapaneseScientific journal
- The quality of master arm design influences considerably the maneuverability of masterslave systems. Although several examples of master arm design have been presented so far, the way to design was somewhat intuitive. In this paper, a quantitative measure of manipulating ability of master arms is proposed. This measure which is obtained by extending the concept of dynamic manipulability considers operator dynamics since operator dynamics can't be neglected when he manipulates a master arm. We point out that the maneuverability of master arms depends on not only the magnitude of the manipulability value but also the distribution of the manipulability value and the directional property of the manipulability ellipsoid in the work space. Then we propose a quantitative index to evaluate these properties by evaluating the similarity of dynamic manipulability between when the operator manipulates the master arm and when he has no load. Several types of master arms are evaluated by the proposed measure. It is shown that relative position of master arms to the operator is an important factor of the manipulability as well as the master arm design.The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 1990, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 26(7) (7), 818 - 825, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 1990, Advanced Robotics, 5(3) (3), 275 - 291Scientific journal
- 1989, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore, 29(2) (2), 77 - 87Robot End-Effector Compliant Control-A Review and Update-
- 1988, Journal of Robotics Society of Japan, 6(3) (3), 175 - 183, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Four types of link coordinate frame assignment for serial link manipulators are discussed. It is shown that the computational amount of inverse dynamics can be reduced by only changing the assignment. Optimal link coordinate frame assignment is proposed.The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 1988, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 24(12) (12), 1343 - 1345, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Dynamic control is one of the methods which enable quick and accurate motion of robot manipulators. Dynamic control has been difficult to be performed real time by using presently available microcomputers since it requires huge amount of computation. Various efficient recursive computation algorithms have been proposed, especially for inverse dynamics (ID). However, it requires not only ID calculation but also direct kinematics (DK) and inverse kinematics (IK) calculation. We proposed efficient recursive algorithms for DK and IK and reported that the total amount of calculation can be reduced by eliminating duplications included in DK, IK and ID.The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 1987, Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 23(5) (5), 491 - 498, Japanese
In this paper, new computational algorithms for DK, IK and ID are formulated so that they should include as many same physical values as possible. The total amount of computation can be reduced up to 42% in multiplication and 33% in addition by eliminating duplicated computation. These algorithms are useful for the computational part of versatile robot controller or dynamic robot simulator.Scientific journal
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- システム制御情報学会, 20 May 2020, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 64, 1183 - 1189, JapaneseDesign of parallel mechanism for macro/micro robot suitable for direct teaching and playback of assembly task
- システム制御情報学会, May 2020, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 64, 1097 - 1104, JapaneseOverview of “Assembly Challenge”, a Robot Competition of Industrial Robotics Category, World Robot Summit 2020
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- 2020, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 21stPrecision assembly simulation for re-verification of jig-less assembly by a robot
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- Photonics Technologies used in Disaster Response RobotsTHE LASER SOCIETY OF JAPANレーザー学会, Nov. 2019, The review of laser engineering, 47(11) (11), 624 - 629, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- アグネ技術センター, Aug. 2019, Kinzoku, 89(8) (8), 10 - 19, Japanese, Domestic magazineLooking back on disaster responce robots for Fukushima nuclear accident based on lessons learned from past nuclear accidentsIntroduction commerce magazine
- © 2018 IEEE. This paper proposes a capturability analysis method for fall avoidance of bipedal robots under arbitrary disturbances. Based on a dynamical model of the planar movement of the center-of-mass, capture region is computed numerically by discretizing the state space and the set of control inputs. The proposed method is able to handle a number of practically important elements of fall avoidance such as the relation between stride length and step duration, and kinematic limitations of foot placement, which have been neglected in conventional studies for simplification. The developed fall-avoidance controller utilizes precomputed capturable regions to filter reference foot placements produced by a foot-step planner to ensure fall-avoidance with small online computation time. Capture regions computed by the proposed method are compared with the conventional ones in case studies. The performance of the proposed fall-avoidance controller is evaluated in simulations.IEEE, 23 Jan. 2019, IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2018-November, 718 - 724[Refereed]
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- THE INSTITUTE OF SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERS, 2019, SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION, 63(8) (8), 359 - 361, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2019(0) (0), 2A1 - B09, Japanese
In this paper, we propose maneuverability index focusing on the "sense of unity" as a new performance evaluation method for remote control systems. We used the Crossmodal Congruency Effect (CCE) for the quantitative evaluation of the "sense of unity". We verified the validity as a maneuverability index of "sense of unity" evaluated by CCE. We compared the measured CCEs between the systems which are different in terms of operation force of the master device and camera view orientation of the remote environment. As a result, task performance and "sense of unity" results were consistent. It was suggested that "sense of unity" could be used as an appropriate maneuverability index. Finally, we propose a method to compensate for a bias effect of CCE due to the appearance similarity of target objects to human hand.
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 2019, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 37(3) (3), 208 - 217, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2019(0) (0), 2P1 - E02, Japanese
As part of the Impulsing Paradigm Challenge through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT)'s Tough Robotics Challenge Program, a group of Japanese researchers developed a new concept construction robot for disaster relief situations. This robot has a double swing dual arm mechanism and has drastically improved operability and mobility compared to conventional construction machines using many new elemental technologies.
- © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. In disaster areas, operating heavy construction equipment remotely and autonomously is necessary, but conventional remote-controlled heavy equipment has problems such as insufficient operability, limited mobility on slopes and stairs, and low work efficiency because of difficult remote control. As part of the ImPACT-TRC Program, a group of Japanese researchers attempts to solve these problems by developing a construction robot for disaster relief tasks with a new mechanism and new control methods. This chapter presents the overview of construction robot and the details of main elemental technologies making up the robot. Section 5.1 describes the basic configuration of the robot and the teleoperation system. Section 5.2 is a tether powered drone which provides extra visual information. Sections 5.4 and 5.3 are force and tactile feedback for skillful teleoperation. Section 5.5 is visual information feedback which consists of an arbitrary viewpoint visualization system and a visible and LWIR camera system to observe surrounding of the robot in a dark night scene and/or a very foggy scene. These functions can dramatically increase construction equipment’s capacity to deal with large-scale disasters and accidents.Springer, 2019, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, 128, 195 - 264[Refereed]
- 2018, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 36thチャック型平行スティック三指ハンドの機構設計のための対象部品表面への指配置問題とその幾何的解法
- 2018, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 36th平行スティック四指汎用ハンドを搭載した単一アームによるギヤユニットの冶具レス組立
- 2018, 自動車技術会大会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2018自動車の遠隔操縦に求められる通信および映像品質に関する実験的評価
- 2018, 自動車技術会大会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2018自動車の遠隔操縦システムの開発
- 2018, 建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(CD-ROM), 18th複腕型建設ロボットの遠隔操作性向上を目指したユーザインターフェース
- 2018, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 19th改良型量子化マップを用いたフィードバック変調器による油圧駆動ロボットの高精度軌道制御
- 2018, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 19th物体が有する把持に関わる性質とロボットハンドによる把持に必要な機能との相補的解明法に関する研究 第2報 特定の作業場面を想定した汎用ロボットハンドの設計
- 2018, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 19th人の手の機能解析に基づくピッキング作業のための汎用ロボットハンド開発
- 2018, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 19th遠隔操縦システムにおける環境の奥行き感獲得のための視覚提示手法に関する研究
- 2018, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 19th踵接地・つま先離地を行う二足歩行ロボットの軌道計画とシミュレーションによるエネルギー効率の評価
- 2018, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 19th遠隔操縦システムとの「一体感」に着目した操作性指標の検討 第3報:カメラの向きが操作性に及ぼす影響の評価
- 2018, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 19th二機のロボットによる合意形成に基づく自律地図生成
- 2018, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2018遠隔操縦ロボットとの「一体感」に着目した操作性指標の検討 第2報:マスタアームの操作に要する力が操作性に及ぼす影響の評価
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2018(0) (0), 2A2 - H08, Japanese
In conventional fall avoidance control, the center-of-mass is kept at a constant height in order to linearize the equation of motion. Such a restriction, however, can only be applied under limited circumstances, and it is not possible to cope with vertical disturbances. In this research, we propose a method for generating a center-of-mass trajectory to avoid falling over uneven terrain based on a nonlinear inverted pendulum model. Moreover, regions of valid foot-steps are derived analytically and incorporated into trajectory generation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated in numerical simulations of a humanoid robot model.
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2018(0) (0), 2A1 - J05, Japanese
This paper shows the results of the force feedback experiment using the double arm type construction robot. The external load is estimated from cylinder pressures and displayed to the operator through a haptic device. We conducted a force feedback experiment based on the estimated external forces. Although the operator could recognize static forces when the robot end-effector contacts the environment continuously, s/he could not feel impulsive forces at the moment of collision with the environment. This was because we didn't consider the acceleration of links at the moment of collision. In this report, we propose a new method to estimate external forces, where the motions of the robot arm are measured more accurately with accelerometers. We then conducted an experiment of force feedback with the proposed method by using the double arm type construction robot. It was shown that the operator could feel the impulsive forces clearly with the proposed method.
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2018(0) (0), 2A1 - J02, Japanese
As part of the Impulsing Paradigm Challenge through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT)'s Tough Robotics Challenge Program, a group of research leaders at Osaka University, Kobe University, Tohoku University, Tohoku University, The University of Tokyo and Tokyo Institute of Technology developed a construction robot for disaster relief in order to solve various challenges of conventional construction machines used in such situations. Using a prototype machine with elemental technologies under development, verification tests were performed on places that represented disaster sites, and a certain level of performance was confirmed.
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 2018, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 36(5) (5), 338 - 347, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- 一般社団法人日本ロボット工業会, Sep. 2017, Robot (Journal of Japan Robot Association), 238(238) (238), 68 - 70, Japanese, Domestic magazineLaboratory Introduction: Complex Mechanical Systems Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe UniversityOthers
- (一社)日本福祉工学会, May 2017, 日本福祉工学会誌, 19(1) (1), 38 - 43, JapaneseWalking assist control of an exoskeleton with passive knee joints
- 2017, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 35th遠隔操縦システムとの「一体感」に着目した操作性指標の検討
- 2017, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 35thImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ2重旋回・複腕機構建設ロボットの開発
- 2017, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 18th物体が有する把持に関わる性質とロボットハンドによる把持に必要な機能との相補的解明法に関する研究
- 2017, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 18thWorld Robot Summit製品組立チャレンジの競技デザイン
- 2017, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 18th三次元点群の近接点特徴を用いた走行データからの複数ループ検出
- 2017, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 18th遠隔操縦における頭部運動下での一体感実現のための視覚提示許容誤差の推定
- 2017, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 18th踏み出し量と所要時間の関係性を考慮した二足歩行ロボットの転倒回避
- 2017, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 18th災害対応を目的とした複腕油圧駆動ロボットの操縦インタフェースに関する研究
- 2017, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ(TRC)建設ロボット-単腕モデルによるフィールド評価実験-
- 2017, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017多自由度油圧駆動ロボットのシリンダ圧に基づく手先負荷力推定による力覚フィードバック
- 2017, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017近接点特徴量を用いた屋外環境におけるループ検出
- Future productの構想力を鍛えるグループワークによる創成型設計教育方法を考案した.将来起こり得る非線形に変化した未来における革新的なproductを構想するために,始めに,生物と製品を直感的に結びつけて製品の初期概念を生成し,次に,未来シナリオの中でそれがどのように使用されるかを洞察させる.その内容はVR装置を用いた仮想体験によって確認し,コンセプトを深化させる.この方法をもとに実践したデザインスクールについて報告する.公益社団法人 精密工学会, 2017, 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集, 2017(0) (0), 581 - 582, Japanese
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017(0) (0), 2P2 - D09, Japanese
Automated driving systems have been developed to improve safety. In these systems, various lateral control methods have been proposed up to recent years. Preview/Predictive Driver Model, Path Following Control, and Optical Flow Control are a part of these lateral control methods. The purpose of these methods is the same, that is to track a target path. However, a lot of control theory with various types of control input are introduced into each control method, so that comparing these methods only by theoretical analysis is more difficult than doing the results of numerical simulations and experiments. In this paper, these control methods are derived and compared based on the theoretical analysis only. Finally, we show the consideration on correlation of these lateral control methods.
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017(0) (0), 2P1 - R07, Japanese
We proposed a new teleoperation control method by using a master control device with small working space. The proposed method sets the slave velocity based on the master velocity. Changing the slave velocity by the master velocity, the operator can control the slave arm freely and intuitively using a small working space master device. In this paper, we propose a new scale conversion method that are expected to be better than the previously proposed. The new scale conversion methods determine the position scale directly based on the master velocity. We tested the new scale conversion method and the result of experiment is shown.
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017(0) (0), 2P1 - R01, Japanese
Since the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station requires a very long time, development of human resource is indispensable. The radiation dose in the nuclear power plant is very high, therefore remote control technologies are necessary for the decommissioning work. We have been conducting a project "HRD for Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning based on Robotics and Nuclide Analysis". This paper reports on robotics and human resource development among the intermediate results of the project.
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017(0) (0), 1A1 - P07, Japanese
Humanoid robots should be able to keep balance for any direction of disturbance. N-step capturability framework was proposed for fall avoidance that involves a number of steps. But it did not consider collision between the support leg and the swing leg in its analysis. For this reason, the conventional capturability analysis cannot be applied for a case in which a robot is pushed in sideways. In this paper, we analyze sideways legged locomotion in terms of capturability. Based on this capturability, we propose the sideways legged locomotion for fall avoidance. The proposed method is validated through numerical simulation. The simulated robot was able to recover from predetermined sideways pushes. It was also found that robots can be able to recover from larger disturbance with variable step length.
- The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 2017, Journal of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 56(10) (10), 798 - 804, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- システム制御情報学会, 25 May 2016, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 60, 6p, JapaneseSimulator construction considering real environmental measurement for automatic steering based on optical flow
- システム制御情報学会, 25 May 2016, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 60, 6p, JapaneseMusculoskeletal model of human thumb based on its joint structure
- 2016, 日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM), 2016英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業 廃止措置研究・人材育成等強化プログラムにおける人材育成活動(3)-東京大学「遠隔操作技術及び核種分析技術を基盤とする俯瞰的廃止措置人材育成」実施状況-
- 2016, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 34th高難度の作品の実現を目指した折り紙ロボットの改良と性能検証
- 2016, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 34th動作範囲に制限のあるマスタアームによる直感的遠隔操縦法の検討
- 2016, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 34thロボットの遠隔操縦におけるインデキシング操作中のマスタアームの手先姿勢拘束の有効性
- 2016, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 34th把持機能と認識機能の統合による高度なマニピュレーションを実現するための標準的マニピュレーションタスク-レジチャレンジの提案-
- 2016, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 34th人の手の筋骨格モデルに基づくピッキング用ハンドの設計
- 2016, Designシンポジウム講演論文集, 2016構成的思考力を鍛錬する国際デザインスクールの実践
- 2016, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 17th動作範囲に制限のあるマスタアームによる直感的遠隔操縦法の検討 第2報:スレーブ移動速度および作業の違いによる有効性の検証
- 2016, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 17th遠隔操作時における一体感獲得のための対象物姿勢誤差の検知限測定
- 2016, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 17th汎用ピッキング用ハンドに求められる機能を明確化するための既存ロボットハンドによる把持試験
- 2016, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 17th第16回レスキューロボットコンテストの総括
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016(0) (0), 2P2 - 12b6, Japanese
Essential understanding of human hand dexterity is very important to make a dexterous robot hand like human hand. In this paper, we focus on the human thumb which can make the movement of opposition. The widely known musculoskeletal model of human thumb uses moment arms which were estimated from the measurements of a specimen. However, the moment arms were derived with an assumption that its joint structure can be approximated by the universal-joint model. However, universal-joint is not appropriate for modeling the real joint structure. In this paper, we evaluate a musculoskeletal model of human thumb in in daily performance which we constructed based on its real joint structure so that we can annualize muscle-skeletal activities more accurately. It is shown that the estimated muscle length with the conventional thumb model has larger error than than the one with the proposed model.
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016(0) (0), 2P2 - 12b2, Japanese
Because a person is united with an assist robot as for the index to evaluate the feeling of wearing and the usability of the walking assist robot, the quantitative evaluation is difficult. In this research, walking movement with or without an assist robot is measured by a motion capture system and force plates. The details are reviewed by using open-source musculoskeletal simulator "OpenSim" from walking data. The influence on a person with or without assist is inspected and the assist for effective walking assist control was evaluated.
- In autonomous driving it is necessary to generate a path of lane change which considers dynamic environments of surrounding vehicles and the characteristics of the driver's operation. In this paper, a new path generation method of lane change is proposed by combining two dimensional relative coordinates of vehicle planar position with time coordinate of vehicle motions. The proposed method can cope with both safety and the characteristics of the driver's operation by perfom1ing the optimization with an evaluation function including own acceleration, jerk and distances to surrounding vehicles. Some simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed method.Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 2016, Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 47(2) (2), 633 - 638, Japanese
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016(0) (0), 1A2 - 09b4, Japanese
This paper shows a method to estimate external load of a multiple DOF hydraulically-driven robot from oil pressure of each hydraulic cylinder. Usually external load can be measured by a force sensor installed at the end effector of the robot. However, hydraulically-driven robots, which can be used in a disaster area, may damage the force sensor due to the unexpected impact. In this paper, it is shown that the estimation accuracy has been improved by considering the friction forces at the cylinder. The estimated force will be used for force control or force feedback to the operator of tele-operated rescue robots.
- 株式会社オーム社, Nov. 2015, ROBOCON Magazine, 102, 8 - 9, Japanese, Domestic magazineLessons Learnt from DARPA Robotics Challenge for Developing Disaster Response RobotsIntroduction commerce magazine
- システム制御情報学会, 20 May 2015, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 59, 6p, JapaneseUnderstanding and Application of Predictive Model Based on Optical Flow
- システム制御情報学会, 20 May 2015, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 59, 6p, JapaneseEstimation of external load applied to the bucket tip of a hydraulic excavator
- Japan Society for Design Engineering, May 2015, Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering, 50(5) (5), 235 - 241, Japanese, Domestic magazineRobot Design on Rescue Robot ContestIntroduction scientific journal
- Japan Construction Machinery and Construction Association, Mar. 2015, Journal of JCMA (Japan Construction Machinery and Construction Association), 67(3) (3), 46 - 50, Japanese, Domestic magazineRescue Robot Concest -To Create a Strong Society to Disasters by Learning Technologies and Talking with PeopleIntroduction scientific journal
- Energy Review Center, Feb. 2015, Energy Review, 35(2) (2), 24 - 25, Japanese, Domestic magazineBasic Research for Design and Evaluation of Remote Manipulation Systems and Development of Human Resources That Are Capable of Flexible System Construction[Invited]Introduction other
- 2015, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 33rd劣悪通信環境下における遠隔自動車運転操作のシステム設計
- 2015, 自動車技術会大会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 2015動的環境下における乗り心地を考慮可能なレーンチェンジ経路生成法
- 2015, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 33rd冗長多関節マニピュレータの遠隔操縦性向上のための運動制御に関する研究 第二報:中間リンク参照点速度指令によるセルフモーションの実現手法
- 2015, 自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM), 58th量子化入力を用いた多自由度油圧駆動システムによる3次元空間内での軌道追従制御
- 2015, 自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM), 58thカメラ運動を考慮したオプティカルフローに基づく自動操舵システム
- 2015, 自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM), 58th人の手のピッキング動作の筋骨格モデルに基づく解析とロボットハンドによる実現の検討
- 2015, 自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM), 58thシミュレーションを用いた遠隔制御の一手法と通信品質が劣化した条件下での有効性の検証
- 2015, 自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM), 58th冗長多関節マニピュレータの遠隔操縦性向上のための運動制御に関する研究 第三報:関節重みの導入による中間リンク参照点速度指令によるセルフモーションの実現手法の改良
- 2015, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 16th時間遅れのある通信回線を介しての移動ロボットに搭載されたマニピュレータのバイラテラル制御
- 2015, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM), 16thRGB-Dカメラで取得された環境モデルによる遠隔操縦マニピュレータの作業性向上
- 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会, 2015, 計測自動制御学会論文集, 51(1) (1), 1 - 1, Japanese
- Remote control of construction machines has been considered to ensure safety of operators in hazardous works such as indoor dismantling. However, work efficiency of the remote operation is lower than that by the on-board operation and the number of skilled operators of construction machines, especially who are accustomed to the remote operation, is decreasing. Therefore, intuitive and efficient remote control interfaces for construction machines are required. In this paper, we design and evaluate several control interfaces for remote control of a small-size backhoe, aiming at high work efficiency nearly equal to that by the on-board operation. We investigate two control methods, joint control and end-point (tool) control. As for the control interface design, we propose some new controllers including a master-slave-type controller and evaluate their performance from various viewpoints, comparing with the conventional controller. The results of the evaluation test show that the proposed controllers are better than the existing controller in working efficiency, low fatigue, and intuitiveness.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2014(0) (0), _1P1 - M05_1-_1P1-M05_4, Japanese
- The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 2014, Journal of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 53(7) (7), 641 - 641, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 2014, Systems, Control and Information, 58(7) (7), 297, Japanese, Domestic magazineReport: Editorial Policy and Announcement for FY2014 from the Journal Editorial BoardIntroduction scientific journal
- THE NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN,LTD., Nov. 2013, Machine Design, 57(11) (11), 18 - 23, Japanese, Domestic magazineLatest Technical Trends for Developing the Next Genaration Industrial RobotsIntroduction commerce magazine
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 15 May 2013, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 31(4) (4), 334 - 340, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- 2013, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 31st高難度の折り紙作品が実現でき直接教示の容易性を考慮したロボットの性能検証
- 2013, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 31stN本平行円柱スティック型ハンドを用いた三次元形状部品に対する安定把持状態の導出
- 2013, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 31stバラ積み部品のマニピュレーション計画
- 2013, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 31stフィードバック変調器による油圧駆動型建設機械の精密位置決めの容易化
- 2013, 日本機械学会論文集 C編(Web), 79(803) (803)Evaluation and Derivation of Robust Robot Trajectories Based on Parameter Space Representation
- This paper clarifies robust task strategy of human by replaying the remote teaching trajectories on a robot which performs a task with environmental variations. As a case study, flexible part insertion task is selected and the tightness of insertion is intentionally varied. We proposed a novel trajectory-switching method and confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method by experiments. In the proposed method, the teaching trajectories are switched based on the sensory information. According to the experimental results, the trajectory generated by the proposed method is more robust than simply replaying the human trajectories. It is also shown that lowering the gain along with the insertion direction can realize human-like search behavior and switching the trajectory by sensory information can save spent time and minimize the force exerted on the flexible part. These results show that feedback using external sensor is effective when environmental variation is substantial.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2013(0) (0), _1P1 - Q09_1-_1P1-Q09_4, Japanese
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 15 Dec. 2012, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 30(10) (10), 1041 - 1047, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 15 Jul. 2012, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 30(6) (6), 562 - 564, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 15 Jul. 2012, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 30(6) (6), 602 - 605, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- 2012, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 30th不等間隔量子化入力とアクチュエータの非線形要素モデルを用いたフィードバック変調器による油圧駆動システムの軌道制御
- 2012, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 30th平面上にある三次元形状部品に対する安定性解析の実験的検証と把持指との接触点位置を考慮したぐらつきにくさの導出
- 2012, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 30th次世代ロボット知能化技術開発プロジェクト作業知能(生産分野)の研究開発
- 2012, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 30th直接教示による動作の再現の容易性と高難易度の折り紙作品の実現を考慮したロボットハンドの設計
- 2012, 日本機械学会論文集 C編(Web), 78(791) (791)Development of In-Situ Robot Motion Modification Method by Hand-Guiding Instruction
- This paper reports the construction of a multilateral teleoperation system over the time-delayed computer network. A wave-variables-based control method is introduced to ensure the passivity of the system against time delay of the network. A control software, which supports commercial haptic devices, is developed and an experimental system with three devices is constructed. Experiments are conducted to see the stability of the control method and usefulness of the multilateral teleoperation.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012(0) (0), _2A2 - P01_1-_2A2-P01_4, Japanese
- An assembly robot has to grasp various parts robustly even under some uncertainty in their initial pose. The previous studies about robot hand and grasping strategies showed that robot hand can align various parts even under some uncertainty in their initial pose by pushing them. However, alignments in those studies required an assumption that posture of each part remains steady. In this paper, we propose an analysis method about stable postures of objects. The analysis estimates how stable an object is on a flat surface, and how much it can resist against wobble. The former is estimated by computing how much energy is needed for changing the object's posture. The latter is estimated by computing how rapidly the potential energy increases when the object is rolling.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012(0) (0), _1P1 - H05_1-_1P1-H05_4, Japanese
- In this paper, robustness condition for robot trajectory against environmental variation and effectiveness of direct teaching are discussed based on the parameter space expression, through a case study of the flexible part insertion whose hole position is intentionally varied. According to the experimental results, the trajectories in which flexible part is actively bended are more robust than other trajectories. Moreover jamming between the flexible part and the hole tends to occur if the part is highly flexible. These results suggest that analysis of material deformation is required in order to theoretically analyze the robustness conditions. However, analytical approach to generate robot trajectories by using, e.g., FEM, is not easy and takes much time, and seems not practical for factory automation such as robotic cell production. Therefore, it is concluded flexible part insertion requires direct teaching method to generate robust trajectories.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012(0) (0), _1P1 - G05_1-_1P1-G05_4, Japanese
- 一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2012, 日本機械学会誌, 115(1126) (1126), 656 - 657, Japanese
- An education method for mechanical design is discussed. In conventional design education, the prototype designs together with design process are given for students, which can be referred to as parameterized design. This is a good introduction for students to start the design class. However, the big picture of the design process could not be learned. For students to experience total design paradigm, a design seminar has been opened every summer in past decade. We discuss the pros and cons of the current seminar and present the perspective of next turn.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012, The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan, 2012(0) (0), _K11300 - 1_-_K11300-4_, Japanese
- Nov. 2011, 日刊工業新聞, 2011年11月8日 第2部, Japanese循環産業創成を目指した自律型セル生産ロボットシステムIntroduction scientific journal
- A Method to Estimate Finger Muscle Activation Levels from the Variation of Fingertip Forces against Disturbances based on a Musculo-skeletal Human Hand ModelTo analyze human hand dexterity, activation levels of finger muscles must be estimated. Although surface EMG is a noninvasive method, cross-talk problem makes it difficult to estimate muscle activities, especially those of intrinsic muscles. To solve this problem, we propose a method to estimate activation levels of finger muscles by observing variation of fingertip forces against disturbance so that the relationship between S-EMG signals and estimated activation levels is identified . In this paper, we confirm the validity of the proposed method by actually applying disturbances to a muscle-skeletal model of the index finger in computer simulations.The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 14 Feb. 2011, IEICE technical report, 110(422) (422), 51 - 56, Japanese
- 2011, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 29th変動時間遅れの下での波変数に基づくバイラテラルテレオペレーション制御の性能評価
- 2011, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 29th直接教示によるロボットの動作生成における環境変動に適応する位置・速度フィードバック則の構築
- 2011, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 29thロボットセル生産のためのロバスト把持戦略を用いた三次元形状物体を含む多形状物体の組立作業
- 2011, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 29th直接教示されるロボット軌道のパラメータ空間表現によるロバスト性条件の導出
- In this paper, robustness condition for robot trajectory against environmental variation and effectiveness of direct teaching are discussed based on the parameter space expression, through a case study on a peg-in-hole task. In the peg-in-hole experiment, hole position is artificially varied and robustness of two different assembly strategies are compared based on the degree of achievement and success rate. One strategy is generated by direct teaching and is similar to that human usually adopts, while the other is generated by programming, which is similar to conventional methods such as using teaching pendant. Experimental results show that the human-like trajectory is more robust against variation of position where appropriate manipulator compliance effectively absorbs errors. This indicates the effectiveness of direct teaching because such human-like trajectory is difficult to be taught through conventional methods.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2011, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2011(0) (0), _1A1 - E07_1-_1A1-E07_4, Japanese
- In this paper, a control method for multi-user teleoperators is proposed. Since the proposed control law is based on wave-variables, it guarantees stability of the system against arbitrary length of constant timedelay. In addition, an algorithm to compensate for the initial position error among the arms is proposed. The proposed method is an extension of the wave-integral-error compensation and the energy balance monitor, which was previously proposed by the authors and compensates for the position drift caused by time-varying delay without violating passivity condition of the system. Experimental system, which can connect multiple haptic devices and virtual environments, is developed and the effectiveness of the proposed control laws is confirmed by an experiment.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2011, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2011(0) (0), _2P1 - I06_1-_2P1-I06_4, Japanese
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2011, The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch, 2011(0) (0), _2 - 13_, Japanese
- IEEE Computer Society, 2011, World HapticsIEEE World Haptics Conference, WHC 2011, 21-24 June 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
- 2011, Sanyo Chemical News, 465(465) (465), 14 - 18, Japanese, Domestic magazineRobot and Virtual RealityIntroduction commerce magazine
- (一社)日本老年医学会, May 2010, 日本老年医学会雑誌, 47(Suppl.) (Suppl.), 90 - 91, Japanese早期認知症者の社会生活維持のために必要な支援項目の抽出手法の提案
- 2010, ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集, 15th波変数に基づくバイラテラル制御における絶対位置フィードバックによる位置ドリフト補償
- 2010, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 28th量子化幅を可変としたフィードバック変調器による油圧駆動システムの制御
- 2010, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 28th動力学的押し操作解析に基づく把持戦略のロバスト性の考察
- 2010, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 28th波変数を用いた時間遅れのある多人数間テレオペレーションシステムの制御系設計
- 2010, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 28th直接教示によるロボットの動作生成法における環境の揺らぎ特性に対する影響の考察~折り紙作業における折り紙の異方性の影響のケーススタディ~
- 2010, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 28th筋骨格モデルに基づくヒトの手の内在筋の機能解析
- ロボットセルの組立作業で扱う部品の初期位置・姿勢には,通常ある程度の誤差が存在するため,そのような初期誤差の下でもロボットハンドにより目的の把持を確実に達成できるロバスト把持戦略の計画が必要となる.本発表では,対象物体の初期誤差に対する把持戦略のロバスト性を解析するために発表者らがこれまで行ってきた準静的な把持動作解析の妥当性を,把持動作の基本的要素である押し操作の動力学的解析に基づいて検証する.The Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, 2010, Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, 53(0) (0), 218 - 218, Japanese
- To analyze dexterous manipulation by a human hand, activation levels of finger muscles should be estimated. Surface EMG is a possible way to measure them in a noninvasive manner, but cross-talk problem must be solved by identifying a relationship between the EMGs and the actual activation levels. In order to identify this relationship, this paper proposes a method to estimate muscle activation levels based on the musculoskeletal model. Considering the muscle tension variation property, the activation levels are estimated from the observed end-point force in two different states, a static one and a dynamic one triggered by a disturbance. To verify the proposed method, an experiment is conducted and elbow joint is chosen as a target. The actual activation levels are directly measured by EMGs and compared to the estimated levels by the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method can estimate the activation levels without using EMGs.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2010(0) (0), _2P1 - E14_1-_2P1-E14_4, Japanese
- 2010, IEEE Trans. Haptics, 3(3) (3), 153 - 154
- 一般社団法人日本ロボット工業会, Nov. 2009, Robot (magazine of Japan Robot Association), 191(191) (191), 35 - 40, Japanese, Domestic magazineDevelopment of intelligent robotic technologies for the next generation cell production systemsIntroduction scientific journal
- 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, 30 Jun. 2009, Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 14(2) (2), 76 - 77, Japanese, Domestic magazinePrefatory Note: Does a Robot have Its Own VR?Introduction scientific journal
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 15 Jun. 2009, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 27(5) (5), 523 - 524, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- Skill Transfer to a Robot based on Statistical Features of Direct Teaching Motion by a Human : A Case Study for Origami Folding TaskEven if a robot has enough potential for sensing and actuation to perform a skillful manipulation task, it cannot perform such a task unless it knows how to do such a task, i. e., manipulation skill. We usually use a teaching pendant to teach the desired motions to robots in factories and sometimes specify the motions by means of computer programming. However, it is very difficult to teach manipulation skill through such conventional ways because manipulation skill may involve complicated sensory feedback and such feedback control law is difficult, even for an expert of this task, to describe explicitly.To solve this problem, we proposed a method to transfer skill from human to robot by direct teaching. A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) was employed to model the statistical characteristics of the teaching data demonstrated by a human. A nominal trajectory and sensory feedback control laws were extracted from the statistical characteristics of the trained HMM. However, the proposed method has several remaining problems. First, a threshold value to extract the periods where the sensory feedback control is applied must be chosen by trial and error. Second, the way of applying sensory feedback is binary, i.e., the feedback is either fully applied or not at all. Third, although the sensory feedback period is extracted based on the correlation between velocity and force, no directional dependency of this correlation is taken into account.In this paper, a new method to extract sensory feedback control laws is proposed. The proposed method introduces continuous weighting factors based on the canonical correlations between velocity and force so that we don't have to decide a threshold by trial and error, the degree of applying sensory feedback becomes continuous, and the directional dependency of the correlation is taken into account.The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 08 Jun. 2009, IEICE technical report, 109(83) (83), 107 - 110, Japanese
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 15 May 2009, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 27(4) (4), 405 - 409, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- 2009, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 27thOptimization of Robust Grasping Strategy of Universal Robotic Hands for Assembly Task by Active Search Algorithm
- 2009, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 27thBilateral Control With Wave-Integral-Error Feedback Under Time-Varying Delay
- 2009, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM), 14th遭遇型ハプティックデバイスを用いた仮想操作パネル提示システム~仮想パネル面座標系を用いた動作計画~
- In this paper, we proposed a new method to plan the motion of an encountered-type haptic device for rendering several switches on a control panel in virtual space. We introduced the virtual surface coordinates to the motion planning so that the device moves along the virtual control panel in order to avoid unintended collision with the user. We also improved weight function used in the motion planning to reduce the duty of the device motion. The proposed method was verified by numerical simulation.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2009(0) (0), _1P1 - G04_1-_1P1-G04_4, Japanese
- Synthesizing a Desired Trajectory and Sensory Feedback Control Laws for an Origami-Folding Robot based on the Statistical Characteristics of Direct Teaching by a HumanIn this paper, a novel method to synthesize a desired trajectory and sensory feedback control laws for robots based on the statistical characteristics of direct teaching data by a human is proposed. This work was motivated by a poor performance of an origami-folding robot developed by the authors. Since the robot simply replayed a given trajectory without sensory feedback control, it often failed in folding due to the fluctuation of origami paper behaviors.To model the statistical characteristics of the demonstrated motions by a human, a hidden Markov model (HMM) is employed. A nominal desired trajectory is obtained by temporally normalizing and spatially averaging the demonstrated motions in a statistical manner. Sensory feedback control laws are then synthesized based on the output probability density function parameters of the HMM. Considering the velocity variance and the canonical correlation between velocity and force of the teaching data, important motion segments are extracted and the feedback control is applied only for those segments.The proposed method was applied to the origami-folding robot and experimental results showed that the success rate and the folding quality of "Valley-fold" were improved. Although the demonstrated task is very specific, the proposed method has generality to be applied to other tasks.IEEE, 2009, ICRA: 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-7, 1185 - 1192, English
- 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, 2009, Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 14(1) (1), Japanese, Domestic magazinePostscript by the editor: Special issue on presence of human in Andoroids and agentsIntroduction scientific journal
- 日本折紙学会, 2009, ORIGAMITANTEIDAN, 19(5) (5), 10 - 13, Japanese, Domestic magazineOrigami-Folding RobotIntroduction scientific journal
- 31 Dec. 2008, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌 = Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 13(4) (4), 222 - 233, Japanese座長からの報告
- A Design Methodology for Universal Hands for Robotic CellsRecently, cell production systems in the manufacturing domain have been automated towards robotic cells. Robots in robotic cells need versatile robot hands that can handle different parts because a set of conventional grippers customized for each part is no longer a reasonable solution. In this paper, we propose a design methodology for universal hands for assembly tasks, and discuss robust grasping strategies under uncertainties of initial part locations.The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 31 Oct. 2008, IEICE technical report, 108(282) (282), 177 - 182, Japanese
- バイオメカニズム学会, 25 Oct. 2008, バイオメカニズム学術講演会予稿集, 29, 227 - 230, Japanese筋骨格モデルを基にした手先の力と粘性変化からの筋活動度推定法 (第29回バイオメカニズム学術講演会 SOBIM2008 予稿集) -- (生体機能計測)
- 東京大学, 31 Mar. 2008, Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 13(1) (1), 42 - 43, Japanese, Domestic magazineLaboratory Introduction: Yokokohji Lab. (Mechatronics Lab.), Department of Mechanical Engineering and Science, Graduate School of Engineering/Mechanical Systems Engineering Cource, Undergraduate School of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto UniversityIntroduction scientific journal
- 2008, ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集, 13th人間の直接教示動作の統計的性質に基づいた折り紙ロボットの目標軌道とセンサフィードバック動作生成法
- 2008, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 26thEstimation of Muscle Activation Levels based on the Musculoskeletal Model considering Muscle Tension Variation Property
- 2008, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 26thBilateral Remote Control of Hydraulically-driven Systems Using Feedback Modulator
- 2008, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 26thRobust Grasping Strategy of Universal Hands for Assembly Tasks Based on the Object Pushing Operation Analysis
- 2008, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 26thManipulability of Master Arms Considering the Musculo-Skeletal Model of Operator
- 2008, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM), 13thDesign and Motion Planning of an Encountered-type Haptic Device for Rendering Several Switches in Virtual Space
- 2008, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM), 13thMeasurement of Hapitc Percption Characteristic to Discriminate Curved Surfaces by Three Fingers
- This paper discusses variable-scale bilateral control for micro teleoperation. A method is proposed to synthesize robust variable-scale controllers that guarantee system stability and realize robust performance in contact with any arbitrary, but passive, operator and environment. The proposed method is based on the formulation as a robust output feedback constant scaled H-infinity problem. A variable scaled teleoperation system appears as a polytopic linear parameter-varying (LPV) plant, with an affine relation on the scale factors. Gain-scheduling is used to derive robust stable time-variant H-infinity controllers for online variable scaling. Improved controller performance is obtained through the introduction of an affine and scheduled-parameter-dependent weighting. The controller synthesis problem is formulated as a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMI's) augmented with a nonconvex rank condition. An efficient algorithm is constructed to synthesize a set of sub-optimal controllers over the parameter space. The validity of the proposed methods are confirmed experimentally.IEEE, 2008, 2008 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-9, 655 - +, English
- 2P1-M05 Development of a Laser Range Finder for 3D-Map Construction in Rubble : Installation to rescue robotsIn order to search the victims in rubble, a 3-D map of rubble is required. We have developed small laser range finders for constructing the 3-D map. Our range finder consists of a ring laser system and an omnidirectional camera. This paper describes about installation of the third prototype to snake-like rescue robot "Souryu". Also, 3-D rubble models constructed by using the Souryu with the range finder are shown.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 11 May 2007, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2007, "2P1 - M05(1)"-"2P1-M05(4)", Japanese
- 2007, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM), 12thRealization of Desired Steering Angle-Torque Characteristics in a Column-type Electric Power-assist Steering System (C-EPS) for Automobiles
- 2007, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 25thTeleoperation of a Dual-Arm Robot by Using a Movable Reference Coordinate Frame
- 2007, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 25thFunction Analysis of a Musculo-Skeletal Human Hand Model
- 2007, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 107(332(HIP2007 99-128)) (332(HIP2007 99-128))Desired Trajectory Generation and Sensory Feedback Synthesis for an Origami Folding Robot based on the Statistical Data of Direct Teaching by a Human
- 2007, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 25thA Design Framework of Universal Hands for Robotic Cell Production Systems
- 2007, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 25thMotion Generation Method for an Origami Folding Robot Based on the Direct Teaching Data by a Human
- 2007, Proceedings of IROS 2007 workshopGuideline of Human Interface Design for Rescue Robots
- Impulse-based control of an impulsive haptic interfaceIn a previous paper the authors presented the first haptic display capable of applying directly an impulse to its operator. The resulting immediate change in momentum is considered invaluable to make interactions with rigid virtual objects feel realistic. The size of the impulse is controlled by adapting the amount of momentum of a momentum wheel. At the predicted instant of contact with the virtual object, an electromagnetic tooth clutch is engaged. The axes of momentum wheel and haptic handle are connected and a real but controllable collision between the operator and the momentum wheel is realized.This paper presents some tools to improve the accuracy of the impulses realized by the device. First, a detailed investigation of the dynamic properties of the tooth clutch is included. Based on this analysis, conclusions with respect to the range of displayable impulses are made. The First Order Adaptive Windowing method (FOAW) of Janabi-Sharifi is extended to a Second Order form (SOAW) and used to make accurate predictions of the instant and velocity of impact. Finally, the impulse generation capability of the device is utilized in a new method to estimate the inertia of the device's interacting components.All these tools are combined and a rigid virtual wall was implemented. Experimental results confirm the quality improvement with respect to traditional virtual walls.IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 2007, WORLD HAPTICS 2007: SECOND JOINT EUROHAPTICS CONFERENCE AND SYMPOSIUM ON HAPTIC INTERFACES FOR VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT AND TELEOPERATOR SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, 176 - +, English
- This paper describes the design of a new telepresence vision system developed to realize a higher immersive feeling for telemanipulation tasks. A new measure of 'permissible visual errors' was defined. Making use of this new measure, a minimal vision system is designed, containing only the strictly necessary DOF's (degrees of freedom) while keeping the vision errors below an experimentally obtained set of permissible errors. The result is a 4DOF camera system, containing two rotational joints (pan-tilt) and two prismatic joints (horizontal plane.) An evaluation of the system was done through a telemanipulation task using a unified hand/arm teleoperation testbed. It was found that during use of the vision system almost all visual errors remained within the permissible errors. The proposed vision system design framework suggests to break away from simply (and often blindly) mimicking human appearance. Although we only dealt with the vision system design, the same concept could be used when designing any other part of a robot.IEEE, 2007, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS 1-10, 4313 - +, English
- Origami folding by a robotic handFor the purpose of realizing the functions of the human hand on a mechanical system, fundamental understanding of the human hand is necessary through intensive observations of manipulation tasks by humans. As an example of skilled manipulation tasks, we target origami folding. We first analyzed the difficulty of origami manipulation and observed how the human folds the origami. We then designed a robotic mechanism that can make an origami work, the Tadpole, in the same way as the human does based on the observation of the origami folding by the human. Although the appearance of the developed robotic hand is dissimilar to that of the human hand, the robot succeeded in performing the origami task, the Tadpole.IEEE, 2007, 2007 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-9, 2546 - 2553, English
- We propose a framework to evaluate the traversability of mobile robots on an uneven terrain by using an abstract terrain model made from fractional Brownian motions (fBms). Using fBm models, one can generate various terrain models by using only two parameters. In the proposed framework, traversability of mobile robots is evaluated in a statistical manner, i.e., by repeating computer simulation many times to get the probability that the robot can travel a certain distance on the abstract terrain modeled from a given target terrain. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, we prepared two different kinds of rough terrain as the target terrains and experimentally evaluated the traversability of a mobile robot in several cases, changing the wheel size and body configuration. Then, we modeled these target terrains by using fBm and evaluated the traversability of the robot in computer simulations. Probabilities that the robot can travel a certain distance obtained from the simulation agreed well with the experimental results, indicating that simulation on abstract terrain models can predict the traversability of the robot on real terrains. The proposed framework would be useful to design a rover that should traverse robustly on a planet where precise terrain information cannot be obtained in advance. It would also be useful to check the performance of a novel rover mechanism in various terrain conditions.TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2007, ADVANCED ROBOTICS, 21(1-2) (1-2), 121 - 142, English
- 2007, 微細手術のためのスケール可変型バイラテラルテレオペレーションシステムの開発 平成16-18年度 No.16360123, 79P, Japanese微細手術のためのスケール可変型バイラテラルテレオペレーションシステムの開発 平成16年度~平成18年度
- 25 Dec. 2006, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌 = Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 11(4) (4), 242 - 250, Japanese座長からの報告
- The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 10 Dec. 2006, Journal of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 45(12) (12), 1036 - 1041, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- Origami Folding by a Robotic HandFor the purpose of realizing the functions of human hand on mechanical systems, fundamental understanding of human hand is necessary through intensive observations of manipulation tasks by humans. As an example of skilled manipulation task, we target at origami folding. We first analyze the difficulty of origami manipulation and designed a robotic mechanism that can make a origami work "Tadpole" based on the observation of origami folding by a human. Although the appearance of the developed robotic hand is dissimilar to human hand, we succeeded in performing each element task of "Tadpole".The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 30 Nov. 2006, IEICE technical report, 106(410) (410), 113 - 118, Japanese
- 2006, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 24thTask-oriented Robotic Hand Design and Realization of the Target Task-A Case Study of Origami Folding-
- 2P1-D37 Analysis of Origami Manipulation and its Realization by a Robotic HandDexterous robotic hands like human hand have been anticipated in various applications. Although many robot hands have been developed, their dexterity is still far below the human hand. As a steppingstone to a dexterous robotic hand, we developed a robotic hand which manipulates origami. Existing origami robot can perform only simple folding. We aimed to develop a robot that can perform more complicated fold like squash-fold. In this paper, we first analyze origami manipulation and define the difficulty of origami manipulations. We then designed a robotic mechanism that can make a origami work "Tadpole" based on the observation of origami folding by a human. Although the appearance of the developed robotic hand is dissimilar to human hand, we succeeded in performing each element task of "Tadpole" by the developed robotic hand.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2006, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2006, "2P1 - D37(1)"-"2P1-D37(4)", Japanese
- THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 2006, Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 11(2) (2), 193 - 193, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- 2006, Journal of Robotics Society of Japan, 24(2) (2), 183, Japanese, Domestic magazineENRYU T-52 Advance -A Teleoperated Heavy-Duty Robot for Assisting Rescue ActivitiesIntroduction scientific journal
- The Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, 2006, Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, 49(0) (0), 603 - 603
- This paper deals with the haptic rendering of collisions between a human operator and rigid objects in a virtual environment. The focus being on high-velocity impacts on a rigid wall. After discussing the importance of velocity measurements in contrast to force measurements, a new haptic device is introduced. The new device is capable of applying directly an 'impulse' to the operator, similar to collisions occurring in the real world. Based on a Poisson-model of the rigid virtual object, the necessary change of momentum of the operator's hand is being estimated online. A momentum wheel, under velocity-control, is engaged through an electromagnetic toothed clutch, at the estimated instant of impact. The resulting immediate change in momentum is thought to be essential for giving interactions with rigid virtual objects a realistic feel. Rather than generating so-called 'impulsive forces' with big motors, this approach relies only on small motors and is thus intrinsically safer. Experiments are performed on a one-degree of freedom setup. Conclusions are drawn and future directions of this research are sketched.IEEE, 2006, 2006 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-12, 1547 - +, English
- A motion planning algorithm is proposed for an encountered-type haptic device that can simulate grasping tasks by multiple fingertips. The algorithm determines the location of each surface patch of the device from the weighted mean of the all minimum distance point information on the virtual objects from each fingertip of the user By carefully designing the weights, the proposed algorithm can work for not only convex objects but also concave ones. The proposed path-planning algorithm is also designed to avoid any collision with the user in transition phases between subsequent contacts by introducing a prohibited area around the user's hand. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is confirmed by simulations.The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 2006, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 6(0) (0), 330 - 330, English
- In this article we present a new theorem that reduces the stability problem of teleoperators from a structured singular value problem to a maximum singular value problem. A control scheme realizing an ideal response for fixed-scale teleoperation is proposed and its stability is proven analytically. Next, the ideal control scheme is extended to control schemes with a higher stability robustness. Also, for these more complicated schemes, stability analyses are performed making use of the new theorem and stability conditions are derived. Experiments on a 1-d.o.f. setup are conducted to confirm the validity of the proposed control schemes.TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2006, ADVANCED ROBOTICS, 20(6) (6), 681 - 706, English
- Guidelines for human interface design of rescue robotsIn this paper, we summarize the findings and know-hows in the individual developments and try to establish guidelines of human-interface design of rescue robots. These guidelines would be useful for the future development of rescue robots. Preliminary guidelines were set from some case studies of the DDT project and RoboCup Rescue. A trial towards the standardized interface is also shown.IEEE, 2006, 2006 SICE-ICASE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-13, 1612 - +, English
- Understanding Manipulation Intelligence from Teleoperation and Vurtual RealityManipulation is a complex coordinated task using arms, hands and fingers, as well as eyes. It is very important to understand fundamental property of manipulation functions of humans before trying to build a robot. We have been developing teleoperation systems and haptic virtual reality systems not only to apply them to some useful domains but also to use them as a research platform to investigate human manipulation functions and understand what the bottleneck to realize these functions is. In this talk, we will introduce some resent teleoperation systems and haptic interfaces that we developed.The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 20 Oct. 2005, IEICE technical report, 105(358) (358), 63 - 68, Japanese
- 2005, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 23rdDevelopment of a Laser Range Finder for 3D-Map Construction in Rubble-Development and Evaluation of the 2nd Prototype-
- 2005, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 23rdDevelopment of master arms to teleoperate redundant dual-arm robots
- 2005, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2005Development of a Teleoprated Heavy-Duty Robot for Assisting Rescue Activities
- The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 2005, Journal of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 44(9) (9), 646 - 651, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2005, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2005(0) (0), 7 - 7, Japanese
- Current haptic interfaces are incapable of reliably presenting stiff virtual objects. To solve this problem the authors propose a new type of haptic interface capable of generating high impulsive forces. Since the device does not need powerful motors, the safety of the operator can be guaranteed.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2005, The Proceedings of Conference of Kansai Branch, 2005(0) (0), _15 - 25_-_15-26_, English
- 特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, 25 Dec. 2004, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌, 9(4) (4), 6 - 37, Japanese
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 15 Jul. 2004, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 22(5) (5), 566 - 569, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- 2004, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 22ndDevelopment of a Multi-Segmented Locomotion Mechanism by Longitudinal Waves
- 2004, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 22ndDevelopment and Evaluation of a Master-Slave-type Vision System for Teleoperation
- 2004, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 22ndDesign and Control of a Multi-fingered Encountered-type Haptic device
- 2004, EMTAF研究助成成果報告書 平成13年度(第14期)助成事業分 No.14Development of a remote control system as a basis of an independent assembly work robot in which visual sense, an arm and fingers are integrated.
- 2004, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 22ndFunction Analysis of Toe Parts using Mechanical Shoes that Restrain Human Toe Joints
- 2004, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 22ndA Functional Model of Human Toe Mechanisms during Locomotion
- 2004, システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集, 2004A Functional Model of Human Foot Mechanisms for Locomotion
- 2004, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM), 9thA Multi-fingered Encountered-type Haptic Device Displaying Various Virtual Objects
- 2004, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM), 9thPrediction of A Target Object for Path Planning of A Multi-fingered Encountered-type Haptic Device
- Recently technological advances made systems more sophisticated, and the problems more complicated. To adapt to complex conditions, the behavior of a system should be optimized. For example, robots, aircrafts, spacecrafts and Aero-assited Orbital Transfer Vehicles (AOTV) have sophisticated trajectory programming problems. This study presents the proposal of two new general methods to solve optimum control problem. Applying Minimum Principle to parameterize optimum control problem by initial value of adjoint variables p_0. The problem can be solved by direct optimization using general Non-Linear Programing solutions. The proposed methods offer faster numerical solutions for optimum trajectory programming problems. In order to see whether the proposed methods are advantageous, the results of a comparative study with conventional methods are shown.The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2004, The Proceedings of OPTIS, 2004(0) (0), 91 - 96, Japanese
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2004, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2004(0) (0), 3 - 4, Japanese
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2004, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2004(0) (0), 168 - 168, Japanese
- 日本バ-チャルリアリティ学会, 17 Sep. 2003, Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan,annual conference, 8, 21 - 24, EnglishPerceptual Analysis of Virtual Wall Control Algorithms
- 日本バ-チャルリアリティ学会, 17 Sep. 2003, Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan,annual conference, 8, 37 - 40, JapaneseDesigning and Path Planning for an Encountered-Type Haptic Device for Multiple Fingertip Contacts
- 産業開発機構, Jul. 2003, Eizojoho Industrial, 35(7) (7), 11 - 16, Japanese, Domestic magazineImage Overlay by Augmented Reality Technique and its Application to Car Navigation SystemsIntroduction commerce magazine
- 2003, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 21stImage Stabilization and Delay Compensation of Visual Display for Teleoperated Mobile Robots on Uneven Terrain
- 歩行ロボットの制御には一般にZMPが規範として利用されている。しかしZMPは一般に不整地では物理的意味を持ったまま定義できない。そこで, 筆者らが提案したFSWを規範とする不整地運動のシミュレーションを行ったので, これを報告する。The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2003(0) (0), 63 - 63, Japanese
- 近年, ロボット制御の分野においてもオブジェクト指向に基づいたプログラムが増えて来ている。そこで, 筆者らが作成したSORL (Stream Oriented Roboties Library) を例に挙げ, 高い拡張性と整合性の両立を目指したプログラム作成法について述べるThe Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2003(0) (0), 112 - 112, Japanese
- 特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, 25 Dec. 2002, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌, 7(4) (4), 6 - 30, Japanese
- 日本バ-チャルリアリティ学会, 18 Sep. 2002, Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan,annual conference, 7, 319 - 322, EnglishHaptic Control Architectures based on Scattering Theory and Wave-variables
- 日本バ-チャルリアリティ学会, 18 Sep. 2002, Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan,annual conference, 7, 69 - 72, JapaneseDesign of Encountered-type Haptic Device for Multiple Fingers
- 日本バ-チャルリアリティ学会, 18 Sep. 2002, Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan,annual conference, 7, 109 - 112, JapaneseImage Overlay on Optical See-through Displays for Vehicle Navigation
- 2002, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 20thTeleoperation control method using a master device with a small work space
- 2002, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 20thDynamic Multi-fingered Manipulability for Articulated Hands-Extention to a Design Guideline for Master-Slave Hand-
- 2002, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), 20thApplication of Humanoid Robots for Teleoperations of Industrial Vehicles
- 2002, 計測自動制御学会関西支部シンポジウム講演論文集, 2002複合現実感とテレロボティクスにおける視覚/力覚インタフェース
- 2002, 情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 2002(11,Pt.1) (11,Pt.1)ハイブリッドにすれば万事解決とはなかなか..
- 2002, IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, 5, 32 - 37Toward machine mediated training of motor skills. Skill transfer from human to human via virtual environment
- In order to search and rescue the victims in rubble effectively, a 3-D map of rubble is required. In this research as a part of a national project of recue robot system, we are investigating a method for constructing a 3-D map of rubble by teleoperated mobile robots. We are also planning to build intuitive user interfaces for teleoperating robots and navigating in a virtualized rubble model using the obtained 3-D model.The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 2002, SICE Division Conference Program and Abstracts, 2002(0) (0), 32 - 32
- The problem how a human becomes skillful in performing complex and difficult works is widely treated in scientific and engineering fields. The work in this paper deals with a fundamental scheme for investigating processes and mechanisms of acquiring skills. To make it clear, scientific methodologies are discussed from the point of view of learning and meta-learning, motor skills, observation problem of skills.The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 2002, SICE Division Conference Program and Abstracts, 2002(0) (0), 78 - 78
- 2002, Systems, Control and Information, 46(8) (8), 506 - 507, Japanese, Domestic magazineEditorial Essay: Special Issue on Digital Human -Measurement and Modeling of Human FunctionsIntroduction scientific journal
- 2002, Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 7(4) (4), 254 - 256, Japanese, Domestic magazinePast, Present, and Future of Computer Entertainment: Report of the Invited Lecture by Mr.K.Kutaragi, CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, Co. at the 7th annual conference of the Virtual Reality Society of JapanIntroduction scientific journal
- 特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会, 25 Jun. 2001, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌, 6(1) (1), 37 - 49, Japanese
- 2001, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 19thフラクタル理論を用いた不整地のモデリングと車輪型移動ロボットの走行シミュレーション
- 2001, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 19th手足が環境に拘束された人間型ロボットの姿勢および動作パターンの評価
- 2001, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 19th多指ハンド型ハプティックマスタの設計指針
- 2001, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 19thDesign Guideline for Multi-fingered Haptic Master Devices.
- 2001, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 19thModeling of Uneven Terrain by Fractal Theory and Simulation of Wheeled Mobile Robot Motion.
- 2001, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 19thEvaluation of Postures and Motion Patterns of a Humanoid Robot whose Four Limbs are Constrained to the Surrounding Environment.
- 2001, Proceedings International Symposium on Mixed Reality, 196 - 197It's really sticking! -Dynamically accurate image overlay through hybrid vision/inertial tracking
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2001(0) (0), 76 - 76, Japanese
- THE INSTITUTE OF SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERS, 2001, SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION, 45(12) (12), 703 - 710, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- 2001, Systems, Control and Information, 45(12) (12), 739, Japanese, Domestic magazineBook Review: Dream on Robots –Towards the Coordination of Intelligence and BodyBook review
- 18 Sep. 2000, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集, 5, 149 - 150, JapaneseVirtual Control Panel of Automobiles Using an Encountered-Type Haptic Device and Its Evaluation
- 2000, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 2000(Pt.2) (Pt.2)Bilateral Teleoperation Experiment on ETS-VII.
- 2000, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 18thGround-Space Teleoperation Experiment Using ETS-VII Robot Arm by Absolute Bilateral Control.
- 2000, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 2000(Pt.4) (Pt.4)Stable Bilateral Teleoperation Control under Time-Varying Communication Delay.
- 2000, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 2000(Pt.1) (Pt.1)RoboFesta KANSAI 2001: To Realize Rescue Robot Contest.
- 2000, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 44thThrusting Gait for a Quadruped Robot.
- 2000, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 44thGrasping an Object using the Singularity of the Finger.
- 2000, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 2000(Pt.1) (Pt.1)Evaluation of Ease of Use of Remote Robot Controllers Designed for ETS-VII Space Robot System.
- 2000, Prpc. IEEE Virtual Reality 2000, 4th, 247 - 254Accurate Image Overlay on See-through Head-mounted Displays Using Vision and Accelerometers
- 2000, Proc. IEEE ICRA 2000, 2684 - 2689Bilateral Teleoperation with Energy Balance Monitoring Under Time-Varying Communication Delay
- THE INSTITUTE OF SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERS, 2000, SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION, 44(12) (12), 702 - 709, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- 1999, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1999(Pt.2) (Pt.2)Bilateral Teleoperation Control under Fluctuating Time Delay of Communication.
- 1999, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1999(Pt.2) (Pt.2)Quadrupedal Intelligent Robot Research Platform JROB-2.
- 1999, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1999(Pt.2) (Pt.2)Motion Programming Libraries for JROB2.
- 1999, Flexible autoMation 21, 2(2) (2)Investigation on directivity of future robotics from the international conference on robotics and automation.
- 1999, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 17thStability and Maneuverability of PD-based Bilateral Control with Time Delay.
- 1999, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 43rdManeuverability Evaluation of a Unified Hand/Arm Master-Slave System.
- 1999, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集, 4thPath Planning of Encountered-type Haptic Device that Represents Multiple Virtual Objects.
- 1999, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 837Maneuverability Evaluation of a Unified Hand-Arm Master-Slave System.
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 15 Oct. 1998, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 16(7) (7), 906 - 909, Japanese, Domestic magazine
- 1998, 人工現実感に関する基礎的研究 平成9年度 仮想空間の生成と人間との相互作用に関する研究Technical education system using kinesthetic sence based virtual reality . ( the Ministry of Education S ).
- 1998, 日本機械学会通常総会講演会講演論文集, 75th(4) (4)A trial of user interface for remote manufacturing using visual information.
- 1998, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 16thDevelopment of an Unified Hand-Arm Master-Slave System and Its Experimental Evaluation.
- 1998, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1998(Pt.3) (Pt.3)Mechatronics Seminar with a Mobile Robot in Kyoto University.
- 1998, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 42nd3D Estimation of human arm motion by single camera.
- 1998, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1998(Pt.1) (Pt.1)Construction and evaluation of a skill teaching system using vibration and teacher’s sight.
- 1998, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集, 3rdDevelopment of a Heat Tracking 3D Display.
- 1998, Proc. of 1998 Japan-U.S.A. Symposium on Flexible Automation, 1293 - 1296Vision-Based Head Tracking for Image Overlay and Reducing Dynamic Registration Error with Acceleration Measurement
- 1998, 第16回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 1998, 501 - 502カメラ画像を併用したソフトフィンガー型の多指ハンドによる物体の操り
- Mixed Reality : Seeking for Fusion of Real and VirtualIn the society of the 21^<st> century, huge amount of information in various forms is going to be used in many areas including offices and homes. Mixed Reality technology, which merges virtual and real environments, are thought as new information engineering technology and attracts attentions. In order to realize Mixed Reality environments, a new information processing technology, merging real space and virtual space in real time, must be developed. Therefore, computer vision technology will be a key for the development. The panel is going to examine break through technology for Mixed Reality from various aspects including CV, Vision, Haptics and User Interface.The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 16 Oct. 1997, Technical report of IEICE. PRMU, 97(324) (324), 43 - 50, Japanese
- 1997, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1997(Vol.B) (Vol.B)Tele-Manufacturing System Using Space Collaboration System.
- 1997, インテリジェントFAシンポジウム講演論文集, 6thA method of position tracking for a head mounted display with visual tracking and accelation measurement.
- 1997, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 41stEnhancing the time-delayed teleoperation performance by using a predict model in a bilateral master-slave system.
- 1997, 人工現実感に関する基礎的研究 平成8年度 仮想空間の生成と人間との相互作用に関する研究Research on the sense presentation and interaction of sense and action. Virtual machine dynamic operational feeling presentation system with the multiple presenting terminal. ( the Ministry of Education S ).
- 1997, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 97(324(PRMU97 111-120)) (324(PRMU97 111-120))Combined realistic image. Investigation on fusion of virtuality and actuality. Presentation of Inner force sence and combined realistic image.
- 1997, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集, 2ndA method of position tracking for a head mounted display with visual tracking and acceleration measurement.
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 15 Apr. 1994, Journal of Robotics Society of Japan, 12(3) (3), 368 - 388, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- 15 Jan. 1994, Journal of Robotics Society of Japan, 12(1) (1), 65 - 66, Japanese, Domestic magazineDoes Telepathic Robot Need a Heart?Introduction scientific journal
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 15 Sep. 1993, Journal of Robotics Society of Japan, 11(6) (6), 830 - 830, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 15 Sep. 1993, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 11(6) (6), 794 - 802, Japanese, Domestic magazine
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 15 Mar. 1993, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 11(2) (2), 185 - 191, Japanese, Domestic magazine
- 1993, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 37thLearning Control Using Neural Network with an Adjusting Algorithm of Learning Coefficient.
- 1993, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 37thOperation Modes for Cooperating with Autonomous Functions in Multiple DOF Master-Slave Teleoperation Systems.
- 1993, インテリジェントFAシンポジウム講演論文集, 4thDisplay Method of Feeling in Operating Virtual Tools Sliding on Surface of Virtual Objects.
- 1993, インテリジェントFAシンポジウム講演論文集, 4thA Smooth Changing Method for Position/Force Control of a Robot Arm.
- 1993, インテリジェントFAシンポジウム講演論文集, 4thA Master-Slave System using the Compliance Characteristic of Rubber Artificial Muscles.
- 15 Aug. 1992, システム/制御/情報 : システム制御情報学会誌 = Systems, control and information, 36(8) (8), 558 - 558, Japanese京都大学 工学部 機械工学科 潤滑油圧工学研究室(吉川研究室)
- 1992, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 10th(1) (1)Operation Modes for Cooperating with Autonomous Functions in Master-Slave Teleoperation Systems.
- 1992, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1992-ADynamics Analysis of Closed Link Mechamisms with Redundant Actuators.
- 1992, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1992-AOperation Modes for Advanced Master-Slave Systems with the Aid of Autonomous Functions.
- 1992, システム/制御/情報, 36(7) (7)An Assembly Planning for Robots Based on Constraint State Transition Difficulty.
- 1992, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1992-ANeural Net/Rule Base Integrated System for Intelligent Robot System and Its Application to a Batting Robot.
- 1992, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1992-BRealization of Reaction Force in Operating Virtual Objects Considering Their Dynamics.
- 1992, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 10th(2) (2)A Planning of Displacement Path among Contact States in Assembly Task.
- The Robotics Society of Japan, 1992, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 10(4) (4), 552 - 552, Japanese, Domestic magazineIntroduction scientific journal
- 1991, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 9th(3) (3)Experimental Results by A Master-Slave Teleoperation System “RATSU-WAN”.
- 1991, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1991-BEfficient Computational Algorithm for Motion Control of Multi-Arm Space Manipulators.
- 1991, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1991-BCoordinated Control of An Object with Articulation by Two Robot Arms.
- 1991, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 9th(3) (3)Experimental Evaluation of Maneuverability Index of Master-Slave Teleoperation Systems.
- 1991, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 35thAn Assembly Planning for Robots Considering the Degree of Constraint.
- 養賢堂, Jan. 1991, Science of Machine, 43(1) (1), 173 - 182, Japanese, Domestic magazineEfficient Computation Algorithms for Robot Arm Control
- 1990, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1990-BTrajectory planning for a manipulator with a camera-in-hand which tracks a moving target.
- 1990, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 1990-BCoordinative control of an object with movable part by two robot arms.
- 1990, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 8th(3) (3)Object handling by multi-fingered hand with slip sensors.
- 1990, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 34thTrajectory control of multi-arm space manipulators.
- 1990, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 8th(1) (1)Control of master-slave manipulators with joint torque sensors.
- 1989, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 7th(1) (1)Manipulability of master arms considering the operator dynamics. Evaluation of dynamic manipulability and its directional property.
- 1989, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 7th(1) (1)Dynamic control of multiple DOF master-slave manipulators. Realization of ideal responses by different configuration and isomorphic configuration arms.
- 1989, 自動制御連合講演会前刷, 32ndManipulability of master arms considering the operator dynamics.
- 1989, インテリジェントFAシンポジウム講演論文集, 2ndIdeal responses of master-slave system in multiple degrees of freedom.
- 1989, システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, 33rdManipulability of master arms considering the operator dynamics.
- 1989, インテリジェントFAシンポジウム講演論文集, 2ndLearning control of robotic manipulators without joint angle sensors by using CMAC.
- 1988, システムと制御研究発表講演会講演論文集, 32ndIdeal responses of master-slave system and their conditions.
- 1988, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 6thProposal of dynamic control for master-slave manipulators which realizes various intervenient impedances.
- 1988, 自動制御連合講演会前刷, 31stProposal of dynamic control for master-slave manipulators which realizes various intervenient impedances.
- 1987, システムと制御研究発表講演会講演論文集, 31stDSP implementation for dynamic control of multi-joints manipulators.
- 1987, 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集, 5thAnalysis of manipulability and stability for master-slave system.
- 1986, 自動制御連合講演会前刷, 29thOn a link coordinate frame notation for serial link robot manipulator.
- Joint work, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, 2018, EnglishDisaster Robotics -Results from the ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge-, Dual-Arm Construction Robot with Remote-Control FunctionReport
- Others, 近代科学社, 2017, Japanese, ISBN: 9784764904736Robot Control HandbookDictionary or encycropedia
- Others, Asakura Publishing Co., LTD., Jul. 2015, JapaneseEncyclopedia of Control SystemsDictionary or encycropedia
- Joint work, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Sep. 2011, Japanese, ISBN: 9784888982085RoboticsTextbook
- Joint work, Ohmsha, Sep. 2011, Japanese, ISBN: 9784274210723Robot TechnologyGeneral book
- Joint work, Medical Information Science Reference, May 2011, English, ISBN: 9781609605599Early Detection and Rehabilitation Technologies for Dementia; Chapter 42: A Method for Elicting the Support Needs from People with Early-Stage Dementia for Maintaining Social LivingScholarly book
- Joint work, Medical Information Science Reference, May 2011, EnglishEarly Detection and Rehabilitation Technologies for DementiaScholarly book
- Others, Maruzen, 2008, JapaneseMechanical Engineering Handbook: Vol. γ 7 Mechatronics and RoboticsTextbook
- [横小路泰義], 2007微細手術のためのスケール可変型バイラテラルテレオペレーションシステムの開発
- Others, Corona-sha, 2005, Japanese, ISBN: 4339045764Robotics Handbook (New Edition)Scholarly book
- Others, Maruzen, Dec. 2004, Japanese, ISBN: 4888981167Mechanical Engineering Handbook: Vol. α 2 Machine MechanicsTextbook
- [横小路泰義], 2003通信時間の遅れと変動を併う環境下での遠隔操作法の研究
- Others, Shoko-Do, 2002, Japanese, ISBN: 4785690658Scientific InstrumentationTextbook
- Experimental Robotics VII (D.Rus and S.Singh Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 2001Bilateral Teleoperation: Towards Fine Manipulation with Large Time Delay
- Robotics Research, the Ninth International Symposium, Springer-Verlag, 2000Object Manipulation by Soft Fingers and Vision
- [吉川恒夫], 1995人間・ロボット協調システムにおける作業分担/介入様式に関する研究
- Experimental Robotics III, Springer-Verlag, 1994Task Sharing and Intervention in Human-Robot Cooperating Systems
- Others, Corona-sha, Oct. 1990, Japanese, ISBN: 4339031399Robotics HandbookScholarly book
- Robotics Research, The Fifth International Symposium, MIT Press, 1990Control of Master-Slave Manipulators for Object Tele-Perception
- Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2020, Jan. 2020, © 2020 IEEE. For realizing a versatile, flexible robotic assembly system in manufacturing, development of a versatile robotic hand with minimally necessary mechanism has been expected. As a simple hand for this demand, we are currently aiming at developing a chuck-type hand with three parallel stick fingers which can achieve a target assembly task. Toward the optimal design of the hand, it is necessary to know the required driving force of an actuator to be used. This paper presents a method to compute the magnitude of the minimally necessary driving force of the actuator for the hand through grasp optimization.Minimization of Actuator's Driving Force of Chuck-type Hand with Three Parallel Stick Fingers through Grasp Optimization
- The Robotics and Mechatronics Conference 2019, Jun. 2019, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, International Conference Center Hiroshima, Domestic conference遠隔操縦システムとの「一体感」に着目した操作性指標の提案とその妥当性の検証Poster presentation
- Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2019, Apr. 2019, © 2019 IEEE. For realizing a versatile, flexible robotic assembly system in the manufacturing domain, a versatile robotic hand which can grasp variously shaped parts accurately is essential. In our research, we assume a robotic hand with multiple parallel stick fingers, and aim to design an optimal mechanism of the hand as a versatile robotic hand for assembly tasks, which is as simple as possible with minimally necessary degrees of freedom and number of fingers. One of the minimum solution is a chuck-type hand. In this paper, as fundamental research toward optimal design of the hand, we address a chuck-type hand with three parallel stick fingers, and propose a geometrical method to find candidate positions of the fingers contacting a target part under the constraint of the hand mechanism. The validity and utility of the proposed method is verified through some numerical examples.Geometrical Solution of Finger Arrangement Problem onto Target Part toward Design of Chuck-type Hand with Three Parallel Stick Fingers
- The 19th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2018, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, 大阪工業大学 梅田キャンパス, Domestic conference踵接地・つま先離地を行う二足歩行ロボットの軌道計画とシミュレーションによるエネルギー効率の評価Poster presentation
- The 19th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2018, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, 大阪工業大学 梅田キャンパス, Domestic conferenceStudy on complementary clarification of object propertiesand robot hand functions for grasping Part 2; design of robot hand assuming handling of medicines at pharmacyPoster presentation
- The 19th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2018, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, 大阪工業大学 梅田キャンパス, Domestic conferenceAutonomous map generation by two robots based on consensus methodPoster presentation
- The 19th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2018, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, 大阪工業大学 梅田キャンパス, Domestic conferenceDevelpoment of a general purpose robot hand for picking tasks based on the functional analysis of human handsPoster presentation
- The 19th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2018, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, 大阪工業大学 梅田キャンパス, Domestic conferenceHigh-precision Trajectory Control of Hydraulically Driven Robotswith Feedback Modulator Using Improved Quantization MapPoster presentation
- The 19th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2018, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, 大阪工業大学 梅田キャンパス, Domestic conferenceA study on visual presentation method for the sense of depth of environment in a remote control systemPoster presentation
- The 19th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2018, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, 大阪工業大学 梅田キャンパス, Domestic conferenceInvestigation of maneuverability index for remote control robots focusing on the "sense of unity" The 3rd Report: Influence of camera orientation on maneuverabilityPoster presentation
- The 19th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2018, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, 大阪工業大学 梅田キャンパス, Domestic conferenceキーノート WRS ものづくり競技2018の総括Poster presentation
- IROS ImPACT TRC Work Shop, Oct. 2018, English, Madrid, Spain, International conferenceDual-Arm Construction Robot with Remote-Control Function[Invited]Invited oral presentation
- The 36th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2018, Japanese, The Robotics Society of Japan, 中部大学春日井キャンパス, Domestic conference平行スティック四指汎用ハンドを搭載した単一アームによるギヤユニットの冶具レス組立Oral presentation
- The 36th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2018, Japanese, The Robotics Society of Japan, 中部大学春日井キャンパス, Domestic conferenceチャック型平行スティック三指ハンドの機構設計のための対象部品表面への指配置問題とその幾何的解法Oral presentation
- ROBOMECH2018, Jun. 2018, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, 北九州国際コンベンションゾーン, Domestic conferenceExternal force estimation of a hydraulically-driven robot in the disaster area for high fidelity teleoperationPoster presentation
- ROBOMECH2018, Jun. 2018, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, 北九州国際コンベンションゾーン, Domestic conferenceTrajectory Generation for Fall Avoidance of Bipedal Robots Considering Vertical Center-of-Mass MotionPoster presentation
- ROBOMECH2018, Jun. 2018, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, Kitakyushu International Convention Zone, Domestic conferenceInvestigation of maneuverability index for remote control robots focusing on the "sense of unity" The 2nd Report: Influence of the required forces for master arm operation on the maneuverabilityPoster presentation
- ROBOMECH2018, Jun. 2018, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, 北九州国際コンベンションゾーン, Domestic conferenceImPACT タフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ(TRC)建設ロボット-2重旋回・複腕モデルによるフィールド評価実験-Poster presentation
- 第3回次世代イニシアチブ廃炉技術カンファレンス(NDEC-3), Mar. 2018, Japanese, 文部科学省, 富岡文化交流センター学びの森, Domestic conference頭部運動を伴った遠隔操縦における一体感実現のための視覚提示許容誤差の推定Poster presentation
- The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2018, Japanese, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers,Investigation of maneuverability index for remote control robots focusing on the "sense of unity":The 2nd Report: Influence of the required forces for master arm operation on the maneuverability
We have been investigating a new performance evaluation method for remote control robots focusing on the "sense of unity". In the previous report, we examined whether or not it is possible to evaluate how much the operator has the "sense of unity" with the remote robot by using the Crossmodal Congruency Effect (CCE). In this report, we examined the influence of the required forces to operate the master arm on the maneuverability of the remote control system experimentally and compared the obtained results with CCE. Although the experimental result did not show much influence of the required forces on the maneuverability of the remote control system, it suggests that CCE can be an operability index for remote control robots.
- The 18th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2017, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, SENDAI INTERNATIONAL CENTER, Domestic conference物体が有する把持に関わる性質とロボットハンドによる把持に必要な機能との相補的解明法に関する研究Poster presentation
- The 18th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2017, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, SENDAI INTERNATIONAL CENTER, Domestic conference踏み出し量と所要時間の関係性を考慮した二足歩行ロボットの転倒回避Poster presentation
- The 18th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2017, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, SENDAI INTERNATIONAL CENTER, Domestic conference三次元点群の近接点特徴を用いた走行データからの複数ループ検出Poster presentation
- The 18th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2017, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, SENDAI INTERNATIONAL CENTER, Domestic conference災害対応を目的とした複腕油圧駆動ロボットの操縦インタフェースに関する研究Poster presentation
- The 18th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2017, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, SENDAI INTERNATIONAL CENTER, Domestic conference遠隔操縦における頭部運動下での一体感実現のための視覚提示許容誤差の推定Poster presentation
- The 18th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2017, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 SI(システムインテグレーション)部門, SENDAI INTERNATIONAL CENTER, Domestic conferenceWorld Robot Summit 製品組立チャレンジの競技デザインPoster presentation
- The 35th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2017, Japanese, The Robotics Society of Japan, TOYO UNIVERSITY, Domestic conference遠隔操縦システムとの「一体感」に着目した操作性指標の検討Oral presentation
- The 35th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2017, Japanese, The Robotics Society of Japan, TOYO UNIVERSITY, Domestic conferenceImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ 2重旋回・複腕機構建設ロボットの開発Oral presentation
- 2 0 1 7 年度精密工学会秋季発表大会, Sep. 2017, Japanese, 大阪大学, Domestic conferenceFuture Product の構想力を鍛え る国際イノベー ションデザイン スクールの実践Oral presentation
- The Japan Society for Precision Engineering Society Fall Meeting 2017, Sep. 2017, Japanese, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Osaka University Toyonaka Campus, Domestic conferenceFuture Productの構想力を鍛える国際イノベーションデザインスクールの実践Oral presentation
- ROBOMECH2017, May 2017, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, BIG PALETTE FUKUSHIMA, Domestic conference福島第一原子力発電所の廃止措置のための遠隔操作技術の開発と人材育成Poster presentation
- ROBOMECH2017, May 2017, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, BIG PALETTE FUKUSHIMA, Domestic conference動作範囲に制限のあるマスタアームによる直感的遠隔操縦法の検討 第3報 新たなマスタ・スレーブ間の速度マッピング手法についての検証Poster presentation
- ROBOMECH2017, May 2017, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, BIG PALETTE FUKUSHIMA, Domestic conference多自由度油圧駆動ロボットのシリンダ圧に基づく手先負荷力推定による力覚フィードバックPoster presentation
- ROBOMECH2017, May 2017, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, BIG PALETTE FUKUSHIMA, Domestic conference側面方向の外乱に対するCapturabilityに基づく二足ロボットの転倒回避Poster presentation
- ROBOMECH2017, May 2017, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, BIG PALETTE FUKUSHIMA, Domestic conference車両の横方向制御の相関に関する考察Poster presentation
- ROBOMECH2017, May 2017, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, BIG PALETTE FUKUSHIMA, Domestic conference近接点特徴量を用いた屋外環境におけるループ検出Poster presentation
- ROBOMECH2017, May 2017, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, BIG PALETTE FUKUSHIMA, Domestic conferenceImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ (TRC) 建設ロボット -単腕モデルによるフィールド評価実験-Poster presentation
- Conference for R&D Initiative on Nuclear Decommissioning Technology by the Next Generation, Mar. 2017, Japanese, Tokyo Institute of Technolog, Domestic conference遠隔マニピュレーションシステムに関する基盤的研究と多自由度セルフモーションの直観的指令法に関する研究Poster presentation
- The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017, Japanese, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers,Investigation of Intuitive Teleoperation Control Method Using a Master Device with Small Work Space:The 3rd Report: Verification of a new method that defines a new velocity relationship between the master and slave
We proposed a new teleoperation control method by using a master control device with small working space. The proposed method sets the slave velocity based on the master velocity. Changing the slave velocity by the master velocity, the operator can control the slave arm freely and intuitively using a small working space master device. In this paper, we propose a new scale conversion method that are expected to be better than the previously proposed. The new scale conversion methods determine the position scale directly based on the master velocity. We tested the new scale conversion method and the result of experiment is shown.
- The 17th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2016, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門, 札幌コンベンションセンター, Domestic conferenceGrasping test for clarifying the functions required for general purpose picking robot hands by using existing robot handsOral presentation
- The 17th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2016, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門, 札幌コンベンションセンター, Domestic conference動作範囲に制限のあるマスタアームによる直感的遠隔操縦法の検討 第2報:スレーブ移動速度および作業の違いによる有効性の検証Oral presentation
- The 17th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2016, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門, 札幌コンベンションセンター, Domestic conference第16回レスキューロボットコンテストの総括Oral presentation
- Designシンポジウム2016, Dec. 2016, Japanese, Domestic conferenceInternational Design Engineering School for Constructive ThinkingOral presentation
- The 17th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2016, Japanese, 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門, 札幌コンベンションセンター, Domestic conference遠隔操作時における一体感獲得のための対象物姿勢誤差の検知限測定・Detection limit measurement of an object attitude error for the unity gain at the time of remote operationOral presentation
- The 34th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2016, Japanese, 一般社団法人日本ロボット学会, 山形大学 小白川キャンパス, Domestic conference把持機能と認識機能の統合による高度なマニピュレーションを実現するための標準的マニピュレーションタスクOral presentation
- The 35th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2016, Japanese, 一般社団法人日本ロボット学会, 山形大学 小白川キャンパス, Domestic conference動作範囲に制限のあるマスタアームによる直感的遠隔操縦法の検討Oral presentation
- The 35th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2016, Japanese, 一般社団法人日本ロボット学会, 山形大学 小白川キャンパス, Domestic conference人の手の筋骨格モデルに基づくピッキング用ハンドの設計Oral presentation
- The 35th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2016, Japanese, 一般社団法人日本ロボット学会, 山形大学 小白川キャンパス, Domestic conference高難度の作品の実現を目指した折り紙ロボットの改良と性能検証Oral presentation
- The 35th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2016, Japanese, 一般社団法人日本ロボット学会, 山形大学 小白川キャンパス, Domestic conferenceロボットの遠隔操縦におけるインデキシング操作中のマスタアームの手先姿勢拘束の有効性Oral presentation
- ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016, Jun. 2016, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, PACIFICO Yokohama, Domestic conference歩行アシストロボットの筋骨格シミュレータを用いたアシスト性評価Poster presentation
- ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017, Jun. 2016, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, PACIFICO Yokohama, Domestic conference多自由度油圧駆動ロボットのシリンダ圧に基づく手先負荷力推定Poster presentation
- ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2016, Jun. 2016, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, PACIFICO Yokohama, Domestic conference指の正確な関節構造に基づく筋骨格モデルによる日常生活での筋長変化の評価Poster presentation
- The 60th Annual Conference of The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, May 2016, Japanese, Kyoto Terrsa, Domestic conferenceMusculoskeletal model of human thumb based on its joint structureOral presentation
- 第60回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, May 2016, Japanese, 京都テルサ, Domestic conferenceSimulator construction considering real environmental measurement for automatic steering based on optical flowOral presentation
- 第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, Dec. 2015, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門, 名古屋国際会議場, Domestic conference第15 回レスキューロボットコンテストの総括Oral presentation
- 第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, Dec. 2015, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門, 名古屋国際会議場, Domestic conference時間遅れのある通信回線を介しての移動ロボットに搭載されたマニピュレータのバイラテラル制御Oral presentation
- 第16回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, Dec. 2015, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門, 名古屋国際会議場, Domestic conferenceRGB-D カメラで取得された環境モデルによる遠隔操縦マニピュレータの作業性向上Oral presentation
- 第58回 自動制御連合講演会, Nov. 2015, Japanese, システム制御情報学会 ほか, 神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス(工学部), Domestic conference量子化入力を用いた多自由度油圧駆動システムによる3次元空間内での軌道追従制御Oral presentation
- 第58回 自動制御連合講演会, Nov. 2015, Japanese, システム制御情報学会 ほか, 神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス(工学部), Domestic conference人の手のピッキング動作の筋骨格モデルに基づく解析とロボットハンドによる実現の検討Oral presentation
- 第58回 自動制御連合講演会, Nov. 2015, Japanese, システム制御情報学会 ほか, 神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス(工学部), Domestic conference冗長多関節マニピュレータの遠隔操縦性向上のための運動制御に関する研究(第三報:関節重みの導入による中間リンク参照点速度指令によるセルフモーション実現手法の改良)Oral presentation
- 第58回 自動制御連合講演会, Nov. 2015, Japanese, システム制御情報学会 ほか, 六甲台第2キャンパス(工学部), Domestic conferenceシミュレーションを用いた遠隔制御の一手法と通信品質が劣化した条件下での有効性の検証Oral presentation
- 第58回 自動制御連合講演会, Nov. 2015, Japanese, システム制御情報学会 ほか, 神戸大学 六甲台第2キャンパス(工学部), Domestic conferenceカメラ運動を考慮したオプティカルフローに基づく自動操舵システムOral presentation
- 第33回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, Sep. 2015, Japanese, 日本ロボット学会, 東京電機大学千住キャンパス, Domestic conference劣悪通信環境下における遠隔自動車運転操作のシステム設計Oral presentation
- 第33回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, Sep. 2015, Japanese, 日本ロボット学会, 東京電機大学 東京千住キャンパス, Domestic conference冗長多関節マニピュレータの遠隔操縦性向上のための運動制御に関する研究Oral presentation
- The 59th Annual Conference of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, May 2015, Japanese, The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Central Electric Club, Domestic conferenceEstimation of external load applied to the bucket tip of a hydraulic excavatorOral presentation
- 第59回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, May 2015, Japanese, システム制御情報学会, 中央電気倶楽部, Domestic conferenceオプティカルフローに基づいた前方注視モデルの理解と応用Oral presentation
- The 15th Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Dec. 2014, Japanese, The System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Tokyo Big Sight, Domestic conferenceObject Pose Transition Planning by Rolling Operations Using Universal Robotic Hand with Paralell Stick FingersOral presentation
- The 15th Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Dec. 2014, Japanese, The System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Tokyo Big Sight, Domestic conferenceSummary of the 14th Rescue Robot Contest[Invited]Invited oral presentation
- The 15th Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Dec. 2014, Japanese, The System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Tokyo Big Sight, Domestic conferenceBilateral Control of a Manipulator Mounted on a Mobile Robot Through a Modularized Remote Control SystemOral presentation
- 2nd International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology (ICMST-Kobe 2014), Nov. 2014, English, Kobe, Japan, International conferenceStudy on Motion Control of a Redundant Robot Manipulator to Improve Teleoperation ManeuverabilityOral presentation
- 2014 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, May 2014, Japanese, Robotics and Mechatronics Division, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Toyama City Gymnastic Hall, Domestic conferenceStudy on Motion Control of A Redundant Robot Manipulator to Improve Teleoperation ManeuverabilityPoster presentation
- 2014 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, May 2014, Japanese, Robotics and Mechatronics Division, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Toyama City Gymnastic Hall, Domestic conferenceDesign and Evaluation of Portable Control Interfaces for Remotely Controled Construction MachinesPoster presentation
- The 14th Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Dec. 2013, Japanese, The System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Domestic conferenceBilateral control of a manipulator mounted on a mobile robot based on the wave variablesOral presentation
- The 14th Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Dec. 2013, Japanese, The System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Domestic conferenceSummary of the 13th Rescue Robot ContestOral presentation
- The 14th Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Dec. 2013, Japanese, The System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Domestic conferenceDevelopment of a robot hand based on the understanding of the functions of intrinsic muscles in human handOral presentation
- The 14th Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Dec. 2013, Japanese, The System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Domestic conferenceObject Pose Transition Planning on A Flat Supporting Plane for Stable Grasping Operations by A Robotic HandOral presentation
- The 14th Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Dec. 2013, Japanese, The System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Domestic conferenceVerification of easiness of direct teaching and accuracy of playback teaching data of an origami robot which can fold complex origami worksOral presentation
- The 14th Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Dec. 2013, Japanese, The System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Domestic conferenceRealization of robust and efficient assembly by switching remote teaching trajectories depending on the environmental variation -The 2nd Report: Case study of new flexible part insertion-Oral presentation
- The 14th Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Dec. 2013, Japanese, The System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Domestic conferenceReducing Controller Conservativeness for Variable-Scale Bilateral Teleoperation SystemsOral presentation
- The 14th Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Dec. 2013, Japanese, The System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Domestic conferenceBulk Parts Manipulation Planning and System DesignOral presentation
- The 14th Annual Conference of the System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Dec. 2013, Japanese, The System Integration Division, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Domestic conferenceRobustness Evaluation of 3-D Parts Pushing Operation by A Robot Hand with N-Parallel Cylindrical Stick-Type FingersOral presentation
- IEEE-RSJ IROS2013 Workshop on Robotics and Automation in Nuclear Facilities, Nov. 2013, English, International conferenceWhat can we learn from robots used for nuclear accidents in the past?[Invited]Invited oral presentation
- The 31st Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2013, Japanese, The Robotics Society of Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Minami Osawa Campus, Domestic conference高難度の折り紙作品が実現でき直接教示の容易性を考慮したロボットの性能検証Oral presentation
- The 31st Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2013, Japanese, The Robotics Society of Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Minami Osawa Campus, Domestic conferenceフィードバック変調器による油圧駆動型建設機械の精密位置決めの容易化Oral presentation
- The 31st Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2013, Japanese, The Robotics Society of Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Minami Osawa Campus, Domestic conferenceバラ積み部品のマニピュレーション計画Poster presentation
- The 31st Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2013, Japanese, The Robotics Society of Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Minami Osawa Campus, Domestic conferenceN本平行円柱スティック型ハンドを用いた三次元形状部品に対する安定把持状態の導出Oral presentation
- 2013 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, May 2013, Japanese, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, EPOCHAL TSUKUBA, Domestic conferenceRealization of robust and efficient assembly by switching remote teaching trajectories depending on the environmental variationPoster presentation
- 13th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2012, Japanese, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conferenceAnalysis and experimental verification of robustness of 3-D parts against wobbling considering contact point locations of robot fingersOral presentation
- 13th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2012, Japanese, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conferenceMultilateral Control of Collaborative Teleoperation Systems by Multiple OperatorsOral presentation
- 13th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2012, Japanese, Fukuoka Convention Center, Domestic conferenceTransferring Human Motions by Direct Teaching using Real Time Estimation of Hidden Markov ModelOral presentation
- The 30th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2012, Japanese, Sapporo Convention Center, Domestic conference平面上にある三次元形状部品に対する安定性解析の実験的検証と把持指の接触点位置を考慮したぐらつきにくさの導出Oral presentation
- The 30th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2012, Japanese, Sapporo Convention Center, Domestic conference不等間隔量子化入力とアクチュエータの非線形要素モデルを用いたフィードバック変調器による油圧駆動システムの軌道制御Oral presentation
- The 30th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2012, Japanese, Sapporo Convention Center, Domestic conference直接教示による動作の再現の容易性と高難易度の折り紙作品の実現を考慮したロボットハンドの設計Oral presentation
- The 30th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2012, Japanese, Sapporo Convention Center, Domestic conference次世代ロボット知能化プロジェクト 作業知能(生産分野)の研究開発Oral presentation
- Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2012, Japan, Sep. 2012, Japanese, 日本機械学会, Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa, Japan, Domestic conferenceEducation of Design from ScratchOral presentation
- 2012 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, May 2012, Japanese, 日本機械学会, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan, Domestic conferenceStability Analysis of Three-dimensional Parts on a Flat SurfacePoster presentation
- 2012 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, May 2012, Japanese, 日本機械学会, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan, Domestic conferenceConstruction of a Multilateral Teleoperation System for Haptic Information Sharing over the Computer NetworkPoster presentation
- 2012 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, May 2012, Japanese, 日本機械学会, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan, Domestic conferenceStudy on Robustness Condition for Robot Teaching Based on Parameter Space RepresentationPoster presentation
- 12th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2011, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会, Kyoto, Japan, Domestic conferenceDesign of robotic hand that can fold a complex origami work considering easiness of direct teachingOral presentation
- 12th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2011, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会, Kyoto, Domestic conferenceA Method to Generate Task Skill for Motions Including Mode Branching by Direct TeachingOral presentation
- 12th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2011, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会, Kyoto, Japan, Domestic conferencePlanning Methodology of Robust Grasping Strategy for Assembly in a Robotic CellOral presentation
- The 29th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2011, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Domestic conference変動時間遅れの下での波変数に基づくバイラテラルテレオペレーション制御の性能評価Oral presentation
- The 29th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2011, Japanese, 日本ロボット学会, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Domestic conference直接教示によるロボットの動作生成における環境変動に適応する位置・速度フィードバック則の構築Oral presentation
- The 29th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2011, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Domestic conference直接教示されるロボット軌道のパラメータ空間表現によるロバスト性条件の導出Oral presentation
- The 29th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2011, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会, Tokyo, Japan, Domestic conferenceロボットセル生産のためのロバスト把持戦略を用いた三次元形状物体を含む多形状物体の組立作業Oral presentation
- 2011 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, May 2011, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会, Okayama Convention Center, Domestic conferenceController Design and Experimental System Development of A Networked Multi-User TeleoperatorPoster presentation
- 2011 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, May 2011, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会, Okayama Convention Center, Domestic conferenceStudy on Robustness Condition for Robot Trajectories and Effectiveness ofPoster presentation
- The 7th Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Dexterity in Hand, Feb. 2011, Japanese, 日本ロボット学会「手の巧みさ」研究専門委員会, Okinawa International University, Domestic conferenceA Method to Estimate Finger Muscle Activation Levels from the Variation of Fingertip Forces against Disturbances based on a Musculo-skeletal Human Hand ModelOral presentation
- 11th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2010, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会, 仙台市, Domestic conferenceDynamic Factors Affecting the Robustness of Grasping Strategy to Initial Pose Errors of an ObjectOral presentation
- 第53回 自動制御連合講演会, Nov. 2010, Japanese, 日本機械学会, 高知市, Domestic conferenceValidation of Quasi-Static Grasping Analysis Based on Dynamic Pushing Operation AnalysisOral presentation
- The 28th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2010, Japanese, 日本ロボット学会, 名古屋市, Domestic conferenceControl of Hydraulic Actuator System Using Feedback Modulator with Variable Quantization LevelOral presentation
- The 28th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2010, Japanese, 日本ロボット学会, 名古屋市, Domestic conferenceWave-variable-based Controller Design of Multi-user Teleoperation Systems with Time DelayOral presentation
- The 28th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2010, Japanese, 日本ロボット学会, 名古屋市, Domestic conferenceStudy on Robustness of Grasping Strategy Based on Dynamic Pushing Operation AnalysisOral presentation
- The 28th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2010, Japanese, 日本ロボット学会, 名古屋市, Domestic conferenceStudy on the Inuence of Variation Characteristic of Task Environment in Generating Robot Motions by Direct Teaching -A Case Study on Anisotropic Characteristic of Origami Papers in Origami-Folding Task-Oral presentation
- The 28th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sep. 2010, Japanese, 日本ロボット学会, 名古屋市, Domestic conferenceFunction Analysis of Intrinsic Muscles of Human Hand based on Musculo-Skeletal ModelOral presentation
- 2010 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA 2010), Jul. 2010, English, 東京都, International conferencePermissible Initial Pose Error Region of an Object Grasped by a Universal HandOral presentation
- 2010 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA 2010), Jul. 2010, English, 東京都, International conferenceIntelligent Robot Technologies for Cell Production SystemOral presentation
- 第52回日本老年医学会学術集会, Jun. 2010, Japanese, 日本老年医学会, 神戸市, Domestic conference早期認知症者の社会生活維持のために必要な支援項目の抽出手法の提案Oral presentation
- 2010 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, Jun. 2010, Japanese, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門, Asahikawa-shi, Hokkaido, Japan, Domestic conferenceAn Estimation Method of Muscle Activation Levels by Observing End-point Force Change based on Musculoskeletal ModelPoster presentation
- 15th Robotics Symposia, Mar. 2010, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門, 日本ロボット学会, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門, Yoshino-gun, Nara, Japan, Domestic conferencePosition Drift Compensation Using Absolute Position Feedback for Wave-Variable-Based Bilateral ControlOral presentation
- 10th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2009, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門, 東京都, Domestic conferenceExperimental Evaluation of Robust Grasping Strategy of Universal Robotic Hands for Assembly Task Based on Grasping SimulationOral presentation
- 10th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2009, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門, 東京都, Domestic conferenceSynthesizing Sensory Feedback Control Laws Using Multiple SensorsOral presentation
- 10th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, Dec. 2009, Japanese, 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門, Tokyo, Japan, Domestic conferenceIntelligent Robotic Technologies for Cell Assembly SystemOral presentation
- The 2009 International Symposium on Early Detection and Rehabilitation Technology of Dementia (DRD 2009), Dec. 2009, English, 岡山市, International conferenceA Method for Extracting Support Needs from People with Early-Stage Dementia to Maintain Their Social LivingPoster presentation
- 神戸RT研究会 平成21年度第3回研究会, Nov. 2009, 神戸市産業振興センター9階905会議室ロボットと人間とのつながりを考える[Invited]Public discourse
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Nov. 2007, JapaneseDesired Trajectory Generation and Sensory Feedback Synthesis for an Origami Folding Robot based on the Statistical Data of Direct Teaching by a Human
- 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), Sep. 2007, JapaneseMotion Generation Method for an Origami Folding Robot Based on the Direct Teaching Data by a Human
- 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), Sep. 2007, JapaneseFunction Analysis of a Musculo-Skeletal Human Hand Model
- 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), Sep. 2007, JapaneseTeleoperation of a Dual-Arm Robot by Using a Movable Reference Coordinate Frame
- 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), Sep. 2007, JapaneseA Design Framework of Universal Hands for Robotic Cell Production Systems
- 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), Sep. 2007, JapaneseVariable-Scale Birateral Control for Micro Teleoperation
- 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM), Sep. 2007, JapaneseControl of Hydraulic Actuator Systems Using a Feedback Modulator
- 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), May 2007, JapaneseDevelopment of a Laser Range Finder for 3D-Map Construction in Rubble-Installation to rescue robots-
- 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM), 2007, JapaneseRealization of Desired Steering Angle-Torque Characteristics in a Column-type Electric Power-assist Steering System (C-EPS) for Automobiles
- Proc. the 12th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2004Designing an Encountered-Type Haptic Display for Multiple Fingertip Contacts based on the Observation of Human Grasping Behavior
- Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004Evaluation of Traversability of Wheeled Mobile Robots on Uneven Terrains by Fractal Terrain Model
- Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004Design and Path Planning of an Encountered-type Haptic Display for Multiple Fingertip Contacts based on the Observation of Human Grasping Behavior
- Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2004), 2004Development of a Laser Range Finder for 3D Map-Building in Rubble
- Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2004), 2004Function Analysis of Human-like Mechanical Foot, Using Mechanically Constraint Shoes
- Preprints of the 10th International Symposium of Robotics Research (ISRR 2003, 2003Designing an Encountered-Type Haptic Display for Multiple Fingertip Contacts based on the Observation of Human Grasping Behavior
- Proc. the 11th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2003Guideline for Designing Haptic Master Hands based on Dynamic Muli-fingered Manipulability
- Proc. the 7th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS 2003, 2003Evaluation of Uneven Terrain Traversability for Wheeled Mobile Robots by Fractal Terrain Model
- Proc. the 2nd IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2003Image Overlay on Optical See-through Displays for Vehicle Navigation
- Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2003FSW (Feasible Solution of Wrench) for Multi-legged Robots
- Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2003), 2003Constructing a 3-D Map of Rubble by Teleoperated Mobile Robots with a Motion Canceling Camera System
- システム/制御/情報, 2002編集後記:“デジタルヒューマン -人間の計測とモデル化-”特集号を企画して
- 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌, 2002招待講演参加報告 -コンピュータエンタテインメントの過去・現在・未来 - ~ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメント社長久夛良木健氏御講演より~
- Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2002), 2002Motion Capture from Demonstrator's Viewpoint and Its Application to Robot Teaching
- Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2002), 2002Humanoid Robot Postures Constrained to the Surrounding Environment through their Limbs
- システム/制御/情報, 2001書評:ロボットにかける夢 -知と身体の調和を目指して
- Proc. of International Symposium on Mixed Reality (ISMR 2001), 2001It's Really Sticking! -Dynamically Accurate Image Overlay Through Hybrid Vision/Inertial Tracking
- Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2001), 2001Ground-Space Bilateral Teleoperation Experiment Vsing ETS-VII Robot Arm with Direct Kinesthetic Coupling
- Proc. of International Symposium or Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Autonation in Space (i-SAIRAS 2001), 2001Ground-Space Teleoperation of ETS-VII Robot Arm by Direce Bilateral Coupling under 7-sec Time Delay Condition
- Preprints of the 10th International Symposium of Robotics Research (ISRR 2001), Nov.9-12, Lorne, Victoria, Australia, 2001Mechano-Media that Transmits Kinesthetic Knowledge from a Human to Other Humans
- Proc. the 10th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2001Bilateral Control with Time-Varying Delay including Communication Blackout
- Proc. Workshop on Advances in Interactire Multimodal Telepresence Systems, 2001Toward Mechano-Media from Teleoperation
- ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'00, May 2000, Japanese, グランメッセ熊本時間遅れの変動下でも安定性が保証されるバイラテラル制御法
- ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2000, Japanese, 一般社団法人 日本機械学会, PD制御をベースとした通信時間遅れの存在下でも安定なバイラテラル制御法により, ETS-7搭載ロボットアームを用いた遠隔操作実験を実施した。環境モデルを全く用いずに実環境からの力をオペレータにフィードバックしてタスクボード上の各種作業を実施し, 構築した遠隔操作システムの操作性, バイラテラル制御の有効性を評価, 検討した。1P1-10-029 ETS-VII によるバイラテラル遠隔操作実験
- Proc of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2000), 2000“Toy Problem" as the Benchmark Test for Teleoperation Systems
- Proc. of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2000), 2000Bilateral Control with Energy Balance Monitoring Under Time-Varying Communication Delay
- Proc. of IEEE VR2000, 2000Accurate Image Overlay on Video See-Through HMDs Using Vision and Accelerometers
- Preprints of International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, 2000Bilateral Teleoperation Towards Finer Manipulation in Farther Distance
- Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan,annual conference, Sep. 1999, Japanese, 日本バ-チャルリアリティ学会Giant cell interstitial pneumonia in two hard metal workers : the role of bronchoalveolar lavage in diagnosis
- 日本バ-チャルリアリティ学会大会論文集, Sep. 1999, Japanese, 日本バ-チャルリアリティ学会複数の仮想物体提示のための遭遇型ハプティックデバイスの動作計画 (日本バーチャルリアリテイ学会第4回大会) -- (テレイグジスタンス)
- Proc. of 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'99), 1999Remote Rapid Manufacturing with "Action Media" as an Advanced User Interface
- Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'99), 1999Vision-Aided Object Manipulation by a Multifingered Hand with Soft Fingertips
- Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'99), 1999Accurate Image Overlay on Head-Mounted Displays Using Vision and Accelerometers
- Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'99), 1999Bilateral Teleoperation under Time-Varying Communication Delay
- Proc. 1988 IEEE and ATR Workshop on Computer Vision for Virtual Reality Based Human Communications, 1998A Visual/Haptic Interface to Virtual Environment (WYSIWYF Display) and Its Application
- Proc. 1998 Japan-U.S.A. Symposium on Flexible Automation, 1998Bision-Based Head Tracking for Image Overlay and Reducing Dynamic Registration Error with Acceleration Measurement
- Proc. of 1996 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'96), 1996Two Kinds of Degree of Freedom in Constraint State and Their Application to Assembly Planning
- Proc. of the IEEE 1996 Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium(VRAIS'96), 1996"What You can See Is What You can Feel. " -Development of a Visual/Haptic Interface to Virtual Environment-
- Proceedings of the International Symposium on Microsystems, Intelligent Materials and Robots, 1996Path Planning of an Object Keeping Desired Contact and Avoiding Undesired Collisions with Environment
- Proc. of the 1996 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'96), 1996Vision-Based Visual/Haptic Registration for WYSIWYF Display
- Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication (RO-MAN'96), 1996Toward Machine Mediated Training of Motor Skills -Skill Trarsfer from Human to Human Via Virtual Environment-
- Proceedings of 1994 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'94), 1994Analysis of Maneuverability and Stability of Micro-Teleoperation Systems
- Proceedings of the 1994 Japan-U.S.A. Symposium on Flexible Automation, 1994A Micro Teleoperation System for Compensating Scaling Effects Based on Environment Model
- Proceedings of 1994 Japan-U.S.A. Symposium on Flexible Automation, 1994Quasi-Dynamic Manipulation of a Constrained Object by Force-Limited Robot Fingers
- Proc. of 1993 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'93), 1993Quasi-Dynamic Manipulation of Constrained Object by Robot Fingers in Assembly Tasks
- Proc. of 1993 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'93), 1993Object Handing by Three-Fingered Hands Using Slip Motion
- Proc. 1993 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'93), 1993Operation Modes for Cooperating with Autonomous Functions in Intelligent Teleoperation Systems
- Proc. of IFToMM-jc International Symposium on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 1992“Bilateral Control of Multiple D.O.F. Master-Slave Manipulators with Anthropomorphic Configuration
- Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'92), 1992Bilateral Control of Master-Slave Manipulators for Ideal Kinesthetic Coupling -Formulation and Experiment-
- Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Robot Human Communication (RO-MAN'92), 1992Operation Modes for Cooperating with Autonomous Functions in Intelligent Teleoperation Systems
- Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'91), 1991Assembly Planning Operation Strategies based on the Degree of Constraint
- Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'91), 1991Robust Control of Robot Manipulators based on Joint Torque Sensor Information
- Proc. Japan-U.S.A. Symposium on Flexible Automation, 1990Design Guide of Master Arms Considering Operator Dynamics
- Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'90), 1990Bilateral Control of Master-Slave Manipulators for Ideal Kinesthetic Coupling
- Proc. International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS’90), 1990Efficient Computational Algorithms for Trajectory Control of Multi-Arm Space manipulators
- Proc. U.S.A.-Japan Symposium on Flexible Automation, 1988Analysis of Maneuverability and Stability for Master-Slave System
- Proc. Japan-U.S.A. Symposium on Flexible Automation, 1986Unified Recursive Formulation of kinematics and Dynamics of Robot Manipulators
- Proc. 15th International Symposium on Industrial Robots (ISIR), 1985Efficient Computation and Kinematic Representation for Robot Manipulator Simulation
- Proc. of IEEE VR2001Path Planning for Encountered-type Haptic Devices that Render Multiple Objects in 3D Space
- The Virtual Reality Society of Japan
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
- The Robotics Society of Japan
- The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
- Control and Information Engineers
- The Insititute of Systems
- IEEE(米国電気電子学会)
- 自動車技術会
- 日本機械学会
- システム制御情報学会
- 計測自動制御学会
- 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
- 日本ロボット学会
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2026物流分野の対象物セットに基づく汎用ピッキングハンドの開発と把持動作の自動生成
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kobe University, 01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2023Study on improvement of operability of remote control systems based on the operator's selection of primary viewpointオペレータの主視点選択に基づく参照座標系と操縦モードの切り替え手法の確立については、リモート側にロボットアームを追加してカメラアームとすることで、アクティブにカメラ位置姿勢を変更可能とするようにシステムを拡張し、このような移動カメラ画面を主画面(主視点として選択したカメラ画面)とした場合に適切な参照座標系と操縦モードを割り当てた。また作業用アームが別の作業ポイントに移動した際に、カメラアームが自動的に追従する機能を実装した。 参照座標系切り替え時とインデキシング操作時の操縦デバイスの姿勢制御については、移動カメラは固定カメラと違ってアクティブにカメラ姿勢が変更できることから、操縦デバイスと画面内のリモート側のロボットアーム手先の姿勢の整合性を保ったままカメラの姿勢を変更する手法を考案した。具体的には、カメラの注視点(focal point)を対象作業の注目点に合わせ、操縦デバイスの姿勢とカメラ画像内のロボットアーム手先の姿勢が常に一致するように移動カメラをカメラの注視点回りに回転させる方法とした。 並進パラレル機構と回転ジンバル機構を組み合わせたコンパクトな操縦デバイスの設計開発については、まず並進パラレル機構部を試作し、必要な動作範囲や使用するモータに求められる特性について検討した。 カメラアームに搭載された移動カメラを導入して拡張したシステムの操作性を実験的に評価し、複数の作業ポイントに渡る一連の作業においては、作業アーム手先カメラと固定カメラだけでは必ずしも奥行き情報が十分に把握できない場合があり、その際には移動カメラが有効に機能することが確認できた。
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kobe University, 01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2020, Principal investigatorWe designed and prototyped a parallel mechanism as the micro part of the macro/micro-type assembly robot system that can acquire human skills through direct teaching. When designing, the operability during teaching was secured by considering the isotropy of the equivalent inertia of the end-point. We also designed and prototyped a chuck-type parallel stick three-fingered hand that can handle various parts shapes, together with a geometrical method that can derive an appropriate finger placement for parts of various shapes. It was confirmed that jig-less assembly of the gear unit was possible by combining a 4-finger parallel stick hand and a 6-axis vertically articulated industrial robot. We verified whether accurate simulation of assembly work including precise fitting was possible, and found the parameter settings that give the same behavior under the same clearance conditions as the actual assembly experiment.Competitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 01 Apr. 2016 - 31 Mar. 2019Total Planning of Alignment Strategy and Grasping Configuration For Improving Feasibility of Assembly Tasks by Versatile Robotic HandIn this research, elemental technology toward total planning of alignment strategy of target parts and grasping configuration was constructed, aiming at improving the feasibility of assembly tasks by a versatile robotic hand in the manufacturing domain.
Specifically, a method to judge if a part is wobbled by the fingers of a hand during alignment operation of the part supplied on the workbench, and to evaluate how hard it is for the part to be wobbled quantitatively was constructed. The utility and validity of this method were verified with analysis of numerical examples and experiments. Moreover, a chuck-type robotic hand, in which the movement of all the fingers is coupled, was targeted as an example of a versatile robotic hand with low degree of freedom, and a planning method of finger arrangement onto the parts necessary for planning of grasping configuration was established. - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kobe University, 01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2017, Principal investigatorIn this research, we aim at realizing a multi-fingered robotic hand that can realize various grasping and manipulation like a human and have developed a two-fingered robotic hand that can grasp objects with various shapes not from an easy mimicking of human hand appearance but based on the essential understanding of the musculoskeletal configuration of human hand. From the observation of the picking motion by a human, we found that "scooping" is required for thin objects as well as "enveloping grasp" for heavy objects and "pinching" for small objects. The developed hand is composed of a two-degree-of-freedom (DOF) index finger having a combined five- and four-link mechanism and a one-DOF thumb with an under-actuated five-link mechanism, that enable these three gripping modes.Competitive research funding
- 国立大学法人東京大学, 国家課題対応型研究開発推進事業「廃止措置等基盤研究・人材育成プログラム委託費」, 2017, Principal investigator遠隔操作技術及び核種分析技術を基盤とする俯瞰的廃止措置人材育成Competitive research funding
- 国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構, ロボット・ドローンが活躍する省エネルギ社会の実現プロジェクト, 2017, Principal investigator【NEDO】ロボット・ドローンが活躍する省エネルギ社会の実現プロジェクト/ロボット・ドローンに関する国際標準化の推進/デファクト・スタンダードCompetitive research funding
- 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構, 革新的研究開発推進プログラム(ImPACT), 2017, Principal investigator【ImPACT】油圧駆動ロボットの高臨場感遠隔操縦に関する研究Competitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), International Rescue System Institute, 01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2016Half Autonomous Control of Multi Robots against Disaster and Teleoperation via InternetCollaboration research by 3 Universities and 2 Technical Colleges and 1 Research Institute developed the integrated communication and remote control system by Robot Operation System, the relative position and posture measurement system, and the operation algorithm for swarm robots that have different specifications. And these works make the rescue robot system possible to chase forwarding robot automatically in single line by orderly rows, just by lead robot remote-controlled by operator. Also we developed 6 degree of freedom small manipulators for robots in collaboration work. We could show the direction to make a search operation by small rescue robots fit for practical use.
- 国家課題対応型研究開発推進事業(英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業), 2016, Principal investigator遠隔操作技術及び核種分析技術を基盤とする俯瞰的廃止措置人材育成Competitive research funding
- 革新的研究開発推進プログラム(ImPACT), 2016, Principal investigator【ImPACT】油圧駆動ロボットの高臨場感遠隔操縦に関する研究Competitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kobe University, 01 Apr. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2014, Principal investigatorThis research aimed at essential understanding of human hand dexterity through constructive approach study. "Origami-folding" was chosen as a target task and a robotic hand, which has a certain level of versatility so that it can fold several origami works, was designed and developed. We could successfully construct a robot system that can fold origami works not only "Tadpole" but also "Frog" which is much more complicate than "Tadpole". The way of transferring implicit task skill of humans from direct/remote teaching data was generalized and it was confirmed that the developed robot with novel mechanisms has high enough easiness of teaching and a precise enough playback performance of the teaching motions.Competitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research, Kyoto University, 2007 - 2011Design Theory for Dynamical Systems with SemiosisIn this research project, by mingling technologies with the idea of semiosis, we jointly approach to the common design issues varying from how organisms make predictions about, and adapt to, their semiotic niche in the world, and to an aspect of the wider systems including architects, robots, product innovation and human-machine and/or human social interactions. Wherein, the design of the mutual and inseparable relationships between the external environment and the internal of the cognitive agent that is an actor, an observer, a cognizer, and an interpreter is becoming fundamental. Semiotic technology offers us an indispensable tool for the creation of a truly sustainable society and human-oriented technology, leading a paradigm shift from conventional"design for manufacture"to novel"design for nurture"
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, 2008 - 2009可変スケール型バイラテラル制御による微細操作システムの構築本研究では,申請者らによって理論的に確立されている可変スケール型バイラテラル制御系設計の枠組みを基にして,既開発の微細操作システムにズーム機能付視覚システムを統合させたシステムでの性能評価を行い,さらに眼科手術での具体的な微細操作を想定した作業を可能とするシステムを新たに構築して,可変スケール型バイラテラル制御の有効性を実験的に評価するとともに,特定領域研究の特徴を生かして領域内の他の研究者に対して理論的に裏付けられたマルチスケール微細操作の機能向上法の提供を図ることを目的としている.本年度の成果は以下の通りである. (1) 可変スケール型バイラテラル制御則の設計指針の明確化 既に構築されていたスケールドH∞制御とゲインスケジューリング法による可変スケール型バイラテラル制御法の設計手法では,導出される解が数値的に不安定になる場合があり,重み設定が試行錯誤にならざるを得ない欠点があった.今年度は,解が数値的に不安定となる要因が力の制御性能の設定を厳しくし過ぎたためであったことを見出し,操作性に影響を与えない程度に弱い仮想ばねを介在させて要求制御性能を緩和することで数値的に安定な解が得られるようにした.これにより,制御性能の重みと実際の応答誤差,環境変動に対するロバスト性に明確な相関関係が見出されるようになり,領域内の他の研究者に対しても比較的簡単に制御系の設計が行えるような枠組みを構築できた. (2) 眼科手術用専用マイクログリッパの開発 眼科手術の中でも,特に微細な操作が要求される内鏡界膜剥離を作業対象に選び,専用の鉗子を改造して超小型モータで駆動可能なマイクログリッパを設計試作した.このマイクログリッパには静電容量型の微小力センサが組み込まれており,本研究で構築した可変スケール型微細操作システムに組み込んで,実際に内鏡界膜剥離手術を行うことが可能となる.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto University, 2007 - 2009Meta-understanding of Human Hand Dexterity Through Measuring Human Work and Mechanical Realization of Manipulation FunctionThis research aimed at fundamental understanding of human hand dexterity with task-oriented approach and "Origami-folding" was chosen as a target task. By observing and analyzing human work folding a specific origami form "Tadpole", it was found that four fingers each of which has three degrees-of-freedom were enough for folding the "Tadpole". An origami-folding robot was prototyped and the robot could actually fold the "Tadpole" successively. To dexterously manipulate flexible objects whose behavior may fluctuate like origami paper, a novel method to synthesize a desired trajectory and sensory feedback control laws for the robot based on the statistical feature of direct teaching data demonstrated by a human was proposed. Experimental results showed that the success rate and folding quality were improved by the proposed method. Finally, the proposed method was generalized based on the canonical correlation between sensory data and the robot motion data obtained by direct teaching.
- 科学研究費補助金/特定領域研究, 2009, Principal investigatorCompetitive research funding
- 科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(B), 2009, Principal investigatorCompetitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Ritsumeikan University, 2005 - 2007Development of Robotic Hand System with Soft Skin for Realizing Reliable Grasping and ManipulationThe goal of this research is to develop a robotic hand system covered my soft skin, which is softer than usually considered, for the purpose of reliable and safe realization of grasping and manipulation of objects and to establish a control methodology of this hand system. Taking advantage of this soft skin structure, this system can realize both soft grasp state that largely complies with external forces exerted to the grasped object, and hard grasp state that hardly complies with external forces even when they are large. Moreover, due to the deformation of the soft finger skin, the contact area between the object and fingers is larger than the case of hard fingers, contributing to reliable grasping and manipulation. Grasping of objects with fingers placed on their edges will also be possible. A brief overview of the results obtained this year is as follows. (1) Development of a control algorithm for the hand-arm system : To improve adaptability of the system to the work environment, a function of adjusting the position and orientation of the arm portion based on a partial task space trajectory data during performing the task is integrated into the control algorithm. (2) Experiment and evaluation of grasping and manipulation tasks : The validity of the control algorithm developed in(1) has been experimentally demonstrated for the task of turning cranks. (3) Grasping unknown objects based on visual information : A procedure has been established for recognizing the shape of an unknown object from the visual information obtained by an omni-directional camera attached to the hand, and for obtaining the best positions for grasping it by a multi-fingered hand. The usefulness of the procedure has been demonstrated by some experiments. (4) Discussion and preparing report : Results obtained from the research work during the last three years have been reviewed and summarized. Some future research directions have been pointed out. Final report is now being prepared.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), KYOTO UNIVERSITY, 2004 - 2006Development of a Variable-Scale Teleoperation System for Micro SurgeryIn this research, we aimed at developing a variable-scale bilateral teleoperation system that can be used for micro surgery in the future. For this purpose, we tried to establish the theoretical framework for variable-scale teleoperation systems and develop an actual variable-scale micro teleoperation system. We first analyzed the stability of the scaled-teleoperation systems where position and force scaling are fixed. We then established the design framework of the variable-scale teleoperation systems based on the gain scheduling method using H-infinity control theory and linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). We also proposed a method to reduce the conservativeness of the controllers by introducing scale-dependent weightings. It is very significant that we could establish a fundamental framework for designing a broad range of bilateral master-slave systems including variable-scale teleoperation systems. As for the development of the actual variable-scale micro teleoperation system, we focused on the visual display subsystem and discussed how to control the slave camera position when the operator changes position and force scaling arbitrarily. The obtained result could be a good guideline of designing an variable-scale micro teleoperation system in the future. We also proposed a new haptic device mechanism to display realistic impulsive forces with any restitution coefficient. We developed an actual prototype device and confirmed that the validity of the proposed idea. This device could be useful not only for medical training using virtual environment but also for tele-surgery systems.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, Kyoto University, 2003 - 2003遠隔操作プラットフォームを用いた人間の把持操り動作時の視触覚情報処理過程の解明(1)物体把持前の把持点選択時における視覚情報処理過程の解明 2)で設計した仮想環境内で任意形状の物体の把持の模擬が可能な多指遭遇型ハプティックデバイスによって各指先に適切に局所平面パッチを遭遇させるための動作計画の基本方針を立てた.中沢らが示した把持動作における手首や指先の速度プロファイルを基に,動作計画を,(i)把持物体決定フェーズ(手首速度最大時),(ii)把持面決定フェーズ(プリシェイピング時),(iii)把持点決定フェーズ(手首速度収束時)の3つのフェーズに分けることとした.中沢らの示したプロファイルは,2次元平面内での物体把持動作を対象としただけであったので,一般的な3次元空間での3本指把持動作においても同様の速度プロファィルとなることを実際に確かめた. (2)物体持ち上げ時の把持力決定のための触覚情報処理過程の解明 任意形状の物体の把持・持ち上げ動作の模擬が可能な多指遭遇型ハプティックデバイスの機構設計に先立って,人間が実際に物体を把持する際の把持様式(接触点位置と接触点での接触法線ベクトル)を身の回りの50品目で計測し,その結果を基に設計を行った.また把持物体模擬デバイスと物体を把持するロボットハンドとは,接触面を介して双対の関係にあることから,設計した機構が把持機構としても応用できる可能性があることが分かった. (3)物体操り時の視触覚の情報処理過程の解明 現在の遠隔操作プラットフォームのスレーブ側に備わっている視覚システムは,パン・チルトの2自由度のみを有する機構であり,自由度が不足していた.そこでまずスレーブ側のカメラと同様に視野を制限した被験者に机上作業を行わせ,頭部が作業中にどれだけ運動するかを計測した.この結果,前後左右の並進2自由度をさらに追加すべきことが分かり,自由度を付加したカメラシステムを設計・製作した.次いで,視覚システムの自由度が遠隔操作の作業性に及ぼす影響について実験的に調べ,自由度を付加したことで作業時間が短くなることが分かった.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto University, 2001 - 2003Development of Multi-fingered Mechanical Hand Having Skill of Object Grasping and Manipulation with Sliding and Rotational Contacts,The purpose of this research is to develop a multi-fingered mechanical hand having skill of object grasping and manipulation not only allowing sliding and rotational contacts between the fingers and the object, 'but also, if possible, taking advantage of sliding and-rotational contacts. The, outline of the obtained results is as follows. (1)Realization'of advanced grasping and manipulation by multi-fingered mechanical hands: (1.1)Conditions for power grasps for multiple objects have been derived and a method of its optimization was proposed. (1.2)A dynamic control algorithm of multi-fingered hand for pivoting a heavy object was derived. An experimental result was also given. (1.3)An optimization method of grasping positions on an object by using a required external force set was proposed and numerical examples were given to show the validity of the approach. (1.4)A control method for adaptive grasping of objects based on position information from a camera was proposed and some preliminary experiments were performed. (1.4)A control method for adaptive grasping of objects based on position information from a camera was proposed and some preliminary experiments were performed. (1.4)A control method for adaptive grasping of objects based on position information from a camera was proposed and some preliminary experiments were performed. (2)Toward analysis of manipulation skill of human operator and robot: (2.1)A 2-dimensional haptic'simulator for observing human assembly skill using virtual task space was developed for observing the human skill. Virtual and real peg-in-hole tasks were compared. (2.2)A 6-dof finger-mounted haptic device was developed for general manipulation of an object by two human fingers. (2.3)The concept of impedance perception for robots was proposed aiming to build a basic technique for real time perception on the constraint imposed on the robot's end effector.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto University, 2000 - 2002Research on Teleoperation Methods under Time-varying Communication DelaysIn this research, we have conducted some basic researches in various viewpoints to establish a teleoperation method under time-varying communication delays. We first designed and developed a master-slave hand by which one can perform some dexterous telemanipulations. We also proposed toy block assembling as a benchmark test for teleoperation systems. Then, we proposed dynamic multi-fingered manipulability measure which was extended from the original dynamic manipulability measure so that it can evaluate multi-fingered hands. Based on this measure, we proposed design guidelines for master-slave hands. Next, we proposed a bilateral control method that is stable even under time-varying communication delays. We conducted some experiments in a computer network simulating the Internet and confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method. We had a chance to conduct a bilateral teleoperation experiment with a robot arm mounted on the Engineering Test Satellite No. VII (ETS-VII). Several experiments were carried out with success even under 6-7 sec time delay. It has been assumed that bilateral control is no use under such long time delays. Experimental results, however, showed that kinesthetic force feedback to the operator was helpful to complete the tasks even without any visual aids. Finally, we developed a master-slave system that can perform tasks in 3-D space. We then proposed a teleoperation method by using a master arm with limited motion range. Using the developed master-slave system, we evaluated the manipulability of the proposed method. We also designed a master-slave hand that can be attached to the developed system for tasks in 3-D space. These research results may be an important basis for developing teleoperation systems that can conduct several tasks via the Internet in the future.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), KYOTO UNIVERSITY, 2000 - 2002Development of Mastication Robot Using Parallel MechanismAiming to reprodyce the jaw movement of human being, we have developed a novel gnathodynamic simulator, or a jaw robot, employing 6-DOF (degree-of-freedom) parallel mechanism. A pair of dental stone models from a patient mounted each on the fixed and moving stages was controlled the movement in 3-D space according to the obtained data by a jaw movement measuring device. The results were as follows: 1. A prototype of our jaw robot consisted of six linear-action type stepping motors (three of them are sliders and 3 are cylinders) was developed. 2 . In order to solve the forward problem of kinematics for the jaw robot with parallel mechanism in numerical analysis, we tried to improve the Newton-Raphson (N-R) method for the nonlinear analysis. With this modified N-R method, the solution could be converged quickly enough for the real time control of the jaw robot. 3. In order to reconstruct the jaw motion on the robot, the algorithm of numerical analysis for the inverse kinematics problem of parallel mechanism was developed. This program could figure out the control data of six stepping motors of our jaw robot from the data which were obtained by the digital jaw movement measuring device.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Kyoto University, 2001 - 2001レスキュー工学の構築を目指した啓発活動のための核心的企画調査本研究課題は,先の阪神・淡路大震災の経験を受けて,将来のためにレスキュー体制を整える研究の必要性を社会に訴えるための活動を行うというものである.具体的には,レスキュー技術を工学にまで昇華するために,レスキュー活動全般の科学的な解析を行い,'そこから少しでも体系だった考え方が生まれることを目指すものである.そして,そのような研究面のみならず,できるだけ多くの人々がレスキュー研究に目を向け,さらに研究に参画していただくことが重要であるということも主張している. 本研究では,そのための一手段としてコンテスト形式による啓発活動を試みることを提案するものである.具体的にそれは「レスキューロボットコンテスト」を提案し実施することで実行した.このコンテストは1/8に縮小された被災地をフィールドとして具現化し,そこでの救助活動を実際に行ってみるというものである.その際,要救助者としては種々めセンサー系を内在したダミー(レスキューダミー)を用い,救助活動は無線操縦されるロボットを用いる.このコンテストを実施することによる効果は,1)多くの人々にレスキューを題材にしたコンテストが存在するということを知らしめることによって,レスキューの問題を認識させることができた,2)本コンテストのフィールドを設計・検討・具現化すること自体が模型の世界ではあるがレスキューロボットを研究する際のきっかけになった,3)レスキューダミーという考え方を提案することができた,などがある. 本研究課題を契機に、レスキュー研究を行う人材の裾野が広がるのではないかと期待している.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)., Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)., KYOTO UNIVERSITY, 1998 - 2000Analysis and Transfer of Expert Skill by Using Haptic Virtual Reality TechnologyThe purpose of this research is to establish a methodology for analyzing expert's skill and transmitting it by using haptic virtual reality technology. We consider a class of skill that require controlling not only the hand motion but also the force applied by the hand on an object. By developing a virtual environment in which a human operator can perform a task such as an assembly task or calligraphy, we expect that we can observe the human skill precisely and in detail. From the observed data we try to establish a methodology for analyzing expert's skill quantitatively. We also try to develop a theoretical basis for transferring skills from teacher to student by using the developed virtual environment. The outline of the obtained result is as follows. 1. Research on measurement and transfer of expert's skill (1) The concept of virtual lesson has been proposed. Based on this concept, a virtual calligraphy system has been developed and the validity of the concept has been experimentally shown. (2) A haptic virtual reality simulation system for peg insertion task has been developed. A detailed record of a human skill can be obtained by this system. (3) A method for determining time correspondence among plural sample trajectories of skilled motion has been proposed. 2. Development of haptic display devices for skill display (1) A haptic display device with fingertip pressing function has been developed to transfer motor skills from human to human. This device can display both position and force trajectories of the teacher's skill. (2) A touch and force display device has been developed which allows the operator to feel the difference of touch and nontouch directly from tactile sensory channel. (3) A new haptic display device with a better stability property has been developed that uses a set of real springs at the joints of the device.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), The University of Tokyo, 1998 - 1999Development of Multi-Legged Robot Platform and Its Application to Make Evolution of Intelligent Machine ResearchThe objective of this research project is to develop a multi-legged robot platform that is capable of being commonly utilized on performing various researches of intelligent robots. We have especially focused on the robot platform that has been developed from 1995-1997 on the research project grant-in-aid referred to as "intelligent robot," and we have evolved collaborative work to transform the platform into its advanced version for achieving our aim. (1) Development of a multi-legged robot platform, Jrob-2 : We have integrated and standardized all the components of Jrob-1 (which are a vision system, circuit boards, computer, and software and which have been developed on the research project grant-in-aid), and we have assembled them into an advanced multi-legged robot platform, Jrob-2. The vision system has two cameras and its pan, tilt, and congestion are controllable. It is capable of actively processing 3-dimensional images in real time. Gyroscopes and other sensors are equipped to take the valance of the robot. As the operating system, we have installed Real-Time Linux and all the fundamental behaviors of the robot are coded in C language. (2) Tutorial of Jrob-2 in the Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering : The team for developing Jrob-2 held a tutorial of its hard/soft ware and its fundamental behavior library in 1999 for the purpose of making the robot widely utilized by robotics researchers. (3) As for making evolutions of intelligent machine based on the platform, collaborative researchers have dealt with widely ranged research topics by taking their own approaches. Specifically, they have studied the quantitative relationship between the robot posture in locomotion and its mobility, generating locomotion by superimposing reactive behaviors, motion planning, cooperative transportation, and integration of vision and behavior. These research results are published in an over 300 pages report.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research, Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research, Kyoto University, 1998 - 1999無負荷時非接触型力覚提示装置の開発申請者らはこれまで,力覚人工現実感技術をより有効なものにするためには,仮想物体や仮想環境の動力学的な特性を正確に感じられるようにすべきであると考え,世界に先駆けてその実現のための研究を種々の方向から行ってきた.その過程で,動特性を持つ仮想物体の把持や操りの感覚をオペレータに提示するための,新しいハプティック提示装置を開発することが必要であると感じるようになった.開発を計画した装置は,指に負荷のかからないときには,装置が指に接触せず,指が仮想環境で物体に接触するときのみ提示装置も指に接触して,オペレータに接触・非接触の感覚を直接的に与え,しかも指と仮想物体が接触中は仮想物体の動特性を含めた力感覚を提示するという機能を有するものである.申請者らはすでに2次元平面におけるこのような初等的提示装置の開発に成功しているが,本研究では3次元空間内で機能する装置を開発し,その制御アルゴリズムを確立し,装置の有効性を検討することを目的とした.昨年度は指先1点接触型3次元提示装置の開発をおこなった.本年度はそれを多点接触型に拡張する予定であったが,昨年度の1点接触型提示装置の性能を思ったところにまで引き上げることができず,また多点接触型装置の前提となる指先装置型6自由度力覚提示のための装置(現在は2台の3自由度リンク機構をパラレルに組み合わせたものを使用している)の機構改良が必要であることが分かった.したがって多点接触型提示装置開発の前に,指先装置型6自由度力覚提示装置の機構改良が必要と判断し,現在までこれを進めて来た.その結果,改良型の設計および製作が一応できた段階である.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), KYOTO UNIVERSITY, 1997 - 1999Basic Study for Constructing Training/Simulation System for Medical OperationsWe have studied from various aspects toward constructing a simulation/training system for medical operations. First, we have introduced spring-dumpier model to simulate the behavior of elastic objects, which is necessary to simulate medical operations. We have proposed a new spring model that has minimum length constraint. The developed model allows us not only to deform but also to dissect and cut. Next, we focused on skill training. We have proposed an efficient training method for motor skills, such as sport swing motions, by using vibration cue and teacher's sight, i.e., giving the desired motion from the teacher's viewpoint,. We constructed a one-dimensional system and evaluated the proposed training method. The experimental result shows that the teacher's sight is effective. The vibration cue is effective only when the teacher's sight is withdrawn. Then, we have proposed a method a method for accurate image overlay on head-mounted displays (HMDs) using vision and accelerometers. Acceleration information is used for predicting the head motion to compensate the end-to-end system delay and to make the vision-based tracking robust. Experimental results showed that the proposed method can overlay synthetic images accurately even if the user moves his head very quickly. This technique is essential to realize "What You See IS What You Feel" or WYSIWYF situation, which is important for training systems. Finally, we have studied path planning of encountered-type haptic device that simulates multiple virtual objects. Encountered-type approach allows us to be free from the constraints of worn or held haptic device and to get real sense of touch. This approach is effective especially when we simulate limited number of objects with known shape like medical operations. The obtained results in this research could be foundations toward simulation/training systems for medical operations in the future.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, Kyoto University, 1997 - 1997力覚人工現実感技術を用いた技能教育システム筆者らはこれまで,動的な仮想物体を思いのままに掴み,操作することを目的とする力覚人工現実感の研究を行なってきたが,その過程でこの技術が,工場や医療における熟練作業,テニス,習字などの,手先運動と手先力を必要とする各種技能の熟練者(先生)から非熟練者(生徒)への伝達の手段として有望であると考えるに至った.そこで,(1)技能教育システム構成のための方法論を確立し,(2)具体例として習字教育システムを試作し,(3)実験を通して本技能教育法の有効性を検討する,ことなどを目的として,研究を行った.その研究成果の概要は以下のとおりである.先生のいる環境を仮想的に作りだし,先生が動かしたままの感覚(力,位置情報)をよりリアルに生徒に伝えるというバーチャルレッスンの概念を提案した.そして,その一応用例として,バーチャル習字システムを作り,その実験を行った.この装置を用いて,まず先生が設定された仮想の紙に文字を書き,筆先の軌道の座標とその座標における紙への押しつけ力をデータとしてファイルに記録する.そして生徒が学ぶときは筆をもち,先生が筆先を動かしたときの軌道や紙への押しつけ力がハプティック(位置・力)提示装置を制御することで再現されるような仕組みになっている.先生のスキルは,大きく考えて位置情報と力情報という2つの要素からなり,それを生徒に伝えるために2つのメディアを用いる提示法(位置直接提示法,力直接提示法)を提案した.さらに,これらの方法を実験的に検討した結果,ある程度の有効性が認められた.ただし,有効性の定量的確認は,今後の課題として残されている.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, Kyoto University, 1996 - 1996複数提示端末を有する仮想機械動的操作感提示システム人工現実感の研究が近年活発に行われている.しかし一人のオペレータの両腕や複数のオペレータによる仮想物体操作感提示の研究は多くなく,さらに動力学的な検討はほとんど行われていない. 本研究は,仮想的な機械類を,一人のオペレータが両腕で操作する場合や複数オペレータが操作する場合をを想定し,その動特性を含めた操作感をオペレータに提示するための理論的検討と提示装置の開発を目的とするものであり,以下のような研究成果を得た. (1)仮想世界のモジュール型構築法 著者らはこれまで,仮想物体の動的な操作感提示のためのアルゴリズムについて研究を行ってきた.これを基に,動特性に従って動く複数の仮想物体を複数のオペレータが扱う際のように,仮想のものと現実のものとが混在する複雑な場合に有効な,仮想世界を構築するための一般的手法を提案している.これは仮想物体やオペレータなどをすべて,ある入力に対してある出力をする動特性モジュールと考え,それらの間の相互作用をすべて相互作用モジュールで表現するものである. (2)複数オペレータによる操作感提示実験 (1)のモジュール型構築法を用いて,2人のオペレータが二つの立方体を共同で操る場合の操作感提示実験を行った.その結果,オペレータは十分現実的な操作感を得ていることが確認された. 以上の結果により,当初の計画を一応達成できたと考える.今後はより一般的な場合についてモジュール型構築法の有効性を実験的に検討したい.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C), KYOTO UNIVERSITY, 1993 - 1994Task Sharing and Intervention in Human-Robot Cooperating SystemThis research is concerned with task sharing and intervention in human-robot cooperating systems. We have obained the following results. (1) We have proposed a new framework of human-robot cooperating systems where six operation modes for cooperating between manual operation and autonomous functions are introduced. (2) We have developed a prototype of the mode selection device, where three toggles switches are implemented. This device enable us to change smoothly the operation modes. (3) We have made one DOF experimental system and confirmed the validity of the proposed operation modes and the mode sequence by some exreiments. In addition, we have investigated the performance of the proposed system for some simple tasks. We have pointed out that more easy-to-use devices for mode selection should be developed and the human-robot cooperating system should understand the operator's intention in various situations. In addition, we have given some results on a micro teleoperation system for compensating scaling effects, and human-interface in terms of virtual operator systems.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Developmental Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Developmental Scientific Research (B), KYOTO UNIVERSITY, 1991 - 1993Development of Robot Arms for Assembly Tasks Based on Force ControlFor wider application of robot manipulators to assembly tasks, establishment of the force control technology is fundamental. The objective of this research has been to develop a prototype force-controlled robot system for assembly tasks, to establish a force control algorithm, to obtain an assembly planning method based on analysis of assembly tasks and utilization of visual feedback. 1. Design and Fablication of a Force-Controlled Robot System for Assembly Tasks. This prototype robot has the following feature. (1) The arm portion consists of three orthogonal prismatic joints, each joint having a direct-drive linear motor with low friction. This provides good force control performance and high structural rigidity. (2) The wrist portion has a compact structure with three rotational direct-drive joints. 2. Establishiment of Force Control Algorithm. The dynamic hybrid control approach proposed by us before has been extended to the case of unknown objects and to the case of multiple robots. A new force control algorithm that changes the control mode between posiltion control and force control smoothly by using the impedance control scheme has been proposed. 3. Analysis of Assembly Tasks and Establishment of Assembly Task Planning Method. For autonomous planning of assembly tasks, a method has been proposed based on the contact state transition network. By specifying a cost function based on the difficulty of state transitions, the method finds an optimal sequence of the contact states on the network. A method to determine a time-trajectory that links this sequence of contact states is also biven. 4. Verification by Experiments. Using the robot system developed in 1, the effectiveness of the force control algorithm proposed in 2 has been shown by several experiments.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), Kyoto University, 1992 - 1992環境との接触およびロボット機構による支持状態を考慮した部品の組立作業の研究
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), Kyoto University, 1990 - 1990ゴム人工筋駆動型マニピュレータによる環境との衝突を伴う遠隔作業の研究
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C), Kyoto University, 1989 - 1990Coordinated Control of Multi-Fingered Robot Hand Handling an Object in Contact with EnvironmentFor wider applications of robot manipulators in the future, development of multifingered robotic hands that can perform dexterous manipulation like human hands, is essential. The objective of this research is (1) to establish a cooperative control algorithm of a multifingered robot hand for controlling simultaneously the relative motion and the contact force of an object that is grasped by this robot hand and is in contact with the environment, and (2) to verify the validity of this control algorithm. The results obtained by this research are summarized as follows : 1. Establishment of Control Algorithm : Extending the dynamic hybrid control approach proposed by one of the present investigators for single robot manipulator, a control algorithm has been established which will be called the dynamic cooperative hybrid control algorithm. This algorithm controls the positional trajectory of the object, the internal force applied by the hand to the object, and the contact force between the object and the environment simultaneously so that they will trace the desired position and force trajectories. 2. Fabrication of a Three-fingered Hand : A hand with three fingers, each of which is a serial link mechanism with three degrees of freedom has been fabricated. The total length of the finger is 26 cm. A small scale three-axis force sensor to be attached to the tip of each finger has also been designed and fabricated. 3. Development of Hand Control System : Using a 32 bit personal computer, a hand controller has been developed along with control software. A sampling time of 4 ms has been achieved. 4. Experimental Verification of the Control Algorithm : Preliminary experiments of grasping an object by two fingers of the developed hand and pressing it against a plain constraint surface have been successfully performed. We believe that the objective of this research project, development and verification of an algorithm for cooperative control of multifingered robot hands in manipulating objects in contact with the environment, has been reached by the above results. Experiment using three fingers has been left as a future research topic.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Scientists (A), Kyoto University, 1989 - 1989遠隔操縦の操作性向上を目指したマスタ・スレーブマニピュレータの設計と制御
- Teleoperated Robotic SystemsCompetitive research funding
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