肥田 博隆大学院工学研究科 機械工学専攻准教授
■ 学位■ 研究キーワード
■ 研究分野
■ 委員歴
- 2021年04月, 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門, 幹事
- 2019年04月 - 2021年03月, 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密部門, 表彰委員幹事
- 2020年04月, 電気学会「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」論文委員会, 主査(部門7 バイオマイクロナノシステム)
- 2019年04月 - 2020年03月, 電気学会「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」論文委員会, 副査(部門7 バイオマイクロナノシステム)
- 2020年03月, International Conference on Sensors, Systems and Smart Materials(IC-SSSM 2020), International Advisory Committee
■ 受賞- 2020年09月 一般社団法人 電気学会 センサ・マイクロマシン部門, 電気学会 センサ・マイクロマシン部門 総合研究会 優秀論文発表賞, 機械的ストレスが植物寄生性線虫の感染に与える影響の解析
- 2019年11月 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会, 第40回研究会 優秀研究賞, マイクロチャンバーを用いた植物寄生性線虫の集団行動の分析
- 2019年03月 日本機械学会 情報・知能・精密機器部門, ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 日本機械学会2018年度年次大会 発表題目「マイクロピラーアレイを用いた根の機械的ストレス応答の解析」国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞
- 2018年11月 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門, 優秀ポスター発表賞, 第35回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム」発表題目:機械的ストレス下における植物の根系発達過程の解析手法国内学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞
- 2010年 MHS2010 Best Poster Award日本国
- 2006年 MHS2006 Best Poster Award
- Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023年06月, Microsystem Technologies, 29(8) (8), 1181 - 1188研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Elsevier BV, 2021年08月, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 327, 112786 - 112786研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEE Japan), 2021年05月, IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 141(5) (5), 141 - 146研究論文(学術雑誌)
- In this study, we fabricate and evaluate piezoelectric energy harvesters (PEH) for the wearable power sources fabricated from Pb(ZrTi)O3 (PZT) thin films on stainless steel foils. The PZT thin films were deposited onto (Pb,La)TiO3/Pt/Ti-coated stainless steel substrate by RF-magnetron sputtering. Parallel and series connection of each PEH enabled the increase of output power sufficient for turning on a LED.一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2020年, 年次大会, 2020, J22202, 日本語
- 2019年, Scientific Reports, 9, 7309, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 2018年07月, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1052(1) (1), 012094, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- 2017年10月, The 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2017), 英語ON-CHIP MECHANICAL STRESS TEST ON PLANT ROOT GROWTH[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- 2017年10月, The 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2017), 英語METHODS FOR PHYSHICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF GROWING PLANT ROOTS[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- We fabricated the piezoelectric bimorphs composed of Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 (PZT) thin films on metal foil substrates. To efficiently inexpensively manufacture piezoelectric bimorphs with high flexibility, 1.2-mu m-thick PZT thin films were directly deposited on both surfaces of 10- and 20-mu m-thick bare stainless-steel (SS) foil substrates by dip coating with a sol-gel solution. We confirmed that the PZT thin films deposited on the SS foil substrates at 500 degrees C or above have polycrystalline perovskite structures and the measured relative dielectric constant and dielectric loss were 323-420 and 0.12-0.17, respectively. The PZT bimorphs were demonstrated by comparing the displacements of the cantilever specimens driven by single-and double-side PZT thin films on the SS foil substrates under the same applied voltage. We characterized the piezoelectric properties of the PZT bimorphs and the calculated their piezoelectric coefficient |theta(31), r| to be 0.3-0.7 C/m(2). (C) 2017 The Japan Society of Applied PhysicsIOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2017年10月, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 56(10) (10), 10PF08, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 公益社団法人 応用物理学会, 2017年08月, 応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 2017.2, 1251 - 1251, 日本語
- The airflow energy harvesters (AFEHs) of piezoelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 (PZT) thin films were developed. Electric power was generated by self-excited vibration of the piezoelectric bimorph cantilevers induced by a continuous airflow. To enhance the vibration in low wind speed, we used very thin stainless-steel (SS) foils with thickness of 20 inn as base substrates, and the PZT thin films were deposited on both surface of SS foils by radio-frequency (rf) magnetron sputtering. When the angle of attack (AOA) was 20 degrees and above, stable self-excited vibration was generated at wind speeds larger than 4.5 m/s. When the wind speed was 8 m/s, the maximum output power reached 36.4 mu W at the AOA of 20 degrees. From the evaluation of the thickness effect of the base cantilevers, it was confirmed that the thinner substrate reduced not only cut-in wind speed but also maximum output voltage. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2017年07月, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, 261, 295 - 301, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- In this study, we fabricated piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters (PVEHs) composed of PZT thin films on stainless steel foils, and investigated the optimal structures for the high output power aiming for shoe-mounted power generators. The shoe-mounted PVEHs have been thought to be one of the key applications as battery-free wearable systems. As a pre-stage of shoe-mounted PVEHs, we evaluated PVEHs under sinusoidal excitation to optimize the design of the PVEHs. We studied on the theoretical model of PVEHs from electromechanical coupling system to satisfy the required specification. Thinner substrates thickness, longer length and narrower width is preferable for high output with a same size of the mass and electrode area. Theoretical model indicated that the optimal electrode length is two-third of the cantilever length and a PZT thickness is about two-fifth of the substrate thickness. We confirmed the good agreement between theoretical and experimental values.一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2017年, 年次大会, 2017, G1600103, 日本語
- Lithium ion batteries are widely used in a variety of portable products because of their high energy density. Recently solid-state lithium ion batteries have been studied to solve the safety issue of liquid electrolyte. In order to realize solid state thin film batteries, we prepared electrode thin films by RF magnetron sputtering on Pt/Ti/Si substrates. In this study, LiCoO2(LCO) cathode thin films were deposited. After annealing at 620°C, clear diffraction of (003) and (101) orientation was detected in XRD measurements. Si anode, Cyclic voltammgram showed oxidation and reduction peaks at 0.6 V, 0.01 V, respectively. We also measured the capacity of the Si thin film by the discharge-charge curves. The discharge-charge capacity of 660 μAh/(cm2・μm) and 609 μAh/(cm2・μm) could be obtained for the Si anode thin films, respectively.一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2017年, IIP情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集, 2017, I - 1, 日本語
- This paper describes piezoelectric vibration energy harvester (PVEH). The PVEH was fabricated from Pb(ZrTi)O3 (PZT) thin films which were deposited onto (Pb,La)TiO3/Pt/Ti-coated stainless steel substrate by rf-magnetron sputtering. We measured output power of the PVEH as well as theoretical calculation. The output power showed maximum at the calculated optimal load resistance of 73.2 kΩ, where the output power was 1.0 μW. For the purpose of predicting output power, we tried to derive electromechanical coupling coefficient. Applying an equivalent circuit model of the energy harvester, we succeeded in deriving electromechanical coupling coefficient.一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2017年, IIP情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集, 2017, I - 2, 日本語
- (1-x)BaTiO3-xBaSnO(3) (BT-xBS, 0 <= x <= 0.20) perovskite thin films were deposited on Pt/Ti/Si substrates with uniaxial graded composition by using a dual-target combinatorial sputtering technique. These films were highly (101)-oriented and showed strong composition dependence in their electromechanical properties. The maximum value of the relative dielectric constant was 925 at around x=0.028, where the transverse piezoelectric coefficient vertical bar e(31,f)vertical bar also peaked at about 1.5-1.9 C/m(2). This vertical bar e(31,f)vertical bar value is higher than those of epitaxial BaTiO3 thin films. Our results indicate that BT-xBS is a promising substitute of lead-based perovskites for applications in piezoelectric MEMS devices.ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2017年01月, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 43(1) (1), 1597 - 1601, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Pb(Hf,Ti)O-3 (PHT) thin films were deposited by combinatorial sputtering, and their precise piezoelectric properties were evaluated as a function of Hf/Ti composition. The PHT thin films showed typical ferroelectric characteristics, and the relative dielectric constant epsilon(r) was as high as 700. The piezoelectric coefficient of {100}-oriented PHT thin films reached vertical bar e(31,f)vertical bar = 6.5 C/m(2) around Hf/Ti = 50/50, at which epsilon(r) was also maximized. The piezoelectric characteristics of the PHT thin films were similar to those of PZT thin films, indicating that the PHT thin films are promising alternatives to PZT thin films in piezoelectric micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2016年10月, THIN SOLID FILMS, 616, 444 - 448, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 2016年10月, Proc. of 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences(MicroTAS 2016), 英語ANALYTICAL METHODS OF ROOT GROWTH BEHAVIOR USING AN ARTIFICIAL SOIL DEVICE[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- In this study, we fabricated multilayer ceramics (MLCs) composed of multilayered Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 (PZT) piezoelectric thin films with internal electrodes and evaluated their dielectric and piezoelectric properties. The stack of PZT ferroelectric layers (550 nm) and SrRuO3 (SRO, 80 nm) electrodes were alternatively deposited on Pt/Ti-coated silicon-on-insulator substrates by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering. The MLCs composed of one, three, and five PZT layers were fabricated by the alternate sputtering deposition of PZT ferroelectric layers and SRO electrodes through the movable shadow mask. The capacitances of MLCs were proportionally increased with the number of PZT layers, while their relative dielectric constants were almost same among the each MLC. The MLCs exhibited symmetric and saturated P-E hysteresis loops similar to the conventional PZT thin films. We estimated that the piezoelectric properties of MLCs by FEM simulation, and confirmed that the effective transverse piezoelectric coefficients (d (31,eff) ) increased with the number of PZT layers. The piezoelectric coefficients calculated to be d (31,eff) = -2964 pC/N at 25 PZT layers, which is much higher than those of conventional single-layer piezoelectric thin films.SPRINGER, 2016年06月, MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS, 22(6) (6), 1275 - 1283, 英語[査読有り][招待有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- We have developed a piezoelectric-driven millimeter-scale robot with a simple structure. This millimeter-scale robot, which consists of a titanium (Ti) body and front/back legs integrated with a Pb(Zr, Ti)O-3 (PZT) piezoelectric thin film actuator, is driven by using mechanical resonance. To simply fabricate the millimeter-scale robot, the PZT thin film was directly deposited on an H-shaped Ti substrate by radio frequency magnetron sputtering and the shape of the robot was completed by plastic deformation of the monolithic Ti substrate. We obtained the transverse piezoelectric coefficient d (31) of the deposited PZT thin film was -21.3 pm/V, which was sufficient for driving the fabricated millimeter-scale robot with a low driving voltage a parts per thousand currency sign10 V. We also evaluated the resonant characteristics of the fabricated robot and confirmed that the front/back legs of robot were oscillated in primary and secondary resonance modes at around 4.5 and 11 kHz, respectively. We demonstrated that the millimeter-scale robot with asymmetric structure in the front-back direction was controlled by changing driving voltage conditions and a bending angle formed by the front/back legs. The moving speed of the millimeter-scale robot was 13.6 cm/s by applying negative unipolar voltage of 10 V-pp at 10.6 kHz when the bending angle was set to 109A degrees. We experimentally confirmed that the millimeter-scale robot can be driven forward and backward by optimizing the shape of the robot and mechanical resonant modes.SPRINGER, 2016年06月, MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS, 22(6) (6), 1429 - 1436, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- In this study, we fabricated multilayer ceramics (MLCs) composed of multilayered Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 (PZT) piezoelectric thin films with internal electrodes and evaluated their dielectric and piezoelectric properties. The stack of PZT ferroelectric layers (550 nm) and SrRuO3 (SRO, 80 nm) electrodes were alternatively deposited on Pt/Ti-coated silicon-on-insulator substrates by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering. The MLCs composed of one, three, and five PZT layers were fabricated by the alternate sputtering deposition of PZT ferroelectric layers and SRO electrodes through the movable shadow mask. The capacitances of MLCs were proportionally increased with the number of PZT layers, while their relative dielectric constants were almost same among the each MLC. The MLCs exhibited symmetric and saturated P-E hysteresis loops similar to the conventional PZT thin films. We estimated that the piezoelectric properties of MLCs by FEM simulation, and confirmed that the effective transverse piezoelectric coefficients (d (31,eff) ) increased with the number of PZT layers. The piezoelectric coefficients calculated to be d (31,eff) = -2964 pC/N at 25 PZT layers, which is much higher than those of conventional single-layer piezoelectric thin films.SPRINGER, 2016年06月, MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS, 22(6) (6), 1275 - 1283, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 2016年06月, Proc. of Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2016 (APCOT2016), 英語FABRICATION OF FORCE SENSOR FOR STUDYING SEED GERMINATION OF PLANTS[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- This paper describes shoe-mounted piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters (PVEHs). The PVEHs were fabricated from Pb(ZrTi)O-3 (PZT) thin films which were directly deposited onto Pt/Ti-coated stainless steel foil by rf-magnetron sputtering. We experimentally and theoretically evaluated impulse responses of the PVEHs by applying a simple impulse input on the energy harvesters, typical damped free vibration behaviour was clearly observed, and the output signal was in good agreement with the theoretical value. We measured the output power by applying the impulse input with an optimal load resistance of 33.9 k Omega. The maximum output power was approximately 20 mu W, which correspond with the calculated value based on theoretical equation. From these results, the theoretical equation we derived might be helpful for design purposes of the shoe-mounted PVEHs.IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2016年, 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICRO AND NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR POWER GENERATION AND ENERGY CONVERSION APPLICATIONS (POWERMEMS 2016), 773, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- Plant-parasitic nematodes substantially damage a wide variety of agricultural crops worldwide. The chemotaxis of nematodes is a key factor in their parasitic relationship with plants. Therefore, studies on nematode chemotaxis are essential for devising efficient and environmentally friendly management methods. In this paper, we report a new, efficient, and quantitative method to analyze chemotaxis of the plant-parasitic nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, using a gel-filled microchannel device. We quantitatively defined time-dependent concentration gradients of chemicals in the gel-filled microchannel by measuring changes in the fluorescence intensity of fluorescein. We also developed a protocol to allow the nematodes to move around in the microchannels by loading an agarose gel with optimum concentration. Using this novel assay method, we have shown that potassium nitrate (KNO3) stimulates the behavior of M. incognita and can have both repellent and attractant effects, depending on the concentration gradient. This newly developed quantitative chemotaxis assay method can be used to screen and identify new candidate molecules that repel or attract nematodes, and also to analyze the repellent/attractant properties of those molecules toward nematodes. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2015年12月, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 221, 1483 - 1491, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 2015年11月, Proceedings of The 28th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, 英語Plant-on-a-Chip: Towards Improving Global Crop Productivity[査読有り][招待有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- 2015年11月, Proceedings of The 8th Plant Biomechanics International Conference, 英語Development of on-chip physical characterization method for root growth[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- We evaluated the effective transverse piezoelectric coefficients (e(31,f)) of Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 (PZT) thin films from both the direct and converse piezoelectric effects of unimorph cantilevers. (001) preferentially oriented polycrystalline PZT thin films and (001)/(100) epitaxial PZT thin films were deposited on (111)Pt/Ti/Si and (001)Pt/MgO substrates, respectively, by rf-magnetron sputtering, and their piezoelectric responses owing to intrinsic and extrinsic effects were examined. The direct and converse vertical bar e(31,f)vertical bar values of the polycrystalline PZT thin films were calculated as 6.4 and 11.5-15.0C/m(2), respectively, whereas those of the epitaxial PZT thin films were calculated as 3.4 and 4.6-4.8C/m(2), respectively. The large vertical bar e(31,f)vertical bar of the converse piezoelectric property of the polycrystalline PZT thin films is attributed to extrinsic piezoelectric effects. Furthermore, the polycrystalline PZT thin films show a clear nonlinear piezoelectric contribution, which is the same as the Rayleigh-like behavior reported in bulk PZT. In contrast, the epitaxial PZT thin films on the MgO substrate show a piezoelectric response owing to the intrinsic and linear extrinsic effects, and no nonlinear contribution was observed. (C) 2015 The Japan Society of Applied PhysicsIOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2015年10月, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 54(10) (10), 1 - 10, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 2015年10月, Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2015), 206 - 208, 英語METHODS OF PLANT ROOT CHARACTERIZATION UNDER VARIABLE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS TOWARD IMPROVING CROP PRODUCTIVITY[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- In this study, we evaluate the compositional dependence of Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3-(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 (BZT-BCT) thin films prepared by combinatorial sputtering. Compositional gradient polycrystalline (1 - x)BZT-xBCT thin films oriented along the < 001 > and < 111 > directions were deposited on Si substrates by co-sputtering BZT and BCT targets and the composition x was varied from 0.16 to 0.82. Over the whole composition range, the BZT-BCT thin films exhibited smooth surfaces and columnar structure. The temperature dependence of the dielectric properties was measured and the tricritical phase transition point of BZT-BCT thin films was determined to be the same composition as that of bulk ceramics, while its temperature was approximately 100 degrees C higher. The maximum relative dielectric constant (epsilon(r) = 778) was obtained for x = 0.50. The piezoelectric coefficients also peaked at around x = 0.50, and the maximum value (vertical bar e(31, f vertical bar) = 0.48 C/m(2)) was compatible with other Ba-based piezoelectric epitaxial thin films. These results indicate that polycrystalline BZT-BCT thin film is a promising material as a substitute for lead-based piezoelectric materials. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2015年08月, THIN SOLID FILMS, 588, 34 - 38, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 2015年06月, Proceedings of 2015 JSME-IIP ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (MIPE 2015), 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- 2015年06月, Proceedings of 2015 JSME-IIP ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (MIPE 2015), 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- 2015年06月, Proceedings of 2015 JSME-IIP ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (MIPE 2015), 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- In this study, multilayer ceramics (MLCs) composed of La-modified PbTiO3 layers with internal Pt electrodes were fabricated by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering. Multiple (Pb-0.9,La-0.1)Ti0.975O3 (PLT) layers with thicknesses of approximately 500 nm were deposited on Pt/Ti-coated Si substrates through a square movable shadow mask. The isolated internal Pt electrodes were prepared by sliding the movable shadow mask. The MLCs composed of one, three, and five PLT layers were fabricated by alternate sputtering deposition of Pt electrodes and PLT ferroelectric layers with the movable shadow mask. The MLCs had a smooth and crack-free surface, and dense PLT layers could be prepared between the internal Pt electrodes. The MLCs exhibited excellent dielectric properties and their capacitances increased with the number of PLT layers, while the dielectric losses were lower than 3.5 %. The P-E hysteresis loops of MLCs showed symmetric loops because of the alternating direction of external electric field on the ferroelectric PLT layers.SPRINGER, 2015年05月, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 50(10) (10), 3631 - 3637, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015年04月, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 25(4) (4), 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 2015年, Energy Harvesting and Systems, 3, 61, 英語Fabrication of high-efficiency piezoelectric energy harvesters of epitaxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films by laser lift-off[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- This paper reports a simple and high-productive fabrication method of flexible piezoelectric substrate. To achieve a low-cost fabrication process of the substrate, we developed a novel transfer technique of piezoelectric thin films which were formed on temporary stainless-steel substrate to target PDMS (Poly-dimethylsiloxane) substrate by using wet etching process. We experimentally clarified that Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 (PZT) thin films transferred on PDMS substrate, which is developed flexible piezoelectric substrate, have piezoelectric properties by evaluating crystal structures and an inverse piezoelectric effect. This fabrication method might allow us to efficiently develop novel MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) devices such as wearable sensors and artificial muscle in large quantities at a low cost.IEEE, 2015年, 2015 28TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICRO ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS (MEMS 2015), 28th Vol.1, 377 - 380, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- This paper reports an on-chip analytical method for studying physical mechanisms of plant root growth in soil environments. To quantitatively evaluate physical interaction between root and soil, we developed a silicon-based microchannel device integrated with force displacement sensor which mimics a barrier in soil. By using developed microsystem, we successfully characterized the driving forces of root growth in three kinds of plants including Arabidopsis thaliana, which is known as a model organism. This analytical method allows us to efficiently characterize potential adaptability of root system to soil environments at early growth stage. The gaining knowledge might contribute for breed improvement, in terms of increasing crop productivity and plant biomass.IEEE, 2015年, 2015 28TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICRO ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS (MEMS 2015), 28th Vol.2, 702 - 705, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- We fabricated UV-light driven micro-actuators utilizing epitaxial piezoelectric thin films. We prepared Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 (PZT) epitaxial thin films on cantilever-shaped Pt/MgO substrates, and observed light-induced deformation. When the UV-LED light was irradiated to the surface of PZT thin film, the cantilever deflected due to the coupling of photovoltaic and piezoelectric properties. The deflection of the cantilever was proportionally increased with the UV-light intensity, while the time constant was less than 2 sec, which was much shorter than that of bulk ceramics. These results indicate that UV-light driven piezoelectric thin-film actuators will open a new avenue for remote controlled micro-actuators.IEEE, 2015年, 2015 TRANSDUCERS - 2015 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOLID-STATE SENSORS, ACTUATORS AND MICROSYSTEMS (TRANSDUCERS), 973 - 976, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- We combine experiment, theory and simulation to design and fabricate 3D structures with protected edges and corners on Si{1 1 0} using anisotropic wet chemical etching in 25 wt% tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) at 71 degrees C. In order to protect the convex corners formed by <1 1 2 > and <1 1 0> directions, two methods are considered, namely, corner compensation and two-step etching. The mask design methodology for corner compensation is explained for various microstructures whose edges are aligned along different directions. The detailed geometry of each compensation pattern is shown to depend on the desired etch depth. The two-step wet etching process is explored in order to realize improved sharp convex corners. Using the same etchant concentration and temperature, the second etching is carried out after mask inversion from silicon nitride (Si3N4) to silicon dioxide (SiO2), obtained by local oxidation of silicon (LOCOS) followed by nitride etching. Based on the use of the continuous cellular automaton (CCA), the simulation results for both corner undercutting and two-step etching show that the CCA is suitable for the analysis and prediction of anisotropic etching on Si{1 1 0} wafers.IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2014年12月, JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING, 24(12) (12), 1 - 12, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 2014年12月, Proc. of The International Conference on Small Science (ICSS 2014), 英語MEMS Applications in Agriculture[査読有り][招待有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- 2014年10月, Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS, 英語Power generation reliability of PZT thin films on stainless-steel cantilevers[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- HIGH-THROUGHPUT CHEMOTAXIS ASSAY OF PLANT-PARASITIC NEMATODE TOWARD GREEN AGRICULTURE© 14CBMS. This paper presents a new microsystem for simple and high-throughput chemotaxis assay of plant-parasitic nematodes Meloidogyne incognita. To improve an efficiency of chemotaxis assay, we developed a PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) microsystem, which can generate various chemical conditions in multiple microchannels at once. By using this system, we successfully identified a lower limitation of the concentration gradient of KNO2014年10月, Proc. of 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences(MicroTAS 2014), 276 - 278, 英語
3 solution, which can act as a repellent for the nematode M. incognita.[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス) - 2014年10月, Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS, 英語Compositional dependence of (1-x)Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-x(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 piezoelectric thin films prepared by combinatorial sputtering[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- We evaluated the compositional dependence of Pb(MgInstitute of Physics, 2014年09月, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 53(9) (9), 09PA06, 英語
1/3 ,Nb2/3 )O3 –PbTiO3 (PMN–PT) polycrystalline thin films by combinatorial sputtering. We prepared compositional gradient (1 − x)PMN–xPT polycrystalline thin films with preferential orientation along the 〈001〉 direction in the composition range of x = 0–0.62. We determined that the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) composition of PMN–PT polycrystalline thin film existed at around x = 0.35, from the X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. The maximum value of relative dielectric constants (εr = 1498) was obtained at approximately x = 0.23. On the other hand, the piezoelectric coefficients (|e31,f | = 14.1 C/m2) peaked at the determined MPB composition of x = 0.35. From the results of the compositional dependence of dielectric and piezoelectric characteristics, the FOM ([Formula: see text]) of the PMN–PT (x = 0.35) thin film reached 21 GPa, which is much higher than that of the other polycrystalline piezoelectric thin films. These results suggest that PMN–PT (x = 0.35) thin film is a promising material for high-efficiency piezoelectric MEMS energy harvesters. - We evaluated the compositional dependence of Pb(Mg-1/3,Nb-2/3)O-3-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) polycrystalline thin films by combinatorial sputtering. We prepared compositional gradient (1 - x)PMN-xPT polycrystalline thin films with preferential orientation along the < 001 > direction in the composition range of x = 0-0.62. We determined that the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) composition of PMN-PT polycrystalline thin film existed at around x = 0.35, from the X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. The maximum value of relative dielectric constants (epsilon(r) = 1498) was obtained at approximately x = 0.23. On the other hand, the piezoelectric coefficients (vertical bar e(31,f)vertical bar = 14.1 C/m(2)) peaked at the determined MPB composition of x = 0.35. From the results of the compositional dependence of dielectric and piezoelectric characteristics, the FOM (e(31,f)(2)/epsilon(0)epsilon(r)) of the PMN-PT (x = 0.35) thin film reached 21 GPa, which is much higher than that of the other polycrystalline piezoelectric thin films. These results suggest that PMN-PT (x = 0.35) thin film is a promising material for high-efficiency piezoelectric MEMS energy harvesters. (C) 2014 The Japan Society of Applied PhysicsIOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2014年09月, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 53(9) (9), 1 - 9, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 2014年08月, Proc. of the 10th Japan-Korea Conference on Ferroelectrics, 英語Measurement of Transverse Piezoelectric Coefficient e31,f of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Thin Film with Stripe Electrodes[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- 2014年08月, Proc. of the 10th Japan-Korea Conference on Ferroelectrics, 英語Fabrication of Multi-layered PZT Piezoelectric Thin Film[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- This paper describes the reliability of piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters (PVEHs) of Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 (PZT) thin films on metal foil cantilevers. The PZT thin films were directly deposited onto the Pt-coated stainless-steel (SS430) cantilevers by rf-magnetron sputtering, and we observed their aging behavior of power generation characteristics under the resonance vibration condition for three days. During the aging measurement, there was neither fatigue failure nor degradation of dielectric properties in our PVEHs (length: 13 mm, width: 5.0 mm, thickness: 104 mu m) even under a large excitation acceleration of 25 m/s(2). However, we observed clear degradation of the generated electric voltage depending on excitation acceleration. The decay rate of the output voltage was 5% from the start of the measurement at 25 m/s(2). The transverse piezoelectric coefficient (e(31,f)) also degraded with almost the same decay rate as that of the output voltage; this indicates that the degradation of output voltage was mainly caused by that of piezoelectric properties. From the decay curves, the output powers are estimated to degrade 7% at 15 m/s(2) and 36% at 25 m/s(2) if we continue to excite the PVEHs for 30 years.IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2014年, 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICRO AND NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR POWER GENERATION AND ENERGY CONVERSION APPLICATIONS (POWERMEMS 2014), 557(1) (1), 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- In this paper, we present a novel microsystem for investigating mechanisms of plant-root growth. To measure a generative force by plant-root growth efficiently, we developed a silicon-based microchannel integrated with MEMS force sensors. We have also developed a protocol for sowing a plant seed onto the micro device and experimentally confirmed that plant-roots can grow through the microchannel filled with agarose-gel medium. By using the microsystems, we successfully estimated the generative force by plant-root growth.IEEE, 2014年, 2014 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MICRO-NANOMECHATRONICS AND HUMAN SCIENCE (MHS), 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- We developed self-excited vibration energy harvesters of Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 (PZT) thin films using airflow. To enhance the self-excited vibration, we used 30-mu m-thick stainless steel (SS304) foils as base cantilevers on which PZT thin films were deposited by rf-magnetron sputtering. To compensate for the initial bending of PZT/SS304 unimorph cantilever due to the thermal stress, we deposited counter PZT thin films on the back of the SS304 cantilever. We evaluated power-generation performance and vibration mode of the energy harvester in the airflow. When the angle of attack (AOA) was 20 degrees to 30 degrees, large vibration was generated at wind speeds over 8 m/s. By FFT analysis, we confirmed that stable self-excited vibration was generated. At the AOA of 30 degrees, the output power reached 19 mu W at wind speeds of 12 m/s.IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2014年, 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICRO AND NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR POWER GENERATION AND ENERGY CONVERSION APPLICATIONS (POWERMEMS 2014), 557(1) (1), 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- 2013年11月, Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- In the present study, we investigate the mechanical properties, residual stress, and microprocessing compatibility of Fe67.5B 22.5Nd6.3Nb3.7 metallic glass thin films (Fe-MGTFs). The mechanical properties are measured using a specially designed microtensile tester. The fracture toughness of the Fe-MGTF (6.36 MPa × m1/2) is more than twice that of Si, and the highest among the thin films developed for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) to this point. In addition, the fabrication of freestanding microcantilevers illustrates the low residual stress and high microprocessing compatibility of Fe-MGTFs. The present study verifies the great potential of Fe-MGTFs for use in MEMS. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.American Institute of Physics(AIP), 2013年10月, Applied Physics Letters, 103(18) (18), 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- ON-CHIP CHEMOTAXIS ASSAY OF PLANT-PARASITIC NEMATODE TOWARDS INCREASING GLOBAL CROP PRODUCTIVITYThis paper reports a new method for simple and efficient on-chip chemotaxis assay of plant-parasitic nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. To precisely characterize chemotaxis of the nematodes, we have developed a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) T-shaped microchannel-device which has a pair of micro-slits connected by narrow microchannel arrays with chemical inlets. This microchannel-device can efficiently create controllable chemical conditions for analyzing nematodes behavior. We have established a protocol to allow nematodes to swim freely in the microchannel by loading an agarose gel. Then, KNO 3 was firstly identified as attractant/repellent and the nematode behavior depending on chemical conditions was quantitatively investigated. This method might contribute to global food and energy problems by improving crop productivity.2013年10月, Proceedings of The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2013), 3, 1752 - 1754, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- We fabricated piezoelectric MEMS energy harvesters (EHs) of lead-free (K,Na)NbO3 (KNN) thin films on microfabricated stainless steel cantilevers. The use of metal substrates makes it possible to fabricate thin cantilevers owing to a large fracture toughness compared with Si substrates. KNN films were directly deposited onto Pt-coated stainless steel cantilevers by rf-magnetron sputtering, thereby simplifying the fabrication process of the EHs. From XRD measurement, we confirmed that the KNN films on Pt-coated stainless steel cantilevers had a perovskite structure with a preferential (001) orientation. The transverse piezoelectric coefficient e31,f and relative dielectric constant εr were measured to be -3.8C/m 2 and 409, respectively. From the evaluation of the power generation performance of a KNN thin-film EH (length: 7.5 mm, width: 5.0 mm, weight of tip mass: 25 mg), we obtained a large average output power of 1.6 μW under vibration at 393 Hz and 10 m/s2. © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.2013年09月, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 52(9) (9), 1 - 9, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- Silicon anisotropic wet etching is applied for fabricating round-shaped micro-structures in a size range of sub-microns. In this work, we demonstrate that arbitrary 2-D mask patterns having curved profile can be successfully transferred to deep-etched cavity profiles on a Si {100} wafer. The sub-micron mask is directly drawn on the Si wafer by irradiating focused ion beam to the wafer surface. Anisotropy in etch rate of Si using tetra-methyl ammonium hydroxide solution was modified and controlled by adding a surfactant Triton X-100 to the solution. Etched profile was conformal to etch mask patterns having smooth curvatures. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.Springer-Verlag, 2013年07月, Microsystem Technologies, 19(7) (7), 1065 - 1067, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- カンチレバーを機械要素とする圧電薄膜エナジーハーベスターの振動発電特性は,圧電特性だけでなく,共振周波数や振動Q値など素子の振動特性にも依存する.そこで,本研究ではエナジーハーベスターの発電性能と,素子形状及び基板材料との関係を明らかにすることを目的として,異なる金属材料を基板とするPZT薄膜エナジーハーベスターを作製し,振動発電評価を行った.公益社団法人 精密工学会, 2013年, 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集, 2013, 505 - 506, 日本語
- In this study, we propose a practical microfabrication method of lead-free sodium potassium niobate [(K, Na)NbO3, KNN] thin films by dry etching for the first time. We found that Ar/C4F8 plasma etching was very effective for high etching rate of KNN thin film as well as excellent selectivity of KNN and Cr metal mask. We successfully fabricated unimorph micro-cantilevers of KNN thin films without process damage and confirmed excellent piezoelectric properties of the microfabricated KNN thin film. These results indicate that Ar/C4F8 plasma etching enables to fabricate various lead-free piezoelectric MEMS applications. © 2013 IEEE.2013年, 2013 Transducers and Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, TRANSDUCERS and EUROSENSORS 2013, 1051 - 1054, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- We fabricated piezoelectric MEMS energy harvesters (EHs) of lead-free (K, Na)NbO3 (KNN) thin films on microfabricated stainless steel cantilevers. The 2.2-μm-thick KNN thin films were directly deposited by rf-magnetron sputtering onto the cantilevers, thereby we could simplify fabrication process of the EHs. Because of the strong fracture toughness of stainless steel, the thickness of the cantilevers can be as thin as 30 μm. We obtained large averaged output power of 1.6 μW at 393 Hz and 10 m/s 2 for the lead-free unimorph cantilever. © 2013 IEEE.2013年, 2013 Transducers and Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, TRANSDUCERS and EUROSENSORS 2013, 474 - 477, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- In the first half of this paper we reports on the development of a Fe-B-Nd-Nb quaternary alloy magnetic metallic glass thin film. The Fe-B-Nd-Nb thin film deposited on the Si (100) substrate underwent crystallographic and thermal characterization to confirm its metallic glass state. In the second half of this paper we reports on the direct fracture toughness of the micro structure composed of the Fe-B-Nd-Nb metallic glass thin film using the micro device specially designed. The measurement revealed that the fracture toughness of the Fe-B-Nd-Nb metallic glass thin film is 6.4 MPa·m1/2, which is about four times higher than that of silicon. © 2013 IEEE.2013年, 2013 Transducers and Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, TRANSDUCERS and EUROSENSORS 2013, 1040 - 1043, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- We fabricated a piezoelectric MEMS energy harvester (EH) of Pb(Zr, Ti)O-3 (PZT) thin film on stainless steel cantilever. The use of metal substrates makes it possible to fabricate thin cantilevers owing to a large fracture toughness compared with Si substrates. The PZT thin film was directly deposited onto 50-mu m-thick stainless steel substrate by rf-magnetron sputtering. By attaching a tip mass (weight: 480 mg) to the substrate, the resonant frequency of the cantilever (length: 10 mm, width: 10 mm) was dropped to about 75 Hz. From X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement, we confirmed that the PZT thin film on Pt-coated stainless steel substrate had a perovskite structure with a random orientation. The relative dielectric constant epsilon(r) and transverse piezoelectric coefficient e(31,f) were measured to be 650 and -1.7 C/m(2), respectively. From the evaluation of the power generation performance of the PZT thin-film EH, we obtained a large average output power of 1.1 mu W under vibration at a low frequency of 75 Hz (acceleration amplitude: 5 m/s(2), load resistance: 20 k Omega). Moreover, the experimental output voltages with open circuit state were in good agreement with the theoretical values calculated using theoretical equation.IEEE, 2013年, 2013 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MICRO-NANOMECHATRONICS AND HUMAN SCIENCE (MHS), 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- In this study, we proposed a new Si-based cylindrical MEMS (microelectromechanical system) gyroscope integrated with piezoelectric thin-film for sensing/driving elements. The cylindrical-resonator based gyroscope has several advantages by using the symmetrical structure (1) sensitivity can be improved due to high Q-factor by fixing at a vibration node easily. (2) An initial bias signal can be reduced by setting the sensing elements at the vibration nodes. To further improve the sensitivity the proposed gyroscope, we evaluated the efficiency of the thickness ratio between a disk and a cylinder sidewall by using FEM (finite element method) analysis. Also, we numerically confirmed that the sensitivity of the cylindrical gyroscope can be improved by forming the holes on the disk. These simulation results might contribute to design guide for developing a novel MEMS cylindrical gyroscope. © 2013 IEEE.IEEE Computer Society, 2013年, 2013 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2013, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- This paper presents a novel PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) device to analyze behaviors of plant-parasitic nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. For allowing the nematodes to swim in micro analyzed area, we developed a protocol of loading an agarose gel into microchannels by power-free pumping method. We experimentally confirmed that microchannel array 5 m wide, which is narrower than the body width of the nematodes, can efficiently confine the nematodes in analyzed area. Additionally, the microchannel array can generate chemical concentration gradients in the microchannel without external power sources when analyzing chemotaxis assay of the nematodes. We successfully demonstrated a chemotaxis assay of the nematode Meloidogyne incognita by using the developed on-chip device.IEEE, 2013年, 2013 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MICRO-NANOMECHATRONICS AND HUMAN SCIENCE (MHS), 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- The objective of this study is to establish a technique for accurately measuring the wall shear stress in turbulent flows using a micro-fabricated hot-film sensor. Previously, we developed a hot-film sensor with a flexible polyimide-film substrate. This sensor can be attached to curved walls and be used in various situations. Furthermore, the sensor has a 20-μm-wide, heated thin metal film. However, the temporal resolution of this hot-film sensor is not very high owing to its substrate's high heat capacity. Consequently, its performance is inadequate for measuring the wall shear stress "fluctuations" in turbulent flows. Therefore, we have developed another type of hot-film sensor in which the substrate is replaced with silicon, and a cavity has been introduced under the hot-film for reducing heat loss from the sensor and achieving high temporal resolution. Furthermore, for improving the sensor's spatial resolution, the width of the hot-film is decreased to 10 μm. The structure of the hot-film's pattern and the flow-detection mechanism are similar to those of the previous sensor. Experimental results show that new hot-film sensor works as expected and has better temporal resolution than the previous hot-film sensor. As future work, we will measure the wall shear stress for a turbulent wall-jet and discuss the relationship between a large-scale coherent vortex structure and wall shear stress based on data obtained using the new hot-film sensor. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.2013年, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 7 B, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- This paper presents a novel multi-slicing of Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) tissue using micro-nanocutting probe based on nanomanipulation. We have developed the nanorobotic manipulation system inside an Environmental-Scanning Electron Microscope (E-SEM). This microscope provides a real-time high resolution image under water-contained condition. We have been applied this system for nanobiomanipulation, nano-bioevaluation, and single cell-analysis/manipulation using various types of nanotools. To analyze a piece of biological tissue precisely, it is needed to slice in micro-nanometer sizes. In this paper, we propose the single or multiple micro-nanocutting probe to slice the tissue of C. elegans, which is one of the important model organism. The proposed technique will be useful to obtain the high-precision analysis of model organism and treatment of C. elegans organs partially for understanding and simulating biological system. © 2012 IEEE.2012年, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- In this paper, we report a fabrication method for the formation of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) structures with perfectly protected edges and corners in {110}Si wafers using complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible tetramethyl-ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) solution. Fabrication method includes two-steps wet etching. The second step of etching is carried out after mask inversion from silicon nitride (Si 3N 4) to silicon dioxide (SiO 2) by local oxidation of silicon (LOCOS) followed by nitride etching. Mask design methodology for the various shapes microstructures whose edges aligned along different directions is briefly discussed. © 2011 IEEE.2012年, 2011 Int. Symp. on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, Symp. on "COE for Education and Research of Micro-Nano Mechatronics", Symposium on "Hyper Bio Assembler for 3D Cellular System Innovation", 55 - 59, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- This is part I of a series of two papers dedicated to the presentation of a novel, large throughput, experimental procedure to determine the three-dimensional distribution of the etch rate of silicon in a wide range of anisotropic etchants, including a total of 30 different etching conditions in KOH, KOH+IPA, TMAH and TMAH+Triton solutions at various concentrations and temperatures. The method is based on the use of previously reported, vertically micromachined wagon wheels (WWs) (Wind and Hines 2000 Surf. Sci. 460 21-38; Nguyen and Elwenspoek 2007 J. Electrochem. Soc. 154 D684-91), focusing on speeding up the etch rate extraction process for each WW by combining macrophotography and image processing procedures. The proposed procedure positions the WWs as a realistic alternative to the traditional hemispherical specimen. The obtained, extensive etch rate database is used to perform wet etching simulations of advanced systems, showing good agreement with the experimental counterparts. In part II of this series (Gosalvez et al J. Micromech. Microeng. 21 125008), we provide a theoretical analysis of the etched spoke shapes, a detailed comparison to the etch rates from previous studies and a self-consistency study of the measured etch rates against maximum theoretical values derived from the spoke shape analysis.IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2011年12月, JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING, 21(12) (12), 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- We investigated the effects of scalloping structure on mechanical strength. We used cantilever specimens having and not having scalloping whose widths, thicknesses, and lengths were 10 μm, 20 μm, and 1.0 mm, respectively. The cantilevers were fabricated by performing the Bosh process with a resist mask. The height and pitch of the scalloping that was formed were 214 nm and 900 nm, respectively. A 50%-KOH (40°C) chemical wet etching was applied to remove the scalloping. The cantilevers were bent in the lateral direction by using a manipulator. The numbers of the cantilevers having and not having scalloping were 7 and 8, respectively. By removing the scalloping, the maximum stress in the cantilever at the fracture increased by 1.2 times. There was no big difference in the fractures between the two types of cantilevers. © 2011 IEEE.2011年, 2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, TRANSDUCERS'11, 358 - 361, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- In this work, the orientation-dependent adsorption of surfactant molecules on the silicon surface during etching in surfactant-added tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) is investigated. Triton X-100 (C(14)H(22)O(C(2)H(4)O)(n), n = 9-10) and 25 wt% TMAH are used as surfactant and main etchant, respectively. The crystallographic planes affected by the surfactant molecules are determined by analyzing the etching behavior of different mask patterns on Si{1 0 0} wafers and silicon hemispheres in pure and surfactant-added TMAH. Taken together, the shapes of the etched profiles and the analysis of the hemispherical etch rates confirm that thick and dense adsorbed surfactant layers are typically formed on both the exact and vicinal Si{1 1 0} surfaces. In addition, the results indicate that the adsorbed surfactant layer behaves as a permeable mask, partially slowing down the etch rate of the affected surface orientation/s and thus enforcing their appearance on the etching front. The peculiar etching properties of surfactant-added and surfactant-free TMAH are then utilized for the fabrication of advanced micromechanical structures with new shapes on Si{1 0 0} wafers and polydimethylsiloxane based on complex Si{1 0 0} molds.IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2011年01月, JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING, 21(1) (1), 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- In this paper, etching anisotropy is evaluated for a number of different crystallographic orientations of silicon in a 0.1 vol% Triton-X-100 added 25 wt% tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) solution using a silicon hemisphere. The research is primarily aimed at developing advanced applications of wet etching in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). The etching process is carried out at different temperatures in the range of 61-81 degrees C. The etching results of silicon hemisphere and different shapes of three-dimensional structures in {100}- and {110}-Si surfaces are analyzed. Significantly important anisotropy, different from a traditional etchant (e. g. pure KOH and TMAH), is investigated to extend the applications of the wet etching process in silicon bulk micromachining. The similar etching behavior of exact and vicinal {110} and {111} planes in TMAH + Triton is utilized selectively to remove the scalloping from deep reactive-ion etching (DRIE) etched profiles. The direct application of the present research is demonstrated by fabricating a cylindrical lens with highly smooth etched surface finish. The smoothness of a micro-lens at different locations is measured qualitatively by a scanning electron microscope and quantitatively by an atomic force microscope. The present paper provides a simple and effective fabrication method of the silicon micro-lens for optical MEMS applications.IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2010年06月, JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING, 20(6) (6), 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- We have fabricated a simple Si-MEMS device consisting of a microcantilever and a base to measure active tension generated by skeletal muscle myotubes derived from murine myoblast cell line C2C12. We have developed a fabrication process for integration of myotubes onto the device. To position myotubes over the gap between the cantilever and the base without damage due to mechanical peeling or the use of an enzymatic reaction, we cultured myotubes on poly-N-isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAAm) as a sacrifice layer. By means of immune staining of alpha-actinin, it was confirmed that a myotube micropatterned onto the device bridged the gap between the cantilever and the base. After 7d differentiation, the myotube was actuated by electrical stimulation. The active tension generated by the myotube was evaluated by measuring the bending of the cantilever using image processing. On twitch stimulation, the myotube on the device contracted and generated active tension in response to the electrical signals. On tetanus tension measurement, approximately 1.0 mu N per single myotube was obtained. The device developed here can be used in wide area of in vitro skeletal muscle studies, such as drug screening, physiology, regenerative medicine, etc.SPRINGER, 2010年04月, BIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES, 12(2) (2), 247 - 252, 英語研究論文(学術雑誌)
- In this study, we propose new type of a low-cost flexible tactile sensor which can detect 3-axial force and suitable for intelligent robot fingers. In order to propose innovative device, problems of previous studies about materials and structures were analyzed and fabrication process is used by the polymer micro machining technique. The designed tactile sensor is comprised of several micro force-sensing units. An epoxy sensing plate with four legs was built on top of the flexible substrate with table-shaped. It can convert an applied force to a concentrated stress. The normal and shear forces can be detected by combining responses from metal strain gages embedded in a polymer substrate. Optimal positions of the strain gages were determined by the strain distribution obtained from finite element analysis. Although it has a simple structure, multi-functioned sensing algorithm without interference is possible. ©2010 IEEE.2010年, 2010 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science: From Micro and Nano Scale Systems to Robotics and Mechatronics Systems, MHS 2010, Micro-Nano GCOE 2010, Bio-Manipulation 2010, 417 - 419, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- DEVELOPMENT OF PEN-SHAPED PORTABLE BIOCHEMICAL REACTION SYSTEM BASED ON MAGNETIC BEADS HANDLINGWe newly introduced a pen-shaped platform like a mechanical pencil, in which an inchworm motion is used to transport the cylinder-shaped reaction unit, to produce a portable biochemical reaction system. The specifications were decided for an application to blood analysis, and the reaction unit was fabricated. The outer diameter and length of the unit were 7.0 and 80.0 mm. The mechanical pencil device produced by Mitsubishi Pencil Co., Ltd was used as the pen-shaped platform for driving the reaction unit. The system successfully manipulated the magnetic beads in a droplet in the reaction unit.IEEE, 2010年, MEMS 2010: 23RD IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICRO ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS, TECHNICAL DIGEST, 1091 - 1094, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- This paper focuses on two aspects, macroscopic and microscopic, of pure and surfactant-added tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) wet etching. The macroscopic aspects deal with the technological/engineering applications of pure and surfactant-added TMAH for the fabrication of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). The microscopic view is focused on the in situ observation of the silicon surface during etching in pure and surfactant-added TMAH solutions using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy in the multiple internal reflection geometry. The latter is primarily aimed at investigating the causes behind the change in the orientation-dependent etching behavior of TMAH solution when the surfactant is added. Silicon prisms having two different orientations ({110} and {100}) were prepared for comparison of the amount of adsorbed surfactant using FT-IR. Stronger and weaker adsorptions were observed on {110} and {100}, respectively. Moreover, ellipsometric spectroscopy (ES) measurements of surfactant adsorption depending on the crystallographic orientation are also performed in order to gain further information about the differences in the silicon-surfactant interface for Si{100} and Si{110}. In this paper, we determine the differences in surfactant adsorption characteristics for Si{110} and Si{100} using FT-IR and ES measurements for the first time, focusing both on the mechanism and on the technological/engineering applications in MEMS.IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2009年12月, JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS, 18(6) (6), 1345 - 1356, 英語研究論文(学術雑誌)
- We present a novel type of quartz tuning-fork probe, which oscillates and detects its own probe deformation, for atomic force microscopy (AFM) systems. The quartz tuning-fork structure was fabricated using anisotropic wet etching, and a sharp tip was formed on a beam using a focused ion beam (FIB) system. We evaluated the vibration properties of the fabricated tuning fork with the tip structure in an anti-phase vibration mode and obtained a Q-factor value of 2.5 to 2.8 x 10(3) This value was one order larger than that of a conventional Si probe. We experimentally clarified that the tuning-fork probe measured a 100-nm step of the Si surface, as well as the debris with a thickness of a few tens of nanometers on the surface by self-vibration and self-detection in cyclic-contact mode AFM. (C) 2009 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.WILEY, 2009年05月, IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 4(3) (3), 378 - 385, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(学術雑誌)
- The goal of this article is to study the etching properties as a function of various adsorbed surfactant thickness in wet anisotropic etching process of TMAH solution. The thickness of preferentially adsorbed surfactant molecules on Si{110} and Si{100} has been evaluated by using spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The dependence of the etch rate in TMAH and the surface roughness on the layer thickness demonstrates that the surfactant is adsorbed at the interface during etching in TMAH+Triton. A thin pre-adsorbed layer is sufficient to dramatically improve the etching characteristics of silicon. ©2009 IEEE.2009年, 20th Anniversary MHS 2009 and Micro-Nano Global COE - 2009 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, 48 - 52, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- We developed the novel type of droplet generator for the bio-chemical reactions, and designed it by considering Reynolds and Weber numbers. The Si droplet generator was fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator wafer by using deep-reactive ion etching and was fixed in a piece of heat-shrinkable tubing by heating the tubing. We experimentally confirmed that the fabricated droplet generator formed droplets in 1 mm diameter with jetting. ©2009 IEEE.2009年, TRANSDUCERS 2009 - 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 386 - 389, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- We have demonstrated the applications of surfactant added TMAH for the formation of new shapes of MEMS components. The research is further extended for in-situ observation of the Si/(TMAH+surfactant) interface during the etching process using Fourier Transform Infrared Microscopy (FT-IR) in the multiple internal reflection (MIR) geometry to detect the selective adsorption of the surfactant on different crystallographic planes. The study is primarily aimed at investigating the causes behind the change in the etching behavior of TMAH solution when the surfactant is added. Silicon wafers with different orientation are used to observe the selective adsorption of the surfactant on their surfaces. ©2009 IEEE.2009年, TRANSDUCERS 2009 - 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 751 - 754, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- INTEGRATION OF SKELETAL MUSCLE CELL ONTO SI-MEMS AND ITS GENERATIVE FORCE MEASUREMENTWe propose skeletal muscle cells as a new material for Bio-MEMS actuator, and developed the fabrication process to integrate it onto Si-MEMS devices. As the first trial of the integration of the skeletal muscle cells onto the Si-MEMS device, we used a cantilever-based force measurement Si-MEMS device for evaluating the generative force of the muscle cells. Murine skeletal muscle cell line C2C 12 myoblasts were patterned on the device by using poly-N-isopropylacrylamide as a sacrificed layer. The cell-patterned device was immersed into the cell culture medium and cultivated for 7 days. The results of the immunological staining of the muscle specific protein, alpha-actinin, confirmed that the patterned myoblasts successfully differentitated into myotubes on the device. Then, we applied the electrical stimulation to the myotubes, evaluated the active tension generated from the myotubes, and revealed that its tetanic value was approximately 1.2 mu N.IEEE, 2009年, IEEE 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICRO ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS (MEMS 2009), 403 - 406, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- A quartz tuning-fork probe can oscillate and can be used to detect an atomic force between the tip and the sample surface due to the piezoelectric property of quartz. We have designed a tuning-fork structure with a large spring constant of 50 N/m to prevent probe adsorption to the sample surface. We developed a fabrication process to integrate the tuning-fork probe with the tip structure by applying two different processes: anisotropic wet etching and a focused ion beam (FIB) system. The length, thickness, and width of a beam of the fabricated tuning-fork were 1500 mu m, 100 mu m, and 100 mu m, respectively. The height of the tip formed at the end of one beam was less than 6 mu m. We also evaluated the self-oscillation properties of the fabricated quartz tuning-fork in two vibration modes - in-phase and anti-phase - and experimentally obtained a significantly improved quality (Q) factor of 5247 in the anti-phase mode. The fabricated tuning-fork was able to detect a 100-nm-high step by using the self-oscillation property in tapping-mode atomic force microscopy (AFM). (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reservedELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2008年11月, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, 148(1) (1), 311 - 318, 英語研究論文(学術雑誌)
- We developed a novel type of quartz tuning-fork probe that vibrates and detects its own probe deformation, for application to atomic force microscopy (AFM). This tuning-fork probe improves the AFM image resolution because of its high Q (quality) factor value. The tuning-fork probe has a sharp tip that was fabricated using anisotropic wet etching and a focused ion beam system. We evaluated the vibration properties of the tuning-fork in both the in-phase and anti-phase driving mode, and measured a Q factor value of 2808 in the anti-phase mode. We also confirmed that the tuning-fork probe is able to measure a 100 nm-step on a silicon surface by self-vibration and self-detection, without using external vibration and optical-detection mechanisms.IEEE, 2007年, TRANSDUCERS '07 & EUROSENSORS XXI, DIGEST OF TECHNICAL PAPERS, VOLS 1 AND 2, 4(3) (3), 378 - 385, 英語研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- Quartz tuning-fork type AFM probe operated in anti-phase vibration modeThis paper presents that quartz tuning fork shows excellent properties as Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) probe. We used Focused Ion Beam (FIB) system to monolithically form a sharp tip at the side end of one beam. The fabricated probe can vibrate and detect the deformation itself because of piezoelectric property of crystal quartz. We evaluated the vibration characteristic and the self-detection ability of tuning fork. The tuning fork probe is actuated in two different vibration mode; in-phase and anti-phase mode, and clarified that high Q-factor of 5247 was obtained in anti-phase mode. We further applied this mode for AFM observation and images were successfully with dynamic AFM system.IEEE, 2006年, 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MICRO-NANOMECHATRONICS AND HUMAN SCIENCE, 355 - +, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- Proposal of new type of micro-machined quartz tuning fork AFM probeA quartz probe structure with a monolithically integrated tuning fork with a sharp tip at the end has been developed for application to noncontact atomic force microscopy (AFM) systems. The structure is fabricated using quartz micromachinig technorogies. Evalution of the properties of a fabricated quartz tuning fork showed that it had a Q-factor of 2348, a resonant frequency of 39.92 kHz, and an amplitude of 2.69 mu m. It would thus have atomic-level resolution in an AFM system.IEEE, 2005年, MEMS 2005 MIAMI: TECHNICAL DIGEST, 323 - 326, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- Fabrication and characterization of AFM probe with crystal-quartz tuning fork structureWe have developed a new type of crystal quartz probe structure for application to the atomic force microscopy (AFM) system. Using quartz micromachining technology and a focused-ion-beam system, we fabricated a device in which we integrate tuning fork structure and a probe tip. We evaluated the vibration characteristic of the fabricated tuning fork by measuring its frequency response. From these results, we found that it would achieve subnanometer scale resolution in an AFM system.IEEE, 2005年, Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, 97 - 101, 英語[査読有り]研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
- 2023年, 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会研究会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 48th酵母の個体差の解析を目的とした空圧バルブ付きマイクロ流体デバイスの開発
- 東京 : 北隆館, 2022年03月, アグリバイオ = Agricultural biotechnology, 6(3) (3), 224 - 228, 日本語マイクロデバイス上で植物を理解する—Plant on a chip : MEMS applications in botany—特集 農業用センサーの開発と利用
- 2022年, 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会研究会講演要旨集(CD-ROM), 46th酵母の個別解析のためのバルブ付きマイクロ流体デバイスの開発
- 一般社団法人 日本土壌肥料学会, 2021年09月03日, 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集, 67, 60 - 60, 日本語
- In this study, we designed, fabricated and evaluated a piezoelectric thin-film loudspeaker. To enhance the acoustic output in the low frequency range, the device design was optimized by finite element analysis. The prototype speaker was fabricated using the piezoelectric PZT thin film deposited on a stainless steel substrate using RF magnetron sputtering. The vibration displacement and output sound pressure of the completed device were measured as a function of frequency. The measured SPL increased in proportion to the frequency below the resonance. Above the resonance frequency, the SPL was constant independent of frequency. It achieved a sound pressure level of 65 dB at the resonance frequency of 726 Hz. SPL was calculated from the displacement and we confirmed that the calculated results of the frequency response of SPL were in good agreement with the measurement results.一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2021年, IIP情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集, 2021, IIP1A3-1, 日本語
- 一般社団法人 日本土壌肥料学会, 2020年09月01日, 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集, 66, 49 - 49, 日本語
- 日本建築学会, 2020年09月, 構造I, (2020) (2020), 681 - 684, 日本語20335 植物の根の力学特性と成長に関する基礎的研究 その1:マイクロピラーを用いたシロイヌナズナの根の力学特性推定法の開発
- 公益社団法人 応用物理学会, 2020年08月26日, 応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 2020.2, 878 - 878, 日本語
- 2020年, 日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2020フレキシブルPZT圧電薄膜を用いたエナジーハーベスタのウェアラブル応用
- Interest in energy harvesters has grown rapidly over the last decade. In this study, we fabricate and evaluate piezoelectric energy harvesters (PEH) fabricated from Pb(ZrTi)O3 (PZT) thin films on stainless steel foils. The PZT thin films were deposited onto (Pb,La)TiO3/Pt/Ti-coated stainless steel substrate by RF-magnetron sputtering. Parallel and series connection of eachPEH enabled the output power increase as high as turning on a LED.一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2020年, IIP情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集, 2020, 2A06, 日本語
- 2020年, 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム, 19(1) (1)マイクロチャンバーを用いた植物寄生性線虫の集団行動の分析
- 2020年, 電気学会研究会資料, (BMS-20-017-029) (BMS-20-017-029)機械的ストレスが植物寄生性線虫の感染に与える影響の解析
- 2019年10月, 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会誌, 18(2) (2), 20 - 20, 日本語Plant-on-a-chip:植物はチップに「根差す」か?[招待有り]記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)
- In this study, we fabricated the piezoelectric microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) speakers with Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) thin films. In order to improve the performance of piezoelectric speakers, we fabricated the 2 mm square MEMS speaker with a diaphragm structure of PZT/Si and photosensitive polyimide. The optimal structure was investigated by finite element method (FEM) simulation. The 2 μm thick PZT thin films were deposited on SOI wafers by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering, and microfabricated into unimorph diaphragm. We measured the vibration amplitude of the piezoelectric MEMS speakers as a function of frequency. We confirmed that the resonance frequency was 25.6 kHz that is out of audible range. In addition, the speaker could generate large sound pressure level (SPL) of 82 dB at 6 Vpp.一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2019年, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2019.10, 19pm5PN312, 日本語
- In this research, we designed, fabricated and evaluated a PZT thin-film piezoelectric MEMS transformer. First, the disk-shaped device with the ring-dot structure was designed using Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis. At this time, since the piezoelectric transformer is driven in resonance, we confirmed resonance frequency and vibration mode of the transformer. Next, a PZT thin film was deposited on a silicon on insulator (SOI) substrate using RF magnetron sputtering method, and then microfabricated into a piezoelectric transformer. Finally, we measured the impedance and transformation properties of the piezoelectric MEMS transformer. The resonance frequency was observed at 4.57 MHz, and the transformation ratio was found to be about 0.3.一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2019年, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2019.10, 19pm5PN318, 日本語
- 2019年, 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会研究会講演要旨集, 40thマイクロチャンバーを用いた植物寄生性線虫の集団行動の分析
- [東京] : Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 2018年, 「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム論文集 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 [編], 35, 4p, 日本語機械的ストレス下における植物の根系発達過程の解析手法—Analytical method for developmental process of growing root systems under mechanical stress
- 公益社団法人 応用物理学会, 2017年03月01日, 応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 2017.1, 1271 - 1271, 日本語
- 2017年, 日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2017シューズ埋め込み型圧電振動発電素子の作製・評価
- 2017年, 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 78thPb(Zr,Ti)O3圧電薄膜の電気的信頼性評価に関する研究
- This paper presents a novel microfluidic device for high throughput ion-channel analysis. To analyze the electrophysiological properties of cells efficiently, we designed the electrically independent microchannels on the microfluidic device. The microfluidic device is composed of a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) layer having the trap holes with 9 or 12 μm diameter, poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannel chips and glass substrate with Pt electrodes. We successfully trapped the multiple cells on one device without damage by applying negative pressure to the microchannels with a syringe pump. Finally, we confirmed that the each trap hole was strongly sealed with the cell by measuring the electrical impedance, which was more than 1 GΩ, namely gigaseal.一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2017年, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2017.8, PN-27, 日本語
- In this study, we fabricated the microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) microphones composed of piezoelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) thin-film bimorphs. To improve the sensitivity of the piezoelectric MEMS microphone, we designed the PZT bimorph cantilevers by using a finite element method (FEM) simulation. The dimensions of the PZT bimorphs are 1000 μm in width and 280 μm in length. The two layers of 1-μm-thick PZT thin films were deposited on Si substrates by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering and formed into the cantilevers by dry etching. To evaluate the frequency responses, we measured the vibration amplitude of the PZT bimorphs oscillated by applying the negative AC voltage. The piezoelectric microphone was demonstrated by detecting the output signal owing to the direct piezoelectric effect when the sound pressure was applied. We confirmed that the output signal of the piezoelectric microphone was proportionally increased by increasing the applied sound pressure.一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2017年, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2017.8, PN-97, 日本語
- Recently, development of insect scale robots has been attracting attention. These robots are expected to be used for inspection or sensing in narrow and danger places where human cannot enter. In this study, we fabricated and evaluated piezoelectric thin film actuators intended for flapping wing insect scale robot. We firstly report a FEM analysis results of piezoelectric PZT thin-film actuators. To verify this analysis results, we deposited PZT thin films on micro-fabricated stainless steel substrates and evaluated their crystal structure, electrical properties, and piezoelectric properties of PZT thin films. X-ray diffraction measurements reveal that the PZT thin films have a polycrystalline perovskite structure. The relative dielectric constant of the PZT thin films was 240. FEM analysis results are in good agreement with the resonant frequency. The angular displacement are less than 1° in all measurement points driven by resonant frequency (5Vpp, 2.095 and 2.257 kHz).一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2017年, 年次大会, 2017, G1600102, 日本語
- We fabricated a new diaphragm micropump composed of the piezoelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) thin films on the stainless-steel (SS) foil substrates to reduce the driving voltage. To miniaturize and simplify the micropump structure, the diaphragm and microchannel with diffusers were monolithically formed on the 30-μm-thick SS substrates by photolithography and wet etching. We directly deposited the 1-μm-thick PZT thin films on the SS diaphragm by dip coating with a sol-gel solution. To evaluate the driving characteristics of the fabricated micropump, the SS diaphragm was actuated by applying AC voltage to the PZT thin films. The displacement of the 9-μm-thick SS diaphragm was 1.7 μm with 10 Vpp-driving voltage at 1 Hz.一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2017年, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2017.8, PN-8, 日本語
- 2017年, 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 78thPb(Zr,Ti)O3圧電薄膜の逆圧電効果による結晶構造変化のその場観察
- 公益社団法人 応用物理学会, 2016年09月01日, 応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 2016.2, 1236 - 1236, 日本語
- In this study, we fabricated a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) cylindrical gyroscope integrated with piezoelectric thin-film for sensing/driving elements. The cylindrical gyroscope has several advantages: (1) the sensitivity can be improved due to the high Q-factor. (2) we can eliminate an initial output signal from the sensing electrodes. We characterized the resonant characteristics of the cylindrical gyroscope in wine-glass mode and the Q-factor was 723 at 36.13 kHz under atmospheric pressure. In addition, we experimentally confirmed that the mechanical vibration of the gyroscope can be measured by detecting the electrical signal due to the piezoelectric effect of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT).一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2016年, 年次大会, 2016, J2230103, 日本語
- 30pm1-E-4 圧電薄膜アクチュエータを用いたインセクトスケール圧電ロボットの作製と評価This paper describes the fabrication and characterization on insect-scale piezoelectric thin-film robots. Recently, many insect-scale robots are being developed for medical and engineering field. However, they need a power source and are expensive due to complex structures. In this study, we fabricated an insect-scale robot driven at low voltage and characterized them. We deposited PZT thin films on cantilever-shaped stainless steel (SUS304) substrates, and assembled them into a three-leg insect-scale robot. From experimental results, a robot with no load moved at 2.25 mm/s by applying 13 V_一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2015年10月21日, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2015(7) (7), "30pm1 - E-4-1"-"30pm1-E-4-2", 日本語
unipolar square-wave voltage at 190 Hz. In contrast, a robot with 72.8 mg mass moved at 3.03 mm/s by applying 20 V_ voltage at 156 Hz. We successfully realized an insect-scale piezoelectric thin-film robot driven at low voltage. - 2A2-R08 圧電薄膜の転写技術を用いたソフトアクチュエータの開発We developed novel soft actuators using piezoelectric thin films. To realize low-cost fabrication method, we also developed a new transfer technique of piezoelectric thin films, which was deposited on temporary stainless steel substrate, to PDMS substrate by using wet etching process. By characterizing crystal structure and driving performance as actuators, we experimentally clarified that transferred Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3 (PZT) thin films have piezoelectric properties. This method might allow us to develop novel MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) devices such as artificial muscle at low-cost fabrication in future.一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2015年05月17日, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2015, "2A2 - R08(1)"-"2A2-R08(2)", 日本語
- 2015年, セラミックス基礎科学討論会講演要旨集, 53rdスパッタ法を用いたLi4Ti5O12薄膜の作製とその評価
- 22am2-E3 金属基板上PZT薄膜を用いた振動発電素子の信頼性評価に関する研究This paper describes the reliability of vibration energy harvesters of metal-based Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3 (PZT) thin films. Metal foil cantilevers have attracted attention to improve the lifetime of vibration energy harvesters because of their strong fracture strength. However, the long-term reliability of vibration energy harvesters has not been investigated intensively. In this study, we fabricated the PZT thin-film vibration energy harvesters based on metal foil cantilevers (length: 10 mm, width: 2.5 mm, thickness: 30 μm) and measured their output power for one thousand minutes. From the experimental results, we confirmed that the vibration energy harvester showed quite low degradation of approximately 0.31% by every decade on a logarithmic time scale at the acceleration of 1 m/s^2. On the other hand, we could not demonstrate the precise relationship between the output power and excitation acceleration because of the variation in measured data.一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2014年10月20日, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2014(6) (6), "22am2 - E3-1"-"22am2-E3-2", 日本語
- 22am2-E1 圧電薄膜を用いた自励振動型気流発電素子の作製および評価We fabricated self-excited vibration energy harvesters of Pb(Zr, Ti)O_3 (PZT) thin films using air flow. To generate a large self-excited vibration, we use 30-μm-thickness stainless steel (SS304) foils as base substrates of PZT thin films. The PZT thin films were deposited directly by rf-magnetron sputtering. To compensate the initial bending of PZT/SS304 substrates due to the thermal stress, we deposited the counter PZT thin films on the backside of SS304 substrates. When the angle of attack was 30°, the energy harvester generated the self-excited vibration above the wind speed of 8 m/s, and the output power reached 19 μW at the wind speed of 12 m/s.一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2014年10月20日, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2014(6) (6), "22am2 - E1-1"-"22am2-E1-2", 日本語
- 20pm1-E3 金属基板上圧電薄膜アクチュエータを用いたミリメータスケールロボットの作製We fabricated the millimeter-scale robot by metal-based PZT thin-film actuator. PZT thin films were directly deposited on 50-μm-thick Ti substrates by rf-magnetron sputtering. Piezoelectric actuators have simple structure and drive by low voltage. Therefore, in recent year, the robot using piezoelectric materials have been studied. However, piezoelectric actuators cannot generate a large displacement. In this study, we fabricated the millimeter-scale robot(7.5×2.5 cm^2) actuated using resonance since the largest displacement can be generated at the resonance. The movement of the robot depends on the angle between front and rear legs θ and the frequency f of the applied voltage. Under the condition of θ = 123° and f = 10.6 kHz, the robot moved forward at a speed of 6.74 cm/s. On the other hand, under the condition of θ = 123° and f = 5.4 kHz, the robot moved backward at a speed of 1.21 cm/s.一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2014年10月20日, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2014(6) (6), "20pm1 - E3-1"-"20pm1-E3-2", 日本語
- 21am2-A8 ウエットエッチングによる圧電薄膜のPDMS基板上への転写技術This paper reports a simple and high-productive fabrication method of flexible piezoelectric substrate. To realize low-cost fabrication method, we developed a novel transfer technique of piezoelectric thin films onto PDMS substrate based on metal wet etching process. We experimentally clarified that transferred Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) thin films by using our developed method have piezoelectric property. This method might allow us to develop novel MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) devices such as wearable sensors and flexible energy harvesters at low-cost fabrication.一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2014年10月20日, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2014(6) (6), "21am2 - A8-1"-"21am2-A8-2", 日本語
- 20pm1-E2 正・逆圧電効果によるPZT薄膜の圧電定数e_<31,f>の評価We evaluated the transverse piezoelectric coefficient e_<31,f> of Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3 (PZT) thin films from direct and inverse piezoelectric effects using cantilever methods. The PZT/Si unimorph cantilevers (length: 17.8 mm, width: 2.0 mm, thickness: 628 μm) were fabricated by depositing the PZT thin films and the stripe-shaped Pt top electrodes on Pt/Ti/Si substrates by rf-magnetron sputtering. From the e_<31,f> measurement, we confirmed that e_<31,f> largely depended on frequency in both direct and inverse effects. In cases where evaluated from direct piezoelectric effect, e_<31,f> was independent of position and size of electrode and input displacement, and calculated to be -6 C/m^2 above 20 Hz. On the other hand, e_<31,f> evaluated from inverse piezoelectric effect increased with applied voltage, and calculated to be as high as -12 C/m^2 below 500 Hz.一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2014年10月20日, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2014(6) (6), "20pm1 - E2-1"-"20pm1-E2-2", 日本語
- 2014年05月22日, 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会研究会講演要旨集, 29th, 53, 日本語植物寄生性センチュウのハイスループット化学走性分析用デバイス
- 公益社団法人 応用物理学会, 2014年03月03日, 応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集, 2014.1, 141 - 141, 日本語
- 2014年, 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 61stスパッタ法を用いたLi4Ti5O12薄膜の作製とその評価
- To establish a technique to measure the wall shear stress with high accuracy, along with the spatial and temporal resolutions, micro-scale sensors are fabricated and their responses to the wall shear stress are investigated. In this study, two types of micro-scale sensors are fabricated: a hot-film (HF)-type sensor and a floating-element (FE)-type sensor. First, the HF sensor is calibrated using a rotating cylinder. The calibration results show that the heating power of a constant temperature circuit (CTC) increases with the wall shear stress. The relationship between the square of the heating power of CTC (E12) and the wall shear stress to the 1/3 power (τw1/3) becomes linear in the range τw1/3 > 0.35 Pa1/3 as theoretically predicted. Second, the calibration of the FE sensor is performed using the Stokes layer excitation method. The calibration results show that the output voltage of the C-V conversion circuit connected to the FE sensor E2 is almost proportional to the wall shear stress τw as expected in the range τw > 2.5 × 10-4 Pa for 100 Hz stokes layer excitation and τw > 5.0 × 10-4 Pa for that of 200 Hz.The Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, 2013年12月, Journal of the Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, 13(Special Issue) (Special Issue), S1-S6 - s6, 英語[査読有り]速報,短報,研究ノート等(学術雑誌)
- 6AM2-A-8 スパッタ法で作製したPZT薄膜積層アクチュエータ(6AM2-A マイクロナノプロセス技術I(センサシンポジウムとの合同セッション))We fabricated multilayer ceramic actuator (MLCA) composed of piezoelectric layers with SrRuO_3 (SRO) internal electrodes by single sputtering deposition. We deposited approximately 500-nm-thick Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3 (PZT) layers on SiO_2/Si substrates through a movable shadow mask. The separated internal SRO electrodes are prepared by sliding the shadow mask and multilayered PZT thin films are deposited on a Si substrate with external electrodes on both sides of the PZT films. The PZT layers of MLCA have perovskite structure. The MLCA with five PZT layers have high-dielectric properties; a relative electric coefficient of approximately 1100 regardless of the number of PZT layers. The piezoelectric displacement of Si cantilever with MLCA increased with the number of PZT layers.一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2013年11月04日, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2013(5) (5), 107 - 108, 日本語
- 5PM1-C-6 植物寄生性センチュウの行動分析用マイクロ流路デバイス : 流路規格および流路内物質濃度分布の検証(5PM1-C 細胞工学とマイクロ流体デバイス)We present a novel method for chemotaxis assay of plant-parasitic nematode, Meloidogyne incognita by using a PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) microchannel device. For allowing the nematodes to swim in a simple microchannel, we also developed a protocol by loading an agarose gel into microchannel with power-free pumping method. A 5-μm-wide microchannel array, which is narrower than the body width of the nematodes, can efficiently confine the nematodes in analyzed area. We numerically evaluated the chemical concentration distribution in developed microchannel and successfully related the time-dependent chemical condition to the behavior of nematodes.一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2013年11月04日, マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2013(5) (5), 35 - 36, 日本語
- J212011 コンビナトリアル成膜法によるPMN-PT薄膜の組成依存性評価([J212-01]マイクロ・ナノ材料創成とそのデバイス応用(1))In this study, we deposited Pb(Mg_<1/3>Nb_<2/3>)03-PbTi03 (PMN-PT) thin films on PbTiO_3/Pt/Ti/Si substrates by combinatorial sputtering to optimize the composition ratio of PMN-PT thin films. Compositional gradient PMN-PT thin films were deposited by multi target co-sputtering, namely combinatorial sputtering, and pyrocholre-free PMN-PT thin films with rondom orientation were prepared on PbTiO_3/Pt/Ti/Si substrates. PT compositional ratio is ranging from 0.25 to 0.57, which coverd MPB composition of bulk PMN-PT ceramics (PT = 0.33). We confirmed that relative dielectric constants increase with decreasing PT ratio in PMN-PT films. On the other hand, the PMN-PT thin films showed the maximum piezoelectric coefficients|e_<31,f>| = 7〜8 C/m^2 around PMN-0.45PT, which is shifted from MPB composition of PMN-PT bulk ceramics.一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2013年09月08日, 年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan, 2013, "J212011 - 1"-"J212011-4", 日本語
- J161013 ステンレス基板上圧電薄膜を用いたMEMSエナジーハーベスター([J161-01]マイクロナノメカトロニクス(1))We developed piezoelectric thin-film MEMS energy harvesters using stainless steel (SUS430) cantilevers to improve fracture toughness as well as to lower the resonant frequency. The large fracture toughness of SUS430 cantilevers overcomes the breakdown of the cantilevers and ensures the long lifetime of the energy harvesters. To simplify the fabrication process, the piezoelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3 (PZT) thin film was directly deposited on the microfabricated SUS430 cantilevers with a 30-μm-thick beam and a tip mass by rf-magnetron sputtering. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement revealed that the PZT thin film has perovskite structure with random orientations. The relative dielectric constant ε_r and the transverse piezoelectric coefficient е_<31,f> were respectively evaluated to be 325 and -4.0 C/m^2, which indicates the figure of merit (FOM) of 0.049. From the evaluation of power generation performance for the PZT thin-film energy harvester (beam length: 5.5 mm, width: 5.0 mm, mass length: 2.0 mm), its maximum output power was 6.8 μW (power density: 1.7 μW/mm^3) under conditions of 367 Hz and 10 m/s^2.一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2013年09月08日, 年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan, 2013, "J161013 - 1"-"J161013-5", 日本語
- 2013年09月07日, 日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2013, ROMBUNNO.J211023, 日本語Fe‐B‐Nd‐Nb金属ガラス薄膜の破壊靭性評価
- On the Measurement of Wall Shear Stress with a Micro-Fabricated Hot-Film SensorThe 4th International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows (The 4th ICJWSF)2013年09月, Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows (The 4th ICJWSF), CD-ROM, ICJWSF2013-1015 (4pages), 英語
September 17-21, 2013, Nagoya Univ.[査読有り]研究発表ペーパー・要旨(全国大会,その他学術会議) - 2013年05月23日, 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会研究会講演要旨集, 27th, 41, 日本語植物寄生性センチュウの化学走性分析用マイクロ流路デバイス
- The technique for measuring the wall shear stress accurately is developed with two types of micro-scale sensor fabricated with MEMS technique. One of the sensors is a thermal type sensor which is based on the quantity of heat diffusion from thin hot film (hereafter called "HF sensor"). The other is a floating type sensor which is based on the electric capacity variety by displacement of the floating element (hereafter called "FE sensor"). To calibrate these sensors, two types of calibration instruments are manufactured. One is an instrument which generates the flow by rotating the cylinder above the flat plate (hereafter called "Cylinder instrument"). Another is an instrument which generates the wall shear stress by Stokes Layer using plane acoustic wave is used (hereafter called "Stokes Layer instrument"). The result of HF sensor calibration shows that the sensor output increases with wall shear stress. Moreover, the square of the sensor output voltage is proportional to 1/3 power of wall shear stress on the hot film, which is consistent with the heat transfer theory. The preliminary experiment results of FE sensor indicates that sensor output voltage seems to increase with the wall shear stress.一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2012年, 年次大会, 2012(0) (0), _S053073 - 1-_S053073-5, 日本語
- 一般社団法人 電気学会, 2010年, 電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌), 130(11) (11), 552 - 552, 日本語
- 一般社団法人 日本機械学会, 2010年, 年次大会講演資料集, 2010, 251 - 252, 日本語
- 305 マイクロレバー型MEMSを用いた培養骨格筋細胞の収縮力測定法の開発(OS11-1:マイクロ・ナノバイオメカニクス(1),OS11:マイクロ・ナノバイオメカニクス)培養により得られた骨格筋細胞の運動性能を詳細に評価するためのデバイス構築を目的とし、マイクロレバー型MEMSを作製した。温度応答性ポリマーPNIPAAmを利用して、マイクロレバー上に骨格筋細胞を橋架け状態に培養する技術を開発した。電気パルス刺激により骨格筋細胞は制御された運動を行い、この出力によってマイクロレバーの先端は変位した。この変位量を顕微鏡から得られた画像を用いて計測し、筋細胞が発した張力を測定した。今回培養した骨格筋細胞1本から得られた最大張力は約1μNであると推定された。一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2009年01月22日, バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集, 2008(21) (21), 101 - 102, 日本語
- We have developed a novel type of gas-liquid separated micro-resonator for measuring the multifunctional characteristics of biological cells. The resonator consists of an area for the resonator/sensor (gas-phase) and one for the biochemical substance (liquid-phase), with a water-shedding wall separating them. The specimen support extends from the sensor body and passes through the water-shedding wall to the inside of the sample chamber We fabricated the comb-drive resonator on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer by using a deep reactive ion etching process and resonated it at around 2.5 kHz. Experimental results confirmed that the water-shedding wall was able to prevent solution leakage at the gap between the wall and the support. ©2009 IEEE.2009年, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 912 - 915, 英語
- 2007年07月03日, 電気学会研究会資料. MSS, マイクロマシン・センサシステム研究会, 2007(1) (1), 25 - 28, 日本語自励・自己検出機能を有する水晶音叉型AFMプローブの開発
- 2005年06月22日, 電気学会研究会資料. MSS, マイクロマシン・センサシステム研究会, 2005(21) (21), 35 - 39, 日本語音叉型水晶振動子を用いた非接触型AFMプローブの設計および製作
- 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第46回研究会, 2022年11月, 日本語酵母の個別解析のためのバルブ付きマイクロ流体デバイスの開発ポスター発表
- 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第46回研究会, 2022年11月, 日本語機械的抵抗下での根の伸長挙動のオンチップ解析手法ポスター発表
- 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第46回研究会, 2022年11月, 日本語マイクロ流体デバイスを用いたイネの側根の栄養屈性解析ポスター発表
- 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第46回研究会, 2022年11月, 日本語ゲルプレート上のマイクロ流路を用いた化学走性に基づく線虫分離手法ポスター発表
- 2022 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (MIPE2022), 2022年08月, 英語ON-CHIP METHOD FOR CHARACTERIZING DYNAMIC RESPONSES TO GRAVITY IN GROWING PLANTS口頭発表(一般)
- 5th International Conference on Emerging Electronics (IEEE-ICEE2020), 2020年11月, 英語Applications of Microfluidic device in Plant Biology[招待有り]口頭発表(招待・特別)
- 第37回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2020年10月, 日本語酵母の単離と解析のためのマイクロ流体デバイスの開発口頭発表(一般)
- 第37回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2020年10月, 日本語植物寄生性線虫の感染プロセスの解析手法口頭発表(一般)
- 第37回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2020年10月, 日本語イネの側根の屈性解析システムの開発口頭発表(一般)
- 第11回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2020年10月, 日本語栄養条件が根の機械的性質に及ぼす影響の解析口頭発表(一般)
- 第37回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム, 2020年10月, 日本語ポアメンブレンを用いた植物寄生性線虫の化学走性分析デバイス口頭発表(一般)
- The 15th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered & Molecular Systems, 2020年09月, 英語Plant-on-a-chip: Applications of microfluidics in plant biology[招待有り]口頭発表(招待・特別)
- 日本機械学会2020年度年次大会, 2020年09月, 日本語マイクロピラーとの接触解析による根の機械的性質の推定手法口頭発表(一般)
- 日本機械学会2020年度年次大会, 2020年09月, 日本語フレキシブルPZT圧電薄膜を用いたエナジーハーベスタのウ ェアラブル応用口頭発表(一般)
- 2020年度日本建築学会大会学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会, 日本語植物の根の力学特性と成長に関する基礎的研究 その 1 マイクロピラーを用いたシロイヌナズナの根の力学特性推 定法の開発口頭発表(一般)
- 令和2年度センサ・マイクロマシン部門 総合研究会, 2020年07月, 日本語機械的ストレスが植物寄生性線虫の感染に与える影響の解析口頭発表(一般)
- IIP2020 情報・知能・精密機器部門(IIP部門)講演会, 日本語マイクロピラーとの接触解析に基づく根の機械特性の推定口頭発表(一般)
- 第61回日本植物生理学会年会, 英語The influence of sucrose on Arabidopsis root diameter and mechanics口頭発表(一般)
- IIP2019 情報・知能・精密機器部門(IIP部門)講演会, 2019年, 日本語, 国内会議マイクロフォースセンサを用いた根の機械的性質の解析口頭発表(一般)
- IIP2018 情報・知能・精密機器部門(IIP部門)講演会, 2018年03月, 日本語, 東洋大学, 国内会議V2O5正極を用いた全固体薄膜リチウムイオン電池の作製とその評価口頭発表(一般)
- 電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門 部門大会 第35回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システムシンポジウム」, 2018年, 日本語, 国内会議機械的ストレス下における植物の根系発達過程の解析手法ポスター発表
- 日本機械学会2018年度年次大会, 2018年, 日本語, 国内会議マイクロフォースセンサを用いた根の成長挙動解析口頭発表(一般)
- 日本機械学会2018年度年次大会, 2018年, 日本語, 国内会議マイクロピラーアレイを用いた根の機械的ストレス応答の解析口頭発表(一般)
- 2017年度日本機械学会年次大会, 2017年09月, 日本語, 埼玉大学, 国内会議シューズ埋め込み型圧電振動発電素子の作製・評価口頭発表(一般)
- 017年度日本機械学会年次大会, 2017年09月, 日本語, 埼玉大学, 国内会議インセクトスケールロボットを目的とした圧電薄膜アクチュエータの作製口頭発表(一般)
- 第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2017年09月, 日本語, 福岡国際会議場, 国内会議Pb(Zr,Ti)O3圧電薄膜の電気的信頼性評価に関する研究口頭発表(一般)
- 福岡国際会議場, 2017年09月, 日本語, 国内会議Pb(Zr,Ti)O3圧電薄膜の逆圧電効果による結晶構造変化のその場観察口頭発表(一般)
- 強誘電体応用会議, 2017年06月, 日本語, 京都, 国内会議ディップコート法による金属箔上へのPZT薄膜の作製と評価口頭発表(一般)
- IIP2017 情報・知能・精密機器部門(IIP部門)講演会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 東洋大学 白山キャンパス, 国内会議薄膜型全固体リチウムイオン電池の作製と評価口頭発表(一般)
- 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2017年03月, 日本語, パシフィコ横浜, 国内会議ディップコート法によるステンレス箔上へのPZT薄膜の作製口頭発表(一般)
- IIP2017 情報・知能・精密機器部門(IIP部門)講演会, 2017年03月, 日本語, 東洋大学 白山キャンパス, 国内会議PZT薄膜を用いた圧電型エナジーハーベスターの作製と評価口頭発表(一般)
- 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2017年03月, 日本語, パシフィコ横浜, 国内会議Pb(Zr,Ti)O3薄膜の斜め成膜およびその特性評価に関する研究口頭発表(一般)
- International Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology 2016, 2016年12月, 英語, Tokyo, 国際会議Design and characterization of cantilever-type piezoelectric MEMS microphones口頭発表(一般)
- 日本機械学会 2016年度年次大会, 2016年09月, 日本語, 国内会議根の成長パターン解析を目的としたマイクロピ ラーデバイスの開発口頭発表(一般)
- 日本機械学会 2016年度年次大会, 2016年09月, 日本語, 国内会議圧電薄膜振動子を用いたシリンダー型 MEMS ジャイロスコープの特性評価口頭発表(一般)
- The 16th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS2016), 2016年09月, 英語, Pari, France, 国際会議Shoe-mounted vibration energy harvester of PZT piezoelectric thin films on metal foils口頭発表(一般)
- 第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2016年09月, 日本語, 朱鷺メッセ, 国内会議KNN 薄膜を用いた光起電力特性評価ポスター発表
- 第8回日中強誘電体応用会議, 2016年09月, 英語, 筑波, 国際会議Compositional dependence of BaTiO3-xBaSnO3 piezoelectric thin films prepared by combinatorial sputtering口頭発表(一般)
- 第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2016年09月, 英語, 朱鷺メッセ, 国内会議Compositional dependence of BaTiO3-xBaSnO3 piezoelectric thin films prepared by combinatorial sputtering口頭発表(一般)
- 第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 東京都, 国内会議薄膜材料の正・逆圧電特性評価口頭発表(一般)
- 第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 東京都, 国内会議積層圧電薄膜の作製およびその実効的圧電特性評価口頭発表(一般)
- 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 東京都, 国内会議コンビナトリアルスパッタ法を用いたPMN-PZ-PT薄膜の組成依存性評価口頭発表(一般)
- 第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2016年03月, 日本語, 東京都, 国内会議PZT圧電薄膜の正圧電特性経時変化口頭発表(一般)
- 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会第32回研究会, 2015年11月, 日本語, 国内会議オンチップ力計測手法による根の成長メカニズム解析ポスター発表
- 第 7 回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2015年10月, 日本語, 新潟県, 国内会議圧電薄膜アクチュエータを用いたインセクトスケール圧電ロボットの作製と評価口頭発表(一般)
- 第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2015年09月, 日本語, 名古屋, 国内会議ステンレス基板上PZT薄膜の光誘起ひずみ効果口頭発表(一般)
- 10th Energy Harvesting Workshop, 2015年09月, 英語, Virginia, USA, 国際会議Self-excited vibration energy harvesters of PZT thin films on stainless-steel cantilevers by airflow口頭発表(一般)
- 第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2015年09月, 日本語, 名古屋市, 国内会議Pb(Hf,Ti)O3薄膜の作製と組成依存性評価口頭発表(一般)
- 2015 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment, 2015年06月, 英語, Kobe, 国際会議Reliability of vibration energy harvesters of PZT thin films on stainless steel cantilevers口頭発表(一般)
- 2015 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment, 2015年06月, 英語, Kobe, 国際会議Development of simple microrob ot using piezoelectric thin film actuator on metal substrate口頭発表(一般)
- 強誘電体応用会議, 2015年05月, 日本語, 京都市, 国内会議正・逆圧電効果によるPZT薄膜の圧電定数e31,fの測定口頭発表(一般)
- 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2015年03月, 日本語, 国内会議自励振動を利用した圧電薄膜気流振動発電素子口頭発表(一般)
- 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2015年03月, 日本語, 国内会議UV-LED光駆動の圧電薄膜アクチュエータの作製口頭発表(一般)
- 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2015年03月, 日本語, 国内会議Pb(Hf,Ti)O3薄膜の作製と圧電特性評価口頭発表(一般)
- 平成26年度応用物理学会関西支部第3回講演会, 2015年02月, 日本語, 国内会議自励振動を利用した圧電薄膜気流発電素子口頭発表(一般)
- 平成26年度応用物理学会関西支部第3回講演会, 2015年02月, 日本語, 国内会議UV-LED光駆動圧電薄膜アクチュエータの作製口頭発表(一般)
- 第53回セラミックス基礎科学討論会, 2015年01月, 日本語, 国内会議積層圧電薄膜を用いた高効率MEMSアクチュエータの開発口頭発表(一般)
- 第53回セラミックス基礎科学討論会, 2015年01月, 日本語, 国内会議スパッタ法を用いたLi4Ti5O12薄膜の作製とその評価口頭発表(一般)
- 第18回 生物系若手サイエンスセミナー, 2014年12月, 日本語, 国内会議マイクロマシンに『タネ』を蒔く公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等
- 第6回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2014年10月, 日本語, 国内会議正・逆圧電効果による PZT 薄膜の圧電定数 e31,f の評価口頭発表(一般)
- 第6回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2014年10月, 日本語, 国内会議金属基板上圧電薄膜アクチュエータを用いたミリメータスケールロボットの作製口頭発表(一般)
- 第6回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2014年10月, 日本語, 国内会議金属基板上 PZT 薄膜を用いた振動発電素子の信頼性評価に関する研究口頭発表(一般)
- 第6回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2014年10月, 日本語, 国内会議金属基板上 PZT 薄膜を用いた自励振動発電素子の評価口頭発表(一般)
- MEMS 開発基礎講座, 2014年10月, 日本語, 日本機械学会マイクロ・ナノ工学部門、電気学会センサ・マイクロマシン部門共催, 国内会議シリコンウェットエッチング 基礎と応用[招待有り]シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
- 第6回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2014年10月, 日本語, 国内会議ウエットエッチングによる圧電薄膜の PDMS 基板上への転写技術口頭発表(一般)
- 第6回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2014年10月, 日本語, 国内会議PZT 圧電薄膜および圧電 MEMS デバイスの信頼性評価口頭発表(一般)
- ERATO東山ライブホロニクスプロジェクトセミナー, 2014年10月, 日本語, 国内会議Microchannel network for simple and high-throughput chemotaxis assay of plant-parasitic nematodes[招待有り]シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
- 2014年 第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2014年09月, 日本語, 国内会議コンビナトリアルスパッタ法による BZT-BCT 圧電薄膜の組成依存性評価口頭発表(一般)
- International ERATO Higashiyama Live-Holonics Symposium 2014 "Plant Live-Cell Imaging and Microdevices", 2014年09月, 英語, 国際会議High-throughput Chemotaxis Assay of Plant-parasitic Nematode by Using a Microchannel Deviceポスター発表
- 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第29回研究会, 2014年05月, 日本語, 日本女子大学 目白キャンパス, 国内会議植物寄生性センチュウのハイスループット化学走性分析用デバイスポスター発表
- 第31回強誘電体応用会議, 2014年05月, 日本語, 国内会議コンビナトリアルスパッタ法による PMN-PT 圧電薄膜の組成依存性評価口頭発表(一般)
- 第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2014年03月, 日本語, 国内会議着脱式マイクロ流路チップを用いたゾル-ゲル法によるPZT薄膜の直接パターニング技術口頭発表(一般)
- 第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2014年03月, 日本語, 国内会議スパッタ法を用いた Li4Ti5O12薄膜の作製とその評価口頭発表(一般)
- 第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2014年03月, 日本語, 国内会議コンビナトリアル成膜によるPLZT薄膜の組成依存性評価口頭発表(一般)
- 第5回 マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2013年11月, 日本語, 日本機械学会マイクロ・ナノ工学部門, 仙台国際センター(仙台市), 国内会議植物寄生性センチュウの行動分析用マイクロ流路デバイス:流路規格および流路内物質濃度分布の検証口頭発表(一般)
- 第5回 マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム, 2013年11月, 日本語, 仙台国際センター(仙台市), 国内会議スパッタ法で作製したPZT薄膜積層アクチュエータ口頭発表(一般)
- 第54回電池討論会, 2013年10月, 日本語, 電気化学会電池技術委員会, 大阪国際会議場(大阪市), 国内会議亜鉛負極近傍における亜鉛イオン濃度場の評価口頭発表(一般)
- 日本機械学会 2013 年度年次大会, 2013年09月, 日本語, 岡山大学津島キャンパス(岡山市), 国内会議ステンレス基板上圧電薄膜を用いた MEMS エナジ ーハーベスター口頭発表(一般)
- 2013年度日本線虫学会大会(第21回大会), 2013年09月, 日本語, 唐津市民交流プラザ(佐賀県), 国内会議サツマイモネコブセンチュウに対する誘引忌避物質探索口頭発表(一般)
- 日本機械学会 2013 年度年次大会, 2013年09月, 日本語, 岡山大学津島キャンパス(岡山市), 国内会議コンビナトリアル成膜法による PMN-PT薄膜の組成依存性評価口頭発表(一般)
- 日本機械学会 2013 年度年次大会, 2013年09月, 日本語, 岡山大学津島キャンパス(岡山市), 国内会議Fe-B-Nd-Nb 金属ガラス薄膜の破壊靭性評価口頭発表(一般)
- 平成25年度 日本実験力学会 年次大会, 2013年08月, 日本語, 国内会議熱式マイクロセンサによる壁面せん断応力変動計測に関する研究口頭発表(一般)
- IEEE 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF, and PFM Symposium, 2013年07月, 英語, IEEE, プラハ, 国際会議Composition depndence of PMN-PT thin films prepared by combinatorial sputteringポスター発表
■ 共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 2024年04月01日 - 2027年03月31日植物の環境ストレス応答のオンチップ解析技術
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 挑戦的研究(萌芽), 名古屋大学, 2022年06月30日 - 2025年03月31日Development of a living cell-cell battery inspired by electric fishes
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 神戸大学, 2020年04月01日 - 2023年03月31日外部刺激に対する植物の力学的応答解析技術本研究は,植物の根や地上部の機械的特性(硬さ,推進力)を連続的に計測可能なマイクロセンサデバイスを開発し,重力や病害虫,化学物質などの外部刺激を与えた際の力学的応答を定量的に解析することで,植物の成長最適化に関する知見の獲得を目的とする。さらに,本手法を発展させ,温度や養分など多様な環境要因を考慮した分析プラットフォームを確立し,将来的には栽培技術の最適化や品種改良への知見の獲得を目指す。 今年度は,昨年度までに開発した分析手法を用い,(1)胚軸(地上部)の重力屈性の解析用デバイスとそのモデル化,(2)植物寄生性線虫の感染過程で生じる構造変化の細胞レベルでの解析,(3)マイクロピラーデバイスを用いた根の伸長挙動解析 を主に行った。 その結果,胚軸の屈性時における力の定量的評価を実現するとともに,ならびに植物寄生性線虫の感染が引き起こす根の変質を,マイクロデバイスを用いることで細胞レベルで制御可能である見通しを得た。
- 科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(B), 2017年04月 - 2021年03月競争的資金
- 科学研究費補助金/若手研究(A), 2016年04月 - 2018年03月, 研究代表者競争的資金
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 名古屋大学, 2013年04月01日 - 2015年03月31日局時局所壁面せん断応力ベクトル計測によるせん断乱流の動力学特性の解明壁面せん断応力測定用センサとして,シリコンウェハを使用したホットフィルムセンサ(SWセンサ),フローティングエレメントセンサ(FEセンサ),および,ポリイミドを用いた貼り付けタイプのホットフィルムセンサ(patch-typeセンサ)およびその制御回路を新たに開発し,それぞれのセンサの周波数応答やSN比等を詳細に検討した.さらに,SWセンサとpatch-typeセンサを用いて壁面噴流のせん断応力と速度場の同時計測を行った.
- 学術研究助成基金助成金/若手研究(B), 2013年04月 - 2015年03月, 研究代表者競争的資金
- 2007年 - 2010年共振特性を用いたMEMSデバイスに関する研究競争的資金
- 2007年 - 2010年MEMS devices using resonant characteristic競争的資金
- 圧電薄膜、圧電薄膜の製造方法、圧電薄膜付き基板、圧電アクチュエータ、圧電センサ、インクジェットヘッドおよびインクジェットプリンタ特願2015-033682, 2015年02月24日, 大学長, 特許6468881, 2018年12月18日特許権
■ 研究シーズ- マイクロ流体デバイスを用いた生化学分析技術の開発シーズカテゴリ:ライフサイエンス, ナノテク・材料, 自然科学一般研究キーワード:MEMS, マイクロ流体デバイス, Lab-on-a-chip, 植物生理研究内容:近年、マイクロ・ナノスケールの特異性を利用した「Lab-oh-a-chip」と呼ばれる小型のバイオ分析デバイスに関する研究が注目されており、単一細胞やDNAなど、微小な生体試料の機能の高精度・高効率な解析プラットフォームへと応用が進められています。本研究では、酵母や細胞などの単一細胞から線虫や植物などの多細胞生物まで幅広い試料を対象とし、物理学・化学・生物学など多様な視点から解析技術の確立を目指しています。