Search DetailsINOUE MariGraduate School of Human Development and Environment / Department of Human Environmental ScienceProfessor
Researcher basic information
■ Research Keyword■ Research Areas
- Humanities & social sciences / Home economics, lifestyle science
- Nanotechnology/Materials / Polymer materials / fiber・yarn・fabric
- Apr. 2024 - Present, 一般社団法人 日本衣服学会, 幹事、編集委員長
- Dec. 2020 - Present, 一般社団法人日本繊維技術士センター, 客員
- Apr. 2012 - Present, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 諮問委員
- Jun. 2019 - Jun. 2024, 帝人フロンティア株式会社, 取締役
- Jun. 2020 - May 2024, The Textile Mechanical Society of Japan, President
- Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2022, Japanese Association for Clothing Studies, Committee member
- Jun. 2014 - May 2020, The Textile Machinery Society of Japan, Vice-president, Committee member
- Jun. 2012 - May 2020, The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan, Committee member
- May 2010 - Apr. 2012, 日本家政学会, 代議員
Research activity information
■ Award- Jun. 2015 日本繊維機械学会, 日本繊維機械学会 繊維機械学会賞論文賞, 論文 カーリング・斜行現象を再現できる平編地の編目構造モデリング手法Japan society
- May 2014 日本繊維機械学会, 日本繊維機械学会賞 技術賞, 製織・縫製同時生産システムを目指したスワイベル織装置の開発スワイベル織装置の技術は我が国の繊維産業の進歩に貢献するところが大きいのでこれを賞するJapan society
- Oct. 2010 日刊工業新聞社, 第5回モノづくり連携大賞特別賞受賞, 低コスト・短納期・高品質で環境配慮にも対応した織物試作システム
- Jun. 2007 日本繊維機械学会, 平成19年度繊維機械学会賞論文賞, 論文「気孔中の水分が織物の紫外線遮蔽性能と透け性に及ぼす影響
- Lead, Mar. 2023, 繊維学会誌, 79(3) (3), P-88 - P-92ヒューマンインターフェースとしての繊維製品のモノづくりシステムの構築[Invited]
- Sep. 2022, International Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 10(694) (694), 1 - 9Effectiveness of Sensory Compensation Approach for Hand Sensory Motor Dysfunction Following Central Cervical Spinal Cord Injury[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Sep. 2021, 繊維学会誌, 77(9) (9), P-456 - P-459, Japanese接触冷温感の客観評価としての最大熱流束値(qmax)の標準化[Invited]Scientific journal
- Oct. 2020, マテリアルステージ, 20(7) (7), 17 - 22, Japanese素材の触感・風合いの計算・評価法と自動車内装材料の評価事例[Invited]Scientific journal
- Friction, a quality-related property, governs not only the efficiency of processing operations but also the quality and performance of the final product. In this work, the frictional characteristics of 100 % polyester,nylon, and polypropylene spunbond nonwoven fabrics bonded with three bonding patterns and the differences in fabric density were tested. A whisker-type tactile seThe Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan, Apr. 2018, Journal of Fiber Science and Technology, 74(4) (4), 82 - 88, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 繊維製品の肌触り-感覚の計測・評価-繊維製品の肌触りを、布の物理特性と人の主観評価から導く風合い研究の事例研究一般社団法人 日本繊維製品消費科学会, Jan. 2017, 繊維製品消費科学, 58(1) (1), 39 - 43, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Objective Evaluation of Fabric Hand for Underwear Knitted FabricObjective Evaluation of Fabric Hand for Underwear Knitted FabricThe Textile Machienery Society of Japan, Dec. 2016, Proceedings of the 44th Textile Research Symposium, CD, EnglishInternational conference proceedings
- 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科, Sep. 2016, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科 研究紀要, 第10巻(第1号) (第1号), 77 - 85, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- AgResearch Limited, Dec. 2015, Proceedings of the 43rd Textile Research Symposium, EnglishThe Relationship between the Clothing Pressure and the Tensile Properties of the Elastic Socks[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- AgResearch Limited, Dec. 2015, Proceedings of the 43rd Textile Research Symposium, EnglishThe Effects of Spinning Speed on the Physical Properties of VORTEX® Spinning Yarns[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- AgResearch Limited, Dec. 2015, Proceedings of the 43rd Textile Research Symposium, EnglishMeasurement Condition of the Surface Property of Underwear Knitted Fabrics for Objective Evaluation of the Handle[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- AgResearch Limited, Dec. 2015, Proceedings of the 43rd Textile Research Symposium, EnglishInvestigation of the Measuring Condition of the Maximum Value of Heat Flux (qmax)[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- 地域包括ケアシステム導入に関する活動分析ーその4−本研究報告では、本事業の2年間の運営でまだ解決していない問題や今後の課題を考慮し、引き続き2014年3月から7月までの5ヶ月の事業運営過程を追跡する。その運営過程の中での課題とその対処を整理しながら、岩戸ホームと紫豊館の事業活動がケア24事業を通してどのように変化していくのかを考察することを研究の目的とする。神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科, Mar. 2015, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科研究紀要, 8(2) (2), 131 - 135, JapaneseResearch institution
- 「人間発達」およびそれを支える「人間環境」の視点に立って安心して暮らせる生活とはいかなるものか、またその実現のためにはどのような条件が必要か、そこでの課題は何かについて、総合的に検討した内容についてまとめたものである。神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科, Mar. 2015, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学,研究科 研究紀要, 8(2) (2), 127 - 129, JapaneseResearch institution
- 目的 布の防しわ性を評価する方法として、従来からモンサント法をはじめとしていくつかの方法がある。これらの防しわ性評価方法に、新たにレーザーを用いた非接触での測定方法を加え、得られた結果を、スーツ地の物理特性、風合い特性と比較することで、スーツ地のしわにかかわりの深い要素を特定することを目的とした。The Japan Society of Home Economics, 2015, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, 67, 131 - 131
方法 試料はウール100%29種、ポリエステル混紡布21種の、番手、込数など組成が異なる紳士スーツ地用織布計50種である。KES-Fを用いて、各試料の力学的特性、表面特性を測定した。また、JIS法、IWS法、ニッケビジュアル法(NV法)、レーザー法で試料の防しわ性を測定した。レーザー法とはシームパッカリングの測定を応用した非接触の防しわ性測定方法である。レーザー変位計を用いて試料表面にレーザー光を走査し、試料までの距離、すなわち実測の表面形状を捉えてこれを積分することで波高の平均値および平均偏差値を求める。
結果 それぞれの防しわ性測定法の結果を比較すると、それぞれに特徴があるが、IWS法とNV法、レーザー法に類似した傾向が見られた。また、スーツ地の防しわ性には繊維素材及び織密度が大きく寄与していることが明らかになった。今回使用した評価法の中ではIWS法、NV法、レーザー法変化率の結果において、特に引張特性、せん断特性に関わる物理特性値やその組み合わせ値、仕立て映え、風合いにかかわる客観評価値との相関がみられた。 - Japanese Society of Tribologists, 2015, JOURNAL OF JAPANESE SOCIETY OF TRIBOLOGISTS, 60(8) (8), 491 - 497, Japanese
- 地域包括ケアシステム導入に関する活動分析ーその3−本研究報告では、引き続き2013年4月から翌年2014年2月までの11ヶ月間の事業運営過程を追跡する。この追跡を通じて、試行2年目の運営過程の中で発生した様々な問題点を整理し、それらの問題点に対してどのように対処したのか記録にとどめ、今後の事業展開の参考とすることを目的とする。神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科, Sep. 2014, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科研究紀要, 8(1) (1), 135 - 140, JapaneseResearch institution
- Study on the maximum value of heat flux (qmax) as an objective measurement of fabric warmThe maximum of heat flux, that is, qmax was measured with the thermolabo II system (Kato tech). The initial temperature difference between heat source plate and specimen was set at 10 degree C. In this study, the auto- measuring system was produced experimentally. In addition, qmax was also measured on the styrene foam instead of the copper plate as the different measurement co繊維学会, Sep. 2014, Proceedings of International Symposium on Fiber Science and Technology 2014, USB, English[Refereed]Symposium
- A Method for Modeling of Knitted Loops in A Plain Stitch Fabric and Simulation of Its Curling and Wale SkewIn this paper, a modeling method of knitted loops in a plain stitch fabric, which can simulate its curling and wale skew, is proposed. First, a yarn is modeled as an elastic linear object whose cross-section is circular and does not change during deformation. Then, the shape of the yarn and its potential energy can be described by use of Euler angles based on the differential g日本繊維機械学会, Jun. 2014, Journal of Textile Engineering, 60(3) (3), 41 - 50, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 大阪教育大学家政学研究会, Mar. 2014, 生活文化研究, 51, 81 - 90, Japanese幼児ズボンのずり下がりに関する研究[Refereed]Research institution
- Mar. 2014, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科研究紀要, 7(2) (2), 139 - 148, Japanese独居高齢者の実態と生活満足度に関する調査研究[Refereed]Research institution
- Activity analysis on introductory attempt of comprehensive regional care systems Ⅱ本研究報告は、2012年6月から2013年3月まで、時間経過にそってケア24の事業活動の中で生じた課題やそれへの対処を追跡した記録である。Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, Mar. 2014, Bulletin of Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, 7(2) (2), 133 - 138, JapaneseScientific journal
- The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan, 2014, Sen-ito Kogyo, 70(3) (3), P_115 - P_115, Japanese
- Oct. 2013, Proceedings of the 12th Asian Textile Conference, EnglishThe Physical Properties of VORTEX® Spinning Yarns and Ring YarnsInternational conference proceedings
- The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan, Sep. 2013, Sen-ito Kogyo, 69(9) (9), "P - 286"-"P-292", Japanese
- Aug. 2013, Proceedings of the 42nd Textile Research Symposium, 31 - 34, EnglishVortex Knitted Fabrics of Viscose-cotton Blend YarnInternational conference proceedings
- Aug. 2013, Proceedings of the 42nd Textile Research Symposium, 135 - 138, EnglishThe Objective Evaluation of the Seam Puckering and the ApplicationInternational conference proceedings
- Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, Mar. 2013, Bulletin of Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, 6(2) (2), 71 - 76, JapaneseActivity analysis on introductory attempt of comprehensive regional care systemsScientific journal
- The Japan Society of Home Economics, 2013, Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, 65, 230 - 230
- Power net is a kind of warp knitted fabric and a distinctive feature of this fabric is its high extensibility in both wale and course directions. The main uses of this power net are supporters, ladies foundation garment, girdle etc. due to its high formability property. The theory of the biaxial extension of power net is introduced, in this study. And the theory is inspected by the biaxial extension experiments of a power net for various biaxial extension modes. The experimental results and theoretical predictions prove to be in agreement. The biaxial extension property of a power net was analyzed and compared with experimental results obtained by a biaxial tensile tester. Another sample was also inspected, and same results were given. The theory can predict well, especially in the forces along the tensile direction, and good agreement between experimental and calculated results was obtained. The theory by the simplified model might be useful for designing the power net, and with the various studies until now, this will be powerful tool for the design of the wearing comfort of ladies foundation garment and so on. © 2013, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved.2013, Textile Research Journal, 83(12) (12), 1319 - 1324, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Nov. 2012, 加工方法が先染織物の物理特性に及ぼす影響, Vol. 58, No. 5, Japanese加工方法が先染織物の物理特性に及ぼす影響[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Mechanical Properties of Yarns Dyed by PigmentsFurutani et al. [1-3] developed a technology for constructing trial fabrics. This technology consists of the dyeing technology realizing low cost and short term production, and minimizing loss of yarn and amount of drainage. Recently, an apparatus for dyeing with pigments were newly developed, in which the dyeing term was shortened by one -ninth, and the amount of drainage was reduced by one-tenth by the new apparatus. In this study, the mechanical properties of the dyed yarn with pigments by the new apparatus were investigated. The characteristics of yarns dyed with pigments were within the +/- 4 sigma of regular yarn group and there was no difference from the yarns dyed with dye stuffs if the concentration of binder was not beyond 10%. Therefore, it makes clear that dyed yarn by using the new apparatus can be utilized for trial fabrics.SOC FIBER SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY, Nov. 2012, SEN-I GAKKAISHI, 68(11) (11), 296 - 303, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, Sep. 2012, Bulletin of Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, 6(1) (1), 117 - 124, JapaneseScientific journal
- Sep. 2012, 繊維機械学会誌, 65(9) (9), 524 - 529, Japanese画像処理を用いた糸の動性値の簡易計測手法Scientific journal
- Sep. 2012, Proceedings of the41st Textile Research Symposium, CDObjective hand measurement of toilet paperInternational conference proceedings
- Sep. 2012, Proceedings of the41st Textile Research, CDObjective evaluation of the handle of knitted fabrics for underwearInternational conference proceedings
- Aug. 2012, 皮革科学, 58(2) (2), 57 - 62, Japaneseテキスタイル(繊維製品)の風合いの客観評価方法Scientific journal
- The effects of finishing on the physical properties of yarn dyed cotton fabrics were studied. The fabric mechanical properties, surface properties, thermal/water/air transport properties and fabric handle were investigated in order to establish the performance characteristics of fabrics. The sample fabric with each finishing was compared with the sample before finishing as the standard. Each parameter was normalized by the parameters of standard sample and the standard deviation of all samples in this study (n=8) and the chart was established. The effects of finishing were cleared by using the chart and the change ratio of each parameter. The results on coating finishing caused the great increase of the bending and shear properties, and the case of silket, powder, bio finishing caused the decrease. Washer finishing effected on the compression properties. It was considered with the method helped the improvement and the division of the characteristics of finishing fabrics. © 2012, The Textile Machinery Society of Japan. All rights reserved.2012, Journal of Textile Engineering, 58(5) (5), 69 - 75, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Furutani et al. [1-3] developed a technology for constructing trial fabrics. This technology consists of the dyeing technology realizing low cost and short term production, and minimizing loss of yarn and amount of drainage. Recently, an apparatus for dyeing with pigments were newly developed, in which the dyeing term was shortened by one -ninth, and the amount of drainage was reduced by one-tenth by the new apparatus. In this study, the mechanical properties of the dyed yarn with pigments by the new apparatus were investigated. The characteristics of yarns dyed with pigments were within the ±4ρ of regular yarn group and there was no difference from the yarns dyed with dye stuffs if the concentration of binder was not beyond 10%. Therefore, it makes clear that dyed yarn by using the new apparatus can be utilized for trial fabrics.Society of Fiber Science and Technology, 2012, Journal of Fiber Science and Technology, 68(11) (11), 296 - 303, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 2012, Proceedings of the 9th International Meeting for Manikins and Modeling, pp.70-75A model of heat and moisture transfer in and around clothing, coupled with a human thermal model for the analysis of the transient state, including the process of sweat evaporationInternational conference proceedings
- Nov. 2011, Proceedings of the 11th Asian Textile Conference in Daegu, KoreaWashing durability of performance on washable suitingInternational conference proceedings
- Nov. 2011, Proceedings of the 11th Asian Textile Conference in Daegu, KoreaInvestigation of methods for measuring frictional properties of knitted fabricsInternational conference proceedings
- 大阪教育大学家政学研究会, Sep. 2011, 生活文化研究, Vol.50, pp.101-113, 101 - 113, Japanese幼児ズボンウェスト部及びゴム紐の実態調査Scientific journal
- Aug. 2011, Proceedings of the40th Textile Research Symposium, pp. 645-648Effects of Fiber type on the Physical Properties of Knitted FabricsInternational conference proceedings
- 2011, Proceedings of the 11th Asian Textile Conference in Daegu, KoreaEvaluation of the Handle of Underwear Knitted FabricsInternational conference proceedings
- Dec. 2010, Proceedings of the 39th Textile Research Symposium, pp. 508-513The characterization of the yarns and its application[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Dec. 2010, Proceedings of the 39th Textile Research Symposium, pp. 645-648Tactile and sight assessment of various housing materials[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Dec. 2010, Proceedings of the 39th Textile Research Symposium, pp.166-171Surface friction properties of fabrics and human skin[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Dec. 2010, Proceedings of the 39th Textile Research Symposium, pp. 537-541Physical properties of cotton woven fabrics[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Dec. 2010, Proceedings of the 39th Textile Research Symposium, pp. 542-546Evaluation of handle of toilet paper[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- The Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses, Apr. 2010, 繊維製品消費科学, Vol. 51, No. 4 pp.327-332(4) (4), 327 - 332, Japanese
The authors study on the disposable pants type diapers, composed of elastic non-woven fabrics, for elderly people who are especially healthy, but have a little anxiety about urinary incontinence. Our objective is to establish the relationships between the wearing comfort and the physical properties of the disposable pants type diapers. The results could be summarized as follows: (1)“Fitting feeling” and “Feeling of pad” affect on the wearing comfort. (2)There are high correlations between wearing comfort and tensile and shear properties of non-woven fabric in the lower hip zone and the bending of pad.(3)Diapers composed of high extension non-woven fabrics in the lower hip zone fit the motion and bring comfort feeling.
[Refereed]Scientific journal - 石本記念デサントスポ-ツ科学振興財団事務局, Jun. 2009, デサントスポーツ科学, 第30巻,pp. 33-44, 33 - 44, Japanese素材の吸湿性・吸水性の有無がタイトフィットスポーツ ウェア着用時における運動時の衣服内気候に及ぼす影響[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Aug. 2008, Proceedings of the 37th Textile Research Symposium, pp. 127-132Hand Evaluation of Leather for Clothing Use[Refereed]International conference proceedings
- Nov. 2007, Proceedings of the 36th Textile Research Symposium, pp.131-136, EnglishEvaluation of Grasp Feelings of Handle Grip Made of Rubber for Luggage Hand Cart[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Nov. 2007, Proceedings of the 36th Textile Research Symposium, pp. 149-153, EnglishClothing Pressure of Knee Length Pressure Socks[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Oct. 2007, 神戸大学大学院人間発達環境学研究科 研究紀要, 第1巻第1号, Japanese高齢者の被服とスマートテキスタイルScientific journal
- Oct. 2006, Proceedings of the 35th Textile Research Symposium, pp. 247-251Wearing Comfort of Disposable DiapersScientific journal
- Oct. 2006, the 34th Textile Research Symposium, pp. 215-218Comfort Evaluation of Fabrics for Car SheetScientific journal
- Two kinds of cotton fibers cultivated by different methods were measured and the mechanical properties of these fibers were compared with the mechanical properties of cotton yarns made of organic cotton fiber and non-organic cotton fiber. In this study, the mechanical properties of single cotton fibers and cotton yarns the authors measured and the moduli were calculated by assuming that the cross-section of the cotton fiber is elliptical. It was also found that the strains and stresses of breaking point of organic cotton fibers were larger than those of non-organic cotton fibers. Cotton fibers cultivated in different areas were then examined and it was found that the moduli of cotton fibers cultivated in the northern or southern hemisphere (USA and Australian cottons in this study) were very similar, and the yarn properties for yarns made from cotton fibers from both areas were also very similar. However, the yarn consisting of a mixture of cottons in the northern and southern hemispheres had larger strain, torsional stiffness and hysteresis. It was concluded that the deterioration of fibers consisting of a mixture of cotton contributes to the yarn properties, because the rules of surface orientation differ for cotton fibrils cultivated in the northern and the southern hemisphere as shown in Onogi's study (Textile Res. J 66, 406-410 (1996)).SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, Jul. 2006, TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL, 76(7) (7), 534 - 539, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Apr. 2006, Journal of Textile Engineering, , Vol.52, No.4,pp. 147-152, Japanese気孔中の水分が織物の紫外線遮蔽性能と透け性に及ぼす影響[Refereed]Scientific journal
- In the previous paper, we studied the ultraviolet ray shielding rate for cotton woven fabrics during the drying process from the high moisture regain. We found that the UVR shielding rate increased with decreasing moisture regain, and it showed a maximum in the drying process. In the present study, the UVR shielding rate was measured for stainless meshes as non-swelling materials and filter papers as unperforated materials in order to clarify the origin of the maximum of the UVR shielding rate for cotton woven fabrics, and ΔL* was measured as see-through property. The shielding rate of stainless meshes in wet condition was higher than standard condition and that of filter papers in wet condition was lower than standard condition. As the results, it was found that the shielding rate of fabrics decreased because of an increase in fiber swelling, but over a certain higher moisture regain, the shielding rate increased owing to a decrease in water contained in pore of the fabrics. The behavior of ΔL* of fabrics with the moisture was shown by the characteristics of stainless meshes and filter papers. © 2006 The Textile Machinery Society of Japan.2006, Journal of Textile Engineering, 52(4) (4), 147 - 152, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Two kinds of cotton fibers cultivated by different methods were measured and the mechanical properties of these fibers were compared with the mechanical properties of cotton yarns made of organic cotton fiber and non-organic cotton fiber. In this study, the mechanical properties of single cotton fibers and cotton yarns the authors measured and the moduli were calculated by assuming that the cross-section of the cotton fiber is elliptical. It was also found that the strains and stresses of breaking point of organic cotton fibers were larger than those of non-organic cotton fibers. Cotton fibers cultivated in different areas were then examined and it was found that the moduli of cotton fibers cultivated in the northern or southern hemisphere (USA and Australian cottons in this study) were very similar, and the yarn properties for yarns made from cotton fibers from both areas were also very similar. However, the yarn consisting of a mixture of cottons in the northern and southern hemispheres had larger strain, torsional stiffness and hysteresis. It was concluded that the deterioration of fibers consisting of a mixture of cotton contributes to the yarn properties, because the rules of surface orientation differ for cotton fibrils cultivated in the northern and the southern hemisphere as shown in Onogi's study (Textile Res. J.66, 406-410 (1996)). © 2006, Sage Publications. All rights reserved.2006, Textile Research Journal, 76(7) (7), 534 - 539, EnglishScientific journal
- Oct. 2005, Proceedings of the 34th Textile Research Symposium, the 34th Textile Research SympTensile and Stress Relaxation Properties of Stretch Fabrics for BandageScientific journal
- Oct. 2005, Proceedings of the 34th Textile Research Symposium, pp. 87-94, pp.87-94Performance Evaluation of Disposable Diapers for AdultsScientific journal
- In this study, we investigate the relationship between the UVR-shielding rate and the moisture regain of plain woven fabrics. Samples are 8 cotton fabrics and 4 polyester filament fabrics each of which had different porosity. In the case of cotton fabrics, the moisture cause fiber swelling in the wet condition and the porosity decrease with increase of the moisture regain. However, the UVR-shielding rate decrease with the increase of the moisture regain. It is assumed that the result is caused by the increase of the UVR transmitting through a fiber by the fiber swelling. The relationship between the moisture regain and the UVR-shielding rate result in linearity up to 80% of the moisture regain, and besides, significant difference on the inclination of each sample is not found. Therefore, we can estimate the UVR-shielding rate by using porosity under the standard condition and the moisture regain. In the case of polyester filament fabrics, it is found that we can estimate the UVR-shielding rate by the same way as the cotton fabrics. However, the range of the moisture regain in which the UVR-shielding rate can be estimated is smaller than that of cotton fabrics.The Textile Machinery Society of Japan, Sep. 2005, 日本繊維機械学会論文集, Vol.58, No.9, pp. T123-T127(10) (10), T95 - T99, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- In this study, we investigate the relationship between the UVR-shielding rate and the moisture regain of plain woven fabrics. Samples are 8 cotton fabrics and 4 polyester filament fabrics each of which had different porosity. In the case of cotton fabrics, the moisture cause fiber swelling in the wet condition and the porosity decrease with increase of the moisture regain. However, the UVR-shielding rate decrease with the increase of the moisture regain. It is assumed that the result is caused by the increase of the UVR transmitting through a fiber by the fiber swelling. The relationship between the moisture regain and the UVR-shielding rate result in linearity up to 80% of the moisture regain, and besides, significant difference on the inclination of each sample is not found. Therefore, we can estimate the UVR-shielding rate by using porosity under the standard condition and the moisture regain. In the case of polyester filament fabrics, it is found that we can estimate the UVR-shielding rate by the same way as the cotton fabrics. However, the range of the moisture regain in which the UVR-shielding rate can be estimated is smaller than that of cotton fabrics.The Textile Machinery Society of Japan, Sep. 2005, 日本繊維機械学会論文集, 58-9, T123-T127(10) (10), T95 - T99, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Measurements of the tensile properties of skin in vivo and in vitro - A study of relationship between tensile properties of skin and clothing materialsThe tensile properties of skin in vivo and in vitro were investigated experimentally. The uniaxial and biaxial extension properties of the back of a hand in vivo and chicken skin in vitro are measured in detail by using a fine tensile tester. We found that their initial properties characteristically have extreme nonlinearity and hysteresis. These properties are similar to the properties of fiber assemblies, that is, woven and knitted fabrics used for clothing materials. The stress relaxation of chicken skin in vitro was also investigated. The results show the strain and temperature dependence of these properties. These properties of skin should be considered as basic data related to the materials of products used in close contact with the human skin, for example, clothing materials.SOC FIBER SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY, 2005, SEN-I GAKKAISHI, 61(1) (1), 1 - 5, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Oct. 2004, Journal of Textile Engineering, 50-2, 25-30, EnglishPerformance and Durability of Woven Fabrics Including Recycled Polyester Fibers[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Aug. 2004, Proceedings of the 33rd Textile Research Symposium, , 89-94, EnglishTheoretical Analysis of Biaxial Tensile Properties of Power NetInternational conference proceedings
- Aug. 2004, Proceedings of the 33rd Textile Research Symposium, , 31-38, EnglishEffect of Moisture on Tensile Properties and Dimension of Cotton FibersInternational conference proceedings
- Jun. 2004, デサントスポーツ科学, 25, 49-61, JapaneseThe Effects of Ambient Humidity on Thermoregulatory Responses during Exercise in Man Clothed a Sport Wear[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Mar. 2004, 人間科学研究, 11巻, 2号, pp. 107-116, Japanese天然繊維のリサイクルのための一考察 -手作りフェルトの物性-Scientific journal
- Aug. 2003, Proceedings of the 32nd Textile Research Symposium, , 185-191, EnglishPerformance and Durability of Woven Fabrics Including Recycled Polyester FibersInternational conference proceedings
- Jun. 2003, Proceedings of the International Conference TEXSCI 2003, Textile Science 2003, CD Chapter 6,, EnglishEffect of Cultivating Methods and Area on Mechanical Properties of Cotton Fibers and its Relationship with Performance of Cotton ProductsInternational conference proceedings
- Aug. 2002, Proceedings of the 31st Textile Research Symposium, , 183-190, EnglishShielding Properties of Ultraviolet Ray on the TextilesInternational conference proceedings
- Aug. 2002, Proceedings of the 31st Textile Research Symposium, , 21-28, EnglishObjective Evaluation of the Handle of Sheets and Cover FabricsInternational conference proceedings
- We predict the compression properties of blankets from the blanket structure and the fiber bending property. This study applies to the theory developed originally for the compressive deformation of carpets by Kimura, Kawabata and Kawai in 1970 to blankets. As a result, we found that the initial compression properties of Mayor and New Mayor blankets could be predicted by the compression theory.2002, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 14(3-4) (3-4), 216 - 222, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Objective evaluation of the handle of blanketsThis study develops mathematical equations for an important quality of blankets, good handle, based on the compression and surface properties, thickness, weight, and thermal parameters. The handle of blankets is subjectively evaluated by thirty-nine judges. Two methods are investigated for evaluating the quality of blankets on the basis of these subjective evaluations. The first method uses Equations KN101-W and KN301-W, which were developed for evaluating the quality of men's winter suiting, to predict blanket quality. Equation KN101-W converts the fabric characteristic parameters into primary hand values (HV), then the overall quality value (total hand value or THV) is derived from these primary hand values using Equation KN301-W. The application of these equations to blankets is based on the idea that there may be similarities between the human sensation-based concept of good handle for men's winter suiting and that for blankets. The second method involves a new equation for directly evaluating the THV of blankets from the compression, surface, construction, and thermal properties of the blankets. This second method is based on the idea that the effects of thermal properties on THV must be investigated, although the interrelation of these thermal properties and primary hand is not explained by Equation KN101-W. Some characteristic parameters that are applied to Equation KN101-W may be omitted because they are less important to the THV of blankets. This makes the equation simpler, and applying the equation to blanket design becomes easier. The evaluation equations are investigated to ascertain their ability to predict the handle of blankets.TEXTILE RESEARCH INST, Aug. 2001, TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL, 71(8) (8), 701 - 710, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Validity of the 'linearizing method' for describing the biaxial stress-strain relationship of textilesThe linearizing method is a modified linear theory of elasticity, and we can apply this method to almost any kind of textile fabric which possesses strong nonlinearity and anisotropy in the deformation property. A brief introduction of this method is first presented, then some examples of the applications of this analyzing method are reported. Inspection of the results obtained in these applications shows the validity of this method for a wide range of nonlinear textile materials, and for a large deformation region, with enough accuracy for practical application. This phenomenological analysis can be easily applied to any textile materials which possess a complex fiber assembly structure, making it difficult to solve the biaxial deformation properties by the method of structural mechanics. In this paper, it is concluded that the linearizing method has enough capacity to estimate the biaxial extension behavior of the fabric with considerably high accuracy and demonstrates its validity by showing examples of its application.TEXTILE INST, 2001, JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE, 92, 38 - 52, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Jul. 1999, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 11-2/3, 90-104(2) (2), 90 - 104, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Jul. 1999, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.2/3, pp. 90-104The Objective Evaluation of Blanket Hand and Durability A Preliminary Investigatio[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Aug. 1998, Proceedings of the 27th Textile Research Symposium, , 291-301, EnglishThe Objective Evaluation of Blanket Hand and DurabilityInternational conference proceedings
- Effects of softener treatment on hand, thermal and moisture transport, and wear comfort of knitted fabricsKnitted fabrics were treated with household softeners. The mechanical and surface properties as well as the thermal and moisture transport properties of the fabrics were measured. The use of softeners decreased the friction between fibers, the fabrics treated with softeners became softer and the primary fabric hand values (NUMERI, FUKURAMI, SOFUTOSA) increased slightly. Therefore, the wearing comfort on winter of these fabrics seemed to increase. But cotton fabric exhibited polyester fabric-type hydropyobic properties and the wearing comfort on summer seemed to decrease. In the case of washing with detergent that contains softener, the softener did not adequately reduce the inter-fiber friction that increases when a fabric is washed by detergent alone, indicating that it is most effective to add softener after the wash cycle.SOC FIBER SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY, Jun. 1997, SEN-I GAKKAISHI, 53(6) (6), 226 - 238, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Tensile and tensile stress relaxation properties of wool/cotton plied yarnsThe basic objective of this work is to understand the effects of humidity and the ratio of wool and cotton fiber on the initial tensile and tensile stress relaxation properties of plied yarns. These low strain properties relate directly to the fabric hand, appearance, and formability of clothing. We have found that wool/cotton plied yarns have high hygroscopicity, high water absorption properties, and a low stress relaxation rate at high relative humidity. Also, we have adapted the power law to provide a relation between wool fiber content and the values of tensile resilience and stress relaxation rate. Their values are then estimated from the values of tensile resilience and stress relaxation rate of the constituent fibers and the blend composition.TEXTILE RESEARCH INST, May 1997, TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL, 67(5) (5), 378 - 385, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- 東京水産大学, Mar. 1997, 東京水産大学論集, 32, 121-148(32) (32), 121 - 148, JapaneseJapan's Postwar Educational Reform and the Birth of Homemaking Education[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Cooperation between Homemaking Education and Home Economics in the Aspect of Clothing LifeThe purpose of homemaking education is learning how to spend the better home life for family. And the concept of home economics is synthesized science the study about the interaction between human and environment at family life, especially home life for the purpose of the improvement of life and contribution toward human welfare. Because of the similarity of the contents, it is considered that home making education must be based on the results of home economics. In this study, the necessity of the cooperation between homemaking education and home economics is considered, especially as the center of the way of teaching about the field of clothing life.The Open University of Japan, Feb. 1997, 放送教育開発センター研究紀要, 14, 93-108, 93 - 108, Japanese[Refereed]Scientific journal
- Nara Women's University, Oct. 1996, 奈良女子大学家政学会家政学研究, 43-1, 11-17(1) (1), 11 - 17, JapaneseBasis/Foundation and Development in the Field of Clothing Science/Clothing Life[Refereed]Scientific journal
- A non-linear theory of the deformation properties of a triaxial weave is presented. The deformation is two-dimensional and composed of shear and biaxial extension deformations, and is derived by solving the equilibrium of contact forces acting on the yarn cross-over point. The experimental results and theoretical predictions prove to be in agreement. The linear theory is easily derived from the non-linear theory. Although the prediction ability of the linear theory is less satisfactory than that of the non-linear theory, the prediction equation is much simpler and more useful in some cases of practical application.Elsevier BV, 1996, Composites Science and Technology, 56(3) (3), 261 - 271, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- The sense of handling of nylon knitted fabric for skin-like sheets was evaluated objectively using their mechanical and surface properties. The tested fabrics are composed of knitted fabric for panty hose and a soft film with resin. The samples are different in the knitting type (wooly, shear, and support), resin, and the way of gluing. A translation formula from the characteristic values to the values of sense was derived. The characteristic values of the mechanical and surface properties were measured for each sample with the KES-F (Kawabata Evaluation System for fabrics). The values of sense of the samples were evaluated by 11 ladies. The subjective values given by the translation formula agreed well with the objective ones. The characteristic values of biaxial extension properties were found very dominant. © 1993, The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan. All rights reserved.1993, Sen'i Gakkaishi, 49(10) (10), 546 - 555, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- A new theory predicting the biaxial tensile properties of a triaxial-weave fabric is presented. This theory is based on the plain-weave theory developed by Kawabata. Niwa, and Kawai in 1973 and improved by Kawabata in 1984. The basic structures of the fabric are (i) the thread-spacing or two warp threads and one weft thread, ii) the weave-crimp shrinkage of the three threads and (lii) the crossing angles between these threads. The yarn properties applied in this theory are the tensile properties the lateral-coin pressional properties the bending property, and the yarn-crossing-lnrque property. The biaxial tensile properties of the triaxial-weave fabric arc then derived by solving an equilibrium equation of the forces actiog at a thread-crossover point. The prediction and the experimental result coincide well over the wide range of deformation from the small-strain region to the fi ni te-defomiai ion region near breaking strain. The theoretical analysis shows that the yarn lateral-cornpressional properties have a significant effect upon the fabric tensile properties and the effects of the yarn-bending and crossing-torque properties are negligibly small except Tor the very small-strain region. It is also shown t hat the tensile properties of the triaxial-weave fabric are much more isotropic than those of the ordinary woven fabric because of the symmetrical structure which appears for every 30° angle rotation of the fabric in the plane or the fabric, and it is demonstrated that the tensile properties of the triaxial-weave fabric arc, in fact, almost completely isotropic. © 1992 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.1992, Journal of the Textile Institute, 83(1) (1), 104 - 119, English[Refereed]Scientific journal
- A Study on the Consciousness and Actual Situation of Purchase of Infants' Trousers : Focus on the Tight Pressure of Waistline子ども服の中でもズボンウエストの締め付け及びずり下がりに焦点をあてて,衣服購入,選択時の実態及び問題点を明らかにすることを目的としてアンケート調査を行った。その結果,購入時にウエストが大きすぎ又は小さすぎではないかを重視する人が7割以上を占めているにもかかわらず,ウエストサイズを測ったことのある人はわずか3.2%であり,ウエストが丁度いいかわからないことがある人が8割以上であった。ズボンがずり下がった経験は7割近くの人があった。8割以上の人が子どもの着用中のズボンがゆるい又はきついと感じた経験があった。その際に半数近くの人がゴムの交換口が無く,対応できなかった経験があるにも関わらず,ズボンの購入時にウエストゴムが交換できるかどうかを重視する人は10項目中最も少なく,意識の低さが伺われた。The aim of this study is to clarify the issues with regard to purchasing infants' trousers, including its current situation and things to be concerned. Surveys were carried out in the Kindergarten Attached to Osaka Kyoiku University in 2012. Effective answers from questionnaire are used for this analysis. The main results obtained from this study are as follows : Despite the fact that more than 70% of people consider it important to see whether a waist size of trousers is too big or too small for their children when they purchase it, there are only 3.2% of them actually have measured the waist size of their children, and more than 80% are not able to tell whether or not the waist size of trousers is suitable for their children. Also, nearly 70% have an experience that their child's trousers slipped down and consider that it was caused by looseness of trousers' waist rubber cord. More than 80% have an experience that they feel that their child's trousers seem either loose or tight when their children actually wear. In addition, nearly half of them have an experience that they were not able to resize it since there was not an inlet hole to exchange a rubber cord. Despite the aforementioned results, there are the lowest number of people, when they purchase trousers, who considered it most important, out of ten survey items, to find whether or not waist rubber cord can be exchanged if needed, which means, in other words, that they are at lower-level of consciousness to this practical issue.大阪教育大学, Sep. 2014, 大阪教育大学紀要. 第2部門, 社会科学・生活科学 = Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University, 63(1) (1), 29 - 38, Japanese
- 日本繊維機械学会, Mar. 2014, 繊維機械学会誌 : せんい, 67(3) (3), 183 - 188, Japanese平編み地におけるカーリング現象のモデリング
- 日本皮革技術協会, 24 Dec. 2012, 皮革科学 : hikaku kagaku, 58(3) (3), 106 - 112, JapaneseThe Objective Evaluation of the Hand of Natural Leather for Clothing Use
- 17 Nov. 2010, Thermophysical properties, 31, 19 - 21, JapaneseTHERMAL/WATER TRANSFER PROPERTIES OF KNITTED FABRICS FOR UNDERWEAR
- Nov. 2010, トライボロジスト, 第53巻 第12号 pp.787-792, Japanese材料と皮膚のトライボロジー[Refereed]Introduction scientific journal
- The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan, Aug. 2008, 繊維学会誌, Vol.64, No.8, pp. P246-P251(8) (8), P.246 - P.251, JapaneseIntroduction scientific journal
- To see, To be Seen, and To Make You See : Typhoon Quartet and Lombroso = Nordau FrameworkThe purpose of this paper is 1) to suggest an "inner consistency" of Joseph Conrad's set of stories ('Typhoon', 'Amy Forster', 'Falk', 'To-morrow', 1901–2), which is the recurrent pattern of the apparent coincidence between 'physiognomy' and 'mind'; 2) to show its affinities with the then prevailing Lombroso = Nordau framework; and 3) to argue that Conrad whose purpose seems only to "make you see" appearances of life, either 'to see' or 'to be seen', actually problematizes our unconscious way of constructing stories. This make-you-see style opens up the possibility for an attitude towards a new literary expression and a kind of morality.Gakushuin University, 2008, Gakushuin University studies in humanities, 17, 161 - 181, Japanese
- Oct. 2006, 神戸大学発達科学部研究紀要, 第13巻,第2号, pp. 199-203, Japanese生活環境 施設で暮らすことの課題Introduction scientific journal
- Kobe University, 2005, Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Development, 12(3) (3), 38 - 41, JapaneseChanging Life-Style and Human Development : Family, Women and Children (Part 3 Sub-Sessions) (9th Symposium on Human Development Human Development : Homosapiens, Human Being, Society)
- 大阪教育大学家政学研究会, 2005, 生活文化研究, 45, 25 - 37, Japanese衣服リサイクルのための手作りフェルト物性の検討--家庭科教材開発の基礎的資料として
- Kobe University, Dec. 2004, 人間科学研究, 11-2, 107-116(2) (2), 107 - 116, JapaneseA Study on the Recycling of Natural Fiber -The Physical Properties of Handmade Felt-[Refereed]Report scientific journal
- Kobe University, Mar. 2000, 神戸大学発達科学部研究紀要, 7-2, 811-821(2) (2), 147 - 157, Japanese[Refereed]Report scientific journal
- 神戸大学発達科学部, Sep. 1999, 神戸大学発達科学部研究紀要, 7-1, 153-161(1) (1), 153 - 161, Japanese[Refereed]Report scientific journal
- Kobe University, Mar. 1998, 神戸大学発達科学部研究紀要, 5-2, 347-362(2) (2), 347 - 362, JapaneseThe Amenith of Life Environment[Refereed]Report scientific journal
- Feb. 1998, 家庭科教育, 72-2, 19-23, JapaneseThe Amenith of Life Environment(2) -Amenity of Clothing-[Refereed]Report scientific journal
- 'Wearing pressure', which is caused by the garment restraint on the human body, can be related to the curvatures of the human body and biaxial extension properties of clothing materials. In this study, in order to propose a convenient method predicting the pressure in wear, the linearizing method is used for the estimation of the fabric tensions in the wale and course directions under biaxial deformations. In the linearizing method, the stress-strain relation of fabrics is firstly linearized using a transformed strain, and then expressed by a linear equation. As an example, the ‘wearing pressure’ of four types of panty hose is calculated. Validity of the method is inspected with a subjective test of the fitness. The correlation coefficient between the calculated values of the pressure and results of the subjective test is high (> 0.8). © 1992, The Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses. All rights reserved.1992, JOURNAL of the JAPAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION for TEXTILE END-USES, 33(5) (5), 254 - 260, English
- Contributor, 技術情報協会, Nov. 2021ヒトの感性に寄り添った製品開発とその計測、評価技術 9章 衣料品、衛生製品分野における開発事例と使用感、 快適さの評価事例 第1節 衣服の着心地の客観評価
- Contributor, シーエムシー出版, Mar. 2021不織布の最新開発動向 第13章 不織布の物性測定
- 技術情報協会, Oct. 2019ナノファイバーの製造・加工技術とその応用事例 第10章 ナノファイバーの医療、衛生材料への応用 第7節 不織布の快適性評価
- Others, 技術情報協会, Jun. 2018, Japaneseヒトの感性に訴える製品開発とその評価 第10章 新素材、新材料の開発、評価事例 第2節 繊維製品の肌触り計測、評価技術Scholarly book
- Others, 株式会社 エヌ・ティー・エス, Dec. 2017, Japanese繊維のスマート化技術大系 生活・産業・社会のイノベー ションへ向けて 第4章 ヘルスケア・健康 第1節 健康 第1項 衣環境の設計Scholarly book
- Others, サイエンス&テクノロジー株式会社, Nov. 2017, Japanese狙いどおりの触覚・触感をつくる技術 第5章 狙いどおりかを確かめるための「触覚の定量化・ 数値化技術」 第4節 熟練者の感覚技能を継承する風合いの客観評価Scholarly book
- Others, シーエムシー出版, Aug. 2017, Japanese不織布の技術と市場 第9章 不織布の物性測定Scholarly book
- Others, 技術情報協会, Feb. 2017, Japanese触り心地の制御、評価技術と新材料・新製品開発への応用 第2章 触り心地の見える化と定量評価 第15節 繊維組成・表面柄が 不織布の物理特性と風合いに 及ぼす影響Scholarly book
- Others, Sen-i Sha Co., Ltd., Aug. 2016, English, Chapter 9 The Science of Fabric Hand 繊維製品の風合い評価に関する研究, ISBN: 9784908111075Structure and Physical Properties of Wool (Edited by Kozo Arai and Kyohei Joko)Scholarly book
- Others, テクノシステム, May 2015, Japaneseトライボロジー設計マニュアル(是永敦編) 第7章 これからのトライボロジー 第8節 テキスタイルのトライボロジーの展開Dictionary or encycropedia
- Others, 繊維社, Apr. 2015, Japanese羊毛の構造と物性 (日本羊毛産業協会 編集) 第2部 応用編 第9章 風合いの科学Scholarly book
- Joint work, 1702, Mar. 2015, Japanese新版 衣生活の科学 テキスタイルから流通マーケットへ 3章 衣服の感覚特性と着心地Textbook
- Joint work, 株式会社 技術情報協会, Aug. 2012, Japanese新商品開発における【高級・上質・本物】感を付与、演出する技術Scholarly book
- Joint work, 井上書院, Apr. 2012, Japaneseアパレルと健康-基礎から進化する衣服まで-(日本家政学会被服衛生学部会編)Scholarly book
- Joint work, ミネルヴァ書房, Apr. 2011, Japanese初等家庭科教育法 新しい家庭科の授業をつくる (加地芳子・大塚眞理子編著)Textbook
- Joint work, InTech, Apr. 2011, EnglishNew Tribological Ways(edited by Taher Ghrib)Scholarly book
- Joint work, 放送大学教育振興会, Mar. 2011, Japaneseものとして、心としての衣服(牛腸ヒロミ編著)Textbook
- Joint work, ナカニシヤ出版, Jan. 2009, Japanesedo for からdo withへ 高齢者の発達と支援(城仁士編著)Scholarly book
- Joint work, 株式会社 技術情報協会, Mar. 2008, Japanese自動車樹脂材料の高機能化技術集 (技術情報協会 田崎裕人編集)Scholarly book
- Joint work, 株式会社ヘルス・システム研究所, Apr. 2007, Japanese介護プラクティス マニュアル 第8章 整容Textbook
- Joint work, 大学教育出版, Apr. 2007, Japaneseキーワード 人間と発達[増補改訂版] V. 生活とテクノロジーTextbook
- Joint work, 丸善株式会社, Jan. 2006, JapaneseRheology Data HandbookOthers
- Joint work, ナカニシヤ出版, Jun. 2005, Japanese高齢者の発達を支援する環境づくり 第4章 生活環境論的アプローチ 第1節 快適に楽しく着よう-高齢者に望ましい衣服を考える-General book
- Joint work, 丸善株式会社, Nov. 2004, JapaneseThe Third Edition ABz Fiber ManualOthers
- Joint work, 朝倉書店, Jul. 2004, JapaneseNew EditionABzHome Economics dictionaryOthers
- Joint work, 朝倉書店, May 1997, JapaneseApparel ScienceScholarly book
- テキスタイルカレッジ「実習:KESによる布特性の測定講座」日本繊維機械学会, Dec. 2023, JapaneseKES (Kawabata Evaluation System) による布特性の測定Public discourse
- 令和5年度繊維学会秋季研究 発表会, Nov. 2023, Japanese触り方のちがいによる自動車内装材料の触感評価とEEG分析Oral presentation
- テキスタイルカレッジ「不織布」日本繊維機械学会, Sep. 2023, Japanese不織布の物性測定について[Invited]Public discourse
- The 50th Textile Research Symposium, Sep. 2023, EnglishThe Characterization of the Recycled Yarn from Waste TextilesPoster presentation
- The 50th Textile Research Symposium, Sep. 2023, EnglishEvaluation of Towel Fabric Hand in Active and Passive Touch and EEG AnalysisOral presentation
- The 50th Textile Research Symposium, Sep. 2023, EnglishCharacteristics of Woven Fabrics Consisting of Recycled Yarn Derived from Wasted TextilesOral presentation
- テキスタイルカレッジ「2日で学ぶせんいと布づくり」日本繊維機械学会, Jul. 2023, Japaneseテキスタイル概論[Invited]Public discourse
- 日本繊維機械学会第76回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2023廃棄衣料由来の再生糸の開発と普及 Part2:再生糸の物性についてOral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2023年年次大会, Jun. 2023, Japanese皮革の風合い評価と疲労時の風合い変化Oral presentation
- 2023年度繊維学会年次大会, Jun. 2023, JapaneseEEG分析と物理特性による冬用衣料織物の風合い評価Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会第76回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2023, Japanese廃棄衣料由来の再生糸から成る織物特性Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会第76回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2023, Japanese気管切開患者が用いるカニューレ固定ホルダーの物理特性Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会第76回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2023, Japanese異なる接触方法における風合い評価と脳波分析Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会第76回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2023, Japanese廃棄衣料由来の再生糸の開発と普及 Part4:再生糸の織物特性についてOral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会第76回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2023, Japanese廃棄衣料由来の再生糸の物性Invited oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会テキスタイル カレッジ「実習:KESによる布特性の測定講座」, Dec. 2022KES (Kawabata Evaluation System) による布特性の測定[Invited]Public discourse
- 令和4年度繊維学会秋季研究 発表会, Nov. 2022EEG分析と物理特性によるタオルの風合い評価Oral presentation
- The 49th Textile Research Symposium, Oct. 2022Hand Evaluation and Laundry Durability of MosquitoOral presentation
- The 49th Textile Research Symposium, Oct. 2022Hand evaluation of towels by using physical properties and EEG analysisOral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会テキスタイル カレッジ「不織布実用講座」, Sep. 2022不織布の物性測定について[Invited]Public discourse
- テキスタイルカレッジ「2日で学ぶせんいと布づくり」日本繊維機械学会, Jun. 2022テキスタイル概論[Invited]Public discourse
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2021年年次大会, Jun. 2022就寝用着圧ロングソックスの繰り返し洗濯による物理 特性と被服圧の変化Oral presentation
- 2022年度繊維学会年次大会, Jun. 2022布の性質とパターンの異なる紳士用スーツの圧迫感に関する研究Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会第75回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2022繊維組成の異なる肌着用編布の熱移動特性に関する研究Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会第75回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2022蚊帳生地織物の物性と洗濯による風合い変化Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第74回大会, May 2022ウェアラブル端末が着心地に及ぼす影響Oral presentation
- 2021年度 繊維学会秋季研究発表会, Nov. 2021物性と生理量によるタオルの触感評価Oral presentation
- テキスタイルカレッジ「実習:KESによる布特性の測定講座」 日本繊維機械学会, Nov. 2021KES (Kawabata Evaluation System) による布特性の測定[Invited]Public discourse
- 自動車内装の感性価値・品質価値向上セミナー サイエンス&テクノロジー株式会社, Oct. 2021素材の触感・心地よさ・風合い等の計測・評価法と材料開発への応用[Invited]Public discourse
- テキスタイルカレッジ「不織布実用講座」日本繊維機械学会, Sep. 2021不織布の物性測定について[Invited]Public discourse
- 令和3(2021)年度 繊維技術講習会I 栃木県産業技術センター繊維技術支援センター, Jul. 2021繊維製品における着心地の感性的計測と評価について[Invited]Public discourse
- テキスタイルカレッジ「2日で学ぶせんいと布づくり」日本繊維機械学会, Jun. 2021, Japaneseテキスタイル概論[Invited]Public discourse
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会2021年度年次大会, Jun. 2021人体部位のかたさの違いを考慮したソックスの衣服圧に関する研究Oral presentation
- 井上真理 2021年度繊維学会年次大会, Jun. 2021繊維組成の異なる編布の熱・水分・空気の移動特性と摩擦特性Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会年次大会, May 2021繰り返し洗濯による肌着の耐久性Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会第74回年次大会, May 2021室内温度と気流がマスク着用時の快適感と作業効率に及ぼす影響
- 日本繊維機械学会第74回年次大会, May 2021布マスク素材の物理特性とマスク内温湿度に関する研究Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会第74回年次大会, May 2021天然皮革と比較した人工皮革の物理特性と触感評価Oral presentation
- ステナイデア2021, Mar. 2021, Japanese持続可能な衣生活と環境を考えるPoster presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会テキスタイルカレッジ, Dec. 2020, Japanese布特性の測定と感性の客観評価[Invited]Public discourse
- 日本繊維機械学会研究発表会, Nov. 2020, Japanese構造・組成の異なる不織布の物理特性Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会研究発表会, Nov. 2020, Japanese布マスク素材の力学特性と熱・水分・空気の移動特性に関する研究Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会研究発表会, Nov. 2020, Japaneseステアリングホイール表皮材の物理特性と握り心地との関係Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会研究発表会, Nov. 2020, Japaneseタオルの触感評価に関する脳波解析の試みOral presentation
- 繊維学会秋季研究発表会, Nov. 2020, Japanese繊維組成の異なる編布の物理特性と風合い~コラーゲン繊維からなる編布を中心に~Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会テキスタイルカレッジ「不織布」, Sep. 2020, Japanese不織布の物性測定について[Invited]Public discourse
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会2020年年次大会, Jun. 2020, Japaneseウェットティッシュ用不織布の湿潤時および乾燥時の触感評価Others
- 2020年度繊維学会年次大会, Jun. 2020, Japanese人体部位のかたさの違いを考慮した衣服圧に関する研究Others
- 日本繊維機械学会第73回年次大会, Jun. 2020, Japanese紙管の表面特性の測定Others
- 日本家政学会年次大会, May 2020, Japanese織物の埃付着の評価に関する研究Others
- テキスタイルカレッジ「アパレル製品設計の基本」, Feb. 2020, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪科学技術センターアパレル製品設計の基本・概論Public discourse
- テキスタイルカレッジ「実習:KESによる布特性の測定講座」, Nov. 2019, 日本繊維機械学会, 神戸大学KES (Kawabata Evaluation System) による布特性の測定Public discourse
- 2019年度 繊維学会秋季研究発表会, Nov. 2019洗濯方法がタオルの風合い耐久性に及ぼす影響Oral presentation
- Comfort and Smart Textile International Symposium2019, Sep. 2019, EnglishMeasurement of the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Fiber Assemblies in Low Fiber Volume FractionPoster presentation
- Comfort and Smart Textile International Symposium2019, Sep. 2019, EnglishObjective Hand Evaluation of Car Interior MaterialsPoster presentation
- Comfort and Smart Textile International Symposium2019, Sep. 2019, EnglishEffects of the Structure of Nonwovens on Physical Properties and Hand EvaluationPoster presentation
- テキスタイルカレッジ「不織布実用講座」, Sep. 2019, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪科学技術センター不織布の物性測定についてPublic discourse
- 繊維学会基礎講座, Aug. 2019, 繊維学会, 東京工業大学繊維製品の性能と評価Public discourse
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会2019年年次大会, Jun. 2019充填中綿材料の有効熱伝導率の測定Oral presentation
- The 46th Textile Research Symposium, Jun. 2019, EnglishObjective Hand Evaluation of Leather-like MaterialsPoster presentation
- The 46th Textile Research Symposium, Jun. 2019, English, 日本繊維機械学会;リベレツ工科大学, Liberec, Czech Republic, International conferenceHand evaluation of towel and washing durabilityOral presentation
- 2019年度繊維学会年次大会, Jun. 2019タイツを含む着圧ボトムスの衣服圧に関する研究Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会第72回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2019人工皮革の風合いの客観評価Oral presentation
- FLEX Japan and Mems Sensors Forum, May 2019, SEMI ジャパンカスタマー, 品川, International conferenceウェアラブルエレクトロニクスへの期待[Invited]Invited oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第71回大会, May 2019天然皮革の物理特性と風合い評価Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会テキスタイル カレッジ「アパレル製品設計の基本」, Feb. 2019, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conferenceアパレル製品設計の基本Public discourse
- 日本衣服学会第70回年次大会, Dec. 2018, Japanese, 日本衣服学会, 京都教育大学, Domestic conference充填中綿材料の有効熱伝導率の測定Oral presentation
- 「繊維触感」セミナー, Nov. 2018, Japanese, ㈱R& D支援センター, ドーンセンター, Domestic conference繊維製品の肌触り・触感評価Public discourse
- 第39回講演会「人間感覚計測とモノづくり」, Nov. 2018, Japanese, プラスチック成形加工学会関西支部, 大阪市立大学梅田サテライト ホール, Domestic conference感覚計測~着心地の客観評価を中心に~Public discourse
- 平成30年度繊維学会秋季研究 発表会, Nov. 2018, Japanese, 繊維学会, 福井大学, Domestic conferenceシルクブラウスの風合いの洗濯耐久性Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会テキスタイル カレッジ「不織布実用講座」, Sep. 2018, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conference不織布の物性測定についてPublic discourse
- The 46th Textile Research Symposium, Sep. 2018, English, 日本繊維機械学会, Fuji Teijin Academy, International conferenceObjective Evaluation of Hand of Car Interior MaterialsPoster presentation
- The 46th Textile Research Symposium, Sep. 2018, English, 日本繊維機械学科i, Fuji Teijin Academy, International conferenceHand evaluation of silk thin dress fabrics and washing durabilityOral presentation
- JEITA TC124審議委員会+専門委員会, Aug. 2018, Japanese, JEITA TC124審議委員会+専門委員会, 日本生命丸の内ガーデンタワー, Domestic conferenceKESを中心とした繊維製品の評価技術Public discourse
- 大阪府MOBIO「大学・高専合同研究シーズ発表会『計測・センシング編』」, Jul. 2018, Japanese, 大阪府MOBIO, クリエイション・コア東大阪, Domestic conference触感を計る! -感覚と材料への科学的アプローチによる 高機能商品開発への貢献-Public discourse
- ANEX 2018, Jun. 2018, Japanese, ANEX, 東京ビッグサイト, International conferenceEvaluation Method of Comfort for NonwovensPublic discourse
- 平成30年度繊維学会年次大会, Jun. 2018, Japanese, 繊維学会, タワーホール船堀, Domestic conference洗濯によるタオルの風合い変化の定量化Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第71回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2018, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conference自動車内装材料の風合いの客観評価Oral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2018年年次大会, Jun. 2018, Japanese, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 金城学院大学, Domestic conference機能性ウェア開発における衣服圧の測定・推計の利用Oral presentation
- The Fiber Society’s Spring 2018 Conference, Jun. 2018, English, The Fiber Society, タワーホール船堀, International conferenceClothing Pressure of the Elastic Socks -Measurement and Prediction CalculationOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第70回大会, May 2018, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 日本女子大学, Domestic conference外衣用ニットの官能評価の定量化Oral presentation
- 触感の知覚メカニズムと数値化及び材料開発への応用, Apr. 2018, Japanese, 技術情報協会, 技術情報協会五反田セミナールーム, Domestic conference触感の良い繊維製品の風合い・物理特性Public discourse
- 日本衣服学会第69回年次大会, Nov. 2017, Japanese, 東北福祉大学仙台駅東口キャンパス, Domestic conference外衣用ニットの風合いと洗濯耐久性Oral presentation
- 平成27年度繊維学会秋季研究 発表会, Oct. 2017, Japanese, 宮崎シーガイア, Domestic conference塗装表面の触感の定量的評価に関する研究Oral presentation
- The 45th Textile Research Symposium The Textile Machinery Society of Japan, Sep. 2017, English, Kyoto Inst. Tech., International conferenceObjective Evaluation of The Hand of TowelOral presentation
- 平成29年度繊維学会年次大会, Jun. 2017, Japanese, タワーホール船堀, Domestic conference最大熱流束の測定に関する研究Oral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2017年年次大会, Jun. 2017, Japanese, 京都女子大学, Domestic conferenceタイツの衣服圧に関する研究Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第69回大会, May 2017, Japanese, 奈良女子大学, Domestic conference肌着用編布の風合い客観評価の検討Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第70回年次大会研究発表会, May 2017, Japanese, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conferenceタオルの風合いの客観評価とその有効性Oral presentation
- The 44th Textile Research Symposium, Dec. 2016, English, Department of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Tedhnology, Delhi and The Textile Machinery Society of Japan, Indian Institute of Tedhnology, Delhi, India, International conferenceObjective Evaluation of Fabric Hand for Underwear Knitted FabricOral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会テキスタイルカレッジ「実習:KESによる布特異性の測定講座」, Nov. 2016, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 神戸大学, Domestic conferenceKES (Kawabata Evaluation System) による布特性の測定Public discourse
- 日本繊維機械学会テキスタイルカレッジ「不織布実用講座」, Oct. 2016, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conference不織布の物性測定についてPublic discourse
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会「第52回快適性・健康を考えるシンポジウム」, Sep. 2016, Japanese, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 京都女子大学, Domestic conference「快適性・健康」研究の過去・現在・未来 -感覚の計測・評価- 肌触りPublic discourse
- 平成28年度繊維学会基礎講座, Jul. 2016, Japanese, 繊維学会, 東京工業大学キャンパスイノベーションセンター, Domestic conference感覚計測Public discourse
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会2016年年次大会, Jun. 2016, Japanese, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 東京家政大学, Domestic conference布の防しわ特性測定方法の一考察Oral presentation
- 平成28年度繊維学会年次大会, Jun. 2016, Japanese, 繊維学会, タワーホール船堀, Domestic conference肌着用編布の風合い評価Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会第69回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2016, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conference糸の撚り構造・組織構造の異なるタオルの初期性能と洗濯耐久性Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会第70回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2016, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conference異なる方法による洗濯後のタオル風合いの定量評価Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会テキスタイルカレッジ「2日で学ぶ布づくり」, May 2016, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conference布の性能評価Public discourse
- 日本繊維機械学会 第17回繊維・未来塾, May 2016, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conference日本繊維機械学会のもつシーズ 大学との共同研究事例Public discourse
- 日本家政学会 第68回大会, May 2016, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 金城学院大学, Domestic conferenceシャツのしわ感評価Oral presentation
- Science & Technology セミナー, Feb. 2016, Japanese, Science & Technology, 芝エクセレントビル, Domestic conference座り心地の良さを追求する自動車用シートの快適性向上 自動車シート用布地/皮革の触感(風合い)評価Public discourse
- 日本化学会秋季事業 第5回CSJ化学フェスタ2015 人の「肌触感」の謎に迫る -触覚の需要から再現提示する技術の最前線-, Dec. 2015, Japanese, 日本化学会, タワーホール船堀, Domestic conference布の触り心地の良さを提示する物理情報について[Invited]Nominated symposium
- 日本繊維機械学会テキスタイル カレッジ「KES実習」, Dec. 2015, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 神戸大学, Domestic conferenceKES (Kawabata Evaluation System) による布特性の測定Public discourse
- 日本衣服学会第67回年次大会, Nov. 2015, Japanese, 神戸大学, Domestic conferenceサポーターの被服圧の実測と予測計算Oral presentation
- 平成27年度繊維学会秋季研究 発表会, Oct. 2015, Japanese, 京都工芸繊維大学, Domestic conference肌着用編布の風合いの客観評価式の開発Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会テキスタイル カレッジ「不織布実用講座」, Sep. 2015, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conference不織布の物性測定についてPublic discourse
- 平成27年度第45回繊維学会夏季セミナー, Jul. 2015, Japanese, 繊維学会, 北九州国際会議場, Domestic conference生活科学と繊維Public discourse
- 平成27年度繊維学会基礎講座, Jul. 2015, Japanese, 繊維学会, 東京工業大学キャンパスイノベーションセンター, Domestic conference感覚計測Public discourse
- Tech Design セミナー, Jun. 2015, Japanese, 門前仲町, Domestic conference布を中心とした材料の手触り・触感の定量化と製品開発への応用 ~心地良さと材料特性との関係、触感・風合いの主観・客観評価手法と材料設計~Public discourse
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2015年年次大会, Jun. 2015, Japanese, 信州大学, Domestic conference皮膚の特性および皮膚・編布間の摩擦特性に関する研究Oral presentation
- 平成27年度繊維学会年次大会, Jun. 2015, Japanese, 船堀, Domestic conference繊維組成・表面柄が不織布の物理特性と風合いに及ぼす影響Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第68回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2015, Japanese, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conference洗濯および洗濯仕上げ方法の異なるタオルの風合い評価Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第68回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2015, Japanese, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conference糸の力学特性と編み布の風合いの関係についての一考察Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第68回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2015, Japanese, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conference圧縮特性の異なる円筒モデルを用いたソックスの衣服圧Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第68回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2015, Japanese, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conferenceVORTEX®精紡機の紡績条件と編布の物理特性との関係Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会テキスタイル カレッジ「二日で学ぶぬのづくり」, May 2015, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conference布の性能評価Public discourse
- 日本家政学会 第67回大会, May 2015, Japanese, いわて県民情報交流センター, Domestic conferenceスーツ地の防しわ性の評価方法Oral presentation
- The 43nd Textile Research Symposium, Dec. 2014, English, AgResearch, the Textile Machinery Society of Japan, Christchurch, New Zealand, Clothing pressure of knitted fabrics was estimated by two methods. At first, the pressure between the cylinder and the knitted fabric was measured by the air pack sensor, and it was the experimental pressure. Next, the pressure on the sylinder was predicted on the basis of the relationship between tensile property of knitted fabric and the curvature of the cylinder by using th, International conferenceThe Relationship between the Clothing Pressure and the Tensile Properties of the Elastic SocksPoster presentation
- The 43nd Textile Research Symposium, Dec. 2014, English, AgResearch, the Textile Machinery Society of Japan, Christchurch, New Zealand, In this study, the characteristics of physical properties of VORTEX® spinning yarns and the effects of the spinning speed on the physical properties of the VORTEX® spin-ning yarns were investigated., International conferenceThe Effects of Spinning Speed on the Physical Properties of VORTEX® Spinning YarnsPoster presentation
- The 43nd Textile Research Symposium, Dec. 2014, English, AgResearch, the Textile Machinery Society of Japan, Christchurch, New Zealand, The purpose of this study is to investigate the measurement condition of surface properties of thin and elastic under wear knitted fabrics., International conferenceMeasurement Condition of the Surface Property of Underwear Knitted Fabrics for Objective Evaluation of the HandlePoster presentation
- The 43nd Textile Research Symposium, Dec. 2014, English, AgResearch, the Textile Machinery Society of Japan, Christchurch, New Zealand, The maximum of heat flux, that is, qmax was measured with the thermolabo II system (Kato Tech Co.). The initial temperature difference between heat source plate and specimen was set at 10℃,and contact pressure of heat source plate applied to the specimen was 10 g/cm2. In this study, the auto measuring system was produced experimentally and tried to measure. As the results, aut, International conferenceInvestigation of the Measuring Condition of the Maximum Value of Heat Flux (qmax)Oral presentation
- International Symposium of Fiber Science and Technology (ISF) 2014, Sep. 2014, English, The Society of Fiber Sciencfe and Technology of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, qmax can thus be used as a measure of the warmth or coolness of a fabric surface. This study discussed the measurement condition of the maximum heat flux., International conferenceStudy on the maximum value of heat flux (qmax) as an objective measurement of fabric warmPoster presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第67回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2014, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪, 肌着用編布について、肌触りに関する主観評価と対応する表面特性の測定条件を検討したところ、伸長特性の大きい編布の測定に適した条件をほぼ確定することができた。本研究では、その表面特性の測定条件を用いて得られた測定値より客観的な風合い評価を行い、主観評価との比較を行って、その妥当性を判断することを目的とした。また、それらの結果を用いて、RING 糸とVORTEX®紡績糸から成る編布を比較し、それぞれの特徴を明らかにすることを試みた。, Domestic conference肌着用編布の風合い評価と測定条件に関する考察 -RING糸とVORTEX®紡績糸から成る編布の比較から-Oral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2014年度年次大会, Jun. 2014, English, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 京都, 薄手編布に適する物理特性、特に表面特性の測定条件の検討を行うことを目的とした。, International conference薄手編布の風合い評価のための物理特性の測定条件についてOral presentation
- 平成26年度繊維学会年次大会, Jun. 2014, Japanese, 繊維学会, 東京, 接触冷温感はqmaxと呼ばれる最大熱流束[1]との相関が高く、数値で感覚を示すことのできる物理特性として使用されている。布のように空気を含む集合体で、比較的類似した熱伝導率をもつ物質の接触時の冷温感は、その繊維組成や構造、表面状態が影響していると推定される。本研究では、計測条件、計測者等が異なる場合のデータを捉えてより安定なqmax測定の条件を探るとともに、自動測定の試作機の検証を行うことを目的とした。, Domestic conference接触冷温感を評価する最大熱流束qmaxの計測に関する研究Oral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2014年度年次大会, Jun. 2014, English, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 京都, 中高年の女性が日常用いる靴を対象として、靴の内張りの材料特性が履き心地に及ぼす影響について基礎的資料を得ることを目的とした。, International conference靴の材料特性が履き心地に及ぼす影響Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第67回年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2014, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪, VORTEX®紡績糸からなる編布を含む薄手の編布試料を対象とし、これらの先行研究による条件で物理特性を測定するとともに風合いに関する主観評価を行った結果、表面のなめらかさや肌触りのよさに関する主観評価値と既存の標準試験機 KES-FB4で測定した表面特性値との間に、従来見られた相関関係が示されないことが明らかになっている。本研究では、薄手の編布において主観評価値と精度良く対応する表面特性の測定条件を決定することを目的として研究を行った。, Domestic conferenceVORTEX®紡績糸からなる編布の表面摩擦特性測定方法に関する研究Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第66回大会, May 2014, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 北九州, 生理日以外に下着の汚れを防ぐなどの目的で衛生用シートが用いられている。使い捨ての不織布製の衛生用シートが主流であるが、布製の衛生用シートも市販されている。不織布製の衛生用シートと比べて、布製の衛生用シートは洗濯の手間やコストの点で抵抗があるというのが現状である。本研究では、布製及び参考として不織布製の衛生用シートを試料として主観評価と物理特性の測定を行い、布製の衛生用シートの性能を明らかにすることを目的とする。, Domestic conference布製衛生用シートの肌触りと物理特性との関係Oral presentation
- 日本衣服学会第64回年次大会, Nov. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference機能性インナーの衣服圧と材料特性Oral presentation
- 日本熱物性学会 第33回 日本熱物性シンポジウム, Oct. 2012, Japanese, 日本熱物性学会, 大阪市立大学, Domestic conference布の接触冷温感評価値に及ぼす繊維組成・布構造の影響Oral presentation
- The 41st Textile Research Symposium in Portugal, Sep. 2012, English, Miho University, Portugal, International conferenceObjective hand measurement of toilet paperOral presentation
- The 41st Textile Research Symposium, Sep. 2012, English, Miho University, Portugal, International conferenceObjective evaluation of the handle of knitted fabrics for underwearPoster presentation
- The 9th international Meeting for Manikins and Modeling, Aug. 2012, English, International conferenceA Model of Heat and Moisture Transfer in and around Clothing, coupled with a Human Thermal Model for the Analysis of the Transient State,Including the Process of SweatOral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第65回 年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference布の熱水分移動特性の測定方法に関する一考察Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第65回 年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference布の特性が接触冷感に及ぼす影響Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第65回 年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference肌着用編布風合いの客観的評価方法の検討Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第65回 年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conference画像処理を用いた糸の物性値の簡易計測手法Oral presentation
- 平成24年度繊維学会 年次大会, Jun. 2012, Japanese, Domestic conferenceトイレットペーパーの風合いの客観評価Oral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2012年年次大会, Jun. 2012, Japanese, 文化学園大学, Domestic conferenceTシャツ着用時の衣服内気候と材料特性との関係Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第63回大会, May 2012, Japanese, Domestic conferenceタオルの物理特性が風合いに及ぼす影響Oral presentation
- 日本衣服学会 第63回年次大会, Nov. 2011, Japanese, Domestic conference布と皮膚との摩擦特性に関する研究Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 秋季セミナー, Nov. 2011, Japanese, Domestic conference肌着用編布の風合い評価と熱・水分移動特性Poster presentation
- The 11th Asian Textile Conference in Daegu, Korea, Nov. 2011, English, International conferenceWashing durability of performance on washable suitingOral presentation
- The 11th Asian Textile Conference in Daegu, Korea, Nov. 2011, English, International conferenceInvestigation of methods for measuring frictional properties of knitted fabricsOral presentation
- The 11th Asian Textile Conference in Daegu, Korea, Nov. 2011, English, International conferenceEvaluation of the Handle of Underwear Knitted FabricsOral presentation
- The 39th Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 2011, English, International conferenceEffects of Fiber type on the Physical Properties of Knitted FabricsOral presentation
- 平成23年度繊維学会 年次大会, Jun. 2011, Japanese, Domestic conference肌着用編布の物理特性と風合い評価Oral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2011年年次大会, Jun. 2011, Japanese, Domestic conference乳がん患者のための放射線治療衣の開発とその性能Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第64回 年次大会研究発表会, May 2011, Japanese, Domestic conference編布の摩擦特性測定方法の検討Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第62回大会, May 2011, Japanese, Domestic conference肌着用編布の初期性能の洗濯耐久性Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第64回 年次大会研究発表会, May 2011, Japanese, Domestic conference衣料用布地に用いられる糸のキャラクタリゼーションとその応用Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第64回 年次大会研究発表会, May 2011, Japanese, Domestic conferenceウォッシャブルスーツの初期性能の洗濯耐久性Oral presentation
- The 39th Textile Research Symposium in India, Dec. 2010, English, International conferenceThe characterization of the yarns and its applicationPoster presentation
- The 39th Textile Research Symposium in India, Dec. 2010, Japanese, International conferenceTactile and sight assessment of various housing materialsPoster presentation
- The 39th Textile Research Symposium in India, Dec. 2010, English, International conferenceSurface friction properties of fabrics and human skinOral presentation
- The 39th Textile Research Symposium in India, Dec. 2010, English, International conferencePhysical properties of cotton woven fabricsPoster presentation
- The 39th Textile Research Symposium in India, Dec. 2010, English, International conferenceEvaluation of handle of toilet paperPoster presentation
- 日本衣服学会 第62回年次大会, Nov. 2010, Japanese, Domestic conference肌着用編布の物性と風合いの客観的評価Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 秋季セミナー, Nov. 2010, Japanese, Domestic conference乳がん患者の放射線治療衣の開発Poster presentation
- 平成22年度繊維学会 年次大会, Jun. 2010, Japanese, Domestic conference衣服材料の物理特性がアンダーウェアの衣服内気候と主観評価に及ぼす影響Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第61回大会, May 2010, Japanese, Domestic conference肌着用編布の物理特性と風合い評価Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第61回大会, May 2010, Japanese, Domestic conference先染織物の物理特性に関する研究Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第63回 年次大会研究発表会, May 2010, Japanese, Domestic conference先染織物の糸特性に関する研究Oral presentation
- 日本熱物性学会 第30回 日本熱物性シンポジウム, Oct. 2009, Japanese, Domestic conference繊維組成の異なる肌着用編布の熱・水分移動特性Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会関西支部 第31回研究発表会, Oct. 2009, Japanese, Domestic conference先染織物に用いる染色糸の物理特性Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会関西支部 第31回研究発表会, Oct. 2009, Japanese, Domestic conferenceポリウレタン糸を用いた薄手肌着用編布の物理特性Oral presentation
- The 38th Textile Research Symposium, Sep. 2009, English, International conferenceMechanical Properties of Yarns Dyed by PigmentsOral presentation
- The 10th Asian Textile Conference, Sep. 2009, English, International conferenceEffects of the Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane Fibers on the FabricsOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第60回大会, Jun. 2009, Japanese, Domestic conference衣料用天然皮革の風合い評価Oral presentation
- 平成21年度繊維学会 年次大会, Jun. 2009, Japanese, Domestic conferenceリニアライジング法を用いた着圧ソックスの衣服圧の予測計算Oral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2009年年次大会, Jun. 2009, Japanese, Domestic conferenceポリウレタン糸の性質が布の性質に及ぼす影響Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会 第62回 年次大会研究発表会, May 2009, Japanese, Domestic conference加工が先染織物の風合いに及ぼす影響Oral presentation
- 日本熱物性学会 第29回 日本熱物性シンポジウム, Oct. 2008, Japanese, Domestic conferenceEffects of Thermal Properties of Non-woven Fabrics on Wearing Comfort of Disposal DiapersOral presentation
- 第17回繊維連合研究発表会, Aug. 2008, Japanese, Domestic conference大人用パンツ型オムツの材料性能と着用感Poster presentation
- 第17回繊維連合研究発表会, Aug. 2008, Japanese, Domestic conference衣料用皮革の風合いの客観的評価Oral presentation
- The 37th Textile Research Symposium in Korea, Aug. 2008, English, International conferenceHand Evaluation of Leather for Clothing UseOral presentation
- International Federation for Home Economics XXI. World Congress, Lucerne, Switzerland, Jul. 2008, English, International conferenceEffects of Properties of Elastic Non-woven Fabrics on the Wearing Comfort of Pants Type DiapersPoster presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会 2008年年次大会, Jun. 2008, Japanese, Domestic conference表面処理の異なる合成皮革の触感評価Oral presentation
- 繊維学会 第22回感覚と 計測に関するシンポジウム, Jun. 2008, Japanese, Domestic conference素材の異なるタイトフィットアンダーウェアの着心地Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会(第61回)年次大会研究発表会, May 2008, Japanese, Domestic conference婦人手袋用天然皮革の風合い評価Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第60回大会, May 2008, Japanese, Domestic conferenceシート用皮革の性能と触感の客観評価Oral presentation
- 平成19年度繊維学会 秋季発表会, Oct. 2007, Japanese, Domestic conference着圧ソックスの物理特性と衣服圧が着用感に及ぼす影響Oral presentation
- the 36th Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 2007, English, 日本繊維機械学会, Fuji Institute of Education and Training, International conferenceEvaluation of Grasp Feelings of Handle Grip Made of Rubber for Luggage Hand CartOral presentation
- the 36th Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 2007, English, 日本繊維機械学会, 富士研修所, International conferenceClothing Pressure of Knee Length Pressure SocksOral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会2007年年次大会, Jun. 2007, Japanese, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 東京都, Domestic conference尿失禁用オムツのはき心地研究 -吸水下着スリムウェアの紹介-Oral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会2007年年次大会, Jun. 2007, Japanese, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 東京都, Domestic conferenceストレッチ製品の伸長特性と衣服圧の推定-Oral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会2007年年次大会, Jun. 2007, Japanese, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 東京都, Domestic conferenceストッキングにおける衣服圧基準の現状 -アイテムの特徴と姿勢による評価-Oral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会(第60回)年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2007, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪科学技術センター, Domestic conferenceガードル着用時の圧迫感と衣服圧Oral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会2007年年次大会, Jun. 2007, Japanese, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 東京都, Domestic conferenceガードル、スパッツおよびサポーター着用時の衣服圧について -アイテムの特徴、姿勢による評価-Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第59回大会, May 2007, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 岐阜市, Domestic conference高齢者用パンツ型オムツのはき心地 第3報 歩行動作時におけるオムツ表面の形状変化とはき心地との関係Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第59回大会, May 2007, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 岐阜市, Domestic conference高齢者用パンツ型オムツのはき心地 第2報 材料特性との関係Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第59回大会, May 2007, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 岐阜市, Domestic conference高齢者用パンツ型オムツのはき心地 第1報 主観評価Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第59回大会, May 2007, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 岐阜市, Domestic conferenceストレッチ製品のダミー及び人体での衣服圧の関係Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第59回大会, May 2007, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 岐阜市, Domestic conferenceストレッチ製品の2軸伸長荷重および人体ダミー曲率から求めた推定衣服圧と実測圧との関係Poster presentation
- 日本家政学会 第59回大会, May 2007, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 岐阜市, Domestic conferenceストレッチ衣料における衣服圧の評価技術・評価基準の現状と課題Oral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第59回大会, May 2007, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 岐阜市, Domestic conferenceストッキング着用時の衣服圧と体型との関係Poster presentation
- 日本家政学会 第59回大会, May 2007, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 岐阜市, Domestic conferenceガードル、スパッツおよびサポーター着用時の衣服圧と体型との関係Poster presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会2006年年次大会, Jun. 2006, Japanese, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 神戸, 日本, Domestic conferenceWashing Durability of Clothing with Stretch PerformanceOral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会(第57回)年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2006, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪, 日本, Domestic conferenceClothing Pressure of Clothing with Stretch PerformanceOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第58回大会, May 2006, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 秋田, 日本, Domestic conferencePhysical Properties of Fabrics for Knee-length Socks, and Clothing PressureOral presentation
- 第16回繊維連合研究発表会, Aug. 2005, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会・繊維学会・日本繊維製品消費科学会, 上田, 日本, Domestic conferencePerformance Evaluation of Disposable Diapers for AdultsOral presentation
- 第16回繊維連合研究発表会, Aug. 2005, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会・繊維学会・日本繊維製品消費科学会, 上田, 日本, Domestic conferenceStudy on Wearing Comfortable of Knitted Fabrics Composed of the Different FibersOral presentation
- 第16回繊維連合研究発表会, Aug. 2005, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会・繊維学会・日本繊維製品消費科学会, 上田, 日本, Domestic conferenceShielding Properties of Ultra Violet Rays on the TextilesOral presentation
- the 35th Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 2005, English, 日本繊維機械学会, Fuji Institute of Education and Training, International conferenceWearing Comfort of Disposable DiapersOral presentation
- The 33rd Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 2005, English, 繊維工学研究会, 三島, 日本, International conferenceTheoretical Analysis of Tensile Properties of Weft Insertion Warp KnittingOral presentation
- The 34th Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 2005, English, 繊維工学研究会, 三島, 日本, International conferenceTensile and Stress Relaxation Properties of Stretch Fabrics for BandageOral presentation
- The 34th Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 2005, English, 繊維工学研究会, 三島, 日本, International conferencePerformance Evaluation of Disposable Diapers for AdultsOral presentation
- The 34th Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 2005, English, 繊維工学研究会, 三島, 日本, International conferenceComfort Evaluation of Fabrics for Car SeatPoster presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会2005年年次大会, Jun. 2005, Japanese, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 名古屋, 日本, Domestic conferenceClothing Pressure and Comfort Feeling of Cotton Dress Shirts with Stretch PerformanceOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第57回大会, May 2005, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 福岡, 日本, Domestic conferenceEffect of Moisture on Dimension and Tensile Properties of Cotton FibersOral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会(第56回)年次大会研究発表会, May 2005, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪, 日本, Domestic conferenceInitial Performance and Washing Durability of Fleece FabricsOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第57回大会, May 2005, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 福岡, 日本, Domestic conferenceTheoretical Analysis of Biaxial Tensile Properties of Power-net,and the Relationship between Tensile Properties and Body RestraintOral presentation
- 第32回消費性能試験法講習会, Mar. 2005, Japanese, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 京都, 日本, Domestic conferenceThe Mechanical and Surface Properties of FabricsOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第56回大会, Aug. 2004, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 京都, 日本, Domestic conferencePerformance and Durability of Woven Fabrics Including Recycled Polyester FibersPoster presentation
- 日本家政学会 第56回大会, Aug. 2004, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 京都, 日本, Domestic conferenceThe Effects of Ambient Humidity on Thermoregulatory Responses during Exercise in Man Clothed a T-shirtPoster presentation
- The 33rd Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 2004, English, 繊維工学研究会, 三島, 日本, International conferenceEffect of Humidity on Tensile Properties and Dimension of Cotton FibersOral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会2004年年次大会, Jun. 2004, Japanese, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 大阪, 日本, Domestic conferenceThe Effects of Ambient Humidity on Microclimate within Clothing during Exercise in Man Clothed a T-shirtOral presentation
- 第51回 レオロジー討論会, Sep. 2003, Japanese, 日本レオロジー学会, 奈良, 日本, Domestic conferenceStress Relaxation Properties of BandageOral presentation
- The 32nd Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 2003, English, 繊維工学研究会, 三島, 日本, International conferencePerformance and Durability of Woven Fabrics Including Recycled Polyester FibersPoster presentation
- The 32nd Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 2003, English, 繊維工学研究会, 三島, 日本, International conferenceEffect of Cultivating Methods and Area on Mechanical Properties of Cotton Fiber and YarnOral presentation
- 日本繊維機械学会(第56回)年次大会研究発表会, Jun. 2003, Japanese, 日本繊維機械学会, 大阪, 日本, Domestic conferenceObjective Evaluation of Hand of Genuine Leather for SeatOral presentation
- International Conference TEXSCI 2003, Textile Science 2003 at Liberec, Czech Republic, Jun. 2003, English, Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, チェコ, International conferenceEffect of Cultivating Methods and Area on Mechanical Properties of Cotton Fibers and its Relationship with Performance of Cotton ProductsOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第55回大会, May 2003, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 東京, 日本, Domestic conferenceEffect of Physical Properties of Sanitary Napkins on Their ComfortabilityOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 関西支部第24回研究発表会, Nov. 2002, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 滋賀, 日本, Domestic conferenceShielding Properties of Ultra Violet Rays on the TextilesOral presentation
- 第15回 繊維連合研究発表会, Sep. 2002, Japanese, 繊維学会・日本繊維機械学会・日本繊維製品消費科学会, 福井, 日本, Domestic conferenceTheoretical Analysis of Compression Properties of BlanketsOral presentation
- The 31st Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 2002, English, 繊維工学研究会, 三島, 日本, International conferenceShielding Properties of Ultraviolet Ray on the TextilesOral presentation
- The 31st Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 2002, English, 繊維工学研究会, 三島, 日本, International conferenceObjective Evaluation of the Handle of Sheets and Cover FabricsOral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会2002年年次大会, Jun. 2002, Japanese, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 東京, 日本, Domestic conferenceInitial Performance and Washing Durability of Knitted FabricsOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第54回大会, Jun. 2002, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 東京, 日本, Domestic conferenceDurability of Initial Performance in Sheets and Cover FabricsOral presentation
- 繊維学会 第16回感覚と計測に関するシンポジウム, May 2002, Japanese, 繊維学会, 東京, 日本, Domestic conferenceThe Relationship between Motion Ability and Clothing Pressure for the Cloth with Stretch PerformanceOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 関西支部第23回研究発表会, Nov. 2001, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 京都, 日本, International conferenceObjective Evaluation of Hand of Fabrics for Sheets and CoverOral presentation
- The 30th Textile Research Symposium, Jul. 2001, Japanese, 繊維工学研究会, 三島, 日本, Domestic conferenceTheoretical Analysis of Compression Properties of BlanketsOral presentation
- 日本繊維製品消費科学会2001年年次大会, Jun. 2001, Japanese, 日本繊維製品消費科学会, 京都, 日本, Domestic conferenceExperimental Study on the Performance Desigh of BlanketsOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第53回大会, May 2001, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 倉敷, 日本, Domestic conferenceTheoretical Analysis for Compression Property of BlanketsOral presentation
- 繊維学会 第14回感覚と計測に関するシンポジウム, Jun. 2000, Japanese, 繊維学会, 宇治, 日本, Domestic conferenceFiber Property and Performance of BlanketsOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第52回大会, Jun. 2000, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 東京, 日本, Domestic conferencePerformance of Blankets under High Moisture ConditionOral presentation
- The 5th Asian Textile Conference, Oct. 1999, English, 繊維学会・日本繊維機械学会・日本繊維製品消費科学会, 京都, 日本, International conferenceObjective Evaluation of Blankets for Bedding MaterialsOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第51回大会, May 1999, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 名古屋, 日本, Domestic conferenceObjective Evaluation for the Hand Touch Feeling of BlanketsOral presentation
- The 27th Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 1998, English, 繊維工学研究会, 三島, 日本, International conferenceThe Objective Evaluation of Blanket Hand and DurabilityOral presentation
- UMIST Textile Conferences “TEXTILES, Engineered for Performance”, Apr. 1998, English, The Textile Institute, Leeds, イギリス, International conferenceValidity of the "Linearizing Method" for Describing the Biaxial Stress-strain Relationship of TextilesOral presentation
- 日本熱物性学会 第18回日本熱物性シンポジウム, Oct. 1997, Japanese, 日本熱物性学会, 奈良, 日本, Domestic conferenceThermal/Water Transport of Blankets and the ComfortOral presentation
- The 26th Textile Research Symposium, Aug. 1997, English, 繊維工学研究会, 三島, 日本, International conferenceMechanical Property of Spider SilkOral presentation
- 11th International Conference on Composite Materials, Jul. 1997, English, Australian Composite Structures Society, Queensland, オーストラリア, International conferenceMechanical Properties of Spider SilkOral presentation
- 日本家政学会 第49回大会, Jun. 1997, Japanese, 日本家政学会, 東京, 日本, Domestic conferenceStatic Electricity of Blankets and the ComfortOral presentation
- 日本教科教育学会 第22回全国大会, Oct. 1996, Japanese, 日本教科教育学会, 秋田, 日本, Domestic conference技能・技術学習の意義に対する家庭科教員の意識に関する研究−"被服製作学習で育てる能力"を中心に−Oral presentation
■ Research Themes
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto Tachibana University, Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2026, CoinvestigatorDevelopment of an individually optimized rehabilitation system to improve sensorimotor dysfunction after stroke
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kobe University, Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2026, Principal investigatorSystematization of Kansei evaluation to connect sustainable materials (fibers / yarns) and textile products
- Bird fab studio株式会社, 共同研究, 神戸大学, Jul. 2023 - Jul. 2024, Principal investigatorAI生地検索システムの最適な教師データ研究
- 国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO), 先導研究プログラム/エネルギー・環境新技術先導研究プログラム, 東レ㈱、帝人フロンティア㈱、神戸大学, Jul. 2023 - Jun. 2024繊維製品の資源循環のための選別・分離技術の研究開発
- 株式会社colourloop, 共同研究, 神戸大学, Feb. 2023 - Mar. 2024, Principal investigator廃棄繊維を使用した再生糸及び生地の物理特性の評価及び数値化
- (3) 有限会社デノボストラクチャー, 9-jourブランド事業委託研究, 神戸大学, Jan. 2023 - Mar. 2023, Coinvestigator9-jourブランドの天然染色で染色をしたデニム製品の評価
- 有限会社井上企画・幡, 共同研究, 神戸大学, Feb. 2021 - Mar. 2022, Principal investigator衣類の着心地と糸・生地の風合いの数値評価に関する研究
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Shinshu University, 01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2021Unification of the clothing pressure measuring methods by three direct methods and a indirect method, and a new sensor development衣服の着心地の一指標である衣服圧の測定法は大別すると直接法と間接法とに分かれるが,その双方から得られた衣服圧を詳細に検討した報告は数少ない。また,同じ直接法であっても,使用するセンサによって,得られた圧値が異なり,測定対象の物性によっても圧値が異なる。そこで,国内外で最も使われている直接法の3種の圧センサと間接法を用い,同一条件で測定し,比較検討する。これから3種の直接法で生ずる差の測定対象やその条件を明らかにし,どの程度の測定条件までならば圧値が一致し,それが関接法で再現した衣服圧に近づくかを検討する。そのためには,衣服圧が発生する条件を揃えることが必要である。例えば,①被覆する素材と②被覆されるものとの関係,そして③それを測定する方法が関連する。そこで①は伸縮性のホールガーメントと伸縮しにくい綿素材を用いることとした。また,②では剛体として様々な曲率半径を持つプラスチック素材の平面と円筒,様々な硬さを持つシリコン素材を検討する。③では,液圧平衡法,接触圧測定法,Flexi-Forceを用いた3種の直接法と間接法で,できるだけ同一条件で得られる値を比較し,検討する。これにより,各研究者や業者が使用しているセンサ別の補正条件やその係数を提示する。これにより,真に製品設計に貢献できる衣服圧の提示が可能となろう。更に新センサをも設計し,研究に役立つ方法を提示する。また,測定条件にとらわれない,万人の使い勝手の良い新センサの開発も行う。
- ひょうごエコタウン推進会議, 共同研究, 神戸大学, Jun. 2020 - Mar. 2021, Principal investigator植物性廃棄物起因のセルロースから作成される各製品の要求特性 評価方法の確立
- 株式会社カネカ, 共同研究, 神戸大学, Jun. 2020 - Mar. 2021, Principal investigator再生コラーゲン繊維を用いた生地の低刺激性等に関する研究
- ひょうごエコタウン推進会議, 共同研究, 神戸大学, Jun. 2019 - Mar. 2020, Principal investigator植物性廃棄物起因のセルロースから作成される各製品の要求特性 評価方法の確立
- 学術研究助成基金助成金/基盤研究(C), Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2020, Principal investigatorCompetitive research funding
- 公益財団法人 ひょうご環境創造協会, ひょうごエコタウン基礎研究補助, 委託研究, 神戸大学, Jun. 2018 - Mar. 2019, Principal investigator植物性廃棄物起因のセルロースから作成される各製品の要求特性評価方法の確立
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Kyoto Women's University, 01 Apr. 2013 - 31 Mar. 2017Clothing hygiene studies on supporting the health and comfortable clothing life of senior generationIn order to improve the healthy and active life of elderly people over 65 years old, it is important to support the clothing life of senior generation including those aged 50 to 64 years: the pre-elderly age group. In this study, we focused on the age-related decline in the functions of the body and mind, and conducted fundamental and developmental research in compression aspect, thermal aspect, and tactile and aesthetic aspects in order to support the health and comfortable clothing life of the senior generation. In addition, we not only studied how to prevent the deterioration of physical and mental functions due to aging but also investigated specific design guidelines for elderly-friendly textile end-uses with an improved concept.
- 学術研究助成基金助成金/基盤研究(C), Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2016, Principal investigatorCompetitive research funding
- H28大阪市イノベーション創出支援補助金研究, 受託研究, 神戸大学, 2016, Principal investigatorオレフィン系熱可塑性エラストマー高分子材料の触感評価の体系化
- 科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(A), Oct. 2012 - Mar. 2015Competitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Osaka University, 01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2014Modeling of Curling of Plain-Knitted Fabrics toward Its SuppressionCurling is a phenomenon that edges of a plain-knitted fabric are curled and it prevents efficient sewing of the fabric. As quantitative relationship between the magnitude of curling and properties of a yarn and/or knitting parameters is unclear, analysis of curling has been required. First, a knitted stitch in a plain-knitted fabric is modeled based on the differential geometry and the variational principle of statics. Then, curling is regarded as deformation of the stitch to reduce its potential energy. Next, curling of the whole fabric in 2D space is modeled considering the gravitational effect. Finally, it is shown that the difference of the curled shape of the fabric due to the difference of the rigidity of the fabric can be simulated. We will be able to estimate curling of a fabric from properties of a yarn and knitting parameters without actually knitting. It will lead to suppression of curling by controlling such properties/parameters.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Osaka Kyoiku University, 2011 - 2013A study on the physical influence by waist composition and the clothing pressure of infants'trousersThe aim of this study is to clarify the best waist composition of infants' trousers. We have measured the clothing pressure and blood flow. Experiments and surveys were carried out in the Kindergarten Attached to Osaka Kyoiku University in 2012. The main results obtained from this study are as follows: The clothing pressure of waistline increased with sitting position than a standing position. It was confirmed that the blood vessel volume lowers in high clothing pressure. As a result of survey, nearly half of them have an experience that they were not able to resize the infants' trousers since there was not an inlet hole to exchange a rubber cord. There is necessity to enlighten to confirm whether you can exchange a rubber cord at the time of the purchase.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2010 - 2012The design of textile end-uses aiming at improving the health and quality of life of the elderlyPhysical and mental health must be maintained to improve the quality of life of the elderly. This study aimed to obtain basic knowledge regarding the design of textile end-uses that can support the age-related physical and mental changes and everyday lives of elderly people. Physiological activity, such as electromyogram, brain waves, heart rate, and blood flow, was measured using underwear, socks, gardening gloves, and disposable adult diapers, and we examined the relationship between the properties/performance of the textile end-uses and physiological response. As a result,we developed specific design guidelines for elderly-friendly textile end-uses.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kyoto Institute of Technology, 2009 - 2011Development of a new textile evaluation system considering with human tactile sensesTo evaluate a nanofiber web, nonwovens for sanitary use, pile and blanket fabrics, the various devices to attach to a Kawabata Evaluation System(KES) were developed for surface, compression, tensile and heat transfer properties. Tensile tests of a poly-γ-glutamic acid nanofiber web containing oxazoline component polymer became possible under various humidity conditions as well as in water. The sensitivity of KES-G5s compression tester with a ball type indenter was improved and then the compression test including recovery process for a thin nanofiber webs was carried out. The subjective evaluation of materials was also performed to find the useful index parameters for the tactile comfort. The wetness of nonwoven was predicted by the maximum value of heat flux under the wet condition(qmax-wet). The resistance of piles measured by a KES-SE surface tester with a simple device was related to pile mobility when fingers move on furs or blankets. The developed KES system is valuable to obtain the useful indicators for the tactile comfort of textile materials.
- 学術研究助成基金助成金/挑戦的萌芽研究, 2011, Principal investigatorCompetitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kobe University, 2008 - 2010Human Development and Environment-oriented approach for supporting active and vivid development of elderly peopleFrom a standpoint that the elderly can achieve proactive and lively development and that a living environment to support the development is to be provided, this study has taken four approaches : 1. psychology for living environment, 2. living environmental sciences, 3. environmental physiology, 4. biomechanics. As to the first approach of phycology for living environment, with collaboration from those who are engaged in nursing facilities, the study proposes "guiding principles for the creation of a living environment which supports proactive and lively development of the elderly". In the second approach, the research examines whether improvement on housing condition helps the elderly's movements or increase their motivation for life. It also explores the mechanism of taste on eating environment and the correlation between adult diapers and the motivation for life on clothing environment. For the third approach of environmental physiology, the study clarifies how physical and psychological social competence of the elderly changes as their environmental transition, and explores how prevention of falling should be done and the way environmental transition should be. In the aspect of the fourth approach of biomechanics, engineering innovation for welfare devices has been researched, which helps promote proactive development.
- 科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(C), 2008, Principal investigatorCompetitive research funding
- 科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(B), 2008Competitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Kobe University, 2005 - 2007Following four approaches have been conducted throughout three years. 1. Living Environment Psychological approach: Training program which tries transition from group care to unit care examines transformation of care staffs' consciousness. 2. Social System theoretic approach: Under the care insurance revised in 2005, various problems have raised in facility cares. With organizing such problems at this point, issues raised on unit care have been theoretically considered from communication theory. 3. Living Environment theoretic approach: Clothing environment : function of various smart-textiles which are useful for daily life of elderly has been reviewed, and methods for utilization of affluent life have been proposed. Food environment: how to enjoy eating habits which consider health and food security based on themes such as green tea, snacks, pickles, and miso-soup have been proposed. Housing environment: refer to data of living environment inspected in Denmark and Sweden, ingenuities at residences have been organized in order to improve motivation for better life. 4. Environment Physiological approach : Dealing with adjustment concern for temperature environment at senile state, preparations for heat and cold have been suggested. In addition, prevention measures for falls have been advocated specifically.Competitive research funding
- 2007, Principal investigator熟練者の感覚技能を継承する-皮革の触感デジタル化-Competitive research funding
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), KYOTO WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY, 2004 - 2005DEVELOPMENT OF CLOTHING MATERIALS FOR HIGH QUOLITY LIFE OF AGED PERSON AND HANDICAPPED PERSONThe purpose of this study is to gain the basic data related with clothing materials for high quality life of aged person and handicapped person. We examined physical properties of composite nonwovens made by changing structure parameters As reesults, these all parameters influenced physical properties of composite nonwovens, and composite nonwovens could be used for the medical sheet. In regard to water absorbency, we proposed a novel method to identify the kind of fibers by applying the sorptive property, and found that proteins gave high sorptive property of some organic compounds. We also investigated chemical modification of wool fibers for the effective re-use of waste wool and attempted succinylation combined with reduction, oxidation or hydrolysis. As results, succinylation increased water absorbency and hygroscopicity, and accelerates of some effective order components of wool. We evaluated performance of disposable diapers for adults by measuring physical properties and by comparing the measurements and sensory test results. The results show that caluculated NUMERI and THV have high positive correlation with subjective evaluation before wetting. To develop new clothing materials, three approaches were studied. As results, it was suggested the utility of chitosan to make use of its antibacterial properties in the clothing for the aged and handicapped persons, and a very small amount of carbon nanotube was very helpful to reduce the static electricity.
- 日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 奨励研究(A), 神戸大学, 2000 - 2001高湿低湿時の乳幼児の肌の特性と湿度の変化が乳幼児衣料の物性に与える影響1 乳幼児の肌と比較するために20代の男性13名、女性13名および、8歳の女児、30代の女性、60代の男女各1名の肌の特性について、乳幼児の肌と同様に表面摩擦特性と圧縮特性の測定を行った。室温での測定において、30名の表面摩擦特性の平均値は0.415、標準偏差値σは0.168で、ほぼ全員の値が-2σ〜2σの範囲内に位置したが、年齢による差はほとんどみられなかった。その傾向は圧縮特性でも同様である。室温での皮膚の水分率が25〜30%RHであり、湿度を高くすることで行った実験では皮膚の水分率が50%RH以上となった。個々の特性値のばらつきは大きく、水分率と各特性値との相関係数はあまり高くなかったが、同一人物において、皮膚の水分率を変化させて行った結果からは、皮膚の水分率が高くなると平均摩擦係数が増加する傾向が明らかとなった。 2 昨年度、綿素材を中心として収集した、肌着・Tシャツ地、ブラウス地、トレーナー地などを含む乳幼児衣料20種を用いて、物理特性の測定と風合い計算、および熱・水分移動特性の測定を行うとともに、10回の水洗濯による特性変化の影響を捉えた。ブラウス地を除いて、ほとんどが編布であったことから、肌着編布の標準条件にあわせて測定および風合い計算を行った。今回用いた試料の各特性値は肌着編布の平均値にほぼ近く、風合い値も平均値の2σの範囲内であった。洗濯による耐久性能の変化は、せん断ヒステレシス、曲げヒステレシスの増加、引張レジリエンスの減少が見られ、布の弾性成分の減少、繊維間摩擦成分の増大、履歴現象の増大から試料の性能劣化が予測された。乳幼児用の衣料は特に、洗濯回数が多いことから、さらなる性能劣化が考えられる。 3 布試料のうち、摩擦係数の大きいものと小さいものを選んで、皮膚の水分率が異なるときの布による皮膚の摩擦について検討した。その結果、皮膚の水分率の増加に伴い、布と皮膚の摩擦係数も増加することが明らかになった。